Chapter 9 Outline Ap Psych
Chapter 9 Outline Ap Psych
Chapter 9 Outline Ap Psych
Memory- Persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of
Flashbulb memory: a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event.
Information processing
o Human memory like a computer
1. Get info into our brain –encoding: processing of info into memory system
2. Retain info –storage: retention of encoded info over time
3. Get it back later –retrieval: process of getting into out of memory storage
o Humans store vast amounts of info in long-term memory: relatively permanent
and limitless storehouse of the memory system
o Short-term memory: activated memory that holds few items briefly; phone
number just dial
• The Atkinson-Shiffrin classic three-stage model of memory suggests that we (1)
register fleeting sensory memories, some of which are (2) processed into on-screen
short-term memories, a tiny fraction of then are (3) encoded for long-term memory
and possibly later retrieval.
• The working-memory model includes visual-spatial and auditory subsystems,
coordinated by a central executive processor that focuses attention where needed.
What we encode
o Rehearsal will not encode all info equally well because processing of info is in 3
1. Semantic encoding: encoding of meaning, including the meaning of words
2. Acoustic encoding: encoding of sound, especially the sound of words
3. Visual encoding: encoding of picture images
o Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving flashed a word to people, asking question that
required processing either visually, acoustically, or semantically; semantic
encoding was found to yield much better memory
Visual Encoding
o Imagery: mental pictures; powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when
combined with semantic encoding like how we can easily picture where we were
yesterday, where we sat, and what we wore.
o Mnemonic: memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and
organizational devices
o Chunking: organizing items into familiar, manageable units; often occurs
o We are able to remember info best when able to organize it into personal
meaningful arrangements
• We tend to remember concrete nouns better than abstract nouns because, we can
associate both an image and a meaning with the object or noun, but only a meaning
with process.
• In hierarchies, we process information by dividing it into logical levels, beginning
with the most general and moving to the most specific.
• Forgetting as Encoding Failure
• Failure to encode info –never entered memory system
• Much of what we sense, we never notice
• Raymond Nickerson and Marilyn Adams discover most people cannot pick the real
American penny from different ones
Synaptic Changes
• Long-term potential (LTP): increase in a synapse’s firing potential after brief,
rapid stimulation; believed to be neural basis for learning and memory
o After long-term potential occurs, passing electric current through brain
won’t disrupt old memories, but wipe up recent experiences; like how a
football player with blow to head won’t recall name of play before the
• CREB can switch genes off or on.
• Drugs that block neurotransmitters also disrupt info storage; drunk people hardly
remembers previous evening
o Stimulating hormones affect memory as more glucose available to fuel
brain activity, indicating important event –sears events onto brain;
remembering first kiss, earthquake
• The amygdale, an emotion-processing structure in the brain’s limbic system,
arouses brain areas that process emotion.
Retrieval Cues
o Retrieval cues are bits of related information we encode while processing a target
piece information.
o This process of activating associations is priming.
Context Effects
o The context in which we originally experienced an event or encoded a thought
can flood our memories with retrieval cues, leading us to the target memory.
o Things we learn in one state (joyful, sad, drunk, sober, etc) are more easily
recalled when in same state –phenomenon called state-dependent memory
o Moods also associated with memory; easily recall memory when mood of that
incident same as present
o Mood-congruent memory: tendency to recall experiences that are consistent
with one’s current good or bad mood
o Our memory can fail us through forgetting (absent-mindedness, transience, and
blocking), through distortion (misattribution, suggestibility, and bias), and
through intrusion (persistence of wanted memories).
Encoding Failure
• Without encoding, information does not enter our long-term memory store and
cannot be retrieved.
Storage Decay
• Ebbinghaus determined the forgetting curve because in his research he fount that
in over the course of forgetting is initially rapid, then levels off with time; this
principle became known as the forgetting curve.
• Learning some items may interfere with retrieving others
• Proactive interference (forward-acting): disruptive effect of prior learning on the
recall of new info
• Retroactive interference (backward-acting): disruptive effect of new learning on
the recall of old info
Source Amnesia
• attributing to the wrong source an event that we experienced, heard about,
read about, or imagined
• Infantile amnesia—the ability to recall memories from the first three years of
life—makes recovery of very early childhood memories unlikely.