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HE036212 Part 3 - MOMRA

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia General Specifications

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs of Urban Roads Construction

Deputy Ministry for Technical Affairs (First Edition 2005 A.D.)

Table of Contents

Forward and Introduction

Appendix 1 Standard Testing Guide 481
Appendix 2 Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example 491

Appendix 3 Random Sampling Method 515

Appendix 4 Work Evaluation Using The Statistical Method 521
Appendix 5 Traffic Calming Bumps 527
References List 541
Unit Conversion Table 545

Urban roads represent a large part of projects carried out by MOMRA and are
considered as one of the most important aspects of national investment because they
represent services which have strong relationship with people's daily needs and that they
are the foremost pillar for construction development with all its aspects and activities.
Through its branches throughout the kingdom, the ministry has provided infrastructure
services such as all types of road systems according priorities determined by the critical
needs of the citizens. Recent years have seen an increase in the size of demand for such
services in light of the continuous increase in the size of population followed by
constructional expansion of the cities and villages in the kingdom.

In light of the new changes in modern scientific technologies, particularly those

related to construction of road elements and asphalt mixes, and in compliance with the
ministry's efforts towards controlling construction development and ensuring quality of
executed projects, the need arose for developing and updating the technical
specifications practiced in the field of road construction works so that they may match
the new developments in this technology. Some technical controls were considered in
accordance with modern innovations for constructing good roads according to the most
advanced technical specifications and requirements, and to ensure proper construction
standards and provision of safe/comfortable traffic conditions.

In preparation of those specifications, the ministry has depended on participation

of experts of the executive departments in municipalities and directorates by informing
them promptly with the plan of preparing those specifications and their methodology to
get use from their practical experience and avoid problems and obstructions which were
associated in the past with road construction. This was done through holding a number
of meetings, workshops, field visits, and questionnaires. Also assistance was sought
from national, Arab, and international experts in this field. The ministry has done great
efforts in the preparation of this content, hoping that municipalities & directorates shall
get some useful aspects which may assist them in carrying out their national obligations
in the best of ways.

All contractors working in the field of road construction shall adhere to these
general specifications when carrying out the ministry's projects, so that we may
participate in serving the construction development through executing road systems
according to scientific and well studied bases.

The ministry welcomes any views or suggestions which may be applied during
updating these specifications, according to future developments in road engineering and
material manufacturing aspects.

Best Regards

Mutaib Bin Abdul Aziz

Minister of MOMRA




Under the economic upheaval taking place in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
during recent years, a continuous increase was noticed in construction development of
the kingdom's cities and villages. As a result of this, great deals of urban roads of
different types were constructed within a relatively short period. Consequently, this led
to a considerable growth and development in the technologies of road construction and
building material manufacturing.

Codifications of the rules governing construction of urban roads is an important

concern of the ministry and a topping for the methodology of progression and
development in organizing the municipal requirements and technical standards for
services being executed by them or supervise their construction after the modern
development and great changes in all aspects in the kingdom. No doubt, the general
specifications for urban roads construction get their importance from applying the rules
and preserving public and private rights, and they are the accurate standard for judging
on cases related to urban roads construction for implementing justice and equality and
to facilitate for officials follow-up and monitoring of such works.

Since the standard specifications of roads which were issued previously are not
sufficient any more to suit these huge developments, it was paramount that the ministry
develops those instructions and unifies the technical rules and standards to comply with,
as minimum, in road construction works through the preparation of these general
specifications for urban roads construction. These specifications aim at laying out
technical conditions for the construction of urban roads on scientific basis and methods
which consider compliance with the considerable developments in the technologies of
executing urban road projects. The ministry took much care in preparing these
specifications so that that they may suit the requirements of urban areas in the kingdom
and to get use of previous specifications, research works, experience, suitable for the
conditions of constructing roads in the kingdom, and to abide with the general
international principles for the preparation of the specifications as to clarity, accuracy,
summarization and non-contradiction. Also, including in the specifications clear
standards for quality assurance.

These specifications also handle requirements for urban roads construction in

detail. Whereas they include seventeen divisions in addition to 5 appendices which
describe a number of special issues. Those specifications shall be applied on all urban
roads being executed by the municipalities. Roads Contracting companies and
establishments shall adhere to them when constructing urban roads.

By issuing these specifications, the ministry hopes that they may lead to
executing road projects in a civilized appearance that suits the development and
constructional growth through which the kingdom currently live.

We hope from God Almighty they will achieve their purpose.

Deputy of the Ministry for Technical Affairs

Abdul Aziz Bin Ali Al-Abdulkarim



Supplementary References

These general specifications include materials and methods of completing earth

works, asphalt and concrete pavement layers, pavements, road signs, signals works, and
water drainage. When some details are needed reference shall be made to the
supplementary references indicated below, without contradiction with special
specifications and these general specifications. The latest or updated issue available of
those references shall be used when announcing the competition.

The supplementary references include:

1- Road Engineering Designing Manual- MOMRA.

2- Supervision Procedure for Project Construction- MOMRA.
3- Manual of Traffic Control Devises at work Zones- MOMRA.
4- Specifications of Asphalt road Pavement layers Maintenance- MOMRA.
5- Distress Identification Manual- MOMRA.
6- Technical Specifications & General Conditions for roads, streets, and parks lighting-
7- General Specifications of civil works in public utility extension projects- MOMRA.
8- Manual of Supervision Procedures for civil works in public utility extension projects-
9- Technical conditions of parking areas- MOMRA.
10- Standards & Rules of landscaping inside cities- MOMRA.
11- Technical Conditions of Advertising & Publicity signs- MOMRA.
12- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control System (MUTCD) - M. O. T.
13-Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO), Standardization and Metrology
Organization for G.C.C. (GSMO).
14- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
15- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).


1.1 Definitions 3
1.2 Abbreviations 9
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations

1.1 Definitions:
Whenever in these specifications the following words and terms or pronouns in place of
them are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as shown in unless otherwise
clearly stated in the text.

As-built Drawings
The final drawings that showing the actual constructed works on the road including, all
changes and modifications that issued during construction period by the Ministry or the

Asphalt Binder
The modified or non-modified asphalt cement, liquid asphalt and emulsified asphalt
material used in producing asphalt concrete in order to obtain specific properties.

Asphalt Pavement Recycling

The production of asphalt mixes using aggregate composed of old disintegrated
pavement materials with or without new aggregate and asphalt materials composed of
the old asphalt binder and a new asphalt binder and with or without softening agent as
specified in the specification and ordered by the Engineer.

The constructed works around structures, like bridges, culverts, retaining walls and
around and above different utilities.

The agency or firms that submits the bid; it could be a person or persons or join venture
or company.

Bid / Tender
A set of documents and application forms prepared by the contractor and submitted to
the Ministry to enter a competition for a certain work that has been circulated by the
Ministry. These documents shall show the contractor readability, qualifications to carry
the works with accordance to specifications and drawings as well as his abides with
costs and time schedule specified in that bid.

Bid / Tender Forms

These are the documents or forms approved by the Ministry, which shall be completed
and submitted by Contractors to request awarding of a certain work.

Bill of Quantities
A table included in the contract documents that describe all work items, their estimated
quantities, units, individual and total costs.

Certificate of Guarantee
A signed statement by a legally authorized agency or a person with which the
manufacturing or supplying company bind with the product specifications. Such

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
certificate shall mention that the material specifications and testing results conform to
the requirements specified in the specifications.

Change Order
A written order addressed to the Contractor and approved by the Ministry about
important and influence change in some items and works in the project.

Charge Order
The written instruction ordered to the Contractor issued by the Engineer and approved
by the Ministry, to require a construction of additional works according to the items of
the contract.

Consensus Properties of Aggregate

Physical properties specified for selecting aggregate used in producing high
performance and include fine aggregate angularity, coarse aggregate angularity, flat
and elongated particles and sand equivalent tests.

A written agreement between the Ministry and Contractor that stipulates the obligations
of the two parties and explains contract documents that rule the agreement.

Person (s) or firms or company or join venture who has a contract with the ministry to
execute the work specified in the contract documents, and it is the second party of the

Cross Slope
A transverse gradient of the road surface (shoulders and lanes) expressed as a
percentage of the horizontal distance for that surface.

Contract Documents
A set of written documents between the Ministry and the Contractor, they include
announcement for invitation for bidders to submit offers, conditions for bidders,
Contractor's tender, explanatory questions and answers, award notification, contract
text, general and special conditions, general and complimentary specifications, special
specifications, Bill of Quantity and their inclusiveness, drawings, change orders,
appendixes required for work execution and other documents listed in the contract text.

Contract Period
The number of working days or calendar days specified for the completion of contract
works, including official holidays in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it start from the
date of handing the site to the Contractor in a written minutes.

A plan or figure formed by the perpendicular intersection of heights and road profile
that showing vertical and horizontal dimensions, elevations and slopes, embankment
layer thickness or cutting, and pavement layer thickness.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
The fill material to be constructed on the natural ground surface or on the existing
surface up to the bottom level of subgrade layer.

The officially authorized person by the Ministry, and works directly or through
officially authorized representatives, who responsible for supervising the construction
of the works included in the contract and its supplements. The word (Engineer) means,
wherever indicated, the approved representative of the Ministry at the site.

Engineer's Representative
The person or persons authorized by the Engineer to monitor the detail of work.

All machines and tools required for their operation and maintenance, devices and
systems required for the construction of contract works in a technically acceptable
method and to perform them properly within contract period.

Equivalent Standard Axle loads

The equivalent standard load in terms of 8.2 KN dual tandem standard rare load.

Final Handing over

A final approval of the work issued by a technical committee assigned by the Ministry
after expiry of the guarantee period and according to approved minutes by the ministry
as indicated in the contract documents.

General Specifications
A group of technical requirements and conditions describing the works required to be
constructed, construction methods, equipments, materials, analysis methods, quality
control procedure, quality assurance procedure and acceptance methods.

Guarantee Period/ Maintenance Period

The period that stated in the contract during which the contractor carries out
maintenance works and observe the constructed works and it started from date of
completion as decided by the preliminary handing over committee.

Means all official holidays recognized in Saudi Arabia.

Item of Work
A specific work unit for which a price has been defined in the contract.

Job Mix Formula

A report that shows the proportional percents of the mix components, mix proportions
regarding some work construction, mix methods and the properties obtained based on
laboratory test results as specified in the specifications.

Letter of Acceptance
The official acceptance letter issued by the Ministry to one of the bidders by which the
works execution is awarded to that bidder.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or its
representative (municipalities, directorates and rural councils). And it represents the
first party in the contract.

Municipality (Amanah)
A service system of a legal entity has financial and administrative independence headed
by an official called secretary who carries out its delegated duties specified by
assignment resolutions.

Municipality of province (Baladiah)

A legal entity of financial and administrative independence has its own separate budget
and serves the city and related villages established by a Ministerial resolution issued by
the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs.

Overburden Materials
The soil materials that covering rock or gravel or other materials at source, which shall
be removed before, transporting those materials to avoid their contamination.

Pavement Layers
The layers that compose Asphalt or cement concrete pavements and it consists of
asphalt or cement surface layers, asphalt base layers, treated or untreated aggregate base
layers and Subbase layer.

Performance Bond
The approved form of guarantee submitted by the contractor or his Surety(s) to
guarantee the proper execution by the contractor and all relevant obligations according
to the contract, and for deducting delay penalties and all other compensations for default
and damage inflicted on the Ministry due to Contractor's breach of his obligations.

Pre-construction meeting
A meeting between the Engineer and the Contractor and his representatives, to discuss
work plan, progress and contract requirements prior starting of the work.

Preliminary handing over

The partial or complete approval of the work by a technical comity assigned by the
Ministry based on a request from the Contractor according to approved minutes by the
two contract parties and the Ministry as stated in the contract documents.

Price Breakdown
The Contractor's proposal that submitted to the Ministry which shows the costs of all
items indicated in the Bill of Quantity and describes the details contents of cost for each
work item.

Profile Grade
The trace of a vertical plane intersecting the upper surface of the proposed surface layer,
along the road centerline, or a line parallel to it.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
Program and Time schedule of work
A time table prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval
prior starting of the work, which indicates the construction periods, equipments, labor,
work sequence and methods applied by the Contractor for works construction.

Quality Control
A set of specific procedures for measurements, samplings, testing, and evaluation of
tests and measurements results carried to determine the degree of compliance with
quality requirements and standards indicated in the specifications and implemented by
the Contractor.

Quality Assurance
A group of planned regulatory procedures for taken measurements and samples, testing
and evaluation for tests and measurements results, in order to provide satisfactory
confidence to assure that the constructed works conforming to the specified
requirements in the specifications, these regulations shall be applied by the Ministry or
specialized firms assigned by the ministry.

Random sample
A sample selected in such a way that for each statistical event has the same chance to be
within that sample.

Whenever it appears the road phrase in these specifications shall mean road and street
that is accessible to vehicle movements.

The soil on which the treated or untreated subgrade layer is to be constructed and it
consist from all or part of the following according to its location and design levels:
- The natural ground.
- Bottom of the excavation.
- The existing road surface.
- The upper part of road embankment.
The road bed shall be considered as the upper most 30 cm of the embankment for the
local roads and 60 cm for arterials, collectors, industrial area roads and heavy trucks
parking areas, below the bottom level of the subgrade layer.

Rural council
A legal entity of financial and administrative independence and has its own budget
formed to serve a group of villages and its head office shall be located in one of those

Lands and places handed on which the works shall be executed either above or below or
in it, or any lands offered by the Ministry as areas for project construction specified in
the contract.

Site Engineer
The Engineer who represents the Contractor at the site according to his specialization
and he is officially authorized to execute all instructions of the Engineer or Engineer's

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
representatives and to manage and monitor all construction works carried out by the
Contractor during all work phases.

Source Properties
Physical properties specified for selecting aggregate used in producing high
performance asphalt, concrete and include toughness, soundness and deleterious

Special Specifications
Additional requirements, modifications and amendments made in the general and
complimentary specifications to interpret and cover works required to be constructed for
a particular project according to the requirements location and prevailing conditions.

Specification Limits
Lower and upper limits which should be achieved on the constructed works using the
best available materials and construction methods.

Statistical Evaluation
An analytical method for measurements or tests results for the purpose of determining
the degree of compliance of the constructed works with contract documents using
statistical methods.

Person or firms or company or join venture to whom the Contractor assigned for them
execution of some part of the work according to approval of the Ministry.

The part that located below Subbase or Aggregate Base or asphalt layers.

Superior Performance Asphalt Concrete (Superpave)

The concrete produced using asphalt binder that classified according to Performance
Grade and selected according to the last version of AASHTO Specification MP-1, and
the used aggregates were selected on the basis of the results of source and consensus
properties tests and the asphalt mix shall be designed in accordance of volumetric mix
design method or superpave mix design level one.

Supplemental Agreement
A written agreement signed by the Ministry and Contractor including works not
indicated in the original contract or their value exceeds the allowable extra percent of
cost in the contract. Agreement shall be made between the Ministry and Contractor on
the prices of those works and on the extension of contract period.

Supplementary Specifications
Additional instructions or amendments, which might be made on the general
specifications to explain and cover special type of work required to be constructed at
specified project according to the prevailing conditions.

Temperature Reliability
The percent of probability in which the actual temperatures do not exceeds the selected
temperature for of superpave asphalt concrete design.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 1- Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations
Work Drawings
A set of drawings and figures for work construction that includes plans of temporary
and permanent structures , profiles, cross sections, typical models, detailed sections
together with supplementary and any additional plans showing work site, type,
dimensions and details, submitted by the Ministry or prepared by to the Contractor and
approved by the ministry.

1.2 Abbreviations:
Whenever the following abbreviations were used in the specifications or on the plans,
they shall represent the same meaning indicated below.

Abbreviation Meaning
AASHTO American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials
ACI American Concrete Institute
ACPA American Concrete Pavement Association
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BS British Standards
CBR California Bearing Ratio
ESALs Equivalent Standard Axle Load
JMF Job Mix Formula
QL Lower quality index
QU Upper quality index
Lat Latitude of Project Location in Degree
MS Series of the American Asphalt Institute references according to the
number attached to letters.
PCA Portland concrete Association of America
PG Performance Grade
PI Plasticity Index
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes
RAP Recycled Asphalt Pavement
IRI International Roughness Index
IFI International Friction Index
SASO Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
SI International system for units

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2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Language of Bid 13
2.3 Competition Documents 13
2.4 Contract Rates 14
2.5 Preliminary Guarantee 14
2.6 Final Guarantee 14
2.7 Bid Submission Manner 15
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 2- Bid submission conditions


2.1 Introduction:
Invitation for tenders and submission of proposals shall be conducted in
compliance with regulations and laws implemented in KSA, specifically the latest issue
of the form of the general works contract, & regulations for provision of government
purchases and execution of its projects and works.

Whatever is not stipulated in this division or contradicts with what is indicated

in the general works contract form and regulations for the provision of government
purchases and execution of its works and projects, is subject to the general works
contracts regulations and regulations for the provision of government purchases and
execution of its projects and works.

2.2 Language of bid:

Arabic Language is the approved language for the interpretation of the bid and
all correspondence between the ministry and contractors, and all documents proposals
shall be submitted in Arabic language.

2.3 Competition documents:

Before he submits his proposal, contractor shall review drawings and documents
which are the subject of the bid he intends to submit. He shall examine and audit these
and enquire about all the details. Also, he shall provide his comments and opposition
against them within the period specified in the invitation.

Contractor is considered, immediately at submitting his proposals, that he has

studied, understood, conceived, and accepted all the articles of the tender.

He has no right to oppose or claim any additional costs arising from undue
assumption of non-clarity or misunderstanding or not reviewing competition documents
or contract or work drawings, specifications, details, and sites. All participants in the
competition shall enclose all the documents indicated in the announcement with their
proposals. And the ministry has the right of rejecting any bid that has not completed
those documents.

Competition documents include:

1- An introduction letter showing that contractor has studied competition documents,
terms and conditions and his commitment to all the instructions and conditions
indicated in them. The letter shall be signed and stamped from the contractor.
2- A copy of the invitation announcement.
3- A copy of a valid Commercial Registration certificate.
4- A copy of a valid Chamber of Commerce membership certificate.
5- A valid Zakat & Income tax certificate.
6- A copy of valid Classification certificate.
7- A description of contractor's previous works.
8- Any other documents indicated in the announcement.
9- A valid bank guarantee for 1% of the tender value for a period not less than 3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 2- Bid submission conditions

2.4 Contract rates:

Contractor shall submit his rates in Saudi Riyals and no other currency is
acceptable. Prices shall be written by ink can not be canceled in words and figures
showing unit prices for each work item according to the measuring units indicated in the
BOQ. Total amounts shall be shown for each work item after multiplying the unit price
by the estimated quantity, also total proposal price resulting from all total prices of all
work items.

When there is a difference in the bid between unit price and total price, the unit
price is the one to be applied, but if there is a difference between figures and wordings,
the latter is applied.

It is not permissible to cancel or amend on the BOQ, and when it is necessary

contractor may (cancel) then write the correct rate in red color providing that he signs
and stamps besides cancellation.

Prices shall be based on a study made by the contractor for work items, his
review for contract documents and work site, materials sources and prices for all the
works. The information indicated in the invitation or special specifications, general
specifications, drawings, materials availability, soil and site condition are considered as
inferential and shall not be taken as a basis for price estimations. Contractor shall base
his prices on his own studies, and no objection concerning this will be accepted after
proposal submission.

Contractor shall submit together with BOQ another table showing constituents
of each price for each work item.

Prices specified in the tender are considered as a basis for contract prices in case
tender has been awarded according to them. They shall include submission of labor,
materials, mixes, machines, equipments, conducting measurements and testing, report
submissions, all third party charges, expenses, and payments, and all other requirements
for the completion of the works in accordance with contract, drawings, special and
general specifications.

2.5 Preliminary guarantee:

Contractor, together with his proposal, shall submit an unconditional preliminary
letter of guarantee issued from one of the banks approved by SAMA (Saudi Arabian
Monitory Agency) valid for the period indicated in the invitation announcement,
providing that it is not less than 3 months, with the value of 1% of the contract total
value or for the value indicated in the announcement. The Ministry shall not consider
any proposal that does not include the L/G (Letters of Guarantee).

2.6 Final Guarantee:

Contractor who has been awarded the contract, on the basis of the award letter,
and within 10 days from receiving award letter, shall submit to the ministry an
irrevocable bank guarantee issued in its benefit from an approved bank at SAMA for
this purpose, it shall be in the value of 5% of the contract total value, or the value
specified in the contract.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 2- Bid submission conditions

2.7 Bid submission manner:

Contractor shall submit his bids according to the form which is specified for
that, to the ministry enclosing all the documents and information indicated in the
announcement. All the required documents shall be original or an approved and
authenticated copy.

Bid submission shall in accordance with the announcement in two separate

envelopes placed inside a third wax sealed one. On the envelope contractor shall write
contractor's name, competition name, competition subject, invitation number and date,
and envelopes opening date.

The two envelopes include the following:

1- The first one includes the financial proposal according to the approved tender form,
which include total price of contract, unit prices of work items according to the BOQ
attached with the invitation, and a table that includes analysis of price details.

2- The second envelope is submitted when the invitation stipulates that, and it includes
a technical report from the contractor in which he describes his plan for completion
of the works, a list of the engineers, technicians, equipments and machines as
required in the invitation announcement.

Contractor shall meet all the conditions indicated in the announcement and other
documents approved in the kingdom, & the Ministry of Municipal & Rural affairs,
which are indicated in the invitation.

Contractor shall be committed to his proposal for a period not less than 3 months
or the period indicated in the announcement, whichever is longer. Also, he shall be
committed to that tender after opening envelops, contract award, and before contract
signing, till the end of the period stipulated in the conditions, specifications or
announcement, or public works for and government purchases regulations, and manuals
& instructions applied in the kingdom and by MOMRA (Ministry of Municipal & Rural

All documents and sheets submitted in the tender shall be signed and approved
by the contractor, and it is not permissible to incorporate any amendments in these.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 2- Bid submission conditions

Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Ministry Of Municipal & Rural Affairs
Secretariat/Municipality/ Assembly

Tender Submission Form

H. E. …………………………………….. God Blesses Him

Reference to competition No. ……. Dated …………. Announced by ………………

Concerning the works of ………………………………………………….……….. ,

We are pleased to submit our bid for executing the required works in accordance
with the approved conditions & specifications, within the contract period stipulated in
the competition documents, for an amount of (SR …………...), only …..………….. SR.
We hereby enclose work items unit and total price table, and another table for the
details of prices of each work item.

We, acknowledge that we have reviewed the competition documents, drawings,

and the approved specifications for the works, the project site, and materials type and
source. We accept awarding the contract to us according to the prices and period
indicated in our proposal and the competition conditions, without any objection or claim
or price increase, and that we shall commence work immediately after being handed
over the site.

Official Address:

Mail Address:

Telephone No.:



Best Regards:


Name: ………………..….. Title: …………………

Signature: ……..…….… Stamp………………...

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 16


3.1 Introduction 19
3.2 Work Scope and Documents 19
3.2.1 Contract Purpose 19
3.2.2 Contract Documents 19
3.2.3 Contract Language 20
3.2.4 Additional Drawings 21
3.2.5 Special Work 21
3.2.6 Non-Estimated Items 21
3.2.7 Addition, Omission, and Modification In Work Items 21
3.2.8 Introduction of New Items to the Project 21
3.2.9 Modification Claims And Disputes 22
3.2.10 Removal And Disposal Of Structures And Obstructions 22
3.2.11 Power & Water Supply 22
3.2.12 Coordination Between Works 22
3.2.13 Site Evacuation And Cleaning After Work Completion 23
3.2.14 Construction & Execution Record Books 23
3.2.15 Workshop Drawings 23
3.3 Legal Relations And Responsibility Towards The Public 23
3.3.1 Law Abidance 23
3.3.2 Authorizations, Licenses, And Charges 23
3.3.3 Patent Right And Ownership 24
3.3.4 Royalties 24
3.3.5 Relations Between Contractor And His Employees And
Employees Of His Subcontractor 24
3.3.6 Insurance 24
3.3.7 Monuments And Fossils Etc 24
3.3.8 Alcoholic Drinks, Drugs, Weapons, Ammunition, and Keeping
Order 24
3.3.9 Property Preservation 25
3.3.10 Contractor's Responsibility For Work 25
3.3.11 Personal Responsibility Of Government Officials 25
3.3.12 Preservation Of Environment 25
3.3.13 Dangerous Wastes 26
3.3.14 Using Explosives 26
3.3.15 Losses On Persons and Properties 26
3.3.16 Traffic Control At Work Site 27
3.3.17 Safety Precautions At Project Site 27
3.3.18 Guiding And Lighting 27
3.4 Supervision On The Works 27
3.4.1 Supervision Staff 28
3.4.2 Supervision Staff Duties 28
3.4.3 Supervision Staff Authorities 28
3-4.4 Supervision Staff Facilities 28
3.4.5 Laboratory, Measuring And Testing Systems And Equipments 29 Measuring Equipments 29 Sampling, And Samples Storing And Testing Systems
and Equipments 29
3.4.6 Client Commitments 29
3.5 Execution Conditions And Work Progress 29
3.5.1 Work Site Inspection 29
3.5.2 Work Site Handing In 29
3.5.3 Contractor Commitments 30
3.5.4 Work Site Planning 30
3.5.5 Compliance With Drawings And Specifications 30
3.5.6 Coordination With Public Utilities & Structures Authorities 30
3.5.7 Signs 31
3.5.8 Contractor's Technical Staff 31
3.5.9 Penalty For Absence Of Contractor Technical Staff 31
3.5.10 Work Program And Time Schedule 31
3.5.11 Construction Equipments 32
3.5.12 Pre-Construction Meeting 32
3.5.13 Subcontracts 32
3.5.14 Night Work 33
3.5.15 Unusual Traffic 33
3.5.16 Temporary Work Halting 33
3.5.17 Defects And Failure 33
3.5.18 Work Withdrawal 34
3.5.19 Assigning Withdrawn Works To Another Contractor 34
3.5.20 Contract Period 34
3.5.21 Delay Penalty 35
3.5.22 As-Built Drawings 36
3.5.23 Ending Contractor's Responsibility 36
3.6 Control And Acceptance Of Materials And Works 36
3.6.1 Materials And Works Control Procedures 36
3.6.2 Material Sources 37
3.6.3 Material Transportation And Storing 37
3.6.4 Work Inspection Before Covering 38
3.7 Measuring And Payment 38
3.7.1 Work Measuring 38
3.7.2 Payment Scope 39
3.7.3 Compensation For Modified Quantities 39
3.7.4 Additional Work And Work According To Calculating
Manpower 39
3.7.5 Unauthorized Work 39
3.7.6 Lump Sum 40
3.7.7 Fixtures & Accessories 40
3.7.8 Payments 40 Current Payment 40 Final Payment 40
3.8 Work Handing Over 41
3.8.1 Preliminary Handing Over 41
3.8.2 Final Handing Over 41
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 3- General Rules



3.1 Introduction:
The general rules stipulated in this division are subject to the rules of public
works form, regulations of government purchases & execution of its projects/works, and
their executive bill and amendments at contract signing. The rules indicated in the
public works form, regulations of government purchases provision and execution of its
projects and works take priority in case there is contradiction between these and what is
indicated in these general rules. Any matter, for which no stipulation has been indicated,
is subject, in these general rules, to public works form, regulations of provision of
government purchases and execution of its projects and works implemented at the time
of contract signing.

This division includes the general rules concerning the execution of roadway
works, and includes the following sections:
1- Work scope and documents.
2- Legal relationships and responsibility towards the public.
3- Supervision on the works.
4- Execution conditions & work progress.
5- Materials & works control.
6- Measurement & payment/.
7- Handing over of the works.

3.2 Work scope and documents:

3.2.1 Contract purpose:

The purpose of the contract is completion of the works listed in the BOQ (Bill of
Quantities), additional works and modifications which contractor may intend to execute
according to updated items, according to drawing specifications, general specifications
and professional standards. Contractor shall provide trained and qualified manpower,
machines, equipments, technically acceptable materials, conducting measurements and
testing, submission of technical reports and drawings, in addition to all requirements for
carrying out the works and finishing these according to drawings and approved
specifications within contract period or agreed extension period.

3.2.2 Contract documents:

Contract is composed of the following documents:
a- Main contract document.
b- Special conditions (if any).
c- General conditions.
d- Special specifications (if any).
e- Drawings & diagrams.
f- General specifications.
g- BOQ & price rates.
h- Award letter.
Contractor shall abide with contract documents with all their details and to deal
with these as an integrated package which compliment, clarify and explain each other.

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He shall not exploit any mistake, ambiguity, or apparent shortage on the drawings or
specifications and take it as a basis for claiming additional payments or lowering the
quality of used materials or executed works. When contractor notices such mistake, or
ambiguity or shortage, he shall inform the engineer who shall explain and clarify that
and return to the agency which prepared specifications and drawings to enquire, when

When a difference or contradiction is encountered in the contract documents or

in case of dispute, contract documents shall be handled on bases of the following:

1- When there is a contradiction or difference between rules of contract documents, the

former document prevails over the subsequent one according to the order indicated
at the beginning of this paragraph.
2- Measurements shown in figures are adopted and measurements on the basis of
diagram scale are not adopted.
3- Adopted special work drawings are those provided by the ministry or those submitted
from the contractor and approved from the ministry or its representative, if any.
Standard drawings are not adopted.
4- Project special specifications or disputed work item are adopted, but general or
complimentary specifications are not adopted
5- Special specification stipulation is adopted when there is contradiction between it and
standard drawings or special drawings.
6- In case there is a difference between dimensions shown on the drawings and those
listed in the BOQ, dimensions shown on the drawings are adopted.
7- When there are no specifications for a certain item or article, reference is made to
specifications applied for similar works and prevailing norms.
8- Contract text rules, contract general specifications, and regulations for tenders
implemented in the kingdom, at contract signing have priority on rules and
conditions indicated in these general specifications.
9- When there is a difference between the Arabic and an English version of the contract
documents, the Arabic version shall adopted for all contract documents, including
general specifications and contract conditions, and if there is difference between the
digits and the letters of the numbers the numbers with written letters is adopted.
10- Specifications issued from SASO (Saudi Arabian Standards Organization), if any,
shall be implemented for all materials and works, and shall take priority over other
standard specifications, except otherwise special specifications stipulate for a more
recent standard specification that achieves technical requirements even better.

3.2.3 Contract language:

Arabic is the approved language for interpreting and executing the contract.
Both parties may write the contract or part of it by one of the foreign languages besides
Arabic. In case, there is contradiction between the Arabic and foreign text, the Arabic
version will be adopted. Arabic is adopted in general specifications, and it is possible
that the two parties may use an English copy, however, the Arabic version is the one
which is considered when there is contradiction between the two versions.
Correspondence between the two parties shall be in Arabic, and contractor may use a
foreign language, providing that he submits with it an approved translated copy in
Arabic (which will be considered as the basis in case of contradiction).

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3.2.4 Additional drawings:

When additional drawings are prepared and submitted, those additional
drawings aim at showing contract work details and not changing it. Those drawings
shall have the same rating as to contract control and execution requirements.
3.2.5 Special work:
Special works are those parts of work included in the contract but not
sufficiently described in the general specifications or complimentary specifications, and
for which special specifications were prepared. Those works shall be considered as part
of the contract, all contract requirements are applicable to them and their special
specifications are considered as part of the contract documents.

3.2.6 Non-estimated items:

The ministry (when necessary and without violating the law) in case it expects
appearance of some work items which should be executed to complete the project
properly, while it is not possible to estimate their quantities; has the right to prepare
prices for those works on the basis of prevalent prices at the time of announcement.
Those prices become the contractual rate for such works, and the quantities of those
works are estimated during execution.

3.2.7 Addition, omission, and modification in work items:

The Ministry has the right, at any time during contract period, to make any
changes in the quantities of work items whether through adding or reducing. Any
omission or addition or modification in contract work items, shall be made on the basis
of the legal documents approved in the contract, particularly Article 43 of public works
form and/or government purchases regulations and its executive bill or legal documents
of contract. At all times, it is not allowable for the contractor to take any measures or
actions arising from the addition or omission or modification without obtaining an
approved written acceptance from the ministry or its representative within the
authorization delegated to him.

Changes in the quantities of work items shall not lead to a change in contract
works or sites or an increase in contract quantities of more than the rates specified in the
public works form, plus 10% or minus 20% of contract total value. Contract value shall
be amended with the addition or omission accordingly.

3.2.8 Introduction of new items to the project:

When it is necessary to introduce works not clearly or inclusively included in the
contract, that shall be done on the basis of the public works form, government purchases
and its contracts regulations, and approved legal principles. Those works shall be so
necessary that their non-execution shall prevent completion of other items and works in
the project, or prevent or reduce getting use from the project or limit its technical

Introduction of any new items shall be made according to article 43 & 44 of the
public works form and other legal documents approved in the contract. Also,
introduction of new item shall be made on the basis of a technical report prepared by the
specialized technical agency including the technical justifications for the introduction,
specifications and quantities of the works for which new items are proposed. Also, it
shall include a confidential report for the costs of carrying out introduced items; then
contractor is asked to submit his prices for carrying out those items and discuss those

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prices with him. These prices shall be in compliance with prevalent prices for such
works at the time of their introduction.

It is allowable to commence execution of any introduced works before

completion of regulatory procedures and the introduction approval. The introduction
shall not result in an increase in contract value by more than the maximum allowable
increase rates.

3.2.9 Modification claims and disputes:

When contractor considers that he has a right to claim additional costs against
work or item that has not been included in the contract clearly, or has not been assigned
as an additional work by the ministry, he shall inform the engineer in writing about his
intention to submit a claim before submitting any claim for additional compensation.
Engineer shall review the request, calculate the quantities, evaluate the cost, and prepare
his report on this. These procedures from the engineer shall not be considered as an
acceptance for the right of contractor on compensation.

Decision on the contractor's right shall be decided by a committee formed from

the ministry to study the request, engineer's report, and review contract documents; then
submit a report to the authorized agency in the ministry. The ministry takes its decision
on the basis of the submitted reports and legal documents.

When disputes or conflicts appear during contract execution, they shall be

handled by a committee formed from representatives of the ministry, the engineer, and
the contractor. Its task is to try to reach a mutual rapprochement. When this committee
fails in achieving understanding within 28 days, the dispute is forwarded to the
grievances board in KSA, which study the dispute and take decision. The decision from
the grievances board is obligatory to all parties.

3.2.10 Removal and disposal of structures and obstructions:

Contractor shall remove structures, obstructions and materials which interrupt
project works or its permanent or temporary structures, transporting removed products
to approved sites. Removal and disposal works shall be on the contractor's account and
considered incurred by other work items under construction; except otherwise
mentioned in a separate item of BOQ.

3.2.11 Power & water supply:

Contractor, on his own account, shall make the required arrangements to provide
power and water supply required for executing the project works. It is strictly prohibited
to supply power and water from public networks without prior coordination with the
concerned authorities.

3.2.12 Coordination between works:

On the basis of Article 24 of the public works form, contractor shall provide the
opportunity to other contractors and he shall inspect site, verify information on projects
being executed by other contractors which may contradict with works of his contract.
Also, he shall coordinate with those contractors and project owners, and prepare his
rates and work plan accordingly. That shall not taken as pretext for amending prices or
modifying completion period after assignment.

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3.2.13 Site evacuation and cleaning after work completion:

Contractor shall, in lieu of article 25 of public works contract form & other legal
documents approved in the original contract, and immediately after completion of the
project works and before submission of work handing over request, evacuate all the
project sites from all works and temporary structures, machines, equipments, and
wastes; and he shall clear those sites. Also, he shall evacuate, arrange, and clean all
extraction sites and stockpiling yards of materials used for the project.

Contractor shall obtain the engineer's acceptance for evacuation and cleaning
operations before handing over the project works, and contractor shall not be paid any
additional costs against that but shall be considered as charged on all contract items.

3.2.14 Construction & execution record books:

Contractor, on his own account, shall open a record for work phases in the
project in which he records daily work sites and phases, layers and/or works under
progress, list of equipments and machines operating in the project, attendance of
contractor's technical teams, proposed materials and summary of testing and measuring
results, while keeping a copy of this with the supervising engineer. This record shall be
approved and signed from the engineer. When the engineer requires, contractor should
take photos structures and distinct works.

Contractor shall submit periodical reports on work progress in completing the

project together with a summary of the results obtained and the work plan for the next
phases of the project; including difficulties and problems he is encountering during

3.2.15 Workshop drawings:

Contractor shall submit workshop drawings required by the engineer. Those
drawings show all the details related to various work items which are not shown on the
standard drawings provided from the ministry. Also, he shall make the modifications
and changes required by the engineer on the standard drawings delivered to him with
contract documents, before he commences execution of those items by a period not less
than 15 days. Those drawings shall include all the details required for the execution of
work items and traffic control plans at work site and temporary detours if any.
Contractor has no right to commence relevant works before he obtains the engineer's
acceptance for the workshop drawings, modifications and additions.

3.3 Legal relations and responsibility towards the public:

3.3.1 Law abidance:
Contractor shall abide completely with the existing laws and regulations in the
KSA and shall be aware of those regulations and laws; since his ignorance of those
regulations and laws does not release him from any responsibility arising from his
violation, or the violation of any one of his employees or his subcontractors, to existing
regulations and laws.

3.3.2 Authorizations, licenses, and charges:

Before starting work, contractor shall obtain all authorizations and acceptances
required for work completion from all the concerned governmental and private
authorities and he shall pay all charges and expenses arising from this. He has no right
to claim any additional payments for that.

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3.3.3 Patent right and ownership:

Contractor shall adhere to patent rights and ownership directives. He shall
protect and compensate the ministry for any claims and actions arising or caused by
violation of any right or privilege or design or commercial brand or name or other
registered rights concerning any equipments, or machines, or materials used in carrying
out the works or temporary works or any of those, in compliance with Article 21 of the
public works contract form. Contractor remains responsible throughout work period and
after it for any violation related to patent right and ownership.

3.3.4 Royalties:
Contractor shall obtain the special acceptances for material extraction, and he
bears all royalties arising from that or any other royalties he incur, and no amounts shall
be paid for him against that but shall be considered as charged on work items.

3.3.5 Relations between contractor and his employees and employees of his
Contractor shall implement all the laws and regulations existing in KSA
regarding his relations with his employees and employees of his subcontractor. He shall
incur all expenses and charges arising from that. He is responsible alone for all
compensations and expenses resulting from harm to any one of his employees or his
subcontractor employees, and the ministry is not responsible for any consequences
arising from that.

3.3.6 Insurance:
Contractor shall adhere to all stipulated insurance procedures against any losses
or damages for which contractor are considered as responsible according to contract and
approved legal documents. Insurance shall be made in accordance with Article (12/5) of
public works contract form and other legal documents approved in the original contract.

Contractor, before he starts work, shall submit a copy from the insurance
policy/policies approved from the insurance company. Also, all insurance contracts
shall be valid throughout execution periods and those policies shall stipulate that the
insurance company undertakes to inform the ministry about its intentions for nullifying
the insurance before taking such action by sufficient period not less than 15 days.

3.3.7 Monuments and fossils etc:

Contractor shall adhere to all laws, regulations and instructions related to
dealing with archeological buildings and sites and with all materials, pieces, fossils, and
precious materials he may encounter during work execution. Those materials should be
treated according to Article (20) of public works contract form.

Contractor shall report such materials immediately after discovering them and
within a period not more than 24 hours. He shall maintain those items and protect them
from damage or any harm. He shall prevent their transfer by his employees or any other
person, and he shall stop work at those areas until he receives written instructions from
the engineer and concerned authorities.

3.3.8 Alcoholic drinks, drugs, weapons, ammunition, and keeping order:

Contractor shall adhere to regulations and laws concerning prevention of
importing, producing, selling or using or transporting alcoholic and drug materials by

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him or by his employees, and he shall abide with regulations and laws concerning
weapons, ammunition and all law/order regulations.

3.3.9 Property preservation:

Contractor shall prepare work plan and work execution in such a way which
does not lead to any damage on adjacent property and structures. Before he commences
execution, contractor shall identify all the structures, public utilities and any other
elements which lie within work boundaries or which may be affected by those works,
then he shall prepare a technical report in coordination with all the concerned parties,
and obtain approval for the solutions for each of them.

Contractor shall abide with all approved solutions and shall not inflict any
damages on structures, public utilities and identified elements. When he encounters
during work any of those undiscovered elements during preparation of the report, he
shall stop work and inform the engineer and coordinate with the concerned authorities
to approve the suitable solution. Contractor bears the whole responsibility for damages
that may be inflicted on structures, public utilities and elements arising from movement
of his equipments or any of his activities. He shall repair those damages according to
the requirements of the concerned authorities, and he has no right to claim for any
additional cost against such repairs.

3.3.10 Contractor's responsibility for work:

Contractor remains responsible for all project works up to the end of the
guarantee period stipulated in the contract and preparation of final handing over
minutes. Throughout this period, contractor shall carryout all maintenance and repair
works which the works may need. He shall carryout all repair works required by the
preliminary & final handing over committee, and he has no right to claim any additional
costs for that.

Exceptions are made for damages arising from special risks, overcoming force
or third party which are reasons outside the scope of contractor's control and are not
expected. These are not arising from a mistake or shortage or negligence from the
contractor's side, and contractor in this case does not incur repair costs and
compensation. He shall inform the ministry about any damages arising from such
conditions within a period not more than 10 days from the date of damage. In such case
Article (55, 56) of public works contract form is implemented.

3.3.11 Personal responsibility of government officials:

The engineer or any of his authorized assistants do not bear any responsibility
for practicing the powers and authorizations granted to them according to contract for
executing its items; whether individually or in his capacity as an employee of the
ministry, since he is carrying out this work as a representative and an agent of the

3.3.12 Preservation of environment:

Contractor shall adhere to all the environmental and health standards approved
from the concerned authorities during all phases of work. Before commencing
production and execution works, he shall obtain the approved environmental standards,
and shall study, understand them, and apply them.

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Contractor shall take all the measures and arrangements required for reducing
contamination arising from any of his activities during executing contract works
including reduction of noise levels and dust propagation and control of vibration rates.
He shall calibrate all his machines, equipments, asphalt or concrete mixes production
plants, production and storage centers of different materials and to make arrangements
of contamination level control to remain within approved allowable levels from the
authorities concerned with the environment.

3.3.13 Dangerous wastes:

Contractor shall adhere to all environmental and health standards approved by
the concerned authorities when encountering or using materials or wastes considered as
dangerous to public health and environment. Immediately after discovering any
materials or wastes or spilling of any hazardous materials, which he needs for work,
contractor shall coordinate with health and environment authorities to approve the
procedures he shall apply. Also, he shall review all publications regarding handling of
dangerous materials used in his work and he undertakes to deal with such materials
according to the instructions of health authorities and manufacturer's recommendations.

When it is necessary, contractor shall provide all protection requirements and

apply all its arrangements. He shall train his employees who deal with such materials on
methods of their usage and handling, and training them on safety procedures, first aid
and to require from them to use all required safety devices. Contractor bears alone all
the results arising from his failure in this regard.

3.3.14 Using explosives:

Explosive shall be used in carrying out the works only in very critical situations
and when there is no other way for executing the work, after the ministry acceptance.
Explosives shall be used according to Article 49 of public works contract form.
Contractor shall obtain all the required licenses and approvals from the concerned
authorities regarding the use of explosive materials in executing the project works.

Contractor shall obtain, transport, store, and use explosives according to the
instructions and written acceptances from the concerned authorities, and he shall keep
the records of quantities of materials supplied to the project and the used quantities.

In all cases, contractor shall prove to the ministry his previous experience in
blasting works or sign a contract with a qualified agency to carryout these works. He
shall obtain the acceptance of the ministry and concerned authorities for that contract.

Contractor bears alone any consequences or damages that arise from his failure
in obtaining the acceptances or licenses or for not abiding with the regulations and laws
related to using explosives or using these improperly. Also, he shall be responsible for
any harm on life and property including project structures arising from use of

3.3.15 Losses on persons and properties:

Contractor shall preserve all public and private properties and he bears losses
and damages on persons and properties arising from any action or failure or negligence
or misbehavior during construction and maintenance of project works. Also, when that
is due to a defect in the materials and used construction methods. Damages shall be

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estimated on the basis of Article (18) of public works contract form, legal documents
and other contract documents.

3.3.16 Traffic control at work site:

All traffic control works shall be made at work sites according to traffic control
at work site manual issued from the ministry of municipal and rural affairs, under the
supervision of the central committee for projects coordination, special specifications
these general specifications and traffic regulations. Costs of all traffic control works are
considered as charged on contract items, except otherwise stipulate special
specifications and BOQ for separate items for those works.

Contractor, before he starts construction works, shall prepare the traffic control
plan during execution and shall obtain the acceptance of the engineer and concerned
authorities for it. In all cases, the traffic control plan shall provide continuity of public
and pedestrian traffic and access to all buildings and adjacent structures. Also, the plan
shall result in the least possible interruption for traffic movement. Contractor shall carry
out all the necessary works on the basis of that plan including placing signals, signs,
direction signs, barriers, construction of temporary detours and walkways and their
maintenance. In addition, he shall remove all the temporary elements and equipments
and return their sites to their original state after completion of the project works.

Contractor has no right to commence construction works before he performs

traffic control procedures and works according to the approved plan and handing over
those works to the engineer. Also, contractor bears all the financial and legal
consequences which may arise from his failure in traffic control procedures.

3.3.17 Safety precautions at project site:

Contractor shall make all arrangements and execute all the works necessary for
the safety of employees, pedestrians, neighbors, buildings, and adjacent structures from
any damage due to contractor works and he shall support excavation sides fence
excavation and trenches when required.

In addition, he shall provide protection means such as safety barriers, protective

hats hoods and gloves and he shall instruct his employees to use them and provide them
with the first aid supplies together with firefighting systems which should be placed in a
clear location. Contractor shall bare full responsibility for any damages arising from his
failure in providing safety arrangements and applying them.

3.3.18 Guiding and lighting:

According to Article (17) of the public works contract form, contractor shall
execute lighting, fencing, and guiding works for all work sites including warning
lighting at excavation and trenches sites. Also, he shall provide guiding at all the sites of
his machines, equipments and material stores.

3.4 Supervision on the works:

Supervision works shall be performed according to the latest edition of Projects
Execution Supervision Procedures Manual issued by the Ministry of Municipal & Rural
Affairs in KSA, and the ministry appoints, the supervision staff, their duties and

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3.4.1 Supervision staff:

The produced and used materials and executed works shall be inspected, tested
and accepted from the approved authority assigned from by the ministry to supervise the
project. Contractor shall facilitate access to the ministry representative to all work and
production sites, material stores, sampling and measuring areas.

3.4.2 Supervision staff duties:

The task of the supervision staff is concerned with monitoring, inspecting,
testing, and measuring project materials and works Also, inspection of contractor's
equipments and machines and to verify that contractor has carried out the work by using
the materials, work methods, dimensions, and levels shown on the drawings, special and
complimentary specifications, general specifications, and other contract documents.
Supervision staff performs the following:
1. Audit all reports, work plan, time schedules, and design job mixes submitted by
the contractor and to provide the necessary comments, if any, or approve them.
2. Assist contractor to understand and conceive drawings and specifications for
executing project works with the required technical standard.
3. Review results of measurements, material and work testing, and verify
contractor's implementation of approved drawings and specifications.
4. Audit project daily record books and audit all shop drawings and as-built
drawings prepared by the contractor and approve these.
5. Audit executed work quantities and approves current payments and final
6. Keep copies all of specifications, drawings, contract documents, project records
and reports.

3.4.3 Supervision staff authorities:

The authorities of the supervision staff are determined on the basis of the latest
edition of the projects execution supervision manual issued from the ministry of
municipal and rural affairs and similar manuals approved from the ministry. The
engineer is empowered to:
1- Stop work completely or partially when he notices contractor's failure in abiding with
approved drawings, work mixes and methods; and he may require removal of
materials or works or machines or equipments which he considers as unacceptable
and replace them with others technically accepted on the contractor's account.
2- Instruct for necessary modifications in applied work methods for the purpose of
obtaining work compliant with specifications and drawings within allowable
tolerances shown on the approved drawings specifications.
3- Stop work due to climatic conditions or other important reasons decided by the
4- Monitor work attendance and efficiency of the contractor's technical teams, his
machines, and equipments and to require replacement of those who lack the
efficiency required for executing project works.

3-4.4 Supervision staff facilities:

Contractor shall, when contract documents require that, provide and prepare
supervision staff facilities such as offices and their accessories; transportation means to
enable the supervision staff to carry out his duties, according to contract. Supervision
staff facilities shall be composed of engineer offices which are provided with computer,
printer, and telephone/fax line, computer systems, all according to contract documents.

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The facilities shall be compliant in all aspects with government and municipal
regulations and instructions concerning abidance with medical principals and separation
between facilities and other details indicated in contract documents.

3.4.5 Laboratory, measuring and testing systems and equipments:

Contractor shall provide at site, and on his own account without the ministry
being incurred additional costs, all the systems and equipments required for conducting
work measuring, sampling and sample storing/testing which include at least the
following systems and equipments: Measuring equipments:

It must include surveying equipment that measure the distances and angels and
elevations with the required accuracy for the works, with all its accessories, these
equipment should be in good technical case and they have to be calibrated from
specialized team, the contractor shall provide leveling steal rod with dimensions as
shown in the specifications. Sampling, and samples storing and testing systems and equipments:
Contractor shall provide at site all the systems and equipments required for
materials and works sampling and testing. Also, the required molds for blending mix
samples and equipments of storing them according to approved standard specifications
for the purpose of taking and blending samples and testing them. Contractor can, with
the acceptance of the ministry, contract an independent laboratory approved from the
ministry, to carry out the sampling, preparing, and testing processes, and in such case
the laboratory technicians shall be available at all times of sampling.

3.4.6 Client commitments:

Client shall provide all the facilities required from him for executing project
works in compliance with approved drawings and specifications. Some of those
facilities are addressing letters to all other authorities for facilitating contractor's task
and assistance in coordination concerning public utility works, providing necessary
services for carrying out project works, speed up approval of sudden modifications on
drawings and/or specifications, and quantities. Also, speed up replying all the enquiries
and paying all contractor and supervision staff dues.

3.5 Execution conditions and work progress:

3.5.1 Work site inspection:
Before submission of his bid, contractor shall inspect the work site and study all
details, obstructions, structures and any obstacles which may encounter during
execution. He shall include in his proposal all his comments, suggestions, and
reservations and any comments, submitted by the contractor after submission of his bid,
on amendment of work item prices or increasing contract period or reducing work
quality, are not considered. All the information indicated in the drawings and special
specifications are considered as inferential primary information and contractor shall
prepare his prices and work plan according to the information gathered by him on work
site and availability of construction materials and supplies.

3.5.2 Work site handing in:

The engineer shall hand in work site to contractor, which mean all lands and
locations to be used for executing contract works, according to minutes signed by

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contractor or his authorized representative and the engineer. Work site handing in can
be made in the form of sections which provide the possibility of project work
completion according to the contractual period and construction time schedule. The site
shall be free from all work obstructions of which removal or transfer are not part of
work scope.

Work site handing in procedures shall be conducted after contract signing by

following the steps indicated in the latest edition available at the time of contract
signing of Road Project Supervision Procedures Manual issued from the Ministry of
Municipal and Rural affairs. The separating period between contract signing date and
date of work site handing in shall not exceed 30 days, except otherwise the delay was
due to substantive reasons decided by the ministry or otherwise stipulate contract.

In case there are obstructions which prevent site handing in, the procedures
stipulated in the Projects Execution Supervision Procedures Manual shall be completed.

3.5.3 Contractor commitments:

Contractor shall provide qualified engineers, technicians, skilled/unskilled labor
force, for carrying out contract works. Also, he shall provide all materials which are
compatible with approved specifications, machines and equipments which are capable
of executing the works according to the drawings and approved specification within the
specified periods and approved time schedules.

The engineer, when he notices delay from the contractor's side in work
execution, has the right to instruct him to work additional hours without having the right
to claim any additional costs arising from that.

3.5.4 Work site planning:

Immediately after work site handing over and pilot survey points, contractor
shall carry out the necessary survey works for determining road centerline, and all
elements and structures attached to it. And he shall determine work boundaries by the
method accepted from the engineer, and establish survey link points & protecting them
from removal or damage for any reason. Contractor has no right to commence work
before auditing survey works and approve them from the engineer.

3.5.5 Compliance with drawings and specifications:

Contractor shall provide all materials and execute all works according to the
lines, levels, cross sections, dimensions, and material requirements shown on the
drawings or mentioned in the approved specifications within allowable tolerance limits.
Contractor shall remove all works and materials which are not in compliance with the
drawings and approved specifications, shall replace them with other acceptable
materials/works on his own account; and he has no right to claim any additional costs
for that.

3.5.6 Coordination with public utilities & structures authorities:

Contractor shall, with the help of the ministry and before commencing work
execution, coordinate with public utilities or structures owners. This shall be done to
determine utilities and structures lying within project boundaries or those which may be
affected by the project works during construction or operation. Coordination with those
authorities to approve the solutions related to those facilities and/or structures whether

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through reconstruction, or modification or transference or removal; and to approve the

work plan and work phases.

Organization and recording of coordination works shall be done according to

official minutes approved from all parties (the ministry, structure and public utilities
owners, contractor); and these minutes, solutions and plans are added to the contract

3.5.7 Signs:
Contractor shall, within 60 days from contract signing or 2 weeks from date of
site handing over whichever is closer, place two signs at two prominent locations at the
beginning and end of the project on which is written project name, project owner,
contractor name, project period, expected date of completion, both in Arabic and

Dimensions and sites of the two signs shall be determined through agreement
with the engineer and he shall maintain the signs and clean them throughout project
period. Contractor shall not be paid any amounts for that.

3.5.8 Contractor's technical staff:

Contractor shall provide sufficient number of engineers, inspectors, surveyors,
and technicians according to project execution requirements. Contractor's technical staff
shall be suitable for project works as to qualification and experience. Contractor, before
commencement of the works, shall submit to the engineer a list containing names,
qualifications and experience of his proposed technical staff for approval, and he has no
right to change any of the technical staff after being approved before obtaining a written
acceptance from the engineer.

The engineer has the right to reject or require change any one of the technical
staff when he notices his lack of efficiency and abidance with work conditions or due to
his bad conduct. Contractor shall replace him with another more qualified and capable
of carrying out the work according to drawings and approved specifications. Also,
contractor shall name the project manager and his assistants and obtain engineer's
acceptance for this.

3.5.9 Penalty for absence of contractor technical staff:

The engineer has the right to impose absence penalties on one or some of the
members of contractor technical team according to the contract signed with the
contractor, requirements of the nature of the work and assignments of the absent staff.
Deduction for each absence day is made according to contract stipulations. The engineer
has the right stop contractor from work temporarily if he noticed that existing
contractor's staff is not capable of executing the work in compliance with approved
specifications, and contractor has no right to claim any compensation or additional
periods due to that.

3.5.10 Work program and time schedule:

Before he starts construction works, contractor shall submit to the engineer the
work plan and time schedule for completion of all items and phases of work. The
proposed completion period shall be compliant with contract period. The time schedule
shall be submitted in the form of a graphic chart based on critical rout that show work

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dates and phases and work sites. Also, it shall consider overlapping between various
item works, also, it shall show machines, equipments, labor and materials required at
each phase.

Contractor shall consider the necessity for coordination with other contractors
who are, during project works, carrying out works at his work sites, also coordination
shall be made between works such that obstructions arising from work overlapping for
any of the contractors shall be as few as possible.

3.5.11 Construction equipments:

Before starting construction works, contractor shall submit to the engineer a list
of all machines and equipments he proposes for use to carry out project works. These
equipments shall be technically capable of carrying out works in accordance with
specifications and drawings within the contract period.

Contractor is not allowed to transfer any of the equipments and machines for
work in other projects or sites or replace any equipments or machines before obtaining
the engineer's acceptance. Also, contractor shall keep equipments and machines in an
operational condition and shall carry out the necessary maintenance and repair works.

The engineer has the right to reject or require replacement any of the equipments
and machines when he notices its repeated failures or incapability to execute the works
according to approved specifications.

3.5.12 Pre-construction meeting:

Immediately after contract awarding, work site handing over, submission of
work plan and time schedule, and list of machines and equipments, the engineer may
call for a meeting attended by the engineer and contractor or their representatives. In
this meeting all details concerning the project and the contractor's proposed work plan
shall be discussed.

Meetings shall be held before executing some work items for which a separate
detail plan shall be prepared, such as blasting works. Also, mutual meetings shall be
held with the owners of structures and public utilities lying within or adjacent to work
site which may be affected by the project works for the purpose of discussing and
approving solutions related to those utilities and structures.

3.5.13 Subcontracts:
Contractor can subcontract for executing some contract work items and that
shall be done according to Article 4 of public works contract form and other legal
documents approved in the original contract. In all cases, contractor shall submit to the
engineer a full report on the subcontractor with whom he intends to make the
agreement, that includes name of company or contractor, his qualifications and previous
experience, and the works he is intended to carry out. The sub-contractor is not allowed
to commence work before obtaining the engineer's acceptance.

The engineer's acceptance does not release contractor from his full responsibility
for executing the contract according to approved drawings and specifications.
Contractor alone bears the responsibility for any failure or violation that occur from the
subcontractor or his employees on contract execution or site.

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3.5.14 Night work:

The Ministry may allow contractor to carry out some works at night when the
need calls for executing works within a short period or when work execution requires
relatively moderate temperatures or for reasons decided by the ministry. In all cases the
contractor shall, when the ministry allows him to work at night, prepare a detailed plan
together with specific time schedule four night working hours, coordination with
concerned authorities, and provision of the supervision staff during night work.

Contractor shall place warning signs and provide sufficient lighting to ensure
safety conditions for public traffic movement and neighborhood. Lighting shall be
sufficient enough for executing the works accurately and according to approved
specifications. Also, contractor shall take all the required measures to lessen noise level
to the neighborhood due to his works.

3.5.15 Unusual traffic:

Contractor shall adhere to allowable vehicle dimensions and loads when driving
on public roads and their elements such as bridges and tunnels. He shall apply all the
required efforts to ensure that cars and machines he uses do not exceed those limits. He
bears the full responsibility for not adhering to those allowed limits.

When contractor needs to transfer some machines and equipments which do not
comply with dimensions and loads allowed in the kingdom, he shall prepare a technical
report including dimensions, values, and axial/total loads transferred on the road. Also,
dimensions of the transportation means he intends to use and selection of a certain rout.

In addition, he shall submit a technical report prepared by a specialized agency

showing that the load passing according to the proposed rout shall not result in any
damage on the road and structures according to the proposed rout and indicates the
required works for temporary supports for bridges, culverts and other structures and
construction of temporary detours when needed.

Contractor has no right to transport before obtaining the ministry's acceptance of

the report, study and completion of all the works related to load passing.

3.5.16 Temporary work halting:

When the ministry decides the necessity for halting work in executing the works
or part of them temporarily, in accordance with Article 32 of the public works contract
form or other contract legal approved documents; that shall be done according to the
procedures and conditions specified in Projects Execution Supervision Procedures
Manual issued by the Ministry Of Municipal & Rural Affairs and contract approved
legal stipulations.

3.5.17 Defects and failure:

Consultant has the right, at any time during work execution, to require from the
contractor to remove works, transport technically unacceptable materials and replace
these with other technically acceptable and compliant with specifications, drawings and
contract documents. Contractor shall carry out the engineer's instructions immediately
on his own account and he has no right to claim any additional cost for that.

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Contractor shall preserve the executed works throughout construction period and
guarantee period. Also, he shall carry out all the required repairs for any defect that may
appear on his own account without having the right to claim any additional costs for

The Ministry has the right, when it notices that the contractor is delaying or
failing in carrying out protection and maintenance works required from him, to assign a
third party for carrying out those works and deduct costs resulting form this from
contractor's dues with the ministry or from his insurance or may be collected from him
legally when his dues are not sufficient for covering those costs.

3.5.18 Work withdrawal:

When the Ministry decides to withdraw contract works, for one of the reasons
stipulated in Article 53 of public works contract form or other legal documents
approved in the contract, procedures of work withdrawal shall be done according to
public works contract form or those legal documents. Also, when resorting to work
withdrawal, the engineer shall, in the presence of contractor or his representative, carry
out the following:
1- Prepare a full report on the project including quantities of completed and handed
over works, inspection of incomplete works and handing them over, measuring their
quantities if acceptable and adding them to the completed works. Also, an inventory
shall be made for the remaining works which should be completed to accomplish the
project and their locations.
2- Inventory, inspection, and testing of quantities actually supplied for use in the
project. The ministry has the right to accept these as raw materials in case they
comply with specifications required for uncompleted works within the required
quantities for completing the works.
3- To prevent contractor from withdrawing any of the contractor's or subcontractors
technically accepted materials, equipments, and machines to be held for the benefit
of the project.

No dues will be paid to the contractor before completing the works by another
contractor, handover the works, expiry of the contract guarantee period, and verification
of that no financial obligations or any other obligations are due to the ministry on
contractor which may prevent that.

3.5.19 Assigning withdrawn works to another contractor:

Assignment of withdrawn works according to the previous paragraph shall be
made according to Article 54 of public works contract form and other legal documents
approved in the contract. And the ministry has the right to hold machines, equipments,
and materials. Also, can hold contractor's financial dues with the ministry, until
withdrawn works are completed, financial accounts finished, and required actions for
covering execution costs are taken according to stipulations and legal standards.

3.5.20 Contract period:

Contract period is the period specified in the contract. Contractor shall prepare
his work plan and work time schedule, provision of sufficient number of equipments
and machines, and labor so that he may be able to complete the project within the
specified period.

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The date of site handing over is considered as the actual date for starting works
and work site shall be handed in according to an official minutes signed from the
contractor and supervising engineer from the ministry. The contract period is considered
the complete period including official holidays.

Contractor is allowed to carry out work only in official working days, and when
the need calls for work in holidays he shall obtain the ministry's acceptance, providing
that arrangements shall be made for supervision on work execution.
The ministry can extend the contract period according to Article (9-b) of the
government purchases and execution of its projects/works regulations and the
regulations and legal stipulations approved in the contract, in case the required
conditions for that prevail, such as assigning the contractor execution of additional
works which can not be completed within contract period.

Also, the ministry may grant the contractor an additional period if he has been
delayed for reasons outside his power or when he has been stopped from work
temporarily by the ministry for a certain period, providing that he submits a request to
the ministry, before contract end, including a justification for the delay in which he
indicates delay reasons and dates in which he was compelled to stop work for
insurmountable reasons attached with reports and official correspondence which
confirm this. Decision on the request is taken by a special committee formed for this
purpose at the ministry.

3.5.21 Delay penalty:

In case contractor delayed in completing the contract works and handing over at
the specified date without justifying the delay period, or the ministry has not decided
that there is a reason for withdrawing the work, contractor shall undertake to complete
execution. In such case the delay penalties are calculated according to Article 39 and
supervision costs during delay period according to Article 40 of the public works
contract form and contract approved legal documents.

The delay penalty is calculated according to the following:

a- A penalty for the first part of the delay period in the rate of 1/4 the daily cost average
for each delay day until the greatest of the two periods amounts to 15 days or 5% of
the contract period.
b- A penalty on the second part of the delay period in the rate of 1/2 the average daily
cost for each delay day until the two parts amount to more than 30 days or 10% of
the contract period, whichever is greater.
c- A penalty on the third part of the delay period in the rate of the average daily cost for
each next delay day for the greatest of the two periods indicated in paragraph (b).
It is not allowed for the penalties imposed to exceed 10% of the contract value.
But if the ministry surmised that the delayed part does not hinder getting use from the
work at the time specified for its completion, or does not cause confusion in using any
other facility, and does not adversely affect what has been completed of the work itself,
total penalty shall not exceed 10% of the delayed works value.

Contractor, in addition to the stipulated delay penalty, incurs the charges of the
project supervising penalty during the period in which the contractor is subjected to the
penalty, and those charges are calculated on the basis of the supervisor's contract
whether it is a periodical amount or a percentage from contract value.

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But if supervision was against lump sum amount or if it was performed from a
governmental authority, supervising penalty is equal to the delay period percentage
from contract period multiplied by the contract value, and calculated as follows:

Supervisor Penalty = (Delay period/contract period) x (1/100) x contract value

3.5.22 As-built drawings:

Contractor shall prepare as-built drawings in such a way that reflects actually
completed works. They shall show lines and sites of all public utilities and structures
lying within work boundaries. They shall be prepared with the suitable scale accepted
and approved by the engineer. Contractor shall submit three copies of as-built drawings
approved from the engineer to the ministry at completion of the project works and
before the preliminary handing over.

3.5.23 Ending contractor's responsibility:

Contractor remains responsible for all executed works and he shall carry out all
protection and maintenance works throughout work guarantee period stipulated in the
contract. Contractor is not released from the responsibility until the final handing over
minutes are prepared, approved and delivered to the contractor.

3.6 Control and acceptance of materials and works:

3.6.1 Materials and works control procedures:

Materials & works shall be controlled through quality control and assurance
procedures shown on the drawings, special specifications, general specifications,
complimentary specifications, and other approved contract documents.

Quality control procedures shall be performed by the contractor through

sampling, measurements, testing, and result analysis for all the properties which are
required to be achieved and in the rates shown on the drawings and special
specifications or in the divisions/sections dealing with quality evaluation of the works,
of these general specifications.

In addition, contractor shall draw quality maps of critical properties by using

statistical technical methods. Those maps shall be conducted in the form of graphic
charts showing the properties they represent and numbers of tests and measurements,
while showing and highlighting target value line and allowable tolerance limits.
Contractor shall provide the engineer immediately with results of all the tests,
measurements, and quality control charts.

Quality assurance procedures are conducted by the ministry by verifying that

contractor has executed quality control procedures by the proper method. The ministry
carries out this either through direct supervision on application of quality control
procedures or by performing quality assurance procedures in an independent neutral
way on representative samples in adequate number, to judge the execution standard and
decide about accepting or rejecting executed work. This is done according to the
principles detailed in special specifications, other contract documents, and division 17
of these general specifications, except otherwise specify special specification or other
contract documents.

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The ministry has the right to review contractor's quality control records and
comparing them statistically with the results it obtains through the method it specifies
for quality assurance. Also, it has the right to inspect contractor's laboratory,
equipments, technical staff, investigation, testing, and execution methods he applies, to
ensure efficiency of his technical staff and suitability of the equipments for the work
being executed. Also, compatibility of investigation, testing and execution methods with
approved methods.
Sampling shall be done according to the random method and those samples shall
be representative to the material or work to be verified for compliance with
requirements. Sampling and samples storing, preparation, and testing shall be according
to the methods indicated in the standard specifications issued by SASO, if any, or by
other international agencies such as ASTM or AASHTO, all according to contract
approved specifications.

3.6.2 Material sources:

Before commencing supplying materials, contractor shall submit to the engineer
a report including material sources, source guarantee certificate, results of tests on
representative samples of materials which show their compliance with the approved
specifications, and he has no right, by any means, to commence material supply before
obtaining the engineer's acceptance of the sources and materials.

Engineer's acceptance for materials and source does not release contractor from
his responsibility for achieving the requirements stipulated in the specifications and
shown on approved drawings during the whole construction period. He shall, on his
own account, transport all materials the sources of which has already been accepted and
shall remove all the materials found to be, through testing results, not compatible with
approved specifications. These shall be replaced with other materials and works
technically acceptable, and he has no right to claim any additional costs arising from

3.6.3 Material transportation and storing:

Contractor shall store materials at the sites approved from the engineer by using
the methods and equipments/machines which do not lead to change in the properties of
stored materials. It is not allowed to use public squares inside urban areas for storing
materials before obtaining written acceptance from the owners and the engineer. He
shall take all the required measures for protecting neighboring property from damage or
noise or pollution as a result of this and he shall apply all applied standard particularly
those dealing with lessening dust propagation.

Contractor shall transport earth materials, aggregate materials, asphalt and

concrete materials and mixes, with covered transport means which prevent material
scattering and consequently cause contamination to the environment and the streets they
pass through. These means of transportation shall be organized and their routes chosen
in such a way that cause minimum possible interruption to the traffic movement.

Contractor shall transport and store explosive materials according to the

instructions and rules implemented by the specialized authorities outside residential
areas and populated areas away from populated buildings. The distance between those
stores, structures and mentioned areas shall not be less than 300 m.

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Contractor shall provide strict guarding for those stores and shall keep records
which show quantities of explosives received, explosives and exploding systems
consumption rates, and how much have been used according to dates, types, and
locations. If there were surplus of these materials after completion of relevant works,
these extra quantities and blasting systems shall be returned to the authorities from
whom they were received, and prepare an official minutes approved from the concerned
authorities showing this, and delivering a copy to the engineer.

3.6.4 Work inspection before covering:

According to Article 30 of public works contract form, contractor should not
cover any work or start any subsequent works before inspection, testing, measuring,
acceptance and handing over by the engineer.

Contractor shall notify the engineer in writing with completion of the works he
intends to cover and their readiness for inspection and handing over. Within 24 hours
from receiving the notice by the approved and agreed method, the engineer shall inspect
those works, conduct the required measurements and takes the written decision on the
possibility of covering the works or require from the contractor to carry out the
necessary repairs.

The ministry has the right, when it deems necessary and when the engineer
could not investigate, inspect, and test the works during the period stipulated above and
contractor covers them, to instruct contractor to uncover the unexposed works for
inspection and testing. In case it was found that the works were technically
unacceptable, contractor shall incur all the costs arising from that, but if the works were
found to be acceptable, the ministry shall justify the time period required for inspection,
re-covering, and compensate contractor by the agreed method on the basis of the
practiced methods in such cases.

3.7 Measuring and payment

3.7.1 Work measuring:

According to Article 46 of the public works contract form, the quantities
indicated in the BOQ are estimated quantities and actually executed quantities shall be
measured for all items. Measuring shall include, for the purpose of payment the works
which were executed, technically accepted, and handed over to the engineer within the
work limits shown on the drawings, specifications and/or specified only by the
engineer. No measurements shall be conducted for works outside the mentioned limits
for the purpose of payment.

Executed and technically acceptable works, shall be measured by using

engineering practiced measuring methods and devices. Quantities are calculated
according to the measuring units shown on the BOQ for each work item. All the
measurements shall be conducted by the contractor with the attendance of the engineer
promptly with work progress. Quantities are calculated by the contractor and submitted
to the engineer for auditing together with the original copy of measuring results and
cross sections, or dimensions of the elements according to which quantity calculations
were made. All this shall be done before periodical payment date by a period sufficient
enough for auditing and approval; providing that it shall not, by any means, be less than
5 days.

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The engineer shall keep a copy of all measurements and quantity calculations of
executed works to be submitted to the ministry at work end.

3.7.2 Payment scope:

Prices indicated in the contract are considered full compensation to the
contractor for all labor, and extraction, or production or supply of materials and mixes,
transportation, work execution and finishing according to approved specifications and
drawings. Also, submission of reports, mix design, work testing and measuring,
protection and maintenance works, provision of required machines and equipments and
all requirements for executing work items and servicing them during the guarantee
period in accordance with approved drawings and specifications. Also, costs of work
organization, general expenses, benefits, fees, and third party payments for any reason
related to project works, in addition to costs of all works indicated in the contract
documents, specifications, and drawings for which payment is not made separately but
considered as included in some or all contract items.

3.7.3 Compensation for modified quantities:

Modified quantities which are different from the estimated quantities indicated
in the BOQ are paid according to the original rates stipulated in the contract for each
work item. No objection is accepted from the contractor concerning benefit or loss in
any work item. The modified quantity rates shall be within the modification rates, plus
or minus, allowable in the contract.

3.7.4 Additional work and work according to calculating manpower:

Additional works, which the ministry assigns contractor to carry out according
to a variation order, are paid according to unit price or lump sum as the variation order
may stipulate.

When payment is for all or some of the contract items and additional works is
made based on calculating manpower (i.e. man/month), contractor shall daily submit a
list of the names of all employees working in the project, their professions and the
duties assigned to them. The engineer shall verify employees attendance through out the
period for which he pays the contractor. In this case payment shall be according to the
rates table which includes monthly payment for each of them. Deduction shall be made
from the wages of the absentees according to contract documents, providing that
absence does not lead to any defect in the quality standard of the executed works.

Payment for machines and equipments work, when agreed in the contract to pay
for their work on the basis of time period, shall be made according to actual work lists
which show numbers and types of actually working machines in the project and time
period of work for each one of them. Deduction shall be applied for absence from work
or failure of each machine in the project, and for machines related to the work of those
machines according to contract documents.

3.7.5 Unauthorized work:

Payment is made only for works executed in accordance with the dimensions,
thickness, and at the sites shown on the drawings, and special specification or
determined in writing by the engineer. Contractor has no right to claim any costs for
works which were executed outside the mentioned boundaries, except otherwise that

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occurred according to a written assignation approved from the ministry before


3.7.6 Lump sum:

When lump sum payment is specified in the contract, the indicated amount is
considered as full compensation against work completion according to approved
drawings and specifications.

3.7.7 Fixtures & Accessories:

All fixtures and accessories are considered as charged to the prices of the work
item in which they shall be used.

3.7.8 Payments:
Payment for executed and technically accepted works from the engineer, is
made according to periodic payment certificates as specified in the contract, and a final
payment arranged at completion of the works and after handing over. Current payment:

Contractor shall prepare the current payment according to the approved form
and the payment certificate shall include only works which were executed during the
payment period and inspected, tested, accepted, and handed over by the engineer. He
submits it to the engineer for auditing and the latter compares the quantities indicated in
the payment certificate with the quantities he accepted. If it was found that the payment
certificate is compatible with the executed work, the engineer then forwards it to higher
authorities after approved by him, or he may return it to the contractor to correct
mistakes and shortages. Contractor shall enclose with the payment certificate all the
enclosures which the ministry may require. Final payment:

When contract works are completed and preliminary handing over minutes are
prepared, the engineer and contractor's representative shall calculate and count all
executed and technically accepted quantities subject for payment. Contractor shall
submit as-built drawings when contract indicate that, and provide adequate number of
employees, systems and equipments required for measuring works and calculate
quantities and due amounts after deducting all penalties and deductions incurred by the

The payment is signed and approved by the engineer and contractor and
quantities indicated in the final payment are considered final. In case contractor does
not accept the quantities indicated in this payment, he shall submit a written objection
together. The engineer studies contractor's objections and verifies calculated quantities
then with enclosing all proofs and documents which justify his objection within 10
days, give his view on contractor's objection.

If contractor made no objection during 10 days, the payment is considered as

final and contractor's objection shall not be accepted after that. Payment then is
forwarded to the concerned authorities together with all the required documents
stipulated in the contract and in the projects execution supervision procedures manual
issued by the ministry of municipal and rural affairs; to complete auditing and payment

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3.8 Work handing over:

Handing over of the works shall be according to contract documents in two

stages: preliminary handing over and final handing over.

3.8.1 Preliminary handing over:

Immediately after completion of works, contractor shall notify the ministry on
work completion according to a letter approved from the engineer. The ministry shall
form a handing in committee and the engineer shall be one of its members. The
committee studies all contract documents, periodic reports, results of tests and
measurements, and shall review contractor performed quality control records. Also,
results of quality assurance results by the ministry and informs the contractor on the
date of attending inspection of executed works on the field and carries this inspection
with the attendance of contractor. The committee has the right, when it deems
necessary, to require carrying out some measuring and testing of some or all work items
at its own discretion, or may become satisfied by visual inspection, quality control and
quality assurance results.

The committee edits the preliminary handing over minutes according to one of
the following cases:
1- Acceptance without any deductions when it surmises that works have been
completed according to drawings and special specifications.
2- Preliminary handing over with some reservations which do not prevent getting use
from the project and do not lead to technical fault. In such case it has the right to
apply deduction in the rate it considers as suitable for commented items; or
existence of some shortages which were not executed, do not prevent use from the
project, do not affect the project safety, it is possible to dispense with, and their
value does not exceed 20% of contract total value. In such case the committee
recommends handing in the project preliminarily providing that deduction against
comments and shortages shall be made from the final payment.
3- Existence of some comments which, if contractor does not repair, no use can be
obtained from the project. In such case the committee require contractor to carry out
the required repairs within a certain period and comes to verify that contractor has
conducted the required repairs.

Ministry may, when it considers there is a need for opening a part of the project
to get use decide, according to notice from the contractor, that part is ready for
preliminary handing over. And it receives this part preliminarily and preliminary
handing over procedures for this part are conducted according to the above mentioned.
The guarantee period for that part starts from the date of its preliminary handing over.
Contractor remains responsible for protecting and maintaining project works during the
guarantee period stipulated in the contract, and he shall carry out all the required
maintenance works without having the right to claim any additional compensation for

3.8.2 Final handing over:

When the guarantee period, specified in the contract, which starts from the date
of preliminary handing over for project works or part of them expires, contractor shall
submit a request to the ministry to carry out final handing over.

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The ministry forms a final handing over committee with the engineer as
member. The committee studies contract documents, testing and measuring results,
quality control and quality assurance results, minutes and comments of preliminary
handing over and specifies a date for attending work inspection physically carries out
the inspection and prepares a minute, according to the following cases:
1- Receiving the works without comments when it is convinced that the works have
been executed according to the drawings and specifications; and that no defects
appeared on them arising from contractor's failure during the guarantee period.
2- Existence of some comments and in such case requires from the contractor to carry
out the required repairs within a certain period after which it returns back to
complete handing over procedures.

The committee prepares the final handing over minutes and signs them from all
parties (the committee, engineer, contractor or representative) and submits the minutes
to the higher authorities to complete the required action.

Contractor remains responsible for all the defects, arising from improper
execution or materials, which may appear during the period specified in the contract
after final handing over is completed.

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4.1 Introduction 45
4.2 Urban Roads Classification 45
4.2.1 Local Roads 45
4.2.2 Collector Roads 46
4.2.3 Arterial Roads 46
4.2.4 Highways (Freeways) 47
4.2.5 Industrial Roads 47
4.3 Pavement Thickness 47
4.3.1 General 47
4.3.2 Pavement Thickness According To Urban Roads Classification 48
4.4 Correlation of Pavement Layers With Non-Pavement Road
Structures 48
4.5 Environmental Principles For Urban Roads Construction 49
4.5.1 Noise 50
4.5.2 Vibration 50
4.5.3 Air Pollution 50
4.5.4 Material Extraction and Disposal Sites 50
4.5.5 Hazardous and Dangerous Materials 51
4.6 Traffic Control During Construction 51
4.6.1 General 51
4.6.2 Traffic Control Procedures 51
4.7 Work Site Protection 52
4.8 Maintaining Or Transferring Utility Lines 52
4.9 Common Transport Stops 53
4.9.1 General 53
4.9.2 Construction Requirements 53
4.10 Protection of Adjacent Streets From Wastes And Contamination 54
4.11 Drainage Works For Urban Roads 54
4.11.1 Surface Drainage 54
4.11.2 Underground Water Drainage 54
4.11.3 Drainage Requirements For Trees And Plants Irrigation Water 55
4.11.4 Sewage Water Drainage 55
4.11.5 Water Draining During Construction 56
4.12 Traffic Safety Requirements On Urban Roads 56
4.12.1 Sidewalks 56
4.12.2 Pedestrian Crosswalks 56
4.12.3 Safety Barriers 57
4.12.4 Informatory Signboards And Panels For Pedestrians And Cars 57
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics

4.1 Introduction:
Road network is a major factor, which reflects the economic development of
countries. They provide the capability to move and travel from one place to another and
the roads development is reflected on different aspects of economical and social life.
Urban roads are different from rural highways by a group of characteristics, which
affect their design and construction conditions. These characteristics are:
- Considerable volume for passenger cars of low axial loads (ESALs).
- More number of road intersections.
- Small areas designated for construction.
- Passing of those roads through residential areas, which impose a group of executive
and environmental conditions.

This division contains the most important factor that characterizes urban roads
and which may be reflected in the specifications of urban roads construction, and
- Urban roads classification.
- Pavement layer thickness.
- Correlation (Relationship) between pavement layers with non-paving
- Environmental principles for constructing urban roads.
- Traffic control during construction.
- Work site protection.
- Maintaining or transferring public utilities.
- Common Transport Stops.
- Protection of adjacent roads from wastes and pollution.
- Drainage works on urban roads.
- Pedestrian and vehicles safety requirements.

4.2 Urban Roads Classification:

The classification of roads in these general specifications is aimed at describing
the specific characteristics of each category and to facilitate the link between the
specific requirements of materials and works, which shall be indicated later in different
divisions of these specifications for each category.

Urban Roads classification in these specifications is based on the classification

included in the Geometric Design Manual for Roads issued by the Ministry of
Municipal and Rural Affairs which complies with the S.A Ministry of Transport and
international organizations Methodology such as AASHTO which classify roads
according to their function in the network.

Roads shall be classified into the following classes:

4.2.1 Local roads:

The function of local roads is to provide approach to housing entrances,
buildings and adjacent property and they are mostly used for traffic generated from or
ends at the same area from which traffic moves directly to adjacent roads.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
These roads may service residential or residential commercial areas and in the
latter case the volume of traffic is higher. However these roads can be multi lanes but
rarely contain medians.

Traffic volume in these roads does not exceed 3000 cars per day and it
composed mainly of passenger cars, waste collection trucks and construction
equipments, and generally not utilized by buses.

In industrial areas it is possible that percent of heavy vehicles is predominately

more and the axial loads at these areas are higher despite of their low traffic volume.

Local roads are connected with other local roads and collectors and may directly
connect with arterials in some industrial and commercial areas.

Traffic access on these roads is unrestricted and traffic control means are simple,
composed of stop signs or Traffic signals.

4.2.2 Collector Roads:

The function of collectors is to provide connection between local and arterial
roads and normally direct access to adjacent areas is allowed. Traffic volume in
collectors varies from 1000-12000 vehicles per day and it might have more than two
lanes and divided by medians.

Traffic flow in commercial and industrial areas is mixed and include passenger
cars and trucks moving from or to arterial roads, however, in residential areas passenger
cars are the predominate and heavy vehicles are only the service vehicles.

The movement on collectors in commercial centers and adjacent areas is

interrupted due to traffic signals but at residential areas the traffic control means are

There are some restrictions for parking at peak hours and there are no
restrictions for pedestrian crossing but it is preferable to designate specific places for
crosswalks in the parts having high traffic volume.

Sometimes it is preferred to construct special bays and turning lanes for buses.

4.2.3 Arterial Roads:

The function of arterials is to provide connection between collectors and major

Traffic volumes on arterials are high with medium to high speeds, and composed
of passenger cars and heavy vehicles. The arterial roads serve the traffic between the
traffic generation areas and main attractive centers; also it links with rural, collective
and local roads, and in areas where no highways, the arterial roads provide the best
traffic services.

Traffic volume on arterials varies from 5000 to 30000 vehicles per day and the
direction of traffic is divided by medians.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
Traffic flow in these roads is continuous except at traffic signals and pedestrian
crosswalks, traffic signals might be used to minimize interface to through traffic.
Parking in areas where stopping lead to serious interruption to traffic is prohibited
particularly at peak hours and it is preferable to allow pedestrian crosswalks only at
intersections or at special crosswalks.

Traffic flow is mixed and composed of passenger and heavy vehicles, the
percent of heavy vehicles may reach up to 20%, Arterials roads can be used with
express and local buses.

Arterial roads shall be connected with highways and other Arterial and it is not
preferable to connect local residential roads directly with arterial roads, and it is
possible to connect directly arterials roads with the industrial and commercial local
roads according to the site or traffic volume.

4.2.4 Highways (Freeways):

The function of freeways is to provide conditions for continuous movement
without interruptions or crossings for heavy traffic volumes between the main traffic
generation areas.

They represent an extension of the main rural highways and they link residential
and large commercial and industrial areas with the commercial center of the city.
Parking and surface pedestrian crosswalks are prohibited on freeway and it should be
separated from the adjacent areas.

Traffic volume on freeways may exceeds 20000 vehicles per day and composed
of all types of vehicles, percent of heavy vehicles may exceed 20%. The movement of
express buses is allowed but bus stops are allowed only at interchanges.

These roads are connected with rural expressways and arterial roads, direct
connection to local roads is allowed only at the city center. And all crossings should be
grade separated intersections (interchanges).

4.2.5 Industrial roads:

The function of these roads is to provide traffic movements within industrial
areas and to connect these areas with roads of other types. This includes roads in
industrial areas and roads of bus stations, railway stations, airports and ports.

Traffic volumes may not be high, but the percent of heavy vehicles is high,
therefore when designing pavement layers they are treated as arterial or freeways. The
pavement layers in some parts may require special design and treatment for resisting
heavy loads such as good's container at storage areas in airports, ports and railway
stations. Also, they require special treatments for resisting oils and spilled materials.

4.3 Pavement thickness:

4.3.1 General:
The structural design process for road includes selection of pavement materials
and determining pavement layer thickness required to sustain axial loads of vehicles.
Pavements are divided into two main types:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
The first type is the cement concrete pavements which is composed of cement
cast insitu or precast concrete layers or precast concrete elements placed on aggregate
subbase or base course Division 14 from these specifications includes the construction
specifications for cement concrete pavements.

The second type, which is more widespread, is the flexible pavement, which is
composed of several asphalt concrete layers, aggregate base, and subbase and subgrade
layers. Divisions 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13 of these specifications include the construction
specifications of asphalt pavement layers.

4.3.2 Pavement Thickness According to Urban Roads Classification:

Pavement layer's thickness is calculated and determined using several methods
and AASHTO method is considered the most widespread ones in the world. It requires
certain inputs that include design period, equivalent single axial loads (ESALs) in the
design period, environmental elements and soil bearing value like California bearing
ratio (CBR) or modulus of resilience (Mr) and other.

Whenever all design or part of the design data are not available the pavement
thickness indicated in Table 4.3.1 shall be used, these table shows the layer thickness
for flexible pavement in urban areas with low traffic loads only when the equivalent
standard axles loads in the design period (20 years) is less than one million axles, While
for roads with high traffic loading the design of pavement layers shall be carried
according to AASHTO design method or any other approved method. The pavement
layers shall be constructed according to the specifications indicated in the following
Divisions in these general specifications.

4.4 Correlation of Pavement layers With Non-Pavement Road Structures:

Urban Roads pavements are correlated with some non-pavement structures such
as internal and external pedestrian walkways, medians, trees, lighting posts, traffic
signals and sign and publicity boards …etc.

These structures require identifying some requirements, which include but not
limited to:
1. Sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with specifications stated in division 15
of these general specifications to.
2. Special areas with specific slopes shall be constructed on sidewalks near the traffic
signals and crosswalks, so they may be used by the handicapped with wheel chairs
and children carts. Division 15 shall be referred to for more details.
3. Informatory signs, traffic and publicity boards shall be placed on sidewalks and
medians in such a way that does not obstruct pedestrian movement and reduce sight
distance for the drivers and it shall be installed according to technical conditions
stated for publicity boards issued by ministry of municipality and rural affairs, while
traffic signs shall be constructed according to unified traffic manual issued by
ministry of transport.
4. The planting works on sidewalks and medians shall be constructed according to
construction manual for planting and conditions and related technical specifications
issued by ministry of municipality and rural affairs.
5. Extra water from trees and plants irrigation process shall be drained by using
required arrangements when executing the planted islands and provision of water
proofing and to prevent its leakage and collection on the road surface.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
6. Road lighting works shall be constructed according to technical specifications and
general conditions for roads and streets lighting issued by ministry of municipality
and rural affairs.
7. Non-pavement structures shall be constructed in a reasonable sequence such that the
under construction works will not cause any damage to previous works.

Table 4.3.1: Guide of minimum thicknesses for urban road layers

Average Asphalt layer thicknesses (surface and base)
Traffic volume level daily / aggregate base/subbase layer, (cm).
Urban According to bearing capacity of the
(ESALs) in 20 years number
Road Class roadbed.
design period of
poor fair Good
3 <CBR ≤ 5 5 <CBR ≤ 10 CBR >10
Level 1
1 5/10/13 5/10/0 5/10/0
(less than 10,000)
Level 2
residential 2-7 5/10/15 5/10/13 5/10/10
roads Level 3
7-14 10/10/12 10/10/0 10/10/0
Level 4
14-35 15/10/10 12/10/10 12/10/0
Level 5
and 35-70 15/10/18 15/10/0 13/10/0
arterials Level 6
70-140 15/10/30 15/10/0 15/10/0
1. The pavement layers indicated in the table above shall be constructed over subgrade layer that
conform to the requirements indicated in section 5.5 from these specifications.
2. The road bed is the soil that on which the subgrade layer shall be constructed as specified in
paragraph number 5.4.3 "preparation of road bed" from these specifications.
3. When constructing in high or variable water level areas, sabkha soils and volumetric changed soils
areas, the required solutions for these problem and pavement layers thickness and type shall be
studied and specified before starting road construction.
4. The asphalt layers shall be constructed in layers its thickness shall be conform to minimum and
maximum requirements and limits for nominal maximum aggregate sizes used in mixes as indicated
in Table 8.5.5 of this specifications.
5. Numbers from left to right show the asphalt layers thickness (wearing and base), aggregate base and
subbase course thickness, for example 15/10/18 means:
• 15 cm asphalt layers (it can be 5 cm wearing course and 10 cm asphalt base layer).
• 10 cm aggregate base
• 18 cm subbase layer

4.5 Environmental Principles for Urban Roads Construction:

This section indicates conditions to be applied for environment preservation
when constructing and operating urban roads and includes description of Contractor's
duties in various project stages.

Contractor shall recognize and abide with all environmental ordinances and
regulations related to all types of contamination, issued from the concerned authorities
and he alone shall incur the legal, financial and social responsibility for any breach to

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
4.5.1 Noise:
Contractor, throughout execution phases, shall refrain from using any machines
or equipments which transmit a noise of more than 70 decibels according to scale (A) at
a distance of (16) meters during the period between 6 AM and 7 PM.
When the Contractor is allowed to work at night the noise level shall not exceed
65 decibel.

Rock blasting shall not produce noise exceeds 128 decibel at any day time
Local limits shall be applied if they are stricter.

4.5.2 Vibration:
Contractor shall use machines and equipments when used or operated which
produce vibrations that do not lead to any damage on buildings, structures and public

Contractor shall apply all possible methods and arrangements to limit harmful
effects on his employees resulting of using some vibration equipments and abide with
the specified working hours for those equipments.

When executing blasting rock excavation he shall set out the suitable plan for
controlling and monitoring vibrations. Resulting vibrations shall not exceed the limits
stated in the special specifications or section 5-3 excavation works of these general

4.5.3 Air pollution:

Contractor shall calibrate all his machines, equipments and material and mixes
production centers so that their operation does not lead to the propagation of air
polluting gasses in rates exceeding those allowed in environmental standards approved
by the concerned authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Contractor shall prepare a plan for controlling dust during materials producing,
mixing, transporting, spreading and compacting and during excavation and extraction
works. This plan shall include water wetting or using dust reducing materials at work
sites and covering materials during their transportation. Also, it shall include control on
dust in aggregate and other materials stockpiles and stores, control on dust and other
emanating materials in various production centers such as asphalt and concrete plants
and providing them with the required filters, periodic monitoring and calibrating

Any plants or aggregate crushers or quarries or and other materials stores, which
leads to environment pollution shall not be constructed within urban areas.
Permission of such centers shall be subjected to the required acceptances from the
Ministry, the authorities concerned with environment and public health, and they shall
be subjected to monitoring and inspection periodically.

4.5.4 Material extraction and disposal sites:

Contractor shall extract the materials required for work execution from the sites
shown on the drawings and special specifications or those proposed by him and
accepted by the Engineer and he shall get the required written permission for using
these sites from the concerned parties and property owner. It is not allowed to extract

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
materials within urban areas, or where extraction leads to changes in natural landscape
and valley flow lines. Contractor shall level and process these sites and make them in
harmony with the surrounding natural environment at the end of using.

Contractor shall dispose surplus and unsuitable materials at sites shown on the
drawings and special specifications or those proposed by him and he shall get the
required written permission for using these sites from the concerned parties and
property owner and written approval from the Engineer. In all cases, the selection of
sites and method of disposal shall not lead to environmental contamination.

Disposal sites shall not lie within urban areas, water flow lines, and agricultural
lands or near water sources and reservoirs.

Disposal sites shall be leveled and processed in a way that makes them in
harmony with the surrounding natural environment.

4.5.5 Hazardous and dangerous materials:

Contractor shall take all required precautionary measures to prevent any
environmental contamination as a result of using some materials considered as harmful
to environment such as oils and chemical materials, carry out all works and procedures
required when those materials spill for any reason outside areas in which they are
allowed to be used.

Generally, it is prohibited to use any materials considered to be harmful to

public health or environment before obtaining the acceptance, instructions related to the
methods and conditions and safety procedures when working with such materials.

Contractor shall, when he encounters during work execution any materials,

which may be considered harmful to public health or the environment, immediately
report about that to the engineer and dispose those materials at sites specified and
approved by concerned health and environment authorities using approved methods and

It is absolutely not permissible to dispose these materials randomly and at the

public dumping sites that are not designated for such materials.

4.6 Traffic Control during Construction:

4.6.1 General:
Urban roads construction processes such as transportation, spreading and
compaction are characterized by their interlocking with each other and with other living
activities of the population such as moving, crossing, walking.. etc. Therefore, it is
paramount that pedestrians and vehicles traffic movement should be regulated at the
area of executing construction or reconstruction or maintenance works to ensure traffic
safety for road and street users and to ensure rapid execution with the required quality.

4.6.2 Traffic control procedures:

All traffic control works shall be done according to the traffic control devices
manual at work zones issued by the central commission for project coordination under
the supervision of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs on 1421H or any
amendments incorporated in it.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
At least the following procedures shall be applied for the purpose of traffic
control during construction:
1. Setting out a clear and comprehensive traffic plan, to eliminate traffic contradictions
with the execution activities.
2. Identifying alternative roads and the approximate time period for publicizing and
generalizing it through mass media, not less than two weeks before starting
execution, to ensure the safety of the roads network users and construction
3. Construction of all required items for carrying out execution works such as
temporary detours and routes, warning and alarm signals, flashlights and
concrete and metal barriers. Contractor remains responsible for the operation
and maintenance of those items.
4. Provision of the information campaign at the locations specified for traffic
direction in addition to special boards written in Arabic and English showing the
start and end of construction.
5. Construction of temporary routes separate from alternative roads and detours for
transporting the vehicles and equipments required for construction.

4.7 Work site protection:

Contractor shall make all the necessary arrangements and procedures required for work
sites protection of such as barriers placing and warning lights, fencing of work zones
and guarding when required and he shall construct stores for materials, equipment and
machines at the specified sites accepted by the Engineer and ensure their protection,
fencing and guarding. In addition, he shall install warning boards that identify the

4.8 Maintaining or transferring utility lines:

Contractor shall, before he commences work, inspect site and coordinate with
various authorities to recognize various public utility elements, structures and lines
existing within work limits or those, which may be affected by them.

Contractor shall execute all works related to maintaining or transferring those

utilities according to the solutions and specifications approved by the client. Contractor
shall take all necessary requirements to maintain the utility works during construction
and prevent them from any damages that may affect them and he only bare any result of
any damage caused to those utilities, because of his failure in coordination or in
providing the required arrangement. The construction shall be done according to
installation manual issued by ministry of municipality and rural affairs in relation to
coordination, releases and arrangements.

Transferring works shall be executed so as to construct the transfer lines and

correlation structures and elements between the main lines and the lines transferred
before cutting services of the transferred utilities then transference is done for the
purpose of reducing the service cutting time to the least possible period.

Contractor shall Coordinate with, and approve detailed time schedule for these
works by the public utility owners. The beneficiaries of public utilities shall be
informed by dates and periods of service cutting before the specified time by not less
than two weeks through the information methods approved by the concerned

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
Contractor shall make all required arrangements for maintaining protecting
public utilities during execution from any damages, which may occur to them. He shall
choose suitable execution methods and equipments and carry out support works when

Contractor is responsible for any damages may be inflicted on the public utility
lines and their elements as a result of his failure in making the required coordination,
arrangements and work execution. Contractor shall follow guide of public utility works
issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs.

Converting or removing works must be done that the new converting lines and
construction link elements between new and old lines must be available before cutting
and removing any structures, and converting will be done to reduce service cutting time
to lower limits. Contractor must coordinate with public structure owners for depending
the necessary solutions and detailed time schedule for such works, and inform them
with detailed dates and periods of service cutting before starting works with less than
two weeks, and that shall be done using general depending informing devices.

4.9 Common Transport Stops:

4.9.1 General:
This item includes construction of confined areas between the road pavement
edge and the right lane designated as side stops areas for buses and taxis. Those areas
are characterized by repeated stopping for relatively long periods until passengers and
their baggage are loaded and dropped. Also, these areas are characterized by slow
movement (causing creep) of buses which result in slipping and displacement for the
upper pavement layers causing asphalt corrugations in addition the possibility of the
spilling of oil and fuel from buses during their stopping. Therefore, it is vital to choose
suitable pavement layers for such conditions.

4.9.2 Construction requirements:

When the special specifications or drawings or other contract documents
indicate the construction of stop areas, Contractor shall comply with the following:
1. Use suitable Sub grade and aggregate bases according to the structural design and
according to materials and execution requirements indicated in sections (5, 6).
2. One of the two following options shall be used respectively for constructing buses
and taxis parking pavements:
- First option: Using cements concrete pavement layers to avoid surface corrugations
and according to materials and execution, requirements indicated in division 14 from
these general specifications.
- Second option: Using asphalt mixes containing a high percentage of coarse
aggregate according to Table 8.2.2 as a guide for selecting asphalt works according
to roads and parking areas classification, or super pave Mixes as indicated in the
3. Some modifying materials shall be added to the asphalt mixes indicated above to
increase the capability of the asphalt binder for resisting distress. It is possible to use
any of the special polymer additives or a seal coat composed of rubber asphalt to seal
off leakage of oils and fuel to the asphalt pavement layers.
4. Geometric design used shall ensure easiness of entrance and exiting from the
parking and passengers. Pedestrian's sidewalks shall be constructed according to

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
technical specifications for parking issued by ministry of municipality and rural

4.10 Protection of Adjacent Streets from Wastes and Contamination:

Contractor shall take all the required arrangements and procedures required for
protecting roads and property adjacent to work areas from any contamination by
materials and wastes resulting from his works such as:
- Using covered vehicles for transporting various materials
- Keep of all his work sites clean and arranged.
- Disposal of all surplus and wastes products and materials promptly and it is not
allowed, in any way, to accumulate these materials within urban areas.
- At the end of the works contractor shall clean, arrange and evacuate all sites used by

4.11 Drainage Works for Urban Roads:

Contractor shall construct all the urban roads drainage works indicated on the
drawings, special specifications and other contract documents according to special
specifications requirements or section 5.7 of these general specifications. He shall drain
and protect all executed works from the effects of water. When designing the surface
drainage facilities considerations should be given to the volume of water as the highest
volume occurred during the 25 years to confirm that no permanent or temporary
accumulations of rain fall water

4.11.1 Surface drainage:

During designing and executing roads in urban areas consideration shall be
given to water drainage by applying the following:
1- Designing and executing all items of surface drainage such as culverts, surface or
under surface side drains, execution of granular filter layers, cross drains, catch
basins in such a way that ensures storm water and surface water draining rapidly and
prevent water collection permanently or temporarily on the road surface or by its
side or its leaking to its structural layers.
2- When constructing soil, aggregate, pavement layers for streets, Contractor shall
abide with longitudinal and cross slopes shown on the drawings and contract
documents for each layer, and it is not allowed, by any means, to achieve slopes only
for the surface layer and ignore that in the bottom layers.
3- Provision of surface drainage during construction from all executed layers and
provision of required and effective tools to achieve this drainage so that no damages
result for the roads, adjacent structures and environment. These works are subject to
the conditions indicated in each paragraph of the works that include requirements
related to drainage during execution of these general specifications and special
specifications of the project.
4- Surface water collected from sidewalks, paved shoulders and pavements shall be
drained picked before reaching traffic lanes by constructing traps, side channels and
catch basins.

4.11.2 Underground water drainage:

During the designing and construction of roads consideration shall be given to
existing, future, permanent and temporary underground water and to provide required
devices of under drains and control water level by methods that limit its effect on the
road performance. Those devices include, but not limited to, the following:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
1- Using soil materials and asphalt mixes that are not highly affected by water.
2- Construction of free drainage granular layers.
3- Using under and edge drains, Drainage pipes or geotextiles, geocomposites and
pumps required for pumping collected water to the drainage systems or catch basins,
or other suitable solutions and arrangements.

4.11.3 Drainage requirements for trees and plants irrigation water:

When designing and constructing roads and pavements consideration shall be
given to the effect of planting irrigating and arranging trees and plants in the medians
and sides on the functional operational and structural performance of the road. To
ensure that Contractor shall:
1. Control water irrigation and prevent it from reaching road surface or leaking into its
structural layers and damaging them or changing their properties in such a way that
adversely affect the road and its various structures.
2. Do not plant thick rooted trees since their roots may extend to the road bottom, its
structures and different elements and subsequently damage them or lead to the
concentration of moisture and the occurrence of deformations.
3. Abidance with the conditions and special specifications for planting and irrigating
trees and plants.
4. Sequence of construction works so that no mixing occurs between the agricultural
soils with the pavement layers materials, and when such a case occurs all the
required arrangements shall be made to remove the agricultural soil from affected
5. Do not plant trees that grow in such way that may affects the capacity and sight

4.11.4 Sewage water drainage:

During the designing and executing of urban roads, consideration shall be given
to the effects of existing and future sewage water lines on execution operations, devices
and materials. When the construction coincides with the construction of sewage water
lines, the following shall be considered:

1. Setting out a plan for the sequence of the road construction and drainage works such
as pipe installation and manholes construction, in order to fulfillment the required
compaction degrees for all roads layers.
2. Provision of connection between pipes and manholes according to the drawings
specifications and conditions indicated in these general specifications plus the
general technical specifications for utility works and the special conditions of the
3. Execution of embankment and compaction by using methods, devices and
equipments, which do not lead to dislocation or damage of joints between pipes.
4. Fulfillment of compliance of the manhole surfaces with the road final surface slopes.
5. Not allowed to start backfilling around pipes and manholes before fixing the pipes
and hardening of their bases and joints and reaching the required strength.
6. Using the materials indicated in the special specifications and drawings for
backfilling around manholes and pipes and if no particular materials were indicated
then Contractor shall use materials of not less quality than those used and required
for the road layers. Backfilling shall be in layers with thicknesses provided required
compaction degrees.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
4.11.5 Water Draining During Construction:
When work conditions require, contractor shall provide equipments, labors and
devices required for draining and disposing drained water whatever its source, during
execution from work sites at the locations specified by the Ministry and in such a way
that does not lead to damage to the structures and properties. All environmental
conditions shall be considered and it is not permissible to dispose this water in private
or public property before obtaining the written acceptances for that. Contractor is
responsible for any damages, which may arise from this.

Contractor shall execute the required supports for excavation slopes using the
suitable methods.

Contractor shall not commence these works before he obtains the approval of
support, pumping and water disposal methods from the supervising authority.

4.12 Traffic Safety Requirements on Urban Roads:

Urban roads and city centers are characterized by the existence of conflicting
movements of pedestrian, road users and vehicle traffic movement. This conflict may
lead to traffic accidents and delay in trips and increase traffic congestion, the vehicle
traffic conflicts with pedestrian movement on both sides of roads or crosswalks and
during their movement from homes to their work, schools, entertainment and shopping
places. This requires setting out a traffic design that ensures pedestrians safety and
provides smooth, safe and comfortable traffic conditions through the suitable
organization of movement and construction of pedestrian sidewalks, footpaths, safety
barriers and side.

During execution contractor shall abide with executing all of traffic control
works and provide traffic safety conditions at work sites according to requirements
stipulated in the traffic control devices manual at work sites issued by the central
committee for projects coordination under the supervision of the Ministry of municipal
and rural affairs on1421H and all its amendments.

4.12.1 Sidewalks:
Sidewalks shall be designed so that they provide safe and comfortable
movement conditions for pedestrians. When placing some obstructions on sidewalks
this shall be done such that the remaining space is sufficient for the movement of
pedestrians. Also, consideration shall be given to the conditions and requirements
concerned with the movement of the handicapped.

Contractor shall apply the requirements and execution phases indicated in

division 15.

4.12.2 Pedestrian Crosswalks:

The following requirements shall be achieved:
1. Designating special crosswalks or pedestrian crossing at traffic signals for their
movement between the two sides of the road. Crosswalks shall be marked with
ground marks (paint) or raised marks (using special tiles) and the required traffic
signs shall be installed according to requirements indicated in division 16 from these
specifications and dimensions stipulated in the manual of traffic control device
issued by ministry of transport.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 4- Urban Roads Characteristics
2. Designating special Crosswalks for pedestrians at sites other than traffic signals and
intersections sites such as schools, mosques, entertainment areas and commercial

4.12.3 Safety Barriers:

The following requirements shall be achieved and refer to division 16 for
1. Installation of a concrete barrier at medians to prevent pedestrian crossing except in
the designated places.
2. Installation of a metallic barrier between the road edge and sidewalk to ensure
directing pedestrians to the specified crossing areas near the traffic signals or areas
designated for crossing.
3. Installation of safety barriers (metal or concrete) near schools gates to insure the
safety of students when they come out of their schools and directing them to crossing
areas designated for that purpose.

4.12.4 Informatory signboards and panels for pedestrians and cars:

The following requirements shall be achieved:
1. Traffic signboards shall be installed at the suitable places so that they provide the
drivers with the required message about pedestrian crosswalks areas and show
pedestrians the areas designated for crossing.
2. Those panels and signboards shall achieve all the requirements indicated in
division16 of these general specifications and the specifications issued from traffic
departments and authorities in the KSA.

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5.1 Scope 61
5.2 Site Preparation 61
5.2.1 Description 61
5.2.2 Inspection And Survey Works 61
5.2.3 Equipments 62
5.2.4 Environment Protection 62
5.2.5 Protection Of Utilities And Properties 62
5.2.6 Removed Materials Ownership 62
5.2.7 Removal Or Transfer Of Utilities 64
5.2.8 Removal Of Materials, Debris, Plants And Trees 65
5.2.9 Removal Of Structures And Obstructions 66
5.2.10 Disposal Of Removed Materials 68
5.2.11 Works Acceptance 68
5.2.12 Measurement 69
5.2.13 Payment 70
5.3 Excavation Works 71
5.3.1 Description 71
5.3.2 Preliminary Works 71
5.3.3 Types Of Excavation 72
5.3.4 Equipments 72
5.3.5 Excavated Materials 73
5.3.6 Execution Of Common Excavation 74
5.3.7 Rock Excavations 76 Mechanical Ripping 76 Chemical Fracturing 77 Blasting Rock Excavation 77 Preliminary Works 77 Work Plan 80 Execution 81
5.3.8 Structural Excavations 84
5.3.9 Finishing Requirements 85
5.3.10 Works Acceptance 85
5.3.11 Measurement 86
5.3.12 Payment 87
5.4 Fill Works 88
5.4.1 Description 88
5.4.2 Road Embankment 88 Surface Preparation 88 Materials 89 Borrow Pits 91 Water 91 Equipments 91 Construction 92
5.4.3 Roadbed Preparation 97
5.4.4 Structural Backfill 97 Materials 97 Construction 98
5.4.5 Compaction Experimental Sections 99
5.4.6 Maintaining Of Embankment 99
5.4.7 Finishing Requirements 99
5.4.8 Works Acceptances 100
5.4.9 Measurement 101
5.4.10 Payment 102
5.5 Subgrade 102
5.5.1 Description 102
5.5.2 Untreated Subgrade 102 Description 102 Materials 103 Equipments 104 Construction 104 Maintaining Of The Constructed Layers 105 Finishing Requirements 105 Works Acceptance 106 Measurement 106 Payment 107
5.5.3 Lime Treated Subgrade 108 Description 108 Materials 108 Equipments 109 Job Mix Design Formula 110 Experimental Section 111 Construction 112 Safety Requirements 116 Finishing Requirements 116 Works Acceptances 116 Measurement 117 Payment 117
5.5.4 Cement Treated Subgrade 119 Description 119 Materials 119 Job Mix Design Formula 120 Weather Limitations 121 Traffic Control 121 Equipments 121 Experimental Section 122 Construction 123 Finishing Requirements 127 Works Acceptances 127 Measurement 129 Payment 129
5.6 Civil Works In Utilities Projects 129
5.6.1 Description 129
5.6.2 Preliminary Works 130
5.6.3 Trench Excavation 130
5.6.4 Backfill 133
5.6.5 Pavement Re-Construction 136
5.6.6 Works Acceptance 137
5.5.7 Measurement 137
5.6.8 Payment 137
5.7 Water Drainage 139
5.7.1 Description 139
5.7.2 Surface Drainage 140 Surface Slopes 140 Surface Side Drains 140 Surface Drainage Systems 141 Materials 141 Construction 144
5.7.3 Under Drains Works 149 Materials 149 Construction 153
5.7.4 Edge Drains 154 Materials 154 Construction 156
5.7.5 Filter Layers 157 Filter Layers From Untreated Aggregate 157 Cement Treated Filter Layers 158 Asphalt Treated Filter Layers 158
5.7.6 Culverts 159 Materials 159 Construction 162
5.7.7 Works Acceptance 166
5.7.8 Measurement 166
5.7.9 Payment 168
5.8 Slope Rip Rap And Protection 169
5.8.1 Description 169
5.8.2 General Requirements 169
5.8.3 Stone Rip Rap 169 Description 169 Materials 169 Execution 171
5.8.4 Concrete Rip Rap 172 Materials 172 Cast Insitu Concrete Rip Rap 173 Premix Concrete Rip Rap 173 Rip Rap With Concrete In Bags 173
5.8.5 Culvert Inlet And Outlet Lining 174
5.8.6 Works Acceptance 174
5.8.7 Measurement 175
5.8.8 Payment 175
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works


5.1 Scope:
This Division consists of site preparation, earth works and water drainage works,
and includes the following sections:
- Site preparation
- Excavation
- Embankment
- Subgrade
- Civil works for utilities
- Water drainage works
- Slope rip rap and protection

5.2 Site Preparation:

5.2.1 Description:
This section consists of site preparation and includes inspection and survey
works, protection, transfer or removal of utilities, removal of materials, debris, plants,
trees, structures and obstructions from the right of way.

Site preparation shall be carried out according to special specification, this

general specifications and specifications for utilities issued by the client. Contractor
shall undertake the works inconformity with the conditions and instructions issued by
the authorities concerned the environment preservation like the noise levels, air
pollution, vibration and dust. Contractor shall protect water resources from pollution,
and take all actions which provide safety for employees, neighborhood and highway
users and to complete temporary structures which permit the movement of vehicle and
pedestrian traffic throughout the construction period.

5.2.2 Inspection and survey works:

Immediately after contract assignment, Contractor shall inspect the site to
explore the general conditions and to set out the suitable plan for performing the works,
and carry out the necessary survey for fixing the road centerline and the related
structures, determining levels and dimensions, and link the neighboring buildings and
structures with the road alignment, and he shall determine the plans, longitudinal and
lateral cross sections and identify the project boundaries.

Contractor, in coordination with the Ministry and the client’s representatives,

shall specify all utility lines existing within the boundaries of the project according to
the types and depths. Contractor shall hold a Coordination meetings with the authorities
related to these utilities to obtain the required release regarding transfer/removal of the
existing utilities and services, or to preserve and protect them according to
specifications approved by those authorities.

Contractor shall identify and estimate the quantity of waste and plants to be
cleared from the site and identify the number of trees to be removed and replanted in

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
other places, or to keep them in the same location and he shall mark all trees and other
structures assigned to be kept in their places.

Contractor in coordination with the Engineer shall specify sites for storing the
removed elements and preserving them for use in the same project or other projects,
new sites for planting the removed trees and site for dumping removed materials. These
sites shall be specified in the contract documents or approved by the Ministry.
Contractor shall obtain a written agreement from the site's owners for the locations used
for the disposal of debris and wastes when these locations have not been identified

The removal of waste materials and structures include hazardous materials shall
be made using proper methods. These materials shall be identified in coordination with
the Ministry and with the health and environment preservation authorities.

After completion of his investigation and survey works, Contractor shall prepare
a complete report which shall include the following:
1. Survey results and drawings including plans, longitudinal profile and cross-
sections and identify the relative distances to the near by buildings, various
utilities elements, structures, trees with a distinction between those which shall
be removed and those which shall be preserved or transferred.
2. List of structures and obstructions existing within work zones which should be
removed or preserved.
3. List for all lines and elements of various public utilities to be removed or
4. List for materials and elements to be removed or dismantled and preserved and
delivered to the Ministry or to relevant authorities.
5. Approved minutes of coordination meetings with authorities related to structures
and public utilities. The requested approvals for the transfer or removal methods
and copies of the conditions and specifications approved by those authorities
shall be included.
6. A list for sites, material quantities and structures which may be classified as
hazardous to public health or environment and which should be removed or
disposed and related approved specifications.
7. A list of sites in which the cleaned and removed materials shall be dumped and a
copies of the written agreement from the owners of those sites.
8. Contractor’s detailed plan and time schedule for clearing, removal, transfer or
preserving works of utilities and structures.

Contractor is not allowed to start cleaning and removal works before receiving the
Engineer’s approval about the report, work plan, and time schedule. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the results of any damages arising from his failure in executing
the preliminary works or construction activities and he shall pay the cost of carrying out
all repair works.

5.2.3 Equipments:
Contractor shall, on the basis of exploration, survey works and the work plan
approved by the Engineer, provide all equipments and materials capable of carrying out
removal works of debris, materials, plants and trees, removal or transfer or preservation
of utilities and removal of structures and obstructions. These equipments, and tools

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
required for the work shall be in a good technical condition and it shall include milling
scraping, loading, transporting and unloading equipments, and equipment required for
the cutting, removal and cleaning trees, roots plants and grass, equipments required for
removal of buildings, and all other equipments required for the construction.

5.2.4 Environment Protection:

Removal works shall be carried out according to the conditions and instructions
issued by authorities concerned with environment preservation as to noise level, air
pollution, vibration, dust and water sources protection from contamination. In addition
Contractor shall take all the measures, construct the temporary structures and detours
which insure vehicular traffic and pedestrian flows.

5.2.5 Protection of utilities and properties:

Contractor shall take all the required arrangements and carry out all the
necessary works to protect utilities such as of electrical lines, communication lines,
water and sewer lines which lie within the right of way and the public utilities which lie
near work's zone which may be affected by construction activities using suitable
methods including manual methods. And he shall carry out the temporary or permanent
transfer works for these utilities according to a plan set out by him and approved by
concerned authority.

Contractor shall be responsible for any damages, resulting from construction

activities, affect the utilities indicated on the drawings or indicated in the coordination
meeting minutes with relevant authorities and he shall carry out all repair works on his
own account without having the right to claim any additional compensation for this
item. Contractor shall, halt construction activities in utility area when any damage was
occurred for utilities or when finding un-identified utilities, and inform the Engineer
who informs relevant authorities, and he has no right to recommence the work before
receiving the required instructions in this regard.

The contractor shall protect all the existing neighboring structures from any
damages which may results due to construction activities throughout the project period
and he shall install the temporary fences which separate work zone from neighboring
property when indicated in the special specifications, and preserve all the existing walls
and gates and not to remove or replace them with other temporary ones before
agreement of the owners or before the ends of the notification period which shall not be
less than 30 days.

Contractor shall be responsibility for any damage occurred due to construction

activities on the neighboring buildings and structures or to those which were required to
be preserved within work limits and he shall carry out repair works and pay necessary
costs for this and he has no right to claim any additional costs for this.

5.2.6 Removed materials ownership:

The inspection and survey report shall include a list of all materials and elements
which shall be dismantled, maintained, and delivered to the client.

The ownership of all removed elements or materials shall be to the Ministry

unless otherwise clearly stated in the special specifications or minutes of coordination.

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Contractor shall take all required precautions and arrangements for dismantling,
cleaning and storing the materials and elements using suitable methods which do not
expose them to any damage or rendering their using.

The special specifications and contract documents shall identify the method and
amount of compensation to be incurred by the Contractor for the materials and elements
required to be dismantled or to be delivered or reinstalled, which have been damaged as
a result of the construction activities.

Contractor shall pay the required compensation for the materials or elements
which have been damaged and the ministry or the concerned authority may approve that
contractor can replace the damaged materials with other suitable materials similar or
better in quality.

5.2.7 Removal or transfer of utilities:

Contractor- in coordination with the Ministry and in attendance of the relevant
authority, shall inspect site and identify all utilities structures, elements and lines such
as telephone, electricity, water, sewage and fire hydrants and he shall use all related
information and drawings available with the relevant agencies concerned with the
public utilities at site and he shall indicate these lines on the drawings according to their
classification, materials, diameters, levels and depths as specified in the drawings and
investigation reports which shall be approved by the Contractor, Engineer and owners
of the utilities.

Also he shall identify the utilities and their elements reports approve these from
all concerned authorities. In addition Contractor shall obtain the specifications and
special conditions for utilities from the concerned authorities and prepare a work plan
that includes method, equipments, machines and materials which he shall use to carry
out the removal or transfer works and the procedures which he shall follow to protect
those utility lines which shall be preserved.

Except otherwise the special specifications indicate, relevant utilities

specifications or written instructions of the client, all utilities lying within the project
works zone, at a less than sixty (60) centimeter depth of the base layer levels shall be
removed or transferred or protected.

Removal, transferring, protection or preservation works of utility lines and their

structures shall be carried out according to the work plan prepared by the Contractor
and accepted by the authority and the Engineer. These works shall be executed under
the supervision of the authority's representative, and any fill works shall not commence
around and over the utility lines which were transferred and protected, before being
handed over to the authority's representative and verified according to the technical
specifications for such works and completion of all required tests. Fill works around
pipes and manholes shall be done according to technical specifications for installing
public utilities and specifications approved by the concerned authorities or section (5.6)
of this division.

In case special specifications or minutes of coordination meeting with the

authority, indicate dismantling of pipes, culverts, gutters, manhole covers and pumps
store them, completion of this work shall be done by using the proper means and

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
equipments which do not inflict damage to these elements. These elements shall be
cleaned, transported, and stored at locations approved by the authority client or special
specifications. Delivery of these elements shall be handed to their owners according to
handing over minutes signed by the concerned parties.
Existing electricity towers and posts, telephones, transfer chambers and stations
and all ancillary structures and elements shall be removed according to the
specifications, methods and through using the equipments and machines approved by
the concerned authorities and under the supervision of representatives from these
authorities. These works shall be completed by qualified technicians. Contractor shall
take all necessary measures and precautions for the safety of employees, neighborhood
and pedestrians.

The removal, protection or transfer of existing utilities shall be carried out

according to a time schedule and method approved by the concerned authorities and
these shall insure continuity or minimum interruption of their services. Users of this
service shall be informed by dates and periods of stopping service through the
information media approved by the concerned authorities, all on the Contractor’s own
account. In addition Contractor shall pay the responsibility for any damages which may
results from his works or his failing to fulfill the sufficient coordination.

Any structures used by pedestrians or vehicles shall not be removed before

taking the necessary arrangements to insure the continuity for traffic.

In case Contractor finds any public utilities lines or elements which have not
previously been located during the inspection or survey or coordination with the client,
he shall immediately report these to the Engineer and the concerned authority and stop
work at that area till he receives the approved decision in this regard and he shall report
any damage or fault that may occur to the existing services elements or structures
during execution of the works and carry out the required procedures, arrangements, and
repair works according to the Engineer’s and the concerned authority instructions.

Contractor alone incurs costs for repair or replacement of utilities, structures,

and elements, specified in the minutes and drawings, which are damaged as a result of
his works. However, those facilities which were not specified shall be repaired by him
according to the specifications and instructions of the concerned authority and he shall
be paid for this according to the agreed prices with these authorities.

Contractor shall fill all the trenches and pits resulting from removal works,
wells, absorption pits, catch basins, and building basements which lie within work
boundaries or conflict with these, by using fill materials, methods and specifications
stipulated in the special specifications or in the general specifications for layers of
similar depths from the finished highway surface.

5.2.8 Removal of materials, debris, plants and trees:

These works include removal of all debris, plants and grass; trees cutting or
preserving or replanting in other locations.

Before starting work, Contractor shall take all the necessary arrangements to
protect neighboring structures and buildings from any damage results from the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
construction activities and he shall protect trees and other elements to be preserved from
any damage throughout the project period.

Contractor shall clear the highway right of way and its various structures from
any ingredients, debris of building materials, or products of any works which may be
existed within right of way and obstruct completion of work. These materials shall be
collected, loaded, transported and disposed at the approved sites.

In case any materials that may be hazardous to the health of the employees or
pedestrians are encountered, contractor shall take the necessary protection arrangements
for the employees and pedestrians and to carry out collection, loading and transporting
and disposal of hazardous materials according to the health and environmental approved
standards and at the approved sites.

Contractor shall commence removal of trees specified to be removed or grubbed

in contract documents or the instructions of the Engineer and planting in specified areas
within or outside the project. These trees shall be protected from any damage during
extraction, transportation, storage or planting and this shall be done by trained personnel
and by using equipments approved for such work. Contractor shall remove the
remaining roots of removed or extracted trees to a depth no less than one (1) meter from
the lowest level of the Subgrade layer.

Pits resulting from trees removal shall be filled with suitable material which
complies with the next layer materials at fill areas and these materials shall be
compacted to the next layer’s compaction degree.

Contractor shall dispose all removed and undesired materials from the
boundaries of the highway works immediately and transport these to the approved sites.
It is not permissible to collect these for long periods within urban areas.

Contractor-during all work stages-shall take the required procedure to protect

neighborhood and pedestrians and to carry out works which reduce dust by spraying
water or any other method approved by the Engineer.

Contractor shall separate and store materials indicated by contract documents in

certain areas and with a method specified in the special specifications or according to
the Engineer’s recommendations. Except otherwise contract documents stipulate,
Contractor has the right to act as to getting use of the cleaning and removal products
such as wood and trees.

5.2.9 Removal of structures and obstructions:

These works shall include removal of all obstructions, buildings and structures
within or conflict with the project’s works or its utilization. All these works shall be
carried out according to the requirements of special specifications and these general
specifications, of these structures and obstructions.

Contract documents and inspection/survey reports will include a complete

inventory for the obstructions and structures which should be removed or dismantled
and stored, the structure and elements to be removed and copies of the minutes of

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
coordination meeting with the authorities and their acceptance for the works to be
executed and specification condition related to the work.

Contractor, before starting removal works, shall submit a detailed work plan
which describes the execution method, equipments, and machines list, methods and
sites for transporting debris and waste materials, sites for transporting and storing the
materials and elements to be preserved, protection arrangements for elements and
structures which shall be preserved, public safety, environment protection procedures,
plan, and methods for the disposal of hazardous materials. The plan shall not contradict
with laws, regulations and instructions being implemented. It is not permissible to
commence removal works before obtaining all the written approvals from authorities
related to the structures and obstructions and submission of these to the Engineer and
receiving his written acceptance for the work plan.

Contractor shall remove all structures, obstructions from the areas shown on the
drawings to a depth no less than sixty (60) centimeter below natural ground at fill
sections or below the excavation level except otherwise the special specifications

Contractor shall submit a technical study from an approved authorized agency

which includes methods for removing buildings, bridges, and other similar structures,
the special specifications, required protection and support arrangements for buildings
which shall be preserved or those which might be affected by the works. Contractor is
not allowed to commence these works before receiving the written acceptance of the
Engineer and he bares full responsibility for any damage which might occur to
employees or structures and buildings as a result of his work.

Buildings, bridges, structures and fences within the project’s boundaries or

ancillary works shall be removed according to the approved technical study using the
methods and equipments which do not lead to damage to neighboring buildings and
structures. Public and private agencies which own the buildings and structures shall be
notified, before a period not less than thirty (30) days from commencement of the
removal works, with the necessity to evacuate these buildings and structures, dismantle
systems and equipments and transfer existing property and objects. Contractor has no
right to commence the works before verifying the completion of this requirement.

Breaking of concrete elements of buildings and structures shall be done by using

hydraulic and air compressors or any other method accepted by the Engineer to the
required pieces with dimensions and weights which allow their transportation and
disposal to the specified locations. Metal structures shall be dismantled and their
components marked with numbers and codes in such way that it could be reused.

When removing, pavements, curbs, and middle islands, works shall be carried
out according to contract documents and approved work plan using the methods and
equipments suitable for these works.

It is preferable to remove asphalt concrete layers using milling and grinding

machines which enable fragmentation, transportation and storage of materials at the
Ministry’s approved sites for reuse.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
It is not permissible to use removed materials in the works except after verifying
their compliance with the requirements related to materials of these works.

The disassembling of all traffic safety and control elements which lie within
work boundaries, or which conflict the works shall be carried out by the methods and
equipments which don’t result in deformation or not prevent their reusing in the future.
This includes dismantling of panels, posts, metal/concrete protective barriers, light
signals, direction/warning signals and any other element which the special
specifications specify for disassembling and removing for the purpose reusing.

Removed materials which might be useful shall be loaded, transported, and

stored in the locations shown on the drawings or areas specified by the Ministry in
compliance with the instructions and regulations implemented by the Ministry and
instructions concerned with environment protection.

Contractor shall pay full responsibility for any damage which may occur to the
public and neighboring buildings and structures as a result of removal works.

5.2.10 Disposal of removed materials:

Contractor shall dispose all removed materials and transport them immediately
to the disposal approved locations and it is not permissible to store these materials
within the project boundaries or within the boundaries of the city, municipality or
public/private properties.

When burning of removed wastes and materials is required it shall be done in

sites specified and approved by the Engineer, according to an approved plan which
fulfills safety requirements and environmental preservation conditions. It is not
permissible to burn materials within project works boundaries or within the boundaries
of the city, municipality or near buildings and structures. Contractor shall be held fully
responsible for any damages which arise from this. The burning waste shall be disposed
according to the standard requirements in the approved sites.

Contractor must separate the materials which have special conditions to be

dispose according to environmental requirements and burying, dispose it according to
related specifications, conditions and instructions.

5.2.11 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall apply quality control for site preparation work through carrying
out all the required procedures to insure that used materials, completion methods and
completed works fulfill quality requirements stipulated in the special specifications and
client’s specifications or general specifications and other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply quality assurance and verify the Contractor quality
control procedures either through direct supervision or by carrying out neutrally quality
assurance procedures using test on representative samples and in adequate numbers to
judge about the quality level and accept or reject the executed works according to the
principles detailed in Division (17) of these general specifications except otherwise
specified in the special specifications and other contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
1. Quality Control:
Contractor shall apply quality control on the constructed works and he shall
monitor, record, and analyze results and draw quality charts for critical properties and
he shall carry out all the tests and measurements for measurable and testable works and
investigate immeasurable and un-testable works.

Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies for all the measurements and tests
promptly and he shall apply all the items indicated in subsection (17.1.1) of these
general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
Ministry, at any time, has the right to assure the quality of materials and
constructed works through carrying out or ordering others to carry out under its
supervision the tests and measurements for constructed works. The Ministry has the
right to review Contractor’s quality control records and compare these records with
quality assurance data to assure quality according to what is specified in Division (17)
of these general specifications. The ministry has the right to inspect Contractor’s
laboratory equipments, technical staff, and methods of investigations, testing to insure
the efficiency of Contractor’s staff, equipments and degree of conformity of
investigation, testing and construction methods with approved methods.

5.2.12 Measurement:
Measurement shall be carried out for site preparation works for actual work
specified in the special specifications and the investigation and survey report approved
by the Engineer. It is not allowed to make any measurements for the purpose of
payment for quantities and constructed works outside the specified locations in the
contract documents or those which are not approved in the investigation /survey report
approved by the Engineer except when the Contractor has been assigned in writing.

The special specifications and other contract documents shall include a table for
work items and measuring units. Except when the special specifications otherwise
indicate, measurement shall be carried out for the actually executed and technically
accepted works according to the following:

1- Removal works for existing buildings, structures, pavements and

clearance works, removal of debris, and grass, are measured in square
meters. Area of multi-story buildings is calculated by multiplying the
area of one story by the number of the floors.
2- Works of removal or transfer for utilities lines, removal of fences and
gates or removal, dismantling, cleaning, storing and preservation of
various safety barriers and protective barriers are measured in linear
meters and this includes all the elements, materials and ancillary
structures except when contract document indicate otherwise.
3- Works for removing, dismantling, cleaning and storing elements which
are required to be dismantled, stored and preserved or delivered to the
concerned authorities or the Ministry are measured by numbers.
4- Works of trimming trees or extracting and replanting them in other
locations or preserve them are measured by number and trees are
considered to be all the trees with an average diameter of more than

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
15cm. Below this diameter trees are considered plants even if these were
required to be extracted and replanted or preserved.
5- Works for dismantling, cleaning or removal of electricity posts and
towers, telephones and light signals are measured by number for actually
executed works. This includes dismantling or removal, cleaning,
transportation, storage works and coordination works with the concerned
authorities to insure the continuity of service.
6- Dismantling or removal of transformer stations, power stations, panels
and reinstallation works when the special specifications stipulate for this
are measured by number if possible according to power.

5.2.13 Payment:
Payment shall be done for site preparation works according to actually
constructed works which are included in the special specifications and in the approved
investigation and survey report minutes of meeting and in accordance with contract
prices. These prices shall be considered as complete compensation for the completion of
all the works according to the special specifications or these general specifications or
the special specifications of the owners of utilities, structures and lines including
preparation of required reports and studies, provision of machines, equipments and
labor , completion of all the temporary detours and paths, safety arrangements, support
works and all other requirements for the completion of the works plus transportation
and disposal of produce or storage and/or reassembling of the elements in addition to all
revenues, fees and payments to third parties.

The following work items table shall be considered only as an example, and the
special specifications and contract documents shall include a table for work items to be
measured and paid. Payment shall be according to one or more of the f items indicated
in Table (5.2.1).

Table (5.2.1): Items for site preparation works

Work item Measuring Unit
Item No.
5.2.1 Public utilities and lines removal Linear Meter
Transfer of utilities lines (shall be classified
5.2.2 Linear Meter
according to types)
5.2.3 Preservation for public utilities lines Linear Meter
Dismantling of electricity or telephone posts and
5.2.4 Number
Dismantling of traffic signals plus different
5.2.5 Number
5.2.6 Removal of signals and traffic control elements Number
5.2.7 Removal of safety barriers Linear Meter
5.2.8 Removal pavements layers, foot path,… etc Square meters
5.2.9 Removal of fences & gates Linear Meter
Cleaning of debris, materials, plants & grass
5.2.10 Square Meters
5.2.11 Removal and replanting of trees Number
5.2.12 Removal of buildings & structures Square Meters

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.3 Excavation Works:

5.3.1 Description:
This section includes removal for materials within work boundaries according to
the dimensions, levels and lateral cross sections indicated in the drawings and other
contract documents or specified by the engineer. These works include excavation works
required for the completion of the highway and all its elements, structures and water
drainage structures whatever materials and soils to be excavated. Including loading and
transporting of excavated materials to locations of their use or storage or disposal at the
approved sites.

Any information about surface or subsurface soil shown on drawings or in the

project’s special specifications or the technical reports submitted during discussions
with the engineer are considered as primary information and shall not be taken as a
basis for the estimation of prices. Work plan preparation and the time schedule.
Contractor shall prepare his prices, choose equipments and execution methods and
prepare his work plan and time schedule on the basis of the information which he
obtains from his own studies.

5.3.2 Preliminary works:

Contractor, starting of excavation works, shall complete site preparation works
indicated in section (5.2) of this division or according to the special specifications.

Contractor shall link excavation work boundaries with neighboring structures

and building, inspect types of soil to be excavated and submit a full report on
investigation/survey works together with drawings, cross sections, levels, boundaries
for excavation slopes.

Contractor shall, on the basis of types of soil to be excavated, excavation depths,

external limits of the final excavation slopes, topography, distance between buildings or
fences or neighboring property boundaries and excavation, choose excavation method
that do not cause any damages to existing buildings and structures or affect neighboring
property. And submit the required support studies for the protection of buildings,
structures and utilities which might be damaged as a result of executed works and the
studies/solutions required for supporting excavation sides during construction together
with all details and particular specifications for these works. It shall include methods
and equipments for the disposal of waters during excavation, methods for protection and
transferring utility and uncompleted utilities lines during the site preparation phase. No
additional payment shall be made to the Contractor for this studies except otherwise
indicated in the special specifications.

Contractor shall submit, on the basis of inspection, survey and study, the
detailed work plan, the list for the equipments and machines, traffic control plan, sites
and details of pedestrian sidewalk, barriers around excavation areas and type of warning
lighting for work areas, within a period not less than 30 days from commencement of
protection and supporting works.

It is not permissible for the contractor to commence excavation works before the
approval of the work plan by the engineer, time schedule and finishing of enforcement,

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protection, detours, and traffic control works, and before obtaining the excavation
permission from the concerned authorities.
Contractor alone indorse full responsibility for any person injury or damages,
caused by executed works, on structures, public utilities, and public/private property
which lie within or near the project’s work boundaries and which are required to be

5.3.3 Types of Excavation:

Excavations shall be divided into the following types according to excavation
methods, type of excavated soil or nature of the structure except otherwise is indicated
in the special specifications.

1. Common excavations:
Excavations are considered as common when carried out in all non-rocky soils
such as clay, silt, sand and aggregate materials or loose and soft rocks by using common
excavation methods and equipments such as bulldozers and similar excavation
equipments without the need for ripping or blasting.

2. Rock excavation:
This shall include excavation in hard and solid rocks such as hard lime or shale
or basalt rocks which can not be excavated through using heavy and technically
efficient excavation equipment not more than 5 years old with a horse power of 350 for
open excavations or a drilling machine of 250 HP for trench excavations or confined
pits or when the rate of distribution of seismic waves velocity in the material to be
excavated exceeds 2000 m/sec, excavation in this case, shall be done by using ripping
machines and/or blasting.

3. Structural Excavation:
These include excavation works required for completing various structures such
as bridge foundations, retaining walls and culverts if separate pay item is included in
special specifications or project quantities and can be classified in to common or rock

5.3.4 Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all equipments and machines required for the
completion of different excavation works, in enough numbers and types capable for
carrying out the works according to the work plan and time schedule approved by
Engineer. These equipments shall be capable of working in on site and suitable for soil
types in excavation site and available space areas for execution. And it shall not
adversely affect neighboring buildings and properties and the Contractor shall be
responsible for any damages which may caused as a result of used method of

The Contractor equipment shall not lead to extra noise, air pollution or vibration
levels higher than the tolerance limits specified in the approved manuals, specifications
and environmental instructions. The Contractor equipment shall includes drilling
machines, bulldozers and/or grinding equipments, loaders, dumping trucks, water
pumps, pipes and tankers as required for work constructions according to the approved

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5.3.5 Excavated materials:
Contractor shall be responsible to mention in the plan of works his proposal for
using excavated materials elsewhere in the project, where surplus and unsuitable
excavated materials shall be disposed on definite sites after a written agreement is
obtained from property owner.

Excavated materials suggested to be used shall comply with materials

requirements, liquid limit, plasticity index, California bearing ratio, salt content,
swelling and grain size graduation and it is not permissible to use excavated materials
before carrying out all the necessary tests on representative samples to verify their
compliance with the specifications required for the work in which proposed to be used
or according to various sections of this general specifications or special specifications or
as directed by the Engineer.

When using excavated materials it should be directly transported from

excavation site to the site of work or stored at specified sites approved by the engineer
and the Contractor shall take all the required precautions to prevent mixing of these
materials with unsuitable ones during excavation or transportation or storage.

The Engineer’s acceptance for using any excavation materials is considered as a

preliminary and it should be finally approved on the basis of tests carried out on
samples from the actually hauled materials to the work site. Contractor shall remove
any materials which are not in compliance with work specifications, remove any
executed works in which these materials were used and replace them with suitable
materials conform to the specifications and reconstruct the removed parts with
technically acceptable materials according to the specifications for those works without
having the right to claim any additional cost.

Contractor shall transport all unsuitable and surplus materials immediately at the
approved locations; the dispose materials shall be graded and compacted in such a way
that it becomes uniform with surrounding terrains. The hauling operation shall be done
through specified routes using covered dumping trucks. It is not allowed to dispose
excavation materials or stockpile them within urban areas boundaries or in valley. The
disposal of these materials should not lead to any damage to public or private property.

When some industrial wastes or similar materials encountered in the project it

shall be disposed according to the instructions and requirements followed by
health/environmental authorities requirements.

No additional amounts shall be paid for disposal of surplus or unsuitable

materials and their costs shall be included in excavation prices except otherwise
indicated in the special specifications.

When the special specifications or other contract documents indicate that the
disposal of unsuitable or surplus materials shall be disposed in certain sites lie within
certain distance, while during the work execution it was found that these locations are
not allowed for use, then the price amendments should be made according to the ratio
and proportion of the of hauling distances.

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5.3.6 Execution of common excavation:
Contractor shall carry out common excavation works by using suitable
equipments and machines and approved work plan according to dimensions, levels and
slopes indicated in drawings and other contract documents and he shall prepare
excavation bottom and finishing their side slopes according to the dimensions and levels
as indicated on the drawings, in the contract documents and general specifications.

Before commencement of excavation works, contractor shall obtain excavation

permission and complete all the preliminary works indicated in item (5.3.2) of this

When special specifications or the Engineer require contractor shall commence

removal of vegetation top soil suitable for planting to a depth not less than fifteen (15)
centimeter, hauling and storing it in approved locations as directed by the engineer. No
additional payment shall be paid for the Contractor corresponding these items except
otherwise indicated by the special specifications.

Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions and arrangements to prevent
failure of excavation slopes and furnish suitable enforcement according to soil type,
depth and slope of excavation.

Contractor shall carry on his expense if not otherwise specified in the special
specifications and submit a study on slopes stability prepared by an approved
specialized agency when the depth of excavation exceeds three (3) meter or when the
excavation edge is near to buildings or structures which may be affected, except
otherwise this study was included in contract documents. This study is considered to be
charged on excavation work items, except otherwise indicate special specifications.

Loose aggregate, clay and silty soils are considered as susceptible to failure, so
when back slope of the excavation exceeds 1 vertical to 2 horizontal (1:2) the side
slopes should be supported in these soils.

Contractor shall prevent movement and stopping of equipments and traffic near
excavation edge and separate it with suitable barriers, with the minimum save distance
between the excavation edge and the nearest parts of chains or wheel which does not
leads to damages in excavation edges , this distance in no case should not be less than
one and half (1.5) meter.

Contractor shall not use any vibratory machines near excavation areas consist of
sand or loose gravelly-soil to prevent failure or loosening of slopes of the excavation.

Contractor shall take all the required precautionary arrangements to prevent

water, whatever its source; from reaching excavation sides or bottom and he shall
dewater the excavation bottom by pumping, or drains or any other effective method
approved by Engineer. Special precautions shall be taken for the excavation in high
water level areas to prevent water from reaching the excavation area and more
consideration should be give to the extra pressure arising from water in the design of
side slopes and side supports.

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In case the Engineer or Contractor notice that the excavation side is subjected to
slide or failure, contractor shall evacuate all employees and equipments and halt the
work, until on his expense submits a suitable solution for the problem, and he shall be
responsible for any damages which might arise due to his failure in providing a suitable
protection arrangements for employees and structures.

When contractor encounters any underground previously unknown structures or

utility he shall halt the work at that area and inform the Engineer who shall inform the
concerned authorities and approve the suitable solution in coordination with those
authorities and contractor shall complete all the required works to remove or transfer or
preserve the structure or public utility according to the approved solution agreed upon,
except otherwise indicated in the contract documents.

Whenever carrying excavation works near utilities, structures or lines contractor

shall take all required arrangements and suitable excavation method such as using of
light equipments or manual excavation to avoid any damage which may occur to the
structure or public utilities. It is absolutely prohibited to excavate near foundations of
buildings, structures and public utilities and expose their foundations before completing
the necessary supporting works according to the technical study prepared by a
specialized agency and approved by the Engineer.

Contractor shall finish excavation according to the levels, depths, dimensions

and slopes indicated in the drawings and other contract documents. Excavation sides
and bottom should be leveled and cleaned from loose and susceptible sliding materials
as specified in the specification, and he shall inspect and test the bottom of the
excavation and maintain it in clean and dry situation until construction of the
subsequent layers.

Contractor test the material below bottom of the excavation to ensure its
conformity with the requirements of the following layer to be constructed, and when it
is technically accepted the contractor shall pulverize the bottom of the excavation to a
depth not less than 20 cm, wetting up to optimum moisture content and compacting it to
a degree not less than 95 % of the maximum dry density according to modified proctor

When materials beneath the bottom level of excavation are not suitable as a
roadbed according to item 5.4.3 requirements "road bed preparation" of this division
contractor shall excavate these materials to the lines, levels and depths instructed by the
Engineer providing that the depth of the excavation should not be less than sixty (60)
centimeter for collector, arterial and main roads, and not less than thirty (30) centimeter
for local roads below the bottom level of subgrade surface. The excavated materials
shall be removed and disposed according to Disposal of surplus and unsuitable
materials item in the general specifications, and substituted by suitable processed,
compacted roadbed or Subgrade material as required in section 5.4 "embankment" from
these specifications.

However, when excavation depth exceeds the specified depth below subgrade
layer the contractor shall level the bottom of the excavation and backfill the extra
excavation in layers having thickness not more than 15 cm using material comply with
roadbed or subgrade material requirements according to layer depth, then contractor

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shall level, wet and compact the to a full depth of the layer to not less than 95% of the
maximum dry density according to modified Proctor’s test for the used material , and it
is not allowed using of sandy soil for backfilling the extra excavation.

When excavation is done in loose sandy soil contractor shall carry out
excavation in such a way that its side slope shall not exceed 1 vertical to 6 horizontal.
Sides and bottom of excavation shall be protected and confined by using materials
indicated on the drawings and special specifications providing that their classification is
no less than A-1-a, or A-1-b, or A-2-4, with plasticity index not exceeding 10%
according to dimensions and thickness indicated on the drawings or as instructed by the
Engineer providing that thickness should not be less than twenty (20) centimeter. No
additional payment shall be paid for these works and their prices should be included in
the excavation price.

5.3.7 Rock excavations

This work consists of excavation works for materials classified as rocky,
including preparation of all technical studies, reports, formation of side slopes, removal
of materials susceptible to failure, traffic protection and control devices, supporting and
finishing these works according to the dimensions, levels and slopes indicated in the
drawings and other contract documents, using grinding and/or blasting, methods.

Rock excavation may be performed by one of the following methods:

ƒ Mechanical ripping
ƒ Chemical fracturing
ƒ Blasting

Contractor shall, before commencement of the rock excavation works by a

period not less than thirty (30) days, submit to Engineer his work plan, time schedule,
equipment and devices list, protection plan and arrangements proposed to be used
together with a study prepared by a specialized agency approved by the Ministry about
rock layers, proposed methods of excavation and method of protection of buildings,
structures and public utility lines (which might be affected by excavation works) and
supporting procedures. Contractor is not allowed to commence the works before the
approval of the work plan by the engineer and the concerned authorities of public
utilities and structures. Mechanical ripping:

Contractor shall perform rock excavation by ripping when the project period and
rock types allow the use of this method. Rocks are considered as susceptible to ripping
excavation if velocity of the seismic wave in the excavated rocks varies between 2000
to 3000 m/sec.

Contractor shall provide an adequate numbers of suitable rippers for the rocks
nature and with an adequate number to perform excavation works according to the
approved time schedule and within the boundaries, dimensions and levels indicated on
the drawings. The vibrations caused by ripping work shall not result in any damage to
the structures, buildings and utility, and the Contractor shall perform all the necessary
protection and supporting works on his own account and he alone incurs any damages
that might arise from his work.

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Excavation works shall be from up to downward throughout excavation limits
and the excavation machines and stages of the work should be distributed in such a way
that prevents a failure of the rock layers. Contractor shall furnish trained labor to
perform the work, and shall provide all safety and protection requirements to instruct all
employees within the work zone.

Rock boulders shall be removed and loaded after ripping and transported by
trucks to the approved sites using suitable machines, it is not permissible to stockpile
excavated material within the project’s areas or urban areas. Chemical fracturing:

The fracturing excavation may be used when it is stated in the special
specifications or if it is proposed by the contractor in technical study shows the reason,
advantages, specifications, method of construction and the general requirements, with
dates and results of previous construction in similar sites and including the
environmental measurements such as, vibrations, gasses and their effect on the health.

The materials proposed to use should be from the type that approved in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and country of production for such works.

Such works will be performed by qualified contractors who have previous

experience under the supervision of an approved technical authority. Blasting rock excavation:

This work consists of breaking rock boulders to construct fixed and stable
excavation sides using controlled blasting to form back slopes for excavation sides
through executing cutting surfaces that match the approved slopes in the excavated rock

It is permissible to perform rock excavation using blasting in urban areas only if

necessary and in rocks which can not be excavated with any other method.

Rock excavation works shall be performed according to the vital regulations and
laws in the kingdom and should be carried out by specialized, qualified and approved
firms and on the basis of a technical study prepared by a qualified specialized agency. Preliminary works:

Before commencement of blasting works, contractor shall complete the
following preliminary works:

1. Blasting consultant:
Contractor shall seek for a consultant specialized in rock blasting or an approved
qualified technical agency to monitor records and analyze reports of seismographic
vibrations caused by the blasting works and submit his/its name and qualifications to the
Engineer for approval before commencement of work. The proposed consultant shall
have the adequate experience in blasting activities and the ability to analyze vibration
records, ground motion and energy transmission path emanating from blasting
activities. The minimum qualifying requirements for consultant shall be Bachelor of
Science Degree (BSC), with accredited courses in at least three of the following
disciplines: Seismology, Geophysics, Geophysical Eng., Vibration Eng., Soil or/and

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Rock Mechanics, Foundations and/or Explosives Engineer. He shall perform the
required certificates to prove his previous experience in blasting works.
Consultant shall direct and instruct the contractor in its operations to control
vibrations within the approved limits and he is in charge of making the preliminary blast
survey, monitoring and recording vibrations, preparation of reports and submitting
recommendations to the contractor on daily basis, describing level of observed
vibrations attributed to project blasting activities and their subsequent effects on
surrounding structures.

2. Survey works:
The blasting consultant shall conduct full survey for all buildings, structures,
utilities and water tanks in the area adjacent to the site within the one hundred fifty
(150) meter distance, to describe its existing condition before blasting and to record and
evaluate all cracks and other defects according to the approved method preparing a
technical condition survey report signed by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer
for review and approval.

Contractor shall issue an advertisement about the blasting in the mass media and
submits a notice to adjacent properties owners or tenants, the concerned authorities and
the engineer, identifying the project, date and time of the blasting, site location and the
blasting contractor. The announcement will be displayed in exposed areas near the site
before a period no less than7 days from the blasting date.

Contractor, after completion of rock excavation works, shall carry out post-blast
survey for the site and neighboring structures to determine their condition after blasting
to identify any damages that may occur due to blasting operation. Notice shall be given
to the concerned authorities, the Engineer and owners/tenants of the properties and
buildings near by, specifying the date for the final survey after blasting.

3. Control and monitoring of vibrations:

Contractor undertakes to abide with the vibration limits approved in these
general specifications and the special specifications. The Contractor shall incorporate
the vibration limits and the velocity of particles in the blasting plan, and adjust the
blasting plan whenever the vibration values not comply with the approved limits. The
following items shall be considered:

a) The maximum peak particle velocity for ground vibrations, in any of the three
mutually perpendicular components for above ground residential structure, shall
not exceed the limits indicated in Table 5.3.1. The indicated limits for these
vibrations shall be reduced for old buildings, eroded utilities and computer
buildings, to the limits estimated by the specialized agency in the blasting plan.

b) The maximum peak particle velocity of ground vibrations for the three mutually
perpendicular components for underground public utility and non-residential
structures shall not exceed 50 mm/sec.

c) Whenever there are some structures in the area which requires special vibrations
requirements contractor shall coordinate with owners of these structures to get
the approved limits.

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Table 5.3.1: Ground Vibration Limits for Residential and Building Structures

Max. particle peak velocity (mm/Sec)

Type of structure frequency (40Hz)
frequency below (40Hz)
or greater
New buildings 19 50
Reinforced concrete or steel
50 100
Wells and water strata layers 25 50
Old buildings 13 50

d) Contractor shall not conduct any blasting operation within thirty (30) meter from
concrete structures which are newly completed (less than 7 days) without
approval from the Engineer.

e) The peak air pressure resulting from the blasting shall not exceed 128 dB in the
residential area.

4. Vibration monitoring Instruments

Contractor shall provide the required vibration measurement systems to monitor
and record vibrations produced by blasting activities. These systems should be ready for
operation, calibrated and should fulfill the following conditions:

a) Measure, display and provide permanent records on strip chart of particle

velocity components.
b) Measure the three mutually perpendicular velocity components for the particle
velocity in the vertical, perpendicular and radial directions.
c) The systems should have a velocity frequency response varying between 2-150
Hz and be capable of measuring peak particle velocity of up to 250 mm/sec.
d) Calibration certificates and date for last calibration from an approved center
shall be attached.
e) The system shall be calibrated according to the periods approved from the
specialized agencies, providing that this period shall not exceeds one year,
regardless of the utilization type, and the calibration should be carried according
to regulations implemented in K. S. A.
f) The operation manuals, requirements and the degree of accuracy approved by
the manufacturers shall be attached with the proposed instruments.
g) The operation of these instruments shall be performed by trained and qualified
technicians and contractor shall submit the credited experience certificates of
those operators.

5. Maintaining and Storing Blasting Materials and Equipments:

All the blasting, explosives storage, blasting instruments and their transportation
operations shall be conducted according to these general specifications, ministry of
interior regulations and authorized agencies in K. S. A. And it is not permissible for the
contractor to own or store any explosives at the project site or in his private property
except after obtaining acceptance from the relevant security authorities.
All blasting materials and equipments shall be provided with special records and
cards including production date, validity date, requirements for maintaining, storing and

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transporting, requirements and methods for use. All these information shall be approved
and endorsed by the manufacturers and authorized agencies.

Contractor on his own responsibility shall keep supply and consumption records
for blasting materials, equipments and the used quantities and he shall be responsible
for any failure or damages may occur due blasting activity. Work plan:

Contractor shall submit a study, prepared by an approved specialized authority
on the basis of the site investigation and the required geological studies, , Before not
less than 30 days from commencement of executing blasting operations, it should
includes method of blasting, ways of security and protection, methods of protection
and/or support for surrounding structures and public utilities, protection and supporting
for excavation sides from any damages that may occur due to blasting operations. The
study should be attached with a copy of the manuals, instructions applied by the
authorities, blasting requirements and acceptance of the relevant authorities for the
execution of the works. Contractor has no right to start works before obtaining approval
from the concerned authorities and the Engineer for the work plan.
The work plan shall includes the following:

1- Control blasting sequence and schedule including the general method for
excavation lift heights, starting location, dates and the estimated rate of progress.
2- Written evidence of the licensing, experience, and qualifications, of the blasting
teams and names/experience of the persons who shall be responsible for loading
and firing of each shot.
3- Names and qualifications of the persons responsible for designing and directing
blasting operations performed by the contractor.
4- Name and qualifications of the blasting consultant proposed for performing
primary survey works before blasting.
5- Name and qualifications of independent blasting consultant proposed for use in
monitoring blast vibrations. A sample of a previous vibration analysis or report
or both shall be included with the qualifications. The report shall also includes
an evidence shows the ability of the consultant to analyze blasting operations.
6- A listing of instatements and devices which blasting consultant proposes to use
to monitor vibrations and control blasting together with performance
specifications, instruments user manuals supplied by the manufacturer.
7- A proposed form for the blasting daily record which will be approved by the
Engineer according to instructions for blasting issued by the authorized agencies
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In addition the plan should include the following basic details:

1. A diagrammatic description of the typical blasting pattern to be used for the

required rock excavation, including the pre-splitting and control patterns, as
required. This description shall include the spacing, between holes in the pre-
split lines and production lines. And the methods of control the cap delays and
time separating between blasting of each row or hole.
2. description of loading plan for a typical production and pre-splitting blasting
including, for each type of hole the fuse and cap locations, the percent strength

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and type of primer, the proposed hole diameter, name and quantity of explosive,
and anticipated location and depth of stemming.
3. Sub-drilling depth, explosive quantities, primer, and initiators, initiation
sequence including delay times and delay systems, and manufacturer’s data
sheets for all explosives, primers, and initiator to be used.
4. Specifications of stemming and metal covering grid materials any other
materials suitable for preventing rock throwing resulting from blasting.

The blasting plan shall -after its approval- form the basis for all blasting
operations in the project, this plan may be changed according to judgment of the
Contractor or the Engineer or the specialized authority, after stopping of the blasting

Approval of the blasting plan does not relieve the contractor of full
responsibility for the blasting operation results, accuracy and adequacy.

When the blasting excavation method is approved the overburden materials

covering the rock shall be removed or cross-sectional trenches shall be drilled to the full
depth of the materials covering rock with a distance separate each section providing that
the space between each cross-section neither less than five (5) meters nor greater than
ten (10) meters to provide the possibility of forming the cross sections of the rocks in
their original position. Suitable self propelled equipments may be used to form these
cross-sections and any removed rock before the formation of these cross-sections shall
be considered as common excavations. Execution
Blasting excavation shall be conducted according to all laws and regulations
implemented in the kingdom, an approval from the authorities shall be obtained and
blasting operations shall be performed in the presence of their representatives.

Back slopes and side formations for cutting location shall be constructed as
specified on the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer in a proper and safe way
without exposing the life of inhabitants or their property to danger.

The Engineer has the right at all times to stop the contractor’s blasting
operations when the applied method does not produce the approved excavation sides or
does not meet security and safety conditions or leads to exposing the population,
buildings and structures to danger.

Contractor shall inform the engineer with the blasting program before a period
not less than 24 hours and to inform him with the stand by condition before no less than
30 minutes from the blasting.

Warning signals shall be placed or applied for persons near the blasting area at
least before 3 minutes from starting of each blasting operation, and contractor shall use
amplifiers or horns which can be heard clearly from a distance not less than three
hundred (300) meter.
Prior starting of any blasting operation contractor shall cover the rock proposed
for blasting with special covers or earth layer or any material that prevents scattering of

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
rocks. The control method of rock scattering shall be subject to the approval of the

1. Experimental Blasting:
Prior starting of the blasting works, Contractor shall prepare an experimental
section with sufficient length not less than thirty (30) meter for the purpose of verifying
the accuracy of the prepared blasting plans. All drilling, charging of blasting holes with
the specified quantities and locations, and controlled blasting operations shall be
conducted according to the approved work plan. The blasting and monitoring consultant
shall prepare a complete report contains all the records of monitoring and the results of
The work plan should be revised whenever the experimental blasting results not
achieve the specified requirements and goals, the Contractor in such case shall submit to
the Engineer a modified plan prepared by the specialized authority or the blasting

2. Pre-blasting meeting:
A pre-blasting meeting shall be held prior to the start of any drilling or blasting
activity. The purpose of the meeting shall be to review the blasting procedure and
vibration monitoring requirements and to facilitate coordination between all parties
involved. Individuals attending the pre-blasting meeting should include Contractor’s
representatives, the ministry, blasting consultant, the security authorities, any utility
affected by the blasting operation and any other personnel the engineer deems

3. Drilling:
Prior the starting of the drilling and blasting operations, loose materials,
disintegrated rocks and large boulders on the surface of the rock subjected to blasting,
within the limits approved in the drawings shall be removed to a distance not less than
ten (10) meter far away from the outside of the expected rock’s splitting or cracking
limits, or as directed by the Engineer.

Drilling shall be conducted according to the work plan and the blasting study
prepared by the specialized agency and the blasting consultant, which is approved by
the Engineer and authorized agencies. It shall be conducted using the suitable
equipments capable of drilling the holes within the approved dimensions, depths and

Except otherwise indicated in the special specifications, hole diameters should

not exceed arrange of thirty to fifty (30-50) millimeters in urban areas and seventy five
(75) millimeters outside these areas.

However, when conducting rock excavation in utility areas using blasting, the
hole diameters should not exceed one sixty (1/60) of the approved excavation width.
The distance between the holes in the same blasting line shall not be more than
ninety (90) centimeter according to the specified slopes and depth of the blasting layer
to be removed, while the excavation angle shall be maintained in all the holes so that the
deviation between any two holes does not exceed three hundred (300) millimeter in ten
(10) meters. Holes shall not deviate from their specified locations by more than two
hundred twenty five (225) millimeter and when the number of the deviated holes is

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increased, the height of layer to be blasted and the drilling procedure should be
modified to comply with the approved limits providing that the height of the blasted
layer at any time does not exceed ten (10) meters. Lines of splitting shall be specified
for any next layer in such way that the inside offset distance shall be six hundred (600)
millimeter from the previous pre-split face.
No payment shall be made for any additional excavation located outside the
approved line limits fixed over the blasted or over the next layer.

4. Blasting:
Prior placing of the charge each hole shall be inspected and tested to its entire
length to ascertain the possible presence of any obstructions and each hole shall be
cleared to the whole depth from obstacles. All necessary precautions shall be exercised
so as to prevent depresses from falling in to the holes prior to loading and so that the
placing of the charge does not cause caving of materials in to the walls of the holes
before reaching its bottom. Adjustments shall be made to the distances between
blasting holes, distribution of explosives quantities and types, procedure and sequence
of blasting according splitting properties, composition and origin of the rock, so as to
obtain the required side slope of the excavation.

Continuous column cartridge explosives specially manufactured for presplitting

shall be used for all presplitting and maximum diameter of the explosive used in presplit
holes shall not be greater than the half of the hole's diameter and it is permissible for the
bottom charge to be larger than the line charge over it.

The upper portion of all holes from the top most charge to the hole's collar, shall
be stemmed with granular materials.
When the charge of the controlled blasting is fired with the detonation cord the
cord shall extend to the full depth of each hole and when full or fractional dynamite
cartridges are used with detonating cord, the dynamite shall be securely affixed to the
All the space in each blast hole not occupied by the explosive charge in shall be
filled with stemming materials. Stemming materials shall be clean stone chips having
gradation as indicated in Table 5.3.2 or any approved aggregate materials.

Table 5.3.2: Gradation of stemming materials

Sieve size (millimeter) percentage by weight Passing

9.5 (3/8 inch) 100
4.75 (No.4) 20 - 25
2.36 (No.8) 0-10

Controlled blasting operations shall be conducted according to the work plan

and blasting plan approved in the study or that which has been amended after the
experimental blasting. All holes of controlled blasting can be detonate simultaneously
or delayed providing the hole to hole delay is not more than twenty five (25)
milliseconds. The detonation of the different charges shall precede each other within the
section by a minimum of twenty five (25) milliseconds.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
The line of the blast holes immediately adjacent to the presplitting slope holes
will be (1.2) meter from an on plane approximately parallel to the plane of the
presplitting slope holes.

Contractor with the approval of the Engineer and blasting consultant can use
blasting to trim the edges resulted by the controlled blasting, providing that the
difference in delay between the trim line and the nearest production blasting shall not be
less than 25 millisecond and not greater than 75 millisecond.

The Engineer has the right to halt blasting operations whenever that blasting
results are not satisfactory or if the Contractor did not take the adequate precautions to
perform the works according to the approved plan and the Contractor has no right to
resume the work before the agreement of the Engineer.

5. Monitoring report:
Following each blast, the Contractor shall submit the blasting results monitoring
report to the Engineer. In the event the seismic vibrations caused by the Contractor’s
operations approached or exceed the established limits, the Engineer shall require the
Contractor to modify the blasting plan. The blasting consultant should assist the
Contractor in the design of the blasting operations to eliminate the problems and avoid
liability claims.

Within 24 hours following each blasting operation, the Contractor shall submit
to the Engineer a report shows the details of the operation as shot, including the
information required in the approved basting log and results of the monitoring at each
instruments location including the maximum peak particle velocity, vibration chart
records during blasting marked with the date, time, site, location of the equipments and
location of the seismograph and name of the operator.

6. Removing or stabilizing of materials:

Contractor shall remove or stabilize all unsuitable loose materials, rock
fragments and pieces even if theses were outside the approved blasting line and limits
according to the Engineer opinion after any blasting operation. It is not permissible to
drill for the next operation until the removal works are completed.

Rock excavation shall be finished so that it produce level, uniform and stable
surface that comply with the dimensions, slopes and levels indicated in the drawings
and contract documents.

5.3.8 Structural excavations

When the special specifications or contract documents require structural
excavations such excavations shall be performed according to dimensions indicated in
the drawings or special specifications.

Contract shall take all the arrangements and procedures required for supporting
the excavation sides against failure, using the supporting methods indicated in the
contract documents or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall prepare with or
without the assistance of a specialized agency, soil study and submit the suitable
method of supporting of excavation and work plan which should include execution
method and types/numbers of the equipments used to perform the excavation and

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
supporting works. Contractor has no right to commence the work before obtaining the
written approval for the soil reports, supporting solutions and work plan. No additional
payment shall be paid for the Contractor for preparing these reports or supporting study,
except otherwise stated clearly in the contract documents.

The excavation dimensions shall be adequate for carrying out the specified
work, fixing the frameworks for concrete, insulation, and backfill works, according to
the particular specifications and this specification. The dimensions of the excavation
should not be less than the external dimension for the structure plus 0.5 m or the
distance specified in the study, plans and special specifications whichever the greater,
and the contractor shall provide safely entrances and exits for equipments and labors.

Contractor shall maintain the bottom of the excavation in dry state until concrete
casting and insulation works are completed. This can be performed either with pumping
or making special barriers or any other method accepted by the Engineer.

Contractor prior the starting of the work shall verify the existence of utility or
foundations or structures that may be affected with the excavation works. All the
required protection precautions shall be taken to protect the public utility lines and
structures or their foundations. When contractor encounters such utilities or structures
he shall stop the work and inform the Engineer, and he has no right to restart the work
before approval of the required solutions and measures is released by the concerned
authorities and the Engineer.

5.3.9 Finishing requirements:

The dimensions of excavation should comply with the cross section shown on
the drawings and in the other contract documents or as approved in writing by the
Engineer. These dimensions shall be sufficient for construction of all roadways'
elements, sidewalks, islands and the other elements indicated in contract documents.

Contractor shall measure dimensions, levels and slope of the excavation through
of the cross sectional level taken with distances of not more than twenty (25) meters,
providing that the number of sections is no less than five (5) for each (2000) m2 of the
completed works and the spot points in each section shall not be less than five (5),
including all the distinguished points, and excavation toe points at natural ground.

The levels of the bottom of the excavation shall not differ from the specified
levels by more than one (1) centimeter in common excavation or two (2) centimeter for
rock excavation, providing that this does not lead to any reduction in the thickness of
the next structural layers.
Slopes of cut shall be finished within variation limits of fifteen (15) centimeters
for common excavation or twenty (20) centimeters for rock excavation from the limits
indicated in contract documents or approved in writing from the Engineer.

5.3.10 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall control the quality of excavation through performing all the
required measures which insure that the used materials, methods and the completed
works meet the quality requirements specified in these specifications and other contract

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
The Ministry has a right to insure the quality by verifying that the contractor has
performed the quality control procedures in the correct way either through direct
supervision of quality control activities or carrying out quality assurance procedures
neutrally on a sufficient number of representative samples to judge the level of
construction and to decide acceptance or rejection of the executed work on the basis
detailed in division (17) of this specifications except otherwise indicated in the special
specifications and other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall control the quality of materials and executed works, and
monitor, record and analyze results, draw quality charts for critical properties and
perform all measurements.

Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of all the measurements,
reports tests results and he shall apply all the articles stated in item 17.1.1 of this
specifications. Quality control works shall include the critical properties indicated in
Table (5.3.3).

2. Quality assurance:
The Ministry has the right at any time to insure the quality of the materials and
completed works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to
carry out the necessary tests and measurements, and checking the completed work for
each or some quality control items specified in Table (5.3.3).

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by the adopted quality
assurance procedure and as specified in division (17) of this specifications. Also it has
the right to inspect contractor’s equipments, his technical staff, and methods of
measurement and execution, to insure the efficiency of Contractor’s technical staff and
equipments and degree of compliance of his measurements and execution methods with
the approved requirements.

Quality assurance procedures shall include confirmation of the correctness of

reports using measurements at random location and visual inspection.

Works shall be accepted with the prices specified in the contract or with lower
prices or might be rejected according to the quality levels through applying the
statistical method specified in division (17) of this specifications except otherwise
specified by the special specifications.

5.3.11 Measurement:
The completed excavation works shall be measured in cubic meters within the
excavation limits indicated in the drawings or other contract documents or as approved
by the engineer. Computation should be made using end area method or any other
method approved by the Engineer. It is not permissible to carry out any measurements
located outside the specified limits for the purpose of payment. Unless otherwise
indicated in the special specifications measurements for the structural specifications
shall be performed according to the external limits of the structure and no volumes shall
be measured out of these limits.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Table 5.3.3: Excavation works quality control procedures
Location of
Work Properties Test method Number of samples Requirements
All properties According to
required for Number of samples materials
the work in Test methods required for approving material requirements
In the site of
Excavated which for approval of required in work item for the work in
materials excavated materials at source for in which excavation which
materials target work. material proposed to materials is
proposed to be be used proposed to be
used used.
AASHTO One test at starting
Classifications compaction of the
bottom and one test
In the site of
each week or when a
Density- change in the
AASHTO excavation
Moisture properties of the soil
Relationship in the bottom of the
Item 5.3.6
excavation is noticed.

Field density AASHT T-191/ One tests every

at the bottom T-310-01 2000m2 or each daily
of the or any approved non- works which is the
excavation destructive test lesser.
At work site
levels of the One cross-section for
bottom every 2000 m2 of the
Excavation excavation’s bottom
Survey measurements surface or one cross- Item 5.3.8
section every 25m
Side slopes
interval which is

5.3.12 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actual quantities of completed and technically
accepted work within the limits and dimensions approved, and according to the contract
prices or reduced prices as a result of application of quality assurance procedures as
stated in the contract documents.

Paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for execution and finishing
of all works including study and supporting works, provision and operation of the
machines and equipments, labor, tests and measurements, interests, revenues, fees and
payments to third parties and all requirements to carry out the works according to
drawings, this specifications, special specifications and other contract documents.

Payment shall be made according to, but not limited to, one or more of the items
listed in Table (5.3.4) without conflict with contract documents.

Table No. (5.3.4): Excavation work items

Item No. Work item Unit
5.3.1 Common excavations Cubic meter
5.3.2 Rock excavation Cubic meter
Structural excavation (can be classified to
5.3.3 Cubic meter
common and rock excavations)

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.4 Fill works:

5.4.1 Description:
This section includes construction of the natural ground level or the surface on
which the embankment will be constructed and hauling, wetting, spreading, grading and
compacting of technically accepted materials in layers to construct road embankment
and structures backfill and execution of road bed preparation according to the
dimensions, levels and slopes indicated in the drawings, special specifications and these
specifications and to maintain surfaces and performed layers until next layers are

5.4.2 Road embankment

The road embankment in this specification is the fill that constructed over the
natural ground or existing surfaces and lies below the bottom level of subgrade layer
and the road embankment is consists of performing of technically acceptable materials,
wetting, spreading and compacting it in layers according to limits, dimensions,
thickness, levels and slopes shown in the plans, contract documents and this general
specifications. The embankment dimensions shall be adequate for executing the road
and all its elements such as sidewalks, islands, and other elements and shall comply
with the dimensions indicated in the drawings and other contract documents. Surface Preparation

Prior to starting of road embankment and roadbed preparation works the
contractor shall finish all site preparation works indicated in section 5.1 from this
section or special specifications and contract documents. All these works shall be tested
and handed over to the engineer.

Contractor prior starting construction of road embankment shall prepare the

surface on which the embankment is to be constructed and carry out the required tests to
verify suitability and capability of the native soil to bear the road embankment and
subsequent works and prepare the surfaces and grading them to receive the embankment

When test results show that roadbed soil in its current state is not suitable for to
resist the pressure from the road and all its elements and traffic loading over it like
Sabkha or soil susceptible to swelling and failure, such soil shall be treated with the
suitable method and to depth required, using one or more of the following methods:

1. Mixing of unsuitable materials with high quality materials to improve their

2. Removal of unsuitable materials and replacing them with suitable materials.
3. Use of rock material.
4. Plowing to the suitable depth and stabilized with lime or cement.
5. Using of Geotextile materials.
6. Use surcharge embankment and sand drain when period and embankment height
allow this.

The required treatment method and depth shall be according to the technical
report prepared by a specialized agency. Contractor shall follow the treatment method
specified in the special specification and plans or the results of that study which is the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
strictest. In any case the contractor shall perform a technical report prepared by
specialized agency includes, soil properties, treatment method, construction phases and
the specifications. The cost of this study is considered included on the contract item
prices except otherwise indicated in contract documents.

When the embankment height from the bottom of subgrade layer to the natural
ground surface is less than 60 cm and the test results of uppermost 30 cm of the local
soil shows that it conform to requirement of embankment material the contractor shall
plow, wet, spread the native soil to a depth of 20 cm from the surface and compact it up
to 95% percent compaction of the maximum dry density and at a moisture content not
differ by more than 3% from the optimum moisture content specified by Proctor test

When embankment is constructed on existing asphalt or concrete surface the

contractor prior to starting of embankment shall ensure that these surfaces and the soil
below has enough capacity to resist the changes resulted from road construction and
traffic loads over it, and if the soil below the existing pavement layers is not suitable
these soil shall be treated or substituted as specified above and when it is suitable the
existing surface shall be prepared according to the required embankment thickness up to
the bottom of the Subgrade according to the following, except otherwise indicated in the
special specifications, according to embankment height:

1. Less than (20) centimeter:

The existing surface shall be removed using methods mentioned in section (5-1)
of this division, then the embankment layers under the removed surface shall be plowed
to a depth not less than 15 cm, wetted, spread, leveled, and compacted to not less than
95% of the maximum dry density according to the modified Proctor test method

2. Between twenty and forty (20 - 40) centimeters:

The existing surface is scarified to a level which allows the stability of the
embankment materials over the surface using grader or any other equipment indicated
in the special specifications or accepted by the Engineer.

3. More than forty (40) centimeters:

Embankment is constructed directly over the existing surface. Materials:
Materials used in road embankment construction, shall be capable to form a
stable and balanced road embankment within the approved dimensions and side slopes.
Soil type used in embankment construction shall not be less than A-4 according to
AASHTO M-145 classification with a maximum size not greater than 8 cm and it shall
be free from organic, plant, decay materials, metal waste and debris.

Materials used in embankment construction at water flooded areas or areas with

high water table level, shall be durable or non-plastic materials of type not less than
A-2-4 according to AASHTO M 145 classification.

The used materials could be from excavation or hauled from barrow pit areas
and the contractor prior starting hauling operations of any material needed to be used

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shall submit a technical report attached with tests results of the material to be used
showing it conformity with the general and special specifications and he is not allowed
to start material hauling and construction before the approval of the engineer per
material type and source.

The initial tests for embankment materials before transported to the site shall
include classification (AASHTO M 145), and Proctor tests (AASHTO T-180) method
for determining maximum dry density and optimum moisture content.

Whenever possible the materials excavated within the project limits shall be
used in the road embankment, if they were suitable and compatible with the
embankment specifications.

It is permissible to mix excavated materials with each other or with a good

quality borrow pit materials to improve its properties and modify its classification. It is
not permissible to mix embankment materials within the right of way, and it shall be
mixed at specified locations accepted by the Engineer. The mixed material shall be
verified for its consistency and conformity to specifications according to tests results
carried on representative samples and the number of tests required shall not be less than
the number of tests required in source as shown in Table 5.4.3.

The following materials are considered as unsuitable for embankment:

1. Materials which can not be spread and compacted in layers to the required
density regardless of their classification.
2. Milling materials from old pavement layers (RAP) are considered not suitable
for embankment in areas specified for planting or for backfilling over public
utilities or beside structures.
3. Material affected by water, that contain a high content of sulfates or chlorides
exceed (0.5%) by weight of soil according to AASHTO T (290-291) test are
considered unsuitable as backfill materials for concrete structures.
4. Materials which contain organic materials of more than 2% according to
AASHTO T-194 test.
5. Materials susceptible to volume changes in which the shrinkage limit is more
than 10%, and of relative swelling more than 1.5% or of a liquid limit exceeds
40% or of a plasticity index greater than 25 %.

Sand materials of type A-3 according to AASHTO M 145 classification may be

used in embankments construction providing that it should be confined and protected
from erosion by using cohesive materials-classified as A-4 or better- and compacted to
the required density. It is not permissible to use sand materials A-3 in uppermost 30 cm
of the embankment

It is possible to use rock materials in embankment construction at specified

locations, and it is not allowed to use rock in embankment in the upper thirty (30)
centimeter of the embankment or in structure backfill or in the sixty (60) centimeter
over or under culverts and under public utility.

It is not permissible to use rocks with maximum dimension exceeds hundred

(100) centimeter in any layer of the embankment. The used rock materials shall be

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
dense, solid and sound, not affected with water and suitable for spreading and
compaction according to the specifications. The gradation shall permits the gaps
between large rocks to be filled with small ones. The soil type used for filling and
leveling the surface of rock layers shall be of class A-2-4 or better except otherwise
indicated in the special specifications. Borrow pits:

Contractor shall take the accepted borrow materials from the borrow bit
specified in the drawings or contract documents or any other proposed and approved
sites. All borrow pit locations shall be outside urban area and it is not allowed to take
borrow materials from areas adjacent to the road in the urban areas or from the area
within the inlet or outlet of drains or from the flat or depression areas. Borrowing
activities shall not lead to any change in the direction of water flow or to deforming the
natural general environmental view of the area.

Contractor shall, before starting of the works in the borrow pits, obtain a written
release from public or private owners of the proposed borrow locations and submit a
technical report to the Engineer shows the test results of representative samples
determine the degree of compliance with the specifications and availability of the
sufficient quantities. Contractor has no right to start taking materials before obtaining
the acceptance of the Engineer.

Contractor shall follow environmental conditions and standard requirements

during barrowing operations and undertake all the required arrangement to follow the
environmental requirement and conditions during borrowing activities and shall take the
required arrangements to lessen dust due to these activities.

At the end of the borrowing works, Contractor shall level and compact borrow
pit site in such way that it shall be in conformity with the surrounding environment and
topography. The cost of this work shall be included in the costs of other embankment
item. Water:
Whenever possible, the best type of water available in the project area shall be
used for materials wetting and mixing. It is permissible to use salty water, sea water and
Sabkha water, providing that the total content of salts in the mixed soil not exceed one
(1 %) percent more than the allowed content in the soil having contact with the
structures. The use of such soil should not lead to failure when exposed to floods or
submersion. The verification process shall be base on test results carried on
representative soil samples after wetting it by that water. Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all the machines and equipments required for
excavation, loading, transporting, wetting, processing, leveling compacting and
finishing the embankment materials to the required density, and compaction and
finishing of the side slopes. These equipments shall be in sufficient numbers and types
for the embankment construction according to, contract documents and these
specifications within the periods approved in the time schedule. The Engineer has the
right to require the replacement of any incapable machine or equipment for the work

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execution. These machines and equipments shall include for example bulldozers, trucks,
graders, water spray tanks and rollers. Construction:
Contractor, prior materials hauling and starting construction of embankment
shall finish site preparation as indicated in section (5-1) of this Division and prepare the
roadbed and handing over these works. Contractor shall furnish the control devices
required for traffic regulation during construction activities. Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer materials test results, work plan, list of machines and equipments intended
to be use. It is not permissible for the Contractor to commence construction works
without a written acceptance from the Engineer about embankment materials, work
plan, time schedule, machines and equipments.

Contractor shall choose the construction method and types of equipments which
do not brought any damage to the structures or near by public utilities. Contractor shall
be responsible for any damages arise due his works.

When constructing an embankment regardless of its height in rolling natural

ground or adjacent to existing road sides with side sloped exceeds one vertical to four
horizontal the sloped section shall be cut in horizontal step shape with a width not less
than 1.5 meter which should be enough for movement of spreading equipments and it
shall be wetted and compacted to the required degree of compaction.

The depth of step shall not be less than 20 cm and the embankment in these
areas shall be constructed to the full width of all road and its elements in echelon forms
in layers with thickness not exceeding 20 cm and it shall be compacted up to required
compaction degree which comply with layer level, to satisfy the required bond between
embankment layers for the full width of the road and its elements and prevent the
slippage along the tangential line.

In case of slope construction as horizontal trenches, the end of these trenches

shall cut off in order to obtain the natural grade complaint with the tangential line for
this slope, and this requires making leveling using graders and compact their using steel
rollers to get the suitable compaction ratio. The material excavated from the step
forming whenever comply with specifications can be used in embankment construction
and no measurement shall be taken for step forming works for purpose of payment
unless otherwise indicated in the special specification.

Whenever an embankment construction located in soft areas not suitable for

equipments passing, and when embankment levels and adjacent area allow, Contractor
shall construct rock or aggregate layers which are not affected with water. The total
thickness of these layers shall not be more than the thickness required for movement of
construction equipments without considerable deformations. No additional payments
shall be paid for this item. The Engineer has the right, if necessary, to advise the
Contractor to use light machines and equipments.

When constructing an embankment below water level the materials used shall be
composed of solid rock or aggregate which are not affected by water. Embankment
materials shall be spread in one layer for the full required width up to the approved
level, while the embankment part over water level shall be executed after filling the

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voids between rocks with materials of smaller size and constructing a capping layer
separates the rock layer and other embankment layer. The thickness of this capping
layer shall not be less than thirty (30) centimeter, so that it prevents embankment
material and subsequent works material to penetrate in to the rock layer.

Contractor shall, except otherwise indicated in the special specifications,

construct the embankment according to the requirements indicated in the following

1. Soil embankment:
Embankment are classified in these specifications as soil embankment when the
percentage by weight of rock pieces with maximum size more than fifteen (15)
centimeter exceeds 25 %.

Materials shall be transported, by trucks or any other equipment, in such a way

that prevents contamination on the used roads, and shall not cause any interruption to
public traffic. The loads of these trucks shall be discharged in the form of heap,
distributed on the surface over which the embankment shall be constructed, in such way
that it gives a thickness not more than the approved thickness for each layer.

It is possible to supply materials either dry or wet, and it is permissible to spread

material’s heaps, initially, using bulldozer but the spreading for the full width shall be
only by graders or equivalent machines.

These materials shall be uniformly wetted during mixing, with adequate

quantities of water, until the moisture content shall be more than the optimum moisture,
to compensate for expected evaporation.

The thickness of any soil embankment layer before compaction shall not exceed
(20) centimeter for the upper embankment layers specified as 30 cm for local roads and
(60) cm for the arterial, collector, industrial area roads and parking areas for heavy
trucks below the bottom level of the subgrade layer. While the thickness of any layer
which lie below that levels before compaction shall not exceed twenty (30) centimeter,
regardless of material classification.

Compaction shall be made by rollers having weight and type suitable to the type
of material used, to achieve the required compaction level. The soil moisture content
during compaction shall not differ from the optimum moisture content specified by
Modified Proctor test (AASHTO T-180), by more than (± 2-3) percent.

Soil-aggregate materials which contain a small amount of clay shall be

compacted using vibratory rollers, but soft soil materials which contain a high percent
of clay shall be compacted using tire wheeled rollers or Sheep foot Rollers.

When constructing an embankment in confined areas for which large rollers can
not be used, the compaction equipments (including manually operated equipments) and
layer thickness shall be chosen to achieve the required density for the full layer’s depth.

Compaction shall continue until the required density is achieved. The required
field density shall be measured as a ratio from the maximum dry density obtained by

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modified Proctor test (AASHTO T-180), for the full depth and width of the layer of the
road embankment and its elements. The field density shall not be less than 95% for
embankment layers which lie within the upper 30 cm specified for the roadbed in local
roads and 60 cm in collector and arterial roads measured from the bottom of subgrade
level, or 90% for embankment layers lie below the upper specified depth.

The density for each layer shall be determined by sand cone method according
to (AASHTO T-191) test or the nuclear method according to AASHTO T 310-01 or any
other approved non-destructive test. The minimum number of readings when using
nuclear or non-destructive method at each location shall be not less than three (3) taken
at each area, and the average of these three readings is considered as the field density of
that location.

The minimum lower limit of compaction is considered for determining payment

factor using statistical as the above mentioned compaction degrees minus 2%.

2. Sand embankment:
Cohesion less sand materials which are classified as A-3 according to
AASHTO M-145 shall be not be used for construction of upper 30 cm of the road
embankments. The site conditions shall allow the using of such embankment materials
according to these specification and the special specifications.

Sand embankment sides shall be confined between cohesive materials classified

as A-4 or better in a form of steps, for their protection against erosion due to winds and
water during construction or pavement life. The width of these steps shall be sufficient
to accommodate construction equipments. It is possible, if the embankment side slopes
were not more than 25% and the site conditions allow provision of the required support
for compaction process, to increase the sand layers width initially, then cut to the final
width, and covering the side slopes/surface with cohesive protection layer having
thickness not less than thirty (30) centimeter and classified as A-2-4 or better. In this
case it is permissible to compact the protection layer in direction perpendicular to road
center line.

It is permissible if it is possible to fulfill the required degree of compaction to

spread the sand embankment in layers with a thickness up to fifty (50) centimeter and
compaction is initiated using wet or dry methods using self propelled vibratory rollers
or trailed with chain bulldozers, the pressure vibratory rollers shall not be less than
14000 kg/vibration with a rate of hundred (100) vibrations per minute. It is preferable if
the site conditions allow that to transport sand materials by scraper.

Measuring of density and evaluation of compaction, in non-cohesive drained soil

for which compaction does not lead to forming a clear curve of moisture/density
relationship, shall be done by minimum index density test and specific gravity test for
cohesion less free drained soil according to ASTM D 4254 method or any other
approved method and the soil dryness and looseness shall be verified during the test.

The field density and moisture content in compacted sand soil is determined
using sand cone method according to (AASHTO T-191) test or the nuclear method
(AASHTO T-310-01) or any other approved nondestructive test.

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The test shall be done by removing the upper 25 cm from the constructed layer
and measuring the density of the other 25 cm remaining bottom layer of sand
embankment. When using nuclear method or any other nondestructive method three
reading shall be in each location shall be taken and the average of these reading is taken
as the density of that place

The compaction of sand embankment shall continue until the following

minimum limits of field density are achieved:

▪ 74% for the 30 centimeters lying within the roadbed.

▪ 70% for layers below that level.

The minimum lower limit of compaction is considered for determining payment

factor using statistical as the above mentioned compaction degrees minus 2%.

Contractor shall determine the method of compaction and the number of passing
required by using the available compaction equipment on the basis of an experimental
section which may be a part of the project works. Values obtained shall be considered
as a basis for the work whenever that materials or equipments are not changed.

3. Rock embankment
Embankment materials are classified as rock materials if the percent of rock
sizes which have a maximum dimension of more than fifteen (15) centimeter at a
certain site constitute more than 25% of the total volume of the materials used.

Rock embankment shall be limited to the parts shown on the drawings and in the
contract documents. It is not permissible to use rock embankment within the upper 30
centimeter of embankment below the Subgrade layer, and public utility lines areas or
backfill of structures or at areas where structures can be constructed later. But it can be
used if an aggregate embankment layer thickness of not less than 60 centimeter is
constructed to separates the rock embankment from the structures.

It is possible to use the following construction methods according to the percent

of rocks with maximum dimension exceeds fifteen (15) centimeter and the available

1. When the percent of rocks with maximum dimension exceeds fifteen (15)
centimeter is less than 25%, materials shall be spread in layers with a thickness
before compaction not exceed 20 centimeter and all the rocks with a maximum
dimension of more than 20 centimeter shall be removed. Spaces between large
rocks shall be filled with earth materials of type A-2-4 or better according to
2. When the percent of rocks with maximum dimension exceed fifteen (15)
centimeter constitute more than 25%, or when the Engineer decides that the
used materials can not be spread in layers of 20 centimeter before compaction
then materials are spread in layers with a thickness does not exceed 11/3 of the
maximum size for the materials used or 100 cm whichever is lesser.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Rock layers spreading shall be performed using heavy bulldozers in such a way
that insures a uniform distribution of the large rock pieces throughout the width, and
small pieces fill spaces between large pieces. All projected rocks shall be removed.

The thickness of rock embankment layer’s before compaction shall not exceed
the values indicated in Table 5.4.1 according to the available roller.

Table 5.4.1: Thickness of Rock Embankment layer according to available rollers

Maximum layer thickness before Minimum Weight of Roller

compaction (Cm) (kg)
40 2300-2900
60 2900-3600
80 3600-4300
100 4300-5000

Compaction of rock layers shall be performed by using heavy rollers and it shall
continue until the resulting settlement between consecutive passes becomes negligible
and not exceeding one (1) cm or 1 % of the layer thickness under compaction which is
the lesser, it is possible to be use the following numbers of passes and type of
equipment, if the thickness of rock embankment not exceed thirty (30) centimeter:

1. Four passes when using steel roller which has a weight of not less than 45
2. Four passes when using vibratory rollers having a dynamic power of not less
than 180 KN, and vibration frequency not less than 16 HRZ.
3. Eight passes when using the common steel roller weigh about 20 tons.
4. Eight passes by vibratory rollers having a dynamic power for each vibration
130 K N and a vibration frequency not less than 16 HRZ.

The above number of passes shall be increased with the increase of the
compacted layer thickness by 4 additional passes to the number mentioned in (1 and 2)
above, or eight (8) additional passes to the numbers mentioned in (3 and 4) above, for
each 15 centimeter increase in the compacted layer thickness .

Settlement Observation

When the roadbed (below rock embankment) is weak and susceptible to

settlement, Contractor shall observe the settlement during a period not less than one
month as follows:

1. After completion of the rock embankment to a uniform level surface, Contractor

shall measure the levels at five cross sections (minimum 5 points) at longitudinal
interval not more than 30 meters these measurements shall be linked with a
reference control point.
2. The measurements shall be taken at suitable time interval until the daily average
settlement does not exceed (0.5) mm for a period of one month. It is not allowed for

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
the Contractor to construct any subsequent layers (Subgrade, Subbase, aggregate
base) except after achieving these specific criteria.

5.4.3 Roadbed preparation:

The roadbed in these specifications is defined as the soil on which the treated or
untreated subgrade shall be constructed. The roadbed shall consist from all or part of the
following elements according to location and design level:

1. The natural ground level.

2. Bottom of the excavation.
3. The existing road surfaces.
4. The upper part of road embankment.

Unless otherwise indicated in the special specification or other contract

documents the roadbed shall be considered as the upper 30 cm for the local roads and
60 cm for arterial and main collector roads and industrial areas roads and heavy trucks
parking areas measured from the bottom level of subgrade layer.

The roadbed preparation shall consists of all required works to bear adequately
the soil pressure fluctuation resulting from construction of the subsequent layers and
traffic loading, this works shall consist of all the areas that sustain the road and all its
elements like sidewalks and median within the dimensions, limits and levels indicated
in the drawings and other contract documents.

The road bed material shall be class A-4 or better according to AASHTO M-145
with California bearing ratio CBR grater than 3 % and swell under load equal to the
weight of layer constructed on it shall not be grater than 1 %.

The embankment lie within the road bed shall be constructed using the same
method used for the construction of the road embankment as indicated in paragraph in this section with materials satisfying the required specified above. The
material shall be spread, and compacted in layers its thickness not exceeds 20 cm at
moisture content during compaction not differ by more than 2 % from the optimum and
the compaction shall continue until reaching a degree of compaction of 95 % of the
maximum dry density of the according to modified proctor test AASHTO T-180.

When the roadbed extension is in the natural ground or in the existing road
surface less than or equal 15 cm and the native soil satisfy the requirements of the
roadbed material, the soil shall be pulverized up to a depth of 15 cm, wetting, re-spread
and compacted up to 95 % degree of compaction of the maximum dry density specified
by the modified proctor test. If the existing soil is not suitable it shall be treated using
one of the methods stated in paragraph

5.4.4 Structural Backfill:

This work consists of backfill for structures such as culverts, retaining walls and
bridge abutments, including material requirements and method of construction. Materials:
Materials used in structural backfill shall be selected materials of A-2-4 type or
better and its plasticity index shall not be more than 5 when tested according to

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
AASHTO T-90 test, which are not affected by water, free from organic materials and
the percent by weight of sulphates and carbonates is not more than 0.5 % according to
AASHTO T-(290-291). The backfill material shall not contain rock fragments having
maximum dimension of more than 8 centimeter.

The aggregate materials used in backfill for structures shall achieve the
gradation in Table (5.4.2) or any other gradation indicated in the special specifications.

Table 5.4.2: Gradation of materials used for structures backfill

Sieve size, mm (sieve No) Percent Passing by weight, %
75 (3 inches) 100
19 (3/4 inch) 60-100
2.36 (No. 8) 35-80
0.075 (No. 200) 0-12

It is permissible, if approved by the Engineer, to use dune sands in structural

backfill providing that the Contractor shall proves the possibility of using these
materials in regard of its confinement, compaction and protection from erosion of water
and winds and should not cause any adverse effects on the structure.

Materials and construction methods for the upper part of backfill layers which
are similar in depth from the road surface to the pavement layers’ depth (Subgrade,
Subbase, and aggregate base) shall achieve the requirements indicated in these general
specifications and special specifications. Construction:
Before commencing construction of structural backfill, Contractor should
complete all concrete and insulation works, testing and handing over these structures.
Concrete strength, at the time of starting backfill works shall be adequate for resisting
loads and pressures arising from discharging, spreading, and compaction of backfill
materials. This strength should not be less than 80% of the design strength unless
otherwise lower percent is specified in the special specification and the time elapsed
since the casting of concrete should not be less than 72 hours. Contractor shall obtain a
written permission from the Engineer for starting backfill works.

Contractor shall select construction method and the types of equipments capable
of executing backfill works without inflict any damage to the structures, according to
the requirements of these specifications and the special specifications.

Contractor shall be responsible for any damage arising from construction

method or equipments movement and he shall carry out on his expense all repairs
including re-construction of the damaged structures.

Backfill shall be executed according to the dimensions and thickness indicated

in the drawings, contract documents and special specifications or these general

Backfill materials shall be spread in layers with thickness suits the used
compaction equipment and should not exceed 15 cm. Contractor shall use light

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compaction equipments including manually operated in areas where rollers do not
reach, to prevent damage to structures. It is preferable, to construct the backfill parallel
at the two sides of the structure. The compaction of backfill martial shall continue until
field density reaches the compaction level required in the special specifications or 95%
of the maximum dry density of modified Proctor test whichever is greater. The field
density test should be carried out as indicated in paragraph ( of this section. The
minimum acceptable limit of compaction level for determining payment factor by the
statistical method is the compaction level above minus 2%.
The minimum lower limit of compaction is considered for determining payment
factor using statistical as the above mentioned compaction degrees minus 2%.

5.4.5 Compaction Experimental Sections:

Contractor, when required by the special specifications or ordered by the
Engineer shall construct a test section before commencing the execution of road
embankment using the materials, construction method, machines and equipments
approved in the work plan. The length of test section shall not be less than 200 meters
and it may be a part of the project. The construction of test section aims to verifying the
possibility of maintaining the required specifications, assessing the suitable moisture
content for compaction, number of coverage and the resulting density. The Contractor
granted permission for the commencement of construction works when test results are
technically acceptable, otherwise the necessary modification for the work plan or
equipment should be made.

In the latter case Contractor shall remove the test section or reconstruct it until
the achievement of the required specifications. The Engineer has the right to require
construction of any other test sections whenever he notices a significant change in the
test results or in the method and equipment of the construction.

5.4.6 Maintaining of Embankment:

Contractor shall take all the necessary requirements and arrangements for the
protection of the constructed embankment from damage due to storm water or any other
reasons. At the end of each working day, Contractor shall finish the leveling,
compaction and formation of the last layer according to the slopes that permits water
drainage and prevent water collection on the surface. And construct temporary drain for
water drainage from embankment when necessary.

Contractor shall, on his expense, repair all damaged parts results from his failure
to maintain the constructed works, and he has no right to claim any additional payment.

Contractor shall remove the works executed by using of unacceptable materials

and replace them with other suitable materials and re-construction the embankment
according to the special specifications and this specification without any additional
payments. Contractor has the right to commence construction of the subsequent layers
before carrying out handing over of embankment works.

5.4.7 Finishing requirements:

The executed works shall be compatible with the dimensions and levels
indicated on the drawings and specified levels staked by the Engineer. Contractor shall
execute the works within the following tolerance limits:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
- Side Slopes:
Road embankment side slopes shall be finished according to the lines,
dimensions and slopes shown on the drawings or approved by the Engineer and should
not deviate from specified values by more than:
1. Ten (10) centimeters for the upper meter of the embankment.
2. Twenty (20) centimeters for the remaining embankment part.
The side slopes for island and middle trenches shall be finished with 1 vertical to
6 horizontal (1:6) in such way that it should not deviate in the bottom of the
embankment from the slope indicated on the drawings or specified for the stakes by
more than one centimeter. And the levels of drainage trench should not deviate from the
approved level by more than 5 centimeters.
-Final Surface:
Contractor shall carry out the survey works for dimensions and levels of the
final surface of the embankment in cross sections of twenty five (25) meters intervals.
Dimensions and levels shall be measured at least in 5 points including toe of
embankment, these levels considered as a basis for calculating quantities after the
approval of the Engineer.
Embankment surface level shall be finished so that it does not exceed the level
indicated in the drawings and approved by the Engineer by more than 2 centimeters or
be less than 4 centimeters. Any shortage in the embankment level at isolated areas shall
be compensated with materials from the next layer materials during its execution.
5.4.8 Works Acceptances:
Contractor shall apply quality control works using all required procedures to
insure that materials, construction methods and e finished works are in compliance with
quality requirements indicated in these specifications and other contract documents.
The Ministry has the right to carried out the required quality control either,
through direct supervision upon quality control procedure or applying neutrally quality
assurance procedures on representative samples with adequate numbers to accept or
reject constructed works according to section 17 of this specifications except otherwise
indicated in the specifications and other contract documents.
1. Quality control:
Contractor shall control the quality of materials and executed works, and
monitor, record and analyze results, draw quality charts for critical properties and
perform all measurements indicated in Table (5.4.3). Contractor shall provide the
Engineer with copies of all the measurements, reports tests results and he shall apply all
the requirements stated in item 17.1.1 of these specifications.
2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right at any time to insure the quality of the materials and
completed work through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to
carry out the necessary tests and measurements, and checking the completed work for
each or some quality control items specified in Table (5.4.3).

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by the adopted quality
assurance procedure and as specified in division 17 of these specifications. Also it has
the right to inspect contractor’s equipments, his technical staff, and methods of

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
measurement and execution, to insure the efficiency of Contractor’s technical staff and
equipments and degree of compliance of his measurements and construction technique
with the approved requirements.

5.4.9 Measurement:
Embankment quantities shall be measured in cubic meter. Actual and
acceptable embankment quantities should be calculated using the average end
area method except otherwise indicated in the special specification and contract
documents. No measurements for payment shall be taken for the purpose of
payment for the works performed outside the areas approved in the drawings or
by the Engineer.

Embankment quantities should not include any quantities for which payment is
included in other work items such as preparation of roadbed, Subgrade, embankment in
extra excavation areas and replacement of soil in road foundation, structural backfill and
embankment around utilities. Quantities of these work items shall be calculated and
paid according to the contract documents.

Table 5.4.3: Quality Control Procedure for Embankment works

Work Properties Test method Sampling frequency Requirements
of sample
Soil 3 tests on different Items
classifications samples from each
source, when source 5.4.3
Raw is approved or
Moisture- At source
materials AASHTO T-180, changed, or a change
Density Items
ASTM D 4254 is noticed in material
properties or
constructed works
One test at the start Items
of hauling the
Classifications AASHTO M-145
materials then, one 5.4..3
test each week or
5000 m.3 of the
Materials supplied materials
in use whichever is lesser,
Moisture- Items
ASHTO T-180, or when a change is
ASTM D 4254 noticed in the
executed works or
on site when the source is
AASHT T-191, A test every 2000 m2
Degree of AASHTO T310-01 or every daily works
Compaction or any approved whichever is lesser,
non-destructive test for each layer.
levels and Measuring 5 cross-
dimensions of sections each work
Survey section
works day or for every 2000
measurements 5.4.7
m2 whichever is
Side slopes

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.4.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made for the actually executed and technically accepted works
within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract prices or lowered
prices due to applying of quality assurance procedure as indicated in the contract

Paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for preparing, supplying,

mixing, hauling, spreading, compacting of materials and finishing the works, provision
and operation of machines, equipments, labor and tests, measures and benefits,
revenues, fees, third party payment and all requirements to execute the works according
to drawings, special and general specifications,.

Payment will be made according to one or more of the items indicated in Table
(5.4.4) as an example but not limited to if not contradict with the contract documents:

Table 5.4.4: Fill works Items

Item No. Payment item Payment unit
5.4.1 Roadbed preparation m2
5.4.2 Embankment works m3
5.4.3 Structures backfill m3

5.5 Subgrade:

5.5.1 Description:
This section consists of materials requirements and works required for the
Subgrade construction. The Subgrade layer is the layer that lies directly under the
Subbase or aggregate base or asphalt layers.
This section includes the following subsection according to sub grade classification:

• Untreated Subgrade
• Lime-treated Subgrade
• Cement-treated Subgrade

Prior starting of Subgrade construction, Contractor shall insure the finishing and
handing over of site preparation, excavation, fill, roadbed preparation, public utilities
works and structures' backfill, according to the approved specifications.

The Subgrade shall be constructed on the prepared surfaces according to the

requirements of the roadbed preparation, and the bottom of excavation which are
indicated in sections (5.3 and 5.4) of this division.

5.5.2 Untreated Subgrade: Description:
This subsection includes requirements and methods for Subgrade construction
using available materials which conform to the requirements of the special
specifications and these general specifications without any additions to improve their
properties. It is permissible to use the natural soil available at site from the excavated

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
materials or brought from borrow pits. The works include supply of materials conforms
to these general specifications and special specifications, spreading and compacting
them in layers according to the thickness, levels and slopes shown on the drawings and
other contract documents, reducing dust and maintaining the Subgrade up to the time of
laying the subsequent layers. Materials:
The materials used in untreated Subgrade construction shall be in conformity
with the requirements indicated in the special specifications or these general
specifications. The used materials shall not be less than (A-2-4) according to AASHTO
M-145 classification or the type indicated in the special specifications. When the
subsequent layers are asphalt or when executing the Subgrade in areas with high water
table shall not be less than (A-1-b). The California Baring Ratio (CBR) for the soaked
sample used in the Subgrade shall not be less than 25 % and the thickness shall not be
less than 30 centimeters.

Whenever excavated materials shall be used, , when they are suitable or it is

possible to improve them by mixing with other soil materials to conform to the
requirements for the untreated Subgrade materials in these general specifications or
special specifications providing that the decision shall be taken according to the test
results of representative samples.

When the excavated materials are not sufficient or do not achieve the required
specifications, Contractor shall choose an other borrow pits and obtain the necessary
release for using them and he has to clear and arrange these locations after completion
of borrow works according to the conditions indicated in section (5.4) “Embankment
Works” of this division.

Contractor prior starting hauling of the materials from the source/sources by at

least two weeks from the date expected, shall submit a technical report shows the
proposed material sources, the approximate quantities and the test results on
representative samples for each source. These tests shall include:

1. Classification according to (AASHTO M-145).

2. Moisture-Density relationship according to (AASHTO T-180)
3. California Baring Ratio (CBR) for soaked materials according to (ASTM D-
1883) or any other strength index required by the special specifications.

Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s written approval for the materials and
sources prior starting hauling of the materials. All the hauled materials and the
constructed works before obtaining the Engineer’s approval should be rejected,
removed and transported without any additional payment. The Engineer’s approval for
the source is considered as preliminary approval of the material and does not release
Contractor from the responsibility for the quality of the materials and constructed

Waters used in mixing the Subgrade materials shall be clean, free from any
impurities and it should not increase the total percent of salts in the soil to more than

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Back Equipments:
Contractor shall provide the sufficient number of necessary equipments required for
the Subgrade construction, and the qualified staff for operating and managing these
equipments, within the specified times in the approved work plan and time schedule and
according to the drawings, special specifications and these general specifications All the
equipments shall be in good condition and of types and capabilities suitable to type of
work and operation conditions and shall includes:
1. Excavation and transportation equipments
2. Spreading and leveling equipments.
3. Tankers provided with water sprayers.
4. Rollers with types and weights suitable for materials used and layers

All the used equipments shall conform to the environmental, noise and vibration
requirements implemented in urban areas and their movements should not lead to any
damage to the near by buildings, structures or utilities. Contractor shall be responsible
for any damages resulting from using unsuitable construction methods, machines and
equipments and he shall repair in his expense all the damaged properties. Construction:
Contractor, prior to starting of the Subgrade construction by not less than15
days, shall submit a report to the Engineer includes the work plan and time schedule, a
description for the equipments includes, their numbers, technical conditions and
capabilities to construct the works according to the plan and time schedule.

Contractor shall prepare a traffic control plan and shall take all the required
measures for the protection of pedestrians and the neighborhood.
The approved materials shall be transported through approved roads network
without traffic interruption, and transportation shall be done using trucks having a
closed metal covered boxes to prevent dust proliferation and roads contamination.

Vehicles loads shall be deposited on the prepared surfaces and distributed almost
equally to give the required Subgrade layer's thickness. The deposited materials shall be
spread using bulldozers and leveled by graders. The layer's thickness after compaction
shall not more than 15 centimeters. The untreated Subgrade with thickness exceeds 20
centimeters shall be constructed in two equal layers.

Materials can be supplied either dry or wet conditions. Water shall be added to
the soil and mixed until the moisture content not differ by more than 2% from the
specified optimum moisture content determined using modified Proctor test for same
material. When it is found that moisture content is higher than the limits the soil shall be
pulverized and dried until the moisture content becomes within the required limits for

Immediately after completion of spreading, wetting and leveling of the materials

in a uniform surface with the required thickness, slopes and cross-sections indicated in
the drawings or other contract documents, compaction shall be starting using the
suitable equipments like static or vibratory steel rollers or pneumatic tiered rollers. It is
not allowed to use sheep foot rollers for aggregate layer compaction. Compaction shall
continue until the ratio of field density determined by AASHTO T-191 test or AASHTO

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
T-310-01 test, to maximum dry density determined by modified Proctor Test AASHTO
T-180, is not less than 95% if the subsequent layers are aggregate layers and not less
than 100 % if the subsequent layers are asphalt layers.

The field density shall be measured using sand cone method according to
AASHTO T-191 or nuclear method AASHTO T-310-01 or any other non-destructive
method. However, when the nuclear method is used measuring shall be done in 3
different locations for each location. The average of the three readings is considered as
the field density of that location.

The minimum acceptable limit for the degree of compaction for determining
payment factor using statistical method is the percent of compaction specified minus
2%. Maintaining of the Constructed layers:

Contractor shall take all the required measures and precautions to protect and
maintain the uniformity of the constructed Subgrade layers, their surfaces and slopes
from any damages and shall keep the layers within the required compaction level until
the laying of the subsequent layer.

At the end of each daily work, Contractor shall form and compact the Subgrade
to a uniform cross-section suitable for water drainage, and take the required
arrangements to drain waters and prevention of their collection on the road surface. And
he shall protect the neighboring buildings and structures from any waters damage.

The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the stability of all the
Subgrade layers and replace all the sections removed or eroded by water and/or wind as
directed by the Engineer.

It is not allowed to leave the constructed Subgrade layer exposed for a period
exceeds two weeks after being tested and accepted by the Engineer. If this occurred,
Contractor prior to construct the next layers shall perform the required tests to verify
moisture and percent of compaction and carry out the necessary repair works on his
own expense. Contractor shall wet the Subgrade surface with water in the times and
with the quantities specified as directed by the Engineer, before the construction of the
subsequent layers.

The Engineer has the authority to stop all the other works in the project until the
Contractor carries out the proper maintenance for the constructed and accepted
Subgrade. And he has the absolute power to re-test and evaluate the Subgrade layer. Finishing requirements:

The construction of untreated Subgrade layer shall be performed with the
conformity of dimensions, slopes and thickness indicated in the drawings and special
specifications. The variation between the executed layer thickness and the required
thickness shall not exceed 2 centimeters or 10 % of the approved thickness whichever is

The levels of finished layer's surface shall not differ from the specified levels by
more than 10 millimeters if the subsequent layer was an asphalt layer or 20 millimeters

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
if the subsequent layer an aggregate layer. Cross-sections levels shall be taken at five
points in 25 meters interval, providing that the number of the sections is not less than 5
each 2000 square meters of the executed layer.

Unevenness shall be verified visually and by measuring with a straight edge of 3

meters long at five locations. The clearance between the straight edge bottom and the
layer's surface at any two neighbored support points shall not exceed 20 mm. Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall apply the quality control for untreated Subgrade works and
performing all the required measures to insure that the used materials, construction
methods and the final works conform to the quality requirements stated in these general
specifications and the other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply quality assurance for the production and verifying the
Contractor quality control procedures either by direct supervision of the constructed
layer or by carrying out neutrally and independent quality assurance procedures on
sufficient numbers of representative samples to judge the construction level and to
accept or reject the executed works, according to the principles stated in division 17 of
these general specifications except otherwise indicated in the particular specifications
and other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall perform quality control for materials and constructed works and
he shall monitor records and analyze the results and draw quality charts for critical
properties. Contractor shall carry out all the tests and measurements indicated in Table
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of tests promptly and apply all
the items indicated in item 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right, to apply or ordering performing of quality assurance
for the materials and constructed works, under its direct supervision, and it has the right
to test the materials and inspect the constructed work for all or some of quality control
items specified in Table

The Ministry has the right to review Contractor’s quality control records and to
compare those records statistically with the results of the applied quality assurance
procedures as specified in Division 17 of these general specifications. And inspect
Contractor’s laboratory, equipments and technical staff to insure the efficiency of
Contractor’s staff and inspection, testing and construction methods whether they are
conforming to the approved testing and construction method. Measurement:
The un-treated Subgrade shall be measured in cubic meters or according to
special specifications, for the executed and technically acceptable works within
dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or according to the engineer's
No measuring shall be made for the purpose of payment for the works outside
the limits shown on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the Engineer.

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Back Payment:
Payment shall be paid for actually and technically accepted constructed works
and quantities within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract unit
prices or reduced prices as a result of applying quality assurance procedures if stated in
the contract documents.

The paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for material excavation,
transporting, wetting, mixing, compacting and finishing of the work, in addition to the
provision and operation of machines, equipments, labor, tests, measurements, benefits,
revenues, fees, third party payments and all requirements to construct the works
according to drawings, special and general specifications,.

Payment shall be made according to one or more of the items indicated in Table
( if not contradict with contract documents:

Table Quality control procedures for untreated Subgrade

Work Properties Test method Sampling frequency Requirements
of samples
AASHTO M-145 Three tests on different
samples from each source,
Raw CBR ASTM D 1883 when source is approved or
At source
materials changed, or a change in the
materials or constructed
moisture AASHTO T-180
works is noticed.
Three tests at starting of
Classification AASHTO M-145 production, test for each
Materials At project produced 1000 cubic meter
at use site or when a change is noticed
density AASHTO T-180 in the properties of the
Relationship executed works
Degree of AASHTO T-191,
Compaction AASHTO T-310-01
Thickness Core samples A test every 2000 square
meters of each constructed
Survey measures layer or each work day
and levels

Measuring every 2000,

Constructed At project meters or each work day
works site
Cross section every 25
Surface meters or 5 sections every
Straight edge
smoothness 2000 square meters
whichever is greater.
5 measurements at different
sites each 2000 square
meter or between the cross
sections for measuring
levels and dimensions.

Table Untreated Subgrade Works Items

Item No. Work type Unit untreated Subgrade m3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.5.3 Lime Treated Subgrade: Description:
This subsection consists of furnishing, mixing spreading, leveling, and
compacting the materials of lime treated Subgrade to the required compaction degree
according to the thickness, levels and dimensions shown on the drawings and according
to the special specifications and these general specifications. It also includes
construction method and protection work for constructed layer until the laying of the
next layer. Materials:
1. Soil:
Soil materials can be native soil of the site or other barrow materials brought
from outside the site. The soils wherever its source shall, meet the following

1. Positively response to the lime treatment and improved with lime.

2. Free from organic materials and all other undesired materials.
3. Clay lumps shall be pulverized to a degree that allows it to pass through the
mixing machine and permits it's mixing with lime.
4. The percentage of Sulphates shall not exceed 1%.

The applicability of the soil to be treated with lime shall be decided on the bases
of technical study prepared by specialized agency in which a comparison between test
results of untreated and treated soils for the target properties shall be made. The soil is
considered suitable for lime treatment when its plasticity index is equal to or grater than
20 %. The treatment is considered effective if results of average plasticity index of five
(5) soil samples after the lime treatment using the same percent of lime is reduced by
not less than 35 % compared with the average plasticity test result for five (5) untreated
samples from the same soil. The suitability of the soil for lime treatment shall be
verified on the basis of Appendix (A) of ASTM M 2163.

Prior starting the treatment process, the percentage of Sulphates shall be

determined in the soil to be treated by using the approved standard methods. In case the
results of tests showed the existence of soluble Sulphates in the soil then, the treatment
process shall be done according to mellow time indicated in Table ( below.

Table No. Mellow Time according to Sulphate Percent *

Percent of Sulphates % Suggested mellow time
0.0-0.3 No need for additional time
0.3-0.5 One day
0.5-0.8 Two to three days
0.8-1 Double treatment
ƒ Note*:
1. When the sulphates percentage exceeds (0.8) percent reference shall be made to the
Engineer and the design authority to obtain more construction requirements.
2. Double treatment shall be performed as follows; by adding half of the specified hydrated
lime percentage and mixing it with the soil and wetting for 5 days at moisture content higher
than the optimum moisture content and the other half of liquid hydrated lime is added and
mixed and compaction.

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2. Lime:
Lime used in treatment shall be hydrated lime or quick commercial lime that
conforms to the requirements of (ASTM C 51) designation produced in approved
factories and it shall be free from lumps and achieve the gradation requirements
indicated in Table (

Table No. Lime Gradation

Percent Passing %
Sieve size
Hydrated lime Quick lime
19 mm (3/4 inch) 100 100
0.63 mm (No. 30) 95-100 -
0.15 mm (No. 100) - 30-100
0.075 mm (No. 200) 75-100 -
Dry sieve analysis
Test method (ASTM C 110)
(ASTM C 136)

Calcium Hydroxide percentage in the hydrated lime shall not be less than 85 %.
And the quick lime shall contain not less than 94 % of Calcium and Magnesium oxide
(CaO+MgO) and not less than 90% total available Calcium oxide (CaO) as determined
by (ASTM C 25) test.

It is preferable to use hydrated lime and it is not permissible using of quick lime
in urban areas without a special permission and Contractor shall be responsible when
allowed to use quick lime to provide the required protection measures. And he is
responsible for any damages, which may inflict individuals or properties as a result for
using this type of lime.

Contractor can supply the lime specified for use from more than one approved
source providing that the materials of each source shall be used separately. Also
Contractor, when supplying lime, shall submit a guarantee certificate endorsed from the
manufacturer with production date, validity date, storing and using method.

The lime should be stored in specific and moisture- isolated loose and dry places
until time of using in dry state to allow easy distribution and it shall be free from lumps.

3. Water:
The water used in mixing shall be free from harmful materials such as oils,
acids, alkaline, clay, silt and organic materials. It shall not contain more than 1000 unit
per million of chloride (Cl) or sulphates like (So4). If required by the special
specifications or the Engineer, water shall be tested to verify its suitability according to
(AASHTO T-26) test.

4. Asphalt curing membrane:

Except otherwise the special specifications indicates, the asphalt material used
as a curing membrane shall be from asphalt emulsions type (SS-1h or CSS-1h) and shall
achieve the requirements specified in Division 7 of these general specifications. Equipments:
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with the design job mix formula a list of
the equipments he intends to use. These equipments shall be capable of executing the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
works according to the work plan, time schedule and shall be able to produce and
execute a subgrade layer conforming to the requirements stipulated in the special
specifications or these general specifications. This list shall include, for example,
graders with accessories required for pulverizing and plowing earth materials, lime
distributor, mixing and spreading equipments, compactor and water distributor, asphalt
distributor and any other equipment required for construction the work in accordance
with the special specifications and work plan.

Pulverizing and plowing equipments shall be capable of plowing soil to the

required depth and pulverizing it to the required sizes.
Also, the lime distributor shall be capable of distributing lime in a uniform way
throughout the width of the area to be treated and equipped with the quantity control
systems which provide controlling of distributed quantity of lime according to the ratio
identified in the approved job mix formula and it shall be provided with equipments
preventing the lime scattering during its distribution. The sides of lime distributors shall
be covered with a special cover to prevent scattering.

The mixing equipments shall be self propelled and equipped with a mobile
mixing chamber or a mixer equipped with one or more wide mixing screws and they
shall be capable of picking the soil and mixing it with lime and water and spread in a
uniform and a regularly way to the depths indicated on the drawings or the special
The grading machines used shall be capable of spreading and leveling materials
according to the approved slopes and levels. Water and asphalt distributors shall be
susceptible to calibration and capable of spraying materials with the required ratio.

Compaction machines shall be capable of compacting layers to the compaction

degrees indicated for the full depth of the layer. They may include smooth wheel
pneumatic rollers and vibratory rollers and it is preferable to use grid or foot ship rollers
for breaking the large particles and clay lumps.

Contractor may use one machine which is capable of carrying out a group of the
works required such as plowing, pulverization and applying lime and water in the
approved ratios and depths providing that the Contractor proves their capability to
produce the work as required in the specifications.

The Engineer shall review and approve proposed Contractor's equipment list or
requires more additional equipments prior or during construction if the executed work is
not in conformity with the specified requirements. Job Mix Design Formula:

1. Mix Design Requirements:
The lime treated Subgrade layer materials shall achieve the following quality
requirements, except otherwise special specifications and the approved technical report
prepared by the specialized agency, indicate different requirements:

ƒ Swell potential shall not exceed 1% when the treated material is soaked with
water and it is allowed to swell according to ASTM D 3668.

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ƒ The unconfined compressive strength for cylindrical samples shall not be less
than one (1) mega Pascal when tested according to ASTM D 5102 after the 28
days curing period.
ƒ The percent of hydrated lime shall not be less than 5% of the dry weight of soil.

2. Acceptance procedures of Job Mixture formula:

Contractor, prior starting lime treated Subgrade works by 30 days, shall submit
to the Engineer a technical report prepared by an approved specialized agency shows
material proportions, construction, wetting and curing method. The report shall be based
on actual test results on the soil, lime and water specified for use in producing the lime
treated Subgrade.

As a minimum, the report shall include the following information:

1. Type and percent of lime to be used.

2. Classification of soil before and after treatment.
3. Maximum density for the treated soil.
4. Optimum moisture content during mixing and compaction.
5. Strength index such as (CBR) or unconfined compression test for soil before and
after treatment and the value of free expansive as indicated in the special
specifications. Also the report must clarify the following :
a. Construction method including lime application and curing method.
b. Any special requirements for mixing, curing, compaction and testing.
c. List for machines and equipments proposed for construction.

The Engineer shall review the design job mix formula and verify if it contains
all the required information. In case the information was not complete, the J.M.F should
be returned to the Contractor within 7 days, for completing the lacking information and
resubmit the design job formula. However, if the information were complete the
Engineer shall check and insure whether the treated soil achieves the requirements.
Indicated in the special specifications. If it doesn’t achieve those requirements the report
should be rejected and the Contractor shall submit a new job formula. But if the mixture
achieves the requirements the Engineer shall issue a written acceptance for the job mix
formula which is considered only as preliminary. The final acceptance shall be issued
on the test results of field samples during construction. Experimental section:

Contractor shall, when special specifications indicate that or the Engineer
requires, construct an experimental section at least 200 meters long for the purpose of
verifying the possibility to construct the works according to the job formula,
construction method and the proposed machines and equipments. Contractor shall
perform all the required tests on the executed layer in the experimental section and to
submit a copy of their results to the Engineer for evaluation. If the Engineer found that,
during construction or from the test results, there is a need for carrying out some
modifications in the work plan or replacement of some equipments and machines or
modifying the mixture to fulfill specification requirements, he shall conveys his written
comments to the Contractor. The Contractor shall satisfy all the comments and required
modifications including reconstruction of the rejected executed layer. However, if the
experimental section results were conformed to the requirements then the design job
formula, work plan, percent of lime distribution, water content and methods of

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distribution, leveling and compaction should be approved. The Contractor shall abide by
with the approved construction method from experimental section up to the finishing of
works, except otherwise a change is made in the design job formula or in the work plan.

Contractor shall perform the treatment works according to the drawings, special
specifications, and design job formula and he shall finish the treated layer according to
the approved dimensions, levels, slopes and thickness and approved curing method. The
Engineer’s acceptance for the job formula, equipment list and experimental section
results, does not release the Contractor from his full responsibility for execution the
work according to the drawings and special specifications. Construction:
Construction shall be carried out according to the constructed experimental
section results using the approved design job mix formula, machines and equipments,
percent of lime and water, mixing, spreading, compaction and approved methods of

1. Plowing and Pulverizing of Soil:

The soil materials proposed for lime treatment shall be plowed and pulverized.
All rock materials with a size of more than 5 cm, deleterious and organic materials
should be removed. At the end of this phase a loose material, free from any lumps and
particles size exceed 5 centimeter shall be obtained, so that it completely pass through
the mixing machine.

Plowing and pulverizing shall be performed to a depth equal to the layer’s

thickness shown on the drawings and special specifications after mixing with lime,
applying of water, leveling and compaction. The resulting thickness shall not be less
than the specified thickness by more than two (2) centimeters.

When using mixer which requires material's collection before spreading, these
materials shall be collected in heaps of suitable sizes suiting the power of mixer obtains
a consistent mixture. Otherwise the materials shall be formed according to the approved
dimensions, thickness and required cross sections.

When the Subgrade thickness is more than thirty (30) centimeters, treatment
shall be performed in two layers of approximately equal thickness. so that the upper
layer shall be on site then it will be removed and stored in such a way that maintains its
moisture content. The bottom layer shall be treated, maintained and compacted at site
then the stored treated materials shall be spread, mixed and compacted over the finished
treated lower layer.

2 Application of lime:
Lime shall be applied at the percent approved in the design job mix formula
according to the construction method specified in the work plan and the results of the
experimental section. The percent of lime added should not vary from the percent
specified in the approved design job mixture formula by more than ten (10) percent of
the approved percent, it is permissible to apply lime in one batch or two batches by
using the approved equipments and machines providing that each batch of lime shall be
well mixed with the soil.

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Hydrated lime can be applied by one of the following methods:

- Dry method:
Lime can be distributed by machines and equipments like self discharging
vehicles which are equipped with a transfer screw that distributes lime on the surface
intended for treatment, or a mobile mechanical spreader which distribute the lime to a
close distance from the surface.

Also lime can be distributed using bags in form of rows at specified interval to get
required and uniform percent of lime. It is possible to distribute the lime in one batch or
more batches with the required mixing after each batch according to the approved work
plan. The required measures shall be taken to prevent lime dispersal due to winds by
immediate wetting with water and Contractor shall stop work when wind speed leads to
lime dispersal.

- Wetting method:
Lime and water shall be mixed to obtain an emulsion in which the percent of
solid particles is not less than 30 % then the emulsion is sprayed by particular trucks or
rotary mixers. Lime distribution in both cases shall be uniform throughout the area
intended for treatment by repeating the applying process until the lime and percent of
moisture required for treatment is achieved.

The following requirements shall be followed at all times:

- No spreading of lime or lime-treated material shall be made when the
temperature during spreading or the expected temperature within 48 hours is less
than 4 degrees Celsius (4◦ C).
- Lime distribution shall be limited only to areas that can be mixed in the same
working day. It is not permissible to leave a distributed lime without mixing
with soil and water for more than six hours.
- Parts which have been spread without mixing for more than 6 hours or parts for
which test results showed a shortage in lime content out side the tolerance limits,
Contractor in his expense shall retreat these section by adding all the originally
required lime quantity.
- The application of quick lime if allowed to be used should be only by the dry
method and it shall be mixed properly with soil before adding water and all
safety conditions shall be followed.

3. Mixing:
Immediately after completion of lime distribution water shall be added in a ratio
of five (5%) percent more than the optimum percent and the mixing of materials shall
start immediately after that.
Lime mixing with soil shall continue until a uniform mixture is obtained for
whole depth of the constructed layer. It is possible to mix the treated soil with lime by
using equipments equipped with plowing and scarifying devices. These equipments
shall be capable of plowing and scarifying materials for the whole depth.

When the special specifications and the approved job mix formula state that the
lime application should be in batches, Contractor shall mix lime with the soil and water
and initially compact these materials and let them for a period not less than 3 days, then
he shall apply the second application of lime, and the required percent of water and mix

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these materials properly until a uniform mixture for the whole depth of the layer under
progress is obtained.

When the Contractor faces difficulty in materials mixing, he shall execute the
preliminary mixing, spreading and compaction to lessen water evaporation and maintain
the layer for a period of not less than 48 hours, then the moisture shall be adjusted so
that it doesn’t differ from the optimum moisture content by more than ±2 % and
remixing materials properly until a uniform mixture is obtained then leveling the layer
and finishing the compaction.

When the special specifications and the job mix formula indicate a special
mellowing period according to Table ( or the approved job mix, the lime and
water shall be added and mixed initially and kept wet during the specified mellowing
period, the layer is re-plowed and pulverized then water is added, and the layer shall be
mixed, leveled and compacted and the lime treated material shall be left, after the
preliminary mixing operations and before compaction, for a period varies between 24 to
48 hours to allow more mellowing.

If the Contractor could not execute the mixing process in the same day, he shall
treat the surface with preliminary compaction by rubber wheeled rollers before the end
of the working day providing that the work sequence will continue next day.

When quick lime is used for the treatment of the Subgrade, the applied water
quantity before or during mixing should be adequate to fully hydrate lime, the heat
arising from hydration shall not decrease percent of water in the final mixture.

When lime treated Subgrade required to be re-constructed after 7 days from the
final compaction, a percent of lime which shall not differ from the basic percent, by not
more than 2%, shall be added to the mixture and mixed in a uniform way and all the
phases of construction shall be repeated.

4. Construction of Joints:
To achieve required joint between successive working days, Contractor shall
plow a part of the previous constructed treated layer in the past day for a distance not
less than half (0.5) meter remix and wet after adding 50% of the approved lime content
to that plowed area and re-construct this part with the new day work.

5. Compaction:
The Subgrade lime treated layer shall be compacted after the wetting and
applying the final formation processes according to dimensions, levels and thicknesses
shown on the drawings or specified in the special specifications. The individual layers
thickness shall not exceed 30 cm, and when the required thickness is more than 30 cm
the mixture shall be spread and compacted into two or more layers of approximately
equal thickness.

Moisture shall be maintained during spreading and compaction process so that it

does not differ from the optimum moisture content by more than 2%.

The compaction process shall be executed by using the approved compaction

equipments. The preliminary compaction shall be started by using rollers capable of

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penetrating and kneading the material like grid wheel rollers or sheep foot rollers.
However, the final compaction process shall be performed by steel or pneumatic
wheeled rollers, provided that final number of passes shall not be less than 2.

Areas can not be reach with rollers shall be compacted by compaction

equipments chosen by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer such as vibrating
plate or any other capable equipment. Consideration shall be given to equipment
capability to compact to the whole depth and to achieve the required density. When it is
necessary, the specified thickness may be changed for each layer to suit the used
compaction equipment.

Lime treated Subgrade shall be compacted, up to a density of not less than 95%
of the maximum dry density specified by (AASHTO T-99 method C) test except
otherwise indicated in the special specifications. All compaction and finishing processes
shall be finalized within a period not more than 12 hours from the final mixing.

Compaction degree shall be determined for each constructed layer using the
sand cone method according to (AASHTO T-191) or the nuclear method according to
(AASHTO T310-01) or any other approved non-destructive method. When using the
nuclear or non-destructive test method, three readings shall be are taken for each
location in different direction and the average for the three readings is considered as the
field density of that location.

The minimum acceptable limit for the compaction degree to determine the
payment factor using statistical method is the indicated compaction degree minus 2%.

The unconfined compressive strength or the approved strength index for the
constructed works shall be determined using core samples and the allowed minimum
limit for calculating pay factor shall be 80% of the value obtained in the design job mix
formula or the minimum limit of the strength specified in the special specification
whichever is greater.

Verification shall be carried out for the percentage of lime added to uncured
samples using (ASTM D 3155) test and the percent of the lime used shall not differ
from the approved percent by more than 10% of the rate specified in the job mix
formula, providing that the difference shall not exceed (0.5%) whichever is lesser.

6. Curing:
The surface of the constructed layer shall be maintained in wet condition until
the next layer is laid otherwise Asphalt curing membrane should be executed.

When required, the asphalt curing membrane shall be executed during one day
from completion of the final compaction, by applying a continuous uniform asphalt
emulsion in rate of (0.7-1.4) litter per square meter through out the width with the same
method of prime coat distribution as indicated in Division (8) of these general

Curing period shall not be less than 7 days and vehicles and machines are not
allowed to pass on the lime treated Subgrade before the end of the curing period except
water distribution tankers, providing that their passing should not result any

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deformations on the surface of the layer. the equipment is not allowed to move over the
asphalt curing membrane before 72 hours after its distribution. Safety requirements:

Contractor prior starting of the construction of the lime treated Subgrade, shall
provide all the required instructions, requirements and arrangement of safety from the
lime manufacturers and to be aware of the aid operations. Accordingly, Contractor shall
prepare a special program for training employees and submit a report to the Engineer. It
is not permitted to start the works before the approval of the Engineer for the safety plan
and verification of the employees training. During lime applying, particularly quick
lime, warning signs shall be placed for pedestrians and neighboring residents.

Contractor shall, during construction processes, apply all safety regulations and
he shall impose on the employees the use of safety equipments such as gloves and
protective masks. In case the Contractor fails to apply safety requirements all
construction activities shall be stopped and Contractor shall be responsible for any
damages arising from his failure to apply safety regulations. Finishing requirements:

The lime treated Subgrade shall be constructed according to the dimensions,
grades and thickness shown on the drawings and special specifications. The difference
between thickness of the constructed layer and the required thickness shall not exceed 2
cm or 10% of the approved thickness whichever is lesser. Measuring of each layer shall
be performed after verifying the degree of compaction using core samples from each
layer. The field density holes can be used for this purpose.

The final surface levels of the constructed layer shall not differ from the
specified levels by more than 10 mm if the next layer was asphalt or 20 mm if the next
layers were aggregate. The final cross-sections levels shall be measured at 25 meters
interval providing that the number of the sections shall not be less than 5 every 2000
square meters of the constructed layer. Measuring shall be performed at least in 5 points
in each cross-section.

Verification for unevenness of the layer surface can be done visually or by

measuring with a metal straight edge 3 meters long in 5 locations and the clearance
between the bottom of the edge and the layer's surface between any two contact points
shall not exceed 20 mm. Works Acceptances:

Contractor shall apply the quality control for lime treated Subgrade works and
performing all the required measures to insure that the used materials, construction
methods and the final works conform to the quality requirements stated in these general
specifications and the other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply quality assurance for the production and verifying the
Contractor quality control procedures either by direct supervision of the constructed
layer or by carrying out neutrally and independent quality assurance procedures on
sufficient numbers of representative samples to judge the construction level and to
accept or reject the executed works, according to the principles stated in division 17 of

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
these general specifications except otherwise indicated in the special specifications and
other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall perform quality control for materials and constructed works and
he shall monitor records and analyze the results and draw quality charts for critical
properties. Contractor shall carry out all the tests and measurements indicated in Table Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of tests promptly and apply
all the items indicated in item 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right, to apply or ordering performing of the quality
assurance for the materials and constructed works, under its direct supervision, and it
has the right to test the materials and inspect the constructed work for all or some of
quality control items specified in Table (

The Ministry has the right to review Contractor’s quality control records and to
compare those records statistically with the results of the applied quality assurance
procedure as specified in Division 17 of these general specifications, inspect
Contractor’s laboratory, equipments and technical staff to insure the efficiency of
Contractor’s staff and the inspection, testing and construction methods whether they are
conforming to the approved testing and construction method.

Works shall be accepted according to unit prices specified in the contract or by

reduced prices or rejected according to the quality level results from applying the
statistical method indicated in Division 17 of these general specifications, except
otherwise indicated in the special specifications. Measurement:
The lime treated Subgrade shall be measured in cubic meters after being laid and
compacted to the specified thickness and within the dimensions and levels shown on the
drawings or according to the Engineer’s instructions.
No measuring shall be made for the purpose of payment for the materials laid
outside the limits shown on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the
Engineer. Payment:
Payment shall be paid for actually and technically accepted constructed works
and quantities within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract unit
prices or reduced prices as a result of applying the quality assurance procedure if stated
in the contract documents.

The paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for material excavation,
transporting, wetting, mixing, compacting and finishing of the work, in addition to the
provision and operation of machines, equipments, labor, tests, measurements, benefits,
revenues, fees and third party payments and all requirements to construct the works
according to drawings, special and general specifications.

Payment shall be made according to one or more of the items indicated in Table
( if not contradict with contract documents.

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Table Quality control procedures for lime treated Subgrade works

Work Properties Test method Sampling frequency Requirements
of Sample
3 tests on different samples
from each source when the
approving source and design
job mixture formula or
change of source or noticing
Soil AASHTO Item
a change in the properties of
classification M 145
the executed works, and 5
At source tests on different samples at
different intervals for each
5000 cubic meters from each
source during execution.
At commencement of supply
guarantee Item
Lime and whenever the source is
certificate from
Lime percent
3 tests at production starting
Soil and one test every 10,000
classification AASHTO square meter production or Item
after M 145 noticing a change in the
treatment properties of the executed
Moisture/ works.
3 tests at production
commencement and one test
AASHTO each 10.000 square meter Item
T-220 from the executed works or
when a change is noticed in
executed works.
At site
Every 2000 square meters of Item
Field density or any other
each executed layer.
approved non-
Executed destructive test
Works One measuring for each 2000
square meters of the executed Item
Thickness Core samples
layer and it is possible to use
field density holes.
Measuring in five cross
Dimensions Survey sections each 2000 square Item
& levels measuring meters cross-section each 25
meters whichever is greater.
Five measures each 2000
Surface Measuring with Item
square meters or between
leveling straight edge
cross sections

Table Items for lime-treated subgrade layer works

Item No. Work type Unit Lime treated Subgrade m3 Lime (when specified in separate payment) Ton

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.5.4 Cement Treated Subgrade: Description:
This section consists of material requirements and construction methods for
cement treated Subgrade, it includes preparation of the surface, provision of the
materials, mixing with water, spreading, and compaction of these materials to the
required density and maintaining the constructed layer, according to the thicknesses,
levels and dimensions indicated on the drawings and in conformity with the special
specifications and these general specifications. Materials:

1. Soil:
The soil material used in cement treated Subgrade shall be from the local soil or
barrow materials. It shall be of a type positively response to lime-treatment and
improved by cement, free from plant or organic materials and unsuitable materials. The
total percent of chloride and sulphates by weight of the soil according to AASHTO T-
(290-291) test shall not exceed 1%. The soil shall be pulverized until particle's size
becomes less than 5 cm and the percent of the retained on sieve No. 4 (4.75 mm) shall
not be more than 45%.

The applicability of the soil to be treated with cement shall be decided on the
bases of technical study prepared by specialized agency in which a comparison between
test results of untreated and treated soils for the target properties shall be made. The soil
is considered suitable for cement treatment when its plasticity index is less than 20 %.
The treatment is considered effective if results of average target property value of five
(5) soil samples after the cement treatment using the same percent of cement is
improved by not less than 35 % compared with the average target property value for the
five (5) untreated samples from the same soil.

2. Portland Cement:
The Portland cement used shall be Portland V sulphate resistant type and shall
be conforming to Saudi standard specification SASO 570 or ASTM C150 except
otherwise special specifications allow for another type.

3. Water
The water used in mixing shall be in compliance with the requirements of
section (5.5.3) of these general specifications.

4. Asphalt curing membrane:

The asphalt material used as a curing membrane shall be from asphalt emulsions
type (SS-1h or CSS-1h) conform to the requirements of Division (7) of these general

5. Additives:
The Retarders compounds and other chemical compounds shall be effective and
conform to the requirements specified in specification (ASTM C 494); the addition of
these materials should not lead to an adverse effect on any required properties of the
mix in treated layer.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Back Job Mix Design Formula:

1. Requirements of the Mix:

Unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications, the unconfined
compressive strength, after 7 days for the soaked cylindrical samples of the cement
treated soil, shall not be less than (2.75 M.Pa) according to ASTM D 5102. When the
special specifications require durability test for the cement treated soil, the percent of
loss by weight of cured samples for a period of 7 days after being exposed to (12) cycles
of soaking and drying according to ASTM D 559 test, shall not exceed the values
showed in Table (, unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications.
The percent of cement used shall not be less than (3.5%) by weight of soil.

Table Loss of weight in the soaking and drying test

Soil classification Percent Loss by weight

A-1, A-3, A-2-4, A-2-5 14
A-2-6, A-2-7, A-4, A-5 10
A-6, A-7 7

2. Acceptance of Job mix formula:

Prior starting construction of the cement treated Subgrade by not less than 30
days, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a technical report prepared by a
specialized and qualified agency include the job mix formula, the work plan and a list of
the machines and equipments proposed for construction. The job mix formula shall
include materials sources, properties, material proportions, and curing methods. The
report shall be based on actual test results on representative samples of soil materials,
cement and water proposed to be used in cement treated Subgrade.

The report shall include the following:

1. Source and properties of all materials proposed for producing cement treated
mixture including additive materials, percent, and methods of application and
2. The proposed percents of cement, water, and additives.
3. The mixture density at the proposed proportions of cement and water on the basis of
(AASHTO-134) test.
4. The quality properties of the mixture (unconfined compressive strength) and any
other properties indicated in the special specifications.
5. Equipments and machines list.
6. Mixing, spreading, compaction and curing methods.

The Engineer shall review the design job mix formula and verify if it contains
all the required information within 7 days and return it to contractor for completing the
lacking information or study it and verify that the proposed mix achieves all the
required requirements. If it was found that specifications were not achieved, he
resubmits it to the contractor with his comments. Then contractor shall resubmit a new
job formula. But if the design job formula was technically acceptable, the engineer shall
issue his written acceptance and inform the contractor.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
When the contractor changes materials or if testing results and execution prove
that specifications were not achieved or that the mix is not suitable for construction,
contractor in such case shall carry out all the required modifications to obtain a
workable mix that achieves specifications.

Contractor has no right, by any means, to start production and construction

before receiving the written approval of the job mix formula by the Engineer.
Acceptance of the formula is considered as preliminary until verification is made of the
possibility for its production and execution on site. Also, this acceptance does not
release the contractor from his responsibility for producing a cement treated specimen
layer according to special specifications or these specifications. Weather limitations:

Cement application and mixture production or construction shall not be
performed when the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius or expected to reach this
temperature in the next day following the day of mixing and spreading or when it
exceed 35 degrees Celsius. These limits can be exceeded with a written approval from
the Engineer if the contractor takes the required precautions to maintain the mix and
executed works for reducing water evaporations and damping of the mix using ways
that do not affect the quality of treated layer or its efficiency after construction. The
contractor shall be responsible of any results arise from that and he shall carry on his
expense all repair works when required without any additional payments, including the
sections that does not conform to the specifications. It is not permissible to construct the
cement treated subgrade during rainfall or when speed of the wind exceeds 25 km /hr or
at any speed the Engineer decide that it may affect the cement distribution during on
road mixing or during sand or dust storms. The contractor is responsible to maintain the
road surface on which the treated subgrade will be constructed in a technical acceptable
condition in all weather and he shall remove all materials, mixes and works constructed
in unsuitable weather conditions, and he has no right to claims any additional payments
for that. Traffic Control:

Contractor shall take all the necessary arrangement to control traffic movement
during construction and diverting the public traffic movement when necessary. He shall
assign and construct the required paths for pedestrians. Contractor shall prohibit passing
of all machines and equipments on the cement treated Subgrade throughout the curing
period which should not be less than 7 days, excluding asphalt curing membrane and
water distributor equipments.

Those equipments shall be chosen so that they should not lead to any damages to
the Subgrade and the Contractor is responsible for any damages which occur to the
Subgrade due to private or public traffic or due to any other reason. Equipments:
Prior starting the Subgrade treatment works, Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer the design job mix formula, the work plan, and list of the machines and
proposed equipments to be used. Those equipments and machines shall be in the
numbers and productivity required for constructing the works according to the time
schedule prepared by the Contractor approved by the Engineer in conformity with the
contract period. The machines and equipments shall includes:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
1. Plowing and pulverizing machines and equipments capable of plowing and
scarifying the soil to the approved depths and dimensions.
2. Cement distributor which are capable of distributing cement in the specified rates
and possible to be calibrated and controlled.
3. Soil, cement and water mixing equipments which are capable of uniformly mixing
all materials for the full depth.
4. Mobile mixers capable of picking the soil and mixing it with cement and water and
re-spreading the mixture.
5. Batch or continuous central plants capable of producing the mixture and susceptible
to calibration and control for all the mixture contents.
6. Spreading and leveling equipments capable of spreading and leveling materials
according to the slopes and levels approved on the drawings and special
7. Compaction equipments capable of compacting the mixture to the required density
and suitable for the site including mechanical small compaction equipments or
manual equipments for compaction in areas where common rollers can not reach.
8. Water distributor equipments that can be calibrated.
9. Curing membrane equipments that can be calibrated.

The selection of suitable equipments shall be made according to the approved

work plan and construction method. Experimental section:

When the special specifications state or the Engineer requires, Contractor shall
construct an experimental section not less than 200 meters long (it may be from the
project works) for the purpose of verifying the possibility construction the cement
treated Subgrade according to the job mix formula using the proposed machines and
equipments and to insure that the constructed layer conform to the requirements of the
special specifications and the contract documents.

Contractor shall perform all the measurements and tests for the constructed
experimental section and submit the results to the Engineer. The Engineer shall evaluate
the results and verifies the construction method and he shall inform the Contractor with
his written comments. Contractor shall carry out all the required modifications
including the job mix modifications in any phase of the construction works or replace
some machines and equipments, to achieve the requirements of the specifications.
Contractor in his expense shall remove the unacceptable constructed works and replace
them with suitable ones if the results of the experimental section were not acceptable.

However, if the results of the experimental section were acceptable, the

Engineer shall approve the results and the Contractor shall follow the job mix formula,
plan, machines and equipments used throughout the construction period. These results
are considered as a reference for subsequent works evaluation and the Contractor has no
right to make any modifications without permission from the Engineer. The Engineer's
acceptance for the experimental section results, approval of the job mix formula and
plan does not release the Contractor from the responsibility for producing and
constructing cement treated Subgrade conforming to the approved specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Back Construction:
The Contractor shall construct the cement treated Subgrade according to the
thickness, dimensions, levels and slopes shown on the approved drawings and special
specifications using materials, job mix formula and construction methods approved by
the Engineer.

Construction shall be carried out according to the following phases:

1. Plowing and pulverization:

Prior starting of cement treated Subgrade construction, Contractor shall prepare
the surface on which the treated Subgrade shall be laid and execute the proof rolling to
determine weak areas and treat them. And he shall provide a sound and stable surface
capable of sustaining the construction equipments and receiving the cement treated

The soil to be treated shall be plowed and pulverized, whether it is the site
material or supplied material from outside, throughout the depth of the layer to be
treated so that it achieves the materials requirements indicated in this section or as
specified in the special specifications and the approved job mix formula.

All the pieces and lumps larger than 5 centimeters in size or larger than the
maximum size specified in the special specifications shall be removed by picking or
broken to the required size or screened.

2. Application of the cement:

Cement shall be added to the material to be treated according to the type and
percent approved in the job mix formula and construction method used in the
experimental section. The applied cement content shall not vary from the approved one
by more than 10% of cement percent or (0.5%) which is the least. when the contract
documents and the job mix formula indicate using of additives Contractor shall apply
the additive materials according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the
approved method in the work plan.

Cement may be applied to the soil according to the site and construction method
by one of the following ways:

- In-place mixing:
When performing the mixing directly on the road cement is distributed
uniformly with the specified rates on the surface of the soil to be treated by special
mechanical distributor. It is also possible to distribute cement bags on the surface to be
treated in form of rows such that the cement content after distribution shall be equal to
the approved percent then the bags are opened and the cement distributed towards
lateral direction and distributed on the surface by equipments which provide the
possibility of uniform distribution.

When the soil type and depth of the layer to be treated allow that, it is possible,
to use machines that pick the soil from the surface with the specified thickness and mix
it with cement and re-distribute it on the surface in the dry condition or in the form of a
ready mix after applying water.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
In all the cases of dry distribution, consideration shall be made to weather
conditions like wind speed and surface moisture such that no lost of cement occur due
to winds or to prevent forming of cement lumps due to humidity or surface moisture.
The period from cement distribution on the surface and finishing of its mixing with the
soil shall be as short as possible.

Cement shall be distributed only on surfaces where it is possible to finish their

mixing, soaking and compacting by the end of each working day, considering the
elapsed period between applying water, spreading, leveling, compaction and surface
finishing. Contractor shall be responsible for the results arising from breaching any of
these conditions.

- Plant Mixing:
When mixing is performed in a central mixer cement shall be applied in a dry
state to mixing chamber. Plants shall be equipped with a silo for cement, and cement
feeding is done through special lines provided with the required control systems to
control the applied cement quantity and automatic stopping when the specified quantity
is added.

3. Mixing:
Contractor shall mix the soil with cement and additive materials uniformly
throughout the area and depth of the layer to be treated. Both the cement application and
mixing methods shall be approved.

When mixing in central plants it is possible to use the continuous twin shaft or
batch mixers whereas the soil is mixed with cement in a special mixing chamber. Soil-
cement mixing time shall be controlled to produce a uniform mixture before addition of
water, and then water is added the mixing shall be continued until a uniform mixture is

When the continuous central twin shafts mixers are used the mixing chamber
shall continue after addition of water for a distance not less than 1.25 meter to complete
mixing. Such mixers shall contain a silo provided with discharging gate which opens
and closes automatically and with a capacity of not less than 20 tons for storing mixed

Mixers, whatever their type, shall be equipped with a calibration system capable
of adding soil, cement and water in the required quantity by volume or by weight.

When using batch mixers, the required tests shall be performed to determine the
mixing time before commencing the mixture production.

Mixing may be executed on the road either by mixers which pick the soil from
the surface and applying cement, mixing with the soil, adding water, complete mixing
and spread the ready mixture on the road when the treated soil and the available
equipments allow this. Or by machines that plow the soil, mix it with cement using dry
method rolling and rotating by a shaft provided with a screw plow, introducing water
and mixing until a uniform mixture is obtained with the required moisture and cement

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Mobile mixers shall move in a speed conform to the speed recommended by the
manufacturer according to the treatment depth and the quantity to be mixed and, at all
times, mixing shall continue until a uniform mixture is obtained for the full depth.

The moisture content of the produced mixture shall be higher than the specified
optimum moisture content by 2% according to (AASHTO T-134) test method. The
cement content shall not differ from the specified content in the job mix formula by
more than 10% of the specified content providing that the difference should not, be
more than half percent (0.5%).

4. Spreading, compaction and finishing:

Immediately after finishing mixing, the materials shall be loose and easily
spread and leveled in a surface that conforms to the grades and levels indicated in the
drawings or special specifications.

The compaction of the mixture shall be started immediately after finishing the
spreading and leveling process, the period between the addition of water and the
subsequent processes shall not exceed the values indicated in Table ( below.

Table Maximum Periods between Work Phases

Maximum period between

Work phases
phases, hours
From water addition to starting of compaction 1
Between addition of water and finishing the
preliminary compaction
Between addition of water and completing
compaction and finishing works.

When the separating period between compaction of adjacent parts exceeds 2

hours or when joining between previously constructed and new parts the joining process
shall be made according to method specified in the construction joints below.

The thickness of the compacted layer shall not exceed 20 cm and construction
shall be performed in layers of approximately equal thicknesses when the required
thickness is more than that.

Each layer, unless the special specifications otherwise state, shall be compacted
by using suitable machines and equipments. Preliminary compaction shall be executed
by using sheep foot rollers or grid rollers and the final compaction shall be executed by
smooth wheel or steel wheeled rollers. Compaction shall continue up to a density not
less than 100% of the maximum dry density specified by AASHTO T-134 test, and at
moisture content which should not differ from the optimum moisture content by more
than 2%.

Areas which are difficult for the rollers to reach shall be compacted up to the
required density for the full depth by the method and equipments accepted by the
Contractor shall take all required precautionary measures to eliminate formation
of random cracks, through controlling used cement percentage, such that it does not

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
exceed the approved minimum limit in the design job formula, control of water
percentage, carrying out work in the suitable weather conditions when temperatures are
getting lower, making the required provisions for construction in hot weather, and care
about moistening during curing period. When some random cracks appear, he shall
complete the necessary repair works according to the instructions of the engineer and
fill cracks with the suitable material. Except otherwise special specifications stipulate
for a specific type, fill materials shall be compliant with ASTM D (3405, 3406) and
contractor shall not be paid any additional amounts as a result of that.

Compaction degree shall be determined for each constructed layer using the
sand cone method according to (AASHTO T-191) or the nuclear method according to
(AASHTO T-310-01) or any other approved non-destructive method the compaction
degree shall be determined by taken field density as a percent of maximum dry density
specified according to AASHTO T-134. When using the nuclear or non-destructive test
method, three readings shall be taken for each location in different direction and the
average for the three readings is considered as the field density of that location.

The minimum acceptable limit for compaction degree to decide payment factor
by the statistical method is the indicated compaction degree minus 2 % percent.

The unconfined compressive strength for constructed layer shall be determined

by taking core samples. The minimum allowed limit for calculating the payment factor
is 90% of the value obtained in the mix design or the minimum of the specified strength
in the special specifications whichever is greater. The test is performed by using
(ASTM D 1633) method.

Cement percentage shall be verified by test AASHTO T-144 and cement

percentage used for treatment shall be compliant with the percentage determined in the
mix design or special specifications and it shall not vary from it by more than 10% of
the specified percentage in the design mix. The difference shall not, by any means,
exceed 0.5%.

5. Construction Joints:
At the end of each working day and when the period between laying of the
adjacent treated layers is more than two hours a lateral or straight linear joint shall be
constructed by cutting a part of the treated layer to a distance not less than (8) cm for
the whole depth in a vertical surface and removing the cut materials, cleaning and
protecting the joint until the new materials are placed. Consideration shall be made to
wet this surface carefully immediately before placing the new materials.

6. Curing:
The cement treated Subgrade shall be maintained in a wet condition using
emulsified asphalt membrane or spraying or covering it with sack, wetting and covered
with plastic sheet. These sacks shall be wetted with water at least two times daily and
recovered with plastic sheet, or the surface can be soaked with water confined over the
surface. The curing shall continue for a period not less than 7 days unless otherwise the
special specifications allow.

Curing membrane execution shall not be started before the hardening of the
layer to such extend that it is able to sustain passing of the curing membrane equipments

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
and this period shall not be less than 24 hours from finishing. The asphalt curing
membrane shall be executed from emulsified asphalt composed of equal percent of
water and asphalt with application rate range (0.9-1.13 Litter/m2) and the actual rate
shall be determined from the experimental section results.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any damages which may arise as a result
of his failure in curing the executed layer and he shall carry out all the required repair
works without having the right to claim any additional payments. Finishing requirements:

The cement treated Subgrade shall be constructed in accordance with the
dimensions, slopes and thickness shown on the drawings and special specifications. The
difference between the constructed layer thickness and the required thickness shall not
exceed 2 cm or 10% of the approved thickness whichever is lesser. The thickness of
each constructed layer shall be measured after achieving of required degree of
compaction using core samples from each layer and it is possible to use the field density
holes for this purpose.

The final surface levels of layer shall not vary from the specified levels by more
than 10 mm if the next layer was asphalt or 20 mm if the next layers were aggregate. the
measurements of cross-sections levels shall be taken on the final surface at an interval
of 25 meters providing that the number of the points at each cross-section not be less
than (5) for every 2000 square meters.

Smoothness of layer surface shall be verified visually and by a metal straight

edge 3 meters long in five locations, and the space between the bottom of the edge and
the layer's surface between any two contact points shall not exceed 20 mm. Works Acceptances:

Contractor shall apply the quality control for cement treated Subgrade works and
performing all the required measures to insure that the used materials, construction
methods and the final works conform to the quality requirements stated in these general
specifications and the other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply quality assurance for the production and verifying the
Contractor quality control procedures either by direct supervision of the constructed
layer or by carrying out neutrally and independent quality assurance procedures on
sufficient numbers of representative samples to judge the construction level and to
accept or reject the executed works, according to the principles stated in division 17 of
these general specifications except otherwise indicated in the special specifications and
other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall perform quality control for materials and constructed works and he
shall monitor records and analyze the results and draw quality charts for critical
properties. Contractor shall carry out all the tests and measurements indicated in Table
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of tests promptly and apply all
the items indicated in item 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right, to apply or ordering performing of the quality
assurance for the materials and constructed works, under its direct supervision, and it
has the right to test the materials and inspect the constructed work for all or some of
quality control items specified in Table (
The Ministry has the right to review Contractor’s quality control records and to
compare those records statistically with the results of the applied quality assurance
procedure as specified in Division 17 of these general specifications. And inspect
Contractor’s laboratory, its equipments and technical staff to insure the efficiency of
Contractor’s staff and the inspection, testing and construction methods whether they are
conforming to the approved testing and construction method.

Table Quality control Procedures for the cement treated Subgrade works
Work Properties Test method Sampling frequency Requirements
of Sample
Three tests on different samples
from each source. When the
source and design job mix formula
are approved or change of source
or when a change in the executed
Soil AASHTO Item
mixture or executed work
classification M-145
Raw properties is noticed, and five tests
At source
materials on different & timely diverse
samples for each 5000 cubic meter
from each source during
At the beginning of supply and Item
Cement certificate from
whenever source is changed.
Cement AASHTO Item
content T-144 3 tests at production
Mixture AASHTO commencement, and one test each Item
density T-134 5000 cubic meters, or noticing a
Materials unconfined change in the executed works
ASTM At mixing Item
during compressive properties.
D 5102 location
use strength
Loss in The indicated rate for non-
weight, after ASTM confined compressive strength, but Item
wetting and D 559 test is performed when the special
drying specifications state this.
A test at supply commencing and a
Degree of test each 2000 square meters or Item
Compaction one working day whichever is
or any other non
destructive test
ASTM Each 10000 square meters from Item
Construct D 5102 each constructed layer
strength At the site
ed Works Measurement each 2000 square Item
Thickness Core sample
Measuring of dimensions & levels
Dimensions survey of lateral sections each 25 meters Item
and levels measurements or 5 sections each 2000 square
meters whichever is greater
Surface Measured with 5 measurements each 2000 square Item
smoothness straight edge meters

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Back Measurement:
The cement treated Subgrade shall be measured in cubic meters or according to
special specifications after being laid and compacted to the specified thickness and
within the dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or according to the Engineer’s

When special specifications stipulate a special item for cement, the cement
quantity used in the cement treated sub grade shall be measured in tons. No
measurement shall be made for the purpose of payment for the materials laid outside the
limits shown on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the Engineer. Payment:
Payment shall be paid for actually and technically accepted constructed works
and quantities within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract unit
prices or reduced prices as a result of applying the quality assurance procedure if stated
in the contract documents.

The paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for material excavation,
transporting, wetting, mixing, spreading, compacting and finishing of the work, in
addition to the provision and operation of machines, equipments, labor, tests,
measurements, benefits, revenues, fees and third party payments and all requirements to
construct the works according to drawings, special and general specifications,.
Payment shall be made according to one or more of the items indicated in Table
(, if not contradict with contract documents.

Table Items of Cement Treated Subgrade Works

Item No. Work type Unit Surfaces preparation m2
Cement (when the special specifications state Tons
payment for it separately) Cement treated Subgrade m3

5.6 Civil Works in Utilities Projects:

5.6.1 Description:
This section consists of excavation and backfilling works for public utilities
projects within a new road or existing roads. The transferring or removing or extending
of different utilities such as water supply lines, sewage water, electricity,
communication and their components and accessories, bedding layers, protection layers
around pipes and handing over of these works shall be carried according to
specifications approved by the concerned authorities under direct supervision by their
representative. And contractor shall be qualified for the execution of such works.

Civil works which include excavation, backfilling and highway paving layers
will be carried out according to the general specifications for civil works in public
utilities projects issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and special
specifications or these specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.6.2 Preliminary works:
Before starting the execution of the public utilities works, the Contractor shall
inspect site and carry the required survey works to determine the routes and levels for
the lines of the required utilities to be constructed. Also he should locate all structures,
obstructions and existing facilities within his work area according to section (5-1)
requirements (site preparation) of these general specifications or special specifications.

