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New Earth Angelic Templates Ebook

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The New Earth Angelic Templates

A series of twelve beautiful invocations and affirmations

Overlighted by the Archangels

By Anrita Melchizedek
The New Earth Angelic Templates

A series of twelve beautiful invocations and affirmations

Overlighted by the Archangels

Copyright © Anrita Melchizedek. All rights reserved. March 2019.

Mandela artwork by Rick Ruggles.

Please do not share these teachings and/or Mandalas on your social mediums or public
forums. Thank you.




Thank you Eadie Miller for your many years of support and your gifts in transcribing and
editing. Your amazing talent and feedback has been so very much appreciated.

Thank you Zulma for your transcribing over the years. You and Eadie are indeed “earthly

Suzanne Shafritz, your online assistance is most appreciated.

Rick Ruggles, thank you so much for the artwork/mandalas of Angelic Templates.

The Angel Artwork is by Yola Quinn.

To my family and friends, and to those of you who supported these initial telewebinars
from which these writings were created, you are so greatly appreciated. Thank you,
thank you, and thank you.

FOREWORD ........................................................................................... 5
BREATHWORK...................................................................................... 11
HOW TO USE THE TEMPLATES ............................................................ 13
INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHANGELS ................................................ 16
INVOCATIONS ............................................................................... 25-130
INSIGHT AND COMPASSION ...................................................... 25
GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION ................................................... 35
ABUNDANCE & MANIFESTATION .............................................. 44
FORGIVENESS & LOVE ............................................................... 50
POWER & STRENGTH ................................................................ 58
INTUITION & WISDOM .............................................................. 65
DIVINE LOVE .............................................................................. 72
HEALING & WELLNESS .............................................................. 79
PEACE & HARMONY .................................................................. 93
JOY & HAPPINESS .................................................................... 103
PURPOSE & PASSION............................................................... 111
MAGNIFICENCE & WORTHINESS............................................. 121
THE RAYS OF CREATION .................................................................... 131
THE DIAMOND LIGHT CODE TEMPLATES .......................................... 141
ABOUT EADIE MILLER ........................................................................ 153
ABOUT ANRITA MELCHIZEDEK .......................................................... 154
INDEX … ............................................................................................. 155
VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE …………………………………………………………. 157
Welcome precious friends, my name is Anrita Melchizedek and I am the co-creator in these
beautiful invocations New Earth Angelic Templates Overlighted by the Archangels. I have
been blessed in this life time to be a conduit for the Company of Heaven. As a Spiritual
facilitator, I have spent the last twenty plus years creating frequency activation ascension
programs taking us deeper into the knowing of ourselves as these Flames of Divinity and as
Co-Creators to the Divine. I came through in this lifetime with many of my ESP gifts already
activated, and as a child, I could see fairies and Angels, and have visions that would later
come to pass. In fact I had two Angel friends, two boy Angels that were to visit me at night
for around a couple of years when I about 7 years old. I just remember the sense of
familiarity and love, and that we would chat for a very long time before I would fall asleep

My ESP gifts were to shut down to a large degree from around the age of 9, and as an
energetically sensitive Soul, empath and starseed, like many of us, I knew I was different
and yet could not understand this difference, the loneliness at times, or the lack of
sensitivity in others. As I adapted myself to pleasing those around me as best I could,
absorbing and taking on much of their energy, I closed down my emotional body, unable to
comfortably express myself or my feelings. Fortunately in my mid-twenties, while living in
the UK, I had an awakening ~ feeling, sensing, hearing and experiencing the deep frequency
connection once more to the Company of Heaven. I found myself chatting with the
Archangels, with Archangel Michael being one of the first Archangels I connected to.
Following this, I was able to connect with many Light Beings, including the Star Councils and
Christed Extraterrestrials, the Ascended Masters and many other core groups that came
forward, each in their own perfect Now moment.

With the transmitted teachings from the Archangels and Light Beings, I have had the
privilege to travel to many countries, host large workshop gatherings, and meet many
incredible people, friends and family from around the globe. For many years I have offered
monthly telewebinar sessions and transmissions, personal sessions, videos and Mp3
downloads and this Light work has been focused on both personal and planetary levels.

In 2017 I was transmitting these beautiful temple teachings through the Archangels and
through the monthly writings and telewebinars which I was facilitating. The wonderful
channeling work I had been doing over the last twenty two plus years had taken me through
activating the dormant DNA as well as Light Body and Merkaba activations, and through
various blueprints, maps and templates, geometries, stargates and portals, as we
collectively experience the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution in this Golden Age of
Light. In August 2017, there was a very powerful Solar Eclipse, seen as a Critical Mass Point
through the dis-integration of the dark net, which created another shift in consciousness for
us all. Through this event, the electro-magnetic field of this sacred earth shifted once more
into the next ascending cycle, into the next level of collective evolution through the clearing
of frozen miasms, false beliefs and judgments, scarcity and lack-of within and around the
astral net. Shortly after this Solar Eclipse, I was to personally experience another huge shift
of my Soul’s blossoming. I came into my body at that time, into an ascended state of
consciousness, feeling this sense of truly coming home. I experienced the merger with my
Higher Self/I Am Presence, integrating different dimensional Monadic Soul aspects of
innocence and purity at the deepest levels of my beingness and through my loving heart, as
new geometries synced and came online within and around my body. This occurred following
a month of nothing-ness, which too was rather strange. It was a moment in time in which I
felt alone, although knew myself not to be.

In this ascended state, I was presented with these “Angel Templatings”, a map of what I
needed to do creating the New Earth Angelic Templates. Additionally, there was a flood of
information, download after download, as my physical body activated more deeply into my
Body of Light and original Divine Blueprint. I was not able to sleep for some months as my
head and heart filled with increased light and understanding, and greater levels of
compassion, wisdom, understanding and love. One of the greater changes has perhaps been
a more Cosmic perspective on Universal Truth.

From that Now moment, I expanded my service work into different arenas and ways of
conscious co-creation. As conscious co-creators, it is the experience of alignment to the
Divine for much longer moments, being in the Now, while allowing consciousness to observe
unconsciousness, that which we are still embracing and accepting within ourselves and
others. This sense of having “ascended” or “descended” as the ascension and resurrection
codes come online allows for the next level of truth, discernment, knowing and love to
unfold as our physical bodies deepen into becoming our Light Bodies, and as we expand our
unique ESP gifts.

I realized that an aspect of my Soul consciousness had experienced being ungrounded, and
out of my body for most of my life. Having come back into my body, I was able to “see”
what I needed to do to clear these energetic traumas and to assist others to do the same.

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we are given is the recognition of our humanity through
the full range of our emotions, and the ability to experience our Divine Nature through our
human-ness. Only then do we have the compassion, understanding, wisdom, empowerment
and love, to create the paths of Divine Love, for ourselves, and for all life upon this sacred

It is from this place of love, delving into our feelings and emotions in conscious
communication, that I offer you the New Earth Angelic Templates, a series of energetic
transmissions through invocations and affirmations to deepen our connection to God and the
Angels as sons and daughters of God.

Thank you for sharing in these powerful Angelic Invocations and Affirmations.

Blessings and much Love

Anrita Melchizedek

The Archangels have described these invocations as multilayered. They say that we will each
experience and gain what we need to from each invocation, transmitted through the
frequency of the Archangels as well as through the voice and music. The background music
for the New Earth Angelic Template Invocations is in the 432 Hz band, nature’s frequency,
and has been created by a wonderful musician called Frits Evelein. The 432 Hz frequency
carries intervals and tones that have harmonic healing effects on our consciousness and
energy bodies.

The New Earth Templates are current and future timelines of 5D living, New Earth timelines
of Divine Love, accelerating our Soul’s Forward Evolution and taking us into the experience
of Soul embodiment as we walk the path of Love.

Overlighted by the Archangels and their Legions of Light, we experience the Templates of
Health & Wellness, Forgiveness & Love, Gratitude and Appreciation, Consciousness and
Intuition, Joy & Happiness, Insight & Compassion, Abundance & Manifestation, Power &
Strength, Divine Love, Peace & Calm, Passion & Purpose and Magnificence & Worthiness.

Our experience of the New Earth Angelic Template Invocations will be completely unique
and different for each one of us. Some of us may see or sense the energy of the Archangels,
others may hear high frequency sounds or humming in their ears or even Angel voices, and
yet others will see colors and images very vividly, while some of us may have no clear sensory
input at all. Ultimately though, we simply need to trust in this connection. Essentially we
are expanding our consciousness through the various wavelengths and oscillating frequencies
of the full range of our emotions, different expressions of the One Consciousness, and
unifying this within our loving hearts, integrating polarity to a point of balance and stillness,
as we love all that arises, while additionally being provided with many practical tools for
everyday use. Enjoy!

I would really like to take you straight into the experience of these wonderful New Earth
Angelic Templates and different ways to work with these templates, but first I will just
share briefly with you the breathwork that we use throughout the New Earth Angelic
Templates. What I found during my own healing process, was the need to clear the trauma
at a cellular level within my body. The Angels gave me two very good tools for this.

The first was energetic body movements ~ shimmy type movements, shaking certain areas
of the body and also involuntary shaking of different parts of the body with particular moves.
As a dancer, and having done yoga and tai chi for many years, these movements came quite
naturally to me. The Angels explained to me that the trauma of my unique experiences,
whilst it had been released energetically, was still stuck at a cellular level in my body, which
was part of the reason that grief and pain and fear was still being experienced. You may
also find that your own body sometimes quite naturally releases these stuck cellular patterns
through involuntary shivers or shakes.

The second important tool, which they took me deeper into exploring, was the use of
particular breathing techniques and this is what I share here in the New Earth Angelic
Templates. Our breath essentially controls our thoughts and our thoughts control our
feelings, so breathwork is essential for us in creating change within our energy bodies. For
many years I have practiced the deep breathing which I mastered in my early twenties when
I started tai chi and later continued with yoga. Many of you may be familiar with this type
of deep breathing. Expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in and contracting the
lower abdomen as you breathe out. Breathing in through the nose on the inhale and
breathing out through the nose or mouth on the exhale. This is one form of the tai chi, or
yogic, breath and for me, the most comfortable breath is breathing in and out the nose. So,
this is the first of three breaths we use in the New Earth Angelic Templates. In the first
breath, we breathe in love and breathe out love, or breathe in happiness and breathe out
happiness. Alternatively we can breathe in love and breathe out all that’s ready to be
released, whether this is anger or fear or anxiety, whatever it is coming up to be released.
What I found in embracing the fear and anger and sadness within our loving hearts, is that
it required not only accepting these feelings, but also giving them a voice, and ultimately
allowing all our feelings, the full range of our emotions, to be experienced in our loving

However, as these feelings come up, they can be quite uncomfortable, as we will probably
all agree.

With the breathwork, I found that breathing in and holding the breath for as long as I could
while focusing on a particular emotion being released and then breathing out, really shifted
a lot of uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes the body moved into a fetal position and every
part of my body would contract tightly and then relax and release, sometimes accompanied
by deep moaning or primal sounds. Other times I would be activating the kundalini energy
in deep breaths, moving the pelvis area from side to side and backwards and forwards, while
contracting and relaxing the vaginal and anal muscles and inhaling and exhaling in very short
breaths through the nose, with the tongue behind the top teeth or along the back of the top
palate. Through these various breaths, I would later come to experience many kundalini
activations expressing through the vertebrae and out the third eye and crown chakra.

In the second breath, we breathe in love, hold the breath, and then breathe out all that is
ready to be released. The last of these breaths, the third breath, is inhaling and exhaling
through the mouth as thought sucking in through a straw and then blowing out. This third
breath realigns us to the Divine, to the Heart of God, to a deeper level of conscious
awareness and the knowing of ourselves as sons and daughters of God. In the Angel
Invocations, we work with the first breath for the first few invocations and then later on,
we are introduced to a Golden Dragon and come to understand these three breaths as the
“Golden Dragon Breaths.” It can take some time to become comfortable with practicing
these breaths yourself.

The last thing I wanted to share here is how to use the New Earth Angelic Template
Invocations. Each recorded invocation is between 20-45 minutes and contains a lot of
information, with all the energy techniques, tools and affirmations that come through with
each invocation. The Angels chose this particular format for maximum benefit, although to
start with, you may prefer to choose one of the 12 Mandalas and work with this along with
the Angelic Affirmations, which we have highlighted in the text.

Alternatively, if you have the time, listen to one of the invocations, perhaps just before you
go to bed, or at whatever time suits you. My suggestion would be to take your time, listening
to each invocation at least two to three times. Many a time I have fallen asleep listening to
these New Earth Angelic Template Invocations. I usually listen with the iPhone and a
Bluetooth speaker for better sound quality, although PC or Mac would have a good sound
too. The phone on its own does not seem to give the best quality, and of course if you are
listening on your own, you can use a headset.

How to use the New Earth Angelic Templates for Yourself

To start with, simply choose one of the 12 Angelic Mandalas/Coasters or else, if you do not
have these, just take a piece of paper and cut it into 12 pieces and write on each piece the
appropriate New Earth Angelic Template qualities of each template, and use these instead.
Then use the related affirmations for template you have chosen, repeating these
affirmations throughout the day.
Alternatively, use your intuition, and if you have the time, work with the related New Earth
Angelic Template Invocation, either the extended written form, or else listening to the

To do a mini reading for yourself, choose up to three of the Angelic Mandalas/Coasters

knowing that these emotional qualities are what you are working with or drawing to yourself
at this time. Then listen to the related invocations or work with the appropriate

You can also request Angelic Healing Activations. Choose one of the mandalas, get ready
for bed and put the related Invocation audio on to play softly or silently while you receive
the Angelic Healing Activation. The audio may be put on to repeat while you are sleeping.
Then simply state: “I request the Angelic Healing Activation of ..... (according to which you
have chosen) through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, my Beloved I Am Presence
and the Archangels. So be it.”

The Angelic Mandalas have also been created as Coasters, so you can print these out if you
already have them, or you can order from us here -
infusions-essential-oils - They are lovely to place under your tea or coffee mug, jug of water,
plate of food and so on.

How to use the New Earth Angelic Templates for Others

The easiest way to work with the New Earth Angelic Templates for another person is to
choose one to three of the 12 Mandalas and start with a mini reading, and then work with
the related affirmations to each New Earth Angelic Template. If you are doing a consultation
and have some time, you can also read the appropriate New Earth Angelic Template

Angelic Healing Activations

You can also offer Angelic Healing Activations. If you are doing this remotely, you would
choose one of the 12 Mandalas for that particular person and then state:

I request the Angelic Healing Activation of (giving the name of the appropriate Invocation)
for (giving the full name of the person) through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, my
Beloved I Am Presence and the Archangels. So be it.

If you are doing this as a Healing Session, in person or online, you can choose the Mandala
and then put this invocation on in the background, completely silently, to amplify the
healing energies while you run the energy work with them in your normal ways

You would again simply state:

“I request the Angelic Healing Activation of (giving the name of the appropriate Invocation)
for (giving the full name of the person) through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, my
Beloved I Am Presence and the Archangels. So be it.”

I have personally found that listening to the New Earth Angelic Template Invocations at
bedtime is very useful, and I also include within them Healing Activations for friends and
family and all those whom I feel would benefit from these frequencies. However, do make
sure that you know that these persons you are including would be open to receiving these
Angelic Templates. I am also currently offering free Angelic Healing Activations, and simply
include the name of each person who has requested the Angelic Healing Activations within
my circle of Light. More details on this can be found at:

Remember, you can play these New Earth Angelic Template Invocations aloud, or put them
on silent and play through the night and still receive the benefits to these light encoded
frequency transmissions. Enjoy!

In this chapter, I will share with you how you can work with these Archangel Templates of
Invocations and Affirmations, starting with an introduction to the Archangels. Whilst there
are many ways you can work with the New Earth Angelic Templates, what I have found
works best is to start with the Mandalas and Angel Affirmations and from here, move into
the wonderful Angelic Template Invocations.

So, who are the Archangels? Archangels are powerful Spiritual Beings, high up in the celestial
hierarchy. While there are many Angels who assist humanity, including our Guardian Angel,
they are all overseen by the Archangels. While the exact number of Archangels is not known,
there are seven primary Archangels who supervise and assist in different types of healing
and energy work with humanity.

In many ways the Archangels are an extension of God, energetically speaking. They embody
and carry incredible purity, power, love, divine will and grace as Master Healers and Angel
Teachers, and are available to assist us all. With the Archangel Invocations and Affirmations,
we work with seven primary Archangels and well as our Guardian Angel. These seven
Archangels we work with are: Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel,
Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Zadkiel.

All we need to do to receive the energy of these celestial Beings, is to call upon the
Archangels and our Guardian Angel, inviting them into our lives for powerful assistance and
change. Since the Angels are celestial Beings, they have no time or space restrictions. This
means an Archangel can help many people in different geographical locations
simultaneously. They are also never too busy to assist us, no matter how big or small our
problem may appear to be.

These New Earth Angelic Templates are done in the form of invocations, allowing you a
deepening experience to the related Archangels. You can play these invocations aloud, or
put it on silent and play through the night and still receive the benefits to these light-
encoded frequency transmissions.

Additionally you can do mini readings using the templates for yourself and others. You can
choose between one and three Angelic Templates at a time, and either listen to the full
Angel Invocation or repeat the Affirmations, which are in Italics in the text.

Archangel Michael ~ The Angel of Protection

Archangel Michael is a very well-known Archangel and is talked about in the Bible as well as
in other sacred books. As the Angel of Protection he helps to look after us, protecting us,
and gives us courage and inner strength. He also helps us when we are sad or angry or
unhappy, helping us to feel safe and brave. His name means “Who is Like God.”

Archangel Raphael ~ The Angel of Healing

Archangel Raphael is a Master Healer in the angelic realms. He can help us to heal our body
if we are unwell and can also assist us when someone has hurt us or we have negative
thoughts about ourselves or others. Raphael’s name means "God heals" or "He who heals."

Archangel Chamuel ~ The Angel of Love and Peace

Archangel Chamuel is the Angel of Divine Love and peaceful relationships. His name means
“He who Seeks God” or “He who sees God.” What Archangel Chamuel really sees is the
aspect of God that is Love. Archangel Chamuel’s job for God is to expand the flame of love
within our loving hearts and assist us to experience being more loving, compassionate,
forgiving, joyful and peaceful in our lives.

Archangel Gabriel ~ The Angel of Communication

Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger for the Word of God. His name means “God is
my Strength.” He is a very well-known Archangel and is mentioned in the Bible as well as
other sacred texts. This great Archangel helps us to communicate clearly and lovingly. He
also assists us to shine our beautiful, bright light upon the world as sons and daughters of
God. He helps us to solve our problems, and guides us towards our heart’s dreaming, so we
can live joyful and happy lives. Archangel Gabriel is also one of those Archangels who can
appear in either male or female form.

Archangel Uriel ~ The Angel of Wisdom

Archangel Uriel, whose name means “Light of God” is one of the wisest Archangels. He holds
a Golden Healing Flame in his open hand, and is often seen with a Book of Knowledge in his
other hand. Archangel Uriel can help us to release our fears and anger, and find forgiveness
and peace within our loving hearts as we let go of what has passed.

Archangel Jophiel ~ The Angel of Beauty, Creativity and Joy

Archangel Jophiel’s name means "Beauty of God." She is a very joyful Archangel, able to
see the beauty and blessings in all situations. Although Archangel Jophiel may appear as
either male or female, with her gentle, compassionate nature she appears more often in
female form. Archangel Jophiel helps us to release our bad thoughts and feelings as we
focus on the positive things in our lives, and as we can see the gifts in each one of our unique

Archangel Zadkiel ~ The Angel of Forgiveness and Change

Archangel Zadkiel is the Angel of Forgiveness and Change. His name means “Righteousness
of God” and he is an Angel of worthiness, virtue and goodness. Archangel Zadkiel can help
us to release unforgiveness and blame so we no longer need to feel angry or get mad at
others for something we believe they did to hurt us or upset us.

Our Guardian Angel

Lastly, we connect with our Guardian Angel. Our own personal Guardian Angel is an Angel
appointed to us by God and stays with us from our birth and throughout our life. Our
Guardian Angel is a heavenly Being, and can appear to us in either male or female form.
Everyone has a Guardian Angel. Our Guardian Angel helps us to appreciate and love ourselves
and others as children of God.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother-Father God

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge
as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence,
the Highest Light that I AM within the Cosmic Heart of God
into this safe and sacred space.
And I call upon Archangel Uriel, the Light of God,
to assist me to access the highest level of this Angelic Template of Insight and Compassion
that I am able to at this time as I walk the Path of Love.

I have a sense of Archangel Uriel joining me now,

holding this beautiful Golden Healing Flame in his open hand,
and the Book of Knowledge in his other hand.

He now wraps me in this beautiful golden Flame,
and his Ruby Red and Golden Angel Wings of Love as I deepen into the experience of this
Angelic New Earth Template of Insight and Compassion.
Archangel Uriel invites me to experience the Golden Dragon Breathing to begin with,
bringing me into a deeper sense of these Angelic Templates,
and he invites me to connect to the Golden Dragons.

He explains to me that these are three different breaths:

On the first breath, I breathe in Love and breathe out Love.

Breathing in through my nose and out through my nose or mouth

On the second breath, I breathe in through my nose,

I hold my breath for as long as I can
and I then release my breath as I breathe out through my nose or mouth.

For my third breath then,

I suck in through my nose or mouth as though breathing in through a straw,
and then blowing out.
This last breath assists me to release all that I can in this moment,
and to feel more peaceful and relaxed,
and gives me a feeling that the voice within my loving heart,
is seen and heard and appreciated.

Archangel Uriel tells me that these three breaths together are called Dragon Breathing,
because they increase the flow of energy within my body, and that
I may feel a tingling or heat sensation moving throughout my body.
He also calls this the Golden Dragon Breathing, as he connects with the Golden Dragons,
these beautiful Ascended Beings assisting this sacred earth.
He tells me that the Golden Dragons work with the Archangels,
and all children of God who want to experience their energy.
They bring with them many wonderful gifts and provide a sense of protection and Love.
The Golden Dragons are also very wise,
and assist in helping with natural disasters on this earth plane.

Archangel Uriel now calls upon the Golden Dragons
and a magnificent Golden Dragon now appears in front of me.
This is my own special dragon, and I take a moment now to say hello to this dragon.
This Golden Dragon lovingly breathes a Ring of Fire around my body,
which becomes a beautiful Golden Egg.
This Golden Egg around my body brings me increased protection, strength and wisdom,
and I just feel myself relaxing more deeply now,
knowing that I am divinely protected,
that I am safe and secure within my personal space.

Archangel Uriel tells me I am now ready to experience these Dragon Breaths.

He again ignites his beautiful Golden Flame within my loving heart,
and places the Template of Insight & Compassion from his Book of Knowledge
within my loving heart, and I have a sense of this Angelic Template
igniting within every sub-atomic particle of my beingness.

As this Golden Flame expands within and around my body,

and I deepen into my innocence, my Soul Light,
I think of a problem or feeling that I may be needing some assistance with at this time,
something that I am not able to understand completely yet,
or perhaps still experience a lack of compassion about.

I breathe deep into my body,

expanding my lower abdomen as I breathe in,
contracting my lower abdomen as I breathe out
inhaling through my nose, and exhaling through my nose or mouth
On this first breath,
I breathe in Love,
I breathe out Compassion,
I breathe in Love,
I breathe out Compassion.

