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Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Science & Technology and Information Technology Department

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Awami National Party






ADP No. Forum & Date of Approval Total Cost

DDWP Rs:5.00
Dated: Million


April 2011

S.No Description Detail

1 Name of the project IT Master Planning for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

2 Location Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

3 Authorities responsible for:

i. Sponsoring ST&IT Department Government of Khyber

ii. Execution ST&IT Department Government of Khyber


iii. Operation and ST&IT Department Government of Khyber

maintenance Pakhtunkhwa

iv. Concerned provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

4 a- Plan provision
i. If the project is
included in the N/A
medium term/five
year plan, specify
actual allocation.
ii. If not included in N/A
the current plan,
what warrants its
inclusion and how
is it now proposed
to be N/A
iii. If the project is
proposed to be
financed out of
block provision,

iii.i) Total block Rs: 5.00 Million in ADP 2010-2011


iii.ii) Amount Rs: 5.00 Million


iii.iii) Amount Rs: 5.00 Million

proposed for this

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
iii.iv) Balance Rs: 5.00 Million

b- Provision in the current Rs: 5.00 Million

year ADP 2010-11
5 Project objectives and its
relationship with sector
i. The objectives of the “The ICT vision of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government
sector/sub sector as is to enhance delivery of public services to citizens in an
indicated in the efficient and cost effective manner, improve the quality
medium term/three of government service and management, enhance the
year plan be collaboration of the internal departments and the
reproduced. Indicate interactions between the government and the public,
objectives of the optimize the government business process, , and finally
project and develop a to construct an honest, diligent, transparent and efficient
linkage between the government using information and communication
proposed project and technology as a means to the end”
sectoral objectives. The vision for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa E-Government
initiative is detailed by determining following
objectives to be achieved. Those objectives are
categorized as follows:
1. Promotion of IT literacy, awareness and
2. Establishment of E- Government
Infrastructure and initiatives
3. Promotion of Software Industry in NWFP
and its related activities

E-government requires a Provincial Strategic

Framework to become a reality. The framework
articulates a government’s vision, targets and
milestones. In addition it provides the technical
approach and standards for e-government
systems. While underlining the importance of a
National or Provincial strategy framework, it must
be added that the framework is not a prerequisite
for initiating and executing any e-government
project. Computerization projects that are
considered critical - at the department or local
government levels – can and should move ahead
and not be held up because a provincial strategy
and model are not specifically in place.

Governments sometimes spend many years and

resources on developing an ICT strategy
framework or E-Government model and end up
holding back some critical projects.

Developing an E-government model or ICT

Strategic framework is an ongoing process and not
a static document which is created once. The
vision and process that create models of E-
Government are as dynamic as the changing
technologies which the models use as a
foundation. To understand the relevance of this

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
statement one need just consider the impact that
web and mobile technologies have had on the
overall landscape of ICT. The impact of these two
changing technologies brings to fore the stark
realization that an E-Government model
conceptualized ten years ago, compared to one
conceptualized today, are as distant apart as two
mobile phones with a ten years gap between them.

The success of any E-Government model lies in the

extent to which programmes and projects under a
given model transform the way a government
works, conducts its business and delivers its
services. ICT practically applied in the Government
workplace has created varying definitions
associated with the terms E-administration, E-
Governance, E-Services, etc. Governments around
the world experience successful transformation of
their work and business environment in different
ways. The outcome experience of developed,
developing and transitional governments and
economies is the emergence, ongoing refinement
and adoption of different E-Government models.

The models are unique to the extent that the

country situation of each government in which a
particular model succeeded was different. The
literacy rate, urban rural divide in income,
affordability of and access to essential
requirements and services, level of infrastructure,
cultural and social values and other demographic
variations between countries do not make one
country model directly replicable in another

However, the values embedded in the Vision and

Mission by those that created and pursued
successfully a specific E-Government model are
worthy of study; there are many lessons learnt
along the path to success or indeed failure. Also
what is essential to study is whether the values
underlying a Vision and Mission of an E-
Government model change during the lifecycle of
an originally adopted model. It appears that while
the values defining the Mission may remain
substantially constant, it may not be the case with
values defining the Vision.

