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Heat Transfer Enhancements: Tube Inserts

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Koch Heat Transfer specializes in the design and fabrication of various tube inserts
that can enhance process optimization and can help achieve cost reductions in your PROCESS ADVANTAGE
existing applications.

Koch Heat Transfer specializes in the design

• Twisted Tape tube inserts work by inducing swirl flow which increases the tube-
side heat transfer coefficient. This allows for improved performance of existing
and fabrication of various tube inserts which
equipment and more economical designs of new equipment with minimal impact in can:
pressure drop.
• Reduce the size and cost of designs
• HELI-CORE™ tube inserts offer a unique design that induce swirl flow while taking •
more flow area for higher velocities. Its design is considerably more robust than • Reduce the fouling rate
Twisted Tape allowing for easier removal and re-insertion during cleaning cycles.
• Increase tube side velocity
• Ensure complete vaporization
• Wire Wrapped Core tube inserts reduce the flow area resulting in a higher
tubeside velocity coupled with swirl flow for maximum increase in heat transfer
coefficient. Its design also makes for easy removal and re-insertion during cleaning

• Bare Core tube inserts reduce the flow area resulting in higher tube-side velocity.
It can be used to meet minimum velocity requirements and provide equalization of
pressure to solve maldistribution issues, particularly commonly seen in air cooled
heat exchangers.




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At Koch Heat Transfer, we pride ourselves on innovation and discovery. With our
state of the art R&D facility, we are able to turn ideas into reality.

KHT offers an array of tube insert technology that provides tested and proven
enhancement of tube side heat transfer coefficient. This means smaller, more
efficient heat exchangers reducing weight and cost. For existing equipment, this
is the most cost effective way to improve performance.

In this case study, we discuss a few applications and the impact that the various
inserts have on new and existing equipment.

Research & Development Field Data Heat Transfer Tests - Figure 1

The following graphs represent the impact the tube inserts have on the tube HELI-CORE™

Tubeside Heat Transfer Coefficient

side heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop, relative to Reynolds number. Tube Inserts

Inserts provide a greater impact on tubeside heat transfer coefficient in the lam- Twisted Tape
inar to transitional flow regime while still providing benefit in the turbulent flow
regime (figure 1). This translates to either increased duty in a fixed exchanger
Plain Round Tube -
size or a smaller, more economical new design. No Inserts

Laminar Transitional Turburlent

100 1000 10000

Case Study: Low Velocity – Single Phase Fluid Reynolds Number

The following is an example of utilizing inserts, compared to a plain tube

design (Base Case), in a low tubeside velocity application. The shell size
Pressure Drop Related Friction Factor

remains the same throughout, only changing nominal tube length and quantity
of exchangers, to better compare the impact. HELI-CORE™
Tube Inserts

Each insert provides a benefit as compared to a plain tube design. The impact
Twisted Tape
each insert has is due to the type of improvement it brings to the tube side Turbulators

heat transfer coefficient. Twisted tape induces a swirl flow, rather than dis-
placing the fluid. The HELI-CORE™ Tube inserts induce a swirl flow while also Plain Round Tube -
No Inserts
displacing fluid to increase velocity. Wire Wrapped Core primarily displaces fluid Laminar Transitional Turburlent
while slightly inducing a swirl flow.
100 1000 10000
Reynolds Number

Hairpin (Table 1)
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Cost Base 54% of Base 55% of Base 28% of Base
Number of Shells 4 2 2 1
Size 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell
Nominal Length 20 Ft 18 Ft 16 Ft 15 Ft
Number of Tubes 559 559 559 559
Total Weight 95,100 lbs. 49,500 lbs. 45,200 lbs. 22,000 lbs.
Tube Side dP 1.2 psig 2.0 psig 4.8 psig 2.8 psig

Shell & Tube (Table 2)

Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Cost Base 34% of Base 39% of Base 28% of Base
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Cost Base 54% of Base 55% of Base 28% of Base
Number of Shells 4 2 2 1
Size 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell
Nominal Length 20 Ft 18 Ft 16 Ft 15 Ft
Number of Tubes 559
Hairpin (Table 1)
559 559 559
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Total Weight 95,100 lbs. 49,500 lbs. 45,200 lbs. 22,000 lbs.
Cost Base 54% of Base 55% of Base 28% of Base
Tube Side dP 1.2 psig 2.0 psig 4.8 psig 2.8 psig
Number of Shells 4 2 2 1
Size 24-inch diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell
Shell & Tube (Table24-inch
2) diameter shell 24-inch diameter shell
Nominal Length 20 Ft 18 Ft 16 Ft 15 Ft
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Number of Tubes 559 559 559 559
Cost Base 34% of Base 39% of Base 28% of Base
Total Weight 95,100 lbs. 49,500 lbs. 45,200 lbs. 22,000 lbs.
Number of Shells 4 1 1 1
Tube Side dP 1.2 psig 2.0 psig 4.8 psig 2.8 psig
Size 35x240 TEMA Type BFU 35x300 TEMA Type BFU 35x264 TEMA Type BFU 34x156 TEMA Type BFU
Nominal Length 20 Ft 25 Ft 22 Ft 13 Ft
Shell & Tube (Table 2)
Number of Tubes 1104 1104 1104 1104
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Total Weight 103,500 lbs. 31,000 lbs. 28,000 lbs. 18,000 lbs.
Cost Base 34% of Base 39% of Base 28% of Base
Tube Side dP 1.2 psig 1.5 psig 3.0 psig 2.1 psig
Number of Shells 4 1 1 1
Size 35x240 TEMA Type BFU 35x300 TEMA Type BFU 35x264 TEMA Type BFU 34x156 TEMA Type BFU
Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Case Nominal
Retrofit to Improve
20 Ft Vaporization
25 Ft 22 Ft 13 Ft
Overdesign -44% 5% 15% -5%
The following of
case Tubes 1104
explores the benefit 1104 1104 1104
Pressure Drop 3.0 psigthe various inserts4.0
psig where tube side vaporization
4.5 psig occurs. In this application, an insert that in-
7.0 psig
duces aTotal
flow will have a greater
lbs. on the tube31,000
side heat
lbs. transfer coefficient, rather
28,000 lbs.than one that displaces the lbs.
18,000 fluid by decreasing
the tube side flow area.
Tube Side dP 1.2 psig 1.5 psig 3.0 psig 2.1 psig

Base Case (No Inserts) With Twisted Tape With HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts With Wire Wrapped Core
Overdesign -44% 5% 15% -5%
Pressure Drop 3.0 psig 4.0 psig 4.5 psig 7.0 psig

The existing exchanger was under performing and an insert retrofit was the most economical direction to proceed. Twisted Tape provides
more benefit relative to the wire wrapped core due to the minimal impact on pressure drop and inducing greater swirl flow. The swirl flow
component forces the liquid to stay in contact with the tube wall ensuring constant vaporization.

Although Twisted Tape is a good choice for many cases, some applications require a more rigid and robust design. HELI-CORE™ Tube In-
serts were selected for this application due to their rigid design, durability through maintenance, and improvement in swirl flow.

Twisted Tape provides a great benefit for vaporizing cases as well as higher velocity / higher viscosity applications. They will usually have
the lowest cost on a per length basis relative to the other inserts.
HELI-CORE™ Tube Inserts combine the swirl flow benefits of Twisted Tape and the rigidity and displacement benefits of the Wire Wrapped
Core. This insert is also ideal in a vaporizing case, as well as higher velocity / higher viscosity applications. An additional advantage of this
insert is the capability to vary thickness and twist pitch that can fit various applications.
Wire Wrapped Core Tube Inserts are primarily intended to be displacement devices that increase the velocity, while also providing a small
swirl profile. They may be ideal with low velocity cases in combination with higher allowable pressure drop.

The cases discussed are only a few of many possibilities of the advantage inserts can provide. Koch Heat Transfer will provide a customized
solution utilizing expertise and experience that best fits the needs.

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