5.6.3 Trench Excavation:

This work includes excavation for utilities according to the dimensions and
levels shown on the drawings and contract documents, support for excavations sides,
transfer of excavated material to storage locations for the purpose of using them later, if
they comply with the materials requirements of the work based on the test results of
representative samples or shall be transported and disposed at the approved locations.

Contractor shall, before starting excavation works, specify work sites and
excavation route by paint marks or stakes or any other method which is approved by the
engineer. These marks shall be clear and distinct and engineer shall verify the suitability
of the route before allow the contractor to start excavation. Contractor should have
completed traffic control works, barriers, signals and warning lights and signs with
barriers and walkways and traffic lanes. Based on the results of investigation and survey
works, contractor shall set out the work plan, time schedule and method and details of
excavation, buildings and structures support, protection or transferring the near by
utilities and to determine the locations at which unsuitable excavation material shall be
disposed attached with a written approvals to use these locations. He shall obtain the
excavation license from the concerned authorities such as the secretariat or Municipality
or the rural affairs locality according to delegated authorities and submit work plan,
time schedule, details and approvals to the engineer for acceptance. The contractor is
not allowed to start excavation before receiving the written acceptance of the engineer.

When excavation for utilities are being executed at the same time of road
embankment construction or prior that, the excavation works should be carried out
before fill works and it is not allowable to start fill works for embankment before the
completion of excavation works for the public utilities and extension of lines, their
accessories and components and handing over these works to the accepted concerned
utilities client. Backfilling work shall be done according to these general specifications
except otherwise stipulated in the special specifications.

When utilities excavation are being executed at the same time of road
excavation or prior that, excavation works for utilities shall be executed after the
completion of excavation works for the road and its elements except otherwise
stipulated in the special specifications, When levels of public utilities lines are below
excavation levels of the road and its elements then public utilities excavation quantities
are calculated starting from the bottom of the road excavation.

When executing public utilities in existing road the Contractor shall start with
cutting asphalt by the mechanical saw and it is not permissible to use jack hammer and
equipments which cause vibration and convulsion to the paving layers. Asphalt cutting
shall be done in two phases:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
1. Stage one:
Cutting is carried out according to the excavation width specified in the drawings or
other contract documents or according to the engineer’s instructions. Cutting shall be
straight and vertical to the road surface and continues until it reaches the earthy layer
then the paving layers milled and/or removed.

2. Stage two:
Cutting is done after the spreading, compaction and handing over of backfilling
layers and before starting execution of following layers (Subgrade and/or Subbase
and/or Base layers) and cutting width shall be specified for this stage outside the
previous cutting limits not less than fifteen (15) centimeter from each side of trench
excavation or not less than total thickness of the existing pavement layers whichever is

When cutting some parts of the pavement layers which have been subjected to
localized deformations or cracks or deteriorations, the cutting width shall be increased
in these areas up to their external limits in addition to 15 cm at each side to the cutting
width indicated in the above paragraph. And length of the additional cutting distance in
these areas will not be less than five (5) meter.

When the excavation width is grater the half of lane width and less than total
width of complete lane, the contractor shall remove in second stage all the asphalt layers
for the full width of lane and reconstruct it.
Excavation shall be carried out by using the suitable equipments such as special
trench excavators or any other equipment complies with the soil condition, location and
depths of excavation proposed by the contractor and accepted by the engineer. The
asphalt layer shall be protected from the effect of excavation equipment chains by
covering these with rubber pieces or by putting rubber tiers under. Excavation shall start
from the sides if site conditions and excavation depths allow that or excavation from
inside. The excavated material will be transported by using metal boxed trucks, also
equipments and trucks should not come near to excavation sides and the wheels and
chains of equipments should be at a distance no less than one(1) meter from the upper
end of the excavation.

The movement of working equipments or general traffic should not lead to

disturbing the stability of the trench sides, neighboring structures, buildings and
utilities. And the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or affect arising from
his work to these items.
The trench sides shall be supported in clay, sand or loose soils and in the
saturated soil by using suitable methods accepted by the supervising engineer. Table
5.6.1 shows guide for values of maximum vertical excavation depths without support in
the absence of underground water according to soil types.

Table 5.6.1: Maximum Vertical Excavation Depth without Support

Type of soil Maximum Excavation Depth (meter)
Sand or dry aggregate 0.3
Wet sand 0.6-1.0
Drained sandy clay 1.0-3.0
Drained clay 2.0-3.75
Consistent aggregate (Conglomerate) 3.0-4.0

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
The dimensions of the bottom width of excavation should determined based on
the specification requirements approved by the utility authority and should not be less
than the distance required for the installation of pipes and the execution of all required
works, using approved machines and equipments and it should not be more than the
pipes external diameter plus sixty (60) centimeter from each side except otherwise
stipulated by the special specifications.
At manhole areas excavation dimensions shall be determined so that the
manhole pre-cast elements or the form required for cement concrete cast in place can be

When excavation is being carried out in rock soil it should be completed

according to a suitable excavation method which is accepted by the engineer by using

When blasting is required it should be necessary to obtain all the approvals and
to take all the security and safety arrangements as indicated in section 5-2 "rock
excavation" in these general specifications or as indicated in the special specifications.
Excavation should continue up to a depth no less than fifteen (15) centimeter below
bottom level of the pipe at both ends of the pipe in order to execute the required
foundation layer of the pipe.

When executing utilities in existing highways and roads daily excavated parts
should not exceed the distance in which public utilities may be installed during one
work day or one hundred fifty (150) meters whichever is greater. The contractor is not
allowed to start excavation in the next part before completing installation work and
backfilling in the current part except otherwise stipulated by the special specifications
or as directed by the Engineer, based on traffic control plan during construction.

When excavation is being carried out at intersection a cross highways and roads
Contractor shall take all arrangements to carry out the works in the possible shortest
time and he shall execute temporary bridges which allow continuity of traffic and
pedestrian movement if the site conditions do not allow organization of traffic or
pedestrian movement on a part of the road width.

Contractor shall take all the required arrangements to drain water from
excavations according to plan prepared by contractor and accepted by the engineer, such
as the sheet pilling or pumping or wells filled by free drained materials. Contractor shall
take the required arrangements for preventing surface water from reaching the
excavation. Contractor shall – whenever the special specifications or the client advice
the lowering of water table during construction - submit a technical study prepared by
an approved specialized firm, shows the proposed method, material specifications,
specification and method of construction and the way of water draining. And the
Contractor shall carry out work execution on the basis of this study.

The water level shall be lowered up to a depth not less than one (1) meter below
the foundation level of the utility under construction except when the special
specifications and the study allow lesser values. When the special specifications
stipulate that the required lowering is temporary then should be maintained up to the
completion of the utilities installation, and their elements, backfilling and final handing

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Excavation should continue up to the levels and depths shown on the drawings
which should be sufficient for installation of utilities and their bedding foundations and
it should provide the minimum thickness of protection layer under pavement that
stipulated in the utilities specifications approved by the client.

The bottom of the excavation should be leveled in compliance with the approved
levels and slopes. Contractor shall keep the bottom of the excavation clean and free
from loose unsuitable material and water up to handing over of the excavation works by
the engineer and construction of utilities foundation, pipe installation, manholes and
other elements, and fill protection around the pipes.

When excavating to depths below than the approved depths Contractor shall
correct levels by filling the excavation with technically accepted materials (no less than
Group A-1-b) except otherwise the special specifications stipulate for better materials,
and the Contractor shall level and compact these materials up to a compaction degree
not less than 90% of the maximum dry density according to modified Proctor test
AASHTO T-180 for the same used materials providing that it would not lead to any
reduction in the utilities foundation layer thickness indicated in the public utilities
specifications approved by the client. When soil under excavation is not compliant with
foundation soil requirements for the construction of utilities it should be excavated and
replaced or treated to the depths specified by the client.

5.6.4 Backfill:
Backfill works shall be started after the preparation and completion of public
utilities foundations, installation of pipes, completion of manholes and other elements
related to public utilities, execution of the protection layer around pipes and handing
over of public utilities to the client’s representative.

Preparations for public utilities include protective compaction for the bottom of
the excavation by plowing, wetting or drying soil layer up to a moisture content of not
more or less than 2% of the optimum moisture content and compacted to not less than
90% of the maximum dry density determined by modified Proctor test for compacted
soil except otherwise recommended by the special specifications for higher compaction
levels. The weak areas or areas that do not meet the approved compaction rates shall be
treated to fulfill the required specifications.

Public utilities bedding layer should be executed with the specified thickness
and materials which comply with the specifications approved by the client. These
materials shall be spread, leveled and compacted to no less than the required
compaction degree for the road at the specified level or ninety percent (90%) of
maximum dry density whichever is higher. The resulting surface shall provide a sound
and stable foundation to bear pipes and following works in accordance with the levels
and slopes shown on the drawings and/or other contract documents and it shall be
leveled so that pipe lie completely at all points.

It is not allowed to start backfilling works around concrete structures (manholes-

inspection champers, foundations …etc.) before all works executed using cast in place
concrete reach not less than eighty percent (80%) of the strength indicated in the
contract documents and until these elements be capable of resisting loads and forces

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
arising from the spreading and compacting fill materials and the movements of
machines and equipments.

Before starting backfilling works all the areas, where failure or deformation
occurred in the excavation slopes, shall be treated by increasing limits of cutting up to
the deteriorated or deformed areas and the loose material shall be removed out and
substituted by using backfill materials comply with the proper back fill materials used in
utilities excavation.

Thickness of the protection layer around and above pipes shall be determined
according to the client’s specifications and whichever the case this thickness should not
be less than the values indicated in Table (5.6.2) except otherwise indicated in the
specifications approved by the client.

Table 5.6.2: Minimum thickness for the protection layer

Minimum protection layer thickness
Pipe Diameter (millimeter)
50 or less 150
Greater than 50 300
Vitrified clay pipe 600

Protection layer of pipes and utilities elements unless otherwise indicated in the
special specification or approved specification to the concerned authorities, shall be
executed on both sides of the pipes and elements and to full width of the trench using
granular material of no less than Group (A-1-b) and its maximum size shall not be more
than three fourths of an inch (19 millimeter). The grading indicated in Table (5.6.3) can
be used for the protection of sewage water pipes except otherwise stipulated in the
special specifications and specifications approved by the client.

Materials used for fill around pipes shall not contain organic materials or salts
affect harmfully the pipes or its connections like sulphates and chloride more than one
(1) percent by weight and shall not contain any clayey materials having plasticity index
more than six (6) percent. Except otherwise stipulated in the special specifications and
specifications approved by the client.

Before starting execution of protection layer for public utilities all loose
materials and debris shall be removed from the bottom of the excavation.

Pipe protection layer materials shall be spread simultaneously on both sides of

the pipe in layers having thickness as determined in compliance with the compaction
equipments, providing that the thickness shall not exceed fifteen (15) centimeter. These
materials should have been wetted in advance up to moisture content that not vary by
more than two percent (2%) from optimum moisture content. And it shall be compacted
by suitable compaction equipments, such as small rollers or manually operated plate
rollers without causing any damage to pipes or their elements or manholes, and
compacted up to ninety five percent (95%) of maximum dry density determined by
modified Proctor test for the same material (AASHTO T-180). The process of spreading
and compaction of the materials continues up to covering pipes with the protection layer
according to the approved thickness. Contractor shall take all the necessary precautions
to protect pipes and their various elements and manholes from damage and he shall

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
repair any damage which may occur to the pipes or their elements or manholes and
other elements as a result of his work on his own account without having the right to
any additional cost for these repairs.

Table 5.6.3 Gradation of Protection layer material

Around Sewers Pipes
Sieve size (millimeter) Percent passing by weight, %
(3/4 inch) 19 100
(3/8 inch)9.5 85-100
(No. 4) 4.75 70-100
(No. 16) 1.18 20-65
(No. 30) 0.63 0-45
(No. 100) 0.15 0-10
(No. 200) 0.075 0-5

Fill material classification over the protection layer, shall be not less than A-2-4
and its plasticity index not more than ten (10 %).

The moisture content in the materials used for backfill shall not differ by more
than two percent (2 %) from optimum moisture content. It shall be spread throughout
the excavation width, in equal layers of thickness no more than fifteen (15) centimeter,
then compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density determined by
modified Proctor test (AASHTO T-180).

Contractor shall use machines and equipments capable of carrying out backfill
works according to specifications and to accomplish the required degree of compaction
for full depth of compacted layer and when necessary the layer thickness may be
modified so that it complies with the used compaction effort to fulfill the required
degree of compaction.

The Contractor’s equipments and the method of execution should not cause in
any damage on the public utilities or their elements. Contractor shall be fully
responsible for damage arising from his work and he will carry out all repairs and pay
all the required compensations on his own account.

Contractor is not permitted to execute the new layer of backfill before

completion of compaction tests and receiving acceptance from the Engineer for the
results of compaction tests of the previous layer.

Backfill works shall continue up to the level of the Subgrade layer or pavement
layers or islands or natural ground level according to the site condition.

Contractor shall carry out all the required tests to verify the properties of the
materials used in the protection layer or backfill and it is not permissible to supply any
materials before obtaining the written acceptance from the Engineer on the basis of test
results. This acceptance is considered as preliminary and the final acceptance is made
on the basis of test results for representative samples of the actually supplied materials.
Contractor shall transport unsuitable materials, remove all constructed layer by using
unacceptable materials, and re-construct all rejected works according to specifications

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using acceptable materials. Contractor has no right to claim any additional cost for
correction of the works.

The contractor shall put warning strips on the top of every backfill layer and he
shall the type and depth of service clearly to prevent any damage on it during work

5.6.5 Pavement Re-construction:

Prior to starting pavement construction in trench areas the contractor shall
complete all installation of utilities and their elements and complete backfill works
according to the special specifications and the specifications approved by the client. All
these works shall be finished and handled over to representatives of the client and the
Engineer and the Contractor will provide the Engineer with a copy of all the tests and
handing over minutes to obtain his acceptance for commencing construction of
pavement layers.

Contractor after receiving acceptance of the engineer for commencing execution

of the highway pavement layers he shall carry out the second stage of pavement cutting
indicated in item 5.6.3 of this section.

Contractor shall remove the resulting materials and old non-asphalt materials up
to Subgrade level and replacing them with new materials which are in compliance with
the specifications for each layer (Base, Subbase and Subgrade). Contractor is prohibited
from using any of the old materials before verification their conformity to quality
requirements and gradation with the approved specifications for each layer in which
these material suggested to be used based on test results carried on representative
samples of these materials.

The Subgrade and the new pavement layers shall be completed according to the
dimensions, slope, levels and material specifications indicated on the drawings and
special specifications or according to item 5.5 requirements of this section for Subgrade
layers and sections (6.3 and 6.4) of these general specifications except otherwise
indicated in the special specifications.

Base course layer, Subgrade layer and Subbase layer shall form sound and
strong layers which are bonded with similar old layers and no separation should appear
between them.

The prime coat and tack coat layers shall be executed using the materials and in
compliance with the construction requirements stipulated in Division eight (8) of this
general specifications.

The joints between the old and the new asphalt layer shall be treated by cleaning
the cutting faces of the old asphalt, and correction of cutting faces so that they become
straight and vertical using suitable equipments then the cutting faces shall be sprayed
with liquid asphalt before executing the asphalt concrete layers.

Asphalt concrete layers, longitudinal and transverse joints shall be constructed

according and the material quantity of the new asphalt mix shall be controlled to give
adequate thickness and result in smooth road surface.

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All used materials in asphalt works shall meet material requirements stipulated
in section seven (7) of these general specifications but asphalt concrete mix should
comply with the requirements stipulated in Division eight (8) of this general
specifications except otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

5.6.6 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall apply quality control for civil works of utility projects by
carrying out all the necessary procedures to insure that used materials, construction
methods and completed works fulfilled the quality requirements indicated in the special
specifications of the client, special specifications and these general specifications or
other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply the quality assurance by verifying Contractor's quality
control procedures either through direct supervision or by carrying out quality assurance
procedures separately with adequate numbers of representative samples and accepting
or rejecting the constructed works, according to the detailed principles in Division 17 of
this general specifications except otherwise specified in special specification or other
contract documents.

1. Quality Control:
Contractor shall apply quality control on materials and constructed works and
monitor records, analyze results, draw quality charts for critical properties and carry out
all tests and measurements indicated in Table (5.6.4).
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with copies of all tests immediately and
apply all the items indicated in sub-section 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
Ministry at any time has the right to insure the quality of materials and
constructed works through carrying out or ordering others under direct supervision to
test materials and check constructed works for all or part of the quality control items
specified in Table (5.6.4).
The Ministry has the right to review Contractor’s quality control records and to
compare those records statistically with the results of the applied quality assurance
procedure as specified in Division 17 of these general specifications, inspect
Contractor’s laboratory, equipments and technical staff to insure the efficiency of
Contractor’s staff and the inspection, testing and construction methods whether they are
conforming to the approved testing and construction method.

5.6.7 Measurement:
Excavation, backfill, Subgrade layer, aggregate layers and asphalt layers shall be
measured according to related sections of these general specifications except otherwise
is stipulated in the special specifications. Measurements for public utilities works are
carried out according to special specifications or as what is approved by the client.

5.6.8 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actually constructed works within the approved limits
and dimensions in accordance with the contract prices or reduced prices as a result of
quality assurance as indicated in the contract documents, the payment for public utilities
works will be according to the special specifications or what is approved by the client.

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The paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for production,
transportation, spreading, wetting and compacting of the materials whatever their
source, provision and operation of machines and equipments, labor, tests, benefits,
revenues and all the required things for carrying out the works according to drawings,
special and general specifications and the special specifications and other contract
documents. Payment will be made according to one or more of items or items indicated
in Table (5.6.5) or as specified in the contract documents.

Table 5.6.4: Quality Control of Civil Works In Public Utilities Projects

Work Description Testing Method Repetition of sampling Requirements
Excavation Measurement measurements Survey measurements every Item
On site
works s for dimensions 25meter 5.6.3
and levels
All quality According to
According to the clients
Public control what is indicated On site Values
specifications or this
utilities requirements in the special and before approved by
specifications which is
works approved by specifications of backfilling the client
the client public utilities
AASHTO Three tests on different
T-(27,11) samples at approval of each
Density- source, when the preparing
moisture job mix formula and when
Backfill relationship observing a change in the
materials produced mix properties or Item
At source
and filter Qualitative the executed works. And 5.6.4
Testing methods
layers properties five tests on different
stipulated in the
stipulated in samples timely separate for
the special each 5000 cubic meter from
specifications each source during
One test each 150 linear
Bedding meter or for every daily
and production from each layer Section
Field density or any other
backfill whichever is lesser and one 5.4
works test at each side of the
On site
Reconstruc The number of samples and
Measuring and
tion of and All measurements indicated in
testing methods Sections and
Subgrade quality related sections and items
indicated in items
layer and control for considering that the lot for
section 5.5 , concerned
pavement related works quality control is equal to
division 6 and 8
layers 150 linear meter

Table 5.6.5: Items of Civil Works in Utilities Projects

Item No. Work Type Measurement unit
5.6.3 Excavation m3
5.6.4 Backfill m3 Subgrade layer m3 Subbase layer m3 Aggregate Base course m3 Prime coat m2 Asphalt concrete m3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.7 Water drainage:

5.7.1 Description:
This section consists of material requirements and construction methods
required for surface drainage and under drain at road areas, streets and their ancillary
elements. It includes the following items:
- Surface drainage.
- Under drain.
- Edge drains.
- Filtering layers.
- Culverts.
The drainage works shall be constructed on the base of technical study prepared
by specialized agency shows specifications and type of material used, method of
construction and contractor qualifications, when the drawings or special specification
require using of prefabricated materials that needs special experience like, Geotextile or
Geocomposite then the material shall conform to types and requirements indicated in
the drawings, special specifications or t technical study and the construction shall be
executed according to the instruction of the fabricated agency and under its supervision
if necessary.

The contractor shall be qualified in field of construction of these works

according to approved experience certificate, otherwise he shall made a subcontract
with other experience contractor according to requirements of subcontracting items and
conditions of contract.

Contractor shall construct all works according to the dimensions, levels and
slopes shown on the drawings and indicated in the special specifications. All concrete
works related to surface and under-drains works shall be executed by using sulphates
resisting cement (type five), unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

Contractor shall furnish the required materials and elements conforming to the
requirements indicated in special specifications, standard specifications and the
approved standard specifications issued by the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization.

Contractor shall submit source guarantee certificate for all manufactured

materials supplied to the project, shows types, sources and approval of the sources by
the concerned authorities, manufacturer quality control programs, diameters,
dimensions of those materials and their specifications, properties, copy of standard
specifications, frequency and methods of sampling and testing of materials and
manufacturing elements, copies of tests results showing conformity to the
specifications, instruction of construction and connection method shall be attached.

The surface and under-drain water drainage system, unless otherwise indicated
in the special specifications and approved instructions shall be, separated from the
sewage drainage system and it is not allowed to connect these system with sewage
drainage system.

Contractor shall verify that the information for water drainage works fulfill the
purpose and submit a technical study prepared by a specialized agency including the
hydrological and hydraulic study conform to the road classification and the project area.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Study shall contain storm water draining from the road surface, culverts and lowering of
water table, in addition to diameters and types of the drainage network, drainage inlets
and manholes attached with the special specifications, drawings and all details.
Contractor has not right to start construction of these works before obtaining approval
of the study from the Ministry or its representative. No additional payments should be
paid to the Contractor for these drainage studies, unless otherwise indicated in the
contract documents.

5.7.2 Surface drainage:

This works consists of furnishing all materials, elements, equipments, machines
and construction of the works required for surface drainage from roads, streets and their
elements. Also, they include construction of slopes, construction of drains, drainage
basins and manhole systems and inlets according to special specifications, drawings,
contract documents or these general specifications. Surface slopes:

Contractor shall finish the entire road and streets surface layers and all elements
such as pavements and islands according to the longitudinal and cross slopes indicated
on the drawings, special specifications and/or specified by the Engineer which allows
the draining and direct the water towards drain's inlet or side drains. Slope values shall
comply with type of pavers used. All the surfaces of the pavement layers and the upper
surface of the Subgrade layer shall be leveled and free from depressions and
corrugations which interrupt flow of water, and lead to water collection. Contractor
shall give high attention to achieve the specified smoothness and slopes starting from
the Subgrade up to upper layers. The minimum longitudinal and transverse slope shall
not be less than the values indicated in Table (5.7.1) unless otherwise indicated in the
drawings and special specifications.

Table No. 5.7.1: Minimum Slope Limits

Minimum slope limits %

Type of pavement
transverse slope Longitudinal slope
Asphalt or cement concrete 2 0.5
Concrete brick pavement 3 1
Macadam pavement 2 1 Surface Side drains:

Contractor shall execute the surface drains required for collected water from the
road surface, its elements and directly neighboring area and to transfer it towards
draining inlets of the catch basins or towards culverts. The side drains shall be
constructed in the form of gutters according to the shapes, dimensions, slopes and
locations shown on the drawings and special specifications.

Gutters shall be constructed using cast in place cement concrete or pre-cast

concrete and they can be combined with the curb or separated from it according to the
drawings and special specifications. The construction of gutters shall be according to
the quality requirements, construction method and construction joints using the method
and the materials indicated in the special specifications and the drawings or Division
fourteen (14) and Division fifteen (15) of these general specifications. Contractor shall
construct the required drain inlets in the gutters or curbs at the specified locations and

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
according to the dimensions, levels and shapes shown on the drawings and special

The surface of the gutter shall be finished according to the dimensions and
slopes indicated in the drawings and special specifications and the level of its surface
shall be verified by an straight edge 3 meters long placed parallel to flow lines and the
clearance between the bottom of the straight edge at any two adjacent contact points
shall not exceed 6 mm. This verification shall be performed at site immediately after
finishing casting, leveling and compacting, before the concrete hardening so that faults
may be repaired directly. Contractor shall remove all the parts that do not achieve the
required level and slopes without having the right to claim any additional payments.

When the special specifications require construction of catch basins, Contractor

shall execute these basins according to the dimensions and shapes using the materials
and construction method shown on the drawings, special specifications and
manufacturer's instructions. Those drains shall be covered using the suitable covers
conform to the technical requirements indicated in the special specifications and the
drawings or in paragraph ( of this section.

The gutters and surface drains shall not lead to any interruption or danger to the
traffic on the road and all the constructed elements should be capable to restrain the
traffic loading. Surface drainage systems:

Contractor shall furnish materials and construct the surface drainage network to
drain surface water through the inlets and catch basins. This works include provision of
pipes, joints, joint's materials, manholes, inlets and catch basins. And it includes,
construction and finishing of excavation, casting, installation, backfilling works and
execution of all the measurements and tests, according to the dimensions, levels, depths
and sites shown on the drawings, special specifications and contract documents or these
general specifications. Materials:
All used materials and elements in the construction of the drainage systems shall
be in accordance with those indicated in the drawings, special specifications and
contract documents. Contractor prior supplying and using materials, shall, submit the
origin guarantee certificates approved by the manufacturer and the Ministry or Saudi
Arabian Standards Organization (SASO). These certificates shall indicate the
conformity of the materials and elements to the approved specifications and shall
include the recommended construction and installation methods. The Engineer has the
right to take samples from the materials for testing, and Contractor shall replace any
unsuitable materials with other technically acceptable quality on his own account.

1. Inlet, Manholes and Catch Basins:

The inlet, manholes and catch basins shall be constructed from cast-in-place
reinforced or pre-cast concrete or non-reinforced concrete or from bricks and tiles in
accordance with the special specifications and drawings and according to the
dimensions and levels and locations specified in the drawings, special specifications and
contract documents.

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Prior starting construction, Contractor shall verify the road surface levels and
determine the actual locations for inlets and catch basins so that they lie in the lowest
level of the transverse cross section. Inlets and catch basins shall be constructed at the
lowest points of the longitudinal section of vertical sag curve, at road intersection and at
car parking areas if not indicated in the drawing or special specifications. Water flow
across road intersection shall be prevented.

When the manholes, catch basins and inlets are constructed using in-place cast
concrete, this concrete shall be composed of aggregate-sulphate resistance Portland
Cement mixture and shall achieve the requirements indicated in Table (5.7.2) unless
otherwise indicate the special specifications.

Pre-cast concrete elements shall conform to the requirements of the standard

specifications indicated in Table (5.7.3) according to the material's type.

Table 5.7.2: In-place cast concrete requirements

or inlets, catch basins and manhole works

Requirements Limits
minimum Cement content in the mixture, Kg./m3 350
maximum water cement (W/C) ratio % 0.5
maximum slump, mm 125
maximum entrained air content % 4
minimum unconfined compressive cubes strength after 28 days (M.Pa) 30
minimum aggregate percent passing 37.5 mm sieve % 100

Table 5.7.3: Standard Specifications of Pre-cast Elements

Materials Standard specification
Pre-cast cement concrete ASTM C 478
Concrete bricks ASTM C 139 or ASTM C 55 (1st. class)

2. Covers of Inlets, manholes and catch basins:

Contractor shall provide and construct manholes, inlets and catch basins covers
conforming to types, shapes and dimensions indicated in the special specifications and
drawings. The manufacturing of the manholes, inlets and catch basins covers shall be
from grey iron or cast iron or Structural steel and shall comply with the standard
specifications indicated in Table (5.7.4) according to materials.

Table 5.7.4: Standard Specifications of inlets, manholes and catch basins covers
Cover material Standard specification
Grey iron AASHTO M 105
Cast iron AASHTO M 103M
Structural steel AASHTO M 183M

3. Drain pipes:
Contractor shall furnish the pipes with the types, diameters and materials
conform to the special specifications and the specified specifications approved by
concerned authorities or these specifications and laying, install and construct the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
network system according to the locations, dimensions, levels and construction methods
indicated in the drawings, special specifications and manufacturer instructions.

Pipes with internal diameters less than 30 cm shall not be used in constructing
drainage system. The actual diameters, line, slopes, location of inlets and manholes
shall be identified in the drawings and special specifications.

Pipes shall conform to the standard specifications indicated in Table (5.7.5)

unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications or when no approved
specifications are available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Table 5.7.5: Surface drainage pipe specifications*

Pipe types Standard specifications

Non-reinforced cement concrete pipes ASTM C 14, ASTM C 14M
Reinforced cement concrete pipes ASTM C 655, ASTM C 655M, SASO 1911
Iron pipes covered with cement mortar ASTM A 849, type C
Corrugated metal pipes AASHTO M 36
Asphalt coated corrugated metal pipes AASHTO M 190 (D)
PVC pipes ASTM D 3033, AASHTO M 3034
ABS pipes ASTM D 2661 (PS 46,SDR 35)
High resistant verified clay pipes ASTM C 700
*(Codes between two brackets refer to category).

Table 5.7.6: Standard Specifications of Joints according to

Materials and types of Pipes
Pipes joint Standard specification
Rubber gasket ASTM C 443
Reinforced concrete
Cement mortar ASTM C 270
Non-reinforced Rubber gaskets ASTM D 1869
concrete pipes Cement mortar ASTM C 270
Plastic asphalt slurry applied in cold
PVC plastic pipes state, air tight pre-shaped plastic ASTM F 477
gasket applied in the cold state.

Table 5.7.7: Gradation of bedding layer materials

Sieve size (mm, No.) Percent passing by weight
(1 1/2 inch) 37.5 100
(1 inch) 2.54 90-100
(No. 8) 2.36 35-80
(No. 200) 0.075 0-8

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
4 Joints Materials:
Contractor shall provide the required materials for constructing joints according
to drawings, special specifications and contract documents. The used materials and
construction methods shall be capable of joining drainage pipes and elements with each
other tightly without any water seepage unless otherwise specified in the special
specifications. These materials shall conform to the used pipe's materials diameters,
manufacturer instructions, and the standard specifications stated in Table 5.7.6 unless
otherwise indicated in the special specifications and contract documents.

Contractor, prior starting of supplying materials for the joints, shall submit
samples from the proposed materials with the technical specifications and construction
methods brochures prepared by the manufacturers or a specialized agency showing the
suitability of the proposed materials for the works to be executed and their conformity
with the approved specifications. Contractor has no right to commence supplying and
execution before obtaining the Engineer's approval.

5. Bedding layer under pipes:

The bedding layer under the pipe lines shall conform to the gradation
requirements indicated in Table 5.7.7, unless otherwise stated the special specifications.

The plasticity index of the bedding layer for all types of pipes shall not exceed
(8) % percent according to AASHTO T-190 test.

Aggregate bedding layer shall be constructed on the full width of excavation and
with a thickness not less than (15) centimeters under the pipes with diameters up to (30)
centimeters and not less than (20) centimeters under the pipes of diameters more than
(30) centimeters.

When the bottom layer of excavation is silt or clay soil a sand layer separating
between the bottom of excavation and the bedding layer with thickness not less than 10
cm shall be constructed.

When the special specifications indicate to construct bedding layer using cement
mortar, the bedding shall be constructed for the full width of excavation and with
thickness not less 10 cm. The mortar shall compose of cement-aggregate mixture using
cement content not less than 300 kg/m3. The 28 days cube strength shall not be less than
25 M.Pa and water-cement ratio shall be within the lower limits to provide enough
workability of the mix and the slump shall not exceed 75 mm. Construction:
1. Excavation:
Excavation works shall be performed for the pipes and manholes at site to the
depths specified in the drawings, special specifications and the Engineer's instructions
according to requirements in section (5.6) of this Division, unless otherwise indicated in
the special specifications.

Sides of the excavation shall be vertical unless otherwise allowed. When

inclined excavation sides are allowed, excavation in the lower part shall be vertical for a
height not less than 30 cm over the top of the pipe. The additional required excavation
for the joints and gaskets shall be made after preparing excavation bottom. Unsuitable

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
materials which are not suitable of providing a stable foundation for the pipes during
construction or operation shall be removed and replaced with suitable materials,
according to the requirements of section (5.6) of this Division.

The excavation width, for all pipes having diameter less than one (1) meter, shall
not be less than the pipe external diameter plus 15 cm and it shall not exceed the
external diameter of the pipe plus the radius of the pipe or 30 cm whichever is grater
from both side. However, for pipes with diameter more than one (1) meter the minimum
limit for excavation width shall provide a distance between the external sides of the pipe
and the excavation side slope or support elements of not less than 30 cm and not more
than 60 cm.

Contractor shall store excavated suitable materials for use in the subsequent
works and to dispose the west and unsuitable materials according to section (5.3) of this

2. Construction of Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins:

Excavation in manholes areas, inlets and catch basin construction areas shall be
carried out according to the specified dimensions and levels in conformity with the
requirements of section (5.6) or according to special specifications. The excavation
dimensions shall be sufficient for constructing all works such as framework, concrete
casting, installation of joints and pre-cast or manufactured elements as indicated in the
drawings and the special specifications. Bottom excavation levels shall be verified such
that the upper surface levels of the manholes, inlets and catch basins, after installation
of the frames and covers, shall conform to the surface levels of the road.

Prior staring of construction works, the surface on which the foundation will be
executed shall be leveled and compacted so that it provides a level foundation
conformed to the approved levels and capable to sustain the following works. When
using pre-cast elements an aggregate layer 10 cm thick shall be constructed leveled and
compacted below the pre-cast foundations.

Installation of the pre-cast concrete elements shall be carried out using the
suitable machines and equipments which are capable of lifting and inserting elements to
the specified depths and locations without causing any damages to elements and
excavation side slopes or other elements. Special care shall be taken for the inlets and
pre-cast joint elements for pipe joining and it should be compatible with the diameters
and directions of pipes.

When constructing these works using in-place cast concrete all the concrete
works shall be carried out with framework, using the concrete type which achieves the
quality requirements indicated in the drawings and special specifications. All the
concrete production, casting and curing works shall be performed according to the
requirements of division (14) of these general specifications unless otherwise indicated
in the special specifications and contract documents. The construction of the joint's inlet
and installation of elements shall be performed according to indicated dimensions, sites
and levels, and it is not permissible, by any means, to prepare these inlets after casting
the walls, and the elements of joints shall be installed so that they pass the full thickness
of the walls and projected to enough distance sufficient for pipe connections.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Joints between pre-cast pieces shall be filled by using cement mortar or rubber
sealing materials or sealants materials or any other type according to the special
specifications and contract documents. When using cement mortar the mortar shall be
composed of cement-sand mixture in the proportion of 1 cement to 2 sand, and it is not
permissible to use any mortar have been mixed after 30 minutes and it is prohibited to
remix it by adding water.

Joints shall be constructed with flexible gaskets such that they provide a flexible
air tight connection, but preformed sealant joints shall comply with AASHTO M-198
requirements and shall be performed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

When constructing the walls using bricks the used bricks shall be conform to the
quality requirements indicated in the special specifications and drawings. The bricks
shall be soaked in water before installation for a period not less than 24 hours before use
and they shall be installed on a layer of cement mortar conforms to the above mentioned
requirements. The executed walls shall be proper, level and compliant with the
dimensions and levels shown on the drawings and indicated in the contract documents.
During construction the required inlets of joints shall be left for subsequent connection
of the pipes or immediately installing the required joint elements of required
dimensions, locations and levels specified on the drawings and indicated in the special
specifications. The walls shall be coated with the cement mortar which is composed of
cement and fine sand mixture in the proportion of one to one (1:1). A layer of water
proofing materials shall be executed when the special specifications indicate that.

Special care shall be taken for all concrete and cement constructed elements by
maintaining wetting, preventing evaporation and providing the required conditions to
prevent appearance of any cracks. When such cracks are noticed, Contractor shall take
the required measures to fill them using the approved and technically acceptable
materials without any additional costs for this work and if the Contractor failed,
according to tests, to achieve that, he shall remove unacceptable constructed works and
re-construct it on his own expense according to approved specifications.

Contractor shall not start installation of manhole frames and covers before
finishing road pavement layers. The manholes, inlets and catch basins shall be covered
with metal sheets capable to sustain loads resulting from the machines and equipments
used in construction of asphalt layers. These plates shall be removed after completing
construction and the frames and covers should be installed. High care shall be taken to
insure that the covers and frames surfaces are compatible with the pavement surface.

The covers and frames shall be installed on a reinforced concrete bed

constructed according to the drawings and special specifications. It is not allowed to
start the installation before the end of the concrete curing period and reaching the
required strength which shall not be less than 80% of the indicated design strength after
28 days.

When inconformity of the cover and frame surfaces with the final surfaces of the
pavement is noticed Contractor shall modify the manholes, inlets and catch basin levels
by cutting the concrete or adding the suitable thickness for the constructed concrete
according to the used technical methods without having the right to claim any additional
costs for this work.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
3. Pipe installation and construction of joints:
Laying and installation of pipes shall be at the required locations and in
accordance with the slopes and levels shown on the drawings and contract documents
by using the technically acceptable methods and equipments. Installation shall be on a
prepared bedding layer so that it provides a complete and stable foundation for the full
length of the pipes.

Pipes shall be loaded, transported and inserted carefully to avoid any damage
and Contractor shall replace all the damaged or broken pipes with other sound pipes on
his expense.

It is possible, as directed by the Engineers, to repair galvanized steel pipes

according to AASHTO M-36 specification and when the asphalt coated layer is
damaged a new coating layer shall be executed by using materials conform to AASHTO
M-190 specification.

Pipes and all their elements shall be laid according to the manufacturer
recommendations and it shall be cleaned from wastes and ingredient materials before
laying process. Locations and levels of the pipes shall be verified by the approved
surveying methods. The deviation of the pipes from connecting line between two
manholes shall not exceed 12 mm from centre line, and shall not exceed the design level
by more than 3 mm. The gradients of the flow surface in the pipes shall not be less than
0.005, unless otherwise allowed by the special specifications,

The ends of the adjacent pipe shall be identical and with continuous flow
surface. The joints shall be made using the methods indicated in the manufacturer
brochures and by using the materials indicated in those brochures or special

When pipes are proposed to be laid on cement concrete bedding, prior

construction of such bedding, pipes shall be laid, leveled, fixed using seats of concrete
pieces capable to sustain the pipe weight. After the Engineer verifies the pipe stability
concrete casting shall be started from one side of the pipe with complete filling
underneath until achievement of required contact for the full length and the filling
process shall not leads to any damage, then casting is continued on both sides of pipe up
to thickness specified on the drawings or in the special specifications or according to the
Engineer's instructions.

Joint connection between the pipes shall be executed using the materials and
methods indicated by the manufacturers or in the special specifications or the drawings
or as stated in this section. The joint method shall provide stability of the pipes as to
each other during construction. Also it shall insure non-leakage of water from the pipes
unless otherwise allowed by the special specifications.

4. System Testing:
Contractor shall, in the presence of the Engineer, test the drainage system which
is composed of non-perforated pipes and sealant gaskets immediately after finishing
installations and connecting all the elements by using one of the following methods in
accordance with special specifications or according or as accepted by the Engineer:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
a. Static pressure water test:
This method is summarized in providing a water source through a vertical pipe;
this source shall be higher than the top of the pipe by a distance of 1.2 meters providing
that this height does not exceed the lowest pipe end by more than 6 meters. A suction
period in the pipes of one (1) hour shall be allowed then the leaking water shall be
measured by adding water to compensate for that leakage using measuring gradated
tube during half an hour, the measurements shall be taken in regular periods every 10
minutes and recording the required water volume in each measurement to increase the
water level to the original level at the beginning of the measurements.
The quantity of the water required for compensation shall not exceed the
following quantities according to the diameters of the tested pipes:

- 0.06 liter per hour for each 100 meters for pipes with diameters up to 30 cm.
- 0.12 liter per hour for each 100 meters for pipes with diameters more than 30

b. Pressure air test:

The system shall be tested after being airtight by applying on tested part an air
pressure equal to water column pressure 100 mm high through a U-shape tube then all
the system elements are inspected at this pressure by a soap solution and monitoring any
leakage of the soap bubbles. Contractor shall carry out the required repairs at all the
leakage points including replacement of the elements and pipes if necessary and he shall
repeat the test until he completely verifies that no seepage of the soap bubbles exists.
Then the air pressure shall be increased until it becomes equal to 100 mm water
pressure, the pressure should not decrease to less than 75 during 5 minutes.

Contractor on his expense shall repair all the defects that may occur as a result
of the test without having the right to claim any additional compensation for this work.
It is not permissible to allow the Contractor to start backfill before inspecting, testing,
and accepting the system and handing it over to the Engineer. Contractor is responsible
for the results arising due to his failure to adhere to this.

5. Backfill:
Prior to start Backfill works all pipes' installations and their elements,
constructing manholes, finishing joints, testing shall be completed and approved by the
concerned authority. Also it is not allowed before the hardening of concrete and
reaching a sufficient strength of not less than 80 % of the design strength in order to
bear the pressures arising from backfill and compaction equipments.

Backfill shall be carried out using acceptable materials according to section (5.6)
of these general specifications and the special specifications. When the pipes are
protected from corrosion by any materials care must be taken to avoid any damage to
the protection materials and backfill shall be performed, regardless of its materials used,
in a balanced way on both sides of the pipes.

If settlement occurs in the pipes during spreading and compacting of backfill

materials, the materials shall be re-excavated, then a preparation of the lower layer
under the pipes, and re-laying of pipes shall be carried out, according to special
specifications or these general specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for all

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
the costs resulting from these works and he has no right to claim any additional

Backfill shall be constructed around drainage pipes and over them to a height
not less than 30 cm using compatible graded granular materials, in compacted layers not
more than 15 cm thick, using manual or mechanical compaction equipments, which do
not cause any damage to the installations and achieve the uniform degree of compaction
for the full depth of the layer, not less than 95% of the maximum dry density at a
moisture content not vary from optimum moisture content by more than 2 % according
to modified proctor test AASHTO T-180.

When the special specifications require using of cement treated backfill

materials or cement concrete around pipes it shall be constructed according to the
special specification requirements and the surfaces on which they shall be constructed
should be free from any deleterious materials and wetted before concrete casting. The
quantity of cement in the concrete mixture shall not be less than 150 kg/m3, and the
cube strength after 28 days shall not be less than 10 M.Pa, and slump shall not exceed
75 mm. The mixture shall be used, within one hour after its preparation.

After completion of filling works around and over pipes and acceptance of
testing and compaction results then the construction of the remaining of the backfill
works shall be done according to the requirements of section (5.6) of these general
specifications and by using the technically acceptable equipments and materials
providing that their classification shall not be less than A-2-4 according to AASHTO

Each layer shall be compacted uniformly for the whole thickness up to

compaction 95% degrees of compaction of the maximum dry density according to
modified proctor test AASHTO T-180 at moisture content not vary from the optimum
moisture by more than the 2% as specified by modified Proctor test.
The contractor shall place warning strips on each layer of backfill and he shall
delineate type and depth of service clearly.

5.7.3 Under Drains Works:

This work consists of underground drainage using under drains pipes. It includes
supply of materials and construction of works according to the dimensions, slopes and
levels shown on the drawings and the special specifications or these general
specifications and the manufacturer's instructions. Materials:

1. Under drains pipes:

When the special specifications and contract documents require a construction
of under drain system, Contractor, shall provide the pipes, joints, materials, with a
compliant dimensions of holes and slots to construct the network according to the
depths, locations, levels, slopes, dimensions and the method for connecting the system
with the other drainage systems or to culverts or low areas according to the special
specifications and drawings.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
The under drain system shall be constructed using concrete or verified clay pipes
or steel or PVC or corrugated aluminum pipes. These pipes shall be pre-perforated or it
is possible to use joints which allow the entry of water to the pipes, as required by
special specifications and drawings. Those pipes shall conform to the requirements of
the standard specifications stated in Table 5.7.8 unless otherwise indicated in the special

When the special specifications require the using of perforated pipes the
perforation of pipes shall be made with circular holes or in the form of slots according
to the special specifications. The diameters of the circular holes in the PVC pipes shall
vary between 5-10 mm in 4 symmetrical rows parallel to the pipe's axis and the distance
between adjacent holes in one row shall not exceed 10 cm. The opening of the slots
shall be made in two rows parallel to the axis and the slot width varies between 1.5-3
mm and the distance between the slots is 20-30 times the slot width. For metal pipes the
execution of circular holes or slots shall be according to AASHTO M-36 test also the
holes must be open before treated and covering pipes.

The under drain pipes shall be manufactured from aluminum sheets of thickness
not less than 1.22 mm and any type of perforation can be use, while the steel pipes shall
be manufactured from sheets of thickness not less than 1.32 mm.

The asphalt coated metal pipes shall be covered by using asphalt materials
conforming to requirements of specification AASHTO M-(190, 243).

Table 5.7.8: Standard Specification of Under Drain pipes

Pipe types Standard specifications

Concrete pipes AASHTO M (175M)
Verified Clay ASTM C 700
metallic-coated pipes AASHTO M 36, AASHTO M 190
PVC ASTM D 3033, ASTM D 3034 (SDR35)
Aluminum corrugated pipes AASHTO M 196

2. Under Drain aggregate (filter material):

The filter layer around the under drain pipes shall be constructed from free
drainage aggregate materials which allow the seepage of water and prevents passing of
the soil particles to the pipes. Unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications it
shall be from clean, crushed water resistant or natural aggregate, and the total density of
the aggregate shall not be less than (2.35) gram per cubic centimeter, the water
absorption percent shall not exceed 2.5% and abrasion according to Loss Angles test
shall not exceed 40% for 500 cycles.

The materials used shall achieve the suitable gradation for allowing water
seepage and preventing soil particles passing. When choosing the gradation it shall be
verified by the following relationships or any other relations and requirements indicated
in the special specification:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
a) The ratio between filter material gradation around the pipes and the
surrounding soil gradation:
1- The product of dividing the sieve size through which passes only 15 % of the filter
material D f (15) over the sieve size through which 85 % of the surrounding soil pass
D s (85) shall be less or equal to 5, according to the following relationship:

D f (15) / D s (85) ≤ 5

2- The product of dividing the sieve size through which passes 50 % of the filter
material over the sieve size through which 50 % of the surrounding soil pass shall
be equal or less than 25, according to the following relationship:

D f (50) / D s (50) ≤ 25

This equation must not be used if the surrounding soil is clay soil, and the sieve size
which pass passes 15 % of the filter material is 0.4 mm or more

3- The product of dividing the sieve size through which passes 15 % of the filter
material D f (15) over the sieve size through which 15 % of the surrounding soil pass
D s (15) shall be equal or greater than 5, according to the following relationship:

D f (15) / D s (15) ≥ 5

b) The ratio between the filter material gradation and the under drain pipes
perforation openings:
The product of dividing the sieve size through which 85% passes of the fill material
around the pipes D f (85) over the drain slots width in the pipes shall be greater than
1.2 for slot opening pipes according to the following relationship:

D f (85) / Pipe slot width > 1.2

The product of dividing the sieve size through which 85 % of the fill material around
the pipes D f (85) over the diameter of drain holes in the pipe shall be greater than one
(1), according to the following relationship:

D f (85) / Pipe hole's diameter > 1

Such that:
Df = Sieve size through which the percent passing of the filter material is indicated
between two brackets.
Ds = Sieve opening through which the percent passing of the filter surrounding soil is
indicated between two brackets.
Pipe slot width - Drain slots width in the pipes
Pipe hole's diameter - Diameter of drain holes in the pipe.
No. 15, 50, 85 – Represent the percent of passing from the sieve.

Filter layer shall be of good grading and its conformity index shall not exceed (D60 / D10
≤ 20) except otherwise stipulate special specifications for a specific gradation of filter
layer material, it is possible to follow the gradation indicated in Table (5.7.9) and it is
necessary to verify it on the basis of the mentioned correlations, knowledge of
surrounding soil gradation, and shape/dimensions of pipe holes.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Unless otherwise specified in the special specification the gradation for the filter
layer it is possible, to use the gradation shown on Table (5.7.9), but it is necessary to
verify the gradation on basis of the above relationships using known gradation of soil
around and the shape and dimension of pipe slot.
When the under drains lie within traffic load distribution area the fractured faces
of the materials retained on the 4.75 mm sieve shall not be less than 90 %, the percent
of aggregate abrasion shall not be more than 40 % according to loss Angeles test for
500 cycles and total water absorption shall not exceed 2.5 % and the total density shall
not be less than 2.35 % g / cm3.

c) Geotextile:
In case the special specifications indicate the use of Geotextile or Geocomposite
material the used material shall conform to the type and requirements shown on the
drawings and special specifications and it shall be constructed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Unless otherwise the special specifications indicate the Geo
textile material shall achieve the requirements shown in Table (5.7.10).

Table 5.7.9: Gradation of the under drain filter material

Sieve size (mm, No.) Passing percent, by weight

37.5 (1.5") 100
25.4(1") 95-100
12.5 (1/2") 25-60
4.75 (No.4) 0-10
2.36 (No.8) 0-5
2.0 (No. 10) 0-2

Table 5.7.10: Geo-textile Materials Requirements

Properties Test method Values

Minimum Grab Tensile Strength, Newton ASTM D 4632 500
Minimum Puncture Strength, Newton ASTM D 4833 200
Minimum Tear Strength, Newton ASTM D 4533 200
Apparent opening size less than 50 % or less 0.6
or equal, (mm) according to
ASTM D 4751
percent passing of surrounding
soil in No. 200 sieve. 50-85% 0.3

Minimum Permeability, mm/Sec ASTM D 4491 2

d) Under drain outlets:

Disposal of under drain water shall be performed according to the method, at the
specified location and using the materials shown on the drawings and special
specifications. Contractor shall submit source guarantee certificates which show
conformity of materials and elements with the approved specifications.
The under drain ends and outlets such as elbows, pipes and joints shall be
constructed using the same materials used in the construction of the drainage system
and their diameter shall not be less than 10 cm, it shall be connected with the system's

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
pipes and with each other using the materials and method recommended by the
manufacturer and the approved method for joining the pipe system considering that the
outlets and ends shall be non-perforated and it is not allowed to combine steel and
aluminum together.

When the under drain system is constructed in rolling areas the outlet ends shall
be carried out by using reinforced concrete in the shape of a vertical wall and wing
walls according to the special specifications and drawings and the slopes shall be
protected from erosion. Construction:
Excavation for the construction of the under drain works shall be performed
according to the requirements of section 5.6 of this Division, in accordance with the
dimensions, levels and depths shown on the drawings and special specifications
considering that the trench width shall not be less than the outer diameter of the pipes
plus a distance of 10 cm from each side, and the excavation width shall not be less than
25 cm. The trench dimensions shall be adequate for laying the under drain pipes, the
aggregate filter layer and the geotextile according to the drawings and the special
specifications. The trench bottom shall be prepared according to the specified slopes
such that it provides a sound and stable support base for the drainage elements. After
leveling and preparing the trench bottom, aggregate bedding layer not less than 5 cm
thick shall be executed.

When the drawings and special specifications require using geotextile material
or when carrying construction in soil type A-4, A-5, A-6, A-7 the used geotextile shall
be conform to the approved type and it shall be spread all over the excavated trench
width so that it accommodates all the elements of the drainage system and the filter
material in such way that it provides an overlapping in the upper part not less than 30
cm without need for tension. The geotextile materials shall be spread along the whole
drainage system so that an overlapping of not less than 30 cm is achieved between
adjacent pieces and the overlapping shall be downstream.

All the loose, deleterious materials and any materials that may damage the geo-
textile shall be removed from the excavation bottom before spreading. The spreading of
the geo-textile material, laying of pipes and installation of joints and spreading the filter
layer materials shall be performed in such a method which insures that no damage shall
be inflicted on the geo-textile such as puncturing or tearing or any other damages. When
such damages are noticed, Contractor shall modify the work method or the used
materials and shall replace the damaged textile pieces with other sound pieces or spread
new sound pieces over the damaged pieces, providing that the spreading and approved
overlapping conditions should be achieved.

After spreading the geo-textile material the filter aggregate layer material shall
be spread considering that no damages occur to the geo-textile material or its stability
on its place.

Laying and installation of under drain pipes outlets and ends shall be performed
according to the locations, slopes and levels shown on the drawings, special
specifications and manufacturer instructions. The perforated side of pipes shall be in the
bottom and all the pipes, joints, ends and outlets shall be cleaned before starting laying

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
and installation process. It is not allowed to backfill over pipes and the system joints
before being tested, inspected and accepted by the Engineer.

The filter layer shall be spread in layers with maximum thickness not more than
15 cm around the pipes and all over the trench width with light tamping taking into
account that no damages occur to the pipe installations or the geotextile materials.

After the construction of the drainage system and the aggregate filter layer and
finishing it up to the levels shown on the drawings and in the special specifications, the
filter layer shall be covered with the previously spread geotextile to provide the required

After covering the pipes and surrounding filter material with geotextile and
fixing the ends, the trench backfilling shall be completed with a free drain aggregate
material unless, otherwise special in specifications that the backfilling should be for the
whole trench with the same filter material surrounding the pipes and covering with geo-
textile material for the whole depth. Backfilling shall be constructed in layers not more
than 10 cm thick compacted up to 95 % of the maximum dry density.

When the under drain lines lie within the pavement areas, the pavement layers
shall be constructed as soon as possible and it is not allowed to leave the under drain
trenches exposed for a period of more than 3 months after the completion of the under
drain system installation and backfilling. When this period is exceeded that the backfill
layers that mixed with the soil shall be removed and substituted with acceptable new
materials. However, when these lines lie outside the road a fill layer 30 cm thick shall
be constructed using soil type (A-4, A-5, A-6, A-7,) at the upper part of the trench to
prevent surface water seepage to the under-drain.

5.7.4 Edge drains:

When special specifications indicate the construction of the edge drains using
pipes for purpose of surface water draining from Base and Subgrade layers, the
Contractor shall furnish the materials and construct the works according to the
requirements, dimensions and locations shown on the drawings and in the special
specifications. Materials:

1. Pipes:
When the special specifications require constructing edge drains using pipes,
these pipes shall conform to the types and diameters shown on the drawings and special
specifications or requirements of the specifications indicated in Table (5.7.8) under
drain pipes of this section, and they shall be installed and connected according to special
specifications and manufacturer instructions.

2. Geo-composite:
When the special specifications indicate the use of geocomposite, it shall
conform to the special specifications and its construction shall be performed at the
required locations with the dimensions, levels and details indicated in the drawings,
special specifications and manufacturer instructions.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Contractor, prior starting the material supply, shall submit approved copy of the
source certificate, construction instructions and the technical specifications of the
materials and at least two samples of the material. The Engineer has the right, before
accepting material, to require carrying out the necessary tests in an independent
approved laboratory.

All materials and elements recommended by the approved manufacturer

including outlet drains, elements and ends shall be furnished.

The geo-composite, unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications, shall

be composed of the internal core and the outer part which is composed of filter fabric.

3. The core:
The core shall be rectangular, flexible, hollowed, made of Polyolefin and strong
enough to resist vertical loads and pressures arising from installation, backfill and traffic
loads. It shall allow water entry and flow freely and shall conform to the requirements
stated in Table (5.7.11) unless otherwise specified in the special specifications.

4. Filter fabric:
The filter fabric shall be made of non-woven polyolefin and free of chemical
treatments. The filter fabric should achieve the requirements indicated in Table (5.7.12)
unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

All the resistances shown in the table shall be considered as the average
minimum strength which can be obtained when testing with the weakest direction and
the samples shall be taken according to ASTM D 4354.

Table 5.7.11: Geo-composite core requirements

Properties Test method Limits

Maximum water absorption % ASTM D 570 0.05 during 24 hours
Fungus resistance ASTM G 21
(No growing fungus)

5. Prefabricated drains from Geo-composites:

Underground or prefabricated edge drains shall be composed of geo-composites,
from core and filter fabric. After fabrication verification shall be performed to insure
that the drain dimensions conforming to the dimensions shown on the drawings and the
special specifications and that its thickness is not less than19 mm. Also verification
shall be performed to insure that the filter fabric is bonded constantly with the core. The
filter shall achieve the requirements indicated in Table (5.7.13) unless otherwise
indicated in the special specifications.

6. Drain outlets:
Pipes and elements of the drain outlets shall be composed of the same types of
the pipes used in the drainage system in accordance with the special specifications,
drawings and manufacturer's instructions providing that they shall not be perforated and
their diameter shall not be less than10 cm.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Table 5.7.12: Filter fabric requirements
Properties Test method Requirements
Minimum Permeability, mm/sec ASTM D 4491 2
Apparent Opening Size, mm ASTM D 4751 0.15-0.3
Minimum Grab tensile Strength, Newton ASTM D 4632 500
Minimum Puncture strength, Newton, ASTM D 4833 200
Minimum Tear strength, Newton, ASTM D 4533 200
Minimum Elongation, %, ASTM D 4632 35
Minimum Mullen Burst Strength, Kpa, ASTM D 3786 1000
ASTM D 4595
Minimum Seam Strength, KN/M 14
(wide slice method)
Minimum Unit Weight, kg/m 2, ASTM D3776 0.14
Minimum UV Resistance, retained rays ratio ASTM D 4355 80
Fungus resistance ASTM G 21 Negative

Notes on Table 5.7.12:

1. Filter fabric section which lie in the pavement layers side is considered, after constructing the
overlapping, gluing or bonding, the critical permeability section. a section of filter fabric with the
same characteristics, i.e., as fabricated and installed, should be tested to ensure that the overlapped
section conform to the specified requirements. When the drain's filter fabric is not overlapped on the
pavement side, the Contractor may test a normal thickness of the filter fabric to determine its

Table 5.7.13: Requirements of prefabricated drains from geocomposite

Properties Test method Requirements

ASTM D 1621
Minimum compressive strength (at
(specimen dimensions 345
20 % maximum deformation), KPa,
30x30 cm)
Minimum Peel Strength, kg/mm of
width, (bonding fabric to fabric,
ASTM D-903 0.05
fabric to core, and fabric to
projecting elements)
Minimum In-Plane flow (cross ASTM D 4716
sectional area, Hydraulic (using a specimen at least 0.003
transmisity) m3/m2 of the width 600 mm long)

Notes on Table 5.7.13

1. Peel strength shall be tested for all three cases using two flexible specimens (filter fabric) to test
fabric to fabric bonding and a flexible specimen with solid specimen (filter fabric material with
core) to test filter fabric bonding with core or projection. The specimens shall be jointed with
each other using similar method for fabricated and installed drain. Thickness of the used core
shall be equal to normal thickness for the core before covering with filter fabric. This represents
a special case from the 3 mm limit case specified in the standard test.
2. Rate of flow test shall be performed with a gradation of 10 % and a normal pressure of 70.0 K.Pa
for a period of not less than 100 hours. Construction:
Geo-composite edge drains or under drains shall be installed at locations and to
the depths shown on drawings, the special specifications and manufacturer instructions.
Contractor shall proof his previous experience in constructing such works or to sub-

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
subcontract a qualified agency. The Engineer has the right to request the presence of the
manufacturing company to supervise and verify that the construction in conformity with
requirements and instructions.

The edge drain trench shall be excavated at the locations and according to the
dimensions and levels specified in the special specifications and manufacturer
instructions. Before starting the construction drains the excavation bottom shall be
inspected, handed over and cleaned from all deleterious and loose materials.

The geotextile material shall be spread over the excavated bottom to provide
enough space for the coating and overlapping for collection pipes and/or the drain core
from geocomposites according to the specified condition, then the geocomposite drain
shall be fixed at the far end of the road edge from the trench and installation of all the
joint elements and outlets according to drawings, special specifications and
manufacturer instructions.

After completing the construction of the drains, all their elements and outlets,
verification and acceptance of construction, backfill shall be carried out using
compacted filter aggregate layers, these layers should be compacted using vibratory
plates having compaction power not more than 22 Kilo Newton, up to 90 % of the
maximum dry density determined by AASHTO T-99, unless otherwise indicated in the
special specifications, and all the necessary precaution shall be taken to avoid any
damages which may occur to the drains.

When the width of the excavated trench is less than 0.5 meter, the backfill shall
be performed using clean sand in one layer and compacted by using vibratory plates or
water submersion.

5.7.5 Filter layers:

When the special specifications, drawings and manufacturer instructions indicate
construction of filter bed or filter layers for the edge drains or backfill from untreated
cement or asphalt treated aggregate materials, the construction of such layers shall be
performed using the materials, methods, in the location and with the thickness indicated
in the special specifications and the approved drawings or these general specifications. Filter layers from untreated aggregate:

The layers from untreated aggregate shall be executed by using the specified
gradation in the special specifications and it is possible except otherwise indicate
special specifications, to use one of the gradations indicated in Table (6.4.3) of section
6.4 "untreated base", and the materials shall meet the quality requirements stipulated in
the special specifications or in Table (5.7.15) of this section. Construction shall be
carried out according to the special specifications or the requirements for constructing
the base or backfill in these specifications. Untreated aggregate filter layer gradations
shall achieve with the gradation of aggregate sub grade over it the following

1- To prevent a drop in pressure in the filter layer

D15f / D15b > 4
2- To prevent leakage of material particles from sub grade to filter layer:
D15f / D15b < 20, D50f / D50b < 25, D15f / D 85b < 5

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Df, Db- Sieve opening diameter of filter material (f) or base (b)
Numbers: (85, 50, 15) – Passing rate from sieve.

Filter layer material must be well graded and the percent of materials which passed
sieve No. (200) shall not be greater than 5% to forbid the internal movement of soft
particles and the maximum size of uses materials eight (8) cm as to forbid segregation . Cement treated filter layers:

Cement treated filter layers shall be constructed according to the locations
shown in the drawings and the special specifications or these general specifications. If
no specific gradation or quality requirements are identified in these documents the
construction shall be performed according to the gradation indicated in Table (5.7.14)
and the qualitative requirements stated in Table (5.7.15).

The cement treated filter layers shall be constructed, maintained and finished
according to the special specifications or construction requirements indicated in section
(6.5) of these general specifications, considering that the cement quantity used shall not
be less than 150 kg/m3 of the mix. The cement used shall be sulphate resistance type
unless otherwise specified in the special specifications.

Table 5.7.14: Cement treated aggregate materials gradation for filter layers

Sieve size, mm (No.) Percent passing, by weight, %

37.5 (1.5 inch) 100
25.4 (1 inch) 88-100
19 (3/4 inch) 50-80
9.5 (3/8 inch) 15-40
4.75 ( No. 4) 0-16
2.36 (No. 8) 0-6
0.075 (No. 200) 0-2

Table 5.7.15: Quality requirements of aggregate materials

Properties Test method
Minimum Aggregate angularity for coarse
ASTM D 5821 90
aggregate, %,
Maximum Los Angles abrasion, % AASHTO T-96 45
Minimum Sand equivalent, % AASHTO T-176 55
Minimum Total specific density of
AASHTO T-85 2.35
aggregate, gram/cm3
Maximum water absorption of aggregate, % AASHTO T-85 2.5
Maximum Soundness by sodium sulphate % AASHTO T-104 15 Asphalt treated filter layers:

Asphalt treated filter layers shall be constructed according to the special
specifications or these general specifications according to the thickness and locations

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
indicated on the drawings and special specifications. When no specific requirements are
specified in the special specifications or the drawings, the construction shall be
performed according to the gradation indicated in Table (5.7.16), and the qualitative
requirements indicated in Table (5.7.15).

Construction and finishing of the asphalt treated filter layers shall be carried out
according to the requirements of asphalt treated base layers indicated in section (6.6) of
these general specifications, unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

Table 5.7.16: Asphalt treated aggregate materials gradation

Sieve size, mm (No.) percent passing, by weight

25.4 (1 inch) 100

19. (3/4 inch) 90-100

12.5 (1/2 inch) 35-65

9.5 (3/8 inch) 20-45
4.75 (No. 4) 0-10
2.36 (No. 8) 0-5
0.075 (No. 200) 0-2

5.7.6 Culverts:
This work consists of furnishing of the materials, labor, and the required
equipments to construct the various types of culverts and their different elements such
as inlet/outlet wing walls, and protection and curing works according to the dimensions,
levels and using the materials shown on the drawings, special specifications, contract
documents or these general specifications. Materials:

1. Precast culverts:
When precast elements are used in the construction of box culverts, these
elements shall be produced by licensed and approved factories from the concerned
authorities. Contractor prior starting materials supply and culverts construction, shall,
submit to the Engineer a list of the materials he intends to supply and their sources
attached with approval of the manufacturer, the applied quality control system, the
specifications of materials and elements and test results of samples. The Engineer has
the right to carry out additional tests in an independent laboratory on the expense of the
Contractor when necessary. The Contractor shall submit the operation manual issued by
the manufacturers includes the instructions, methods and requirements of construction,
joints and materials, and he shall follow completely these instructions and requirements.

Precast elements of pipe culverts may be from reinforced concrete or smooth or

corrugated metal pipes and they shall achieve the requirements of the standard
specifications indicated in Table (5.7.17) according to types unless otherwise indicated
in the special specifications.

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Table 5.7.17: Standard Specifications of Pipe Culverts

Pipe type Standard specifications

Un-reinforcement concrete pipes ASTM (C 14, C 14M)
ASTM C 76, ASTM (C 655, 655
Reinforced concrete pipes
M), SASO 1911
Arched sections reinforced concrete pipes ASTM C 1504
Corrugated steel structural plates constructions AASHTO (M 167, M 167 M)
Corrugated steel pipes AASHTO M 36, ASTM A 760
Polymer precoated corrugated steel pipes AASHTO M 245, ASTM A 762

Pipes shall be reinforced with circular reinforcement and another layer of

reinforcement shall be added to the pipes with diameter more than 75 cm, of a length of
not less than 30 cm extended to distance not less than 20 cm into the projections,
provided that they do not exceed the length of those elements. The cube strength of
concrete shall not be less than 35 M.Pa and the cement content in the mix shall not be
less than 350 kg/m3. The concrete used in manufacturing the culverts and drain pipes
shall achieve all the requirements indicated in specification AASHTO M-170 unless
otherwise indicated in special specifications Taper of pipe joint ends shall not exceed 7
degrees to connect the projection and not more than two (2) degrees for the gasket joint.

Joining process shall be performed using joint materials indicated in the special
specifications or recommended by the manufacturer. Before using any joint material
Contractor shall submit a technical report including type and composition of the
proposed material, method of construction and an approval certificate from the
concerned authorities.

The joints can be performed using the cold state flexible joint materials
composed of asphalt base, filler material and rapid solvent materials and it shall be
consistent and workable in the cold state to coat pipe ends up to 13 mm thickness. It
shall be capable of joining the pipes with each other according to the technical

Flexible joint gaskets can be used to join the projection and cavity pipes and
they shall be composed of strong rubber mixture with filler material and a small amount
of solvent.
Box culverts from pre-cast elements shall achieve standard pre-cast concrete
element requirements for box culverts according to standard specifications AASHTO M
259M or AASHTO M 273 M for culverts constructed with protective layer of not more
than 60 cm and subjected to road loads.

2. Cast-in-Place Culverts:
Culverts and all their elements such as vertical walls and wings walls cast on site
shall be constructed using the materials indicated in the special specifications or the
approved materials in the job mix formula and the used concrete shall achieve the
requirements stated in Table (5.7.18) unless otherwise indicated the special

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Unless the special specifications otherwise indicate, the aggregate shall achieve
the requirements indicated in Table (5.7.19). While the Cement shall be a sulphates
resistant type and shall achieve the requirements of standard specification ASTM C 150
unless otherwise the special specifications permit using of another type.
The water used for producing and maintaining the concrete shall be clean, pure
and free from impurities and harmful materials. It shall be tested according to AASHTO
T-26 test as directed by the Engineer.

The reinforcement steel used shall conform to the type and diameters shown on
the drawings and special specifications and shall achieve the specification requirements
specified in Division 14 of these general specifications.

When the special specifications indicate or the Engineer requires the use of
some additives or chemical admixture, these materials shall conform to the types
stipulated in the special specifications or the drawings or approved by the Engineer and
they shall comply with specification requirements indicated in Division 14 of these
general specifications.

Table 5.7.18: Culverts Concrete Requirements

Properties Test method Limits
Quantity of Cement, kg/m - 350
Minimum Compressive strength, M.Pa Sample preparation according 35
to AASHTO T-23
Maximum water /cement ratio % - 0.5
Slump, mm AASHTO T-119 50-100

Table 5.7.19: Aggregate Requirements for Culverts Concrete

Requirements Test method Soft aggregate
Reference standard specification AASTO M-6 AASHTO M-43
Maximum percent of Clay
AASHTO T-112 0.5 0.25
Maximum percent of lignite, % AASHTO T-113 0.25 0.25
Maximum Percentage of
materials with density less than AASHTO T-113 1 1
1.95 gram /cm3, %
Total percent of above
- 1.25 1.25
undesirable materials, %
Maximum percent of material
AASHTO T-(11, 27) 3 1
passing Sieve 0.075, mm
Maximum Los Angles abrasion
AASHTO T-196 - 40
(500 cycle), %,
Minimum Sand equivalent, AASHTO T-176 75 -
Materials which give
more dark color than the
Organic materials percentage in standard color shall be
soft aggregate rejected or the slurry
testing shall be required
for verification

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
3. Bedding layer:
The precast culverts, unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications,
shall be constructed on a cement concrete bedding layer with cement content not less
than 200 kg /m3 and cube strength should not be less than 15 M.Pa. The aggregate used
shall be non-plastic and water-cement ratio should be in its minimum limits which allow
workability of the mix, and the maximum nominal diameter of the aggregate shall be
37.5 mm. Construction:
Culverts shall be constructed according to dimensions, levels and sites specified
in the special specifications, drawings or these general specifications. Contractor shall
verify the locations shown on the drawings in the field and determine the site and
culverts skew angle with the direction of the road axis to conform to the directions of
water flow, unless special specifications indicate diversion of the flow line and
construction the required works for that.

1. Excavation and surface preparation:

Excavation works for the construction of culverts and their elements shall be
made by one of the following methods, according to the special specifications or as
accepted by the Engineer:

- First method:
In this method the works shall be performed by excavating to the required depth
of the bedding layer and the culvert foundation then the bedding layer is constructed
and its surface is prepared according to the drawings and special specifications, then
culvert works shall be completed, finished, tested and handed over before backfill

- Second method:
This method is different from the first method only in the starting of
construction by performing road embankment up to a height near to the outer radius or
height of the culvert according to the requirements of embankment works indicated in
section (5.4) from this specification, and then an excavation shall be made for installing
culverts according to section (5.3). After that the surface is prepared and the bedding
layer, culvert and backfilling are executed.

In all cases the surface on which the culvert shall be constructed should conform
to the location, levels and slopes shown on the approved drawings after verifying the
correct location and elevation on site and taking the required levels by the Contractor
and accepted by the Engineer to verify the culvert location and crossing angle with the

2. Installation of precast culvert elements:

Pipe culverts:
The bedding layer shall be executed all over the excavated width and its
thickness under the pipes shall not be less than 10 cm. And, it shall continue up to a
height not less than quarter (1/4) of the outer diameter of the pipe at the two sides of the
culverts. At the beginning the concrete shall be filled at one side of the pipe until
complete contact and no existence of spaces is verified then the filling is commenced at

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
the other side. The Contractor shall provide contraction joints at common interval
known in concrete practice.

The reinforced concrete pipes installation shall start from the lower side in to the
direction of the higher side, and the cavity shall be inserted into the projection in the
direction of water flow. When installing corrugated metal pipes consideration shall be
made to insure that the outer rings are aiming at the upstream direction and complete
contact for all the projecting elements during foundation preparation is provided.

During installation consideration shall be made for avoiding diversion of the

elliptical pipes axis of circular reinforcement, or the circular pipes of spiral
reinforcement, from the vertical position by more than 5 degrees. When using circular
pipes provided with holes for installation control consideration shall be made to have
these holes on the upper side and after the installation of pipes and before backfilling
these holes shall be closed with the materials recommended by the manufacturer.

Box culverts:
Precast elements of box culverts shall be installed on the previously prepared
foundations so that the openings shall be in the direction of flow and the installation
shall start from the culvert outlet, using the methods, machines and equipments capable
of controlling the process of lifting, lowering and adjusting the location of the elements
and avoid causing any damage to elements or prepared foundations or excavated slopes.

The construction of multi-opening culverts which composed of separated

adjacent cell elements shall be installed leaving a space between these elements of not
less than 25 mm and not more than 50 mm. After the finishing of the installation of the
elements and completing the joining between each cell, this joint space shall be filled
with cement mortar composed of 1:2 cement-sand proportions for the complete depth
and width and it shall be cured by water.

Construction of Joints:
Joint between pipes and precast elements shall be constructed using the
materials, elements and methods indicated in the special specifications and the technical
manuals of the manufacturers considering that backfill works shall not be started before
completion of all the joints with the required verification and inspection.

When using flexible asphalt in the pipe's joint, the ends of pipes shall be cleaned
and dried before application of the material on the cavity side with a thickness about 13
mm and to a distance of not less than 2/3 of the joining section. After verifying the
conformity of the pipe ends the end of the second pipe (projection) shall be inserted in
the cavity by applying the required pressure to tighten the joint. The internal faces of the
pipes should be cleaned from the extra joining material. When using rubber gaskets the
protection paper shall be removed and ends of pipe should be pressed, and water
insulation joints should be constructed.

When special specifications specify the use of cement mortar joint the used
mortar shall be composed of the 1:2 cement-sand proportions and the works shall be
constructed according to special specifications with a thickness adequate for pipe
connection. The mortar layer shall be protected from quick drying and cracking by
using curing methods and materials. Before applying the cement mortar the pipe ends

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shall be wetted properly with water and the pipes shall be kept exposed and the mortar
layer shall be covered by wetted sacks covered with plastic sheet to prevent water
evaporation and sprayed at least twice with water for not less than 3 days.

3. Cast in Place Culverts:

Cast in place culverts, vertical walls, inlets and outlets shall be constructed
according to the levels, dimensions, by using the materials and at the locations indicated
in the drawings and approved specifications. Contractor shall verify the submitted
drawings for the cast in place culverts and complete all the details required for the
construction and to obtain the Engineer's approval.

Contractor, prior starting the construction, shall verify the culvert location and
angle of crossing to the road axis and to determine the actual location, carry out
excavation works up to the levels and adequate dimensions for the construction of the
bedding layer and placing and fixing the frameworks.

The bottom of the excavation shall be leveled according to the approved slopes
and levels and the bedding layer shall be constructed from aggregate materials with a
thickness not less than 10 cm, compacted and leveling such that a fixed and stable
surface is obtained to support the loads arising from subsequent works.

Contractor, prior starting concrete casting by a period not less than 30 days, shall
submit to the Engineer a technical report which describe:

-The design job mix formula includes the sources and qualities of aggregate materials,
cement, water, admixtures and chemical additives proposed for use.
-Proportions and method of material mixing
-Sites, types, method of operation and productivity of concrete mixers.
-When supplying from pre-mixed concrete factories, Contractor shall submit an
approved copy about the sites and specifications of these plants, their approval
certificate and the specifications of the concrete produced or which they are going to
produce for the project. Also he shall submit the test results of the concrete
produced in these plants and the supply time schedule.
-Test results for the raw materials and produced mixes using the proposed design job
mix formula.
-Time schedule and dates proposed for starting construction and the detailed program
for casting phases.
- A list of equipments and machines proposed for use.

The Engineer shall study the technical report and give his views about
completing all the required information and he shall return the report to the Contractor
in case there is a shortage in the information within 7 days. However, if the report
included all the information the Engineer shall study the information of the proposed
design job mix formula and the construction plan and issue a written approval or
requires from the Contractor to carry out the required modifications within 14 days.

The frameworks shall be according to the dimensions shown on the drawings

and by using metal or timber frameworks capable of supporting the pressure arising
from concrete and vibrating loads during casting. The concrete surfaces, after casting,

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shall be leveled and smoothed, and free from any defects. Contractor shall be
responsible for the durability, stability and leveling of the frameworks.

Contractor shall install steel reinforcement at the locations, with the diameters,
spacing distances, and overlapping distances conform to the type and diameters of the
reinforcement steel approved on the detailed drawings and Contractor is not allowed to
start casting before the Engineer inspects, accepts and hand over the steel

The concrete casting shall be performed using the approved machines,

equipments, and work plan. Contractor shall perform all the required curing works until
the hardening of concrete and it reach the strengths indicated in the drawings, special
specifications and design job mix formula. The frameworks shall not be dismantled
before the passing of the period enough for the concrete to reach the adequate hardening
to support the subsequent loads providing that concrete strength shall not be less than
80% of the design strength and the period shall not be less than 14 days. It is possible to
follow the periods indicated in Table (5.7.20).

Table 5.7.20: Minimum Periods for Forms dismantling

Number of
Percent of specified 28
Structure elements days,
days strength, %
Columns and wall faces (not yet
50 3
supporting loads)
Mass pier and abutments (not yet
50 3
supporting loads)
Box Girder 80 14
Simple span T - Girder, slab bridge, piers
cap not continuously supported, struts, 80 14
and top slabs of box culverts.
Arches, continuous bridge spans and rigid
90 21

Contractor shall make all the required arrangements for concrete casting under
hot climate conditions and all casting works shall be performed with complete
adherence to the time interval between cement application and finishing casting.

Casting shall, whenever possible, be performed in one batch or with the least
number of joints and all the required arrangements should be made to eliminate the
possibility of structural joints formation and lessen their effect. The casting of the box
culvert bedding shall be performed in the beginning then construction of the remaining
elements shall start later after the elapse of 24 hours. The constructed concrete works
shall be maintained in wet condition during curing period which should not be less than
seven days by covering it with wetted sacks at least for two days and covering these
sacks with plastic sheets to minimize water evaporation or the moisture shall be
maintained by any method approved by the Engineer.

4. Water proofing works:

Contractor shall perform water insulation works for all the surfaces in contact
with soil using the method and materials indicated in the special specifications and he is

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not allowed to commence backfill works before culvert works being inspected, accepted
and handed over to the Engineer.

5. Backfill:
Backfill works around the culverts, vertical walls, and inlet, outlet and wing
walls shall be carried out according to the details indicated in item (5.4) of section of
these general specifications, unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

5.7.7 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall apply quality control for drainage works by carrying out all the
required arrangements to ensure that the used materials, construction methods and the
executed works achieve the quality requirements, indicated in the standard
specifications, special specifications, these general specifications and other contract
The Ministry shall apply the quality assurance works by verifying that the
contractor has carried out quality control procedures properly either through direct
supervision of the quality control procedures or by undertaking quality assurance
procedures neutrally on representative samples and with adequate numbers to judge the
execution to accept or reject the completed work according to the principles detailed in
Division 17 of these general specifications except otherwise specified in special
specification or other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall apply quality control on materials and executed works and he
shall monitor records and analyze results and draw quality charts for critical properties
and carry out all the tests and measurements indicated in Table (5.7.21). Contractor
shall provide the Engineer with copies of all tests immediately and he shall apply all the
items indicated in sub-section 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
Ministry at any time has the right to assure the quality of materials and executed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to select
materials and check executed works for all or part of the quality control items specified
in Table (5.7.21).

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and compare
these statistically with quality assurance results to insure quality according to what is
specified in division 17 of these general specifications. It has the right to inspect the
contractor’s laboratory and its equipments, its technical staff, methods of testing and
construction method to insure the efficiency of the contractor’s technical staff and
equipments and compliance of his inspection, testing and construction method with the
approved methods.

5.7.8 Measurement:
Drainage works shall be measured according to the approved measurement units
in the contract documents, for the actually constructed, technically accepted and handed
over works. Measuring shall not be performed for the purpose of payment outside the
limits and the sites shown on the drawings or approved by the Engineer.
Measuring shall be performed according to the following, unless otherwise

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Table 5.7.21: Quality control Procedures for drainage works
Work Properties Test method Frequency of sampling Requirements
of sample
At the starting of materials
The specified
All the supply from each source and
Pipes, Source guarantee requirements in
properties when source is changed, the
elements certificate for the acceptance
stated in the materials specifications,
and each material item of the
approved technical properties and
materials according to type approved
standard methods and rates of tests
of joints and diameter. standard
specifications. and their results shall be
(27,11) 3 tests on different samples
AASHTO T-99 from each source for source
At source
(C) and testing approval and when design
methods job mix formula or source is
Backfill Moisture- indicated in changed or noticing a
and filter Density division (6)for change in the produced mix
layers relationship aggregate bases or constructed works, and 5
materials or cement and tests on different and in
asphalt treated diverse intervals samples for
bases each 5000 cubic meters or
Table ( 5.7.15 ) each source during
Qualitative construction.
and section (5.6)
for backfill
Visual inspection
and testing
System systems such as
Systems At site, Between each two manholes
installation non-perforated Success
installation before or two drain inlets
works pipes and gaskets
according to item
Measuring of Survey measuring for levels
smoothness, and coordinates between
At site Conformity
slopes and utility each two manholes or drain
levels openings or grills or outlets
3 tests at commencing
Test methods mixture production and a test
indicated in each 2000 cubic meter
All quality
Division 14 rigid At production or noticing a
In-place properties
pavement, unless production change in material sources or Properties and
concrete indicated in
otherwise centers and executed work properties limits approved
works special
indicated in the site. and one test each 50 cubic
special meters or executing one day
specifications works whichever is lesser
and from each element.
Conform to the
Survey measurements each dimensions and
Survey 25 m interval including at levels indicated
Excavation measurements for least a starting, end on the drawings,
Measurements At site
works dimensions and And middle points from each special or
levels element regardless of the approved
distance. specifications by
the Engineer.
One test every 150 linear
Bedding meter or one day production Degrees of
and AASHTO T- from each layer whichever is compaction
Field density At site
backfill 310-01 lesser and one test at each indicated in
works side of manholes and inlets relevant items.
or culverts at each location.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
- Drain pipes installation works classified according to types and diameters in
linear meter.
- Under drain pipes installation works classified according to types and diameters
in linear meter.
- Geo-textile works for covering under drains in square meter.
- Filter layers works surrounding under drain pipes in cubic meters.
- Geo-composite drain works in square meter.
- Drain inlets, catch basins and manholes works including covers classified
according to types and dimensions in numbers.
- Pipe culverts works including inlet and outlet wing walls according to types,
sites and openings, in linear meter measured between external FACES of the
vertical walls at inlets and outlets.
- Box culverts works including vertical walls and wing walls in cubic meter.
- Excavation works in cubic meter for actually constructed works within the
approved limits and depths. The structural excavations for culverts shall not be
measured for the purpose of payment and its costs shall be included with the cost
of the culvert.
- Bedding works in square meter.
- Backfill works in cubic meter.

5.7.9 Payment:
Payment shall be paid for actually and technically accepted constructed works
and quantities within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract unit
prices or reduced prices as a result of applying the quality assurance procedure if stated
in the contract documents.

The paid amounts are considered as a full compensation for excavation, laying,
installation of pipes, casting and performing of the connection joints, inlets, manholes
and covers works. It is also for concrete works includes, transporting, wetting, mixing,
spreading, watering, vibrating and finishing of the work, in addition to the provision
and operation of machines, equipments, labor, tests, measurements, benefits, revenues,
fees and third party payments and all requirements to construct the works according to
drawings, special and general specifications.
Payment shall be made according to one or more of the items indicated in Table
5.7.22 if not contradiction with contract documents.

Table 5.7.22: Drainage Works Items

Item No. Work type Unit
5.7.1 Excavation m3
Drain inlet, catch basin and manholes classified according to
5.7.2 Number
types and dimensions.
5.7.3 Bedding layer m3
5.7.4 Drainage pipe (classified according to types and diameters). Linear meter
5.7.5 Under drain pipe (classified according to types and diameters). Linear meter
5.7.6 Filter layer around under drains pipes m3
5.7.7 Geo textile surrounding underground drains m2
5.7.8 Geo composite under edge drains m2
5.7.9 Pipe culver (classified according to types and diameters) Linear meter
5.7.10 Box culvert m3
5.7.11 Backfill m3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
5.8 Slope rip rap and protection:

5.8.1 Description:
This section includes embankment slopes, excavation, and backfilling protection
and rip rapping works at culvert inlets and outlets. It includes rip rap and protection
works by using loose or grouted rip rap and on site cast concrete or pre-cast concrete
pieces or with gabions and protection of rock excavation with metal grids. These works
shall be executed according to the sites and dimensions by using materials specified on
the drawings, special specifications and contract documents.

5.8.2 General requirements:

Before he commences rip rap and protection works, contractor shall prepare the
surfaces on which the work shall be executed by leveling and grading them according to
the approved cross sections, dimensions, and levels. He shall remove all undulations on
the surface and compact them if necessary, until a smooth surface capable of receiving
the intended rip rap works is provided.

Foundation trench shall be constructed below the slope intended for rip rapping
according to the dimensions shown on the drawings and contract documents. The trench
width shall not be less than double the intended rip rap or protection layer thickness.;
and its depth shall not be less than double that thickness or 60 cm whichever is lesser.
This trench shall be filled with materials capable of forming a stable foundation for rip
rap and protection works and it shall be from the approved or better type of rip rap
materials. Rip rap and protection works shall start from the bottom of the slope
regardless of the rip rap type used.

5.8.3 Stone rip rap: Description:
This work includes provision of materials and execution of the works required
for rip rapping slopes by using loose or grouted stones or gabion rip rapping, according
to the dimensions and in the sites specified in the special specifications and contract
documents. Materials:

1. Stone materials:
The stone materials to be used for rip rapping and protecting slopes shall be
from hard rocks which are resistant to water and weather. They shall be free from
cracks, clay, soluble, and fragile materials. They shall achieve, except otherwise
indicate special specifications, the qualitative requirements shown on table (5.8.1). The
loose or grouted rip rap shall fulfill the volumetric distribution requirements indicated in
the special specifications and contract documents or one of the distributions listed in
table (5.8.2). The smallest dimension of the stone shall not be less than 1/3 of its
maximum dimension. Materials shall be from angled stones to provide sufficient
friction between stones.

Gabion works may use circular stones and the size of the used stones shall range
between 100-200 mm, their weight between 2-15 kg, and the percentage of stones with
more than 5 kg in weight shall not be less than 50%.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Table No. 5.8.1: Stone material requirements
Property Testing method Values
Apparent density, ton/m3, minimum. AASHTO T-85 2.5
Absorption, %, maximum. AASHTO T-85 6
Durability index for coarse materials, %, minimum. AASHTO T-210 50

Table No. 5-8-2: Volumetric distribution of rip rap stone materials

Material rate of Approx. cubic
Type Weight, kg
indicated weight, % dimensions, mm
20 10-15 150-200
30 5-10 125-150
40 0.5-5 50-125
10 Less than 0.5 Less than 50
20 25-50 200-250
30 10-25 150-200
40 1-10 75-150
10 Less than 1 Less than 75
20 100-150 350-400
30 50-100 250-350
40 5-50 125-250
10 Less than 5 Less than 125

Contractor, before commencing work by a period not less than 15 days, shall
choose stone material sources, conduct the necessary tests on them, and submit a
technical report including sources, available and estimated quantities to the engineer for
approval. Contractor shall obtain the acceptance for using those sources from their

2. Cement grout:
Cement grout used for grouted stone rip rap shall be from sand, cement, and water mix
in the ratio of 1 cement to 3 sand in the grout. It shall achieve requirements of
specification ASTM C270 and the used cement shall be sulphate resistant class 5 type
or normal Portland cement class (I) and compliant with requirements of the standard
specification ASTM C150, except otherwise allow special specifications for another
type. Cement shall be supplied from approved sources and with cement shipments shall
be enclosed certificates of source guarantee duly approved and authenticated.
Water used in mixing shall be in compliance with the requirements of item 5-5-3 of
these specifications. The used sand shall be in compliance with requirements of
specification AASHTO M 45.

3. Gabions:
Except otherwise stipulate special specifications, wires used in making and
assembling gabions, including end, tie, and connection wires, shall be from wires
compatible with specification ASTM A641, and diameter of those wires shall not be
less than3 mm; and they shall be galvanized and zinc coated in the rate of not less than
0.24 kg/m2. When the engineer requires that, the coating shall be verified according to
AASHTO T-65 test. Materials can be accepted according to the source guarantee
certificate or ASTM E376 test, according to the engineer's instruction.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Gabions shall be fabricated such that the dimensions of their openings do not
exceed 100 mm, and they shall be supplied in the form of pieces which allow
assemblage of gabions in the sizes specified on the drawings or in the special
specifications. When length of gabions exceed by one and a half times their base width
(1.5) or 1200 mm, whichever is lesser, they shall be divided into cells of equal length
and width by middle elements which separate between adjacent cells. Assembled
gabions and all the materials used in assembling shall be capable of bearing the pressure
arising from being filled with stones. Execution:

1. Loose stones rip rap:

When special specifications or other contract documents for executing loose rip
rap, contractor shall before commencing executing them, prepare the surfaces and
slopes over which they are going to be executed and finish these surfaces such that they
become stable and smooth and compliant with the approved cross section. All areas of
slumps and heights shall be treated and all slopes shall be finished within tolerance that
does not exceed finishing limits indicated in the special specifications, other contract
documents or backfill work requirements indicated in section 5-4 of this division.

Before commencing stone rip rap works, contractor shall construct a trench at
the conjunction level of slope with natural ground level with the dimensions shown on
drawings or other contract documents. And except otherwise stipulate contract
documents for specific dimensions, the width of the trench shall not be less than
thickness of the protection layer to be constructed and its depth shall not be less than 60
Rip rapping materials shall be placed in such a way that does not damage slopes
being protected. Loose stones rip rap shall be laid with the required thickness such that
they stabilize according to the internal friction angle in one batch or in layers, all in
accordance with special specifications or other contract documents. Construction shall
be carried out whereas large size stones shall be in the lower part of the slope and the
suitable arrangements shall be taken for bedding such that separation between sizes
shall be avoided. Spaces between large stones shall be filled with stone materials of
smaller sizes.

2. Grouted rip rap:

Before he starts construction, contractor shall prepare surfaces according to the
method stated in item (1) above, and it is recommended that stones shall be selected
such that the rate of stones with at least one leveled face is about 50%. The rip rap
stones shall be bedded and arranged in such a way that makes the faces of the level
faced stones are the apparent ones and spaces between adjacent stones shall be in the
range of 50-100 mm. After completion of spreading the stones and cleaning them from
all clay and deleterious materials and moistening them properly, grout is then filled in
the joints by the method accepted from the engineer until it penetrates between stones to
a depth ranging from 25-50% of stone with larger size used; providing that depth shall
not be less than 100%. The grout used shall be in compliance with material
requirements stated in paragraph and its spreading and filling shall be completed
before the start of initial setting time. Contractor shall carry out the moistening and
curing works by water spraying and soaking or by covering it with moistened jute bags
and covering those bags with plastic sheets. He shall repeat the moistening of jute bags

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
at least two times daily and re-cover them with plastic; or he may apply curing
membranes according to special specifications and engineer's instructions. Curing
period shall not be less than the period specified in the special specifications or for three
days whichever is lesser.

3. Gabions:
When special specifications and other contract documents specify for executing
stone rip rap gabions, those works shall be executed at the locations specified in the
contract documents or in writing from the engineer.

Gabions shall be assembled such that the sides and base shall be assembled
completely but the cover is fixed only from one of its sides. Assembling shall be made
by using the materials and methods recommended by the manufacturer and all
assembling locations and materials shall achieve a resistance that is not less than that
specified for the gabion.

After assembling, inspecting and accepting the gabions from the engineer, those
gabions are placed empty at the sites shown on the drawings and other contract
documents. Binding between adjacent elements is done by tie wires with the same
specifications of gabion assembling wires. The gabion base is tied from the front and
rear sides with gabions of previously executed row, if any.

After placing and tying gabions with each other and straining them to take the
nearest position to the specified rout, the gabions are filled with stone materials
compliant with approved specifications. Materials shall be filled in layers which do not
exceed 30 cm for gabions with heights more than 60 cm, but gabions with less height
are filled in two nearly equal layers. After completing filling materials of each layer, the
front face of the gabion is tied with the rear face by tie wires of the same specifications
of tie wires used in assembling. They are wrapped around two adjacent openings of the
gabion to represent the sufficient tying. After that filling of materials is recommenced
till the gabion is filled to the extend that allows for covering it with the cover and
obtaining a semi smooth upper surface. After completing the filling and closure of the
gabions in each row, backfilling shall be conducted behind them by materials in
compliance with backfilling material requirements stipulated in special specifications.
Backfilling materials, except otherwise special specifications stipulate for specific type,
shall be from type A-1a, A-1b.

5.8.4 Concrete rip rap:

This item contain slope rip rap by normal or on site cast reinforced concrete or
premix concrete, according to the type and in the sites specified in special specifications
or other contract documents. Materials:

1. Concrete:
Except otherwise stipulate special specifications, cement concrete mixes shall be
produced by using sulphate resistant cement type 5 that is compliant with SASO 570 or
ASTM C 150 specifications. Also, except otherwise stated in the special specifications
and contract documents, the cement concrete shall fulfill requirements listed in Table

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Table No. 5.8.3: Rip rap concrete requirements
Property Limits
Cement quantity, kg/m3,
Water cement ratio, %, maximum 0.5
Slump, mm, maximum. 125
Air voids, %, minimum. 4
As per AASHTO M 43 &
Aggregate gradation.
max. size shall not exceed 37.5 mm.
Compressive strength, at 28 days
age, MPa, minimum.

2. Aggregate:
The aggregate used shall achieve qualitative requirements listed in Table No.
14-2-3 and gradation requirements indicated in Table (14.2.4), except otherwise
stipulate special specifications and contract documents.

3. Water:
The water used in mixing and curing concrete shall be compliant with
requirements of item 14.2.3 of these general specifications.

4. Reinforcement steel:
Reinforcement steel shall meet requirements of item 14.2.6 of these general

5. Curing materials:
Curing materials shall achieve requirements of item 14.2.5 of these general

6. Joints filling materials:

Joint filling materials shall fulfill requirements of item 14.2.7 of these general
specifications. Cast insitu concrete rip rap:

If the special specifications and contract documents specify that execution of rip
rap works are to be carried from normal concrete or cast insitu reinforced concrete then
the contractor shall prepare surfaces on which those rip rap works shall be constructed
such that they become compliant with the approved dimensions, level, and cross
sections. These surfaces shall be leveled and when it is stipulated in the special
specifications and contract documents for using reinforced concrete, to install
reinforcement steel or grid in accordance with the types, diameters, and separating
distances shown on the drawings and other contract documents. Reinforcement steel
shall be raised above the slope surface by the distance required for providing the
specified protection layer. This layer shall not, by any mean, be less than 5 cm.

Before he commences concrete supplying, contractor shall submit to the

engineer the design job mix formula according to item 14.3.3 of division 14. Also, he
shall submit a technical report including construction and curing method, plus method
of constructing and filling joints. Contractor is not allowed to commence construction

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
before he obtains the engineer's acceptance for the design job mix formula, work plan,
and equipments and machines list.

Before commencing casting of concrete, the necessary metal or wooden forms

shall be fixed to control concrete thickness and locations of longitudinal and transverse
joints. Longitudinal joints shall be parallel to the intersection line of side slopes with
road lateral section but transverse joints are perpendicular with them. Joints shall be
constructed at the locations specified on the drawings and other contract documents and
according to requirements of sub item, except otherwise indicate special
specifications. Also, contractor shall take the required provisions to keep reinforcement
steel in position and prevent displacement due to casting works.

Concrete casting, joints construction, and concrete curing shall be conducted

according to requirements of section 14.4, of division 14 of these general specifications,
except otherwise stipulate special specifications. Just before casting, contractor shall
moisten the forms, steel, and surfaces on which work shall be executed. Concrete shall
be cast in such a way that it should prevent occurrence of grain segregation. Casting
shall be started from the lower part of the slope towards the top and after completion of
casting surfaces shall be finished by straight edge or scraper. Joints shall be formed at
the locations shown on the drawings and other contract documents, and they shall be
filled with approved filling materials.

Contractor shall cure concrete according to requirements of paragraph

Curing shall continue and concrete shall be kept in a moist state for a period not less
than7 days. Premix concrete rip rap:

When special specifications call for rip rap from premix concrete elements,
those elements shall be supplied from approved plants. Contractor, before starting
supply should, submit specimens of those elements together with testing results
showing compliance of the elements with the approved qualitative requirements of
concrete, dimensions and shapes. Contractor shall construct an experimental section
showing the installation method and distribution of colors and shapes, when special
specifications call for some architectural requirements. Contractor shall obtain the
acceptance of the engineer for the results of the experimental section.

Prefabricated elements shall be installed, whether they were prefabricated slabs

or normal or overlapping tile elements, according to the instructions of the manufacturer
or according to special specifications as to surface preparation, materials and method of
constructing the bedding layer, tiles installation, and joint filling. Rip rap with concrete in bags:

When special specifications stipulate for protecting or rip rapping slopes using
concrete in bags, the used bags shall be from textile or jute or any other material
indicated in the special specifications and contract documents. The concrete used shall
be enough for quality requirement as shown in Table No. 5.8.3, except otherwise state
special specifications and other contract documents.

The bags shall be capable of accommodating and bearing resulting pressures

from the moment they are filled with concrete up to concrete hardening and reaching

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
the required strength. Bags dimensions shall be adequate enough for forming rows of
bagged concrete with a thickness of about 30 cm per row. It is recommended that the
dimensions of the used bags 60x90 cm and each bag accommodate approx. 3% (0.03)
m3 of concrete. Two rows of concrete bags at least shall be placed in the protection
foundation trench to form the required foundation, except otherwise stipulate special
specifications and contract documents. Then concrete bags are placed in rows,
providing that the number of bags placed in one row shall not exceed four vertically,
before the start of initial setting time of first row concrete. When each bag is placed it
shall be pressed a little to obtain, somehow, level surface between adjacent bags.
Bags shall be placed in such a way that no two knots or openings of two adjacent bags
shall be facing each other.

5.8.5 Culvert inlet and outlet lining:

Contractor shall execute lining to culvert inlets and outlets according to the type
of lining shown on drawings or special specifications and other contract documents.
Lining may be loose stone, or grouted or on site cast concrete or pre-cast concrete tiles
rip rap.

Contractor shall carry out the lining works at the specified locations and
according to the dimensions and type indicated in the special specifications and contract

Lining from loose stone or grouted or concrete rip rap shall be constructed
according to requirements of items 5.8.3, 5.8.4 of this section. Lining depth shall be
increased at its beginning and end by not less than double the required lining thickness
or 60 cm whichever is greater, except otherwise special specifications and contract
documents mentioning for greater depth.

5.8.6 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall control the quality of slopes rip rap and protection works by all
the required procedures to ensure that the used materials, construction methods,
executed works, shall achieve quality requirements stated in standard specifications,
special specifications, or these general specifications and other contract documents.

The ministry shall ensure the quality of the product by verifying that contractor
has performed quality control procedures correctly, either through direct supervision on
quality control procedures or through performing quality assurance procedures neutrally
and independently on representative samples in sufficient numbers for judging on
execution standard, and decide about acceptance or rejection of the executed work, all
according to the detailed principles in division 17 of these general specifications, except
otherwise specify special specifications and contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall control the quality of materials, executed works, and shall
monitor, record, and draw quality data for critical properties. Also, he shall perform all
the tests, and measurements listed in Table (5.8.4).
Contractor shall provide the engineer with copies of source certificates and all testing
results promptly. Also, contractor shall apply all the points indicated in item 17.1.1 of
these general specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
2. Quality Assurance:
The ministry has the right at any time to the quality assure materials and
executed works by performing or by assigning under its supervision testing the
materials of rip rap and protection works and inspection of the executed work for each
or some quality control items specified in Table No. 5.8.4 of this paragraph. In addition
the ministry has the right to review contractor's quality control records and to compare
these statistically with the results it obtained though the method it decides for quality
assurance, according to division 17 of these general specifications. Also, it has the right
to inspect contractor's laboratory and his equipments, technical staff, inspection
methods, testing methods, production and execution sites and methods applied by the
contractor to ensure the efficiency of his technical staff, equipments, and compliance of
his testing and execution methods with approved methods.

5.8.7 Measurement:
Slopes rip rap and protection works are measured in m2 or m3 according to the
types and according to special specifications. Measurements are made only for executed
and technically accepted works within the limits and dimensions specified in special
specifications and other contract documents. No measurements shall be made for the
purpose of payment outside the approved boundaries.

5.8.8 Payment:
Payment shall be made for work quantities actually completed and technically
accepted within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract rates or
reduced prices as a result of quality assurance works, when the contract documents call
for that.

The amounts paid are considered full compensation for supplying materials,
carrying out leveling, compaction, installation, casting, jointing, execution of loose rip
rap, grouted rip rap, gabion rip rap works. Also, for execution of concrete works,
transportation, spreading, curing and compacting the materials plus work finishing
regardless of source. In addition to, provision and operation of equipments, machines,
labor, testing and measuring performance, and all requirements for executing the works
in accordance with drawings and special/general specifications. Payment shall not be
made for items charged on other items. Payment shall be done according to one or more
of the items, for example and not limited to, listed in Table (5.8.5), without
contradiction with contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 5- Earth Works
Table No. 5-8-4: Quality control procedures for rip rap & protection works
Work Properties Testing method Re-sampling Requirements
All tests for
requirements All tests at source
quality Table No.
and gradation approval and at source
requirements & 5.8.1 &
indicated in change or noticing
gradation Table 5.8.2
Table 5.8.1, change in materials.
Source guarantee
requirements tests
Cement quality certificate at starting Sub item
indicated in
Raw requirements. supply and whenever
approved standard
materials source is changed.
Requirements of Source guarantee
At source
gabions and certificate at starting Sub item
their elements supply & whenever
such as tie wires source is changed
Quality Source guarantee
Admixtures &
requirement tests certificate at starting
additive Item 14.2.5
indicated in supply & whenever
item14.2.5 source is changed
Source guarantee
All concrete
Cement All concrete mixes certificate and whenever
mixes properties
mixes tests indicated in source is changed plus Section 14.2
indicated in
materials Table 14.6.1 aggregate tests as
Table 14.6.1
indicated in Table 14.6.1
Cement concrete All tests indicated Sampling rates indicated
concrete Table 5.8.3
requirements. in Table 5.8.3 instable 14.6.1
Verifying execution
Loose &
Visual inspection. quality by visual Item 5.8.3
grouted rip rap.
At site inspection.
Completed Verifying execution
Gabion rip rap
works Visual inspection. quality by visual Item 5.8.3
Concrete rip All tests indicated Testing rates indicated
Item 5.8.4
raps in Table 14.6.1 in Table 14.6.1
Culvert All tests required Same rates of testing &
All properties
inlets and for slope rip At source inspection for ramp
required for Item 5.8.5
outlets rip rapping according and site slope rip raps according
used type.
rap. to used type. to used type.

Table No. 5.8.5: Rip rap & protection work items

Item No. Type of work Unit
5.8.1 Loose stones rip rap. m3
5.8.2 Grouted rip rap. m3
5.8.3 Gabion rip rap. m3
5.8.4 Cast on site concrete rip rap m3
5.8.5 On site cast reinforced concrete protection m3
5.8.6 Pre-cast concrete slabs protection. m2
5.8.7 Bag filled concrete protection. m3
Culverts inlets & outlets protection (classified according
5.8.8 m2
to used type).

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6.1 Description 181

6.2 Production And Storage Of Aggregate Materials 181
6.2.1 Description 181
6.2.2 Material Sources 181
6.2.3 Aggregate Materials Production 181 Site Preparation 181 Machines And Equipments 181 Production Of Natural Aggregate 181 Production Of Crushed Aggregate 183
6.2.4 Aggregate Transportation 183
6.2.5 Aggregate Stockpiling 183
6.2.6 Surplus Waste Materials 184
6.2.7 Site Clearing 184
6.2.8 Acceptance 184
6.2.9 Measuring And Payment 185
6.3 Aggregate Subbase 185
6.3.1 Description 185
6.3.2 Materials 185
6.3.3 Design Job Mix Formula 186
6.3.4 Equipments 187
6.3.5 Experimental Section 188
6.3.6 Construction 188
6.3.7 Protection Of Constructed Layers 190
6.3.8 Finishing Requirements 190
6.3.9 Acceptance 190
6.3.10 Measurements 191
6.3.11 Payment 191
6.4 Aggregate Bases 195
6.4.1 Description 195
6.4.2 Materials 195
6.4.3 Design Job Mix Formula 196
6.4.4 Equipments 196
6.4.5 Experimental Section 196
6.4.6 Construction 196 Surfaces Preparation 196 Mixing And Transportation 197 Spreading And Compaction 197
6.4.7 Maintaining The Constructed Layers 199
6.4.8 Finishing Requirements 199
6.4.9 Acceptance 199
6.4.10 Measurements 200
6.4.11 Payment 200
6.5 Cement Treated Base 202
6.5.1 Description 202
6.5.2 Materials 202 Cement 202 Aggregate 202
EXIT Water 202 Admixtures 202 Asphalt Curing Membrane 202
6.5.3 Design Job Mix Formula 202
6.5.4 Equipments 204
6.5.5 Construction 205 Surface Preparation 205 Weather Limitations 205 Mixing 206 Compaction And Finishing 209 Construction Of Joints 210 Curing 210
6.5.6 Traffic Control 211
6.5.7 Finishing Requirements 211
6.5.8 Acceptance 211
6.5.9 Measurements 213
6.5.10 Payment 213
6.6 Emulsified Asphalt Treated Base 214
6.6.1 Work Description 214
6.6.2 Materials 214
6.6.3 Emulsified Asphalt Treated Base Mix 215 Job Mix Formula 215 Job Mix Formula Acceptance Procedures 215
6.6.4 Equipments 216
6.6.5 Weather Limitations 216
6.6.6 Constructions 216 Emulsified Asphalt Material Preparation 216 Aggregate Preparation 217 Central Mixing 217 Road Mixing 217 Spreading And Compaction 217 Finishing 218
6.6.7 Traffic Control 219
6.6.8 Work Acceptance 219 Quality Control 219 Quality Assurance 219
6.6.9 Measurements 219
6.6.10 Payment 221
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base


6.1 Description:
This Division includes materials and execution methods required for the
construction of Subbases and aggregate Base courses, which includes:
- Production and storage of aggregate materials.
- Aggregate Subbase.
- un-treated aggregate base.
- Cement treated aggregate base.
- Asphalt treated aggregate base.

6.2 Production and storage of aggregate materials:

6.2.1 Description:
This section includes production methods, transportation and stockpiling of
natural, crushed, or screened materials used in construction of roads and relevant
structures. Contractor shall provide the aggregate conform to the quality and gradation
requirements indicated in the special specifications, drawings, contract documents or
these general specifications.

6.2.2 Material Sources:

Unless otherwise the material sources are shown on the drawings or in the
special specifications, the contractor should specify those sources whether they are new
queries or authorized existing crushers.

Contractor, in cases, prior starting production or supplying the aggregate

materials by a period not less than 30 days, shall submit to the Engineer a technical
report, which includes:
1. Source (s).
2. Types and approximate quantities of available rocks and materials.
3. The results of test on representative samples according to the type of work on
which these material proposed to be used, according to the requirement
indicated in the relevant divisions and sections of these general specifications or
special specifications.
4. Machines, equipments and methods of crushing, screening and transporting of
5. Sites and methods of aggregate stockpiles.
6. The written agreement from the related agency and property owner for the new
suggested locations of material production and stockpiling.

Contractor is not allowed to start the production of aggregate materials before

the approval of the Engineer for the source. This approval is considered preliminary.
The final approval shall be made based on the test results for the materials actually
supplied to the project.
The contractor shall enable the Engineer to reach sites of the works, inspect
equipments, production and storing methods at any time during the construction. The
Contractor shall obtain a new approval for the source as mentioned above whenever the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
source or production methods were changed or when the Engineer notices a significant
change in the supplied materials properties.

When contract documents contain information about the available sources and
specifications of materials, this information are considered as guides and does not
release the Contractor from the responsibility for providing materials conforming to the
specifications. The Contractor shall make his own studies to estimate the construction's
prices, regardless of the source and available materials. The Engineer has the right,
according to test results, to reject materials and to require from the Contractor to change
the source(s) if the materials were not technically acceptable the Contractor has no right
to claim any additional costs resulting from this.

6.2.3 Aggregate materials production:

This work shall consists of site preparation, provision of machines, equipments
and required arrangements for producing natural or crushed aggregate and screening of
the materials to the required sizes to obtain the required gradations, transportation,
storage of acceptable produced aggregate, disposal of extra materials and un-acceptable
materials at the approved sites. The produced aggregate shall achieve all the
requirements indicated for the specified works.

Contractor shall, at all work phases, follow the approved environmental

standards regarding to noise levels, air pollution and dust and he shall make all the
required arrangements to limit environmental pollution in all its forms. Site Preparation:

Aggregate materials shall be produced at the approved sources according to item
(6.2.2) requirements of this section. Contractor, after the approval of the Engineer for
the source(s), shall remove overburden, waste and unsuitable materials covering the
aggregate or rock layers proposed to produce crushed aggregate, and transport all
removed and waste materials to sites approved by the Engineer. The removal and
clearing works are considered for charged only with other items and no payment for
them shall be made to the Contractor. Machines and equipments:

Contractor shall provide all the machines and equipments required for the
production of crushed and natural aggregate according to the approved specifications
and it includes central or mobile crushers, suitable sieves sizes, belt conveyor,
excavation, loading, and transporting machines and all equipments needed for
producing an aggregate conform to specifications of the required work item. Production of Natural Aggregate:

Contractor shall produce natural aggregate conforming to the specification's of
the specified works in the sources approved by the Engineer.
The production operation shall include removal of all unsuitable materials including the
sizes larger than the maximum size required, and disposal of soil materials and other
undesirable materials using suitable methods including screening and/or washing.

Contractor shall prepare a work plan for disposal of unsuitable materials from
the material's source, separate aggregate materials into sizes and transport each size
separately to the stockpiles.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Back Production of Crushed Aggregate:
Crushed aggregate production shall be made from the approved sources
according to the types and specifications of the available rock materials, using the
crushing methods, which achieve the requirements for number of crushed faces and
shape of particle.

Contractor shall sieve the materials before crushing process through vibratory
sieves of suitable capacity to remove all the soil and rock materials of small sizes.

Contractor shall use the suitable crushers according to the rock types, select the
production capacity and calibrate the crusher to match the required gradations, screen
all the produced materials and apply a periodical inspection for blocked or wearied and
broken sieves.

The produced aggregate shall be separated into different sizes, which provide
the required gradation conform to the aggregate requirements according to the work

Contractor on his expense shall wash the aggregate if indicated in the special
specifications or when the clay materials and dust exceed the allowable limits.

The production process shall be stopped when the crushing and screening
method does not fulfill aggregate specifications requirements. The contractor has no
right to commence aggregate production before the Engineer approval for the required
repair, modification procedures taken and verification of the produced aggregate

6.2.4 Aggregate Transportation:

Contractor shall load and transport aggregate from production centers or
stockpile by loaders and covered trucks using method which ensures no particle
segregation occurs or contamination of aggregate with soil or any deleterious materials.
It is not allowed to take aggregate from the 30 cm in contact with the ground from the
aggregate stockpile except when the storing floor is concrete. The aggregate shall be
taken from the bottom upwards to maintain the uniformity of aggregate gradation.

6.2.5 Aggregate Stockpiling:

Contractor shall transport and store the produced aggregate at the sites shown on
the drawings or other contract documents or sites approved by the Engineer. Contractor
shall obtain a written agreement from the site owners for its use before starting of
aggregate transportation to these sites, Contractor shall clear and level those sites to a
leveled surfaces and provide water drainage facility at those sites.

Contractor shall store aggregate materials in separated stockpiles according to

sizes in distance apart or using concrete walls to avoid mixing of different sizes, and he
shall transport, discharge and store each size of aggregate in layers in such a way that
prevents particle segregation. The height of the stockpile shall not exceed 8 meters.

It is not allowed to use bulldozers or any other chain machines lead to breaking
or fracturing of aggregate during stockpiling process.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Contractor is not allowed to use any areas within the urban for aggregate stockpiling
without a written approval from the concerned authorities.
Contractor shall follow the approved environmental standards at aggregate stockpiling

6.2.6 Surplus waste materials:

Contractor shall immediately dispose of all clearance and waste materials or any
other unsuitable materials and transport them outside the production site to disposal
areas approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall store all the produced technically accepted surplus materials at the
stockpile sites indicated on the drawings, contract documents or specified by the

When the aggregate production is permitted, for certain contract works, the
ownership of aggregate surplus materials from particularly works related to specified
contract, is belong to Ministry and Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs
for this.

6.2.7 Site clearing:

Contractor when finishing the works in production and/or stockpile sites, shall
level, arrange and clean these sites from all wastes, debris, temporary structures, and
transport products and wastes to the approved sites.

6.2.8 Acceptance:
Contractor shall apply quality control for aggregate production by carrying out
all the required arrangements to ensure that the produced materials, production methods
achieving the quality requirements, indicated in the general specifications, and other
contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply the quality assurance works by verifying that the
contractor has carried out quality control procedures properly either through direct
supervision of the quality control procedures or by undertaking quality assurance
procedures neutrally on representative samples and with adequate numbers to judge the
execution and to decide in accepting or rejecting the completed work according to the
principles detailed in Division 17 of this general specifications except otherwise
specified in special specification or other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall apply quality control on materials and executed works and
monitor records and analyze results and draw quality charts for critical properties and
carry out all tests and measurements indicated in the relevant Divisions and Sections
according to type of works. Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies from all tests
immediately and apply all the items indicated in sub-section 17.1.1 of these general

2. Quality Assurance:
Ministry at any time has the right to assure the quality of materials and executed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to test
materials and inspect production sites, equipments and methods of production.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and compare
them statistically with quality assurance results to insure quality according to division
17 of these general specifications. And it has the right to inspect the contractor’s
laboratory and its equipments, its technical staff, methods of testing and construction to
insure the efficiency of the contractor’s technical staff and equipments and conformity
of investigation, testing and construction methods with the approved methods.

The Engineer has the right at anytime to stop the Contractor's production or
stockpiling process when he notices that suitable production or stockpiling conditions
according to specifications is not available, or when the contractor does not follow the
environmental protection standards, or when the produced materials do not achieve the
required specifications. The Engineer has the right to change the production source
when the available materials not conform to the specifications and the Contractor has no
right to claim any additional payments for this.

6.2.9 Measuring and Payment:

Measurement shall be made only for determining the produced and available
quantities but payment shall be done according to the work items in which aggregate
materials are used and the aggregate price shall be included in the prices of those items
unless otherwise indicated in the contract documents that payment shall be made for the
aggregate materials separately.

6.3 Aggregate Subbase:

6.3.1 Description:
This section includes material requirements and construction methods for the
aggregate Subbase includes supply, wetting, spreading, leveling and compaction of the
materials conformed to the approved technical specifications and finishing surfaces
according to the dimensions, levels and slopes shown on the drawings, special
specifications, contract documents and these general specifications.

6.3.2 Materials:
Contractor shall use, for the construction of Subbase layer, the aggregate that
conform to gradation and quality requirements indicated in the special specifications or
in this section.

The materials shall be capable of forming a durable and stable Subbase layer
after being wetted and compacted. The aggregate shall be solid water resistant materials
from natural sources or crushed rock, clean, free from impurities and friable materials
such as organic materials, clay lumps, soluble salts and metals and it is not allowed to
use materials susceptible to disintegration when subjected to wetting or drying.

Aggregate shall fulfill the quality requirements specified in Table (6.3.1) unless
otherwise indicated in the special specifications. The blended aggregate shall achieve
one of the graded shown in Table (6.3.2) or any other gradation stipulated in the special
specifications within the variation allowed in the approved design job mix formula
indicated in Table (6.3.3).

When construction is made in areas with high or fluctuated water level or in

salty environment, the aggregate material types shall be suitable and water resistant
having a soundness not exceeding 25 % according to AASHTO T-104 test by using

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
sodium sulphate and their plasticity index shall not exceed 4 according to AASHTO T-
90 test. When the special specifications require using of open gradation aggregate, the
gradation indicated in the special specifications shall be used otherwise the gradation
No. 5 in Table (6.3.2) of this section shall be used.

Table 6.3.1: Quality requirements for Subbase layer aggregate

Property Test Designation Value

Los Angles Abrasion test % AASHTO T-96 50% (Maximum)
Soundness by Na SO4, 5 cycles AASHTO T-104 25% (Maximum)
Liquid limit% AASHTO T-89 25% (Maximum)
Plasticity index % AASHTO T-90 6 % (Maximum)
CBR % ASTM D-1883 50% (Minimum)

Table 6.3.2: Gradation Requirements for gravel Subbase layers

Percent Passing Sieves

Sieve size Gradation
(mm) (5)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(open graded)
75 (3") 100 100
62.5 (2.5") 100 100
50 (2") 97-100 100 90-100 70-100
37.5 (1.5") 97-100 70-100 50-85
25 (1") 65-79 -
19 (3/4") 50-85 15-55
12.5 (1/2") 45-59 -
9.5 (3/8")
6.3 (1/4") 0-20
4.75 (No. 4) 28-42 40-60 30-60 35-70 -
2.36 (No. 8) 0-10
0.425 (No. 40) 9-17
0.3 (No. 50) 0-8
0.075 (No. 2000 4-8 0-12 0-10 0-15 0-5

Table 6.3.3: Allowable variation in Aggregate Subbase Gradation

Sieve size, mm Tolerance limits

9.5 mm (3/8 inch) or larger ± 10 %
4.75 mm (No. 4) ±7%
0.075 mm (No. 200) ±4%

6.3.3 Design job mix formula:

1. Job mix requirements

The materials used shall achieve the quality requirements specified in Table
(6.3.1) unless otherwise indicated in special specifications, and the total gradation shall
conform to the approved gradation in the special specifications or these general

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
specifications or those approved by the Engineer within the tolerance limits indicated in
Table (6.3.3).

2. Job mix formula acceptance:

Contractor, prior starting of Subbase materials supply by a period not less than
30 days, shall submit to the Engineer a technical report of the design job mix formula
1. Source(s) and gradation of the aggregate for each aggregate size or type and
blending percents of various sizes and the combined gradation.
2. Quality test results required in the special or general specifications for the
aggregate to be used in Subbase layer.
3. The method used for the production of each mix.
4. Date of starting aggregate production of Subbase material.

The Engineer shall review the proposed job mix formula and if it does not contain
the required information, it shall be returned within 7 days to the Contractor to complete
the information and data required, and then resubmitted to the Engineer for approval.

If the job mix formula includes all the required information it shall be reviewed
within 14 days and accepted or rejected and returned to the Contractor to prepare and
submit a new job mix formula which fulfills the specified requirements and a new date
for starting production should be proposed.

When the test result and technical reports indicates that the proposed job mix
formula is conform to specification requirements, the Engineer shall issue a written
approval for it and the Contractor shall start the mix, production. It is not allowed to
start the aggregate production for Subbase mix before a written approval from the
Engineer for the job mix formula.

The Engineer approval for the design job mix formula does not release the
Contractor from responsibility for supplying materials conform to approved
specifications and construct Subbase according to drawings and contract documents or
these general specifications. The final approval shall be based on the test results of the
actually used materials.

The approved job mix formula is considered a basis for evaluating all materials
and constructed work in the subsequent phases of construction and the tolerance limits
of gradation shall be taken on the bases of same job mix formula.

Contractor has no right to make any modification in the approved job mix
formula unless a new job mix formula submitted and accepted according to
requirements indicated previously in this paragraph. The Contractor shall submit a new
job mix formula whenever the source of the materials actually supplied to the project or
production methods or materials properties and gradation is changed.

6.3.4 Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all the machines and equipments required for
collecting, mixing, screening, loading, transporting, spreading, leveling, wetting and
compacting the aggregate materials and finishing the Subbase according to the special
specifications, drawings, contract documents and these general specifications. The

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
machines and equipments shall be in good technical condition and in numbers and types
sufficient for constructing the work according to the work plan approved by the
Engineer. The contractor shall provide the required arrangements to lessen dust, noise
and pollution according to the environmental protection requirements.

The machines and equipments shall include, loading and hauling machines and
equipments such as loaders and trucks, spreading, grading, compaction and leveling
machines such as graders and rollers and tankers provided with water distributors,
which can be calibrated. It is not allowed to use chain machines, sheep foot rollers, and
any other machines, which leads to fracturing or breaking of aggregate particles.

6.3.5 Experimental Section:

when special specifications indicates or the Engineer requires that, Contractor
prior to starting of construction, shall, construct an experimental section not less than
200 meters long for the purpose of verifying the efficiency of the machines, equipments,
possibility of construction according to approved specifications, to determine the
number of the required compaction passes, the quantity of water to be applied to reach
the suitable moisture content, and the thickness of the layer before and after

Contractor shall modify the work plan or replace the machines and equipments
if the construction of Subbase layer not possible according to the Contractor's plan or
equipments. If the results of the experimental section are acceptable on the basis of the
test results then the construction method followed shall be approved, and Contractor has
not the right to make any modifications or replace machines or equipments without the
written approval from the Engineer.

6.3.6 Construction:
Prior to starting construction of Subbase, Contractor shall verify the completion,
finishing and handing over and approval of Subgrade layer by the Engineer and
according to the requirements of section 5.5. The Contractor shall verify that the
Subgrade was not damaged and when the period from Subgrade finishing and starting of
Subbase construction exceeds 15 days he shall verify the moisture content and
compaction degree and perform the required repair works when necessary. Contractor
shall not be paid any additional costs for this work.

Contractor shall remove all the loose materials, repair all the defects and adjust
levels of the parts not conforming with the final levels of Subgrade and achieve the
required cross slopes using method accepted by the Engineer for removing surplus
materials or adding new materials conforming to requirements of the Subbase while
adhering to construction requirements and compacting materials up to required degree
of compaction. Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs for repair works
and no right to start Subbase material supply and construction before obtaining the
written approval of the Engineer for the surfaces on which construction shall be made.

Contractor shall mix aggregate materials in central mixing plants and supply to
the site ready mix conforming to gradation requirements approved in the design job mix
formula. It is possible, if approved by the Engineer, to mix aggregate materials of
different sizes on special mixing pads or on site providing that the Contractor shall

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verify the possibility of obtaining a gradation conforming to required gradation without
any deleterious aggregate materials.

The Engineer has the right, when the required gradation not achieved or
Contractor fail to prevent mixing Subbase material with other unsuitable materials or
when mixing on the road causes damage to the previously constructed layers, to stop the
work and require modifying and mixing method or providing of technically acceptable
materials from plants.

Materials shall be transported in wet or dry conditions by trucks having metal

boxes and discharged to the paver hopper or deposited on the surface considering that
the loading and unloading of the materials shall not cause segregation and the heaps
shall be distributed in distances that give a layer of required thickness before
compaction. The spreading of the heaps shall be made using graders, and it is not
allowed to use bulldozers. Spreading and leveling process shall continue until a layer
with uniform thickness and moisture content for the full depth is obtained with
approved cross fall.

Unless otherwise indicated in the special specifications, construction shall be in

layers suitable for the used compaction machines and equipments and the individual
layer thickness shall not be more than 20 cm. When the thickness of the Subbase layer
exceeds the maximum indicated thickness these layer shall be constructed in
approximately equal layers providing that the thickness of each layer does not exceed
20 cm.

Contractor before starting compaction shall verify the layer surface is smooth
with no depressions or pockets of extra moisture content or particle segregation, when
such distresses were noticed the required arrangements should be made for repairing,
using method accepted by the Engineer.

Layer compaction shall begin from the outer edge towards the road center line
while achieving the required overlapping between adjacent compaction passes, using
the machines and equipments suitable for the materials and layer thickness, the
compaction shall continue until the degree of not less than 100% of the maximum dry
density specified by AASHTO T-180 modified Proctor test at a uniform moisture
content not differ by more than 2% from the approved optimum moisture content.

Contractor shall provide the equipments capable of compacting areas which

can't be compacted by normal rollers including manual operation equipments or
vibratory plate and shall change the thickness of compacted layers in these areas to suit
the used rollers so that uniform compaction degrees may be obtained for the full
constructed layer thickness and width.

The field density for each layer shall be determined by sand cone method
according to (AASHTO T-191) test or the nuclear method according to AASHTO T
310-01 or any other approved non-destructive test. The test shall be carried for the full
depth of the layer. The minimum number of readings when using nuclear or non-
destructive method at each location shall be not less than three (3) taken at each area in
different direction, and the average of these three readings is considered as the field
density of that location.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
For the purpose of determination of payment factor, the previous mentioned
required density values shall be reduces by 2% using statistical method.

Contractor shall level the final Subbase layer surface and spread materials so
that thickness before compaction shall be greater than the target thickness by
approximately 20-25% of the target thickness. The contractor shall continue leveling
and removal process until achievements of the finishing requirements regarding
thickness, slopes and levels.

Each layer of the Subbase shall be measured at the beginning of construction

and during construction, the thickness measurements shall accepted when the final level
of the Subbase does not exceed tolerance limits of the levels indicated on the drawings
and in the contract documents, providing that the material requirements and compaction
degrees for the full depth of each layer is achieved.

The thickness used for determining payment factor shall be the specified
thickness minus 20 mm if the subsequent layer was aggregate and 10 mm if it was
asphalt or 90 % of the thickness shown on the drawings whichever is lesser.

6.3.7 Protection of Constructed layers:

Contractor shall maintain the constructed layers surface, free from any
deleterious or loose materials, and take the required arrangements to maintain moisture
content, compaction degree and water drainage until the subsequent layer is laid. When
the constructed layer is damaged for any reason, Contractor before subsequent layer
construction shall carry out the required repair works including re-pulverization,
spreading, wetting, compaction and finishing without any additional costs and the costs
shall be included on the other construction items.

6.3.8 Finishing requirements:

The Subbase layer shall be constructed according to the dimensions, slopes, and
thickness indicated on the drawings and special specifications.
The final surface levels of the Subbase shall not vary from the level shown on the
drawings or approved by the Engineer by more than 10 mm if the subsequent layer is of
asphalt or concrete or by not more than 20 mm if the subsequent layer is aggregate.

The final surface of Subbase shall be verified by taken cross sectional levels at
25 meters intervals providing that the number of the sections is not less than 5 in each
2000 square meters of the constructed layer. Measurement shall be done at each cross
section in 5 points at least.

The final surface smoothness shall be verified using straight edge 3 meters long
and the gap between the bottom surface of the straight edge and the surface between any
two contact points in any direction shall not exceed 10 mm when the subsequent layer is
aggregate or 6 mm when it is asphalt or concrete.

6.3.9 Acceptance:
Contractor shall control the quality of Subbase through performing all the
required measures to insure the used materials, methods of construction and the
completed works meet the quality requirements specified in these specifications and
other contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
The Ministry has the right to ensure the quality by verifying Contractor's quality
control procedures either, through direct supervision of quality control activities or
performing quality assurance procedures neutrally, on a sufficient number of
representative samples to determine the level of construction and to accept or reject the
constructed work on detailed bases in division 17 of this specifications except otherwise
indicated in the special specifications and other contract documents.

