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Use of The Mining Rock Mass Rating (MRMR) Classification: Industry Experience

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By Jarek Jakubec, C.Eng.,1 and Gabriel S. Esterhuizen, Ph.D.2

ABSTRACT cemented joints could result in the misclassification of the

rock mass competency and can have serious safety and/or
In 2000, Laubscher’s Mining Rock Mass Rating economic consequences.
(MRMR) classification system was updated and published. As with any empirically based system, it is important
The new system brought a few fundamental changes that that experiences from new projects are analyzed and the
were in direct response to the challenges and problems classification system is further refined and calibrated.
encountered when applying the classification system in the Although some of the rules and relationships used in
mining environment, specifically caving operations. The MRMR and its applications are “crude,” it is our view that
fundamental changes introduced into the MRMR system in it is better to use a simplistic method than to ignore the
2000 were the abandonment of the Rock Quality Desig- issues. To quote John Maynard Keynes: “It is better to be
nation (RQD) as an input parameter, accounting for healed roughly right than precisely wrong.”
and cemented joints, and the concept of rock block Unfortunately, in the real world, the rock masses are
strength. inherently variable and do not conform to an ideal pattern.
The objective of this paper is not to discuss the role The issue of appropriate site-specific geotechnical evalu-
and usefulness of classification systems; the fact that ation of rock masses was recently discussed by Murphy
classification systems are widely used in every stage of and Campbell [in press]. In order to ensure that rock mass
mining projects speaks for itself. This paper discusses classification reflects reality, a certain amount of engineer-
some of the experiences gained with the MRMR 2000 ing judgment/interpretation is required. A classification
system in various mining projects and shows how the system can provide guidelines for design, but the mining
changes to the system have resulted in improved assess- practitioner must ensure that the system is applied cor-
ment of rock mass conditions. Issues related to core log- rectly. The role of the classification system as a communi-
ging for rock mass assessment are also presented. cation tool between operation, engineering, geology, and
management cannot be stressed enough. Unfortunately,
INTRODUCTION a failure in communication is often one of the root causes
of the problem.
Laubscher’s Mining Rock Mass Rating (MRMR) sys- This paper discusses some of the experience with
tem was introduced in 1975 [Laubscher 1975] and has Laubscher’s IRMR/MRMR system as introduced in 2000.
been modified and expanded several times since then
[Laubscher 1990, 1993; Laubscher and Taylor 1976]. The THE MRMR CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM:
last update was released in 2000 [Laubscher and Jakubec AN OVERVIEW
2001]. The principal changes in the new In Situ Rock Mass
Rating (IRMR) included the concept of rock block There are currently three main classification systems
strength, which accounts for the effect of cemented joints used in the metal mining industry: Bieniawski’s RMR
and veins. All of the changes were in direct response to the [Bieniawski 1973], Barton’s Q [Barton et al. 1974], and
challenges encountered when applying the classification Laubscher’s MRMR [Laubscher and Jakubec 2001].
system in the mining environment, specifically caving A rough comparison of these systems in terms of required
operations in Chile and Australia. input parameters is shown in Table 1. The main differenti-
If rock mass classification is to reflect reality, it is ators of the MRMR 2000 system compared to previous
important that all of the critical parameters influencing the versions of the MRMR, Q-system, and Bieniawski RMR
rock mass behavior are accounted for. Ignoring strength systems are:
reduction due to microfractures or ignoring the presence of
• Scale concept in material strength (intact rock >
rock block > rock mass)
Principal rock mechanics engineer, SRK Vancouver, Van- • Inclusion of cemented joints and veinlets
couver, British Columbia, Canada. • Abandonment of the Rock Quality Designation
Senior research fellow, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, (RQD) as an input parameter
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Pitts- • Mining adjustments (in comparison to Q)
burgh, PA.

