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CHAPTER-3 Edited

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Chapter 3


A. Production Process

The Production Process is the series of activities involved in raising broiler

chicken which includes selection of the stock, housing management, feeding

management, record keeping, health management and marketing.

B. Housing management

Another important aspect in the production process is the housing

management. Proper housing was provided to the broiler chicken for better

growth performance.

The broiler house is three hundred (300) meters away from the

house of the student entrepreneur where there is enough source of water.

Since the broiler house is adjacent to his house, he was able to monitor

broiler chicken from time to time. Rice hull was use as litter floor for broiler

chicks during brooding period this will help absorb moisture, limiting the

production of ammonia and harmful pathogens.

Plate 1. Litter floor during brooding period

B.1.1. The roof of the broiler house

The roof of the broiler house was made of G.I sheet. The height of

the lower portion of the roof from the slatted floor is 5ft. and the upper

portion is 8 ft. from the slatted floor.

Plate 2. The roof of the broiler house

B.1.2. The floor of the broiler chicken house

The floor was made of bamboo slats around 3 cm wide and with an

interval of 1 cm between the slats. The bamboo that were used were

matured and straight and were properly laid flat and nailed that is why any

leg injury were avoided. The height of the slatted floor from the ground were

2.5ft which provides better ventilation and removal of the manure become

Plate 3. The floor of the broiler chicken house

B.1.3. The wall of the broiler house

The walls of the broiler house were made from coconut lumber, net

and plastic curtain. The wall of the broiler house serves as protection from

predators like cat and other animals.

Plate 4. The wall of the broiler house

B.1.4. Floor area of the broiler house

The broiler house has a total floor area of 516 square meter wherein

the width of the house was 12 meters and the length were 43 meters. The

student entrepreneur used only a portion of 116 square meter. The floor

area provided to the broiler is just sufficient that is why overcrowding were

avoided. The student entrepreneur followed the recommended floor space

requirement which was 1.0 sq. ft. per head.

Plate 5. The Floor area of the broiler house

B.1.5. Production facilities

During the brooding period there were 4 pieces of automatic plastic

drinker and 3 plastic water basins with a water capacity of 3 liters,

however 1.5 liters were filled with drinking water in the morning and

change it in the afternoon to make sure the chicks are drinking fresh

water. For the first 5 days sterilized stones were placed on the surface of

the palate of the drinker to avoid the chicks from dipping into the water

and were removed on the 6tth day. On the 20th day, plastic water drinker

was changed into plastic basin. There was a total of 7 plastic drinker were
provided for the chicks in the grower house. The capacity of each plastic

basin was 4 liters

Plate 6. Plastic Drinkers

C. Stock Management

Selection or choosing of the stock to be raised is an important aspect

involve in raising animals. This involves selection of animals with desirable

characteristic that can be seen on their physical appearance. Also the good

selection of stock will affect the productivity of the enterprise, the higher

productivity result profitable business.

C.1.1. Selection of stock

The stocks were healthy at the time of arrival and the chicks were of

uniform size with an average initial weight of 50 grams. No symptoms of

disease like diarrhea were observed from the day-old chicks. The chicks

were active, no sign of physical abnormalities.

C.1.2. Purchased of stock

The one hundred (100) straight run chicks were purchased from San

Pablo, Laguna at Nutriva hatchery through an agent. The day-old chicks

cost Php.35.00 per head. The day-old chicks were delivered on March 2,

2021 at around 9:30 pm. According to the agent he transported it at night in

order to avoid stress.

Plate 7. Preparation of chicks for brooding

D. Brooding management

Brooding is the process of supplying heat to the day-old chicks and

the duration of brooding was 14 days. Upon the arrival of the box of chicks,

it was first placed in the brooding house. After 30 minutes, they were

removed from the box. This was done to give the newly arrived chicks the

time to acclimatize to the environment to avoid stress. At first, only drinking

water with multivitamins were given to the day-old chicks and chick booster

feed were given after one hour. The feeds were placed into the paper

mattings and this system of feeding the chicks were done for 14 days. After

this period, the chicks were trained to feed on the feeding trough.

The method of brooding implemented by the student entrepreneur is the

partial house brooding in which brooding were done in the growing house,

which means there was no separate brooder and grower house. The small

portion of the grower house were used as brooder house. The student

entrepreneur used rice hull as litter material for the brooder house and

placed layers of old newspapers on top of the rice hull to serve as paper

mattings of the day-old chicks for 14 days. The paper matting was changed

daily as part of basic health program. Due to the unfavorable weather, there

is a mortality of nine birds.

The f o l l o w i n g were the basic requirements for successful brooding

implemented by the student entrepreneur:

Plate 8. Brooding stage from day 1 to day 14

D.1.1. Correct brooding temperature

The student entrepreneur provided artificial heat to the day-old chicks

using improvise heater to reduce the electricity consumption. The

improvised heated use rice hull to produce heat. The following behavior of

the chicks were observed by the student entrepreneur under the different

brooding temperature.

1. If the temperature is low, the chick’s group themselves

under the source of heat.