The fact is the vision could have gone only as far

as knowledge or foresight of new and emerging
technologies existed at the time. Consider the new
possibilities that web and mobile technologies have
created for e-government or service delivery and
what the vision of an e-government designed five
years ago might have been if the knowledge had
existed at the time!

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Two different Approaches of E-Government
Strategy and Framework

Study of international experience shows two

approaches to e-government. One approach is
“top-down”, characterized by a high control by
central government. It usually includes
development of an ICT Strategy and E-
Government Model. The other approach is
“bottom-up” in which individual departments and
local governments move ahead with their own
projects. In this approach, adopting common
standards and an overall national strategy are not

Singapore and China represent the top-down

approach, while the US and Philippines embody the
bottom-up approach.

Each method has its own advantages and

disadvantages. The top-down approach facilitates
integration, but as mentioned before, developing a
national strategy as emphasized by the approach,
can take years, can tend to be based with too
much emphasis on technology decisions, the
decisions can be poor and can ultimately prove to
be costly and difficult to reverse.

The bottom-up approach is less orderly and can

contain some redundancy but on the other hand
can inspire innovation and can result in many
grass roots projects and success stories to
motivate government to take up and support yet
further projects.

Where Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government

Stands Today

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in its

pursuance of leveraging on ICT for modernization,
stands at a juncture which requires it to assess
what is the E-Government model for the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa? In the absence of an E-government
model or ICT Strategy, it can be assumed that a
conscious decision to allow a bottom-up approach
was taken. Many ICT projects have been
undertaken and have attained different levels of
success. What benchmarks and criteria were
created, against which to measure the success of
projects, in terms of improving administration
service delivery, citizen acceptance and
satisfaction, etc. is not clear. Presently, the
potential for many more projects exist. Continued
success will depend on many factors, including
public awareness and support, which in many of
the projects that have e-services or citizen
facilitation as an important objective, is critical for

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 5

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
success and longer term sustainability.

The embryonic phases of automation and

computerization in the government environment
are largely the result of isolated initiatives of
individual organizations and departments. An
individual organization quickly sees the potential
and benefits of creating a computerized database,
automating certain functions and establishing a

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has

achieved significant progress in successfully
pursuing programmes and implementing
computerization projects that potentially enable
transforming its administration, decision making
and service delivery functions to the citizen.
Therefore, even without detailed benchmarking it
can be stated that generally the Government of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been successful in its ICT
initiatives taken up in the embryonic phase.

How the successes of the embryonic phase will

position the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
towards its Vision and Mission values as these
would be defined today, is the key question to
consider. To what extent programmes and
projects successfully completed are the outcome of
a clear E-Government model is necessary to

The next phase of ICT programmes and projects of

government will require a more integrated and
collaborative approach rather than be driven by
isolated initiatives of individual departments and
organizations. It would be adopting an “Enterprise”
view of the government and would need to
consider how an initiative of one organization can
be combined, for interaction, integration,
combined data repository with other departments.

When the potential of web based and mobile

technologies are taken into account, it will create
new possibilities for interaction, whether between
departments, or between the government and the
citizen. All this will mean that an E-Government
Model will need to be revisited or created afresh.

To further consider what the Vision and Model of

E-Government should be for guiding projects
during the and next phase – which can be referred
to as a take-off and maturity phase – examples of
what could have been achieved in the embryonic
phase if an E-Government model had been created
from an enterprise viewpoint are relevant to
illustrate the gaps that exist and which the next
phase must address.

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Databases without the mechanisms to capture
changes in the entity

An isolated project of national magnitude, the

CNIC database, is not based on a computerized
system of registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages
and Divorces.

