Marketing Interview Product Introduction
Marketing Interview Product Introduction
Marketing Interview Product Introduction
Product Introduction:
Aqua Well Water Refilling Station had been established last August 2013 and located at 1093 Rizal
Avenue, Old Albay District, Legazpi City, Albay. The vicinity is surrounded by residential and commercial
areas. The store is air conditioned to maintain cleanliness and so with the personnel. It also provides
parking space for those who are picking up bulk orders. The location of the store is very accessible to the
neighbor. The refilling operations start at 7:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM.
SWOT Analysis:
Purified water is just a “want”. There is still tap water that could be used.
There are already many refilling station in the city.
Water is a necessity for every individual. Therefore, acknowledge that the water industry would
forever be there because of that need. As a water business, this opportunity to expand all over
the country or even the world would be a great step for the industry domination. The great
opportunity in partnering with restaurants and even other companies as everyone needs water
and its supply.
Since it is quite easy to put up a water refilling business, it could be expected that new
competitors may rise every now and then.
Due to global warming and increasing population size, tap water/raw water supply are getting
Scientists are developing a new technology that can desalinate sea water then it make potable.
If it will be introduced and huge amount will be supplied through our common pipes, then small
purification business might experience loss.
Power Interruption.
Tinker bell
Uncle Joe
Living Water
To provide high quality purified drinking water that will ensure the customer’s safety and
Overall Objective:
Aqua Water Refilling Station accept all kinds of containers such as those commonly used water
containers, small/large water bottles and etc.
As for the pricing Aqua Water Refilling Station priced the product according to its volume.
The water refilling station is situated in the 1093 Rizal Avenue, Old Albay District, Legazpi City,
Albay near commercial areas.
As for the advertising of the firm, Aquawell Water Refilling Station focuses on personal contacts.
The people nearby the location of the firm will technically talk about this business. Through
personal communication, the number of customers will increase annually.
Main Strategies:
Sales Strategy
The sales strategy is to concentrate on the segment of the sales advertising, most easily captured by the
following sales feature: increase of sales and customers annually. If this segment will continue to
progress, the number of customer count in the refilling station would progress largely.
For example, the refilling station originally or has 5 customers in their first day, if those will customers
will be satisfied with the service and the product, they will spread the news about the firm. The power of
communication will be an ideal market segment because of positive relationship.