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Comparative Policesystem NAME: - DATE

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NAME: ______________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________________

1. This has been the primary function of government now and has always been. This requires some form of law enforcement
capability to function effectively.
A. Food security C. security
B. Economic security D. sovereignty
2. This involves modern variation on old techniques that are far more dangerous because of their tremendous potential
destructive power.
A. Contemporary terrorism C. terrorism
B. Sabotage D. transnational terrorism
3. A terrorism that is politically motivated and it becomes so by virtue of its mobility for it transcends national boundaries.
A. Chemical and biological terrorism C. transnational terrorism
B. contemporary terrorism D. terrorism
4. The loss of property, without compensation due to the commission of a criminal act. The enforcement agents target a property
that may have been used to facilitate criminal activity.
A. Asset forfeiture C. eminent domain
B. Confiscation D. penalty
5. An estimate or statement of relative likeness or unlikeness, analogy, correspondence, contrast, example or metaphor.
A. Comparative C. likeness
B. Dissimilarities D. similarities
6. This involves different countries or pertains to two or more countries.
A. competitive C. regional
B. International D. worldwide
7. Refers to method, orderly combination or arrangement, as of parts or elements into a whole.
A. Methodology C. system
B. Procedure D. techniques
8. This was officially founded on October 24, 1945 after the ratification of its charter.
A. ASEANAPOL C. League of Nations
B. Interpol D. United Nations
9. This refers to the interception of illegal drugs being smuggled by air, sea and land.
A. Airport interdiction C. interdiction
B. confiscation D. maritime interdiction operation
10. Refers to the conduct of surveillance, interception and interdiction of person and evidence during a travel through an aircraft.
A. Airport interdiction C. interdiction
B. Confiscation D. maritime interdiction operation
11. The international organization prior to the UN which is responsible for ensuring peace and cooperation between world nations.
A. ASEANAPOL C. League of Nations
B. Interpol D. United Nations
12. Refers to the conduct of surveillance, interception of drugs and controlled chemicals and arrest of traffickers within maritime
A. Airport interdiction C. interdiction
B. Confiscation D. maritime interdiction operation
13. The branch of the United Nations that functions as the main decision-making and representative assembly through its policies
and recommendations.
A. Economic and Social Council C. International Court of Justice
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat
14. The branch in the organization of the UN and is the most powerful of all the branches because it has the power to authorize
the deployment of UN member-state militaries, can mandate a ceasefire during conflicts and can enforce penalties on countries
that do not comply with given mandates. It has the primary function of maintaining international peace and security.
A. Economic and Security Council C. International Court of Justice
B. General Assembly D. Security Council
15. The branch of the UN located in The Hague, Netherlands, which is responsible for the judicial matters.
A. Economic and Security Council C. International Court of Justice
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat
16. It was created in 1923 and established as the International Criminal Police Commission that facilitates cross-border police
cooperation and support as well as assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat
international crimes.
A. ASEANAPOL C. League of Nations
B. Interpol D. United Nations

17. This aims to facilitate international police cooperation even where diplomatic relations do not exist between particular
A. ASEANAPOL C. League of Nations
B. Interpol D. United Nations
18. This is the Interpol’s supreme governing body; it meets annually and comprises delegates appointed by each member
A. Advisers C. General Assembly
B. Executive Committee D. General Secretariat
19. The body of the Interpol that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a week and is run by the Secretary General.
A. Advisers C. General Assembly
B. Executive Committee D. General Secretariat
20. This is designated as the contact point of for the General Secretariat, regional offices, and other member countries requiring
assistance with overseas investigation and the location and apprehension of fugitives.
A. Executive Committee C. General Secretariat
B. General Assembly D. National Central Bureaus (NCB)
21. The experts in a purely advisory capacity who may be appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General
A. Advisers C. General Assembly
B. Executive Committee D. General Secretariat
22. The Interpol’s global police communications system that provides around the world with a common platform through which
they can share crucial information about criminals and criminality.
A. 1-24/7 C. duress code
B. 24/7 D. Morse code
23. These are considered as the priority crime areas within the organization’s current operational framework.
A. Environmental crimes C. law enforcement corruption
B. genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity D. public safety and terrorism
24. The country that is not an original member of the ASEAN.
A. Cambodia C. Malaysia
B. Indonesia D. Philippines
25. This treaty enshrines the following principles: mutual respect for one another‘s sovereignty, non-interference in international
affairs, the peaceful settlement of intraregional disputes, and effective cooperation.
