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Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population

Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of

Curve of Spee in Indian Population
KN Jagadeesh, HM Kashinatha, Mahanthesh S Bembalgi, PC Ramesh Kumar
Kiran Babu Yarlagadda, P Mohammed Ateeq

ABSTRACT needs of the body.1 Occlusion is the dynamic biological

Introduction: Occlusion and occlusal plane is the primary relationships of components of the masticatory system that
criteria in fabrication of posterior restorations. The simplest control tooth contacts during function and dysfunction.
method of establishment of occlusal plane is through the use of It is essentially the integrated action of the jaw muscles,
Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer. temporomandibular joints and teeth.2 The plane of occlusion
Aims: This study aims to know the reliability of Broadrick flag in refers to an imaginary surface that theoretically touches the
determination of curve of Spee with different proposed radii in incisal edges of the incisors and the tips of occluding
different skeletal relation in Indian population. surfaces of the posterior teeth.3 In the fabrication of the
Materials and methods: Male and female dentulous subjects long span restorations and designing the restorations for
were selected randomly. Maxillary and mandibular full arch posterior teeth, the establishment of occlusal plane is the
impressions were made; casts were prepared and mounted in
essential entity.4 Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer permits
semiadjustable articulator using face bow transfer. Broadrick
occlusal plane analyzer was mounted on upper member of the reconstruction of curve of Spee in harmony with the
articulator. Analysis was done using the proposed radii of anterior guidance and condylar guidance, allowing total
curvature. The same procedure was repeated by taking different posterior disocclusion on mandibular protrusion.
radii with variations of ¼ inch, difference was measured by metal It was evident that there was a fundamental racial
caliper, tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis.
difference in the craniofacial structures between Saudi
Results: Results showed that Indian subjects show minor Arabians and white Caucasians.5 According to the literature
variations in radii, but most of the subjects confirmed the radii,
it was also evident that there is a racial difference in the
which was proposed by the Lynch CD and McConnell RJ.
dentoalveolar component of Asians which shows more
Conclusion: Statistical analysis confirmed that proposed radii proclined upper incisors compared with Caucasian
confirms to existing occlusal plane for different skeletal
relationships. Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer is a reliable
subjects.6,7 Lynch CD and Connell RJ suggested that for
tool with the proposed radii for Indian population. skeletal class I, a standard of 4 inches curve; for skeletal
class II a 3 3 4 inches curve and for skeletal class III a 5
Keywords: Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer, Radii of
curvature, Curve of Spee. inches radius curve will be more appropriate in establishing
the occlusal plane.4
How to cite this article: Jagadeesh KN, Kashinatha HM,
Bembalgi MS, Ramesh Kumar PC, Yarlagadda KB, Ateeq PM.
This study aims to know the reliability of the Broadrick
Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee flag occlusal plane analyzer in determination of curve of
in Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(5):627-631. Spee by using the different radii of curvature of the occlusal
Source of support: Nil plane, which were proposed by the Lynch CD and
McConnell RJ, in Indian population among the different
Conflict of interest: None declared
skeletal relationships.
Human dentition, i.e. the teeth and their supporting tissues 1. To know the reliability of Broadrick flag in
is a mutually protected, organized arrangement of maxillary determination of curve of Spee in Indian population
and mandibular teeth to serve the functional and esthetic having class I skeletal relationships.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, September-October 2012;13(5):627-631 627
KN Jagadeesh et al

