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Analysis of Mcdonalds' Entry Strategy Into Vietnam Market: July 2020

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Analysis of McDonalds' entry strategy into Vietnam market

Article · July 2020


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2 authors:

Nguyen Hoang Tien Léo-Paul Dana

GAIE Montpellier Business School


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International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4030; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24
Received: 27-05-2020; Accepted: 14-06-2020; Published: 29-06-2020
Volume 5; Issue 3; 2020; Page No. 23-29

Analysis of McDonalds’ entry strategy into Vietnam market

Nguyen Hoang Tien1, Leo Paul Dana2, Rewel Jiminez Santural Jose3, Nguyen Van Dat4, Phan Minh Duc5
Saigon International University, Vietnam
Montpellier Business School, Vietnam
Saigon International University, Vietnam
Tay Nguyen University, Vietnam
Da Lat University, Vietnam

McDonalds is one of the international F&B groups to enter the Vietnamese market at the latest while other competitors have
been present and successfully doing business in this market. This article re-analyzes a new and cautious market penetration
strategy like Vietnam in recent years and tries to answer whether such a slow and reliable strategy will ensure great success for
McDonalds in the future.

Keywords: McDonalds, entry strategy, foreign market, Vietnam, food and beverage

1. Introduction competitiveness of enterprises (environment)?

Today, with the strong development of production forces, - What values and expectations do those in and out of
the science and technology revolution, the activities of business need (capital contributors)?
transnational Coporations (TNCs) are and will be the The business strategy is how a business can successfully
leading force to accelerate the process. globalization, compete in a specific market. It involves strategic decisions
affecting all areas of socio-economic life on an international about product selection, customer satisfaction, competitive
scale. They are a key force in the transmission of science, advantage over competitors, exploitation and creation of
technology and technology, restructuring the world new opportunities.
economy and a model to implement a modern commodity International business strategy is part of the company's
production organization. McDonald’s, a fast food business and development strategy, which includes the long-
corporation from the United States, is present throughout the term goals that the company needs to achieve through
world market. McDonald’s success stems from many factors international business activities, policies and and major
and a large part of that’s success is an international business solutions to bring the company's current international
strategy. To build an international business strategy is a operations to a new state of higher quality (Tien, 2013;
process. study the international business strategy of fast Tien, 2015; Tien 2019; Tien & Ngoc, 2019, 2019a, 2019b).
food group McDonald’s [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. So we had decided to
choose the research topic entitled "analysis of McDonalds’ 2.2 Market entry strategy
entry strategy into Vietnam market” as a subject of scientific Product strategy
investigation. In order to gain a position in today's competitive market,
companies must have a clear product strategy. Their
2. Theoretical framework products must be different from competing firms and
2.1 Business strategy increasingly quality. It is evident that the products have a
Strategy is the orientation and scale of an organization in the clear specific feature of flavor, color, brand and even the
long term. It will benefit the organization by optimizing the way of packaging and processing (Tien & Anh, 2017).
arrangement of resources in a competitive environment to
meet market demand and expectation of capital contributors. Promotion strategy
In other words, the strategy is (Tien, 2012; Tien, 2012a; In order to stand firm and reach out on the market,
Tien, 2019; Tien, 2017; Tien & Anh, 2017): companies are always looking for ways to bring their
- Where businesses try to reach in the long term (direction) products closer to consumers and expand the consumption
- Which markets do businesses have to compete with and market. Thanks to the advantages of experience, finance and
what kind of activities do they perform in that market brand available companies can reach their consumers in
(market, size)? most convenient ways. Companies are always looking for
- How will your business perform better than your ways to be close and consistent with the customs and
competitors in those markets (advantages)? lifestyles of each locality (Tien & Anh, 2017).
- What resources (skills, assets, finance, relationships, Advertising messages: most of them have a message to be
technical capabilities, equipment) are required to be able to close to consumers. For example, by comparing the way of
compete (resources)? life between two generations of grandparents and
- What factors from the outside environment affect the grandchildren, Coca-Cola offers health advice to customers.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Thereby, the quality of its products is increasingly 3.2. McDonald’s international business strategy
confirmed. McDonald’s is considered a classic symbol of globalization
Media: not only on television, movies or newspapers but strategy. McDonald’s has 80% of sales in just four countries
now social networking is a vast environment for interacting - USA, Germany, UK and France. Their key is the
with consumers. Franchise. Ray Kroc convinced the brothers Richard and
Maurice McDonald to work with him, giving Ray Kroc the
Price strategy right to use the McDonald's name for the fast food system,
Pricing strategies are a decisive factor in market penetration while Richard and Maurice would enjoy 1% of the sales of