A. Declaration of ASEAN Concord
B. Treaty of Amity (TAC) in Southeast Asia
C. Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
D. Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)
26. It committed all ASEAN members to exert efforts to secure the recognition and respect for Southeast Asia as a Zone of Peace,
Freedom and Neutrality, free from any manner of interference by outside forces.
A. Declaration of ASEAN Concord
B. Treaty of Amity (TAC) in Southeast Asia
C. Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
D. Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)
27. A key component of ZOFPAN, this treat expresses ASEAN’S determination to contribute towards general and complete
disarmament and the promotion of international peace and security.
A. Declaration of ASEAN Concord
B. Treaty of Amity (TAC) in Southeast Asia
C. Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
D. Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN)
28. Kepolisian Negara Republik with headquarters located in South Jakarta is the official police force of what country.
A. Bangladesh C. Indonesia
B. Cambodia D. Vietnam
29. Also known as the provincial police of Indonesia.
A. Kepolisian Daerah or Polda C. Kepolisian Sektor or Polsek
B. Kepolisian Resort or Polres D. Kepolisian Wilayah or Polwil
30. The Indonesian National Police which was incorporated into the armed forces in 1964 during the Sukarno Era.
A. Polda C. Polri
B. Polres D. Polsek
31. The highest police rank in the Indonesian National Police.
A. Police Commissioner General C. Police Grand Commissioner
B. Police General D. Police Inspector General
32. A chief initiative of the Interpol in the area of public safety and terrorism which was created in the aftermath of the September
11 attacks in the United States.
A. Fugitive Investigative Service C. Interpol Notice System
B. Fusion Task Force D. Interpol Red Notice
33. This has been recognized in a number of countries as having the legal value to serve as a basis for provisional arrest.
A. Fugitive Investigative Service C. Interpol Notice System
B. Fusion Task Force D. Interpol Red Notice
34. Created in 2001, this helps police fight the child sexual exploitation on the Internet which ranges from posed photos to visual
recording of brutal sexual crimes.
A. Interpol Child Abuse Image Database (ICAID) C. Fugitive Investigation Service
B. Interpol Red Notice D. National Central Bureaus
35. This contributes to the investigation by assisting officers working at the General Secretariat and in member countries with
research and analysis on crime trends.
A. Criminal Analysis Unit C. ICAID
B. FIS D. Incident Response Team
36. Operates round the clock in four official languages of Interpol (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) and serves as the first
point of contact for any member country faced with a crisis situation.
A. Criminal Analysis Unit C. ICAID
B. Command and Coordination Centre (CCC) D. FIS
37. Criminal attempt to acquire through e-mail or instant messaging sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details
by pretending to be a legitimate business representative.
A. Counterfeiting C. networking
B. Money laundering D. phishing
38. Currency counterfeiting, money laundering, intellectual property crime, payment card fraud, computer virus attacks and cyber-
terrorism are example of what kind of crimes.
A. Financial and high-tech crimes C. sabotage
B. Human trafficking D. terrorism
39. It is a serious financial concern for car manufacturers, luxury goods makers, media firms and drug companies.
A. Financial and high-tech crimes C. Intellectual property crime
B. Human trafficking D. money laundering
40. The official name of the Malaysian Police Force based on Police Act of 1967.
A. Burgher Guard C. Malaysian National Police
B. Malayan Federation Police Force D. Royal Malaysian Police
41. In Malaysia, this department deals with the investigation, arrest and prosecution of hard crimes (murder, robbery and rape)
and petty crimes (theft, house-breaking) and specializes in gambling, vice and secret societies.
A. Criminal Investigation Division C. Intelligence Division
B. Criminal Record Registration D. Prosecution and Law Division
42. The function of this department is to fight against dangerous drugs by enforcing the law to stop and reduce the demand and
supply of dangerous drugs.
A. Criminal Investigation Division C. Intelligence Division
B. General Operations Force D. Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division
43. This is organized in battalions and one of the para-military units of thee Malaysian Police Force. It is also known as Jungle
Squad or Pasukan Polis Hutan (PPH).