And now, for the second part of this Dragon Breathing,

I focus on whatever I am needing to understand at this time,
to be fully compassionate and insightful and knowing about a particular situation.

Whatever these feelings are or may be for me right at this moment
I can identify them clearly
as I breathe in Love, hold my breath,
and then breathe out whatever is ready to be released at this time

I breathe in Love and Compassion, Insight and Understanding

I hold my breath as I focus on my fear or anger or sadness,
Whatever it is that is coming up for me at this time, and then I release my breath.

This allows me to experience a very good release at a cellular level

and through my lower bodies

I am conscious of what I am releasing and embracing,

loving and accepting within myself, to know myself as Love.

And now for the third part of this dragon breathing,

I suck in through my mouth as though sucking in through a straw,
and then blow out through my mouth,
as I release these feelings of fear or worry, anger or sadness,
whatever these feelings may be.

I am starting to feel very calm, peaceful and relaxed now,

feeling greater levels of compassion and understanding,
as I suck in through my mouth, and blow out through my mouth.
In and out, in and out,
releasing all these feelings within me,
and simply embracing them in a new way,
in acceptance, in understanding, in compassion, in Love.

I am committed to releasing unforgiveness and resentment, blame and judgment,

I am committed to freeing myself
from relationships that are negative or harmful in any way.
I meet every challenge with compassion, insight, understanding and acceptance
as I walk the Path of Love,
as a Flame of Divinity, as a Son or Daughter of God.

I am ready to release the “lesser-than and better-than consciousness”,
and appreciate and celebrate my uniqueness and my magnificence,
incomparable and immeasurable to others.
I breathe in Love, Compassion, Understanding,
and breath out Compassion, Love, and Understanding.

I choose to integrate, activate and access the deepest levels of my Loving Heart,
as this Flame of Divinity, as this Open Heart in this Golden Age of Light.
I understand that this will bring about the greatest levels of change I have yet to
experience, on every level of my beingness as this sacred Flame of Divinity,
amplifying the knowing that each one of my challenges is an Initiation of Light.
And as I accept, embrace and appreciate and celebrate each unique experience I have,
I accelerate into the next level of my soul’s blossoming magnificence and Light

I know that I am greatly Loved, Divinely supported and celebrated.

I let go of any need to hide my Light,
I let go of any need to shield myself from others, or to compare myself to others.
I choose to Love my Self,
all parts of myself, which are uniquely and authentically mine.
I Am All That I Am.

I now experience the kundalini energies

starting to activate from within my perineum center and now the base chakra,
The kundalini energy gently starts to activate now within this safe and sacred space,
as I move my body from side to side and backwards and forward.

As the kundalini energy flows gently now,

from the base chakra, into the sacral chakra, to the solar plexus chakra, heart chakra,
throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra,
I am clearing old false beliefs and judgments I may have about myself or others.
I am clearing any issues of unworthiness, or false beliefs about my body,
sexual issues, or false beliefs between men and women.

As I breathe in Love and Compassion and Understanding

and hold my breath for as long as I can
and breathe out all that is being released at this time.

I place my right hand over my Loving Heart,
my left hand over my right,
as I now say to myself,
“I Love you,” giving my full name now
“I Love you, I Love you, I Love you, I Love you”.

I now bring my focus to my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits.

My male energy is the aspect of myself that is outwardly focused.
It is that part of God that drives outward manifestation,
that makes Spirit manifest, materialize and take on form,
highly focused, creative and goal-orientated.
I honor this aspect of myself that experiences individuation,
and its unique personality within the collective,
that allows the perceived sense separation from the One,
while recognizing that I am One, in Unity, in Love, within my Loving Heart.

My female energy is the energy of Home,

of Divine Love within my Loving Heart.
It is the energy that is not yet manifest, the inner landscape of my beingness,
all encompassing, the undifferentiated Source of Divine Love,
which allows me to experience Compassion, the highest form of Love,
through embracing my pain in Love,
and seeing and understanding the pain of others also.

And it is with my compassionate heart that I fully release

the vestiges of victim/persecutor consciousness
to experience myself and All That I AM
in my magnificence and Light,
in this Alchemical Marriage and Re-Union of Hearts,
I Am Safe,
I Am Safe.

Through my Divine Feminine Spirit,

I open to receive a deeper level of Self-Love,
intuition, vulnerability, compassion, gentleness, flexibility and grace.

Through my Divine Masculine Spirit,
I open to receive a deeper level of trust, reliability, respect,
wisdom, stillness, empowerment and dynamic right action.
I Am All That I Am.
I am Love, I Am Love

I now experience an activation of the Thymus Gland

as I connect to my Higher Heart through my Beloved I Am Presence,
and as I release sadness,
as I release the sense of grief, of loss,
with Understanding and Compassion and Love,
every subatomic particle of my Beingness now ignites through
the Diamond Flame of God’s Multi-Universe of Creation
to deepen the connection to my Beloved I AM Presence,
as I now merge with my Soul Light,
the monadic aspect of my consciousness within the Cosmic Heart of God.

And as I align through all dimensions of Light, I merge with every aspect of my Soul Light,
my twelve Higher Selves of which I am One,
all 144 souls rays of which I Am One,
bringing this energy through the Blueprints of Creation, frequency and vibration,
integration of knowing, insight and compassion.

I experience myself in self-mastery,

creating and experiencing the Adam Kadmon Blueprint of Light,
creating and experiencing Angelic Blueprints & Templates of One Unity Consciousness.

I choose to walk the Path of Divine Love,

to listen to the Universe, to surrender to Love,
and I ask in this Now moment
that I be taken into the next level of my soul’s forward evolution
with as much grace and compassion,
understanding and wisdom as I can possibly experience in this now.

I am now surrounded in a beautiful Diamond Flame of Light
through the Overlighting of the Star Councils
as they bring in an Insightful and Compassionate Light Chamber,
to ignite the
Diamond Light Codes and Resurrection Codes of Self Mastery & of Enlightenment.

I know that I am a compassionate, loving being

but sometimes I give my Love and understanding to others rather than myself,
and I may seem to have less left over for myself at times.
And now I experience this Insightful and Compassionate Diamond Light Chamber
activate around my energy field and body,
in this beautiful rectangular Light grid of Diamond Light frequencies.

I experience an opening of my Loving Heart.

And from this point forth I come into my Compassionate Heart,
Loving and appreciating myself.
In finding this balance of giving and receiving,
in finding this balance in being able to put myself first,
to have much more to give to others
through the replenishment of my soul energy and compassion,
insight and knowing, wisdom and Love.
I fully Love, appreciate and celebrate my magnificence and Light
knowing how worthy I am, knowing how magnificent I am.

I now activate the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates,

As I align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within my Heart, the Central Sun and now the
Great Central Sun.
As I deepen into a greater level of merging with my Beloved I AM Presence
I now request the activation of my Crystalline Sun DNA Templates
through the Angelic Templates, chakra and Light Body activations, axiatonal lines,
and the appropriate geometries, fire letters, key codes and numerologies
as I am placed in this Crystalline Sun DNA Activation Chamber of Light.

I request the activation of my DNA through the anchoring and activation of

the Angelic Template of Insight and Compassion.

I request the activation of the 12 Fire letters within this Angelic Templates,
And as these scalar wave programs, these standing wave patterns composed of quantities
of conscious energy activate, and the sub-atomic articles within my body spin in increased
Light frequency through the Crystalline Matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
I request the anchoring and activation of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes
and numerologies.
I request the activation of the major axiatonal lines
through the appropriate meridians and spin points,
linking me into the New Earth Angelic Templates, and the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
and in particular deeper into the New Earth Angelic Template of Insight and Compassion.

I now ask to be attuned to Archangel Uriel through this

Template of Insight and Compassion,
allowing me a deeper connection to Archangel Uriel and his Legions of Light.
Archangel Uriel again wraps me in his Ruby Red and Golden Angel Wings of Love,
letting me know he is here for me and will assist me in any way.
He further shares with me his work upon this sacred earth and
tells me the Golden Dragons work with the ley lines, also known as dragon lines;
rivers of energy that flow around the earth in an interconnected network of unity.
When natural disasters occur, such as floods or fires, hurricanes or tornadoes,
Archangel Uriel and his Legions of Light assist by surrounding the area
in this Golden Healing Flame of Light.
The Golden Dragons then create a Ring of Fire and Golden Egg around the area,
helping to stabilize this area, and protect the people, plants and animals.
If I am ever guided to assist in a natural disaster,
I can call upon Archangel Uriel and the Golden Dragons, and
I can then surround the area in Archangel Uriel’s Golden Healing Flame of Light,
and the Golden Dragon’s Golden Egg of Light.

I take a moment now to chat with my own special Golden Dragon.

I am happy to have a new friend,
and I know that my Golden Dragon will always be there for me,
allowing me to deepen into Compassion, Understanding and Love,
and holding a beautiful strength and energy of protection,
which I can call upon any time I feel fearful or afraid of change.

I now imagine myself on a sandy beach,
dipping my feet into the waves and warm ocean water.
I am feeling relaxed, refreshed.
with all sorts of new feelings of gratitude, insight and understanding being experienced
within my compassionate heart.
Archangel Uriel surrounds me once more in his Golden Healing Flame of Light,
and my Golden Dragon brings in his Golden Egg of Light around my body and energy field.
Everything is going well.
Life is good. Life is good
I feel aligned and centered and deeply connected to the Divine
to the Cosmic Heart of Mother Father God,
to all of these beautiful Angelic Beings
and to the Earth Consciousness of my Body as a Temple of Light.

I ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth,

deepening in the communication with the crystal clusters, the Diamond Light clusters,
the plants, the animals, with all that is talking to me at this time
and I breathe in Love, and breathe out Compassion and Insight and Understanding

Now in my own time I come back fully present grounded and centered,
opening my eyes in my own time,
and looking around me through my Master Eyes at all of life around me,
feeling and sensing my Compassionate, Loving, Understanding Heart.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

and all the Illumined Beings of On High I personally acknowledge
as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence,
the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.

In this safe and sacred space I now invoke and call upon angels connected to the
Angelic Template of Grace and Appreciation
and it is Archangel Jophiel who now comes forward with Archangel Uriel,
wrapping me in this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Grace and Appreciation
as I have a sense of this angelic template igniting within my Loving Heart.

I have a deeper sense of Archangel Jophiel now.

Archangel Jophiel’s name means "Beauty of God” and she is a very joyful Archangel,
able to see the beauty and blessings in all situations, a beautiful Angel dressed in a Golden
Yellow robe, with a Golden Yellow halo around her head.

She holds a sparkling Torch in her right hand,
and touches my forehead with her sparkling Torch,
and as she does, I have a sense of just deepening into gratitude
and experiencing this recalibration between the left and right hemispheres of my brain,
between the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands.

And I feel this sense of excitement and Love within my self

knowing that no matter what is going on within my life
that everything is going to be alright, that everything is alright.
I am supported by the Universe,
I am supported by Light, by the Grace of God,
Appreciating myself and others and all I have in my life.

Archangel Jophiel now wraps me in her Golden Yellow Angel Wings,

giving me a big Angel hug, and comforting me and loving me,
much like my friends and family of the Light,
and I just feel this deep sense of nurturing and Love.

I have a sense of Archangel Uriel’s energy too as he stands to the front of me.
His energy is very wise and loving.
He is dressed in a Golden Robe with a Purple Cloak, a Golden Flame in his open hand,
His Book of Knowledge in his other hand,
and these wonderful Ruby Red and Golden Wings upon his back.
Archangel Uriel wraps me in his Ruby Red and Golden Angel Wings of Love,
and now with Archangel Jophiel
surrounds me once more in this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Light,
as they let me know how much I am Loved.

I am extraordinary.
I am worthy.
I am uniquely magnificent in every way.

Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Uriel now place a Golden Yellow Healing Flame
within my loving heart,
and as this Golden Yellow Healing Flame expands from within my loving heart,
I have a deeper sense of my Soul Light, my Innocence.

I now imagine my Innocence expand from within my loving heart,
through this Golden Yellow Healing Flame.
I am feeling more loving towards myself now,
as I embrace the little voice within myself that sometimes judges me or others,
or feels unloved or unseen.
I know that I Am releasing all lack-of within my Life,
as I find a way to control and work with my feelings.
I give all my feelings a place within my loving heart,
and experience greater levels of Grace and Appreciation within my life.
as I release what has passed to focus on this Now moment
and my future in co-creation with the Divine,
as this Golden Yellow Flame expands from within my loving heart,
moving into each one of my cells, organs and body parts.

I breathe deep into my body.

Expanding my lower abdomen as I breathe in,
and contracting my lower abdomen as I breathe out.
I feel this wave of gratitude, of joy, of appreciation,
move throughout my body,
as I continue to breathe in gratitude and appreciation,
and breathe out gratitude and appreciation.
I breathe in gratitude and appreciation,
I breathe out gratitude and appreciation.

I now come back into my loving heart,

holding a deeper sense of my own Innocence, my Soul Light.
I imagine my Soul Light getting bigger and bigger from within my loving heart,
and through this Golden Yellow Flame of Gratitude and Appreciation,
connecting my loving heart to my mind,
to my emotions, to my feelings, to my body,
and I feel this wave of Love and gratitude and appreciation within me and around me,
and as I continue to breathe deep into my body.

I take a moment now to feel my Love in the stillness of my heart,
as I place my hands energetically or physically upon my loving heart,
as I say to myself: “I Love you,” giving my name now,
“I Love you, I Love you, I Love you, I Love you.”

I am grateful for all that I have in my life.

I am grateful for the sun and rain.
I am grateful for the trees and flowers.
I am grateful for my body.
I am grateful for my mind.
I am grateful for my family and friends.
I am grateful for my life.

My Soul Light, my Beloved I Am Presence, opens the Doorway of my Heart

to the blessings and gifts of the Universe, and to blessings and gifts within my own life.
As I accept my own unique gifts and talents,
without comparing myself to others, or competing with others.
My loving heart shines so brightly upon this sacred earth
in gratitude and appreciation of All That I AM.

I am unique and special, we are all unique and special.

I cannot compare my gifts to others,
for we are all children of God,
each with our own beautiful gifts and talents.

I now see myself within my loving heart, a miniature version of myself,

embracing and hugging my Higher Self, my Beloved I AM Presence
my Innocence, my Soul Light.
I am one with my Beloved I AM Presence ~ my Beloved I AM Presence is One with me.
I experience now a deep sense of my heart’s dreaming, my heart’s purpose,
divinely inspired in this moment as I deepen into greater moments of timelessness,
finding the time for all I need to do,
with greater levels of grace and ease, passion, and purpose.
All of this is igniting by the Grace of God as I experience being grateful for all that I have,
All that I Am, sharing my Light upon this sacred earth.

Breathing in Grace and Appreciation ~ Breathing out Grace and Appreciation.

I am wrapped once more in this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Grace and Appreciation,
and I see before me this magical, innocent child.
As I look into the eyes of this child, I see this child is me,
the highest aspect of myself, in my Innocence, as a child of God.
This beautiful child who is my Innocence now says to me:
“I am here for you, and I am not going anywhere.
You are worthy of Love.
You and me, we are One and we are Love.
I Love you. I Love you”.

I now put my arms around my body,

as I say to myself once more:
“I Love you”, giving my name now, “I Love you. I Love you.”

Gently rocking my body from side to side and forwards and backwards,
As I say to myself: “I Love you, I Love you, I Love you.”
Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Uriel now let me know that I am now going to meet the
sub-personality aspects of myself that simply need more Love,
the parts of me that don’t feel appreciated, those parts of myself that may be angry,
or fearful, or sad, or feel unloved, or unseen or unheard.

Sitting in a circle now,

With Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Uriel and their Legion of Angels
and my Soul and Star family and friends of the Light,
I invite into this this Circle of Love,
all those sub-personality aspects of myself needing more Love.

The part of myself that feels angry sometimes now comes forward.
I imagine what this part looks like.
I may see it as a child, maybe it is bigger or smaller than I am,
or maybe it is some other creature of my imagination.
I surround this sub-personality aspect of myself in this beautiful Yellow-Golden Flame of
Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Uriel as I now say:

“Welcome anger. I see you are so sad, angry and mad.
It is okay to feel whatever you are feeling and it is okay to be angry too.
I invite you into my loving heart, come into my heart.
Feel my Love. I am here for you.
I will to listen to you.
You do not need to shout, get mad or angry or upset to be heard.
You do not need to blame others. I am listening to you.
I am supporting you, all my friends and family are supporting you,
I Love you. I Love you. I Love you.”

As this occurs I breathe in gratitude and appreciation,

I hold my breath and I breathe out this anger, sadness or whatever it is that is being
released from me at this time.

I give a voice to my anger

I listen to what it needs to say and who it needs to blame.
As I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love, holding my breath, breathing out anger.
And as I release my anger I hear it, I accept it,
and I know that everything is going to be all right.
All is well. All is well.

And now I have a sense of all the sub-personality aspects of myself that are needing my
Love as they come forward and come into my Loving Heart.
And I see the part of me that may be sad at times, and I now say:

“Welcome sadness. I see you are so sad. It is okay to be sad.

Come into my Loving Heart. Everything will be okay.
All is well.
I am here for you, and I am not going anywhere.
You are worthy of Love.
Feel my Love, feel my Innocence.
I Love you, I Love you, I Love you.

I now activate the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates,
aligning to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within my heart, the Sun,
the Central Sun and now the Great Central Sun.
as I request the activation of my Crystalline Sun DNA Templates
through the Angelic Templates, chakra and Light Body activations, axiatonal lines,
appropriate geometries, fire letters, key codes and numerologies.

As I am placed now in this Crystalline Sun DNA Activation Chamber of Light,

I request the activation of my DNA through the anchoring and activation of
the Angelic Template of Grace and Appreciation,
and I request the activation of the 12 Fire Letters within this Angelic Template.

As these scalar wave programs, these standing wave programs and patterns composed of
quantities of conscious energy activate, the sub-atomic particles within my body spin in
increased Light frequencies through the Crystalline Matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness,
and I understand the Fire Letters to be the Genetic Code for humans,
stored within every cell of my body.
When I have a sense of my cells speeding up,
or of my body shaking in vibration and frequency, these are the times that I am
downloading these new genetic codes which are anchoring in my Diamond Light Body.
As I deepen into the crystalline matrix of my I Am Avatar Body of Light,
and as I bring online my Divine Blueprints and Angelic Templates of Light,
I can also assist in shaking my body, in dancing,
in moving my body to deepen and to experience all these Light Codes,
as I request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras,
geometries, key codes and numerologies.

I request the activation of the major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and
spin points, linking me into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love
and in particular deeper into the Angelic Template of Grace and Appreciation.

I now bring my focus back to my body, to this Temple of Light that I am,
and I have a sense now of my hormones and glands and body part and organs,
of how I am feeling at this time.

Archangel Jophiel now tells me that this Angelic Template of Grace and Appreciation
further stimulates the production of GABA.
GABA is a type of neurotransmitter ~ Gamma-Amino Butyric acid - that greatly affects the
growth hormone of humans. It also acts as an anti-anxiety and anti-pain agent, helping me
to have a good night’s sleep and often is very helpful with this ascension process in
bringing on the new templates, the new frequencies, the new codes,
the new structure of the Diamond Light body.
Archangel Jophiel also lets me know that lower levels of this Gamma Amino Butyric acid
can make me feel restless or anxious or rather nervous, and as I deepen into Grace and
Appreciation and experience this full Angelic Templating, changes may occur within and
through the body, and I need simply to trust and surrender to this process of bringing on
line the Diamond Light body, my physical body as a Temple of Light,
as the Adam Kadmon Body of Light.

I now experience a Grateful and Appreciative Diamond Light Chamber,

as I am surrounded in a Diamond Flame of Light,
in the Diamond Light Grid Overlighted by the Star Councils.

What I recognize within this Grateful and Appreciative Diamond Light Chamber
are the times that the personality aspects of myself have played out the “victim and
persecutor consciousness” ~ the pendulum swing between arrogance, knowing everything,
and victim-consciousness, feelings of unworthiness, and feeling unappreciated,
for this is the journey I have taken to experience the full range of my emotions,
and knowing also that I have taken on part of the karma of humanity to transmute so that
all life may know themselves as Love.

And as I deepen into Love and the knowing of my magnificence and Light,
I humbly surrender to the Divine Plan through and within this Multi-Universe,
and I do not see the negative ego as something ‘outside me’ that I need to push away,
rather I see my ego simply as an aspect of my soul that has experienced pain,
which needs to be nurtured, which needs to be parented.
And I know the importance of being appreciative and grateful for all experience, no
matter how uncomfortable, no matter how difficult,
no matter how challenging.
These experiences allow me to see greater levels of divinity within myself, and the
divinity within each sacred soul upon this sacred earth.

And as I deepen into this Grateful and Appreciative Diamond Light Chamber,
I simply Love and accept and appreciate myself as this sacred flame of Divinity,
as this Beacon of Love, as this vibrating Stargate of Divinity.

And lastly now I ask to be attuned to Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Uriel through these
Angelic Templates of Grace and Appreciation,
allowing me a deeper connection to Archangels Jophiel and Uriel,
and their Legions of Light.

I now imagine myself standing at the top of a mountain,

feeling and experiencing the freedom and joy and grace of life.
As I sense these tree roots coming from the soles of my feet and going into the earth,
and I am surrounded once more in Archangel Jophiel’s and Archangel Uriel’s
Golden Yellow Flame of Grace, Appreciation, of Joy and Beauty, Joy, of Love.
By the Grace of God I go.
And so it is. And so it is.

I now find myself coming back fully present grounded and centered to the energy of Gaia,
connected through all dimensions of Light
to the Cosmic Heart of God and the Angelic realms,
to my Beloved I AM Presence, to soul and star family and friends,
knowing that we are doing this journey collectively as our
I am Avatar Consciousness of Light.
That all is well, all is well.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge,
As I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
the Highest Light I Am within the Cosmic Heart of God.

I now find myself wrapped in the beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames of the
Sacred Cosmic Fire of Abundance,
I am open to receiving and giving,
recognizing that there is an equal balance to be found in receiving and giving.

The Law of Abundance is an abiding principle within the Universal Laws.

And I draw to me this unlimited, infinite source of creative energy,
available within everything.
The sea of Joy and Creativity, of Passion and Love,
of Manifestation, and of Unity Consciousness
ignites at this moment for myself and for All Life upon this Sacred Earth open to receiving
the flow of God’s Infinite Abundance For the patterns of perfection.

I am supported by the Universe,
And as I deepen into the flow of this Divine support,
I deepen into the flow of service,
And magnetize and bring into my reality all that I need
as a manifesting co-creator to the Divine.
Through my thoughts of Divine Inspiration,
through my feelings of passion and joy,
I focus on what it is that I desire to co-create through Service in Love.
I draw to me what I need to bring about the greatest flow of abundance within my life.

I realize that I have been given all I need to experience myself

as a manifesting co-creator to the Divine,
And that all lack of within my life is part of my own self-created reality.
I now feel and sense this Angelic Template of Abundance and Manifestation
anchor and activate within my Loving Heart, and now through each one of my chakras,
clearing out lack-of, and perceived limitations
through every sub-atomic particle of my Beingness,
purging, clearing, releasing, embracing, aligning,
and moving into the knowing and experience of the full flow of abundance within my Life.