2. To know the reliability of Broadrick flag in The center point of the compass is positioned on the anterior
determination of curve of Spee in Indian population survey point and an arc is drawn on the plastic index
having class II skeletal relationships. (Fig. 2). Again the center point of compass is positioned
3. To know the reliability of Broadrick flag in on the PSP and an arc is drawn which intersects the previous
determination of curve of Spee in Indian population arc (Fig. 3). The point of intersection is called as the occlusal
having class III skeletal relationships. plane survey center (OPSC). One end of the compass was
placed at the occlusal plane survey center and the other end
MATERIALS AND METHODS of the compass with the graphite lead point was swept over
In the present study, male and female dentulous subjects the occlusal surfaces of the lower posterior teeth to see how
ranging from 18 to 25 years of age of Indian origin having the arc conforms to the existing occlusal plane (Fig. 4).
skeletal class I, II and III ridge relationship were randomly The same procedure was repeated by taking different
selected from the students of Bapuji Dental College and radius with variations of 1/4 inch (Fig. 5). The difference
Hospital, Davangere, Karnataka, India. Subjects should have in the survey lines which were drawn on the cast using
completely dentate arch with presence or absence of third different radii of curvature was measured with the standard
molars, completely erupted dentition with full emergence metal caliper (Fig. 6) and the readings are tabulated for
of clinical crowns should be present till the 2nd molars. different skeletal relationships and the tabulations were
Subjects undergone class I and II restorations may be subjected to the statistical analysis. Statistical analysis of
included in the study. Subjects with skeletal class I, II and the obtained data was done by taking the mean, standard
III ridge relationship were selected irrespective of molar deviations were calculated for each of the four reference
relationship. points and differences were measured with radius of curve
But orthodontically treated subjects, subjects have
undergone any extractions of permanent teeth except III
molar, teeth with extensive carious lesions, subjects
undergone orthognathic surgery, subjects with ectopic
eruption of teeth, subjects undergone any restoration by a
complete veneer crown, onlays, partial veneer crowns and
crown build-up were excluded from the study.
Subjects were selected randomly with different skeletal
relationships. Maxillary and mandibular dentulous
impressions were made using alginate irreversible
hydrocolloid. Casts were prepared using type III gypsum
product and base was constructed with dental plaster by the
use of rubber base formers. Face bow transfer was done
using Hanau facebow using impression compound and
Fig. 1: Mounted casts and analyzer on articulator
upper cast is mounted in Hanau model arcon semiadjustable
articulator using dental plaster. Mandibular cast was
mounted on the articulator after stabilization (Fig. 1). After
the mounting plaster sets maxillary cast was detached from
upper member of the articulator.
Card index of the Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer is
placed on to the upper member of articulator; plastic record
cards which are provided with the analyzer are pressed over
the dowel on the right side of the card index.8 A piece of
graphite lead is placed into the bow compass, thumb screw
was tightened and the lead was sharpened to a suitable
point. Compass is adjusted to a selected radius, i.e. 4, 3 3 4
and 5 inches radius for skeletal class I, II and III relationships
Anterior survey point (ASP) was marked with the carbon
marker on the mid-distal incisal slope of the canine. Posterior
survey point (PSP) was marked on distobuccal cusp tip. Fig. 2: Arc drawn on card index from ASP


Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population

The study was conducted among dentulous subjects with
different skeletal relationships. Results were tabulated by
measuring at the different points at first premolar, second
premolar, first molar mesial cusp and first molar distal cusp.
The buccal cusp tips of premolars and mesial and buccal
cusps of the first molar are considered as the reference points
for the study. In the statistical analysis mean deviation,
standard deviations, paired t-test and probability were
measured and the results were tabulated.
In the statistical analysis, mean deviation, standard
deviations, paired t-test and probability were measured.
After the statistical analysis it was found that a radius of 4
Fig. 3: Arc drawn on card index from PSP inches for the skeletal class I relation, radius of 3 3 4 inches
for the skeletal class II relation and for skeletal class III a
radius of 5 inches were found to be more appropriate radii
of curvature. It was highly significant that the probability
of different variables other than that of the radii of curvature
which was proposed by Lynch CD and McConnell RJ being
the radius of arc of the plane of occlusion is a rare possibility
for different skeletal relationships.