2. If the temperature is high, the chicks were upon their beaks,

spreading out their wings and moved away from the source of

heat. The student entrepreneur has observed also that the

chicks eat less when the temperature was high.

3. If the temperature is just right, the chicks were evenly spread

in the brooder, eat and drink more, and no overcrowding and

moving away from the source of heat were observed. The

student entrepreneur adjusted the temperature depending on

their behavior.
Plate 9. Improvise heater for day old chick during
the brooding period.

D.1.2. Light and ventilation

The light at night from day one up to the last day of growing period

were provided to the chicks for them to be able to feed and drink at night.

Continuous feeding affects the growth of broiler chicken

Plate 10. Light use in broiler house

D.1.3. Ample floor space for the chicks

Ample brooder space for the 100 heads of chicks. Each brooder has

a total floor area of 30 square feet enough for the chicks to overcrowding

which may result to cannibalism and stunted growth of the broiler chicken.

Plate 11. Ample floor space for the chicks


D.1.4. Healthy stock

The purchased day-old chicks is class B that were all healthy, which is

one of the factors why the brooding of the chicks was successful. Class B day-

old chicks are those that are less than 50 grams initial weight.

Plate 12. Class B Day old chicks


E. Feeding management

Feeding is the process of giving food to the broiler chicken that is

essential for their growth and survival. Nutrients provide poultry the energy

and material needed for the development of bone, flesh, feathers, and eggs.

Each of these compounds is important in providing poultry the nutrients they

need, and a deficit of even one can have serious health consequences for


Three types of feeds were given in every growing phase. First, chick

booster containing 21.5 % CP, was given from day old up to the 14th day of

brooding period. It was followed by starter feeds containing 19.5 % CP, for

the growing period of the chicken for another 14 days. And lastly, broiler

finisher contains 18.0 % CP was fed for the remaining 7 days. These types

of feeds were given to the broiler chicken in mash form.


Plate 13. Feeding the stock.


Table 3. The feeding program implemented by the student’s

entrepreneur on each treatment.
Types of feed Duration of feeding (days) Date of Feeding

Chick booster 14 Mar. 2 to Mar. 15

Broiler starter 14 Mar. 16 to Mar. 29

Broiler finisher 7 Mar. 30 to Apr. 5

The system of feeding that the student entrepreneur implemented

was the Ad-libitum system, wherein the feeds were made available to the

broiler chicken at all times by refilling the self-feeder and the long feeding

trough every time it was about to be empty. The shifting of the feed from

one type to another were done gradually in order to avoid stress.

E.1.1 Purchased of feed

The feed was purchased from Ilidan’s Feed Supply in Patimbao, Sta.

Cruz, Laguna. The following were the actual feed cost per bag of the

different types of feeds:

1. Chick booster – Php. 1525

2. Broiler starter – Php. 1455

3. Broiler finisher – Php. 1400


Table 4. The total feeds cost

Chick Broiler Broiler

Treatment booster Kg. starter Kg. Finisher Kg. Grand Total
(Php) (Php) (Php)

1 1,144 37.5 1,092 62.5 1,050 37.5
. . .

2 1,144 37.5 1,092 62.5 1,050 37.5

Total Php. Kg
2,288 75 2,183 125 2,100 75 6,571 275

F. Supplying of drinking water

Supplying the broiler chicken with fresh and clean drinking water

is very important in the life of the animals as it aids in the digestion of

feed. Clean drinking water were also given ad libitum manner.

The broiler chicken under the Treatment 1 or with the intervention

were supplied with Fermented Plant Juice as water additives. For every 1

liter of water, additional 5 ml of FPJ was added and the 50 heads of broiler

chicken under the Treatment 2 or the farmers practice were supplied with

drinking water treated with multivitamins.

The treatment started after the brooding period from March 15, 2021

until harvest, March 30, 2021.The intervention were used to determine the

performance of the broiler chicken in terms of Average Daily Gain (ADG)

and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).

Plate 14. Supplying of drinking water

G. Preparation of Treatment


• 3 kilos of vegetable trimmings

• 6 kilos of molasses

• Plastic container

• Manila paper or thick plastic cover

• Rubber bond

• Plastic nylon screen


• Clean stone

G.1.1. Procedure of FPJ Preparation

1. Gather 3 kilos of vegetable trimmings and 6 kilos of molasses

2. Wash and clean the vegetable trimmings through clean tap water

3. Put in clean container the washed vegetable trimmings and dry through


4. Using knife and chopping board, cut the vegetable trimmings about 1 inch


5. Using scale, weight the chopped vegetable trimmings and molasses using

1:2 ratio. (Solraya 2010)

6. In a clean plastic pile mix the 3 kilos chopped vegetable trimmings and 6

kilos of molasses.

7. To make sure that the vegetable trimmings are submerge in molasses put

a clean wire mesh and stone in the top of the mixture.

8. Wipe the excess material around the plastic pile.

9. Cover the top of the plastic pile with manila paper and secure with rubber


10. Label the plastic pile with DOM and DOH and place in a cool dry place

and wait 7 days before harvesting the treatment.

