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July 5 2021 - GROUP 8 - 9

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GROUP 8 & 9 - July 5 2021

III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space
provided. (6 points)
1. A. hummock B. struggle C. industry D. subsidy
2. A. thesis B. ethane C. author D.feather
3. A. wicked B. wrecked C. hatred D. naked

IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of
the group. Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)
1.A. government B. prohibit C. applicant D. habitat
2.A. sympathetic B. participant C. curriculum D. discriminate
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE
your answers in the space provided. (70 points)
1. When I finish my writing this composition, I’m going to ___________ and go to bed.
A. make time B. hit the hay C. hit the big time D. call it a day
2. Marry usually buys her clothes ___________. It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. in public B. on the shelf C. off the peg D. on the house
3. You are at ___________ to do what you like.
A. freedom B. odds C. disposal D. liberty
4. David has not seen Linda for fifteen years and has ___________ of her address.
A. no idea B. nothing C. no thought D. no mind
5. I have three brothers, ___________ of whom were there.
A. none B. neither C. no one D. either
6. - “Why don’t we listen to some news programmes.” - “___________”
A. I don’t care for them either.
B. Because they’re usually so boring
C. Because I like pop music and I like presenter
D. Yes, whenever I’m in my father’s car!
7. If you want to ___________ success in life, you have to work hard.
A. achieve B. receive C. award D. earn
8. ___________ he was lazy, he failed the exam.
A. Now that B. so C. consequently D. Thus
9. - A: “Will the Browns be invited?” - B: “ I___________”
A. expect so not B. so expect C. expect so D. don’t expect
10. Anyone ordering a new MP3 player ___________ the end of the month will receive a free
extra set of headphone.
A. at B. in C. upon D. before
11. My job is so ___________ that I don’t think I’ll be able to take a summer
A. persisting B. hard C. demanding D. tough
12. We ___________ the beginning of the film if we had gone to the cinema 15 mimutes
A. would have never missed B. would never miss
C. would never have missed D. never missed
13. He regrets___________ that car.
(A and D are OK)
A. not buying B. not to buy
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D. not having
C.having not bought bought
. Paula would like to___________by the time he is 45.
A. travel B. to travel C. be going to travel D. have traveled
. It is ___________ knowledge that newspapers report news.
A. plain B. common C. easy D. simple
. ___________ ,the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having lelf uncovered
C. lelf uncovered D. Been lelf uncovered
. ___________ fire, please break the glass and ring the bell.
A. In case of B. During C. Because of D. With a view to
. The strike was ___________ owing to a last-minute agreement with the management.
A. called off B. broken up C. set back D. put down
. I’m amazed that this game ever___________ - it’s so silly!
A. took in B. caught on C. took up D. caught by
. The match will be screened on ITV with ___________ commentary by Sandy Curley.
A. lively B. live C. alive D. living
. It was ___________that even Smith’s fans couldn’t believe it.
B. so surprising a victory( A & B are
A. such a surprising victory OK)
C. too surprising D. surprising
. The first time I noticed something wrong was___________ I got home.
A. when B. whether C. since D. until
. ___________, he cannot make ends meet. ( A and B are OK)
A. Hard though he works B. Although he works hard
C. He works hardly D. Hard as he work
24 Everyone hoped that he would ________ after the operation. ( A &
. C are OK)
A. pull through B. pull over C. get better D. pull out
25. ___________ new hostel for ___________ poor is being built in___________town centre.
A. The/the/a B. A/Ø/ the C. The/ a /a D. A/ the/ the
26. I saw him hiding something in a ___________ bag.
A. small plastic black B. black small plastic
C. small black plastic D. plastic small black
27. The table___________when it was being moved to another room. ( A & D)
A. was broken B. broke C. got breaking D. got broken
28. “Did you meet Ann here at the university?
“No, We ___________ when I started college.
A. have already met B. had already met
C. had already been meeting D. have already been meeting
29. Of all the three sisters, Lan is ___________.
A. the best and most qualified B. the most qualified and best
C. the most qualified and the best D. the best and the most qualified
30. He offered to ___________ her a favour as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
A. show B. lend C. help D. do
31. Smoke from factories can cause air___________.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluting D. pollutant
32. Writers and novelists are___________people.
A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imaginable D. imagined
33. At the party last night, I met a lot of ___________ people.
A. interested B. interest C.interesting D. interestingly
34. I was the first person ___________ the accident.

