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User Manual: NVMS-5000

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User Manual
NVMS User Manual


1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Software Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 System Components .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 System ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Front-end Access ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Background Monitor ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Control Center ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Version ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Configuration Requirement ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Software and Hardware Configuration Requirement ........................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 S&H Config Requirement for Contorl Center ........................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 S&H Config Requirement for Backgrounding Monitor ......................................................................... 4
2.2 Requirement for Firewall ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Confirm Installation Environment ..................................................................................................................... 5
3 Install and Uninstall the Software ............................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Install the software ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Install MySQL ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.2 Install Server ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Install Client .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Uninstall Software ........................................................................................................................................... 12
4 Login ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Run Servers ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Login ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.3 Main Menu Interface Introduction................................................................................................................... 15
5 Device Management .................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1 Add Encoding Device ...................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.1 Quickly Add .......................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.2 Manually Add ....................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.3 Initiatively Report ................................................................................................................................. 19
5.2 Modify or Delete Device ................................................................................................................................. 20
5.3 Configure Device ............................................................................................................................................. 20
5.4 Configure Area................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.5 Configure Channel Group................................................................................................................................ 21
5.6 Add Media Transfer Server ............................................................................................................................. 21
5.7 Add Storage Server .......................................................................................................................................... 22
6 Live View ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Live View ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.1 View Mode Setting ............................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.2 Monitoring Point View ......................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.3 Channel Group View ............................................................................................................................. 25
6.1.4 Plan View .............................................................................................................................................. 26
6.2 View Control .................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.3 Snapshot ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
6.3.1 Snapshot ................................................................................................................................................ 27
NVMS User Manual

6.3.2 Snapshot Setting ................................................................................................................................... 27

6.4 Multi-Screen View ........................................................................................................................................... 28
6.5 Talkback ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
7 Record & Playback ..................................................................................................................................... 29
7.1 Record Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 29
7.1.1 Manual Recording ................................................................................................................................. 29
7.1.2 Schedule Recording .............................................................................................................................. 29
7.1.3 Alarm Linkage Recording..................................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Record Playback .............................................................................................................................................. 30
7.2.1 Instant Playback .................................................................................................................................... 32
7.2.2 Synchronous Playback .......................................................................................................................... 33
7.2.3 Asynchronous Playback ........................................................................................................................ 33
7.2.4 Playback by Time Slice......................................................................................................................... 33
7.2.5 Playback by Event ................................................................................................................................ 34
7.2.6 Playback by Tag .................................................................................................................................... 34
7.3 Backup ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
8 Alarm Management .................................................................................................................................... 36
8.1 Alarm Server Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 36
8.1.1 Add Alarm Server ................................................................................................................................. 36
8.1.2 Alarm Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 36
8.1.3 Alarm View ........................................................................................................................................... 37
8.1.4 Alarm Log Query .................................................................................................................................. 38
8.2 Alarm System .................................................................................................................................................. 39
8.2.1 Add Host ............................................................................................................................................... 39
8.2.2 Configure Subsystem ............................................................................................................................ 39
8.2.3 Zone ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
8.2.4 Alarm Linkage ...................................................................................................................................... 40
9 E-Map ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
9.1 Configure E-Map ............................................................................................................................................. 41
9.1.1 Create E-Map ........................................................................................................................................ 41
9.1.2 Add Hotspot .......................................................................................................................................... 41
9.1.3 E-Map Monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 41
10 TV Wall ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
10.1 Add TV Wall Server ........................................................................................................................................ 43
10.2 Add Decoder .................................................................................................................................................... 43
10.2.1 Create and Connect Decoder ................................................................................................................ 43
10.3 TV Wall Management ...................................................................................................................................... 44
10.3.1 Configure TV Wall ................................................................................................................................ 44
10.3.2 Decoding On TV Wall .......................................................................................................................... 47
10.3.3 Decoder Input........................................................................................................................................ 53
10.3.4 Playback Decoding ............................................................................................................................... 54
10.3.5 Task Configuration of TV Wall ............................................................................................................. 55
11 Account and Permission ............................................................................................................................. 57
11.1 Create Account................................................................................................................................................. 57
11.2 User Permission Settings ................................................................................................................................. 57
12 Operation and Maintenance Management ............................................................................................... 59
12.1 Check and Export Log ..................................................................................................................................... 59
12.2 Log Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................. 59
13 Local Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 60

