Draft of Civil Pleading
Draft of Civil Pleading
Draft of Civil Pleading
G. Srinivasa Yadav made demands for the Repayment of the loan and
also caused a lawyers notice dated 04.01.2011 to be send to S. Janardhana
In the court of the Junior Civil Judge of
O.S. No …………………/2011
G. Srinivasa Yadav …….. Plaintiff
S. Janardhan Naidu ……. Defendant
Plaint filed on behalf of the plaintiff under order VII Rule-10 and long cause
(1) Plaintiff
The address for services of notices etc. on the plaintiff is as stated above
and come of ……………… advocate, Tirupati.
(2) Defendant
The address for service of process etc. on the defendant as stated above.
(4) The plaintiff made several demands on the defendant for the repayment of
the debt. The plaintiff also caused a registered lawyer‟s notice dated
04.01.2011 to be sent to the defendant did not respond.
(5) The plaintiff submits that the defendant is not an agriculturist and he is not
entitled to the benefits under any of the debt relief of law.
(6) Cause of Action: For this suit arose on 26.02.2008 at Tirupati, within the
jurisdiction of this honourable court.
(7) The plaintiff values this suit for the purpose of court fee and jurisdiction of
39,000/- and pays a court fee of 1.666 under section 20 of A.P. Court fee and
suits valuation Act.
(9) It is therefore, prayed that the honourable court may be pleaded to pass a
judgement and decree against the defendant and in favour of the plaintiff
(10) Directing the plaint defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of Rs.39,000 on
with further interest at the contact rate till the date of realization.
(12) Passing such further or other order as the honourable court may deem. Fit
and proper in the circumstance of the case.
xxxx xxxx
I the plaintiff, to hereby declared that the facts stated above true and
correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.