strategies and are related to management decisions such as the this store. Ray Kroc quickly developed models with
pricing of products (setting prices), pricing of products business philosophy "happiness is the result of sweating, the
(costs) and price changes according to market requirements. more you sweat the happier people will be" [1, 2].
The best way is to find out what makes customers willing to The McDonald's model of franchising has a great advantage
spend money to buy our products. It is an important buying of giving franchisees great autonomy. The store owners can
engine because it represents the sacrifice (paid) that choose for themselves the advertising and marketing
customers are willing to spend to get satisfaction (product activities appropriate to their location and location. Another
features). Price is one of the big problems in competition particularly important secret of McDonald's success is that it
between brands, consumer psychology is not only to choose has incorporated the store rent issue into its franchising
a good product, but also that suitable with their income and model. The bigger the store is, the bigger the fee, besides
spending ability (power of purchase) (Tien et al, 2019; Tien the franchise fee, the corporation will collect a large amount
& Anh, 2017). of money. It was by that way that Ray Kroc cleverly tackled
the franchisee's difficulty in controlling revenue. To do this,
3. McDonalds’ international business strategy McDonald's proactively looks for locations that are
3.1. McDonald’s corporation beautiful and convenient for business. On the other hand,
McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant business group with McDonald's has a long-term business cooperation strategy
approximately 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries serving with major partner corporations such as Coca Cola and
43 million daily visitors under its own brand. The company become the largest consumer of Coca Cola in the world [4, 5,
6, 7]
was first founded in 1940 by brothers Richard and Maurice . This model is clearly shown in the company's marketing
McDonald. The foundation of today's successful business is strategy:
acquired by Ray Kroc of the McDonald brothers and  Product:
developed into one of the most successful culinary business The original purpose of McDonald's was to aim for a menu
projects in the world [1, 2, 3]. of standardized fast foods with the same quality and taste
The McDonald’s story begins about 60 years ago in San regardless of location. But then McDonald’s realized that
Bernadio, California. Ray Kroc is a salesperson who adjusting a little taste, ingredients in each locality will help
specializes in providing "milkshakes before drinking and the company be more successful. In line with local change,
mixed food" to a food store serving drivers and customers of a team of McDonald’s quality Assurance is also formed to
the two brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. Kroc estimated maintain food standards on a global scale. With the structure
that the store would sell more than 2,000 boxes of of an international area, separate product categories will be
milkshakes every month, and since then, Kroc was curious categorized into each geographical region. Like McDonald's
to know more about why the McDonald's business was so did, for example the File-O-Fish sandwich, made by Lou
prosperous. He visited this "quick service" shop and was Groen, the owner of a branch store in Cincinati, the area
amazed at the speed of serving the burger here: 15 seconds where most Christians are concentrated, or like McDonald's
for a 15-cent hamburger with potatoes and milkshakes. Kroc Hambuger in India It is often associated with fried chicken
saw the growth potential of this business and decided to get instead of beef. Moreover, with a narrow product group that
involved. The McDonald brothers agreed with Kroc's offer does not differ in geography, the global regional
to buy the "fast food restaurant" license, and the McDonalds organizational structure is more suitable. From a very small
will still receive 1% of the sales of these stores. And on family-owned restaurant, McDonald’s has grown into a
April 15, 1955, Kroc opened the first McDonald’s restaurant network of fast-service stores worth billions of US dollars.
serving fast food at Des Plaines, a suburb of northern While Hambuger and French fries are the mainstay of
Chicago [1, 2, 4]. McDonald's business, the ability to anticipate and meet the
With a rapid growth, the McDonald's system sold more than real needs of customers is their greatest success. A good
100 million hamburgers within the first 3 years and the example is the File-O-Fish sandwich, made by Loue Groen,
100th McDonald's was opened 4 years later, in 1959. By owner of a branch restaurant in Cincinati, an area where
1961, Kroc paid 2.7 million US dollars to buy all the most Christians are concentrated. Groen found that his
benefits from the McDonald brothers and in 1963, the sale business was not working well on Fridays where Christians
of the 1 billion hamburger was broadcast live on television did not eat meat-based dishes. Groen has launched a
during prime time commercial. McDonald's is not only personal sandwich to meet the needs of the locals. The File-
popular in the United States but also rapidly gaining success O-Fish sandwich was first sold in 1963 and quickly became
in international markets such as Canada, Japan, Australia a popular menu item at all McDonald’s stores around the
and Germany. Today, there are about 1.5 million people world. Subsequently, in 1968, Big Mac-McDonald's most
working for McDonald’s worldwide. Initially McDonald's successful sandwich dish was made by Jim Deligatti
was just a US success phenomenon but now it has become a restaurant in Pittsburg. Some Big Macs do not contain
truly international brand [3, 6, 7]. butter, which separates meat and dairy products in
accordance with the diet of many customers. And 9 years
later, the same restaurant, they serve a breakfast menu to the