As I breathe deep into my body,

breathing in Love and breathing out Abundance,
I am wrapped in these beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames of Divine Love,
this sacred Cosmic Fire of Abundance, and
I now activate my heart chakra in a beautiful golden Sun,
and now spiral this golden Sun through each one of my chakras and sub-atomic particles,
deepening into Solar Christ Consciousness, deepening into abundance,
deepening into alignment with Mother/Father God.

I now take a moment to see if there are any blockages within my body,
within my energy field, any lack-of issues within my life.
I realize that often these underlying issues of lack-of
~ lack of trust, lack of self-love, lack of belief in myself ~
are created through my unique experience and lens of life
And I am ready now to experience greater levels of Trust and surrender to the Divine,
Trusting and surrendering to Life.

As I draw upon the support of my Soul Family and Friends of the Light now.
As I feel this energy connection in a new way to my soul and star family,

I take a moment now to feel and sense this Love of Creation

as I call upon the Archangels for increased prosperity and abundance within my life,
knowing that I can create this flow of abundance in my life
by simply being aware of what my blockages may be.

Archangel Ariel steps forward first;

Ariel brings guidance to assist me to find areas of increased wealth within my life,
and at this time of new beginnings I can call upon Archangel Ariel
to assist me to find a new job or position, or start a business,
or simply remember that I deserve financial abundance in my life,
opening my heart deeper to receive the prosperity and money that flows from both
expected and unexpected sources,
wrapped in these beautiful Flames of Abundance,
these Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames.

I have a sense now of Archangel Chamuel coming forward;

From this place of love I deepen into levels of confidence, I see myself as a Way Shower,
stepping into the next level of my service work, drawing to me people and places,
and energies that can assist me as I move forward to the next level of my evolution,
clearing any blockages I may have around the Flow of Prosperity.

I have a sense now of Archangel Haniel coming forward,

assisting me in finding a deeper level of Passion and Divine Inspiration in my life,
and helping me in the healing of the emotional wounds that may be blocking my
As I focus on these issues and aspects of the victim-persecutor consciousness,
and embrace these within my Loving Heart.
I breath in Love, and I hold my breath
and I release all that needs to be released at this time, as I release my breath.

Archangel Metatron comes forward now.

Archangel Metatron assists me in bringing in greater levels of perseverance,
as well greater levels of insight as to my soul’s dreams and passions.

And lastly Archangel Michael comes forward,
assisting me to deepen into courage and strength and safety.
Together with Archangel Michael is Archangel Zadkiel,

I am deepening into prosperity consciousness through emotional healing and forgiveness,

deepening into the Knowing that I AM an abundant blessed Being of Light,
a Flame of Divinity,
able to magnetize and manifest and bring into my reality all that I need
at any given moment in this flow of Universal Abundance.
And so it is. And so it is.
I breathe in Love and I breathe out Abundance.

I now take a moment to bring my focus to my physical body and my adrenal glands.
I understand my adrenal glands are where the strength sense of my body is,
my ability to keep on going. I know too that if my adrenal glands are overworked through
areas of stress in my life it will also affect my energy, my emotions and my well-being.
And so I release the stress.

I see the aspect of myself that is feeling this stress & I embrace it within my Loving Heart,
and I see these beautiful Copper-Gold and Pink-Gold Flames,
the Sacred Fires of Abundance,
enter into my physical body parts and organs, and now into my adrenals,
to balance my adrenalin and cortisol levels for mood enhancement,
for sleep and for my increased immunity.

As I move further and deeper into the Infinite Timeless Now moment
I know that I have all the time that I need
to create my Heart’s Dreaming and Passion
while generating the flow of abundance within my life.

On this last breath now,

I suck in through my mouth as though sucking in through a straw and blowing out,
and I ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth
while keeping this connection open to all of these Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

I know that the Universe is pouring its abundance down onto me
and all I need to do is to be this Open Heart,
knowing how to receive as well as how to give.
I now find myself coming back centered and grounded, and firmly in my body
as I bring my focus back into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
linking as One Heart
with the hearts and minds of all the numerous Lightworkers and Starseeded ones,
celebrating this deep alignment of Unity and Community,
as we experience these beautiful crystalline frequencies of Solar Christ Consciousness,
these beautiful copper-gold flame and pink-orange Flames of Divine Love.

As this beautiful Sun continues to activate within our Loving Hearts,

and we connect into the Inner Earth Sun,
the Sun within our hearts, the Central Sun and now the Great Central Sun,
we are one with this entire Multi-Universe,
this vibrating stargate of Divine Love
as together we Unveil the Sun Codes of Unity Consciousness,
and we enter now into our own Heart’s Temple of Divine Love
as these Flames of Divinity,
finding ourselves seated within our loving Christed Hearts.

To the right of us is our Divine Masculine Spirit, to the left our Divine Feminine Spirit,
and all around us are our soul and star family and friends of the Light,
and we feel this deep sense of connection to one another,
taking us deeper into Solar Christ Consciousness
and into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God,
as we experience our Heart’s Temple now,
in sounds and colours and sacred geometry ,
frequencies and vibrations of Divine Love,
bringing online the crystalline matrix of Soul Consciousness,
of Divine Love and Illumination,
taking us into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming,
our Magnificence and Light.

Coming back now into our sacred space
grounded and centered and firmly in our bodies
looking through our Master Eyes at all of life around us,
sensing our Universal Lightbody,
our Golden Liquid Lightbody,
activating and igniting the New Earth Templates
into every sub-atomic particle of our Beingness.
All is well, all is well.
All is Love.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge,
as I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love.

Archangel Zadkiel now appears to me,

a beautiful Angel dressed in a Violet Robe, with a Golden Halo above his head,
and Violet Angel Wings upon his back.
He wraps me in his big Violet Angel Wings of Love.
I start to feel very safe, peaceful and relaxed now,
as I continue to breath deep into my body.
Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
Archangel Zadkiel now shows me an image of the world,
with a set of balance scales on top of the earth.

With his Legion of Angels,
he now surrounds the world in his Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation,
assisting in balancing the fate and destiny of all Souls upon this Sacred Earth,
through forgiveness, Love, compassion and peace.

As I start to bring a focus to forgiveness and what this means to me,

Archangel Zadkiel explains to me that forgiveness is a journey with much honor,
and that I can choose this journey of forgiveness, forgiving myself and others.

Overlighted by Archangel Zadkiel, and this beautiful Violet Flame of Light,

I know that I can forgive myself and others through my compassionate heart,
through embracing my pain and through understanding the pain of others.
I have a sense now that having done with the dance of victim/persecutor consciousness,
I no longer need this to be my story.
I can let go of my own feelings of anger, fear, blame, and resentment,
finding inner peace, empowerment and joy within my Loving Heart,
knowing that my own individual experiences can be supportive, loving and safe.

Archangel Zadkiel now surrounds me

in his beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation
and ignites and activates this Template of Forgiveness and Love
within my Loving Heart.
He tells me that in order to start this process of forgiveness,
I need to feel deeply into all my feelings,
and to be comfortable with the full range of my emotions;
with my anger and sadness and pain, loving these feelings and giving them a voice,
just as much as I give a voice to the feelings of joy and happiness
and gratitude that I feel within my life.
For every single one of my feelings is equally important
in teaching me how to love myself,
and how to release blame and judgment of myself and others.

I now bring a focus to my Loving Heart at the center of my chest,

feeling and sensing my Soul Light, my Higher Self,
my Magnificence, Innocence and Love.
I breathe deep into my body, inhaling and exhaling.

I breathe in through my nose,
as I see my lower abdomen expand like a balloon,
and as I exhale through my nose or mouth,
I see my lower abdomen relax.

As I want to connect to all my feelings now, and

I call upon my own Golden Dragon to help me use my Golden Dragon Breathing.
My own wonderful Golden Dragon now appears.
My own magical dragon,
and I take a moment now to embrace my dragon.
My Golden Dragon lovingly breathes a Golden Ring of Fire around my body,
which becomes a beautiful Golden Egg.
This Golden Egg surrounding me makes me feel extra safe,
and I just feel myself relaxing more deeply now, knowing that I am Divinely protected.
I am safe and secure within my own personal space.

Archangel Zadkiel now lets me know that I am ready

to ask for forgiveness from others for my mistakes or wrong-doings,
in which I may have intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone else.
Archangel Zadkiel surrounds me once more
in this beautiful Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation,
As I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love, and breathing out Love,

I think of the first person that comes to mind,

who I may have hurt in some way, through my thoughts or words or actions, and
I now surround this person in Archangel Zadkiel’s
Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation
as I find myself saying:

“I am sorry that I was unkind and hurtful to you, what I did was wrong.
Out of my own anger and fear and pain, I reacted in a way that caused you pain.
You have nothing to fear from me today.
For my thoughts and words and actions that caused you pain,
I ask for your forgiveness.
Please forgive me. I am truly sorry.”

As I continue to breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love, and breathing out Love,
Archangel Zadkiel lets me know that I am also ready to forgive myself,
for all the times I judged myself, or thought bad things about myself,
or believed that I was unworthy.

I now find myself within my Loving Heart,

merging now with my Soul Light, my Higher Self,
as I just feel the love of my Soul Light surround me now.
Breathing in Love, Breathing out Love,
within my Loving Heart.

My Higher Self now speaks to me in the Language of Love.

My Higher Self says:

“You are a Spark of the Divine,

a Flame of Divinity,
magnificent in every way.
Each unique experience you choose,
is to understand and appreciate the full range of your emotions,
to understand what each feeling teaches you,
from your anger and pain and sadness, to your love and joy and delight in life.

Through these experiences and feelings,

you come to know yourself as a son or daughter of God,
by loving, forgiving, and trusting in God.
Now that you know Who You Are,
you can forgive yourself for imagining that you are anything less than perfect,
anything less than love.”

I now state, aloud or to myself:

“I am a Flame of Divinity,
and I forgive myself for imagining that I was unworthy of love.
I forgive myself for not understanding my magnificence,
I forgive myself for the mistakes I have made.

I forgive myself for the negative thoughts and words and actions I caused myself,
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself for the pain and harm and heartache I have caused myself,
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself for the sorrow that I have caused myself,
I forgive myself.
I am deserving of love,
I love myself,
I love myself.”

I breathe in Love, I breathe out Love.

Archangel Zadkiel now lets me know that if I am comfortable with the idea,
I can also choose to forgive those who I perceive have harmed or hurt me in any way,
and Archangel Zadkiel lets me know that it is easier to forgive others,
if I embrace the painful memories which I experienced with them,
through my Loving Heart, my Innocence and Soul Light.
He also lets me know that beyond my anger is sadness,
and my sadness is often related to the pain and heartache I have experienced in my
relationships with others.

For a moment now, I connect to my sadness,

breathing in Love, holding my breath, and breathing out Sadness.
I bring my sadness into my Loving Heart,
as I hear myself saying:

“Welcome Sadness, I love you, I love you.

I am sorry that you felt unappreciated, unloved, unseen or hurt by another,
but I am here now and I am not going anywhere,
I love you. I love you.
You are safe with me,
and I will protect you, love you and look after you, look after me, look after us.
Come into my heart, come into my love.”
I breathe in Love,
I hold my breath as I focus on my sadness,
I breathe out Sadness.

I embrace my sadness and other unhappy feelings within my Loving Heart,
within my Innocence, and Soul Light,
loving and appreciating myself.

And now, I suck in through my mouth as though sucking in through a straw,

and then blow out through my mouth,
as I love all these feelings within my Loving Heart.
I am now ready to forgive others as much as I can,
as I breathe in Love and breathe out Love.

Surrounded in Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation,

I think of someone who may have deliberately or accidentally caused me pain,
through their thoughts, feelings or actions.
As they come to mind, I surround them now
in Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Change,
and I now say:

“I have carried the pain and sorrow of your actions in my heart for too long
and now I put them down.
I set you free, and I release you.
You have nothing to fear from me.
For the harm and pain you have caused me,
I forgive you.
For the heartache and sorrow that you have caused me,
I forgive you.
As a Flame of Divinity, I recognize the blessings I have had
in each one of these unique experiences to know myself as love,
and to experience the full range of my emotions.”

I breathe in Love,
I hold my breath,
and I breathe out all that is being released at this time.
I choose to release judgment and blame, of myself and others.
I realize that the only person I can change is myself,
and that is more than enough to keep me busy for a very long time.

I realize that while I have my own opinions,
my own thoughts and way of thinking,
it is not my place to tell others what they should be doing,
or how they should it.
As I continue to breathe in Love and breathe out Love.

I bring my focus back to myself, without comparing myself to others,

and just focus on what I want to change within my own life.
I will be as loving and kind and polite as I can along the way,
knowing that through experiencing all my emotions and feelings,
and having embraced and appreciated, accepted and loved each one,
I can also show others how to do this too.

I now have a sense of connecting into my physical body,

And in particular, bringing a focus to my hippocampus,
the primary structure in my brain for memory.

The hippocampus both files away memories and recalls conscious memories as well as
creating new ones, and at this time it is bringing online multidimensional memories
through the crystalline DNA and the ignition of the next level of my Soul’s blossoming and

The hippocampus is also known as Ammon’s Horn, or the white horse, Pegasus.
Through this Template of Forgiveness and Love,
I connect into the Pegasus of the Sky,
the Stargates of Higher Dimensional Consciousness.
I further connect into the Pegasus of my brain,
Higher Consciousness Aspects of my Self,
and into the Pegasus of my heart, my higher Loving Heart.
As I bring online the memory and knowing of WHO I AM
as this Flame of Divinity,
as this Master Being of Light.

Breathing in Love, Breathing out Love.

As I deepen into my heart of Forgiveness and Love,
I understand this at this Now moment I am experiencing
this field of Solar Christ Consciousness,
the renewal of my mind and body and spirit and heart into this New Consciousness,
this new way of being, fifth dimensional living, walking the Path of Divine Love,
and experiencing the next level of my Soul’s blossoming, Magnificence and Light.

Now, with Archangel Zadkiel to my one side, and my Golden Dragon on my other side,
I assist in surrounding the Earth and all her life,
in Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation.
I imagine myself surrounding this Sacred Earth in this
Violet Flame of Forgiveness and Transformation,
as my Golden Dragon now creates a Ring of Fire, a Solar Ring of Fire,
and big Golden Egg around the Earth,
so that all Souls upon this Sacred Earth may know forgiveness, may choose forgiveness,
and may experience compassion, freedom, security, joy, love and peace.

I now imagine myself standing at the top of the Earth,

feeling and sensing the freedom and joy and love in life,
through the wind and the trees,
the birds and the bumble bees,
the oceans and mountains,
the rain and the sun,
and through the Love of God upon the Earth.
Life is Good.
Life is Good.

I now see or sense these tree roots coming from the soles of my feet
and going deep into the earth,
and as I thank Archangel Zadkiel and this Golden Dragon for being with me today,
once more Archangel Zadkiel embraces me in his Violet Angel Wings of Love.
And as I open my eyes,
I now say to myself or out aloud:
“I love you, giving my name now, “I love you. I love you, I love you.”


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge and blend my consciousness with my Beloved I Am Presence,
in the Knowing that I Am a Flame of Divinity walking this Path of Love
in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

I now find myself being guided with my loving angelic team,

my Master Guides and Guardian Angels,
into the Temple of Power Overlighted by Archangel Michael.
Wrapped now in this beautiful Electric Blue Flame of Light
I travel the grids of stralim radiation, of Divine Love,
entering now into this beautiful Temple of Power and Strength and Love,
and I find myself in this pyramidal shaped altar
made of the most beautiful white and blue diamonds.
I now see around me these concentric rings of Light
accommodating thousands upon thousands of Angelic Beings of Light
as I find myself welcomed and greeted as part of the earthly angelic Legions of Light.

Archangel Michael now comes forward
welcoming me to this Temple of Power and Strength,
and taking me into the central pyramidal shaped Temple of Light.
Archangel Michael explains to me that part of my energy is that of a
Spiritual Warrior of Light
and that I am also divinely protected by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light
assisting them in the protection of the lower worlds.
They are always with me, the Legions of Light, walking in front of me, next to me,
behind me and guiding me in my everyday life,
guiding me into a deepening sense and knowing of the power I have,
of the truth that comes with alignment to the Divine, of integrity,
of sovereignty, and knowing that I have the power to affect and create change.
And that as I stand in the Light of God expressing the utterance of my spiritual reality
there is nothing and no one that can harm me, or take away my power
or make me feel less than the worthy magnificent Light of God I AM,
unless I choose to give my power away, whether this is in karmic relationships,
or whether this is in my perception of beings, matrices or groups or energies;
if I am in my power and loving heart as a Sovereign Being,
there is nothing and no one that can take my power from me.

I start to breathe in Power and breathe out Power,

having a sense of how this power relates to me
in terms of empowerment expressed through the energy of my Divine Masculine Spirit;
feeling and sensing a deepening merging and integration
with my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits,
a deeper level of trust and surrender and communication between these aspects of myself
as I just start to move my body now with the flow of the kundalini energy
breathing in power, breathing out power,
breathing in through the nose,
breathing out through the nose or mouth.
Archangel Michael comes forward with this beautiful Electric Blue Flame of Light,
igniting it into my loving heart and around my body,
as he now places within my right hand, should you be right handed, or in my left hand,
should I be left handed, this incredible Diamond Sword of Holy Truth.

This Diamond Sword of Truth comes from the Cosmic Heart of All Creation,
from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God,
and it is wielded in the Power of Unity Consciousness,
of Divine Justice, of Empowerment, Strength and Will.
And as I take this Diamond Sword of Truth,
as I stand up as a Sovereign Spiritual Warrior of Light I take on these qualities.
And this Angelic Template ignites and activates these qualities through my Loving heart,
qualities of Unity Consciousness, Divine Justice, Empowerment, Strength, and Divine Will.
As a Warrior of Light I choose to yield to power rather than submit to it.

I now receive a Crystalline Shield of Light in my left hand or my right hand.

This Crystalline Shield of Light covers my entire body
as a huge Crystalline Shield of Light made from the energetic matrix of
the New Earth Templates of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,
all the key codes of the collective I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
and my own individual needs
programmed now into my individual Crystalline Shield of Light.

And as I reach out and place this Crystalline Shield of Light upon my arm it merges into my
energy, becoming one with me.
As the subatomic particles within my body spin in increased Light,
this Shield of Light now radiates around my entire body and energy field
deflecting, protecting, shielding, activating and increasing my Light.

No matter where I stand

this shield is three-hundred and sixty degrees of protection of intense radiating
Divine Love through the core crystalline frequencies of the Cosmic Heart of Creation,
united and activated through the Unity Grid,
and united and activated through my own power, strength, consciousness and Light.

As I continue to breathe in power and strength and breathe out power and strength
I have a deepening sense of these beautiful gifts being offered to me
in this moment in time.
As I experience a deepening activation of this Angelic Template of Power and Love
through Archangel Michael within my loving heart,

I know that I am ready for any perceived battle,
any perceived challenge that comes my way as a Warrior of Light,
knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action
and knowing when to step back in love and wisdom,
surrounded by the Legions of Light, my Guardian Angels and Master Guides.

I am now ready to experience Initiations of Light that will strengthen my role as a

I Am a Warrior of Light, a Flame of Divinity.
I know that there is nothing to fear but fear itself
and I am ready to go on this journey of cutting karmic ties,
cutting old cords, and releasing unhealthy relationships.

I am ready to heal relationships.

I am ready to understand my pre-birth agreements,
I am ready to view the Akashic records.

Wrapped in this beautiful Electric Blue Flame,

and with the overlighting and blessings of Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light,
I travel with my own Legion of Light,
my own Army of Light,
through the grids of Light and in to the Akashic records now.

As I stand at the gate of the Akashic Records, three Akashic Record Keepers appear
and I let them know I am coming to truly understand the lower Akasha,
I am ready to dissolve these timelines of lower karmic energies and pre-birth agreements
and I am ready to see any lesson I may still be working with
or may still be needing to experience,
to know myself as empowered Warrior of Light.

The Akashic Record Keepers acknowledge my request,

they open the doors,
and guided by the Legions of Light, my Guardian Angels, Master Guides,
soul and star family and overlighted by Archangel Michael and my Beloved I AM Presence
I now enter the Akashic Records.

As I see these computer banks before me now
I reach out and touch each one that I am guided to,
and 3-dimensional holographic representations now appear,
representations of any current challenges that I am still working with,
which may be challenges with family and friends,
for I understand my deepest betrayals come from those I know,
from those I consider family, or friends, colleagues,
and now I have a much deeper understanding of what these challenges are.

As this empowered Warrior of Light,

as I see this before me on this movie screen,
I am just detached and loving,
strong within my own power, not giving power or energy away.
These unique animations are experiences I have had to know myself as Love.
If they have been abusive or violent, experiences in which I gave away my own power,
in which I experienced abuse and misuse of power,
in which I chose not be seen or heard or appreciated,
in which I suppressed my Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine Spirits,
these images and stories appear to me in full pictorial representation of what I chose
through my pre-birth agreements to know myself as Love
~ this tapestry of Light ~
of my challenges, my Initiations of Light.

As I continue to breathe in power and breathe out power,

I may wish to change my breath at this time either breathing in and out
or quickly breathing in and holding the breath and releasing.

And now I bring in, in soul consciousness,

each soul that I have had any perceived conflict with,
and I simply forgive them and Love them
and let them know they have nothing to fear from me
as I cut the old karmic cords that stated:
“I do not see you, I do not hear you, I do not love you, I do not appreciate you,
I do not understand you”

I cut these cords with my Diamond Sword of Holy Truth,
as I breathe in power and hold my breath,
and release all these old emotions and feelings that may still be bubbling up or need to
be released, of resentment and anger, betrayal, sadness, shame.
Breathing in, I separate the characters from my feelings,
and in so doing I am now able to dissolve these karmic timelines.

Breathing in power and breathing out power.

Breathing in strength and breathing out strength.

I am releasing these old resentments, anger, betrayal, unforgiveness and blame,

acknowledging that these are my feelings, my own feelings.
While they may have been triggered by others,
the gift in this, the blessing of this experience,
has been to show me the full range of human emotions,
and now I can truly clear the karmic timelines for all of humanity
in the knowing and experience of human emotion,
while embracing and loving the full range of all these emotions within my Loving Heart,
honoring my magnificence and Light,
in the understanding of the challenges and traumas and pain I chose to endure or
experience to know myself as a Flame of Divinity and Master Being of Light.
~ Breathing in Love and Strength and Courage ~
~ Breathing in Love and Strength and Courage ~
~ Breathing out Love and Strength and Courage ~

I AM the Light of God, the Light of God I AM,

Divinely Protected, and Divinely Loved.

I further establish clear boundaries right now

with each one of these souls that I have connected with at a Higher Light level,
lovingly and gently letting them know how this relationship will continue to unfold,
if we need to continue to be in each other’s energy or space
in any form or manner or in any place.
These timelines collapse and dissolve as I move into the higher trajectory timelines now,
timelines of the support and Love and appreciation
of soul and star family and friends of the Light.

I find myself now back in Archangel Michael’s Temple of Power and Strength
receiving now an activation to my hypothalamus gland
this magic center at the center of my brain
the seat of my “fight, flight or freeze response”,
finding a way to speak to my body to express my feelings,
moving now into the glands, communicating with my body the appropriate responses
and letting my body know that it is safe now, as I am safe.
Everything is alright, the worst is behind us, and all we need to do now
is simply to know and experience ourselves as the Flame of Divinity eternally and always,
for that is who we are.