1. Quality control:
Contractor shall control the quality of materials and constructed works, monitor,
record and analyze results, draw quality charts for critical properties and perform all
required tests and measurements in Table (6.3.4).
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with copies of all the measurements, reports
tests results and he shall apply all the articles stated in item 17.1.1 of this specifications.

2. Quality assurance:
The Ministry has the right to ensure the quality of materials and completed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to carry out
the necessary tests and measurements, and checking the completed work for each or
some of quality control items specified in Table (6.3.4).
Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by quality assurance as
specified in division 17 of these specifications, and inspect contractor’s equipments,
technical staff, and measurement and construction methods, to determine the degree of
compliance of measurements and constructed methods with the approved requirements.
Works shall be accepted with the prices specified in the contract or with lower
prices or might be rejected according to the quality levels by applying the statistical
method specified in division 17 of these specifications except otherwise specified by the
special specifications.

6.3.10 Measurements:
The Subbase layer shall be measured in cubic meters or as specified in the
special specifications, after being laid and compacted according to the specified
thickness and within the dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or according to
the Engineer's instructions.

6.3.11 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actually constructed and technically accepted works
within the approved limits, dimensions and prices indicated in the contract or reduced
prices results from applying of quality assurance procedure.

The paid amounts are considered full compensation for the extraction, supply,
mixing, transporting, spreading, wetting, compacting of materials and finishing the
works, provision and operation of machines and equipments, labor, tests, measurements
benefits, revenues, fees, third party payments and all other requirements to construct the
works in accordance with the drawings, special and general specifications. Payment
shall be according to the item indicated in Table (6.3.5) without contradiction with
contract documents:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Table 6.3.4: Quality Control Procedures for Subbase

Work Properties Test method of Sampling frequency Requirements
AASHTO 3 tests on different
T-(27) samples from each source
All and at source approval
requirements and at design job mix
Raw quality Items 6.3.2,
indicated in At source formula, or when source
materials requirements 6.3.3
Table 6.3.1 is changed, or when
Moisture - constructed works
Density properties is changed and
relationship one test each month
Aggregate AASHTO
3 tests at the starting of Item 6.3.3
gradation T-27
material supply and one
AASHTO test each 5000 cubic
Materials Density Item 6.3.2
T-180 meters of supplied
during use relationship
materials or when
Aggregate Requirement
constructed work
quality s indicated in Table 6.3.1
properties is changed.
requirements Table 6.3.1
T-191/ One test every day or for
T -310-01 every constructed 2000
Field density Item 6.3.6
or any non- square meters of each
destructive layer
test method
At site
One measurement every
day or for each 2000
Field Item 6.3.8
Thickness measurements
square meters of the
Constructed constructed layer
works Cross sectional levels at
25 m interval or 5 cross
Levels and Survey sections each 2000 Item 6.3.8
dimensions measurement square meters whichever
the greater.
Five (5) measurements
each 2000 square meters
Straight edge or between cross sections Item 6.3.8
indicated for levels
whichever greater.

Table 6.3.5: Payment Items for subbase layer

Item No. Work type Unit

6.3.1 Subbase layer m3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.4 Aggregate Bases:
6.4.1 Description:
This section contains material requirements and constructed methods for the
construction of the un-treated aggregate Base according to the dimensions, levels,
thickness and slopes shown on the drawings and other contract documents.

6.4.2 Materials:
Contractor shall provide the aggregate materials conform to requirements of the
special specifications or these general specifications, these materials shall be crushed
coarse and fine aggregate or natural aggregate or furnace slag after being broken and
screened to achieve the required gradation and verify its density.
The materials used shall be clean, free from impurities, organic materials, friable
particles and clay lumps, and not more than 10% of thin and elongated particles. The
materials, after being spread, wetted and compacted, shall form a sound and stable base,
which complies with the special technical specifications or these general specifications.
The untreated aggregate Base shall achieve, unless otherwise indicated in the
special specifications, the quality and gradation requirements indicated in Table (6.4.1)
and Table (6.4.2) considering the following:
1. Category (A) aggregate, type (1) gradation shall be used for arterial roads,
highways, industrial areas and heavy vehicles parking areas,
2. Category (B) aggregate, gradation (2) shall be used for collective roads.
3. Category C aggregate, using gradation (3) shall be used for secondary roads at
residential areas.
When the specifications require using of open gradation aggregate it shall
conform to one of the gradations indicated in Table (6.4.3) and the quality of the
materials shall be from category (A) as shown in Table (6.4.1). Open gradation
materials shall be treated, when constructing main roads and streets, industrial area
roads and heavy vehicles parking areas, with cement or any other method stipulated in
the special specifications or the technical study.

Table 6.4.1: Quality Requirements for Aggregate Bases

Values according to
Quality Requirements classification
Class A Class B Class C
Soundness in sodium sulfate, five AASHTO
12 18 24
cycles , maximum, % T-104
Los Angles Abrasion Test, AASHTO
40 45 50
maximum, % T-196
Sand equivalent , minimum, % 45 35 25
Liquid limit, maximum, % 25 25 25
T - 89
Plasticity index ,maximum, % 6 6 6
California Baring Ratio, AASHTO
100 80 65
minimum, % T-193
Aggregate angularity two crushed ASTM
80 70 50
faces, minimum, % D-5821

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base

Table 6.4.2: Gradation Requirements for Aggregate Bases

Percent passing by weight

Sieve Size, mm, (inch)
(1) (2) (3)
50 mm, (2 inches) 100 - -
37.5 mm, (1.5 inch) 97-100 100 -
25 mm, (1 inch) 97-100 100
19 mm, (3/4 inch) 67-81 97-100
9.5 mm, (3/8 inch) 56-70 67-79
4.75 mm (No. 4) 33-47 39-53 47-59
0.425 mm (No. 40) 10-19 12-21 12-21
0.075 mm (No. 200) 4-8 4-8 4-8
Percent of material passing No. 200 sieve size (0.075 mm) shall not exceed half of
percent passing sieve No. 40 (0.425 mm)

Table 6.4.3: Open Graded Gradations

Sieve Size, mm, (sieve No.) Percent Passing by weight

75 (3 inch) 100
50 (2 inch) 100 70-100
37.5 (1.5 inch) 75-100 50-85
25 (1 inch) 100 - -
19 (3/4 inch) 75-100 35-65 15-55
9.5 (3/8 inch) 30-65 5-35 -
6.3 (1/4 inch) - - 0-20
4.75 (No. 4) 5-30 0-15 -
2.36 (No. 8) 0-10 0-10 0-10
0.300 (No. 16) 0-8 0-8 0-8
0.075 (No. 200) 0-5 0-5 0-5

6.4.3 Design Job Mix Formula:

1. Job mix requirements:
Contractor shall select the aggregate material source(s) and perform the
preliminary tests to verify achievement of the specifications quality requirement, the
possibility of mixing to obtain the required gradations and the quantities available at
each source.

The Base materials, unless otherwise indicated in special specifications shall

achieve the quality requirements indicated in Table (6.4.1), and the combined gradation
shall conform to approved gradation in special specifications or these general
specifications or the gradation approved by the Engineer within the tolerance limits
indicated in Table (6.4.4).

2. Job mix formula acceptance procedures:

Prior to starting supply of the untreated Base materials by a period not less than
30 days, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a technical report including the job mix
formula for the aggregate materials conform to requirements indicated in the special

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
specifications, contract documents or these general specifications. It should contain at
least the following:
1. Source(s) of materials.
2. The aggregate gradations available at each source.
3. Gradations of different sizes in each stockpile.
4. Percent and methods of mixing different sizes and the produced gradation that
conform to the approved gradations in the specifications.
5. Results of quality tests
6. Expected date for starting mix production.

The Engineer shall study the report of design job mix formula proposed by
Contractor, if the report does not include all the required information the Engineer shall
return the report within 7 days and Contractor shall complete the information and
resubmit it to the Engineer. But if the information and data were complete, the Engineer
shall verify materials conformity to quality and gradation requirements and approve or
reject the job mix formula within 14 days.

If the proposed job formula does not fulfill the specifications, the Contractor
shall submit a new job mix formula. However, if it achieves the specifications the
Engineer shall issue written approval and Contractor has the right to start production of
the mix.

The Engineer's approval for design job mix formula is only preliminary and the
final acceptance for the materials is made based on test results of materials supplied to
the site. Contractor shall enable the Engineer to take samples and investigate production
sites throughout construction phases.

The design job formula approved by the Engineer is considered a basis for
comparing the supplied and used material properties. Moreover, Contractor shall follow
the job mix formula throughout the work period and the gradations of the materials
supplied to the site shall conform to the approved gradation in job mix formula within
the tolerance limits allowed as indicated in Table (6.4.4).

Contractor whenever the materials source, properties, or production method

changed or when the Engineer notices a significant change in supplied materials
specifications, shall submit a new or modified job mix formula reflects those changes
and he shall not continue material supply before obtaining the Engineer's approval for
the new job mix formula.

Table 6.4.4: Gradations Tolerance Limits

Sieve size (No), mm Tolerance limits

19 (3/4 inch) or more ± 6 percent
9.5 (3/8 inch) ± 6 percent
4.75 (No. 4) ± 6 percent
0.425 (No. 40) ± 4 percent
0.075 (NO. 200) ± 3 percent

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.4.4 Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all machines and equipments required for producing the
aggregate materials and construct untreated Base according to drawings, special
specifications or these general specifications.
These machines and equipments shall be in the numbers, types, good technical
condition and capable to construct the works according to the approved time schedule.

The equipments shall include mixing, transporting, spreading, leveling, wetting

and compacting machines such as aggregate mixers, loaders, trucks, graders, spreaders,
adjustable water distributors and rollers, It is not allowed to use chain machines and
sheep foot rollers or any machines or equipments cause damage to the materials and
affect their properties and gradation.

6.4.5 Experimental Section:

Contractor, when special specifications or the Engineer requires that, shall
construct experimental section not less than 200 meters long, to verify his capability for
constructing aggregate Base conform to drawings, special specifications or these
general specifications and to determine the water quantity required to be added, the
required compaction passes and thickness required before compaction, Using
construction method and available equipments.

When test results show that, the work plan and available machines and
equipments are capable to construct the required works, results are approved and
Contractor shall follow the approved construction method and has no right to make any
changes in machines or that method without a written approval from the Engineer.

However, if the results of the experimental section were not technically

acceptable, Contractor shall make the required modifications in the construction method
or machines to achieve the approved specifications.

6.4.6 Construction: Surfaces preparation:
Prior Contractor start materials supply and construction of aggregate Base all
previous works shall be completed and handed over according to drawings, special
specifications and these general specifications. It is necessary to insure these layers have
not been subjected to any damages or loose or change in their compaction degree or
moisture content.

Contractor on his own expense shall remove all deleterious and loose materials
and repair all surfaces' defects and has no right to claim any additional costs for this

When the period between the previous layer construction and the beginning of
Base construction exceeds two weeks the compaction degree and moisture content of
the constructed layer shall be verified by field density test, if the test results obtained
show a change in compaction degree, Contractor on his expense shall rewet and
compact that layer up to required compaction degree.

The Contractor is not allowed to start materials supply and aggregate Base
construction before receiving a written approval of the Engineer.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
The Subbase or Subgrade shall be wetted before placing the aggregate Base to ensure
layers bonding. Mixing and Transportation:

Water and aggregate shall be fully mixed in calibrated plant mixer capable to
control feeding and mixing of different material sizes to provide mix conform to
approved gradation in the design job mix formula and it is not allowed to mix materials
on site.

Water shall be applied to the aggregate during mixing using calibrated

distributor to obtain a mix of uniform moisture content closed to optimum moisture
content determined by Modified Proctor Test, considering the percent of evaporation
during transportation and spreading.

The mixed aggregate shall be loaded and transported by covered trucks. The loading
and discharging process shall be performed in a method that prevents particles
segregation of materials. Spreading and Compaction:

The aggregate Base shall be constructed in layers with thickness that suits the
materials used and the available compaction equipments on the basis of the
experimental section results and the thickness of each layer shall not exceed 20 cm.

The materials shall be supplied to the site in wet condition with moisture content
closed to optimum moisture content. The Base materials shall be spread using
mechanical spreader or shall be placed in distributed heaps on surface to provide, after
spreading a uniform layer conform to the approved thickness before compaction.
Consideration shall be made to avoid particle segregation during transportation, loading
and spreading. When these materials have been exposed to segregation, Contractor shall
remove all segregated materials and replace them with other acceptable materials.
Moreover, the additional grading can be done using motor grader.

The spread materials shall achieve the thickness, slope and approved cross
section, and the layer shall be leveled without depressions or particle segregated
materials or pockets in which water may collect.

Compaction shall be executed using approved work plan rollers and according to
experimental section results, those rollers shall be capable of compacting the layers for
full thickness up to required compaction degrees without leading to particle fracturing
or grinding.

The layer thickness before compaction indicated in Table (6.4.5) can be used
according to rollers, however, the approved thickness shall be determined based on test
section's results of field density and Engineer's comments during construction.

When total thickness of constructed Base is greater than thickness approved for
compaction according to available equipment, the construction shall be performed in
layers providing that the thickness of each layer shall not exceed the suitable thickness
for compaction.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Table 6.4.5: Suitable Layer Thickness According to Roller Type

Roller type Layer thickness after compaction, cm

Vibratory, more than 12 tons 20
Vibratory, (10-12) Ton 15
Normal rollers 10

Contractor shall start compaction of each layer longitudinally, from the outer
side in the cross section to inner side with adequate overlapping distance between
adjacent passes, which shall be less than 15 cm.. Compaction shall continue up to
degree of not less than 100 % of the maximum dry density, determined by Modified
Proctor Test AASHTO T-180 for the same materials, at uniform moisture content not
differs by more than 2 % from optimum moisture content.

During compaction, Contractor shall compensate for water evaporation using

suitable distributor allow regular and uniform spraying.

Contractor shall remove loose materials and carry the required remedies for
depressed and cavity areas existed in the Base layer surface, treat and re-compact these
sections as directed by the Engineer, to obtain stable layer capable to sustain the
subsequent layers. Contractor has no right to claim any additional cost for this work.

Prior starting construction of the subsequent layer the first layer shall be finished
and compacted to required degrees and handed over and sprayed with water to provide
the required bond between layers.

The compaction degree shall be determined using field density test as percent of
maximum dry density obtained from Proctor modified test for the used material and the
minimum compaction degree for determination of pay item using statistical procedure is
the above acceptable level minus 2 %. The field density test shall be done using sand
cone method according to AASHTO T-191 or nuclear method according to AASHTO
T-310-01or any other non-destructive testing method. The field density test shall be
performed for the full thickness of the layer. When using nuclear method or any non-
destructive test a minimum of three readings shall be taken at each location the average
of three readings should be the density of that location.

Base layer thickness shall be measured before construction and during

construction and the final level of the Base accepted if it does not exceed the tolerance
limits of levels shown on the drawings and contract documents, providing that the
materials requirements and compaction degrees for the full depth of each layer has been
achieved. The thickness shown on the drawings minus 10 mm shall be taken to
determine the quality index and payment factor.

The final Base layer shall be finished according to the dimensions, thickness and
slopes shown on the drawings, special specifications or these general specifications.
Consideration shall be given to spreading and leveling of the final layer materials and
the final levels can be verified using stakes or any other guiding method accepted by the
Engineer. The materials shall be spread so that their thickness before compaction is

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
greater than the specified thickness by approximately 20-25%. Leveling shall continue
until the final layer surface conformed to approved level and cross section.

6.4.7 Maintaining the constructed layers:

Contractor shall maintain the constructed layers free from any deleterious and
loose materials and perform all required procedures to maintain moisture content,
compaction degree and drains until lying of the subsequent layer. When any damage is
occur in the constructed layer Contractor shall perform the required repair works
including re-plowing, spreading, wetting, compaction and finishing, before commences
construction of the next layers, and Contractor has no the right to claim any additional
cost for this work and the cost shall be included on other construction item.

6.4.8 Finishing requirements:

The Base shall be finished according to the dimensions, slopes and thickness
shown on the drawings and special specifications.
The final surface levels of the Base shall not differ from the level shown on the
drawings or approved from the Engineer by more than 10 mm if the next layer was an
asphalt or concrete layer.
Verification of the levels shall be on basis of final measurements performed in at
least 5 points of each cross section taken in interval of 25 meters providing that the
number of the sections shall not be less than 5 for each 2000 square meter.

The surface of the final layer of Base shall be smooth and conform to slope and
level shown on the drawings or special specifications. The smoothness shall be
inspected using straight edge 3 meters long. The clearance between bottom of straight
edge and the surface of the layer in any direction between any two contact points shall
not exceed 6 mm.

6.4.9 Acceptance:
Contractor shall control the quality of aggregate Base through performing all the
required measurements to insure used materials, methods and the completed works meet
the quality requirements specified in these specifications and other contract documents.

The Ministry has a right to ensure the quality by verifying contractor's quality
control procedures either, through direct supervision or carrying out quality assurance
procedures, neutrally on a sufficient number of representative samples to determine the
level of construction, and to accept or reject constructed work on basis detailed in
division 17 of this specifications, except otherwise indicated in the special
specifications and other contract documents.

1. Quality Control:
Contractor shall apply control the quality of materials and constructed works,
monitor record and analyze the results, draw the quality charts for critical properties and
perform all tests and measurements indicated in Table (6.4.6).
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies of all tests and apply all
requirements indicated in item 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right to ensure the quality of materials and completed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to carry out

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
the necessary tests and measurements, and checking the completed work for each or
some quality control items specified in Table (6.4.6).

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by quality assurance as
specified in division 17 of these specifications, and inspect contractor’s equipments,
technical staff, and measurement and construction methods, to determine the degree of
compliance of measurements and constructed methods with the approved requirements.

Works shall be accepted with the prices specified in the contract or with lower
prices or might be rejected according to the quality levels by applying the statistical
method specified in division 17 of this specifications except otherwise specified by the
special specifications.

6.4.10 Measurements:
The Base quantities shall be measured in cubic meters, unless otherwise indicate
special specifications and contract documents.

The measurements for payment shall include the actually constructed works
indicated on the drawings or contract documents, measurement shall not be done for
payment purposes for works constructed outside approved areas in drawings or
specified by the Engineer, and the quantities of these work items shall be calculated and
paid according to contract documents.

6.4.11 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actually executed and technically accepted work
quantities within the approved limits and dimensions according to contract rates or
reduced prices as a result of quality assurance works when contract documents call for

The paid amounts are considered as full compensation for extraction,

transportation, spreading, wetting and compaction of the materials regardless of their
source, according to these general specifications, special specifications and other
contract documents. Plus provision, operation of machines, equipments and labor, tests,
measuring and all requirements to execute the works in accordance with drawings,
special and general specifications, benefits, revenues, fees and third party payments.

Payment shall be according to the item indicated in Table (6.4.7), without

contradicting the contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Table 6.4.6: Quality Control for the Aggregate Base

Location of
Work Properties Test method Sampling frequency Requirements
3 tests on different
AASHTO samples from each
T-(27) source for source
approval and design job
Aggregate All tests
mix formula approval
Raw quality indicated in Items
At source or when source is
materials requirements Table 6.4.1 6.4.2, 6.4.3
changed, or material
Moisture properties, or
AASHTO T- constructed works is
180 changed, and a test
each month.

Aggregate AASHTO Items

gradation T-27, T-11 3 tests at starting of 6.4.3
material supply, and
Moisture one test every 5000 m3
Materials AASHTO Items
/Density of supplied materials or
during T-180 6.4.2
relationship when properties of
constructed works is
All changed or one test
requirements each week. Items
indicated in 6.4.3
Table 6.3.1
One test each day or for
T-310-01 Items
Field density each 2000 m2 of each
or any other 6.3.6
At site constructed layer.
One measurement each
Field Items
thickness day or for each 2000 m2
measurements 6.4.6
of the executed layer.
Works One cross section each
Dimensions and Survey 25 meters or 5 cross Items
levels measurements sections each 2000 m2 6.4.7
whichever greater.
5 measurements each
2000 m2 or
Surface measurements between Items
Straight edge
Smoothness approved cross sections 6.4.7
for level's measurement
whichever greater.

Table 6.4.7 Payment Item for Aggregate base

Item No. Payment item Payment unit

6.4.1 Aggregate Base m3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.5 Cement Treated Base:
6.5.1 Description:
This section consists of materials requirements and construction methods for
execution of cement treated aggregate Base. The work includes material provision, mix
production, transportation, spreading on prepared surfaces, compaction and finishing
according to approved thickness, slope, levels and cross section indicated in drawings,
special specifications and these general specifications.

6.5.2 Materials: Cement:
The cement used shall conform to types indicated in special specifications; it should
be suitable to local environment conditions and fulfill the requirements of the standard
specifications indicated hereafter:
1. Sulfate resistant Portland cement shall achieve requirements of (ASTM C 150).
2. Blended cement shall achieve requirements of (ASTM C 595) for Pozolana
cement type IP or (ASTM C 1157) for modified Pozolana cement type I (PM). Aggregate:
Cement-treated materials shall achieve gradation requirements indicated in
Table (6.5.1) or any other gradation indicated in special specifications or approved by
testing that it can achieve design requirements. The aggregate shall achieve quality
requirements indicated in Table (6.5.2), unless otherwise indicated in the special
specifications. Water:
Water used in concrete mixing and curing shall be clear and free from harmful
materials, which caused hardening of cement mixture such as oils, alkaline, plant,
organic materials and salt. Water shall not contain of more than 1000 unit per million of
chloride (CL2 - -) or 3000 per million of sulphates (SO4 + +), when the specifications or
the Engineer require water shall be tested according to (AASHTO T-26) test. Admixtures:
When the special specifications require using of some admixtures such as fly ash
or retarding admixtures these materials shall be applied, using method and percent
specified in special specifications and they shall be supplied from approved sources
according to a source certificate. The fly ash shall conform to AASHTO M 295
specifications, and the setting retarding admixtures shall fulfill the requirements of
specification AASHTO M 194. Asphalt Curing Membrane:

When special specifications indicate construction of asphalt curing membrane
the used material shall be emulsified asphalt type (SS-1h or CSS-1h) and achieve the
requirements indicated in division 7 of these general specifications.

6.5.3 Design job mix formula:

1. Requirements of design job mix:
The mix shall achieve all quality requirements indicated in the special
specifications and other contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Table 6.5.1: Aggregate Gradations

Sieve Size Percent passing by weight %

(mm) Gradation 1 Gradation 2 Gradation 3 Gradation 4
50 (2 inch) 100
37.5 (1.5 inch) 100
25 (1 inch) 90-100 100
19 (3/4 inch) 60-95 100 80-100
9.5 (3/8 inch) 50-100
4.75 (4) 15-75 50-100 35-70
2.36 (8) 35-55
1.18 (16) 15-35
0.425 (40) 10-35 15-60
0.300 (50) 5-20
0.150 (100) 5-15 5-30
0.075 (200) 0-5 0-10 0-8 0-5

Table 6.5.2: Aggregate quality requirements

Index Test Designation Limits

Los Angles Abrasion Test, 500 cycle AASHTO T-96 50 %maximum
Sodium Sulphate Soundness, 5 cycles AASHTO T-104 12 % maximum
Durability index of fine and coarse
AASHTO T-210 35 minimum
Aggregate angularity ASTM D 5821 50 % minimum
Liquid limit AASHTO T-89 25 % maximum
Plasticity index AASHTO T-90 6 % maximum
Organic materials AASHTO T-21 2 % maximum
Sulphates % AASHTO T-290 1 % maximum

Unless otherwise indicated in special specifications, the average of five soaked

samples unconfined compressive strength of the cement treated Base shall not be less
than 50 kg/cm2 and no individual sample shall have unconfined compressive strength
less than 40 kg/cm2 after 7 days. The approved cement content not less than 4% by total
weight of mix when tested according to AASHTO T-(134, 126, 22) tests.

2. Job Mix Formula Acceptance:

Prior starting construction of cement treated Base by 30 days, Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer a full technical report prepared by a specialized and qualified
agency including the design job mix formula. The report shall based on results of
laboratory tests of aggregate, cement, water and admixtures proposed for use in
producing the cement treated Base and shall contain the following information:
1. Source(s) of each material used to produce cement treated mix.
2. Source and type of cement and additives proposed attached with an approved
source certificate.
3. Quality test results of aggregate properties.
4. Gradation of aggregate sizes at all stockpiles.
5. Combined aggregate gradation and proportional percents of different sizes of
aggregate in the mix.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6. Cement content in the mix, and water-cement ratio.
7. Mixture density at the proposed water-cement ratio on basis of (AASHTO T-
134) test method.
8. Quality properties of the mixture such as unconfined compressive strength and
any other quality properties indicated in the special specifications.
9. Results of all tests show materials conformity and mixture to requirements of
special specifications or these general specifications.
10. Type and percent of admixtures and additives in mixture on the basis of cement
dry weight and method of application and mixing.
11. Method of production, construction and curing of cement- treated Base.

The Engineer shall review the report of design job mix formula proposed by
Contractor, if not all required information is complete the Engineer shall return the
report within 7 days and Contractor shall complete the information and resubmit it to
the Engineer. If the information and data were complete, the Engineer shall verify
materials conformity to quality and gradation requirements and approve or reject the job
mix formula within 14 days from the date of its submission.

Contractor shall provide the adequate quantities of aggregate and all the mix
components and verify the availability of suitable water in adequate quantities for
production and wetting before starting production. It is not allowed for the Contractor to
change the sources and specifications of the materials used in preparing design job mix
formula without submitting a new design job mix formula approved by the Engineers.

The approval of design job formula by the Engineer shall be considered only
preliminary. The mix production and construction shall be verified to achieve the
requirements indicated in these specifications or special specifications based on tests
results of constructed experimental section, production quality control, and tests results
of field samples taken from the site during the first working day and quality control
procedure. When the Engineer notice significant in material or mix properties or in
constructed works shall require from contractor to stop the work and to take the
required arrangements to remove unsuitable materials and works and reconstruct these
works according to these general specifications, special specifications and Engineer's
instructions. Contractor shall be responsible for all the costs results from this and has no
right to claim any additional costs.

6.5.4 Equipments:
Prior to start construction, Contractor shall submit a list of proposed equipments
for cement-treated Base construction. These equipments shall be in good technical
condition, and in numbers, types conform to work plan requirements and time schedule
submitted by the Contractor, accepted by the Engineer, and capable of constructing and
finishing cement treated Base according to the drawings, special specifications and
these general specifications.

Equipments shall include central plant or mobile mixers, trucks, pavers, graders,
rollers and cement distributors, water distributor, asphalt distributor and all
requirements for constructing the work according to the specifications. Types and
numbers shall be selected according to the approved work plan, mix method and time

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.5.5 Construction: Surface preparation:

Before starting construction of cement treated Base, all previous works shall be
completed, tested and handed over. The surfaces on which cement treated aggregate
Base will be constructed shall be free from deleterious and loose materials, level,
durable to receive cement treated base and capable to sustain traffic movement of
construction equipments and machines without causing any deformations.

Contractor should carry out all required works and arrangements to repair all
defects and surfaces deformations for the layer that receive cement treated Base. The
surface repair shall include removing deleterious, loose and waste materials, and
adjusting layer's levels. The layer's level shall be adjusted by removing of waste
materials, or adding new materials having same quality of repaired layer, and spreading,
leveling and compacting them according to the requirements of that layer, or by, re-
wetting and compacting the layer providing that the final surface shall achieve the
thickness, compaction, leveling and slope requirements indicated on the drawings or the
special specifications or these general specifications and according to the Engineer's
instructions. Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs for this work.

Contractor not allowed to starts material supply or spread the cement treated
Base before the approval from the Engineer's for surface preparation works.
Prior to start spreading of the cement treated base, Contractor shall uniformly wetting
the previous layer's surface without excessive water causing log or week areas unable to
sustain movement of spreading and compaction equipments or lead to an increase of
moisture content to limits which do not allow a uniform mixing of materials with
cement when use on road mixing. Weather Limitations:

Contractor shall not construct cement treated Base during bad weather
conditions which tend to increase water evaporation or change cement ratio in the mix
or affect mix properties or cement hardening and limiting the gained strength required.

Cement treated aggregate Base shall not be spread when temperature is less than
5 c°, or expected to reach this degree in the next day of spreading and compaction, or
when temperature is higher than 35 c°. It is possible according to a written approval
from the Engineer to ignore the above weather limitations limits if Contractor takes the
required precautions to maintain the mix and constructed works to decrease water
evaporation and cooling of the mix or its components without affecting the quality of
the treated base or its efficiency after construction. Contractor shall be responsible for
any results caused from this works, and he shall carry out on his expense all repair
works when necessary including re-construction of all sections conforming to
specifications. It is not allowed to construct cement treated Base during rainfall or dust
storms or when wind speed exceeds 25 km/hr or when wind speed may leads to cement
scattering during road mixing. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the
surface on which the treated layer shall be laid in a technically acceptable condition
during all weather conditions, and dispose all materials or mix or works performed in
unsuitable weather conditions without having the right to claim any additional costs for
this work.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Back Mixing:
Cement, water, and admixtures indicated in the special specifications and design
job mix formula shall be applied according to approved percent and mixed until a
consistent mix were achieved for whole areas and thickness of treated layers. Unless
otherwise indicated in special specifications, the cement treated Base mix shall be
produced in central mixing plants.

When constructing small size works or approved from Ministry mixing may be
performed on road using mobile mixers if the Contractor proves that the produced mix
conform to required specifications and approved work plan. When approved by the
Engineer, the cement treated Base material may be mixed on the road surface using
motor grader for limited quantities when necessary and for not more than 50 linear

Contractor is fully responsible for producing a mix conforming to specifications

and design job mix formula regardless of the applied mixing method.

1. Mixing in Central Plant:

The cement treated Base mixes shall be produced in Batch plants mixers or
continuous mixers.

The mixers used shall be capable of producing uniform mix conforming to

requirements indicated in technical specifications and approved design job mix formula.
Mixers shall be calibrated and provided with all required control devices for feeding
aggregate according to approved gradation and feeding cement within tolerance limits
not exceed 5% and feeding water within tolerance limits not exceed 2% of the accepted
percentages in the approved design job mix formula.

Contractor shall submit with the design job formula a list shows type and site of
the plant proposed to use. Contractor not allowed starting mix production before the
Engineer's approval for the plant used. The produced mix shall be verified whether
conforming to specifications based on the first day production. When the produced mix
does not achieve the specified requirements, the production shall be stopped and the
required precautions shall be taken to calibrate the mixer or modify the design job mix

Contractor shall set out a plan to transport the mix according to a time schedule
for production and transportation, in which the time period from applying water to
aggregate-cement mixture, spreading and starting of compaction shall be within the
allowed periods. The period from water application to starting of compaction shall not
exceed 30 minutes, unless otherwise allowed in the special specifications. The mix shall
be transported in specialized transportation equipments. The mix shall be discharged
from the plant to the trucks, transported and deposited in to spreader, without any
particles segregation, and all required arrangements shall be taken to lessen the loss in
moisture content.

The mix shall be spread using mechanical spreader or special spreading boxes
and if available space was not adequate for using one of above mentioned methods it is
possible, when necessary, to spread the mix using motor grader. Spreading, regardless
of the used method, shall be executed with required compacted thickness of the layer

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
within the allowed variation and in one pass of spreading machine. The produced
surfaces shall be uniform, level, free from particles segregation and conform to the
slopes and cross sections shown on the drawings or in the specifications within the
allowed variation limits.

When the mix allowed to be spread on more than one lane simultaneously, the
period between spreading the mix on the constructed lane and staring of spreading on
the adjacent lane shall not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise construction joints shall be

2. On site mixing:
Road mix construction method by mobile or traveling mixers can be used after a
written approval from the Ministry, while mixing and spreading by motor grader shall
only used after a written approval from the Engineer for construction of limited
quantities of cement treated Base and for a distance not more than 50 meters. When
using any of the on site mixing methods, Contractor shall, on basis of practical
experimental results, prove that the test results of mix are uniform, achieve all
requirements and do not differ from design strength of the mix by more than 20%.

- Mixing by Mobile Mixers:

Mixing may be done on site by mobile mixers when the available areas were
enough for the operation of such mixers. These mixers shall be capable of producing a
mix conformed to approved specifications and shall be equipped with control systems
for cement and water application. The supplied aggregate materials shall conform to
approved gradation and quality requirements, when discharged in to the mixer, whereas
cement shall be applied in dry state, with the approved rate, and mixing it with
aggregate materials until a uniform mix is obtained, then water is applied with the
specified percent and the mixing shall continue until the final mix conformed to
specifications. The mix shall be transported to the construction site using approved
means of transportation and discharged in the spreader or spreading box then spread
according to the specified thickness, slope and cross section, compacted and finished.

- Mixing by Traveling Mixers:

When mixing on road by traveling mixers these mixers shall be capable of
picking all spread materials to be treated over the road, without contamination with any
other surface materials or deleterious materials. These mixers shall be capable of
applying cement within tolerance limits, and not more than 5 % of the specified rate in
the design job mix formula, then mixing it uniformly with the treated material and
applying water within variation limits not more than 2 % of the specified percent in the
design job mix formula.

Cement treated Base materials shall be spread on the prepared and approved
surface and leveled to thickness conformed to the approved technical specifications.
Transportation and spreading of aggregate materials shall be performed without causing
particles segregation or aggregate fracturing, according to slopes, cross sections and
thickness shown on the drawings or specifications and approved work plan.
The spread materials shall be wetted before applying cement by one day, and the
period between wettings and applying cement shall not be less than 12 hours. The
spreading process shall not lead to formation of weak areas or areas with excessive

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
moisture content or formation of cement lumps some extend that may restrict the
uniformity of cement and aggregate mixing for full depth.

It is possible to apply cement in one batch or many batches, without formation

of cement lumps, and mixing continuously until a uniform mix in color and gradation
were obtained, at the specified cement rate before water application. Immediately after
completion of aggregate and cement mixing, water shall be applied in specified rate and
mixing shall continue until uniform moisture content is obtained for the whole mix.

- On surface mixing:
When special specifications allow that or when constructed limited quantities of
works, it is possible to distribute the cement over spread materials surface using a
distributor machine capable of applying cement uniformly on the material surface
within tolerance limits, and not more than 5% of the specified rate. The distributor
openings shall be as near as possible to the treated surface and covered from all sides to
prevent cement scattering. Spreading of cement also, can be performed by distribution
of bags on surface in forms of rows at calculated intervals, then the bags shall be opened
and the cement distributed in the transverse directions. Finally, distribution process shall
be completed using equipments accepted by the Engineer, so that a uniform cement rate
is obtained for the whole area and thickness of the layer to be treated. The materials on
which cement is distributed shall be dry.

After cement is distributed, it shall be mixed in dry state with the aggregate
materials using plowing, pulverizing and mixing equipments, equipped with plowing
and pulverizing arms, teeth and rotating screw plows capable of pulverizing the
materials all over the layer and treated area and mixing the materials properly with
cement until a uniform mix is obtained in one pass. Then water shall be applied in
specified rates and plowing and pulverizing shall be repeated until a uniform mixture is
obtained according to the required cement rate and moisture content for the whole depth
of constructed layer materials shall be spread according to approved slopes, levels and

When constructing limited quantities of works it is possible, with approval of the

Engineer, to use automatic steering grader capable of pulverizing, uniformly mixing and
spreading materials according to the slopes, thickness and smoothness shown on the
drawings or in the special specifications or these general specifications. Motor grader
mixing shall not lead to materials contamination with Subgrade or Subbase materials or
any deleterious materials during mixing and spreading. The produced mix shall conform
to approved design job mix formula. Cement shall be applied in a dry state pulverized
and consciously mixed with aggregate for the full depth of the constructed layer, until a
uniform color and gradation of the mix is obtained at the specified cement rate. Water
shall be applied, pulverized and mixed until a according to specified moisture content,
then the mixture is spread in one pass according to thickness, slopes and smoothness
shown on the drawings or special specifications.

Levels and thickness of spread layers shall be controlled using fixed stakes that
allows construction according to approved slopes and levels.
The period between cement and water application and starting of compaction shall not
exceed 30 minutes and all compaction and finishing processes shall be completed
during a period not more than 2.5 hours from cement and water applications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Back Compaction and Finishing:
Compaction operations shall be started immediately after finishing of spreading
using smooth steel rollers of suitable weight ranged from 6-10 tons, or vibratory rollers
after disconnecting vibration system, these rollers shall be capable of compacting the
cement treated aggregate Base to compaction degree not less than 98% of the density
determined by AASHTO T-134 test for the full depth. Compaction shall not lead to
breaking aggregate particles. The period between spreading completions and starting of
compaction shall not exceed 30 minutes considering the prevailing air temperature,
while the period between water application to aggregate-cement mixture and
completion of compaction shall not exceed 2.5 hours.

Contractor shall take all the necessary measures for eliminating formation of
random cracks through controlling the cement rate used, such that it does not exceed the
approved minimum limit in the design job mix formula and water ratio control. Also,
carrying out the works at the suitable climatic conditions when temperatures are getting
lower as far as possible and taking the required arrangements for construction in hot
weather and care about mostening throughout the curing period. When some random
cracks appear, he should carry out the required repair works according to the engineer's
instructions and filling cracks with the suitable materials. Except otherwise stipulated in
the special specifications for a specific type, filler materials shall comply with ASTM D
(3405, 3406). Also, he shall remove all parts in which cracks of more than 3 mm wide
cracks appear when the cracked area exceeds 15% of any 30 m2 area and to replace it
with another area technically accepted. As an alternative to removal and replacement,
contractor, according to a technical report prepared by a specialized agency and with the
acceptance of the engineer, may construct an asphalt layer absorbing to stresses.
Contractor has no right to claim any additional cost for that.

Compaction degree shall be determined for each constructed layer by taking

random samples at time interval immediately after completing compaction using sand
cone method, AASHTO T-191 test or the rubber balloon method according to
AASHTO T-205 test or nuclear method according to AASHTO T-310 or any other
approved nondestructive test method. When using nuclear method or any non-
destructive test a minimum of three readings shall be taken at each location and the
average of three readings should be the density of that location.

Compaction degree shall be calculated by dividing field density with maximum

dry density determined from AASHTO T-134 test.

The minimum limit of accepted compaction degree for determining the payment
factor using statistical method shall be the indicated degree in the beginning of this
paragraph minus 2%.

The unconfined compressive strength shall be determined by taking samples at

random time intervals from the mix, preparing, maintaining and testing them according
to AASHTO T-(134, 126, 22).The minimum allowed limit for calculating the payment
factor is 80% of the value obtained in the design job mix or the minimum strength
specified in the special specifications whichever is greater.

The applied cement rate shall be verified on field samples using AASHTO T-
211 test this rate shall not differ from the approved percentage by more than 10% of the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
rate specified in the design job mix formula providing that the total difference should
not exceed, 0.5 % whichever is lesser.

Thickness of each constructed layer shall be measured after verification of

compaction by taking five random core samples and it is possible to use the field
density test hole for this purpose. The thickness accepted for determining payment
factor shall not be less than the approved thickness minus 2 cm or 10 % of the thickness
shown on the drawings whichever is lesser. Construction of Joints:

Joints shall be executed between adjacent sections constructed in consecutive
days or when constructing adjacent sections finished more than 30 minutes ago. Joint
construction shall be done by cutting edge of constructed layer straight and
perpendicular to a distance that extends up to the area where the surface regular with
constant slope and the cut width shall be not less than 10 cm. These cut faces shall be
wetted properly before starting the spreading of the new materials. The prepared joints
shall be protected at the end of each working day by wooden boards or other materials
accepted by the Engineer.

When the pavement surface is asphalt concrete, transverse contraction joints

shall be performed for the full width of layer, with at interval not more than 10 meters,
and filled with the required filler materials. No need for performing contraction joints
when using a cement concrete surface layer. The cutting of contraction joints shall be
within the first five days after finishing of compaction, and joints shall be cleaned from
loose materials, and filled with filler material, providing that the level of sealing
materials shall not exceed the level of layer surface. The selection of filler type and
method of construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of division 14 of
these general specifications. Curing:
Cement treated base surface shall be kept in wet state by water spraying for a
period not less than 7 days providing that spraying shall start immediately after
finishing of compaction process and the layer curing can be done using soaking method
after making confining water perms on its surface or covering it with wetted sacks.
These sacks shall be rewetted using water for minimum two days and recovered with
the plastic sheets after each wetting process.

Moisture content of constructed layer surface can be maintained, by covering

that surface with emulsified asphalt curing membrane composed from equal percent of
asphalt and water conforming to requirements indicated in paragraph ( of this
section. The asphalt curing membrane shall be sprayed in a rate of 0.9-1.13 Litre/m2
based on the experimental section. Prior construction of asphalt curing membrane the
constructed surface shall be wetted with water for a minimum 24 hours period.

The asphalt curing membrane shall be executed according to construction

requirements of asphalt Base indicated in the division eight (8) of these general
specifications. Contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damage caused to
asphalt membrane or cement treated base.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.5.6 Traffic Control:
Contractor shall take all necessary requirements for traffic control during
construction and curing periods, and prevent movements of any equipment over the
treated layer before, the end of curing period, except water distributors are allowed to
pass providing that it should not cause any damage in the treated layer. Contractor shall
be responsible for maintenance and repair until construction of the next layer is allowed.

6.5.7 Finishing Requirements:

Cement treated Base shall be constructed according to dimensions, slopes and
thickness indicated on drawings and special specifications, providing that the difference
between constructed layer thickness and required thickness shall not exceed 2 cm or 10
% of the approved thickness whichever is lesser.

The final surface levels of constructed layer shall not differ from the specified
levels by more than 10 mm. The final levels shall verified on basis of 5 points cross
section measurements taken every 25 m interval, providing that the number of the
sections shall not be less than 5 for each 2000 square meters of constructed layer.

The surface smoothness shall be verified visually and by using straight edge, 3
meters long in five (5) locations, and the clearance between straight edge bottom and
the constructed surface between any two adjacent points shall not exceed 6 mm.

6.5.8 Acceptance:
Contractor shall control the quality of cement treated base through performing
all the required arrangements to insure that materials, methods and the completed works
meet the quality requirements specified in these specifications and other contract

The Ministry has the right to ensure quality of constructed works by verifying
contractor's quality control procedures either, through direct supervision of quality
control activities, or through performing quality assurance procedures, neutrally, on a
sufficient number of representative samples, to determine the level of construction and
to accept or reject the constructed work, on basis detailed in division 17 of this
specifications except otherwise indicated in the special specifications and other contract

1. Quality Control:
Contractor shall control the quality of materials and constructed works, and
monitor, record and analyze results, draw quality charts for critical properties and
perform all required tests and measurements indicated in Table (6.5.3).

Contractor shall submit to the Engineer with copies of all the measurements,
reports tests results and he shall apply all the requirements stated in item 17.1.1 of this

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Table 6.5.3: Quality control for cement treated Base

Work Properties Test method Frequency of sampling Requirements
Aggregate AASHTO 3 tests on different samples
gradation T-27, T-11 from each source and at
approval of design job mix
formula, or when the source
All changed or properties of Paragraph
Aggregate constructed works is changed,
Raw requirements
quality At source and five tests on different
materials indicated in
requirements samples taken in time interval
Table 6.5.2
for each 5000 cubic meters from
each source during construction
At starting of material supply Paragraph
Cement guarantee
and whenever source is changed
Aggregate AASHTO Paragraph
gradation T-(27, 11)
AASHTO Paragraph
/Density 3 tests when starting of
relationship production and one test for each
All 5000 cubic meters from
Aggregate produced mix or when
Materials requirements Table
quality In the properties of constructed work
and mix indicated in 6.5.2
requirements plant is changed.
during use Table 6.5.2
Cement AASHTO Paragraph
percent T-211
Same other properties rate with
AASHTO necessity for preparing samples Paragraph
T-22 and maintaining them according
to AASHTO T-(134,126)
unconfined 3 tests at starting of construction
AASHTO Paragraph
compressive and one test each 10000 square
strength meters of treated layer and
when properties are changed.
Samples of strength test shall be
Cement AASHTO Paragraph
prepared and maintained
percent T-211
according to AASHTO T(134,
126) test.
AASHTO 3 samples immediately after Paragraph
Field density
T-(191, 205) compaction.
At site One measurement each day or
Works Paragraph
thickness Core samples for each 2000 square meters of
constructed layer.
Cross sections each 25 meters
Dimensions Survey Item
or 5 sections each 2000 square
and levels measurements 6.5.7
meters whichever greater.
5 measurements each 2000
square meters or measuring
Surface Item
Straight edge between each approved two
smoothness 6.5.7
cross sections whichever

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
2. Quality Assurance:
The Ministry has the right to ensure the quality of the materials and completed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to carry out
the necessary tests and measurements, and checking the completed work for each or
some quality control items specified in Table (6.5.3).

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by quality assurance
procedure as specified in division 17 of these specifications, and inspect contractor’s
equipments, technical staff, and measurement and construction methods, to determine
the degree of compliance of measurements and constructed methods with the approved

Works shall be accepted with the prices specified in the contract or with lower
prices or might be rejected according to the quality levels by applying the statistical
method specified in division 17 of this specifications except otherwise specified by the
special specifications.

6.5.9 Measurements:
The cement treated base shall be measured in cubic meters or as specified in the
special specification after its laying and compaction according to the required thickness
and within the dimensions and levels indicated on the drawings or according to the
Engineer's instructions. When special specifications require separate cement
measurement, the actually used quantity of cement shall be measured in tons. No
measurements shall be performed for purpose of payments for materials laid outside the
limits of works indicated on the drawings or special specifications or specified by the

6.5.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actually constructed and technically accepted works
within the approved limits and dimensions and according to Contract prices or reduced
prices because of quality assurance implementation when indicated in contract
documents. The paid amounts are considered full compensation for production,
supplying, mixing, transporting, spreading and compacting of materials, finishing of
works, benefits, revenues, fees and third party payments, provisions and operation of
machines and equipments, labor, tests, measurements and all requirements for
constructing the works in accordance with drawings, special and general specifications.
Payment shall be made according to one or more of the items indicated in the Table
(6.5.4) without contradiction with contract documents.

Table 6.5.4: Payment Items for Cement Treated base course

Item No. Work type Unit

6.5.1 Cement treated Base m3
6.5.2 Cement Ton

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.6 Emulsified Asphalt Treated Base:

6.6.1 Work description:

This Section consists of furnishing and cold-mixing aggregate and emulsified
asphaltic material, hauling, spreading, compacting and finishing the emulsified asphalt
treated base to the lines, grades and thickness shown on the plans, all in accordance with
the these General Specifications, Special Specifications, and as directed by the

There are three of emulsified asphalt treated base mixes, which are classified
according to aggregate gradation used in these mixes as shown in Table (7.3.5) in these
General Specifications. They are type-I (open graded), type-II (dense graded), and type-
III (sand graded).

Type-I emulsified asphalt treated base mix is produced at ambient temperature

(cold-mix) and only by central mixing. However, the emulsified asphalt treated base
mixes Type-II and type-III may be produced in the ambient temperature (cold-mix) by
one of the following three methods:
• Central mixing in a continuous mixing pugmill.
• Central mixing in a batch plant.
• Mix on-road by using a mobile mixing unit.

6.6.2 Materials:
Asphalt material: the material shall be from emulsified asphalt categories MS-2 or
MS-2h or CMS-2 or CMS-2h or SS-1h or CSS-1 or CSS-1h so that it complies with the
quality requirements indicated in Tables (7.2.5) to (7.2.7) in these General
Specifications. The selected asphaltic materials shall provide the required coating
requirements stated in Item 6.6.3.

Aggregate: Aggregate gradations 1 (open-graded), 2 (dense-graded), and 3 (sand-

graded) from Table 7.3.5 in these General Specifications, shall be used for preparing the
emulsified asphalt treated base mixes provided that they achieve the quality
requirements indicated in Table (7.3.1) (Types 4, 5, 6) in these General Specifications.
The combined aggregate shall achieve the approved gradation requirements within the
allowed variation limits indicated in Table (6.6.1).

Water: Water shall be free of matter deleterious to the quality of the emulsified asphalt
treated mixture.

Cement: It shall be from Portland cement type (I) or (II) which is compliant with the
requirements indicated in Item 7.3.4 in these General Specifications

Table 6.6.1: Allowable tolerance limits for total aggregate

Sieve size Variation percent points
9.75 mm (3/8 inch) ±8
4.75 mm (No. 4) and more ±7
2.36 mm (No. 8) and 0.300mm (No. 50) ±6
0.150 mm (No. 100) ±4
0.075 mm (No. 200) ±2
Asphalt content ± 0.40

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.6.3 Emulsified Asphalt Treated Base Mix: Job Mix Formula:

Contractor, before starting the execution of the Emulsified asphalt treated base
by thirty (30) days, shall submit to the Engineer a full technical report prepared by an
approved specialized agency including the mix design and job mix formula (JMF)
which should be prepared according to the basic asphalt emulsion guide (MS-19)
published by the American Asphalt Institute using and ASTM D-1559 unless otherwise
stated in the Special Specifications. The JMF shall conform to the requirements shown
in Table (6.6.2).

Table 6.6.2: Quality requirements for emulsified asphalt treated mixes (MS-19)

Property Minimum limit Maximum limit

Marshall stability. Kilogram ASTM D 1559 227 -
Stability loss, percent % - 50
Air voids, percent 2 8
Absorbed moisture rate after 4 soaking days, % - 4
Aggregate coating, percent ASTM D 244 % 50 -

The Contractor shall submit the JMF together with the following information:
1. Necessary data on aggregate source, gradation, and properties related to
crushing, gradation and other quality requirements stated in Item 6.6.2.
2. Type and grade of the emulsified asphalt materials to be used.
3. All test results of the trial experimental mixes and mix design.
4. Asphalt content based on the total dry weight of the mix.
5. Percentage of the Portland cement, as required, of the total dry weight of the
6. Percentage of additional mixing water on the basis of the total dry weight of the
7. Total liquid percentage (asphalt material and water) at compaction based on the
dry total weight of the mix.
8. Maximum theoretical density according to ASTM D-2041.
9. Type and site of mixer intended for use in preparing each mix to be submitted.
10. Date of commencing production of the emulsified asphalt treated base mixes.
11. A list for all the equipment to be used.

The Engineer shall be provided access to the materials sampling and testing
operations at all times.

Contractor shall supply to the Engineer one hundred (100) kilogram samples of
each individual aggregate size, eight (8) liters of asphaltic material and, when used,
sufficient quantities of mineral filler and chemical admixture to check design JMF and
all representing materials which the Contractor proposes to furnish. Job Mix Formula Acceptance Procedures:

After Contractor submits the proposed job formula with all its appendices as
indicated in the previous item, the Ministry shall review the job mix according to the
following steps:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
1. Assure that the report contains all requirements. If it does not contain all
required information, it shall be returned within seven (7) days to the Contractor
for further action and resubmission by the Contractor.
2. If the proposed JMF contains all required information but fails to meet all of the
requirements specified, it should not be accepted by the Engineer and will be
returned to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Engineer a revised JMF conforming to the
requirements specified.
3. It is not allowed to commence production of the emulsified asphalt treated base
mix until the Engineer has already issued his acceptance of the JMF.
4. The first-day work shall be considered as a field control strip. It shall be assured
that mix is constructible in terms of spreading and compaction.
5. The Engineer's acceptance of the job mix formula does not release the
Contractor from his responsibility for producing the emulsified asphalt treated
base mixes, which are compliant with all the specified requirements.
6. The Contractor shall not alter the methods of manufacturing, screening, mixing,
stockpiling of aggregate, or production of asphalt mixtures since this alteration
will mandate re-evaluation of JMF as stated in previous Subitem.
6.6.4 Equipments:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphaltic concrete work within the Contract time in accordance with his program of
work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall conform to the following
1. The mobile mixer shall not be used for producing open-graded base mixes.
2. Water added to the mix shall be applied through volumetric rate meter,
registering in liters per minute, which will accurately measure the flow of water.
The flow of water shall be interlocked with the flow of aggregate, asphaltic
emulsion material and additives, if required.
3. Portland cement shall be introduced into the mixture through a positive auger or
belt feeder.
4. Cold-feed proportioning controls shall be used.
6.6.5 Weather Limitations:
Emulsified asphaltic treated mixtures shall not be placed on any surface with
stagnant water or frozen surface, during dust or sand storms, or when the air
temperature is less than fifteen (15) degrees Celsius.

6.6.6 Constructions: Emulsified Asphalt Material Preparation:
The emulsified asphalt material shall be stored in temperatures within the ranges shown
in Table (6.6.3). The emulsified asphalt materials shall be protected from freezing due
snow and shall be pulverized and rotated in regular intervals to ensure its uniformity
and regularity. Forced air shall not be used for agitation process.
Table 6.6.3: Storing temperature ranges for emulsified asphalt materials.
Storing temperature (Degrees Celsius)
Emulsified asphalt Material Minimum Maximum
SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1, CSS-1h 10 60
MS-2, CS-2h, CMS-2, CMS-2h 50 85

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
Back Aggregate Preparation:
Aggregate shall be stockpiled and transported from stockpiles according to the
requirements of Item 7.3.6 in these General Specifications Central Mixing:

Unless the Special Specifications allow, all emulsified asphalt treated base types
(I, II, and III) may be produced in a central mixing plant. Aggregate, the emulsified
asphalt material, added water, Portland cement, and other additive materials, when
required, may be proportioned by approved JMF. Mixing shall be executed according
to the following steps:
1. The aggregate shall be fed from storage to the mixing chamber using a belt
feeder equipped with devices by which the rate of aggregate feed can be
determined while the plant is in full operation. Aggregate feed and the asphaltic
emulsion material-metering pump shall be mechanically or electrically
interlocked in a manner that maintains a constant ratio of aggregate and
asphaltic emulsion material.
2. Portland cement, when required, shall be introduced into the dry aggregate on
the belt feeder and shall be mixed thoroughly before adding water or emulsified
3. Mixing water, when required, shall be introduced into the aggregate through a
spray bar mounted at such a point that the water is added as the aggregate enters
into the mixing chamber.
4. The asphaltic emulsion material shall be introduced into the mixing chamber
through a spray bar that can be adjusted to vary mixing times between five and
thirty (5-30) seconds.
5. The aggregate, water and Portland cement as required, and asphaltic emulsion
material shall be mixed until the aggregate has been coated and a uniform and
homogeneous mixture has been obtained.
6. Type (I) open-grade emulsified asphalt treated base mix shall be discharged
directly into hauling equipment or stored in bins or silos. Type (I) open-graded
emulsified asphalt treated base mix shall not be stored on the ground.
7. Type (II) and Type (III) emulsified asphalt treated base mixes may be
discharged directly into hauling equipment or stored. Type (II) and Type (III)
base mixes shall not be stored for periods longer than forty-eight (48) hours
without prior written approval from the Engineer. Road Mixing:

When the Special Specifications allow, types (II) and (II) of the emulsified
asphalt treated base mixes may be mixed using a propelled mobile mixing plant. The
travel plant shall be capable of producing a uniform, properly coated, emulsified asphalt
material-aggregate mixture conforming to the requirements of the JMF. Emulsified
asphalt material and aggregate proportioning devices shall be keyed to the rate of
forward travel of the mixer, or interlocked to ensure a constant asphaltic emulsion
material-aggregate blend. Multiple passes of the travel plant may be required for higher
emulsified asphalt material contents to achieve required uniformity of mix. Spreading and Compaction:

The surface to receive emulsified asphalt treated base shall conform to the
compaction and other requirements for the material involve. When the surface does not

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
conform to compaction and other requirements for the material involved, the
Contractor, at his own expense, shall correct all deviations.

When the surface to receive emulsified asphalt treated base is a soil subgrade,
aggregate subbase or aggregate base, and the total thickness of the asphaltic emulsion
treated base and surface course is less than ten (10) centimeters, the surface shall
receive a prime coat in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 8.3 in
these General Specifications. The prime coat shall be allowed to cure for at least forty-
eight (48) hours before placement of emulsified asphalt treated base.

Type (I) open-graded emulsified asphalt treated base shall be spread using a
self-propelled paving machine. The maximum thickness of one lift shall not exceed ten
(10) centimeters. Immediately after spreading, each lift shall be compacted with (1) one
coverage of a steel-drum tandem roller weighing not less than ten thousand (10,000)
kilograms. After the initial coverage, choke stone shall be uniformly spread across the
surface of the open-grade base at a rate between seven and thirteen (3-5) kilograms per
square meter using a self-propelled spreading device. Immediately after spreading
choke stone, the open-graded base shall receive three (3) additional coverages with a
steel-drum tandem roller weighing not less than ten thousand (10,000) kilograms. After
completion of compaction, surplus choke stone shall be removed by sweeping. Each lift
of open-graded base shall be allowed to cure for a period not less than seventy-two (72)
hours before spreading successive lifts.

Type (II) and Type (III) emulsified asphalt treated base may be spread using a
self-propelled paving machine, aggregate base spreader, or other device which results in
a base that is smooth, has a uniform texture, conforms to planned and specified
thickness, and is within the lines and grade shown on the plans. The maximum
thickness of one lift shall not exceed ten (10) centimeters unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer provided sufficient Portland cement is added to the mixture to accelerate
curing and the Contractor demonstrates that curing is effective.

Each lift shall be compacted using a steel-drum tandem roller weighing not less
than ten thousand (10,000) kilograms until the relative compaction is at least ninety-one
(91) percent of the theoretical maximum density determined from test method ASTM

Each lift of Type (II) and Type (III) emulsified asphalt base shall be allowed to
cure for the period specified in the Special Specifications, or for three to five (5) days,
or, when Portland cement is added to the mixture, for such shorter period as approved
by the Engineer. In all cases, the next layer shall not be placed and the traffic shall not
be allowed before the emulsified asphalt treated base is cured. Finishing:
When it is shown on the drawings or specified in the specifications, the
emulsified asphalt treated base layers of all types shall be covered with a layer of
asphalt slurry seal type (3) sand compliant with the requirements of item 10-3 of these
General Specifications.
When the surface is tested by a four (4) meter straight edge, the deviations shall
not be more than five (5) millimeters in the longitudinal direction or ten (8) millimeters
in the transverse direction are allowed.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
6.6.7 Traffic control:
The Contractor shall take effective action to control all traffic in accordance
with the “Manual of Traffic Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of
Municipalities and Rural Affairs in 1421H (2001).

6.6.8 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for emulsified asphalt
treated base works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, emulsified asphalt treated base
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by
the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (6.6.4) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall
submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in
Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item. The
Ministry has also the right to inspect all Contractors' quality control test records and
compare them with its quality assurance test done according to Division 17 in these
General Specifications. Ministry may inspect Contractor's laboratory, devices, technical
staff, and testing methods to assure the full adequacy and capability of the Contractor to
execute the work according to standard approved methods.

6.6.9 Measurements:
Each type of the emulsified asphalt treated base shall be measured in cubic
meters according to its position and its compaction according to the specified thickness
and within the lines and levels shown on the drawings and according to the Engineer's
instructions. It is not allowed to perform any measurements for the materials laid
outside the allowed limits for payment purposes.

Mineral fillers, chemical admixtures and asphalt modifiers used by the

Contractor to meet the Job Mix Formula (JMF) requirements will be considered
subsidiary to the construction of the emulsified asphalt treated base and shall not be

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
measured separately unless specifically stated in the Special Specifications and listed in
the Bill of Quantities. When they are listed separately they shall be measured in liters,
kilograms, or tons.

Table 6.6.4: Quality control procedures for the emulsified asphalt treated base

Test Sample
Work Properties Sampling frequency Requirements
Method location
Asphalt Tables
emulsion Compliance certificate at 7.2.5 to 7.2.7
s tests
supply starting and
Quality whenever source is changed Quality
Cement requirement requirements
s tests in item 7.3.4
Raw Three (3) tests on different
materials samples from each source at
source approval or JMF,
Quality and
change source. Minimum
Gradation Tables 7.3.1
Aggregate of five (5) tests on samples
Requiremen and 7.3.5
taken at different times
ts tests
every five-thousand (5000)
cubic meter for each source
at production
Aggregate Three tests for mix design
Gradation (dry and test each week and Table 7.3.5
mix) whenever source is changed
Stocked Three tests to use the
Aggregate Materials asphalt materials and the
coating in the aggregates and for mix Table 6.6.2
mix design and test whenever
source is changed
in use
Aggregate Table 7.3.5,
Gradation and AASHTO T- Table 6.6.1,
Mixing One (1) test for each five
Asphalt content 164/T-27 and JMF
plant or hundred (500) cubic meters
in mix Requirement
behind of each layer or a day-work,
ASTM D- the paver whichever minimum
stability and Table 6.6.2
AASHTO Test for each one thousand Sub item
T-310 (1,000) square meters
ASTM D- Test for each one thousand Contract
3549 (1,000) square meters documents
Surface layer Sub item Straight edge measuring Sub item
Executed Project
smoothness method for every day work
work site
Measuring Transverse segments every
dimensions, Geometric twenty-five (25) meters or
levels, slopes measureme five segments every one
and nts thousand (1000) meters,
smoothness whichever the maximum

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 220

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 6- Subbase and Aggergate Base
The surface treatment shall be measured by square meters as indicated in
Division 10 of these General Specifications.

Choke stone will be considered subsidiary to the construction of asphaltic

emulsion treated base and will not be measured.

6.6.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per cubic meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each type emulsified
asphalt treated base and all related items listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction and acceptance of emulsified asphalt treated base.

Table 6.6.5: Emulsified asphalt treated base mix pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

6.6.1 Emulsified asphalt treated base type ___________ Cubic meter

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 221


7.1 Scope 225

7.2 Asphalt Materials 225
7.2.1 Asphalt Cement 225 Uses 225 Requirements 225
7.2.2 Liquid Asphalt (Asphalt Cutback) 227 Uses 227 Requirements 227
7.2.3 Emulsified Asphalt 227 Uses 227 Requirements 227
7.2.4 Modified Asphalt 227 Uses 227 Requirements 227
7.2.5 Asphalt Materials Production 235
7.2.6 Asphalt Materials Acceptance Procedures 235 Supplied Container 235 Delivery Ticket 235 Certificate Of Compliance 236 Acceptance Sampling Procedures 236
7.2.7 Measurement 237
7.2.8 Payment 237
7.3 Aggregates 237
7.3.1 General Requirements 237
7.3.2 Coarse Aggregate 238 Description 238 Quality Requirements 238 Gradation Requirements 238
7.3.3 Fine Aggregate 238 Description 238 Quality Requirements 238 Gradation Requirements 238
7.3.4 Mineral Filler 238 Description 238 Quality Requirements 240 Gradation Requirements 240
7.3.5 Combined Aggregate In Asphalt Mixes 240 Quality Requirements 240 Gradation Requirements For Asphalt Mixes 240
7.3.6 Aggregate Stockpiling 241
7.3.7 Aggregate Acceptance 241
7.3.8 Measurements 241
7.3.9 Payment 243
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes



7.1 Scope:
This Division comprises of the specifications of asphalt mixes materials, which
include asphalt binders, asphalt modifiers, coarse and fine aggregates, and mineral filler.
It also includes acceptance procedures, measurement method, and payment methods.

7.2 Asphalt Materials:

The asphaltic materials used in asphaltic mixes shall be produced as by-products
of crude petroleum refining or manufactured from their derivatives. They shall include
the following types:
1. Asphalt Cement: produced from petroleum refineries and/or special factories by
mixing different grades of asphalt or by oxidation or by both methods.
2. Cutback Asphalt: produced by diluting the asphalt cement by naphtha, kerosene,
or diesel.
3. Emulsified Asphalt: produced by emulsifying the asphalt cement by special
millers using water and emulsifying agents.
4. Modified Asphalt: produced by treating the asphalt cement by special chemical
modifiers in specialized plants.

All asphalt types shall have homogenous properties and conform to the
following requirements.

7.2.1 Asphalt Cement: Uses:
The asphalt cement is used in hot asphalt concrete mixes and some surface treatments. Requirements:
Unless specified in the Special Specifications, the asphalt cement shall conform
to the requirement of the Standard Saudi Specification Number 1776, which classifies
asphalt based on viscosity; or shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-20,
which classifies asphalt based on penetration grades. The asphalt cement shall be of
60/70 or 40/50 penetration grades or any grade specified in the Special Specifications.
The grades of asphalt materials shall conform to the requirements set forth in Table

When the Special Specifications specifies the use of asphalt cement graded as
Performance Grade (PG) according to Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP),
the specification detailed in Division 12, in these General Specifications, shall be

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 225

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.2.1: Quality requirement of penetration grade asphalt binder

Penetration Grade
Property 40-50 60-70 85-100 120-150 200-300
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Penetration at 25 Degrees C,
T-49 40 50 60 70 85 100 120 150 200 300
100g, 5sec.

Penetration Ratio, percent

- 25 25 25 25 25 - - - - -
min. (1)

Viscosity, at 60 oC, Poise,

T-202 6000 - 2600 - - - - - - -
min. (2)

Viscosity at 135 oC,

T-201 240 - 200 - 170 - - - - -
Kinematic min.

Flash point, Cleveland

T-48 232 - 232 - 232 - 218 - 177 -
Open, oC, min.
Ductility at 25 oC, 5cm per
T-51 100 - 100 - 100 - 100 - - -
min, cm, min
Solubility in
trichloroethylene, percent, T-44 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 -

Thin film oven test, 3.2 mm, 163 degree Celsius, 5 hour
Loss on bearing, percent of
- - 0.8 - 0.8 - 1 - 1.3 - 1.5
original, max.

Penetration, of residue,
T-49 58 - 54 - 50 - 46 - 40 -
percent of original

Ductility of residue at 25 oC,

T-51 - - 50 - 75 - 100 - 100 -
5 cm per, cm, min.
Solubility in
T-44 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 -
trichloroethylene, %, min.
Spot Test, when and as specified (3), with:

Standard naphtha solvent Negative for all grades

Naphtha-xylene solvent T-102 Negative for all grades

Heptane-xylene solvent Negative for all grades

Note 1: Penetration Ratio = (Penetration at 4 degree Celsius, 200 grams, and 60 seconds) x (100) /
(Penetration at 25 degree Celsius, 100 grams, and 5 second).
Note 2: Penetration Viscosity requirement was added to these General Specifications based on local study.
Note 3: The use of the spot test is optional. When it is specified, the Engineer shall indicate whether the
standard naphtha solvent, the naphtha-xylene solvent, or the heptane-xylene solvent will be used
in determining compliance with the requirement, and also, in the case of the xylene solvents, the
percentage of xylene to be used shall be specified.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 226

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
7.2.2 Liquid Asphalt (Asphalt Cutback): Uses:
The liquid diluted asphalt is used as prime coat, tack coat, in cold-mix, single
and multiple surface treatments, sand seal, and soil and dust stabilizer. Requirements:
The liquid asphalt shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-81 and M-
82. It shall be medium curing (MC) or rapid curing (RC) or as specified in the Special
Specifications for a particular work. They shall conform to the requirements shown in
Tables (7.2.2) (A and B) and Tables (7.2.3) (A and B).

7.2.3 Emulsified Asphalt: Uses:
The emulsified asphalt is used in slurry seal, prime coat, and tack coat, in cold
mixes, single and multiple surface treatments, sand seal, fog seal, and soil and dust
stabilizer. Requirements:
The emulsified asphalt shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-140
for anionic (negative charge) as shown in Tables (7.2.4) to (7.2.6). and AASHTO M-
208 for cationic (positive charge) as shown in Table (7.2.7).

There are two groups of emulsified asphalt: anionic (negative charge) and
cationic (positive charge) and each group is divided into three grades: rapid setting,
medium setting, and slow setting. These grades are further divided into types according
to emulsified asphalt viscosity and hardness of the asphalt cement used in the emulsified

The emulsified asphalt shall be selected based on the charge group according to
the type and condition of the aggregates and soils to be treated or stabilized. The
anionic emulsified asphalt shall be used with basic aggregates such as limestone, where
as the cationic emulsified asphalt shall be used with the acidic aggregate such as basalt
or quartz.

7.2.4 Modified Asphalt: Uses:
The modified asphalt is used when the use of normal asphalt or the asphalt mix
produced by normal binder is not suitable for the performance requirements imposed by
materials properties, environmental conditions, or operating traffic. The asphalt is
mixed with specific materials such anti-stripping agents, rubber, polymers, plastic or
other modifiers during the asphalt mix production. Requirements:
When specified in the Special Specification, only the tested and tried asphalt
modifiers shall be used to modify the asphalt properties without affecting the general
performance. The asphalt modifiers shall posses to following basic requirements:

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 227

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.2.2.A: Quality requirement of medium curing (MC) liquid asphalt

MC-30 MC-70 MC-250 MC-800 MC-3000

Test Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Kinematic Viscosity at 60 oC, cSt

(1) T-201 30 60 70 140 250 500 800 1600 3000 6000

Flash Point, Tag, open-cup, oC T-79 38 - 38 - 66 - 66 .. 66 -

Water Percent T-55 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2

Distillation Test: Distillate percentage by volume of total distillate to 360 degree Celsius

To 225 oC T-78 0 25 0 20 0 10 - - - -

To 260 oC T-78 40 70 20 60 15 55 0 35 0 15

To 315oC T-78 75 93 65 90 60 87 45 80 15 75

Residue from distillation to 360o

C volume percentage of sample 50 - 55 - 67 - 75 - 80 -
by difference, min.
Tests on residue from distillation:
Absolute viscosity at 60o C,
T-202 300 1200 300 1200 300 1200 300 1200 300 1200
Ductility. (2) 5 cm/minute, cm,
T-51 100 - 100 - 100 - 100 - 100 -
Solubility in Trichloroethylene,
T-44 99.0 - 99.0 - 99.0 - 99.0 - 99.0 -
percent, min.
Spot test with(3):
Standard naphtha Negative for all grades
Naphtha-xylene solvent T-102 Negative for all grades

Heptane-xylene solvent Negative for all grades

Note 1: As an alternate, Saybolt Furol viscosities may be specified as follows:

Grade MC-30 -- Furol viscosity at 25 degree Celsius - 75 to 150 sec.
Grade MC-70 -- Furol viscosity at 50 degree Celsius - 60 to 120 sec.
Grade MC-250 -- Furol viscosity at 60 degree Celsius - 125 to 250 sec.
Grade MC-800 -- Furol viscosity at 82.2 degree Celsius - 100 to 200 sec.
Grade MC-3000 -- Furol viscosity at 82.2 degree Celsius - 300 to 600 sec.
Note 2: If the ductility at 25 degree Celsius is less than 100, the material will be acceptable if its ductility at
15.5 degree Celsius is more than 100.
Note 3: The use of the spot test is optional. When it is specified, the Engineer shall indicate whether the
standard naphtha solvent, the naphtha-xylene solvent, or the heptane-xylene solvent will be used
in determining compliance with the requirement, and also, in the case of the xylene solvents, the
percentage of xylene to be used shall be specified.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 228

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes

Table 7.2.2.B: Quality requirement of medium curing (MC) liquid asphalt

MC-0 MC-1 MC-2 MC-3 MC-4 MC-5

Property Min- Min- Min- Min- Min- Min-
Max. Max. Max. Max. Max Max.
Flash Point, Tag, open-cup, oC,
T-79 100 100 150 150 150 150
Furol viscosity at 25 C 75-150
Furol viscosity at 50oC 75-150
Furol viscosity at 60o C 100-200 250-500
Furol viscosity at 82.2o C 125-250 300-600
Distillation Test: Distillate percentage by volume of total distillate to 360 degree Celsius
To 190 oC 0-25 0-20 0-10 0-5 0 0
To 225 oC T-78 40-70 25-65 15-55 5-40 0-30 0-20
To 315oC 75-93 70-90 60-87 55-85 40-80 20-75
Residue from distillation to
360o C volume percentage of 50 60 67 73 87 82
sample by difference, min.
Tests on Residue from Distillation
Penetration, 25 oC, 100 grams,
T-49 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300 120-300
Ductility 5 cm/min., cm, min. T-51 100 100 100 100 100 100
Solubility in
Trichloroethylene, percent, T-44 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50
Temperature for Application
-- 25-65 50-80 65-105 80-120 90-135 105-150
by Spraying, in oC
General Requirement All shall be free of water

Note 1: If penetration of residue is more than two hundred (200) and its ductility at 25 degrees Celsius is
less than one hundred (100), the material will be acceptable if its ductility at 15.6 degrees Celsius
is more than one hundred (100).

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 229

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.2.3.A: Quality requirement of rapid curing (RC) liquid asphalt

RC-70 RC-250 RC-800 RC-3000

Test Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Kinematic Viscosity at 60
o T201 70 140 250 500 800 1600 3000 6000
C, cSt (1)
Flash Point, Tag, open-cup,
o T-79 - - 27 - 27 - 27 -
C, min.
Water Percent, max. T-55 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2
Distillation Test: Distillate percentage by volume of total distillate to 360 degree Celsius
To 190 oC 10 - - - -
To 225 oC 50 - 35 - 15 - - -
To 260 oC 70 - 60 - 45 - 25 -
To 315 C 85 - 80 - 75 - 70 -
Residue from distillation to
360o C volume percentage - 55 - 65 - 75 - 85 -
of sample by difference
Tests on residue from distillation:
Absolute viscosity at 60o C,
T-202 300 1200 300 1200 300 1200 300 1200
Ductility 5 cm/minute, cm.
(2) T-51 100 - 100 - 100 - 100 -
Solubility in
Trichloroethylene, percent, T-44 99.0 - 99.0 - 99.0 - 99.0 -
Spot test (3) with:
Standard naphtha Negative for all grades

Naphtha-xylene solvent Negative for all grades


Heptane-xylene solvent Negative for all grades

Note 1 As an alternate, Saybolt Furol viscosities may be specified as follows:

Grade RC-70 -- Furol viscosity at 50 degree Celsius - 60 to 120 sec.
Grade RC-250 -- Furol viscosity at 60 degree Celsius - 125 to 250 sec.
Grade RC-800 -- Furol viscosity at 82.2 degree Celsius - 100 to 200 sec.
Grade RC-3000 -- Furol viscosity at 82.2 degree Celsius - 300 to 600 sec.
Note 2: If the ductility at 25 degree Celsius is less than 100, the material will be acceptable if its ductility at
15.5 degree Celsius is more than 100.
Note 3: The use of the spot test is optional. When it is specified, the Engineer shall indicate whether the
standard naphtha solvent, the naphtha-xylene solvent, or the heptane-xylene solvent will be used
in determining compliance with the requirement, and also, in the case of the xylene solvents, the
percentage of xylene to be used shall be specified.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 230

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.2.3.B: Quality requirement of rapid curing (RC) liquid asphalt

RC-0 RC-1 RC-2 RC-3 RC-4 RC-5

Property Min- Min- Min- Min- Min- Min-
Max. Max. Max. Max. Max Max.
Flash Point, Tag, open-cup, oC,
T-79 - - 80 80 80 80
Furol viscosity at 25 C 75-150 - - - - -
Furol viscosity at 50oC - 75-150 - - - -
Furol viscosity at 60o C - - 100-200 250-500
Furol viscosity at 82.2 C - - - - 125-250 300-600
Distillation Test: Distillate percentage by volume of total distillate to 360 degree Celsius, min.
To 190 oC 15 10 - - - -
To 225 oC T-78 55 50 40 25 8 -
To 315oC 75 70 65 55 40 25
Residue from distillation to 360
C volume percentage of sample 50 60 67 73 87 82
by difference, Min.
Tests on Residue from Distillation
Penetration, 25 oC, 100 grams,
T-49 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120
Ductility 5 cm/minute, cm, min. T-51 100 100 100 100 100 100
Solubility in Trichloroethylene,
T-44 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50 99.50
percent, min.
Temperature for Application by
-- 25-50 50-80 65-95 80-105 95-120 105-135
Spraying, in degrees C
General Requirement All shall be free of water

Note 1: If penetration of residue is more than two hundred (200) and its ductility at 25 degree Celsius is
less than one hundred (100), the material will be acceptable if its ductility at 15.6 degree Celsius is
more than one hundred (100).

Table 7.2.4: Quality requirements of anionic rapid setting (RS) emulsified asphalt


Test Min. Max. Min. Max.
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 25 C, second T-72 20 100 - -
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 50 o C, second T-72 - - 75 400
Storage stability test, 24-h, % T-59 - 1 1
Demulsibility (1), 35 ml, 0.02 N CaCl2, %,
T-59 60 - 60 -
Sieve test, %, max T-59 - 0.1 - 0.1
Residue by distillation, %, min. T-59 55 - 63 -
Tests on residue from distillation test:
Penetration, 25 o C, 100 g, 5s T-49 100 200 100 200
Ductility, 25 C, 5 cm/min, cm, min. T-51 40 - 40 -
Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %, min. T-44 97.5 - 97.5 -

surface treatment, surface treatment,

(2) penetration macadam, penetration macadam,
Typical Applications
sand seal coat, tack coat, coarse aggregate seal
mulch coat (single and multiple)

1. The demulsibility test shall be made within 30 days from date of shipment.
2. These typical applications are for use only as a guide for selecting and using the emulsion for
pavement construction and maintenance.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 231

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.2.5: Quality requirements of anionic medium setting (MS) emulsified asphalt
Test Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 25 C, seconds T-72 20 100 100 - 100 - 20 100
Storage stability test, 24-h, % T-59 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Coating ability and water resistance:
- Coating, dry aggregate Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good
- Coating, after spraying Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair
- Coating, wet aggregate Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair
- Coating, after spraying Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair
Sieve test, % T-59 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1
Residue by distillation, % T-59 55 - 65 - 65 - 65 -
Test on residue from distillation text:
Penetration, 25 oC, 100 g, 5second T-49 100 200 200 100 200 40 90 100
Ductility, 25 C, 5 cm/min, cm, min. T-51 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 -
Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %, min. T-44 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 -
Float test, 60 oC s - - - - - - - 1200 -
cold plant mix, cold plant mix,
cold plant mix, coarse aggregate hot mix, coarse cold plant mix,
road mix, sand seal coat (single aggregate seal road mix, sand
Typical Applications (1) seal coat, crack and multiple), coat (single and seal coat, crack
treatment, crack treatment, multiple crack treatment, tack
tack coat road mix, tack treatment, road coat
coat, sand seal coat mix track coat

1. These typical applications are for use only as a guide for selecting and using the emulsion for
pavement construction and maintenance.

Table 7.2.5 (cont.): Quality requirements of anionic medium setting (MS) emulsified asphalt
Test Min Max Min Max Min Max
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 25 C, seconds T-72 100 - 100 - 50 -
Storage stability test, 24-h, %, max. T-59 - 1 - 1 - 1
Coating ability and water resistance:
- Coating, dry aggregate Good Good Good
- Coating, after spraying Fair Fair Fair
- Coating, wet aggregate Fair Fair Fair
- Coating, after spraying Fair Fair Fair
Sieve test, %, max. T-59 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1
Residue by distillation, %, min. T-59 65 - 65 - 65 -
Test on residue from distillation text:
Penetration, 25 oC, 100 g, 5second T-49 200 100 200 40 90 200
Ductility, 25 oC, 5 cm/min, cm, min. T-51 40 - 40 - 40 -
Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %, min. T-44 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 -
Float test, 60 oC s 1200 - 1200 - 1200 -
cold plant mix, hot plant dense-graded cold
cold plant mix, coarse
mix, coarse aggregate plant mix and
aggregate seal coat
seal coat (single and road mix
Typical Applications (1) (single and multiple),
multiple), crack stockpile mix,
crack treatment road
treatment road mix, tack crack treatment,
mix, tack coat, and seal
coat patching mix

1. These typical applications are for use only as a guide for selecting and using the emulsion for
pavement construction and maintenance.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 232

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes

Table 7.2.6: Quality requirements of anionic slow setting (SS) emulsified asphalt

AASHTO SS1 SS-1h (1)

Test Min. Max. Min. Max.
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 25 oC, seconds T-72 20 - 20 100

Storage stability test, 24-h, %, max. T-59 - 100 - 1

Cement mixing test, %, max. T-59 - 2 - 2

Sieve test, %, max T-59 - 0.1 - 0.1

Residue by distillation, %, min. T-59 57 - 57 -

Tests on residue from distillation test T-59

Penetration, 25 o C, 100 g, 5seconds. T-49 100 200 40 90

Ductility, 25 o C, 5 cm/min, cm, min. T-51 40 - 40 -

Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %, min. T-44 97.5 - 97.5 -

cold plant mix, road mix, slurry seal coat, tack

Typical Applications (2)
coat, fog seal, dust layer, mulch

1. Quick setting emulsified asphalt (CQS-1H) requirements are same as slow setting (SS-1h)
emulsified asphalt except for storage stability and cement mixing tests, which are not required.
2. These typical applications are for use only as a guide for selecting and using the emulsion for

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 233

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes

Table 7.2.7: Quality requirements of cationic emulsified asphalt

Rapid Setting Medium Setting Slow Setting

Test CRS-1 CRS-2 CMS-2 CMS-2h CSS-1 CSS-1h (1)
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 25 oC,
- - - - - - - - 20 100 20 100
Viscosity, Saybolt Furol, 50 oC, s 20 100 100 400 50 450 50 450 - - - -
Storage stability test, 24-h, %, max. - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Demulsibility (2), 35ml, 0.8%
sodium diocytl suffosucinate, %, 40 - 40 - - - - - - - - -
Classification test Passes Passes - - - - - - - -
Coating ability and water resistance:
- Coating, dry aggregate - - - - Good Good - - - -
- Coating, after spraying - - - - Fair Fair - - - -
- Coating, wet aggregate - - - - Fair Fair - - - -
- Coating, after spraying - - - - Fair Fair - - - -
Particle charge test Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
Sieve test, %, max. - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1
Cement mixing test, % Distillation: - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2
Oil distillate, by volume of
- 3 3 12 12 - - - -
emulsion, %, max.
Residue, %, min. 60 - 65 - 65 - 65 - 57 - 57 -
Test on residue from distillation text:
Penetration, 25 oC, 100 g, 5s 100 250 100 250 100 250 40 90 100 250 40 90
Ductility, 25 oC, 5 cm/min, cm, min. 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 -
Solubility in Trichloroethylene, %,
97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 - 97.5 -
cold plant cold plant
mix, coarse mix, hot
aggregate plant mix,
surface treatment,
seal coat coarse
treatment, penetration
(single and aggregate
penetration macadam, cold plant mix, road mix,
multiple), seal coat
Typical Applications (3) macadam, coarse slurry seal coat, tack coat,
crack (single and
sand seal aggregate fog seal, dust layer, mulch
treatment, multiple),
coat, tack seal coat
road mix, crack
mulch (single and
track coat, treatment,
sand seal road mix,
coat tack coat

1. Quick setting emulsified asphalt (CQS-1H) requirements are same as slow setting (CSS-1h)
emulsified asphalt except for cement mixing test, which is not required.
2. The demulsibility test shall be made within 30 days from date of shipment.
3. These typical applications are for use only as a guide for selecting and using the emulsion for
pavement construction and maintenance.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 234

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
1. Easy to mix with the base asphalt materials.
2. Short mixing time.
3. Economically feasible.
4. Compatible with the asphalt materials.
5. Stable under the production and construction conditions.

Asphalt modifiers shall produce modified asphalt that conforms to the required
purpose for modification according to AASHTO guide for the laboratory evaluation of
modified asphalt (AASHTO PP-5) and the AASHTO guide for grading and verifying
the performance grade of an asphalt binder (AASHTO PP-6).

The manufacture’s instructions shall be followed when using the asphalt in

terms of mixing temperature, mixing time, suitable base asphalt type, suitable
aggregate, etc.
In all cases, modified asphalt shall be checked that they don’t negatively affect the
standard quality requirements of the asphalt binder by performing standard tests such as
aging, mass loss, flash point, spot test, ductility, and viscosity.

When using the liquid or solid anti-stripping agents, the final mix shall be
checked by coating and stripping test (AASHTO T-182) for loose mix or Marshall
Stability loss for asphalt concrete compacted mix.

7.2.5 Asphalt Materials Production:

All asphaltic materials and modifiers shall be produced by locally approved
factories or by foreign manufactures. These factories shall have quality control
programs accredited by the foreign authorities at the place of origin. Technical
properties, user guide, and standard tests shall be accompanied with the product
certificate of asphalt materials.

Asphalt materials shall not be heated during the process of its manufacture or
during construction so as to cause damage to the materials as evidenced by the
formation of carbonized particles

7.2.6 Asphalt Materials Acceptance Procedures:

All asphalt materials shall be accepted according to “Product Certificate” and
the Engineer shall check the product by proper tests in these General Specifications
subject to the following: Supplied Container:

Before loading, the manufacturer shall examine the supplied container and
remove all leftover materials of previous supplies that may contaminate the material to
be loaded or change its properties. Delivery Ticket:

The manufacturer shall furnish with each shipment two (2) copies of the
delivery ticket containing the following:
• Consignees
• Project number
• Grade

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
• Net liters
• Net weight
• Type and amount of anti-stripping agent or other modifiers (if any)
• Identification number (truck, tank, etc.)
• Destination
• Date
• Loading temperature
• Specific gravity at 15.6 degrees centigrade. Certificate of Compliance:

The manufacturer shall deliver a signed Certificate of Compliance to cover the
quality and quantity of material and the condition of container for each supply. Test
results shall be provided either with the supply or within one week after supply.

Asphalt materials may be used, with Engineer’s approval, prior to sampling and
testing when a Certificate of Compliance is furnished by the manufacturer stating that
the asphalt material, at the time of loading, conformed to all specified requirements and
that the supplied container was clean and contained no contaminating residue.

This Certificate of Compliance shall reference the lot and identify the test
numbers representing the lot. If the test results showed non-compliance, the work shall
be rejected or accepted at reduced payment, if the results are technically accepted,
according to Division 17 of this General Specification.
Asphalt materials furnished without a Certificate of Compliance should not used. Acceptance Sampling Procedures:

The Contractor shall obtain acceptance samples of asphalt materials according to
AASHTO T-40 at the applicable point of acceptance as follows:
1. Asphalt material used in direct application on the road: Samples shall be taken
from each shipping container at the time of discharge into distributors or other
conveyances on the project.
2. Asphalt material initially discharged into storage tanks on the project: Samples
shall be taken from the line between the storage tank and the distributor or the
mixing plant after each delivery. Samples shall be taken after a sufficient period
of circulation has taken place to ensure samples are representative of the
material in the storage tank.
3. The manufacturer of asphalt materials shall test all materials produced and the
test results retained for reference. The Contractor, under the supervision of the
Engineer, shall sample each shipment of asphalt material delivered to an asphalt
concrete mixing plant, asphalt treatment production project, or other project
requiring the incorporation of asphalt materials. The samples shall be numbered
consecutively and identified by project, type and grade of asphalt material, date
of delivery, and use. All samples shall be tested for conformance with the
General and Special Specifications.
4. Work in which asphalt materials failed to conform to the specifications shall be
rejected. Rejected asphalt materials shall be immediately removed from the
work, including all portions of the work in which said rejected asphalt materials
were placed, and the Contractor shall replace rejected materials with
specification materials at his own expense. The Ministry has the right to accept

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
the executed works at a reduced payment according to Division 17 of this
General Specification, if those works are acceptable.

7.2.7 Measurement:
Unless specified in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities
asphalt materials shall be considered subsidiary and no measurements shall be made.
Otherwise, asphalt materials should be measured by liters, kilograms.

7.2.8 Payment:
When specified in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities,
payment will be made at the contract unit price per each item listed in the Bill of

Such prices and payments shall cover and be full compensation for equipment,
labor, tools and incidentals necessary for furnishing asphalt materials.

7.3 Aggregates:
Aggregate is a mix of granular particles with different sizes and shapes produced
by mechanical crushing of natural or industrial stones.

The aggregates are the main component of composes the skeleton of the asphalt
mixes with about ninety-five (95) percent by weight or eighty-five (85) percent by
volumes of the total mix. The type, shape, microtexture, and chemical properties of
aggregate particles determine the durability and the adhesion level of asphalt binder,
and thus the strength of asphaltic concrete mixes. Aggregate is divided into three types:
coarse, fine, and mineral filler.

7.3.1 General Requirements:

Aggregate shall conform to the following general requirements:
1. All aggregate shall be hard durable particles and free from decomposed
materials, organic materials, and other deleterious substances. The aggregate
shall not contain more than one (1.0) percent by weight of particles having a
specific gravity below 1.95 (in natural aggregate).
2. When the Special Specifications indicate using crushed aggregate, the soil and
gravel particles with size less than the maximum size shall be separated and
stored away from the crushed aggregates with proper marking. The crushed and
uncrushed aggregate shall not be mixed together.
3. Crushing plant shall conform to the environmental requirements stated in
Section 4.5 in these General Specifications and other requirements of local
environmental authorities.
4. Crushing plants shall be capable to produce cubical or semi-cubical aggregate
particles with adequate quantities of crushed sand and mineral. The crushed
aggregate produced shall be free from flat and elongated particles.
5. The aggregate shall be stockpiled and stored in separate sizes. It is desired to
have the maximum size in each layer of the stockpile twice the second layer in
that stockpile, with the maximum size not less than fine (5) millimeters.
6. The aggregate shall be washed to remove any deleterious substances or dust that
may reduce the adhesion of asphalt binder to aggregates particles or may spoil
the asphalt mix.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
7. Whenever possible, aggregate susceptible to polishing shall not be used in
asphalt surface course to provide adequate skid resistance according to ASTM
8. Carbonate aggregate with percentage of insoluble residue of less that twenty five
(25) percent should not be used in asphaltic concrete mixes when tested
according to ASTM D-3042.
9. Aggregate shall be dry when used in road-mixing method with cutback asphalt,
while the aggregate shall be wetted when mixing with emulsified asphalt.

7.3.2 Coarse Aggregate: Description:
Coarse aggregate is the solid stones that have size greater than 4.75 millimeter
(retained on sieve No. 4). It shall be, unless Special Specifications indicate, crushed
stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel, or natural aggregate and shall conform to the
general requirements stated previous Item 7.3.1. Quality Requirements:

Coarse aggregate shall conform to AASHTO M-283 unless contradict with the
limit shown in Table (7.3.1) or the Contract Documents. Gradation Requirements:

Unless contradicting with the total gradation of the asphaltic mix, coarse
aggregate shall conform to one of the gradations specified in AASHTO M-43, which
match with the maximum nominal aggregate size of asphalt mixes.

7.3.3 Fine Aggregate: Description:
Fine aggregate is material passing the 4.75-millimeter (No. 4) sieve and shall be
produced from crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel, or manufactured sand.
When the Special Specifications allow, the crushed aggregate shall not be less than
seventy-five (75) percent. Natural sand may not be used without the prior written
approval of the Engineer. Crushing shall be in accordance with the general requirements
stated previous Item 7.3.1. Quality Requirements

Fine aggregate shall conform to AASHTO M-29 unless contradicts with the
limit shown in Table (7.3.1) or the Contract Documents. Gradation Requirements

Unless contradicts with the combined gradation of the asphaltic mix, fine
aggregate shall conform to one of the gradations specified in AASHTO M-29.

7.3.4 Mineral Filler: Description:
Mineral filler is that portion of the fine aggregate that has size less than 600
micrometer (passing sieve No. 30). When the Special Specification state, the work
conditions require, or the mineral filler used is not suitable, crushed stone powder or

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.3.1: Aggregate quality requirements for asphaltic mixes

Test Test used Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Loss Angeles abrasion, AASHTO
40 40 40 40 40 - 35 30 30 30
percent, max. T-96
Sand equivalent,
particles passing sieve 45 45 45 - 40 45 45 - - 60
No. 4, %, min.
Density (for coarse
steel slag aggregate), 1120 1040 960 - - - - - - -
Flat and elongated
particles, Ration of ASTM
10 10 10 - - - - - - 5
max. dimension to the D-4791
min. is 5: 1, %, max.
Plasticity index for
aggregate passing sieve 4 4 4 - - - - - - NP
No. 40, min.
Soundness %, max.,
AASHTO 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 15
-- Sodium Sulfate:
-- Magnesium Sulfate: 12 12 12 - - - - - - 20
Percent fracture (two
faces), for aggregate ASTM
90 65 25 75 75 - - 90 75 90
passing sieve No. 8, D-5821
Clay content, %, max. 0.25 0.25 0.25 - - - - - - -
Coating and stripping, AASHTO
95 95 95 - - - - - 95 -
%, min. T-182
Polishing resistance, ASTM
- - - - - - - - 35 40
%, min. D-3319
Absorption, %, max. - - - - - - - - - 2
Angularity, %, min. - - - - - - - - - 45
Durability, %, min. - - - - - - - - 35 40

Aggregate uses index

Type. Use Type. Use
Asphaltic concrete base/wearing Emulsified asphalt treated base
1 6
courses (Type A) (Sand-Graded)
Asphaltic concrete base/wearing
2 7 Slurry seal
courses (Type B)
Asphaltic concrete base/wearing
3 8 Surface treatments
courses (Type C)
Emulsified asphalt treated base
4 9 Asphaltic friction course
Emulsified asphalt treated base
5 10 Stone mastic asphalt (SMA)

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
dust, steel slag powder or dust, Portland cement, lime, or any mineral powder shall be
used as mineral filler provided it conform to the quality requirements. Quality Requirements:

Mineral filler shall conform to AASHTO M-17. The plastic limit, except for
lime and cement, shall not be more than 4%.

The mineral filler shall be stored in a special tank linked to the mixing plant.
When furnished as supplemental fine aggregate, mineral filler, at the time of use, shall
be dry, free flowing, and without lumps or agglomerations.
Mineral fillers either Portland cement, blended hydraulic cement, or lime, shall conform
to the requirements shown in Table (7.3.2).

Table 7.3.2: Mineral filler requirements

Material Requirement
Portland Cement, Type I or II AASHTO M-85
Blended Hydraulic Cement, Type IP AASHTO M-240
Lime, Type N or S ASTM C-207 Gradation Requirements:

Mineral filler, when tested separately, shall provide uniform gradation conforms
to AASHTO M-17 shown in Table (7.3.3).

Table 7.3.3: Mineral filler gradation requirements

Sieve Size Percent passing
0.600 mm (No. 30) 100
0.300 mm (No. 50) 95 - 100
0.075 mm (No. 200) 70 - 100

7.3.5 Combined Aggregate in Asphalt Mixes: Quality Requirements:

Combined aggregate shall conform to the quality requirements of each separate
type of aggregate. These requirements include percent fracture, abrasion resistance,
soundness, plasticity index, flat and elongated particles, coating and stripping, adherent
materials, and others as shown in Table (7.3.1). Gradation Requirements for Asphalt Mixes:

Asphalt mix proportioning shall be made based on the average test results of
adequate number of representative samples taken from cold bins of coarse and fine
aggregate as well as mineral filler. When using mixing plants with hot bins, adequate
number of samples shall also be taken from each bin for proportioning.

Sampling shall be repeated whenever source or sources of the aggregate is

changed or production method or mix gradation. Sampling should be done according to
AASHTO T-2 provided the number of samples shall not be less than ten (10).

Tables (7.3.4) to (7.3.9) show the aggregate gradations used in different types of
asphalt mixes. The maximum aggregate size is preferred provided it is not exceeding
one-half (1/2) the pavement thickness, except for surface treatments.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
7.3.6 Aggregate Stockpiling:
The site for constructing stockpiles shall be approved by the Ministry and
located in a manner that the stockpiled materials will not be contaminated with other
aggregates or altered by dust, dune sand, or other natural or processed material.
Following requirement shall be observed when stockpiling aggregates:
1. Before placing aggregates on the stockpile site, the site shall be cleared from
vegetation, rocks, and debris; the ground leveled to a smooth, firm, and uniform
surface, and allows adequate drainage.
2. The stockpiles shall be not more than eight (8) meters in height
3. Stockpiles in excess of two hundred (200) cubic meters shall be built up in layers
not more than one and one-half (1.5) meters in depth using approved methods and
equipment. Pushing aggregate into a stockpile using dozers shall not be permitted.
Each layer shall be completed over the entire area of the pile before depositing
aggregate in the succeeding layer. Any method of placing aggregate in a
stockpile, which results in segregation, breaks, degrades, or otherwise damages
the aggregate will not be permitted.
4. Stockpiles of different kinds or sizes of aggregate shall be separated by space or
suitable walls or partitions to prevent mixing. Aggregate shall not be stockpiled
where vehicles will run over or through the piles and cause foreign material to
become mixed with the stockpiled aggregate. Each aggregate type and size shall
be marked by unique number.
5. Aggregate shall be removed from the stockpiles using equipment and methods
approved by the Engineer and in a manner that prevents segregation of particle
sizes or adulteration with underlying or adjacent soil or foreign material.
6. The environmental requirements, stated in Division 4 in these General
Specifications, shall be observed while stockpiling aggregates.
7.3.7 Aggregate Acceptance:
Aggregate in different asphalt mixes are accepted using the procedures outlined
in the respective sections in these General Specifications.
7.3.8 Measurements:
Unless specified in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities
aggregate shall be considered subsidiary and no measurements shall be made.
Otherwise, aggregate shall be measured by cubic meter.
Table 7.3.4: Aggregate gradation requirements for asphaltic concrete mixes
Percent passing
Sieve size
Asphaltic concrete base course Asphaltic concrete wearing course
Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation
Sieve size (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)
37.5 mm (1.5 in) 100 - - - - -
25 mm (1 in) 75-90 100 100 - - -
19 mm (4/3 in) 65-80 75-90 90-100 100 100 -
12.5 mm (2/1 in) 55-70 65-80 78-93 75-90 90-100 100
9.5 mm (8/3 in) 45-60 55-65 57-72 64-79 78-83 90-100
4.75 mm (No 4) 31-46 35-60 43-58 41-56 46-60 54-68
2 mm (No 10) 18-33 20-35 28-43 23-37 30-42 32-46
0.425 mm (No 40) 5-18 7-20 13-28 7-20 14-25 14-25
0.180 mm (No 80) 3-13 5-25 - 5-13 8-16 8-16
0.075 mm (No 200) 2-9 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-7 3-7

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.3.5: Aggregate gradation requirements for emulsified asphalt treated base

Percent passing
Sieve size
Open-Graded Dense-Graded Sand-Graded
37.5 mm (1.5 in) 100 100 -
25 mm (1 in) 95-100 90-100 -
12.5 mm (2/1 in) 25-60 60-80 100
4.75 mm (No 4) 0-10 25-60 75-100
2.36 mm (No 8) 0-5 15-45 -
0.300 mm (No 50) - 5-18 5-30
0.075 mm (No 200) 0-2 1-7 5-12

Table 7.3.6: Aggregate gradation requirements for slurry seal mixes

Percent passing
Sieve size
Gradation (1) Gradation (2) Gradation (3)
9.5 mm (8/3 in) - 100 100
4.75 mm (No 4) 100 90-100 70-90
2.36 mm (No 8) 90-100 65-90 45-70
1.18 mm (No 16) 65-90 45-70 28-50
0.600 mm (No 30) 40-65 30-50 19-34
0.300 mm (No 50) 25-42 18-30 12-25
0.150 mm (No 100) 15-30 10-30 7-18
0.075 mm (No 200) 10-20 5-15 5-15

Table 7.3.7: Aggregate gradation requirements for surface treatment mixes

Percent passing
Sieve size Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation Gradation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
25 mm (1 in) 100 100 - - - -
19 mm (4/3 in) 55-85 90-100 100 100 - -
12.5 mm (2/1 in) 0-15 - 90-100 90-100 100 -
9.5 mm (8/3 in) - 20-55 30-60 - 85-100 100
4.75 mm (No 4) 0-2 0-10 0-10 10-30 10-30 85-100
2.36 mm (No 8) 0-3 0-3 - 0-10 0-40 -
2 mm (No 10) 0-3 0-5 0-10 - - -
0.300 mm (No 50) - - - 0-5 - -

Table 7.3.8: Aggregate gradation requirements for friction course mix

Sieve size Percent passing
12.5 mm (2/1 in) 100
9.5 mm (3/8 in) 95-100
4.75 mm (No 4) 30-50
2.36 mm (No 8) 5-15
0.075 mm (No 200) 0-5

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 7- Materials of Asphaltic Mixes
Table 7.3.9: Aggregate gradation requirements for stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixes

Percent passing
Sieve size
Gradation (1) Gradation (2)
19 mm (4/3 in) - 100
16 mm (5/8 in) 100 -
12.5 mm (2/1 in) 90-99 82-88
9.5 mm (3/8 in) 70-85 75 max
4.75 mm (No 4) 30-50 22-30
2.36 mm (No 8) 20-30 14-20
0.075 mm (No 200) 8-11 9-11

7.3.9 Payment:
When specified in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities,
payment will be made at the contract unit price per each item listed in the Bill of

Such prices and payments shall cover and be full compensation for equipment,
labor, tools and incidentals necessary for furnishing aggregate. Payment will be made
according to Table (7.3.10).

Table 7.3.10: Materials of asphaltic mixes pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

7.2.1 Asphalt cement grade ________ (if measured separately) Kilogram
7.2.2 Liquid asphalt grade ________ (if measured separately) Kilogram
7.2.3 Emulsified asphalt grade ________ (if measured separately) Kilogram
Chemical admixtures and asphalt modifiers (if measured
7.2.4 Kilogram
7.3.1 Aggregate gradation____________ (if measured separately) Cubic meter
7.3.2 Mineral fillers (if measured separately) Kilogram

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8.1 Scope 247
8.2 Asphalt Mixes In Urban Areas 247
8.2.1 Characteristics Of Urban Roads And Streets 247
8.2.2 Urban Areas Asphalt Work Requirements 247
8.3 Prime Coat 248
8.3.1 Description 248
8.3.2 Materials 249
8.3.3 Application Rates 249
8.3.4 Equipment 249
8.3.5 Construction 249 Surface Preparation 249 Preparation Of Asphalt Material 250 Test Sections And Selection Of Application Rates 250 Application Of Asphalt Material 250 Maintenance Of Prime Coat 251
8.3.6 Traffic Control 251
8.3.7 Weather Limitations 251
8.3.8 Measurement 251
8.3.9 Payment 252
8.4 Tack Coat 252
8.4.1 Description 252
8.4.2 Materials 252
8.4.3 Application Rates 252
8.4.4 Equipment 252
8.4.5 Construction 252 Surface Preparation 252 Preparation Of Asphalt Material 253 Test Sections And Selection Of Application Rates 253 Application Of Asphalt Material 253
8.4.6 Traffic Control 253
8.4.7 Weather Limitations 253
8.4.8 Measurement 253
8.4.9 Payment 253
8.5 Asphltic Concrete 253
8.5.1 Description 253
8.5.2 Materials 254
8.5.3 Asphaltic Concrete Mixes 254 Job Mix Formula 254 Acceptance Of Job Mix Formula 255 Job Mix Formula Requirements 255
8.5.4 Equipment 255 Mixing Plants 255 Asphalt Paving Machine 257 Rollers 257 Power Broom 258 Hand Tools 258
8.5.5 Weather Limitations 259

8.5.6 Construction 259 Preparation Of Asphaltic Materials 259 Preparation Aggregates 259 Preparation Of Asphaltic Concrete Mixture 260 Surface Preparation 262 Hauling Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures 262 Placement Of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 262 Joints 264 Compaction Of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 264 Pavement Thickness Measurement 265 Wearing Course Smoothness 265 Wearing Course Skid Resistance 266
8.5.7 Traffic Control 266
8.5.8 Work Acceptance 267 Quality Control 267 Quality Assurance 267
8.5.9 Measurements 267
8.5.10 Payment 269
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works



8.1 Scope:
This Division comprises of the requirements for asphalt work in urban area
using hot asphaltic concrete mixes. It details the specifications related to these mix
designs and construction of including surface preparation, prime and tack coating,
spreading and compacting the mixture on a prepared surface, specifying the proper
equipment for construction, controlling the traffic, and quality control, quality
assurance, acceptance, measurement, and payment requirements.

8.2 Asphalt Mixes in Urban Areas:

8.2.1 Characteristics of Urban Roads and Streets :

Roads in urban areas differ from rural areas roads in several aspects, which in
turn affect performance, design, and construction of these roads. Following are the
major differences:
1. Road network is operationally divided into freeways, arterials, collectors, local
streets, and industrial roads.
2. Existence of parking for small vehicles and trucks.
3. Existence of areas of intersections, acceleration, deceleration, stopping, and u-
4. Affected by surface and sub-surface water.
5. Existence of buried utility lines.
6. Houses and other structures are on roads and streets shoulders.

8.2.2 Urban Areas Asphalt Work Requirements:

The relationship between road class and asphalt work requirements is shown in
Tables (8.2.1) and (8.2.2), with the following considerations:

1. Asphaltic concrete of type (A) shall be used in following roads, which require
asphalt concrete with high rutting resistance and with maximum possible
nominal size aggregates for this type:

• Freeways that are passing cities or in their peripheral with high speeds and
high traffic loads.
• Arterial roads with high traffic volumes, which are characterized by frequent
signalized and un-signalized intersections, frequent acceleration,
deceleration, stopping, and turning areas.
• Roads in industrial areas and truck traffic parking areas, which are
characterized by high axle loads, low speeds, and frequent turnings.
• Collector roads, which are characterized by frequent acceleration,
deceleration, and turning areas, with high traffic loads.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

Table 8.2.1: Selection of asphalt works according to areas and road class

Road class Base course Wearing course

Urban roads and Parking Asphaltic Concrete Asphaltic Concrete
areas (Table 8.2.2) (Table 8.2.2)
Low volume roads (less than
100 vehicles per day) at Cold-mix asphalt Slurry seal or surface
remote areas and rural (Division 13) treatments (Division 10)

Table 8.2.2: Selection of asphalt concrete mixes according to road class

Type of mix (Table 8.5.2)

Road Class
Base course Wearing Course
Freeway A/B A
Arterial road A/B A
Collector road (*) A/B A/B
Local road (Residential) C C
Industrial area road A A
Truck parking area A A
Small vehicle parking area C C
(*) Type (B) is used if the traffic volume is less than fifteen hundreds (1,500) vehicles per day,
and truck traffic is less than five (5) percent.

2. Asphaltic concrete of type (B) shall be used in collector roads with low traffic
3. Asphaltic concrete of type (C) that has relatively fine gradation, shall be used in
local roads and parking areas with high traffic volume and low traffic loads.

Quality requirement for parking areas for cars and trucks presented in Division 4
shall be implemented to provide pavement resistance to oil and fuel spillage. All other
quality requirements, presented in Division 4, shall be implemented.
When the asphaltic concrete of type (A) is used in acceleration, deceleration, and
turning areas, the following additional requirements shall be implemented:
• Site specific conditions such, as temperature, traffic volumes, and aggregate
and asphalt types, shall be considered in preparing special mix design.
• Use of coarse open-graded aggregate gradation.
• Use of asphalt modifiers to provide high durable wearing and base course

8.3 Prime Coat:

This Section comprises of the execution of prime coat with the used materials,
spraying rates, and maintenance.

8.3.1 Description:
A prime coat consists of applying a coat of cutback or emulsified asphalt
material to the surface of an untreated soil or aggregate or other surfaces as shown on

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

the plans and specified in the Special Specifications. Blotter sand is used to correct
areas with excess prime coat materials.

8.3.2 Materials :

Asphalt Materials: Unless a different grade is specified in Special Specifications,

asphalt materials shall be MC-1/MC-70 or MC-2/MC-250 conforming to the
requirements in Table (7.2.2.A,B) for cutback asphalts or SS-1h or CSS-1h and shall
conform to Tables (7.2.6) or (7.2.7) for emulsified asphalt, in these General
Specifications. Emulsified asphalt may be diluted by similar amount of water to
increase the spaying rate and keeping a constant asphalt residue on the surface.

Blotter Sand: It shall be natural sand, manufactured sand, or combinations of both that
are free from organic matter or clay, having a grading consisting of one hundred (100)
percent passing the 4.75 millimeter (No. 4) sieve and not more than five (5) percent
passing the 0.150 millimeter (No. 100) sieve.

8.3.3 Application Rates:

Application rates for prime coat shall be within limits shown in Table (8.3.1).
Blotter sand shall be used, as needed, to correct the excess prime coat materials that are
more than the specified amount in the test sections.

Table 8.3.1: Application rates for prime coat materials

Material Application rate (liters per square meter)

MC1/MC-70- MC-2/MC-250 0.50 - 1.75
SS-1h/CSS-1h 0.20 - 0.50

8.3.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to complete the
work within the Contract time in accordance with his program of work as approved by
the Engineer. These equipments shall include rotary type power brooms, aggregate
spreaders, rollers, asphalt material distributors, and equipment for heating asphalt

Asphalt material shall be applied using a truck-mounted distributor capable of

uniformly spraying asphalt material full lane widths. Distributor shall be equipped with
controls for application rates and asphalt temperature.

8.3.5 Construction: Surface Preparation:

Immediately prior to application of the prime coat, the surface to receive a prime
coat, shall conform to the specified compaction and elevation tolerance and be free of
organic and other deleterious material and accepted by the Engineer. When deemed
necessary by the Engineer, the soil and aggregate surface shall receive a light
application of water to reduce the surface tension and improve penetration of the prime
into the surface.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works
Back Preparation of Asphalt Material:

The asphalt material shall be uniform throughout the distributor tank and be
heated to the application temperatures required. Recommended heating temperatures
are shown in Table (8.3.2).

Table 8.3.2: Recommended heating temperature for prime coat materials

Material type Temperature (Degrees Celsius)

MC-70/MC-1 50 - 80
MC-250/MC-2 75 - 100
SS-1h/ CSS-1h 20 - 70 Test Sections and Selection of Application Rates:

The Contractor shall construct two (2) or more test sections for each grade of
asphalt material specified for use or used and for every type of material. A test section
shall be at least three (3) meters wide by one hundred (100) meters long. Contactor
shall establish application rates for prime coat material based on the results from test

On the date scheduled or any day prior to beginning prime coating, the
Contractor shall apply two (2) or more rates of asphalt material to consecutive test
sections. When the test sections are completed, the prime coat operation shall be
stopped for a minimum of four (4) hours to allow the Engineer to assess the suitability
of the rates applied. Test sections receiving insufficient prime coat shall receive an
additional application of prime coat; test sections receiving excess prime coat shall be
blotted with sand, as required by the Engineer. Application of Asphalt Material:

The following requirements shall be considered at application of asphalt materials
and blotter sand:
1. The asphalt material coverage shall be uniform without streaking or uncoated
spots. When streaking occurs, as determined by the Engineer, the application of
asphalt material shall cease until adjustments are made to the distributor and
application procedures, which will result in elimination of streaking. Uncoated
spots shall be coated with asphalt using the hand held nozzle.
2. Asphaltic materials shall be reheated, if necessary, to temperatures within those
stated in paragraph During all reheating operations the asphalt shall be
agitated to prevent localized overheating.
3. The sprayed area shall more than thirty (30) centimeters wider than the layer to
be prime-coated or within the curbstone of sidewalks or shoulders.
4. Blotter sand, when required, shall be spread from a truck-mounted hopper
equipped with controls to deliver the sand in a uniform application at specified
rates to the surface treated with a prime coat. Sand may be spread manually on
isolated bleeding spots.
5. Traffic should not be permitted on surfaces, which have been primed until
approved by the Engineer. Remaining spots of excess asphalt shall be lightly
covered with blotter sand before constructing asphalt layers.

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Back Maintenance of Prime Coat :

The Contractor shall maintain the prime coat and coated surface until covered
with a subsequent course of material. Additional prime coat material and blotting sand
shall be applied as required by the Engineer. Except for small areas, the blotter sand
shall be sprayed from a truck-mounted hopper equipped with controls to deliver the
sand in a uniform application at specified rates. The prime coat shall be allowed to cure
for twenty-four (24) hours to penetrate the primed layer.

8.3.6 Traffic Control:

All traffic control work shall be done in accordance with the “Manual of Traffic
Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs
in 1421H (2001). Additionally, the Contractor shall implement the following:
1. Assure the safety and convenience of public traffic and protect the residents and
property owners adjacent to the project during prime coat operations.
2. Erect and maintain signs, barricades and other traffic control devices and shall
take effective action to exclude all traffic from the roadway surface for as long
as may be required in the judgment of the Engineer.
3. When traffic is restricted to a one-way basis, provide such flagmen and pilot
cars as deemed necessary for the protection of traffic and the treated surface.
4. While the construction of an asphaltic prime coat is in progress, the treated
surface of the roadway shall not be used by the Contractor or others until the
Engineer approves that the treated surface is in a good condition and will not be
damaged by traffic.
5. Detoured traffic around the construction in conformance with detailed detour
plans including layout, signing, and marking and other traffic control devices
shall be approved by the Engineer. Detours shall be properly constructed and
maintained throughout the period traffic uses the detour.
6. When it is necessary to provide for traffic crossing the prime coat before the
asphaltic material has been applied for forty-eighty (48) hours, the crossing shall
be blotted with sand to the extent approved by the Engineer before the crossing
is opened to traffic.
7. When traffic is permitted on a blotted prime coated surface, the Contractor shall
effectively limit vehicle speeds to thirty (30) kilometers per hour for the first
two (2) hours of use.
8. Necessary crossings of a prime coated surface before the asphaltic material has
been applied for forty-eighty (48) hours, shall be re-primed just prior to the
construction of the subsequent layer to the satisfaction and approval of the
9. The excess blotter sand shall be removed from the prime coated surface, and any
damage shall be repaired before constructing asphalt layers.
8.3.7 Weather Limitations:
Asphaltic material for prime coat shall not be applied to any surface when the air
and surface temperature is less than fifteen (15) degrees Celsius or during rain, dust or
sand storms.

8.3.8 Measurement:
Asphaltic material for prime coat shall be measured in square meters for the
areas sprayed within the limits shown on the plans, specified in the Special
Specifications or ordered by the Engineer. Prime coat material placed outside

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authorized limits shall not be measured. The blotter sand shall be considered subsidiary
and no measurements shall be made for payment purposes.

8.3.9 Payment:
Payment will be made for the executed and accepted work according to the measured
made. Payment will be made at the contract unit price per each item listed in the Bill of

Such prices and payments shall cover and be full compensation for furnishing all
materials, equipment, labor, tools, human resources and incidentals necessary for
completing prime coat.

8.4 Tack Coat:

This Section comprises of the execution of tack coat with the used materials and
equipment, spraying rates, and maintenance.

8.4.1 Description:
A tack coat consists of applying a coat of cutback or emulsified asphalt material
to a prepared surface, to an existing asphaltic or Portland cement concrete pavement to
be overlaid, to the surface between layers of asphaltic pavement, to bridge decks, and to
vertical edges of pavement, curbs and gutters, support side walls, bridge abutments and
other surfaces in contact with asphaltic pavement.

8.4.2 Materials :
Asphalt Materials: asphalt materials shall be RC-1/RC-70 conform to the
requirements in Table (7.2.2) for cutback asphalts or SS-1h or CSS-1h conform
to Tables (7.2.6) or (7.2.7) for emulsified asphalt types, in these General
Specifications. Emulsified asphalt may be diluted by similar amount of water to
increase the spaying rate and keeping a constant asphalt residue on the surface.

8.4.3 Application Rates:

Application rates for tack coat shall be within the limits shown in Table (8.4.1).

Table 8.4.1: Application rates for tack coat materials

Material Application rate (liter per square meter)
RC1/RC-70 0.10 - 0.30
SS-1h/CSS-1h 0.20 - 0.50

8.4.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to complete the
work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of Work as approved by
the Engineer. This equipment shall include those stated in Item 8.3.4 in the previous

8.4.5 Construction: Surface Preparation:

Immediately prior to application of the tack coat, the surface to receive a tack
coat, shall conform to specified requirements and be free of organic and other

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deleterious material and accepted by the Engineer. Where tack coat is applied to bridge
decks, joints shall be cleaned and filled as specified in the Special Specifications. Preparation of Asphalt Material:

The asphalt material shall be uniform throughout the distributor tank and be
heated to the application temperatures required. Recommended heating temperatures
are shown in Table (8.4.2).
Table 8.4.2: Recommended heating temperatures for tack coat materials
Material type Temperature (degrees Celsius)
RC1/RC-70 50 - 80
SS-1h/ CSS-1h 20 - 70 Test Sections and Selection of Application Rates:

The Contractor shall implement the requirements stated in paragraph in
the previous Section for tack coat. Application of Asphalt Material:
The Contractor shall implement the requirements stated in paragraph in
the previous Section for tack coat.
8.4.6 Traffic Control:
All traffic control works shall be done in accordance with the “Manual of
Traffic Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of Municipalities and
Rural Affairs in 1421H (2001). Additionally, the Contractor shall not allow any traffic
operation over the tack coat.
8.4.7 Weather Limitations:
Asphaltic material for tack coat shall not be applied to any surface when the air
and surface temperature is less than fifteen (15) degrees Celsius or during rain, dust or
sand storms.
8.4.8 Measurement:
Asphaltic material for tack coat shall be measured in square meters for the areas
sprayed within the limits shown on the plans, specified in the Special Specifications or
ordered by the Engineer for documentation purposes not for payment purposes.
Tack coat material placed outside authorized limits shall not be measured. The
blotter sand shall be considered subsidiary and no measurements shall be made for
payment purposes.

8.4.9 Payment:
Unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of
Quantities, payment will not be made for the tack coat work since it is considered
subsidiary to the surface preparation work.

8.5 Asphltic Concrete:

8.5.1 Description:
This Section consists of furnishing and mixing aggregate and asphalt materials
in a central mixing plant, hauling, spreading, and compacting the mixture on a prepared

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surface, in one or more bases, leveling or wearing courses, all as shown on the plans,
specified in these General Specifications, the Special Specifications, and other Contract

8.5.2 Materials :
Asphalt Materials: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact Documents,
asphalt materials shall be 40/50 or 60/70 penetration grade conforming to Tables
(7.2.1), in these General Specifications.

Aggregates: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact Documents, the

aggregate gradation shall be determined as shown in Table (7.3.4) and shall conform to
the quality requirement stated in Table (7.3.1) (types 1, 2 and 3) in these General

Mineral Filler: mineral filler shall conform to the requirement stated in Table (7.3.4) in
these General Specifications.

Chemical Admixtures and Asphalt Modifiers: The types and amounts of chemical
admixtures/asphalt modifiers used shall be limited to those listed in the Special
Specifications or proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Ministry. They shall
conform to the requirements contained in Item (7.2.4) in these General Specifications.

8.5.3 Asphaltic Concrete Mixes: Job Mix Formula:

Unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contract Documents, the asphaltic
concrete type shall be as outlined in Table (8.2.2). The Contractor shall submit, in
writing, a technical report including the Job Mix Formula (JMF) at least thirty (30) days
before the expected date of producing asphaltic concrete mixtures. The report shall
include the following:
1. The source or sources, gradations, and properties of the aggregate for each mix to
be furnished.
2. The source or sources and properties of the asphalt materials to be used for each
mix to be furnished.
3. The source or sources and properties of the asphalt modifiers for each mix to be
4. Original test data and a written certification signed and stamped by the Contractor,
that the aggregates to be furnished conforms to all of the quality requirements.
5. Original test data of the type and properties of the asphalt cement (virgin and
modified asphalt), with a written certification signed and stamped by the Contractor
and the authorized laboratory.
6. Proportions of all components in the asphalt mix.
7. Original test data and a written certification signed and stamped by the Contractor
that asphaltic concrete mix conforms to the specified requirements.
8. The type and location of plant to be used for mixing each mix to be furnished
9. The proposed beginning date for producing asphaltic mixtures.

The Contractor shall do the following:

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1. Supply the adequate amounts of aggregates, asphalt materials, and modifies to

prepare and the mix design checks.
2. Provide full access to the Ministry's Representatives to the materials stockpiling,
sampling, testing, production, and construction operations, at all times. Acceptance of Job Mix Formula:

The Ministry or its Representative shall review the JMF and all related matters
submitted by the Contractor according to the following steps:
1. Assure that the report contains all requirements. If it does not contain all required
information, it shall be returned within seven (7) days to the Contractor for further
action and resubmission by the Contractor.
2. If the proposed JMF contains all required information but fails to meet all of the
requirements specified, it shall not be accepted by the Engineer and will be returned
to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days. The Contractor shall prepare and
submit to the Engineer a revised JMF conforming to the requirements specified
3. When the revised JMF is accepted, the Engineer shall inform the Contractor about
preliminary acceptance of JMF.
4. The first-day work shall be considered as a field test control strip. It shall be
assured that mix is constructable in terms of spreading, compaction, and
smoothness level.
5. The Contractor shall not alter the methods of manufacturing, screening, mixing,
stockpiling of aggregate, or production of asphalt mixtures since this alteration will
mandate evaluation of JMF.
6. Changing JMF shall not be permitted without retesting and resubmission of a
revised JMF in accordance with all the steps in paragraph and this
paragraph. Job Mix Formula Requirements:

Unless the Special Specifications or Contract Documents state otherwise, Table
(8.2.2) shall be used as a guide to select the suitable asphaltic concrete mixes according
to the road class and parking area type. The combined aggregate gradation shall
conform to the gradation and quality requirements in JMF within the tolerances shown
in Table (8.5.1) as well as to conform to the quality requirements shown in Table
8.5.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphaltic concrete work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of
Work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall be, but not limited to, the
following: Mixing Plants:
Asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be produced in either batch plant, continuous
pug mill, or dryer-drum mixing plant. Proportioning of aggregates may be by hot or
cold feed control for the first and second types, and cold feed for the drum type, at the
option of the Contractor and the approval of the Engineer.
Feeding shall be controlled and the screening sieves shall be arranged in a way
suitable to the plant capacity and without changing aggregate gradation at production

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The dryer drum mixing plant shall be equipped with temperature meters for the
produced materials. The meter shall be precise plus or minus five (5) degrees Celsius.
All mixing plant shall conform to environmental protection requirements of the region
in terms of dust collection and disposal.

Table 8.5.1: Allowable tolerance limits for asphaltic concrete mixes

Allowable tolerances in JMF (percent)

Sieve size Base Course Wearing Course
19.0 mm (3/4 in.) ±6 ±8 ±5 ±6
12.5 mm (1/2 in.) - - ±5 ±6
9.5 mm (3/8 in.) ±6 ±8 - -
4.75 mm (No. 4) ±6 ±7 ±5 ±6
2.00 mm (No. 10) ±5 ±6 ±4 ±5
0.425 mm (No. 40) ±3 ±4 ±3 ±4
0.180 mm (No. 80) - - ±2 ±3
0.075 mm (No. 200) ± 1.5 ±2 ± 1.5 ±2
Asphalt cement ± 0.40 ± 0.40 ± 0.40 ± 0.40

I. Allowable tolerance limits for JMF and daily testing using one-sample method for evaluation.
II. Allowable tolerance limits for quality assurance procedures testing using statistical method of

Table 8.5.2: Asphaltic concrete mix quality requirements (Marshall Method)

Base course Wearing course
Property Type Type Type Type Type Type
(A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (C)
Number of compaction blows 75 75 50 75 75 50
Marshall Stability @ 60°C (kg)
1000* 750* 500* 1000* 750* 500*
minimum (*)
Flow (mm) at 60 Degree Celsius 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4
Voids Filled With Mineral
See Table (8.5.3)
Aggregate (%) minimum
Voids in mix (%) 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5
Asphalt Cement content by
3-6 3-6 3-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
weight of mix (%) (**)
Retained Strength Percent,
70 70 70 75 75 75
(*) The stability deviation at construction phase shall not be more than ±20 percent from the values
adopted in the JMF.
(**) Actual values shall be determined in the JMF.

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Table 8.5.3: Voids filled with mineral aggregate (VMA) for asphaltic concrete mixes
Minimum voids filled with mineral
Maximum nominal size in the mix
aggregate (%) *
63 mm (2.5 in.) 11
50 mm (2 in.) 11.5
37.5 mm (1.5 in.) 12
25 mm (1 in.) 13
19.0 mm (3/4 in.) 14
12.5 mm (1/2 in.) 15
9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 16
4.75 mm (No. 4) 18
2.36 mm (No. 8) 21
1.18 mm (No. 16) 23.5
(*) VMA shall be calculated based on the effective specific gravity (Gse).

When the use of natural sand or dune sand is allowed, they must be fed to the
dryer through a separate funnel, and within the allowable amount in the JMF. Asphalt Paving Machine:
All operators of the asphalt concrete paving machine shall be well acquainted to
the basic operation of the paver to produce a smooth surface free of distresses. The
paving machine shall conform to the following requirements:
1. It shall be self-propelled capable to spread asphaltic concrete mixtures in a
uniform manner with the required thickness.
2. The thickness control unit shall be adjustable from fifteen (15) to one
hundred and fifty (150) millimeter.
3. It shall contain a screed unit to control the pavement boundaries and its
thickness. It shall include a vibratory unit, leveling plate, heating device,
and automatic sensors to control feeding and horizontal and transverse
4. It shall include an infra-red heating device for leveling and sealing joints
while spreading. Rollers:
The Contractor shall furnish sufficient rollers to execute the asphaltic concrete
compaction, which shall include the following:
1-Pneumatic-Tired Roller: It shall conform to the following requirements:
1. It shall be self-propelled.
2. It shall have two (2) to seven (7) front-tires and four (4) to eight (8) rear-
tires. The tires shall be free to provide vertical vibrations. The front and
rear tires shall be staggered to provide complete coverage of the entire area
over which the roller travels with minimum overlapping of ten (10)
3. The overall weight of the roller shall be between two and seven-tenth to
three (2.7-3) tons while empty, and between thirty-two and thirty-five (32-
35) tons when filled with aggregate and wet sand.
4. It shall include a scraper to clean the tires from any adherent materials, and a
wetting arrangement for wetting the rolls to prevent adherence of the placed

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2-Steel-Tired Roller: It shall conform to the following requirements:

1. It shall have two (2) or Three (3) self-propelled steel tires with one (1) or
two (2) steering tires. The tire diameter shall be between one hundred fifty
to one hundred eighty (150-180) centimeters, and the width shall be between
fifty to sixty (50-60) centimeters. The total weight of the roller shall be
adjustable within seven and sixteen (7-16) tons using additional masses.
2. It shall include a power mechanism capable of propelling the roller smoothly
and without jerking when starting, stopping, or reversing directions.
3. It shall be in a good operational condition and free from any defect in its
steering mechanism or its tires and their axles.
4. The steering mechanism shall operate readily and permit the roller to be
directed on the alignment desired, without damaging the surface.
5. It shall include a scraper to clean the tires from any adherent materials, and a
wetting arrangement for wetting the rolls to prevent adherence of the placed

3-Steel Vibratory Roller: It shall conform to the following requirements:

1. It shall be self-propelled.
2. It shall have adjustable vibration capacity suitable to the required thickness and
roller’s speed to provide the required compaction with a leveled undamaged
surface shall operate it.
3. It shall have a minimum dead weight of two thousand (2000) kilograms.