Disconnect between Databases which do not allow

a change or transaction affecting a common entity
in one Database to be communicated to another

Isolated projects such as CNIC by one government

organization, Driving Licensing System by another
and Arms Licensing by yet another, means that
the reporting of death in the CNIC system does not
automatically provide the same information to the
Driving Licensing and Arms Licensing Systems.

Creating an E-Government Model with an

Enterprise Approach

Government, if viewed holistically, in no different

from a large corporation. Before the advent of ICT,
it would have been daunting and virtually
impossible to take an enterprise view of the
government. Today, if a mega sized corporation
can take a group view of its enterprise, when
considering ICT, there is no reason for the
government to consider the view irrelevant. The
citizen which the government serves is a common
entity to the Ministries, Departments and various
organizations within government. This in itself
implies, in the context of such popular phrases and
buzz words such as “one window”, “citizen
facilitation”, “E-services” that the enterprise view

The suggested research and study would also

enable clarity of what are the essentials for an
Enterprise view of government, in the ICT and E-
government model context and therefore if a
detailed enterprise architecture of government
should be prepared. Such enterprise architecture
would enable guiding the ICT journey of projects
through the next phase of maturity. Issues of
interoperability, interaction and integration
between ministries and different department,
leveraging the advantages that ICT offers, can
only be effectively addresses when the enterprise
view and architecture exits.

The impetus for the IT Master Plan stems from a

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 7

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
series of strategic challenges at the Government of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, similar to those facing most
public utilities today. They include: higher
customer/public/end user expectations (better
service, safety, and value), continued
improvements mandated by regulatory agencies, a
changing—and aging —work force, and budget

In addition, the Departments are not realizing the

full value of its IT investments and resources for
the following reasons.
The Departments lacks sufficient staff to perform
key functional roles such as applying and
leveraging information technology across the
agency that will lead to improved business
processes and sustain continuous improvement,
identify key business performance metrics to base
decisions on, and instill best practices for
managing information technology investments.
Information technology alone does not solve
business problems or improve efficiency. There is a
need to integrate the technology with business
processes and train staff to maximize results.
Information technology projects under-delivered
on functionality and over-ran budgets and
schedules, largely because they were implemented
with a departmental versus District/Department-
wide focus and lacked a clear linkage of the
projects with specific District/ Department
business objectives.
Projects lacked adequate funding levels to
implement and/or sustain the information
technologies and systems they introduced or

These challenges represent a serious risk to the

District’s ability to continue to effectively fulfill its
mission, vision, and goals.

Strengths in meeting these challenges, the

Government and management have committed to
strategic responses that include:
streamlined workflows that reduce and eliminate
paper-based processes, integrated and unified
approaches to performing the services the
Departments provides, seamless integration of the
Departments internal and external business
environments, and changes in the way the
Departments performs key functions such as asset
management, operations management, and
customer service management.

Furthermore, the assessment of the Departments

existing information technologies and current
personnel affirmed prudent investments and
recognized strengths in several technology areas.

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 8

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
The extremely efficient and flexible IT
infrastructure of virtualized servers, networks,
storage, and telecommunications is a
differentiating strength. The Departments is
several years ahead in this technology area, with a
solution in place that many agencies are still
aspiring to attain.

ii. In case of revised N/A

Projects, indicate
objectives of the
project if different from
original PC-I.

iii. Objectives of the Study A consulting firm will be hired which will
1. Visit, study and document the existing ICT
Infrastructure, IT skilled Human Resource,
IT projects and program of each
Administrative, attached Department,
District Governments, Academic Institutions
and private sector IT industry.
2. Future strategy for establishing standard
ICT infrastructure, capacity building of
Human Resource, Projects and programs
for every institution of Government
3. Conduct stake holders seminars,
conferences, etc. to develop concenses on
provincial ICT policy
4. Technology road map for 5 years
(Enterprise level plan as well as for each
5. Standardization parameters for Hardware,
network, Software, web technologies, cyber
security, Backup mechanism of databases,
and tools for software applications
6. Suggest the potential areas in the
department to out source, BOT, self
development for revenue generation and
generate employment in the province
7. E-Government Enterprise Model

iv. Time Schedule Attached

v. Scope of the Project The main objective of the study is to document the
existing ICT infrastructure in the public and private
sector of the province and pin point the potential
departments which can generate revenue for
government and to start ICT programs in that
departments to achieve the goals.