Now I find myself sucking in through my mouth,

sucking in as if sucking through a straw and blowing out,
aligning into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God
aligning into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.
And as I thank Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light,
I know I now have the ability to meet every challenge with Love,
with peace, and with strength, with courage, with wisdom, with power.

And I come back now into my sacred space,

grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.
I am ready to step into the next level of my souls blossoming, magnificence and Light.
My role is the role of world teacher, way shower and leader in this Golden Age of Light.

I am a Flame of Divinity,
I am a Warrior of Light.
I Am All That I AM.

In my own time now I gently open my eyes, being fully present,

looking through my Master Eyes at all of Life around me,
as I take a moment to place my hands upon my Loving heart
and I say to myself
“I love you”, giving my full name now, “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Just coming back now,
fully present grounded and centered as this Flame of Divinity,


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother Father God

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge
as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence,
the highest Light that I AM within the Cosmic Heart of God.

I am now taken in Soul Consciousness through the grids of Divine Light

traveling with my Master Guides and Guardian Angel
into the Temple of Intuition and Wisdom.

As I enter into this Temple of Intuition and Wisdom

I am surrounded now in this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame,
as Archangel Uriel comes forward to greet me, and
I now find myself transported into this beautiful golden
star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Light.

It is explained to me that this star tetrahedronal shape exists within each cell in my body,
starting from my original Divine eight cell blueprint within the my perineum center,
holding the mission codes of service to the Divine,
and the gifts and potentialities to follow my heart’s dreaming,
to deepen into the intuition and knowing I have.
It is the star tetrahedronal shape that activates my Lightbody, my Merkaba Field of Light
which assists me in anchoring the higher dimensional templates
through the Portals of Light as we experience the New Earth.
And now from within this star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Light
I am given an opportunity to experience the wisdom and knowing that I have and hold as a
son or daughter of God.

AA Uriel activates the Angelic Templates of Intuition and Consciousness

through my loving heart,
as I deepen into the intuition, wisdom and knowing that I have,
through listening to the Universe,
through knowing that I AM the Universe.
Being able to move forward from my Loving Heart,
responding appropriately to the Universe,
and choosing each unique experience I have as the co-creator to the Divine,
as this empowered Flame of Divinity and Warrior of Light.

For a moment now I invite this perceived sense of discomfort,

of the spaces and places within my Universe, within my Loving Heart,
which I still need to explore, Love, appreciate, acknowledge and accept.
I may hear the whispers of the soul fragments, or the very loud voices of discontentment,
How am I listening to the aspects of my wounded soul?
The perceived aspects of separation are being unraveled through the negative ego,
as I give the dormant soul aspects of myself a voice,
lovingly and gently inviting my soul fragments into my Loving Heart, into my universe.
I invite all the aspects of myself that have simply forgotten that they are loved,
inviting them in to my loving heart,
all these aspects that may have experienced traumatic events that made them leave,
or that brought with them an experience of being ungrounded,
un-centered, or off balance, of sadness, or loss, or pain from within my Loving Heart
and the places of vulnerability and wisdom, consciousness, surrender and Love.

I call upon and invite every single sub-fragment of myself,
every single sub-personality of myself,
to join me within my loving heart,
to know that I am here and I am not going anywhere,
they are no longer abandoned, or ignored,
these aspects of myself,
these negative ego wounded soul aspects needing my attention,
needing my Love.
And with this Flame of Divinity I reach out to each,
and surround these soul fragments with love.

Guided by my intuition now,

I have sense of the soul, or the soul fragments, that come forward,
and the timelines in which these particular traumas occurred.
I get a sense of each sub-personality that needs my love,
as I simply love and embrace and accept whatever loss or pain,
sadness or anger or shame I may still be experiencing
to know myself as Love.

I just hold these aspects deep within my Loving Heart.

wrapped now in this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Archangel Uriel, and
I breathe in love, I breathe out love.
And now if I feel these cellular memories or traumas, false beliefs or judgments,
emotions and feelings which are being released from my body and energy field
are being experienced in a way that is uncomfortable,
I deepen into a new breath that assists in this release,
I breathe in and out, sucking in and out very quickly,
and then at the end of these few short breaths holding my breath for as long as I can,
and then releasing all that is needing to be released, as I release my breath
For these release breaths I can suck in through my nose and out through my nose,
or I can suck in through my mouth and out through my mouth,
or I can suck in through my nose and out through my mouth,
just finding the rhythm and balance that feels just right for me,
in the releasing of whatever particular emotion or feeling is coming up for me to embrace,
to release, to accept, to acknowledge and appreciate the uniqueness of what I have
experienced to know myself as Love.

And with this I may be guided to gently start to move my body,
gently start to move backwards and forwards or from side to side,
having a sense of how the kundalini energy is igniting and activating at this same moment
in the expression of bringing my Divinity into every sub-atomic particle of my body
in this human loving creative energy of my Beloved I AM Presence, my Soul Light,
as it ignites in the Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love, in the Consciousness of Love,
within every sub-atomic particle of my beingness,
as I am wrapped in this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light.

Soul fragments of myself now return

aligning into my original divine eight-cell blueprint within my perineum center
as I experience now a deeper alignment to the Divine,
a deeper alignment to Mother Earth,
a deeper sense of my divinity, my wisdom, my consciousness, my Light,
in the Consciousness of ALL that I AM as the Light of God .

I experience also the merging and integrating of my multidimensional selves,

my angelic selves, my Christed ET selves, my sisterhood selves, my brotherhood selves,
my ancient Egyptian selves, my Atlantean selves, my Lemurian selves,
merging, integrating and experiencing now,
all the Golden Age timelines of Light merging into this Now, this moment,
into the Flame of Love within my Loving Heart.
Breathing in Love, Breathing out Love.

Archangel Uriel now places a beautiful Purple and Gold infinity symbol
within my loving heart.
This beautiful Purple and Gold infinity symbol now spirals into waves upon waves of Light,
moving through my chakras,
upwards to the Heart of Mother/Father God from my heart chakra,
and now from my heart chakra moving through the lower chakras,
and into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
drawing me deeper into the wisdom of the Universe,
deeper into communication with Mother Earth and all her life,
deeper into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light.

As I continue to breathe deep into my loving heart,
I have a sense now of my Divine Feminine Spirit to the left of me,
and as she steps forward now to stand in front of me
I just embrace my Divine Feminine Spirit as this open heart as I receive her gifts.
She presents to me this beautiful pink lotus flower,
and places this now within my loving heart,
within this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Intuition, of Wisdom and Love
as I just open into a deeper level of my own intuition and guidance from the Universe.

The gifts offered to me by my Divine Feminine Spirit are ignited within this lotus flower.
Gifts of self-love, intuition, vulnerability, compassion, grace, beauty,
wisdom, gentleness and knowing.
As I continue to breathe in love and breathe out love.
I learn to receive these into the deepest levels of my Loving Heart.
As I deepen into this dance of joy and ecstasy in this Re-union of Hearts,
I embrace my Divine Feminine Spirit,
this magical beautiful Spirit that embodies the Love of Creation,
amplified in the this Purple and Gold Flame and this pink lotus flower.
I see the strength of my Divine Feminine Spirit and mine,
I see her courage and mine.

I place my arms gently around myself hugging and loving myself,

as I deepen into the intuitive knowing and understanding
of the vulnerability and compassion of my loving heart,
deepening into the flow of my Divine Feminine Spirit as I walk this path of Divine Love,
sometimes simply in Beingness,
sometimes in embracing my Beingness
accepting and appreciating and loving all that arises.

My Divine Feminine Spirit

ignites and amplifies into this beautiful goddess that appears before me.
I see into her eyes, into her divinity and I recognize this divinity as mine.
I receive this love as mine, I receive this appreciation,
this acceptance, this admiration as mine,
for we are One.

One Heart, One Soul, One Unified Field of Light,
emanating the Divine presence of wisdom and intuition and Love
through our thoughts and feelings and actions,
emanating and receiving Love without distinction, prejudice or judgments.
I just feel how absolutely Loved I am,
as I continue to breath in Love and breath out Love.

I take a moment now to place my hands upon my loving heart,

and as I gently continue to rock my body backwards and forwards and from side to side,
feeling and sensing the kundalini energy starting to move now through the chakras
releasing all blockages and false beliefs and judgments.

I take a moment simply to express the love for myself as I say to myself
“I love you,” giving my full name now, “I love you, I love you. I am loved,
I am appreciated, I am amazing, I am accepted, I am grateful.”

And now I experience a pineal gland activation,

taking me deeper into the wisdom I have and I hold.
The Purple and Gold Flame of Archangel Uriel activates now within my third eye
as I release the last vestiges of illusion, lack-of, false beliefs and judgments.

As I experience now this third eye activation, amplifying into the pineal gland,
receiving the angelic energies and frequencies of the Divine,
and the Light of Creation to the maximum cosmic law can allow,
my tongue gently slides along the top palate of my mouth to the back of the throat.
And I hold my tongue there for a moment,
allowing this flow of a deep rhythmic breath,
inhaling and exhaling for a moment,
and when I feel ready, inhaling, holding the breath
and simultaneously contracting the vaginal and anal muscles
and then releasing the breath,
allowing for a deeper movement of the cerebral spinal fluid up and down the spine,
joining the occipital lobe and into the left and right hemispheres of the brain
and into what we call The Well of Dreams,
as the bridge between the pineal and the pituitary glands now activates.

And I find myself now moving into this deep rhythmic breath of inhale and exhale,
inhaling, holding my breath,
contracting my vaginal muscles or anal muscles,
and then relaxing my vaginal or anal muscles on the out breath.

And now as I deepen into my breath of inhaling and exhaling the Wisdom and Light and
Intuition of Mother/Father God and my Beloved I AM Presence
I have a sense of the Light of Creation igniting from my third eye into my crown chakra,
as I am joined now by my Divine Masculine Spirit to the right of me
and my Divine Feminine Spirit to the left of me,
embracing and loving and appreciating my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits.

Deepening now into dance of the Shiva/Shakti energies

I feel and sense this full kundalini activation now,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love,
As the kundalini ignites from the perineum center into the base chakra,
now into the sacral chakra, into the solar plexus chakra, into the heart chakra,
to the thymus, the throat chakra and out the crown chakra
in this beautiful Purple Golden Flame of Light,

Feeling and sensing this beautiful infinity symbol now

spiraling up and down the body,
to the Heart of God and into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth
And now I experience the breath of alignment to Mother/Father God,
alignment to Mother Earth,
sucking in as though sucking in through a straw and then blowing out.

I now thank Archangel Uriel and his Legions of Light

as I find myself now back in my sacred space,
grounding once more into crystal heart of Mother Earth
while keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High,
centered in the Flame of Love, Intuition, Wisdom and Consciousness
and So It Is, and So It Is.
I ground into the energy of the earth,
opening my eyes in my perfect moment,
looking through my Master Eyes at all of life around me.


I breathe deep into my body,

seeing my lower abdomen inflate and then relax,
as I start to feel peaceful and loving,
thanking God for this day,
and thanking God for my family and friends.

I take a moment now to appreciate myself,

and to appreciate my family and friends.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love,
and sharing my love with my family and friends.
Breathing in Love,
and breathing out Love.

I now see Archangel Chamuel in front of me.

His energy is very gentle and loving.

He is dressed in a golden robe, and surrounded by white doves of peace,
with the most magnificent
Red Ruby and Pink Heart shaped Angel Wings of Love upon his back.

Archangel Chamuel wraps me now in his Angel Wings of Love,

and surrounds me in a beautiful Pink Flame of Light,
letting me know how much I am loved, that I am extraordinary.
I am worthy of all that I desire,
in creating a life of goodness, peace and love.

Archangel Chamuel now places a big Diamond Heart in my loving heart

at the center of my chest.
As I feel and experience a deepening sense of my inner sense, and purity,
I start to feel more loving towards myself and others
more relaxed, joyful, safe and peaceful,
and I just continue to breathe deeply into my body.
Breathing in through my nose,
and then breathing out through my nose or mouth.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love.

As I breathe deep into my body

I see this Diamond Heart growing bigger from within my loving heart.
I breathe in deeply through my nose,
as I see my lower abdomen expand like a balloon,
and now as I breathe out now through my nose or mouth,
I see my lower abdomen relax, as I now say:

“Each one of my feelings shows me something, and teaches me something.

I have the tools to talk to each one of my feelings,
with the assistance of God and the Angels.
All will be well, all is well.
As I breathe in Love,
and for a moment now breathe out all that wants to be released.
And now, I breathe in Love,
and I breathe out Love.

I am aware of the soul contracts and pre-birth agreements that I made
on this plane of polarity, and in this school of learning to remember myself as Love.
I have walked the karmic timelines,
as well as this pathway of Divine Love,
to reach this place where I no longer choose to judge,
or ignore the aspects of myself that need to be given a voice,
that need to be heard and seen and appreciated,
understanding that the observational awareness that I experience
when I release judgment of self and judgment of others,
takes me deeper into the Love within myself and into the Love of all Creation.

The heart of Divine Love holds no judgment, only observational awareness.

In judgment I responded according to my false belief and with a closed heart.
In observational awareness my heart remains open,
and my response is neutral,
allowing me to express my thoughts and feelings with greater clarity and compassion,
no matter how they are perceived by others.

I stay fast in the Light of God as this Open Heart.

I observe my beliefs prior to responding, prior to reacting,
knowing all is Love.
All is Love.
I Am One with Mother/ Father God,
I Am One with my emotions, and
I Am One with all Life.

And as I experience the full range of my emotions

I create these Pathways of Divine Love for myself and others
through these perceived challenges which are essentially Initiations of Light,
so that other souls on this sacred earth do not need to walk these karmic timelines.

There is nothing that I need to re-learn or re-do or experience for I Am Love,

the lower timelines are dissolving, the old energy and the old earth.
And I am finding balance at this new level now
through joy and appreciation and purity of self,
knowing how deeply Loved and appreciated and celebrated I AM.

I come deeper into neutrality,
deeper into the next level of my Soul’s forward evolution.

Within the heart of Divine Love I am patient.

I have no expectation on this journey,
I simply trust and surrender to life,
listening to the Universe,
hearing the calling of the One Heart of All That Is.

I trust and surrender to the knowing that all is Love

and that every single journey I AM experiencing,
is taking me into greater levels of my magnificence,
my blossoming and my Light.
I am also able to separate my emotions, thoughts and feelings from each unique
experience I have had to know myself as Love,
all the while still honoring all the family, friends or colleagues who appeared in my
reality to assist in shifting these realities for me.
I say to the universe to “bring it on!”
Whatever level of discomfort I may still need to experience to know myself as Love,
while forgiving and loving and letting go of old energies, people and places.
And I now choose conscious relationships and clear communication in all my relationships.

And I take a moment now to anchor this beautiful diamond heart

through the hearts of all my family and friends.
As I breathe in Love and breathe out Love.

I know within my hearts of hearts,

We are Love, we are One.
And only when I do not see their value,
when I do not appreciate them, see them or truly hear them,
Is this reflected within my reality.

I also know I can separate their energetic feelings and emotion from mine,
Their feelings and thoughts and beliefs are simply theirs.
I do not need to hold the negative energy of another,
nor do I need to tell them what they should do.

If it is a close family member or friend,
I can choose to share with them what is upsetting me,
for it is important to me that we find peace within our loving hearts;
that we can speak gently and calmly with one another,
and that we do not hurt or abuse one another.

I know within my loving heart,

I am deeply Loved.
I am Loved. I am Loved.
As I breathe in Love, and breathe out Love.

And now, I see before me this innocent and magical child.

As I look into the eyes of this child,
I see this child is me,
The highest aspect of myself,
Me, in my innocence, as a child of God.

This beautiful child who is my innocence now says to me:

“I am here for you,

and I am not going anywhere.
You are worthy of Love.
You are Me and I am You.
We are One, and we are Love.
I Love you. I Love you”.
And I put my arms around my body,
giving myself a big hug, as I say to myself:
“I Love you”, giving my full name now, “I Love you. I Love you.”

And now as I continue to breathe in Love, and breathe out Love,

Archangel Chamuel lets me know that I am going to meet the sub-personality aspects of
myself that simply need more Love,
the parts of me that don’t feel appreciated.
Those aspects of myself that may be angry, or fearful,
sad, or feel unloved, unseen or unheard.

Sitting in a circle now,
surrounded by Archangel Chamuel and his Legions of Angels,
as well as my family and friends,
I invite into this this Circle of Love,
these sub-personality aspects of myself needing more Love.

The part of myself that sometimes feels angry now comes forward.
I imagine what this part of me looks like,
And I surround this sub-personality aspect of myself in Archangel Chamuel’s
Pink Flame of Love and now this beautiful Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence,
as I now say:

“Welcome, Anger. I see you are so angry.

It is okay to be angry. It is okay to feel what you are feeling.
I invite you into my loving heart,
into this beautiful Diamond Heart of Innocence and Purity and Love.
Come into my heart.
Feel my Love. I am here for you.
I am here for you, I am here to listen to you.
You do not need to shout or get angry to be heard.
You do not need to blame others.
I am listening to you, and we are all supporting you,
I Love you. I Love you.”

I breathe in Love and breathe out Love,

As this part of me now enters into my Loving Heart,
into my beautiful Diamond Heart,
I give it a voice to be heard, I hear what it needs to say,
while simply accepting, embracing & loving this aspect of myself without any judgment.
I listen to what it needs to say and who it need to blame, breathing deep into my body.
I breathe in Love, I breathe out Love

I hold my breath now and then breathe out this anger.

I release my anger as I hear it, and accept it,
and let know that everything will be all right.
That all is well. All is well.

And now I put a call out to all my other sub-personality aspects,
and invite them into my Diamond Heart of Purity, Innocence and Divine Love.
as I now say:

“Welcome, Sadness. I see you are so sad. It is okay to be sad.

Come into my Diamond Heart of Divine Love.
All is well. All is well.
I am here for you, and I am not going anywhere.
You are worthy of Love.
You are Me and I am You.
We are One, and we are Love.
Feel my innocence, feel my Love.
I Love you. I Love you.”

And now, I simply embrace within my loving heart

all the other sub-personality aspects of myself needing my Love.
For Love is all there is.

Love is the only thing that really matters.

I surrender to Love. I am Love. I am Love.
I breathe in Love, I breathe out sadness.
I breathe in Love, I breathe out pain.
I breathe in Love, And breathe out all that needs to be released
And now I breathe in Love,
and I breathe out Love.
All is Love, All is Love.

I now find myself back in my sacred space,

imagining myself walking next to a lake, my feet gently touching the shoreline,
as I feel the coolness of the water on my feet, and I ground into the sacred earth,
feeling calm and centered, as I surround myself once more in
Archangel Chamuel’s Pink Flame of Divine Love, and Archangel Chamuel embraces me
again in his beautiful Ruby-Red and Pink Angel Wings of Love.
Life is good.
All is Well. All is Well.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge
as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence,
the Highest Light that I AM within the Cosmic Heart of God,
in to this safe and sacred space.
And I call upon Archangel Raphael
to help me to access the highest level of this Angelic Template of Healing & Wellness that
I am able to at this time as I walk the Path of Love.
I breathe deep into my body now,
inhaling through my nose as I see my tummy inflate like a balloon,
and as I exhale through my nose or mouth,
I see my tummy relax.
I bring my focus to my physical body
having a look to see if there is any dis-comfort or dis-ease,
any areas of stress or misalignment that I are ready to be cleared at this time,
and I now invoke and call upon Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael now appears before me, wearing an emerald green healing robe,
and the colors of his wings are blue-green and violet.
Behind him there is a healing rod called a Caduceus,
which has on it the image of two snakes twisting round each other
and twisting round the rod,
and close to the top of the rod appear a pair of angel wings.

Archangel Raphael now surrounds me in his beautiful

Emerald Green Healing Flame of Light.
As this healing flame moves into my body,
I breathe in deeply through my nose,
seeing my lower abdomen expand,
and as I breath out through my nose or mouth,
I see my lower abdomen relax.
Breathing in and breathing out.
Breathing in and breathing out.

Archangel Raphael now tells me to focus on any of my body parts or organs that may need
healing, and any injuries or illnesses or areas of discomfort I may have,
are now surrounded in this beautiful Emerald Green Healing Flame.
I start to feel any discomfort or physical pain ease away,
as my body is becoming more relaxed.

I believe in the power of healing,

I believe I can experience vitality, good health and well-being.
I believe that my body can experience good health,
I take good care of my body, and
I Love it and appreciate it in every way.

And for a moment now as I deepen into my body

I get a sense of the kundalini energy,
seeing it starting to ignite from within my base chakra and perineum center,
seeing how my own energy is doing
as I increase my own Healing Light, my Chi, within my body
through my breath, through my focus, through my energy.

Moving my body perhaps from back side to side, or forwards and backwards,
or moving my shoulders up and down or my head from side to side.
Having a sense of whatever I am needing to do right now
as I continue to breathe deep into the body,
breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

I now find myself surrounded in a Galactic Healing Pod of Light,

brought in by my own Galactic Healing Team and Archangel Raphael,
to assist me in the rebalancing or releasing of the Emotional Centers
within my body where I may store false beliefs or judgments,
starting with the Throat Chakra
as we work with specific diamond-light and emerald-green frequency spectrums in this
clearing and releasing work.

As I bring now a focus to the Throat Chakra

I understand that this center is primarily about self-expression,
and what I may be clearing here are issues of lack of trust and lack of nurturing,
and false beliefs such as that I am alone, or I cannot trust others,
that I am unseen and unheard, or I have no voice.

And I start to experience this Galactic Healing Pod of Light,

just feeling these gentle healing energies around and within my body,
I now affirm:
“These Diamond Light and Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums of Light are assisting me
to turn off the gene codes of dis-ease and false beliefs.”

I am releasing through the throat chakra,

so that these issues no longer activate or re-activate in this Now,
I release any issues of lack-of self-expression,
and any false beliefs I may have, judgments or conditionings,
releasing dis-ease or dis-comfort through the throat center.
I know that I am greatly appreciated and celebrated.
I am seen and heard as I see and hear others.
I have a voice,
and my Beloved I AM Presence guides me ever deeper along pathway of Divine Love.

My choices sustain me as I walk this Path of Love,
in the utterance of my spiritual reality
and with the ability to share my beautiful gifts with others
through the expression of my Soul Note and my Soul Light.
And I trust in this, as I deepen into world service,
no longer needing to experience karmic timelines,
no longer needing to be unseen or unheard.

I am a Flame of Divinity walking this Path of Divine Love,

and co-creating with others in this Golden Age of Light.
And so it is,
And so it shall be”.

I now bring my focus to the Emotional Center of the Shoulders ~ burden areas,
possibly holding the sense of carrying the weight of the world upon my shoulders
with false beliefs such as that
“No one can do what I can do”, or “no-one understands me”, or “life is tough”.

As these Diamond Light and Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate deep into the
shoulders areas I may have a sense of the patternings, frequencies, impressions and
images that are being released,
as I now affirm:

“As this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around my shoulder area,
I release the sense of carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I am well understood, and I can put this weight back on the mountain.
I know that I am greatly supported as a manifesting co-creator
and my needs are known to the Universe.

I connect to those souls most appropriate to assist me in this Now,

assisting me as I move into the next level of my soul’s forward evolution.
And I know that as I simply trust and surrender to this process
that All Is Well, that the Universe has my back.
And others can do what I do, some even better.