4-Hand-Operated Steel Wheel Roller: It shall conform to the following requirements:

1. It shall be mounted on a small platform unit and shall be a smooth surfaced
steel wheel with thirty to sixty (30-60) centimeters in diameter and fifty to
seventy (50-70) centimeters in width. It shall have a combination of static
weight and dynamic force, with frequency and amplitude of the force being
2. It shall have a compaction capability for patches and pavement side to the same
level of the pavement body.

5-Vibratory Plate Compactor: It shall have an adequate weight to compact the

pavement sides and isolated patches with the same compaction level of the pavement
body. Power Broom:

Power broom shall be capable to remove the dust and other materials from the
pavement surface before spraying asphalt, and to remove the loose aggregate after the
compaction process is completed.

Power broom shall be in good operational condition before starting the work,
and shall be mechanically checked
The broom bristles must be long enough to clear the surface thoroughly for the width of
the brush. Hand Tools:

The Contractor shall furnish all hand tools required for cleaning and heating
purposes provided they are thoroughly checked before starting the pavement process.

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These tools include: rakes, shovels, hand compactors, leveling and smoothing tools,
pavement saw machines, heaters, cleaning tools, hand brooms, small vibratory
compactors, liquid asphalt painting, and all other tools that may be needed by the
Contractor to complete the work.

8.5.5 Weather Limitations:

Asphaltic concrete pavement shall not be placed on any wet or frozen surface,
during dust or sand storms, when wind or other weather conditions prevent the proper
handling of the Asphaltic mixtures or when the average surface temperatures are less
than specified in Table (8.5.4).

Table 8.5.4: Surface temperature limits for asphaltic concrete paving

Minimum average surface temperature (degree Celsius)

Compacted layer
thickness (cm) Wearing course or Base
Leveling course
Less than 3 25 20
3 to 6 20 15
6.1 to 10 Not applicable 10
More than 10 Not applicable 5

8.5.6 Construction:
Construction requirements for the work under this section shall conform to the
requirements in the following paragraph: Preparation of Asphaltic Materials:

The mixing and compaction temperatures shall be determined based on asphalt
viscosity. The required mixing temperature shall be the one at which the asphalt
viscosity is 170 ± 20 centistokes, while the compaction temperature shall be the one at
which the asphalt viscosity is 280 ± 30 centistokes.

Asphaltic materials, of penetration grade 60/70, to be used as binder for

asphaltic concrete shall be at a temperature between one hundred and forty-five to one
hundred and eighty (145-180) degrees Celsius when introduced into the mixing plant or
as necessary to obtain the required viscosity without burning the asphalt or hardening it.
Different grades of asphaltic materials shall be stored in separate tanks, transported in
separate vehicles, and shall not be mixed without the approval of the Engineer.
When asphalt modifiers are used, their use shall comply with the manufacturer's
recommendations as to their preparation, blending, and placement. Preparation Aggregates:

Aggregate shall be stored in separate stockpiles a minimum of ten (10) meters
apart or separated by walls so that various sizes are not mixed together. Any aggregate,
which has been mixed together, shall be removed and replaced with aggregate of
specified grading and quality requirements.

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Supplemental fine aggregate and mineral and chemical admixtures shall also be
stored separately in special tanks, which prevent their mixing or change in their
properties or be affected by environmental conditions.

Dust collected in skimmers, expansion chambers, and centrifugal collectors may

be returned to the aggregate without being stored separately, provided the dust is
returned uniformly at a point in advance of the sampling device in batch-mix and
continuous pugmill mixing plants or between the sampling device and the dryer-drum
mixer in dryer-drum mixing plants. The combined aggregate gradation at the time
asphaltic material is added shall conforms to the requirements specified in Item 8.5.2.
Before being fed to the dryer, aggregate shall be separated into sizes and stored in
compliance with requirements of the preparation of asphaltic concrete mixture in the
following paragraph

The various sizes of aggregate shall be fed from storage in their proper
proportions, directly to a dryer or dryer-drum mixer, using mechanical feeders and at a
rate to permit correct and uniform temperature control and mixing with asphaltic
material. Except for mixtures produced in a dryer-drum mixer, drying shall continue
for a sufficient period of time at a sufficiently high temperature so that, at the time of
spreading, the moisture content of the mixture shall not exceed one (1) percent. At the
time of spreading, mixtures produced in a dryer-drum mixer shall not contain more than
three (3) percent moisture. Preparation of Asphaltic Concrete Mixture:

Aggregates and asphaltic material for asphaltic concrete shall be proportioned in
accordance with the requirements of the approved JMF and mixed using equipment that
will produce a mixture conforming to these General Specifications and the Special

When a plant equipped with hot-feed controls is used, aggregate after drying
shall be separated into sizes as follows:
1. Three (3) or more sizes for aggregates used in asphaltic base course or wearing
course of gradation (1) or (2), and each size stored in a separate funnel.
2. Two (2) or more sizes for aggregates used in asphaltic wearing course of
gradation (3), and each size stored in a separate funnel.

Supplemental fine aggregate and mineral admixtures shall each be stored in a

separate funnel. Chemical admixtures shall be added to the asphaltic material, at a
uniform rate, in the specified amount, through the asphaltic material supply line using
an on-line blender. Each size aggregate, supplemental fine aggregate and mineral
admixture shall be delivered from storage bins, in their proper proportion, by weight or
by volume.

The combined aggregate, including supplemental fine aggregate and mineral

admixtures and asphaltic material content shall conform to the approved JMF grading
within the tolerances shown in Table (8.5.1).

The Contractor shall consider the following requirements during production of

asphaltic mixtures:

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1. When discharged from the mixing plant, the temperature of the asphaltic
concrete shall not exceed one hundred and sixty-five (165) degrees Celsius as an
approximate temperature.
2. Each material storage bin shall be equipped with a suitable, safe sampling
device which will provide a sample of the material discharged from the storage
funnel, when the Contractor elects to use batch-mixing plant.
3. Unless specified in the Special Specifications, aggregate and asphaltic material
may be manually or automatically proportioned by weight or by volume in a
manner that produces a mixture conforming to the requirements specified in
4. An automatic plant shall not be operated manually unless the automatic circuits
are malfunction to the extent that they cannot be activated by the operation of a
switch, circuit breaker, or other routine procedure.
5. When automatic batch mixing is required by the Special Specifications, or when
the Contractor selects to use an automatic batching system, the proportioning
devices shall be automatic to the extent that the only manual operation involved
in proportioning all materials for one batch shall be a single operation of a
switch or starter.
6. Asphaltic material shall be introduced into the mixer through a meter capable of
varying the rate of delivery of asphaltic material when continuous pugmill
mixing or dryer-drum mixing is used.
7. The correct proportions of each aggregate size, supplemental fine aggregate and
mineral admixture shall be drawn from storage bins by a continuous mechanical
or electrical feeder, which will supply the exact amount of aggregate in
proportion to the asphaltic material and be arranged so that each aggregate size
can be adjusted separately. Aggregate feeders and the asphaltic material pump
shall be interlocked.
8. When cold feed proportioning is used with continuous pugmill or dryer-drum
mixing, the asphaltic material feeder, each of the aggregate feeders, the
supplemental fine aggregate feeder, the mineral admixture feeder, and the
combined aggregate feeder shall be equipped with devices by which the rate of
aggregate feed can be determined while the plant is in full operation. The
combined aggregate shall be weighed using a belt scale.
9. A method of sampling shall be used that will provide a representative sample for
each size of aggregate or the combination of aggregates immediately prior to
introduction of asphaltic binder. The plant shall be equipped with devices to
permit sampling of aggregates while the plant is in full operation and be such
that the plant production rate may be determined.
10. Aggregate, supplemental fine aggregate and mineral admixtures, when used,
shall be mixed uniformly and completely and coated, when tested in accordance
with the requirements of AASHTO T-195, shall not be less than ninety-five (95)
11. When asphaltic concrete material is stored, it shall be stored in a manner that
prevents segregation of the completed mix. Asphaltic mixtures with hardened
lumps shall not be used. Any storage method that results in a mixture with
hardened lumps in it shall not be used.
12. All asphaltic concrete material placed in storage shall be used before darkness
on the day of mixing.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works
Back Surface Preparation:

The following steps shall be followed to properly prepare the surface for the
placements of asphaltic concrete layers:
1. Before placing the asphaltic concrete mixtures, the subgrade, subbase, or
aggregate base layer shall be prepared according to Divisions 5 and 6 in these
General Specifications and sprayed by prime coat.
2. When the asphaltic concrete wearing course is to be placed on an asphaltic base
course, all loose materials shall be removed from the surface and the surface
shall be cleaned by means of approved mechanical sweepers or blowers and/or
hand brooms, until it is as free from dirt as is deemed practicable and then
sprayed by tack coat. No traffic shall be permitted on the surface after it has
been prepared to receive the asphaltic material.
3. The existing pavement, base, or subgrade shall be removed through broken,
shattered, or unstable areas as shown on the plans or designated by the Engineer.
The areas shall be excavated to a depth directed by the Engineer, and refilled
with asphaltic mixture described in these specifications. When the Contract
does not provide a patching item, the unit price for the "asphaltic concrete
wearing course" mixture, as specified in the Bill of Quantities, shall be used for
such Work. The excavation required will not be paid for directly but will be
considered subsidiary to the pay items of "asphaltic concrete wearing course" as
specified in the Bill of Quantities.
4. When the asphaltic mixture is placed on a prepared Subgrade, aggregate base
layer, or previous asphaltic layers, the surfaces of these layers shall receive a
prime coat or a tack coat as specified in Sections 8.3 and 8.4.
5. When the asphaltic surface is to be constructed on a previously newly primed
base, and where deemed advisable by the Engineer, the above specified tack
coat may be eliminated. No mixture will be laid on a tack coat prior to the
approval of the Engineer. Hauling Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures:

The asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be transported to project site by strong
clean trucks with smooth steel surfaces.
The surfaces shall always be clean and free from any oil or dilutes or any materials,
which may affect the properties of, asphalt mixtures.
When necessary, the surfaces may be sprayed with a thin layer of lubricant to prevent
sticking the mixtures with the surfaces.
The transported asphaltic concrete materials shall be covered at cold times or when the
mixing plant is far away from the project site to minimize the heat loss of the mix. Placement of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement:

Asphaltic materials shall be placed as a base course, leveling course, or surface
course according to the thickness, dimension, and slopes of the individual courses
shown on the plans. Base course is defined as a layer or layers of asphaltic materials
placed on a paved or unpaved surface in preparation for placing a wearing course.

A leveling course is defined as a layer of asphaltic material used to reshape a

roadway cross-section and eliminate sags and irregularities in the longitudinal grade
line. Wearing course is defined as a layer to serve as a traffic surface. The maximum
and minimum thickness of any layer shall be constructed in accordance with limits

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

showen in Table (8.5.5). If higher thicknesses are needed, they shall be constructed in
equal layers. The maximum limit is determined by multiplying the nominal maximum
aggregate size by three (3); the minimum limit is determined by multiplying the
nominal maximum aggregate size by two (2).

Table 8.5.5: Maximum and minimum thickness limits for asphaltic concrete layers

Minimum Maximum
Asphaltic layer
thickness, cm thickness, cm
Asphaltic base course, Gradation (1) 7 10
Asphaltic base course, Gradation (2) 5 7
Asphaltic base course, Gradation (3) 4 6
Asphaltic wearing course, Gradation (1) 3.5 5
Asphaltic wearing course, Gradation (2) 3 4
Asphaltic wearing course, Gradation (3) 2.5 3

The asphaltic materials shall be dumped from the hauling equipment directly
into the self-propelled paving machine or any other specified device. The materials
may be dumped in front of the paving machine provided that the paving machine is
designed to pickup the dumped materials.

When the asphaltic materials are dumped from hauling equipment directly into
the paving machine, care shall be taken to avoid jarring the paving machine or moving
it out of alignment. No vertical load shall be exerted on the paving machine by hauling
equipment. Hauling equipment, while dumping into the paving machine, shall be
attached firmly to the paving machine.

When asphaltic materials are dumped on the surface to receive the mixture and
loaded to the paving machine, the loading equipment shall be self-supporting and not
exert any vertical load on the paving machine. Substantially all of the asphaltic
materials shall be picked up and loaded into the paving machine.

Sufficient quantities of asphaltic materials shall be delivered in a continuous

manner, using a self-propelled paving machine conforming to these General
Specifications, in a manner that the finished surface is smooth with uniform texture, no
segregation is evident, planned and specified thickness is complied with and joints are
tight and thoroughly sealed. The paving machine shall be operated at a uniform
forward speed consistent with plant production. During paving operation, stopping and
starting the paving machine and folding sidewalls of the paver hopper shall be avoided.
The condition of the self-propelled paving machine becomes not good, then Engineer,
may approve equipment other than self-propelled paving machines for placing base and
leveling courses when such other equipment produce the results specified.

All self-propelled paving machines used to spread asphaltic material, shall be

equipped with automatically actuated screed controls and sensors mounted on both
sides of the paver. The sensor shall be constructed to operate from a reference line or a
multi-footed ski-type arrangement. The automatic screed control system shall operate
at all times during spreading of asphaltic materials except under conditions, or at certain

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

locations where the Engineer deems the automatic controls impractical. Failure of the
automatic controls to function properly shall be a cause for suspension of placement of
asphaltic materials. The Contractor shall establish all reference lines as may be
necessary for the operation of automatic screed controls.

Spreading and compacting asphaltic concrete wearing courses will not be

permitted at night except when specified in the Special Specifications or approved by
the Engineer. Joints:
Whenever it is possible, longitudinal and transverse joints shall be held to the
minimum practical number.
However, when these joints are used, following requirements shall be fulfilled:
1. Longitudinal joints for each course shall be offset thirty (30) centimeters from
the joint in the immediate underlying course. Transverse joints shall be offset a
minimum of sixty (60) centimeters from the joint of the immediate underlying
2. Longitudinal joints shall be located within fifteen (15) centimeters of the
centerline of the roadway or within fifteen (15) centimeters of the centerline of
a lane.
3. The new asphaltic concrete layer shall overlap with the adjacent layers by the
maximum of five (5) centimeters or one-half (1/2) the layer thickness.
4. Transverse joints shall be formed by cutting back the first layer placed to the
full depth of the layer, removing and wasting the material, spreading new
asphaltic material in sufficient quantity to create a compacted thickness equal
to the thickness of the first layer. The joint shall be cross-rolled with one
coverage and the joint checked with a straight-edge not less than four (4)
meters in length. High points shall be removed and sags filled with additional
asphaltic material and the joint rolled a second time. The joint shall again be
checked with a straight edge, humps and sags adjusted if necessary, and rolled
until the joint is complete and compacted as specified.
5. Contact surfaces, where asphaltic concrete mixtures are placed against concrete
or curb stone and gutter, bridge abutments, retaining walls, drainage facilities, a
cold pavement joint or metal surface, shall be tack coated properly as specified
in Section 8.4 in these General Specifications. Compaction of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement:

All courses of asphaltic concrete pavement shall be spread and the initial
coverage or breakdown compaction shall be performed when the temperature of the
mixture is not less than one hundred forty (140) degrees Celsius, unless the Engineer
orders lower temperatures. All rolling shall be completed before the temperature of the
mixture drops below ninety (90) degrees Celsius.

Longitudinal joints shall be rolled first, and then rolling shall begin at the lower
edge and proceed towards the highest portion, except when compacting layers that are
thicker than nine (9) centimeters. Compaction of layers more than nine (9) centimeters
in thickness, shall begin in the middle and proceed alternately towards each edge.
When the roller is within sixty (60) centimeters of either edge, it shall proceed by

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

lapping the uncompacted mixture by not more than thirty (30) centimeters per coverage.
Coverage consists of one pass of the roller over any portion of the layer being placed.

Sufficient compaction equipment shall be provided and compaction shall

continue until each lot of asphaltic concrete pavement is compacted to an in-place
density within ninety one to ninety-five (91-95) percent of the theoretical maximum
density determined from AASHTO T-209 for all layers calculated based on three to five
(3-5) percent air voids, and the compaction level of ninety-six (96) percent of Marshall
density. At calculation the quality index required for statistical evaluation, this range
shall be widened by one (±1) percent in both sides.

The actual density shall be determined from cores, random nuclear gauge
readings, or any other non-destructive testing method. When using the nuclear gauge,
the average of three (3) random readings shall be compared with the theoretical
maximum density. The compaction level shall be evaluated based on one-sample
method for small area works, and using the statistical evaluation method for large
projects detailed in Section 17.3 in these General Specifications. Pavement Thickness Measurement:

The thickness of each course of asphaltic concrete pavement, complete as placed
and compacted, shall be measured from cores obtained from random locations. The
layer thickness shall not deviate from the specified thickness in the plans, Special
Specifications, or Contract documents by more than three (3) millimeters. The thickness
of each core shall be determined, using a set of calipers, in accordance with ASTM D-
3549. Wearing Course Smoothness:

Smoothness: The completed asphaltic wearing course shall be compacted as specified,
smooth and free from ruts, humps, depressions, or irregularities. Any ridges,
indentations, roller checking, or other objectionable marks left in the surface, as
determined by the Engineer, shall be eliminated by whatever means are necessary and
approved by the Engineer. The use of any equipment that leaves ridges, indentations or
other objectionable marks shall be discontinued. In main roads and freeways, or
between intersections that allow the test speed, the surface roughness shall be measured
by devices or methods approved by the Ministry. In short paved sections in local
streets, the straight edge shall be used for smoothness checking

Straight-Edge Method Roughness: a straight edge of four (4) meters in length is laid
on the finished surface of the asphaltic wearing course parallel with or transverse to the
centerline, in such a manner that both ends are in contact with the surface, the surface
shall have no depressions which vary more than three (4) millimeters from the lower
edge of the straight edge.

Equipment Method Roughness Measurement: surface smoothness is measured on

each lane under the wheel track using the roughness measuring device specified in the
Special Specifications. The measurement shall be made at the suitable speed to the
used device. The measurement shall be done for every one hundred (100) linear meters.
When the one-sample evaluation method is used, the average roughness value shall not
exceed one hundred and sixty (160) centimeters/kilometer according to the International

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

Roughness Index (IRI), unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications. When the
statistical method for evaluation is used, the maximum acceptable limit of roughness
shall be two hundreds (200) measured by any approved device by the Ministry
according to IRI. The one hundred (100) meter of the intersection approaches and
turning lanes shall be excluded from the roughness measurements. Bridges and culverts
with construction joints shall be also excluded. Wearing Course Skid Resistance:

In high-speed roads (higher than 60 kilometer per hour), the asphaltic wearing
course shall conform to the minimum requirement of skid resistance when tested by the
special equipment. Unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications, the minimum
acceptable limit of skid resistance according to the International Friction Index (IFI) of
the surface layer shall be thirty five (35) measured by any equipment approved by the
Ministry and calculated using the ASTM E-1960. The skid measurements shall be
made for each lane at the specified speed of the measuring device. When the surface
does not provide the minimum limit, it shall be corrected by applying a friction course
layer according to Section 11.2 in these General Specifications. The Contractor will not
be paid any compensation for this corrective work.

8.5.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective action to prevent all traffic from using the
asphaltic concrete pavement until such time as the Engineer has given approval for
traffic to use the pavement.

All traffic control work shall be done in accordance with the “Manual of Traffic
Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of Municipalities and Rural
Affairs in 1421H (2001). When the roadway being paved is open to traffic, the
following additional requirements shall apply:
1. The Contractor shall keep road intersections and ramps open at all times except
when a ramp is being paved or the paving operations cross the road intersection
or ramp. During such time, the road intersection or ramp shall be closed for the
minimum possible time period. In hot weather, the Engineer may require the
Contractor to apply water to the compacted pavement to accelerate lowering the
pavement temperature and opening to traffic.
2. Before closing a ramp or access to the roadway, warning signs shall be placed
and the detour or alternate route signs displayed.
3. During paving operations, temporary lane stripes shall be maintained throughout
the length of project open to traffic. Temporary striping shall consist of ten (10)
centimeters by thirty (30) centimeters strips of pressure sensitive tape applied to
the roadway surface at eight (8) meter intervals. The temporary stripes shall be
placed at the end of each day's paving operation, maintained and replaced until
permanent lane marking is completed.
4. When necessary to maintain one-way traffic, the Contractor shall furnish and
operate a pilot car, deploy flagmen and position all signs, markings, barricades
and other traffic control devices as needed to protect traffic during construction

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

8.5.8 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all asphaltic concrete
works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to these General
Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners as per
specifications. The Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control
system or by applying quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on
adequate number of samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept
or reject the work. Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this
purpose, unless stated otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:
The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical diagrams to ensure that the raw materials at
source, materials while work execution, asphaltic concrete produced, and the executed
work are within acceptable limits. The test may be performed at The Contractor’s
laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by the Ministry. The Contractor
shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table (8.5.6) shows the tests that
the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes, the frequency of these tests,
and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall apply all requirements detailed in Item
17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance :

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Subitem. The
Ministry has also the right to inspect all Contractors' quality control test records and
compare them with its quality assurance test done according to Division 17 in these
General Specifications.

Ministry may inspect Contractor's laboratory, devices, technical staff, and

testing methods to assure the full adequacy and capability of the Contractor to execute
the work according to standard approved methods.

8.5.9 Measurements:
The quantity of each lot and course of asphaltic concrete pavement shall be
measured by the cubic meter, as placed and compacted to the required density, within
the lines and grades, and thickness shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. No
measurement will be made for extra thickness or areas of pavement placed outside
authorized limits.
Prime coat, when placed, shall be measured as specified in Section 8.3 in this

Asphalt cement and modified asphalt cement shall be considered subsidiary to

the construction of each lot of asphaltic concrete pavement unless specifically stated in
the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities. When they are listed
separately they shall be measured in liters.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

Tack coat shall not be measured for payment purposes. Mineral fillers, chemical
admixtures and asphalt modifiers used by the Contractor to meet the Job Mix Formula
(JMF) requirements will be considered subsidiary to the construction of the asphaltic
concrete layers and will not be measured separately unless specifically stated in the
Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities. When they are listed
separately they shall be measured in liters, kilograms, or tons as specified in the Special
Specifications and as listed in the Bill of Quantities.

Table 8.5.6: Quality control requirements for asphaltic concrete mixes

Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Asphaltic Certification of compliance at start of
requirements Table 7.2.1
material supply or source change
(Table 7.2.1)
Three (3) tests on different samples from
Quality Source each source at source approval or JMF,
materials Table 7.3.1
requirements change source. Minimum of five (5) tests
Aggregates and Table
(Tables 7.3.1 on samples taken at different times every
and 7.3.4) five-thousand (5000) cubic meter for each
source at production
One (1) sample every week or when the
gradation (dry AASHTO T-27 Table 7.3.4
source or mix properties change
One (1) sample every week or when the
gravity, kg/m3, AASHTO T-19 Table 7.3.1
mix properties change
Los Angeles One (1) sample every month or when the
AASHTO T-96 Table 7.3.1
Abrasion mix properties change
Sand equivalent
Material at of One (1) sample every week or when the
for passing AASHTO T-176 Table 7.3.1
use project mix properties change
Sieve No. 4
Sodium or One (1) sample every month or when the
AASHTO T-104 Table 7.3.1
Magnesium mix properties changed
Fracture faces
for retained on One (1) sample every month or when the
ASTM D-5821 Table 7.3.1
Sieve No. 8 source is changed
(two faces)
One (1) sample every five hundred (500)
AASHTO T-27 cubic meter or a day work, whichever is Table 8.5.1
Project minimum for each layer
Asphalt site or One (1) sample every five hundred (500)
Mix Asphalt content mixing cubic meter or a working day, whichever is Table 8.5.1
plant minimum for each layer
AASHTO T- One (1) test every working day for each
Marshall Test 209/245/269
Table 8.5.2
asphaltic concrete mixing plant
Minimum one (1) test every one thousand paragraph
Compaction ASTM D-2726
(1000) square meters from each layer
Minimum one (1) test every one thousand paragraph
Thickness ASTM D-3549
(1000) square meters from each layer
Road Skid resistance
Approved site paragraph
for wearing Skid resistance test for each working day
Surface Approved Straight edge or a device for each working paragraph
smoothness device day
Level, Transverse segments every twenty-five
dimensions, Contract Project (25) meters or five segments every one Contract
slopes, and documents site thousand (1000) meters, whichever the documents
smoothness maximum

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 8- Asphaltic Concrete Works

8.5.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per cubic meter measured as described above for each grading and class of asphaltic
concrete base, leveling and wearing courses listed in the Bill of Quantities.
The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for furnishing
labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing all work
involved in construction of asphaltic concrete pavement. Payment will be made
according to Table (8.5.7).

Table 8.5.7: Asphaltic concrete pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

8.3.1 Prime coat Square meter
8.4.1 Tack coat (if measured separately) Square meter
8.5.1 Asphaltic concrete base course type _____ gradation_____ Cubic meter
Asphaltic concrete wearing course type _____
8.5.2 Cubic meter
8.5.3 Asphalt cement (if measured separately) Kilogram
Chemical admixtures and asphalt modifiers (if measured
8.3.4 Kilogram
8.5.5 Mineral fillers (if measured separately) Kilogram

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9.1 Scope 273

9.2 Hot-Mix Recycling 273
9.2.1 Description 273
9.2.2 Materials 273
9.2.3 Recycled Asphaltic Concrete Mixes 274 Job Mix Formula 274 Acceptance Of Job Mix Formula 275
9.2.4 Equipment 276 Cold Milling Machine 276 Heater And Scarifier 276 Crushers 276 Mixing Plants 276 Spreaders 277 Rollers 277
9.2.5 Weather Limitations 277
9.2.6 Construction 277 Central Plant Mixing 277 In-Site Mixing 278 Surface Smoothness 278 Determining Aggregate Gradation And Asphalt Content In
Recycled Mixes 278
9.2.7 Traffic Control 279
9.2.8 Work Acceptance 279 Quality Control Procedures 279 Quality Assurance Procedures 280
9.2.9 Measurements 280
9.2.10 Payment 280
9.3 Cold-Mix Recycling 282
9.3.1 Description 282
9.3.2 Materials 282
9.3.3 Job Mix Formula 282 Proposing Job Mix Formula 282 Acceptance Of Job Mix Formula 283
9.3.4 Equipment 283
9.3.5 Weather Limitations 283
9.3.6 Construction 283 Pulverization 283 Mixing 283 Placing And Compaction 284 Surface Leveling 284
9.3.7 Traffic Control 284
9.3.8 Work Acceptance 284 Quality Control 285 Quality Assurance 285
9.3.9 Measurements 285
9.3.10 Payment 285
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling


9.1 Scope:
The asphalt pavement recycling means producing new asphaltic mixes that
comprise aggregate obtained from an old asphalt pavement and from new added
aggregate, the asphalt binder from an old asphalt pavement and fresh asphalt, and
recycling agent for the old asphalt if needed. This technology is used to preserve the
natural resources and pavement construction and maintenance funds saving. It helps
also in environment protection. Asphalt pavement recycling has several advantages
such as: upgrading the structural capacity of the existing pavement by adding small
thickness, correcting some pavement distresses such as rutting, shoving, and cracking,
treatment of some asphalt mixes, and providing economical solution for reconstruction.

Asphalt recycled mixes are divided into two types: hot-mix recycling (asphaltic
concrete) and cold-mix recycling. Based on production, they are divided into central
plant mixing and on-road mixing using mobile mixing plant; and based on depth; they
are divided into surface recycling up to fifty (50) millimeters and deep recycling for
more than fifty (50) millimeters.

9.2 Hot-Mix Recycling:

9.2.1 Description:
This Section consist of furnishing and mixing new aggregate, pulverized
asphaltic concrete pavement, asphaltic material and asphaltic recycling agent, heating
and mixing these components, hauling, spreading, and compacting the mixture on a
prepared surface, all as shown on the plans, specified in these General Specifications or
the Special Specifications.

This Section is applied only when the reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)
exceeds twenty (20) percent of the total aggregate weight. The recycled asphaltic
concrete containing RAP shall conform to the gradation and quality requirements
specified in Section 8.5 in these General Specifications wherever it is used in pavement
layers. The recycled asphalt concrete mixes shall be produced in suitable mixing plants
which raises the RAP's temperature without damaging it or affecting the environment
and controlling the basic prosperities of the final product.

9.2.2 Materials:
Added Asphalt Materials: It shall be asphalt cement material conforming to the
quality requirements specified in Tables (7.2.1) in these General Specifications.

New Aggregate: It shall conform to the quality requirements specified in Table (7.3.1)
(types 1, 2, and 3) in these General Specifications.

Mineral Filler: Mineral filler shall conform to the requirements specified in Tables
(7.3.2) and (7.3.3) in these General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
RAP: RAP for hot-mix recycled Asphaltic Concrete shall consist of asphaltic concrete
pavement, which has been pulverized or crushed (without being ground), and reduced,
in size to the requirements shown in table (9.2.1).

Table 9.2.1: Gradation requirement of aggregate in RAP

Sieve Size Percent Passing

37.5 mm (1.5 inch) 100
25 mm (1 inch) 90-100

Asphalt-Recycling Agent: Hot-mix recycling agent shall be from asphaltic origin and
shall conform to the requirements listed in Table (9.2.2) or as specified in the Special

Chemical Admixtures and Asphalt Modifiers: The types and amounts of chemical
admixtures/asphalt modifiers used shall be limited to those listed in the Special
Specifications or proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Ministry. They shall
conform to the requirements specified in Item 7.2.4 in these General Specifications.

Table 9.2.2: Recycling agent requirements according to ASTM D 4522

Low High
Property Test
Grade Grade
(RA5) (RA25)
Viscosity @ 60 °C, (cSt) AASHTO T-202 200-800 1000-4000
Flash Point, C.O.C., (°C) minimum AASHTO T-48 219 219
Saturates by weight (%), Maximum ASTM D 2007 30 Max. 30 Max.
Tests on Residue From Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) @ 60°C according to
Tests on Residue from Thin Film Oven (TFO) Oven @ 163 °C according to
Weight change, (%), Maximum - 4.0 3.0
Viscosity Ratio, Maximum (See Note) - 3.0 3.0
Note: Viscosity Ratio = RTFO Residue Viscosity @ 60 °C, cSt) / (Viscosity of the Original Material @

9.2.3 Recycled Asphaltic Concrete Mixes: Job Mix Formula:

Unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contract Documents, the asphaltic
concrete type shall be prepared according to Item 8.5.3 in these General Specifications
and according to hot-mix recycling Asphalt Institute Series Manual (MS-20), with the
following considerations:

RAP: One test for the asphalt content, gradation, and reclaimed asphalt penetration
shall be done for every one thousand (1000) cubic meter of RAP, with minimum of five
(5) tests in all cases.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Added Aggregate: The added aggregate, when blended with the RAP, shall conform to
all quality requirements specified in Table (7.3.1) (types 1, 2, 3) in these General
Specifications. The gradation shall be determined with the RAP according to the
targeted gradation.

Asphalt Materials: Type, grade, and quantity of asphaltic material, and recycling agent
(when used), shall be determined according to the following criteria:
• It must help to conform the specific requirements of Asphaltic mixture.
• The combined asphaltic material in the final mixture shall have a penetration not
less than forty-five (45) and not greater than fifty-five (55). The variation in
penetration, at production, shall be within plus or minus five (5) units.
The Contractor shall furnish and submit a technical report including the JMF prepared
by an skilled agency approved by the Ministry. The report shall include, but not limited
to, the following:
• The originals of the laboratory test results on the mix.
• The originals of the laboratory test results on the RAP and added
• The percentage of RAP to be used, by total weight of mix.
• The percentage of added aggregate to be used, by total weight of mix.
• The gradation of added aggregate to be blended with the RAP and the
gradation of the final aggregate.
• The type, penetration, or viscosity, and percent of asphaltic material to be
added, by total weight of mix.
• The type, penetration, or viscosity, and percent of recycling agent to be
added, by total weight of mix.
• The penetration or viscosity of the final asphaltic material to be used in
the mix.
• The type and amount of mineral filler, chemical admixture, and asphalt
modifier to be added by total weight of mix.
• The type and location of plants to be used for mixing each mix to be
• Construction method.
• The proposed beginning date for producing hot-mix recycled asphaltic
concrete mixtures.
The Engineer shall be provided access to the materials sampling and testing operations
at all times. Acceptance of Job Mix Formula:

The Ministry shall review the JMF and all related matters, shown in previous
Sub item, submitted by the Contractor according to the following steps:
1. Assure that the report contains all requirements. If it does not contain all required
information, it shall be returned within seven (7) days to the Contractor for further
action and resubmission by the Contractor.
2. If the proposed JMF contains all required information but fails to meet all of the
requirements specified, it shall not be accepted by the Engineer and will be returned
to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days. The Contractor shall prepare and
submit to the Engineer a revised JMF conforming to the requirements specified.
3. The fist-day work shall be considered as a field control strip. It shall be assured
that mix is constructible in terms of spreading, compaction, and smoothness level.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
The Contractor shall not alter the methods of manufacturing, screening, mixing,
stockpiling of aggregate, or production of asphalt mixtures since this alteration will
mandate evaluation of JMF.
Changing JMF shall not be permitted without retesting and resubmission of a proposed
(revised) JMF in accordance with all the steps in Sub-item

9.2.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish suitable equipment to execute the recycling work.
The number and the production capacity of this equipment shall be within the Contract
time in accordance with his Program of Work as approved by the Engineer. This
equipment shall be, but not limited to, the following: Cold Milling Machine:

The cold milling equipment shall be self-propelled, equipped with a rotating
cutting cylinder and replaceable cutting teeth and be of such size and capacity as may
be required to perform the milling work in accordance with required depth. The
equipment shall have a water tank, pump and spray bar for applying cooling water to
the teeth during cutting and for control of dust. The cold milling machine shall be
equipped with an electronically controlled leveling device which will produce the grade
and cross-slope specified, and it shall be able to ride-over obstacles such as manhole
covers. Heater and Scarifier:

The equipment used to heat and scarify the asphaltic surface shall be self-
propelled, equipped to burn liquid petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas. Diesel fuel shall
not be allowed. The combustion chamber shall be insulated to avoid the flame to
contact the asphalt rear wheel positioned, and equipped with calibrated burners which is
capable of heating the asphaltic surface to a temperature of one hundred and fifty (150)
degrees Celsius plus or minus ten (±10) degrees Celsius to a depth between twenty and
thirty (20-30) millimeters. The machine shall be equipped with two (2) rows of spring-
equalized scarifier-leveling rakes which will automatically ride over obstructions in the
surface such as man-hole covers. Additional heater units, without scarifier rakes, shall
be operated in advance for preliminary heating. Heater-scarifying equipment shall be
capable of being adjusted to heat widths between two and four (2-4) meters. Crushers:
Big lumps RAP shall be crushed, using special crushers to obtain the required
gradation. Mixing Plants:

Mixing plants shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 8.5 in these
General Specifications. The plants shall be equipped with devices to raise the RAP
temperature by induction with the added aggregates without contacting the flame.
These plants may be a batch plant, continuous mix pugmill, or dryer-drum mixing plant.
Plants shall be equipped with controls to feed the RAP to pugmill or drum directly
within the allowable limits. Spreaders:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Asphalt spreader, whether independent or attached to heating and scarifier unit,
shall conform to all requirements specified in Section 8.5 in these General
Specifications, and shall be self-propelled and capable to control the levels and slopes. Rollers:
All used pneumatic or steel wheels rollers shall conform to all requirements
specified in Section 8.5 in these General Specifications, and shall be capable to compact
the pavement to the required density in a fast and easy manner. It shall be self-
propelled and equipped with scraper to clean the tires from any adherent materials and
steering mechanism shall operate readily and permit the roller to be directed on the
alignment desired.

Roller shall have a capacity and weight compatible with the thickness of the
layers to be constructed.

Hand-operated rollers may be used provided they have adequate weight to

compact the pavement sides to the same level of the pavement body.

9.2.5 Weather Limitations:

Weather limitations specified in Item 8.5.5 in these General Specifications shall
be applied.

9.2.6 Construction: Central Plant Mixing:

When the central plant mixing is used, the following considerations shall be
1. The exact locations of the areas to be recycled along with the respective
thicknesses thereof shall be determined and delineated by the Engineer
immediately prior to the start of the Work.
2. Surface to be recycled shall be cleaned from untreated base soils and other
deleterious materials.
3. The existing asphaltic pavement layer shall be removed in such a manner as
to prevent the mixing of the asphalt-bound materials with soils and other
deleterious materials, or damage the remaining pavement course or sublayers
(base, subbase, or subgrade). The surface shall be smooth conforming to the
required levels and slopes.
4. The surface shall be thoroughly checked before placing the asphaltic
concrete. If the Contractor finds and defect on the surface or in the sub
layers, he shall inform the Engineer, in writing, detailing the extent of the
problem, it possible causes, and the remedy method. Defect found due to the
Contractor’s removal operations, as determined by the Engineer, shall be
repaired by the Contractor at his own expense and prior to the placement of
the recycled layer. Deficient parts of base course or subgrade that are to be
restored, as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer prior to start of
the removal operations, shall be repaired and paid for separately as specified
in the pertinent sections of the Contract documents and Bill of Quantities.
5. RAP materials shall be reduced, without grinding the aggregates, to a size
smaller than thirty seven and one half (37.5) millimeters as specified in Item
9.2.1 in this Section.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
6. RAP materials shall not be exposed to flame for heating or mixing purpose
at any time.
7. Reclaimed aggregate, after being reduced to the required size and prior to
their use in the recycled mixture, shall be segregated into two sizes: course
retained on No. 4 sieve (4.75 millimeter), and fine passing a No. 4 sieve
(4.75 mm), when using central plant mixing.
8. The used mixing plant shall be suitable to feed all mix components at their
proportions in the JMF, and heating the RAP to the required temperature by
heat transfer with the added aggregates so as not to damage the asphalt
binder, and be capable to produce uniform asphaltic concrete conforming to
the specifications In-Site Mixing:

When the recycling construction is-site mixing is selected, the asphaltic concrete
shall be done in layers suitable to the maximum size aggregate as specified in Table
(8.5.5) in these General Specifications. When the work requires construction in layers,
the top layers shall be removed and properly stored, then the bottom layer is scarified or
milled, heated, and mixed with other components specified in the JMF, then the top
layer shall be brought, heated, mixed, spread, and compacted. This process is repeated
for other layers.

If approved by field trail to obtain asphaltic concrete conforming to the

specifications, the added aggregates and asphalt cement may be mixed in central plant,
then hauled the mixture and mix it with RAP by a mobile mixing plant after heating and
adding the recycling agent. It may also be applicable to spread the aggregate, cold or
hot, coated or uncoated, before the scarifier, so that it collects it and mixes it with RAP
and conveys it to mobile mixing plant. The recycling agent may be sprayed, at the
predetermined amount, before or after pavement removal, while stockpiling, or while
mixing provided it serves the purpose of its utilization. Surface Smoothness:

The recycled asphaltic concrete wearing course shall conform to the
requirements specified in Sub item in these General Specifications. Determining Aggregate Gradation and Asphalt Content in Recycled Mixes:

The asphaltic concrete aggregate gradation and asphaltic content will be
sampled, tested and evaluated in accordance AASHTO T-164. The asphalt penetration
or viscosity is determined by Abson method according to AASHTO T-170. The limit
for payment purposes are as follows:

1. Aggregate gradation: The upper and lower specification limits are the
approved JMF target values plus or minus the allowable deviations shown in
Table (8.5.1) multiplied by one plus the ratio of reclaimed asphalt pavement
(RAP) material to the total mixture. Round to the nearest percent except for the
0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve that is rounded to the nearest 0.10%.
Example: If thirty percent (30%) of the mixture is reclaimed asphalt pavement
material, then all allowable deviation from target value for percent of aggregate
passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve is 2x (1.30) = 2.6%. Use plus 0.3% and
minus 0.3% from the approved JMF target value for percent passing the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling

2. Asphaltic material content. The upper and lower specification limits are
the approved job-mix formula target value ±0.4 x (1 + the ratio of the
reclaimed asphalt pavement material to the total mixture rounded to the
nearest 0.10%).
Example: If thirty percent (30%) of the mixture is reclaimed asphalt
pavement material, then the allowable deviation from target value for
percent asphalt content is 0.4x(1.30) = 0.52%. Use plus 0.5% and minus
0.5% from approved JMF target value for asphaltic material content.

3. Asphaltic penetration. The minimum allowable limits are equal to the

approval JMF plus or minus fifteen (15) units.

9.2.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective action to allow safe traffic operations when
using the recycling work as specified by Item 8.5.7 in these General Specifications.

9.2.8 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all recycled asphaltic
concrete works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control Procedures:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, recycled asphaltic concrete
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by
the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (9.2.3) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall
submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in
Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance Procedures:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item
The Ministry has also the right to inspect all Contractors' quality control test records
and compare them with its quality assurance test done according to Division 17 in these

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
General Specifications. Ministry may inspect Contractor's laboratory, devices,
technical staff, and testing methods to assure the full adequacy and capability of the
Contractor to execute the work according to standard approved methods.

9.2.9 Measurements:
The quantity of each lot and course of hot-mix recycled asphaltic concrete
pavement shall be measured by the cubic meter or as stated in Special Specifications, as
placed and compacted to the required density, within the lines and grades, and thickness
shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. No measurement will be made for
extra thickness or areas of pavement placed outside authorized limits.

Asphalt cement and modified asphalt cement shall be considered subsidiary to

the construction of each lot of asphaltic concrete pavement unless specifically stated in
the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities. When they are listed
separately they shall be measured in liters.

Hot-mix asphaltic recycling agent shall not be measured separately unless

specifically stated in the Special Specifications and the item is listed in the Bill of
Quantities, in which case it will be measured in liters.

Mineral fillers, chemical admixtures and asphalt modifiers used by the

Contractor to meet the Job Mix Formula (JMF) requirements will be considered
subsidiary to the construction of the asphaltic concrete layers and will not be measured
separately unless specifically stated in the Special Specifications and listed in the Bill of
Quantities. When they are listed separately they shall be measured as in the specific
specifications Section 8.3.
Prime coat shall be measured as specified in Section 8.2, in these General
Specifications. Tack coat shall not be measured for payment purposes.

9.2.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per cubic meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each grading and class
of recycled asphaltic concrete listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, payment will be made
according to Table (9.2.4).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Table 9.2.3: Quality control requirements for hot-mix recycling
Sample Requirement
Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency
location s
Quality Certification of
requirements compliance and supply Table 7.2.1
tests and source change
Three (3) tests at start of
New Aggregates requirements Table 7.3.1
work or source change
Quality Certification of
requirements compliance at start of Table 9.2.1
Raw agents
tests Source work or source change
AASHTO T- Three (3) tests at start of Item 9.2.2
27 work or source change (RAP)
Quality Certification of
Mineral Filler Contract
requirements compliance and supply
tests and source change
Chemical Quality Certification of
admixture and requirements compliance and supply Table 7.3.2
modifiers tests and source change
Aggregate AASHTO One (1) test every five
gradation T-164/T-27 hundred (500) ton
produced or for each JMF
Asphalt content working day whichever
Material at project the minimum
use Viscosity of the AASHTO T- site One (1) test every five
asphalt materials 201 thousand (5000) ton
Penetration of produced or for each JMF
the asphalt working day whichever
materials the minimum
Minimum one (1) test
AASHTO T- Sub item
Compaction every 1000 cubic square
meters from each layer
Minimum one (1) test
ASTM D Sub item
Thickness Project every 1000 cubic square
Road 3549
site meters from each layer
Five (5) measuring per
Surface Approved day or thousand (1000) Sub item
roughness device meter whichever the
minimum for each lane.
Transverse segments
every 25 meters or five
dimensions, Contract Project Contract
Finishing segments every 1000
slopes, and documents site documents
meters, whichever the

Table 9.2.4: Hot-mix recycling pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units
9.2.1 Hot-mix recycling type __________ gradation ___________ Cubic meter

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
9.3 Cold-Mix Recycling:

9.3.1 Description:
This Section consist of furnishing and mixing new aggregate, pulverized
asphaltic concrete pavement, asphaltic material (emulsified and non-emulsified) and/or
asphaltic recycling agent, mixing these components, hauling, spreading, and
compacting the mixture on a prepared surface, all as shown on the plans, specified in
these General Specifications or the Special Specifications. The recycled pavement, by
this method, is used in asphaltic concrete base course in the same site or different sites.
These base layers shall be covered by a surface treatment or an asphaltic wearing
course. There are two construction methods:

1. In-place cold-mix recycling: it is used at roads with low traffic volumes or in

remote areas away form central mixing plants.
2. Cold-mixing in central mixing plant: it is used when high production rates and
precise control are required.

9.3.2 Materials:
The cold-mix containing RAP shall conform to the materials requirements for
cold mixes specified in Section 7.2 and Section 7.3 in these General Specifications,
unless otherwise specified in Contract Documents. These requirements shall include
the following:

RAP: RAP shall be pulverized or crushed (without being ground), and reduced, in size
so that all particles pass one hundred (100) percent from sieve size thirty-seven and one
half (37.5) millimeters.

New Aggregate: When specified in the Special Specifications or required by the Job
Mix Formula, new aggregate shall be blended with RAP. The new aggregate, when
combined with the RAP materials, shall conform to the fracture, gradation and quality
requirements as necessary to produce the specified base course

Asphalt Materials: The types and grades of asphaltic materials shall conform to the
grade listed in the Special Specifications and requirements specified in the Tables
(7.2.2) through (7.2.5) in these General Specifications.

Asphalt-Recycling Agent: Recycling agent shall conform to the requirements listed in

Table (9.2.2) or as specified in the Special Specifications. Test results and Certificate
of Compliance shall be submitted with each shipment of the recycling agent.

9.3.3 Job Mix Formula: Proposing Job Mix Formula:

The procedure outlined in Sub item shall be followed for proposing the
JMF. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposed method of operation
and test data confirming that the aggregate will conform to all specified fracture,
gradation and quality requirements.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Back Acceptance of Job Mix Formula:
The revision and acceptance of the cold-mix recycled asphaltic mixture job mix
formula shall be in accordance with Sub item

9.3.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish suitable equipment to execute the recycling work.
The number and the production capacity of this equipment shall be within the Contract
time in accordance with his Program of Work as approved by the Engineer, and shall
include equipment detailed in Item 9.2.4 in this Division.

9.3.5 Weather Limitations:

Cold mix recycled asphaltic materials shall not be mixed or placed during
rainfall, dust or sand storms, when the ambient temperature is less than five (5) degrees
Celsius or when weather conditions prevent specified mixing and compaction

9.3.6 Construction:
The exact locations of the areas to be recycled along with the respective thicknesses
thereof shall be determined and delineated by the Engineer immediately prior to the
start of the Work. The construction process shall involve pulverization, mixing, and
compaction. Pulverization:
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer prior to the start of the work the
proposed pulverization method for the existing pavement and the addition and mixing in
place of any required new aggregate and new asphalt or recycling agent. The resultant
mixture shall be spread, compacted, and finished.

The Contractor shall pulverize the existing pavement to the required size and
shall add any amount of new aggregate and asphalt required by JMF.

Undesirable contamination of the reclaimed materials with underlying untreated

base course or subgrade materials, clay, silt, or other deleterious matter shall not be
accepted. Should such undesirable contamination occur, as determined by the Engineer,
the materials shall be discarded as directed and shall be replaced with new approved
materials, all at the Contractor’s expense. Mixing :
Mixing asphaltic materials and/or recycling agent with RAP shall be uniform using
any of the following methods:
1. The asphaltic material and/or recycling agent may be applied through the
machine used to cold mill the asphaltic surface as a part of the liquid used to
cool the cutter teeth, provided it is applied uniformly across the width of cut
and results in a complete and uniform blending of all materials.
2. The asphaltic material and/or recycling agent may be applied through a
mixing machine capable of mixing a windrow of RAP and other materials on
the road side.
3. The asphaltic material and/or recycling agent may be added through a
paving machine that is capable of mixing and placing the recycled asphaltic
base in its final position for compacting.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
4. The cold mix recycled asphaltic base may be produced using a continuous
operation consisting of an interconnected cold milling device, portable
crusher mounted on a trailer, cold mixing pugmill mounted on a trailer,
paving machine, materials transfer belts for moving the materials from
milling equipment through to the paving machine and compaction
equipment. When new aggregates are required they shall be spread
uniformly at the approved quantity on the road surface in advance of the
cold milling machine.

Regardless of which method is used, mixing equipment shall have accurately meter
the planned amount of asphaltic material and/or recycling agent into the RAP and

When directed by the Engineer, water shall be added to the RAP to facilitate
uniform mixing with asphaltic materials. Water may be added prior to or concurrently
with adding the asphaltic materials, as approved by the Engineer. Placing and Compaction:

The recycled mixture shall be compacted using pneumatic or steel-drum tandem
roller (vibratory or normal) until the compacted density of recycled mixture is at least
ninety-six (96) percent from the Marshall laboratory compacted specimen determined
from ASTM D 2726.

After the recycled mixture has been spread and compacted, it shall be allowed to
cure for at least three (3) days to reduce the moisture content prior to placing a wearing
surface. Additional curing time may be required by the Engineer in the event that the
recycled mixture becomes wet during rainfall. Any damage to the recycled mixture
shall be repaired by and at the Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. Surface leveling:

After each working day, the final surface after completion of compaction shall
tested for leveling, and shall have no depressions under a four (4) meter straightedge
greater than three (6) millimeters when laid parallel or transverse to the centerline.

9.3.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective action to allow safe traffic operations when
using the recycling work as specified by Item 8.5.7 in these General Specifications.

9.3.8 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all cold-mix recycled
asphaltic concrete works to assure that the materials used and the executed work
conform to these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control :
The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, cold-mix recycled asphaltic
concrete produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may
be performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved
by the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (9.3.1) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall
submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in
Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance :

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item. The
Ministry has also the right to inspect all Contractors' quality control test records and
compare them with its quality assurance test done according to Division 17 in these
General Specifications. Ministry may inspect Contractor's laboratory, devices,
technical staff, and testing methods to assure the full adequacy and capability of the
Contractor to execute the work according to standard approved methods.

9.3.9 Measurements:
The quantity of each lot and course of cold-mix recycled asphaltic pavement
shall be measured by the cubic meter, as placed and compacted to the required density,
within the lines and grades, and thickness shown on the plans or directed by the
Engineer. No measurement will be made for extra thickness or areas of pavement
placed outside authorized limits.

Cold-mix asphaltic recycling agent shall not be measured separately unless

specifically stated in the Special Specifications and the item is listed in the Bill of
Quantities, in which case it will be measured in liters.

9.3.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per cubic meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each grading and class
of recycled asphaltic concrete listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction of asphaltic concrete pavement. Payment will be made
according to Table (9.3.2).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 9 - Recycling
Table 9.3.1: Quality control requirements for cold-mix asphaltic concrete mixes

Test Sample
Work Properties Sampling frequency Requirements
Method location
Quality Certification of compliance
Asphaltic Tables 7.2.2.A
requirements and supply and source
material to 7.2.5
tests change
New Three (3) tests at start of
requirements Table 7.3.1
Raw Aggregates work or source change
tests Source
Quality Certification of compliance
requirements and supply and source Table 9.2.1
tests change
AASHTO T- Three (3) tests at start of Item 9.3.2
27 work or source change (RAP)
Aggregate AASHTO T-
two (2) tests every 2000
Material gradation 164/T-27 Project
square meters from each JMF
at use Asphalt AASHTO T- site
layer or each working day
content 164/T-170
Minimum one (1) test every
Compactio ASTM D Sub item
1000 cubic square meters
n 2726
from each layer
Project Minimum one (1) test every
Road ASTM D Contract
Thickness site 1000 cubic square meters
3549 documents
from each layer
Surface Straight edge for each Sub item
roughness working day
Level, Transverse segments every
dimensions, Contract Project 25 meters or five segments Contract
slopes, and documents site every 1000 meters, documents
smoothness whichever the maximum

Table 9.3.2: Cold-mix recycling pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

9.3.1 Cold-mix recycling type __________ gradation ___________ Cubic meter

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10.1 Scope 289

10.2 Single And Multiple Surface Treatments 289
10.2.1 Description 289
10.2.2 Materials 289
10.2.3 Recycled Asphaltic Concrete Mixes 290 Job Mix Formula Proposal 290 Acceptance Of Job Mix Formula 290
10.2.4 Equipment 291 Asphalt Sprayer 291 Aggregate Spreaders 291 Pneumatic Rollers 291
10.2.5 Application Rates For Asphaltic Material 291
10.2.6 Weather Limitations 292
10.2.7 Traffic Control 292
10.2.8 Construction 293 Surface Preparation For Asphaltic Surface Treatments 293 Application Temperatures For Asphaltic Material 294 Calibration And Adjustment Of The Distributor 294 Production Start-Up Procedures For Surface Treatment 294 Procedures For Pre-Coating 294 Procedures For Applying Asphaltic Materials 295 Procedures For Spreading Aggregate Screenings 295 Adding Asphaltic Material And Aggregate Screenings 295 Correction Of Defects 295 Calculation Of Asphalt Content And Aggregate
Gradation 297
10.2.9 Surface Maintenance And Facility Protection 297
10.2.10 Work Acceptance 297 Quality Control 298 Quality Assurance 298
10.2.11 Measurements 299
10.2.12 Payment 299
10.3 Slurry Seal And Micro-Surfacing 300
10.3.1 Description 300
10.3.2 Materials 300
10.3.3 Job Mix Formula 301
10.3.4 Equipment 301 Slurry Seal/Micro-Surfacing Mixing Machine 302 Slurry Seal/Micro-Surfacing Spreading Machine 302
10.3.5 Weather Limitations 303
10.3.6 Traffic Control 303
10.3.7 Construction 303
10.3.8 Surface Skid Resistance 304
10.3.9 Work Acceptance 304 Quality Control Procedures 304 Quality Assurance Procedures 304
10.3.10 Measurements 305
10.3.11 Payment 305
10.4 Fog Seal 306
10.4.1 Description 306
10.4.2 Materials 306
10.4.3 Application Rates 306
10.4.4 Equipment 306
10.4.5 Construction 306 Surface Preparation 306 Preparation Of Asphalt Material 306 Test Sections 307 Application Of Asphalt Material And Blotter Sand 307 Maintenance Of Fog Seal Layer 307
10.4.6 Traffic Control 307
10.4.7 Weather Limitations 307
10.4.8 Work Acceptance 308 Quality Control 308 Quality Assurance 308
10.8.9 Measurements 308
10.4.10 Payment 309
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments


10.1 Scope:
This Division consists of furnishing and construction surface treatments using
asphalt or asphalt-aggregate mixes for less than twenty-five (25) millimeter layers. It
specifies the requirements for materials, equipment, and construction methods.
Surfaces treatments usually don not increase the structural adequacy of the pavement,
but they provide protection to it. Surface treatments are prepared in central mixing
plants or mixed directly on roads.

Surface treatments are used for: seal coat for low volume roads of less that one
hundred (100) vehicles per day, seal coat for roads in remote areas which is difficult to
have central plants, provide temporary asphalt layer over a new asphalt base course,
provide a skid resistant surface, provide tack coat between asphaltic concrete layers,
provide water-proof layer over the asphaltic layers, rejuvenate old asphalt surfaces, seal
pavement cracks, and as dust palliative. This Division contains the following surface
1. Prime coat: It shall be constructed according to Section 8.3 in these General
2. Tack coat: It shall be constructed according to Section 8.3 in these General
3. Single and multiple surface treatments.
4. Slurry seal/Micro-surfacing.
5. Fog seal.

10.2 Single and Multiple Surface Treatments:

10.2.1 Description:
This Section consists of placing single or double applications of asphaltic
material and aggregate screenings over a stable surface which capable to the expected
traffic. This surface may be base or subbase layers or existing road surface.

10.2.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: It shall be one of the following:
1. Asphalt cement (modified or unmodified) of 40/50 or 60/70 penetration grade
conforming to the quality requirements specified in Table (7.2.1) in these
General Specifications. When asphalt modifiers are used, they shall conform to
the quality requirements specified in Item 7.2.4.
2. Liquid asphalt of rapid curing type RC-800 or RC-4 conforming to the quality
requirements specified in Table (7.2.3.A) and (7.2.3.B), respectively in these
General Specifications.
3. Emulsified asphalt of rapid setting type RS-2 or CRS-2 conforming to the
quality requirements specified in Table (7.2.4) and (7.2.7), respectively in these
General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Aggregate: unless stated otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s
Documents, it shall conform to the gradation requirements specified in Table (7.3.7)
and shall conform to quality requirements specified in Tables (7.3.1) (type 8) in these
General Specifications.
Mineral Filler: Mineral filler shall conform to the requirements specified in Item 7.3.4
in these General Specifications.
Pre-coating Aggregates Materials: The proportion of adhesion agent used is generally
one (1) percent by volume of the asphaltic materials used in treatment. Materials used
for pre-coating aggregate to promote adhesion may be one of the following types:
1. Asphalt based materials include medium curing cutback (MC) asphalt and
special refinery prepared cutback asphalt which may include an adhesion agent.
2. Oil based materials for pre-coating usually comprises an adhesion agent
dissolved in petroleum oil such as distillate, or kerosene, or water.

10.2.3 Recycled Asphaltic Concrete Mixes: Job Mix Formula Proposal:
A proposed Job Mix Formula (JMF) shall be formulated by the Contractor and
submitted to the Ministry for approval at least thirty (30) days before producing the
asphaltic surface treatment. The information shall include, but not be limited to the
1. The source or sources and gradation of the aggregate for each mix to be
2. The source or sources of the asphaltic materials for each mix to be furnished.
3. Original test data and a written certification signed and stamped by the
Contractor, that the aggregates to be furnished conforms to all of the quality
4. Original test data of the type and properties of the asphalt materials with a
written certification signed and stamped by the Contractor.
5. The proposed beginning date for producing asphaltic surface treatment mixes.
6. List of all equipment to be used in constructing surface treatments
7. Supply the adequate amounts of aggregates, asphalt materials for checking
The Ministry’s representatives shall be provided access to the materials sampling and
testing operations at all times. Acceptance of Job Mix Formula:

The Ministry the JMF and all related matters, submitted by the Contractor
according to the following steps:
1. Contractor submits a JMF proposal as described above.
2. The Ministry shall review the JMF to assure that it contains all requirements. If
it does not contain all required information, it shall be returned within seven (7)
days to the Contractor for further action and resubmission by the Contractor.
3. If the proposed JMF contains all required information but fails to meet all of the
requirements specified, it shall not be accepted by the Engineer and will be
returned to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Ministry a revised JMF conforming to the
requirements specified.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
4. The fist-day work shall be considered as a field control strip. It shall be assured
that mix is constructible. The Contractor shall not start the work without written
acceptance fro the Engineer according the first-day work.
The Contractor shall not alter the methods of manufacturing, screening, mixing,
stockpiling of aggregate, or production of asphalt mixtures since this alteration will
mandate evaluation of JMF.
Changing JMF shall not be permitted without retesting and resubmission of a proposed
(revised) JMF in accordance with all the steps in Sub item in these General

10.2.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish suitable equipment with the skilled trained
technical staff to operate and execute the surface treatment work. This equipment shall
include power brooms, suitable aggregate spreader, rollers, heating equipment, and
asphalt sprayers. The number and the production capacity of this equipment shall be
within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of Work as approved by the
Engineer. This equipment shall be, but not limited to, the following: Asphalt Sprayer:

The asphaltic material shall be applied using a truck-mounted distributor
capable of spraying evenly heated asphalt through an adjustable full circulation spray
bar. It shall also have precise controls including tachometer, thermometer, pressure
gage, and volume measuring device on calibrated tank to uniformly deposit asphalt over
the full width at the required rate. Prior to beginning any work specified in this Section,
and at all times during the performance of the work, the Contractor shall demonstrate, in
the presence of the Engineer, that the distributor spray bar has been maintained and
adjusted so that the nozzles provide a true triple lap without ridges or voids, that all
nozzles are functioning as intended and that the distributor is capable of applying
asphaltic material within eight-hundredth (0.08) liters per square meter of the specified
rate. Aggregate spreaders:

Aggregate spreaders shall be self-propelled and capable of spreading aggregate
uniformly to full lane widths. Pneumatic Rollers:

Rollers shall be light self-propelled pneumatic-tired and two-axle smooth-drum
tandem steel rollers. The light self-propelled pneumatic-tired rollers shall be
constructed so that they may be loaded to provide a gross weight of at least forty (40)
kilograms per centimeter of width of tire tread. The tires on the front and rear axles
shall have wide smooth treads and shall be staggered to provide complete coverage of
the entire area over which the roller travels. The tires shall be inflated to a pressure that
has been approved by the Engineer and the pressure shall be reasonably uniform in all
tires. The Contractor shall provide a suitable gauge for determining air pressure in the
10.2.5 Application Rates for Asphaltic Material:
The exact application rates shall be directed by the Engineer which, in his
judgment, will provide the results contemplated by the specifications. Tables (10.2.1)

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
and (10.2.2) shows the application rates specified for single and multiple surface

Table 10.2.1: Application rates for single surface treatment materials

Asphaltic layer Asphaltic Aggregate
Type and grade of Aggregate rate
final thickness, rate gradation
asphaltic material (Kilogram/m2)
(mm) (liter/m2) (Table 7.3.7)
RC-800 (RC-4) 12 1.5-2.0 3 14-18
RS-2, CRS-2 12 1.6-2.2 3 14-18
RC-800 (RC-4) 16 1.8-2.3 2 20-28
RS-2, CRS-2 16 2.0-2.5 2 20-28

Table 10.2.2: Application rates for multiple surface treatment materials

Asphaltic layer Asphaltic Aggregate
Type and grade of Aggregate rate
final thickness, rate gradation
asphaltic material (Kilogram/m2)
(mm) (liter/m2) (Table 7.3.7)
RC-800 (RC-4)
First application - 1.1-1.8 1 20-28
Second application 25 1.6-2.1 4 12-16
RS-2, CRS-2
First application - 1.2-1.9 1 20-28
Second application 25 1.8-2.3 4 12-16

10.2.6 Weather Limitations:

Asphaltic material shall not be sprayed during sand or dust storms, rainfall, or
before any imminent storms that might damage the construction. Following shall be
considered before spraying asphaltic materials:
1. The air and surface temperature shall be at least fifteen (15) degrees Celsius.
2. The air temperature shall be at least twenty (20) degrees Celsius when falling
and the wind shall be less than ten (10) kilometers per hour.
3. No asphaltic material shall be applied which cannot be covered with aggregate
screenings one hour before darkness.
4. The Engineer may require the Contractor to delay application of asphaltic
material until the atmospheric and roadway conditions are satisfactory.

10.2.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective action to prevent all traffic from using the
asphaltic surface treatments surfaces until such time as the Engineer has given approval
for traffic to use the pavement. All traffic control work shall be done in accordance
with the “Manual of Traffic Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of
Municipalities and Rural Affairs in 1421H (2001). When the roadway being paved is
open to traffic, the following additional requirements shall apply:
1. The Contractor shall assure the safety and convenience of public traffic and
protect the residents and property owners adjacent to the project during all
asphaltic surface treatment operations. He shall erect and maintain signs,
barricades, and other traffic control devices and shall take effective action to
exclude traffic of any description from the roadway surface for as long as may be
required in the judgment of the Engineer.
2. When traffic is restricted to a one-way basis, the Contractor shall provide such
flagmen and pilot cars as deemed necessary for the protection of traffic and the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
treated surface. Traffic may be detoured around the construction in conformance
with detailed detour plans including layout, signing, marking and other traffic
control devices approved by the Engineer. Detours shall be properly constructed
and maintained throughout the period traffic uses the detour. When it is necessary
to provide for traffic across the asphaltic surface treatment, the crossing shall be
blotted with sand to the extent approved by the Engineer before the crossing is
opened to traffic.
3. While construction of a asphaltic surface treatment is in progress, the treated
surface of the roadway shall not be used by the Contractor, his agents or others
until the Engineer is satisfied that the treated surface will not be damaged by
traffic and has given approval for traffic to use the treated surface.

10.2.8 Construction: Surface Preparation for Asphaltic Surface Treatments:

Treated Surfaces:
The existing treated surface shall be swept with a rotating broom until the
surface is free from dust, dirt or other deleterious material.
Surface holes and depressions of high severity, according to Distress Manual issued by
the Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs in 1424-1425H, shall be patched.
Holes two (2) centimeters in depth or more shall be patched asphaltic concrete materials
used in the asphaltic wearing course, while holes less than two (2) centimeters in depth
shall be patched with multiple applications of asphaltic material and aggregate
screenings. The holes and depressions shall be swept clean, a tack coat applied and
patching completed. Patching work shall be completed at least seven (7) days prior to
beginning application of the asphaltic surface treatment.

When shown on the plans, specified in the Special Specifications or directed by

the Engineer, reshaping the roadway cross section and reducing the depth of
longitudinal sags shall be accomplished by pre-leveling with asphaltic concrete wearing
material in accordance with the requirements in Section 8.5 in these General

All areas patched and pre-leveled with asphaltic concrete wearing course
material, after completion of compaction, shall receive a fog seal (Section 10.4 in this
Division), diluted with additional water as approved by the Engineer, and applied at an
undiluted rate between 0.20 and 0.50 liters per square meter.

Untreated Surfaces:

The surface to receive an asphaltic surface treatment, immediately prior to the

first application of asphaltic material, shall conform to the specified compaction and
surface elevation tolerance and be free of organic and other deleterious material.
A prime coat and tack coat shall be applied in accordance with the requirements of
Sections 8.3 and 8.4 in these General Specifications, where a prime coat is applied it
shall be allowed to cure for a minimum period of forty-eight (48) hours before
proceeding with a second application of asphaltic material.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Back Application Temperatures for Asphaltic Material:
Asphaltic materials shall be heated to a uniform temperature as directed by the
Engineer within the limits shown in Table (10.2.3).

Table 10.2.3: Recommended temperature limits for spraying asphalt materials

Asphaltic material type Distributor spraying temperature, Degree Celsius
and grade Minimum Maximum
Liquid asphalt
RC-800 (RC-4) 95 125
Emulsified asphalt
RS-2, CRS-2 50 85
Asphalt cement
180 or below that at which
All Grades 130
fogging occurs Calibration and Adjustment of the Distributor:

At the beginning of each day's operations, the Contractor shall make checks,
tests, and calculations as necessary to confirm that the application rate is uniform and
within five (±5) percent of the specified rate, at all points across the roadway width and
for at least three hundred (300) meters in length. The information collected shall be
reported to the Engineer in writing. The Contractor shall also calibrate the asphalt
distributor spray bar height, nozzle angle and pump pressure and check contractual and
transverse spread rates weekly according to ASTM D-2995. Production Start-Up Procedures for Surface Treatment:

The Contractor shall provide seven (7) calendar days advance notice before
constructing all asphalt surface treatments. The following start-up procedures shall be
repeated when resuming production after work has been terminated due to non-
conformance or any other reason.

On the first day of production, the contractor shall construct a one hundred fifty
meter (150) long control strip that is one lane wide. The control strip shall be located
on the project as designated to confirm the application rates and execution method using
materials, placement and compaction procedures intended for the remainder of the
surface treatment. Production shall cease after construction of the control strip until the
material and the control strip are evaluated and accepted. Acceptable control strips may
remain in place and will be accepted as a part of the completed surface treatment. Procedures for Pre-coating:

When aggregate is freshly pre-coated with oil-based materials the fluid pre-
coating material tends to cut back the binder in contact with the aggregate and the
reduction in viscosity lessens the ability of the binder to hold the aggregate. This effect,
which is accentuated by over pre-coating, usually applies for a short time, during which
instability or stripping can occur.

When cutback asphalt is used for pre-coating it is an advantage to allow it to dry

on the aggregate before being used. To achieve this, pre-coating should be done at least

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one (1) week before use but it may be done up to about two (2) months before the
aggregate is used providing that dust is not blown over the stockpile thus reducing the
effectiveness of the pre-coating. For oil-soluble material the usual procedure is to mix
the required quantity of adhesion agent with the appropriate amount of oil by circulating
in a tank. When the adhesion agent is either in a paste or solid form it will be necessary
to melt the agent before mixing. Under cold conditions it may be necessary to warm the
oil. Complete dispersion of the adhesion agent throughout the oil is essential.
Following steps shall be followed in pre-coating process:
1. Prepared pre-coating materials are supplied in drums or bulk and need no further
preparation in the field.
2. Aggregate shall be pre-coated when it is completely dry, and stockpiles away
from moistures after pre-coating.
3. Safety precautions shall be strictly followed when dealing with adhesion agents
may be injurious to health and gloves and eye shields should be worn at all
times by personnel handling these materials. Manufacturer’s directions an
guidelines shall be followed.
4. Adhesion agents may settle out after some time in solution. Containers should
be checked regularly and agitated if necessary.
5. If pre-coating is to be fully effective, all aggregate particles must be completely
but thinly coated. The quantity needed to obtain this result will vary with the
nature of the aggregate, the efficiency of the pre-coating methods, the absorptive
properties of the aggregates, the amount of moisture and dust present, and the
type of pre-coating material. Generally four (4) to twelve (12) liters per cubic
meter will be necessary. The pre-coating material is usually applied as a fine
spray on a moving stream of aggregate.
6. Normally the aggregate shall be stockpiled and checked for quantity and quality
some time before being used. Immediately before the work commences, a check
on the aggregate should be made to see if further pre-coating or other treatment
is necessary.

In some areas aggregate is pre-coated at the crushing site by running the freshly
crushed and screened aggregate through a pugmill fed with a asphalt-based pre-coating
material. Procedures for Applying Asphaltic Materials:

Asphaltic material shall be applied at the specified rates upon the prepared
surface using asphalt distributors. Areas missed during the application of asphaltic
material shall be immediately covered using the hand held nozzle and the same type and
grade of asphaltic material. The area covered with asphaltic material shall be no larger
than can be covered with aggregate within five (5) minutes from the time of application
on any part of the roadway.

Where application of asphaltic material begins at the end of a previous

application of asphaltic material, and when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall cover the full width of the end of the previous application with building paper at
least eighty (80) centimeters wide. The application of asphaltic material shall begin on
the paper when the distributor is advancing at a speed that provides for uniform
distribution of the asphaltic material. The building paper shall be removed before
application of aggregate screenings begins.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Back Procedures for spreading Aggregate Screenings:
After the asphaltic material has been evenly spread over the roadway surface,
aggregate of the grading specified shall be evenly applied to the roadway surface by a
self-propelled spreader box.

The aggregate shall be spread in one operation on one-half of the roadway in

such a manner that a twenty (20) centimeters strip of asphaltic material is left exposed
along the center line of the roadway. Where necessary, thin or open spots in the spread
of aggregate shall be corrected by hand spreading or by other methods as may be
approved by the Engineer.

As soon as the aggregate has been spread on the first one-half of the roadway, it
shall be rolled as directed by the Engineer with self-propelled pneumatic-tired or
smooth-drum steel rollers. The aggregate shall be rolled at speeds not in excess of
seven (7) kilometers per hour in such a manner that the aggregate surface receives three
(3) complete coverage. All rolling on any area shall be completed within thirty (30)
minutes after the aggregate screenings were applied.

After the application of asphaltic material and aggregate to the first half of the
roadway, the remaining half shall be prepared and treated in the same manner as
described for the first half. Where there is an excess of aggregate, it shall be distributed
evenly over the adjacent roadway or picked up by shoveling into trucks.

Where specified, subsequent applications of asphaltic material and aggregate

shall proceed as directed by the Engineer. When multiple applications of asphaltic
material and aggregates are specified, no one application of aggregate shall precede a
second application of aggregate by more than two thousand (2000) meters.

When the final application of aggregate has been placed over any length of the
full-width of roadway, rolled as specified and inspected by the Engineer, it shall be
broomed to remove excess aggregate. When traffic is allowed to use the completed
surface treatment, it shall be broomed for five days following application of the
aggregate, as directed by the Engineer, to reduce the detrimental effects from free
aggregate particles.

Trucks hauling aggregates shall operate in a manner and at reduced speeds so

that no damage is done to the surface treatment, as determined by the Engineer. Adding Asphaltic Material and Aggregate Screenings:

If the application of asphaltic material or aggregate screening, or both, placed on
any portion of the roadway is insufficient for the required results, the Engineer may
direct the Contractor to make additional applications of one or all materials in
accordance with these specifications. Correction of Defects:

All areas unsprayed by the distributor or damage to the treated surface of any
application shall be immediately repaired by hand patching. Holes which develop in the
surface shall be repaired in a similar manner. All costs incurred in making said repairs
shall be at the Contractor's expense.

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Defects such as raveling, bleeding of asphaltic material, lack of uniformity, or
other imperfections caused by faulty workmanship or materials shall be corrected as
directed by the Engineer and new work shall not be started until such defects and the
causes of the defects have been remedied.

All improper workmanship and defective materials shall be removed from the
roadway by the Contractor and replaced with approved materials and workmanship at
the Contractor's expense. The removed materials shall be disposed of as specified in
Division 5 in these General Specifications. Calculation of Asphalt Content and Aggregate Gradation:

The uniformity and rate of application of asphaltic material at locations selected
by the Engineer is tested using test pads that shall consist of three (3) pieces of building
paper each thirty (30) centimeters by sixty (60) centimeters attached to plywood strips
sixty (60) centimeters by ninety (90) centimeters by one and one-quarter (1.25)
centimeters, or other materials as may be approved by the Engineer. The building paper
shall be weighed accurately before being attached to the plywood strips. Testing shall
be done as follows:
1. The sixty (60) centimeter by ninety (90) centimeter by one and one-quarter (1.25)
centimeters plywood strips and building paper shall be placed at three (3)
randomly selected roadway locations for each five thousand (5,000) square meter
lot of surface treatment to be placed. The distributor shall apply asphaltic material
to the test pads during routine operations. Placement of screenings shall proceed
as specified.
2. After collecting the asphaltic material, the building paper shall be carefully
removed from the plywood strips and weighed. The rate of application on each
thirty (30) centimeter by sixty (60) centimeter test pad shall be within ninety and
one hundred ten (90 and 110) percent of the approved rate.
Aggregate gradation shall be tested by taking five (5) samples from the spreader
discharge at random intervals during the construction of each one thousand (1,000)
square meter or a one-day work, whichever minimum. The sample shall be tested
immediately and the results reported to the Engineer.

10.2.9 Surface Maintenance and Facility Protection:

The Contractor shall maintain completed surface treatments and all damage
resulting from any cause shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense within the
first year from project completion and before the final acceptance of the executed work.
All bridge handrails, curbs, road signs or other facilities shall be protected from
splashing of the asphaltic material. The Contractor shall immediately remove asphaltic
material from said facilities. Protection and cleaning shall be accomplished at the
Contractor's cost.

10.2.10 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all asphaltic surface
treatments works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents. The Ministry shall assure
the quality of production by checking that the Contractor is performing the quality
control procedures in correct manners. The Ministry may have a direct supervision on
the quality control system or by applying quality assurance procedures in an
independent unbiased way, on adequate number of samples to judge the execution level

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
and decide whether to accept or reject the work. Division 17 in these General
Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated otherwise in the Special
Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, asphaltic surface treatments
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by
the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (10.2.4) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall
submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in
Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance :

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Subitem. The
Ministry has also the right to inspect all Contractors' quality control test records and
compare them with its quality assurance test done according to Division 17 in these
General Specifications. Ministry may inspect Contractor's laboratory, devices,
technical staff, and testing methods to assure the full adequacy and capability of the
Contractor to execute the work according to standard approved methods.

Table 10.2.4: Quality control requirements for surface treatments

Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Asphalt Certification of compliance and
requirements Section 7.2
materials supply and source change
Three (3) tests at start of work or Tables 7.3.1
Aggregates requirements/
source change and 7.3.7
Raw Gradation
materials Quality
Pre-coating Certification of compliance and
requirements Item 10.2.2
materials supply and source change
Mineral Certification of compliance and
requirements Item 7.3.4
Filler supply and source change
one random samples at material
Aggregate AASHTO T- discharge every one thousand (1000) JMF
gradation 164/T-27 square meters from the completed requirements
Material at Project work
use site
One (1) test every discharge every two
Asphalt Sub item JMF
thousand (2000) square meters from
content requirements
each completed layer or a day work

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10.2.11 Measurements:
Each type of asphaltic surface treatment specified and completed within the
lines shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer shall be measured in square meters
surface treatment placed outside authorized limits shall not be measured for payment

Mineral fillers, chemical admixtures and asphalt modifiers used by the

contractor to meet the Job Mix Formula (JMF) requirements will be considered
subsidiary to the construction of the asphaltic surface treatments and will not be
measured separately unless specifically stated in the Special Specifications and listed in
the Bill of Quantities. When they are listed in the Bill of Quantities and specified in the
Special Specifications they shall be measured in liters, kilograms, or tons.

Pre-coating aggregates shall be measured by square meter and include the areas
where the aggregates were acceptably pre-coated with asphalt cement and incorporated
into the asphaltic surface treatment when pre-coating is required by the Special
Specifications and listed in the Bill of Quantities.

Asphaltic wearing course material furnished and placed for reshaping the
roadway cross-section as shown on the plans, specified or directed by the Engineer shall
be measured in cubic meters in accordance with the methods described in Section 8.5 in
these General Specifications unless otherwise considered subsidiary to the construction
of the asphaltic surface treatments.

10.2.12 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each grading and class
of surface treatments listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction of asphaltic concrete pavement. Payment will be
made according to items shown in Table (10.2.5), unless stated otherwise in the Special
Specifications or Contract’s Documents.

Table 10.2.5: Surface treatments pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

10.2.1 Single surface treatment Square meter
10.2.2 Multiple surface treatments Square meter
10.2.3 Aggregate pre-coating Square meter
10.2.4 Surface preparation and correcting defects Square meter

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
10.3 Slurry Seal and Micro-Surfacing:

10.3.1 Description:
This Section consists of mixing emulsified asphaltic material, aggregate, water
and specified additives and spreading the mixture on a clean surface after filling cracks
and holes (if any) within the lines shown on the plans, as specified in these
specifications and the Special Specifications, and as directed by the Engineer: The
slurry seal is used in preventive and corrective maintenance of asphaltic pavements.
When used in old pavements, it closes cracks effectively, stops the disintegration,
proofs water, and promotes skid resistance. The slurry seal is executed in three (3) to
six (6) millimeters depth. There are three types of slurry seal according to the aggregate
gradation shown in Table (7.3.6), in these General Specifications and according to the
asphalt residue in the mix. These types are shown in Table (10.3.1).

Table 10.3.1: Asphalt residue in slurry seal mixes

Percent of asphalt residue by

Slurry seal type
weight of the total mix
Type I (gradation 1)* 10-16
Type II (gradation 2)* 7.5-13.5
Type III (gradation 3)* 6.5-12
(*) From Table (7.3.6)

Micro-surfacing surface treatment is produced by modifying the emulsified

asphalt by polymer. Micro-surfacing is used for pavements that require quicker
opening to traffic than the normal slurry seal mixes.

10.3.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: It shall be an emulsified asphalt of type SS-1h, CSS-1h, QS-1H, or
CQS-1H conforming to quality requirements specified in Tables (7.2.6) and (7.2.7) in
these General Specifications. The polymer-modified emulsified asphalt of type CSS-1h
is used to produce micro-surfacing mixes.

Aggregate: It shall be according to the slurry seal type (I, II, or III) conforming to
gradation requirements specified in Table (7.3.6) (gradations 1, 2, and 3), and shall
conform to the quality requirements specified in Table (7.3.1) (Type 7) in these General
Specifications. Gradations 1 and 2 are used to produce micro-surfacing mixes, which
shall conform to the quality requirements shown in Table (10.3.2).

Table 10.3.2: Quality requirement for micro-surfacing aggregate

Test Test method Requirement

Los Angeles Abrasion Test, Max. (percent) AASHTO T-96 30
Sand Equivalent. Min. (percent) AASHTO T-176 65
Soundness. (percent) by:
Sodium Sulfate: AASHTO T-104 15
Magnesium Sulfate , Max: 25

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Water: Water shall be of such quality that the asphaltic material will not separate from
the emulsion before the slurry seal is in place in the work.

Mineral Filler: Mineral filler shall conform to the requirements specified in Item 7.3.4
in these General Specifications.

Chemical Admixtures and Asphalt Modifiers: The types and amounts of chemical
admixtures/asphalt modifiers used shall be limited to those listed in the Special
Specifications or proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Ministry. They shall
conform to the requirements specified in Table (7.2.4) in these General Specifications.

10.3.3 Job Mix Formula

The Contractor shall prepare a technical report about JMF according to ASTM
D-3910 by a qualified and a Ministry authorized laboratory and not less than fourteen
(14) days before the work is scheduled to commence. The report shall detail the mix
design covering the specific materials and proportions of each to be used. The
Contractor shall also furnish to the Engineer samples of each of the materials to be used,
sufficient to produce fifty (50) kilograms of slurry seal mixture. The Engineer will make
additional tests at his option. When the Engineer is satisfied with the materials to be
used, the mixture proportions and the test results, he shall notify the Contractor in
writing of his approval of the mix design.
Slurry seal shall conform to the quality requirements shown in Table (10.3.3).

The laboratory shall report the quantitative effects of moisture content on the
unit weight of the combined aggregates. The mix proportions shall include:

1. Type pf asphalt material to be used.

2. Percent by dry weight of aggregate.
3. Maximum and minimum quantity of mineral filler (if used) as a percent of the
dry weight of aggregate.
4. Maximum and minimum quantity of water as a percent of the dry weight of
5. Quantity of emulsified asphaltic material as a percent of the dry weight of
6. The type and quantity of mineral fillers and/or chemical admixtures/asphalt
modifiers to be used.
The mixture shall be capable of uncontrolled traffic no more than three (3) hours after
placement. The mixture shall not exhibit bleeding, raveling, separation, or other

10.3.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish suitable equipment, tools, and devices to design,
test, and execute the slurry seal/micro-surfacing work within the Contract time in
accordance with his Program of Work as approved by the Engineer. The equipment
shall always be in good operational conditions. This equipment shall include the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Table 10.3.3: Quality requirements for slurry seal/micro-surfacing mixes
Test Test Method
Slurry seal Micro-surfacing
Slurry Seal Consistency, millimeter ISSA(*) TB-106 20-30 -
Wet-track Abrasion Loss, gram per One hour = 540
ISSA TB-100 (**) 800
square millimeter, Maximum Six days = 810
Excess Asphalt, gram per square
ISSA BT-109 (**) 500-700 540 Max
Wet Stripping Test ISSA TB-114 Pass Pass
Compatibility at minimum temperature ISSA TB-115 Pass -
Quick Set Emulsion ISSA TB-102 Pass -
After 30 min. = 12
Wet Cohesion, kg-cm, maximum ISSA TB-139 -
After 60min. = 20
Lateral = 5
Displacement, Max. (percent) ISSA TB-147 -
Vertical = 10
Classification Compatibility, Minimum ISSA TB-144 - 11 classification points
(*) ISSA: International Slurry Seal Association
(**) Tests ISSA TB-109 and TB-100 are used to determine optimum asphalt content. In lieu of these test, the
Ministry may require the use of a modified Marshall Stability Test (ISSA TB-140) or Hveem Cohesionmeter
Test (ASTM D 1560) to determine optimum asphalt content. Slurry seal/Micro-surfacing Mixing Machine:

The slurry seal/micro-surfacing mixing machine shall conform to the following
1. It shall be a self-propelled continuous flow mixing unit. The mixing unit shall
be capable of proportioning emulsified asphaltic material, water, aggregate and
additives by volume.
2. Each feeder unit shall be calibrated at different gate settings for each slurry-
mixing units used in the work. The Contractor shall be provide balances for
weighing the aggregate, water, and emulsified asphaltic material so that the
accuracy of the pumps and feeder units may be checked at daily intervals during
the production of slurry seal/micro-surfacing.
3. The slurry seal/micro-surfacing machine shall be capable of proportioning and
mixing individual materials within the following tolerances:
• Emulsified asphaltic material content approved by the Ministry is within
plus or minus one (1) percentage point
• The percent of aggregate passing each specified sieve shall not vary more
than plus or minus four (4) percent from the approved job mix formula.
• The percent of aggregate passing each sieve shall not go from the high limit
to the low limit for any two (2) successive sieves.
• The slurry consistency (ISSA TB-106) shall not vary more than five (5)
millimeters from the approved mix design after field adjustments approved by
the Engineer. Slurry Seal/Micro-surfacing Spreading Machine:

The spreader machine shall conform to the following requirements:
1. It shall be equipped with a box connected to the mixing machine to prevent
loss of slurry mixture along all sides and have a flexible strike-off rubber
belt. The spreader box shall be capable of placing a uniform surface over
the width of one lane. It shall have a means for adjusting to deviations in the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
pavement surface being sealed. Replacement flexible strike-offs shall be
available at all times during the placement of slurry seal/micro-surfacing.
2. The spreading machine shall be capable of spreading the specified rate of
slurry materials within a tolerance of plus or minus fifteen (15) percent of
the dry aggregate weight.
3. The spreading device shall be kept clean and build-up of slurry materials
shall not be allowed.

10.3.5 Weather Limitations:

Slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall not be mixed or placed when the temperature
of the surface on which the slurry seal/micro-surfacing is to be placed is less than
fifteen (15) degrees Celsius. Slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall not be placed during dust
or sand storms, when there is a chance for rain within two (2) hours or when freezing
may occur within twelve (12) hours.

10.3.6 Traffic Control:

All traffic control work shall be done in accordance with the “Manual of Traffic
Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of Municipalities and Rural
Affairs in 1421H (2001). No traffic shall be allowed on the slurry seal for at least three
(3) hours after placement, while the surface may be opened to traffic only one (1) hour
after the micro-surfacing layer is placed.

10.3.7 Construction:
Slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall be placed in the following steps:
1. The surface to be slurry sealed or micro-surfaced shall be thoroughly cleaned by
brooming, blowing with high-pressure air or with a suitable vacuum. The
distresses in this surface (if any) such as cracks shall be repaired before covering
the surface.
2. When specified in the Special Specifications, a tack coat consisting of SS-1h or
CSS-1h emulsified asphaltic material mixed in the proportion of one (1) part
emulsified asphaltic material to three (3) parts water shall be spread at a rate
between two-tenths and four-tenths (0.2-0.4) liters per square meter. The exact
rate shall be determined by the Engineer.
3. The surface to receive the slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall be pre-wetted by
spraying with water at a rate determined by the Engineer. Flowing water in
front of the spreading device shall not be allowed.
4. Slurry seal/micro-surfacing material shall be placed based on dry aggregate
weight within the rates shown in Table (10.3.4). The exact rate shall be as
specified in the Special Specification.

Table 10.3.4: Slurry seal/micro-surfacing application rates

Materials application rate
Slurry seal type (kilograms per square meter)
Slurry seal Micro-surfacing
Type-I (Gradation 1)* 3.3 to 5.4 -
Type-II (Gradation 2)* 5.4 to 8.2 5.4-10.8
Type III (Gradation 3)* 8.2, or more 8.2-16.3
(*) Table (7.3.6), in these General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
5. The slurry seal/micro-surfacing mixture shall be smooth and homogeneous after
spreading on the surface to be sealed and show no evidence of separation of
aggregate and emulsified asphaltic material after break setting.
6. Hand tools shall be used to remove spillage. Ridges and bumps in the slurry
seal/micro-surfacing surface shall not be permitted. Joints shall be worked with
an appropriate hand operated fabric drag and no excessive build-up of slurry
mixture, uncovered areas or unsightly appearance shall be permitted on
longitudinal and transverse joints.
7. Areas inaccessible to the slurry seal/micro-surfacing mixing and spreading
machine may be slurry sealed using hand operated fabric drags.

10.3.8 Surface Skid Resistance:

The surface received slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall conform to the minimum
requirements of skid resistance. Unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications,
the minimum acceptable limit of skid resistance according to the International Friction
Index (IFI) of the surface shall be thirty five (35) measured by any equipment approved
by the Ministry and calculated using the ASTM E-1960.

10.3.9 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all slurry seal/micro-
surfacing works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control Procedures:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, slurry seal produced, and the
executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be performed at The
Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by the Ministry. The
Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table (10.3.5) shows
the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes, the frequency of
these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall submit copies of all tests to
the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in Item 17.1.1 in these General
Specifications. Quality Assurance Procedures:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
10.3.10 Measurements:
Slurry seal/micro-surfacing shall be measured in square meters for the area upon
which the slurry seal/micro-surfacing was actually placed within the lines shown on the
plans, specified or ordered by the Engineer. Surface preparation in terms of crack
sealing and patching shall be measured in square meters.

10.3.11 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each type slurry
seal/micro-surfacing listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction and acceptance of slurry seal/micro-surfacing.
Payment will be made according to items shown in Table (10.3.6).

Table 10.3.5: Quality control requirements for slurry seal/micro-surfacing mixes

Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Quality Certification of
Tables 7.2.4
Asphalt materials requirements compliance and supply
and 7.2.5
tests and source change
Start of work or source Tables 7.3.1
Aggregates requirements/
change and 7.3.6
Raw Gradation tests
materials Quality Certification of
Chemical admixture Contract
requirements compliance and supply
and modifiers documents
tests and source change
Quality Certification of
Mineral Filler requirements compliance and supply Table 7.3.2
tests and source change
Gradation (Dry mix) AASSTO T-27
Los Angeles
Aggregate One (1) test every Quality
Sand equivalent for
before AASHTO T-176 Plant month or when the mix requirements
passing Sieve No. 4
mix properties change Table 7.3.1
Soundness, Sodium
or Magnesium AASHTO T-104
Slurry seal mix ISSA tests Table 10.3.1
Slurry Aggregate gradation Project One (1) test every Table 7.3.6
seal mix site production day
Application rate Item 10.3.7 Table 10.3.3
Asphalt content Sub item JMF

Table 10.3.6: Slurry seal/micro-surfacing pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

10.3.1 Slurry seal layer Square meter
10.3.2 Micro-surfacing layer Square meter
10.3.3 Surface preparation (crack seal) linear meter
10.3.4 Surface preparation (leveling and patching) Square meter

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
10.4 Fog Seal:

10.4.1 Description:
This Section consists of constructing the fog deal, materials used, application
rates, and defect repaired in the fog seal surface treatments. Fog seal consists of
spraying a light application of slow setting emulsified asphalt diluted with water over an
existing surface to soften and rejuvenate this surface and seal the cracks in it.

10.4.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: It shall be an emulsified asphalt of type SS-1, SS-1h, CSS-1 or
CSS-1h conforming to quality requirements specified in Tables (7.2.6) and (7.2.7) in
these General Specifications.

Blotter Sand: It shall be natural sand, manufactured sand, or combinations of both that
are free from organic matter or clay, having a grading consisting of one hundred(100)
percent passing the 4.75 millimeter (No. 4) sieve and not more than five (5) percent
passing the 0.150 millimeter (No. 100) sieve.

10.4.3 Application Rates:

The approved undiluted application rate shall be determined from test sections
constructed using specified materials with the range of three tenth to seven tenth (0.3 to
0.7) liters per square meter depending on the conditions of the existing surface.

10.4.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to complete the
work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of Work as approved by
the Engineer.

Equipment shall include rotary type power brooms, asphalt material distributors,
equipment for heating asphalt material, and air compressors.
Asphalt material shall be applied using a truck-mounted distributor capable of
uniformly spraying asphalt material full lane widths. Distributor shall be equipped with
controls for application rates and asphalt temperature.

10.4.5 Construction: Surface Preparation:

Immediately prior to application of the fog seal, the surface shall be clean and
free of dust, organic, and other deleterious material. Preparation of Asphalt Material:

The asphalt material shall be uniform throughout the distributor tank and be
heated to the application temperatures required. Table (10.4.1) shows recommended
heating temperatures. Prior to spraying, the emulsified asphalt of the types CSS-1h or
SS-1h may be mixed with water by one to one (1:1) ratio or any ratio approved by the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
Table 10.4.1: recommended heating temperatures for fog seal

Material type Temperature (degrees Celsius)

CSS-1h/SS-1h 20 - 70
CSS-1/SS-1 20 - 70 Test Sections:

The Contractor shall construct two (2) test sections with at least three (3) meters
wide by one hundred (100) meters long. Contactor shall establish application rates for
fog seal material based on the following:
On the date scheduled or any day prior to beginning fog seal, the Contractor
shall apply two (2) or more rates of asphalt material to two consecutive test sections.
When the test sections are completed, the fog seal operation shall be halted for a
minimum of four (4) hours to allow the Engineer to assess the suitability of the rates
applied. Test sections receiving insufficient fog seal shall receive an additional
application of fog seal; test sections receiving excess fog seal shall be blotted with sand,
when ordered by the Engineer. Application of Asphalt Material and Blotter Sand:

The asphalt material coverage shall be uniform without streaking or uncoated
spots. When streaking occurs, the application of asphalt material shall cease until
adjustments are made to the distributor and application procedures, which will result in
elimination of streaking. Uncoated spots shall be coated using the hand held nozzle.

Traffic should not be permitted on surfaces which have been fogged until
approved by the Engineer. Fog seal shall be allowed to penetrate undisturbed for at
least two (2) hours until the emulsified asphalt breaks and is substantially absorbed into
the existing surface. Remaining spots of excess asphalt shall be lightly covered with
blotter sand before opening the surface to traffic.

The emulsified asphalt shall be re-heated, if necessary. The heating temperature

shall be more than seventy (70) degrees Celsius after loading the materials to the tanker,
unless approved by the Engineer. Stirring the emulsified asphalt shall be continued to
avoid localized heating. Maintenance of Fog Seal Layer:

When the Engineer feels necessary, and after forty-eight (48) hours, a thin
blotter sand layer shall be sprayed for areas not completely dried.

10.4.6 Traffic Control:

All traffic control work shall be done in accordance with the “Manual of Traffic
Control through Work Zones” issued by the Ministry of Municipalities and Rural
Affairs in 1421H (2001). Additionally, the Contractor shall implement the requirements
included in Item 10.2.7 in this Division.

10.4.7 Weather Limitations:

Fog seal shall not be applied to any surface when the air and surface temperature
is less than fifteen (15) degrees Celsius or during rain, dust or sand storms. Smoking,

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
starting fires of any kind, and all safety precautions shall be observed by the staff
working in fog seal sites.

10.4.8 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all fog seal works to
ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to these General
Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control :

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, fog seal produced, and the
executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be performed at The
Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by the Ministry. The
Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table (10.4.2) shows
the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes, the frequency of
these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall submit copies of all tests to
the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in Item 17.1.1 in these General
Specifications. Quality Assurance :

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item.

Table 10.4.2: Quality control requirements for fog seal mixes

Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Quality Certification of compliance Tables 7.2.6
Asphalt emulsion
Raw requirements and supply and source change and 7.2.7
materials Blotter sand AASHTO T- At start of work or source
Item 2.4.10
Graduation 27 change
Blotter sand When needed As needed As needed
Materials Project
Fog seal application
in use Item 10.4.3 Site One (1) test every day Item 10.4.3

10.4.9 Measurements:
Fog seal shall be measured in square meters for the area upon which the fog seal
was actually placed within the lines shown on the plans, specified or ordered by the
Engineer. Blotter sand shall not be measured for payment purposes.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 10 - Surface Treatments
10.4.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each type fog seal
listed in the Bill of Quantities.
The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction and acceptance of fog seal. Payment will be made
according to items shown in Table (10.4.3).

Table 10.4.3: Fog seal pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

10.4.1 Fog seal layer Square meter

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11.1 Scope 313

11.2 Asphaltic Concrete Friction Layer 313
11.2.1 Description Of Work 313
11.2.2 Materials 313
11.2.3 Mix Design Requirements 313 Job Mix Formula 313 Acceptance Procedures Of Job Mix Formula 314
11.2.4 Equipment 314
11.2.5 Weather Conditions 314
11.2.6 Construction 314
11.2.7 Traffic Control 315
11.2.8 Surface Skid Resistance 315
11.2.9 Works Acceptance 315 Quality Control 315 Quality Assurance 315
11.2.10 Measurement 316
11.2.11 Payment 317
11.3 Stone Mastic Asphalt 317
11.3.1 Description 317
11.3.2 Materials 317
11.3.3 Job Mix Formula 318 Acceptance Procedures For Job Mix Formula 318 Quality Requirement For Job Mix Formula 318
11.3.4 Equipment 319
11.3.5 Construction 319 Mixing Process 319 Experimental Section 320 Hauling The Mix To Project Site 320 Tack Coat 320 Spreading And Compaction 320 Final Thickness Of Pavement Layers 320
11.3.6 Weather Conditions 320
11.3.7 Traffic Control 321
11.3.8 Works Acceptance 321 Quality Control 321 Quality Assurance 311
11.3.9 Measurement 321
11.3.10 Payment 321
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works



11.1 Scope:
This Division consists of furnishing and construction friction course and stone
mastic asphalt as special asphaltic works needed by some requirements that the
asphaltic concrete mixes detailed in Division 8 can not provide, or when these special
works provide better properties than other asphalt mixes, such as higher skid resistance,
better surface drainage, and higher rutting resistance. These works shall be constructed
over an asphaltic surface course conforming to the roughness requirements.

11.2 Asphaltic Concrete Friction Layer:

11.2.1 Description of Work:

This work consists of furnishing and mixing aggregate and asphaltic material in
a central mixing plant (batch, continuous pugmill or dryer-drum mixing), hauling,
spreading, and compacting the mixture on a prepared surface, as shown on the plans, in
accordance with these specifications and the Special Specifications and as directed by
the Engineer.

11.2.2 Materials:
Asphalt Material: It shall be 40/50 or 60/70 penetration grade or any grade specified in
the Special Specifications conforming to quality requirements specified in Table (7.2.1),
in these General Specifications. When the asphalt modifiers are used, they shall
conform to quality requirements specified in Table (7.2.3) in these General

Aggregate: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact’s Documents, the

combined aggregate gradation shall conform to gradation requirements shown in Table
(7.3.8) and shall conform to the quality requirement stated in Table (7.3.1) (type 9) in
these General Specifications.

Mineral Filler: mineral filler shall conform to the requirement stated in Item 7.3.4 in
these General Specifications.

Chemical Admixtures and Asphalt Modifiers: The types and amounts of chemical
admixtures/asphalt modifiers used shall be limited to those listed in the Special
Specifications or proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Ministry. When
used, these materials including the anti-striping agents shall be completely mixed with
the asphaltic materials.

11.2.3 Mix Design Requirements: Job Mix Formula:
The Contractor shall submit a technical report containing the proposed JMF in
accordance with the requirements of Federal Highway Administration Technical
Memorandum Number (T-5040.31) which shall contain the following:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
1. Determination of asphalt content.
2. Determination of mixing temperature which shall be between seven
hundred and nine hundreds (700-900) Centistokes.
3. Determination of the percent air voids.
4. Determination of resistance of the mix to the effect of water as obtained
according to the test methods AASHTO T-182, T-165, and T-167. Acceptance procedures of Job Mix Formula:

The requirements and procedures stated in Sub item shall be applied here
in addition to the requirements stated in previous Sub item. However, the Marshall test
is not required.

11.2.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphaltic concrete work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of
Work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall be, but not limited to, the
equipment specified in Item 8.5.4.

11.2.5 Weather Conditions:

Asphaltic concrete friction course shall not be placed on any wet or frozen
surface, during dust or sand storms, when wind or other weather conditions prevent the
proper handling of the asphaltic mixture or when the average temperature of the surface
on which the mixture is to be placed is less than twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius.

11.2.6 Construction:
The asphaltic surface friction course construction work shall be done according
to Item 8.5.6 with the following amendments:
1. When discharged from the mixing plant, the temperature of the asphaltic
concrete friction course shall not exceed one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees
2. Trucks used in hauling asphaltic concrete friction course material shall be
equipped with approved covers for the total area of load. When the air
temperature is less than twelve (12) degrees Celsius and the length of haul
exceeds ten (10) kilometers, asphaltic concrete friction course material shall be
3. Asphaltic concrete friction course material shall be dumped directly into the
hopper of a self-propelled paving machine. Dumping directly on the surface
shall not be permitted.
4. Asphaltic concrete friction course material shall be spread at a temperature not
less than ninety-five (95) degrees Celsius and not more than one hundred
twenty (120) degrees Celsius, measured in the hopper of the paving machine.
Asphaltic concrete friction course shall be spread at a rate between forty-five
(45) and sixty (60) kilograms per square meter as necessary to provide a
compacted thickness, which is not less than eighteen (18) millimeters.
5. Asphaltic concrete friction course shall be rolled only with a steel-tired, two
(2) axle-tandem roller weighing not less than ten thousand (10,000) kilograms.
Initial or breakdown rolling shall consist of three (3) passes of the layer of
asphaltic concrete friction course and begin immediately after spreading of the
material. Finish rolling shall follow breakdown rolling without delay and
continue until the surface is smooth, without ridges or indentations.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
6. All pavement distresses such as cracks, rutting, and bleeding shall be corrected
before applying the friction course.
7. The old asphaltic layer shall be sprayed by a tack coat as specified in Section
8.4 in these General Specifications, before spreading the asphaltic concrete
friction course.

11.2.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective actions to permit traffic to safely pass
through asphaltic surface friction course construction work zones as specified in Item
8.5.7 in these General Specifications.

11.2.8 Surface Skid Resistance:

Surface of asphaltic concrete friction course shall conform to the minimum
acceptable skid resistance level. Unless specified by Special Specifications, the
minimum acceptable skid number shall be thirty-five (35) according to the International
Friction Index (IFI) when measured by equipment approved by the Ministry and
calculated according to ASTM E-1960.

11.2.9 Works Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all asphaltic concrete
friction course works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform
to these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, asphaltic concrete friction course
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by
the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (11.2.1) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall
submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in
Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications. Quality Assurance:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Sub item
( The contractor must do the all require procedures of Asphaltic concrete
friction layer works quality control to insure that the used materials and construction

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 315

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
methods and executing works are satisfying the quality requirements which mention in
these general specification and contract documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work
according to the principles details in division (17) in these General Specifications unless
stated otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents.

Table 11.2.1: Quality control procedures for asphaltic concrete friction layer
Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Quality Certification of compliance
requirements and supply and source Table 7.2.1
tests change
Start of work or source requirements in
Aggregates requirements/
change Tables 7.3.1
Gradation tests
Raw and 7.3.8
materials Chemical
Quality Certification of compliance
requirements and supply and source Item No.7.3.4
tests change
Quality Certification of compliance Requirement
requirements and supply and source in the Contract
tests change documents
Aggregate AASHTO T- one (1) test every one Mix design
Material gradation 164 / T-27 thousand (1000) square requirements
at use Asphalt AASHTO T- Project meters or a day work for (Sub item
content 164 / T-170 site each layer
Skid Approved Skid resistance test for
Road Item 11.2.8
resistance device each working day
Transverse segments every
twenty-five (25) meters or Requirement
dimensions, Contract Project
Finishing five segments every one in the Contract
slopes, and documents site
thousand (1000) meters, documents
whichever the maximum

11.2.10 Measurement:
Asphaltic concrete friction course specified and completed within the lines
shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer shall be measured in square meters. Any
area paved by asphaltic concrete friction course outside authorized limits shall not be
measured for payment purposes.

Unless specifically stated in the Special Specifications, all components of

asphaltic concrete friction course including asphalt modifiers and tack coat will be

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
considered subsidiary to the construction of the asphaltic concrete friction course and
will not be measured separately for payment purposes.

11.2.11 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for asphaltic concrete
friction course when listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction of asphaltic concrete pavement. Payment will be
made according to Table (11.2.2).

Table 11.2.2: Works Items Asphaltic concrete friction layer

No. Pay Item Pay units
11.2.1 Asphaltic concrete friction course Square meter

11.3 Stone Mastic Asphalt:

11.3.1 Description:
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) is a hot asphaltic concrete mixture consists of
asphalt binder, crushed fine and coarse aggregates, mineral filler, and stabilizing agent.
This SMA mixture strength relies on stone-to-stone contact in a rich asphalt mortar to
provide durability.

This Section consists of furnishing and mixing aggregate with asphalt materials
in a central mixing plant, haul, spread, and compact the mix on a prepared surface as
shown on the plans, specified in these General Specifications, the Special
Specifications, and other Contract Documents.

11.3.2 Materials:
Asphalt Material: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact Documents,
asphalt materials shall be 40/50 or 60/70 penetration grade or any grade specified in the
Special Specifications conforming to quality requirements specified in Table (7.2.1), in
these General Specifications. When the asphalt modifiers are used, they shall conform
to quality requirements specified in Item (7.2.4) in these General Specifications.

Aggregate: It shall be conforming to gradation requirements specified in Table (7.3.9),

and shall conform to the quality requirements specified in Table (7.3.1) (Type 10) in
these General Specifications.

Mineral Filler: mineral filler shall conform to the requirement stated in Item 7.3.4 in
these General Specifications.

Stabilizing Agent: Due to the high asphalt content in SMA mortar, a stabilizing
additive of cellulose or mineral fiber shall be used to hold mortar on the coarse
aggregate during hauling and placement. It is used to stabilize the asphalt mortar on the
aggregate particles during hauling and spreading process. Unless specified in Special
Specifications, the amount of stabilizing agent shall be between three to four (3-4)

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
percent of the total weight of the mix. The stabilizing agent shall conform to the
requirements specified in Table (11.3.1) and the related notes.

Table 11.3.1: Quality requirements for fiber stabilizing agent

Property Requirement
Sieve Analysis (Method A) (1)
Fiber Length, mm, maximum 6
Passing sieve No. 100 (0.150 mm), % 60-80
Mesh Screen Analysis (Method B) (2)
Fiber Length, mm, maximum 6
Passing sieve No. 20 (0.850 mm),% 75-95
Passing sieve No. 40 (0.425 mm),% 55-75
Passing sieve No. 140 (0.106 mm),% 20-40
Ash Content, % (3) 13-23 (non-volatile)
PH (4) 6.5-8.5
Oil Absorption (5) 4-6 (times fiber weight)
Maximum Moisture Content, % (6) by weight 5
(1) Method A – Alpine Sieve Analysis. This test is performed using and Alpine Air Jet Sieve (Type
200 LS). A representative five gram sample of fiber is sieved for 14 minutes at a controlled
vacuum of 5 kPa (11 psi) of water. The portion remaining on the screen is weighed.
(2) Method B – Mesh Screen Analysis. This test is performed using standard 0.850, 0.425, 0.250,
0.180 and 0.106 millimeter sieves, nylon brushes, and a shaker. A representative 10 gram sample
of fiber is sieved, using a shaker and two nylon brushes on each screen. The amount retained on
each sieve is weighed and the percentage passing calculated. Repeatability of this method is
suspect and needs to be verified.
(3) Ash Content – A representative 2 – 3 gram sample of fiber is placed in a tarred crucible and heated
between 595 and 650 Degree Celsius for not less than two hours. The crucible and ash are cooked
in desiccators and weighed.
(4) pH Test – Five grams of fiber is added to 100 milliliter of distilled water, stirred and let sit for 30
minutes. The Ph is determined with a probe calibrated with a pH 7.0 buffer.
(5) Oil Absorption Test – Five grams of fiber is accurately weighed and suspended in an excess of
mineral spirits for not less than 5 minutes to ensure total saturation. It is then placed in a screen
mesh strainer approximately 0.5 square millimeter opening size and shaken on a wrist action shaker
for 10 minutes at 240 shakes per minute. The shaken mass is then transferred without touching to a
tarred container and weighed. Oil Absorption calculated by the number of times its own weight.
(6) Moisture Content – Ten grams of fiber is weighed and placed in a 121 Degree Celsius forced air
oven for two hours. The sample is then re-weighed immediately upon removal form the oven.

11.3.3 Job Mix Formula: Acceptance Procedures for Job Mix Formula:

All steps followed in Item 8.5.3 for proposing and accepting the JMF shall be
adopted for the SMA mixture JMF. Quality Requirement for Job Mix Formula:

The SMA JMF shall conform to the following requirements:
1. The total aggregate shall conform to the tolerance limits shown in Table (11.3.2).
2. The Marshall mix design shall conform to quality requirements shown in Table
3. Mixing and compaction temperature shall be according to AASHTO T-245.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
4. When anti-stripping agents used, they shall conform to requirements in Item 7.2.4 in
these General Specifications.

Table 11.3.2: Tolerance allowance in SMA job mix formula

Percent tolerance allowance in JMF
Sieve Size Nominal maximum size 16 mm Nominal maximum size 19 mm
(Gradation No. 1 in Table 7.3.9) (Gradation No.2 in Table 7.3.9)
19 mm - +5
16 mm - ‫ـــ‬
12.5 mm +5 +5
9.5 mm +5 +4
4.75 mm +4 ‫ـــ‬
2.36 mm +4 +4
0.075 mm +2 +2
Asphalt content, % + 0.50 + 0.50

Table 11.3.3: Quality requirements for the SMA mix

Test Requirement
Number of blows in Marshall compaction 50 for each side
Marshall Stability at 60 degrees Celsius, Kg, minimum 635
Air Voids in the mix, %, minimum 4
Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR), %, minimum (According to
Asphalt content by weight of mix, % 6-7
Voids in mineral aggregate, VMA, %, minimum 17-18
Drain down at production temperature, %, maximum (According
to ASTM D 6390)

11.3.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphalt stone mastic mix work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program
of Work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall be, but not limited to, those
stated in Item 8.5.4.

11.3.5 Construction: Mixing Process :
SMA mixtures shall be produced in batch plant, continuous pugmill, or dryer-
drum mixing plant. Proportioning of aggregates may be by hot or cold feed control for
the first and second type, and cold feed for the drum type, at the option of the
Contractor and the approval of the Engineer.
Cellulose fiber stabilizing agent shall preferably be added to the batch and
continuous pugmill mixing plants automatically using special equipment for feeding
loose fibers at dry mix step.
The pellets stabilizing agent may be added manually or using feeding belts to the drum
mixing plants. Experimental Section:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
The constructability of the SMA mix, in terms of placement and compaction,
shall be determined according to the first day production. Hauling the Mix to Project Site:

The SMA mix shall be transported to project site by clean trucks and free from any
dirt, dust, or any materials, which may affect the properties of, asphalt mixtures. The
following shall also be considered:
1. The SMA mix shall not be stored in mixing plant more than thirty (30)
2. The transportation time from mixing plant to the project site shall be less
than one (1) hour. Tack Coat:

If SMA mix is placed on an existing pavement, a tack coat of a slow setting (SS)
emulsion shall be applied according to Section 8.4 in these General Specifications. The
application rate for the tack coat shall be fourteen to twenty-one of the hundred (0.14 -
0.21) liter per square meter. Spreading and Compaction:

Following requirements shall be considered when spreading and compacting SMA:

1. The initial temperature of the mix at the job site should not be less than one
hundred forty (140) degrees Celsius.
2. Compaction shall be completed before the SMA temperature drops below
one hundred-fifteen (115) degrees Celsius for polymer modified SMA
mixes, and below one hundred-fifteen (110) degrees Celsius for other SMA
3. Rolling shall be performed using a two (2) or three (3) steel-wheeled static
rollers. No vibrator roller in the vibratory mode or rubber tire roller will be
4. The rolling shall commence immediately after placement and all rollers will
remain within 150 meters of the paver.
5. Roller speed shall be between one and six tenth to four and eight tenth (1.5 -
5) kilometer per hour.
6. The rollers shall be equipped with a watering or soapy watering system that
prevents material from sticking to the roller wheels.
7. Mix shall be compacted to ninety-four (94) percent of the maximum
theoretical density. Final Thickness of Pavement layers:

The compacted SMA pavement thickness shall be as shown in planes, Contract
documents, or Special Specifications, and shall not be more than forty (40) millimeters.

11.3.6 Weather conditions:

SMA pavement shall not be placed on any wet or frozen surface, during dust or
sand storms, when wind or other weather conditions prevent the proper handling of the
SMA mixtures (spreading or compaction) or when the average surface temperatures are
less than ten (10) degrees Celsius.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works

11.3.7 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective actions to control traffic according to the
requirements specified in Item 8.5.7 in these General Specifications.

11.3.8 Works Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all SMA works to
ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to these General
Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, SMA produced, and the executed
work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be performed at The Contractor’s
laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by the Ministry. The Contractor
shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table (11.3.4) shows the tests that
the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes, the frequency of these tests,
and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall submit copies of all tests to the
Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in Item 17.1.1 in these General
Specifications. Quality Assurance:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by ordering under its direct supervision or performing testing of
Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) materials and inspect executed work, for all or some Items
of quality control that are shown previous Sub item (

11.3.9 Measurement:
SMA shall be measured by the cubic meter of mix acceptably placed or
according to the special Specifications.
The measurement must be within the dimensions and limits specified in the special
specifications and contract documents. Measurement for payment purposes will be
according to that limits unless stated by the engineer.

11.3.10 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each type SMA listed
in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary for completing

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 11 - Special Asphaltic Works
all work involved in construction and acceptance of SMA. Payment will be made
according to Table (11.3.5).

Table 11.3.4: Quality control procedures for SMA Works

Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Asphalt Certification of compliance and
requirements Table 7.2.1
Binderl supply and source change
Quality and Quality
Gradation Three (3) tests at start of work or requirements in
requirements source change Tables 7.3.1 and
tests Source 7.3.9
Certification of compliance and
Mineral Filler requirements Item 7.3.4
supply and source change
Stabilizing Certification of compliance and
requirements Table 11.3.1
Agent supply and source change
Aggregate AASHTO T-
Materials Table 11.3.2
gradation 164 / T-27 One (1) test every 500 tons from
Mix design AASHTO T- each mixing plant or a day work.
usage Table 11.3.3
requirements 164 / T-170
Thickness ASTM D 3549 Minimum one (1) test every one
site Sub item
thousand (1000) square meters
Compaction ASTM D 2726
Road from each layer
Approved Skid resistance test for each
Skid resistance Item 11.2.8
device working day
Level, Transverse segments every
Requirements in
dimensions, twenty-five (25) meters or five
Contract Project the
Finishing slopes, and segments every one thousand
documents site Contract
smoothness (1000) meters, whichever the
measurement maximum

Table 11.3.5: Stone mastic asphalt works items

Item No. Type of work Measurement unit

11.3.1 Stone mastic asphalt Cubic meter

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12.1 Preface 325

12.2 Description 328
12.3 Materials 328
12.3.1 Asphalt Materials 328
12.3.2 Aggregate 330 Quality Requirements For Combined Aggregate 331 Gradation Of Total Aggregate 332
12.4 Mix Design 335
12.4.1 Job-Mix Formula Requirements 336
12.4.2 The Design Job-Mix Formula 336
12.4.3 Procedures For Acceptance Of Job-Mix Formula 337
12.5 Construction 337
12.6 Traffic Control 338
12.7 Works Acceptance 338
12.7.1 Quality Control 339
12.7.2 Quality Assurance 339
12.8 Measurement and Payment 341
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement


12.1 Preface:
Design of Superior Performance Asphalt Pavements (Superpave) has been
developed on the basis of intensive research conducted to limit failures and distresses in
asphalt pavements during different stages of their service life. Superpave (which will be
defined later in this specification as the superior performance pavements) is an
abbreviation to SUperior PERformance Asphalt PAVEment.

Superpave system consists of requirements and specified methods for selection

of asphalt binder and aggregates which shall be met in the design and construction of
superior performance pavement layers. The Superpave system also consists of the
asphalt mix design method in three levels; the first level is defined as the volumetric
design in addition to tests for determination of performance in the second and third
levels which are still in the development phase.

The Superpave specifications depend on the environmental factors, layer

location from pavement surface and actual traffic volume on the road.
The physical characteristics of the asphalt binder, which directly affect its performance
in the road, are measured by a series of specified tests at temperatures which simulate
the maximum and minimum temperatures to which the asphalt binder is subjected to
during mixing, spreading, compaction and service (pavement service life). Table
(12.2.1) shows these tests which are used to determine the type of the asphalt binder on
the basis of performance grade (PG). The identification consists of suffix numbers to
these two letters (PG) indicating the maximum and minimum temperatures within
which the asphalt binder is expected to perform satisfactorily. For example the grade
PG76-10 is expected to resist rutting at maximum temperature of seventy six (76)
degree Celsius and resist thermal cracking at minimum temperature of minus ten (-10)
degree Celsius.

The real difference between the specifications of Superpave and the traditional
specifications (penetration and viscosity) is in the performing of tests at different
temperatures, which suit the operational conditions of the project, in order to obtain the
target value in the specifications instead of fixing the test temperature and changing that

Tests on asphalt binder or on asphalt mix are performed at temperatures

simulating those to which the asphalt mix is subjected during the pavement service life
and the behavior or performance of the asphalt binder depends on the temperatures and
the prolonging or shortening of the traffic loading period.
The Superpave combined these two factors – loading period and temperature- by their
mutual effect on the asphalt binder and the asphalt mix where the slow loading rate is
simulated by the high temperatures and the quick loading rate by the low temperatures.

The specifications of the Superpave require obtaining records of temperatures in

the project area for twenty (20) years for determination of the adequate performance

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
grade, where the minimum daily temperature and the maximum seven days average
temperature shall be determined during the approved monitoring period in the General
and/or Special Specifications.

Table 12.2.1: Asphalt Binder Tests

No. Test Aim

Rolling Thin Film Oven Test Simulation of short term aging of asphalt
(RTFO) binder (< two years)
Simulation of long term aging of asphalt
2 Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)
binder (>seven years)
Measurement of asphalt binder
3 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) characteristics at intermediate and higher
Measurement of asphalt binder
4 Rotational Viscosity (RV)
characteristics at higher temperatures
5 Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) Measurement of asphalt binder
6 Direct Tension Tester (DTT) characteristics at lower temperatures

The adequate performance grade or type of the asphalt binder for the project
area is determined according to the following steps:

1- Determination of the minimum pavement temperature using the minimum air

temperature in the monitored period or by applying the following formula:

Low, Tpav = - 1.56+0.72Tair – 0.004Lat2+6.26 Log10 (H+25) - Z (4.4+0.52σair2)0.5

Tpav = Minimum pavement design temperature, C° at H mm depth from the
(minimum expected pavement temperature degree during the design
Tair = Minimum daily air temperature, C°
Lat = Geographical location of the project (latitude) in degrees.
Z = Reliability factor = 2.055 at reliability 98 %
H = depth to the surface.
σair = standard diviation of minimum air daily temperature.

2- Determination of the maximum pavement temperature as the temperature at a

depth of twenty (20) millimeters from the pavement surface, which is
determined from approved mathematical formulas by using the average air
temperature for the hottest seven days during the monitoring period and the
geographical location of the project (latitude), using the following equation :

High, Tpav =54.32+0.78Tair–0.0025Lat2-15.14 Log10 (H+25)+Z (9+0.61σair2)0.5

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
Tpav = Maximum pavement design temperature at H mm depth from pavement
surface, C°.
Tair = Average hottest seven days air temperature, C°.
Lat = Geographical location of the project (latitude) in degrees.
Z = Reliability factor = 2.055 at reliability 98 %
H = depth to the surface.
σair = standard deviation of maximum seven day air temperature.

3- The reliability used in determination of the maximum or minimum temperature

shall not be less than ninety eight (98) percent. This implies increasing the
average maximum temperatures and decreasing the average minimum
temperatures by twice the standard deviation value of the average temperatures
for twenty years period.

The aggregate plays an important role in the performance of asphalt mixes at

high temperatures and high humidity. This role is less important at low temperatures in
fatigue cracking and low thermal cracking problems. The characteristics of aggregates
are classified in the Superpave specifications into three groups as follows:

1- Consensus Properties: Consensus properties are used for determination of the

angularity of the fine and coarse aggregate grains and the degree of fracture and
number of fractured faces and are considered as one of the important factors in
obtaining the required performance of the asphalt mix. Specific requirements in
these properties shall be satisfied on the basis of traffic volume and location of
the layer from pavement surface. These properties are :

- Coarse Aggregate Angularity

- Fine Aggregate Angularity
- Flat and Elongated Particles
- Clay content

2- Source Properties: Source properties are used in judgment of suitability of the

source of aggregates used in production of the Superpave, for its importance in
quality assurance. These properties include the following:
- Toughness
- Soundness
- Deleterious Materials

3- Gradation Properties: Superpave has developed methodology for determination

of aggregate gradation in asphalt mixes by considering the gradation curve of
sieve sizes raised to the power 0.45. This curve consists of a straight line joining
the point of the 100% passing at the maximum size and the zero point, called the
maximum density line. Two additional properties have been added to the
maximum density line, which are :

- Control Points.
- Restricted Zone.
Control points are upper and lower limits for the percentage passing from
definite sieves. These Sieves are the maximum size, the maximum nominal size, the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
intermediate size 2.36 mm and the minimum size 0.075 mm. The control point value in
each sieve differs by the variation of the maximum nominal size of the aggregate. The
restricted zone is a zone where the gradation curve is not recommended to pass through,
since the gradation passing through this zone will have insufficient voids in the mineral
aggregate (VMA) and is considered to be highly sensitive to any increase or decrease in
asphalt content.

The aggregate gradation selected for Superpave is known as the Design

Aggregate Structure and should preferably pass below the restricted zone.

The performance of the asphalt mixes is determined from series of tests on

prepared laboratory specimens using gyratory compactor and by measurements of the
volumetric properties which include air voids, voids in the mineral aggregate and voids
filled with asphalt and then use these properties and measurements in performance
models for estimation of the number and shape of pavement distresses on the basis of
time and traffic factors.

12.2 Description:
This section includes provision of the asphalt binder which satisfies the required
performance specifications for the project area and selection of the suitable aggregate in
terms of gradation and quality requirements for production of an asphalt mix which
satisfies the performance requirements and design conditions stated in the this General
or Special Specifications and hauling , spreading and compacting the mix for
construction of the superior performance asphalt pavement layers in accordance with
the plans , Special Specifications , contract documents and this General Specifications .

12.3 Materials:

12.3.1 Asphalt Materials:

The asphalt materials used in the Superpave consist of the modified or unmodified
asphalt binder which shall satisfy the quality requirements shown in Table (12.3.1) of
this general Specification. Unless otherwise defined in the contract documents or in
the Special Specifications, the contractor shall submit a study, prepared by a specialized
authority, which shows the suitable performance grade of the asphalt binder for the
project area.

The performance grade shall be determined according to the sequence followed in

the standard AASHTO PP-6 “The Standard Method of Approving the Suppliers Grade
of the Asphalt Binder” and “Specifications of Performance grade of the Asphalt Binder
“AASHTO MP-1 standard.

The performance grade of the asphalt binder shall be selected on the basis of
temperatures of the project location in any zone in the Kingdom, using the equations in
item 12.1 of this division and in case there is no information about the project the
performance grade shown in Figure (12.3.1) “Temperature Zones of the Kingdom” shall
be use. This selected grade shall be increased by the performance degrees shown in
Table (12.3.2), according to the speed and the design traffic volume in ESAL’s in the
design lane for twenty (20) years. The properties of the selected asphalt binder shall
conform to the requirements shown in Table (12.3.1).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
When the available asphalt binder does not satisfy the performance
requirements, the Contractor shall modify the asphalt binder by using one of the
approved and common modifiers (Polymers) in the Kingdom. He shall also submit
technical report, prepared by specialized authority, showing the proposed polymer type,
its percentage, method of addition and test results which verify the satisfaction of the
asphalt binder type to the quality requirements shown in Table (12.3.1).

Table 12.3.1: Quality Requirements of Performance Grades of Asphalt Binder

Test Description Specification Requirements

New Asphalt
Flash point AASHTO T-248 230 0C (min)
Rotational Viscosity At 135 0C 3 Pa.sec (max)
Dynamic Shear (DSR) At the higher AASHTO
1 kPa (min)
G*/sinδ at 10 rad /sec temperature TP-5
Specimens of Asphalt Residue from RTFO
% loss (RTFO) At 1630C 1% (max)
Dynamic Shear (DSR), At the higher AASHTO
2.2 kPa (min)
G*/sinδ temperature TP-5
Specimens of Asphalt Residue from RTFO and PAV
Dynamic Shear (DSR), At the median AASHTO 5000 kPa
G*sinδ temperature * TP-5 (max)
At minimum
temperature +10 300 Mpa (max)
Bending Stiffness (S) TP-1
C° for 60 sec
At minimum
Rheometer AASHTO
m-value temperature +10 0.3 (min)
C° for 60 sec
Direct Tension At minimum AASHTO
1% (min)
temperature TP-3
* NOTE: see Table 1 in Appendix 2.

Table 12.3.2: Increase of Performance Degree of Asphalt Binder on the Basis of

Traffic Volume and Speed

Design Traffic Increase of Performance Degree According to Traffic Speed

<20 kph 20 – 70 kph >70 kph
(million ESALs)
< 0.3 No need
0.3 - <10 No need
10 - <30 Two degrees One degree
≥30 One degree

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement

Figure 12.3.1: Temperature Zones of the Kingdom

The selected performance grade shall be modified on the basis of climate

temperature in the project area in accordance with Section 12.2 or as determined from
Figure (12.3.1), by increasing the maximum temperature only by the amount of the
performance degrees shown in Table (12.3.2) (each performance degree equals six (6)
degrees Celsius), according to the speed and design volume of traffic on the road. The
minimum temperature in the performance grade shall not be modified. For example, if
the selected performance grade for a project, according to the pavement temperature, is
PG70-10 and the design traffic speed is greater than seventy (70) kph and the design
traffic volume is between ten (10) to thirty (30) million ESAL in the design lane, the
performance grade of the asphalt binder shall be increased one degree to be of the type

The Contractor shall use modified asphalt binder in construction of Superpave

asphalt concrete according to the ministry request in any of the Kingdom zones and
taking into consideration that the performance degree of that asphalt binder is increased
according to traffic volume and speed in the target project as shown in figure (12.3.1)
and Table (12.3.2). The contractor has the right to request about the modification cost if
it is not mentioned in the contract documents, but if the ministry does not request that
and it is not mentioned in the contract documents the Contractor has no right to claim
any additional compensation accordingly.

12.3.2 Aggregate:
The aggregate used in production of Superpave shall meet all stated
requirements in this section of the General Specification, unless otherwise stated in the
Special Specifications. The Contractor shall, at his own responsibility, define the
source(s) and the aggregate quantities suitable for work in accordance with the
requirements of this General Specifications or the Special Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
The different aggregate sizes shall be stockpiled on stable clean leveled surface
and in spaced heaps of not less than ten (10) meters apart or in wall-separated heaps.
The aggregates shall be hauled from stockpiles locations by equipments which are
approved by the Engineer. The hauling and/or stockpiling method shall not lead to
pollution of the environment or aggregate or particle segregation.