11. After 7 days the mixture is ready to harvest. Remove the cover, stone

and wire mesh.

12. To separate the liquid and solid apart use a strainer

13. Put the liquid in a clean plastic bottle and store in a cool dry place.

G.1.2. Inclusion of FPJ in the drinking water

1. Put 1 liter of water in clean plastic drinker.

2. Using a measuring cup, measure 5 milliliters of FPJ.

3. Mix the 1 liter of water and 5 milliliters of FPJ.

→ →

→ →

→ →

G.2.1 Process of Supplying Drinking Water

The treatment starts after the brooding period. Treatment 1 has 5ml

of FPJ per liter and treatment 2 is control or the farmer practice.


Plate 15. Process of supplying drinking water

G.2.2. Result of Treatment

This micro project uses 100 heads of broiler chicken and divided into 2

groups, Group 1 with 5ml of FPJ per liter of water and the 2 nd group is control or

farmers practice drink. The FPJ affect the growth of broiler chicken based on the

comparison of Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 in terms of weight of the broiler


G.2.3 Data gathered

The following data were collected:

1. The average total gain- the initial and final body weight of the broiler chicken

were determined using weighing scale. The total average gain was computed by

subtracting the average initial weight (IW) of broiler chicken to its average final

weight (FW).

Formula to for average total gain:


Average total gain = Average final weight- average initial weight

The table 5 shows that the gain among the treatments, T1 has an total

gain of 2.07 kgs which higher among the two treatment. Average Daily Gain

(ADG) can be defined as the average amount of weight a market animal will gain

each day during the feeding period.

Treatment # Initial weight Final weight (kg) Total gain (kg)

1 0.05 2.12 2.07
2 0.05 1.85 1.80
Table 5. Average Total Gain

2. The average feed consumption – this was determined by recording the feed

consumption of the broiler chicken for the whole duration of the micro project.

Table 6 shows the average feed consumption of each treatment. Average feed

consumption will show how many kilograms of feeds each broiler chicken take.

Formula for Feed Conversion Ratio is:

FCR = Average total feed consumption, in kg.

Average total gain in weight, in kg.
Table 6. Average Feed Consumption

Treatment # Total feed consumption Average feed

(kg) consumption (kg)
1 137.5 1.43
2 137.5 1.65

3. The average daily gain was computed based on the recorded body weight

gain of broiler chicken and the number of growing periods.


Formula for Average Daily Gain is:

ADG= Total gain in weight, in kg.

Growing or feeding period
The average daily gain plays an important role in the optimum growth of
the broiler chicken. This tells us on how the treatment affect the growth of broiler
Table 7. Average Daily Gain
Treatment # Average total gain Growing period ADG (kg)
1 2.07 35 0.059
2 1.84 35 0.051

4. Mortality percent in term that is used to denote death.

The table 8 shows the mortality percentage of the broiler chicken, the mortality

percentage was computed using the formula below;

Formula for Mortality Percent is:

No. of chicks died

Mortality percentage= X 100
No. of chicks at the start

The importance of monitoring the mortality of broiler chicken is you will be

able to change the factors that affect the health of broiler chicken. High mortality

of broiler chicken will affect the income and productivity of the chicken farmer.

Table 8 The mortality percentage of the broiler chicken

Treatment No. of chicks No. of chicks at Mortality Reason of

# died the starts percent death
1 4 50 8% Brooding
2 5 50 10% Brooding

H. Health management

Maintaining the good health of the broiler chicken from day 1 until

marketing is very important to enhance their growth. Basic health program

was implemented.

To make the broiler house germ-free, cleaning and disinfection was

done prior to stocking. Provision of fresh and clean drinking water and were

part of the basic health program. Keeping the broiler house and its

surrounding was also observed.

H.1.1. Proper sanitation

The cleanliness and dryness of the brooder house was done to

prevent contamination of the chicks from parasites and disease.

H.1.2. Procurement of veterinary drugs

Veterinary drugs such as Doxycycline, Tiamulin, Sulfadiazine,

Colistin, and Multivitamins were bought and given to the animals in the

first 7 days. Each sachet dissolved in 5 liters of water. This will prevent

diseases such as Complicated CRD, Coryza, E. Coli Infection,

Salmonellosis, Fowl cholera.

Plate 16. Veterinary Drugs


H.1.3. Vaccination

On the 7th day, the chicks were vaccinated with B1B1 prevent New Castle

Disease. This is recommended for the protection of chicken against this disease.

It is also essential that the chicken be maintained under good environmental

conditions to avoid exposure to disease causing pathogens. This vaccine is

recommended for the protection of healthy chickens. It is essential that the

chickens be maintained under good environmental conditions and that exposure

to disease viruses be reduced as much as possible.

Plate 17. B1B1 Vaccine

I. Waste Disposal

Proper disposal of chicken manure is important in raising animals.

This is to prevent the spread of diseases and to maintain the good health of the

animals. After one cycle of broiler production, the chicken manure was collected

using shovel and let it dry under the sun. After drying the chicken manure, it was

stirred in dry place and can be use as fertilizer.

J. Labor Utilization



Student entrepreneur Laborer

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