I am willing to share responsibility, and to be open to receiving and giving
in this flow and balance that comes into my life, in unity and community,
in new levels of peace and harmony,
and abundance and grace,
in every area of my life that activates for me.
And in this I trust.
And so it is. And so it shall be”.

I now bring my focus to the Emotional Center of my Heart Center,

which may reflect my grief, my sorrow, my sadness, my loss.
The common false beliefs that I am releasing here at a cellular level,
through the chakras or nadis, are those such as:
“I am unloved. I am unappreciated. I am helpless.
I always feel so much pain. The universe does not support me.”

I understand that these are just cellular memories that are experienced through my
unique animations to know myself as Love,
And I have sense once more of this Galactic Healing Pod of Light around me,
this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums
activating within my Heart Chakra, bringing in these Light frequency spectrums
to turn off the gene code of dis-ease and false beliefs
so that they no longer activate or re-activate in this Now, as I now state:
“As this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate within and
around my heart chakra
these specific light frequencies spectrums turn off the gene codes of dis-ease
and false beliefs in the areas of grief or sadness or loss within my heart,
bringing me a greater level of the knowing of how I have transformed,
how I experience myself in Love.
I am also ready now to deepen into the joyous aspects of creation,
for this is my reality, walking the Path of Divine Love.
And while I honor my strength and courage in creating these
Pathways of Divine Love for myself and others,
through my own pain, through my grief,
through my suffering and through my loss,
I know I no longer need to do this, to know myself as Love.

The abundance of the universe
is one of great joy and Love, and delight and passion,
and its many blessings are pouring down on me,
and that moment of the origin of victim-persecutor consciousness which I experienced,
is now dissolved through this timeline.
For it is no longer where I am.
I understand and know that I am Love and that All is Love.
And so it is, and so it shall be
As I breathe in Love, and I breathe out Love.”

I now bring my focus to the Emotional Center within my body that is triggering Fears and
Phobias around my Solar Plexus chakra. False beliefs here could be those that feel:
“I do not feel like I am in control. I feel I give my power away, or, other people take my
power, or I am powerless, or I am always being taken advantage of, or bad things always
happen to me”.

And I now experience this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums
activate now within and around my Solar Plexus Chakra area, bringing in specific Light
frequency spectrums to turn off the gene codes of any dis-ease or false beliefs in this area
so they no longer activate or re-activate in this Now, as I now affirm:

“I am in control of the full range of my emotions.

I am in control of who I invite in to my life.
As this vibrating energy field and Vortex of Light,
as this Stargate, and Flame of Divinity
I attract those of an equal or greater Light.
I am completely neutral and loving and compassionate with those that are in a different
place to where I am energetically.
I am in my own power and good things happen to me.
Not only am I deserving but I am indeed a Warrior of Light.
What I have been through in terms of my initiations,
in terms of my courage and strength and resilience humbles me.
I am humbled by my ability to experience the depth of such emotion
and still look through my Master Eyes at all of life around me,
in the knowing that I Am Love.

This is why I chose this School of Learning. This is why I chose this life.
But where I am right now,
I have already fully opened my heart through trauma
and I no longer need to experience this anymore,
I no longer need to experience any level of victim or persecutor consciousness,
any situations where others take advantage of me or attempt to do so.
The freedom and sovereignty I have
expresses itself in the knowing of the power I have,
of my ability to wield the Sword of Holy Truth rather than to submit to it.
And so it is, and so it shall be”.

I now bring my focus to my Anger Center on the right side of my body, which may bring up
Anger and Rage ~ anger at others, anger at self, jealousy and resentment.
False beliefs I have here may include that:
“Others are always better off than I am, the world is full of people who only care about
themselves, why is it that others have so much and I have so little.”

And now, as this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the right side of my body, around the waist area, bringing in their
specific Light frequency spectrums to turn off the gene codes of the dis-ease or false
beliefs so they no longer activates or re-activates,
I now affirm:

“The world is full of people who are generous and kind and loving and supportive.
I am able to magnetize, to manifest and to bring into my reality those that truly see me,
hear me, love me, appreciate me and support me as I do them.

I no longer need to experience anger and rage at myself or others.

I no longer need to judge myself.
I no longer need to judge others.
And I let go of the idea that others use me or take advantage of me,
as well as letting go of the need to control or take advantage of others,
or any situation, or express to them what I imagine what they should be doing.
I move slowly and gently as a Peaceful Warrior of Light,
and as a Flame of Divinity.

It is the wisdom within me that takes me ever deeper into
the Divine Presence and Stillness of my Loving heart,
where I simply sit in the eternal Now moment,
Nowhere to go,
Nowhere to Be but Here,
in the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother-Father God
and within my Loving Heart.

And so it is, and so it shall be”.

And now I bring a focus to the Emotional Center within my body holding Guilt and Shame
and Unworthiness, sitting mostly on the left side of my body, around the waist area.
Issues I may have here are those of Unacceptance, Self-Judgment, Self-Criticism,
and common false beliefs are such as that
“I am not worthy, I am not good enough,
No one will ever love me, I am always going to be on my own.”

As this beautiful Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the left side of my body, along the waist area,
bringing in specific Light frequency spectrums to turn off the gene codes of the dis-ease or
false beliefs so they no longer activate or re-activate in this moment,
I now affirm:

“I recognize how worthy I Am and understand how I have had to experience the sense of
being unworthy to know myself as Love.
And I forgive myself for imagining that I was unworthy of love,
that I was anything less than Love.
And I am also comfortable in my body.
My body is my Temple of Light.

As I breathe in Love, and breathe out Love,

I Love every single sub-atomic particle of my beingness.
I know the moment I step into judgment of self and criticize myself,
I no longer feel this sense of unity and Divine Love within each cell of my body.
I acknowledge that this sense of Unity and Divine Love
comes first and foremost through letting go of judgment of self.

I am a beautiful and precious being,
beautiful inside and beautiful outside,
and I know that I am already deeply loved by my Soul and Star family and friends.
I have experienced many lifetimes in sacred union, and right now
I am experiencing the sacred union of my Beloved Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits,
bringing me into a greater levels of wholeness and balance and Love within myself.

I know too, in my own way, that I hear and sense and feel so many of these
Illumined Beings of Light from On High.
I am never alone, never alone.
And so it is,
And so it shall be”.

I now find myself focusing on the Emotional Center related to “Lack of Safety” around my
sacral area ~ family issues, sexual issues, childhood conditioning, violation of my body or
personal space, and the false beliefs or experiences that may have perpetuated this
through the spectrum of perceived challenges and unique experiences that I have had
which might be that:
“I am not safe. Sex is sinful. All men just want sex. All women just want to be seduced. I
am going to be hurt. I am always hurt. No one loves me.”

And now, as this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the sacral area, bringing in their specific Light frequency spectrums to
turn off the gene codes of the dis-ease or false beliefs that need to be cleared at a
cellular level within this area, I now affirm:

“I appreciate and honor the sacredness of my body,

and who I invite into my energy, into my body, into my heart,
into my soul and into my mind.
I also acknowledge that as a soul I have lived many lifetimes as both man and woman,
and each lifetime I have experienced particular false beliefs related to each sex,
but I know that we are all genderless at the soul level,
We are all Love,
just experiencing our own levels of Cosmic consciousness awareness.
So I embrace and Love all of creation;
my healing, the healing of others, my pain, the pain of others.

Whatever violations, hurts and betrayals I have experienced,
I am still open to Love,
to this experience of this reunion of hearts in both inner and outer planes,
and through the inner alchemical marriage of my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits.
And I know that there are those that I truly connect with at a soul level
that feel and experience life as I do.
That it is a safe space for us.
I give myself permission to trust in the intimacy of life
knowing that I will make the right choices, and that I will never again be hurt,
be taken advantage of or be violated at any level of my beingness.
And so it is, And so it shall be”.

I now bring a focus to the Support Area, or Lack-of-Support, which may include Lack of
Financial Support, along the lower back on the left side of the body, as I review false
beliefs such as that:
“I am never going to be able to make a living in what I Love doing. I have no money.
Money is the root of all evil. Or the Universe just simply put this on me, I have no choice”.

As this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums ignite and activate
now within and around my lower back and particularly on the left side of my body,
as these specific Light frequency spectrums are brought in to turn off the gene codes of
any dis-ease or false beliefs related to this lack of support I now affirm:

“I am always completely supported by the universe.

I am supported energetically by friends and family,
and I know my own uniqueness is what makes me different,
and I honor my uniqueness and what I bring to the collective energy of Light.
As I listen to the universe, I know too that everything has its perfect timing,
and I simply need to trust that all is unfolding perfectly.
And that my unique signature,
incomparable and unmeasurable to others,
creates a resonance field,
a frequency and vibration and mind set
that will draw those that need my energy to me,
as I walk this Path of Love in service to the Divine
and through that I will always be supported by the universe.

I draw to me what I need in any given moment.
I also know how deeply I am appreciated and celebrated and loved,
and in this I trust,
as I trust and surrender that all that comes before me
is taking me deeper into alignment to the Heart of Mother/Father God
and into the next level of my soul’s blossoming,
to the next level of the highest outcome along this Path of Love
And so it is,
And so it shall be.”

I now bring my focus to the Survival Center found at the base chakra,
which is related to possible traumas, accidents, abuse,
or rape, or violations, or frigidity or impotency.
The false beliefs here may be related to particular beliefs such as:
“I am not sure if I will be able to survive this, or I will never again be able to be intimate
with another, or I trust no-one, or I must protect myself from others at all costs.”

And now as this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the base chakra area,
bringing in specific Light frequency spectrums to turn off the gene codes of the dis-ease or
false beliefs that may be being released at a cellular level
I now affirm:

“I know that I will not only survive this,

but I will thrive,
and I embrace my challenges as Initiations of Light.
I know I chose this at a pre-birth level for the experience of it,
and to create the pathways of Divine Love for myself and others.
I know in the perfect Now moment, those that will help with my healing,
those that will allow me to experience the releasing of these false beliefs,
will enter into my life, and enter into my soul and heart.
And I will be open and ready in that Now.
I will reach out and trust and surrender,
as an open heart knowing that I am safe.

I walk this Path of Divine Love
Divinely protected and supported and loved and celebrated and appreciated.
And through my choices I attract those of equal Light
for I am an incredible Light,
a Flame of Divinity upon this sacred earth,
unique and special in every way, and I honor this.
I honor my unique vibration within the collective,
As I honor all life, and their uniqueness, and their specialness.
And so it is, And so it shall be.”

I now bring a focus to my Rejection Center,

found on the right side of the body, close to the base chakra area.
Issues here could be those of Abandonment or Criticism or Judgment, or Self-rejection,
and common false beliefs include that:
“I am always abandoned by those I Love. Others are always judging me. I know I am not
good enough. I don’t want to be here. I will never be able to fully Love myself.”
And now, as this Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the right side of the body, close to the base chakra area, and specific
Light frequency spectrums are brought in to turn off the gene codes of the dis-ease or
false beliefs related to Rejection I now affirm:

“I am good enough, and more than good enough.

I choose not to judge myself any longer.
And I choose not to judge others or compare myself to others.
I know that this judgment no longer needs to be part of my life.
I am accepting of myself, and I am accepting of others,
I am loving of myself knowing that I am here to fully love myself,
which makes it easy to also love others.
I simply love and appreciate myself,
and as I embrace myself,
I breathe in Love, I breathe out Love.
My body is a Temple of Light
and every level of my soul’s forward evolution ignites for me now
in the knowing that I am Love, I am Love, I am Love.
I breathe in Love and I breathe out Love.
And so it is, and so it shall be”.

Lastly now, I bring my focus to what is referred to as the Betrayal Center
found on the left side of the body, close to the base chakra.
The false beliefs coming up here could be the perception of being betrayed by someone I
love, or self-betrayal, and false beliefs being cleared at this time could be those that say:
“People always betray me and take advantage of me, I am deserving of being betrayed. I
am not a nice person. I deserve all the bad things that happen to me, this is my karma.”

And now, these Diamond Light and these Emerald Green Frequency Spectrums activate
within and around the left side of my body, close to the base chakra,
and specific Light frequency spectrums are brought in to turn off the gene codes of the
dis-ease or false beliefs related to this Betrayal Center,
I now affirm:

“I am deserving of all the good things happening to me in my life.

While I have walked the karmic pathway and the karmic timelines,
and experienced all that I need to, to know myself as Love,
there has never been a moment that made me deserving of “bad things”
that might happen to me.
What I recognize now is that everything that has happened,
has been to take me to the next level of my Soul's forward evolution
through my strength and courage and Love and willingness to serve.

And this is all I need to know.

I Am deserving of all the good things that happen to me.
And I no longer need to be betrayed or experience betrayal.
I open my heart to others in Love.
In discernment, looking through my Master Eyes,
I am simply loving to all those around me,
as I am loving to myself.
And so it is, and so it shall be”.

I now surround myself once more

in Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Green Healing Flame,
and now this beautiful Diamond Flame of Light, and
I feel the vitality and energy of Well-Being flow throughout my body,

I am feeling very good, very healthy and well,
energetically and emotionally and mentally clear.
Every level of my beingness is purifying my thoughts,
purifying my feelings, purifying my body and
I now say to myself or out aloud:
“I love you,” giving my full name now, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
I now find myself coming back into my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth
Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
In my own time now, I gently open my eyes, fully present,
Looking through my Master Eyes at all of Life around me,
Knowing all is well.
All is well.
And so it is. And so it shall be”.


I breathe deep into my body,

seeing my lower abdomen inflate and then relax,
as I start to feel peaceful and loving, thanking God for this day,
thanking God for my family and friends.
I take a moment now to appreciate myself,
and to appreciate my family and friends.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love,
as I share my Love with family and friends.
Breathing in Love,
and breathing out Love.

And I see Archangel Chamuel in front of me.

His energy is very gentle and loving.
He is dressed in a golden robe, and surrounded by white doves of peace,
with the most magnificent
Ruby Red and Pink Heart Shaped Angel Wings of Love upon his back.

Archangel Chamuel wraps me now in his Angel Wings of Love,
and surrounds me in a beautiful Pink Flame of Light,
letting me know how much I am Loved.
That I am extraordinary.
I am worthy of all that I desire
in creating a life of goodness, peace and Love.

Archangel Chamuel now places a beautiful Pink Heart within my loving heart
at the center of my chest, and
I start to feel more loving towards myself and others now,
more relaxed, joyful, safe and peaceful,
as I just continue to breathe deeply into my body.
Breathing in through my nose,
and seeing my lower abdomen inflate,
and then breathing out through my nose or mouth,
and seeing my lower abdomen relax as it is pulled back to my spine.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love.
Breathing in Love,
and breathing out Love.

Archangel Chamuel lets me know that if I have had a bad day,

or I am very angry, sad, or unhappy about something,
I can put my hand on my loving heart,
and see this beautiful Pink Heart activate within my loving heart,
helping me feel loved and calm and peaceful,
and knowing that everything will be okay.

He further lets me know that I am in expanding my own magnificent Light Body.

In particular, I am creating my Rainbow Light Body,
And I am dreaming into creation the service roles most supportive to my Light work
as I merge with my Higher Selves and continue to clear old programs at a cellular level
while remaining within my loving compassionate heart.
He explains to me that the Rainbow Light Body is directly related to the first seven
Initiations of Ascension
and I am now offered an opportunity to deepen into this experience.

The First Initiation occurs on this physical/etheric plane, through the seventh ray of
Ceremonial Magic and it is related to the physical etheric body.
Through this initiation the qualities and colors of this initiation
“Control over the Physical Body”
ignite through the sacral chakra in this beautiful Violet Flame of Light.
So I just have a sense now of feeling into this first initiation,
Feeling into what it means to me at this time
finding control over my urges or desires or habits,
Or just forming a new connection to my own physical body,
finding greater levels of appreciation and worthiness,
understanding the Divine Intelligence of my body as a Temple of Light.

I breathe in Love, I hold the breath,

and release all that is being released at this moment
from the lower chakras and from the sacral chakra,
as the kundalini energy gently moves and pauses, from the base to the sacral.
I breathe in Love,
I hold my breath, I breathe out Love, or fear or false beliefs, whatever is being released.

I now bring a focus to the Second Initiation,

which occurs on the emotional/astral plane and is related to
“Mastery over the Emotional Body”.
For this initiation, the qualities of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism ignite within my
solar plexus chakra, and this initiation is known as “the Sacrifice and Death of Desire”.
I have a sense of this beautiful Indigo Flame igniting within my solar plexus chakra,
and what this mean for me in terms of relationships, in terms of expression of self,
of conscious expression, of what I am still clearing or releasing or letting go of,
as I breathe in Love and hold my breath, and breathe all that is ready to be released.

I have a sense too of my energy,

of how this is bring online a deeper sense of the Rainbow Lightbody,
breathing through this Antakarana,
breathing in Love, holding my breath and breathing out;
at this stage of clearing as I am deepening into the breath
and I feel myself coming into balance,
I can just breathe in Love, and breathe out Love.

And now I bring a focus to the Third Initiation, which occurs on the mental plane of
consciousness, and is known as “the Mastery of the Mental Body”.
I am ready to experience this level of the soul merge with what is known as
my Primal Soul of the Light, the soul energy which initially incarnates with me,
starting to really feel a deepening sense of my soul energy
as I make a commitment at the deepest level of my beingness,
to be of service to Mother Earth, to humanity, to this sacred ascension process.
This initiation occurs through this fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge,
and this ray anchors now, this ray of Concrete Knowledge,
in an orange golden color through my third eye.

As I continue to breathe through this Antakarana

I have a sense of my own Soul Light,
Expanding from within my loving heart,
in this beautiful Pink Flame of Love.
Starting to feel and sense my beautiful Soul Light,
as the mind itself is starting to empty,
feeling how I am deepening into the Stillness of the Loving Heart,
the emptiness of the Higher Mind,
the Presence of my Divinity.
Breathing in Love, holding my breath, breathing out Love.

And now I have a sense of this Fourth Initiation,

which is undertaken on the Buddhic Plane of Consciousness,
again feeling and sensing how my own energy field is activating, igniting,
how this feels within the body itself,
as the subatomic particles are spinning in increased Light frequency.
Breathing in Love, holding the breath,
Breathing out Love,
as I experience now the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict,
and this energy igniting and activating through my base chakra,
choosing to be completely grounded and centered,
in a deeper level of the connection to my Higher Self that starts to ignite now,
this connection to my Higher Self of the Light,
this is really what we are talking about,
this expression of our divinity.

These higher aspects, also known as the Christed Oversoul, descending,
coming fully into the body.
Each higher self has twelve soul rays,
each soul ray is an archetype, a moment of embodiment of self-mastery,
a moment of embodying into self-mastery to see what comes through.
The soul embodiment deepens into the body,
grounded and centered and firmly in the body to hold this energy of Light.
Breathing in Love, Breathing out Love.

And we move now into the Fifth Initiation.

This Fifth Initiation takes place on the Atmic Plane of Consciousness,
anchoring the first ray qualities of Will and Power through my crown chakra.

The veils of illusion are being released and dissolved,

I move from separation to unity.
I hold the space and place of Love for all life,
where there is no fear, there is no blame, there is no shame, there is no guilt.
There is only Love.

The higher mind is igniting deep into the wisdom of the Mind of God,
integrating deeper levels of the higher self,
at this level I also have a sense of being “the Chela on the Thread”,
working with our elder brothers and sisters through Shamballa
to come deep into the Flame of Love,
to hold this Flame of Love for all life upon this sacred earth.

And now for the Sixth Initiation,

which takes place on the Monadic Plane of Consciousness.
We talk about the Monad as our Beloved I AM Presence, or the Christed Overself,
it is essentially the I AM Presence, all 144 soul rays.
This anchors now in this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame through the throat chakra.
These are new soul note expressions of self coming in,
expressions of service, of finding that note, finding that voice,
that sometimes needs to experience itself,
not only within that place of divinity
but also in a particular way of communication.

And I deepen into this now,
into finding my authentic expression of creativity, in how I share my service work.
Finding myself merging with all 144 Soul Rays of which I AM One,
my Beloved I AM That I AM,
This is the point of my spiritual ascension,
the ability now to start to move into that physical ascension,
creating my physical body as my Body of Light,
also called my etheric electronic Body of Light.

I continue to breathe in Love, hold the breath and breathe out,

or breathe in Love and breathe out Love,
as I come back into my heart, the heart of Divine Love,
feeling and sensing all my bodies merging into a Body of Light,
my Rainbow Lightbody.

I see now this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love ignite within my loving heart.
This plume of Divine Love igniting into Wisdom and Power, the three-fold flame.

And now my Seventh Initiation takes me into a deeper sense of the Inner Plane Initiations,
and the activation moves now from my heart back into my crown chakra.

Through my compassionate loving heart,

I come into the Wisdom of the Universe and the Higher Mind Teachings of Light.
And so it is, and so it is.

I get a sense of what my body is doing now

as I further experience the shape of the dodecahedron,
the sacred geometry related to this Angelic Template of Peace and Harmony,
as this ignites within my loving heart,
spinning now first in a clockwise direction and then in a counter clockwise direction.

And now I just bring myself right back into my physical body,
As this dodecahedron starts to move through each one of the chakras
and I have a sense of this kundalini energy,
Archangel Chamuel lets me know that what is activating here at the cellular level is

Serotonin is a type of hormone that shows up in the intestines and blood vessels
And which functions as an anti-depressant in my body.
This hormone helps me to feel energetic and calm throughout the day.
When there are low levels of serotonin,
aggressive or impulsive behaviour or depression and sensitivity may more easily occur.
As the serotonin ignites more deeply, I deepen into this sense of Stillness,
into the Zero Point, into the Void.
Just breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

Coming into my Heart of Love,

wrapped once more in this beautiful Pink Flame of Love
I see before me this innocent and magical child.
As I look into the eyes of this child, I see this child is me,
the highest aspect of myself, my innocence as a child of God.
My higher self, my innocent magical child, all these are aspects of myself.
As I put my arms around myself I say to myself now:
“I Love you”, giving my full name now, “I Love you, I Love you”.

I now invite into this Circle of Light all the aspects of myself needing more Love.
As these sub-personality aspects enter into my Loving Heart,
into this beautiful Pink Heart of Divine Love,
I give them a voice to be heard.
I hear what these aspects need to say,
I simply accept, embrace and Love these aspects of myself
without any level of judgment or blame.
I give my anger a voice.
I listen to what it needs to say or who it may need to blame. It’s okay.
I need to give it a voice first, to listen, to observe, as I breathe deep into my body.
Breathing in Love, I hold my breath and breathe out Anger.

I breathe in Love, I hold my breath, I breath out Anger.

I release my anger as I hear it, listen to it, as I accept it,
I let it know that everything will be all right,
that All is Well. All is well.

I am now joined by Archangel Gabriel who appears to me,
and surrounds me in a wonderful White Flame of Light.
This White Flame now becomes a beautiful, big white bubble all around my body,
which helps me to feel safe and happy, and talk clearly and lovingly with others,
in a calm and gentle way,
as I deepen into the stillness of my loving heart.
Archangel Gabriel tells me my White Bubble will allow me to experience
a deeper sense of my personal space,
and if others come within my White Bubble and personal space,
and something make me feel uncomfortable,
or if other people’s energy and feelings are upsetting me,
I can say: “Please give me some space,
you are making me feel uncomfortable or angry now.”