A. Criminal Investigation Division C. Management Department
B. Internal Security and Public Order Department D. Police Public Force (PPF)
44. The highest authority of the police force in Singapore.
A. Commissioner of Police C. Police Superintendent
B. Police General D. Senior Assistant Commissioner
45. It is required for all candidates in the Singapore Police Force and is conducted in a residential training program in the Police
A. Basic Training C. In-service training
B. Field Training D. Specialized Training
46. Section 17 of the Evidence Act of Singapore defines this term as an admission made at any time by a person accused of an
offense, stating or suggesting that he or she committed that offense.
A. Admission C. preliminary investigation
B. Confession D. prima facie evidence
47. The primary law enforcement agency in Thailand.
A. Kingdom of Thailand Police C. Thailand National Police
B. Royal Thai Police (RTP) D. Thailand National Police Force
48. In Thailand, this is in charge of the maintenance of the public peace and security along the border areas.
A. Border Patrol Police C. Maritime Police
B. Central Investigation Bureau D. Navy Seals
49. Responsible for major criminal cases, especially for offenses committed in breach of national security and integrity, with
jurisdiction covering the entire country.
A. Border Police C. Metropolitan Police Bureau
B. Central Investigation Bureau D. Royal Court Security Police
50. The office responsible for the immigration proceedings of all country checkpoints, alien registration, prevention and
suppression of trafficking of women and children, and guest performances according to the laws.
A. Border Police C. Immigration Bureau
B. Central Investigation Bureau D. Metropolitan Police Bureau

51. The agency that sets standards and qualifications, correspondent to the regulations set by the Office of the Civil
Service Commission, for admission to police service as well as promotion to higher rank in the Royal Thai Police.
A. Civil Service Commission C. Office of Human Resources
B. National Police Commission D. Police Cadet Academy
52. In the Royal Thai Police, the age requirement for male or female college graduate applicant is.
A. 14 to 18 C. 18 to 35
B. 14 to 21 D. 21 to 31
53. When did the modern Chinese police come into existence?
A. Late 16th century C. late 18th century
B. Late 17 century D. late 19th century
54. During the Han Dynasty an official known as Xianwei served as the relief law enforcement officer in the capital.
Under Xianwei were officers who performed the daily task of patrolling the city streets and apprehending criminals,
and they are called:
A. Si Tu C. Zhongwei
B. Ting D. Xianyu
55. This established a Western-style police system in China.
A. Han government C. Qing government
B. Qin government D. Zhongwei
56. This is the China’s first modern police agency established by the Qing government.
A. Capital Police Bureau of Beijing C. Capital Police Bureau of Xiamen
B. Capital Police Bureau of China D. Capital Police Bureau of Xianyu
57. China’s first comprehensive police la that contains specific provisions regarding the police organization,
functions, powers, recruitment standards, training disciplinary proceeding, and mechanisms of police accountability.
A. 1995 Police Law C. 1999 Police Law
B. 1996 Police Law D. 2000 Police Law
58. The largest and oldest components of the Chine police.
A. Judicial police in the people’s court C. prison police
B. Public security police D. judicial police in the people’s procuracies
59. In China, this is responsible for making nationwide regulations concerning the law enforcement procedures,
recruitment standards, training requirements and promotion criteria.
A. China National Police C. Ministry of Public Order
B. China Police Authority D. Ministry of Public Security
60. According to Police Law of 1995 that sets out the basic qualifications of police officers, to become a successful
candidate, a person must be of what age?
A. Over 15 years old C. over 18 years old
B. Over 17 years old D. over 21 years old
61. He commands the Korean National Police.
A. Commanding General C. Police Chief Superintendent
B. Commissioner General D. Police Director General
62. It is also known as the Korean National Police University whose graduates are appointed as police lieutenants.
A. National Police Academy C. National Police University
B. National Police College D. University of the Police
63. In Korea, this program aims to instil public trust, eliminate corruption, professionalize the police, and transform
the police into served that served the community.
A. Operation Grand Reform 99 Days C. Operation Grand Reform 101 Days
B. Operation Grand Reform 100 Days D. Operation Grand Reform 365 Days
64. An agency in Japan charged with the functions of protecting the rights and the freedom of individuals and
maintaining public order.