The Contractor is allowed to use up to 15% by weight of total aggregates of non

fractured fine aggregate for production of Superpave, provided that the total mix of the
fractured and non fractured fine aggregate shall conform to the fine aggregate angularity
which is based on the uncompacted air voids of this General Specifications or the
Special Specifications.

The mineral filler used in Superpave shall be a product of rock powder or rock
dust with plasticity index not more than 4%. It may also be of furnace slag and/or metal
raw or Portland cement or hydrated lime or any other material which will satisfy the
quality requirements as in AASHTO M-85 or AASHTO M-240 for Portland cement and
ASTM C 207 for hydrated lime. Quality Requirements for combined Aggregate:

The combined aggregate shall satisfy all consensus properties shown in Table
(12.3.3), and the flat and elongated particles test shall be performed on materials
retained on sieve 4.75 mm while the percent of air voids test on the uncompacted fine
aggregate shall be performed on materials passing sieve 2.36 mm, according to the
method defined in the above mentioned Table.

Not contradicting the Special Specifications, the source properties of the

aggregate used in Superpave production, shall conform to all requirements listed in
Table (12.3.4), according to the defined test method.

All tests listed in Tables (12.3.3) and (12.3.4) of this General Specifications
shall be performed on the blended aggregate which is selected for production of
Superpave concrete, except the Los Angeles Abrasion Test which may be performed on
the blended aggregate or for each source / stockpile alone.

Table 12.3.3: Aggregate Consensus Properties Requirements

Coarse Aggregate Percent of Air Voids in

Angularity fine Aggregate (passing Flat and
Traffic Sand
(At least %) 4.75 mm sieve) Elongated
Volume Equivalent
(At least %) Particles***
(ESAL) (min)
Layer Location from Pavement Surface* (min)
<100 mm ≥100 mm <100 mm ≥100 mm
<0.3 -/55 -/- - - 40 -
0.3 -<3 -/75 -/50 40 40 40 10
3 - <10 80/85** -/60 45 40 45 10
10 -<30 90/95 75/80 45 40 45 10
≥30 100/100 100/100 45 45 50 10
* Layer location from pavement surface is considered to be less than 100 mm if the layer is the surface
layer or if quarter of its thickness lies within the upper 100 mm of the pavement surface.
** 85/80 denotes that 85 % of the coarse aggregate has one fractured face and 80% has two or more
fractured faces.
*** Criterion based on 5:1 maximum to minimum ratio.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
Table 12.3.4: Requirements of the Aggregate Source Properties

Aggregate Properties Test Method Requirements %

Los Angeles Abrasion
AASHTO T-96 40
Soundness (loss in Sodium
AASHTO T-104 20
Sulphate) (max)
Clay lumps and friable
AASHTO T-112 0.25
particles (max) Gradation of Total Aggregate:

The combined aggregate of Superpave shall satisfy one of the gradation
requirements shown in Tables from (12.3.5) to (12.3.9) which is classified according to
the nominal maximum size of the aggregate.

The percent of aggregate used in the asphalt mix shall be determined by the use
of the average gradation results of five representative and independent samples taken
from each stockpile and/or cold bins and/or hot bins, and at least three trials shall be
performed for different gradations within the specification limits of the approved
gradation for each Superpave mix in order to determine the design aggregate structure
and the percentages of the different aggregate sizes.

Satisfaction of the aggregate sizes to quality and gradation requirements shall be

checked whenever the source and /or method of fracture change. The maximum
nominal size shall not be greater than half the pavement layer thickness.

Table 12.3.5: Gradation of combined Aggregate

(Maximum Nominal Size is 9.5 mm)

Sieve Control Points (%) Restricted Zone (%) Target

Size Design
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Limits (%)
(mm) Values*(%)
12.50 100 - - - - -
9.50 90 100 - - - -
4.75 - 90 - - * ±6
2.36 32 67 47.2 47.2 * ±6
1.18 - - 31.6 37.6 - -
0.600 - - 23.5 27.5 * ±4
0.300 - - 18.7 18.7 * ±3
0.150 - - - - - -
0.075 2 10 - - * ±2

* represents target values which the Contractor shall determine during the asphalt mix design to the
0.1% , and tolerance limits shown are the permissible deviation from target values.
** It is better if the total gradation avoid the restricted zone and that according to the engineer acceptance.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement

Table 12.3.6: Gradation of combined Aggregate

(Maximum Nominal Size is 12.5 mm)

Control Points (%) Restricted Zone (%) Target

Sieve Size Tolerance
(mm) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Limits (%)
19 100 - - - -
12.50 90 100 - - - -
9.50 90 - - - -
4.75 - - * ±6
2.36 28 58 39.1 39.1 * ±6
1.18 - - 25.6 31.6 - -
0.600 - - 19.1 23.1 * ±4
0.300 - - 15.1 15.1 * ±3
0.150 - - - - - -
0.075 2 10 - - * ±2

* represents target values which the Contractor shall determine during the asphalt mix design to the
0.1% , and tolerance limits shown are the permissible deviation from target values.
** It is better if the total gradation avoid the restricted zone and that according to the engineer acceptance.

Table 12.3.7: Gradation of combined Aggregate

(Maximum Nominal Size is 19 mm)

Sieve Control Points (%) Restricted Zone (%) Target

Size Design
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Limits (%)
(mm) Values*(%)
25 100 - - - - -
19 90 100 - - - -
12.50 - 90 - - - -
9.50 - - - - - -
4.75 - - - - * ±6
2.36 23 49 34.6 34.6 * ±6
1.18 - - 22.3 28.3 * -
0.600 - - 16.7 20.7 * ±4
0.300 - - 13.7 13.7 * ±3
0.150 - - - - - -
0.075 2 8 - - * ±2

* represents target values which the Contractor shall determine during the asphalt mix design to the
0.1% , and tolerance limits shown are the permissible deviation from target values.
** It is better if the total gradation avoid the restricted zone and that according to the engineer acceptance.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement

Table 12.3.8: Gradation of combined Aggregate

(Maximum Nominal Size is 25 mm)

Sieve Control Points (%) Restricted Zone (%) Target

Size Design
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Limits (%)
(mm) Values*(%)
37.5 100 - - - - -
25 90 100 - - - -
19 - 90 - - - -
12.50 - - - - - -
9.50 - - - - - -
4.75 - - 39.5 39.5 * ±6
2.36 19 45 26.8 30.8 * ±6
1.18 - - 18.1 24.1 * -
0.600 - - 13.6 17.6 * ±4
0.300 - - 11.4 11.4 * ±3
0.150 - - - - - -
0.075 1 7 - - * ±2

* represents target values which the Contractor shall determine during the asphalt mix design to the
0.1% , and tolerance limits shown are the permissible deviation from target values.
** It is better if the total gradation avoid the restricted zone and that according to the engineer acceptance.

Table 12.3.9: Gradation of combined Aggregate

(Maximum Nominal Size is 37.5 mm)

Control Points (%) Restricted Zone (%) Target

Sieve Size Tolerance
(mm) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Limits (%)
50 100 - - - - -
37.5 90 100 - - - -
25 - 90 - - - -
19 - - - - - -
12.50 - - - - - -
9.50 - - - - - -
4.75 - - 34.7 34.7 * ±6
2.36 15 41 23.7 27.3 * ±6
1.18 - - 15.5 21.5 *
0.600 - - 11.7 15.7 * ±4
0.300 - - 10 10 * ±3
0.150 - - - - - -
0.075 0 6 - - * ±2

* represents target values which the Contractor shall determine during the asphalt mix design to the
0.1% , and tolerance limits shown are the permissible deviation from target values.
** It is better if the total gradation avoid the restricted zone and that according to the engineer acceptance.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
12.4 Mix Design:
Design of superior performance asphalt mix shall be in accordance with the
Asphalt Institute method shown in Superpave Series No. 2 (SP-2) “Mix Design of
Superpave Asphalt concrete”. The Appendix (2) of this General Specifications shows an
example of Superpave volumetric mix design method.
The design steps of the asphalt mix, as in level one of the superior performance
asphalt pavement “mix Design by the Volumetric Method”, include the following:
1- Selection of the asphalt binder which satisfies the approved requirements as in
item 12.3.1 of this Specification.
2- Selection of the aggregate which satisfies the specifications of the defined
source and consensus properties and meets the required gradation according to
the maximum nominal size by performing three different trail blends and
comparing them with the combined gradation requirements.
3- Estimation of the preliminary optimum asphalt binder content for each blend.
4- Determination of the temperature range for each of the mixing and compaction
by performing the Rotational Viscosity test as in AASHTO TP-48 such that the
suitable mixing viscosity of the asphalt binder will in the range of (0.17 ± 0.02)
and for compaction will be in the range (0.28 ± 0.03) Pa.sec .
5- Selection of the optimum asphalt binder content as follows:
- Mixing asphalt with the different aggregate blends and heating (aging)
the mix in the oven at compaction temperature specified by rotational
viscosity test for two hours if the aggregate absorption does not exceed
2% and for four hours if the absorption exceeding this value, then
compacting the specimens by the gyratory compactor as in AASHTO
TP-4 method, “The Standard Method for Preparation and Determination
of the Specific Gravity of Compacted Specimens by the Gyratory
- Analysis of the volumetric properties of the compacted mix and
comparing them with the volumetric properties as in Superpave system
and selection of the best results as design aggregate structure according
to the specification AASHTO PP-19 “The Standard Volumetric Analysis
Method for Compacted Hot Mix”.
- Compaction of specimens from the design aggregate gradation with
different asphalt contents, plotting the asphalt binder versus the air voids
in the compacted specimens curve and determination of the design
asphalt binder content at four (4) percent air voids.
- Determination of the volumetric properties using the optimum asphalt
content from the plotted curves of; asphalt binder content versus the
volumetric properties of the asphalt mix (Voids in the Mineral
Aggregate (VMA), Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA), density at initial
(Nini), design (Ndes) and maximum (Nmax) compaction levels and then
comparison with the requirements of the volumetric properties shown in
Table (12.4.2).
6- Evaluation of the resistance of the selected asphalt mix to water effect
according to AASHTO T-283 method.

Table (12.4.1) shall be considered as guidelines for the selection of the required
compaction level in the laboratory for the asphalt mix on the basis of the design traffic
volume in EASL’s in the design lane for twenty (20) years.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
Table 12.4.1: Superpave Compaction levels

Design No of gyrations
ESAL Maximum Design Initial Road Class
(million) Nmax Ndes Nini
< 0.3 75 50 6 Residential
0.3 - < 3 115 75 7 Collector
Expressway Arterial / Industrial
3 - < 30 160 100 8
Expressway / Truck Parking /
≥ 30 205 125 9
Decent Lanes / Intersections

12.4.1 Job-Mix Formula Requirements:

The asphalt binder shall satisfy the quality requirements shown in Table
(12.3.1), and the Contractor shall define and verify the target values of the gradation of
the total aggregate of the Superpave within the allowed limits shown in Table (12.3.5)
or Table (12.3.6) or Table (12.3.7) or Table (12.3.8) Table or (12.3.9) according to the
nominal maximum size of the aggregate provided that the quality requirements shown
in Tables (12.3.3) and (12.3.4) shall be satisfied. The asphalt mix shall also satisfy the
volumetric properties shown in Table (12.4.2).

The ratio of the average tensile resistance of the compacted specimens subjected
to environmental conditioning to average tensile resistance of the compacted specimens
not subjected to environmental conditioning shall not be less than seventy five (75)
percent as determined by AASHTO T-283 test “Resistance of the compacted
bituminous Mixture to moisture induced Damages”.

Table 12.4.2: Requirements of the Volumetric Properties of Superpave

Voids in the Mineral Voids Ratio of

Ratio of Required Percentage
Aggregate (VMA) Filled
Density to Maximum Passing Sieve
ESALs (at least %) with
Theoretical Density 0.075 mm to
(million) Asphalt
(%Gmm) Nominal Maximum Size Asphalt
(VFA) Binder
** Content *
Nmax Ndes Nini 9.5 12.5 19 25 37.5
<0.3 - - <91.5 - - - - - 70-80
0.3 - <3 <90.5 65-78
0.6 – 1.2
3 - <30 <98 96 15 14 13 12 11 65-75
≥30 65-75
Note on Table (12.4.2):
* This range may be increased to 0.8% - 1.6% for coarse gradation which pass below the restricted zone.
** The range of VFA for the maximum nominal size of 9.5 mm shall be between 73% to 76% for the
traffic volume greater than or equal to 3 million ESALs, and the minimum limit for these voids shall
be 67% for the maximum nominal size of 25 mm when the traffic volume is less than 0.3 million
ESALs and 64% for the maximum nominal size of 37.5 mm for all traffic volumes.

12.4.2 The Design Job-Mix Formula:

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed technical report about the proposed job-
mix formula and submit to the ministry for approval thirty (30) days prior to
commencement of asphalt mix production on site. The report shall include the source(s)

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
of materials used in the asphalt mix production, material proportions, original test
results of consensus properties, source properties required for aggregate materials which
proves conformity with the specified requirements and the original test results of the
designed asphalt mix in the laboratory which shall include; gradation, specific gravity
for aggregate sizes, test results of the asphalt binder, grade, type and percentages of
used modifiers, mixing method, plant location and test results of plant production.

12.4.3 Procedures for Acceptance of Job-Mix Formula:

The job-mix formula furnished by the Contractor shall be revised by the
ministry and shall be accepted or retuned to the Contractor for modifications within two
weeks. The Contractor shall prepare once again and resubmit to the ministry, for
approval, a new job-mix formula which will satisfy the specified requirements. The
Contractor shall not change sources or aggregate production methods or asphalt material
mixing after approval of the job-mix except after repeat of material testing and
submission of new mix.

12.5 Construction:
Unless otherwise stated in the Special Specifications or otherwise conflicting
with what is listed in this section, the construction requirements shown in item 8.5.6
“Construction “ shall be applied to the items related to preparation of asphalt materials,
aggregates, asphalt concrete mix and joint.
The Contractor shall ensure surface preparation (any type) on which Superpave
mix will be placed. He shall clean the surface from dust, loose material and any foreign
material and apply tack coat or prime coat by the method and equipment approved by
the Engineer and in accordance with the requirements listed in this General
Specifications and the Special Specifications. The Contractor shall also fill the cracks
and patch potholes if the surface is asphalt concrete, as shown in plans and contract
documents. The central plants used in Superpave production, shall satisfy the
requirements listed in the specification AASHTO M 156 designation for the
"Requirements of Hot Mix Asphalt Plants”.
The Contractor shall haul, place and spread the Superpave asphalt concrete to
the thickness specified in plans and by the manner and equipments stated in the Special
Specifications and this General Specifications. The asphalt mix temperature during
discharge from the plant into the truck shall not be less than one hundred and sixty
(160) degrees Celsius and not greater than one hundred and eighty (180) degrees
All Superpave layers shall be spread and initially compacted, in the initial
coverage, in temperatures not less than one hundred and thirty five (135) degrees
Celsius. All compaction works shall be finished before the mix temperature is reduced
to less than ninety (90) degrees Celsius. The compaction shall be in the form of
consecutive or sequential passes by approved rollers. The pass is defined as the
movement of one roller in any direction. The number of passes which cover the full
width of pavement by compaction is defined as the coverage. Table (12.5.1) may be
used as guidelines for determination of the degree of compaction, roller type and
number of coverage's.
Longitudinal joints shall be compacted first, and then compaction may be started
at the lower side towards the higher side (road center line) using self propelled steel or
pneumatic rollers. The weight of each of these rollers shall not be less than ten (10) tons

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
and the Contractor shall take care of these rollers, maintain and operate in the manner
which will lead to the required purpose.

Table 12.5.1: Degree of Compaction and Number of Coverage

First Alternative Second Alternative
Degree of
Number of Number of
Compaction Roller Type Roller Type
Coverage ** Coverage **
Initial Steel Roller 1 Vibratory Roller 1
Intermediate Pneumatic Roller 4 Vibratory Roller 2–4*
Final Steel Roller 1-3 Steel Roller 1-3
* Depends on Roller Weight
** The number of coverages shall be selected on the basis of the experimental section.
The number of tires of the pneumatic roller shall not be less than seven tires and the tires shall be
capable of applying an air pressure of 258 kg/cm2 or ninety (90) pounds / square inch. The air
pressure in any tire shall not vary by more than 14 kg/cm2 or five (5) pounds / square inch from the
approved pressure and the weight of each tire shall not be less than 2222 Kilograms or five thousand
(5000) pound.

The longitude and latitude joints shall be compacted first, after that compaction
start from edges to the road axis using mechanical steel or pneumatic rollers and their
weights must not be less than ten (10) tons and the contractor shall operate, repair and
take care about it as to achieve its purpose.

The adequate number of rollers shall be provided and the compaction shall
continue till the required field density is reached. The compaction degree shall
determine on the basis of the experimental section results as in the standard method
AASHTO T-310 or the method AASHTO T-168. The degree of compaction shall not be
less than 91% of the maximum theoretical density defined by the standard method

12.6 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take the effective measures to prevent all types of traffic
from using the Superpave layers unless approved by the Engineer and he shall take the
approval of the concerned authorities in this respect and follow the requirements shown
in item 8.5.7 of this General Specifications.

12.7 Works Acceptance:

Contractor shall apply quality control for superpave asphalt concrete production
by carrying out all the required arrangements to ensure that the used materials,
construction methods and the executed works achieve the quality requirements,
indicated in the standard specifications, special specifications, these general
specifications and other contract documents.

The Ministry shall apply the quality assurance works by verifying that the
contractor has carried out quality control procedures properly either through direct
supervision of the quality control procedures or by undertaking quality assurance
procedures neutrally on representative samples and with adequate numbers to judge the
execution and to decide in accepting or not accepting the completed work according to
the principles detailed in Division 17 of this general specifications except otherwise
specified in special specification or other contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
12.7.1 Quality Control:
The Contractor shall furnish a plan for the quality control system which he will
follow during the contract period at his own expense in his laboratories, as part of the
daily work follow up, or in other independent laboratories which are approved by the
ministry, thirty (30) days prior to commencement of the asphalt concrete production for
approval. The Contractor shall not start production and construction prior to obtaining
written acceptance of the plan by the Engineer. He shall be committed to the plan during
the contract period. That plan shall include the number, qualifications of the work staff
and a list of devices, equipments, calibration methods, finished calibration certificates
from approved authority, number of available tests, and number of samples, their weight
and frequency.

The Contractor shall conduct the quality control tests for the materials at their
source, during use, when preparing the mix design and on the site as shown In Table
The total aggregate, including fine aggregate, mineral filler and asphalt binder,
shall conform to the approved proportions in the job mix formula within the allowed
tolerances listed in item 12.3.2 of this General Specifications. When these percentages
are not conforming to the approved job mix formula within the allowed tolerances, the
mix production shall be suspended for recalibration.

At least two specimens from the produced asphalt mix shall be compacted by the
gyratory compactor as in AASHTO TP-4 method. And the maximum theoretical
specific density shall be performed for each mix intended for compaction in the
laboratory as in ASTM D 2041 method and according to the frequency stated in Table
(12.7.1) at the design compaction level (Ndes) in order to ensure that the volumetric
properties of the asphalt mix are within the following limits:

- The air voids and the voids in the mineral aggregate of the produced asphalt mix
shall not vary by more than one (1) percent from what has been specified in the job
mix formula.
- The voids filled with asphalt shall not vary by more than five (5) percent from what
has been specified in the job mix formula.
- The ratio of the average tension resistance of the compacted and subjected to
environmental conditioning specimens to the average tension resistance of the
compacted specimens, not subjected to environmental conditioning shall not be less
than seventy five (75) percent as determined by AASHTO T-283 test.
- The gyratory compaction test shall be performed at the maximum compaction level
(Nmax) for each four days production to ensure that the density ratio at this level of
compaction is less than ninety eight (98) percent of the maximum theoretical
specific density (Gmm).

12.7.2 Quality Assurance :

Ministry at any time has the right to assure the quality of materials and executed
works through carrying out or ordering others under its direct supervision to select
materials and check executed works for all or part of the quality control items specified
in 12.7.1 subsection.

Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and compare
these statistically with its results to insure quality according to what is specified in

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
division 17 of these general specifications. It has the right to inspect the contractor’s
laboratory and its equipments, its technical staff, methods of testing and construction
method to insure the efficiency of the contractor’s technical staff and equipments and
compliance of his inspection methods, testing and construction method with the
approved methods.

Table 12.7.1: Quality control procedures for Superpave asphalt concrete mixes

Work Properties Testing method of Sampling frequency Requirements
One test In the beginning of
Asphalt Quality requirements Tests indicated in supply, during the mix design
Table 12.3.1
binder and PG classification Table 12.3.1 and whenever the source or mix
properties are changed.
Tests indicated 3 tests on different samples from
Consensus properties each source at source approval Table 12.3.3
in Table 12.3.3
and design job mix formula or
when source is changed or when
noticing a change in constructed
Aggregate works properties, and 5 tests on
Tests indicated in
Source properties different randomly time selected Table 12.3.4
Table 12.3.4 At
samples for each 5000 cubic
Source meters from each source during
Specific gravity (Gsb) 3 samples during mix design and Tables from
and AASHTO T-19 one test for each week or when 12.3.5 to
absorption mix properties are changed. 12.3.9

3 samples during mix design and Tables from

Aggregate gradation AASHTO
one test for each week or when 12.3.5 to
Materials (dry mix) T-27
mix properties are changed. 12.3.9
construction Specific gravity (Gsb) 3 samples during mix design and Tables from
and AASHTO T-19 one test for each week or when 12.3.5 to
absorption mix properties are changed. 12.3.9
Tests indicated in at One test each month or when
Source properties Table 12.3.4
Table 12.3.4 mix properties are changed.
Stock Piles
Tests indicated One test each month or when
Consensus properties Table 12.3.3
in Table 12.3.3 mix properties are changed..
At least one samples for each for
AASHTO Tables from
Asphalt mix Aggregate gradation each 500 cubic meters or one for
T-27/T-164 12.3.5 to
tests and asphalt content each daily production from each
T-308/T-310 Tables 12.3.9
constructed layer.
At least three tests at approval of
Volumetric properties design aggregate structure or
Section 12.3
using Gyratory when properties or mix
and 2.4,
compaction at design AASHTO TP-4 aggregate are changed and one
Table 12.4.1
number of Gyrations test for each 500 cubic meters
and 12.4.2
(Ndes) from each Plant or for each
working day which is the lesser.
Percent of max density
One Test for every four
Gmm using Gyratory
production days or one test for
compaction at AASHTO TP-4 Table 12.4.2
each 500 cubic meters from each
maximum number of
Plant which is the less
Gyrations (Nmax)
At least three tests at approval of
design aggregate structure or
AASHTO when properties or mix
Maximum theoretical
T-209/ aggregate are changed and one Item 12.7.1
specific gravity (Rice)
ASTM D 2041 test for each 500 cubic meters
from each Plant or for each
working day which is the lesser.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 12-Superior performance asphalt pavement
One test when design and
Mixture sensitivity to
AASHTO approval of job mix formula or
moisture induced Item 12.7.1
T-283 when the mix properties are
one test for each 1000 square
meters from each constructed
Compaction ASTM D-2726 Section 12.5
layer or working day which is
the lesser.
One test from each 1000 square
meters from each constructed
Thickness ASTM D-3549 Section 12.5
layer or working day which is
the lesser.
Constructed Skid resistance on Skid resistance Skid measurements for each
Section 12.5
works surface layer measurement working day.
At site Using measurement methods
Road roughness indicated in special
Surface layer roughness Section 12.5
measurement specifications for each working
Cross section measurements Requirements
Levels, dimensions
Contract each 25 meters or 5 sections stated in
and, slopes
documents each 1000 square meters contract
whichever is greater. documents

The requirements including in division seventeen (17) in these general

specifications shall apply to accept constructed superpave asphalt concrete works. On
application of the statistical system, the elements of pay factor determination shall
include; the thickness, gradation, surface smoothness, asphalt binder content and
compaction. The number of samples and the lot amount shall be as shown in Table
(17.3.1) of this General Specifications.

The quality assurance procedures shall be applied as shown in sub item
and table (8.5.6), which is concerned with compaction requirements, thickness of the
constructed asphalt concrete - as decided on plans -, aggregate gradation, asphalt binder
content and evenness of the surface layer. The allowed tolerances limits for gradation
shall be as shown in Tables (12.3.5), (12.3.6), (12.3.7), (12.3.8) and (12.3.9), and the
asphalt binder content shall be in the range ±0.4 % from the approved design content.

12.8 Measurement and Payment:

Each lot quantity of the Superpave concrete layer shall be measured in cubic
meters compacted to the specified density ratio and in accordance with the thickness
shown on plans. The payment shall be according to the contract unit price or the
modified unit price per cubic meter for any constructed layer of asphalt concrete. No
measurement shall be made for quantities and areas placed outside the allowed limits
for payment purposes. Payment and prices shall be full compensation against provision
of labor, materials, equipments, tools and all other items necessary for work completion
as shown in this General Specifications and this Special Specifications.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 341


13.1 Scope 345

13.2 On-Road Cold Mix Pavement 345
13.2.1 Description 345
13.2.2 Materials 345
13.2.3 Job Mix Requirements 345
13.2.4 Equipment 345
13.2.5 Construction 345 Surface Preparation 345 Mixing Soil With Asphalt And Compaction 346 Pavement Surface Isolation 346 Finishing 346
13.2.6 Traffic Control 346
13.2.7 Work Acceptance 346 Quality Control 346 Quality Assurance 347
13.2.8 Measurements 347
13.2.9 Payment 347
13.3 On-Road Hot Mix Pavement 348
13.3.1 Description 348
13.3.2 Materials 348
13.3.3 Job Mix Requirements 348
13.3.4 Equipment 348
13.3.5 Construction 348 Surface Preparation 348 Mixing Soil And Asphalt 348 Hauling, Spreading, And Compacting 349 Finishing 349
13.3.6 Traffic Control 349
13.3.7 Work Acceptance 349 Quality Control 349 Quality Assurance 350
13.3.8 Measurements 350
13.3.9 Payment 350
13.4 Asphalt Macadam 350
13.4.1 Description 350
13.4.2 Materials 351
13.4.3 Equipment 351
13.4.4 Construction 351
13.4.5 Finishing 353
13.4.6 Work Acceptance 353 Quality Control 353 Quality Assurance 354
13.4.7 Measurements 354
13.4.8 Payment 354
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work


13.1 Scope:
This Division consists of furnishing and construction asphalt pavement using
locally available materials mixed with liquid asphalt for remote residential complexes
or for low-volume roads over a well-prepared surface according to Division 6 in these
General Specifications. These works includes on-road cold-mix and hot-mix pavements
and asphalt Macadam pavement.

13.2 On-Road Cold Mix Pavement:

13.2.1 Description:
This work consists of furnishing and paving a layer by mixing available soil
with liquid asphalt by mobile plants or leveling grader on-site, spreading, and aerating
the mix after the diluting materials to evaporate, compacting the mix as shown on the
plans, in accordance with these specifications and the Special Specifications, and as
directed by the Engineer.

13.2.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: It shall be liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt conforming to the
quality requirements specified in Tables (7.2.2) to (7.2.7) in these General

Aggregates or Soil: It shall be from the best available materials with minimum
requirements of AASHTO A-3 soil classification and with a maximum plasticity index
of 6. The materials passing sieve number 200 shall not be less than twenty-five (25)
percent of the total weight of aggregate or soil.

13.2.3 Job Mix Requirements:

Before commencing the work, the Contractor shall submit a technical report containing
the proposed source, types, mixing proportion, and execution plans for the Engineers

13.2.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphaltic concrete work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of
Work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall the following:
1. Trucks to haul the mix from the mixing site to the pavement site.
2. Mixing and spreading equipment and hand tools.
3. Rollers with suitable weights to achieve the required compaction levels.

13.2.5 Construction: Surface Preparation:

Prior to haul the mix to the project site, the road surface shall be stable,
conforming to the longitudinal and transverse levels, conforming to the compaction
requirements, and executed according to the Special Specifications and these General

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
Specifications. The levels shall be identified by poles and sticks when the grader
equipment is used. Mixing Soil with Asphalt and Compaction:

When the grader is used for mixing, the soil may be stockpiled in longitudinal or
transverse piles or may be spread on the surface. Required percentage of asphalt
material shall be added, and the mixing by grader shall be continued to obtain a uniform
mix and to let the diluting materials evaporate from the liquid asphalt.

The mixing process may be done in specified off-road sites; the mix is
transported and spread by the paver or the grader; the mix shall be compacted by the
suitable rollers to the required thickness and density, as in the special specifications or
contract documents. Pavement Surface Isolation:

When stated in the Special Specifications, the pavement surface shall be isolated
by spraying an asphalt layer from the same materials used in the mix at a rate of one (1)
kilogram per square meter, or as specified by the Special Specifications. This layer
shall be applied after the asphalt material is cured (liquid asphalt) or set (emulsified
asphalt). Finishing:
The road surface shall be acceptably leveled. The un-evenness (bumps and
sags) of the surface is measured by a three (3) meter straight edge. The deviations of
six (6) millimeters in the longitudinal direction or ten (10) millimeters in the transverse
direction are allowed. The Contractor shall repair all portion in the pavement surface
with deviations higher than these specified ones.

13.2.6 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective actions to permit traffic to safely pass
through on-road cold mix pavement construction work zones.

13.2.7 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all on-road cold mix
pavement works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.
The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the Contractor is
performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The Ministry may have a
direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying quality assurance
procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of samples to judge
the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work. Division 17 in
these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated otherwise in
the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, on-road cold mix pavement
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
the Ministry. The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer.
Table (13.2.1) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and
mixes, the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits.
The Contractor shall submit copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply
all requirements detailed in Item 17.1.1 in these General Specifications.

Table 13.2.1: Quality control requirements for on-road cold mix pavement
Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency Requirements
Certification of compliance Tables 7.2.2
Asphalt materials requirements
and supply and source change to 7.2.7
Raw tests
materials Quality
Three (3) tests at start of work
Soil requirements Item 13.2.2
or source change
Material at Job mix Project Job mix
- One test per day work
use requirements site requirements
Transverse segments every
Level, twenty-five (25) meters or five Contract
dimensions, Project segments every one thousand documents and
Finishing measurement
slopes, and site (1000) meters, whichever the Subitem
smoothness maximum, Use the straight –
edge for smoothness Quality Assurance:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Subitem.

13.2.8 Measurements:
On-road cold mix pavement specified and completed within the lines shown on
the plans or ordered by the Engineer shall be measured in square meters.

13.2.9 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for on-road cold mix
pavement when listed in the Bill of Quantities.
The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for furnishing
labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing all work
involved in construction of on-road cold mix pavement. Payment will be made
according to Table (13.2.2).

Table 13.2.2: On-road cold mix pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units

13.2.1 On-road cold mix layer Square meter

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
13.3 On-Road Hot Mix Pavement:

13.3.1 Description:
This work consists of furnishing and paving a layer by mixing available soil
with liquid asphalt by mobile plants, spreading, and after the diluting materials
evaporate, compacting the mix as shown on the plans, in accordance with these
specifications and the Special Specifications, and as directed by the Engineer.

13.3.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact Documents,
asphalt materials shall be 60/70 penetration grade conforming to table (7.2.1), in these
General Specifications. When the asphalt modifiers, such as anti-stripping agents, are
used, they shall conform to quality requirements specified in Item 7.2.4 in these General

Aggregates or Soil: It shall be from the best available materials with minimum
requirements of AASHTO A-3 soil classification and with a maximum plasticity index
(PI) of 6. The materials passing sieve number 200 shall not be less than twenty-five (25)
percent of the total weight of aggregate or soil.

Mineral Filler: mineral filler, if required, shall conform to the requirements stated in
Item 7.3.4 in these General Specifications.

13.3.3 Job Mix Requirements:

Before commencing the work, the Contractor shall submit a technical report
containing the proposed source, types, mixing proportion, and execution plans for the
Engineers approval.

13.3.4 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the asphaltic
concrete work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program of Work as
approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall include those shown in Item 13.2.4 in
This Division.

13.3.5 Construction: Surface Preparation:

Prior to haul the mix to the project site, the road surface shall be stable,
conforming to the longitudinal and transverse levels, conforming to the compaction
requirements, and executed according to the Special Specifications and these General
Specifications. The levels shall be identified by poles and sticks when the grader
equipment is used. Mixing Soil and Asphalt:

The soil or aggregate shall be heated and dried and the asphalt binder shall be
heated before both are mixed in a mobile site mixing plant capable of heating the soil
and asphalt. The mixing shall continue till all aggregate or soil particles are completely
covered by asphalt.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
Back Hauling, Spreading, and Compacting:

The mix shall be transported to the project site by dump trucks with clean boxes
free from dust or deleterious materials. The mix shall be dumped directly in paver (if
available). Otherwise, the mix shall be directly dumped on the surface and spread by the
Initial compaction shall start directly after spreading the mix by steel rollers. The
compaction shall continue by steel and pneumatic rollers till the required density is
achieved. Finishing:
The road surface shall be acceptably leveled. The un-evenness (bumps and
sags) of the surface is measured by a three (3) meter straight edge. The deviations of
six (6) millimeters in the longitudinal direction or ten (10) millimeters in the transverse
direction are allowed. The Contractor shall repair all portion in the pavement surface
with deviations higher than these specified ones

13.3.6 Traffic Control:

The Contractor shall take effective actions to permit traffic to safely pass
through on-road hot mix pavement construction work zones.

13.3.7 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for all on-road hot mix
pavement works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to
these General Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, on-road hot mix pavement
produced, and the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be
performed at The Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by
the Ministry.

The Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table
(13.3.1) shows the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes,
the frequency of these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall submit
copies of all tests to the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in Item
17.1.1 in these General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
Table 13.3.1: Quality control requirements for on-road hot mix pavement
Sample Requirement
Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency
location s
Certification of compliance and
Asphalt materials requirements Table 7.2.1
supply and source change
Raw tests
materials Quality
Three (3) tests at start of work
Soil requirements Item 13.3.2
or source change
Material at Job mix Project Job mix
requirements One test per working day
use requirements site requirements
Transverse segments every
Level, dimensions, twenty-five (25) meters or five
Geometric Project documents
Finishing slopes, and segments every one thousand
measurements site and Subitem
smoothness (1000) meters, whichever the
maximum Quality Assurance:

The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Subitem.

13.3.8 Measurements:
On-road hot mix pavement specified and completed within the lines shown on
the plans or ordered by the Engineer shall be measured in square meters for payment

13.3.9 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for on-road hot mix
pavement when listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction of on-road hot mix pavement. Payment will be made
according to Table (13.3.2).

Table 13.3.2: On-road hot mix pay items

No. Pay Item Pay units
13.3.1 On-road cold mix layer Square meter

13.4 Asphalt macadam:

13.4.1 Description:
This Section consists of furnishing asphalt Macadam layer by laying a layer of
big crushed stones with sharp angularity over a prepared surface; level this layer, spry it
with asphalt binder heated to the proper temperature, fill the voids by small size angular
aggregates, then compact the resulted layer adequately for vehicular use.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
This methodology is used in areas where plenty crushed stones are available and
the hot-mix asphalt is no feasible either the area is far away form the hot-mixing plants
or the project site is small in remote rural complexes.
13.4.2 Materials:
Asphalt Materials: unless stated in the Special Specifications or Contact Documents,
asphalt materials shall be 60/70 penetration grade, medium curing (MC) liquid asphalt,
or rapid setting (RS) emulsified asphalt conforming to quality requirement Tables of
Section 7.2 in these General Specifications. Tables (8.3.1) to (8.4.1) show the asphalt
cement application rate or the asphalt residue for liquid or emulsified asphalt.
Aggregate: It shall be clean, durable, angular, with uniform characteristics, free from
any dissolvable materials, with a maximum Los Angeles abrasion of 45%, and
conforming to gradation requirements specified in Tables (8.3.1) and (8.4.1) for coarse
and fine aggregate sizes.
13.4.3 Equipment:
The Contractor shall furnish and operate sufficient equipment to execute the
asphalt stone mastic mix work within the Contract time in accordance with his Program
of Work as approved by the Engineer. This equipment shall include the following:
1. Dumping truck for aggregate hauling
2. Aggregate spreader
3. Steel rollers with minimum weight of ten (10) tons
4. Asphalt heating equipment
5. Asphalt distributors
6. Power broom or power blower
7. Hand tools such as brushes and hand shovels
13.4.4 Construction:
Before starting Macadam pavement construction, the road surface shall be stable,
conforming to the longitudinal and transverse levels, and conforming to the compaction
requirements. When the grader equipment is used, the subgrade levels shall be
identified by poles and sticks.
The construction shall be done according to the following steps:
1. The coarse aggregates shall be hauled from their sources by trucks and
spread on a prepared surface by power spreader or manually. The spreading
shall be uniform, without aggregate segregation, and by the thickness
specified by the Special Specifications.
2. The spread aggregate shall be compacted by steel rollers. The compaction
shall be in the parallel direction and shall start at the outer edge of the road
and progress towards the center. The compaction shall continue to obtain a
smooth surface, free from any waves, and shall have evenly distributed
3. The coarse aggregate layer shall be completely dry and the air temperature
shall be at least fifteen (15) degrees Celsius before applying the heated
asphalt. The asphalt shall be heating in special heaters and distributed over
the compacted aggregate layers by one application using pressure
4. After asphalt application and before the air temperature drops, the fine
aggregate layer is spread over the compacted layer to fill the voids, and this
layer is compacted until all voids are filled and surface is firm and smooth.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
Table 13.4.1: Gradation requirements for Macadam layer thickness 90-100
Percent passing
Sieve size
Coarse stone Fine stone
77 mm (3 in.) 100 -
63.5 mm (2.5 in.) 90 - 100 -
50.8mm (2 in.) 35 – 70 -
38 mm (1.5 in.) 0 - 15 -
25.4 mm (1 in.) - 100
19 mm (4/3 in.) 0-5 90 - 100
12.5 mm (2/1 in.) - -
9.7 mm (8/3 in.) - 20 - 55
4.75 mm (No. 4) - 0 - 10
2.36 mm (No. 8) - 0-5
Asphalt application rate (liter/square 5.5-8
t )
Table 13.4.2: Gradation requirements for Macadam layer thickness 50-70
Percent passing
Sieve size
Coarse stone Fine stone
63.5 mm (2.5 in.) 100 -
50.8mm (2 in.) 95 - 100 -
38 mm (1.5 in.) 35 - 70 -
25.4 mm (1 in.) 0 - 15 100
19 mm (4/3 in.) - 90 - 100
12.5 mm (2/1 in.) 0-5 -
9.7 mm (8/3 in.) - 20 - 55
4.75 mm (No. 4) - 0 - 10
2.36 mm (No. 8) - 0-5
Asphalt application rate (liter/square meter) 4.5 - 7

Table 13.4.3: Gradation requirements for Macadam layer thickness 40-50

Percent passing
Sieve size
Coarse Stone Fine stone
50.8mm (2 in.) 100 -
38 mm (1.5 in.) 90 - 100 -
25.4 mm (1 in.) 20 - 55 -
19 mm (4/3 in.) 0 - 15 100
12.5 mm (2/1 in.) - 90 - 100
9.7 mm (8/3 in.) 0-5 40 - 75
4.75 mm (No. 4) - 5 - 25
2.36 mm (No. 8) - 0 - 10
1.18 mm (No. 16) - 0-5
Asphalt application rate (liter/square meter) 3.5 - 6

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
When the Special Specifications stated to seal the compacted Macadam, liquid asphalt
is spayed at a rate of one (1) kilogram per square meter or as specified in the Special

13.4.5 Finishing:
The road surface shall be acceptably leveled. The un-evenness (bumps and
sags) of the surface is measured by a three (3) meter straight edge. The deviations of six
(6) millimeters in the longitudinal direction or ten (10) millimeters in the transverse
direction are allowed. The Contractor shall repair all portion in the pavement surface
with deviations higher than these specified ones.

13.4.6 Work Acceptance:

The Contractor shall apply quality control procedures for asphalt Macadam
works to ensure that the materials used and the executed work conform to these General
Specifications and other Contract’s Documents.

The Ministry shall assure the quality of production by checking that the
Contractor is performing the quality control procedures in correct manners. The
Ministry may have a direct supervision on the quality control system or by applying
quality assurance procedures in an independent unbiased way, on adequate number of
samples to judge the execution level and decide whether to accept or reject the work.
Division 17 in these General Specifications shall be used for this purpose, unless stated
otherwise in the Special Specifications or Contract’s Documents. Quality Control:

The Contractor shall perform all required tests and measurements, and shall
collect, document, and draw the critical property diagrams to ensure that the raw
materials at source, materials while work execution, asphalt Macadam produced, and
the executed work are within acceptable limits. The tests may be performed at the
Contractor’s laboratory or at an independent laboratory, approved by the Ministry. The
Contractor shall submit copies of all test results to the Engineer. Table (13.4.4) shows
the tests that the Contractor shall perform on raw materials and mixes, the frequency of
these tests, and the allowance limits. The Contractor shall submit copies of all tests to
the Engineers and shall apply all requirements detailed in Item 17.1.1 in these General

Table 13.4.4: Quality control requirements for Asphalt Macadam

Sample Requirement
Work Properties Test Method Sampling frequency
location s
Asphalt Quality Certification of compliance Tables of
Raw materials requirements tests and supply and source change Section 7.2
materials Quality Thee (3) tests at start of work Tables 13.4.1
requirements tests or source change to 13.4.3
Transverse segments every
Level, Contract
twenty-five (25) meters or five
dimensions, Geometric Project documents
Finishing measurements
segments every one thousand
slopes, and site and Subitem
(1000) meters, whichever the
smoothness 13.4.5
maximum Quality Assurance:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 13 - Remote Areas Pavement Work
The Ministry reserves the right, at any time, to assure the quality of materials
and executed work by performing or ordering the Contractor to perform, under its direct
supervision, some or all quality control tests that are shown previous Subitem.

13.4.7 Measurements:
Asphalt Macadam shall be measured by the square meters of work acceptably
placed according to the requirement of this Section of the General Specifications.

13.4.8 Payment:
Payment shall be made at the contract unit price, or adjusted contract unit price,
per square meter measured as described in the pervious Item for each type Asphalt
Macadam listed in the Bill of Quantities.

The above prices and payment shall cover and be full compensation for
furnishing labor, materials, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary for completing
all work involved in construction and acceptance of Asphalt Macadam. Payment will be
made according to Table (13.4.5).

Table 13.4.5: On-road hot mix pays items

No. Pay Item Pay units

13.4.1 Asphalt macadam pavement Square meter

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14.1 Scope 357

14.2 Materials 357
14.2.1 Cement 357
14.2.2 Aggregate 359
14.2.3 Water 360
14.2.4 Admixtures & additives 361
14.2.5 Chemical curing compounds 362
14.2.6 Reinforcement materials 362 Steel Re-bars 363 Fabricated Bar mats 363 Steel wire fabric reinforcement 363 Tie bars 363 Dowel bars 363 Reinforcement fibers 363
14.2.7 Joints fill materials 363 Prefabricated fills 364 On site cast fills 364
14.2.8 Plastic sheet 364
14.3 Cement concrete 364
14.3.1 Description 364
14.3.2 General requirements 365
14.3.3 Concrete mix design 367
14.3.4 Design job mix formula 368 Acceptance procedures of job mix formula 369
14.3.5 Mixing 370
14.3.6 Transportation 371
14.3.7 Concrete handling 371
14.3.8 Weather condition limitations 371
14.4 On site cast cement concrete 372
14.4.1 Normal concrete 372 Description 372 Materials 372 Equipments 372 Qualitative requirements and mixes 374 Design job mix formula 374 Construction 374 Joints 380 Joint construction 382 Remedial measures 384
14.4.2 Reinforced concrete 386 Description 386 Materials 386 Equipments 386 Cement concrete mixes 386 Construction 386
14.4.3 Roller compacted concrete 388 Introduction 388
EXIT Materials 388 Equipments 388 Quality requirements and mixes 390 Job mix formula 390 Construction 391 Surface preparation 391 Experimental section 392 Concrete spreading and compaction 392 Curing of compacted concrete 394 Joints 394
14.5 Pavement layers from pre-cast concrete 395
14.5.1 Pre-cast concrete slabs 395 Description 395 Materials 395 Equipments 396 Qualitative requirements 396 Manufacturing 396 Construction 397 Surface preparation 397 Installation 397 Joints 397
14.5.2 Pavement layers from overlapping concrete bricks 397 Manufacturing 398 Installation 398
14.6 Work Acceptance 398
14.7 Measuring 401
14.8 Payment 401
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers


Cement pavement layers are used in constructing pavement layers of urban

roads of different types whether highways, arterial, collectors and local. The selection of
the used layer type depends on the road classification, environmental conditions and
prevalent/ expected traffic loads.
The cement pavement layers shall be of high quality, they should be resistant to
heavy traffic loads, loads arising from the environment and its fluctuations, and shall be
of considerable continuity that gives them the characteristic durable pavement layers.
Their surface shall be resistant to polishing under the effect of vehicle tires so that they
maintain suitable friction factor, and they should be free from distortions that affect safe
driving and the smooth driving on the road.

14.1 Scope:
This division contains description of construction requirements of cement
pavement layers in urban areas by using on-site cast cement concrete or pre-cast cement
concrete products. Also, it determines the design of producing and supplying cement
concrete mixes including requirements for all its compositions. In addition, it includes
construction materials and methods of the following types of cement pavement layers:
a- On-site cast cement concrete that include:
- Normal cement concrete.
- Reinforced cement concrete.
- Compacted cement concrete.
b- Pre-cast cement concrete that include:
- Pre-cast slabs from normal & reinforced cement concrete.
- Overlapping pavers block.

14.2 Materials:

14.2.1 Cement:
Cement used in the construction of cement pavement layers works shall be one of the
types listed in Table (14.2.1), except otherwise indicate special specifications or other
contract documents.

Table 14.2.1: Types of cement used in the construction cement pavement layers

Cement type Specification requirements

Normal Portland cement type I, II, IV, III ASTM C-150
Normal Portland cement type V ASTM C150 or SASO570
anti – Sulphate
Portland Pozzolan cement type IP ASTM C-595-94a
Pozzolan Modified Portland I(PM) cement ASTM C-1157-94a

The type of the selected cement shall be suitable for prevalent local environment
as to being exposed to harmful chemical materials in natural soil or underground water
or sewage water. Special specifications shall indicate the type to be used. Also, it is

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
possible, except otherwise stipulate special specifications a specific type, to choose the
type of cement from Table (14.2.2) on the basis of classification of chemical
environment effect levels. Contractor shall submit a certificate cement testing results,
which confirm fulfillment of the requirements of Table (14.2.1) if the source of cement
was not known, or when there is doubt that the cement was improperly stored.

Table 14.2.2: Classification of harmful chemical environment in natural soil, or

ground water or sewage water, and type of suitable cement.
(As per the requirements of European Specifications No. EN 206.1)
Effect level of harmful chemical environment
Chemical Properties Low Medium High
Rate of impurities in water
Sulphate contents
200-600 601-3000 3001-6000
SO4 (mg/liter.)
NH4 content
15-30 31-60 61-100

PH 5.5-6.5 4.5-5.4 4.0-4.5

Material rates in natural soil in contact

SO4 content
2000-3000 3001-12000 12001-24000
Normal Portland
cement type I, or a Sulphate resistant Portland cement, type
Suitable cement
mixture of cement V, and it is possible to add pozzolan to it
and pozzolan type with the approval of the Engineer.

Contractor, after he obtains acceptance from the Engineer, may mix Portland
cement with pozzolan at the concrete mixing location, after he ensures availability of
the required capabilities, provisions and control for achieving the mixing rates within
the allowable variations, and on the basis of laboratory testing results compliance with
the requirements of Table (14.2.1) which enhance mix suitability for producing the
required cement concrete.

When it is necessary, it is possible to execute sulphate resistant concrete in

chemically harmful environment whether medium or high level. In case sulphate
resistant cement type V is not available a sulphate resistant concrete mix formula may
be prepared by using normal Portland cement type I or cement and pozzolan mixture
type IP or I(PM) providing that the following provisions are taken:
- To increase cement content to 400 kg/m3 of concrete.
- To reduce water cement rate to 0.35.
- To use suitable mineral applications when using normal Portland cement type I
according to ASTM C-1240 specifications and testing method ASTM C-1012.
- To apply the necessary curing techniques to avoid random cracks resulting from
using high cement rates.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Contractor shall verify the resistance of the mix against sulphate by applying
testing method ASTM C-1012 and to verify fulfillment of ASTM C-618 requirements.
The design job mix formula shall stipulate type of cement to be used and obtaining the
Engineer's acceptance for that.

When there is a great need for reaching high level of resistance at an early
period, and with the acceptance of the engineer, it is possible to use rapid hardening
Portland cement compliant with ASTM C-150 III. In such case, the necessary measures
shall be taken to avoid the effect of the great shortage in available time for casting,
operating and finishing concrete to avoid the increasing possibility of random cracking
of concrete because of using this type of cement.

It is totally prohibited to use cement that contain diluted lumps or cement in

which dilution started. Cement shall be stored away from moisture such that it may be
used promptly. Type of cement shall be written clearly on storing silo. Bulk cement
shall be left for a sufficient period in the storing silo until it cools down to the suitable
temperature specially when mixed in hot weather.

14.2.2 Aggregate:
The aggregate used in producing cement concrete shall be clean, solid, hard, low
porous, and non-affected by chemically harmful environment. It shall be compliant with
standard specification requirements of ASTM C-33, except if that contradicts with
special specifications or these general specifications or other contract documents. Also,
possibility of aggregate reaction with alkali shall be evaluated according to ASTM C-

Aggregate used in cement concrete shall achieve the qualitative requirements

shown on Table (14-2-3) except otherwise indicated in the special specifications.

Coarse aggregate shall be composed of natural gravels or crushed stones. Fine

aggregate shall be composed of crushed or uncrushed natural sand of good gradation
providing that it fulfils the relevant qualitative requirements stipulated in Table (14.2.3).

When using cement concrete type (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) according to Table
(14.3.2), aggregate shall be composed of two main types: coarse aggregate (retained on
sieve No.(4) and fine aggregate (passing on sieve No. 4). But when using roller
compacted cement concrete type (M1) or (M2) shown on table (14.3.2), it shall achieve
requirements of gradation No.(4) listed in Table (14.2.4), except otherwise stipulate
special specifications. Aggregate from gradation No.(4) shall be supplied in three
separate sizes which are size 25 mm, size 12.5 mm and size 9.5 mm. Fine aggregate
shall achieve requirements of gradation No.(3) indicated in Table (14.2.4) Coarse
aggregate shall achieve requirements of aggregate gradation No.(1) or No. (2), indicated
in Table (14.2.4) or any other gradation stipulated in the specifications. Aggregate from
gradation No.(1) shall be supplied in two separate sizes, the first retained on sieve size
19 mm and the second passing from it, however, coarse aggregate from gradation
No.(2) may be supplied according to the required gradation without separating it into
two sizes.

If it was extremely needed, and after the possibility of obtaining a cement mix
that achieves the qualitative requirements indicated in Table (14.2.3) and concrete

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
workability at site have been ascertained through testing; and after the Engineer's
acceptance, Contractor can use aggregate that has a gradation which does not meet all
gradation requirements indicated in Table (14.2.4); providing that it achieves the highest
strength, the least permeability and the highest possible workability for concrete.

Aggregate shall be piled in layers to avoid grain segregation. Also, aggregate

shall be moistened before use by using water sprayers for two purposes the first: cooling
it when the weather hot and the second: moisture content conformity within limits (less
or more) close to Saturated Surface Dry State. Contractor shall ensure provision of
aggregate quantities, which are sufficient for producing cement concrete for a period not
less than (2) continuous working days to ensure continuity of concrete production.

Table 14.2.3: Aggregate qualitative requirements

Index Test No. Limit value

AASHTO T- Maximum
Los Angeles Abrasion Test 500 cycles.
96 50%
AASHTO T- Maximum
Soundness by Sodium Sulphate solution (5 cycles)
104 12%
Clay lumps and friable particles percentage in
coarse aggregate
Clay lumps and friable particles percentage in
fine aggregate
Passing percentage from sieve No. 200 in coarse Maximum
aggregate 1%
Passing percentage from sieve No. 200 in fine Maximum
aggregate 3%
Sand equivalent of fine type aggregate Minimum 75
Crushed faces percentage one face ASTM D5821
AASHTO T- Maximum
Organic materials percentage
21 2%
BS812: Maximum
Elongation factor (elongated & flat particles)
Sec105.2 40%
AASHTO T- Maximum
Sulphate percentage
290 1%

14.2.3 Water:
Water used in mixing and curing cement concrete, and in cooling aggregate shall
be clean, clear and free from materials harmful to lean and hardened cement concrete
properties; such as oils, alkali, acidic materials. Also, shall be free of plantation and
organic materials. It shall fulfill conditions indicated in Table (14.2.5), regardless of its
source. Setting time test shall be performed only when using non-fresh water or potable
water with changed color or taste or secondary treatment sewage water.
Fresh potable water can be used in cement concrete works without the need for testing.

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Table 14.2.4: Requirements of cement concrete aggregate gradation
Passing by weight %
Sieve size, mm Gradation 1 Gradation 2 Gradation 3 Gradation 4
37.5 100 ….. ….. ….
25 95-100 100 …. 100
19 25-60 …. ….. 82-100
12.5 …. …. ….. 72-93
9.5 0-10 20-55 100 66-85
4.75 0-5 0-10 95-100 51-69
2.36 ….. 0-5 80-100 38-56
1.18 …… …… 50-85 28-46
0.60 …… …… 25-60 18-36
0.30 ….. …… 5-30 11-27
0.150 …… …… 0-10 6-18
0.075 …… …… …… 2-5
* Gradation (4) is used in producing compacted concrete.

Table 14.2.5: Quality requirements of water used in mixing & curing concrete

Composition type Testing method Specified values

Cl ions ASTM D-512 Max. 1000 part of 1 million
SO4 ions Max. 3000 part of 1 million.
ASTM D-516
Alkali (Na2O+0.658 K2O) Max. 600 part of 1 million
Total content of solid materials. AASHTO T-26 Max. 50000 part of 1 million.
Compressive strength (1) at 7
ASTM C-109 Min. 90% (2)
Primary Difference not more than 60 min.
Setting time ASTM C-191
Secondary Difference not more than 90 min.

14.2.4 Admixtures & additives:

When special specifications stipulate the use of admixtures such as setting
readers, water reducers, workability improvers, and other cement concrete property
improvers or additives such as fly ash and silica dust, the additives shall be compatible
with AASHTO M-295 specifications, however, admixtures shall be compatible with
AASHTO M-194 or ASTM C-494 specification. In addition, they shall achieve the
requirements indicated in Table (14.2.6), and Contractor shall submit a certificate based
on laboratory tests ensuring the suitability of those materials for the local environment
in which they shall be used.

Materials shall be supplied from approved sources according to source guarantee

certificate. These materials shall be applied by the method and in the rate specified in
the approved design job mix formula and in accordance with the instructions of the
manufacturer. When using more than one type of the admixtures or additives in the
same concrete mix their compliance shall be ensured on the condition that none of them
causes damage to the other. In all conditions, application of those materials shall not
lead to improving some properties of concrete and damage the others.

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14.2.5 Chemical curing compounds:
When special specifications state or necessity calls for using chemical curing
compounds to cure tender concrete, specially during cement concrete casting in hot
weather, those materials shall be used immediately after surface finishing to avoid
evaporation of the mixing water from concrete surface.
It is possible to use chemical liquids that form the curing membrane which are
compatible with the requirements of specification (Liquid Membrane Forming
compound, AASHTO M-148 Type 2).

The chemical liquid is sprayed with a rate ranging between 0.5 and 1.0 liter./m2.
When temperature exceeds 38 degrees the liquid shall be sprayed two consecutive
times. The rate of spraying is determined for each time according to the results of the
experimental section, such that a complete cover is obtained for the concrete surface
that prevents evaporation of mixing water.
It is possible to use emulsified asphalt type SS-1h or CSS-1h compliant with the
requirements indicated in Table (7.2.4) or (7.2.5), of these general specifications, only
in curing roller compacted concrete and with spraying rate ranging between 0.5 and 1.5
liter./m2. The actual rate of spraying shall be determined on the basis of experimental
section results.

When prevailing environmental conditions require, the Engineer may ask the
Contractor to saturate concrete surface with water either by flooding or spraying method
and to cover it with canvas or plastic membrane for a period ranging between 24 & 72
hours, then covering it with chemical curing compounds as indicated above.

Table 14.2.6: Classification of admixtures and performance improvement

requirements, compared with standard mixes which do not contain admixtures
ASTM C 494
Admixture type Required properties
Lowest reduction of water quantity 5%
Normal reducer of water
Lowest compressive strength at age 28 days 110%
Lowest reduction of water quantity 12%
High reducer of water-
Lowest compressive strength at age 1 day 140%
Lowest compressive strength at age 28 days 115%
Increase at primary setting time 60-90 min.
Setting retarded Increase at final setting time Less than 210 min.
Lowest compressive strength at age 28 days 90%
Decrease in final setting time Minimum 60 min.
Setting accelerator Lowest compressive strength at age 1 day 120%
Lowest compressive strength at age 28 days 90%-100%
Size of entrained air voids 3.5%-7%
Entrained air voids
Lowest compressive strength at age 28 days 75%

14.2.6 Reinforcement materials:

When special specification, drawings, or other contract documents indicate the
use of reinforced cement concrete or reinforced joints in carrying out the cement
pavement layer, it is possible to use any of the following reinforcing materials
according to drawings:

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Back Steel Re-bars:
Re-bars shall be from deformed type and should be compliant with the
requirements of specification SASO2 or specifications ASTM A-615 or ASTM A-706
class (60 or 40), as specified in the special specifications or shown on drawings.
When special specifications stipulate the use of re-bars painted with rust resistant epoxy
material and they shall be compliant with specifications ASTM A 775, and Contractor
shall ensure the absence of scratches or holes in epoxy exceeding the limits allowed in
the special specifications. Fabricated Bar mats:

Reinforcement fabricated bar mats shall achieve requirements of specifications
ASTM A-184. Steel wire fabric reinforcement:

The steel wire fabric reinforcement shall achieve specification SASO224 or
specifications ASTM A-185 or ASTM A-497 and according to ASTM A-884 for epoxy
painted bar mats. Tie bars:

Tie bars from deformed steel shall achieve compliance with specifications
ASTM A615, class 60 or 40, as specified in special specifications and drawings.
Except otherwise allowed in special specifications, bars with diameters 14 mm shall be
used for slabs of thickness 200 mm or less, and bars diameter 16 mm shall be used for
slabs with thickness more than that. It is possible, when necessary and after obtaining
written acceptance from the Engineer, to use 12 mm diameter bars in slabs with
thickness less than 200 mm. Dowel bars:

Except otherwise allowed by the specifications, dowel bars shall be of circular
cross section and with level smooth surface that is free from nicks and deformations.
They shall be made from steel that achieves specifications ASTM A 615, class 60.
Diameter 32mm bars shall be used for slabs with thickness equal to or less than 200 mm
or less and diameter 38mm bars for slabs with thickness that exceed 200 mm. Reinforcement fibers:

When special specifications or other contract documents stipulate the use of
reinforcement fibers, or glass or plastic, these fibers shall be from the type specified in
the special specifications or other contract documents. The steel reinforcement fibers
shall achieve specifications of ASTM A 820. They shall be applied in the rate of at least
0.20% of concrete volume. The reinforcement fiber glass shall achieve specifications
ASTM C-1116 Type II, while plastic fibers shall achieve specifications ASTM C-1116
Type III and they are applied in the rate of at least 1% of concrete weight, except
otherwise stipulate special specifications or other contract documents.

14.2.7 Joints fill materials:

Joints fill materials shall be chosen by using The American Asphalt method
ACI-504R, except otherwise stipulate special specifications. Maximum limits of
requirements shall be applied for areas where the temperature of concrete exceeds 50

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Joint fill materials shall be in compliance with the type specified in the special
specifications or other contract documents; and except otherwise special specifications
stipulate for a specific type; it is possible to fill joints by using prefabricated fills or
joint fill materials which are cast at site from one of the following types, providing that
they are from proven and approved types in the kingdom. Contractor shall submit the
approved certificates which prove that and the Engineer's acceptance shall be obtained. Prefabricated fills:

These include any of the following materials:
a- Expansion fills from asphalt (hard or elastic) for concrete pavement and structures
according to specifications ASTM D-1751.
b- Fills from sponge rubber or cork for concrete pavement and structures according to
specifications ASTM D-1752.
c- Seals from polychloroprene elastomers compounds according to specifications
ASTM D-2628. On site cast fills:

These include any of the following materials: Fills which are from elastic type
and cast hot into joints providing that they achieve specification ASTM D-1190.
a. Fills which are cold cast into joint and achieve specification requirements of
ASTM D-1850.
b. Elastomer fills cast hot into joints and achieve specification requirements of
ASTM D-3406.
It is possible to use any other suitable prefabricated or on-site cast joint fills providing
that Contractor shall submit an approved source guarantee certificate showing
suitability of the proposed type and method of using it in filling joints after obtaining
the Engineer's acceptance for using it.

14.2.8 Plastic sheet:

They include the following types, except otherwise stipulate special
specifications or other contract documents:
a. Bond breaker plastic sheets between cement pavement layer and bottom sub
b. Plastic sheets for retaining moistening water used for curing cement concrete.
The plastic sheet shall be from P.V.C. compliant with the requirements of specification
(ASTM D-1593, type II), or from polyethylene type compliant with the requirements of
specification (ASTM D-2103, type II). The nominal thickness for these sheets shall
range between 0.15 mm and 0.20 mm.

14.3 Cement concrete:

14.3.1 Description:
The used cement concrete shall be of suitable resistance and high strength that
provide effective performance throughout its use period in light of what cement
pavement layers are subjected to of stresses due to the operational and environmental
conditions. They shall meet the requirements of specifications ASTM C 94, except
otherwise this may contradict with special specifications or these general specifications
or contract other documents.
Except otherwise specify special specifications and other contract documents,
choosing the cement concrete type shall be done on the basis of prevalent environmental

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conditions as to under ground water table, exposure level of concrete to chemically
harmful environment whether from soil or underground water, as shown in Table
(14.3.1) and as specified in the special specifications or drawings.

Table 14.3.1: Guide for choosing cement concrete type according to existing
environmental conditions
Level of exposure to
Depth of underground chemically harmful
No. Cement concrete type water level under the environment in soil or
cement pavement layer underground water or
sewage water
1 Concrete type (A). More than 1.5 m None
More than 1.5 m None
2 Concrete type (B)
Less than 1.5 Low
Resistant concrete type
3 Not specified Low- medium
Resistant concrete type
4 Not specified High
Roller compacted
5 Not specified None- Low
concrete type M1
Roller compacted
6 resistant concrete type Not specified Medium- High

14.3.2 General requirements:

Contractor shall, before one month from commencement of work, provide the
Engineer with a detailed work plan fore review and approval. Contractor has no right to
commence supply and execution before obtaining the Engineer's acceptance of the work
The work plan shall include the following:

1- Detailed working schedule that contains concrete casting program, equipments,

production rates, methods of spreading, operating, and curing concrete, joint cutting
and filling with fill and insulation materials.
2- Concrete supply program and casting locations as shown on drawings, providing that
concrete supplying shall be from one plant any time, so that the supplied concrete
from each source shall be used for construction in a specified site. It is allowed to
carry out construction works at one casting site by using concrete from more than
one source.
3- An undertaking from the manufacturer to adhere to the concrete supplying program
to the casting site at the time specified for that.
4- Weather condition provisions during casting and operating the concrete.
5- Traffic control measures and scheduling of road opening to vehicle traffic.

In addition, contractor shall consider the following during construction works:

1- Concrete pavement construction for the road by using cast forms with slip-form. It is
possible to use fixed cast forms at areas where cast equipments with slip-forms
cannot reach. Ramps and non-uniform cast areas may be executed by either using
slip-form or fixed forms.

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2- To stake levels and mount grade wire according to regulatory lines and the levels
required on the drawings and delivering these to the Engineer before adequate time
before casting for approval.
3- Abidance with concrete supply schedule from the mixer to work site and casting
locations as shown on drawings and according to the approved plan.
4- Completion of casting, compaction, leveling, grading and roughening of layer surface
before concrete initial setting with adequate time. That shall particularly be
considered when executing works in hot weather.
5- Taking the necessary measures to prevent cracks as a result of plastic shrinkage of
the layer surface, the most important of which is not surpassing water evaporation
rate from concrete surface. (Maximum value is 1 litr/m2/h) after which cracks occur.
6- Except otherwise that contradict with drawings and/or special specifications, cement
pavement layers, concrete shoulders, and vehicle side parking shall be cast at the
same time and in one pass in the form of a monolithic pass. Lateral joint locations in
the cement pavement layers shall be compliant with the road, concrete shoulders,
and side parking.
7- When the width of the cement pavement layers under construction is less than the
whole width of the road, longitudinal joints shall be constructed which shall extend
on the whole rout line or on the main road edge.
8- Do not start construction of cement pavement works on an underlying layer with
concrete with little cement content or on cement treated base course or on cement
treated sub grade before the elapse of the approved curing time. Providing that it
shall not be less than 7 days from the date of its construction.
9- Protection for the underlying layer due to cleaning operations with equipments and
from casting wastes. Any damage that may have inflicted the underlying layer shall
be repaired immediately by the method accepted from the Engineer, before
commencing pavement works. It is not permissible to allow water used in washing
to collect in the form of ponds on road surface.
10- Concrete that drops or scatter on the existing pavement shall be removed before it
11- When necessity calls for cement concrete pavement layers with high rates which
require production capacity that can not be met from one concrete source, contractor
can, after obtaining the Engineer's acceptance, supply concrete from more than one
source of qualified ready mix concrete plants. In such case, it shall achieve
requirements of specification ASTM C-94, considering the following:

• To submit plant qualification certificate and its production capacity per hour and
availability of concrete transportation equipments to work site.
• Submission of necessary technical report on design mix and job formula.
• Submission of concrete supply program and casting locations as shown on
drawings, providing that concrete shall be supplied only from one plant at all
times, such that supplied concrete from each source is used for execution at a
specified site. It is not permissible to execute at one casting site using concrete
from more than one source.
• To chose the plant location that causes the least confusion for traffic movement
inside urban areas.
• Submission of an undertaking from the plant stating adherence to concrete
supply schedule to casting site at the time specified for that.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
14.3.3 Concrete mix design:
Except otherwise stipulate special specifications or contract other documents,
concrete mix shall be designed by getting use from available suitable raw materials and,
except otherwise stipulate special specifications or other contract documents, cement
concrete shall be produced by using technically acceptable materials which achieve
material requirements indicated in section 14.2. In addition, the concrete shall achieve
the qualitative requirements listed in Table (14.3.2) and meet the requirements of
strength and soundness as to its durability in the environment in which cement
pavement layer works shall be executed. In that environment consideration shall be
given to type and salinity of soil, underground water table, type of this water and the
chemical environment in general.

Except otherwise stipulate special specifications, cement concrete from type A,

B, C, D shall be designed by applying ACI 211.1 method. However, roller compacted
concrete from types (M1 and M2) shall be designed by applying ACI 211.3- A3

Table 14.3.2: Qualitative requirements of cement concrete used in constructing

cement pavement layers
Concrete Concrete
Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete
No. Requirement Type type
type (A) type (B) type (C ) type (D)
(M1) (M2)
Type of cement
Type I or Type I or Type I or
according to
1 IP or IP or Type V Type V IP or Type V
ASTM C 150
Cement quantity,
2 300 350 350 400 350 400
kg/m3 (minimum)
Aggregate maximum
3 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 25 25
size, mm ASTM C-33
Water cement ratio
4 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.38 0.50 0.40
Slump, mm, AASHTO
5 10-75 10-75 10-75 10-75 Zero Zero
Air voids content,
percentage, Less than Non Non
6 5-8 3-5 5-7
AASHTO T-152, T- 3 applicable applicable
196, or T-199
Compressive strength
(age 28 days),
7 28 35 35 40 28 40
minimum, M Pa.,
Flexural strength (age
28 days), MPa
8 3.5 4.5 4.5 5 3.5 5.0
minimum AASHTO T-

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
During concrete mix designing, the following standards shall be considered:
A- Concrete workability:
Produced concrete shall achieve required workability of concrete transportation,
unloading and spreading, such that uniform pavement layers, which fulfill the required
thickness, smoothness and density, are constructed. Control on these is done through
suitable values of water cement ratio, cement type and quantity, aggregate maximum
size and gradation, particles shape and texture and usage of suitable additives and
admixtures when needed.

B- Concrete strength:
Produced concrete shall achieve the strength specified in the approved design
job mix formula, within the limits indicated in the special specifications and other
contract documents. These are controlled through setting limits for compressive
strength, flexural strength, using suitable cement quantity, least possible value of water
cement ratio, aggregate maximum size, and using suitable curing method.

Focus shall be made on concrete flexural strength, since it is the main factor that
controls cement pavement layers capability to bear traffic loads and effects of change in
temperature. Concrete flexural strength value required for structural design of cement
pavement layers shall be obtained with reliability of not less than 95% for arterial urban
roads, highways, and industrial area roads or in other pavement layers which are
subjected to heavy vehicle traffic, and with reliability of not less than 85% in other
pavement layers.

Compressive strength shall be used for the purpose of mix design, production
follow-up and quality control. In case there is contradiction between concrete flexural
strength requirements and concrete compressive strength, then concrete flexural
strength is the decisive factor.

C- Concrete durability:
Used concrete shall have high durability suitable for pavement layer work
conditions and for ambient environment. This can be controlled by choosing the lowest
possible values for water cement ratio, cement type and quantity, entrained air voids
rate, and usage of metal additives, providing that does not affect the required rates for
entrained air voids by any means.

D- Random cracks control:

Random cracks shall be controlled by choosing the lowest possible value of
water cement ratio, using cement types IP or I(PM) whenever possible, control on water
evaporation rate from concrete surface, and casting when temperature is lowering,
whenever possible.

E- Polishing resistance:
This can be controlled by using aggregate that enjoys high polishing resistance
and suitable particles shape and size.

14.3.4 Design job mix formula:

Before starting construction of cement concrete pavement layer works by 30
days, Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a complete technical report prepared by a
specialized approved agency. The report shall contain the design job mix formula. The

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
report shall be based on laboratory testing results by using representative samples of
aggregate, cement, water, admixtures or additives determined for use in work execution.
The report shall at least include the following information:
1- Cement, admixture, additive types and a source certificate for each.
2- Original of testing results, which proof compliance of cement with specification
requirements signed and stamped from the Contractor and the laboratory approved by
the Ministry.
3- Source of water used in mixing and curing process plus original of all test results
which show that water is in compliance with the requirements of these general
specifications or special specifications, signed and stamped from the Contractor.
4- Source of coarse and fine aggregate, and original of all test results which show that
water is in compliance with the requirements of these general specifications or
special specifications, signed and stamped from the Contractor, plus results of the
following tests on aggregate, which are necessary for mix design process shown on
Table (14.2.3), in addition to the following:
a. Maximum aggregate size (Absolute & nominal)..
b.Fine aggregate smoothness factor.
c. Aggregate qualitative density and its water absorption rate, according to
requirements of ASTM C 128 & ASTM C 127.
d.Coarse aggregate dry unit weight according to requirements of ASTM C 29.
5- Rates of materials involved in the composition of the mix and allowable tolerance
limits for each material.
6- Test results original which proof compliance of qualitative properties of the mix with
the requirements indicated in special specifications and contract documents or with
the contractor's proposed type and approved from the Engineer, which is compliant
with one of the types listed in Table (14.3.1). Except otherwise stipulate special
specification and contract documents for a specific type, such as concrete slump,
density, compressive and flexural strength, elasticity index values at age 28 days or
any other age specified by the Engineer. The report shall be signed and stamped from

The report shall include the following information:

1. Type & location of mixer that shall be used together with concrete testing results
2. Weather state conditions and execution provisions in hot weather.
3. Proposed date for commencing cement concrete production.

Contractor shall provide the adequate materials involved in the composition of

the design mix such as aggregate, cement, water, admixtures, and additives to the
Engineer for verifying testing results of the design mixes and whether mixing formulae
have achieved specification requirements. Also, he shall provide an access for the
ministry representatives to locations of material storing, sampling, testing, production
and execution plants at all times. Acceptance procedures of job mix formula:

Contractor shall submit the proposed design job mix formula with all its
appendices as indicated in the previous item. The Ministry shall review the job mix
formula according to the following steps:

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1. Ensure that the report includes all the required information. In case a
shortage was found in the required information, the report is returned to the
contractor within 7 days to take the necessary action and re-submit it.
2. If the report was complete but does not comply with the specified
requirements, it is rejected and returned to the contractor within 14 days. In
such case contractor shall prepare and submit a new design mix formula,
which complies with the specified requirements to the ministry.
3. Verification shall be made for the possibility of executing the mix based on
first working day production as to execution and compaction.

It is not allowed to change source, methods of breaking, screening, blending,

storing (piling) of materials. Also, it is not allowed to change methods of producing the
cement mix from the methods applied in producing materials used in the approved
design job mix formula, since any change of this sort requires a re-evaluation for the
mix. Also, it is not allowed to make any changes in the approved design job mix
formula without re-testing and re-submitting the proposed job mix formula (the
modified one) according to the steps indicated in item (14.3.4).

14.3.5 Mixing:
Except otherwise stipulate special specifications, production of cement concrete
mix shall be made in central mixers with suitable capacity. It is possible to use batch
mixing plant or continuous mixing mixers. In both cases, the mixers used shall be
capable of applying water and completing the mixing process in the mixer by applying
the design mixing formula. Also, they shall be capable of producing uniform mix
compatible with the requirements indicated in these general specifications or special

Those mixers shall be calibrated and provided with all control devices which
allow aggregate feeding according to approved weight and gradation plus cement and
water feeding within allowable tolerance limits.

It is allowed, when necessary and after obtaining the Engineer's written

acceptance, to perform dry mixing whereas all components are mixed and water is
applied in the mixing truck during its journey to the site, providing that shall not lead to
degrading concrete quality or an increase in its non-uniformity. The Engineer has the
right to increase number of samples or repetition of sampling to verify the soundness of
such concrete.
Except otherwise it contradicts with these general specifications or special
specifications, the batch mixing plants shall achieve requirements of specification
ASTM C-94 that controls ready mix concrete. Also, continuous mixers shall achieve
specification requirements of ASTM C-685 that control concrete produced by
volumetric rating and continuous mixing.

Consideration shall be given to the high production capacity required by the

execution of roller compacted concrete works when choosing type of the mixer to be
used. It is recommendable to use continuous mixers due to their high capacity and their
capability of mixing compacted concrete components with more uniform way. The
mixer location shall be as near as possible to the work site and it is preferable to use
mobile trailed mixers whenever it is possible.

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Contractor shall submit with his design mix formula type and location of the
mixer intended for use. Verification shall be made for the possibility of producing a mix
that is compatible with specifications based on first day production. And it not allowed
for the contractor to commence production before the Engineer's acceptance for the
mixer intended for use. Production shall be stopped and the necessary measures shall be
taken for calibrating the mixer or modifying the design job formula if it was found that
the produced mix does not achieve the specified requirements.

14.3.6 Transportation:
Contractor shall prepare a plan for transporting the concrete mix, according to a
time schedule for production and transportation in which the separating interval
between applying water to the mixture of aggregate and cement, spreading, and
starting/finishing compaction more than the periods stipulated. It is possible to transport
cement concrete (normal) in tipcart trucks provided with a leak proof tipcart truck or in
mixing truck. Compacted cement concrete shall be transported in tipcart trucks. Trucks
shall be cleaned after each load and it shall be ensured that there are no stuck materials
on surfaces or mixing alternators in the mixing trucks. The mix shall be discharged from
the mixer to the trucks and shall be transported in such way that ensures no particle
segregation shall occur. Tipcart trucks shall be covered during transportation to prevent
mixing water evaporation.

14.3.7 Concrete handling:

Concrete handling shall be performed during all operations (mixing,
transportation, spreading, finishing) with the method suitable for the type of pavement
layer and its construction method. That shall not lead to damage of surfaces on which
the pavement layer shall be constructed. Concrete shall not be discharged in a free way
over reinforcement steel bars or from a height of more than 1 meter, since that may lead
to particle segregation. Also, the method of concrete handling shall not affect
reinforcement materials for joints or slabs or layers when using reinforced pavement

14.3.8 Weather condition limitations:

Cement concrete works shall not be executed in unsuitable weather conditions,
when temperature is less than 5 degrees or expected to drop within 48 hours and when
wind speed exceeds 25 km/h. Also, during sand & dust storms and during rainfall.
The following precautions shall be taken during the execution of cement concrete works
in hot weather:
1- Concrete temperature shall not exceed 38 degrees when supplied to site.
2- Using iced water or ice cubes in mixing concrete.
3- Cooling aggregate by keeping it in shaded areas and spraying it with water,
providing that does not lead to an increase in mixing water or tolerance rates in
4- Do not use cement directly supplied from the factory and allow some sufficient
time to pass for it to cool down after being stored in silos.
5- Using type of cement suitable for carrying out cement concrete works in hot
6- Pre-planning of cement mix transportation process from the mixing location to
casting site such that it is executed within the shortest time. Setting retarders
shall be used when transportation period exceeds 45 min.
7- Works shall be executed by night when temperature is dropping.

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8- Continuous moistening of concrete surface by using water dribbles.
9- Spraying reinforcement bars with water dribbles for cooling immediately before
casting without leading to excessive moistening of the later surface over which
the cement pavement layer shall be cast.
10-Recording measures which shall be taken during hot weather when submitting
mixing formula and obtaining advance Engineering acceptance.
11-Maintaining mixing water evaporation rate from concrete surface such that it
does not exceed 1 kg/m2 per hour. Evaporation rate is determined with relative
air moisture index, concrete temperature and prevailing wind speed according to
ACI 305-R-99 method.

14.4 On site cast cement concrete:

14.4.1 Normal concrete: Description:
This item includes requirements of materials and works required for the
construction of surface layer from on site cast normal cement concrete according to
dimensions, levels, and sites shown on drawings, special specifications, other contract
documents or these general specifications. That includes provision of required
materials, equipments, manual tools and labor; also procedures for ensuring quality,
levels, slopes of underlying layer surfaces on which pavement layer shall be
constructed, and concrete mixing, supplying, casting, and finishing works. Also,
execution of different joints, when used, including dowels and tie bars installations,
filling of joints with fill materials as shown on relevant drawings, general specifications
and special specifications. In addition, this item includes construction work evaluation
procedures for production control, quality control and work acceptance purposes. Materials:
The materials used shall be in compliance with the requirements indicated in
special specifications, other contract documents, and approved design job mix formula.
They shall, except otherwise stipulate special specifications, achieve requirements of
sections 14.2 and 14.3. Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all types of equipment required for executing the
surface layer in the required way and with sufficient numbers, which ensure completion
of works within the specified time schedule. Also, contractor shall submit to the
Engineer a list of equipments and machines before he commences work and shall obtain
the Engineer's acceptance for it. In addition, he shall service the equipments and keep
them in a good operational state throughout construction period.
The equipment list includes the following types:
1- Mixers:
Mixers shall be compatible with item 14.3.5.
2- Concrete transportation equipments:
Concrete transportation equipments shall be compatible with item 14.3.6.
3- Formwork:
It is possible to cast normal concrete pavement layers by using slip-forms fixed
on concrete spreading machine or by using fixed casting forms. It shall be confirmed
that the fixed forms bear the passing of spreading machines over them.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Contractor shall use straight steel form joints not less than 3 m. in length, except
at horizontal turn areas where turning radius is not less than 30 m., whereas curved steel
forms or other suitable forms accepted from the Engineer shall be used. It is possible to
use mobile or fixed forms according to equipments used in concrete casting.

Form joints shall be, according to construction requirements:

- Straight or curved, according to construction requirements, without any bends or
crookedness or deformations.
- Have a depth equal to the thickness of the layer to be cast.
- Fixable with suitable stakes which enable them to bear the construction process of the
surface layer without deviations or any change in their straightness or level, while
their base shall be in contact with the underlying layer surface along the form length
without any spaces.
- Provided with bolt nuts, which keep joints in place without any displacements and bolt
nuts for linking joint ends without protrusions.
- Also, their internal surface shall be oiled with suitable mineral oil (petroleum) before

4- Concrete casting and spreading equipments:

When casting cement concrete pavement layers, concrete casting, spreading and
operation shall be done with slip-form paver and, when necessary, concrete spreader
machines, which move over steel forms, may be used. It is also possible, after obtaining
the written Engineer's acceptance to cast concrete, of quantity not more than 10 cubic
meters, manually using ready mix concrete pumps.

5- Vibrators (concrete densification systems) :

Suitable mechanical vibrators shall be used to condense concrete to the required
density. It is possible to use internal or surface vibrators.

Sufficient numbers of internal vibrators shall be used (one vibrator

approximately each 600 mm). These are usually fixed at the rear of concrete casting
equipment to reach the density required in the special specifications. Contractor shall
provide sufficient numbers of manual internal vibrators as a precautionary measure to
be used when casting equipment vibrators go out of order or to use them to obtain
additional densification for the concrete in construction joint areas.

6- Leveling and finishing equipments:

Suitable leveling screeds and finishing floats shall be used to obtain a layer that
has a smooth and fine surface.

The Leveling and finishing equipments which are going to be used shall allow
for densification of concrete surface, removal of excessive quantities, and formation of
the slopes required for the layer surface. Mechanical finishing equipments shall be used
and when necessary, it is possible to use manual equipments which shall be available at
site as standby.
Any of the following surface roughening equipments may be used:
a. Dragged mat composed of artificial grass length ranging between 16-25 mm and
weigh about 1.9 kg/m2. It is of the whole width of the layer along 1.25 cm. It is
mechanically dragged over the layer surface to give the required roughness.

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b. Transverse metal tinning, its length equals at least casting rout width,
mechanically dragged over concrete surface. When necessary it is possible to
use manual metal tinning that should be available at site as standby.
c. Mechanical cutter saws, used to make longitudinal grooves parallel to road
center line at distances of 25 mm, 3 mm wide and with 5 mm depth.

7- Cutter saws:
Single disc mechanical cutter saws shall be used in cutting shrinkage joints or
multi disc to saw grooves in concrete surface to roughen it. Cutting disc thickness shall
range between 3-6 mm and its radius shall not be less than 250 mm.

8- Curing materials spraying equipments:

Water sprayers and chemical curing material spraying equipments shall be
equipped with spraying arms with suitable length that allow for spraying without the
equipment using the constructed layer surface. They shall be capable of spraying with
the required rates for the whole constructed surface within a short period that doesn't
allow random cracks on the layer surface. Qualitative requirements and mixes:

Except otherwise stipulate special specifications and other contract documents,
the cement concrete shall achieve the qualitative requirements indicated in sections
(14.2 and 14.3) above. Design job mix formula:

Procedure of design job mix formula submission and acceptance shall be
according to item 14.3.4 of this division. Construction:
Cement pavement layer works shall be executed according to method ACI 325.
9R-97, except otherwise that contradicts with these general specifications or special
specifications or contract documents.

1- Surface preparation:
The underlying layer on which concrete pavement layers shall be constructed,
shall be composed of sub base or treated/untreated base which achieve requirements of
section 6.4, or from cement treated/untreated sub grade that achieves requirements of
item 5.5.3, or from asphalt concrete surfaces which achieve requirements of division 8
of these general specifications, special specification requirements and contract

Before commencing construction of the cement pavement layer, the surface on

which this layer shall be constructed, must be sound and in compliance with approved
drawings and specifications, as to levels, longitudinal/lateral slopes within allowable
tolerance for that layer. It shall be free from loose materials or any other surface
deformations that may affect the new layer performance.

Contractor shall carry out survey for the whole underlying layer surface and
shall obtain approval for this from the Engineer. If there is a non-allowable tolerance,
contractor shall modify surface levels to become compliant with the levels shown on the
drawings or in the special specifications. That shall be made in such a way that ensures

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obtaining a surface compliant with the specifications after getting the written acceptance
from the Engineer for the treatment method.
Before starting concrete casting, the underlying layer surface shall be moistened
uniformly with water, without that leading to formation of water collection areas or
weak parts.

2- Cast forms:
Contractor shall prepare the cast forma according to the following steps:
• To locate the required survey control points to adjust levels and alignments by
the method accepted from the Engineer.
• To fix pilot ropes and adjust levels and straining these with the suitable strength.
• To provide spreaders with automatic sensor units which enable the equipment to
follow reference lines automatically when using slip form.

When using fixed form, forms shall be installed according to the lines and levels
specified on the drawings in the way accepted from the Engineer, before spreading
concrete with ample time.

The fixed form shall be from steel with approved section and with a base width
not less than 100 mm and a depth equaling pavement layer thickness. The forms are
fixed with side metal supports with suitable length. Each form section shall have a stake
hole at each end with joints at distances not more than 650 mm. The fixed form shall be
supported regularly over the underlying layer, which should be adjusted according to
the required level and planning. The form shall be supported in such a way that prevents
its deviation by more than 4 mm from the correct level during pavement operations.

The fixed form shall be kept in place for one day after casting concrete and it
shall be dismounted in such a way that does not damage the cement pavement layer. It
is absolutely not allowed to use steel levers between the form and the constructed
pavement layer for disengaging the form.

3- Casting & finishing:

Contractor, immediately before concrete casting, shall verify the correctness of
grade wire level which control cast equipments with slip form pavers and the fixed form
height, such that the thickness of the layer and the level of its surface are compatible
with requirements of drawings and these general specifications. Concrete casting shall
be continuous between expansion joints or construction joints. Also, concrete shall be
cast by using methods which reduce particle segregation or non-uniformity.

Concrete shall be leveled, condensed, and finished with mechanical methods. It

is possible to apply manual methods for finishing the concrete slab surface where
mechanical methods usage is impracticable and when the width of concrete cast is less
than 1.3 m. It is possible to stop casting only at an expansion joint or construction joint.
Thickness of the cement concrete pavement layer shall not be less than the
approved design thickness when applying the one specimen method. The minimum
acceptable thickness for determining payment factor by the statistical method, is
considered as the approved design thickness minus 1 cm or 10% of the design thickness
whichever is less.
Casting can be performed by one of the following methods:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
a- Slip-form method:
When special specifications stipulate the using of the slip-form method,
contractor shall use a mobile casting equipment equipped with side forms which move
with the equipment movement and designed to provide side protection for concrete
during casting and throughout the period required for producing the layer according to
the required section, in such way that the section remains unchanged after the
equipment leaves.

Contractor shall provide the equipment capable of spreading, grading, leveling,

and finishing fresh concrete all over the layer in one cycle and with the least possible
amount of manual interference such that it is possible to obtain a consistent and uniform
pavement. The equipment shall be operated continuously without stop throughout the
work shift period. More labor and equipments shall be provided pavement requires
construction outside the side form limits after -arranging that in advance according to
the approved from the Engineer.

The equipment shall condense concrete on the whole width and depth of the
layer. This condensing process shall be made by internal vibrators which operate with
frequency not less than 6000 vibration per min. Concrete casting shall be stopped when
vibrators stop working and standby vibrators shall be immediately used to complete the
process of condensing cast concrete. The equipment shall be operated in the form of a
continuous movement forward as far as possible so that all the mixing, transportation,
and spreading operations are executed in a coordinated way to achieve a regular work
progress. If it was found (for any reason) that it is necessary to stop the pavement
machine movement forward, then vibrators and compaction units shall be stop
automatically at the same time.

Slump and indentation at pavement edges which exceed 6 mm shall be corrected

during work execution, if possible. If that was not possible when the concrete is fresh,
the excessive slump at the slab side shall be removed by cutting with saw at least 130
mm from pavement layer edge and replacing the removed part according to the
Engineer's approved method. Contractor may remove the whole slab and replace it
instead of resorting to saw cutting process. Contractor is not paid any additional costs
against repairs.

When concrete is cast parallel to a previously executed pavement, it is

permissible to establish platforms to be able to cast and finish concrete, also chain
equipments are allowed, from one side of the pavement machine, to pass over the
pavement on the condition that:

1- No less than 72 hours should have elapsed since the casting of pavement.
2- The pressure caused by the pavement machine on constructed pavement should not
exceed 200 Kpa.
3- Casting equipment chains (spreader) shall be equipped with rubber or plastic
protection pads, otherwise existing pavement surface shall be protected against
4- No part of the chain equipments shall be operated at a distance of 330 mm from the
constructed pavement layer.

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Any part of the constructed pavement layer that has been damaged during work
due to contractor's equipments, shall be repaired by the method accepted from the
Engineer and on the Contractor's own account.
Excluding mechanical saws used in constructing contraction joints, none of the
contractor's equipments is allowed to pass over the pavement layer except after 14 days
from casting or when concrete obtains 80% of its strength whichever is less, providing
that depreciation of the pavement layer arising from the passing of the equipments does
not exceed 5% of its design life by any means.

b- Fixed form method:

When specifications indicate using the fixed form method, the necessary
equipments for that shall be provided. These are spreader, finisher and float. It is
possible to use a single machine that performs two or more of those operations if it was
found that it is capable of achieving acceptable results. The machines shall be automatic
and their wheels shall be equipped with rubber tires.

Concrete shall be spread regularly between both sides of the form immediately
after being cast by using a spreader. The spreader is followed by a finisher equipped
with not less than two vibrating straight edges. The spreader or finisher shall be
provided with vibrating equipments for condensing the concrete all over the width of
pavement whereas the vibrators are mounted at the rear of the spreader or finisher.

Vibrators shall not lean on the new pavement layers or the side form, and they
shall not be in contact with any tie rods or dowels. The operation of the vibrators shall
be controlled such that the condensation process stops when the machine stops moving.
The vibrators shall be operated at the rate of at least 5000 vibration per minute.

The spreading of concrete shall be on the whole width of the pavement layer
before leveling the surface with the finisher machine. Concrete shall be leveled and
compacted such that its surface becomes compliant with the constructed surface level
and the cross section shown on the project drawings while leaving an adequate amount
of the concrete mix for the float process. The spreader or finisher shall move over the
pavement (for a number of times) at the distances required for achieving integrated

After finishing and condensing the pavement layer, surface level shall be
verified and adjusted. After that it shall be surveyed with an approved longitudinal float.
Contractor can use a longitudinal float composed of one or more of the cutting and
finishing floats suspended and directed from a solid frame carried on at least four

In addition, it is possible that contractor will use a longitudinal float operated in

a sawing motion carried in a floating position parallel to the road's centerline during its
regular passing from one side to the other of the pavement sides. Front movements
along the whole road's centerline shall be in the form of consecutive front movements
not more in length than half the length of the float. Instead of using any type of the
longitudinal floats mentioned above, it is possible to use one machine that shall be
capable of carrying out the compaction, leveling and floating works. This machine may
be hauled at the spreader rear such that the machine shall be capable of carrying out the
leveling and floating works. Also, it shall be equipped with leveling straight edges and

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
vibrators as mentioned above. The floating process shall be executed by using a non-
vibrating float carried in a suspended way on the frame.

If it was found that any of the spreading, leveling and finishing equipments used
are not enough to achieve the required results, those equipments shall be repaired or
replaced with other suitable equipments or adding more equipments.

4- Manual methods:
It is possible, with the acceptance of the Engineer, to apply manual methods
only at places where mechanical equipments can not reach. When manual methods are
allowed, concrete shall be cast, spread and leveled such that surface level is compliant
with the required lines and levels. The finishing plate shall be moved forward in
longitudinal and lateral motion with pressure so that the concrete surface level shall not
higher than the level of any of the side form ends. During the finishing process a small
amount of concrete shall be preserved in front of the cutting edge of the finishing plate
at all times.

Concrete shall be vibrated and compacted by an internal vibrator which is

operated at a minimum limit equaling 50000 vibration per minute. It is allowable to use
vibrators in driving the concrete mass; after completion of condensation process
concrete shall be leveled to the correct level and cross section of the surface by using a
condenser or finisher or by using a mechanical vibrator that extends over the whole
width between the two sides of the form. A small amount of concrete shall be left in
front of the condenser or vibrator. Condensation shall continue until the required cross
section is obtained and the mortar driving a little towards the surface. It is possible to
apply other approved methods for concrete finishing.

During casting concrete in grades of more than 5%, a second surface finishing
plate may be required for passing it behind the compaction equipment or vibrator. It is
used in the same way in which the compaction equipment is used for removing any
indentations arising from the concrete flow.

Regardless of the method used, it is important to ensure obtaining the required

thickness of the layer and smoothness of its surface within the allowable tolerance limits
which are measured at two perpendicular directions using a metal straight edge 3 m

5- Surface texturing:
The layer surface shall be textured until the suitable friction factor is obtained
for the layer surface. Work shall start by texturing the surface in the fresh concrete after
concrete casting and finishing and before initial setting. Bleeding water from the surface
shall be removed before starting the surface texturing process which is done by moving
the drawn mat longitudinally over the surface followed by lateral motions by using steel
tines. The texturing process shall lead to longitudinal and lateral grooves 2 mm wide
and 3-5 mm deep at a distance of 20-25 mm from each other.
Texturing with the drawn mat and tinning shall be enhanced with by rotary mechanical
beams. Those beams shall be equipped with automatic detection and control units that
move in the same pattern of operation of the slip form pavement. This machine shall be
used for final texturing only of the concrete slab surface. The drawn mat material shall
not be supported by the same rotary mechanical beam used in supporting the steel tines.

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Also, it is not allowable to support these operations manually except at places where the
beams can not reach.

After completing the texturing process work shall be commenced on both edges
of expansion and construction joints and edge corner curve to obtain a radius of 6 mm
along the edge and to obtain a smooth finishing for the edge corner and to compact
mortar in it. Excessive mortar is not allowed at edges.

6- Concrete curing:
Concrete curing shall be performed immediately after completion of the
texturing process and for a period not less than 7 days. The Engineer may, when he
notices that contractor has not maintained concrete curing in the required way, halt
concrete work execution at site, and contractor in such case shall bear full
responsibility. Work is allowed to commence after contractor deals with the defect and
after the Engineer's acceptance. In case concrete surface started to dry before
completing the finishing process it shall be kept moistened by being sprayed with water
without causing any damage to the surface.

If the need calls for that, it is possible to remove curing material (such as
shrinkage joint cutting), on the condition that it is returned to its previous state
immediately after ending the cause.
Concrete is cured by one of the following methods:

a- Plastic membrane:
The surface of the whole layer and its sides shall be moistened with water
dribbles and covered with a plastic membrane with adequate thickness and free from
cracks. The two ends of the membrane shall overlap for a length of 500 mm. The
membrane length shall surpass the layer side by not less two times its thickness. It shall
be ensured that the membrane remains in contact with the layer surface throughout the
curing period. It is possible to use suitable weights to prevent winds from blowing the
membrane off.

b- Liquid Membrane compounds:

Liquid chemical membrane can be used by spraying it on the surface and sides
to prevent mixing water from evaporation and consequently continuity of concrete
curing process. Contractor shall provide the Engineer with source and used material
compliance with specifications certificate. The liquid chemical membrane shall be
sprayed on the surface by the quantity that ensures its coverage completely, providing
that the spraying rate shall not be less than the manufacturer's recommended value. If
necessary, concrete surface may be moistened with water after spraying the membrane
for the period specified by the Engineer.

The liquid membrane compound shall be sprayed on the executed concrete

surface within 15 minutes after completion of the surface texturing processes and before
shrinkage due to dryness, or before random hair cracks start to form. If the surface starts
to dry or cracks begin to occur, concrete shall be immediately sprayed by water by
using an atomizing nozzle. That shall continue till the curing chemical compound is
applied. The curing compound shall not be applied on a surface where water collects in
a free state. The liquid curing compound shall be sprayed uniformly with a rate ranging
between one liter and one and a half liter (1, 1.5) per square meter. The precise spraying

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rate is determined by the Engineer on the basis of experiments carried out by the
contractor and what ensures achieving a uniform covering without thin areas or flows or
slumps or uncovered areas. The liquid curing compound vessel shall be provided with
an observation graded glass to verify the used quantities.

When ambient temperature is more than 30 degrees, contractor shall spray the
concrete surface by using fog water sprayer.

When need calls for fog spraying, the whole surface shall be left moistened by
adding water with an atomizing nozzle in such a way that avoids occurrence of erosion
due to water sweep or concrete washing. The concrete moistening process shall be
continued for not less than 7 days together with immediate repair of any damage that
may be inflicted on the curing membrane compounds. Joints:
Joints shall be constructed according to requirements of ACI 224-3R-95 and
ACI 325.12R-02 without contradiction with these specifications or special
specifications or any of the contract other documents. Joints may be in layers of cement
pavement pavements in the form of longitudinal joints or lateral joints or construction
joints. All faces of the joints shall constructed perpendicular with the cement pavement

1- Longitudinal joints:
Longitudinal joints in the road shall be shrinkage joints or construction joints.
Longitudinal joints shall be constructed between routs and between shoulders if
specifications stipulated execution of concrete shoulders more than 1.65 m. wide by the
sawing method whereas the surface of the layer is sawed with a depth equaling third of
the pavement layer. Joints shall be filled as immediately as possible with the suitable fill
materials according to specifications and traffic on the road shall be restricted before
filling the joints.

For longitudinal joints in ramps or tapers, they shall be shrinkage joints or

construction joints. Locations of longitudinal joints in ramps and tapers shall be
determined with the Engineer's acceptance.

Except otherwise shown on the drawings, tie bars shall be fixed at all
longitudinal joints by acceptable mechanical methods when concrete is still fresh
(during construction). When the cement pavement layer is cast parallel to an existing
cement pavement, tie bars shall be fixed in the existing concrete by drilling holes
perpendicular to the pavement layer edge. The holes diameter shall be equal to the
diameter of the tie bars plus 6 mm. The hole length shall not be less than 310 mm,
except otherwise indicate special specifications. The diameter of the holes shall be
checked and they shall be cleared from any deleterious materials before fixing the bars
on them. The holes shall be received by the engineer before starting dowel bars fixing.
Tie bars shall be fixed in the existing layers by using a suitable binder material
according to special specifications and in accordance with the details shown on the
drawings. Acceptance of the Engineer for the binder materials and tie bars installation
method before commencing work shall be obtained.

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The tie bars used shall meet requirements of item 14-2-6-4 and shall be placed in
separating distances not more than 760 mm according to drawings. Except otherwise
indicate special specifications or contract documents, the length of the bars shall be 600
mm. The tie bars shall be fixed within a distance that does not differ from the slab
thickness middle by more than 25 mm. The tie bars which are intended for fixing in
parallel slabs of different thicknesses, shall be fixed at the middle of the slab with the
lesser thickness.

2- Transverse Joints:
Transverse joints on the road shall be shrinkage joints or expansion joints or
construction joints.

a- Shrinkage joints:
Shrinkage joints shall be sawed as shown on the drawings. The sawed joints
shall extend all over the road width. The alignment of shrinkage joints and their
continuity in adjacent routs shall be ensured, since the sawing of the joints shall
continue at the same phase. The sequence of distances between transverse joints shall be
in the range of 3.5-4 m in normal concrete slabs or 4.4 times the radius of relative
stiffness of the pavement layer according to requirements of ACI 325 12R-02
whichever is lesser, except otherwise shown on the drawings. When using shoulders or
pavements from cement concrete, the shrinkage joint in the shoulder or pavement shall
continue in its same alignment in the adjacent pavement layer. .

Transverse shrinkage joints in ramps and cross-roads shall be constructed

perpendicular to the ramp axis or cross-roads.

Transverse shrinkage joints shall be executed at 2 meters distance, minimum,

from transverse construction joints which are measured along any longitudinal joint
between routs. The last joint that lies before any construction joint shall be omitted at a
distance less than the specified distances. The sequence of separating distances between
joints shall start after each construction joint.

The transverse shrinkage joints shall be reinforced by dowel bars compliant with
requirements of item It shall be ensured that the bars are placed at the middle
of the layer thickness, sites and according to the dimensions shown on the drawings,
providing that the separating distance between bars shall not exceed 350 mm.

The dowel bars shall be installed in an alignment parallel to the rout axis on non-
detectable seats during concrete casting and condensing. The stakes assembly shall be
fixed in place by steel stakes to prevent displacement of bars from their places or
change their alignment. Contractor, after the acceptance of the engineer, may use dowel
bars installation machine during concrete casting, providing that ensures their placing in
their locations within allowable tolerance limits, whereas the difference in level shall
not exceed 6 mm from the middle of the layer's thickness and the difference in the
separating distances shall not exceed 25 mm. In addition, the alignment shall not change
by more than 6 mm for each 300 mm of the dowel bar length.

b- Expansion joints:
Expansion joints shall be executed according to the dimensions and locations
shown on the drawings. Transverse expansion joints shall be used as shown on the

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drawings according to specification requirements. Transverse expansion joints shall be
constructed perpendicularly with the road center line. When using expansion joints
between slabs, the length or width of the slab shall not exceed 4.4 times radius of
relative stiffness of the pavement layers according to requirements of ACI 32512R02,
except otherwise indicate special specifications.

Except otherwise stipulate special specifications, transverse expansion joints

shall be reinforced with steel dowels with smooth surface and with a radius not less than
32 mm and achieve requirements of item in addition to the requirements shown
above for dowel bars used in shrinkage joints (except for the bars to be corrugated).

The bars are installed whereas one of its ends shall be fixed in the pavement
layer slab and the other end free moving in the adjacent slab. It shall be ensured that the
free moving end is greased with petroleum grease that prevents bonding of the dowel
bar with surrounding concrete. The free moving end shall be encased with a cylindrical
cap fixed in the concrete with a clearance equal to 35 mm that allows free expansion of
the dowel bar inside. The length of the cap, except otherwise indicate special
specifications, shall be 85 mm so that it may cover 50 mm from the end of the dowel
bar and its internal diameter shall exceed the diameter of the dowel bar by 3 mm. The
cap shall be filled with sufficient amount of grease that prevents water leakage into it.

c- Construction joints:
Transverse construction joints shall be formed according to drawings and
specification requirements. Those joints shall be placed in their specified locations at
the end of each working day or when halting concrete casting for a period more than
one hour. No excessive concrete shall be cast behind any construction joint or
expansion joint at the end of any working day. Transverse construction joints shall be
reinforced with dowel bars which fulfill the requirements mentioned above for dowel
bars used in shrinkage joints. The alignment of the transverse construction joints shall
be perpendicular with the road center line and the pavement layer side shall be
supported at the joint with a form which ensures that the side remains perpendicular
with the layer surface till the concrete casting process is commenced. Any loose
materials shall be removed from the joint side after the form is removed and before re-
commencing the casting process.

3- Joints around structures:

Expansion joints shall be made between the surface layer and any structures on
the road such as lighting posts bases or traffic signals or any other structures such as
bridges. The joints shall be executed according to the type, dimensions and sites shown
on the drawings. It is not permissible to use any reinforcement bars binding between the
surface layer and road structures. The joints shall be filled with the suitable fill materials
according to what is practiced with expansion joints. Joint construction:

1- Cut joints:
Both longitudinal and transverse types of joints shall be sawed according to the
dimensions shown on the drawings. It is not allowed for the excess water from the
sawing process to collect on any part of the sub grade intended for pavement.

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Contractor shall apply acceptable methods for controlling water used in the sawing
process such that does not cause any damage to the sub grade.

Sawed joints shall be executed before the occurrence of any random cracks in
the pavement layer surface. The joints shall not be cut except after the concrete is
hardened enough to prevent occurrence of particle segregation or corrosion in the
surface during the sawing process. Contractor shall determine the suitable time for
starting the sawing processes.

Contractor shall keep a standby concrete saw suitable for use in the project site
at all times in which joints are sawed so that it may be ready for use as a replacement
for the original saw.

Any procedure applied in sawing joints from which premature uncontrolled

cracks result shall be reviewed and reconsidered immediately. Contractor shall repair
areas inflicted with damage and random cracks and this repair shall be according to
specifications and engineer's instructions. Also, contractor shall repair any broken or
cracked concrete along the joints according to the method accepted from the engineer.
Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs for that.

In case the joints are sawed in stages, the initial cutting shall be with the saw to
the minimum specified depth and after that the sawing process is completed throughout
the sawing depth shown on the drawings.

The necessary measures shall be taken to ensure execution of the joints at the
locations shown on the drawings. When using dowel bars much care shall be taken to
ensure that the joints are cut over the middle length of the dowel bars properly.

Immediately before filling joints, they shall be cleared completely from all
deleterious materials and removal of the remains of the curing membrane compounds
from the concrete surface at both sides of the joint. So that the face of the joint appears
clean with dry surface during applying the joint fill material The fill material of the
joints shall be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All the
excessive fill material cast at site shall be removed from the pavement layer surface.
The joints shall be filled with the joints fill material within 10 days from concrete
casting and before opening the pavement layer to traffic.

2- Construction joints:
Both types of longitudinal and transverse construction joints shall be formed
according to details shown on the drawings and according to the Engineer's instructions.

When the concrete is finished completely or its surface is not textured but
protected with a moistening material after one hour of being cast, the Engineer may
instruct contractor to execute a transverse construction joint by sawing at the position he
specifies. All the concrete which is cast after the construction joint shall be removed and
disposed of by the contractor on his cost before continuing pavement construction

3- Transverse Expansion joints:

Transverse expansion joints shall be formed according to the details shown on
the drawings or according to instructions of the engineer.

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Back Remedial measures:
Contractor shall repair pavement areas in which protrusion exceeds 10 mm in
each 10 m or less. The raised areas can be removed from the pavement by the
mechanical surface smoothing devices or by multi saw machines accepted by the

After removal of protrusions, the longitudinal section shall be re-planned along

100 m from the pavement section affected by this process. If the original section index
of the pavement layer is within the specified range, the longitudinal section shall be re-
planned only for that part of the pavement layer, which included positional protrusions.

Evaluation processes of the low areas on the pavement layer surface shall be
performed on the presumed correction of the adjacent raised areas. When pavement
layer works include locations, in which depression exceeds 10 mm every 10 m or less,
contractor shall corrode the adjacent pavement layer surface according to the
instructions of the engineer and re-plan the longitudinal section of pavement as
indicated above.

When it is found that, after repairing the raised and low locations, the pavement
is not in compliance with the specified requirements, further texturing of the pavement
shall be done and the longitudinal section measurements are taken according to the
instructions of the engineer.

In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the surface section index, pavement

surface shall be tested by a straight edge 3 m long and the surface shall not vary in any
direction by more than 3 mm, except at longitudinal and transverse joint locations
where the surface shall not vary across them by more than 6 mm. In such cases it is
required to carry out the eroding and smoothing process to ensure the smoothness of the
surface across the joints.

The corroding and smoothing process shall be performed in such a way that
maintains the original coarseness of the pavement layer surface and in such a way
avoids formation of smooth or polished surface.
All the repairs in the pavement layer section shall be executed before evaluation
processes of the pavement layer thickness. Also, the repair works required for
correction of the excess in the roughness of the pavement layer surface shall be carried
out on the contractor's account.

Contractor shall take the necessary measures for maintaining and protecting
traffic during execution of the required repair works in the pavement layer section and
carrying out the subsequent measurements for the pavement layer section, according to
the Engineer's instructions and on the contractor's cost.
Cracks that exceed 0.25 mm shall be repaired. These repairs shall be to the
whole depth of the pavement layer or removal and replacement of the cracked part from
the pavement layer, as specified in these specifications, before opening the road to
public traffic.

Within 28 days from the date of concrete casting and before work acceptance,
the engineer shall perform a survey for the pavement surface for cracks and contractor
shall clear the surface before starting its surveying for cracks.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
The engineer identifies visual cracks which need repairs, i.e. those wider than
0.25 mm, and pavement layer slabs which need replacement by clear marks and
contractor shall repair or replace these as specified in the specifications on his own
Also, contractor shall repair cracks which appear after 28 days from the date of
casting concrete up to the end of the guarantee period, as specified in the special
specifications on his own expense. Contractor shall provide the engineer with detailed
information about the methods and materials to be used in repairing the cracks so that
the engineer may approve them before commencement of the required repairs.

Random cracks shall be repaired when any of the following crack types occur
throughout the whole pavement depth:
• Lateral cracks far from any point by more than 300 mm from the transverse
• Longitudinal cracks which at any point are within 300 mm distance from the
longitudinal joints.
• Longitudinal cracks which lie at a distance of more than 540 mm from the
longitudinal joint.

Cracks which occur in the constructed pavement layer without dowel bars and
longitudinal cracks in the pavement executed by using dowel bars shall be repaired by
cutting or by increasing the width of the cracks to not less than 13 mm and with a depth
of 25 mm, then filling them with suitable joints fill material by the method accepted
from the engineer. Before starting the cracks filling process, each crack shall be cleared
completely in such a way that all deleterious materials are removed so that the face of
the crack becomes clean and its surface dry when cracks are filled with the fill material.

When any part of a repaired crack is within a distance of 150 mm from a cut
joint is not workable, that cut joint shall be filled with epoxy by the method accepted
from the engineer.

Lateral cracks, which occur in a pavement, which has been constructed by, using
dowel bars, they shall be repaired by deepening any adjacent non-cracking cuttings to
13 mm over the dowel bars level, then the brown colored approved epoxy material is
injected under pressure in the randomly formed crack. The injection process by
pressuring epoxy is performed only when ambient temperature is between 5 degrees and
35 degrees.

Repair of the cracks shall start after 7 days from completion of survey process
for cracks so that the repair works are accomplished within 30 days from their start.
In case cracks exceed those indicated above the pavement layer shall be
removed and replaced. Cracked pavement layers shall be removed to the limits specified
by the engineer. Generally, cracked pavement requires removal of the slab on the whole
width of the rout and for a length of at least 2 m. Cracked pavement layers shall be
removed in excess along it whole width according to the engineer's instructions. Parts of
the pavement layer intended for removal shall be cut through the whole depth of the
layer before commencing the removal process.
Contractor shall repair or replace the parts of the underlying layer which are
damaged as a result of removal of the pavement layer by the method accepted from the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Contractor shall dispose of the removed pavement layer materials and
underlying layer materials by the method accepted from the engineer.
After removal of the cracked pavement layer, tie rods and dowel bars shall be replaced
by digging and injecting with cement to about the middle of the depth in the existing
pavement layer. Reinforcement works of the joints shall be according to requirements of
item of these specifications and casting of the replacement cement pavement
shall be performed according to requirements of item 14.4.1.

14.4.2 Reinforced concrete:

When special specifications or contract documents stipulate this, it is possible to
use reinforced concrete in carrying out cement pavement layer works. Description:
This section includes requirements of materials and works for the construction
of pavement layers from cast on site reinforced cement concrete. That includes
provision of the required materials, equipments, manual tools and labor. Also,
procedure for ensuring quality, levels, and slopes of the underlying layer on which the
pavement layer shall be constructed, and works of mixing, supplying, casting and
finishing concrete together with construction of various joints, when used, including
installation of dowels, tie rods and filling joints with fill materials according to relevant
drawings, general specifications and special specifications.

These specifications cover the following types of cement concrete layers from
reinforced concrete:

a. Reinforced concrete slabs with reinforcement bars.

b. Slabs reinforced with reinforcement fibers.
c. Continuous reinforcement slabs.

Pavement layers from reinforced concrete shall be constructed according to

requirements of item 14.4.1, except otherwise indicated in the special specifications,
contract documents or in the items of this section. Materials:
The used materials shall achieve the requirements of section 14.2, except
otherwise indicate special specifications and contract documents. Equipments:
Contractor shall provide the equipments and machines capable of executing the
works. Those equipments and machines shall fulfill requirements of item Cement concrete mixes:

The concrete mixes shall achieve requirements of section 14.3, except otherwise
indicate special specifications and contract documents. Construction:
Reinforced concrete works shall be constructed according to requirements of
item, except otherwise indicate special specifications and contract documents;
also consideration shall be given to each type as follows:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
1- Bars reinforced concrete slabs:
a. Contractor shall install reinforcement bars according to drawings and special
b. The level of steel bars in the slabs shall be achieved by using suitable metal or
plastic seats and according to requirements of special specifications. The ends of
steel shall be stopped before 100 mm from the slab sides and steel bars shall not
be connected in the same slab.
c. Reinforcement bars shall be placed at the middle of the layer thickness, except
otherwise indicate special specifications, whereas it is possible to place the bars
at two different levels as shown on the drawings.
d. It is possible to use reinforcement bar mats providing that they meet
requirements of item instead of single bars particularly in large casting
e. Reinforcement steel shall be sprayed by water dribbles immediately before
concrete casting to cool it providing that this does not lead to water collection on
the underlying layer surface.

2- Fiber reinforced concrete:

When the special specifications and other contract documents indicate using
fiber reinforced concrete the reinforcement fibers applied shall be compliant with
requirements of item to the concrete according to the requirements of the
previous item. Also, when concrete casting is required in hot weather conditions
whereas water evaporation from the concrete surface exceeds 1 liter per square meter
per hour as in item

Shrinkage and construction joints shall not be used in fiber reinforced concrete.

The application of reinforcement fibers does not nullify the need for taking
precautions against particle segregation and fiber stacking in the concrete mix.

3 - Continuous reinforcement concrete:

When special specifications and contract documents stipulate using continuous
reinforcement concrete, contractor shall:

a. Ensure steel level in the continuous slabs by using metal or plastic seats
according to the special specifications. Reinforcement bar ends shall be stopped
before 100 mm from the slab sides.
b. Except otherwise indicate special specifications, overlapping shall be achieved
between reinforcement bars at the joints with a length of not less than 30 times
the reinforcement bar diameter.
c. Connection of bars by approved tying tools, as shown on the drawings or special
d. Reinforcement bars shall continue through construction joints and their level
shown on the drawings shall be maintained. It is not permissible to use
shrinkage joints in continuous reinforcement slabs.
e. Using expansion joints at both ends of the slab when it approaches solid
structures such as bridge ends or ends of existing cement pavement layers.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
14.4.3 Roller compacted concrete: Introduction:
Compacted concrete pavement layers are constructed by using plastic
consistency concrete with slump of no more than zero. It is spread by using compacted
concrete spreader similar to asphalt spreader but equipped with rear compaction system
of high capacity that enables it to compact concrete to 98% of its maximum density. It is
possible to use a modified asphalt spreader by adding compaction vibrator to spread
compact concrete with density not less than 80% of its maximum density.
After that concrete compaction is completed by using rollers, then curing it like
normal cement concrete.
Roller compacted concrete is characterized by the absence of reinforced joints
and lack of using expansion joints in it.
The pavement layer from roller compacted concrete shall be covered with
asphalt surface layer executed according to requirements of division eight of these
general specifications, providing that the asphalt concrete used and thickness of the
layer are specified in the special specifications. This section contains requirements of
constructing pavement layer works from compacted concrete and includes materials,
concrete, equipments, construction methods and acceptance procedures.
Cement pavement layer works shall be executed by using compacted concrete
according to requirements of ACI 25. 15R, except otherwise stipulate special
specifications and contract documents. Materials:
The materials used in executing cement pavement works from compacted
concrete include materials involved in the production of concrete such as cement,
aggregate, water, admixtures, additives, curing compounds and plastic membranes. The
materials used shall comply with the requirements of section 14.2 of these general
specifications, special specifications and other contract documents. Also, this section
includes compacted concrete specifications including mix design, concrete mixing,
spreading, handling, compacting and finishing methods, whereas it shall meet
requirements of item 14.3 of these general specifications or special specifications. Equipments:
Contractor shall provide the equipments required for carrying out roller
compacted concrete pavement layer works within the specified time and according to
the approved work program.
Before commencing execution of compacted pavement layer works by a
sufficient period, contractor shall submit a list of all the required equipments. In this list,
he shall describe their types, numbers, and technical condition The engineer has the
right to replace with what he deems more suitable. The final list is approved before
sufficient time from starting the execution of the works.
This list shall include the following equipments:
1- Fixed or mobile central mixers:
Production capacity of those mixers shall be enough to ensure continuous
spreading of the pavement layers without stopping or interruption. Continuous or batch
mixers can be used. The mixers shall be capable of dealing with the plastic consistency

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers

of the mix and completing the mixing operation with high efficiency that ensures
uniformity of the mix components such that no particle segregation occurs while
ensuring full coverage of all the aggregate surfaces with cement mortar.

Components of the mix shall be mixed by the weight method, mixing water shall
be applied to other components, and mixing all of them in the mixer, then discharged in
the tipcarts.

Scales, timers, water, different admixtures systems used the mixers shall be
susceptible to control and calibration. Their operation shall be controllable by computer
as far as possible to ensure the uniformity of the mixes.

2- Tipcarts:
Tipcart trucks shall be with the capacities and the numbers enough for
transporting cement concrete from the mixing site to the spreaders in a sequence that
ensures no stopping of the spreader. Contractor shall coordinate with the concerned
authorities to organize movement of the tipcarts inside the city and to choose the roads
through which they shall pass so that public traffic shall not be interrupted.
The iron box shall be with sound sides, which tolerate concrete pressure, and the
internal surfaces of the box shall be smooth allowing full pouring of all the concrete
amount without the sticking of some materials on it.

Tipcarts shall be provided with tough covers which prevent exposure of the
concrete to air and dryness of its surface during transferring it from the mixer to the
Contractor shall abide with approved regulatory loads of the trucks and shall not
increase their loads more than allowable limit to ensure that the constructed surfaces
shall not be subjected to excessive stresses.

3- Spreaders:
The compacted concrete spreader may be used. It is similar to the asphalt
spreader but equipped with rear compaction system with high capacity that enables it to
compact concrete to 98% of its maximum density. The asphalt concrete spreaders can
be used in spreading roller compacted concrete after modifying them by adding a
compaction vibrator with high efficiency such that it raises the surface layer density to
more than 80% of its maximum density immediately after spreading. The spreader shall
be self propelled and capable of dealing with plastic concrete such that the surface layer
is spread regularly and with the thickness required by the drawings. The spreader shall
be capable of spreading concrete with a layer thickness ranging between 100-250 mm
after compaction. Also, it shall contain an accurate level control system automatically
controlled. The spreader shall contain automatic detectors for longitudinal, lateral and
slope control.

4- Rollers:
Self propelled vibrating steel rollers and rubber rollers can be used in additional
compaction works after spreading the compacted concrete layer until the density
required in the special specification is obtained. The rollers shall be chosen according to
requirements of item and the rollers shall be capable of compacting the layers
after spreading and leveling to the required compaction levels.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
5- Water spraying equipments and emulsified asphalt spraying equipments:
These shall be susceptible to calibration and of spraying materials with the
percentages and rates specified and capable of spraying regularly all over the rout

6- Water atomizers:
Shall be mounted on water tank and capable of dribbling water in the air in a
foggy way that does not allow collection of water over the concrete surface.

7- Mechanical cutting saw:

Contractor shall provide a mechanical cutting saw that includes circular cutting
discs which can be controlled to obtain the required cutting width and depth and it shall
fulfill requirements indicated in item

8- Manual equipments:
The manual equipments required for completion of the works shall be provided
and they shall achieve requirements of item of these general specifications. Quality requirements and mixes:

The compacted concrete shall achieve the qualitative requirements described in
sections 14.2 and 14.3 above. Pavement layer works from roller compacted concrete
require special care during spreading, compaction processes and construction of joint
works. Also, they require obtaining binding of various layers during construction to
obtain a uniform pavement layer. To obtain that contractor shall do the following:
1. Planning and arrangement ahead with relevant authorities to ensure spreading
and compacting the compacted concrete during a period not more than 90
minutes from applying water or before 20 minutes from initial setting of the
concrete whichever is lesser.
2. Take hot weather precautionary measures as it is with on site cast concrete
whereas concrete temperature shall not exceed 35 degree when spread.
3. Concrete shall not be spread when ambient temperature is less than 5 degrees.
4. Cover tipcarts to prevent evaporation, and any shipment that contains dry
concrete shall be rejected.
5. Discord of trucks in which particle segregation occurred and that may be noticed
during unloading tipcarts.
6. Discord cargos witch contain concrete masses in tipcarts.
7. Prevent movement of equipments on constructed layers for 7 days after end of
concrete initial setting time.
8. Prevent traffic on constructed layers during the first 14 days from the
compacted concrete surface layer age.
9. Do not allow emergency vehicles traffic before 3 days have elapsed after
casting. Job mix formula:

The type of cement concrete mix is chosen from one the two types M1 or M2
from Table (14.3.2) according to prevailing environmental conditions. Before starting
compacted concrete layer works by 30 days, contractor shall submit to the engineer a
complete technical report prepared by an approved specialized agency including the
design job mix formula according to requirements of section 14.3 above.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Back Construction:
This section contains description for surface preparation, and concrete spreading
and compacting including the necessity for executing an experimental section before
starting work execution and construction of construction joints plus concrete curing.

Contractor shall submit to the engineer a comprehensive report before one week
from starting construction including:

a- Wok plan.
b- Detailed work plan including description of the following tasks:

1. Concrete supply rate and sequence of tipcarts arrival and a proof that
coordination has been made with traffic authorities on allowing tipcart
movement and arrival to work site without interruptions.
2. Plan of consecutive layers casting to ensure obtaining a strong binding
between layers.
3. Work plan of longitudinal and transverse construction joints.
4. Program of cutting shrinkage joints.
5. Opening pavement layers for traffic.
c- Hot weather measures. Surface preparation:

Before starting construction of roller compacted concrete pavement layer, all
previous works should have been completed, inspected and handed over. The surfaces,
on which the compacted concrete cement pavement layer shall be constructed, shall be
level and free from all deleterious and loose materials. The surface on which it is going
to be executed shall be level, strong and sound enough to receive pavement layer and
passing of used work equipments without causing any deformations.

Contractor shall perform all the works and procedures required for repairing all
defects and deformations, if any, in the surfaces which shall bear the cement pavement
layer from compacted concrete, including removal of deleterious and loose materials or
modifying levels by removing extra materials or introducing new materials not less in
quality than the materials of the executed layer, spreading, leveling, and compacting it
according to the requirements of the specifications for that layer. The produced surface
shall fulfill thickness, compaction, smoothness, and slope requirements specified on the
drawings or in the special specifications according to the engineer's instructions.
Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs against that.

Contractor is not allowed to supply and spread compacted concrete pavement

layer before he obtains the engineer's written acceptance for that after inspection of the
surface which shall bear the layer and determining control surface level for using
spreader until the required thickness of the surface layer is obtained. Surface level is
determined by adding the design thickness of the layer to the highest level on the layer
surface over which the compacted concrete pavement layer works shall be constructed.
Before starting spreading of the compacted concrete pavement layer, the surface
of the layer which shall receive it shall be moistened by water uniformly, without that
leading to formation of water collection areas or appearance of weak parts incapable of
bearing spreaders due to excessive moistening rate and compaction. Moistening rate
shall be determined from the experimental section results.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Back Experimental section:
Contractor shall execute an experimental section before he starts execution of
the works showing through it the method he intends to apply in executing the pavement
layer works from compacted concrete. It is possible, except otherwise require the
engineer, that the experimental section can be within work site and contractor shall
remove joints, which do not achieve specification requirements without claiming any
additional costs. The experimental section shall be executed with a width of 5 m and
length 40 m, whereas that is possible by constructing a longitudinal construction joint
plus executing transverse construction and shrinkage joints.
Contractor shall clarify to the engineer or his representative the following:
a. Spreader driver skill in obtaining the layer longitudinal alignment, thickness,
uniformity and smoothness of its surface.
b. Standard speed of the spreader to give continuous spreading to the layer for
obtaining the required thickness and the minimum limit of concrete density after
spreading without stopping by using available equipments, and production
capacity of the mixers and traffic conditions between mixers site and work site.
c. The ideal method for preserving moisture on the surface layer up to start curing.
d. The method that shall be applied by the contractor in executing longitudinal
e. The method, which will be applied by the contractor in executing transverse
f. Succession of layers to obtain the required thickness of the layer when the layer
thickness exceeds 250 mm, to ensure the highest possible binding rate between
layers to obtain a uniform pavement layer.
g. Method of compacting layers with rollers including number of required passes to
obtain the required final compaction.
h. Method of concrete curing, including method of calibrating asphalt sprayer to
obtain the required spraying rate.
i. Method of cutting shrinkage joints including determining the suitable time for
starting the cutting process according to prevailing climatic conditions.
j. Calibration of the nuclear density gauge.
Results of the experimental section shall be approved by the engineer and used
by the contractor as a basis for work throughout construction period, except when a
change is made in materials and/or mix and/or execution method. Concrete spreading and compaction:

Except otherwise indicate special specifications, method ACI 325.10 R shall be
applied in execution.
The roller compacted concrete surface layer, of thickness not more than 250 mm
after compaction, at one time continuously without stopping. That requires at least one
tipcart full with concrete waiting throughout the spreading process. When the spreading
process stops for a period of more than one hour, a transverse construction joint shall be
Any truck load that arrives to work site without the possibility of spreading it
before 30 minutes from concrete initial setting shall be rejected. Separating time can be
increased by using initial setting retarders.
When the design thickness of the compacted concrete pavement layer exceeds
250 mm, contractor shall spread the pavement layer in layers of no more than 250 mm
thickness each. He shall ensure that minimum binding between layers has been achieved

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
during construction whereas tensile strength at binding level between two layers shall
not be less than 50% of concrete tensile strength. One of the following methods can
achieve that:
a. Spreading the upper layer within a period not more than one hour from start of
spreading bottom layer with continuous moistening of the bottom layer surface.
When using more than two layers, spreading and compaction of upper layer
shall be completed before 20 minutes from concrete initial setting.
b. Spreading the upper layer after 7 days from starting the spreading of the bottom
layer, providing that the bottom layer surface shall be coated with cement slurry
or mortar of which the maximum sand grain size is not more than 0.6 mm. The
coating process shall be done immediately before spreading the upper layer.
Contents of cement slurry and its thickness are determined according to
experimental section results.
When it is necessary and after engineer's acceptance, it is possible to spread the
second layer before the end of the 7 days interval, providing that consideration shall be
given that the layer/layers shall not be stressed, as a result of equipment traffic over it
by more than 5%.
It is possible to spread two neighboring routs within a period not more than one
hour or before initial setting of any of the two routs by 20 minutes, whichever lesser,
without taking any additional procedures for making construction joints except leaving
a width ranging between 30-40 cm from the first rout without compaction to be
compacted with the next layer. The non-compacted concrete surface shall be used later
by the spreader to identify the thickness of the second rout. When the separating period
between spreading the neighboring routs exceeds concrete initial setting time, the first
rout slab end shall be cut such that the surface resulting from cutting shall be vertical
and free from loose materials. The materials resulting from the cutting shall be removed
and disposed of outside work limits. The resulting cutting face shall be moistened by
water immediately before spreading the concrete of the second rout. The second rout
shall be spread overlapping with the first rout by 10 cm.
Contractor shall maintain longitudinal alignment of the rout within tolerance
limits not more than 15 mm from the road centerline. Also, leveling of slab surface shall
be maintained, whereas it is determined by using a metal straight edge 4 m long,
providing that space between the edge bottom and the slab surface shall not exceed 9
mm in any of the longitudinal or lateral directions of the slab. Level of the slab surface
shall be adjusted when the spreader driver applies standard speed determined from
experimental section results and by strict following of direction lines such that the slab
surface level shall not vary from the specified level by more than 6 mm. Each
constructed layer thickness shall be measured after verifying compaction. This
verification is done by taking 5 core random samples from each constructed layer
separately. The acceptable thickness to determine payment factor shall not be less than
the approved thickness.