I can walk away from conflict,

and go to a safe space, where I can do some deep breathing,
until I feel more comfortable in controlling my own emotions.
I can also create a safe space in my home, and if I am feeling angry or tired,
or frustrated about someone or something in my life.
I do not need to shout or get mad,
I can take “time-out” to manage and control my feelings.
I know it is not okay to shout at someone else, no matter how bad I am feeling,
and even when I do, it simply increases my own flame of anger,
it does not resolve or subdue the energy that is upon me at that time.

I now see or sense Archangel Gabriel’s White Bubble around my body.

I start to feel more relaxed and calm now,
as I breathe deep into my body.
Breathing in Love, holding my breath
and breathing out whatever needs to be released at this time.
Breathing in Love, holding my breath
and breathing out anger.
Breathing in Love, holding my breath
and breathing out sadness.

Archangel Gabriel tells me a good way to express myself is to write about my feelings.
And now he hands me a small jar of ink and a white feather pen,
and I imagine myself writing my story,
dipping my white feather in to this inkwell, and penning my thoughts onto paper.
I can also write about my thoughts and feelings in my mind’s eye,
on my inner blackboard,
or I can write a letter to the person that has upset me, sharing how I feel.

Archangel Gabriel lets me know that he would like to show me a way that I can experience
a deeper level of my innocent child,
my Innocence as a Child of God.
He surrounds me once more in his beautiful White Flame of Light,
and I now imagine a very big mirror in front of me.
Archangel Gabriel tells me to look into the mirror,
so that through my eyes, which are like the window to my Soul,
and through my loving heart, I can see my Innocence, the best part of me.
He now places a shining lantern next to the mirror,
which lights up my Light as a Child of God.
As I look into the mirror, I smile and greet myself.
I like seeing this special part of me, it is the nicest person I can imagine.
I now place my hands upon my loving heart at the center of my chest,
as I say to myself or out aloud once more:
“I Love you,” giving my full name now, “I Love you, I Love you.”

I am feeling so very peaceful right now,

and I have a sense of connecting my mind and loving heart to Archangel Gabriel,
and just sharing my thoughts and feelings.

I know that he will always give me the answers I need.

I can talk to him the way I would talk to a good friend,
and let his thoughts come into my clear mind and loving heart.
I now breathe in Love, and breathe out Love.
I now see my loving heart glowing in the beautiful White Light of Archangel Gabriel.
I see this light expand from within me, my Soul Light,
birthed into creation through God’s Love, and through my innocence and purity.

I now say:
“I accept myself just as I am. I am unique and wonderful in my own way.
I am beautiful and awesome, a spark of the Divine,
a Flame of Divinity, God or Goddess upon this sacred earth.
I accept and appreciate myself.
I accept and appreciate my gifts and talents,
I accept that we all have our own unique gifts and talents
I am kind and loving to myself, I am kind and loving to others.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life, I do not take anything for granted.
I am polite and gentle, and I treat others as I would like to be treated.
My life is peaceful and harmonious,
gentle and graceful because I see myself, and I see others”.

I now find myself back in my safe space, my sacred space

and I imagine myself walking next to a lake.
My feet gently touch the shoreline, as I feel the coolness of the water on my feet.

I ground into the sacred earth,

surrounded once more in Archangel Chamuel’s Pink Flame of Divine Love
and Archangel Gabriel’s White Flame of Communication, Peace and Harmony,
feeling calm, peaceful, relaxed and centered,
fully back in my body, back in may sacred space.


I breathe deep into my body,

seeing my lower abdomen inflate and then relax,
breathing in and breathing out.
I start to feel very relaxed and peaceful,
hearing the beautiful thoughts of God, and hearing all the thoughts,
feeling the energies of my brothers and sisters of the Light,
all these beautiful beings I acknowledge,
just joining me here as I deepening into the Flame of Love within my Loving Heart.
Breathing in Love and breathing out Love.

Archangel Jophiel now appears before me,

a beautiful Angel dressed in a Golden Yellow Robe,
with a Golden Yellow halo around her head, holding a sparkling torch in her right hand.
Archangel Jophiel now touches my forehead with her sparkling torch,
and as she does, I have a sense of releasing any misaligned thoughts.

Releasing any thoughts that are running through my head, old programs,
energies that are running in circles, false beliefs and judgments that don’t shut down,
as I bring myself into this Now moment into the loving presence and stillness of my heart.

I feel a sense of excitement and Love within myself,

knowing I am on this new adventure and that no matter what is going on in my life,
that everything is really going to be all right,
that everything already is all right.
I am supported by the Universe.
I am supported by life.
And I just listen to the Universe in my own unique way to receive the messages that will
assist me in my soul’s forward evolution.

Archangel Jophiel now wraps me in her Golden Yellow Angel Wings,

giving me a great, big Angel hug,
and comforting me and loving me, much like my family and friends do.
As I feel her Love,
I notice this Golden Yellow Flame of Joy within her loving heart.
From the center of her loving heart, this Golden Yellow Flame now expands,
blazing around my body and energy field,
and clearing any bad thoughts and feelings that may be making me feel unhappy, angry,
or uncomfortable in any way.
As I breathe in joy,
and breathe out anything that feels uncomfortable within my body.
And now, I breathe in joy, and I breathe out joy.

Archangel Jophiel now anchors this Golden Yellow Flame of Joy within my loving heart,
as it flows from the center of her loving heart to mine.
As this Golden Yellow Flame of Joy now expands from within my loving heart,
moving into every one of my cells, organs and body parts,
I continue to breathe deep into my body,
expanding my lower abdomen as I breathe in,
contracting my lower as I breathe out.
I feel this wave of joy, of passion, of creativity and excitement move throughout my body,
as I continue to breathe in joy, and breathe out joy.
What does joy feel like for me?

And I take a moment to feel my Love,
as I place my hands upon my loving heart,
as I say to myself:
“I Love you,” giving my full name now, “I Love you, I Love you.”

I now feel and sense the energy of my Higher Self of the Light.
My Higher Self open the doorway of my heart to the blessings and gifts of the Universe,
and to the great blessings and gifts within my own life.

As I accept my own unique gifts and talents,

without comparing myself to others, or competing with others,
my loving heart shines brightly upon this sacred earth.
I know that I am unique and special.
I know that we are all unique and special.
I cannot compare my gifts to others, for we are all children of God,
each with our own beautiful gifts and talents.

I now see myself within my loving heart, a miniature version of myself,

embracing and hugging my Higher Selves. So many of them!
My Innocence, my Soul Light,
my Atlantean self, my Lemurian self, my ancient Egyptian self, my Galactic self,
my priesthood self, my wise woman sage self,
my father self, my mother self, my lover self, my brother self, sister self,
my healer self, my angelic self, my mighty elohim self,
my mermaid self, my fairy self, my dolphin self.
Ahhhh, so wonderful life is! So much joy at this reunion!

I am One with my Higher Selves,

my Higher Selves are One with me.

I see a doorway in front of me now, and as I open this doorway and step through it,
I enter on this Golden Yellow Path of Light,
And as I focus on my creativity, my passions and unique gifts.
Archangel Jophiel lets me know that I have many gifts,
and one of those gifts is that of the leader, the way-shower,
the keeper of the Flame of Divine Love.

I know that I am a leader in my own unique way.
That I am kin and gentle, polite and humble,
that I assist others and stand up for those that cannot stand up for themselves.
I help others where I can,
I am deeply committed to service, and
I do what I can to make this world a better place.

Archangel Jophiel lets me know that my gifts can make others feel good
about themselves too.
I may have the gift of smiling and laughing a lot,
and making those around me feel good through my happiness.
I may have the gift of being a good listener,
and my family and friends feel comfortable sharing their stories with me.
I may have the gift of the healer working with people,
or working with animals, or working with children.
I have so many unique gifts!

Many are ignited through my extra sensory perception skills,

seeing or sensing or dreaming my Creations of Light into reality,
Magnetizing, manifesting, drawing to me what I need,
seeing the higher timelines, the visions, hearing the voices of the angels,
hearing the voices of communication,
hearing the innocence within myself express through deeper levels of intuition,
deeper levels of authenticity and Love.
I deepen into my creative gift whatever they may be.
I could be good at art or drawing, readings, singing, dancing, poetry, crafts, acting.
What is my passion? What is my joy?
All sorts of things present to me as I become All That I AM in my magnificence and Light
through all these merging timelines of my Beloveds into this Now,
into my loving heart.

I am unique, immeasurable and incomparable to others,

dancing with delight,
dancing in the joy of my Loving Heart
amplified through the Joy of others.

Archangel Jophiel lets me know that she can also help me to
strengthen my mental focus and hear the Universe more deeply.
I can call on her to shine her sparkling torch onto my mind,
as I focus on simply hearing the Universe talk to me, as I breathe deep into my body,
breathing in Love and Joy, breathing out Love and Joy.
I come in to the inner stillness of my Loving Heart.
And now, I breathe in stillness, and I breathe out stillness.

I now experience this beautiful Diamond Tetrahedron ignite within my loving Heart,
this shape related to this Angelic Template of Joy.
The tetrahedron spins first in a clockwise direction & then counterclockwise.
Spinning in greater timelines of joy.
Spinning out timelines of sadness, or unhappiness.
Dissolving lower densities or frequencies, dissolving emotions and feelings no longer
needing to be experienced as I walk this Path of Love,
as this Flame of Divinity I Am, as the Light of God I Am.

I now have a sense of my pituitary gland being activated.

The pituitary gland along with the hypothalamus and adrenal glands form this feedback
system that controls my stress reactions, my moods and emotions.
And the hypothalamus and endocrine glands synchronize with one another at any moment
to gather all the information they need to change my body state through the action of the
hormones and the automatic nervous system, to stabilize my sensory system
and central nervous system as an energetically sensitive soul.
Any stress just simply releases or dissolves,
as I just hold the Love within my heart, no fear, no shame, no blame.
And now I have a sense of being joined by Lady Hathor from the Sisterhood of the Rose.
Lady Hathor steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Magical Muse
and activates a beautiful Yellow Rose of Delight and Joy and New Beginnings
within my Loving Heart and now through each one of my chakras.

I am ready to experience the beautiful gifts that I have,

I am ready to experience the delight of creation,
I am ready to experience new things, greater levels of joy,
within my life and through my heart's dreaming.

I now merge with this Magical Muse
embodying all the creative forces that amplify my extra sensory perception gifts,
bringing in everything that I need in this Now,
all the levels of support, all the levels of the abundance that I require.

I have a greater sense of the new beginnings that are coming,

as I trust and surrender to the Divine, as I take this leap of faith.
As I align my will to the Divine Will of God,
as I allow the Divine Feminine to birth this creation of Light, and
the Divine Masculine to take it out into the world.
I embrace my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine spirits now in a new wholeness,
in a new dance of creative energies, divine Love, of joy, and of delight.

Goddess Hathor also brings with her particular sonic vibratory frequencies,
using sound as a form of communication,
and I just hear this hum of this joy and this Love,
perhaps wanting to chant Aum or Om, whatever this energy expresses for me,

◊֎◊◊◊֍◊֍◊◊֎◊ OM ◊֍◊◊֎◊֎◊◊◊֍◊◊

I deepen into activating the joy within my Loving heart,

as I deepen into listening to the Universe,
as I deepen into hearing beyond the stillness, hearing the heartbeat of the multiverse,
the universal womb of creation.

◊֎◊◊◊֍◊֍◊◊֎◊ OM ◊֍◊◊֎◊֎◊◊◊֍◊◊

The dormant DNA now activates to the maximum cosmic law can allow,
as I find myself moving deeper and deeper into the joy of my loving heart
and deeper and deeper in to the energy of the Divine Mother as the Magical Muse,
as the lover, as the healer, as the artist, the poet, the reader, the writer,
bringing into my heart all I need in this Now
to take myself to the next level of my service work,
of my soul’s blossoming and magnificence,
as a way shower and physical vessel of Light upon this sacred earth.

I am this open heart in this Golden Age of Light
creating the Pathways of Divine Love for myself and others.
I know that in my own life I am deepening into harmony and abundance and joy and trust,
into new beginnings and pathways of synchronicities
knowing that these abounding synchronicities activate and amplify within my heart,
as I deepen into the Path of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose.
I know that each unique experience I have takes me deeper into loving myself
as I embrace all that arises.
This is a gift that the Universe gives to me.
This is a gift that I give to myself.
I can release judgments of myself and others.
I can embrace the little voice within myself
that sometimes feels unseen or unloved through my loving heart,
through my joy, through my innocence,
through my Love.

I now have a sense of my Diamond Plasma Crystalline Lightbody,

As I merge now with my Beloved I Am Presence,
All is One and all is Light,
As this Golden Yellow Flame moves now into every sub-atomic particle of my body
rejuvenating, regenerating, healing, igniting in Light.
I breathe in Light,
I breathe out Light.

I have a sense of the crystals in my body,

as every body part, organ, cell and particle is purified,
as every gland, organ, molecule, body part is being rejuvenated,
recalibrated, reconfigured
so I can hold the deepest levels of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,
the deepest levels of my Beingness, held within my physical body,
anchoring new Light Codes,
anchoring Heaven on Earth,
anchoring the Templates of the New Earth.

Through the radiance of my own Light I feel my vibrating energy
as a stargate of Divine Love.
I live in this space of No Time, of Timelessness,
Having all the time in the world to do what I need to.
I dream my reality into existence, Living in this ever present Now moment,
In the eternal Divine Light of Mother-Father God through my Loving Heart.
Breathing in Love, breathing out Love.
Breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

I am a guardian of the New Earth,

creating my stargate, quantum super-consciousness,
merging into my Avatar Oversoul Monadic embodiments of Light,
as Purity, as Love, in unity, community and conscious communication.
I express my Divinity consciously in every thought, word and action.

I now imagine myself standing at the top of a mountain,

feeling and experiencing the freedom and joy of life.

I see or sense these tree roots coming from the soles of my feet and going into the earth,
surrounding myself once more in
Archangel Jophiel’s Golden Yellow Flame of Joy, Beauty, of Creativity.

And now, as I gently open my eyes,

looking through my Master Eyes through all life around me,
I say to myself or out aloud:
“I Love you,” giving my full name now, “I Love you. I Love you.”


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness

Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek,
as I bring a focus now to the diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around me.
I experience now the activation of Metatron's Cube within this diamond sphere,
these 13 spheres of God's Infinite Perfection.
And now I see a beautiful Golden Flower of Life activate,
and now the Fruit of Life within Metatron's Cube,
and now, the Tree of Life.

I now see before me the Trinity Lords of Light,
Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek.
The Trinity Lords of Light now anchor and activate their Shield of Light
as a spinning disc through my Soul Star Chakra,
anchoring now the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms,
and the highest expression of my Divinity, Innocence and Purity.

This Shield of Light now moves into the crown chakra,

spinning in a clockwise and then counter-clockwise direction,
and now through each one of my chakras,
and into my Earth Star Chakra.

From here, the Trinity Lord’s Shield of Light activates from my base chakra back to my
Soul Star Chakra.
As my chakras now align in One Unified Column of Light,
I experience a deepening sense of the merging Christed Timelines of Self Mastery,
and myself as an Initiate of Light.

The Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light now activates around this diamond sphere
54 feet in diameter around me,
this beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star,
one horizontal and one vertical,
as I am taken deeper into alignment with the Divine Blueprints of Creation,
deeper into my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.
I now bring my focus back to my body,
as I sense this beautiful star tetrahedron activate now within my loving heart,
spinning in a counter clockwise direction initially, and now in a clockwise direction.

I am surrounded now in
the Golden Yellow Flame of Joy and Passion and Purpose of Archangel Jophiel.
Archangel Jophiel anchors this Golden Yellow Flame of Joy and Purpose and Passion
within my loving heart, as it flows from the center of her loving heart to mine.
As this Golden Yellow Flame of Joy and Passion and Purpose
now expands from within my loving heart,
moving into each one of my cells, organs and body parts,
I continue to breathe deep into my body.

Expanding my lower abdomen as I breathe in,
and contracting my lower abdomen as I breathe out.

I feel this wave of joy, of passion,

of creativity and excitement move throughout my body,
as I breathe in passion and joy,
and breathe out passion and joy.
I breathe in passion and joy,
I breathe out passion and joy.

I feel this wave of Love now within me and around me,

as I continue to breathe deep into my body.
I take a moment now to feel my love, as I place my hands upon my loving heart,
and say to myself:
“I love you,” giving my full name now, “I love you, I love you.”

My Beloved I Am Presence now opens the doorway of my heart

to the blessings and gifts of the universe,
to great blessings and gifts within my own life.
As I accept my own unique gifts and talents,
without comparing myself to others, or competing with others,
my loving heart shines brightly upon this sacred earth,
and golden opportunities and divine synchronicities present themselves to me.

Part of the service aspect of creation taking me into my leadership role,

is the creation of my Light Body Merkaba field.
I am ready now through my magnificence and Light and commitment to service,
to activate my Light Body Merkaba Field and
experience the blueprints of the New Earth in its full magnificence and glory and Light,
of co-creation, of unity, of community.

As I hold this knowing, I have a sense now of the pineal gland being activated,
this gateway to cosmic communication
this gateway to my multidimensional selves and higher selves.

I have awoken from the illusion
and as I awaken and deepen into my divine identity the pineal gland resurrects,
and the crystals inside the pineal gland known “brain sand” start to resonate.
This may at times cause a perceived buzzing in my head,
but in truth as the Spiritual Light now activates through the pineal gland in particular,
I have a sense of this beautiful Pearl of Wisdom ignite,
and of the pineal gland acting as this divine radio antennae,
picking up the Higher and Christed frequencies of the New Earth Template.

And I just feel this activate now through my third eye and the crown chakra,
as the pineal gland starts to lift me into the higher dimensional fields of Light,
and I experience merging now with my multidimensional selves,
and twelve higher selves of which I am One.

I have a sense now of the star tetrahedron again within my loving heart
spinning now in a clockwise direction, bringing in the Light of Creation,
and now the same star tetrahedronal shape is spinning within each cell in my body,
starting from my original divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center.

This blueprint is the New Earth Blueprint of my Purpose, of my Passion.

And as the pineal gland expands, my third eye ignites to greater levels of insight, greater
levels of understanding and purpose as I walk this Path of Love.

And as I hold the vision of unity and community,

as I dream the New Earth Templates into creation,
I have a sense of this beautiful Golden Yellow star tetrahedron
expanding and activating around my body and energy field
within a silver gold bubble of light 7.2 ft in diameter around me.

And as I just get a sense of this beautiful Golden Yellow star tetrahedron
I have sense now of three superimposed Golden Yellow star tetrahedrons
activating within my Lightbody Merkaba field,
each superimposed over one another,
within my silver gold bubble of light 7.2 ft in diameter around me.

I now visualize myself in the middle of these star tetrahedrons
as I focus initially now on my etheric body star tetrahedron.

As I visualize now this etheric body star tetrahedron,

I see the apex of the top tetrahedron reach up and touch the top of my silver gold bubble,
at my 6th dimensional portal, 2.4 ft or 72 centimeters above my crown chakra,
and the bottom or base of this top tetrahedron comes up to just below my knees.
The apex of the lower tetrahedron reaches to the bottom of my silver gold bubble
2.4 ft or 72 centimeters below my body,
and the base of this lower tetrahedron crosses my heart chakra.

As a woman I now want to visualize the ridge of the top tetrahedron

centered along the back of my body
and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron centered along the front of my body.

As a man I now want to visualize the ridge of this top tetrahedron,

centered along the front of my body and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron centered
along the back of my body.

I am now ready to activate my Light Body Merkaba Field.

On the first nine breaths,
I am going to breathe in to the count of seven and breathe out to the count of seven,
breathing in, breathing out.

On this first breath I inhale and exhale to the count of seven
as I focus on a first dimensional portal, 2.4 feet or 72 cm below my feet,
and my connection to Mother Earth.

On my second breath, I focus on a second dimensional portal, at my perineum center.

On my third breath, I focus on a third dimensional portal, at my crown chakra, connecting

me to the Earth plane and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy, and
I now bring in a golden bubble of Light 6 feet or 1.8 meters in diameter all around me.

On my fourth breath, I focus on a fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet or 6 cm above the
crown chakra, and I now bring in a copper-gold bubble of Light 6.04 feet or 1.81 meters in
diameter all around me.

On my fifth breath, I focus on a fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet or 18 cm above my

crown chakra, and I now bring in a silver bubble of Light 7.2 feet or 2.16 meters in
diameter all around me.

On my sixth breath now, I focus on a sixth dimensional portal 2.4 feet or 72 cm above my
crown chakra, and I now bring in a silver-gold bubble of Light 10.8 feet or 3.24 meters in
diameter around me.

On my seventh breath, I focus on a seventh dimensional portal 3.0 feet or 90 cm above

my crown chakra, and I now bring in a golden bubble of Light 12 feet or 3.6 meters in
diameter around me.

On my eighth breath, I focus on an eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet or 1.62 meters
above my crown chakra and I now bring in a platinum bubble of Light 16.8 feet or 5.04
meters in diameter around me.

On my ninth breath, I focus on a ninth dimensional portal 24 feet/7.2 meters above my

crown chakra, and my connection to my Beloved I Am Presence and to Mother/Father God,
And I now bring in a diamond sphere of Light 54 feet/16.8 meters in diameter around me.

And now for my next five breaths, I will inhale to the count of seven, hold my breath to
the count of five and exhale to the count of seven as I visualize the geometry of the star

On the tenth breath now, I inhale to seven, as I visualize the top tetrahedron fill with
golden Light. I hold the breath to the count of five, I exhale and visualize the bottom
tetrahedron filled with this Golden Yellow Light.

On the eleventh breath, I inhale and visualize an etheric body star tetrahedron. I hold
the breath. I exhale and again visualize this etheric body star tetrahedron.

On the twelfth breath, I inhale and visualize an emotional body star tetrahedron. I hold
the breath. As I exhale, I again visualize this emotional body star tetrahedron.

On the thirteenth breath, I inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. I hold
the breath. As I exhale, again visualize the mental body star tetrahedron.

On the fourteenth breath, I inhale and visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons.
I hold the breath. As I exhale, I sense very clearly these three superimposing star

For the last five breaths, I am going to suck in and out, as though sucking through a
straw. As I breathe in and out, I will spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons
around my body and within my ninth dimensional diamond sphere 54 feet or 16.8 meters
in diameter around me at specific Fibonacci ratios God speed to infinity.

The emotional body star tetrahedron will spin in a clockwise direction and the mental
body star tetrahedron will spin in a counter-clockwise direction respectively. The etheric
body star tetrahedron will remain stationary over my body.

I will spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons first to one third the speed of
light, then two thirds the speed of light, then nine tenths the speed of light, then to the
speed of common light, and then to the fifth dimension.

When we get to nine tenths the speed of light, I will bring my focus to my crown chakra,
my third dimensional portal and focus on the Fibonacci ratio 8 to 5 eleven times God
speed to infinity. What this means is that my mental body star tetrahedron will spin
around me in a counter clockwise direction 8 times while the emotional body star
tetrahedron will spin around me 5 times in a clockwise direction, at the exact same time,
for 11 sets God speed, a speed not possible to measure.

For the fourth dimensional Light Body/Merkaba activation, the Fibonacci ratio is 13 to 8,
22 times God speed to infinity
and I will bring my focus to my fourth dimensional portal at this time.