A. Administrative organization C. police
B. Community organization D. security
65. The Police Law of 1947 as amended in 1954 of what country provides a more efficient police organization,
paying considerable respect to the principle of local autonomy?
A. China C. Korea
B. Japan D. Philippines
66. This has the power to appoint or dismiss the Commissioner General of the National Police Agency with the
approval of the Prime Minister.
A. National Police Agency C. National Public Safety Commission
B. National Police Commissioner D. Prefectural Police
67. The jurisdiction of this body is generally confined to their prefectures.
A. Jurisdictional police C. Prefectural Police
B. National Police D. Security Police
68. This does not have a national police but have produced a unique police structure that includes municipal police,
state, federal, and private police agencies.
A. Japan C. UK
B. Korea D. USA
69. The most common local police organization which the Americans are more familiar.
A. City police C. prefectural police
B. Municipal Police D. service police
70. In 1968, he identified three distinct styles of local policing in America.
A. Dulles C. Kennedy
B. Hannibal D. James Q. Wilson
71. The three distinct styles of local policing are:
A. Legalistic, service, and order C. legalistic, service and protection
B. Legalistic, service, and patriotism D. legalistic, service and watchman
72. A type of local policing in America where legal agencies intervene frequently and formally with citizens. The
police department is characterized by officers who issue many citations and make many arrests.
A. Legalistic style C. Protection style
B. Order style D. service style
73. The type of local policing in USA that is characterized by many police-citizen contracts but relatively few
citations. The police department treat every citizen complaint as requiring a police response; they do not rely on the
criminal code to define police issues.
A. Legalistic style C. Patriotism Style
B. Order Style D. Service Style
74. The type of local policing in USA that emphasizes the peace-keeping function of policing.
A. Legalistic style C. Protection style
B. Order style D. Watchman Style
75. It investigates violations of federal laws such as robberies of federally insured financial institutions; manages
national crime data, keeps fingerprints records, runs a national academy for police administrator training, and
provides a variety of other assistance to state and local police.
A. CIA C. Municipal police
B. FBI D. State police
76. These activities are generally constrained by federal interest such as enforcing federal laws on federal
properties or federally protected persons.
A. Federal policing C. municipal policing
B. Local Policing D. National policing
77. They are traditionally seen as less qualified and less important than public police. They do what they are paid
to do.
A. Local police C. private police
B. Municipal police D. watchman
78. A function of private police that involves the protection of people and property and can be seen in the use of
security officers at the entrance ways to factories and construction sites or ticket counters at attractions.
A. Document security C. information security
B. Industrial security D. physical security
79. This normally involves attempts to prevent industrial espionage activities and often is accomplished through
preventive means like computer-access codes, limited access to facilities and “counterespionage” investigations.
A. Document security C. information security
B. Industrial security D. physical security
80. This includes the protection of workers and executives from terrorists, demonstrators, or others who pose a
threat. This function also includes background investigation, drug testing when appropriate, and the enforcement of
safety regulations.
A. Document security C. personal security
B. Industrial security D. VIP security
81. Order maintenance activities are sometimes called:
A. Law enforcement C. peacekeeping
B. Orderly D. watchdog
82. This involves the absence of disorder and is achieved by preventing or settling conflicts in a peaceful manner.
A. Law enforcement C. order maintenance
B. Mediation D. watchdog
83. As proposed by Bossard, this is defined as an offense that has an international dimension and implies crossing
at least one national border before during and after the fact. These include human trafficking, people smuggling,
trafficking of goods, sex slavery, et cetera.
A. Globalized crimes C. Interdependent crimes
B. International crimes D. Transnational crimes
84. The Philippine government under the Estrada administration created this office in order to institute programs and
projects to address threats to national and international interests and security. It has for its function the establishment
of a shared central database among concerned agencies for information on criminals, methodologies, arrests, and
convictions on transnational crime in all its form.
A. Philippine Anti-Crime Commission (PACC) C. Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC)
B. Philippine Anti-Hijacking Commission D. Philippine Center Against Terrorist Activities
85. The process by which assets primarily cash assets, which are derived from illegal activities are manipulated in
such manner to make them look as if they were derived from legitimate sources.