NVMS User Manual

13.1.1 Record and Snapshot Setting ................................................................................................................ 60

13.1.2 System Startup and Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 60
13.1.3 Overload Setting ................................................................................................................................... 60
13.1.4 Hardware Decoding Setting .................................................................................................................. 60
14 Intelligent Management.............................................................................................................................. 61
14.1 Face Recognition ............................................................................................................................................. 61
14.1.1 Task Management ................................................................................................................................. 61
14.1.2 Face Recognition .................................................................................................................................. 62
14.1.3 Face Comparison .................................................................................................................................. 63
14.1.4 Result Query ......................................................................................................................................... 63
14.1.5 Object Library ....................................................................................................................................... 64
14.1.6 Monitoring Alarm ................................................................................................................................. 65
14.2 People Counting............................................................................................................................................... 65
14.2.1 Task Management ................................................................................................................................. 65
14.2.2 Real-time Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 66
14.2.3 Summary Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 66
14.2.4 Historical Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 67
14.3 Access Control Management ........................................................................................................................... 68
14.3.1 Remotely Open the Door ...................................................................................................................... 69
14.3.2 Alarm Linkage ...................................................................................................................................... 70
14.3.3 Log Query ............................................................................................................................................. 70
14.3.4 E-Map ACS ........................................................................................................................................... 71
14.4 Attendance Management ................................................................................................................................. 72
14.4.1 Alarm Linkage ...................................................................................................................................... 72
14.4.2 Log Query ............................................................................................................................................. 72
14.5 Parking Lot Management ................................................................................................................................ 73
14.6 Environment Monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 73
15 Web Client ................................................................................................................................................... 74
15.1 Operating Environment of Web Client ............................................................................................................ 74
15.2 Start IE Client .................................................................................................................................................. 74
16 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 75

NVMS User Manual

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Summary
NVMS (Network Video Management System) which combines video capture devices (including various DVR/NVR/IPC), alarm capture
devices (including various alarms and sensors), servers, IP-SAN, clients (including mobile phones) and background monitor (monitor and
TV-Wall) is a set of network video surveillance and management software. It is suitable for large, medium and small enterprises to use.

1.1.2 Software Architecture

Application Mobile Phone The Third

Layer C/S Client B/S Client
Client Party System

Decode to Record Record Alarm Voice

Business Layer E-Map
TV Wall Storage Playback Linkage Talk

Configuration Media
Authentication Monitor
Platform Layer Management Transfer PC-NVR
Server Client
Center Server


NVMS User Manual

1.2 System Components

1.2.1 System

1.2.2 Front-end Access

l Front-end devices include IPC, DVR and NVR.
l You need to connect monitor devices such as IPC, DVR and NVR to internet through hubs or routers accessed by Cat5 or Cat5e
cables (less than 100 meters) or optical fiber.
l Run monitor client through local PC to configure the local video monitor, monitor devices and so on.

1.2.3 Background Monitor

l Background monitors include TV Wall Client, Configuration Management Center and Monitor Client.
l You can setup the real-time image of display devices, these display devices including TV-Wall (decoding images to show on the
TV-Wall through video decoder), digital display screen and so on.
l Run monitor client through local PC to view, playback and remotely configure and manage the real-time video of front-end monitor

1.2.4 Control Center

l In the control center, configure servers including authentication server and media transfer server to realize various service, such as,
device authentication(including Web), video transmission, image storage, alarm handling, etc.
l In the control center, add IP-SAN storage array to realize centralized storage.
l In the control center, connect servers and IP-SAN storage array to internet through hub.
l We take the following IP addresses for example in this manual. (Please set up IP addresses in accordance with the actual situation) :

No. Server Function IP Address

1 Authentication server Authenticate devices(including Web)

2 Media transfer server Transfer images

3 Storage Server PC-NVR Store videos

4 Storage Server IP-SAN Store videos

Note:If servers are installed in the same PC, these servers shall have the same IP address.