Table 1.—Comparison of main classification systems
used in the mining industry

Laubscher 2000
Beniawski RMR

Laubscher 90
Category Parameters

Barton Q
Intact rock strength UCS x x x x
Open joint frequency RQD x x x -
FF/m x - x x
Joint set (Jn) x x x x
Open Joint strength Roughness (Jr) x x x x
Alteration (Ja) x x x x
Infill (Ja) x x x x
Cemented joints CJ/m - - - x
quantity and strength CJ strength - - - x

Another system that is occasionally encountered in

metal-mining projects is the Geological Strength Index Figure 2.—Mining adjustments.
(GSI) [Hoek et al. 1995]. Since this system cannot be
easily “decoded” and individual parameters assessed • Support design
separately, it was not used for comparison in Table 1. The • Cavability diagrams and stability of open stopes
objective of this paper is not to discuss which system is
• Extent of cave and failure zones
more suitable, nor is it to describe every detail of the
• Caving fragmentation
MRMR system. It is recommended that the reader refer to
Laubscher and Jakubec [2001], where the MRMR 2000 • Caving rates and mining sequence
system is fully discussed. Flowsheets illustrating the dif- • Pit slope guidelines
ferent parts of the MRMR 2000 system are shown in
Figures 1–2. Figure 1 illustrates the parameters used to The design charts and associated recommendations are
determine the IRMR, and mining adjustments that produce based on experience gained in mining projects around the
the final MRMR value are presented in Figure 2. world and have found wide acceptance within the mining


The MRMR 2000 system accounts for the effect of

scale in its assessment of rock strength, recognizing that
small-scale intact rock samples do not necessarily reflect
the strength of the larger rock blocks bounded by through-
going joints. The concept of a rock block is illustrated in
Figure 3. A rock block is defined as the rock material
bounded by throughgoing joints and can contain discon-
tinuous fractures and veinlets. It is important to separate
continuous “block-bounding” joints from discontinuous
fractures and veinlets, especially for mass mining methods
where cavability and fragmentation assessment are funda-
mental to the design.
The scale concept, which addresses the material
strength from small intact rock samples that can be tested
directly in the laboratory, through rock block strength that
is influenced by discontinuous fractures and veinlets, to the
Figure 1.—IRMR 2000 flowsheet. full-scale rock mass strength, is illustrated in Figure 4.

The application of the MRMR system in mine design

is presented in the paper “Planning Mass Mining Opera-
tions” [Laubscher 1993]. The main design recommenda-
tions and guidelines include:

Figure 5.—Cemented joints in the core (left) could
significantly influence rock block strength and frag-
mentation in a caving environment (right).



The MRMR 2000 system introduced empirical charts

where the impact of the quantity and quality of cemented
joints and veinlets on rock block strength can be assessed.
The method is based on the Mohs hardness number of the
infill materials and the frequency of the filled joints and
Figure 3.—Example of a rock mass that contains veinlets.
throughgoing joints (thick lines) as well as discontinuous
fractures (thin lines). Rock blocks are bounded by the
It should be noted that the suggested Mohs hardness
throughgoing joints. number for estimating the strength of the infill is only a
field guideline, and effort should be made to better define
the strength of such defects. The use of laboratory tests,
back analysis, and numerical models (such as Itasca’s Par-
ticle Flow Code (PFC)) could be very useful in better
understanding the role of healed discontinuities with
regard to rock block strength.
The effect of cemented joints and veinlets can have a
significant impact on the caving process in block caving or
sublevel caving operations. Figure 6 illustrates the differ-
ence in the predicted fragmentation for a rock mass that
contains healed, calcite-filled veinlets based on two meth-
ods of assessing the IRMR value. The Block Cave Frag-
mentation (BCF) [Esterhuizen 2003] software package was
used to conduct the analyses. The software makes use of
joint set data, uniaxial compressive strength of the rock,
stress field, and characteristics of small-scale fractures and
veinlets to estimate rock fragmentation during block
caving. The rock block strength is calculated as part of the
Figure 4.—Scale concept used in MRMR classification. process and affects stress-related fracturing. The lower
curve in Figure 6 shows the predicted fragmentation if the
presence of fractures and cemented veinlets is ignored in
The challenge is to assign appropriate strength reduc- the assessment of rock strength. These results indicate very
tion factors to account for the cemented joints (Figure 5), coarse fragmentation, with about 25% of the rock frag-
fractures, and veinlets that may be present in rock blocks. ments being less than 2 m3 in size. The upper curve shows
It is clear that if a classification system ignores such the results if the fractures and veinlets are accounted for. In
features, the rock mass strength is overestimated, or if they this case, the predicted fragmentation is good, with about
are forced into the open joint category, the rock mass is 90% of the rock fragments predicted to be less than 2 m3.
underestimated. The difference in predicted fragmentation is largely due to
the effect of the field stress on the rock blocks. If the
fractures and veinlets are ignored, the rock block strength
is overestimated, and coarse fragmentation is predicted.