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

drivers. And this changes the breakfast habits of millions of grew outside the United States by expanding markets to
Americans. Europe and Australia. When Kroc died in 1984, the
Since 1967, McDonald's has started to expand overseas. Ray company had more than 7,500 branches worldwide.
Kroc had to have very flexible tactics without losing the McDonald’s continues to explore new lands, and customers
fast-food industry image of Mcdonald's. For Indians who do follow eagerly even in places that many consider unsuitable
not eat beef, there is a modified Hambuger instead of fried to grow this type of business. For example, in 1994, about
chicken. McDonald's serves customers with the best quality 15,000 people lined up on the opening day of McDonald’s
food.The raw ingredients for food processing have been in Kuwait City to taste American favorite Hamburger.
ordered from suppliers for a long time. Food is highly Today, the international store network accounts for nearly
prepared and consistent. McDonald's is always reviewed 60% of the company's total revenue and profit. The number
and improved to make sure it meets customer expectations. of its 12,500 stores across the United States has increased
The menu of McDonald's restaurant in the US has beer, significantly in recent years thanks to the emergence of
chicken, fish, salads and vegetarian dishes, plus a variety of retail stores inside new shopping areas such as Wal-Mart
desserts, hot and cold drinks with many different flavors. stores and Amoco, accounts for 40% market share of fast
McDonald’s is the first fast-food restaurant to openly list all food business across the United States.
ingredients and its nutritional value analysis in detail on all
of their products. In 2000, McDonald's launched a number  Promotion
of innovative products such as McSalad, Shaker and Fruit McDonald’s strives to maximize localization of its
N’Yogurt Parfaits (fruit yogurt ice cream), which were marketing programs, because it recognizes that it will not be
easier to eat while busy. Ray Kroc is also very interested in possible to entice customers everywhere with just one
industrializing the manufacturing process. McDonald’s boss common approach. McDonald’s clearly recognizes the need
pays special attention to the factors: service quality and to "build a global brand, local marketing action." For
hygiene and affirms that it is an important advantage thanks example, in China, McDonald’s realizes that advertising on
to industrialization. Ray Kroc also invested in a laboratory television will be a waste of money, because these items are
in Chicago to test and assess food quality, hygiene and often overlooked. Instead, McDonald’s uses newspapers to
safety. Factors of standardization of products such as size, promote the image. Similarly, in East Asia, McDonald's
nutritional content, store layout, staff uniforms and service aims at children to achieve the best results. Of course, the
quality evaluation criteria have shown the impact of final brand / message is the same, they differ only in the
globalization strategy. However, due to the impact of way that has been cleverly adjusted. Even so, running a
demand factors and local culture, it has changed flexibly to business in the US is not without its difficulties. Market
suit each market such as the change in the combination of saturation and a growing number of competitors - from
