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Lesson 4 - Information System Governance and Risk Assessment

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Introduction to Cyber Security

Information Security Governance and

Risk Assessment
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Explain information security governance

Describe risk management

Summarize effective information security program

Define supply chain

Information Security Governance
Information Security Governance

It is a set of responsibilities and practices exercised by the board and executive management to:

Achieve goals Manage risks

Meet objectives Verify usage of resources

IT Governance Focus Areas

Strategic Alignment

Value Delivery

IT Governance
Business Goals and Objectives

Strategic Plan Tactical Plan Operational Plan

To meet customer needs by ensuring that business processes and operations are in place
Business Drivers

Market demands Legal requirement

Organizational needs
and brand image Business Drivers Social needs

Customer requests Technological advancement

Enabling Technology

It is an invention or innovation that can be applied to drive radical change in the

capabilities of a user or culture.
Enablers for Governance

Enablers are factors that individually and collectively influence whether something will work.
Enabler Categories

Principles, Policies, Services,

and Frameworks Infrastructure, and

People, Skills, and Processes Culture, Ethics, and

Competencies Behavior
Information Security Governance

Is the responsibility of the board of directors and executive management and must have a
clear organizational strategy for preservation
Information Security Governance: Outcomes

Information security is
treated as a critical
business issue

Clear approval and Professionalism

support for formal demonstrated to third
security strategies parties
outcomes of
information Information security
Performance in security
implementing security effectiveness is reviewed
governance periodically
policies is monitored are:

Security awareness and High level of oversight and

training is provided control

Implementation and
maintenance of information
security activities
Management Support
Management Support

It is the extent to which the senior management understands the importance of the security function
and supports security goals and priorities.
Management Support

Participating in
Committing funding
security plans and and resources

Providing overall Identifying key

guidance performance metrics
Establish Reporting and Communication Channels

Senior management Other management

The user needs to

have routine
channels to:

Business process owners Employees

Performance Management and Smart Metric
Performance Management

It is the systematic process by which the Department of Commerce involves its employees as
individuals and members of a group.

IT balanced scorecard Capability maturity model

Types of
IT Balanced Scorecard

It is a performance metric used in strategic management to identify and improve various internal
functions of a business.
Capability Maturity Model

It is a methodology used to develop and refine an organization's software development process.

SMART Metric

A smart metric stands for specific, measurable, achievable or acceptable, realistic, and time specific
or trackable.


Measurable Realistic

Specific Time based

Risk Management
Risk Management

It is the process of identifying, assessing, monitoring, and controlling events arising from risks.
Risk Management

Risk cannot be removed but it can be minimized to an acceptable level.

Risk Management Process

Analyze: Assess the risk

Identify: Identify the risk

Action: Develop a risk

management plan

Control: Reevaluate the risk

Monitor: Implement risk

management actions
Quantitative Risk Analysis

It is a technique used to assess the effect of risk exposure events on overall

organizational objectives.
Quantitative Risk Analysis

Enables business to
prioritize risks

Assists in measuring the Calculates absolute

magnitude of impact financial values
Quantitative Risk Analysis

Provides initial assessment to

identify risks

Considers organization
Is based on expert judgment, culture, reputation, and
intuition, and experience brand image

Ranks risks based on

Uses different risk scenarios
and ranks threats
Risk Management Methods

Risk Mitigation: Implement

measures to eliminate

Risk Transfer: Transfer the

risks to another entity

Risk Management
methods are:
Risk avoidance: Eliminate
activities that involve risks

Risk acceptance: Make

decisions to live with the
Key Risk Indicator and Key Performance Indicator

Key Performance Indicator is a quantifiable metric that reflects how well an organization is
achieving its stated goals and objectives.

Key Risk Indicators are metrics used by organizations to provide an early signal of
increasing risk exposure in various areas of the enterprise.




Performance Risk
Assessment Assessment


Decision Making
Key Performance Indicator

Provides a high-level overview Measures the performance

of the past performance of security controls
Key Risk Indicator

Serves as an early Is selected for its impact on

warning indicator the senior leaders’ decisions
Risk IT Framework

It is a framework based on a set of guiding principles featuring business

processes and management guidelines.

A structured process to identify

potential organization threats

A strategy for minimizing A mechanism to effectively

the impact of risks evaluate strategies
Risk IT Framework

Risk IT Val IT

Risk Identify Risk Value

Management and Management

Complements COBIT Helps implement IT


IT-related Events

IT Process

Risk IT Framework

Risk Evaluation Risk Response

• Analyze risk • Manage risks

• Collect data Objectives • Articulate risks

• Maintain risk profile • React to events

Risk Governance
• Define IT structure, roles, and

• Establish and maintain a

common risk view

• Make risk-aware business

Information Security Programs
Information System (IS) Programs

Ensures that an organization’s Describes a complete

information assets are protected Information System organizational structure
IS Programs Components


of IS
Programs are:

People Process
IS Programs Objectives

Implement IS strategy in a
cost-effective manner

Develop methods to
measure progress

Tackle issues during the


Develop key goal indicators

to reflect objectives
Analyze security of current
state against the desired
IS Program Charter


Program Objectives



IS Management Framework: COBIT®

It helps the companies map their IT processes to ISACA’s best practices standard.
Five Principles of COBIT

Covering the enterprise


Meeting stakeholder needs Separating governance

from management

Applying a single Enabling a holistic

integrated framework approach

The five principles of COBIT are:

IS Management Framework: ISO/IEC 27001:2013

This is an internationally recognized structure methodology dedicated to information security.