Additional compaction of the layer surface immediately after spreading it by two

passes is done by using steel rollers while stopping vibrator. Compaction then continues
by using rollers together with operating the vibrator until a compaction level of not less
than 100% is obtained of the concrete ultimate density. The number of passes is
determined from the experimental section results. That is followed by layer compaction
by a number of passes using rubber rollers to finish the surface of the layer. Final

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
leveling of the layer surface is made by using the steel roller without vibrator until the
rubber wheel traces are removed. Contractor shall moist layer surface by using water
atomizers throughout compaction period considering to avoid any excessive moistening
that may cause sticking of concrete on the cylinders of the steel rollers or tires of the
rubber rollers.
Compaction level for each constructed layer is determined by taking timely
random samples immediately after compaction, by applying sand cone method
according to (ASHTO T-191) test, or nuclear gauge method for field density (AASHTO
T-310) or any other approved non-destructive method. Compaction level is calculated
by dividing the field density percentage over the maximum concrete density, which is
determined according to (ASTM D-1557).
Three readings shall be taken in different directions at each site when using the nuclear
gauge method or any approved non-destructive method. The average of the three
readings is considered as site density. The minimum acceptable limit of compaction
level to determine payment factor by the statistical method is considered as 98% of the
maximum dry density.
Thickness of the pavement layer from roller compacted concrete shall not be
less than the approved design thickness when using the one sample method. The
minimum acceptable thickness limit for determining payment factor by the statistical
method is considered to be the approved design thickness minus 1 cm or 10% of the
design thickness whichever is lesser. Curing of compacted concrete:
Contractor shall moisten layer surface immediately after concrete spreading with
water dribbles until the compaction process is completed.
When constructing pavement on one layer, the moist layer shall be sprayed
emulsified asphalt membrane immediately after completing compaction according to
requirements of item 14.2.5. The rate of spraying is determined from the results of the
experimental section. The layer surface shall be moistened by water spraying starting
from the second day and for a period of 7 days.
When constructing pavement on more than one layer, the emulsified asphalt is
used only in curing the upper layer. The layer surface shall be kept moistened for 7
days by spraying with effect from the second day of spreading the layer and covering
with a plastic membrane. Curing of the bottom layer surfaces is made, immediately after
compaction, by covering with water soaked jute and the jute is covered with plastic
membrane to prevent water evaporation. The jute is sprayed continuously with water for
many times daily for a period of 7 days or until subsequent layer is spread. Joints:
Contractor shall execute joints according to drawings and/or special
specifications and/or these general specifications. Contractor shall give more attention
in executing joint works. Joints in pavement layers from compacted concrete are not
reinforced, and they divided into two types:
1- Construction joints:
These are divided into longitudinal and transverse joints. Longitudinal
construction joints are made between routs and they shall be minimized by spreading
concrete on the whole width of the road as far as possible. When the separating period
between construction of two neighboring layers exceeds the initial setting time of the
concrete, a longitudinal joint shall be constructed as indicated in item above.

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Contractor shall make longitudinal construction joints, providing that is done by

cutting both sides of the pavement layer horizontally and removal of loose materials
before executing pavement and curb works to ensure obtaining proper and water proof
construction joints.

Transverse construction joints are constructed when casting stops and initial
setting occurs for the executed concrete for any reason. In such case between 30-40 cm
from the end of the layer are left without compaction. Contractor shall remove the end
of the non-compacted section from the layer on the whole width of spreading rout and
through the whole thickness of the layer, providing that the layer side shall be vertical.
Spreading shall be re-commenced with an overlapping of 10 cm with the end of the
compacted layer. The spreader driver shall re-commence the spreading process with the
care necessary for obtaining the required concrete density at the joint.

3- Shrinkage joints:
When casting pavement layer on one layer transverse shrinkage joints shall be
executed by cutting the layer surface after completion of the compaction process and
within a period not more than concrete final setting time. Timing of cutting is chosen
such that no looseness occurs to the materials at the joint area. The joint is cut with a
width ranging between 3-6 mm and with a depth equal to third of the layer thickness
when casting layers successively.

When casting pavement layer on two layers or more, it is cast in long time
intervals. Shrinkage joints shall be cut in each layer separately and with a depth equal to
third of the layer thickness after completion of layer compaction and within a period not
more than concrete final setting time. Cutting locations shall match in different layers
within a variation that does not exceed 5 cm.
Shrinkage joints are cut in distances ranging between 8-14 m as indicated in the special
specifications or drawings.

14.5 Pavement layers from pre-cast concrete:

14.5.1 Pre-cast concrete slabs: Description:
When special specifications require that, it is possible to construct cement
pavement layers by using pre-cast concrete slabs from normal or reinforced concrete or
pre-stressed concrete. The slabs are produced at the factory, transported, and installed at
This section includes description of material requirements and work execution
for the construction of the surface layer from pre-cast concrete slabs. That includes
provision of required materials, equipments, manual tools and labor. Also, include
procedures for quality control, levels and slopes of surfaces on which will be
constructed the pavement layer, execution of different joints when used including fixing
dowels and filling with fill materials as shown on the drawings and according to
relevant general and special specifications.

1451.2 Materials:
Except otherwise indicate special specifications and contract documents, used
materials shall achieve the requirements indicated in sections 14.2 and 14.3 above.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Back Equipments:
Contractor shall provide all the equipments required for executing the surface
layer as required and in the numbers sufficient enough for completion of works within
the specified time schedule. Those include special trucks for transporting the slabs and
winches used in lifting slabs from the trucks and fixing them in their places on the road.
Contractor shall service the equipments and keeps them in a proper operational
condition throughout the construction period. The engineer shall approve the list of
equipments and the plan of transporting the slabs to the work site before starting
execution of a sufficient period. Qualitative requirements:

Contractor shall provide the qualified staff for executing work with the accuracy
required in the special specifications and to install slabs at their locations as shown on
the drawings. Contractor shall, before 30 days from commencing construction work,
submit a technical report including the following:

1. A statement showing the manufacturer's capability for producing the slabs with
the required dimensions and quality.
2. Production capacity that achieve work completion within contract period and
time schedule that ensures achieving that.
3. Mixers type, production, curing and transportation methods plus slabs storing
area in the proper way up to the time of their installation according to the time
schedule prepared for that.
4. Necessary documents, which prove fulfillment of the requirements of sections
14.2 and 14.3 of these specifications.
5. Slabs transportation program from the factory to the work site approved from
the concerned authorities.
6. The engineer shall review the report within two weeks from the date of its
submission after which it is approved or returned to the contractor for
amendment. Manufacturing:
Slabs shall be made from concrete type (B) or (C) or (D) according to the
required dimensions. They shall be cured with water moistening until they obtain the
required strength, then their storing in storing yards in such a way that ensures they
shall not be subjected to extra stresses, which may harm their performance in the road.

Verification shall be made to fulfillment of compressive strength and flexural

strength by testing samples cast from the same mix used in slab production. The
engineer has the right to take core samples from the slab to check achievement of
specification requirements. The engineer also has the right to make surprise visits to the
factory during production to verify implementation of manufacturing steps with the
technique indicated in the technical report according to requirements of item

The dimensions and thickness of each produced slab shall be verified within
variation limits not more than 3 mm and verification of slab surface smoothness by
using a metal straight edge whereas the space between the edge bottom and slab surface
shall not exceed 6 mm. Slabs shall be identified with numbers showing their installation
location later.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 396

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Back Construction: Surface preparation:

Before commencing installation of the slabs, contractor shall construct the sub
grade according to the requirements indicated in item 5.4.5 or section 6.3 of these
general specifications. After the engineer acceptance of the sub grade as to smoothness
and compaction level, contractor shall construct an aggregate bedding layer according
to specifications indicated in item 4.2.2 from aggregate gradation No. (4) with a
thickness of 10 cm. It shall be leveled and compacted by the method that achieves the
required alignment and slope so that it may form a stable foundation on which the slabs
shall be placed. Movement of any equipment or vehicle on the aggregate bedding layer
shall be prohibited after being handed over to the engineer. Installation:
After the engineer's acceptance of the aggregate bedding layer as to alignment
and compaction level, contractor shall install slabs over the aggregate bedding layer
directly using the suitable lifts in such a way that ensures obtaining the longitudinal
alignment of slabs within a variation that does not exceed 6 mm from the road
centerline and the width required for joints as shown on the drawings. The lifts can use
constructed slabs when sufficient space is not available for the movement of the
equipments after the engineer's acceptance. Consideration shall be given to slabs
installation sequence according to their numbers.

Slab surfaces shall not differ from the levels shown on the drawings or
determined by the engineer by more than 5 mm and the level between any two adjacent
slabs shall not exceed by 3 mm. The surfaces of the slabs shall be level and provide
smooth touch. Initially surfaces are measured by metal straight edge according to
requirements of item providing that final handing over of the surfaces shall be
completed by using devices for calculating the international roughness index according
to requirements of of these specifications. Joints:
There is only one type of joints, which is construction joints that also play the
role of expansion joints. Joints shall be constructed according to the dimensions shown
on the drawings. Joints shall be filled with the fill materials required in the drawings
after clearing the joints from deleterious materials by using compressed air. Joints are
filled during one working day from slabs installation.

14.5.2 Pavement layers from overlapping concrete bricks:

Pavement layers can be constructed from overlapping concrete bricks at the
locations specified on the contract drawings, such as cross-roads, pedestrian walkways,
and vehicle parking areas on both sides of the roadway, acceleration & slow areas and
internal streets between houses. This work includes surface preparation and supply of
overlapping concrete bricks for the construction of pavement layers and finishing them
according to the dimensions, levels and slopes shown on the drawings, special
specifications and these general specifications or determined by the engineer within
approved tolerance limits. Works of overlapping concrete pavement layers shall be
executed according to requirements of item of these specifications, except
otherwise indicated in this section.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 397

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Back Manufacturing:
Overlapping concrete bricks shall be manufactured according to requirements
of item of these general specifications, except the brick thickness that shall
not be less than 10 cm, and not more than 15 cm. The suitable Portland cement only
shall be chosen according to Table (14.2.1) of these specifications. Installation:
Before he commences bricks installation, contractor shall construct Subgrade
according to requirements indicated in item 5.4.5 or section 6.3 of these general
specifications. After the engineer accepts, the Subgrade as to smoothness and
compaction level, a sand-bedding layer shall be constructed and it shall achieve
gradation requirements shown in Table (15.2) and then installation of the overlapping
bricks. Installation, filling space between bricks, and sweeping of extra fill sand shall be
performed according to requirements of item of these general specifications.
During installation consideration shall be given to leave spaces of 2-5 mm between
adjacent bricks to be filled later with fill sand.
After brick installation and compaction is completed, extra sand shall be
removed by light sweeping, without this leading to removal of fill sand. Tiled surfaces
shall be finished according to dimensions, levels and slopes shown on the drawings and
indicated in the specifications. Those surfaces shall be absolutely compatible with
curbs. They shall be higher than drainage utility manhole surfaces by 3.6 mm. Finished
surfaces shall be inspected by a 3 m long straight edge. The space between the bottom
of the edge and brick surface shall not exceed 6 mm.
An experimental area shall be constructed with dimensions not less than 2x2 m
for verifying the possibility of construction according to approved shapes and the
possibility of filling, compaction and finishing surfaces in accordance with special
specifications, drawings and approval of color distribution.
14.6 Work Acceptance:
Contractor shall quality control cement pavement layer works of all types by
carrying out all the procedures required for ensuring that the materials and methods
used and the executed works achieve quality requirements stipulated in these general
specifications and contract documents.
The Ministry shall ensure the quality of the product by verifying that contractor
has conducted quality control procedures independently on representative samples and
in adequate numbers to judge construction standard and decide on the acceptance or
rejection of the executed work, on the basis detailed in division 17 of these general
specifications, except otherwise indicate special specifications and contract documents.
1- Quality control:
Contractor shall control the quality of the materials and executed works, monitor
and analyze results, draw quality data of critical properties. Also, he shall perform all
the tests and measurements shown on Table (14.6.1).
Contractor shall provide the engineer with copies of all tests immediately and
shall apply all the steps indicated in item 17.1.1 of these general specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Table 14.6.1: Quality control procedures for cement pavement layer works

Testing Sampling
Work Properties Re-Sampling Requirements
Method site
guarantee At commencement of supply and
Cement 14-2-1
certificate from whenever the source is changed
Aggregate AASHTO 3 tests on different samples from
gradation T-(27,11) each source, when source and
All design job mix formula are
Aggregate quality requirements approved, or source change, or
requirements indicated in noticing a change in executed
Table 14.2.3 work properties
requirements At source At starting supply and whenever
` Water 14.2.3
indicated in source is changed
table 14.2.5
Admixtures and
Curing compounds 14.2.5
certificate from
Reinforcement At beginning of supply and
manufacturer 14.2.6
materials whenever source is changed
Joint fill materials 14.2.7
Bedding sand and AASHTO
fill gradation T-(27,11)
Materials Aggregate AASHTO 3 tests at starting production &
and mixes gradation (27,11) one test for each 1000 cubic meter
during 3 tests at beginning of production,
use All and one test for each 5000 cubic
Aggregate quality requirements meter of produced mix or when
requirements indicated in noticing change in executed work
Table 14.2.3 In mixer properties
3 tests at beginning of production
and one test when noticing change
All in mix properties, while Table
Cement concrete requirements considering preparation and (13.3.2)
mix indicated in storage according to ASTM 192-
Table 14.3.2 90
ASTM C1078
Cement quantity When engineer requires
(1992) At site
ASTM C1079- directly
Water cement ratio When engineer requires
92 behind
AASHTO T- spreader and
slump One test each 50 cubic meters and 14.3
119 before
when engineer requires
Mix temperature starting
AASHTO T- condensation
Air voids content 152, or T-196, process One test each 100 cubic meter
or T-199
One test (at any age required by
At site
the Engineer) for each 100 m3 w/
preparation of samples and
Compressive maintaining them according to
AASHTO T-22 spreader and 14.3
strength (1) ASTM C 31-91 & C 617-94, and
when necessary it is possible to
prepare samples according to
ASTM C31-91
One test at any age required by
At site
engineer for each 100 m3 w/
Flexural strength directly
AASHTO T-97 preparation of samples and 14.3
(1) behind
keeping them according to ASTM
spreader &
Field density
AASHTO T- condensation
(compacted One test each 100m3 14.3
181 process

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
strength AASHTO T-22
(overlapping tiles) At start of supply, then 5 samples
At site 14.5.2
Thickness for each 1000 tile
(overlapping AASHTO T-24
When preparing design job mix
Mixers calibration ACTM C94 At mixer formula and before starting work 14.3
and periodically per week
Alignment, levels,
Work and thickness of At site When handed over from engineer
during cast slabs
execution Slab reinforcement Survey During handing over from
At site
bars. measurements engineer
Sites, levels, and
Survey During handing over from
diameter of joint At site
measurements engineer
reinforcement bars
One test each 1000 m2 or one
Compressive working day whichever lesser, w/
strength preparation of samples according
to ASTM C 617-94
One test each 1000 m2 or one
working day whichever lesser, w/ 14.4
Flexural strength AASHTO T-97 At site
preparation of samples according 14.5.1
to ASTM C 42-90
Slump One test from each load
ASTM C 1084-
Cement quantity When engineer requires
119 or
Field density AASHTO T-
One test each 500 m2 immediately
(compacted 310 or any
after compaction
concrete) approved non-
Joint sites & sizes drawings and On handing over from engineer
ASTM E 302- One test each 1000 m2 or one
Skid resistance
83 working day whichever lesser
5 measurements each 1000 m2 or
Thickness Core samples
one working day whichever lesser
Cross sections each 25 m, or 5
Levels & Survey
cross sections each 1000 m2
dimensions measurements
whichever is more
5 measurements each 1000 m2 or
measurement between each 2
Surface smoothness Straight edge 14.4
approved cross sections whichever
Road surface index for During preparation of periodic
roughness measuring road payment certificates
(1) 3 samples shall be prepared from each tested mix, for measuring compressive and flexural strength.
The average of the three samples results is considered as the strength approved for evaluation.

2- Quality assurance procedures:

The Ministry has the right at any time to ensure the quality of executed works
and materials by carrying out or by requiring the carrying out under its direct
supervision testing of cement pavement layer materials and inspection of the executed
work or some of the items of quality control indicated in item 1 of this paragraph.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 14 - Cement pavement Layers
Also, the Ministry has the right to review contractor's records of quality control
and to compare those records statistically with the results it obtains by the method
determined by it for quality assurance, as specified in division 17 of these general
specifications. Also, it can inspect contractor's laboratory, equipments, technical staff,
testing methods, sites & methods of production and execution applied by the contractor
to ensure the efficiency of his technical staff, equipments, and to compliance of the
applied methods of testing, execution, and inspection with the approved methods.
14.7 Measuring:
Pavement layers from normal concrete or cast on site reinforced or compacted
concrete or pre-cast concrete, are measured by cubic meters or according to special
specifications. However, pavement layers from overlapping concrete tiles are measured
in square meters. Measuring the actually executed and technically acceptable works are
measured technically after being laid by the specified thickness and within the
dimensions and levels shown on the drawings or according to engineer's instructions. It
is not allowed to perform any measuring for the purpose of payment for materials
placed outside the work boundaries shown on the drawings or special specifications or
determined by the engineer.
14.8 Payment:
Payment shall be for actually executed and technically accepted works within
the approved limits and dimensions according to contract rates or reduced prices due to
quality assurance works, when contract documents stipulate that.
The paid amounts are considered full compensation for extraction, supply,
mixing, transportation, spreading, moistening, condensation and/or compaction of
materials and work finishing and execution all types of joints including materials
required for their filling, all according to these specifications, special specifications and
contract documents. Also, for operation, provision, and operation of machines,
equipments, labor, testing, measuring and all requirements for executing the works
according to drawings, special specifications, general specifications, benefits, revenues,
and third party payments. Payment shall be according to the item shown on Table
(14.7.1), providing that does not contradict with contract documents.
Table 14.7.1: Concrete pavement layer work items
Item Work item Measuring unit
Surface preparation (when contract documents stipulate
14.1 M2
paying it separately)
Reinforcement steel (when contract documents stipulate
14.2 Tons
paying it separately)
14.4.1 Normal cement concrete M3
14.4.2 Reinforced concrete M3
14.4.3 Roller compacted concrete M3
14.5.1 Pre-cast concrete M3
14.5.2 Overlapping concrete tiles M2
Sand bedding for overlapping concrete tiles (when
14.5.3 M2
contract documents stipulate paying it separately)

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 401


15.1 Scope 405

15.2 Sidewalk 405
15.2.1 Surface preparation 405
15.2.2 Pre-cast Concrete (Tiles) 405 Sidewalks Concrete Tiles 405 Interlocking brick 407 Uncurbed sidewalks 409
15.2.3 Cast in site Cement Concrete Sidewalks 409 Materials 410 Construction 410
15.2.4 Asphalt Sidewalks 411 Materials 411 Construction 411
15.3 Cement Concrete Curbs and Gutters 411
15.3.1 Materials 412
15.3.2 Construction 412
15.3.3 Curb paint 413
15.4 Island and Medians 413
15.5 Work acceptance 414
15.6 Measurement 415
15.7 Payment 415
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands


15.1 Scope:
This division consists of construction works for sidewalks, curbs, median and
regulatory islands on roads and streets according to limits, dimensions, levels and slopes
shown on the drawings and contract documents.

15.2 Sidewalk:
This work includes surfaces preparation, materials provision and construction of
sidewalks at locations specified according to dimensions, levels and slopes shown on
the drawings, contract documents and these general specifications. Prior starting of
sidewalk's construction Contractor shall, finish curb and utilities works within the
sidewalks and handing over to the engineer or utility authority.

15.2.1 Surface preparation:

Before starting sidewalk's works all previous works in construction area shall be
completed, tested and handed over. The bedding layers of sidewalks shall be
investigated and Contractor shall repair all defects, remove deleterious and loose
materials, check the compaction degree and correct levels and slopes to conform to
drawings. Contractor has no right to claim any additional costs for this work.

15.2.2 Pre-cast Concrete (Tiles):

This work includes production, supply, and installation of the pre-cast concrete
tiles on the prepared surfaces, in accordance with dimensions, colors and shapes, and at
the locations specified in drawings, special specifications or specifications approved by
the Engineer.

The pre-cast concrete tiles are classified into following two types:
- Pre-cast concrete tiles.
- Interlocking bricks.
The special specifications and contract documents shall indicate the type which shall be
used. Sidewalks Concrete Tiles:

The concrete tiles used in sidewalks shall comply with the shapes, colors,
dimensions, materials, durability, abrasion resistance and saturation degree and the
requirements indicated in the drawings, special specifications, contract documents and
these general specifications.

1. Fabrication:
The concrete tiles shall be fabricated using sand and cement mixture in the rate
of 1 cement to 3 sand for the bottom layer of the tile and in the rate of 1 cement to 1
sand for the upper layer of the tile. Unless otherwise indicate special specifications, the
thickness of the upper layer shall not be less than 1/4 of the total tile's thickness and it

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
shall be fabricated using crushed sand or clean natural sand. The total thickness of tile
shall not be less than 1/10 of the maximum horizontal dimension of tiles. Dimensions of
square tile shall be 40 x 40 cm or other dimensions indicated in the special specification
and they shall be edge trimmed by 7 mm or as specified in the special specification. The
tile shall be fabricated in shapes and colors indicated in special specifications or other
contract documents or according to the Engineer's instructions. Casting shall be done
using steel molds of suitable angles and shape under pressure not less than 15 Mpa and
tile shall be submerged in water after 48 hours from its casting for a period of one week
then water sprinkling shall continue for two weeks. It is not allowed to supply and
install tiles before 28 days from casting.

The suitable mineral oxides shall be used in producing colored tile providing
that they shall not cause any reduction in tile's properties and durability and the final
colors shall be uniform and stable.

Contractor shall submit to the Engineer tile's samples for testing and approval.
The supplied tiles shall achieve shape, color, size and forms requirements and
requirements indicated in Table (15.2.1) below, unless otherwise indicated in the special

Table 15.2.1: Tile requirements

Ser. No. Test Test method Requirements (minimum)

1 Flexural strength ASTM C-78 40 kg/cm2
2 Abrasion resistance ASTM C-241 12 mm
3 Degree of Saturation ASTM C-140 5 % of weight

2. Installation:
Contractor, prior Tile's installation, shall construct Subgrade according to
requirements indicated in section 5.4 of these general specifications, and compact it to a
compaction degree of not less than 95 % of the maximum dry density, at a moisture
content not differ by more than 2 % from optimum moisture content, determined by
moisture/density relationship test according to AASHTO T-180 method.

After the Engineer's approval of Subgrade smoothness and compaction degree,

Contractor shall construct aggregate Subbase layer, according to requirements of section
6.2 of these general specifications or better or according to special specifications and
drawings. The thickness of Subbase layer shall not be less than 10 cm. Subbase shall be
leveled and compacted to a compaction degree not less than 95 % of the maximum dry
density at moisture content not differ by more than 2 % from the optimum moisture
content determined by moisture/density relationship test according to AASHTO T-180
method. The compaction processes shall be performed by the method which achieves
the required smoothness and slope to forms a stable foundation on which the sidewalks
may be laid.

When Subbase is finished and accepted by the Engineer, Contractor shall wet its
surface and construct not less than 8 cm thick cement concrete layer having cement
content 200 kg/m3 and 15 Mpa strength after 28 days according to ASTM C-39 method,
before installing the tiles. Contractor shall cure cement concrete layer using water and it
shall be covered when necessary, to prevent evaporation for a period not less than 3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
days before constructing the subsequent layers. The produced surface of cement
concrete layer shall be leveled to allow the installation of tiles and the constructed side
walks shall gave a surface conforming to approved longitudinal and cross slopes and
compatible with the upper surface of the curbs as approved in the drawings or
specifications or according to the Engineer's instructions.

At the end of concrete Base curing period, sidewalks tiles shall be installed on
cement mortar layer having a thickness not more than 5 cm, composed of sand and
cement mixture of proportional 1cement, 2 sand (1:2), on seats of brick pieces, to
achieve the required levels and slopes. Joints between the bricks for full depth shall be
filled with same cement mortar used in installation and a groove shall be formed at the
top of the mortar material to form the joint.

The constructed sidewalk surface shall conform to slopes shown on the drawings
and all tiles shall be embedded and fully stuck on cement mortar.
Level tiles shall be used at crossing areas and ramps designated for handicapped wheel
chairs traffic at locations and according to dimensions and slopes shown on the
drawings, special specifications or according to the Engineer's instructions.

Contractor shall preserve, maintain and sprinkle with water the tile surfaces until
final setting of cement mortar.
After not less than 48 hours, Contractor shall sweep sidewalk surface with the method
accepted by the engineer and construct a layer from water, cement and sand mortar
while applying the approved colored dyeing materials as required. Interlocking brick:

This work includes surface preparation and supply of interlocking brick to
construct and finish the sidewalks according to levels and slopes shown on the
drawings, special specifications and these general specifications or as specified by the
Engineer within the approved tolerance limits.

1. Fabrication:
The interlocking brick shall conform to dimensions, shapes and colors shown on
drawings, special specifications, requirements of specification ASTM C-936, or
SASO1246 specification. And interlocking brick shall chose conform to SASO1247.

Bricks thickness shall not be less than 6 cm and not more than 10 cm, and it
shall achieve the following basic requirements:
- Cement content in the mix shall not be less than 450 kg /m3.
- Average compressive strength for many samples shall not be less than 55 Map,
and the strength of any sample shall not be less than 50 Map as determined by
AASHTO T-22 method.
- Average percent of absorption for a number of samples according to test ASTM
C-140 method shall not be less than 5 % and the result of any test shall not
exceed 7 %.
- When freeze and thaw test is required it shall be executed according to method
ASTM C-67 and freeze and thaw brick resistance shall not be less than 50 cycle.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
- Brick thickness shall be verified by measuring at different 3 points and the
average size at any 3 points shall not vary from the specified thickness by more
than 2 mm.
- Friction abrasion resistance shall not exceed 3 mm when tested according to
ASTM C-418.

2. Bedding and Filling Sand:

The sand used shall be from natural sources or crushed sand and it shall be clean
and free from plastic, or organic and deleterious materials and it shall achieve the
gradations indicated in Table (15.2.2) of this division. It is permissible to use other
gradations indicated in the special specifications and other contract documents or any
suitable gradations recommended by the manufacturer.

Table 15.2.2: Bedding Layer Gradations

Percent passing by weight

Sieve size (mm) Filling sand gradation
Bedding sand
natural sand (1) Crushed sand (2)
9.5 100
4.75 95-100 100 100
2.36 85-100 95-100 95-100
1.18 50-85 70-100 70-100
0.6 25-60 40-75 40-100
0.3 10-30 10-35 20-40
0.15 2-10 2-15 10-25
0.075 0 0-10

3. installation:
Prior starting of bricks works, Subgrade layer shall be constructed according to
Division five requirements and aggregate base shall be constructed accordance to
requirements indicated in section 6.4 of these general specifications, unless otherwise
indicated in special specifications.

The aggregate base thickness shall not be less than 10 cm and it shall be spread,
wetted and compacted to a compaction degree not less than 95 % at a moisture content
not varies by more than 2 % from the optimum moisture content determined by
AASHTO T-180 test. Contractor shall use the compaction equipments which achieve
the required compaction degrees without causing damage to curbs and utilities existing
within the work area. Contractor is responsible for any damage caused from works

Aggregate base Surface shall be finished according to dimensions, slopes and

levels shown on the drawings, special specifications and these general specifications.
The smoothness of the aggregate base surface shall be measured by straight edge 3
meters long and the clearance between bottom of straight edge and surface shall not
exceed 1 cm at any point.

An experimental section shall be constructed with dimensions not less than 2 x 2

meters for color distribution approval and verification of construction regarding shapes,
joint, compaction and finishing the surfaces. Before starting brick installation, the sand

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
bedding shall be spread according to gradation indicated in Table 15.2.2 drawings and
special specifications. Spaces between two adjacent bricks shall vary between 2 to 5

After approval of installation and color distribution methods, brick installation

shall be commenced by spreading and leveling of the bedding sand layer in a compacted
thickness not less than 3 cm and not more than 5 cm and it is not allowed to use the
bedding sand in filling depressions in the base layer surface.

Edge spaces which do not accommodate a full brick shall be filled by pieces of
brick or special elements and the brick shall be cut when required by using special
equipments which give the proper shapes that compatible with the space.

Bricks joint shall be filled using filling sand according to gradation indicated in
table (15.2.2) and Contractor when approved by the Engineer may use bedding sand for
filling. Compaction shall be performed by light vibratory equipment not less than 220
kg weight, having vibration frequency between 75-100 Hz, or any other equipment
accepted by the Engineer and achieves the required compaction. The filling and
compaction operation shall continue until the joints are completely filled, providing that
number of passes shall not be less than three.

Compaction shall not be performed within 1 meter of the unconfined brick areas
and joints works and compaction of the constructed brick surface shall be completed at
the end of each working day up to 1 meter from the end of brick works. Parts
constructed over night shall be covered if the ends lie within unconfined areas.

When brick construction and compaction were finished, surplus sand shall
lightly swept out without removing filling sand.

The bricked surfaces shall be finished according to dimensions, levels and

slopes shown on drawings and specifications. Surfaces shall be compatible with the
curb surfaces and higher than manhole surfaces by about 3 to 6 mm. The finished
surfaces shall be inspected using 3 meters straight edge, and the clearance between
straight edge and brick sidewalk's surface shall not exceed 10 mm. Uncurbed sidewalks:

When sidewalks edges are in free areas without buildings or other structures
limited it, these edges, executed from concrete tiles or interlocking bricks, shall protect
from breaking and crumbling by using concrete curbs.

Curbs shall conform to special specifications and contract documents, curbs

thickness shall not be less than 15cm, and its height 30cm.

Concrete curbs shall be able to support and protect sidewalk edges, its level shall
conform to sidewalk tiles and higher than nearest ground by 5cm.
Concrete curbs shall be executed by using materials and methods as in section 15.3.

15.2.3 Cast in site Cement Concrete Sidewalks:

This work includes surface preparation, supply, mixing and material spreading,
compaction, leveling and finishing according to the dimensions, levels and slopes

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
shown on the drawings, special specifications and these general specifications or as
specified by the Engineer within the approved tolerance limits. Materials:
Materials used to produce cement concrete for sidewalks construction shall
achieve requirements indicated in division 14 regarding materials, mix design, quality
requirements and construction while considering the following:
Cement content used in casting in place sidewalks shall not be less than 350 kg/m3 and
compressive strength after 28 days shall not be less than 25 Map according to AASHTO
T-22 and slump shall not exceed 75 mm according to AASHTO T-119 test method. Construction:
Casting in place concrete sidewalk shall be started before the construction of
untreated Subgrade, compacted, finished and handed over according to approved slopes,
levels and dimensions indicated in section 5.5 of these general specifications. and
construction of aggregate Subbase shall be done using materials and construction
methods, conforming to requirements indicated in section 6.3 of these general
specifications or better or according to special specifications and drawings. The
thickness of Subbase layer shall not be less than 10 cm and it shall be leveled and
compacted using method that achieves the required smoothness and slopes to forms a
stable foundation for sidewalks.

Contractor shall cast concrete into prepared wooden or steel forms having level,
cleaned and smooth surfaces and it shall be fixed firmly without movement with
required dimensions and thickness. Contractor shall wet the surface on which the
concrete shall be constructed immediately before casting.

Concrete sidewalks casting shall be in one batch for the full thickness and compacted by
approved equipments to form a relatively smooth layer of sand and cement on surface.
The produced surface shall conform to longitudinal and cross slopes. Cross slopes shall
comply with road slopes and shall not be less than 2 %, unless otherwise indicated
contract documents.

Contraction joints shall be constructed by grooving the cast concrete to a width

of 3 mm and a depth of 1/4 of lift thickness in regular distances each 3 meters or
according to drawings and special specifications. Expansion joints shall be constructed
in regular distance not more than 18 meters and construction joints shall be formed
around manholes and utilities lying within the work zone according to the method
specified in the special specifications or according to the Engineer's instructions. Joints
shall be filled using filling materials conform to standard specification AASHTO M-
213, unless otherwise indicated in special specifications or drawings.

The sidewalk concrete shall be protected from any damage caused by machines,
equipments and individuals. Machines shall not allowed to pass over sidewalks before 7
days is elapsed and pedestrians before 72 hours from casting.

Forms shall not be disassembled before cast concrete reached a strength not less
than 5 Mpa, providing that the period from casting shall not be less than 24 hours. It
shall be sprinkled with water continuously and kept wet until it fully hardened and

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 410

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
reaches a strength not less than 80 % of the design strength providing that the curing
period shall not be less than 7 days.

15.2.4 Asphalt Sidewalks:

This work includes surface preparation, material supply and mixing spreading,
compaction, leveling and finishing of asphalt concrete used in sidewalk, according to
the dimensions, levels and slopes shown on the drawings, special specifications and
these general specifications or those specified by the Engineer within the approved
tolerance limits. Materials:
The asphalt, aggregate materials and other additives used in asphalt sidewalks
construction shall achieve all asphalt concrete surface layer requirements indicated in
division 7 and 8 of these general specifications and the gradation used in sidewalks shall
conform to one of gradations (a) or (b) or (c) of the asphalt surface layer as indicated in
Table 7.3.4, and aggregate shall conform to table (7.3.1) type (1, 2, 3) of these general
specifications. Construction:
Prior construction of asphalt concrete sidewalks an aggregate base and prime
coat shall be constructed in compliance with all requirements of these layers indicated
in division 6 and 8 of these general specifications and according to special
specifications and drawings.

Asphalt sidewalk shall be constructed in normal conditions according to

construction requirements indicated in division 8 of these general specifications.

It is possible, if necessary, to use manual spreading of asphalt concrete used in

sidewalks at small irregular sections in a way that fulfills the required conformity,
slopes, smoothness and without particle segregation, and Contractor shall use the
suitable equipments approved by the Engineer to compact such sections using method
that achieves the required compaction degree.

All sidewalk surface finishes shall conform ,in dimension and levels, to
drawings and special specifications.

Surface leveling shall verify by using straight strap with 3m length, and the
space between strap bottom and tile surface shall not be more than 10mm, and no more
than 6mm for curbs.

The curbs, gutters and manholes walls adjacent to asphalt sidewalk shall be
sprayed with prime coat before the sidewalk layer is laid and compacted.

15.3 Cement Concrete Curbs and Gutters:

This work consists of constructing curbs and gutters, composed of pre-cast
concrete or cast in place concrete curbs and gutters, which separate road shoulders
sidewalks and driveway islands works consists of, surface preparation, supply,
installation and finishing of curbs and gutters at the specified sites according to levels
shown on the drawings, special specifications and these genera specifications. The curbs

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
used in these works shall be from pre-cast or on cast in place cement concrete, unless
otherwise indicate special specifications.

15.3.1 Materials:
The cement concrete used in curb and gutters works shall be composed of
Portland cement, aggregate and water. The cement concrete used in Curbs and Gutters
works shall contain cement rate not less than 350 kg /m3, a compressive strength not
less than 35 Mpa, and slump not exceed 75 mm, unless otherwise indicated in special
specifications and contract documents. The type and properties of the steel shall be
specified in special specifications when reinforcement is required.

Sampling and testing method required for aggregate, water, steel and mix design
of the cement concrete mixture used in curbs and gutters shall be performed according
to methods indicated in division 14 providing that concrete class shall not be less than
category B as indicated in Table (14.3.2) of these general specifications.

15.3.2 Construction:
The surface shall be prepared by excavating the layer, on which curbs and
gutters shall be constructed to a depth sufficient for curbs or gutter laying and aggregate
materials layer conforming to requirements of Subbases or Base layers shall be
constructed for a full width of curb with the required extra width in both sides.

The installed or cast in place curbs and gutters shall conform to lines and levels
shown on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the Engineer and achieve
the required height of 15 cm above the asphalt surface layer or as indicated in the
drawing and special specifications. However, when constructing curbs or gutters
separating pavement and non-paved areas the curb level shall be higher than earth
surface by not less than 5 centimeters and the upper surface of the curb or gutter shall
conform to surfaces of adjacent sidewalk.

Pre-cast curbs and gutters shall not contain any defects or cracks. All surfaces
shall be smooth, level and conforming to dimensions shown on the drawings and special

Installation of pre-cast curbs and gutters shall be done on a layer of cement

mortar composed of cement, water and sand mixture in the rate of 1cement to 2 sand
(1:2) and the layer on which the mortar shall be laid shall be wetted by water
immediately before spreading the mortar. The curbs or gutters shall be fixed from both
internal and external sides using the same installation mortar providing that the support
thickness shall not be less than 8 cm from each side.

Joints between adjacent curbs or gutters shall be completely filled with cement
mortar and grooved to give joints the proper shape.
Contractor shall protect installed curbs or gutters from any damage and wet the joints
with water for a period not less than 72 hours.

Construction of in place cast curbs shall be performed using normal methods or

special casting machines such as self propelled machine or spreaders equipped with
casting machine or other methods accepted by the Engineer for confined areas and small

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
Contractor, prior starting normal casting works shall, fix forms according to the
dimensions and lines shown on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the
Engineers. Forms shall be steel or wooden and fixed firmly to prevent any movement
during casting and their faces shall be smooth and with the required shape, smoothness
and surfaces conforming to drawings and special specifications.

Contractor when constructing curbs and gutters using special casting machine,
shall prove that machine is capable of constructing these works in required shapes and
dimensions and approved lines. The engineer has the right to reject the use of machine
and to require from the Contractor to construct the curbs by other methods or to use pre-
cast curbs if it is not possible to construct them by the machine.

Contractor shall construct expansion and contraction joints between in place cast
curbs or gutters according to following requirements, unless otherwise indicated in the
drawings and/or special specifications:
1. Expansion joints shall be constructed at all cement concrete pavement joints.
2. Expansion joints 20 mm wide shall be constructed at distances not more than 9
3. Contraction joints shall be constructed with conformity of concrete pavement
joints, providing that the distance between contraction joints shall not exceed 3
meters with a depth of 5 cm and a width of 3 mm, using suitable elements such as
metal pieces during casting.
4. All joints shall be filled with asphalt filler materials comply with AASHTO M-213
standard specification, unless otherwise indicate special specifications.

15.3.3 Curb paint:

Contractor shall, when the special specifications specify, Paint all curb face,
after all finishing.

Except otherwise specify special specifications, Paint color and type shall
conform to item 16.4.2 requirements in these general specifications.

All curb faces shall be clean before painting, and painting shall prevent in cases of
rainfall or sand storms.

15.4 Island and Medians:

This work consists of construction of median and traffic driveways and
regulatory islands at intersections, and it includes surface preparation, material supply,
spreading and installation according to the limits, dimensions, levels and slopes shown
on the drawings, special specifications or specified by the Engineer.

The paved median or regulatory islands shall be constructed using in place cast
concrete or pre-cast tiles and they shall be separated from traffic lanes by curbs and

All surface preparation works, concrete works, tiles, curbs and gutters works on
medians and islands shall be constructed according to the requirements of sidewalks,
curbs and gutters indicated in this division, unless otherwise indicated in special
specifications and contract documents.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
Planting works on median islands and sidewalks shall be according to types of
plants, trees, soil and filter layers proposed and specified in the special specifications,
drawings and other contract documents. Curbs around trees and plants or planted
median, islands, between pavement and sidewalks and between sidewalks and adjacent
areas shall be constructed from solid concrete and higher than soil surface by not less
than 5 cm.

15.5 Work acceptance:

Contractor shall control the quality of tiles, curbs, gutters and median or islands
through performing all the required arrangements to insure that materials, methods and
completed works meet the quality requirements specified in these specifications and
other contract documents.

The Ministry shall insure quality of constructed works by verifying contractor's

quality control procedures either, through direct supervision of quality control activities,
or performing quality assurance procedures neutrally, on a sufficient number of
representative samples, to determine level of construction and to accept or reject the
constructed work, on basis detailed in division 17 of this specifications except
otherwise indicated in the special specifications and other contract documents

15.5.1 Quality control:

Contractor shall apply a quality control to the constructed works in his own
laboratories or in independent laboratories approved by the Ministry and monitor,
record and analyze results and draw quality charts for critical properties. Contractor
shall prepare quality control program for the works and submit it to the Engineer for
approval and he shall follow that work program after approval. When the Ministry
perform quality assurance program, Contractor shall enable the Engineer to reach
production, storing and construction sites, take samples and perform tests at any time
during works constructions.

Contractor shall carry out quality control procedures for the materials at source
and during their using at site by testing samples of the materials and constructed works
as indicated in Table (15.5.1) of this division.

Quality control procedures shall be performed on materials and Subgrade,

Subbase or aggregate Base, according to requirements indicated in related sections or
divisions five and six of these general specifications.

15.5.2 Quality Assurance:

The Ministry has the right to insure the quality of the materials and completed
works of tiles, curbs, gutters and median or regulatory islands through carrying out or
ordering others under its direct supervision to carry out the necessary tests and
measurements, and checking the completed work for each or some of quality control
items specified in Table (15.5.1).
Ministry has the right to review contractor’s quality control records and to
compare these records statistically with the results obtained by quality assurance
procedure as specified in division 17 of these specifications, and inspect contractor’s
equipments, technical staff, and measurement and construction methods, to determine
the degree of compliance of measurements and constructed methods with the approved

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
Works shall be accepted with the prices specified in the contract or with lower prices or
might be rejected according to the quality levels by applying the statistical method
specified in division 17 of these specifications except otherwise specified by the special

15.6 Measurement:
Quantities of sidewalks, median or islands shall be measured in square meters.
However, curb and gutters works shall be measured in linear meters for actually and
technically accepted constructed works. Measurements shall not perform for the
purpose of payment for works constructed outside the boundaries shown on the
drawings, contract documents or specified by the Engineer.

15.7 Payment:
Payment shall be made for actually constructed and technically accepted works
within the approved limits, dimensions and according to contract prices or reduced
prices results from quality assurance procedures when indicated in contract documents.

The amounts paid are considered full compensation for provision of materials,
labor, equipments, machines, testing, finishing, painting works, benefits, surface
preparations, excavation, construction of aggregate layers, cement concrete bases or
sand bedding and filling layers, joint filling, curing and any other works for completing
construction items indicated in special specifications, other contract documents or
special specifications.

Payment shall be according to one or more of the items indicated in Table

(15.5.2) of this division or according to contract documents and special specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 15- Sidewalks, Curbs and Median Islands
Table 15.5.1: Quality Control for Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters and Medians

Test Sampling
Item Work Properties of Requirements
method frequency
Materials in
Certification of compliance at start of supply or source change
Pre-cast tiles for
Flexural ASTM C-
cement concrete 5 samples
Used resistance 78
sidewalks on site each 1000 Item 15.2.21
materials Abrasion ASTM C-
resistance 241
Certification of
Fabrication SASO compliance at start of
Tiles Item
requirements 1246 supply or source
Certification of
Interlocking AASHTO compliance at start of
and Filling Gradation Table 15.2.2
brick sidewalks T-27 supply or source
Compressive SASO
5 samples
resistance 1247
Works on site each 1000 Item
Thickness tiles
Certification of
Pre cast Cement
Fabrication SASO1248 compliance at start of
concrete Curbs Curbs Item 15.3.1
requirements SASO1249 supply or source
and gutters
cast in site Testing
Requirements AS in
Cement concrete methods in In mixer
Works In item table Item 15.3.1
Curbs and table or site
15.3.1 14.6.1
gutters 14.6.1
Cast in place
cement concrete AS in table 14.6.1
and works
Asphalt concrete Materials
AS in table 8.5.6
sidewalks and works

Table 15.5.2: Measurement and Payment

Item No. Type of work Unit

15.2..1 Pre-cast concrete tiles sidewalk m2
15.2.2 Interlocking brick sidewalk m2
15.2.3 Cast in place sidewalks m2
15.2.4 Asphalt concrete sidewalk m2
15.3.1 Cement concrete curbs and gutters Linear meter
15.3.2 Curbs paint Linear meter
15.4.1 Median and Island As in quantity bill

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16.1 General Description 419

16.2 Traffic Signals 419
16.2.1 Description 419
16.2.2 Materials 419 General 419 Concrete Footings and Reinforcing 420 Steel Products 420 Aluminum Products 420 Cables and Ducts 421 Controllers 421 Traffic Signal Head 422 Pedestrian Signal Head 424 Traffic signal poles 424 Suspended Traffic Signal 424 Vehicle Detectors 425 Pedestrian Detectors 425
16.2.3 Construction 425 General 425 Controllers 425 Traffic Signal 425 Suspended Traffic Signal 427 Vehicle Detectors 428 Pedestrian Detectors 428
16.2.4 Work acceptance 428
16.2.5 Measurement 429
16.2.6 Payment 429
16.3 Traffic Signs 430
16.3.1 Description 430
16.3.2 Materials 431 Concrete 431 Steel Products 431 Aluminum Products 431 Galvanizing 431 Structural Paint 431 Reflective Sheeting 432 Backing Materials for Reflective Sheeting 433 Honeycomb Sections 433 Performance Requirements 434
16.3.3 Construction 437 General 437 Signs 437 Storage and Shipment of Signs 437 Placement and Orientation 437 Footings for Sign Supports 438 Porcelain Coatings 439
EXIT Letters, Numbers, Arrows, Symbols 439 Aluminum Sign Sections 439
16.3.4 Work acceptance 439
16.3.5 Measurement 440
16.3.6 Payment 440
16.4 Traffic Paint and Road Marking 442
16.4.1 Description 442
16.4.2 Materials 442 Reflective Traffic Lines 442 Reflective Thermoplastic Traffic Lines 442 Reflective Road Markers 444 Delineators 446
16.4.3 Construction 446 General 446 Reflective Traffic Lines 447 Reflective Cateyes 447 Plain Prismatic and Ceramic Markers 447 Delineators 448 Adhesive 448 Paint 448 Traffic Lines and Markings Equipment 449
16.4.4 Acceptance 449
16.4.5 Measurement 450
16.4.6 Payment 450
16.5 Fences, Guardrails and Concrete Barriers 452
16.5.1 Description 452
16.5.2 Materials 452
16.5.3 Construction 453 Fences 453 Guardrails 453 Cable Barriers 453 New Jersey Concrete Barriers 455
16.5.4 Work Acceptance 457
16.5.5 Measurement 457
16.5.6 Payment 457
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works



16.1 General Description:

This section includes the specifications and construction methods of traffic
control works, presented in Traffic Signals, Traffic Signs, Road Marking and Safety

The Contractor must finish all works according to these General Specification
using materials and equipment that have been described in this section, and the standard
specifications used in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to fill the local traffic department's

This section Contents:

- Traffic Signals.
- Traffic Signs.
- Road Marking.
- Fences, Guardrails and Concrete Barriers.

The meanings of the terms will be used in these General Specifications are
detailed in BS892:1967 Glossary of Highway Engineering Terms and BS6100,
Highway Engineering Section.

16.2 Traffic Signals:

16.2.1 Description:
This section contains traffic signal specifications including description of works,
materials, installation and operation for Traffic Signals Head Assembly, Posts,
Footings, Traffic Signal Control Units and Detectors, also it includes traffic signals
complete with lamps, cable connections and provision of all the services required for
installation and construction all in accordance with traffic requirements and in
compliance with the requirements of the local traffic authorities in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.

The control system and signal poles must be installed on stable concrete
foundations or bases which must be submitted by the Contractor according to the
specifications indicated in this section. The signal poles and control unit box must be
placed at the suitable locations according to special specifications which comply with
traffic department requirements to avoid collision of errant vehicles.

16.2.2 Materials: General:
Materials used must be of the best types of their respective kinds and the labor
must be of high skills. Material must be selected or treated to serve perfectly during
their lifetime of the installation.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Electronic equipment must be used in accordance with the BS 9000 and NEMA
(National Electrical Manufacturers Association) specifications.
The equipment must be designed to operate on two hundred twenty A.C. 220
volts single phase, sixty (60) Hz. and it must function properly if the voltage increased
by fifteen percent (+15%) or decreased by twenty percent (-20%), and the frequency
vary within plus or minus four percent (±4%).

All equipment must operate properly at one hundred percent (100%) relative
humidity with temperatures reaching eighty five degrees Celsius (85°C) under direct
sunlight with a high ultra violet content and in different weather conditions.

All wiring must be securely fixed in their positions and wiring. Loop detector
wire, must be in high temperature PVC insulated cables, and must be capable of
tolerating high temperatures with characteristic color to facilitate their recognition. Concrete Footings and Reinforcing:

Concrete for footings must be according to section (14.3), "Concrete Works" in
these General Specifications.
Reinforcing steel must be according to item (14.2.6), "Reinforcing Steel" in these
General Specifications.
Prestressing steel must be according to item ( "Prestressing Steel" in these
General Specifications. Steel Products:

Steel products must be according to the following:
1- Structural Steel Tubing must be according to ASTM A 501 or ASTM A 595,
Grade A.

2- Steel Castings must be according to ASTM A 27, Grade U-60-30.

3- Low Carbon Bolts, Nuts, and Washers must be according to ASTM A 307.

4- High-Strength Bolts, Nuts, and Washers must be according to ASTM A 325.

5- Stainless Steel Bolts, Screws, and Washers must be according to ASTM A 193,
A 194.

6- High Tension Wire must be according to the requirements of AASHTO M 30,

TypeII, Class A, with a minimum breaking strength of nineteen thousand four
hundred (19,400) kilograms, and elastic modulus equal to eight thousand three
hundred (8300) kilogram per squire millimeter.

7- Galvanizing must be according to ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153 Aluminum Products:

1- Aluminum tubing:
Aluminum tubing must be according to ASTM B108, B209, B211 or B221, as
required. Aluminum alloys must have a minimum tensile strength of two thousand five

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
hundred (2,500) kilograms per square centimeter, and minimum yield strength of two
thousand (2,000) kilograms per square centimeter.

2- Non-structural Aluminum castings:

Non-structural Aluminum castings must be according to ASTM B 108. Cables and Ducts:

1- Conductor Cable, High Voltage:
Voltage rating of the conductor cable supplying primary electrical power must
be five (5) KV for primary voltages less than five (5) KV, and fifteen (15) KV for
voltages of five (5) KV or more.

2- Conductor Cable:
Conductor cable must be six hundred (600) volt cable, single conductor,
thermoplastic insulated. The conductor cable must be plainly marked on the outside
with the manufacturer's name and identification.

3- Duct:
Ducts must be of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe according to ASTM F
512, Type DB-120, or ABS plastic pipe according to ASTM D 2750, Type II. Controllers:
1- General:
Traffic signals control equipments must be of high quality types, durable and
capable of operating in complete efficiency in all climatic conditions and high and low
temperatures. The manufacturer must program each control system to work properly as
specified in the Special Specifications. All input data incoming from logical circuits
must tolerate passing currents and electric noise arising from normal usage without
being subjected to any damage to the circuits. Timing of the control system must be
fully programmable by using units from switch panels at the front panel of each control
system with a suitable display screen. Memory storage must be non-volatile EPROM
under a main power-off condition for at least thirty (30) days.

The control system box must have a manual operation switch with traffic police,
and this switch must be capable of controlling all time intervals except the time interval
of changing to the yellow and red lights which must be timed by the control system
according to the program prepared for that.

Controllers must be designed for operation at a nominal power input of two

hundred twenty (220) volt, single phase, sixty (60) Hz. The controller and all associated
electrical equipment must operate properly at any voltage between one hundred eighty
(180) and two hundred forty five (245) volts, within a power mains frequency range of
sixty (60) Hz plus or minus three (±3) Hz, and each system must have a diagnostic unit
showing the operation plan, phase sequence, timing intervals, standby battery existing
condition and disorder warning.

The control systems must be solid state type such as transistors, dual valves,
resistors and capacitors and must operate with miniature digital treatment units.
The pre-timed control systems must be able to control the required phases and of
operating according to the requirements of various traffic departments.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The control systems which are operated by the activity of traffic movement must
be completely dependent on traffic volume and must be capable of working as a pre-
timed partial control system the program of which can be programmed partially so that
it operates at all times in complete uniformity within the traffic signal system. Each
system must have a diagnostic unit showing the operation plan, the phase being
diagnosed, phase sequence, time intervals, vehicle lights and pedestrian conditions if
any. Present condition of standby battery and failure warning.
Controllers must not operate with any timing parameters shorter than the following:
- Yellow Clearance two (2) seconds.
- Minimum green five (5) seconds.
All components and accessories must be able to operate properly for at least five (5)
years with routine maintenance only.
A heavy duty master switch and fuse must be provided to isolate all equipment in the
controller from the mains supply.

2- Controller Cabinet:
Each controller must be housed in a strong weatherproof metal cabinet designed
to be fixed to a concrete base.
The Cabinet is fixed on a concrete base as indicated in execution item (
"Controller Cabinet" in these General Specifications.
The cabinet must be of functional design and appearance and large enough to
provide space for housing all devices which including monitor detector amplifiers, load
switches, circuit breakers, and fuses.
The box must be composed of a number of suitable racks for installing parts.
The box must be with a front door or its entire front must be a door on which, from the
internal side, is placed a guide for the box components. It is possible to have a rear door
similar to the front one in case that was required in the special specifications. Traffic Signal Head:

1- General:
Traffic Signal Head is composed of a metal box containing an assembly of
optical units which illuminate in red, yellow and green colors respectively from up
downward. The signal light must be regular and suitable to different environmental
conditions. The maximum illumination rate to the minimum rate must not exceed five
(5) to one (1). Each of the optical units must be automatically illuminated in a suitable
and independent way.
The optical units must be designed such that transparency rate must not be less than the
minimum rates shown in table (16.2.1) in these General Specifications.
The signal head dismountable and susceptible to being installed with screws
and tightly fixed to protect its components from vibrations and wind motion, and with
non-shining black color.

Suitable protectors from sun light must be installed over each lens according to
drawings with a length of not less than two hundred forty (240) millimeters for lenses
size three hundred (300) millimeters and a length of not less than one hundred seventy
five (175) millimeters for lenses size two hundred (200) millimeters.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
2-Optical Unit Lenses:
The optical unit lenses of the traffic signal must be made of glass or plastic that
tolerate ultra violet rays and the lens must endure all the fluctuating weather conditions
and high and low temperatures without change in their properties. The lens must be with
one color from all sides and free from all manufacturing deformations and air bubbles.
The lens must provide the suitable distribution of light and with a transparency that
complies with requirements of the ASTM E 308 shown in table (16.2.1).

Table 16.2.1: Minimum relative luminous transmittance of traffic signal lenses

Minimum relative luminous

transmittance of traffic signal lenses
Red Ten percent (10%)
Yellow Forty four percent (44%)
Green Nineteen percent (19%).

The following information must be pressed on the flange of each lens:

- The word "TOP" at the proper point to indicate the correct orientation of the lens.
- The manufacturer's trademark.
- Maximum wattage of the lamp which may be used with the lens.
Lenses size two hundred (200) millimeters and three hundred (300) millimeters
must be provided and both types must be susceptible to direct tight installation in their
designated site with sealing ring.

3- Arrow and Symbol Lenses:

The arrow lenses must be size three hundred (300) millimeter and they may be
prismatic or similar lenses for light distribution. The color of the arrow lens must be
according to the required specifications with a transparency for the transparent part
similar to the limits indicated in table (16.2.1) of these General Specifications.
The color of the arrow lens must be compliant with what is specified in the Special

All lenses, except for the arrow or symbol, must be covered by an opaque black
or dark grey material. Alternatively, the lens may be a composite of glass, colored
plastic and filter, with the symbol on an internal surface of the lens.
The opaque material must be high resistant to weather changes and to the high
temperature emitted from the lamp. The shape of the arrow or symbol and their
dimensions must be compliant with the drawings and light distribution on the arrow or
symbol must be regular and uniform.
The shapes of symbols and arrows must be compatible with the requirements of
MUTCD (Manual Uniform for Traffic Control Devices) of the Ministry of
Communications in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

4- Optical Unit Reflectors:

The reflectors may be composed of silvered glass or specular-finished
Aluminum and must be designed such that it provides the required reflection of the light
emitted by the signal light. The minimum limit for the reflector illumination values
through green and red lenses for normal roads is four hundred (400) candela at lens

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The glass reflectors must be made of the best types of clear temperature and
weather elements resistant glass without the addition of any other material between the
glass and silver which is tightly stuck with glass.

Aluminum reflector thickness must not be less than six tenths (0.6) millimeters
with reinforcing edges. The thickness of the reflecting layer of the Aluminum layer
must not be less than twenty five of ten thousand 0.0025 of a millimeter, and the
reflecting surface must be free from any scratches or deformations.
Except otherwise specified, a device for decreasing illumination output must be
provided by night such that illumination output is reduced in a rate varying between
thirty percent (30%) and fifty percent (50%).

5- Traffic Signal Lamps:

Traffic signal lamps must be of the standard type with a design life not less than
six thousand (6000) hours and their illumination power not less than six hundred (600)
lumens and they must be of tungsten or halogen tungsten.

Lenses size two hundred (200) millimeter must be used with lamps of
illumination power up to one thousand seven hundred and fifty (1750) lumen, and for
lamps of higher illumination power lenses size three hundred (300) millimeters must be
used. The signal lamp must be low-voltage type which takes its power from a
transformer. The lamp power must be fifty (50) watts for use at normal roads
intersections, but if there was a highway at the intersection with an average speed more
than eighty (80) kilometers per hour, the lamp power must be one hundred (100) watts. Pedestrian Signal Head:

Pedestrian signal lenses must be of three hundred (300) millimeters size. The
luminance of the signal head along the directed axis must be three thousand five
hundred (3500) candelas per square meter.
All the physical characteristics and material specifications for pedestrian traffic
signal head must be compliant with the characteristics of vehicles traffic signal head.

A complete pedestrian signal face must consist of two (2) signal sections, the
upper section must have the red "standing man" symbol. The lower section must have
the green "walking man" symbol. Pedestrian indications must be sufficiently bright and
legible to be effective under all normal atmospheric conditions. Traffic signal poles:

The dimensions of the pole must be as shown on the drawings, and in each pole
there should be an opening with a cover plate not less than two hundred (200)
millimeters height, and not less than fifty (50) millimeters width. The cover plate must
extend by not less than ten (10) millimeters beyond the opening on all sides, and must
be installed with screws. The opening height must not be less than fifty (50) centimeters
from the ground surface level.
Poles must install as in the special specifications and the distance between pore
and sidewalk edge shall not be less than 1.5 m. Suspended Traffic Signal:

The suspended traffic signal poles must be compatible with specifications of the
signal poles mentioned in item ( "Traffic Signal Poles" of these General

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Specifications, and their dimensions must be according to drawings, and they must be
made of steel complying with the specifications mentioned in item ( "Steel
products" in these General Specifications.

Suspended traffic signal head must be compatible with the requirements of item
( "Traffic Signal Head" of these General Specifications.
The Suspension wire must be of nineteen (19) millimeters, according to the
requirements of item ( "High Tension Wire" in these General Specifications. Vehicle Detectors:

Vehicle detectors must be composed from copper braids extended beneath the
road and connected with a control system containing an amplifying unit that detects
traffic to coordinate traffic signal timings.
The detector amplifiers in the control system must be self operated type and
capable of automatic adjustment to suit usual environmental changes or electric failures.
Detectors amplifiers must be able to function properly with a ring conduction of
between twenty (20) micro Henry to two (2000) thousand micro Henry.
The detector loop wire must be formed from stranded copper wire with diameter
(2.5) mm (12 AWG). Pedestrian Detectors:

Pedestrian detector must be composed from a button that is manually operated
and it is usually open, and can be pressed by pedestrians. The detector must be designed
such that it can be fixed on wooden or metal poles.
The detector must be composed of a metal box with only one button. The
detector must operate on alternate current of twelve (AC 12) volts and must be
electrically insulated under all natural circumstances. A suitable symbol must be placed
on the detector's front side according to Special Specifications.
The unit must be a cast Aluminum or galvanized steel box with glass or plastic
display the detector state (off/on). The detector must be mounted near pedestrian
crossing points.

16.2.3 Construction: General:
Contractor must supply and install all the work parts indicated on the Special
Specifications in addition to the concrete bases, poles, fixtures, screws and all
requirements used in the works, and that include protective painting works and all other
complementary works. Controllers:
The control cabinet must be bolted to a concrete base not less than seventy five
(75) centimeters thick, of which ten (10) centimeters is above the ground level. The
concrete base must extend at least (10) centimeters beyond the control cabinet on all
sides, fiber or plastic duct must be placed in the concrete base, and it must be enough
and suitable for all electrical connections according to the Special Specifications. Traffic Signal:
1- General:
Traffic signals must be directed towards vehicles to be visible in the road
centerline by at least fifty (50) meters for roads with maximum operational speed less

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
than or equal to ninety (90) Kilometers per hour, and by not less than two hundred (200)
meters for highways of operational speed more than ninety (90) Kilometers per hour.

A miniature signal head of the traffic signals must be fixed on the signal pole at
a site parallel to the signal front at height of one (1) meter. The miniature signal head
must satisfy all requirements of item ( "Traffic Signal Head" in these General
Specifications, considering the size of the used lenses to be one hundred (100)

The signal head must be fixed at the designated site on the stand pole carrying
tightly so that no swinging or shaking exist, by screw tightened steel clips.
Electric connections must be inserted inside the pole through an opening in the pole
behind the signal head such that it is invisible from the signal front.

The different parts must not be in an electric contact with each other, so
insulating rubber or plastic spacers must be used.
The upper openings of the poles must be closed with plastic plugs to prevent water
leakage inside the pole.

2- Foundation Preparation:
Contractor must carry out excavation for pole bases according to section (5.3)
"Excavations" in these General Specification, whereas pole bases are excavated to the
required depths according to drawings.
Contractor must undertake complete testing for soil and ensure its suitability or treat it if
necessary such that it achieves the minimum acceptable limit for the bases tolerance and
in accordance with soil compaction works specified in section (5.5) "Base layer" in
these General Specifications.

Embankments must be compacted such that their density must not be less than
ninety percent (95%) of the maximum density calculated by the density testing
according to section (5.4) "Embankment" in these General Specification. It is not
allowed to increase the height of the upper surface of the base over ground surface

3- Concrete Works:
Concrete must be cast after fixing reinforcement steel in the required dimensions
inside the tightly fixed cast forms which. The rate of concrete mix setting must not
exceed 75 mm according to AASHTO T119 test method, and the minimum cement
content must not be less than three hundred fifty (350) Kilogram per cubic meter. The
reinforcement steel used in any type of concrete bases must comply with the
requirements of specification AASHTO M254.

The cement concrete must achieve material requirements and Job Mix Formula
indicated in section (14.3) "Concrete Works" in these General Specifications.
When using Ready-mix concrete, it must comply with the requirements of specification

Before commencing the concrete base casting, all the necessary works for
supporting it or on which it must be cast must be completed, the surfaces of the

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
executed bases must be smooth and uniform and in compliance with the vertical and
horizontal dimensions shown on drawings or according to the Engineer's
recommendations, and they must be free from clods.
The compressive strength of concrete must not be less than (21) Mpa when
testing at age of twenty eight (28) days according to the AASHTO T22 test. The captive
air must not exceed seven and a half percent (7.5%) and not less than four and a half
percent (4.5%) of the total volume of the unit.
Compressive strength shall not be less than (21) Mpa after twenty eight (28)
days according to AASHTO T22.The units must be cured in accordance with the
requirements of section (14.3) "Curing" in these general Specifications, and also special
Removal of Forms:
The forms must not removed until the compressive strength reaches seven (7)
Mpa minimum, otherwise twenty eight (28) days.
Precast concrete foundations:
Completion of all the previous works must be confirmed at the construction area
before starting the pre-cast concrete bases execution, testing and handing over
according to the approved compaction degree, also the surface on which those bases
must be constructed must be prepared such that a smooth surface is provided. After
completing installation of those bases, the excavated part around them must be
backfilled with materials having specifications not less than the specifications of sub
base indicated section (6.2) "Sub-base materials" in these General Specifications.
The pre-cast concrete bases may be prefabricated by casting them in clean
smooth surfaced steel forms so that they may give a smooth surface free from voids and
cavities of area more than two (2) centimeters squire in area. The strength of the unit
must not be less than (21) Mpa when testing at age of twenty eight (28) days according
to the AASHTO T22 test. The captive air must not exceed seven and a half percent
(7.5%) and not less than four and a half percent (4.5%) of the total volume of the unit.
The pre-cast concrete base units must be cured according to AASHTO M170.
Transportation of precast units must only be allowed at a minimum of (24) Mpa

4- Poles:
Traffic signal poles must be fixed at the locations shown on the drawings of the
Special Specifications on concrete bases tightly fixed with not less than 4 bolts. The
bolts must be tied to a steel plate welded to the pole base according to the Special
Specifications. The steel plate used must be compliant with item ( "Steel
Products" in these General Specifications.
The foundation for the post must be of sufficient size to resist an overturning
moment of six (6) Kn.m.
The distance between the pole and the road edge must not be less than one and a
half (1.5) meters. Suspended Traffic Signal:

The suspended traffic signal must be composed of two vertical poles, carrier
cables and signal head. The poles are fixed in the same execution method indicated in
item ( of this specification. The height of the suspended traffic signal head

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
must not be less than five and a half (5.5) meters and not more than seven and a half
(7.5) meters.

The pole distance from the road edge must not exceed 180 cm All the electric
connections must be passed inside the poles through the openings down to the pole
base. Cables must be fixed according to special specifications, and the signal head must
be fixed by two (2) cables at least to prevent vibrations. Vehicle Detectors:

Traffic detectors are composed of copper braids extended beneath the road and
connected with a control system containing an amplifier.
Traffic detectors must have a multi cycle ring from a cable placed under the road
at a depth of not less than 50 mm according to drawings.
The detector ring must be formed from braided copper cable of a cross section
width of not less than three (3) millimeters (12AWG). The cable must be polyethylene
insulated, and it is placed inside a protective PVC pipe with wall thickness of not less
than one and six tenths (1.6) millimeters.

The detectors are placed at the locations shown on the drawings at a distance
from the intersection which may reach one hundred fifty (150) meters in the case of
detectors for high speeds that exceed ninety (90) Kilometer per hour. Strips must be
excavated for the detector over the whole width of the road with the depth indicated in
the specifications and according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The width of
the strip must be equal to the detector pipe external diameter.

All the wastes resulting from the excavation process must be removed before
installation of the detector. The detector must be installed at the bottom of the strip then
covered with suitable rubber material according to manufacturer's recommendations up
to the coated pipe level, after that the strip is filled with asphalt up to pavement surface
level and the asphalt used must be according to paragraph (7.2) "Asphalt" in these
General Specifications. Pedestrian Detectors:

The detector (pedestrian push button unit) must be tightly fixed with screws on
its pole such that no vibrations exist in it. The used detector must satisfy the
requirements of item ( "pedestrian detectors" in these General Specifications.
The detector takes its power from a transformer through electric connections extended
inside the pole from the rear side such that they must not be visible from the detector
front. The detector must be fixed at a height suitable for pedestrians according to
drawings and Special Specifications.

16.2.4 Work acceptance:

1- Quality Control:
Quality control procedures for the materials and executed works must be done
according to item (17.1.1) "Quality Control" in these General Specifications.

Quality control for executed works and used materials is the responsibility of the
Contractor and he must submit the quality control plan which he will apply during
contract period, and Contractor must incur all the costs related to quality control.
Contractor has no right to start any work before he obtains a written acceptance from

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
the Engineer indicating the acceptance of the Engineer for the quality control plan
submitted by the Contractor.

The Engineer must be provided with lists of materials, poles shop drawings,
control systems, electric connections drawings, tools and supplies for acceptance within
sixty (60) days from contract signing date. It is not permissible to submit partial shop
drawings or lists for this purpose.

The documents to be submitted must be complete and clear and in four (4)
original copies but material lists must include cut samples from catalogues or data
brochures. Unacceptable submittal must be returned back for the required corrections.
Any changes intended for incorporation in the approved materials and equipments lists
must be made according to written request and in case such changes were requested by
the Engineer, Contractor must submit samples for the alternative item(s) for inspection
and acceptance without any additional costs arising from this on the Ministry.

The Engineer must be provided with the guarantee certifications from the
manufacturers of the equipments and parts used in the work, and he must receive all the
brochures, guide manuals, spare-parts listings of equipments and parts used in the work.
Standby units in the rate of not less than ten percent (10%) of all used units must be
provided providing that not less than one (1) unit of each type. The manufacturer of
guardrails and fences must be approved to a Quality Assurance system complying with
ISO 9002.

All the equipments and systems used in the work must be from the production of
one manufacturer except otherwise agrees the Ministry in writing. Table (16.2.2) shows
quality control requirements according to section (16.2) "Materials" in these General

2- Quality Assurance:
Quality Assurance procedures for the materials and executed works must be
done according to item (17.1.2) "Quality Assurance" in these General Specifications.
The Ministry is responsible of Quality Assurance procedure by any standard testing that
the Ministry prefer, to insure that all works done by the Contractor are satisfying the
requirements of these General Specifications.

16.2.5 Measurement:
Accepted Traffic Signal Controllers, Traffic Signal Heads, Traffic Signal Head
Supports, Pedestrian Traffic Signal Heads, Pedestrian Signal Head Push Buttons, and
Traffic Loop Detectors must be measured by number of units.
High tension wire may be measured in meter length or may be included in the
Suspended Traffic Signal installation.

16.2.6 Payment:
The completed and accepted quantities, measured as shown in item (16.2.5), will
be paid at the contract unit price for the items listed in table (16. 2.3).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.2.2: Quality Assurance
Item Property Test Sampling Requirements
BS 9000,
Electrical All properties According to Item(
Devices and mentioned in the Manufacturer's "Controllers" in these
and Source
Equipment Special Specifications instructions General Specifications
According to
Light Table (16.2.1)
Relative luminous Manufacturer's
distribution ASTM E308 in these General
transmittance instructions and the
for lens Specifications
Special Specifications
According to Item ( "High
High All properties
AASHTO M 30, Manufacturer's Tension Wire" in
Tension mentioned in the
Type II instructions and the these General
Wire Special Specifications
Special Specifications Specifications
Three (3) tests at the
According to beginning of the
All properties Item (14.3) "Concrete
Concrete division 17 in these production and when
mentioned in the Works" in these
Works general changing materials
Special Specifications General Specifications
specifications sources or mix.
According to
All properties ASTM A27 Grade Item (14.2.-6) "Steel
Steel Manufacturer's
mentioned in the U-60-30, A307, Properties" in these
Products instructions and the
Special Specifications A325, A193, A194 General Specifications
Special Specifications
According to Item (
All properties
Aluminum ASTM B108, B209, Manufacturer's "Aluminum Products"
mentioned in the
Products B211 or B221 instructions and the in these General
Special Specifications
Special Specifications Specifications

Table 16.2.3: Quantity

Item No. Item Unit Traffic Signal Controller Type (….) Unit Pedestrian Traffic Signal Controller Type (….) Unit Traffic Signal Head, Type (….) Unit Pedestrian Traffic Signal Head, Type (….) Unit Traffic Signal Support, Type (….) Unit Suspended Traffic Signal Support Unit Suspended Traffic Signal Cable Meter
16.2.38 Traffic Loop Detectors Unit Pedestrian Traffic Signal Push Button Unit

16.3 Traffic Signs:

16.3.1 Description:
This work must consist of constructing and installing of Traffic Signs and
Kilometer-posts according to the requirements of the Special Specification and these
General Specifications in including materials and specific works related to the signs
parts to be used on urban roads.

The work also include the construction, erection and relocation of all temporary
signing works required before construction and during construction and before opening
the road to the traffic.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
All sign faces and lettering must be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices (M.U.T.C.D.) of the Saudi Ministry of Communication.

16.3.2 Materials:
All materials used to finish this work must satisfy the following requirements: Concrete:
Concrete for footings must be according to section (14.3), "Concrete Works" in
these General Specifications. Steel Products:

1- Reinforcing Steel:
Reinforcing steel must be according to Paragraph (14.2.6), "Reinforcing Steel"
in these General Specifications.
2- Steel Plates:
Steel plate must be according to ASTM A525, with thickness not less than two
(2) millimeters.

3- Steel Posts:
Steel Posts must be fabricated according to Schedule 40 ASTM A120.
Steel pipe and I.P.E. sign supports must have a slip base breakaway support.

4- Stainless Steel Bolts, Washers and Nuts must be according to ASTM A 276, with
minimum yield of (200) Mpa. Aluminum Products:

1- Aluminum Panels and sheeting:
Aluminum Panels and sheeting must be according to ASTM B 209 or B 211,
alloy 6061-T6. All Aluminum alloys must have a minimum tensile strength of (250)
Mpa and minimum yield strength (200) Mpa.

2- Extruded Aluminum Panels:

Extruded Aluminum Panels must be fabricated from Aluminum Alloy 6063-T6
according to the requirements of ASTM B221 Panels and must have a minimum
thickness of two (2) millimeters for sizes up to 762x762 millimeters. Larger panels must
have a minimum thickness of three (3) millimeters.

3- Aluminum Posts:
Aluminum posts must be according to ASTM B221, and must have a minimum
thickness of three (3) millimeters.
. Galvanizing:
Steel parts must be according to ASTM A123. Nuts, bolts and similar parts must
be galvanized according to ASTM A153. Structural Paint:

All steel surfaces (except galvanized surfaces) must be painted by a special paint
which must be according to AASHTO M300 Type II requirements.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The color of the paint must be determined by the Special Specifications, and it
must be applicable in for hot weather and unstable climates.
Paint type, color, mixing instructions, Storage requirements a Trade Mark and
date of manufacture must be written on the paint container.

The paint must satisfy the following:

1- Does not show excessive settling in opened can within 48 hours.
2- Has a homogenous density and distribution.
3- Brushes on easily.
4- Shows no running when applied to smooth vertical steel surfaces.
5- Dries to a smooth uniform surface.
6- Shows no streaking or separation when flowed on clean and smooth surfaces. Reflective Sheeting:

Reflective Sheeting must consist of white or colored sheeting having a smooth
outer surface, and have the reflective property for its entire surface. Reflective sheeting
is classified into nine types according to ASTM D 4956-Ola as follows:

Type I : Medium-intensity reflective sheeting with glass spheres lens, having a

Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.1) and luminance factor compatible
with Table (16.3.10). This type is of the lowest known reflectivity as to road signs.

Type II : Medium-intensity reflective sheeting with glass spheres lens, having a

Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.2) and luminance factor complying
with Table (16.3.10) and it is a poor reflective type.

Type III: High-intensity reflective sheeting with encapsulated glass spheres, having a
Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.3) and Luminance Factor according to
table (16.3.10).

Type IV: High-intensity reflective sheeting composed of micro-prismatic non-metallic

coated elements, having a Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.4) and
Luminance Factor according to table (16.3.12).

Type V : Super-high-intensity reflective sheeting with un-metallized micro-prismatic

elements, having a Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.5) and Luminance
Factor according to table (16.3.11) These are used in temporary signs and non-adhesive
signs such as re-foldable signs. They are not used in making direction or warning signs.
Type VI: High-intensity reflective non-adhesive sheeting with micro-prismatic elements
of phenyl. Having a Coefficient of Reflection according to table (16.3.6), luminance
factor complying with Table (16.3.10). They are used in non-adhesive signs and
temporary signs such as re-foldable signs and they are not used in making permanent
signs or aluminum pasted signs.

Type VII: Highly reflective specially on long distances which are determined at an
observation angle of (0.1 degree) & (0.2 degrees). They are composed of sheeting that
include non-prismatic non-metalized micro elements. With reflection factor complying
with Table (16.3.7) and day luminance factor according to Table (16.3.12).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Type IIX: Highly intensive reflection sheeting particularly at long distances and they
are similar to type VII with luminance factor a little less (at far angles and colors).
Reflection factor is in compliance with Table (16.3.8) and day luminance factor in
compliance with Table (16.3.12).

Type IX: Super intensive reflection sheeting especially at short distances and it is
characterized by being the best of the 9 types as to reflection inside cities regardless of
the driver's age or type and height of his driven vehicle. It is the only type which has a
high reflectivity on observation angles which exceed (0.5 degrees), whereas reflection
factor is defined on 1 degree. This represents high vehicles such as 4 wheel drive cars,
buses, trucks etc. of medium and heavy transportation vehicles. Also, type IX is of
characteristic performance and reflectivity on turns whereas entrance angles are large.
Reflection factor is compatible with Table (16.3.9) and day luminance factor compatible
with Table (16.3.12). Backing Materials for Reflective Sheeting:

The backing required for reflective sheeting is classified into the following five
Class 1 - Pressure-sensitive backing, require no heat, solvent or other preparation for
adhesion to smooth and clean surfaces.

Class 2 - Backing activated by applying heat and pressure to the material. The
temperature necessary to form a durable permanent bond must be sixty-six degrees
Celsius (66oC) and at a degree less than 38 degrees, it is suscecetible to re-pasting.

Class 3 – Pressure-sensitive backing, required no heat, solvent or other preparations for

adhesion to smooth and clean surface, and its advantage on class 1 is that it may be
reused at a temperature reaches thirty eight degrees Celsius (38 oC).

Class 4 - Low-temperature pressure-sensitive backing that permits sheeting applications

at temperatures down to minus seven degrees Celsius (-7oC) without the aid of solvent
or other preparation for adhesion to smooth, dry and clean surfaces.

Class 5 – Non-Adhesive backing and it is normally used with self-supported products

such as traffic cones and temporary signs. Honeycomb Sections:

The front sheet of each sign must be fabricated in one piece of minimum
thickness one and sixth tenths (1.6) millimeter Aluminum alloy according to item
(,"Aluminum Products" in these General Specifications.
The surface must be treated with amorphous chromate conversion coating
according to the requirements of ASTM B 449, Class 2.
Core material must be phenolic impregnated cellulose honeycomb, and it must
be resistant to fungus.

The back sheet of each panel must be fabricated in one piece of minimum
thickness one (1) millimeter Aluminum alloy according to (,"Aluminum
Products" in these General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The adhesive material must be of thermoplastic neoprene and must be water and
oil resistant, and must have flexible cohesion strength. Solid materials content must be
suitable for use by automatic spraying or painting provides dry paint not less than fifty
(50) grams per square meter.

A thin uniform layer of the adhesive must be applied on each surface and this
layer must be dryable at temperature not less than eighty two (82) degrees and by using
adequate pressure that ensures tight cohesion between surfaces.
The tensile strength of the honeycomb unit must have a minimum of one and a
half (1.5) kilograms per square centimeter when tested according to ASTM C 297,
Cycle C 481. Performance Requirements:

Tables (16-3-1) to (16-3-9) present the performance requirements of the
reflective sheets types according to ASTM E810, E97.

Table 16.3.1: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) for

Medium Intensity Type I Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Red Orange Brown Yellow Green Blue
Angle Angle
o o
0.2 -4.0 70 14 25 2 50 9 4
0.2o +30o 30 6 7 1 22 3.5 1.7
0.5o -4.0o 30 7.5 13.5 1 25 4.5 2
o o
0.5 +30 15 3 4 5 13 2.2 0.8
▪ Observation angle must mean the angle at the reflective between the observer's line of sight and
the axis of the incident light beam.
▪ Entrance angle must mean the angle at the reflective between the direction of light incident on it
and the direction of the reflective axis.

Table 16.3.2: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) Medium-

High Intensity Type II Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown
Angle Angle
0.2o -4.0o 140 100 60 30 30 10 5
o o
0.2 +30 60 36 22 10 12 4 2
0.5o -4.0o 50 33 20 9 10 3 2
o o
0.5 +30 28 20 12 6 6 2 1

Table 16.3.3: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) High-

Intensity Type III Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown
Angle Angle
0.2o -4.0o 250 170 100 45 45 20 12
o o
0.2 +30 150 100 60 25 25 11 8.5
0.5o -4.0o 95 62 30 15 15 7.5 5.0
o o
0.5 +30 65 45 25 10 10 5 3.5

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.3.4: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) High
Intensity Type IV Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown
Angle Angle
0.2o -4.0o 250 170 100 35 35 20 7
o o
0.2 +30 80 54 34 9 9 5 2
0.5o -4.0o 135 100 64 17 17 10 4
0.5o +30o 55 37 22 6.5 6.5 3.5 1.4

Table 16.3.5: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) Super-

High-Intensity Type V Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue
Angle Angle
0.2o -4.0o 700 470 280 120 120 56
o o
0.2 +30 400 270 160 72 72 32
0.5o -4.0o 160 110 64 28 28 13
o o
0.5 +30 75 51 30 13 13 6

Table 16.3.6: Minimum Coefficient of Reflection (RA) (Candelas/lux/m2) High-

Intensity Type VI Sheeting
Observation Entrance
White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue
Angle Angle
0.2o -4.0o 250 170 70 30 35 20
0.2o +30o 95 64 26 11 13 7.6
0.5o -4.0o 200 136 56 24 28 18
o o
0.5 +30 60 40 17 7.2 8.4 4.8

Table 16.3.7: Minimum Reflection Coefficient (Candela/lux/m2) of Highly

Intensive Reflection Sheeting- Type 7
Observation Entrance
White Red Orange Yellow Green Blue
Angle Angle
0.2 -4.0 750 150 280 560 75 34
0.2 +30 430 88 180 320 43 20
0.5 -4.0 240 48 90 180 24 11
0.5 +30 135 27 50 100 14 6
1.0 -4.0 10 2 4 8 1 1
1.0 +30 10 1 1 4 2 1

Table No. (16-3-8) Minimum reflection coefficient (candela/lucas/m2) of super

reflection sheeting- type 8
Observation Entrance
White Red Orange Yellow Green Blue
Angle Angle
0.2 -4.0 700 105 265 525 70 42
0.2 +30 325 49 120 245 33 20
0.5 -4.0 250 38 94 190 25 15
0.5 +30 115 17 43 88 12 7
1.0 -4.0 30 4 8 24 1 1
1.0 +30 10 2 4 6 1 1

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.3.9: Minimum reflection coefficient (candela/lucas/m2) of over intensive
sheeting- Type 9
Observation Entrance
White Red Orange Yellow Green Blue
Angle Angle
0.2 -4.0 380 76 145 285 38 17
0.2 +30 215 43 82 162 22 10
0.5 -4.0 240 48 90 180 24 11
0.5 +30 135 27 50 100 14 6
1.0 4.0 80 16 30 60 8 3.6
1.0 +30 45 9 17 34 4.5 2.0

Table 16.3.10: Luminance Factor (Y%) (Daytime)- Sheeting Types I, II, III & VI
Color Minimum % Maximum %
White 27 -
Yellow 15 45
Orange 14 30
Green 3 9
Red 2.5 12
Blue 1 10
Brown 4 9

Table 16.3.11: Luminance Factor (Y%) (Daytime)- Sheeting Type V

Color Minimum % Maximum %
White 15 -
Yellow 12 30
Orange 7 25
Green 2.5 11
Red 2.5 11
Blue 1 10
Brown 1 9

Table 16.3.12: Luminance Factor of IV, VII, VIII, & IX types- daytime
Color Minimum % Maximum %
White 40 -
Yellow 24 45
Orange 12 30
Green 3 12
Red 3 15
Blue 1 10
Brown 1 6

The materials must conform the following requirements:

a. Artificial Weathering:
The reflective sheeting must be weather resistant and show no visible cracking,
edge lifting, or more than eight-tenths (0.8) millimeter shrinkage when tested according
to ASTM G 123, Type EK, as it is presented in table (16.3.13).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.3.13: Artificial Weathering Photometric Requirements
Type Hours Minimum (RA*)
I 1000 50%
II 2200 65%
III 2200 80%
IV 2200 80%
*RA: Coefficient of Reflection

b. Specular Gloss:
The reflective sheeting must have at least eighty five (85) grad specular gloss
when tested in accordance with ASTM D 523.
c. Color Processing:
Reflective sheeting must be able for color processing with compatible
transparent and opaque process inks in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation
at temperatures of fifteen degrees Celsius (15°C) to forty degrees Celsius (40°C) and
relative humidity of twenty (20) to eighty (80) percent.
d. Shrinkage:
Shrinkage must not exceed allowed limit by testing reflective plates with an area
of twenty three (23) centimeter square at a temperature of two degrees Celsius (22oC)
and relative humidity fifty percent (50%) then shrinkage is measured. Shrinkage should
not exceed eight tenths (0.8) millimeter in all directions after twenty four (24) hours.

16.3.3 Construction: General:
Contractor must supply and install all required works shown on the drawings
and special specifications in addition to concrete bases, poles, fixtures, screws and all
supplies used in the works, also construction includes protective painting works
according to requirements. Signs:
1- Design:
All signs must be of the type, color and design shown on drawings and they
must be in compliance with contract specifications. All figures and symbols must be
compatible with MUTCD specifications.
2- Shop Drawings:
Contractor must submit drawings for all sign fronts for approval whereas he
states all the necessary dimensions, specifications and information. Storage and Shipment of Signs:

Signs used must be stored in a place higher than ground level and covered in a
way approved by the Engineer. Each sign must wrapped by thick cloth or paper and
must be bound with each other to avoid their dropping during transportation. Placement and Orientation:

Urban road signs must be installed according to special specification drawings
providing that the distance of the sign from the pavement edge must be between one and
a half (1.5) meter and two (2) meters according to the maximum speed of the road.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Contractor must be responsible for adjusting heights, modifications and levels for all
signs being installed by him and their compliance with the drawings in the special
All signs must be installed such that they must be fully vertical and the poles
must be straight. Poles made from iron pipes IPE for road signs must be with breakaway
bases. Footings for Sign Supports:

1- Foundation Preparation:
Contractor must carry out excavation for pole bases according to section (5.3)
"Excavations" in these General Specification, whereas pole bases are excavated to the
required depths according to drawings.
Contractor must undertake complete testing for soil and ensure its suitability or
treat it if necessary such that it achieves the minimum acceptable limit for the bases
tolerance and in accordance with soil compaction works specified in section (5.5) "Base
layer" in these General Specifications.
Embankments must be compacted such that their density must not be less than
ninety five percent (95%) of the maximum density calculated by the density testing
according to section 5.4 "Embankment" in these General Specification. It is not allowed
to increase the height of the upper surface of the base over ground surface level.
2- Concrete Works:
Concrete must be cast after fixing reinforcement steel in the required dimensions
inside the tightly fixed cast forms which. The Slump of the concrete mix must not
exceed seventy five (75) millimeters according to AASHTO T119 test method, and the
minimum cement content must not be less than three hundred fifty (350) Kilograms per
cubic meter. The reinforcement steel used in any type of concrete bases must comply
with the requirements of specification AASHTO M254.
The cement concrete must achieve material requirements and Job Mix Formula
indicated in section 14.3 "Concrete Works" in these General Specifications.
When using Ready-mix concrete, it must comply with the requirements of specification
Before commencing the concrete base casting, all the necessary works for
supporting it or on which it must be cast must be completed, the surfaces of the
executed bases must be smooth and uniform and in compliance with the vertical and
horizontal dimensions shown on drawings or according to the Engineer's
recommendations, and they must be free from clods.
The compressive strength of concrete must not be less than (21) Mpa when
testing after twenty eight (28) days of curing according to the AASHTO T22 test.
The units must be cured in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph (14-3)
"Curing" in these General Specifications unless otherwise specified.
Precast Concrete Footing:
The pre-cast concrete bases may be prefabricated by casting them in clean
smooth surfaced forms so that they may give a smooth surface free from voids and
cavities of area more than two (2) millimeters squire in area. The strength of the unit
must not be less than (21) Mpa centimeter when testing at age of twenty eight (28) days

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
according to the AASHTO T22 test. The captive air must not exceed seven and a half
percent (7.5%) and not less than four and a half percent (4.5%) of the total volume of
the unit. Porcelain Coatings:
Porcelain coatings for sign faces must be a minimum of four hundredths (0.04)
millimeter thickness. The coating must be applied by automatic spray equipment.
The coating must have a gloss reading of fifty (50) to seventy (70) units at an angle of
fifty (50) grads when measured in accordance with ASTM C 346. Letters, Numbers, Arrows, Symbols:
Letters, numbers, arrows and symbols must be with colors and sizes compliant
with drawings and writing must be in Arabic and English unless otherwise specified.
Distribution of holes for screws, rivets, bolts, which appear on the sign surface, must
consider the distribution of letters and their shapes such that they do not affect the shape
of writing or symbol, also symbols and figures must be compatible with MUTCD
specification. Aluminum Sign Sections:
The parts must be duly in compliance specifications and drawings. Each part
must be surrounded by a frame with hold path for bolts at each end whereas the bolts fix
the sign plate on the stand pole, but the vertical sides must be of the grooved type. The
horizontal and vertical ends must be extruded channel. An additional slot must be
milled in the top and bottom frame for later field insertion of post clip posts, the
perimeter frame must be assembled by means of stainless steel screws. A sealant must
be used at the corner to prevent moisture penetration.
Cast Aluminum sign parts must be connected by rivet screws or bolts or any
other fixing requirements level with the front surface as shown on the drawings, they
must be tightly fixed and enforced against storms.
Multi pieces signs conjunction lines must be emptied by about eight tenth (0.8)
millimeters and not more than one and a half (1.5) millimeter. All the sharp edges which
may be representing danger must be smoothed.
Self closing-three (3) millimeters diameter bolts must be used at each corner,
and the color of the rivet screws apparent on the side of the sign front must be compliant
with the sign color.
16.3.4 Work acceptance:
1- Quality Control:
Quality control procedures for the materials and executed works must be done
according to item 17.1.1 "Quality Control" in these General Specifications.
Quality control for executed works and used materials is the responsibility of the
Contractor and he must submit the quality control plan which he will apply during
contract period, and Contractor must incur all the costs related to quality control.
Contractor has no right to start any work before he obtains a written acceptance
from the Engineer indicating the acceptance of the Engineer for the quality control plan
submitted by the Contractor.
The Engineer must be provided with lists of materials, parts, shop drawings of
signs and sign supports, quantities and tasks for acceptance within sixty (60) days from
contract signing date. It is not permissible to submit partial shop drawings or lists for
this purpose.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The documents to be submitted must be complete and clear and in four (4)
original copies but material lists must include cut samples from catalogues or data
Unacceptable submittal must be returned back for the required corrections. Any
changes intended for incorporation in the approved materials and equipments lists must
be made according to written request and in case such changes were requested by the
Engineer, Contractor must submit samples for the alternative item(s) for inspection and
acceptance without any additional costs arising from this on the Ministry.
The manufacturer must present certifications to insure the quality of used part
complying with ISO 9002 or equivalent standard accepted in the country of
The Engineer must be provided with all the brochures, guide manuals, spare-
parts listings of equipments and parts used in the work. Standby units in the rate of not
less than ten percent (10%) of all used units must be provided providing that not less
than one (1) unit of each type.
Table (16.3.10) shows quality control requirements according to section 16.3 in
these General Specifications.
2- Quality Assurance:
Quality Assurance procedures for the materials and executed works must be
done according to item 17.1.2 "Quality Assurance" in these General Specifications.
The Ministry is responsible of Quality Assurance procedure by any standard
testing that the Ministry prefer, to insure that all works done by the Contractor are
satisfying the requirements of these General Specifications and the Special

16.3.5 Measurement:
Ground-mounted and overhead highway signs must be measured by the face
area to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) square meter for each highway sign and to the
nearest one-tenth (1/10) square meter for the total of each type of sign, as specified in
the Bill of Quantities.
Dismount sign supports must be measured in Kilograms for supports with I
section, and pipe supports must be measured in number of units, that include required
joint, bolts, screws and all similar fasteners.
Overhead sign supports must be measured by the metric ton, and that include all
related parts. Kilometer posts must be measured by the number of units.
Measurements must be done in the presence of the Engineer, using accurate
balances. Sign support work must include all complementary work presented in
excavation and backfill, concrete and reinforcement.

16.3.6 Payment:
Items measured according to the item 16.3.5 "Method of Measurement" must be
paid for at the contract unit price for each type, including costs of all materials, labor,
equipment, tools, supplies, and all other items necessary for the proper completion of
the Work. Payment must be according to the quantity table (16.3.12) in these General

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.3.11: Quality Assurance Requirements
Item Property Test Sampling Requirements
According to
Table (16-3-1) to
Reflection ASTM E 810 (16-3-6) in these General
instructions and the
Special Specifications
According to
Table (16-3-7) to
Luminance ASTM E 97 (16-3-9) in these General
instructions and the
Reflective Special Specifications
Sheeting According to
Paragraph (16-3-2-9-b)
Specular Manufacturer's
ASTM D 523 in these General
Gloss instructions and the
Special Specifications
Paragraph According to
Paragraph (16-3-2-9-d)
(16-3-2-7-d) Manufacturer's
Shrinkage in these General
In these General instructions and the
Specifications Special Specifications
According to Paragraph (16-3-3-6)
Porcelain Manufacturer's "Porcelain Coatings"
Visible Test ASTM C 346
Coatings instructions and the in these General
Special Specifications Specifications
Three (3) tests at the
All properties Division14 beginning of the Section (14-3) "
Concrete mentioned in "Concrete Works" production and when Concrete Works"
Works the Special Unless specify in changing materials in these General
Specifications special specifications sources or mix. Specifications
ASTM A27 Grade
All properties U-60-30, A307, According to Item (14-2-6)
Steel mentioned in A325, A193, Manufacturer's "Steel Properties"
Products the Special A194,A501,A595 instructions and the in these General
Specifications Grade A Special Specifications Specifications
Source certified
All properties According to Paragraph (16-3-2-3)
Aluminum mentioned in ASTM B108, B209, Manufacturer's "Aluminum Products"
Products the Special B211 or B221 instructions and the in these General
Specifications Special Specifications Specifications
According to Paragraph (16-3-2-8)
ASTM C279,
Honeycomb Manufacturer's "Honeycomb Sections"
Tensile Test ASTM C481 Cycle
Panel instructions and the in these General
Special Specifications Specifications

Table 16.3.10: Quantities

Item No. Item Unit

16-3-12-1 Highway Signs, Ground-mounted Type (….) Square Meter
16-3-12-2 Highway Signs, Overhead Type (….) Square Meter
16-3-12-3 Sign Support, (Breakaway) I.P.E. Kilogram
16-3-12-4 Sign Support, (Breakaway)Tubular Unit
16-3-12-5 Sign Support-Overhead Ton
16-3-12-6 Sign Support-Cantilever Ton
16-3-12-7 Kilometer Post Unit
16-3-12-8 Structural Paint Square Meter

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works

16.4 Traffic Paint and Road Marking:

16.4.1 Description:
This work contains description and construction of white and yellow traffic
lines, and white and yellow thermoplastic traffic lines of Epoxy, and raised road
markers of Ceramic, prismatic, Cat eye (large, small and solar) and Delineators
according to these General Specifications and according to the Special Specifications to
be use in urban roads.

16.4.2 Materials: Reflective Traffic Lines:
The paint is composed of a ready mix of an adhesive material and a white or
yellow pigment and filler for using and sticking it on the finally paved surface. The
paint can be made reflective by adding small reflective glass spheres which are sprayed
on the paint before drying or by pressing them over the paint film. The lines must be
compliant with specification AASHTO 248 Type F and the glass spheres must be
compliant with specification AASHTO M47 Type I. Reflective Thermoplastic Traffic Lines:

Thermoplastic traffic lines are thermoplastic paint, composed of a ready made
adhesive material, white or yellow pigment and filler in addition to other materials such
as light colored silica or quartz. Table (16.4.1) shows composition of thermoplastic
paint according to specification AASHTO M 249.

Table 16.4.1: Traffic Paint Components

Material White Yellow

Binder 18 % minimum 18 % minimum
Glass beads 30-40 % 30-40 %
Titanium dioxide 10 % maximum -
According to
Calcium carbonate 42 %
According to According to
Yellow pigment
manufacturer manufacturer

1- Surface Glass Spheres:

Surface application glass spheres must be according to the requirements of
AASHTO M 247, Type I, and the gradation must be according to table (16.4.2).

Table 16.4.2: Surface application glass spheres Surface application glass spheres

Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight

1.70 mm (No.12) 100
0.600 mm (No.30) 85-100
0.425 mm (No.40) 45-100
0.300 mm (No.50) 10-45
0.180 mm (No.80) 0-20
0.150 mm (No.100) 0-5

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Pre-mix glass spheres must be according to the following requirements:

1-a- Crushing Resistance:

Crushing resistance of the glass spheres must be performed by determining the
refraction factor value after submerging the spheres in soda lime. The Refractive Index
must not be less than one and a half (1.5) for the tested glass spheres by "Soda lime
glass test" according to British Standards BS 6088-1981.

1-b- Roundness:
A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) must be true proper spheres when
tested in accordance with ASTM D 1155. Spheres must be free from all defects
including scratches, cohesion and lack or poorness of transparency.

1-c- Refraction Index:

The Refraction Index for the glass spheres must not be less than one and a half
(1.5) when tested by "Liquid immersion method" at twenty-five degrees Celsius (25°C),
calculating the Refraction Index.

1-d- Chemical Resistance:

Glass spheres must not be corroded, darkened or have scratches when
submerged in water or acids, and they must not be noticeably disintegrated when
exposed to phosphates.

Testing can be performed by taking three samples of about 4 grams each to be

submerged in one glass pot containing distilled water, a second containing euphoric acid
and a third containing a solution composed of fifty percent (50%) sodium sulphate,
forty eight percent (48%) distilled water and two percent (2%) aerosol or any
moistening material. The submersion must continue for one hour after which the
granules are investigated by the microscope to determine the extent of their resistance to
chemical reactions.

2- Epoxy Thermoplastic Materials:

Epoxy thermoplastic reflective traffic lines are composed of two (2) types of
epoxy resins, liquid type and solid type. It is composed of Calcium Carbonate, filler
packing, and glass spheres together with titanium oxide dye for the white setup or silica
coated lead chromate pigment for the yellow formulation.

3- Epoxy Resins:
The liquid and solid resins must be condensation products of bisphenol having the
properties listed in Table (16.4.3).

Table 16.4.3: Epoxy Resins requirements

Liquid Epoxy Resin Solid Epoxy Resin

Material Average Average
Average Average
Difference* Difference*
Viscosity (cps) 48 degrees 680-810 10 1300-2600 75
Epoxide Equiv. Wt.(gm./equiv.) 180-196 10 1600-2300 50
*Between two replicates

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
3-a- Titanium Dioxide:
The titanium dioxide must be according to ASTM D 476. The oil absorption
must be between thirteen (13) and thirty (30) grams per one hundred (100) grams of the
materials with deviation not more than one (1) gram.

3-b- Calcium Carbonate:

The calcium carbonate must be according to ASTM D 1199, Type GC, Grade I,
with a dry brightness no less than ninety-one percent (91%). The oil absorption must be
between nine (9) and twenty-one (21) grams per one hundred (100) grams of the
materials with deviation not more than one (1) gram.

3-c- Lead Chromate:

The lead chromate must be silica encapsulated, and with no additive surface
treatment. The pH of the Lead Chromate is determined by ASTM D1028 test. Specific
gravity of the Lead Chromate is determined by ASTM D153. The Lead Chromate
content is determined by ASTM D 444. Lead Chromate must satisfy the requirements
shown in table (16.4.4) in these General Specifications.

Table 16.4.4: Accepted limits of tests results for Lead Chromate sample.
Property Minimum Maximum
PH 7.0 9.0 0.2
Specific gravity 3.8 4.5 0.01
Lead, percent by weight 44 55 0.5
Chromate (CrO4), percent by weight 17 27 0.6
Chromium (Cr), percent by weight 7.6 12.1 0.5 Reflective Road Markers:

Road markers are separate raised metallic or plastic or ceramic units fixed on the road
surface for the purpose of directing traffic according to the required lane.

Types and specifications of the road markers are as follows:

1- Large Cat eye Road Studs:
Large Cat eye Markers are units cast from Aluminum with dimensions
approximately one hundred fifty (150) millimeters by one hundred fifty (150)
millimeters and twenty three (23) millimeters high. stud anchor must be aluminum,
approximately six (6) centimeters long and two and a half (2.5) centimeters in diameter
deformed or grooved to resist extraction or torsion. The markers must withstand a
tensile stress of two hundred seventy five (275) N/mm2. Each cat eye unit must have
one or two reflective faces according to the road type. Each reflective face must contain
3 or four (4) fifteen (15) millimeter diameter discs of seven (7) bi-convex lenses or of
one prismatic face. Each reflective face must satisfy requirements table of table

Table 16.4.5: Minimum Coefficient of Luminous Intensity (RI) (Milli-candelas /lux)

Observation Angle Entrance Angle White Amber Red

0.2 0 3 1.8 0.75
0.2 20 1.2 0.72 0.3

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
ƒ Observation angle must mean the angle at the reflective between the
observer's line of sight and the axis of the incident light beam.
ƒ Entrance angle must mean the angle at the reflective between the direction of
light incident on it and the direction of the reflective axis.

2- Small Cat eye Road Studs:

Small Cat eye Markers are units cast from Aluminum with dimensions
approximately one hundred fifteen (115) millimeters by one hundred fifteen (115)
millimeters and high stud anchor must be aluminum, approximately six (6) centimeters
long and two and a half (2.5) centimeters in diameter deformed or grooved to resist
extraction or torsion. The markers must withstand a tensile stress of two hundred
seventy five (275) N/mm2. Each cat eye unit must have one or two reflective faces
according to the road type. Each reflective face must contain three (3) or four (4),
fifteen (15) millimeter diameter discs of seven (7) bi-convex lenses or of one prismatic
face. Each reflective face must satisfy requirements table of table (16.4.5).

3- Solar Cat eye Road Studs:

Solar Cat eye Markers are cast Aluminum units one hundred fifteen (115)
millimeters by one hundred fifteen (115) millimeters or one hundred fifty (150)
millimeters by one hundred fifty (150) millimeters and twenty three (23) millimeters
high, with a stud anchor of deformed or grooved aluminum to resist extraction or
torsion and approximately six (6) centimeters long and two and a half (2.5) centimeters
in diameter, tensile markers must withstand a tensile stress of two hundred seventy five
(275) Mpa.

Solar marker must have a solar unit, conductor, storage unit and lighting unit.
The unit produce continuous or plus lighting working on electrical power of not more
than half (0.5) watt. Lighting pulses must be between one hundred eighty (180) and two
hundred forty (240) pulses per minute. Solar Cat eye unit must function perfectly with
in temperature range between minus thirty degrees Celsius (-30°C) and ninety five(95)
degrees Celsius. The design age of Solar Cat eye units must not be less than five (5)

4- Plain Prismatic Reflective Marker:

Prismatic markers must consist of a methacrylate or other suitable material shell
filled with a mixture of a thermosetting compound and filler material approximately ten
(10) centimeters by ten (10) centimeters. The exterior surface of the shell must be
smooth and designed to ensure mechanical welding between the shell and the filler

The shell must contain one or two reflective faces of methacrylate methyl and
the reflective lenses must be free from voids and the rear of the lens must be coated with
metallic coating. The base of the reflector must be rough and cohesive when stuck with
adhesives materials. The direct vertical tensile strength of the reflector must not be less
than one thousand (1000) kilograms.

Prismatic reflectors must meet the minimum limits of requirements indicated in

table (16.4.5).

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
5- Ceramic Pavement Markers:
Ceramic markers are heat treated, polished, glazed surface in white or yellow
color and ceramic base resulting from treating a mixture of argil, clay, talc, flint and
mixed feldspar or any similar inorganic material.
The marker must be of ten (10) millimeters radius disc. The upper surface of the
marker must be convex of curvature radius between nine (9) and fifteen (15)
centimeters. The polished reflector surface must be free of scratches, holes, or air voids.
The reflector base must be coarse and unpolished with raised protrusions in the shape of
parallel lines.

The reflector direct vertical tensile strength must not be less than 680 kg. The
adhesive material of the ceramic reflectors must bituminous or epoxy resin to suit the
high temperature climate and not to be affected with climatic conditions, and to bear
temperatures of 220 degrees Celsius.
The Epoxy adhesive must be compliant with AASHTO M 237 Class I
specification. The compound must be tested and used according to manufacturer
recommendations. Delineators:
Delineators must consist of reflective unit fixed on Aluminum body, to be
mounted on side barriers. The propose of using the Delineators is to improve the vision
on curved lanes at night or at other natural conditions that reduce the vision level.
The reflective unit must be either of Acrylic plastic lenses or of reflective sheeting.
The reflective coefficient of the plastic lenses must not be less than the values
shown in table (16.4.6) in these General Specifications.

Table 16.4.6: Minimum values of Reflection Coefficient RA (Candela/lux)

Entrance Observation
White Yellow Red
Angle Angle
0.1 0 10.7 6.5 2.8
0.1 20 4.2 2.3 1.1

The type of the Reflective sheeting must be according to the paragraph

( "Reflective Sheeting", and it must satisfy the requirements of paragraph
( "Performance Requirements" in these General Specifications.

Aluminum part must be made of Alloy 6061 T6 according to ASTM B209, with
a plate thickness of one and six tenth (1.6) millimeters, satisfying the requirements of
paragraph ( "Aluminum Products" of these General Specifications.
Dimensions and shapes of Delineators must be according to the Manual Uniform
Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

16.4.3 Construction: General:
The surface on which the lines or reflectors must be installed should be clean
and free from old markers or lines, and the surface must be dry and free from any oils or
After ensuring the cleanliness of the surface and its suitability for placing lines
or markers, consistence of the surface must be reviewed such that it must not be

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
disintegrated or with large cracks or any other defects which may minimize stability of
the lines or reflectors installed on it. Contractor must supply and install all the work
parts shown on the drawings of the special specifications with the dimensions, machines
and tools required for completing the works according to requirements. Reflective Traffic Lines:

The paint used is a ready mix of an adhesive material, white or yellow pigment,
and filler, constructed in a special way for use and sticking on the finalized paved area.
The paint must be made reflective by adding small glass spheres sprayed on the paint
before it dries or by pressing them on the paint film. The paint must be applied by
special equipments as indicated in paragraph ( and by the method indicated in
paragraph ( in these General Specifications.

As to thermoplastic traffic lines paint must be applied in its soluble state using
mechanical devices while placing the glass spheres on the surface and when the paint
cools to the normal pavement temperature a reflective cohesive paint line results with
specified thickness capable of resisting the deformation arising from traffic and the
plasticity percentage must not be less than ninety two percent (92%). Reflective Cat eyes:

Road Markers (Cat eye type: large, small and thermoplastic):
The markers must be fixed at the locations specified on the drawings such that
the distance between markers must not be less than half (0.5) meter and not more than
six (6) meters. For fixing units, holes are first must be made on the asphalt after
cleaning the whole surface, by a driller, the diameter of the hole must be more than the
reflector's stud diameter by about two (2) to four (4) millimeters, and with a depth of
more than the length of the reflector stud by about two (2) to four (4) millimeters, after
that the hole is cleaned and filled with the adhesive used according to manufacturer's

The reflectors are fixed by inserting the fixing shaft to a depth of six (6)
centimeters on the asphalt surface. The fixing stud must be deformed or grooved to
resist extraction. Plain Prismatic and Ceramic Markers:

The base of the prismatic reflector must be coarse with adequate consistence at
being glued with adhesive materials, whereas the reflectors are fixed after cleaning the
surface at the locations shown on the drawings such that the distance between the
reflectors must not be less than half (0.5) meter and does not exceed six (6) meters.
Markers are fixed by the special adhesive material according to the manufacturer's

Ceramic markers must be of ten (10) millimeters radius disc, and the upper
surface of the marker must be convex of curvature radius between nine (9) and fifteen
(15) centimeters.
The reflector base must be coarse and unpolished with raised projections in the
shape of parallel lines. The reflectors are fixed after cleaning the surface at the locations
shown on the drawings such that the distance between reflectors must not be less than
half (0.5) meter and does not exceed six (6) meters. The units must be fixed by the
adhesive material that meets requirements of paragraph ( ''Adhesive" in these
General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Back Delineators:
The Delineators must be mounted on road side according to the manufacturer's
recommendations. The spacing between Delineators must be according to table (16.4.7)
in these General Specifications.

If there is no side barriers to support the delineators, then the delineators must be
fixed on steel supports raised to the determined elevation by the Special Specifications,
the steel supports must satisfy the requirements of paragraph ( "Steel Posts" in
these General Specifications, and the delineators must be fixed according to the
paragraph ( "Posts Foundation" in these General Specifications. Delineators
must be fixed properly on the top of the support according to manufacturer's

Table 16.4.7: Spacing between Delineators on horizontal curves

Curve Radius (meters) Delineators Spacing (meters)
15 6
35 8
55 11
75 13
95 15
125 18
155 20
185 22
215 24
245 26
275 27
305 29

Delineators must be mounted on suitable supports so that the height of top side
of the Delineators must be one hundred twenty (120) centimeters above pavement
surface, and at six tenths (0.6) to two and a half (2.5) meters far from the road shoulders
edge. Adhesive:
The markers are fixed by an adhesive material composed of bituminous
compound or epoxy resin manually mixed.
The bituminous adhesive must not contain rubber polymer, since the high
temperature at cohesion may lead to the adhesive disintegration. The compound must be
tested and used according to the manufacturer's recommendation.
Adhesive must be suitable for application in temperatures range between zero
(0°C) to fifty eight (85°C) degrees Celsius. Paint:
Paint must be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations and
according to the indicated specifications in the Special Specifications after the
Engineer's acceptance. After the Engineer ensures that the materials and equipments
comply with the specifications, the required paint is applied with the thickness and
dimensions shown on the drawings providing that the climatic conditions are suitable,
whereas the Engineer does not grant his acceptance for the commencement of the works
at the following conditions:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
- When there is moisture on the pavement or when air is saturated with water.
- When temperature is less than ten (10°C) degrees Celsius.
- When there are air currents or storms which may cause dust accumulation on the
pavement surface after being cleaned and before paint application.
- When there is any other condition which the Engineer surmises unsuitable.

Contractor must execute experimental paint to ensure soundness of the materials

and width and thickness of the lines.
In case the road is opened for traffic during paint application, paint must be
applied only during day hours and in ample time for its dryness before sunset.
For continuous traffic lines, the rate of paint must be forty (40) liter per kilometer as
minimum if the surface was smooth, but if it were coarse the paint rate must not be less
than fifty (50) liter per kilometer.

For discontinues traffic lines, the rate of paint must not be less than fourteen and
a half (14.5) liter per kilometer as minimum, painting six (6) meters every twelve (12)
meters spacing, also these limits must be changed to proportionate with the changes in
line length or width. Directly after lying the paint, a layer of glass spheres must be
spread by a rate of six tenths (0.6) to seven tenths (0.7) kilogram per liter of paint. Traffic Lines and Markings Equipment:

Equipments installing markers and lines must either be units mounted on trucks
or motor equipped units that the worker rides or manually driven equipments according
to the type of the markers or lines required.
Motorized units which are rode by the worker must be capable of working in a
speed not less than eight (8) Kilometer per hour, but the manual equipments must be
capable of maneuvering in such a way enough for making the axes lines, lane lines, and
side lines, and drawing triangular pieces, turning lines, pedestrian lines, parking lines,
arrows, symbols and terms. All shapes and lines must be in compliance with the
MUTCD specifications.

Painting equipments must be protected from shocks by shock absorbers installed

in them. Spraying equipments must be capable of spraying paint properly for direct
spraying over pavement providing that the machine must be provided with a mechanical
distributor that operates automatically at the spraying nozzle. Each spraying nozzle
must be equipped with suitable pilots.
The machine must be equipped with frontal cleaning unit to remove dust and
wastes from the pavement surface. Each machine must be suitable to the type of
markers or lines according to the manufacturer's specifications and after the Engineer's

16.4.4 Acceptance:
1- Quality Control
Quality control procedures for the materials and executed works must be done
according to item (17.1.1) "Quality Control" in these General Specifications.
Quality control for executed works and used materials is the responsibility of the
Contractor and he must submit the quality control plan which he will apply during
contract period, and Contractor must incur all the costs related to quality control.
Contractor has no right to start any work before he obtains a written acceptance from
the Engineer indicating the acceptance of the Engineer for the quality control plan
submitted by the Contractor.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 449

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The Engineer must be provided with lists of materials, parts, shop drawings of
traffic lines and road markings, quantities and tasks for acceptance within sixty (60)
days from contract signing date. It is not permissible to submit partial shop drawings or
lists for this purpose.

The documents to be submitted must be complete and clear and in four (4)
original copies but material lists must include cut samples from catalogues or data
Unacceptable submittal must be returned back for the required corrections. Any
changes intended for incorporation in the approved materials and equipments lists must
be made according to written request and in case such changes were requested by the
Engineer, Contractor must submit samples for the alternative item(s) for inspection and
acceptance without any additional costs arising from this on the Ministry.

The manufacturer must present certifications to insure the quality of used part
complying with ISO-9002 or equivalent standard accepted in the country of

The Engineer must be provided with all the brochures, guide manuals, spare-
parts listings of equipments and parts used in the work. Standby units in the rate of not
less than ten percent (10%) of all used units must be provided providing that not less
than one (1) unit of each type.
Table (16.4. 8) shows quality control requirements according to section (16-3) in
these General Specifications.

2- Quality Assurance:
Quality Assurance procedures for the materials and executed works must be
done according to item (17.1.2) "Quality Assurance" in these General Specifications.
The Ministry is responsible of Quality Assurance procedure by any standard
testing that the Ministry prefer, to insure that all works done by the Contractor are
satisfying the requirements of these General Specifications and the Special

16.4.5 Measurement:
Traffic Lines and Traffic painting must be measured by the square meter based
on the dimensions shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer for all areas of each
type accepted by the Engineer.
Cat eye, Ceramic Prizmatic Markers and Delineators must be measured by the
number of units for each used type.

16.4.6 Payment:
The amount of accepted works will be paid at the contract unit price in the Bill
of Quantities. Each price must include all required materials, equipment, tools, labor,
and all other items necessary for the proper completion of the work.
Costs for cleaning the surface and removing existing paint lines must be
included in the items shown in the quantity table (16.4.9).

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 450

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Table 16.4.8: Quality Assurance Requirements

Item Property Test Sampling Requirements

Minimum one (1) sample
Table (16.4.5)
Reflection - in these General
five hundred (500) units
Road Studs
Cat eye Paragraph
According to Manufacturer's
Tensile Test ASTM C297 instructions and the Special
in these General
According to Manufacturer's Table (16.4.2)
Gradation instructions and the Special in these General
ASTM D1214
Specifications Specifications
According to Manufacturer's
Crushing (
Glass BS 6088 instructions and the Special
Resistance in these General
Spheres Specifications
According to Manufacturer's
Roundness ASTM D1155 instructions and the Special
in these General
Water According to Manufacturer's Not more than
ASTM C-373
Ceramic absorption instructions two percent (2%)
Pavement According to Manufacturer's
Direct 680 kg/unit
Marker - instructions and the Special
Pressure Minimum
Prizmatic According to Manufacturer's
Direct 1000 kg/unit
Pavement - instructions and the Special
Pressure Minimum
Marker Specifications
Epoxy According to Manufacturer's Table (16.4.3)
resins Viscosity instructions and the Special in these General
M237,Class I
adhesive Specifications Specifications
All properties
According to Manufacturer's Table (16.4.4)
mentioned in
Pigment - instructions and the Special in these General
the Special
Specifications Specifications
All properties ASTM A27
According to Manufacturer's (14.2.6)
Steel mentioned in Grade U-60-30,
instructions and the Special " Steel Properties"
Products the Special A307, A325,
Specifications in these General
Specifications A193, A194
All properties (
ASTM B108, According to Manufacturer's
Aluminum mentioned in "Aluminum
B209, B211 or instructions and the Special
Products the Special Products" in these
B221 Specifications
Specifications General

Table 16.4.9: Quantities

Item No. Item Unit Traffic Lines Type (….) Square Meter Reflective Thermoplastic Traffic Lines Square Meter Pavement Marker Type (….) Unit Delineators Unit

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 451

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
16.5 Fences, Guardrails and Concrete Barriers:

16.5.1 Description:
This section consists the description and construction works of Fences,
Guardrails and Concrete barriers (New Jersey) used in urban roads.
1- Fences
Fences must be consist of wire mesh fixed on posts using tie wires or chains to
keep vehicles from moving in or out road way and also to separate traffic directions.
Wire mesh dimension and shape must be according to Special Specifications
The posts must be fixed on concrete bases at the determined locations by the
plans, and according to the construction method shown in the paragraph (
"Fences" in these General Specifications.
Gates must be made of the same materials of the used mesh, and locations of gates must
be determined by the Special Specifications.
2- Guardrails:
The Guardrail must consist of steel posts linked by metal plates designed in a
suitable way to prevent vehicles from moving out of the road borders and to minimize
the effects of collisions.
Posts must be fixed on concrete bases at the locations determined by the Special
Specifications. All Guardrail elements and supports must satisfy the requirements of the
paragraph (16.5.2) "Materials" and "Galvanizing" in these General Specifications. The
posts must be linked by compound plates at four (4) to eight (8) meters apart. Guardrail
end must be designed to avoid sharpness or there must be suitable reflective sheeting
Type I at the beginning of the Guardrail, according to the paragraph (
"Reflective Sheeting" in these General Specifications.

3- New Jersy Concrete Barriers:

New Jersy barriers are a concrete longitudinal barrier has a constant cross
section and has expansion joints every certain distance along the road side.
The sued concrete for casting the New Jersy barriers must satisfy the
requirements of section (14.3) "Concrete" in these General Specifications.

16.5.2 Materials:
1- Backfill Materials:
All backfill material must be free from organic materials, and must be according
to the item (5.6.4) "Backfilling" in these General Specifications.
2- Reinforcing Steel:
Reinforcing steel must be according to item (14.2.6), "Reinforcing Steel" in
these General Specifications.
3- Structural Steel:
Structural Steel must be according to ASTM A36, A27.
4- Aluminum Products:
All Aluminum components must be according to ASTM B108, B209, B211 or
B221, as appropriate. Aluminum alloys must have a minimum tensile strength of (250)
Mpa, and a minimum yield strength of (200) Mpa.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
5- Concrete:
Concrete for setting posts and for casting concrete barriers must satisfy the
requirements of the Job Mix Formula according to section (14.3), "Concrete" in these
General Specifications. If using Ready-mix concrete, it must satisfy the requirements of

6- Chain Link Fence:

Chain Link Fence must be according to ASTM A 491 or ASTM A 392.

7- Wires and Mesh:

Wires and Mesh material must be according to ASTM A 585 Class I or ASTM
A 121 Class I. Wire must be composed of minimum two and a half (2.5) millimeters
diameter (12½AWG). High Tension Wire must be according to the requirements of
AASHTO M 30, Type II, Class A, with a minimum breaking strength of nineteen
thousand four hundred (19,400) kilograms and elastic modulus of (830) Mpa.

8- Combination Fence Fabric:

Combination Fence Fabric must be according to ASTM A584 Class I or ASTM
A116 Class I. Minimum wire size must be three and four tenths (3.4) millimeter
diameter (10 AWG).

9- Posts and Braces:

Posts and Braces must be according to ASTM A53, Schedule40 or ASTM A120,
Rectangular hollow sections must be according to ASTM A501 or BS 4360 Grade 43C.

10- Metal Beam Guardrail:

Guardrail elements and plates must be according to the requirements of
AASHTO M180, Class A, Type 2.

11- Bolts:
Bolts must be according to ASTM A307, and ASTM A325 for High strength

12- Galvanizing:
All materials for guardrail, fences, which are made of steel or iron, must be
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 or ASTM A153 as appropriate or
AASHTO M280, M281 or covered by Aluminum layer according to AASHTO M305
Type I.

16.5.3 Construction: Fences:
Fence posts must be designed to collapse at direct collision. Height and section
of the posts must be according to the Special Specifications and not less than one (1)
meter from the ground level, and its wall thickness must not be less than six (6)
millimeters, where top elevations of all posts must be in a smooth grade with curves at

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
The post must be made of steel according to the paragraph (16.5.2) of these
General Specifications. Posts must be set to concrete footings of at least one hundred
twenty two (122) centimeters length and one hundred (100) centimeters width and one
hundred (100) centimeters depth to resist any displacement that may happen while
setting the post. The foundation for the post must be as detailed on the manufacturer's
working drawings and it must be of sufficient size to ensure that it is not displaced when
the post is knocked by errant vehicles, and withstand an overturning moment of six
thousand (6000) Nm.

The Mesh must be attached to the posts using tie wire according to the item
(16.5.2) in these General Specifications. Mesh must be fixed uniformly and tensioned
by twenty five (25) Kn.m, Guardrails:
Guardrail must be installed at the locations shown on the plans or as ordered by
the Engineer. Posts must be installed by driving them vertically into the concrete to the
required grades or set in concrete as required by the Special Specifications.

When the pavement is within one (1) meter of the guardrail, the posts must be
set before placing the pavement. All curved guardrail with a radius of forty five (45)
meters or less must be bent in the shop. Rail elements must be erected in a smooth
continuous line with the laps in the direction of traffic flow, and must be designed to be
spliced at intervals not to exceed four (4) meters and such splices must be made at posts.
The foundation for the post must be as detailed on the manufacturer's working drawings
and it must be of sufficient size to ensure that it is not displaced when the post is
knocked by errant vehicles, and withstand an overturning moment of six (6) Kn.m.

The Guardrail end must be made according to the manufacturer's

recommendations to avoid sharpness or dangerous shapes with reflective sheeting fixed
in the beginning of the guardrail. The used reflective sheeting must satisfy the
requirements of the paragraph ( "Reflective sheeting" in these General Cable Barriers:

Cable protective barriers are composed of 4 galvanized high tension wire cables.
Two of these lie at 585 mm high from ground level in a crack at the upper portion of
galvanized steel posts fixed on the ground. Two cables are installed at low level of 490
mm from ground surface. They are braided along the barrier between each adjacent post
and at both ends of the barrier. The cable is attached with ground anchor. The joint that
links each cable and its fixing device is designed such that it disconnects and separates
in case of vehicle collision in the area where the fixing device exists and in such a way
that movement of the disconnected cable movement is checked by the safety check
rope. Medium fixing devices shall be installed when the length of the guard rail
protection cable exceeds 627 m in such a way that the maximum distance between two
consecutive devices cables shall not exceed 627 m. Spacing between these shall be as
uniform as possible. To provide continuity two cables shall be fixed one at the top and
one at the bottom from the original 4 cables in each medium fixing device.

Protective guardrail cables are tied together with screws and the maximum
length of each cable is 154 m.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Before start of any fixing process a draw cable 6 m long shall be provided, it is then
attached to the ground installed fixing device. All cables, from each side, shall be fixed
with grooved terminal which starts from the right or left end as appropriate to ensure the
existence of a grooved pin to the left or right side in a screw to carryout the tension
process. The process requires an insert jacket minimum 25 mm long in each tension
screw. The draw cable shall be grooved in right direction from the end to be attached to
the fixing device and the guardrail protection cable is installed according to
manufacturer instructions and work drawings.

The foundation of the post is completed according to the details shown on

workshop drawings prepared by the manufacturer, except otherwise stipulate contract
due to ground conditions at site. The foundation shall be of adequate size to ensure
unchanging post location when it is placed in foundation and to ensure a turning over
moment of 6000 N.

When all the elements are in place, cables are tensioned uniformly 25 KN by
turning tension screws. Fill shall not be done over upper portions of the concrete
footings of fixing devices before tensioning cables. New Jersey Concrete Barriers:

1- General:
All required works on which the barrier will be constructed on must be finished
before starting any work, and the base surface must be smooth level and homogenous
according to the horizontal and vertical dimensions shown on the plans.
The barrier materials must satisfy all requirements stated in item (16.5.2)
"Materials" in these General Specifications. The slump of the used concrete must not
exceed seventy five (75) millimeters when tested according to AASHTO T119, and the
compressive strength must not be less than (21) Mpa when tested at age of twenty eight
(28) days according to AASHTO T22. The minimum cement content is three hundred
and fifty (350) Kilograms per cubic meter.
Dimensions of New-Jersy barrier section must be according to the drawings of
the Special Specifications. The height must not be less than one (1) meter, the base
width must not be less than eighty (80) centimeters and the top width must not be less
than twenty five (25) centimeter. Slope for all sides must be design to minimize the
possibility of vehicles overturning according to operational speed of the highway.
Expansion joints of one (1) centimeter width must be done every fifteen (15)
meters, or according to plans. Shrinkage joints of fifty (50) millimeters depth must be
done every six meters or less after the concrete set and before any shrinkage cracks
exist, the joints are made by making incisions on the setting concrete.
2- Foundation Preparation:
Excavation for the footing must be done accordance to the procedures in
Paragraph (5.3) "Excavation" in these General Specifications. The foundation for
concrete barriers must be graded level for a width equal to the width of barrier strips
plus thirty (30) centimeters. The foundation must be fully compacted with a smooth
wheel vibratory roller and must meet the requirements Base layer in paragraph (5.5)
"Base layer", except where constructed on rock. Any foundation soils found to be
unsuitable must be removed and replaced according to the section (5.4) "Backfilling".

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
Before the Casting, the contractor must finish all preparation works which are
required to cast the units including homogeneous and smooth soil surface with proper
horizontal and vertical dimensions according to the plans of the Special Specifications.
All reinforcing steel, inserts and tubes must be set in place to the dimensions
shown on the plans before casting. The units must be cast on a flat level area with the
correctly dimensioned form.
The Slump must not be more than seventy five (75) millimeters according to the
AASHTO T119. The minimum cement content must be three hundred fifty kilograms
per cubic meter.
The used concrete must satisfy the requirements of the Job Mix Formula shown
in paragraph (14.3) "Concrete Works" in these General Specifications. When using
ready-mix concrete, it must satisfy the requirements of ASTM C94.
4- Curing:
The units cured for twenty eight days must develop not less than (21) Mpa
compressive strength according to the AASHTO T22.
Curing of units must be done according to the section (14.3) "Concrete Works"
in these General Specifications.
5- Removal of Forms:
The fixed forms must be removed when the strength of the concrete developed
to an accepted level according to the Special Specifications or determined by the
Engineer, but not less than the required period to reach (7) Mpa compressive
strength, otherwise twenty-eight (28) days.
Transportation of units must only be allowed at a minimum of (24) Mpa.
6- Concrete Finishing:
The front face of each unit must have the finish as specified in the Special
Specifications. The Contractor must demonstrate his ability to produce the specified
finish by constructing or supplying a minimum of three (3) test panels. The test panel
finish must be approved by the Engineer before to beginning of the construction works.
The rear face of each unit must be left with a dense, rough texture with no open
pockets of aggregate or honeycombed areas.