When the effects of these features are included, the mass conditions has a significant impact on the choice of
assigned rock block strength is reduced, which in turn mine layout, operating procedures, and financial invest-
dramatically reduces the predicted fragmentation. The ment. In this case, the IRMR calculated from the FF/m was
expected fragmentation has a significant impact on the considered to be more representative of the actual rock
likely production rates, mine layout, and operational cost mass conditions than the values based on the RQD. Third-
of a block-caving operation. party review of the outcomes, inspection of exposures in
the current open-pit mine, and comparison to values esti-
100 mated from the GSI rating confirmed this conclusion.
Percent passing (%)

Veinlets included
Veinlets ignored
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Block size (m )
Figure 6.—Effect of calcite-filled veinlets on predicted
fragmentation in block caving.

Figure 7.—Example of the problems with RQD assess-

ment of highly fractured or massive rock masses.

The other major difference of MRMR compared to

other classifications is in the utilization of RQD. The RQD
system was originally developed for tunneling conditions
and was published in 1967. The fact that it is still used
today is a good testimony to Deere, who introduced it
40 years ago.
RQD is a very simple, effective, and quick method to
assess the rock mass competency in certain types of rocks.
However, besides the lack of accountability for the basic
rock mass parameters such as intact rock strength and
strength of defects, the tradeoff against its simplicity is its
poor reliability in highly fractured, massive, or highly
anisotropic conditions. The method simply does not have
the resolution that may be required for a more accurate
assessment of fragmentation, cavability, and other mine
Figure 8.—Example of difference between RQD and frac-
design aspects. Figure 7 illustrates some of the issues ture frequency-based IRMR. The IRMR based on fracture
related to RQD as a rock mass descriptor, and the RQD is frequency (solid line) is considered more representative of
compared to the IRMR obtained from fracture frequency. actual rock mass conditions.
If the rock mass character is such that RQD does not
reflect the conditions accurately, then, of course, any PRACTICAL PROBLEMS WITH ROCK MASS
classification system that uses RQD is exposed to prob- ASSESSMENT RELATED TO
lems. Figure 8 illustrates an example from one of the major DATA COLLECTION METHOD
block-caving projects in Chile, where the difference in
IRMR values obtained by the fracture frequency (FF/m) As discussed above, the difference between the reality
method versus the RQD method is quite obvious. The and the rock mass competency models could be due to the
comparison was made from drill core logging for a block- lack of ability to include specific geological features in our
caving project in which an accurate assessment of rock classification systems, e.g., cemented joints and veinlets.