A management process to evaluate, implement, and maintain an ISMS

A comprehensive set of controls

Applicable to all industry sectors

Emphasis on prevention

114 controls mapped to 14 security domains

ISO 27001:2013 Domains

Security policies

Organization of information security

Human resources security

Access control


Asset management

Physical and environmental security

ISO 27001:2013 Domains

Operations security

Communications security

System acquisition, development, and maintenance

Supplier relationships

Information security incident management


Information security aspects of business continuity management

IS Program Roadmap

Review current Develop IS program Perform gap

security levels roadmap analysis

Security level of data, • High-level plan • Analyze gaps

applications, systems, • Architectural design • Identify areas with
facilities, and processes • Milestones to achieve inadequate control
KGI, CSF, and KPI objectives
• Establish control points
• Monitor controls
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment
Risk management

Value delivery

Resource management
Business process
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management • It determines the competitiveness of an
specified either as a string containing a path to the build context
Performance • It explains how organizations can increase
Management growth and profitability.

Business Process
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management • Information security manager is responsible
for information assets.
specified either as a string containing a path to the build context
Performance • IS manager must understand threats to the
Management organization, its vulnerabilities, and the risk

Business Process
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management IS program must deliver the required level of
security effectively and efficiently.
specified either as a string containing a path to the build context

Business Process
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management • IS manager must use human technical
knowledge and financial resources effectively.

Performance • Security practices and processes must be

Management documented
specified and consistent.
either as a string containing a path to the build context

• Security architecture is developed to define

Business Process and utilize infrastructures.
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management • It must develop monitoring process and
specified either as a string containing a path to the build context
Performance • IS managers must seek independent
Management assurance.

Business Process
Outcomes of IS Program

Strategic alignment

Risk Management

Value Delivery

Management IS manager must understand that IS is only a
part of effective security.
specified either as a string containing a path to the build context

Business Process
Supply Chain
Supply Chain

It is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in

moving product to customer.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)

It is an expansive and complex undertaking that relies on each partner; from

suppliers to manufacturers.
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)

It is the implementation of strategies to manage both everyday and exceptional risks.

Supply Chain Risks

Compromised software or hardware Counterfeit hardware or hardware

purchased from suppliers with embedded malware

Vulnerabilities in supply chain Third-party data storage or data

management or supplier systems The supply chain aggregators
risks are:

Poor Information Security practices by Third-party service providers

lower-tier suppliers or vendors
Supply Chain Countermeasures

Compliance and Presence of robust IT

governance security solutions internally

Certification of international
Supplier Management Controls

It is the process whereby companies monitor and manage interactions with all
external parties with which they have a relationship.
Personnel Management
Personnel Management

It refers to planning, organizing, compensation, integration, and maintenance of people

for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual, and societal goals.
Personnel Management


Responsibility Skills

Organizational Culture
Case Study: AWS Outage

Problem Statement: In May 2017, Amazon faced a big A.W.S. outage that took down a
bunch of large internet sites for several hours on a Tuesday afternoon.
Case Study: AWS Outage

Cause of the problem: In a blog post, the

company said that one of its employees was
debugging an issue with the billing system
and accidentally took more servers offline
than intended. That error started a domino
effect that took down two other server
subsystems and so on.
Case Study: AWS Outage

This case illustrates the importance of change management and internal

governance in organizations.
Common IS Program Challenges

Inadequate management Inadequate staffing


Inadequate funding
Key Takeaways

Information security governance is the set of responsibilities and

practices exercised by the board and executive management.

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing,

monitoring, and controlling events arising from risks.

The information security program consists of controls, processes,

and practices to increase the resilience of the computing

Supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities,

information, and resources involved in moving a product to
Knowledge Check
Check Which of the following model describes a five-level evolutionary path of increasingly
organized and systematically more mature processes?

a. Measureable

b. Initial

c. Achievable

d. Reliable
Check Which of the following model describes a five-level evolutionary path of increasingly
organized and systematically more mature processes?

a. Measureable

b. Initial

c. Achievable

d. Reliable

The correct answer is b

The model which describes a five-level evolutionary path of increasingly organized and systematically more
mature processes is initial.
Check Which of the following is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and
resources involved in moving a product to customer?

a. Supply chain management

b. Supply chain risk management

c. Supply chain

d. Supplier management controls

Check Which of the following is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and
resources involved in moving a product to customer?

a. Supply chain management

b. Supply chain risk management

c. Supply chain

d. Supplier management controls

The correct answer is c

Supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a
product to customer.
Which of the following are the components of IS Programs?

a. Roles

b. Skills

c. Responsibility

d. Process
Which of the following are the components of IS Programs?

a. Roles

b. Skills

c. Responsibility

d. Process

The correct answer is a and d

The components of IS Programs are: Roles and Process.

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