ingredients in the product. other hamburger chains as well as increasingly popular
foods such as pizza, Mexican food and fried chicken - have
 Price been limited. The number of new stores opened in the US in
The overall goal of McDonald’s is to continuously increase 1998 is 92. The public's changing tastes and possibly in
market share. In this case, the company's focus is on response to the company's extensive development also
localization plans with different strategies in each country. contributed to the decline in sales. But McDonald’s is
Price is a difficult factor to be standardized globally, as constantly responding with promotional activities that target
consumers' income varies from country to country the interests of the community such as children's toys,
depending on their economy. Therefore, McDonald’s sets combined with the premieres of major movies. Effective TV
different prices for their fast foods based on analysis and commercials, promoting such familiar items along with the
research in each country. intimate name Big Mac and new products such as the
McFlurrie desserts, have also been launched. At the same
 Place (Distribution) time, investments in small chains specializing in pizza and
McDonald’s always focuses on managing costs, tightly Mexican food also provide the company with huge growth
controlling business development with careful and strategic potential. From the outset Kroc has targeted customers as
expansion plans. In the US, McDonald's has grown at a rate children. It is an inexhaustible source of customers,
of 300-400 restaurants per year to create a distance between constantly being replenished and psychologically as well as
them and the competitors. In strategies to eliminate hobby.White clown in yellow, white and red striped socks
competitors, McDonald’s is more open than other quickly became a symbol for McDonald's, was Children
restaurants even when the fast-food industry declines. This love it. Kroc knew that an effective advertising strategy
method will force competitors to become McDonald's would greatly increase the value of the brand. From the
"children" if they want to survive instead of risking their United States, Kroc conducts a world conquest for the brand
own independent business. Once again, we see a of McDonald’s. Like the difference between Ray Kroc's
combination of global and local strategies. In 1965, fast-food restaurant chain and other restaurants, Ray Kroc is
McDonald’s was equitized. Two decades later, it became more than just an ordinary businessman. Believing that the
one of the 30 benchmark companies for calculating the Dow most important thing was to contribute to the place where he
Jones Index; The total value of shares offered to the public lived, Kroc started McDonald's philanthropy in 1974 (such
at that time was only $ 2,500, equivalent to about $ 3 actions were rarely seen then) by building McDonald's Open
million today. Kroc has been trying to start other restaurant House first in Philadelphia. Designed to provide families of
business models for a few years, but none of them really seriously ill children with a comfortable home, there are
worked. Even so, McDonald's continued to grow now 200 such homes worldwide. In addition, the
tremendously, and Kroc's dream of running 1,000 retail McDonald’s Charity Foundation and the Children's Charity
outlets came true in 1968. Three years later, his company Program are part of efforts to raise about US $ 20 million