NVMS User Manual

1.3 Version

Version Signal access on trial Average signal access Max signal access

NVMS v2.0 16 channels video signals 300-400 channels video signals 30000-ch video signals

NVMS User Manual

2 Configuration Requirement

2.1 Software and Hardware Configuration Requirement

2.1.1 S&H Config Requirement for Contorl Center

NVMS-5000 Recommendation for hardware Recommendation for

No. Number
components configuration software configuration

Server Windows Server 2008
Inter(R) Core(TM)i3 3.40GHz or
(including Web 32bit/64bit
1 above/4GBMemory/500GB 1
Server/Alarm /Windows Server 2003
SATA/2×1000M NICs
Server/E-Map 32bit/64bit

Windows Server 2008

Inter(R) Core(TM)i3 3.40GHz or It is up to the video format
2 Media Server above/4GBMemory/500GB and the number of channel
/Windows Server 2003
SATA/2×1000M NICs viewing simultaneously
Windows Server 2008
Inter(R) Core(TM)i3 3.40GHz or It is up to the video format
3 PC-NVR above/4GBMemory/500GB and the number of channel
/Windows Server 2003
SATA/2×1000M NICs viewing simultaneously
It is up to the stream,
4 HDD Capacity:500GB/1TB/2TB/3TB —— channel and time of the
storage video
It is up to the number of the
5 IP-SAN Supports 12/16/24 SATAs ——

2.1.2 S&H Config Requirement for Backgrounding Monitor

NVMS-5000 Recommendation for hardware Recommendation for software

No. Number
components configuration configuration
Inter(R) Core(TM)i3 3.40GHzor
above/4GB DDR3/NV GT430 or Windows 7 SP1 32bit/64bit
AMD HD 6570 or above, above Professional/Ultimate As required by
1 Monitor Client
512MB GDDR5 Memory Windows 8 32bit/64bit Professional user
(recommend 1GB GDDR5 memory) Windows 10 32bit/64bit Professional
/500GB SATA/100M NIC
Configuration CPU:2G or above Windows 7 SP1 32bit/64bit
Management Memory:2GB DDR3 Professional/Ultimate
2 1
Center HDD:500GB SATA Windows 8 32bit/64bit Professional
TV Wall Client NI:1000M Windows 10 32bit/64bit Professional

2.2 Requirement for Firewall

In order to ensure the network security, it is necessary for the system to setup firewall. All monitor ports shall be opened in the installed
servers. The open ports are as follows:

NVMS User Manual

Server Port Type Port

Authentication Server Internal Port 6003

Web Server Service Port 8088

Internal Port 6006

Media Transfer Server
Auto Report Port 2009

Storage Server
Internal Port 6009

Note: The above-mentioned ports are the default internal ports of servers. If all these ports are modified, these open ports shall be modified
accordingly in the firewall configuration.

2.3 Confirm Installation Environment

Item Checkup Standard

Hardware Checkup whether the hardware meets the standard required. (including CPU, memory, HDD, etc.)

Checkup whether the software meets the standard required. (including the type and version of the
operation system, NVMS version, etc.)

Front-end device Checkup whether the device access is normal.

Firewall setup Checkup whether those open ports of firewall meet the standard required.

Network Checkup whether the networks of front-end devices and center equipments are normal.

TCP/IP config Checkup whether the settings of IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS correct.

NVMS User Manual

3 Install and Uninstall the Software

3.1 Install the software

There are three setups, setup of MySQL, Server and Client.

3.1.1 Install MySQL

Double click MySQL.exe to install.
1) Select “I accept the license terms”, click[Next], select “Custom” and then click[Next];

2) Select MySQL Servers, unfold it and select “MySQL Server 5.7”. Click to add it. Then click [Next]à[Execute];

3) Click [Next] à[Next], as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

4) Check “TCP/IP”, “Open Firewall port for network access” and “Show Advanced Options” as shown below. Then enter MySQL Root
Password, a minimum of 4 letters.

5) Click [Add User] to set username and password. To avoid forgetting, please enter “root” and the above password. Then click

6) Click [Next] to go to “Advanced Options” interface. Please set according to the following picture. Then Click [Next];

NVMS User Manual

7) Click [Execute]à[Finish];

8) Click [Next] à[Finish].

3.1.2 Install Server

1) Double click “NVMS server.exe”. The following interface will be shown. Click [Next].

NVMS User Manual

2) Click “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and then click [Next].

3) Click [Browse] to select the installation location and then click [Next].

4) Click [Next].

NVMS User Manual

5) Check “Create shortcut in desktop” as needed and then click [Finish]”.