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A. to witness B. had witnessed
C. to have witnessed D. to be witnessed
35. By the time Peter came back, ___________ for Singapore.
A. I left B. I have left C. I had left D. he will have left
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write
your answer in the space provided. (10 points)
1. In 1729, Benjamin Franklin published the Pennsylvania Gazette, which soon became the
read widely newspaper in the colonies.
A. published B. which C. soon D. read widely
widely - read
2. Each of the hotel’s 500 rooms were equiped with high quality air conditioning and
A. hotel’s B. were equiped C.high D. conditioning
was equipped
3. The problem of inadequate salaries for teachers not only exists in smaller communities but
also in large cities. ( exists not only in smaller ….. )
C. not
A. problem B. for only D. communities
4. If the water level had raised any higher, the dam would probably have broken down.
B. raised (
A. water level risen) C. higher D. probably
5. Plants, which make up to 90 percentage of visible living organisms, get their food energy
from sunlight. ( percent)
A. make up B. percentage C. living D. food
VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write
your answers in the space provided. (20 points)
While_(1) almost__everyone accepts the goal of developing_(2) skills__in the three “R’s”-
reading, writing, and arithmetic- it often seems impossible to___(3) reach__agreement on any
goal beyond that. In the broadest_(4) terms__, the 'conflict over educational goals can be
(5) viewed as a conflict between conservatives and liberals, or, __(6) as__they are sometimes
called, essentialists and progressives.
The con’servatives, or es’sentialists, tend to i’dentify a de’sirable education with the
trans’mission of the cultural heritage, a no-nonsense_(7) curriculum__ ‘featuring the threeR’s at
the ele’mentary-school level and aca’demic studies or strong vo’cational or business courses in
the secondary school. They put ‘emphasis on the training of the mind and culti’vation of the
The ‘liberals, or pro’gressives, tend to be ‘interested in the de’velopment of the all- round
child, not ‘merely in training the child’s mind or in preparing the child for ‘adult life in a
remote future. They ‘emphasize rich, meaningful school living in the present, and they view
subject matter as a re’source__(8) of__total human development___(9) rather than__as a goal
in itself. They do not ‘downgrade ‘content but believe it should be__(10) a’cquired___not for
their own sake but as a means of ‘fostering thought and in’quiry.
1. A. most B. mostly C. almost D. utmost
2. A. talents B. actions C. skills D. techniques
3. A. get B. accomplish C. take D. reach

4. A. terms B. words C. letters D. means
5. A. viewed B. thought C. counted D. named
6. A. but B. when C. although D. as

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7. A. subject B. curriculum C. object D. progam
8. A. at B. in C. of D. for
9. A. but for B. rather than C. instead D. better
10. A. inquired B. required C. acquired D. requested
VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
For centuries, sky watchers have reported seeing mysterious flashes of light on the
surface of the Moon. Modern astronomers have observed the same phenomenon, but no one
has been able to satisfactorily explain how or why the moon sporadically sparks. However,
reaearches now believe they have found the cause.
Researchers have explained the chemical content of Moon rocks retrieved by
astronauts during the Apollo missions and have found that they contain volatile gases such as
helium, hydrogen and argon. The researchers suggest that stray electrons, freed when the rock
cracks, may ignite these gases. Indeed, lunar rock samples, when fractured in the lab, throw
off sparks.
What causes these rocks to crack to the lunar surface? The flashes are most often seen
at the borders between sunlight and on the Moon, where the surface is being either intensively
heated or cooled. A sudden change in temperature may cause thermal cracking. Another
possibility is that meteors may strike the rocks and cause them to crack. Finally, lunar rocks
may be fractured by seismic events- in other words, by tiny moonquakes.
1. According to`the passage, how long have people been aware of the mysterious light on the
A. For the last ten years
B. Since the Apollo missions
C. For hundreds of years
D. For thousands of years
2. According to the passage, the theory that Moon rocks give off sparks when they crack is
supported by………………………………….
A. a telescopic study of the Moon.
B. experiments conducted by astronauts
C. observations made centuries ago
D. an analysis of rocks from the Moon
3. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
A. Modern astronomers have found out how and why the Moon sparks
B. Researchers now know exactly why the Moon sparks
C.When lunar rocks crack, they throw off sparks.
D. Researchers have no idea why lunar rocks spark.
4. The word “they” in the second paragraph refers to………….
A. Moon rocks B.researchers C. Apollo missions D. gases
5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible cause of cracks?
A. a sudden change in temperature

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B. lunar surface
C. tiny moonquakes
D. meteor strike
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the
During the teenage years, many young can at___(1) times_____be difficult to talk to.
They often seem to dislike___being____questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about
their work at school. This is a normal development at this____age____. Though it can be
very hard for parents to____understand____, it is part of becoming independent of teenagers
trying to be adult while they are___still___growing up. Young people are usually unwilling
to talk if they believe that questions are trying to check up on them.
Parents should do their___best____ to talk to their son and daughter__about__school,
work and future plans but should not push them to talk if they don’t___want___to. Parents
should also watch for danger signs. Some young people in trying to be___adult___may
experience with sex, drug, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unusual
behaviour which may be connected____to____these and help if necessary.
X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same
as the sentence before it. (10 points)
1. Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting.
→ Martin didn’t think the first part of the film was as interesting as the second one.
2. Thanks to your father’s help, we were able to finish the project.
→ If your father hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have been able to finish the project.
3. Mary is proud of the fact that she is never late for school.
→ Mary prides herself on being never late for school.
4. As soon as I locked all the doors, the door bell rang.
→ Hardly _had I locked all the doors when the doorbell rang
5. My brother’s not feeling a terribly well these days.
→ My brother is feeling a bit under the weather these days._
XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the
word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (10
1. Tom and Barbara aren’t talking to each other at the moment. (terms)
→ Tom and Barbara aren’t __ON GOOD TERMS WITH EACH OTHER at the
2. The minister had to resign because of his health. (led)
→ Ill health __LED TO THE MINISTER’S ______resignation.
3. The only thing they didn’t steal was the old television. (except)
→ They stole___everything except__( FOR )_ the old television. ( có thể
không cần giới từ for)
4. My new hobby is playing chess with my friend. (up)
→ I have____taking up playing_(wrong) chess with friend. HAVE TAKEN UP PLAYING
5. The salesman persuaded me to spend more than $200 on the shirt. (talked)
→ The salesman____TALKED ME INTO SPENDING____ more than $200 on the shirt.
XII. Write about 150-160 words to give your opinion on the following topic: Should smart
phones be banned among students? (20 points)

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