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

annually for this charity. McDonald’s is committed to being brand's international power, in addition to McDonald's. Also
an effective member of the community. The charity participate in sponsorship programs that vary by region.
organization named Ronald McDonal (RMHC) has In addition to each nation's advertising and promotional
contributed nearly 250 million US dollars with the purpose campaigns, McDonald's is firmly committed to Ray Kroc's
of sponsoring programs for children around the world since strong belief that McDonald's will contribute to community
1984. The basis of RMHC is the Ronald McDonald's House building with local activities ranging from morning
program, sponsors families with children with critical activities for the elderly to fundraising for schools and
illnesses so they can be treated in the hospitals closest to hospitals, etc. McDonald’s conducts marketing and
their home. The first Ronald McDonald’s house was opened promotes its brand not only head on TV channels, but also
in Philadelphia in 1974 and today there are about 200 such conducts direct contact with consumers themselves. For
houses in the world. example, when approaching new markets, McDonald's has
Two years after Kroc's death, his wife Joan continued his conducted surveys for customers there and at the same time
efforts by setting up a charity called McDonald's House. to promote products for consumers. Thereby, customers just
Since then she has personally contributed more than $ 100 got to know the brand of McDonald’s, and they also enjoyed
million, to help all those in need from homeless to the the product. After that, customers will spread their word
nuclear disarmament movement. In recent years, she has about McDonald’s brand. McDonald's has brought its brand
also quietly contributed $ 15 million to food shortage to consumers around the world through the same images,
victims in North Dakota, along with $ 80 million to the logos, and messages, but shown in each different marketing
Army Relief Fund to build a community center in San tactic to suit the characteristics of each market. With the
Diego. McDonald’s has hired thousands of elderly and international business strategy of globalizing McDonald's, it
disabled employees, and has additional programs to help standardizes its brand image from the decoration of the
develop their careers with women and other minority store, the staff uniform and the service style. However, the
employees. After years of criticism for the indiscriminate chain of stores like McDonald's built national marketing
littering of its packaging, McDonald's is working with the plans in addition to regional planning for their operating
Environmental Protection Fund to reduce the amount of system, combining the brand's identity with the local
non-compostable waste and other things by transferring marketing plan. Customers in each locality, each region are
from materials. Synthetic plastic to use paper bags. In a unique advantage of the franchisor in that locality, and the
addition, since 1994, approximately 8,500 McDonald’s franchisor should take advantage of that to strengthen his
restaurants have become smoke-free. And, of course, no brand. McDonald’s has made every effort to localize
vending machines are seen in their shops. Catching the trend marketing tactics, because it recognizes that it will not be
of high-quality coffee and the emergence of high-class possible to entice customers everywhere with a single
coffee shops, McDonald's started opening coffee bars called solution. With "global thinking of local action", the global
McCafé inside its restaurants, first in Melbourne, Australia, regional structure gives department managers autonomy to
in 1993. Ten years later, McDonald's had 600 McCafé like make quick decisions based on local tastes and rules, so that
that around the world. In 2006, McDonald’s reinvented The company can meet the needs of each country more. In
itself with a policy of redesigning their entire restaurants addition, the company gained valuable experience by
around the world. This is the largest McDonald's convention satisfying local tastes and building a strong competitive
ever since the 1970s. The new design retains the traditional advantage. As in different regions, Mcdonal’s has different
red and yellow colors of McDonald's and the new colors of marketing ways to bring its image to customers.
olive and green, but the red is softened into brown earth and
yellow to golden (yellow) to bring more fresh shine. At the  People
same time, McDonald's is also increasing its use of brick McDonald’s is based on a mix of American human
and wood decoration materials and gradually reducing resources and well-trained local staff in accordance with
plastic materials. They use chandeliers with softer lighting global standards. The number of McDonald's employees is
and decorate the walls with contemporary art paintings.With up to millions and the average doubled after 5-7 years.
all their efforts, McDonald's continues to aim to serve Therefore, although there are always questions about human
customers with nutritious meals that cost little time, and in a resources that McDonald’s must answer, such as how will
true clean space. the Labor Law work? How many local staff are there? Will
Advertising, of course, is not the only cause of success, but cultural barriers arise? But that does not diminish the close
it cannot be separated. Until now, the money invested in association with the local workforce in McDonald’s global
advertising and promotions of McDonald’s always business strategies.
accounted for a fixed proportion of the sales of the store.
McDonald's demonstrates the rare ability to do business as a  Procedure (Process)
"retailer" but with the brand's mindset, they still achieve McDonald’s fast food manufacturing process is identical at
sales right now, while still building and Protect brand all stores around the world - a thumbnail of globalization.
reputation in the long run. Advertising on television has Standards must be met everywhere and ensure high
contributed greatly in changing the brand image of specificity. For example, the piece of fried meat must have a
McDonald’s from a multinational company to a member of diameter of 75mm, suppliers of materials must also meet
society. Through that advertising program, McDonald’s has many stringent requirements.
created the sympathy of customers based on the trust,
warmth and humanity that none of their competitors can.  Physicality
McDonald's also participates in sponsoring sports programs, Although the media used in marketing can be very different,
especially prestigious sporting events in the world such as McDonald's always delivers the same message at all of its
the World Cup and Olympic Games to strengthen the franchise restaurants around the world. In 1994,

