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English Exercice

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Q1 - LESSON 3Student’s name:.................................................Class:8A.................

Corrector’s name:......................................

Questions 31-37. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.



Questions 38-40. Complete the table below.



25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 1
I. Complete the conversation. Use the comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.
A: How are you enjoying the new house?
B: It’s nice. It’s (1) ………………more spacious ……………………….. (spacious) than our old house and one
of the (2) …………best…………………………….. (good) things is having our own garden.
A: So it’s much (3) ………………better ……………………….. (good) here than in London, then?
B: Well, I’m not sure. (4) ………………The worst……………………….. (bad) thing about London was the
pollution - and it’s certainly (5) ………………less polluted ……………………….. (polluted) here in the country.
And I suppose it’s (6) ………….less stressful…………………………….. (stressful). I sleep (7)
………………………….. …more soundly……………………….(soundly) here without all the noise. But I miss
the cultural diversity of London. Shopping there was much (8) ………… more interesting ……………………..
(interesting) than it is here. And the people here are (9) ………………less varied …………….. (varied) than
they are in London. On the other hand, it’s (10) …………………safer…………………. (safe) here - London
has the second (11) …………………highest…………………….. (high) crime rate in the UK!
A: Well, I know this is (12) ……………the farthest………………………….. (far) from London you’ve ever
livedbut it’s one of the (13)……………………most beautiful ………………….. (beautiful) places I’ve ever
II. Change the words in brackets into adverbs and put them into the correct form.
Finally, a new washing powder that gets rid of stains (14) ……………………effectively …………………..
(effective) and leaves your clothes (15) ………………brilliantly ……………………….. (brilliant) white. New “All-
bright” cleans (16)……………………more powerfully ………………….. (powerful) than any other product on the
market. It gets the dirt out (17)……………………quickly……………….. (quick) and (18)
………………………………….. (thorough) than any ordinary powder. Indeed, in no time at all new “All-bright” will
be selling (19) ……………………better ………………….. (good) than any other brand at your supermarket. With
a prizewinning formula that has been researched (20) …………more ectensively ……………………………..
(extensive) by our scientists than any other product, success is guaranteed. With new “All-bright” your money
will go (21) ………………further …………….. (far) than it’s ever gone before. So pick up your box of new “All-
bright” today!

Good/well -> better -> the best

Bad/badly -> worse -> the worst
Far -> farther/ further -> the farthest/ furthest
Little -> less -> the least (uncount)
Much/many -> more -> (the) most (count/ uncount)
Few -> fewer -> the fewest

III. Complete the conversation. Use the comparative or superlative of “much / many”, “little / few”.
1. A: Why are you late?
B: Sorry. There was ….. more ….. traffic than usual this morning.
22. A: Doctors recommend eating ………less……………………….. salt.
B: I know. Salt’s bad for you.
23. A: All these products are friendly to the environment but this one causes ……more…….. damage.
B: Can you prove that?
24. A: I wish there were………………fewer……………….. hope that we will succeed.
B: Don’t give up!
25. A: He has…………less…………………….. hobbies than his wife.
B: That’s because he’s always working.
26. A: A lot of people have read the book, you know.


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 2
B: Yes, that’s true - but even……………………………….. have seen the film.
27. A: We have ……………more………………….. information about her life after she became successful
than about her earlier life.
B: And I suppose we have………less……………………….. information about her childhood.
A: That’s right. We know almost nothing about it.
28. A: Who got……………………………….. marks in the test? Andy, Serena or Malcolm?
B: Andy, of course. She made……………least………………….. mistakes. In fact, she only made one.
29. A: I’m so tired! I wish I had……………more…………….. free time and …………less…………….. work.
B: Well, can’t you go away for a few days and relax?

III. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. He’s driving ….. much more quickly than ….. he should. (much / quickly)
30. Football is …………………………………. sport in Europe today. (by far / popular)
31. My car is …………………………………. yours but I think it’s a …………………………………. car. (not
expensive / good)
32. I don’t have …………………………………. you but I’m …………………………………. (nearly / much /
money, far / happy)
33. Ted got…………………………………. Valerie did. (same / mark)
34. Audrey’s personality is…………………………………. her brother’s. (very similar)
35. The house looks ……………………………. the way it looked before it was painted. (completely /
36. He cared …………………………………. and …………………………………. about the band and
eventually he decided to leave. (little, little)
37. ………………………………. I become, ………………………………. mistakes I seem to make. (old,

I. Choose the correct answer.
38. I’ve got a / an…………..for the school play tomorrow. I really hope I get a main part!
A. rehearsal B. practice C. audition D. performance
39. Did you read that…………..of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it was awful!
A. review B. criticism C. report D. summary
40. We really…………..ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us!
A. entertained B. had fun C. enjoyed D. occupied
41. Ellie does a/an …………..each week for the local newspaper. It’s usually quite funny.
A. comic B. comedian C. animation D. cartoon
42. The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance…………..was a bit expensive.
A. ticket B. fee C. charge D. cost
43. Vanilla Sky…………..Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz.
A. acts B. plays C. stars D. contains
44. When you’re learning to play a musical instrument, it’s important to………….. for an hour or two every
A. rehearse B. practise C. perform D. train
45. Have you…………..the joke about the guy who fell off a 20-metre-high ladder? He was fine – he fell off
the bottom rung!
A. listened to B. overheard C. heard D. paid attention to
II. Underline the correct word.
46. I hope you’re joking with / about quitting your job!
47. Come in! Make / Have yourself at home.
25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 3
48. Having taken part in / of several amateur karaoke competitions, Daniel was determined to get himself a
recording contract.
49. Have fun / funny at the concert tonight, won’t you?
50. What’s wrong with boys playing with / in dolls?
51. The audience gave / showed their appreciation for the cast by giving them a standing ovation.
52. We’re thinking of having / giving Dad a surprise 40m birthday party.
53. Voicing / Speaking your opinion on a live TV or radio discussion programme is not as easy as it
III. Complete the text by changing the form of the words in capitals
Despite the (54) ……………suggestion(s)………….…………. (SUGGEST) by many critics that reality TV
would be a very short-lived phenomenon, it is still increasing in (55) ………popularity ……………….………….
(POPULAR). Several reality shows are (56) ……………currently………….…………. (CURRENT) watched by
millions of viewers each night, and it’s clearly a form of (57) …………entertainment …………….………….
(ENTERTAIN) that’s here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become (58) ……………famous ….
…………. (FAME) because of their (59) ………………involvement ……….…………. (INVOLVE) in reality TV
shows, and have gone on to have successful careers as singers, (60) …………actors …………….…. (ACT) or
TV presenters. We can watch with (61) …………excitement …………….…………. (EXCITE) each night the
“goings-on” in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The (62) …………conversations …………….
…………. (CONVERSE) between the contestants are interesting so we don’t get (63) ……………boring
BORED………….…………. (BORE), and there are frequently (64) ………variety ………….………. (VARY)
conflicts, which provide further (65) ………amusement ……………….…………. (AMUSE). If the contestants
have to give some kind of (66) ………………performance ……….…………. (PERFORM) at the end of the week,
that’s even more appealing. But there’s a (67) ……………essay ……SAYING…….…………. (SAY) in the TV
industry: “it’s all in the editing” and this is especially true of reality shows.
IV. Underline the extra word in each sentence.
68. What time did you get to home last night?
69. You shouldn’t make the fun of Tim just because he’s smaller than you.
70. Didn’t you find out that joke funny?
71. I guess we’ll have to join up the queue.
72. Everyone sat there in the silence as the comedian stumbled through his routine.
73. It’s not often I laugh out loud during a movie, but There’s Something About Mary had me roaring out with
laughter the whole time.
74. I have the impression of Sasha’s thinking about giving up ballet classes.
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap
Truancy has become a serious problem in many schools in recent years. In an attempt to tackle this
problem one school introduced a new scheme to (75) ………. students to attend as many classes as possible.
Pupils who (76) ………. a 100% attendance record throughout the whole academic year were (77) ………. with
an all inclusive weekend school (78) ………. To an activity center where they would be able to have a go at
(79) ………. activities such as climbing, abseiling and white water rafting.
One student was so (80) ………. to qualify for this free weekend away that he even went to school with a
broken wrist. He hurt his wrist when he fell (81) ………. his bike on the way to school but he was so worried
about (82) ………. his 100% attendance that he didn’t (83) ………. his teachers or parents until the school day
had finished. He (84) ………. admitted to his mother what had happened when she (85) ………. that he was
having difficulty eating his dinner and asked him what was wrong. She took him to hospital that night, where