After that, ServerTrayUI will pop up as shown below.

3.1.3 Install Client

1) Double click “NVMS Client setup.exe” and then click [Next].

NVMS User Manual

2) Click “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and then click [Next].

3) Click [Browse] to select the installation location and then click [Next].

4) Click [Next].

NVMS User Manual

5) Check “Create shortcut in desktop” as needed and then click [Finish]”.

3.2 Uninstall Software

If the new version needs to be installed or there is no necessary to use this software, this software can be uninstalled software. It is strongly
recommended to back up the configuration data before installing the new version of NVMS.
The uninstallation steps of the Server are similar to the unistallation of the client.
Click “Start” àAll Programsà NVMS ServeràUninstall to pop up the following wizard. Click “Yes” to confirm.

Then click “Finish” button to completely uninstall Authentication Server.

NVMS User Manual

NVMS User Manual

4 Login

4.1 Run Servers

Before logging onto the client, please ensure all servers are working normally. Having installed successfully for the first time, the server
tray will pop up automatically as shown below.

The working status and port can be checked from the server tray. All servers can be stopped and restarted. Database can be configured by
clicking [Configure].

Please set up according to the actual network.

4.2 Login
Double click the shortcut icon of “MonitorClient” to run the software as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

① Enter username and password (the default username is admin; the default password is 123456).
② Click “Setup” to create authentication servers. Enter description, address (IP address of authentication server) and port (the default
port is 6003). Then click [OK] to save the settings.
③ Click [OK].
Check “Remember Password” or “Auto Login” as needed.
④ Click [Login].

4.3 Main Menu Interface Introduction

There are five parts in the main menu interface. The descriptions of each part are as shown below.

Menu Bar

NVMS User Manual

No. Description No. Description

1 Menu Bar 4 Status Bar
2 Tab Bar 5 Alarm Information Bar
3 Functional Areas

Tab Bar

Menu Description

View “Live View”, “Edit live view”

Including “Live View”, “Record Playback”, “E-Map”, “TV Wall Management”, Resource Management”,
“Account and Permission”, “Alarm System”, “Alarm Center”, “Access Control Management”, “Parking
Lot Management”; “Environment Monitoring”, “Face Recognition”, “People Counting”, “Record
Management”, “Operation and Maintenance Management”
Help Including “User Manual” and “About NVMS”

Functional area

Menu Description

Live View To view live images and to record, snapshot and talk, etc.
To remotely play the local records or back up records.
E-Map To manage and display maps, hot spots, etc.
TV Wall
To set TV wall and decoding videos on TV Walls
To add, modify or delete areas, devices or servers.
Account and
To add, modify or delete user account and set permissions for these accounts.
Alarm Center To set alarm linkage and schedule; To search alarm logs.

Alarm System To set alarm subsystem, zones and linkage of the alarm server
Access Control
To open the door remotely or set alarm linkages or view e-map or search log.
To set alarm linkage or view logs.
Parking Lot
To manage, monitor or search vehicle.
To monitor environment in real time and trigger alarms.
To recognize, compare or search face.
People Counting To monitor and analyze people flow in real time
Operation and
Maintenance To search, export and maintain logs.
To set record path, snapshot path, system startup and maintenance, overload and hardware decoding.

NVMS User Manual

Other buttons:

Button Description

Click it to hide the interface.

Click it to zoom in or out the interface.

Click to exit the software.

Click it to add the live view page.

When the tab pages exceed the applicable numbers, this icon will display. Click it to view the hidden

NVMS User Manual

5 Device Management

5.1 Add Encoding Device

In the main menu interface, click “Add, Edit or Delete Device” to go to the following interface as shown below.

Click [Add] as shown below.

5.1.1 Quickly Add

Click [Refresh] to quickly search devices in the same local network as shown below. Check the device and allocate the transfer server,
storage server, area for it. After that, click [OK].
Note: * The default media transfer server and storage server can be selected when adding devices. Users can also create new media
transfer server and storage server in advance (see Add Media Transfer Server and Add Storage Server).
* Area must be set up before adding devices. Click [Add Area] to create an area (See Configure Area).

5.1.2 Manually Add

NVMS User Manual

① Enter device name, IP address/IP range/domain name/serial number, username and password and choose protocol type.
② Click [Connection Test] to test whether the device is connected successfully or not.
③ Select transfer server, storage server and area and then click [OK].
If the device supports P2P function or NAT function, it can be connected by adding serial number.
Devices can be added in batch by adding IP range.