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

McDonald’s changed its business slogan to "There's nothing KFC, McDonald’s has its own advantages, which are
quite like a McDonald’s and nothing more like advantages in terms of brand and position No. 1. In the 2012
McDonald’s" to gain more access to its customers. This is Global Brand 100 list of BrandFinance, McDonald's holds
another example of promoting McDonald’s image as a the 4th position with a brand value of US $ 95 billion.
global brand. And the apparent success, the huge sales and Competitive brands such as Lotteria, KFC do not make the
the number of fast-food restaurants spread across the globe list. The brand has a great influence on the psychology of
have proven the success of a sound business strategy, a consumers and the phenomenon of Starbucks is the most
perfect blend of global business and local specialties. obvious evidence. Starbucks also holds the No. 1 position in
Certainly this strategy will also bring success to McDonald's the coffee business in the world. Before Starbucks, many
for many years to come, just as Sean O'Halloran, founder of famous brands such as Gloria Jeans or The Coffee Bean
GeoMarketing Research, Pennsylvania, a market research were present in Vietnam. But by the time Starbucks came
firm specializing in business location analysis, has said: in, a massive media wave due to the brand's strong influence
"McDonald's is a retail mouse, because it can exist and grow had helped them quickly defeat their previous rivals.
anywhere in this world, both in the plentiful market and the
customer sparse market". Difficulties (Disadvantages)
Not having much experience in Vietnam McDonald’s has
4. McDonalds Vietnam fastfood market entry strategy just officially entered the Vietnamese market through the
4.1. The premise for McDonald's penetration into first store opening event in Ho Chi Minh City on February
Vietnam market 8, 2014. Therefore, compared to other competitors,
Advantage from Vietnam market McDonald's is only considered as a "latecomer" and is only
- Living standard of the people is increasing: The GDP per in the stage of exploring and approaching the market.
capita is still low compared to the region, but if the GDP per Difficulties in the supply of raw materials, to ensure that the
capita is considered in two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi quality of a product is not too different from that of the
Minh City. In Ho Chi Minh City, the two locations will United States, self-sufficiency in Vietnam cannot meet the
undoubtedly be implemented first, which can be seen that needs of McDonald's. When having to import food from
GDP per capita in these two cities is much higher than abroad, the cost of importing and shipping will increase the
national average. (In 2012, Hanoi was about 2,200 USD / cost of the product. Currently, only vegetables are supplied
person and Ho Chi Minh City was 3,600 USD / person). from domestic businesses. The remaining ingredients must
This income is enough for consumers to willingly spend be imported from McDonald’s supply chains abroad, such
from 4-6 USD for a meal at McDonalds without thinking as beef imported from Australia.
too much.
- Consumption habits and lifestyles of Vietnamese people, 4.2. Modes of entry
especially young people, change with the process of McDonald entered the Vietnamese market by developing a
urbanization. Industrial life, fast food, fast drinking are the developmental licensee for a company in Vietnam, Good
factors that help Fast Food develop quickly. If in the US, Day Hospitality. According to McDonald's, Vietnam is one
fast food is considered a common food, fast food to save of more than 65 markets worldwide licensed for franchising.
time, then in Vietnam the concept of "fast food" has This is also a method that McDonald's has used more than
changed somewhat. Even, many people still think that going 30 years worldwide to develop the brand. The concept of
to eat KFC, Lotteria is luxurious and very stylish. Fast food "development license" is mentioned in Clause 3, Article 3 of
meets part of the need for access to Western style services Decree 35/2006 / ND-CP as follows: "A franchise contract
by millions of young residents in major cities. Fast food is a commercial franchise agreement granted by the
restaurants are always beautifully decorated and clean, franchisor. franchisee is allowed to set up more than one
which is a suitable place for gatherings and exchanges of establishment for his / her business by franchising within a
most young people. Besides, there are many foreigners certain geographical area”. The term also refers to the
living in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City in particular and the concept of "franchising," as defined in Article 284 of the
whole country in general, which brings great demands for Commercial Law: "Franchising is a commercial activity
Fast Food. whereby the franchisor authorizes and requires The
- The synchronous development of infrastructure and the franchisee may conduct the purchase and sale of goods and /
related entertainment industries: entailing the development or service provision on the following conditions:
of fast food shops. Specifically, despite having been doing - The purchase and sale of goods and provision of services
business in our country for more than ten years, Lotteria and shall be conducted in the manner of business organization
KFC have only really developed in the past few years, when prescribed by the franchisor and attached to the trademarks,
shopping centers, amusement parks, cinemas were built and trade names, business secrets, business slogans, franchise,
put into operation. business logos, advertising;
- The development of the fast food market: According to - The franchisor has the right to control and assist the
statistics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, franchisee in running the business.
the total sales of the fast food industry in Vietnam in 2011 is The key difference between a development license and a
estimated at an increase rate of 30% compared to 2010. franchise is that in addition to the licensee, the licensee can
With a growth rate of about 30% per year, the fast food not only provide the licensee's products, but also develop
market is becoming a industry with a high and stable growth other products that are different from the brand. permission
rate in the current consumer goods industries, through which has transferred.
McDonald's has decided to invest in the market. - In order to obtain the development license of McDonald’s,
Advantage from the McDonalds’ brand itself the Vietnamese company, Good Day Hospitality, had to
Compared to other fast food companies such as Lotteria, initially invest US $ 45,000. This is the only fee payable to