Secondly the study will develop standardization

parameters for Hardware, network, Software, web

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 9

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
technologies, cyber security, Backup mechanism of
databases, and tools for software applications so
that that can be integrated easy

Thirdly Enterprise level plan for the government of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and for each department will
be designed for smooth and efficient governance
of the Province.
Annexure B

The Scope of the project i.e. IT Master Plan of the

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would include the following :
1. IT literacy , IT education and
awareness Pogram/ Plan
i. A comprehensive IT
training/literacy/capacity-building plan
would be prepared.
ii. Plan to promote ICT in true sense and
Information and Communication
Technology University shall be established
in the Province.
iii. Plan to equip all the High schools/Colleges
with computer labs and computer proposed
crash course would be introduce for the
teachers and students at High Schools
iv. Plan for computer training programs to
train the government employees according
to their job requirement and preparing
them for e-government.
Trainings/workshops/seminars on e-
governance and use of technology for best
governance shall be arranged for the higher
authorities/Secretaries/ DMGs (19 & above)
of the Secretariat and attached
v. Plan for Massive IT awareness campaign to
be launched to update the masses of the
region for the use of this technology.
vi. Plan to introduce courses for soft technical
skills will be identified and arranged for
other than IT graduates.
vii. National Institute of Public Administration
(NIPA) would be consulted for inclusion of
complete IT/e-governance training program
in their regular training programs.

2. E-Governance Plan including, the

existing ICT infrastructure. The following
institutions of Government of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa will be covered under the

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 10

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i. All Administrative Departments
ii. All Attached Departments
iii. All Autonomous Bodies
iv. All District Governments
v. All Academic Institution of the Province
vi. Whole Public Sector ICT industry
3. Promotion of private sector IT Industry
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Plan
i. Recommendation to raise the standard
of Local ICT Industry to international
level in the near future.
ii. Recommendations in case of
unavailability of skills (in the beginning)
in the local market, the outside
organization/firms must have a local
partner for transfer of skills.
iii. Recommendation of Granting loans for
creating new software houses/call
iv. Feasibility of establishment IT Parks in
the Province.
v. Plan for attracting international
vi. Plan to attracting private sector

4. Promotion of ICT related R&D in

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
6 Description, technical
parameters, technology Summary of the Total Cost
transfer aspects, required Amount in
S.No Descriptions Million
equipment and physical
1 Advertisement,
infrastructure: Entertainment, Workshops,
Seminars and Consultancy 5.000

Total 5.000

i. Describe the project 5.00 Million

and indicate existing
facilities in the area
and summary of total

ii. Provide technical N/A

parameters i.e. input
and output of the
project. Also discuss
technological aspect of
the project.
iii. Provide details of No equipment is required for the proposed Project
equipment, machinery and will only consist of consultancy and
required for the documentation of Master Plan of strategic planning
project. for the development of IT in the Province. And
implementation of E-Government Model

iv. Provide detail of N/A

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 11

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
physical infrastructure
required for the project

v. Indicate governance The purpose of this Project is to examine if and

issues of the sector explain why, there is a need to carry out an in
relevant to the project depth research and study that assesses if it is
and strategy to resolve necessary to create an E-Government Model for
them. the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa at the
current juncture. If an E-Government Model
already exists, then the purpose of this document
is to consider if it is necessary to study and revisit
the Model, combining research with a study that
can empirically measure the outcome of completed
programmes and projects. If benchmarks were
established, when the journey towards leveraging
ICT for modernization started, then it would be
important to consider if the study should also
include measuring both success and failures
against the benchmarks.