5.1.3 Initiatively Report

Select the “Initiatively Report” Tab to see the following interface.

① Enter the auto report device name and choose the protocol.
l If the DVR/NVR is needed to add, please go to NetworkàServer interface of the DVR/NVR. Check “Enable”, enter the IP address
and port (default 2009) of the NVMS and then set the device number of the DVR/NVR.
l If the IP camera is needed to add, please go to Network ConfigurationàServer Configuration of the IP camera. Check “Do you want
IPcamera to connect Server”, enter the IP address and port (default 2009) of the NVMS and then set the device number of the IP
② Enter the device ID set in the DVR/NVR or IP camera.
③ Select the transfer server, storage server, area and then click [OK].

NVMS User Manual

5.2 Modify or Delete Device

After devices are added successfully, they will be listed as below.

The device channel number, alarm, connection status can be viewed from the above table.
Click to modify the device name, IP address and so on.

Click to delete the added device. Check the devices and click [Delete] to delete devices in bulk.

5.3 Configure Device

Go to HomeàConfigure Device interface as shown below. In this interface, the parameters of the device can be set up.

Different devices have different menus. Please configure the device according to the corresponding user manual.

5.4 Configure Area

Go to HomeàConfigure Area interface as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

Click [Add] to go to Area adding interface. Enter area name to create parent area. Then click [OK] to save the settings. To create sub area,
Click [Add], choose the parent area, enter the area name and click [OK].

Click to modify area; click to delete area.

5.5 Configure Channel Group

Go to HomeàConfigure Channel Group interface as shown below.

① Click [Add].
② Enter channel group name, keyboard number and dwell time.
③ Add channels to the channel group. Check the desired channels and click to add channels; choose the selected channel and click
to remove those channels; Click to add all channels; click to remove all selected channels.
④ Click [Ok] to save the settings.

Select the added channel group and click to modify the channel; click to delete the channel.

5.6 Add Media Transfer Server

Media transfer server is in charge of the video signal reception of the front-end devices (like IPC) and transfers the signal to the client to
view or to the storage server to record. The client or storage server sends the command of viewing the video of the front-end devices that is
also transferred by the media transfer server to the front-end devices.
Go to HomeàAdd, Edit or Delete DeviceàMedia Transfer Server.

NVMS User Manual

Click [Add] to go to media transfer server addition interface. Users can quickly add or manually add media transfer servers.
Select the “Quickly Add” tab and Click [Refresh] to quickly search servers in the same local network. Check the desired servers and click
[OK] to save the settings.
Select the “Manually Add” tab to go to the media transfer server adding interface. Enter the server name, IP address and port and click
[OK] to save the settings.

Click to modify the media transfer server; click to delete the media transfer server.

5.7 Add Storage Server

Storage server is in charge of the storage of record information, including the information of schedule record, record based on motion
alarm, sensor alarm, smart detection alarm (like object removal detection, line crossing detection, etc.), responding to the search and
playback of all storage data. It also supports self-defined storage path settings and IP-SAN access.
Go to HomeàAdd, Edit or Delete Device.

Click [Add] to go to storage server addition interface. Users can quickly add or manually add storage servers.
Select the “Quickly Add” tab and click [Refresh] to quickly search servers in the same local network. Check the desired servers and click
[OK] to save the settings.
Select the “Manually Add” tab to go to the storage server adding interface. Enter the server name, IP address and port and click [OK] to
save the settings.
After the storage server is added, click to set record partition. In the record partition setting interface, select the disk and click [OK]
to save the settings. Click to modify the storage server; click to delete the storage server.

NVMS User Manual

6 Live View

6.1 Live View

Go to HomeàLive View interface as shown below.

The descriptions of the live view buttons are as follows.