However, if only drill core is used for rock mass assess- • Accurate assessment of weak joint infill that is
ment, we are exposed to a whole range of biases, and the washed out in most drilling processes. Triple tube
resulting description of the rock mass could be signifi- techniques can help to alleviate this problem.
cantly skewed. The potential problems and pitfalls were • Rock strength assessment in weathered/altered sen-
described by Laubscher and Jakubec [2001] and Murphy sitive rock types such as kimberlites and mudstones.
and Campbell [in press]. It is important to realize that rock Using specialized drilling fluids, very careful sam-
mass assessment based on drill core only can easily be off ple collection/preservation programs, and speedy
by 50%. delivery to the laboratory can partly mitigate these
The main challenges in rock mass assessment based on problems.
core logging, regardless of the classification system used, • Material anisotropy. Assessment of both intact rock
are: strength and discontinuity strength anisotropy from
the drill core could be a problem. The core cross-
• Differentiation between artificially induced breaks section is simply too small to capture joint geom-
and natural defects. In situ borehole scanners can etry. (See the example shown in Figure 10.)
help to assess in situ conditions.
• Assessment of discontinuities in foliated or highly Any of the points mentioned above can have a signifi-
laminated rocks. In such rock masses, the borehole cant impact on the rock mass assessment, and it is neces-
scanner may not be effective. sary that data be scrutinized in that respect.
• Differentiation between continuous joints and
discontinuous fractures. This problem cannot be
successfully resolved without rock mass exposures
(see Figure 9).
• Drilling orientation bias. Missing or under-
estimating discontinuity sets subparallel to the drill-
hole. Different orientation of the drillholes can
mitigate the problem.

Figure 10.—Joint geometry may not be obvious from the

drill core unless the joint is intersected at a very shallow


Some of the challenges in assessing rock mass condi-

tions have been addressed by the MRMR 2000 system.
These include the abandonment of RQD as a parameter,
accounting for healed and cemented joints, and the intro-
duction of the concept of rock block strength. This paper
shows how these modifications have resulted in improved
assessment of critical aspects of rock mass behavior for
mine design.
When assessing rock mass behavior (by any method),
it is important to remember that we cannot rely only on
exact science. The inherent variability of nature does not
allow the development of a universal, rigorous rock mass
Figure 9.—Picture illustrating the bias that could be
introduced by borehole orientation. Also, it is difficult
classification system that would be practical at the same
from the core to judge which discontinuities represent time. It is therefore necessary to keep the system flexible
continuous joints and which are small-scale fractures. and open to adjustments. This raises the issue of whether

we should strictly follow the letter of the classification REFERENCES
systems or whether we should treat classification systems
as a guideline to be used together with engineering Barton N, Lien R, Lunde J [1974]. Engineering classi-
judgment. The authors believe that spirit is more important fication of rock masses for the design of tunnel support.
than the letter and that field observations must be Rock Mech 6(4):189–236.
accounted for in the final judgment. Bieniawski ZT [1973]. Engineering classification of
Unfortunately, the trend in the mining industry is to jointed rock masses. Trans S Afr Inst Civ Eng 15:335–344.
shift focus from the field to the office and solve problems Esterhuizen GS [2003]. Block cave fragmentation
“remotely.” As our computational skills have increased (BCF) user’s manual. Unpublished.
dramatically, it seems that our observational skills have Hoek E, Kaiser PK, Bawden WF [1995]. Support of
decreased at the same rate. Also, the discipline and some- underground excavations in hard rock. Rotterdam, Nether-
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analysis have broken down. Despite the fact that most of Laubscher DH [1975]. Class distinction in rock
today’s projects have rendered three-dimensional models masses. Coal gold base min S Afr 23(Aug).
of geology (or at least an artist’s image), it is very rare Laubscher DH [1990]. A geomechanics classification
these days to find a proper set of working plans and system for the rating of rock mass in mine design. Trans
sections where a “creative thinking” process was applied S Afr Inst Min Metal 9(10).
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“reality” checks should be constantly performed on our Laubscher DH, Jakubec J [2001]. The MRMR rock
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The authors would like to thank Dr. Dennis Laubscher Exploration, Inc., pp. 475–481.
for reviewing this paper and for his valuable comments. Laubscher DH, Taylor HW [1976]. The importance of
geomechanics of jointed rock masses in mining operations.
In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Exploration for
Rock Engineering (Johannesburg, South Africa), pp. 119–
Murphy BA, Campbell JR [in press]. Establishing a
site specific mining geotechnical atlas. In: Proceedings of
the First Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Van-
couver, British Columbia, Canada.


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