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 4
they put his arm in plaster and he was able to go back to school the next day. Fortunately, he was fully (86)
………. from his accident in time to go on the trip.
75. A. suggest B. force C. encourage D. make
76. A. succeeded B. made C. achieved D. realized
77. A. rewarded B. given C. won D. compensated
78. A. holiday B. trip C. travel D. excursion
79. A. outside B. outdoor C. risk D. danger
80. A. interested B. happy C. excited D. keen
81. A. away B. down C. off D. over
82. A. filling B. maintaining C. guarding D. succeeding
83. A. tell B. say C. admit D. explain
84. A. lastly B. actually C. fortunately D. eventually
85. A. knew B. aware C. looked D. noticed
86. A. recovered B. improved C. repaired D. fixed

Q1 - LESSON 3 Student’s name:.................................Class: 8A..............

Corrector’s name:.................................

I. Complete the article. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
If you think the weather on Earth is weird, the weather on other planets
is (1) …………………………….……..…… (far / strange). Even though the
sun shines (2) …………………………….……..…… (much / weakly) on
Mars than it does on Earth, Mars gets (3) …………………………..………
(far / many) ultraviolet tanning rays. At the same time, the temperature on
Mars is usually (4) …………………………….……..…… (much / cold) than
the temperature at our North Pole. That’s warm, though, compared to
Neptune’s (5) …………………………….……..…… (large) moon Triton,
which scientists believe is (6) (cold) …………………………….……..……
place in our solar system.
Are you looking for somewhere (7) …………………………….……..…… (a little / warm) than Mars?
Then try Venus, where the sun is so hot that a picnic lunch would vapourise (8)
…………………………….……..…… (almost / quickly) you unpacked it. We might complain about the
weather on Earth but it’s (9) …………………………….……..…… (by far / good) place to live in our
solar system!

II. Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
Visitors to Hampton safari park (10) …………………….……………. been warned not to enter the
monkey enclosure(11) …………………….……………. they have roof cases on their cars as the
monkeys (12) …………………….……………. likely to open them andsteal the contents. The animals
appear to have worked out a way (13) …………………….……………. unlocking the casesby jumping
on them; they even seem to (14) …………………….……………. working together in groups to do it.
One family said they knew they couldn’t get out of the car and so could only watch in horror (15)
…………………….……………. the monkeys ran (16) …………………….……………. with all their


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 5
holiday clothes and disappeared up trees witheverything from bikinis to shoes. One young monkey
(17) …………………….……………. seen holding onto a child’s teddybear.
Keepers at the safari park said the monkeys had
broken into more than ten roof cases (18)
…………………….……………. the beginning of the
summer holidays. (19) …………………….
……………. a result they have now set up an
alternative route(20) …………………….…………….
cars with luggage on the roof so they can avoid the
thieving monkeys.


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 6
Question 21 – 25. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each


Day (21) ………………………………………………………….

Subject (22) ………………………………………………………….

Length (23) ………………………………………………………….

Technical equipment needed (24) ………………………………………………………….

Location (25) ………………………………………………………….

Questions 26 – 30. Which person is responsible for the following tasks? Write the correct letter
A, B or C next to questions 26 – 30. (You may use any letter more than once)

(26) introduce and end the talk …………………

A Simon
(27) talk about the historical perspective …………………
B. Kelly (28) talk about the contemporary situation …………………
(29) book the technical equipment …………………
(30) build the presentation …………………


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 7

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