NO. Description NO. Description

1 Screen display mode 4 Close all channel view

2 Full screen 5 Save the current view mode

3 Enable/disable OSD 6 Choose channel stream

Toolbar on the display window:

Button Description Button Description

Close image 3D zoom in

Start/stop recording Zoom in

Enable/disable audio Zoom out

Snapshot Fit to window

PTZ control Enable/disable talkback

Right-click button function:

NVMS User Manual

Menu Description Menu Description

Close image Snapshot Capture images
Start Record Start/stop recording Enable/disable talkback
Instant Channel Display channel name, IP address and the
Click it to play back immediately
Playback Info. current stream
Audio ON Enable/disable audio Stream Choose video stream

PTZ Control Click it to show PTZ control panel Full Screen Display image in full screen

6.1.1 View Mode Setting

Users can select the common display mode and self-define the display mode through the buttons on the toolbar.
To customize the display mode
① Click on the toolbar.

② Enter screen display name and select the display row and column. Hold the left mouse button and drag on the screen and then click
[Merge] to merge the screens.
③ Click [Save] to save the settings.
④ Click [Create] to create a new display screen mode. Click [Save All] to save all customized screen display modes.

6.1.2 Monitoring Point View

l Start View
To start live view, please drag cameras from the list to the right display window or select a window and then double click the camera.
The image can be dragged to any window at random.

NVMS User Manual

l Stop View
① Place the cursor on the live view window to display the menu toolbar and then click to stop viewing.
② Right click on the live view window and then select “Close Channel” to stop viewing.
③ Click on the toolbar of the live view interface to stop all live view.

6.1.3 Channel Group View

l Start Channel Group View
After the channel group is set successfully (See Configure Channel Group), go to live view interface as shown below. Choose a channel
group and drag it to a window to view. The channels in the channel group will automatically switch in this window.

NVMS User Manual

l Stop Channel Group View

① Place the cursor on the auto-switch window and then click to stop viewing.
② Right click the auto-switch window and then click “Close Channel” to stop viewing.
③ Click on the toolbar of the live view interface to stop all live view.

6.1.4 Plan View

In the live view interface, select “View” on the left menu bar.

l Add View Plan:

① Right click “Live View 1” and then select “Create View” or click to add a new view plan. Clicking “Create View” to prompt an
adding view window. Enter the view name and click [OK] to set view plan.
② Select screen display mode and then drag monitoring points or channel group to each window.
③ Click “View” on the left menu and then right click the newly added view name. Select “Save View” on the pop-up menu to save the
view plan or click on the live view interface to save the view plan.
Double click view name to call the view plan.

l Modify or Delete View Plan

Select the added view and then right click to prompt a pop-up window. Select “Modify View” or “Delete View” to modify or delete the
view plan.

6.2 View Control

l Multi-screen Display
In the live view interface, the screen display mode can be selected as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

l Full Screen Display

In the live view interface, click button on the toolbar or right click on the mouse to select “Full Screen” to display the window in full
screen mode. Right click on the mouse to select “Exit Full Screen” on the full screen interface to exit full screen.

l Single Channel Display

Double click a window to view in single channel mode. Double click the window again to recover the window.

l Stream Setting
Right click on the live view window to choose video stream. Or select self-adaptive stream or other stream on the toolbar to set the stream
for all channels.

To set streams
Go to HomeàConfigure Device and Monitoring Spot. Select the device and click “Channel Stream Setting” tab to set streams.

l Audio Control
Right click on the live view window and then choose “Audio On” or click on the toolbar of the window to enable audio.
Note: Only one audio can be enabled at the same time. If the audio of one channel is enabled, the former audio will be disabled

l Zoom In or Out
In the live view interface, click on the live view window to zoom in the window and then drag the image to view the whole image;
click to zoom out the image; click to restore the image size.

6.3 Snapshot
6.3.1 Snapshot
Select a window in which the video is playing and then click on the toolbar of this window or right click on the window and then
select “Snapshot”. The image number and storage path will be displayed.
Note: Only when the video is playing in the window, will the snapshot succeed.

6.3.2 Snapshot Setting

Go to HomeàLocal ConfigurationàRecord and Snap Setting interface. In this interface, snapshot path and number can be set up.

NVMS User Manual

6.4 Multi-Screen View

In the live view interface, multi-screen view can be realized by holding a tab and dragging it to other monitors (graphics card should
support multi-screen output at the same time).

Click on the float window and select “Return to Main Window” to embed this tab in the main interface.

6.5 Talkback
In a live view window, click on the toolbar of this window or select start talkback on the pop-up menu by right clicking to enable
Note: Since the software only allows enabling one device’s talk at the same time, the system will stop talking with the current device if a
new talk is enabled.