Ferdinand Graf Spee conducted and compared anthro-
pological studies on the human skulls and other ruminating
species and all specimens except rodents and carnivores
showed an upward concave curvature of the occlusal table.
The curve continues posteriorly to touch the anterior surface
Fig. 4: Arc swept on mandibular cast from OPSC of the condyle.9,10,20
The relevance of recording and maintaining this curve
is to minimize posterior protrusive interferences, which in
turn prevents abnormal activity of mandibular elevators like
temporalis and masseters.11,17
There are various types of occlusal plane analyzers
which are used to determine and to establish the acceptable

Fig. 5: Various survey lines obtained from different

radii of curvature

of Spee which was proposed by Lynch CD and McConnell

RJ 2002. Paired t-test was used to find out the significance
of the difference from reference points.
A p-value of 0.05 or less was considered for statistical Fig. 6: Measurement of difference between survey lines of
significance. different radii of curvature

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, September-October 2012;13(5):627-631 629

KN Jagadeesh et al

plane of occlusion. These occlusal plane analyzers are • A radius of curvature of curve of Spee of 4, 3 3 4 and
Wynne 2000 occlusal plane analyzer, which is given, by 5 inches are more appropriate for skeletal class I, II and
Willian PD Wynne, simplified occlusal plane analyzer from III ridge relationship.
Denar products and Kois dentofacial analyzer. But Broadrick • It was found that the occlusal plane of Europeans and
occlusal plane analyzer is the analyzer, which can be used in the Indians correlates since the radii of curvature of curve
conjunction with various types of articulators.15,16,19 This of Spee was found to be appropriate to the proposed
study was aimed to know the reliability of the Broadrick flag radii of curvature by Lynch CD and Connell RJ.
occlusal plane analyzer in determination of the curve of Spee • Broadrick flag is a reliable tool in determination of curve
among different skeletal relationships in Indian population. of Spee in Indian population.
But the present study gives the analysis for different • The present study was conducted on the face bow-
skeletal relationship using different radii of curvature instead mounted casts and the curve of Spee was analyzed. But
of measuring the depth of curve of Spee by making use of it was not feasible to locate the center of curve of Spee
the proposed radii of curvature for different skeletal among different skeletal relationships using the
relationships.21,22 Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer.
Davies SJ, Gray RMJ and Whitehead SA suggested the • So further study is recommended to locate the center of
use of Broadrick occlusal plane analyzer in designing the curve of Spee among different skeletal relationships
occlusion in a diagnostic wax up to create the proper occlusal using the lateral cephalograms.
plane.19,20 They emphasized that use of Broadrick occlusal
plane analyzer aids in diagnostic waxing, but not REFERENCES
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Reliability of Broadrick Flag in Determination of Curve of Spee in Indian Population

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plane analyzer to a semiadjustable articulator. J Prosthet Dent
KN Jagadeesh (Corresponding Author)
16. Chaffee NR, Cooper LF. Fixed partial dentures combining both Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Krishnadevaraya College of
Dental Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, Phone: 0816 2270244
resin bonded and conventional retainers: A clinical report.
09886717438, e-mail:
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17. Davies SJ, Gray RMJ, Whitehead SA. Good occlusal practice
HM Kashinatha
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421-34. Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Krishnadevaraya
18. Praeter JD, Dermaut L, Martens BSG, Jagtman K. Long-term College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
stability of the leveling of the curve of Spee. Am J Orthod
Dentofac Orthop 2002;121:266-72.
Mahanthesh S Bembalgi
19. Small BW. Occlusal plane analysis using the Broadrick flag. Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, KLEVK Institute of Dental
Gen Dent 2005;53(4):250-52. Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka, India
20. Craddock, Lynch CD, Franklin P, Youngson CC, Manogue M.
A study of the proximity of the Broadrick ideal occlusal curve PC Ramesh Kumar
to the existing occlusal curve in dentate patients. J Oral Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, Krishnadevaraya
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21. Craddock HL, Lynch CD, Franklin P, Youngson CC,
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22. Manvi S, Miglani S, Rajeswari CL, Srivatsa G, Arora S.
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573870, Epub Feb 20. College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, September-October 2012;13(5):627-631 631

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