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

McDonald’s, the remaining costs are paid to the suppliers. 5. Conclusion

- Next, Good Day Hospitality will take part in a rigorous 9- Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the choice of
month training course, where training on methods of how to penetrate the international market, it has partly
working in accordance with typical McDonald's style such clarified the strategy of approaching McDonald's Vietnam
as quality standards, service service, the value of brand fast food market, one of the best corporations in terms of
image, recipe and how to prepare each item in the menu, this field around the globe. Based on the advantages and
how to manage, inventory and monitoring skills. difficulties when penetrating the Vietnamese market as well
- SCC, who will periodically visit the property as well as as technological factors, legal basis, McDonalds chose the
guide and explain everything in detail. McDonald’s will "franchise" method. The immediate problem for
receive a monthly fee of 4% of sales revenue, and plus rent McDonald's is to exploit this potential market effectively,
accounts for an additional 8.5%. after having successfully penetrated. The number of fast
-In essence, Good Day Hospitality does not own the food restaurants spread across the globe by McDonald's has
business, but only owns the assets invested to build the proved the success of the right business tactics as well.
6. References
4.3. Development strategy 1.
Links with partners in Vietnam luoc-kinh-doanh-quoc-te-cua-mc-donald.htm
McDonald's image promotion strategy is implemented 2.
through Zalo - OTT application (chat, free messaging) mcdonalds-thong-tri-toan-cau/
developed by VNG Group of Vietnam. The cause of this 3.
choice stems from the advantages and appropriate quc-t-ca-tp-on-mcdonalds-gvhd-th-s-q.html?page=2
characteristics of Zalo for the promotion. A timely mobile 4.
social network that creates a better promotional environment marketing-thanh-cong-cua-mcdonalds-va-bai-hoc-kinh-
than OTTs for voice and text messaging. There is a large nghiem-cho-pho-24-57205/
community of users and strong interaction, among them are 5.
young people: This is one of the leading popular OTT nghiep-chien-luoc-marketing-thanh-cong-cua-
applications in Vietnam with 7 million users and 75 million mcdonald-s-va-bai-hoc-k-fzq7tq.html
messages per day. Watch is a new trend on the Internet. 6.
Therefore, promoting through Zalo has a targeted audience, 7.
suitable for the target customers of the fast food industry is dia-phuong-hoa-a110518.html
from 15-30 years old, and the segment of potential 8.
customers from 5-14 years old. The close relationship mcdonalds/
between VNG - Zalo and McDonald’s Vietnam - Good Day 9. Tien NH, Ngoc NM. Comparative Analysis of
Hospitality: Mr. Nguyen Bao Hoang, founder of Good Day Advantages and Disadvantages of the Modes of
Hospitality, is the franchisee to build McDonald’s brand in Entrying the International Market. “international jour-
Vietnam; He is also the CEO of IDG Ventures - a venture nal of advanced research in engineering and ma-
capital fund that has invested in VNG and achieved great nagement. 2019; 5(7):29-36.
success for both parties through this deal. Thanks to that
relationship, Zalo has a deeper support for McDonald's in D5055.pdf
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placing McDonald's advertising logos in easy-to-see Taking Opportunities in International Business Strategy
positions on the interface page of yourself. In addition to of Foreign Enterprises in Vietnam. “International Jour-
typical dishes such as Big Mac or French Fries, customers nal of Advanced Research in Engineering And
can enjoy new McPork (pork burger) which is created Management. 2019a; 5(7):18-23.
specifically for Vietnamese taste. For busy people, you can
buy cake or coffee within 2 minutes with drive-through D5053.pdf
service (buy goods without parking). This model of buying 11. Tien NH, Ngoc NM. Related and Non-related
without having to get out of a car or parking a motorbike is Diversification Strategy of Domestic Business Groups
a big plus for the brand when the Vietnamese economy has in Vietnam. “International Journal of Advanced Re-
long been considered a "motorcycle" economy. Meanwhile, search in Engineering and Management. 2019b;
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19. Tien NH. Change Management in a Modern Economy
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