The outcome of the Project would ICT Master Plan

& policy including the following attributes:

a. A basis on which to consider how the

original E-Government model needs to be
revisited and updated. if it is necessary to
re-align or develop a clear E-Government
Model and ICT Strategy, taking into account
the changing times, emerging technologies
and new paradigms of service delivery to
the citizen.
b. The current ICT infrastructure in the
Departments and potential areas in
Government Department.
c. Future plan of proposed ICT infrastructure
for least 5 years for each Administrative
and attached Departments with the clear
identification of project in each sector.
d. The standard technology road map so that
data integration may possible at any level.
e. Standardization of ICT infrastructure
(Hardware, Software, connectivity, data
security, cyber security and guidelines for
f. Inventory of entire ICT facilities in present
in all departments
g. Enterprise level architecture of Government
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and at each
department level.

For the study it will be equally important to

understand global trends and to study global best

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 12

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
practices of e-government models and strategies.
Only from studying other countries’ successes and
failures is a country able to effectively design its e-
government strategy and avoid pitfalls that cost
time, money and resources.
7 Cost estimates
i. Indicate date of
estimation of Project N/A

ii. Basis of determining

the capital cost be N/A
provided. It includes
market survey,
schedule rates,
estimation on the basis
of previous work done

b) In case of revised N/A

projects, provide:

i. History of project
approval, cost and ADP N/A

ii. Item-wise, year-wise

actual expenditure and N/A
Physical progress done.

iii. Provide revised year-

wise estimation of N/A
physical activities and
8 Annual operating and
maintenance cost after N/A
completion of the project:
(Item-wise annual operating
9 Vehicle and TA/DA N/A for Vehicle
N/A for TA/DA
10 Financial plan and mode of

a) Equity:

Indicate the amount of

equity to be financed from
each source :

i. Sponsors own (100% financed by Provincial Government)

ii. Federal

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 13

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
iii. Provincial
iv. DFI's/banks
v. General public
vi. Foreign equity
vii. NGO’s/beneficiaries
viii. Others

b) Debt

Indicate the local & foreign

debt, interest rate, and grace
period and repayment period
for each loan separately.
The loan repayment schedule
be also annexed.

i. Grants along with

ii. Weighted cost of
11 Benefits of the project
a) Employment The study will indicate areas where employment
generation (direct and can be generated.

b) Environmental impact
11 Implementation schedule
(Indicate starting and Attached
completion date of the

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 14

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
12 Management structure and
manpower requirements: Consulting firm will hired through open tender for
the preparation of Master Plan for Government of
i. Administrative Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
arrangements for
implementation of
ii. The manpower
requirements by skills
during execution and
operation of the N/A
project be provided.

iii. Detail job description N/A

of Man Power required
iv. Justification for
increase in salaries of
the current working
staff N/A
v. Justification of new
staff required
13 Miscellaneous items required N/A
for the project
The following high level Steering Committee will
14 Project Performance Review review the performance and progress of this
ambitious project:-
1. Secretary ST&IT.
2. Director IT.
3. Representative of P&D Department
4. Representatives from academia
5. Representatives from Private Sector

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 15

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
15 Sign In

i. Prepared by: _____________________

Abdul Basit,
IIS Manager-DoIT

ii. Checked by: _______________________

Sajid H. Shah,

iii. Approved by:

Amjad Shahid Afridi
Secretary ST&IT Department

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 16

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Total Cost
S.No Descriptions Amount in Million
Cost of the study and Master
1. Advertisements
2. Workshops/Seminars 5.000
1 3. Entertainment
4. Traveling to each District
5. Printing & Publications
6. Logistics & POL

Total: 5.000

PC-1, IT Master Plan for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 17

Prepared by : Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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