For the 5th dimensional Light Body/Merkaba activation, the Fibonacci ratio is 21 to 13,
33 times God speed to infinity,
and I will bring my focus to my fifth dimensional portal,
as I activate my Light Body/Merkaba to this fifth dimensional frequency.

And now, on my fifteenth breath, I suck in and spin the emotional body star tetrahedron
in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise
direction within my ninth dimensional diamond sphere.
I blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons as they now spin
around me at one-third the speed of Light.

On my sixteenth breath, I suck in and spin the emotional and mental body star
tetrahedrons within my ninth dimensional diamond sphere.
As I blow out, the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons now spin within this
sphere at two-thirds the speed of light.

On my seventeenth breath now, I suck in and focus on my third dimensional portal at my

crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity.
As I blow out, my Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at ninth-tenths the speed of light.

On my eighteenth breath now, I suck in and focus on my fourth dimensional portal

0.02 feet or 6cm above my crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 13/8,
accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity.
As I blow out, my Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes at the speed of Light

On the nineteenth breath now, I suck in and focus on my fifth dimensional portal
0.6 feet or 18 cm above my crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 21/13,
accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity.

As I blow out, my Light Body/Merkaba field stabilizes at a fifth dimensional frequency,

and I now find myself shifting 90 degrees to the right energetically and entering now
through this fifth dimensional portal.

My Light Body/Merkaba field now activates to the New Earth Blueprints,

and the Angelic Template of Passion & Purpose reactivates within my heart chakra,
and now within my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within my perineum center.

I now program my Light Body/Merkaba field.

The Light Body/Merkaba can hold an infinite number of programs,
and I initially program it to receive only Divine Love,
and to divert any other energies into the frequency of Love
as I honor and experience all that is revealed to me, as I request:

“I would like to program my Light Body/Merkaba now to be invisible, except to Beings of

the Highest Order of Divine Love through the realms of Illumined Truth, for I Am a Flame
of Divinity and a Master Being, and I program my Light Body/Merkaba field to be seen by
the Ascended Realms, the Angelic Realms, the Galactic Realms.
And so it is.

I now program into my Light Body/Merkaba that all electromagnetic fields from
computers, television and radio stations, from microwave stations and so forth, ad
infinitum, move around my electromagnetic field without any harmful electrical or
negative interference.

I program into my Light Body/Merkaba field that all environmental toxins, bacteria,
microbes and viruses which are inappropriate to my wellbeing move around my Light
Body/Merkaba field.

I program into my Light Body/Merkaba field that all geopathic stress lines and any other
such negative energies be diverted around my Light Body/Merkaba field.

I program into my Light Body/Merkaba field that it will divert ultra violet light and other
harmful rays around my Light Body/Merkaba field.

And now, if there are any programs that you would personally like to program now to be
activated through your Light Body/Merkaba field, you take a moment to do so now.


In my own time now, I have a sense of the Angelic Realms, the Galactic Realms, the
Ascended Realms of which I am part of walking this New Earth, and in particular I
acknowledge and thank the Archangels Overlighting these Templates of Light,
Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel,
Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Raphael.

This is a joyous Reunion of Hearts,

and I just have a sense of deepening into the Angelic Realms
and frequencies of purity and innocence and love
as I walk this Path of Love with my Lightbody Merkaba field activated,
and all the geometries and templates of the New Earth now activate
within my Lightbody Merkaba field.

I now have a sense of feeling and sensing into the energy of the Earth,
into the heartbeat of Mother Earth,
grounding into the crystal diamond heart of Mother Earth,
and just feeling this connection of deep love to Mother Earth and all her life.
And in my own time now I gently open my eyes,
coming back now fully present to this sacred space.


I am a Flame of Divinity,
I am a Master Being of Light,
I am a Physical Vessel of Light, a Son or Daughter of God,
I Am my I Am Presence upon this sacred earth.
I honor the earth with my presence, with my Love, with my magnificence.
I open to receiving the full blessings of this sacred earth and all her life,
I open to receiving the full gifts of manifesting abundance and the worthiness,
of deserving all the universe bestows upon me through my service,
through my Love, through my Beingness.

I find myself now deepening into the Angelic Realms,
feeling and sensing the Angelic energies as
I now see Archangel Chamuel in front of me.
He is dressed in a golden robe, surrounded by white doves of peace,
and has the most amazing Ruby Red and Pink Heart Shaped Angel Wings of Love upon his

Archangel Chamuel wraps me now in his Angel Wings of Love,

and surrounds me in a beautiful Pink Flame of Light,
letting me know how much I am Loved.
That I am extraordinary.
That I am magnificent and worthy.
That I am worthy of all that I desire,
in creating a life of goodness, and peace and Love.

Archangel Chamuel now places this big pink heart energetically within my loving heart
I feel such deep Love myself now,
opening to receive, feeling Loved, feeling appreciated,
feeling safe and peaceful.

I breath deep into my body,

breathing in through my nose, and seeing my lower abdomen inflate,
and breathing out through my nose or mouth,
seeing my lower abdomen relax as it pulls back to my spine.
Breathing in Love, and breathing out Love.
Breathing in Love,
and breathing out Love, Magnificence and Worthiness.

As I do this breathing I feel this connection to the Angelic Realms, and

I also have a sense of oxytocin being released through my brain and body.
Oxytocin is sometimes called the "Love hormone" because it's released when people hug
and cuddle,
and I understand from the Angelic Realms and Archangel Chamuel that oxytocin being
released takes me deeper into Unity Consciousness.
Deeper into the consciousness of the connection with my Brothers and Sisters,
knowing that all life is interconnected, knowing there is a Divine Plan.

Knowing we are all part of this Divine Plan,
and that we are coming together now in Unity and in Community,
networking and loving and appreciating and seeing one another,
One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.

And as I just get this expanded sense of the Love of Creation,

of my own divinity in this awakening world,
the sacred geometry of the icosahedron activates now within my loving heart,
20 faces of equilateral triangles, making the shape of this icosahedron,
as it spins first in a counter clockwise direction, clearing out all those cellular memories,
false beliefs and karmic timelines of unworthiness,
of not being seen, of not being heard, of not being appreciated.

I breathe in Love and worthiness and magnificence,

and hold my breath
and breathe out all that is ready to be released.

And now the icosahedron spins in a clockwise direction,

bringing in the Love of Creation,
I am deepening into opening to receive and into knowing all is Love.
I breathe in Love, I breathe out Love.
I breathe in Love and I breathe out Love.

I am understanding now why I chose to embody upon this sacred earth,

why I chose to experience the victim and persecutor consciousness aspects of creation,
and why I choose to experience the polarity aspects of God’s creation
to know myself as Love.

I now simply embrace within my loving heart

all the sub-personality aspects of myself needing my Love.
For Love is all there is.
I breathe in Love, I breathe out unworthiness,
I breathe in Love, I breathe out pain.
I surrender to Love.
I am Love. I am Love.
I breathe in Love.

I embrace each challenge I experience as an Initiation of Light.
I walk through the Rites of Passage,
I honor all that arises,
Each step a gift, unveiling and revealing the next step of my Divine Plan,
within the collective heart of Unity and Love.

Archangel Gabriel now appears to me, standing to the left of me,

and surrounding me in a beautiful White Flame of Light.
This White Flame now becomes a beautiful white sphere all around my body,
energetically keeping me in a sacred space and allowing to feel safe,
talking clearly and loving with others, in a calm and gentle way,
knowing I am valued for my opinions and sharing.
I am worthy and appreciated and I communicate well.

I now see my loving heart glowing in the beautiful White Light of Archangel Gabriel.
I see this light expand from within me, knowing that this is my Soul Light,
birthed into creation through God’s Love, through my innocence and purity,
my Beloved I AM Presence, as I now state:

“I am a very special person, unique and wonderful in my own way,

and I accept myself just as I am.
I am beautiful and awesome, a spark of the Divine, a Flame of Divinity.
I accept and appreciate myself, I appreciate my gifts and talents,
and do not compare myself to others.
“I am worthy and magnificent.
I am kind and loving to myself, and I am kind and loving to others.
I am grateful for everything I have in my life,
and do not take anything for granted.
I am polite and gentle, and I treat others as I would like to be treated
for we are all sons and daughters of God,
and I am committed to the path of Service, the Path of Love,
to the upliftment of humanity, and my own Soul’s journey in soul embodiment
to be my Higher Light upon this sacred earth,
to experience fully the Love of Creation within every single sub-atomic particle of my

As I breathe in Love
and breathe out Love,
I feel a deepening sense of my Beloved I Am Presence,
Merging deeper into Soul embodiment,
I experience timelines of Self Mastery.
Merging with my multidimensional Selves and Higher Selves,
as a knowing of myself as an Initiate of Light activates for me now.

Timelines of ancient Egypt, Atlantis and Lemuria come deeper into my remembrance.
I get a sense of the Order of Melchizedek coming forward now.
Overlighted by Lord Melchizedek, the Order of Melchizedek,
and Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Gabriel and their Legions of Light,
I am now invited into the Temple of Initiation.

I now state:
“I accept the invitation to the Temple of Initiation,
I am ready to embrace each challenge I experience as an initiation of Light.
I am ready to step into the next level of my Soul’s blossoming, Magnificence and Light,
releasing old energies of lesser than and better than consciousness,
whilst stepping deeper into my role as a World Teacher and Chela on the Thread.”

I now see or sense my Melchizedek Master Guide to the right of me,

Archangel Chamuel in front of me,
And now Archangel Gabriel to the left of me.
I see a portal of Light activating
around this beautiful diamond sphere 54 ft diameter around me,
taking me now into the higher dimensional Fields of Light,
and now, into the Temple of Initiation within the New Earth Templates of Light.
As I enter the Temple of Initiation, I face to the west,
and I hear the most beautiful celestial music,
and now, the chants of

“Adonai Malekh, the Lord who is King and the Lord made manifest in nature.
Adonai Malekh, the Lord who is King and the Lord made manifest in nature.
Adonai Malekh, the Lord who is King and the Lord made manifest in nature.”

I see a White Pillar of Fire to the right of me, and a Black Pillar of Water to the left of me,
representing the male and female polarities, the karmic timelines & the Christed timeline,
and the rebalancing of these through the renewed re-balancing between my
Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits into greater levels of my Divinity.
I arise and ascend.
I now see around me many stained glass windows with the symbol of the Flower of Life,
and within this, the six-pointed star, the Star of Melchizedek.
I also see many symbols of other geometries,
and I see now the geometry of the icosahedron,
representing the Crystalline Diamond Plasma DNA.
I now bring my gaze to the central altar as I notice upon the white linen cloth,
beautiful arrangements of lilies, pink roses and white candles,
and in the center of this altar, a crystal bowl with a Pink and White Flame burning within,
And now around this the beautiful Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness.
Archangel Gabriel now lifts his flaming sword into the air and draws a magical circle.
And now, I see thousands of initiates sitting in this magical circle,
with their arms outstretched and their hands held up in front of them,
surrounding Mother Earth and all her Life
in these beautiful flames of Love and Worthiness and Magnificence and Support.

As I join this magical circle of Melchizedek Initiates,

I now recite:

“Beloved Mother/Father God, and all Legions of Light from On High,

please amplify this Pink Flame of Love and Worthiness and Magnificence,
blazing around my body and energy field,
and around the body and energy field of Mother Earth and all her sacred Life,
so that we may release from our bodies and energy fields all misaligned energies,
addictions, fears, false beliefs and judgments
that we no longer need to experience as we walk the New Earth
Fill us with your Love, abundance, compassion, wisdom and understanding of our
collective magnificence and Light,
as we walk the path of Divine Love,
as One Heart,
and One Unified Field of Light.

Beloved Mother/Father God, and all Legions of Light,
please amplify the White Flame of Peace and Serenity,
blazing around my body and energy field,
and around the body and energy field of Mother Earth and all her sacred Life,
so that we may all experience inner peace, harmony, serenity, patience and Love,
so that all Life on this sacred earth may experience inner peace, harmony, serenity,
patience and Love.
Fill me with your Love and Peace, Wisdom and Divine Love and Light
as collectively we walk the Path of Divine Love,
as One Heart, and One Unified Field of Light.

Beloved Mother/Father God and all legions of Light,

please amplify the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence
blazing around my body and energy field and around the body and energy field of
Mother Earth and all her sacred life
so that we may all experience soul embodiment,
so that we may all understand ourselves as the Sons and Daughters of God,
in co-creation, in unity, in Love, in peace, in joy, as we walk this path of Divine Love,
as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.
And so it is, and so it shall be.”

Within this sacred Temple of Initiation I take a moment to focus on my Self,

in this deepening sense of Cosmic Conscious Awareness,
feeling into my body, feeling into my Love,
As I release, transmute and come deeper into alignment with the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God.

I release all of these issues of unworthiness,

knowing truly my worth and what a gift I am to this sacred world
as I sense a new serenity and inner peace within my Self.
I contemplate my Service work,
as I now receive the downloads of Divine guidance in high frequency sounds,
and Scrolls of Light through my third eye,
the intuitive knowing of the next level of my Service work upon this sacred earth.
Knowing all is well, all is well.

Breathing in Love, magnificence and worthiness
Breathing out Love, magnificence and worthiness

I am Divinely inspired,
finding a flow and balance within my life that takes me deeper into my Service work,
deeper into my heart’s dreaming, my magnificence and Light.
abundant in every area of my Life, trusting and surrendering to the Divine,
trusting and surrendering to Life.

And now I notice my I Am Avatar Body of Light, of Crystalline Consciousness,

amplified through the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms,
and through the Solar Flares of Soul Expansion and Plasma Rays of Cosmic Radiation,
through the Axiatonal Lines of Sound and Color Frequencies,
and the Rays of Creation and the New Earth Templates and geometries,
fractal geometries, numerologies, sound and color frequencies,
as I now experience the recalibration and rejuvenation,
the regeneration of my physical body, and my energy bodies,
as my Body of Light.

Holding this now for a moment, the Light of Creation,

fully amplified down to the sub-atomic particles of crystalline consciousness,
as the sub-atomic particles within my body spin to the higher dimensional fields of Light
and the frequency of the heart of God.
In the Stillness of the Higher Mind and the Stargate of the Loving Heart,

I am One with Mother/Father God,

I am One with all life,

Feeling and sensing my full Magnificence and Light

as the icosahedron ignites and activates now
from my heart chakra to every single one of my chakras.
From the base, to the sacral, to the solar plexus, back into the heart, to the thymus, to
the throat, to the third eye and now the crown chakra.

Anything within my body or energy field that is vibrating at less than the frequency of
God’s Patterns of Perfection and the Cosmic Heart of Creation now transmutes,
releases, dissolves or integrates into the frequency and energy of
One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.

And now I have a sense of a vortex of Light activating around my Diamond Sphere
as I find myself coming back now to my sacred space
grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth
into the Diamond Light clusters,
Activating a deeper sense of my Purity, Innocence and Divinity,
finding a fluid balance that brings the ability to embrace and appreciate each day and
each Now moment,
in a deep appreciation of myself and my gifts in service to Mother Earth and all her life.
I breathe in Love and I breathe out Love.

I now place my hands upon my loving heart as I say to myself out aloud
“I Love you”, giving my full name now, “I Love you, I Love you.
Thank you for showing up.
Thank you for your Magnificence, Worthiness and Light”.

I find myself taking a moment to thank Archangel Gabriel, Chamuel, Melchizedek, my

Beloved I AM Presence and all the Angelic Realms.
And all those too within my own life that have simply added to the wealth of my
experience and knowledge, soul’s blossoming, magnificence and light,
no matter how uncomfortable each unique experience may have been.

I am here now as the Light of God I AM

walking the Path of Love.
And So It Is
And So It Shall Be

In my own time now,

I gently open my eyes,
fully centered and very peaceful within my loving heart,
and the stillness and serenity of my beingness.

I am ready to step into the next level of my Soul’s Forward Evolution
through the stillness of my Loving Heart,
looking through my Master Eyes at all of Life around me,
deeply inspired by Life,
appreciating and embracing each Now moment.
And no matter what it brings,
I am ready to embrace and accept all that I Am as a Flame of Divinity
And Initiate of Light.
And so it is. And so it is!

Just bringing a focus to the breath, breathing deep into the body,
expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in,
contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out,
grounding and centering to the energy of Mother Earth,
feeling the feet on the floor, feeling your body,
feeling and sensing this alignment to the Divine through the Antakarana,
this Bridge of Light that ignites through the body,
feeling and sensing this Bridge of Light
coming down through the soul star chakra, through the crown chakra,
down the spine and out the perineum center into the earth star chakra.
Just breathing in Love,
breathing in through the nose, then breathing out through the nose or mouth,
finding a comfortable rhythm as the body start to move,
in its own rhythm, its own flow, its own balance
breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
And just getting a sense of these deep rhythmic breaths,
these inhales and exhales,
as you bring your conscious awareness to the body,
appreciating and accepting yourself,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love.

Now just visualizing this beautiful Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence
activating now within the heart chakra,
moving into each one of the chakras, and now around the body.
linking us into this beautiful sphere of Light now,
this diamond sphere 54 feet in diameter around us,
into the Diamond Merkaba Field of Light.

And within this Diamond Field of Light
having a sense now of all the sacred geometries coming online,
initially sensing and feeling first the Flower of Life,
and how this expands now into the Fruit of Life.
Sensing, feeling, the ignition of these sacred geometries,
the sphere, the cube, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron, the dodecahedron,
the star tetrahedron,
all these geometries just igniting and activating as the New Earth Templates
within and around the body and at a cellular level,
deepening into the knowing of ourselves as Sons and Daughters of God,
merging now with our Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that We Are, within the
Cosmic Heart of God.

Breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

Having a sense of the Overlighting of Father/Mother God, and all the Illumined Beings of
Light from On High that we personally acknowledge,
calling too upon our Master Guides and our Guardian Angel,
connecting to all of these beautiful souls, our soul and star family,
our soul brothers and sisters of the Light.

Deepening into the experience of the Unity Field of Light within us and around us,
deepening into the Crystalline Bridge of Light,
being activated for all of us as these Stargates of Light, and
grounding now into the crystal heart of Mother Earth,
connecting into the Inner Earth Sun now,
feeling and sensing this beautiful golden Sun within our Loving Hearts,
connecting to the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the great Central Sun, and to the cosmic
heart of Mother /Father God.

As I now state:
“Through the Overlighting of Mother-Father God and my Beloved I AM Presence I ask to
experience the activation and integration of the Rays of Creation
these 12 Great Rays that spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God
through the Great Central Sun, the Central Sun and Galactic center,
through the Sun and Solar system and into Shamballa and on to the Sacred Earth.”

I now experience this beautiful Red Flame of Will and Power activate now at a cellular
level through my chakras and around my body and energy field
as I am wrapped in this Red Flame of Empowerment,
knowing myself as this Warrior of Light,
this Sacred Transfiguring Flame of Divine Love
deepening into a new balance with my
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits.
I breathe in power,
I breathe out power.

I now anchor and activate this first Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field to
assist me to more deeply integrate this Ray of Power,
through photonic energy and crystalline Light,
through and within my chakras and cells, energy field and hologram.
I further request that this beautiful Red Flame of Will and Power
ignite through and around Mother Earth’s Lightbody and through and around the Light
Bodies of all souls choosing this Path of Divine Love
into the next level of their Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.
Continuing to breathe in Love, breathe out Love,
and if things are arising for me
I just breathe in and hold my breath,
and breathe out all that is being released at this time.

I now experience this beautiful Pink-Blue Flame of Divine Love

activate within my body and around my energy field as I come deeper into the Love within
myself and within my Loving Heart.

As this Flame of Divinity I am this open heart
and I feel this Love within me expanding into every sub-atomic particle of my body as I
now anchor and activate this second Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field to
assist me to more deeply integrate this ray of Love-Wisdom.
I further request that this beautiful Pink-Blue Flame of Divine Love ignite through and
within Mother Earth’s Lightbody
and through and within the Light Bodies of all souls choosing this Path of Love
as together we step into the next level of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

I now experience this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Divine Wisdom

activate at a cellular level through my cells
and into my chakras and around my body and energy field.
Wrapped in this Flame of Wisdom and Higher Mind Intelligence
I deepen into the knowing of my Divinity,
releasing lesser-than and better-than consciousness,
releasing arrogance, judgment and inequality.
I breathe in Love.
I hold my breath,
breathing out I release all that is being released at this time.

I now anchor and activate this third Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field to
assist me to integrate this third ray of Love and Wisdom.
I further request that this beautiful Golden Yellow Flame of Divine Wisdom ignite through
and within Mother Earth’s Lightbody and around and through the Light Bodies of all souls
choosing to step into the next level of their service work at this time.

And now I experience this beautiful Emerald-Green Flame of Creativity

taking me deeper into my creative gifts,
deeper into my Heart’s Dreaming and Heart’s Joy
as I am wrapped in this beautiful emerald-green Flame of Light.

As I now anchor and activate this fourth Solar Ring of Fire
around my body and energy field
assisting me to more deeply integrate this ray of Love and Wisdom,
through the photonic light rays, crystalline frequencies, and Equinox gateways.
I further request that this emerald-green Flame of Light and Creativity
ignite through and around the Lightbody of Mother Earth
and through and around the Light Bodies of all souls choosing this Path of Love.

I now experience this beautiful Orange Flame of Concrete Knowledge

ignite and activate around my body and energy field
through my cells and through my chakras
as I balance the polarities upon this Sacred Earth,
as I balance the polarities within myself, walking this Path of Love.
I breathe in Love.
I hold my breath.
Breathing out I release all that is being released at this time.
I now anchor and activate this fifth Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field to
assist me to more deeply integrate this ray of Concrete Knowledge,
of Higher Mind Intelligence.
I further request that this beautiful orange Flame of Light ignite
through, within and around the Lightbody of Mother Earth
and through, and within and around the Light Bodies of all awakened souls
walking this Path of Love.
Together we come into this Field of Love
One Heart, One Love, One Community.

I am now wrapped in this beautiful Indigo Flame of Light.

As it moves into my body and through my chakras,
I come deeper into Devotion and Idealism,
connecting to God in my own unique way, and coming deeper as a beacon of Light,
connecting into this Unified Field of Light with the Lightworkers,
Starseeded ones and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

I now anchor and activate this sixth Solar Ring of Fire
around my body and energy field to assist me to more deeply integrate this
Indigo Ray of Devotion and Idealism, feeling this connection,
this rainbow crystalline bridge of Solar Christ Consciousness
igniting the crystalline DNA,
the sub-atomic particles spinning in this increased Light frequency
finding myself deepening into the New Earth Templates,
And I now request that this beautiful Indigo Flame of Light ignite and activate around
through and within the Lightbody of Mother Earth and
around through and within the Light Bodies of all awakened souls upon this Sacred Earth
igniting into deeper levels of devotion, trust and surrender.
I breathe in Love.
I hold my breath,
breathing out I release all that needs to be released.