A. asset forfeiture C. money-laundering
B. black market D. tax evasion
86. This is defined as the calculated and unlawful use of force or violence, threat of force or violence against
persons or property to inculcate fear, intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment
thereof in furtherance of goals that are generally religious, political, or ideological through the exploitation of
computerized systems deployed by the target.
A. cyber terrorism C. smurfing
B. hacking D. terrorism
87. The illicit transport of controlled substances across borders and also within countries by air, on water, and over
A. drug intoxication C. drug smuggling
B. drug mule D. trafficking
88. This is defined by Alison Brysk as one of the leading characteristics of the contemporary world where
international norms and institutions for the protection or policing human rights, are more developed than at any
previous point in history, while global civil society fosters growing avenues for appeal for citizens repressed by their
own states. It is a package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority.
A. globalization C. transnationalization
B. internationalization D. world development
89. Schneider summarizes the theories of comparative policing into seven. What is this theory that illustrates that as
a nation develops, people’s alertness to crime is heightened? They report more crime to police and demand the
police to become more effective in solving crime problems.
A. alertness to crime theory C. economic or migration theory
B. deprivation theory D. modernization theory
90. The theory of Schneider that describes that crime everywhere if the result of unrestrained migration and
overpopulation in urban areas such as ghettos and slums.
A. alertness to crime theory C. economic or migration theory
B. deprivation theory D. modernization theory
91. This theory describes that along with higher standards of living, victim become more careless of their
belongings, and opportunities for committing crime multiply.
A. economic or migration theory C. deprivation theory
B. demographic theory D. opportunity theory
92. This theory defines that based on the event when a greater number of children are being born, and as these
baby booms grow up, delinquent subcultures develop out of adolescent identity crisis.
A. economic or migration theory C. deprivation theory
B. demographic theory D. opportunity theory
93. This theory holds that progress comes along with rising expectations. People at the bottom develop unrealistic
expectations while people at the top do not see themselves rising fast.
A. alertness to crime theory C. economic theory
B. deprivation theory D. modernization theory
94. This theory sees the problem as society is becoming too complex.
A. alertness to crime theory C. economic theory
B. deprivation theory D. modernization theory
95. This theory suggests that progressive lifestyle and norms result in the disintegration of older norms that once
held the people together.
A. theory of anomie and synomie C. migration theory
B. demographic theory D. opportunity theory
96. In Australia police officers have discretion to use a level of force which is both “appropriate” and “lethal.” What is
this level of force that is required to overcome and apprehend the person(s)?
A. “appropriate” C. “lethal”
B. discretionary D. reasonable
97. What is this level of force used that might result in the person’s death?
A. “appropriate” C. “lethal”
B. discretionary D. reasonable
98. The national force of Papua New Guinea with jurisdiction throughout all of Papua New Guinea.
A. New Guinea Constabulary C. Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary
B. Papua New Guinea Constabulary D. Royal Papua New Guinea Police
99. The national police force of New Zealand, which is responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic law among
A. New Zealand Constabulary C. Royal New Zealand Constabulary
B. New Zealand Police D. Royal New Zealand Police

100. The most important law enforcement organization in Argentina with jurisdiction in all the Argentine territory.
A. Argentina Police Force C. Argentine Federal Police
B. Argentine Police Force D. Argentina National Police


Post Modular Examination 5. A
Answer Key 6. B
7. C
1. C 8. D
2. A 9. C
3. C 10. A
11. C 77. C
12. D 78. D
13. B 79. C
14. D 80. C
15. C 81. C
16. B 82. C
17. B 83. D
18. C 84. C
19. D 85. C
20. D 86. A
21. A 87. C
22. A 88. A
23. D 89. A
24. A 90. C
25. B 91. D
26. D 92. B
27. C 93. B
28. C 94. D
29. A 95. A
30. C 96. A
31. B 97. C
32. B 98. C
33. D 99. B
34. A 100.C
35. A
36. B
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. D
41. A
42. D
43. D
44. A
45. A
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. B
50. C
51. C
52. C
53. D
54. D
55. C
56. A
57. A
58. B
59. D
60. C
61. B
62. B
63. B
64. B
65. C
66. B
67. C
68. D
69. A
70. D
71. D
72. A
73. D
74. D
75. B
76. A

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