7- Precast concrete barriers:

The used concrete barriers must satisfy the requirements of paragraph (14-3)
"Concrete Works" in these General Specifications.
Precast Concrete units must be cast in clean and plain steel forms with accepted
concrete to produce units with smooth surfaces without visible cavity or air sockets with
more than two (2) squire centimeters area. The strength of the unit must not be less than
(21) Mpa when testing at age of twenty eight (28) days according to the AASHTO T22
test. The captive air must not exceed seven and a half percent (7.5%) and not less than
four and a half percent (4.5%) of the total volume of the unit.
The absorption for core sample must not exceed eight percent (8%) when tested
by the ASTM C642 test.
Curing of units must be done according to the section (14.3) "Concrete Works"
in these General Specifications.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works
16.5.4 Work Acceptance:

1- Quality Control:
Quality control procedures for the materials and executed works must be done
according to item (17.1.1) "Quality Control" in these General Specifications.
All works must satisfy the requirements of the seventeenth section "Quality
Control" in these General Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for the Quality
Control procedure, and he must present a quality control plan which will be followed
during the contract period. The Contractor is responsible of all costs related to the
Quality Control procedures.
The Contractor has no right to start the works unless he got a written Clear and
complete material and equipment listings with shop drawings of fences, guardrails and
concrete barriers must be presented to the Engineer for approval within sixty (60) days
after signing the Contract. Partial listings and shop drawings will not be accepted.
Material and equipment lists must include catalog cutouts or published data sheets.
The manufacturer of guardrails and fences must be approved to a Quality
Assurance system complying with ISO 9002. The Contractor must provide Copies of
Certificates of Guarantee and test reports must be provided for the used components.
Manufacturer's instruction sheets and parts lists supplied must be delivered to the
Engineer upon receipt of the equipment.
For each type of equipment used in the work, spare units of ten percent (10%) of
the units used with a minimum of one (1) must be provided to the Engineer.
Unacceptable submittal will be returned for correction. Any changes to the approved
material or equipment lists must be requested in writing without any additional costs.
The Quality Control must be done according to the table (16.5.1).
2- Quality Assurance:
Quality Assurance procedures for the materials and executed works must be
done according to item (17.1.2) "Quality Assurance" in these General Specifications.
All materials and works must be tested to assure its quality. Testing must be
according to the requirements of these General Specifications and also according to the
Special Specifications.

16.5.5 Measurement:
The completed and accepted works of installations and reinstallations and
similar works must be measured by the number of jobs. Fences, Guardrail, New Jersey
Concrete Barrier construction works must be measured in linear meter along the front
face each accepted type according to the special specifications.
Excavation, concrete filling or any other complementary works must not be measured
separately, but must be added to the items of table (16.5.2).

16.5.6 Payment:
The completed and accepted works will be paid for at the contract unit prices in
the Bill of Quantities. Each price must include all required materials, equipment, tools,
labor, and all other items necessary for the proper completion of the work. Payment
must be according to the table of quantities.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 457

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works

Table 16.5.1: Quality Control Requirements

Item Property Test Sampling Requirements

According to
All properties Item (16.5.2)
Chain Link mentioned in ASTM A 491, "Chain Link Fence"
instructions and the
Fence the Special A 392, HDM, Volume 4 in these General
Specifications Specifications
According to Item (16.5.2)
All properties
Combination Manufacturer's "Combination Fence
mentioned in ASTM A 584 Class I
Fence Fabric instructions and the Fabric"
the Special ASTM A 116 Class I
Special in these General
Specifications Specifications

ASTM A53 Sch. 40,

All properties Item (16.5.2)
Posts and ASTM A120, Sch. 40,
mentioned in - "Posts and Braces"
Braces For Rectangular hollow
the Special in these General
sections: ASTM A 501,
Specifications Specifications
BS 4360 Grade 43C

AASHTO M164 Type 2,

All properties AASHTO M232 Item (16.5.2)
Bolts and mentioned in Class C "Fasteners"
nuts the Special ASTM A307, A325, in these General
Specifications A449, A563, Grade A, A Specifications
563, Grade C
According to Item (16.5.2)
All properties
Metal Beam Manufacturer's "Metal Beam
mentioned in AASHTO M 180
Guardrail instructions and the Guardrail"
the Special Class A, Type 2
Special in these General
Specifications Specifications
ASTM A585 Class I, According to
All properties Item (16.5.2)
ASTM A121 Class I, Manufacturer's
Tensile Wires mentioned in "High Tensile Wire"
ASTM A112, instructions and the
the Special in these General
AASHTO M30 Special
Specifications Specifications
Type 2 Class A Specifications
Item (16.5.2)
ASTM A 123,
Galvanizing - - in these General
ASTM A 153

Three (3) tests at the

All properties beginning of the Section (14.3)
All tested presented in
Concrete mentioned in production and when "Concrete Works"
section (14-3) in these
Works the Special changing materials in these General
General Specifications
Specifications sources or mix. Specifications
According to
All properties Paragraph (
Aluminum mentioned in ASTM B108, B209, "Aluminum Products"
instructions and the
Products the Special B211 or B221 in these General
Specifications Specifications

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 458

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 16-Traffic Signals, Traffic signs, Road Marking,
Fences, Guardrails, And Concrete Barriers Works

Table 16.5.2: Quantities

Item No. Item Unit

16-5-2-1 Chain Link Fence Type (….) Linear Meter
16-5-2-2 Combination Wire Fence Type (….) Linear Meter
16-5-2-3 High Tension Wire Type (….) Linear Meter
16-5-2-4 W-Beam Guardrail Linear Meter
16-5-2-5 Guardrail Approach End Type (….) Unit
16-5-2-6 Reinstallation of Guardrail Job
16-5-2-7 New Jersey Concrete Barrier (Single Face / Double Face) Linear Meter
16-5-2-8 Concrete Barrier End Type (….) Unit
16-5-2-9 Four wire Cable Fences Linear Meter

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 459


17.1 Introduction 463

17.1.1 Quality Control 463
17.1.2 Quality Assurance 465 First Case Full-Time Supervision Staff 466 Second Case Part-Time Supervision Staff 466
17.2 Work Acceptance Methods 466
17.2.1 Acceptance By Visual Inspection 466
17.2.2 Acceptance By Certificate Of Compliance 466
17.2.3 Acceptance By Measured And Tested Conformance 467
17.3 Statistical Evaluation 468
17.3.1 Definitions 468
17.3.2 Statistical Evaluation Procedure 471
17.3.3 Pay Factor Determination 472
17.4 Acceptance And Handover 472
17.5 Inspection At Production Center 476
17.6 Work Handover 476
17.6.1 Preliminary Handover 476
17.6.2 Final Handover 477
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance


17.1 Introduction:
The evaluation and acceptance of works is done based on set of procedures, which
shall be applied to verify that such works have been executed using the materials and
execution methods compliant with the specifications and drawings within the approved
allowance limits. These procedures include quality control and quality assurance

Quality control and quality assurance works are carried out on the basis that the
values of dimensions shown on the plans and limits indicated in the specifications and
other Contract’s documents are targets which shall be achieved within the allowable
variations shown on the plans or work regulations in the Special or General Specifications.
In absence of such requirements, the reference shall be the technically acceptable and
practiced standards in the work field.

The fulfillment of these targets shall be ensured by applying a set of procedures and
methods such as inspection, compliance certificate, and/or sampling and testing before
supply and during execution. The Ministry has the right to perform or order to perform
testing at any time and anywhere which it deems convenient before the final handover of
the project. Contractor has the right to obtain copies of the test reports upon request.

The acceptable limit values (minimum and maximum) and allowable variations
shall be shown on the drawings or in the work regulatory items in the Special or General

17.1.1 Quality Control:

The term (quality control) in these General Specifications means all the procedures
carried out by the Contractor during work execution to ensure that the final product and the
materials used achieve the quality requirements stipulated in the Divisions of these General
Specifications and related items of Contract documents. Those procedures shall include,
and not limited to, the following
1. Material testing at source to obtain acceptance for their use.
2. Material testing at supply and at use.
3. Final product testing.
4. Measuring dimensions, levels, slopes, and smoothness of the final product using
methods specified in Contract documents.
5. Applying the approved standard methods in representative sampling and testing.
6. Abiding with the minimum number of tests specified in Contract documents.
7. Abiding with the approved execution methods.
8. Documenting, statistically-analyzing, and plotting test results with data for critical
Contractor shall prepare detailed quality control system conforming to the Contract
documents and submit it to the Engineer for acceptance before thirty (30) days from
commencing the work on the project. The system shall be compliant as to test types,

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
numbers, and sites, with Contract documents and Special and General Specifications. It
shall at least include the following:
1. Numbers, qualifications and job descriptions of all the employees who are working
in the quality control system.
2. Test equipment and devices list available in the laboratory required for applying the
3. Minimum and maximum limits of specifications and variation limits.
4. The standard methods used in sampling, testing, and locations and rates of
5. Tests that can be accomplished by Contractor’s laboratory and those which can not
be accomplished in Contractor's laboratory.
6. Proposed labs for carrying out tests which can not be accomplished in Contractor's
7. Calibration methods for all the equipment and devices used in work execution and
testing and temperature control devices. Standard specification ASTM D-3666 for
equipment calibration frequencies may be used as a guide.
8. Actions that shall be taken by Contractors upon failure of any test equipment or
9. Methods of monitoring, recording, analyzing, and presenting results by using
quality charts and their change through time, critical changes and statistical control
10. The hierarchy of authorities of staff working in the quality control system.

After the quality control system is accepted, Contractor undertakes, on his own
cost, to implement the system in executing all project works, within the specifications and
approved allowance limits and to perform needed experiments, in his own laboratory or
any other laboratory approved by the Ministry, till the work completed and handed over.

Contractor shall submit to the Engineer adjustment and calibration certificate for all
the testing equipments and devices for compliance to standard specifications requirements.

The Ministry has the right to inspect Contractor's laboratories, equipments,

systems, and follow up its operational condition and notify the Contractor in writing about
any defect or fault so that this defect or fault may be adjusted. In case this defect or fault
represents a great adverse effect, according to the view of the Ministry's representative,
Contractor shall stop work immediately until this defect or fault is corrected in an
acceptable way.

The Ministry or its representative has the right to implement quality control system
in the Ministry's laboratory or any approved laboratory to ensure the quality and suitability
of the materials and works executed according to Contract requirements and Special and
General Specifications. This system may be used at partial or final handover of the project
and for periodical payment.
Various Divisions of these General Specifications indicate quality control procedures,
which shall be performed by the Contractor to execute each work of urban road
If the statistical system, shown in Section 17.3 is applied for quality control, pay
factor according to the main Category of Table (17.3.3), shall not be less than one (1) for
considering that the executed work is under control.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance

17.1.2 Quality Assurance:

The term (quality assurance) mentioned in these General Specifications means, all
the procedures carried out by the Ministry or its authorized representative, during and after
work execution, to ensure that the final product and the materials used achieve the quality
requirements indicated in the relevant Divisions and items of the various Contract
documents. These procedures shall include, and not limited, to the following:
1. Testing or direct supervision on testing materials at their sources for accepting their
2. Testing or direct supervision over testing the materials at supply and during use.
3. Testing or direct supervision over testing the final product.
4. Measuring or direct supervision on dimensions, levels, and smoothness of the final
product by using the methods specified in Contract documents.
5. Inspection of Contractor's laboratory, methods of determining sample location,
sampling, and measurements to ensure that the approved standard methods are
applied and that the equipment is calibrated.
6. Performing or actual supervision on performing the adequate number of tests and
measurements to obtain a separate record for quality assurance which enables the
Ministry to judge the quality standard of the executed work and materials used and
to decide on accepting or rejecting the work.
7. Abiding with standard approved methods when performing measurements or tests.
8. Auditing quality control records and comparing them with quality assurance

Contractor shall, on his own account, remove any material or work or part of work,
which does not achieve Contract conditions and specification limits; and replace it with
another compliant with the specifications and Contract documents without any charges on
the Ministry. The Ministry, as an alternative for the removal and replacement, to follow
one of the following two options according to a written request from the Contractor:

First option: Accepting the work as executed with a reduced price.

Second option: Executing corrective measures, which make the executed work compatible
with the Contract conditions.

The request submitted by the Contractor shall be enclosed with a technical report
issued by an approved specialized agency indicating reasons for failure in achieving the
requirements, the effect of that on the overall performance of the work for the first option,
and the repair method, which shall be applied for the second option. In all circumstances
the report shall include all the references, data, and test results on which the proposal has
been based. The Ministry has the right to decide on the issue. Contractor shall incur all
the resulting costs.

There are two practical cases for evaluating and accepting the works after ensuring their
quality, which are detailed in the following Sub items. First Case: Full-Time Supervision Staff:
In this case, a resident supervision staff is continuously available to supervise the
work execution and material inspection at the project site. The supervision staff follows
up quality control works and procedures performed by the Contractor directly. In this
case, quality control is considered quality assurance. When applying the statistical system

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
Section 17.3, the pay factor shall be calculated for each item as a major category (I) of
Table (17.3.3) of this Division. Second Case: Part-Time Supervision Staff:

In this case, there is no full-time supervision staff for the project. Ministry
representative makes non-programmed, unscheduled, and timely-distributed field visits
and takes samples from the executed works and tests them in the Ministry's laboratory or
any independent laboratory approved by the Ministry. The samples taken for each item
during the payment period shall not be less than five (5) samples or ten (10) percent of the
samples taken by the Contractor for quality control whichever is greater. The results are
analyzed and compared with quality control results. The independent results obtained by
the Ministry are considered as minor category (II) for determining pay factor as shown in
Table (17.3.3) of this Division.

17.2 Work acceptance methods:

Supplied materials and executed works are accepted according to one or more of
the methods applied to determine compliance of the materials and works, these are:
acceptance by inspection, acceptance by compliance certificate and acceptance on the basis
of measuring and testing. These are indicated in the following Sub items:

17.2.1 Acceptance by Visual Inspection:

Work and materials used in its execution are accepted on the basis of visual
inspection of the work finishing related works and the general form of the executed work
to ensure that they comply with the Contract and prevailing industry standards in case
inspection is difficult or if the defect is visually clear. Acceptance by visual inspection is
not considered a final acceptance of the work and it does not release Contractor from
carrying out the required tests.

17.2.2 Acceptance by Certificate of Compliance:

Materials or manufactured parts at approved factories are accepted according to the
certificate of compliance issued from the manufacturer provided that the following is
1. The local manufacturer is approved by the Ministry and the foreign manufacturer is
approved in his country.
2. Issuance of testing certificate from an agency or independent laboratory approved
by the Ministry.
3. Submission of the "Certificate of Compliance" and "Certificate of Guarantee" that
states the Work complies with the specific Contract requirements and guarantees its
4. Enclosing the "Product Certificate" with each shipment of the material that shows
date of manufacture, manufacturer address, lot number or other means of cross
referencing to the inspection and testing system.
5. The Contractor shall furnish specific test results on material from the same lot upon
6. The manufacturer shall be required to furnish a "product certification" for material
commercially produced to a standard specification. The manufacturer shall clearly
mark the material or package with unique product identification. One "Product
Certificate" may apply to all the Work incorporated into the project of the same

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
The manufacturer shall be required to submit a "Producer Certificate" in the
following cases:
1. If the material is specifically produced or manufactured for the project.
2. If the material was produced or shipped in bulk state so that it is not readily
identifiable as to manufacturer and product.
The engineer has the right to inspect random samples from all the materials
supplied to the site to verify their compliance with the specifications. All costs in
connection with Certificates of Guarantee and/or laboratory tests and certificates shall be
borne by the Contractor.

The issuance of a Certificate of Guarantee without having recently performed the

required tests on representative samples of the material in question shall render the
Certificate invalid and such materials shall be rejected. The Contractor shall hold the sole
responsibility for transportation and handling of the rejected materials, the removal of the
works executed using the rejected materials, and reconstructing with acceptable materials.

17.2.3 Acceptance by Measured and Tested Conformance:

Materials or manufactured parts or final product are accepted according to
measuring or testing results during execution. Results from inspection or testing shall be
used to support acceptance of the work incorporated into the project with values within the
specified tolerances or specification limits of the Contract documents. When no tolerance
values are identified in the contract, the work will be accepted based on customary
manufacturing and construction tolerances.

The Special Specifications shall state the decision system for acceptance or
rejection, which is made according to the result of one-sample or the statistical method.
When using the one-sample method, the work is considered as accepted, if the result of the
one-sample is not less than the minimum limit or more than the maximum limit. When the
statistical method is used, the work is considered accepted if the pay factor is not less that
seventy-five (75) percent.

If the pay factor of one (or more) of the characteristics of the work being evaluated
is less than seventy-five (75) percent, these characteristics are given pay factors equal to
zero (0), and then the overall average pay factor for all characteristics is calculated. If this
average is more than seventy-five (75) percent, and the work is technically accepted based
on a technical report issued by an approved specialized agency, the Ministry has the right
to accept the executed work and the Contractor is paid according to this pay factor. If the
work is not technically accepted, the work is rejected and the Contractor shall remove the
executed work and re-constructed it according to the specifications without any
compensation. If the work is technically accepted and the pay factor is less than seventy-
five (75) percent, the Ministry has the right to accept the work without asking the
Contractor to remove it; however, the Contractor will not be paid any compensation.
17.3 Statistical evaluation:

17.3.1 Definitions:
Statistical Evaluation: It is a method of analyzing inspection or test results to determine
conformity with the contract requirements using statistical ways. The statistical evaluation
aims at minimizing the chance role in the acceptance or rejection decision, and it
encourages the Contractor to produce a work which achieves the highest standard of
quality to avoid work rejection or minimize its devaluation.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance

When the specifications stipulate work acceptance according to the statistical

evaluation of the measuring and testing results, the number of the samples shall be
adequate for applying this method. These samples shall be taken randomly to avoid the
bias. Areas with apparent defects shall be excluded and shall be dealt with as a different
statistical lot and Contractor shall be instructed to repair them for completing acceptance
procedures. The statistical evaluation is composed of the following major factors:

1. Quality Level: Accepted Quality Level (AQL) is the highest percentage of the
work outside specification limits, which may be accepted without affecting contract
price. There are two (2) acceptance categories. Major category (I) in which the
risk for the Ministry and the Contractor is five (5) percent, and minor category (II)
in which the risk rate for the Ministry is ten (10) percent and the Contractor five (5)

2. Characteristics: The quality and quantity characteristics to be measured and

evaluated statistically for acceptance purposes such as compaction level, thickness,
asphalt content etc. Table (17.3.1) shows these characteristics.

3. Lot: The lot is a uniform discrete quantity produced or executed under the same
conditions by using the same materials and equipments. Values shown in Table
(17.3.1) may be consulted to determine the lot size if it was not specified in the
Special Specifications. More than one lot may be combined to obtain a compound
lot. Unless otherwise Special Specifications indicate, the lot size approved for
quality control is specified in Table (17.3.1). However, the lot size for quality
assurance procedures is equal to ten (10) times the lot size in quality control
4. Acceptance sampling frequency: The number of samples for the purpose of
quality control or assurance shall be adequate for carrying out the statistical
evaluation and the number of samples shall not be less than five (5) samples by any
means or the number indicated in these general specifications or special
specifications whichever is greater. Table (17.3.1) shows the required sample
number for the purpose of quality control and assurance; however the lot size
doubles ten (10) times in the case of quality assurance.
5. Sampling location: Sampling location shall be determined accurately by applying
a random method according to the standard specification ASTM D-3665.
6. Testing Methods: These are the approved standard tests which shall be applied in
sampling. Table (17.3.1) standard methods used for approved materials and works
in these general specifications in the statistical evaluation.
Table 17.3.1: Characteristics subject to acceptance on statistical method

Sectio Testing
Work Characteristic Sampling frequency (1)
n No. method
One test for each lot of five thousands
5.4 Embankment Compaction (5,000) cubic meters for each
or any non-
constructed layer.
destructive test

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
One test for each lot of two thousands
Compaction (2,000) square meters for each
or any non-
Non treated subgrade, constructed layer.
destructive test
5.5.2 Lime treated
5.5.3 subgrade, Minimum five (5) tests for each lot of
Thickness Core samples
5.5.4 Cement treated two thousands (2,000) square meters
Strength Index AASHTO T- Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
(CBR or 193 or ASTM five thousands (5,000) square meters
Compression) D-1633 from each constructed layer.
Test for each lot of one thousands
AASHTO T-27 (1,000) cubic meters from each
constructed layer.
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
Thickness Core samples
two thousands (2,000) square meters.
Aggregate subbase,
Aggregate base AASHTO T-
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
courses 191/238
Compaction two thousands (2,000) square meters
or any non-
from each constructed layer.
destructive test
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
Strength index AASHTO T-
one thousands (1,000) square meters
(CBR) 193
from each constructed layer.
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
AASHTO T-27 one thousands (1,000) cubic meters
from each constructed layer.
One (1) test for each lot of two
Thickness Core samples thousands (2,000) square meters from
each constructed layer.
6.5 Cement treated base
AASHTO T- Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
Compaction 191/T-205/ T- two thousands (2,000) square meters
310 from each constructed layer
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
ASTM D-1633 one thousands (1,000) square meters
from each constructed layer.
AASHTO T- Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
164/ one thousands (1,000) cubic meters
T-27 from each constructed layer.
Asphalt emulsion One (1) test for each lot of two
6.6 treated base Thickness ASTM D-3549 thousands (2,000) square meters from
each constructed layer.
Minimum one (1) test for each lot of
Compaction two thousands (2,000) square meters
from each constructed layer.
1. The number of samples and quantities above is used in quality control procedures while in the
case of quality assurance the lot value is multiplied by ten (10) as the case shown in Subitem However, in the second case, the required number of samples is that indicated in

Table 17.3.1 (cont.): Characteristics subject to acceptance on statistical method

Work Characteristic Testing method Sampling frequency (1)
One sample for each five
Asphalt concrete thousands (5,000) cubic meters or a
9.2 Asphalt AASHTO T-164/
Hot-mix recycling. minimum of one sample for each
11.2 content T-308
Friction course. working day from each constructed
Stone asphalt layer.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
mastic One sample for each five
thousands (5,000) cubic meters or a
AASHTO T-30 minimum of one sample for each
working day from each constructed
Minimum one test for each one
Compaction ASTM D 2726 thousand (1000) square meters
from each constructed layer.
Minimum one (1) test for each
Thickness ASTM D 3549 1000 square meters from each
constructed layer.
Surface Road roughness Subitem only for surface
smoothness (2) device layer for each one day production.
Surface skid Road skid Subitem only for surface
resistance (3) resistance device layer for each one day production.
Minimum one test for each lot of
Compaction ASTM D 2726 2000 square meters from each
constructed layer.
One (1) test for each lot of one
Thickness ASTM D 3549 thousand (1000) square meters
Cold-mix from each constructed layer.
recycling One (1) test for each working day
AASHTO T-30 minimum from each constructed
One (1) test for each working day
AASHTO T-164 minimum from each constructed
Single and Asphalt Minimum of one (1) test for each
10-2 multiple surface material AASHTO T-164 working day from each constructed
treatments content layer.
One set of six (6) samples
Compressive AASHTO T-23 (cylindrical tests) for each fifty
strength AASHTO T-126 (50) cubic meters ton and not less
than one set per each working day.
Structural cement Percent air AASHTO T-199
14-2 Same previous samples
concrete void AASHTO T-152
Thickness Core samples Same previous samples
Surface Road roughness
According to Subitem
smoothness (2) measuring system
1. The number of samples and quantities above is used in quality control procedures while in the
case of quality assurance the lot value is multiplied by ten (10) as the case shown in Subitem However, in the second case, the required number of samples is that indicated in
2. For surface layer only

7. Specification Limits: These are the variation limits allowed by the general
specifications or special specifications or other contract documents. Some
characteristics may have both minimum and maximum limits and one of these

8. Category: This determines the targeted quality level and is related to Contractor's
and the Ministry's risk level according to the importance of the work or

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
characteristic to be evaluated. Table (17.3.2) shows the payment factor against
each category. Unless the special specifications or contract documents specify the
quality level category, the major category (I) is the one to be used for evaluation in
the first option of work follow-up which is the existence of the a resident Ministry
representative with the Contractor (Sub item, however in the second
option of work follow-up with no permanent representative for the Ministry in the
project (Sub item, then the secondary category (II) is the one to be used in
evaluation and in calculating payment factor.

17.3.2 Statistical Evaluation Procedure:

The statistical evaluation depends on using the Variability-Unknown Standard
Deviation method in determining the estimated percentage of the quantity that lies outside
the specification limits. The percentage is determined for work which lies outside the
specification limits for each characteristic of the quality characteristics according to the
following steps:
1. Calculate the arithmetic mean ( X ) for test values as follows:

X =
∑ X = Total of single testing values.
n = Total number of testing values.
2. Calculate the standard deviation (s) for test values as follows:
n ∑ (x 2 ) − (∑ x )

n (n − 1)
∑ (x 2 ) = total of single testing value squares
(∑ x ) 2 = total single testing value squares
3. Calculate upper quality index (QU) as follows:
Qu =
USL = Upper specification limit
x = Average of all values
s = standard deviation of all values

Note: The USL equals the Contract specification limit or the target value plus
allowable deviation.
4. Calculate the lower quality index (QL) as follows:
QL =
LSL = Lower specification limit.
Note: The LSL equals the Contract specification limit or the target value minus
allowable deviation.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
5. Using Table (17.3.2), the percentage PU (the percentage of work outside the upper
specifications limit. PU corresponds to the upper quality index QU. If the USL is
not specified, then PU = 0
6. Using Table (17.3.2), determine the percentage PL (the percentage of work outside
the lower specifications limit). PL corresponds to the lower quality index QL. If the
LSL is not specified, then PL = 0
7. Calculate the percentage of work outside upper and lower specifications
limits (percentage of defective work) as follows:
Defected work percentage = PU + PL
8. Repeat steps from 1 through 7 for each characteristic of the listed for acceptance.

17.3.3 Pay Factor Determination:

The payment factor is determined according to the following steps:
1. Using Table (17.3.3), pay factor is determined for each characteristic for the total
number of test values and the estimated total percentage of the defective work
outside specification limits from step 7 above.
2. The final pay factor is calculated by averaging all pay factors of all the measured
characteristics. Appendix No. 4 shows a detailed example of all above steps.
3. Payment price is determined by multiplying the resulted pay factor (determined
above) by the Contract price each material or executed work. The pay factor shall
not exceed 1. Works and materials with pay factor less than seventy-five of the
hundred (0.75) shall be rejected.
4. When the executed work is technically accepted, and the calculated pay factor is
less than seventy-five (75) percent for any characteristic of the work, the resulted
pay factor is considered zero (0). Then the final acceptance or rejection will be
determined as detailed in Section 17.2 in this Division.

17.4 acceptance and handover:

Work lot will be accepted and paid for at a final pay factor when all inspection or
test results are completed and evaluated using one of the methods mentioned above.

A grand or total pay- lot tem quantity may be used for follow-up work progress if
specified in the Special Specifications. The grand lot is allowed to agglomerate provided
the current pay factor does not fall below ninety hundredths (0.90). If the current pay
factor of a lot falls below ninety hundredths (0.90), production shall be terminated.
Production may resume after effective actions to improve the quality of the production are
taken by the Contractor and the actions taken are approved. The executed work shall be
accepted in each lot according to one of the following conditions:

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
Table 17.3.2: Estimated percentage of work outside specification limits

Estimated Upper Quality Index Qu or Lower Quality Index QL

percentage outside
n=10 to n=12 to
specification limits n=5 n=6 N=7 n=8 n=9
n=11 n=14
(PU and/or PL)
0 1.72 1.88 1.98 2.07 2.13 2.20 2.28
1 1.64 1.75 1.82 1.98 1.91 1.96 2.01
2 1.58 1.66 1.72 1.75 1.76 1.81 1.84
3 1.52 1.59 1.63 1.66 1.68 1.71 1.73
4 1.47 1.52 1.56 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.64
5 1.42 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.55
6 1.36 1.41 1.43 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.48
7 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.41
8 1.28 1.31 1.33 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.35
9 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.29 1.28 1.30
10 1.21 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.26
11 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.18 1.19 1.20
12 1.14 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.15
13 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11
14 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
15 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02
16 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98
17 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.94
18 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.91
19 0.90 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87
20 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84
21 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.80
22 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.77
23 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.74
24 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.70
25 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.67
26 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.64
27 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.61
28 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.58
29 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.56 0.56
30 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.55
31 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.50
32 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.47
33 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.44 0.44
34 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.41
35 0.42 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.39 0.38
36 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36
37 0.36 0.36 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.33
38 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30
39 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
40 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25
41 0.26 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
42 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
43 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18
44 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16
45 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
46 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
47 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
48 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
49 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
If the value of QU does not exist in the table the next lesser value is used and if the value of QU or
QL is negative then PU or PL equal 100 – (value QU or QL from the table)

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Table 17.3.2 (contd.): Estimated percentage of work outside specification limits

Estimated Upper Quality Index Qu or Lower Quality Index QL

percentage outside
n=15 to n=18 to n=23 to n=30 to n=43 to
specification limits n ≥ 67
n=17 n=22 n=29 n=42 n=66
(PU and/or PL)
0 2.34 2.30 2.44 2.48 2.51 2.54
1 2.04 2.07 2.09 2.12 2.14 2.16
2 1.87 1.88 1.91 1.83 1.84 1.96
3 1.75 1.76 1.76 1.79 1.80 1.91
4 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.65 1.68 1.70
5 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.59 1.60
6 1.49 1.50 1.60 1.61 1.51 1.52
7 1.42 1.43 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.44
8 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.38
9 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31
10 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26
11 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
12 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
13 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11
14 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
15 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02
16 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
17 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
18 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90
19 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
20 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
21 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.78
22 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
23 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
24 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
25 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.66
26 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.63
27 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.60
28 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57
29 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.54
30 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
31 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.49
32 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
33 0.44 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
34 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.40
35 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36
37 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32
38 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
39 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
40 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
41 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
42 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
43 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18
44 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16
45 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
46 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
47 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08
48 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06
49 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
If the value of QU does not exist in the table the next lesser value is used and if the value of
QU or QL is negative then PU or PL equal 100 – (value QU or QL from the table)
Table 17.3.3: Determination the pay factor values

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 474

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance

Pay Factor (2) Maximum allowable percent of work outside specification limits for a given pay factor
(Pu + PL) (1)
Major Minor n=10 n=12 n=15 n=18 n=23 n=30 n=43
Category Category n=5 n=6 n=7 n=8 n=9 to to to to to to to
n=11 n=14 n=17 n=22 n=29 n=42 n=66
(I) (II)
1.00 22 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
0.99 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9
0.98 26 24 22 21 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 12 10
0.97 28 26 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 16 14 13 12
0.96 30 28 26 25 24 22 21 19 18 17 16 14 13
0.95 1.00 32 29 28 26 25 24 22 21 20 18 17 16 14
0.94 0.99 33 31 29 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 18 17 15
0.93 0.98 35 33 31 29 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 18 16
0.92 0.97 37 34 32 31 30 28 27 25 24 22 21 19 18
0.91 0.96 38 36 34 32 31 30 28 26 25 24 22 21 19
0.90 0.95 39 37 35 34 33 31 29 28 26 25 23 22 20
0.89 0.94 41 38 37 35 34 32 31 29 28 26 25 23 21
0.88 0.93 42 40 38 36 35 34 32 30 29 27 26 24 22
0.87 0.92 43 41 39 38 37 35 33 32 30 29 27 25 23
0.86 091 45 42 41 39 38 36 34 33 31 30 28 26 24
0.85 0.90 46 44 42 40 39 38 36 34 33 31 29 28 25
0.84 0.89 47 45 43 42 40 39 37 35 34 32 30 29 27
0.83 0.88 49 46 44 43 42 40 38 36 35 33 31 30 28
0.82 0.87 50 47 46 44 43 41 39 38 36 34 33 31 29
0.81 0.86 51 49 47 45 44 42 41 39 37 36 34 32 30
0.80 0.85 52 50 48 46 45 44 42 40 38 37 35 33 31
0.79 0.84 54 51 49 48 46 45 43 41 39 38 36 34 32
0.78 0.83 55 52 50 49 48 46 44 42 41 39 37 35 33
0.77 0.82 56 54 52 50 49 47 45 43 42 40 38 36 34
0.76 0.81 57 55 53 51 50 48 46 44 43 41 39 37 35
0.75 0.80 58 56 54 52 51 49 47 46 44 42 40 38 36
0.79 60 57 55 53 52 51 48 47 45 43 41 40 37
0.78 61 58 56 55 53 52 50 48 46 44 43 41 38
0.77 62 59 57 56 54 53 51 49 47 45 44 42 39
Reject 0.76 63 61 58 57 55 54 52 50 48 47 45 43 40
0.75 64 62 60 58 57 55 53 51 49 48 46 44 41
Reject Values greater than those shown above

(1) To obtain a pay factor when the estimated percent outside specifications limits from
Table (17.3.2) does not correspond to a value in the table, use the next larger value
(2) The major category (I) of payment factor is used for the first option of work
inspection stated in Subitem, while the minor category (II) is used for the
second option of work inspection stated in Subitem

1. Payment for the total work value: When all the executed works are in accordance
with the technical contract conditions and all the work parts are acceptable
completely regardless of the handing over method applied, provided that the pay

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 475

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
factor produced by the statistical method, for the quality control, equals to one
(1.00) for the received work item.

2. Payment with reduced price: The Ministry has the right to accept the work with a
pay factor less than one (1.00) using statistical method provided the pay factor is at
least seventy-five hundredths (0.75) and there are no isolated defects identified by
the Engineer. Moreover, the Contractor shall submit a written request enclosed
with a technical report from a specialized agency according to Section 17.1. The
final the paid amount shall be the product of multiplying Contract price by the final
pay factor for the concerned item.

All rejected works according to the measuring and testing method or any other
method; or the works which have not achieved seventy-five hundredths (0.75) pay factor
by the statistical method, shall be removed or repaired.

Rejected works and materials shall be replaced with new materials to raise the pay
factor to one (1.00) and samples are taken from the new material, tested and testing results
are evaluated for handing over purposes according to this secondary item.
When the rejected works are removed, the test results performed on the rejected works
shall be excluded from the test results used in calculating quality index.

17.5 Inspection at production center:

The Ministry has the right to examine and inspect production centers and to
monitor production. Manufacturing plants may be inspected for compliance with specified
manufacturing methods. Samples of the materials may be obtained to test them in the
laboratory for compliance with quality requirements. Ministry authorized representatives
shall be allowed for full entry at all times into any part of the site where the work is being

17.6 Work handover:

All handover procedures shall comply to all guidelines and procedures adopted by
the Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs.

17.6.1 Preliminary Handover:

When the project is fully completed or partially so that the completed part can be
utilized separately, Contractor has the right to notify the Ministry in writing and requests to
handover the executed work completely or partially. The Ministry shall, without bias,
evaluate the situation and accept or reject the request. In all cases, Contractor shall
maintain the work during the execution period and during the guarantee period until the
final project handover. The guarantee period is considered from the date of the complete
project handover.

When traffic is allowed to use executed sections of the road, parts of the road are
starting to be used Contractor shall continue to carry out maintenance works for these parts
up to final handover.
17.6.2 Final Handover:
When the guarantee period for the completely or partially handover situations,
Contractor shall notify the Ministry in writing, and if the Ministry was convinced that the
work has actually been executed completely, the work is scheduled for final inspection by
a technical committee before the Contractor or Contractor's representative. After the

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 476

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Division 17- Work Acceptance
inspection is completed, the committee shall prepare a technical report which details
comments on the execution, if any, and methods and period for repair. The committee re-
inspects the work after repair. If no comments that prevent full and safe utilization of the
work, Contractor is notified in writing by the final handover effective from the actual date
of work completion and the end of guarantee period.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 477

Appendix 1 Standard Testing Guide 481
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

Appendix 1 Back

Standard Testing Guide

Sample preparation, testing for materials and works indicated in these general
specifications shall be performed according to the latest edition (print) when
announcing tender according to standard specifications (test methods) indicated in this
appendix. Priority for tests shall be given to Gulf Standard Specifications then
AASHTO and ASTM Standards. It is important to consider that the indicated testing
methods are not necessarily to be compatible in all steps or type and requirements of
specified test designation.

This guide shall not be considered as an alternative for testing methods indicated
in their original references but as an indicator to them. All the methods and safety
methods practiced shall be followed when performing sampling, testing and work
handing over. Those carrying out those works shall take the required precautionary
measures and shall apply them in this regard.

Provision of references: Basic references for specifications and testing methods

indicated in this guide as the latest edition shall be provided at the time of the tender
announcement for use by the engineers and technicians at site.

Staff qualifications and labs evaluation: It shall be confirmed that the laboratories
carrying out inspection task or the production of materials or execution have valid
licenses and certificates according to the regulations implemented in K.S.A. Also, it
shall be ensured that these laboratories are subjected to periodical inspection and
investigation according to the standard inspection, calibration and certification or the
methods approved by the concerned authorities in the kingdom for ensuring the
qualifications of those working in this field. Safety measures and suitability of the
systems for testing shall be confirmed by calibration certificates issued by agencies
approved by the Ministry.

Sampling: It shall be ensured that the process of sampling, samples selection and
storage is done properly such that it does not lead to their damage or change in their
properties. Those samples shall be tested and results shall be analyzed according to the
methods and techniques indicated in this guide and other contract documents or
according to a plan submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Ministry.

Testing apparatus: Specifications of testing apparatus shall conform to specifications

in the standard method indicated in front of each test as to dimensions, weight, size,
materials, components, performance and accuracy. The Engineer shall ensure that the
systems comply with the required specifications using visual inspection and approved
calibration records. Contractor shall provide trained personnel to carry out maintenance
works for laboratory equipments and cleaning them throughout the construction period.
The contractor shall give more consideration to the balances, weights and thermometers
used and protect them from humidity and rust effects according to the special testing
methods indicated in this guide or according to other contract documents.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 481

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

Safety precautions: Contractor shall provide at least one person qualified in safety Back
works to be devoted and responsible for safety in the project to follow up provision of
first aid, safety and protection measures among the project staff.
The contractor shall provide communication means with hospitals, police,
accidents, emergency and civil defense. In addition protection shall be provided for
electricity wires and installations which shall be executed and install the related
equipments in such a way that eliminate the dangers.

The contractor shall provide an emergency entrances and exits, ventilation

openings, fire fighting equipments, and gas exhausts at the laboratory building and
special safety tools for the staff such as clothes, shoes, masks, gloves, and glass or
plastic face protection masks against heat and chemical materials according to the
testing method requirements. The necessary cautions and warnings about safe operation
shall be provided at the locations of moving and suspended parts, and testing
equipments using harmful rays and at places of inflammable and chemical materials.
Those cautions shall be written in clear font and color according to the instructions of
protection and regulations used in the kingdom.

Laboratory inspection: Contractor shall carry out periodical inspection, and inventory
for testing equipments and apparatus used in the project. He shall include the inspection
plan within the quality control plan submitted to the Engineer according to these general
specifications and according to the inspection and calibration periods implemented in
the kingdom.

A plan shall be set out for sampling, testing, and result analysis according to the
following Tables.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 482

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

1. Soil Tests: Back

Name of Test Testing Method

Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil -
D-421 T -87
Aggregate Samples for Test
Particles size analysis of Soils D - 422 T-88
Determining the Liquid Limit of Soil T -89
Determining The Plastic Limit and Plasticity D-4318
Index of Soils
Density of Soil In - Place by Sand -Cone D-1556 T-91
Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using
D-698 T-99
(2.5Kg) Rammer and (305 mm) Drop
Specific Gravity of Soils D-854 T-100
Moisture- Density Relation of Soil-Cement
‫ــــــ‬ T-134
Wetting and Drying Test of Compacted Soil-
‫ــــــ‬ T-135
Cement Mixtures
Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples
D-421 T-146
for Tests
Moisture-Density Relationship of Soils Using
D-1557 T-180
Modified Method
California Bearing Ratio D-1883 T-193

Density of soil in Site by rubber –balloon method D-2167 T-205

Laboratory Determination of Moisture of Soil D-2216 T-265

Density of soil and soil aggregate in place by
D-2922 T-310
nuclear methods (shallow depth)
Grain Size Analysis of Granular Soil Materials - T -311

Compressive strength of soil –cement mixture D-1663 T-22

Method of laboratory preparation of soil-lime
D-3551 -
Unconfined compressive strength of compacted
D-5102 -
soil-lime mixtures
Determination of organic mater in soil by wet
- T -194
Determining water soluble sulfate ion content in
- T -290
Determining water soluble chloride ion content in
- T -291
Hydrated & quick Lime with high Calcium
C-51 1538

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 483

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

2. Aggregate Tests: Back

Testing Method
Name of Test
Amount of material finer than 0.075 mm sieve in
C-117 T-11
Unit weight and voids in aggregate C-29 / 29M T-19
Organic impurities in fine aggregate for concrete C-40 T -21
Specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate C-128 T-84
Specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate C-127 T-85
Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregate C-136 T-27
Clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate C-142 T-112
Resistance to abrasion of small size coarse aggregate
C-131 T-96
by use of Los Angles Machine
Soundness of aggregate by use of sodium or
C-88 T-104
magnesium sulfate
Plastic fines in graded aggregates and soils by use of
D-2419 T-176
the sand equivalent test
Sampling of stone slag, gravel, sand, and stone blocks
D-75 T-2
for use as highway materials
Coating and stripping of bituminous aggregate
D-1664 T-182
Flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate D-4791 -
Determining the percent of fractured particles in
D-5821 -
coarse aggregate
Standard practice for reducing samples of aggregate
C-702 T-248
to testing size
Potential alkali reactivity of aggregates C-1260 -
Wetting and drying compacted soil cement mixture D-559 -
Cement content of soil cement mixture D-806 T-144
Aggregate durability index D-3744 T-210

3. Cement Tests:

Testing Method
Name of Test
Time of setting of hydraulic cement by Vicat
C-191 T-131

Sampling of hydraulic cement C-183 T-127

Density of hydraulic cement C-188 T-133

Compressive strength of hydraulic cement
C-109 T-106
Bortland cement Anti Sulfate C 150 570

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 484

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

4. Cement Concrete Tests: Back

Testing Method
Name of Test
Compressive strength of cylindrical
C-39 / C-39M T-22 1253
concrete specimen
Making and curing concrete compressive
and flexural strength test specimens in the C -31 / C-31M T-23 1133
Bending strength of concrete using simple
C-78 T-97
beam with three point loading
Slump of Portland cement concrete C-143 / C-143M T-119 379
Standard practice for sampling freshly
C-172 T-141
mixed concrete
Measuring thickness of concrete elements C-174/174M/
using drilled concrete cores C-1542 / 1542M
Making and curing of concrete test
C-192 / 192M T-126
specimen in the laboratory
Splitting tensile strength of cylindrical
C-496 T-198
concrete specimens
T-152 / T-
Air content of freshly mixed concrete C-173 / C-231
196 / T-199
Reinforcement Steel Bars ASTM A- 615 2
Reinforcement Wire fabric ASTM A-185 224
Interlocking brick C-936 1246

5. Tiles:

Testing Method
Name of Test
Sampling and testing structural clay tile C-67 -
Abrasion resistance of stone subjected to
C-241 -
foot traffic
Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry
C-140 -
Units and Related Units
Flexural strength of concrete using simple
C-78 T-97
beam with three point loading
Abrasion resistance of concrete by sand
C-418 -
Interlocking brick Testing Methods T-24 1247
Precast Sidewalk edges

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

6. Asphalt Cement Tests: Back

Testing Method
Name of Test
Sampling Bituminous Materials D-140 T - 40
Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open
D-92 T- 48
Asphalt Penetration Test D-5 T -49
Ductility of Bituminous Materials D-113 T-51
Softenipoint (ring and ball method) D-36 T - 53
Saybolt Viscosity D-88 T -72
Effect of heat and air on asphalt material D-1754 T-179
Kinematics Viscosity of Asphalt D-2170 T-201
Absolute Viscosity of Asphalt D-2171 T- 202
Specific gravity of simi-solid bituminous
D-70 T-228
Effect of heat and air on moving film of
D-2872 T-240
asphalt (RTFO)
Dynamic Shear Rheometer ( DSR) - TP-5
Rotational Viscometer (RV) D-4404 TP-48
Determining the flexural creep stiffness of
asphalt binder using the Bending Beam D-6648 TP-1
Determining the fracture properties of
D-6723 TP-3
asphalt binder in Direct Tension (DT)
Accelerated aging of asphalt binder using
D-6521 -
Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)
Viscosity test 1776

7. Asphalt Concrete Tests:

Testing Method
Name of Test
Effect of Water on Cohesion of Compacted Bituminous
D-1075 T -165
Bulk specific gravity of compacted asphalt mixtures using
D-2726 T-166
saturated surface-dry specimens
Sampling bituminous paving mixture D-979 T-168
Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen From Bituminous
D-2172 T-174/T-164
Paving Mixtures
Determining degree of particle coating of bituminous
D-2489 T -195
aggregate mixture
Maximum specific gravity of bituminous paving mixture D-2041 T-209
Determining of degree of pavement compaction of
- T-230
bituminous aggregate mixture

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 486

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 1- Standard Testing Guide

Resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixture using Back

D-5581 T -245
Marshall Apparatus
Resistance of compacted bituminous mixture to moisture
- T-283
induced damage
Asphalt content of hot mix asphalt by ignition method D-6307 T-308
Asphalt content of bituminous mixtures by the nuclear
D-4125 T-310
Thickness or Height of Compacted Bituminous Paving
D-3549 -
Mixture Specimens
Preparation of test specimen of bituminous mixtures by
D-4013 TP-4
means of gyratory shear compactor
Percent of air voids in compacted dense and open
D-3203 T-269
bituminous mixture

8. Geotextile, fabrics and Geocomposite:

Name of Test
Practice Sampling of Geosynthetics ASTM D-4354
Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity ASTM D-4491
Determining Apparent
ASTM D-4751
Opening Size of a Geotextile
Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D-4632
Puncture Strength Index ASTM D-4833
Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextile ASTM D-4533
Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextile ASTM D-4632
Hydraulic Bursting Strength of Textile
Fabrics-Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method.
Tensile Properties of Geotextile by wide width strip Method ASTM D-4595
Mass per unit area of fabric ASTM D-3776
Deterioration of Geotextile by exposure to light and heat in a xenon arc
ASTM D-4355
type apparatus
Water Absorption of plastics ASTM D-570
Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi ASTM G-21
Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bond ASTM D- 903
In-Plane Flow per unit width and Transmissivity of Geosynthetic ASTM D- 4716

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 487


Appendix 2 Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example 491

1. General 491
2. Project Conditions 491
3. Material Selection 491
3.1 Adjusting Binder Grade Selection For Traffic Speed And Loading 492
4. Aggregate Selection 493
5. Selection of Design Aggregate Structure 494
5.1 Aggregates Preparation 496
5.2 Selections Of Initial Asphalt Contents 496
5.3 Evaluation Of Trial Blends Data 503
6. Select Design Asphalt Binder Content 505
7. Verification % Gmm at the Maximum Number of Gyrations 509
8. Evaluate Moisture Sensitivity 511
General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example


1. General:
This supplementary section explain with an example Superpave Volumetric mix
design method
The volumetric mix design consists of the following four major steps:
• Selection of materials (aggregates, binders).
• Selection of a design aggregate structure.
• Selection of a design asphalt binder content.
• Evaluation of moisture sensitivity of the design mixture.
The data presented in this example basically were taken from Asphalt institute
reference "Superpave Mix design SP-2" dated 2001; the same method is also approved
by AASHTO specification under the designation TP-4 and T-PP2.
Selection of materials in superpave system depends upon traffic and
environmental factors, i.e., the binder selection is influenced by both traffic and
environment conditions, while the requirements of aggregate are selected according to
traffic and location of the considered layer with respect to pavement surface.
Selection of design aggregate structure is according to these factors by
comparing the properties of a series of trial mixtures having different parentages using
samples from cold bins, hot bins and/or stockpiles. This step consists of blending
available aggregate stockpiles at different percentages to arrive at aggregate gradations
that meet Superpave requirements.
The determination of the design binder content is achieved by mixing the asphalt
binder with design aggregate structure to obtain the required volumetric and compaction
properties which are based on traffic and environmental conditions. This step also
allows the designer to observe the sensitivity of volumetric and compaction properties
of the design aggregate structure to asphalt content. The gradation that conform to
volumetric properties should be approved as a job-mix formula, then moisture
sensitivity should be evaluated by testing the designed mixture by AASHTO T-238 to
determine if the mix will be susceptible to moisture damage.

2. Project conditions:
The following Table reveals the design factors and project conditions in this
Project location Riyadh
Standard equivalent axle load 18 ESAL
Nominal maximum size of the aggregate 19 mm
Within the upper 100 mm of
location of the layer relative to pavement surface
pavement surface

3. Material Selection:
According to temperature zones for the Kingdom shown in the Figure (12.3.1) in
these specifications and the location of the project the required asphalt binder grade
shall be PG 70-10.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 491

General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example
3.1 Adjusting Binder Grade Selection for Traffic Speed and Loading:
The asphalt binder selection procedure described is the basic procedure for
typical highway loading conditions when assumed that the pavement is subjected to a
design number of traffic loads. For up normal design conditions when the speed is low
or the volume of traffic exceeds certain limits the selected high temperature binder
grade shall be increased by one or two performance degree according to traffic load and
speed, and as indicated in Table (12.3.2) of these specifications. As an example PG 70
should be selected to replace PG64 if the traffic speed is low, but if the traffic is
standing PG 76 should be selected to replace PG 64 by increasing the original grade by
2 performance degrees (one performance degree equal to six temperature degrees). In
case the traffic speed in the proposed project is more than 20Km/hr and less than 70
Km/hr the adjusted performance grade for this project will be PG76-16.

The next step is the selection testing of the binder that conforms to specification
requirements and the selected grade. Binder test results are summarized in Table

In order to determine the mixing and compaction temperature ranges the

rotational viscometer test was carried out in temperature 135°C and165°C respectively,
and the test results were plotted in Figure (A.2.1) which shows that the suitable mixing
range is 162°C to 168°C and the suitable compaction range is between 148°C to 154°C.

Table A.2.1: Asphalt Binder Test Results

Original RTFOT
Flash Pt:(230 oC)
RTFOT + PAV residue
Vis@135:837.5 Loss: 0.02 %
(3000 CP)
Grade Dynamic Shear Dynamic Shear Dynamic Shear Flexural Creep DT*
10 rad/s (1.6Hz) 10 rad/s (1.6Hz) 10 rad/s (1.6Hz) (at 60 sec) (1mm/min)
G*/sinδ (kPa) G*/sinδ (kPa) o G*sinδ Temp Stiffness, S Slope, (m) F. Strain
Temp C o
≥ 1 kPa ≥ 2.2 kPa ≤5 MPa C ≤ 300 MPa ≥ 0.30 ≥ 1.0%
28 -6
25 -12
PG 64 22 -18
19 -24
16 -30
34 0
31 -6
PG 70 28 -12
4.019 25 -18
22 -24
37 3.404 0
34 4.788 -6 50.7 0.307
PG 76
31 5.128 -12 92.9 0.281
1.801 3.282
28 -18
40 0
1.80 37 -6
PG 82
34 -12
31 -18
* Required only if Creep Stiffness (S) is between 300 and 600 MPa, and m ≥ 0.30.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 492

General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example
As shown by the test result carried that the selected asphalt binder is conforms to the
required grade specifications PG 76-16 and it can be used in this project.
Viscosit y, Pa s

1 00

Pa. sec


Temperature, C
. 55

Compaction range
.. 33


.. 11
11 0000 11 1100 11 2200 11 3300 11 4400 11 5500 11 6600 11 7700 11 8800 11 9900

Temperature c°

Figure A.2.1: Mixing and Compaction Temperature Ranges

4. Aggregate Selection:
Next, the designer selects the aggregates to be used in the mixture for this
project. For this example, there are five stockpiles of materials consisting of three
coarse materials and two fine materials. Representative samples were taken, washed and
the bulk, apparent specific gravity and sieve analysis is performed for each aggregate
for each aggregate. Aggregate specific gravity values for this example listed in Table

Table A.2.2: Aggregate Specific Gravity

Bulk Specific gravity Apparent Specific gravity

Aggregate Size (mm)
(Gsb.) (Gsa)
19 2.703 2.785
12.5 2.689 2.776
9.5 2.723 2.797
Manufactured Sand 2.694 2.744
Screen Sand 2.679 2.731

The consensus aggregate tests were performed to assure that the aggregates
selected for the mix design are acceptable also the source properties tests indicated in
Table (4.3.12) were performed.
The result of the coarse aggregates angularity test performed on the aggregate
larger than 4.75 mm according to ASTM D 5821 Designation is shown in Table (A.2.3)

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Table A.2.3: Coarse Aggregate Angularity Test Results

One Fractured Two Fractured

Aggregate Size (mm)
Face Faces (at least)
19 92 88
12.5 97 94
9.5 99 95

Comparison between these tests results and the requirement stated in Table
(12.3.3) shows that the 19 mm aggregate size does not meet either of the fractured faces
criteria. However, this material can be used as long as selected blend of aggregate meets
the design criteria.

Table (A.2.4) lists the results for fine aggregate angularity test which is
performed according to AASHTO T 304 method.

Table A.2.4: Fine Aggregate Angularity Test Results

Aggregate type % Air Voids ( Loose )

Crushed Sand 52
Screen Sand 40

Based on traffic and depth of the layer from the surface, even though the screen
sand test result is below the minimum criteria showed in Table (12.3.3), it can be used
as long as the selected blend of aggregates meet the requirement.

Flat and Elongated Particles test is performed on the coarse aggregates shows
that it is equal to zero. Also the Clay Content (Sand Equivalent) test results performed
on fine aggregate samples is 47 % and 72 for crushed and natural fine aggregate
respectively, which are within the required limits based on traffic volume in this project.

Table (A.2.5) shows the Test results of source property tests performed on
coarse aggregate samples which are conform to the specifications.

Table A.2.5: Clay Content (Sand Equivalent) Test Results

Nominal Maximum Size

19 12.5 9.5
Los Angeles Abrasion % 40 35 30
Sodium Sulphate Soundness% 16 12 10
Deleterious materials and friable particles % 0.2 0.15 0.25

5. Selection of Design Aggregate Structure:

Prior selection of the design aggregate structure, the asphalt and aggregate
materials shall be selected according to requirement indicated in Division 12 from these
general specifications. The aggregate source properties tests shall be carried out for
every individual source while the specific gravity and absorption and consensus
properties tests shall be carried on samples taken from the combined trail blends.

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The blend gradation shall be compared with the specification requirements for
the appropriate sieves according to design requirements selected based on nominal
maximum size of aggregate as indicated in section 12.4 and Table (12.3.7) from these
general specifications.

Trial blending consists of varying the materials percentages or the available

aggregates to obtain blended gradations meeting the requirements for that particular
mixture. Any number of trial blends may be evaluated, but a minimum of three trial
blends is required. It is recommended for trial gradation to pass below the restricted
zone and it is possible to pass over the restricted zone but not through it. During
preparations of aggregate blends the consensus properties, specific gravities and source
properties shall be evaluated through carrying actual tests on samples of combined
gradation for final approval.

For this example, three trial blends are used: an intermediate blend (Blend 1), a
coarse blend (Blend 2), and a fine blend (Blend 3). The intermediate blend is combined
to produce a gradation that is not close to any of the control point limits. The coarse
blend is combined to produce a gradation that is near the minimum allowable percent
passing the nominal maximum sieve, the 2.36 mm sieve, and the 0.075 mm sieve. The
fine blend is combined to produce a gradation that is close to the maximum percent
passing the nominal maximum size and is just below the restricted zone.

All three of trial blends are shown graphically in Figure (A.2.2) which is plotted
using the data shown in Table (A.2.6) shows the gradations of the three trial blends.

Once the trial blends are selected, a preliminary mathematical determination of

the blended aggregate properties is necessary.

Table A.2.6: Trial Gradations

Crushed Screened
19 mm 12.5 mm 9.5 mm
Sand Sand
Blend 1 25% 15% 22% 18% 20%
Blend 2 30% 25% 13% 17% 15%
Blend 3 10% 15% 30.0% 31% 14%
Blend 1 Blend 2 Blend 3
Sieve Gradation Gradation Gradation
25.0 mm 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
19.0 mm 76.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.0 92.8 97.6
12.5 mm 14.3 78.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.6 71.1 89.5
9.5 mm 3.8 26.0 49.9 100.0 99.8 63.7 51.9 77.7
4.75 mm 2.1 3.1 4.8 95.5 89.5 31.7 31.7 44.3
2.36 mm 1.9 2.6 3.0 63.5 76.7 28.3 23.9 31.9
1.18 mm 1.9 2.4 2.8 38.6 63.5 21.1 17.6 22.2
0.600 mm 1.8 2.3 2.6 21.9 45.6 14.4 12.0 14.5
0.300 mm 1.8 2.2 2.5 11.0 23.1 7.9 6.8 7.9
0.150 mm 1.7 2.1 2.4 5.7 8.4 4.0 3.6 4.1
0.075 mm 1.6 1.9 2.2 5.7 4.7 3.1 2.9 3.5

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Based on the estimates, all three trial blends are acceptable and when the design
aggregate structure is selected, the blend aggregate properties will need to be verified by




percent passing







0 1 2 3 4 5

Sieve size raised to 0.45

Blend1 Blend2 Blend3 Restricted Zone R e s t r i c t e d Z o n e1 Control Points

Figure A.2.2: Trial Blends of the Aggregate

5.1 Aggregates Preparation:

Three samples shall be prepared depending on their final using; the sample that
used for compacted specimens requires about 4600 grams; however the maximum
theoretical specific gravity sample requires about 2000 grams according to AASHTO T-
209 or ASTM D-2041.

The third sample shall be prepared for moisture sensitivity test using AASHTO
T-283 method, which requires specimen height of 95 mm and approximately 3700
grams of total aggregate.

5.2 Selections of Initial Asphalt Contents:

After the evaluation of aggregate properties the next step is to compact the
specimens and determining the volumetric properties of each trial blend and the initial
asphalt binder content shall be estimated using the method detailed in AASHTO PP-28
or taken from Superpave Gyratory Compactor records if it is equipped by this property,

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also it is possible to estimate the initial asphalt content using mathematical formula or it
can be taken from Table (A.2.7) assuming the total specific gravity for the aggregate is

Table A.2.7: Estimated asphalt content

Primary asphalt ratio % Nominal Aggregate Size mm

3.5 37.5
4.0 25.0
4.5 19.0
5.0 12.5
5.5 9.5

The method of calculating the initial binder content is consists of the following

1. Effective specific gravity calculation (Gse):

Gse = Gsb + A ((Gsa – Gsb)

The factor A shall be taken 0.8 or within the range 0.6 or 0.5 according to
absorption of the aggregates. Using the above equation, the blend calculations are
shown below:

Blend 1: Gse = 2.699 + 0.8 ((2.768 – 2.699) = 2.754

Blend 2: Gse = 2.697 + 0.8 ((2.769 – 2.697) = 2.755
Blend 3: Gse = 2.701 + 0.8 ((2.767 – 2.701) = 2.754

2. The volume of asphalt binder (Vba) absorbed into the aggregate is estimated using this
P × (1 − V ) ×  1 1 

V = s
 

 P + P  G G
ba 
b s sb se 

G bG se

Vba = volume of absorbed binder, cm3 / cm3 of mix
Pb = percent of binder (assumed 0.05).
Ps = percent of aggregate (assumed 0.95).
Gb = volume of air voids (assumed 1.02).
Va = volume of air voids (assumed 0.04 cm3 / cm3 of mix).

Blend No. Gsa Gsb

Blend 1 2.768 2.699
Blend 2 2..769 2.697
Blend 3 2.767 2.701

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Using the above equation, bulk and apparent specific gravity values for the
combined aggregates in different blends as determined by test, the absorbed asphalt
binder in each blend (Vba) calculation result are shown below:

Blend 1: 0.0171cm3/cm3 of mix

Blend 2: 0.0181cm3/cm3 of mix
Blend 3: 0.0165cm3/cm3 of mix

3. The volume of the effective binder (Vbe) shall be determined from this equation:

Vbe = 0.176-0.0675(log (Sn))

Sn = the nominal maximum sieve size of the aggregate blend (mm )

Using the above equation, Vbe for the three blends is = 0.089 cm3/cm3 of mix

4. Finally, the initial trial asphalt binder (Pbi) content is calculated is from the following

G h × (V be + V ba ) × 100
Pbi =
(G h × (V be + V ba )) + W s
Pbi = percent (by weight of mix) of binder
Ws = weight of aggregate, gram and calculated from the following equation:

P s × (1 − V a )
Ws =
 Pb P s 
 + 
 
 G b G se 

Using the above equations the initial binder content is calculated and shown in
Table (A.2.8 below:

Table (A.2.8) Initial Binder content for the three Blends

blend Ws (grams) Initial binder content (Pbi) %

1 2.315 4.46%
2 2.315 4.46%
3 2.315 4.46%

A minimum of two specimens for each trial blend shall be compacted using the
Superpave Gyratory Compacter and the initial binder content, an aggregate weight of
4700 grams is usually sufficient for the each specimen. Two samples are also prepared

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for determination of the mixture’s maximum theoretical specific gravity (Gmm) each
sample of a weight of 2000 grams is usually sufficient for the specimens used to
determine maximum theoretical specific gravity (Gmm).

The asphalt mixture samples is aged in an oven its temperature not exceeding
the predetermined mixing temperature by more than 15°C for two hours if the aggregate
absorption not exceeding 2 % and for four hours if the absorption exceeds that percent,
also all devices and equipments used in mixing such as spatula, mixing pans, mixing
bowel and asphalt material shall be heated to the required mixing temperature, the
required time to complete these actions is depending on the asphalt quantity and method
of heating.

Specimens in this example are mixed at the appropriate mixing temperature,

which is ranged from 162ºC to 168ºC for the selected PG 76-16 binder. The specimens
are then short-term aged by placing the loose mix in a flat pan in a forced draft oven at
the compaction temperature (148ºC to 154ºC), for 2 hours. Finally, the specimens are
then removed and either compacted or allowed to cool loose (for Gmm determination).

The number of gyration used for compaction is determined based on the

expected traffic level for twenty years in the road, the number of equivalent standard
axle load in this project is 18 EASL so the following compaction levels is selected:

Nini = 8 gyrations
Ndes = 100 gyrations
Nmax = 160 gyrations

Each specimen will be compacted to the design number of gyration, with

specimen height data collected during the compaction process and tabulated for each
Trial Blend. After compaction is complete, the specimen is extruded from the mold and
allowed to cool and the bulk specific gravity (Gmb) of the specimens were determined
using AASHTO T 166. The Gmm of each blend is determined using AASHTO T 209.
Gmb is then divided by Gmm to determine the %Gmm @ Ndes. The %Gmm at any number
of gyrations (Nx) is then calculated using the following equations:

%Gmm @ Nx = (%Gmm @ Ndes ) x (H @ Ndes)

(H @ N X)

Tables (A.2.9) to Table (A.2.11) shows compaction data for the three trial
blends and Figures (A.2.3) through (A.2.4) illustrate the compaction plots and show
%Gmm versus the logarithm of the number of gyrations.

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Tables (A.2.9) Densification Data for Trial Blend 1

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht, mm %Gmm Gyrations Ht, mm %Gmm
5 129.0 85.2 130.3 86.2 85.7
8 127.0 86.5 128.1 87.6 87.1
10 125.7 87.3 126.7 88.6 88.0
15 123.5 88.9 124.7 90.1 89.5
20 122.2 89.9 123.4 91.0 90.4
30 120.1 91.4 121.5 92.4 91.9
40 119.0 92.3 120.2 93.4 92.8
50 118.0 93.0 119.3 94.2 93.6
60 117.2 93.7 118.5 94.8 94.3
80 116.0 94.7 117.3 95.8 95.2
100 115.2 95.4 116.4 96.5 95.9
Gmb 2.445 2.473
Gmm 2.563 2.563



% G mm

sample 1
sample 2 85


1 10 100
umber of Gyrations

Figure A.2.3: Densification Data for Trial Blend 1 at asphalt content 4.4 %

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Tables A.2.10: Densification Data for Trial Blend 2

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht, mm %Gmm Gyrations Ht, mm %Gmm
5 131.7 84.2 132.3 84.2 84.2
8 129.5 85.6 130.1 85.6 85.6
10 128.0 86.6 128.7 86.6 86.6
15 125.8 88.1 126.5 88.1 88.1
20 124.3 89.2 124.9 89.2 89.2
30 122.2 90.7 122.7 90.8 90.7
40 120.1 91.4 121.5 92.4 91.9
50 119.6 92.7 120.1 92.8 92.7
60 118.7 93.4 119.2 93.5 93.4
80 117.3 94.5 117.8 94.6 94.5
100 116.3 95.3 116.8 95.4 95.4
Gmb 2.444 2.447
Gmm 2.565 2.565



% G mm

sample 1
sample 2 85


1 10 100

nuumber of Gyrations

Figure A.2.4: Densification Data for Trial Blend 2 at asphalt content 4.4 %

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Tables A.2.11: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht, mm %Gmm Gyrations Ht, mm %Gmm
5 130.9 84.4 129.5 85.2 84.8
8 127.2 85.9 127.3 86.6 86.3
10 127.2 86.9 125.9 87.6 87.3
15 125.1 88.3 124.1 89.0 88.7
20 123.7 89.3 122.8 89.9 89.6
30 121.8 90.7 121.0 91.2 91.0
40 120.5 91.7 119.7 92.2 91.9
50 119.6 92.5 118.7 93.0 92.7
60 118.8 93.1 118.1 93.5 93.3
80 117.6 94.0 116.9 94.4 94.2
100 116.7 94.7 116.1 95.1 94.9
Gmb 2.432 2.442
Gmm 2.568 2.568


% Gmm

sample 1
sample 2

1 10 100

Number of Gyrations

Figure A.2.5: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3 at asphalt content 4.4 %

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5.3 Evaluation of Trial Blends Data:
The average % Gmm is determined for initial and design number of gyration for
each trial blend is calculated and summarized in Table (A.2.12) below:

Table A.2.12: Maximum Theoretical Specific Gravity for Trial Blends

Trial Bland %Gmm @ Nini %Gmm @ Ndes

1 87.1 95.9
2 85.6 95.4
3 86.3 94.9

The % Gmm at the maximum number of Gyrations (Nmax) must also be evaluated
by preparation of two additional specimens compacted to Nmax for each of the trial
blends as discussed later in this example.
The percent of air voids (Va), percent of voids filled with asphalt (VFA), voids
in the mineral aggregate (VMA) binder to dust ratio are determined at Ndes.

The percent air voids is calculated using this equation:

% Va = 100 - %Gmm @ Ndes

The percent voids in mineral aggregate are calculated using this equation:

% G mm @ N des × G mm× Ps
% VMA estimated = 100 −(
G mm

Va = percent of air voids at Ndes
%Gmm @ Ndes = percent of maximum theoretical specific gravity at Ndes
VMA = percent by volume of voids in mineral aggregate.
Gmm = maximum theoretical specific gravity.
Gsb = total specific gravity of aggregate.
Ps =percent of aggregate by weight of the mix.

Table (A.2.13) shows the calculated results for the volumetric properties for
the three bends.

Table A.2.13: Compaction Summary of Trial Blends

Blend AC% Gmm% @ Ndes Gmm% @Nini Air Voids% VMA%

1 4.4 87.1 95.9 4.1 12.9
2 4.4 85.6 95.4 4.6 13.3
3 4.4 86.3 94.9 5.1 13.7

If the estimated air voids is equal to 4% then the volumetric properties of the
mix shall be compared with the design criteria and the first phase of the mix design
process is completed. Otherwise as in this example the design asphalt content shall be
estimated to adjust the air voids to 4 %, then the volumetric properties shall be
calculated with the estimated design asphalt content.

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General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example
The estimated design asphalt content shall be calculated at the design number of
gyration for each trial blend using the following formula:

Pb estimated = Pbi – (0.4((4-Va))

The volumetric ( VMA and VFA ) and mixture compaction properties are then
estimated at this asphalt binder content using the equations below:

%VMA estimated = %VMA initial + C(4-Va)

(%VMAestimated − 4.0)
%VFA estimated = 100× %VMAestimated

%Gmm estimated @ Nini = %Gmm trial @ Nini – (4.0 – Va)

Pb estimated = estimated Percent binder content %
Pbi = initial (trial) Percent binder
Va = percent air voids at Ndes
%VMA initial = %VMA from trial asphalt binder content
C = constant (either 0.1 or 0.2).

Note: C = 0.1 if Va is less than 4.0 %

C = 0.2 if Va is greater than 4.0%

Finally, the dust to binder ratio shall be calculated as the percent by mass of the
material passing the 0.075 mm sieve (by wet sieve analysis) divided by the effective
asphalt binder content (expressed as percent by mass of mix).The effective asphalt
binder content is calculated using:

G se − G sb
Pbe= - (Ps × Gb) × ( G se G sb ) + Pb ,estimated

Pbe =effective asphalt binder content % of total mix.
Ps = percent of total aggregate of total mix.
Gb =specific gravity of asphalt binder.
Gse =effective specific gravity of aggregate.
Gsb =total specific gravity of aggregate.
Pb =content of asphalt binder % of total mix.

Dust Proportion is calculated using:

DP = P0.075

P be

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P0.075 = Percent passing 0.075 mm sieve of aggregate.
Pbe = the effective asphalt content % by total mix.

Using all above equations and based on the estimated asphalt content which will
give 4 % air voids the following data shown in Table (A.2.14) for the three trial blends
is expected for the designed mix:

Table A.2.14: Expected Volumetric Properties for The Three Trial Blends

initial Estimated
Dust Air Gmm %@
Blend Asphalt Asphalt VMA% VFA%
Proportion% Voids% Nini = 8
Content % Content %
1 4.4 4.4 0.84 4.0 12.9 69.0 87.1
2 4.4 4.6 0.76 4.0 13.3 69.7 85.6
3 4.4 4.8 0.85 4.0 13.7 70.4 86.3

Tables (12.4.2) of these specifications show the volumetric properties

requirements for the nominal maximum size 19 mm.

The dust binder ratio range can be taken as 0.8 – 1.6 when the total combined
aggregate gradation is passing below the restricted zone.
After establishing all the estimated mixture properties, the designer can evaluate
the values for the trial blends and decide if one or more are acceptable, or if further trial
blends need to be evaluated.

Blend 1 is unacceptable based on a failure to meet the minimum VMA criteria.

Both Blends 2 and 3 are acceptable. The VMA, VFA, DP, and Nini criteria are met. For
this example, Trial Blend 3 is selected as the design aggregate structure.

What could be done at this point if none of the blends were acceptable
Additional combinations of the current aggregates could be tested, or additional
materials from different sources could be obtained and included in the trial blend

6. Select Design Asphalt Binder Content:

Once the design aggregate structure is selected, specimens are compacted at
varying asphalt binder contents. The mixture properties are then evaluated to determine
design asphalt binder content.
A minimum of tow specimens are compacted at each of the following asphalt contents:
-estimated Binder content ± 0.5, and
-estimated Binder content +1.0 %.

A minimum of two specimens is also prepared for determination of maximum

theoretical specific gravity at the estimated binder content. Specimens are prepared and
tested in the same manner as the specimens from the “Selected Design Aggregate
Structure” section.

Mixture properties are evaluated for the selected blend at the different asphalt
binder contents, by using the densification data at the different asphalt binder contents,

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by using the densification data at Nini (8 gyrations) and Ndes (100 gyrations). The
volumetric properties are calculated at the design number of gyrations (Ndes) for each
trial asphalt binder content. The designer can generate graphs of air voids, VMA, and
VFA versus asphalt binder content the design asphalt binder content is established at
4.0% air voids.

Two samples should be compacted to the maximum compaction level Nmax using
the optimum asphalt binder content to insure that the Gmm% at Nmax is not greater than
98 %.
Table (A.2.15) shows the test results for compacted specimens of trail blend 3
using different asphalt content greater or less than the estimated asphalt content, while
Tables from (A.2.17) to Table (A.2.20) show the densification data in the same blends
and asphalt content.

Figures (A.2.6) to Figure (A.2.9) show the volumetric properties of the compacted
specimens, while Table (A.2.16) shows the properties of blend 3 when compacted at the
optimum asphalt content (4.9 %).

Table A.2.15: Mix Compaction Properties – Blend 3

Asphalt Gmm at Gmm at

Air Dust
binder VFA% VMA% initial design
Voids% Proportion
Content% gyration% gyration%
4.3 58.4 13.7 5.7 1.13 85.8 94.3
4.8 69.9 13.5 4.2 0.97 87.1 95.8
5.3 76.6 13.7 3.2 0.85 87.4 96.8
5.8 84.2 13.9 2.2 0.76 88.6 97.8

percent air voids

3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.3
Asphalt Binder Content %

Figure A.2.6: Asphalt Binder – Percent Voids Relations

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3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.3
asphalt binder content %

Figure A.2.7: Asphalt Binder –VMA Relationships






3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.3
Aspha;t Bindre Content %

Figure (A.2.8) Asphalt Binder –VFA Relationships

Table A.2.16: Design Mixture Properties at 4.9 % Binder content

Mix property Result Criteria

Air Voids % 4.0 4.0
VMA % 13.5 13.0 min.
VFA % 71.0 65 – 75
Dust Proportion % 0.9 0.6 – 1.2
% Gmm at Nini (8 gyrations) 87.2 Less than 89

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Table A.2.17: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3, 4.3 % Asphalt Binder

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht. mm % Gmm Ht. mm % Gmm % Gmm
5 131.3 83.9 131.0 84.7 84.3
8 129.0 85.4 128.8 86.1 85.7
10 127.5 86.4 127.4 87.1 86.7
15 125.4 87.8 125.5 88.4 88.1
20 124.0 88.8 124.2 89.3 89.1
30 122.1 90.2 122.4 90.6 90.4
40 120.9 91.1 121.1 91.6 91.4
50 119.9 91.9 120.1 92.4 92.1
60 119.1 92.5 119.4 92.9 92.7
80 117.9 93.4 118.3 93.8 93.6
100 117.0 94.1 117.4 94.5 94.3
Gmb 2.430 2.440
Gmm 2.582 2.582

Table A.2.18: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3, 4.8 % Asphalt Binder

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht. mm % Gmm Ht. mm % Gmm % Gmm
5 130.4 85.8 130.8 85.5 85.7
8 128.2 87.2 128.8 86.9 87.1
10 126.8 88.2 127.4 87.8 88.0
15 124.8 89.6 125.5 89.1 89.4
20 123.5 90.6 124.1 90.1 90.3
30 121.5 92.1 122.1 91.5 91.8
40 120.3 93.0 120.8 92.6 92.8
50 119.3 93.7 119.9 93.3 93.5
60 118.5 94.4 119.0 94.0 94.2
80 117.2 95.4 117.9 94.9 95.1
100 116.4 96.1 117.0 95.6 95.8
Gmb 2.462 2.449
Gmm 2.562 2.562

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Table A.2.19: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3, 5.3 % Asphalt Binder

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht. mm % Gmm Ht. mm % Gmm % Gmm
5 132.0 86.0 132.6 85.8 85.9
8 129.8 87.5 130.4 87.4 87.9
10 128.3 88.5 128.9 88.4 88.4
15 126.2 90.0 126.7 89.8 89.9
20 124.8 91.0 125.2 90.9 91.0
30 122.8 92.5 123.2 92.4 92.4
40 121.4 93.5 121.7 93.5 93.5
50 120.3 94.4 120.7 94.3 94.3
60 119.5 95.1 119.0 95.0 95.0
80 118.2 96.1 118.3 96.0 96.0
100 117.4 96.8 117.7 96.7 96.8
Gmb 2.461 2.458
Gmm 2.542 2.542

Table A.2.20: Densification Data for Trial Blend 3, 5.8 % Asphalt Binder

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht. mm % Gmm Ht. mm % Gmm % Gmm
5 130.4 87.4 131.5 87.2 87.3
8 128.6 88.7 129.4 88.6 88.6
10 127.4 89.5 128.0 89.6 89.5
15 125.4 90.8 126.2 90.8 90.8
20 124.0 91.9 124.9 91.8 91.8
30 122.4 93.1 123.1 93.1 93.1
40 120.5 94.6 121.3 94.5 94.5
50 119.4 95.5 120.2 95.4 95.4
60 118.9 95.9 119.5 96.0 95.9
80 117.6 96.9 118.2 97.0 96.9
100 116.7 97.7 117.2 97.8 97.8
Gmb 2.464 2.467
Gmm 2.523 2.523

7. Verification % Gmm at the maximum number of gyrations:

Superpave specifies a maximum density of 98 % at Nmax. This will protect the
mix from the excessively compaction under traffic, which may lead to plastic mix, and
produce permanent deformation. After the selection of blend 3 as design blend at 4.9 %
asphalt binder content two additional samples were compacted to Nmax (160 gyrations)
for mix verification. Table (A.2.21) shows the compaction data for blend 3 using the
optimum binder content and at Nmax. The % Gmm is found to be 97.5 % which is comply
with the requirements.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 509

General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example

Table A.2.21: Nmax Densification Data for Trial Blend 3, 4.9 % Asphalt Binder

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Average

Ht. mm % Gmm Ht. mm % Gmm % Gmm
5 130.4 85.8 130.8 85.5 85.7
8 128.2 87.2 128.8 86.9 87.1
10 126.8 88.2 127.4 87.8 88.0
15 124.8 89.6 125.5 89.1 89.4
20 123.5 90.6 124.1 90.1 90.3
30 121.5 92.1 122.1 91.5 91.8
40 120.3 93.0 120.8 92.6 92.8
50 119.3 93.7 119.9 93.3 93.5
60 118.5 94.4 119.0 94.0 94.2
80 117.2 95.4 117.9 94.9 95.1
100 116.4 96.1 117.0 95.6 95.8
125 115.6 96.8 116.2 96.2 96.5
150 115.0 97.3 115.5 96.8 97.0
160 114.5 97.7 115.0 97.2 97.5
Gmb 2.495 2.490
Gmm 2.554 2.554

(Nominal Max. Size 19 mm (Blend 3)


% AC 4.3

AC4.8 %‫ا‬
% AC5.3 85
% AC5.8

1 10 100
Number of Gyrations

Figure A.2.9: Densification Data for Blend 3

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 510

General Specification of Urban Road Construction Appendix 2- Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Example
8. Evaluate Moisture Sensitivity:
The final step in the Superpave mix design is the evaluation of moisture
sensitivity of the design mixture. This step is accomplished by performing AASHTO T
283 test on the design aggregate blend at the design asphalt binder content. Specimens
are compacted to approximately 7 % air voids. One subset of three specimens is
considered control specimens. The other subset of three specimens is the conditioned
subset. The conditioned subset is subjected to partial vacuum saturation followed by an
optional freeze cycle, followed by a 24-hour thaw cycle at 60ºC. All specimens are
tested to determine their indirect tensile strengths. The moisture sensitivity is
determined as a ratio of the tensile strengths of the conditioned subset divided by the
tensile strengths of the control subset. Table (A.2.22) shows the moisture sensitivity
data for the mixture at the design asphalt binder content. The criterion for tensile
strength ratio is 80 %, minimum. Trial blend 3 (82.6 %) exceeded the minimum
The Superpave volumetric mix design is now complete.

Table A.2.22: Moisture Sensitivity Data for Blend 3

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Diameter, mm D 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
Thickness, mm t 99.2 99.4 99.4 99.3 99.2 99.3
Dry mass, g A 3986.2 3981.3 3984.6 3990.6 3987.8 3984.4
SSD mass, g B 4009.4 4000.6 4008.3 4017.1 4013.9 4008.6
Mass in Water, g C 2329.3 2321.2 2329.0 2336.0 2331.5 2329.0
Volume, cc (B-C) E 1680.1 1679.4 1679.3 1681.7 1682.4 1679.6
Bulk Sp. Gravity (A/E) F 2.373 2.371 2.373 2.373 2.370 2.372
Max Sp. Gravity G 2.558 2.558 2.558 2.558 2.558 2.558
% Air Voids (100(G-F)/G) H 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3
Volume of Air Voids (HE/100) I 121.8 123.0 121.6 121.7 123.4 122.0
Load, N P 20803 20065 20354
SSD mass, g K 4060.9 4058.7 4059.1
Mass in water L 2369.4 2373.9 2372.8
Volume, cc (K-L) M 1691.5 1684.8 1686.3
Vol Abs Water, cc (K-A) N 74.7 77.4 74.5
% Saturation (100N/1) 61.3 62.9 61.3
% Swell (100(M-E)/E) 0.7 0.3 0.4
Thickness, mm Q 99.5 99.4 99.4
SSD mass, g R 4070.8 4076.9 4074.8
Mass in water, g S 2373.7 2080.3 2379.0
Volume, cc (R-S) T 1697.1 1694.6 1695.8
Volume of Abs Water, cc (R-A) Y 84.6 93.6 90.2
% Saturation (100Y/I) 69.5 76.1 74.2
% Swell (100(T-E)/E) 1.0 0.9 1.0
Load, N Z 16720 16484 17441
Dry Str. (2000P/(t DP)) Std 889 858 870
Wet Str. (2000Z/Q DP)) Stm 713 704 745
Average Dry Strength (K. pa) 872
Average Wet Strength (K. pa) 721
% TSR 82.6%

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 511

Appendix 3 Random Sampling Method 515
1. Introduction 515
2. Example 1 Selection Of Random Numbers 515
3. Example 2 Determining Locations Of Random Samples From Asphalt 517
Concrete Sections
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 3-Random sampling method



1. Introduction:
All the random tables are prepared on the presumption that the samples are
selected randomly. It means that at any time each sample which has not been selected
from a certain product has an equal chance to be the next sample to be selected.
Table (A.3.1) shows typical random number table. Such table may be used by
entering it randomly (without previous look) and moving in a certain direction (up,
down, right, or left) to obtain random numbers and using them for sample selection.
The random sampling method shall be used for choosing the time and location
of sampling. Following are two examples for the ways with which the random numbers
are used to select the sample.

2. Example 1: Selection of Random Numbers:

Assume that it is required to select Fifteen (15) samples from a total of seven-
hundred and fifty (750) samples in a certain item. In such case, each sample in this
quantity is given an independent number varying from 1 to 750. What is required is
selecting 15 numbers each composed of three digits from the numbers varying between
001 and 750 by applying the following method:

First it is necessary to determine a starting point in the table. Table (A.3.1)

contains 50 rows and 10 columns of digits listed in groups of four. The starting point
for entering Table (A.3.1) shall be selected randomly in the table. Assume, in this
example, the starting point is the point of “row number 41 and column number 8”.
Assume that the decision was made in advance that the starting digit chosen will be the
first three digits of the four-digit number read to the right and that succeeding numbers
will be read down the column and to continue in the columns to the right. The
following numbers are obtained. (Numbers that are not between 001 and 750 must be
discarded; these are shown in parentheses. A number that has already occurred must
also be discarded; there are no such numbers in this example.)
482, (858), 601, 623, (953), 703, 723, 094, 582, 337, 163 (904), 187, (782), 590, (923),
544, 146, 120, 030

The selection of the sample is simplified if the 15 numbers between 001 and 750 are
rearranged in order of increasing size as follows:
030, 094, 120, 146, 163, 187, 337, 482, 544, 582, 590, 601, 623, 703, 723.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 3-Random sampling method

Table A.3.1: Typical random numbers table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1306 1189 5731 3968 5606 5084 8947 3897 1636 7810
0422 2431 0649 8085 5053 4722 6598 5044 9040 5121
6597 2202 6168 5060 8656 6733 6364 7649 1871 4328
7965 6541 5645 6243 7658 6903 9911 5740 7824 8520
7695 6937 0406 8894 0441 8135 9797 7285 5905 9539

5160 7851 8464 6789 3938 4197 6511 0407 9239 2232
2961 0551 0539 8288 7478 7565 5581 5771 5442 8761
1428 4183 4312 5445 4854 9157 9158 5218 1464 3634
3666 5642 4539 1561 7849 7520 2547 0756 1206 2033
6543 6799 7454 9052 6689 1948 2574 9386 0304 7945

9975 6080 7423 3175 9377 6951 6519 8287 8994 5532
4868 0956 7545 7723 8085 4948 2228 9583 4415 7065
8239 7068 6694 5168 3117 1586 0237 6160 9585 1133
8722 9191 3386 3443 0434 4586 4150 1224 6204 0937
1330 9120 8785 8382 2929 7089 3109 6742 2468 7025

2296 2952 4764 9070 6356 9192 4012 0618 2219 1109
3582 7052 3132 4519 9250 2486 0830 8472 2160 7046
5872 9207 7222 6494 8973 3545 6967 8490 5264 9821
1134 6324 6201 3792 5651 0538 4676 2064 0584 7996
1403 4497 7390 8503 8239 4236 8022 2914 4368 4529

3393 7025 3381 3553 2128 1021 8353 6413 5161 8583
1137 7896 3602 0060 7850 7626 0854 6565 4260 6220
7437 5198 8772 6927 8527 6851 2709 5992 7383 1071
8414 8820 3917 7238 9821 6073 6658 1280 9643 7761
8398 5224 2749 7311 5740 9771 7826 9533 3800 4553

0995 8935 2939 3092 2496 0359 0318 4697 7181 4035
6657 0755 9685 4017 6581 7292 5643 5064 1142 1297
8875 8369 7868 0190 9278 1709 4253 9346 4335 3769
8399 6702 0586 6423 7985 2979 4513 1970 1989 3105
6703 1024 2064 0393 6815 8502 1375 4171 6970 1201

4730 1653 0932 0955 0957 7366 0325 5178 7958 5371
8400 6834 3187 8688 1079 1480 6776 9888 7585 9998
3647 8002 6726 0877 4552 3238 7542 7804 3933 9475
6789 5197 8037 2354 9262 5497 0005 3986 1767 7981
2630 2721 2810 2185 6323 5679 4931 8336 6662 3566

1374 8625 1644 3342 1587 0762 6057 8011 2666 3759
1572 7625 9110 4409 0239 7059 3415 5537 2250 7292
9678 2877 7579 4935 0449 8119 6969 5383 1717 6719
0882 6781 3538 4090 3092 2365 6001 3446 9985 6007
0006 4205 2389 4365 1981 8158 7784 6256 3842 5603

4661 9861 7916 9305 2074 9462 0254 4827 9198 3974
1093 3784 4190 6332 1175 8599 9735 8584 6581 7194
3374 3545 6865 8819 3342 1676 2264 6014 5012 2458
3650 9676 1436 4374 4716 5548 8276 6235 6742 2154
7292 5749 7877 7602 9205 3599 3880 9537 4423 2330

2353 8319 2850 4026 3027 1708 3518 7034 7132 6903
1094 2009 8919 5676 7283 4982 9642 7235 8167 3366
0568 4002 0587 7165 1094 2006 7471 0940 4366 9554
5608 4070 5233 4339 6543 6695 5799 5821 3953 9458
8285 7537 1181 2300 5294 6892 1627 3372 1952 3028

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 516

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 3-Random sampling method

3. Example 2: Determining Locations of Random Samples from Asphalt Concrete
Assume that work is being carried out for constructing an asphalt concrete
pavement section for a one lane of three and six-tenths (3.6) meters wide and two-
thousands and five hundreds (2500) meters long. It is required that five (5) locations
randomly distributed on the width and length of this road section shall be determined.

To determine these samples two groups of numbers are selected from Table
(A.3.1) each group is composed of five (5) numbers so that the first group represents
sampling locations on the road length and the second group represents sampling
locations on the road width.

By entering Table (A.3.1), using the method described in Example 1, the

following numbers were selected:
1. First group: 8527, 9821, 5740, 2496, 6581
2. Second group: 3092, 2365, 6001, 3446, 9985

The numbers of the first group are multiplied by the section total length (2500)
and the numbers of the second group are multiplied by the section total width (3.6) and
dividing the products in both cases by 10,000. The random sampling locations shall be
as shown in the following table:

Distance from the Offset distance for the

Sample Number beginning of the section right or left lane edge
(meters) (meters)
First 624 1.10
Second 1,435 0.85
Third 1,645 2.16
Fourth 2,132 1.24
Fifth 2,455 3.59

The previous locations of sampling may be used to perform all quality control or
quality assurance characteristic tests such as: density of road bed, aggregate base,
subbase layers and tests of measuring asphalt concrete layer thickness and compaction.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 517

Appendix 4 Work Evaluation Using The Statistical Method 521
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 4- Work evaluation using statistical method



Given Information:
An asphalt concrete layer was constructed with the following special specifications:
1. Asphalt layer thickness = 5 centimeters
2. Asphalt content in asphalt concrete mix = 5%
3. Gradation specifications of asphalt surface layer aggregate = Gradation No. 4
Table (7.3.4) and Job Mix Formula shown in Table (A.4.2) below.
4. Required compaction level = Minimum 91 % and Maximum 95%
5. Road service roughness according to International Roughness index (IRI) = 200
cm/km, maximum
When this road was tested for quality assurance purposes, results of tests for ten (10)
random samples were as shown on Tables (A.4.1) and (A.4.2) below.

Table A.4.1: Testing results of some characteristics of asphalt concrete road

under study
Standard Specification Limits Number
Characteristic Average deviation of of
Maximum Minimum
measurements samples
Asphalt layer thickness
4.8 0.24 - 4.7 10
Compaction degree (%) 92.8 1.452 95 91 10
Asphalt content (%) 4.98 0.50 5.4 4.6 10
Surface layer smoothness
using roughness IRI 185 25.4 200 - 10
measuring system (cm/km)

Quality Index
Work Outside Ratio
Characteristic Maximu Minimu
Maximu Minimu Factor
Asphalt layer thickness (cm) ---- 0.42 0% 34% 88%
Compaction degree (%) 1.52 1.24 5.08% 10% 100%
Asphalt content (%) 0.84 0.67 20% 21.6 % 81 %
Surface layer smoothness
using roughness IRI 0.59 --- 28 % 0% 92 %
measuring system (cm/km)

Asphalt mix aggregate gradation results were as shown on Table (A.4.2).

Calculate total pay factor for this road considering only the characteristics mentioned
By using the following equations indicated in the Item 17.3.2 the quality index
for each characteristic is calculated with both its maximum and/or minimum limits

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 521

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 4- Work evaluation using statistical method

1. Calculate upper quality index (QU) as follows:
Qu =
USL = Upper specification limit
x = Average of all values
s = standard deviation of all values
Note: The USL equals the Contract specification limit or the target value plus
allowable deviation.
2. Calculate the lower quality index (QL) as follows:
QL =
LSL = Lower specification limit.
Note: The LSL equals the Contract specification limit or the target value minus
allowable deviation.
3. Using Table (17.3.2), the percentage PU (the percentage of work outside the
upper specifications limit. PU corresponds to the upper quality index QU. If the
USL is not specified, then PU = 0
4. Using Table (17.3.2), determine the percentage PL (the percentage of work
outside the lower specifications limit). PL corresponds to the lower quality index
QL. If the LSL is not specified, then PL = 0
5. Calculate the percentage of work outside upper and lower specifications
limits (percentage of defective work) as follows: PU + PL
6. Pay factor is determined according to the following steps:
Using Table (17.3.3), pay factor is determined for each characteristic of those
indicated in Tables (A.4.1) and (A.4.2) for the total number of samples and the total
estimated percentage of the defective work outside specifications limit from step 5

Major quality level Category (I) is used for aggregate passing through sieves
between sieve size 0.75 mm (No. 200) and sieve 4.75 mm (No. 4) while category (II),
secondary quality level, is used for coarse aggregate with a size larger than sieve 4.75
mm (No. 4), to calculate pay value then the arithmetic average of the pay factor is
averaged for all sieves for gradation characteristic.
The final pay factor is calculated from the overall average of all pay factors of the
measured characteristics.

Table (A.4.2) shows pay factor calculations of total aggregate gradation. The
resulted average pay factor for the aggregate equals to 0.967. Table (A.4.3) shows pay
factor calculations of the remaining characteristics.
By calculating pay factors of the previous four characteristics the overall pay
factor is:

(0.967 + 0.81 + 0.88 + 1.00 + 0.92) ÷ 5 = 0.915, which means that overall pay to the
Contractor will 91.5% of the values of all the characteristic items involved in the
evaluation by the statistical method.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 522

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 4- Work evaluation using statistical method

Table A.4.2: Asphalt extraction results, pay factor of gradation and asphalt

Specification JMF asphalt Pay
Sieve size QU QL PU PL PU + P L
limits limits content factor
37.5 mm (1.5 inch) 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.00
25 mm (1 inch) 75-90 79-91 85.0 5.66 1.06 1.06 14 14 28 0.97
19 mm (3/4 inch) 65-80 67-79 73.0 4.26 1.41 1.41 7 7 14 0.95
12.5 mm (1/2 inch) 55-70 56-68 61.4 4.66 1.41 1.71 7 3 10 1.00
9.5 mm (3/8 inch) 46-60 47-59 53.6 4.37 1.24 1.02 10 15 25 0.99
4.75 mm (No. 4) 31-46 34-46 40.7 5.00 1.06 0.84 14 20 34 0.88
2 mm (No. 10) 18-33 18-28 23.1 4.46 1.1 1.06 13 14 27 0.93
0.425 mm (No. 40) 5-18 7-13 10.4 1.95 1.35 1.06 8 14 22 0.96
0.180 mm (No. 80) 3-13 4-10 4.1 1.86 1.54 1.41 5 7 12 1.00
0.075 mm (No. 200) 2-9 3-6 4.5 1.2 1.28 1.35 9 8 17 0.99

The average pay factor for all sieves equal to 0.967.

Table A.4.3: Pay factor calculation for thickness, compaction, and surface
Standard Pay
Characteristics value of 10 USL LSL QU QL PU PL PU + PL
deviation factor
Asphalt layer
4.8 0.24 - 4.7 - 0.42 - 34 34 0.88
thickness (cm)
4.98 0.50 5.4 4.6 0.84 0.77 22 20 42 0.81
Compaction level
92.8 1.452 95 91 1.52 1.24 5 10 15 1.00
smoothness IRI
185 25.4 200 - 0.59 - 28 - 28 0.92

The overall average pay factor = 91.5 percent

Important Note:
If the pay factor of one (or more) of the characteristics of the work being
evaluated is less than seventy-five (75) percent, these characteristics are given pay
factors equal to zero (0), and then the overall average pay factor for all characteristics is

If this average is more than seventy-five (75) percent, and the work is
technically accepted based on a technical report issued by an approved specialized
agency, the Ministry has the right to accept the executed work and the Contractor is
paid according to this pay factor. If the work is not technically accepted, the work is
rejected and the Contractor shall remove the executed work and re-constructed it
according to the specifications without any compensation. If the work is technically
accepted and the pay factor is less than seventy-five (75) percent, the Ministry has the
right to accept the work without asking the Contractor to remove it; however, the
Contractor will not be paid any compensation.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 523

Appendix 5 Traffic Calming Bumps 527

1. Introduction 527
2. Bump Shapes 527
2.1 Speed Bump 527
2.2 Speed Hump 527
2.3 Tabletop Type Speed Humps 528
2.4 Raised Intersections 528
3. Sites And Conditions Of Bump Construction 530
3.1 Site Conditions 530
3.2 Stipulations Of Bumps Execution 532
3.3 Handicapped Crossings Requirements 532
4. Engineering Design 533
5. Bump Construction 535
5.1 Asphalt Bumps 535
5.1.1 Materials 535
5.1.2 Execution 535 Under Progress Asphalt Surfaces 535 Constructed Asphalt Surfaces 535
5.2 Pre-Cast Concrete Bumps 536
5.2.1 Materials 536
5.2.2 Execution 536
6. Traffic Control Devises At Humps 536
6.1 Traffic Signs 536
6.2 Ground Marking 537
6.3 Ground Reflectors 537
7. Lighting 539
General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps



1. Introduction:
Traffic calming bumps are a simple height in pavement layers constructed in
certain areas for forcing drivers to slow down their speed.

Bumps are constructed in different shapes and asphalt concrete or pre-fabricated

concrete or rubber or plastic elements are used in their construction.

This appendix contains the basic design requirements for bumps and their
construction using asphalt concrete or overlapping concrete bricks and also it includes
traffic safety equipments and traffic signs related to these bumps.

2. Bump shapes:
Traffic calming bumps may be constructed in one of the following three shapes,
the attached figures are only for clarification (without scale) and all dimensions are in
cm :

2.1 Speed Bump:

It is an area elevated from the road surface in the lateral direction with a height
usually varying between 7.5-10 cm. and between 35-100 cm. long. It is normally
constructed on special roads and in parking areas. This type of bumps causes an
uncomfortable feeling for drivers and forces them to slow down their speed to 10 km/h,
as shown in figure (A.5.1).

Figure A.5.1: Speed Bump

2.2 Speed hump:

An elevated area from the road surface in a lateral direction and sometimes
called waved surface or sleeping traffic policeman, and such type usually varies
between 7.5-10 cm. high and 3.5-4.5 m. long. This type causes a little uncomfortable
feeling for drivers and forces them to slow their speeds to 25 km/h up to 35 km/h as
shown in figure (A.5.2).

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 527

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps



Figure A.5.2: Speed humps elements

2.3 Tabletop type speed humps:

This figure represents a special form of speed hump and is characterized by a
shorter length (2) m. normally designated for pedestrian movement at intersections as
shown in figure (A.5.3).

2.4 Raised intersections:

It is a kind of raised bumps with leveling surface, but the whole intersection area
is raised up, generally concrete tiles is used in this type as shown in figure (A.5.4).

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 528

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps




Figure A.5.3: Tabletop type speed humps elements

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 529

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps



Figure A.5.4: Raised intersection

3. Sites and conditions of bump construction:
3.1 Site conditions:
Traffic calming bumps shall be constructed at sites where calming speed is
necessary for providing traffic safety for cars and pedestrians such as school areas,
educational centers, mosques, public parks and large commercial markets which are
characterized with high pedestrian movement and bumps may be necessary at
pedestrian walkways and car parking exits.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 530

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

Bumps shall be constructed only on local streets and they are not allowed to be
constructed on collective or arterial streets, and specified speed on the road shall be
limited to 60 km/h,

Raised intersections shall be constructed at local roads, and it can used in

collector and arterial roads when traffic volume not more than ten thousands (10000)
car/day, and the speed is limited to sixty 60 km/h.

It is not allowed to execute any type of bumps or raised intersections in roads

with a dense movement of emergency cars like ambulance fire engine, and crossing cars
or cars with long chaises.

It is preferred not execute bumps on roads which the percent of vehicles and
heavy cars in it, more than five (5%), otherwise other roads are available.
Table (A.5.1) is shown road conditions in bumps sites

Table A.5.1: road conditions in bumps sites

Site and road conditions Limits

Local, and local collective streets where there
Road classification are problems related to excessive speeds, service
streets where there are service centers
Traffic control speed in the street,( km/h) 60 or less
Street length after deducting intersection
Minimum 250 meters
area lengths, (meter).
Longitudinal gradation of the road on
Maximum 8
which the bump shall be constructed, (%)
Distance between consecutive bumps in a
series of bumps, (meter)
Bump visibility distance, (meter) Taken from table 5
Radii of horizontal bends of the road at
Minimum 100
bump construction area, m

When choosing bump sites adhere to a group of conditions, following are

the most important of these them:
1. The construction of the bump shall not lead to interruption of water
drainage and bumps shall not be executed at water catch basins, drain
openings, manholes and firefighting nozzles.
2. It is not allowed to execute any type of bumps or raised intersections in roads
with a dense movement of emergency cars like ambulance fire engine, and
crossing cars or cars with long chaises.
3. Bumps shall not be constructed at bus and public transportation vehicle
parking areas, and the distance between the bump and the entrances and
exits of pockets designated for all such parking areas for entrance and
exiting of buses comfortably, shall not be less than 5 meters.
4. The need for constructing bumps near pedestrian walkways shall be
eliminated, and the bump shall be at a distance of not less than 5 meters
from the intersection plus providing a traffic pole for pedestrian
intersection to draw the driver's attention.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 531

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

5. Rout continuity of the handicapped movement shall be considered when
constructing tabletop speed bumps by executing a suitable slope for
pavement sides and bump sides of not more than 1:12.
6. The separating distance between the bump and the intersection shall not
be less than 20 meters.
7. Provision of vision conditions shall be considered, and to refrain from
planting trees or plants which may limit visioning traffic signs.

3.2 Stipulations of bumps execution:

1- When there are service structures that require bump construction on local
collective streets, two bumps shall be constructed in traffic direction at a
distance of 20 meters before the main gates of the service structures.
2- When the service structures are located on local streets, two bumps are executed
at a distance of 20 meters before the main gate.
3- Bumps are constructed around parking spaces surrounding mosques, schools and
other service facilities, and bumps shall be constructed inside these spaces when
necessary, at distances of 30 meters between each two bumps.
4- At local collective street intersections which are not provided with traffic
signals, bumps are executed at a distance of 20 meters before the intersection, on
the intersecting streets.
5- Bumps on local streets which link between local collective streets, at the rate of
one bump at a distance of 50 meters from the intersection, and at distances of
100 to 200 meters each, according to site requirements.
6- At local street intersections of equal importance with no traffic signals, or when
streets meet at an angle or two longitudinal slopes which limit the intersection
vision distance, bumps are executed on the intersecting streets 50 meters before
the intersection.
7- At road closed ends or when roads end at non-constructed lands, one bump is
constructed 50 meters before the end, and when the end corresponds with a
gradient two bumps are constructed at distances of 50 and 20 meters before the
8- When the width of the street is changed a bump is executed at a distance of 50
meters before the beginning of the change.

3.3 Disabled crossings requirements:

It is preferable to refrain from locating humps in locations designated for
pedestrian walkways provided with special ramps for handicapped people, and to place
humps before those crossings.

When constructing upper level surface humps designated for pedestrians a link
shall be made between pavement and crossing raised on the hump by constructing a
special ramp that meets the conditions for wheelchair movement. The ramp slope shall
not exceed 1 to 12 (1:12), figure (A.5.5) shows example of relation between the side
walk and curb ramp.

In all cases, provision for surface water drainage shall be considered at humps
construction sites either by constructing draining openings or additional lateral drains or
providing a separating distance between the internal face of the curbing and the hump
according to site conditions.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps




Figure A.5.5: Example of relation between the sides walks and curb ramp

4. Engineering Design:
Traffic calming bumps shall be designed and constructed such that they provide
the possibility of crossing them by cars smoothly and without feeling a strong shock.

There are no specifications for speed bump, but height usually varying between
7.5-10 cm. and the minimum long is 30 cm.

The most important bump designing factors are height, length, elevation
gradation length, and the following table (A.5.2) shows the most important factors.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

Speed humps are designed according to parabola and the figure (A.5.6) shows
the variation in height, which can be calculated as in the vertical curves.

Tables (A.5.3) & (A.5.4) Shows the variation in height in bump edge and the
other edge corresponding to it.

Table A.5.2: Bump factors dimensions

Bump factors Dimensions (meter)

Bump height, cm Maximum 10
Tabletop speed bump length from 3.5-4.5 and when there is bus traffic
beginning to end, meter not less than 8 meters.
Pedestrian paths 2
Level upper
surface, m 5-10 according to crossed roads width
Raised intersections
and pedestrian walkside
Gradation slope of elevation change 1:8 To 1:15 ,bus traffic 1:20

Figure A.5.6: Bump elements

Table A.5.3: Bump's Height with maximum height equal to 7.5 cm

Bump Cumulative distance from bump's start (cm)
length 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
(m) Height according to bump's length (cm)
3.5 2 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 - -
4.00 2 3 4.5 5.5 6.5 7 7.5 7.5 -
4.5 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 7.5

Table A.5.4: Bump's Height with maximum height equal to 10 cm

Bump Cumulative distance from bump's start (cm)
length 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
(m) Height according to bump's length (cm)
3.5 3 5 6.5 8 9 9.5 10 - -
4.00 2 4 6 7.5 8 9 9.5 10 -
4.5 2 4 6 7 8 9 9.5 10 10
Note: Tables (A.5.3) & (A.5.4) shows the values for one half of the bump and the other is corresponding
to it.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

5. Bump construction:
Different types of bumps shall be constructed at the designated sites according
to the dimensions and shapes specified in contract documents or according to the
Engineer's instructions, using the materials indicated in the special specifications or
contract documents.
Contractor shall, before commencing execution, verify the bump site and obtain
the Engineer's acceptance for it.

5.1 Asphalt bumps:

5.1.1 Materials:
Asphalt Materials and mixes shall be in compliance with those indicated in
special specifications, drawings or these general specifications. The asphalt materials
used in executing the binding layer shall be achieved from liquid or emulsified asphalt,
except otherwise stated in the special specifications, and shall comply with the
requirements indicated in division 7 of the general specifications for urban roads

The asphalt mix used shall achieve asphalt concrete requirements for surface
layer indicated in division 8 of the general specifications for urban road construction.

5.1.2 Execution:
Before commencing construction of asphalt concrete bumps, Contractor shall
prepare surfaces over which the bump shall be constructed, according to the following: Under progress asphalt surfaces:

When bumps construction coincides with the construction of asphalt layers, the
execution, finishing, testing and handing over by the Engineer, then bumps execution
start, that asphalt is cut at the bump site immediately after completing compaction with
a thickness of not less than 5 cm throughout the bump area, and execution of the
binding layer at the area designated for the bump and painting asphalt cutting faces with
the asphalt material used for the binder layer, the asphalt concrete is spread , compacted
and finished according to dimensions and levels shown on drawings and special
specifications, and Contractor has no right to claim any additional cost for asphalt
concrete removal works. Constructed asphalt surfaces:

When constructing bumps from asphalt concrete in executed asphalt concrete
surfaces, bumps shall be executed according to the above first case considering cleaning
the bump area from all deleterious and loose materials, and caring in executing the
binder layer and painting cutting faces.

At all times, cutting asphalt shall be done with mechanical circular saws capable
of cutting asphalt without creating any loosening or disintegration for the asphalt layers,
also cleaning surfaces from all loose and deleterious materials and binder layer shall be
executed according to the requirements and execution method stipulated in division
seven and eight of these general specifications.

The constructed bumps shall be compatible as to dimensions and levels with

what is stipulated in drawings and special specifications and the level of the bump top
shall not be different from the level specified by more than1 cm.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

When bumps execution were in areas with one asphaltic concrete layer with
thickness equal to or less than required thickness for bump execution, the execution can
be over aggregate layer (base or sub-base). In this case absorption layer shall be
executed according to divisions 7 & 8 in General Specification of Urban Road
Construction , asphalt cutting in that areas shall not lead to rarefaction or disunion in
aggregate layer, and when these happened, layers shall re impacted.

5.2 Pre-cast concrete bumps:

5.2.1 Materials:
The concrete elements (slabs) used in executing table top, speed humps, and
raised intersections shall be from overlapping concrete bricks, except otherwise allow
special specifications, and the bricks used shall achieve the quality requirements
indicated for overlapping bricks exposed to car movements stipulated in special
specifications or division 14 of general specifications for urban road construction and
shall be compliant as to shapes and dimensions with what is indicated in the special
specifications or according to Engineer's written instructions.
5.2.2 Execution:
Tabletop speed humps shall be constructed from overlapping bricks at the sites
and according to the dimensions and levels shown on drawings and special
Surfaces shall be prepared, sand bedding shall be executed, overlapping bricks
shall be installed and joints shall be filled according to the special specifications or
divisions 15&14 of the general specifications for urban roads construction or those
recommended by the manufacturer.
The upper surface level of the hump shall not differ from the levels specified by
more than 1 cm.

6. Traffic control devises at humps:

Suitable devises shall be used for indicating existence of the hump. Those
devises include traffic signs for hump in addition to paint lines or ground reflectors or
6.1 Traffic signs:
Signs to be used shall be from materials and specifications compliant with the
requirements indicated in Section 16.3 (Traffic signs & posts) of the general
specifications for urban road construction. Signs shall be fixed according to the method
indicated in item (Signs) of these general specifications. The distance from
which the warning sign can be seen shall not be less than the distances indicated in
Table (A.5.5), figure (A.5.7) shows the position of the sign and its shape.

Table A.5.5: Visual Distance

85 Percentile speed km/h Minimum required visual distance m
30 50
40 65
50 85
60 110

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 536

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps

Since, percent speed 85 is the speed with which, it has been observed that, 85%
of drivers drive their vehicles with a speed equal or less than it.

Figure A.5.7: Position of the sign and its shape

The sign shall be compliant with the standard approved in the MUTCD issued
by M.O.T. Figures (A.5.8) & (A.5.9) shows the dimension of bumps signs.

Figure A.5.8: Dimension of speed bump Figure A.5.9: Dimension of Tabletop

sign type speed humps sign

6.2 Ground Marking:

Paint materials used shall be compliant with the requirements of items
(Traffic Lines) & (Thermal Plastic Traffic Marking) of these general

Lines over the hump shall be installed with the method indicated in item (Painting Works) of the general specifications for urban road construction.
Also, according to the color and dimensions specified in the special specifications and
in compliance with MUTCD issued by the M.O.T.

Painting lines may be in different shapes providing that they meet the following
- The line width should not be less than 30 cm.
- Lines should be in yellow color and from reflector thermal plastic type.
Figures (A.5.10) show painting lines used on bumps.

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps


Figure A.5.10: Painting lines dimension on the speed bump

6.3 Ground reflectors:

Ground reflectors are used for raising the driver's attention to the existence of
the hump, on relatively weak lighted roads or roads on which visibility range is limited
due to fog or other natural factors. The used ground reflectors shall be compliant with
the requirements specified in item (Ground road reflectors) of the general
specifications for urban road construction.

Ceramic, prismatic, and cat eye (large, small and thermal) reflectors may be
used. Also, two types or more of reflectors may be used together.
Reflectors shall be fixed according to the methods indicated in item 16.4.3 of the
general specifications for urban road construction, according to the type of used
reflectors, in straight line at a distance of not more than 150 cm and not less than 50 cm
before the hump. Figure (A.5.11) show the position of the reflectors before the bump.

Figure A.5.11: Position of the reflectors before the bump

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General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Appendix 5- Traffic calming bumps


7. Lighting:
Hump locations should be lighted at night and lighting strength should not be
less than that approved for the road on which the hump is being constructed, or the
pedestrian crossings or intersections whichever the case. Lighting works shall be
executed according to the technical specifications and general conditions for roads,
streets, and parks lighting issued by the M. M. R. A, and except otherwise indicate the
approved technical specifications, lighting strength should not be less than 6 Lucas.

1- Artificial humps rules & specifications- Maintenance & Operation Directorate-
Riyadh Municipality.
2- General Specifications for urban road construction- M. O. T. 1998. KSA.
3- MUTCD – Ministry of Transport & Communications- KSA.
4- Traffic Engineering Handbook- Institute of Transportation Engineers
fifth edition-1999.
5- Traffic Calming State of Practice - Reid Ewin-FHWA-ITE-1999.

6- Traffic Calming Design Manual- Delaware Department of

Transportation -August - 2000.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 539

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction References List

1- Arabic References:

‫ ﺍﳌﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬،‫ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺽ‬،‫ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻨﻘﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻮﺩﻳﺔ‬،(١٩٩٨) ‫ ﺍﳌﻮﺍﺻﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻹﻧﺸﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻭﺍﳉﺴﻮﺭ‬-١
،‫ ﺩﻣﺸـﻖ‬،‫ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﳌﻮﺍﺻﻼﺕ‬،(٢٠٠١) ‫ ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻭﻁ ﻭﺍﳌﻮﺍﺻﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻔﻨﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻷﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻭﺍﳉﺴﻮﺭ‬-٢
.‫ﺍﳉﻤﻬﻮﺭﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻮﺭﻳﺔ‬
‫ ﻭﻛﺎﻟـﺔ‬،‫ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﺌﻮﻥ ﺍﻟﺒﻠﺪﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻘﺮﻭﻳﺔ‬،(٢٠٠٠) ‫ ﺩﻟﻴﻞ ﻭﺳﺎﺋﻞ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻜﻢ ﺍﳌﺮﻭﺭﻱ ﰲ ﻣﻨﺎﻃﻖ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻞ‬-٣
.‫ ﺍﳌﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻮﺩﻳﺔ‬،‫ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺽ‬،‫ ﺍﻹﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﺘﻨﺴﻴﻖ ﺍﳌﺸﺮﻭﻋﺎﺕ‬،‫ﺍﻟﻮﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﻟﺘﺨﻄﻴﻂ ﺍﳌﺪﻥ‬
‫ ﺩﺍﺋـﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺨﻄـﻴﻂ‬،‫ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻷﺷﻐﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻹﺳﻜﺎﻥ‬،(١٩٩١) ‫ ﻣﻮﺍﺻﻔﺎﺕ ﺇﻧﺸﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻕ ﻭﺍﳉﺴﻮﺭ‬-٤
.‫ ﺍﳌﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻷﺭﺩﻧﻴﺔ ﺍﳍﺎﴰﻴﺔ‬،‫ ﻋﻤﺎﻥ‬،‫ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻄﻮﻳﺮ‬
.‫ ﺍﳌﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻮﺩﻳﺔ‬،‫ ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﳌﻮﺍﺻﻼﺕ‬،(١٩٩٨) ‫ ﺩﻟﻴﻞ ﺗﺮﻛﻴﺐ ﻭﺻﻴﺎﻧﺔ ﺇﺷﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﳌﺮﻭﺭ‬-٥
‫ ﺩﺍﺭ ﺍﳋﺮﳚـﻲ ﻟﻠﻨﺸـﺮ‬،‫ ﺗﻘﻴﻴﻢ ﺍﳋﻠﻄﺎﺕ ﺍﻹﺳﻔﻠﺘﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﺮﻕ – ﺳﻮﺑﺮﺑﻴﻒ‬،(٢٠٠٢) ‫ ﺻﺎﱀ‬،‫ ﺍﻟﺴﻮﻳﻠﻤﻲ‬-٦
.‫ ﺍﳌﻤﻠﻜﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﻌﻮﺩﻳﺔ‬،‫ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺽ‬،‫ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻮﺯﻳﻊ‬
‫ ﻣﺪﻳﻨـﺔ‬،٢٢-١٤-‫ ﲝﺚ ﺭﻗﻢ ﺃﺕ‬،‫ ﻧﻈﺎﻡ ﻣﺮﺍﻗﺒﺔ ﺟﻮﺩﺓ ﺍﳋﺮﺳﺎﻧﺔ ﺍﳉﺎﻫﺰﺓ ﻭﺍﳌﻮﺍﺻﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻔﻨﻴﺔ ﻹﻧﺘﺎﺟﻬﺎ‬-٧
.‫ ﺍﻟﺘﻘﺮﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﻬﺎﺋﻲ‬،‫ﺍﳌﻠﻚ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﺰﻳﺰ ﻟﻠﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻘﻨﻴﺔ‬

2- Foreign References

1- AASHTO (1993). AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. American

Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington D.C.,


APPENDIX AA (Guidelines for the Design of Highway Internal Drainage
Systems), 1986.

3- AASHTO (1998). Guide Specification for Highway Construction. American

Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, D.C.,

4- AASHTO (2000). AASHTO Provisional Standard Specifications for

Transportation Materials. Methods of Sampling and Testing. American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington D.C.,

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 541

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction References List
5- AASHTO (2000). Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials. Methods
of Sampling and Testing. Part II. American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials. Washington D.C., USA.

6- AASHTO (2000). Standard Specification for Transportation Materials. Method of

Sampling and Testing Specification, Part I. American Association of State
Highway Transportation Official. Washington, D.C., USA.

7- ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (2003). Parts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. American Concrete

Institute. Detroit, USA.

8- ADOT (2000). Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridge Construction.

Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona, USA.

9- Alabama (1999). Alabama Standard Specifications, Alabama Department of

Transportation. Alabama, USA.

10- Al-Abdul Wahhab, H., Ali, M. F., Asi, I. M. and Al-Dhubaib, I. (1994).
Adaptation of SHRP Performance-Based Asphalt Specifications to the Gulf
Countries. Project Number AR-14-60, Progress Report Number 2. King Abdulaziz
City for Science and Technology. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

11- Annual Book of ASTM Standards (1994). Vol. 04.01, 04.02 and 04.05.
Philadelphia, USA.

12- Asphalt Institute (1977). Asphalt Cold-Mix Manual. The Asphalt Institute. Manual
Series MS-14. USA.

13- Asphalt Institute (1979). A Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual. The Asphalt Institute.
Manual Series MS-19. USA.

14- Asphalt Institute (1981) Asphalt Hot-Mix Recycling. The Asphalt Institute. Manual
Series MS-20. USA.

15- Asphalt Institute (1983). Asphalt Cold-Mix Recycling. The Asphalt Institute.
Manual Series MS-21. USA.

16- Asphalt Institute (1995). Mix Design Method for Asphalt Concrete and Other
Hot–Mix Types. The Asphalt Institute. Manual Series MS-2. Sixth Edition, USA.

17- Asphalt Institute (2001). SuperPAVE Mix Design. The Asphalt Institute. Superpave
Series Number SP-2. USA.

18- ASTM (2000). Roods and Paving Materials, Vehicle-Pavement System. American
Standards for Testing and Materials. Section 04, Volume 03, USA.

19- Asphalt Institute (2003). Performance Graded Asphalt- Binder Specification and
Testing, Superpave Series No.1(SP-1).

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 542

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction References List
20- BCA (1999). Specifications for Stone Mastic Asphalt Materials. New Zealand
Pavement and Bitumen Contractors Association, BCA Number 9808. New

21- City of San Antonyo Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (1995).
Traffic Control Devices Handbook, James L. Pline-2001.

22- Construction And Material specifications (2002). State of Ohio Department of

Transportation Colombus, Ohio.

23- FHWA (1990). Open Graded Friction Courses. Federal Highway Administration
Technical Advisory Number TS040.31. Washington D.C, USA.

24- FHWA (2003). Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on
Federal Highway Projects. Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C,

25- FHWA (1997). Pavement Recycling Guidelines for State and Local Governments.
Federal Highway Administration Publication Number FHWA - SA-98-042.
Washington, D.C., USA.

26- Highway Materials, Soils, and Concretes (1997). Third edition, Harold N. Atkins,
PE-Prentice Hall, New York, USA.

27- Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets, second edition, HARRY R. CEDEGREN. John
Willy & Sons, 1977.

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 543

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Unit Conversion Table
Unit Conversion Table
From Metric to English
Unit From Multiply by To Unit
(Length) ‫ﺍﻟﻄﻮﻝ‬
µm ‫ﻣﻴﻜﺮﻭﻣﺘﺮ‬ micrometers 0.03937 ‫ﻣﻴﻞ‬ mils mil
mm ‫ﻣﻴﻠﻴﻤﺘﺮ‬ millimeters 0.03937 ‫ﺑﻮﺻﺔ‬ inches in
m ‫ﻣﺘﺮ‬ meters 3.28084 ‫ﻗﺪﻡ‬ feet ft
m ‫ﻣﺘﺮ‬ meters 1.093613 ‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ‬ yards yd
km ‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻣﺘﺮ‬ kilometers 0.62137 ‫ﻣﻴﻞ‬ miles m
(Area) ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ‬

‫ﻣﻴﻠﻴﻤﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square ‫ﺑﻮﺻﺔ ﻣﺮﻳﻌﺔ‬

mm 2 0.00155 square inches in2
m2 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square meters 10.76391 ‫ﻗﺪﻡ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square feet ft2
m2 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square meters 1.19599 ‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ ﻣﺮﻳﻌﺔ‬ square yards yd2
ha ‫ﻫﻜﺘﺎﺭ‬ hectares 2.4710437 ‫ﺁﺭ‬ acres ac
m 2
‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square meters 0.000247 ‫ﺁﺭ‬ acres ac
‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square ‫ﻣﻴﻞ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬
km 2 0.3861 square miles mi2
(volume) ‫ﺍﳊﺠﻢ‬
L ‫ﻟﺘﺮ‬ liters 0.264172 ‫ﻏﺎﻟﻮﻥ‬ gallons gal
m 3
‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ cubic meters 35.31466 ‫ﻗﺪﻡ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ cubic feet ft3
m3 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ cubic meters 1.30795 ‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ ﻣﻜﻌﺒﺔ‬ cubic yards yd3
(Mass) ‫ﺍﻟﻜﺘﻠﺔ‬
g ‫ﻏﺮﺍﻡ‬ grams 0.035274 ‫ﺃﻭﻧﺼﺔ‬ ounces oz
kg ‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻏﺮﺍﻡ‬ kilograms 2.204622 ‫ﺭﻃﻞ‬ pounds lb
t ‫ﻃﻦ ﻣﺘﺮﻱ‬ metric tons 1.1023114 ‫ ﺭﻃﻞ‬٢٠٠٠ 2000 pounds T
(Temperature) ‫ﺍﳊﺮﺍﺭﺓ‬
0 0
c Celsius F = 1.8 C + 32 Fahrenheit F
(Illumination) ‫ﺍﻹﺿﺎﺀﺓ‬
lx ‫ﻟﻮﻛﺲ‬ lux 0.09290304 ‫ﻗﺪﻡ ـ ﴰﻌﺔ‬ foot-candles fc
‫ﴰﻌﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺮ‬ candelas per
cd/m 0.29186352 foot-lamberts fl
‫ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ square meter
(Force and pressure or stress) ‫ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺓ ﻭﺍﻹﺟﻬﺎﺩ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻟﻀﻐﻂ‬
N.m ‫ﻧﻴﻮﺗﻦ ﻣﺘﺮ‬ Newton meter 0.7375621 ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺮ‬ pounds-force foot lbf.ft
N ‫ﻧﻴﻮﺗﻦ‬ Newton 0.22480892 ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ‬ pounds force lbf
‫ﺑﺎﺳﻜﺎﻝ‬ ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﺒﻮﺻﺔ ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ pounds force per lbf/ft2
Pa PASCAL's 0.02088543
square foot (psf)
‫ﻣﻴﺠﺎ ﺑﺎﺳﻜﺎﻝ‬ ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﺒﻮﺻﺔ ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ pounds force per lbf/in2
MPa megapascals 145.03774
square inch (pai)

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

General Specifications of Urban Roads Construction Unit Conversion Table
From English to Metric
Unit From Multiply by To Unit
(Length) ‫ﺍﻟﻄﻮﻝ‬
mil mils ‫ﻣﻴﻞ‬ 25.4 ‫ﻣﻴﻜﺮﻭﻣﺘﺮ‬ micrometers µm
in inches ‫ﺑﻮﺻﺔ‬ 25.4 ‫ﻣﻴﻠﻴﻤﺘﺮ‬ millimeters mm
ft feet ‫ﻗﺪﻡ‬ 0.3048 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ‬ meters m
yd yards ‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ‬ 0.9144 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ‬ meters m
m miles ‫ﻣﻴﻞ‬ 1.609347 ‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻣﺘﺮ‬ kilometers km
(Area) ‫ﺍﳌﺴﺎﺣﺔ‬

‫ﺑﻮﺻﺔ ﻣﺮﻳﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻴﻠﻴﻤﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square

in2 square inches 645.16 mm 2
‫ﻗﺪﻡ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square
ft2 square feet 0.0929034 m2
‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ ﻣﺮﻳﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square
yd2 square yards 0.8361274 m2
ac acres ‫ﺁﺭ‬ 0.4046873 ‫ﻫﻜﺘﺎﺭ‬ hectares ha
‫ﺁﺭ‬ ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square
ac acres 4046.873 m2
‫ﻣﻴﻞ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ ‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ‬ square
mi2 square miles 2.589998 km 2
(volume) ‫ﺍﳊﺠﻢ‬
gal gallons ‫ﻏﺎﻟﻮﻥ‬ 3.785412 ‫ﻟﺘﺮ‬ liters L
ft3 cubic feet ‫ﻗﺪﻡ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ 0.02831685 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ cubic meters m3
yd3 cubic yards ‫ﻳﺎﺭﺩﺓ ﻣﻜﻌﺒﺔ‬ 0.9071847 ‫ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﻜﻌﺐ‬ cubic meters m3
(Mass) ‫ﺍﻟﻜﺘﻠﺔ‬
oz ounces ‫ﺃﻭﻧﺼﺔ‬ 28.34952 ‫ﻏﺮﺍﻡ‬ grams g
lb pounds ‫ﺭﻃﻞ‬ 0.4535924 ‫ﻛﻴﻠﻮ ﻏﺮﺍﻡ‬ kilograms kg
T 2000 pounds ‫ ﺭﻃﻞ‬٢٠٠ 0.9071847 ‫ﻃﻦ ﻣﺘﺮﻱ‬ metric tons t
(Temperature) ‫ﺍﳊﺮﺍﺭﺓ‬
0 0
F Fahrenheit C = (F-32) / 1.8 Celsius C
(Illumination) ‫ﺍﻹﺿﺎﺀﺓ‬
fc foot-candles 10.76391 ‫ﻟﻮﻛﺲ‬ lux lx
‫ﴰﻌﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺮ ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ candelas per
fl foot-lamberts 3.726259 cd/m
square meter
(Force and pressure or stress) ‫ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺓ ﻭﺍﻹﺟﻬﺎﺩ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻟﻀﻐﻂ‬
pounds-force ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﻤﺘﺮ‬ ‫ﻧﻴﻮﺗﻦ ﻣﺘﺮ‬ Newton
lbf.ft 1.355818 N.m
foot meter
lbf pounds force ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ‬ 4.448222 ‫ﻧﻴﻮﺗﻦ‬ Newton N
lbf/ft2 pounds force per ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﺒﻮﺻﺔ ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﺎﺳﻜﺎﻝ‬
47.88026 PASCAL's Pa
(psf) square foot
lbf/in2 pounds force per ‫ﺭﻃﻞ ﻗﻮﺓ ﻟﻠﺒﻮﺻﺔ ﺍﳌﺮﺑﻌﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻴﺠﺎ ﺑﺎﺳﻜﺎﻝ‬
0.006894757 megapascals MPa
(pai) square inch

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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