I am surrounded now in the beautiful Violet Flame of the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic
as I find myself moving deeper into the New Earth Templates,
deepening into this transformational process,
releasing the issues of survival or lack-of,
deepening into this trust and surrender to the Divine,
deepening into the knowing of God’s infinite perfection,
deepening into God’s divine plan for myself and all for all life
as we walk this Path of Love.
I now anchor and activate this seventh Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field
as it assists me to integrate this beautiful
Violet Flame of the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic as the Light of God.
I further request that this beautiful Violet Flame of Transformation
ignite through and within Mother Earth’s Lightbody
and through and within the Light Bodies of all awakened souls on this Sacred Earth
as together we deepen into the Divine blueprints of Manifestation and Abundance,
Unity and Love.
Breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

And now I request activation of this beautiful
sea-foam green and violet colored ray, this Ray of Transmutation,
as it ignites around body through my chakras and into my cells.
As it deepens into aspects of myself that have forgotten that they are Love,
I embrace these sub-personality aspects within my Loving Heart.
I welcome every experience I have had to know myself as Love.
I accept and appreciate and celebrate each Now moment as I love all arises.
I now anchor and activate this eighth Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field.
I further request that this beautiful
sea-foam green and violet coloured Ray of Transmutation
ignite through and within Mother Earth’s Lightbody and through and within the Light
Bodies of all souls choosing to step into the next level of their
Soul’s blossoming and magnificence and Light
releasing the old, making way for the new,

I now experience this wonderful blue-green ray of Highest Potentials.

Wrapped in this Blue-Green Flame of Light this ray activates into my dormant DNA,
and into my original Divine eight-cell blueprint
bringing in codes of purpose and passion and manifestation
through merging timelines and parallel realities.
I further anchor and activate this ninth Solar Ring of Fire around my body
and energy field
as it assists me to more deeply integrate this beautiful
blue-green ray of Highest Potentialities,
I deepen into the next level of my highest potential and my creative gifts
manifesting co-creations of Light
I further request that this beautiful blue-green Flame of Highest Potentials
ignite through, within and around Mother Earth’s Lightbody
and through within and around the Light Bodies of all souls choosing to step into the next
level of their Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.

I continue to breathe in and out
feeling what my breath is doing at this time,
Breathing in Light,
holding my breath,
deepening into the Divinity of myself as this Flame of Light,
and releasing and clearing and purging
whatever is ready to released at this time as I breathe out.

I am now wrapped now in this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity

as I release any level of lesser-than and better-than consciousness
that I may hold at any level of my beingness,
activating now the perfect balance of Three-fold Flame
of Power, Love and Wisdom within my Loving Heart.
As I deepen into the recognition of the Divinity of myself,
looking through my Master Eyes,
as I deepen into the recognition of the Divinity of all life,
without judgment, realizing it is only the levels of cosmic conscious awareness that differ
from individual to individual,
I step out of judgment of self and judgment of others,
deepening into my Loving Heart, my Christed heart,
wrapped in this pearlescent Flame of Divinity,
As I now anchor and activate this tenth Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy
I further request that this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity
ignite now through each one of my chakras and through within and around Mother Earth’s
Lightbody and through, within and around the Light Bodies of all souls choosing to step
into the next level of their Soul’s forward evolution.

I am wrapped now in this wonderful

Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.
As I come deeper into the Divine Feminine aspects of myself,
deeper into the Flame of Love within my Loving Heart,
deeper into the Love of the Divine Mother,
I breathe this Love in, and I breathe this Love out.

I now anchor and activate this eleventh Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field
assisting me to more deeply integrate this beautiful
Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love.

I further request that this Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love ignite
and activate through and around my Lightbody and through the Lightbody of Mother Earth
and around and through the Lightbodies of all awakened souls and all life choosing the
Path of Love.

I am now wrapped in this wonderful Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness.

As I deepen into the Wisdom of the Divine Father, this Golden Flame of Light ignites
around my body and now through my Higher Mind,
as I experience a recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of my brain,
and now a deepening sense of the rebalancing of my own Divine Masculine and Feminine
This Golden Flame now activates upon this Sacred Earth,
activating together with all these beautiful ray frequencies,
touching the hearts and minds of all those souls choosing to experience
Heaven on Earth.
I now anchor and activate this twelfth Solar Ring of Fire around my body and energy field
to assist me to more deeply integrate this golden ray of Love-Wisdom,
anchoring through photonic energy and crystalline Light and activating now through and
within each one of my chakras and cells.
I further request that this beautiful Golden Flame of Unity ignite through and around
Mother Earth’s Lightbody and through and around the Lightbodies of all souls choosing to
step forward into the next level of their Soul’s blossoming and magnificence and Light.

As I deepen into the illumination of my own Light,

as this physical vessel of Light and Flame of Divinity,
in service to Mother Earth and all her Life,
I find this new balance and dance and harmony between my
Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits.

The kundalini energy gently activates now through my body and energy field,
as I release all that I no longer need to experience from my past experiences.
I honor myself as a Flame of Divinity,
sharing my Love with all those around me, looking through my Master Eyes,
as I bring my focus now back to this twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness,
this beautiful golden Flame of Light;

Feeling and sensing now how each one of these twelve beautiful Rays of Creation
ignite and flame together within my heart,
within each one of my cells, and through and around my Lightbody,
through and around the Lightbody of Mother Earth, and those of all life choosing to walk
this Path of Love.

And so it is. And so it is.


We have experienced many amazing Light activities in this Golden Age of Light, taking us
deeper into Re-union with the Divine, and Re-union with ourselves and one another as the I
AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Christed Light upon this sacred earth. One
of the dimensional frequency activations many of us have experienced has been through the
Divine Rays of Creation, and in particular, the building of the Rainbow Bridge to
Mother/Father God through the twelve Earthly Rays and the six Cosmic Rays. By the Grace
of God, these ray frequencies are now completely anchored, and the Cosmic Map to the
Heart of God has made its return, and is now activating for all Life upon this sacred earth
through the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness.

We now have the opportunity to experience the Diamond Light Codes or Resurrection Codes
of the I Am Avatar Consciousness igniting thru the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek
Consciousness. As this God activated ray of purity and innocence blazes through and into
each sub-atomic particle upon this sacred earth and within the hearts of all humanity, we
merge with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family, rebalance our Divine Masculine
and Feminine Spirits and come deeper into unity and community. New mission codes and
prosperity codes come online in conscious communication and loving relationships, and we
deepen into a new flow of harmony, grace and ease, walking the path of the diamond, the
path of Love.

Additionally, through the Diamond Light Codes of Creation we are now able to magnetically
bring together all needed frequencies as well as deeper levels of support through the
Overlighting of our Beloved I AM Presence and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On
High. As our creations of Light unfold energetically through the sacred geometry of the Fruit
of Life, starting with the swirling’s of the vesica piscis and the activation of our Trinity Lords
Shield of Light, we come deeper into cosmic conscious awareness as co-creators to the
Company of Heaven, and in our ability to access, align, download and activate the multi-
dimensional Diamond Light Codes we take our mission work into the next level of service
with grace and ease.

In particular, we are offered the opportunity to experience the Diamond Light Codes through
particular invocations and affirmations, and this is offered to you through the following


Wrapped in this beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light I activate the Diamond Light Code
Template of One Unity Consciousness through my Christed Heart.
As I connect to this Template,
I see the Divinity within myself and others, knowing that we are all One.
I am One with God,
I Am One with my emotions,
I Am One with All Life.

This beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of One Unity Consciousness

ignites within my Christed Heart,
and activates now through each one of my chakras
and into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth,
and now into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth
choosing the Path of Divine Love.

I am joined in heart and mind to all life on this sacred Earth through the
I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
the collective Higher Light of all awakened souls.
I AM an open heart in this Golden Age of Light
creating the Diamond Path for myself and others.
I breathe in Unity,
I hold my breath for as long as I can,
and then I breathe out separation and fear.
I breathe in Unity,
I hold my breath,
I breathe out separation and fear.


I am wrapped in a beautiful Platinum Flame of Light as

the Diamond Light Code Template of Grace now activates within my Christed Heart.
I am appreciative and gracious in each Now moment
regardless of what I am experiencing,
regardless of what I am still processing.
I understand that the reflections around me are not necessarily a reflection of where I am
but a reflection of where the other person or people are and I do not take this personally.
I come from a place of grace regardless of the situation,
regardless of the event or activity.
I remain an open heart and embrace all that comes up for me,
embracing disharmony within my Christed Heart just as much as I embrace harmony.
I celebrate this, as I celebrate the full range of my emotions.
I step into a new flow,
into the New Earth Templates in grace, insight and understanding.

This beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Grace

now activates through each one of my chakras,
and now, through Mother Earth’s sacred sites and vortices and into the hearts and minds
of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth choosing the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in Grace.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disharmony and unease.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Grace.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disharmony and unease.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Pearlescent Flame of Light,

as the Diamond Light Code Templates of Divine Love activates within my Christed Heart.
I embrace all shadow aspects,
all sub-personalities aspects and all aspects of myself still needing my love,
needing my compassion, needing to be heard and seen and simply loved.
As I bring in a deeper sense of the knowing of what I am still working with personally,
I embrace this within my Christed Heart,
and I expand the Template of Divine Love from within my Christed heart,
loving and appreciating myself,
as this Template of Divine Love now moves into and through each one of my chakras,
And ignites into the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth
and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth
choosing the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in Love.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disharmony and grief.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Love.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disharmony and grief.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code
Template of Faith activates within my Christed Heart.
I choose to trust and surrender to Life, to trust and surrender to God.
I choose to have this knowing of Faith and Wisdom,
I take this leap of Faith to put into action my heart's dreaming and joy.
I take this leap of faith as I release the vestiges of disillusionment,
releasing hopelessness or lack of trust.
As I move deeper into my soul's dreaming,
into my soul's heart of joy and passion
I experience a deeper level of activation and integration of this beautiful
Diamond Light Code Template of Faith,
as this template now activates through each one of my chakras
and now into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth
and now into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth.

I have a sense of how my energy is activating,

how these Diamond Light Code frequencies are rebalancing each one of my chakras,
realigning me into my service work,
into my authentic self,
as I connect into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.
I breathe in Faith and Trust.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disillusionment and lack of trust.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Faith and Trust.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out disillusionment and lack of trust.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Silver Flame of Light as the

Diamond Light Code of Non-Judgment activates within my Christed Heart.
I have a sense now of experiencing my purity and innocence, of coming home,
as I release judgment of self and judgment of others,
as I release better-than and lesser-than consciousness.

As I move deeper into the multidimensional Christed timelines

looking through my Master Eyes at all of life around me
I observe and love and deepen into non-judgment.
I am no longer attached to people or places or events that hold karmic frequency.
The balance of polarity that comes to me now shows me that
I can be soft and gentle when others are loud or shouting,
I can be loving when others are angry, I can be joyful, I can be peaceful
I can control my emotions as I experience the knowing of my unique magnificence,
immeasurable in my Light.

I now experience this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Non-Judgment activate
through each one of my chakras,
activating now through the sacred sites, Mother Earth's Light body,
through the Diamond and Rose Grids and Unity Grid,
and through the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth,
choosing to walk this Path of Love.

The new flow that activates for me is one of Love,

and I find myself stepping deeper and deeper into the joy of my heart.
I breathe in Non-judgment and Acceptance.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out judgment and anger.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Non-judgment and Acceptance.
I hold my breath. I breathe out judgment and anger.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Rose-Gold Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code
Template of Perfection activates within my Christed Heart.
As I experience this Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection
I embrace my wounded soul aspect of unworthiness,
and I move into greater levels of innocence and purity.
I recognize and see the God-Self in myself and the God-Self in others.
No matter what I experience I know that all is a gift and a blessing,
as I love all that arises, taking me deeper into my Soul's Light,
my magnificence, my purity, my innocence.

As this Diamond Light Code Template activates in geometric frequencies

within my heart chakra and now into each one of my chakras
I find myself aligning deeper with the multi-universal frequency of Divine Love and Unity
Consciousness, in the knowing of myself as a Flame of Divinity.
I Am All That I Am.
And now, this Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection activates through me and
into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth
and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth
choosing to walk this Path of Love.
I breathe in Perfection.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out unworthiness and non-acceptance.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Perfection.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out unworthiness and non-acceptance.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Violet Silver Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code
Template of Justice activates within and through my Christed Heart.
I am a spiritual Warrior of Light wielding the sword of Holy Truth.
I understand that there are times when I need to stand up in Divine Justice
moving forward as the Warrior of Light.
In Divine Flow I know when to step forward in dynamic right action
and when to step back in love and wisdom,
and I know that Divine Justice will always prevail,
the highest outcome will always prevail.
In this I trust, as I trust and surrender to life.

As this beautiful template activates through my heart chakra,

and now through each one of my chakras,
and now through the hearts and minds of all awakened souls
and into the vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth,
I release any level of perceived injustice within my life, and upon this sacred Earth,
as I work with this beautiful Templating of Light,
Overlighted by Mother-Father God.

I breathe in Justice,
I hold my breath,
I breathe out injustice and disempowerment.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Justice,
I hold my breath,
I breathe out injustice and disempowerment.


I am now wrapped in this beautiful Diamond Flame as this

Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities
activates through my Christed Heart.
As the Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates
I come deeper into the Knowing that there is a Divine Plan and all I need to do is listen to
the Universe.

I draw upon the timelines of my highest potential,

I deepen into the abounding synchronicities of life,
Overlighted by my Beloved I AM Presence,
and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

As this Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates now
through each one of my chakras and on to this sacred Earth,
I find myself experiencing the merging timelines of Golden Ages of Light.
I experience the timelines of Golden Ages on this sacred Earth
and through all Dimensions of Light, merging with my multi-dimensional selves,
wherever they may be on these different planets and stars,
drawing to me my soul and star family and friends of the Light
as I walk the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in the Miracles of Life, in Trust and Surrender to the Universe.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out misalignment and disbelief.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in the Miracles of Life, in Trust and Surrender to the Universe.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out misalignment and disbelief.


I am now wrapped in a beautiful Magenta and Violet Colored Flame as the Diamond Light
Code Template of Abundance activates through and within my Christed Heart.
As this abundance activates I bring into my life all that I need to experience within my
Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.
I look at my relationships, I look at how I energetically connect with others,
I look at the mental images that may have created any lack in any area of my life.
I bless my money, I bless my food, I bless my energy and all that I have,
and no matter how much or little I have,
I choose to live humbly in alignment to the Divine, sharing with others,
knowing through my compassionate and loving heart that
everyone is my brother and my sister,
I am able to give unconditionally and receive unconditionally as this Open Heart in this
Golden Age of Light.

As this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance

now activates through each one of my chakras,
I see how I am co-creating with the Company of Heaven.
I see how I am drawing to me great levels of abundance and I let go of worry and stress
particularly around the energy of money.
I know I have enough, I am blessed, I have enough, I have enough.
I am free as this Open Heart,
giving and receiving, in gratitude, in humility, in Divine Love.
I experience the full abundance of God's Universe
as this Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance now activates through the hearts and
minds of all awakened souls and into the vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth.

I breathe in Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness.

I hold my breath. I breathe out lack of abundance, fear and false beliefs of not having
enough. Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth or nose.
I breathe in Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness. I hold my breath.
I breathe out lack of abundance, fear and false beliefs of not having enough.


I am wrapped in a beautiful Pink and Purple Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code
Template of Forgiveness activates through and within my Christed Heart.
As the Diamond Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates
I release blame or unforgiveness or victim or persecutor consciousness.
I understand my challenges as my gifts and blessings,
I am able to forgive and love myself,
as I forgive and love each soul in creation that I have walked the karmic timelines with
to know myself as Love.
As I bring each one of these souls within my Christed Heart.
I let them know
“I love you, and I forgive you, as I love and forgive myself.
I love you, and I forgive you, as I love and forgive myself.”

And as this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates through each
one of my chakras and now through Mother Earth's Lightbody and in to her vortices and
sacred sites and into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
I am seeing and experiencing the loving hearts of all humanity,
I am seeing and experiencing the God-Self within all life.
All is well, all is well.
I breathe in Forgiveness and Love.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out unforgiveness, blame and anger.
Breathing in through my nose or mouth, breathing out through my nose or mouth.
I breathe in Forgiveness and Love.
I hold my breath.
I breathe out unforgiveness, blame and anger.


I now see this beautiful Diamond Octahedron activate within and around my Lightbody
as it activates now for each awakened soul on this sacred Earth
and now into and around the Lightbody of Mother Earth,
knowing that We Are Home, We Are Home, We Are Home.

And lastly now

I breathe in and out as though sucking in through a straw,
breathing in the abundance of all that has been activated, integrated, embraced,
as I surrender to the Divine,
and blowing out and releasing all that no longer serves me
as I align to Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

And I come back now in to my sacred space, grounded and centered and firmly in my
body. Grounding once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth,
grounding in to the Diamond Light Codes within the New Earth Templates,
keeping this connection open to Mother/Father God and my Beloved I Am Presence.
Centered and relaxed and firmly in my body,
experiencing these beautiful frequencies of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness
aligned and integrated deeply within my Christed Heart.

And we thank you for your service work,

as we bless you,
and with this we bid you a most magical day.


About Eadie Miller

Who is Eadie? Searcher, seeker, wisdom keeper; Child of the Earth, the Sky, the Moon, the
Stars. I walk with Dragons, and work with Nature, bridging and balancing dualities, playing
with polarities, delighting in believing the Impossible and Imponderable and discovering its

Blessedly, I’ve also been blessed, thank God, with a healthy helping of practical common-
sense and left-brain logic to balance out all that Air in my Astro, as I’ve stubbed my toes
and stumbled through life, losing my way and finding it again, falling and failing and
fearing and fumbling and finally learning, over and over again!

I work with the inner child in All of us to bring balance and beauty into our lives, and I
work with the realms of Nature to bring balance to our Earth-plane; I work with essences
and energy, the Rays of Creation and the Company of Heaven, and my offerings include
space and place Clearing, earth healing, small group and individual sessions, workshops,
coaching and counselling, healing and helping, teaching and talking,
and of course facilitating the exquisite offerings from Pleiadian Light!

About Anrita
Intuitive Apothecarist, Starseed, Light Weaver, Angel Messenger, Wayshower, Catalyst,
Empath, Soul Reader and Mom.

Anrita Melchizedek was born with many of her ESP gifts already activated, and in
communication with the Company of Heaven as an empath, channel, and natural healer.
She has an ascension network offering numerous spiritual programs in the form of eBooks,
Mp3’s, as well as vibrational energy products.

As a Soul Reader and Light weaver Anrita sees the Light codes of potentiality within
energy fields and draws from these Light codes and blueprints when connecting with
others. Anrita spent many years as a channel, giving her an amazing understanding of the
ascension process shared through workshops, telewebinars and conferences. More
recently, Anrita has extended her Light work to assist more deeply in the uniting of the
Light Tribe through her platform New Earth Cosmic Conversations and will soon be setting
up Voices of the Light Tribe conferences. Her teachings are presented through You Tube
videos, invocations, telewebinars and free downloads. Anrita’s teaching style is uplifting
and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery.

For Anrita’s You Tube Channel, please view



Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

AKASHIC RECORDS ......................................................................................................61

CRYSTALLINE SHIELD OF LIGHT ..................................................................................60

DIAMOND SWORD OF HOLY TRUTH ..........................................................................59

GABA (GAMMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID) ....................................................................42

GALACTIC HEALING PODS ..........................................................................................81

GOLDEN DRAGON BREATHING ..................................................................................26

HIPPOCAMPUS (AMMONS’ HORN, PEGASUS) ..........................................................56


LADY HATHOR .......................................................................................................... 107

LIGHTBODY/MERKABA ACTIVATION ....................................................................... 114

LIGHTBODY/MERKABA PROGRAMMING ................................................................ 119

OXYTOCIN ................................................................................................................. 122

PINEAL GLAND (& ‘BRAIN SAND’) ........................................................................... 113

PITUITARY GLAND .................................................................................................... 107

RAINBOW LIGHTBODY .......................................................................................... 94-97

SEROTONIN .................................................................................................................98

STAR TETRAHEDRON/MERKABA ACTIVATION ....................................................... 114

STAR TETRAHEDRON PROGRAMMING ................................................................... 119

TRINITY LORDS’ SHIELD OF LIGHT ........................................................................... 112

WELL OF DREAMS .......................................................................................................70



ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL ............................... COPPER GOLD & PINK FLAME OF LOVE

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL..................................... WHITE FLAME OF PEACE & SERENITY






ARCHANGEL URIEL ............................................................. PURPLE & GOLD FLAME


Voices of the Light Tribe

Voices of the Light Tribe is a platform for New Earther’s, as we come together in Unity
and Community. The primary focus of this portal is to assist us in the expansion of our gifts
in an awakening world; through gatherings and conferences, online telewebinars and
summits, networking and divinely inspired co-creative opportunities.

Voices of the Light Tribe provides both marketing support as well as networking support,
Divinely Inspired Creativity Sessions and Monthly Healing Telewebinars with Anrita
Melchizedek and friends in addition to a private Facebook Facilitator Group where you can
network and co-create with one another.

Light Tribe Level One - Free Membership

Free Mp3 downloads

36 days free Angelic New Earth Healing Activations
Monthly Divinely Inspired Creativity Session

Our free membership portal, offers you free gifts from the Light Tribe members. The free
membership portal also offers you an opportunity to join in our monthly Divinely Inspired
Creativity Sessions, which is all about you. Additionally you will receive 36 days free
Angelic Healing Activations.

Should you wish to receive these free Angelic Healing Activations, please sign up to either
the free or paid telewebinar portals. If you may like to hold the energy with our core
group for these Angelic Healing Activations, simply state your intention to do so when you
listen to the invocations.

Alternatively sign up and email us with your request.


Light Tribe Level Two - Monthly Membership

Our monthly membership portal is the primarily focus of our membership portal. It is
subscription based but on a month to month basis so you are welcome to subscribe or
unsubscribe anytime.

The monthly membership portals provides:

Two live zoom calls monthly of between 60- 90 minutes hosted by Anrita Melchizedek

In each zoom call Anrita will provide:

A half hour unity transmission and/or healing activation

Anrita is a powerful conduit of the Sisterhood/Mother energy and transmits this through
Light encoded meditations and healing activations.


Zoom One - Marketing ideas and suggestions such as:

How to set up as a Tele Summit Speaker
How to give a good interview as a guest
How to create a Special Offer Package
How to create your own Online Summit
How to network with others successfully
Best Free Recording Options for Mp3’s …….. and more


Zoom Two - Divinely Inspired Creativity Session

The Divinely Inspired Creativity Session is all about you. Anrita’s gift of reading the fields
of potentiality within others means she is often a catalyst to ignite the service work of
others to a deeper level and can assist you with creative ideas, group themes and
planetary themes in co-creating with others.

In the Divinely Inspired Creativity Sessions hosted by Anrita Melchizedek and her inner
plane team, we work on different themes and presentation/transmission styles in co-
creating workshops, gatherings and/or online events. These sessions are for you to share
with us what your needs are in co-creation based on your gifts of service.


36 days of The Angelic New Earth Healing Activations

These Healing Sessions are offered by the Archangels and based upon the twelve New
Earth Angelic Templates

One to two monthly telewebinar transmissions

A two hour monthly transmission with Anrita Melchizedek on the current Rose Healing
Activations plus some months an additional telewebinar with Anrita and a guest host.

Add your own free gifts to our portal, Mp3’s or eBooks as another way to market yourself.


The New Earth Angelic Template Mp3 downloads

Special Offer $111

Should you wish to purchase these 12 beautiful New Earth Angelic Template Invocations,
which have been created to the beautiful Angelic background music in 423 Hz by Fritz
Evelein, click on this link.


Anrita Melchizedek is open to co-creations. From sharing your Mp3’s and eBooks to
telewebinars and conferences. Should you feel you are a suitable fit for our events, we
would forward to connecting with you. Email us at

Live Life in Love



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