NVMS User Manual

7 Record & Playback

7.1 Record Configuration
This software supports many recording types, such as manual recording, schedule recording, motion alarm recording, smart alarm
recording, etc.

7.1.1 Manual Recording

In the live view interface, select a channel and then click or right click to select “Start record” to start recording. Click this button
again to stop recording.

Note: If a channel is recording, closing viewing will stop recording.

7.1.2 Schedule Recording

Go to Homeà“Configure Record”.

To set schedule recording, select the channel, stream type and schedule. Then Click [Apply] to save the settings.

l To set schedule:
① Click the “Schedule Setting” tab to go to the following interface.

② Click [Add].
③ Enter the schedule name.
④ Set the schedule. Click and then move the cursor to select the time; click and then move the cursor to delete the selected
time. Click “Input Manually” to manually enter the time. Click “All” or “Reverse” to quickly select time. Click “Clear All” to clear
all schedule.

NVMS User Manual

7.1.3 Alarm Linkage Recording

① Go to Homeà Configure Device interface. Select the desired device to enable and set schedules.
② Go to HomeàAlarm CenteràAlarm Linkage as shown below. Select alarm type, enable record, set linakage channel and set
③ Click [Apply] to save the settings.

7.2 Record Playback

In the main menu interface, click “Record Playback” to go to record playback interface. Record files saved on the HDD/ SD card of the
devices and storage server can be played.
There are two types of record playback: synchronous playback and asynchronous playback.

NVMS User Manual

Area Description

Area Description Area Description

1 Playback area 3 Record timetable area

Time and event search area; resource
2 Toolbar 4

Toolbar on Playback Window

Button Description Button Description

Stop viewing Zoom in

Audio on/off Zoom out

Snapshot Fit to window

Button Descriptions of Area 2:

Button Description

Screen display mode button. 1/4/9/16 screen mode is optional.

Full screen

Enable or disable OSD

Close all window viewing

Get record from network devices

Get record from storage servers


Low speed playback


NVMS User Manual


Next frame. In the playback mode, click the pause button and then click this button to
play frame by frame.

Click it to select playback speed.

Forward 30s or backward 30s

Synchronous playback or asynchronous playback

Right-click button menu

Menu Description Menu Description

Close Close viewing Zoom out Zoom out the current image
Audio on/off Full Screen Click to enter full screen mode
Snapshot Snapshot Sub stream Switch to sub stream playing

Zoom In Zoom in the current image

Other buttons

Button Description Button Description

Add tag Event list


Set record date, record type (for some devices, “Main Stream” can be selected to play the record, or the record will be played by sub
stream if unselected) and the record playback source in the playback interface .Drag the camera on the right side to playback window for
playing or double click a desired channel to playback or Click [Search] to search the record files and then click to play.
Playback record type includes manual recording, motion detection recording, schedule recording, sensor recording, object removal
recording, video exception recording, intrusion recording and line crossing recording
In the timetable, different color bars stand for different record types. For instance, green bar stands for manual recording data; yellow bar
stands for motion recording data; blue bar stands for schedule recording data; red bar stands for sensor record data, etc.

The time scale can be zoomed in by clicking and the time scale can be zoomed out by clicking .The time scale can be restored to
24 hours by clicking . When the time scale is zoomed in, drag the timeline to see the time spots.

7.2.1 Instant Playback

Ø Instant Playback
In the live view interface, right clik on a playing channel to select “Instant Playback” and then set the playback time to play the record
instantly (the record of the channel in the past five minutes will be searched and played from that time where the record exists).

NVMS User Manual

7.2.2 Synchronous Playback

Synchronous Playback: in a certain time, all channels playback its record at the same time together; if one channel has no record data at
this time, this channel will wait.

Click on the toolbar in the playback interface to go to the synchronous playback interface. Please play the record according to the
ways introduced as above. The record bar in synchronous mode is as below.

In synchronous mode, one camera can only have one playing window. All cameras’ record information can be viewed at the same time.
When playing record file in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode, clicking or will be useless unless all the playback
windows are closed.

7.2.3 Asynchronous Playback

Asynchronous Playback: when playing some channels’ record at the same time, each channel is independent from the others and each
channel’s playback time is different.
Click to go to the asynchronous playback interface as shown below. Please play the record according to the ways introduced as the
above. The record bar in asynchronous mode is as below.

7.2.4 Playback by Time Slice

① Go to HomeàBy Time Slice interface as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

② Select channel (or monitoring point), set the start time and the end time, select the record source and then click [Search].
③ Click to play the record.

7.2.5 Playback by Event

① Go to Homeà By Event interface as shown below.

② Select the desired monitoring point, set the record source, the start time and the end time and then check events.
③ Click [Search]. The searched record data will be listed. Click to play the record; click to back up the record data.

7.2.6 Playback by Tag

① Go to HomeàRecord Playback interface.
② Select a channel and put the cursor on the right center. Then a tag icon ( ) will appear. Click this icon to add tag.
③ Go to HomeàBy Tag interface. Select the start time and click [Refresh] to search the added tags.
④ Click in the playback column to play the record.

NVMS User Manual

7.3 Backup
In the main menu interface, click “Backup” to go to the backup interface. The setting steps are as follows:
① Select the desired monitoring point.
② Select date and click “More” to select the start and the end time and event type.

③ Click / to get records from device or storage server.

④ Click “Storage Path” to set the record storage directory.
⑤ Set the start time and the end time of backup. Then click [Backup].
⑥ The backup progress will be seen during backing up the record. Click to pause; click to stop backing up the record; click
to clear the backup list.

NVMS User Manual

8 Alarm Management

8.1 Alarm Server Configuration

8.1.1 Add Alarm Server
Alarm server is in charge of receiving and recording alarm information of connected devices and then sending the alarm information to the
relevant user terminal system or devices in accordance with prior alarm settings.
Go to HomeàAdd, Edit or Delete Device àAlarm Server interface.

Click [Add] to prompt an alarm server adding window. Click [Refresh] to quickly add alarm servers or manually add the server’s name, IP
address and port.

Click to modify the added alarm server; click to delete the added alarm server.

8.1.2 Alarm Configuration

① Go to Homeà Configure Device interface.

Select the desired device to enable alarms (refer to the user manual of the corresponding device for the detailed settings).
② Go to HomeàAlarm CenteràAlarm Linkage interface.

NVMS User Manual

Select area, alarm type and then enable alarm linkages.

All ON: enable all alarm linkages of the current alarm type and area (schedule excluded).
All OFF: disable all alarm linkages of the current alarm type and area (schedule excluded).
Select beside the device name and select “ON” to enable all alarm linkages of the device (schedule excluded).

Select beside the title (like record) to enable record linkage of all devices (schedule excluded).
The alarm linkage settings of PTZ control, record, alarm view, snapshot, alarm output and TV Wall are the same with each other. Here take
record linkage for example to introduce the setting steps.

Check the selectable channel and click to select the channel; check the selected channel and click to remove this channel; click
to select all channels; click to remove all selected channel.
After the channels are selected, check “On” and then click “OK” to save the settings.

③ Set alarm schedule. Select the schedule of the desired device. 7*24 or 5*24 is the default schedule. Other schedules need to be set in
advance. Click the “Schedule Setting” tab to set (See Schedule RecordingàTo set schedule for details).

8.1.3 Alarm View

Having set the alarm preview linkage, the alarm view window will prompt when an alarm is triggered.

NVMS User Manual

Click or to play the record or captured images; click to delete alarm information.

8.1.4 Alarm Log Query

Alarm logs can be searched and exported by going to HomeàAlarm CenteràAlarm Log Query interface.

Click to play the record; click to open the snapshot search window as shown below.

NVMS User Manual

8.2 Alarm System

8.2.1 Add Host
Go to HomeàAdd, Edit or Delete DeviceàAlarm Host interface. Click [Add] to prompt the following interface.

At present, the software only support Hikvision alarm host. Please add the host name, serial number, port, username, password, subsystem
number, zone number, area and access server. Then click [OK] to save the settings.

8.2.2 Configure Subsystem

Go to HomeàAlarm SystemàSubsystem interface as shown below. “Arm”, “Disarm”, “Clear Alarm” or “Refresh Status” can be operated
in this interface.

8.2.3 Zone
Go to HomeàAlarm SystemàZone. “Bypass”, “Bypass Recovery” and “Refresh Status” can be set up in this interface.

NVMS User Manual

8.2.4 Alarm Linkage

Go to HomeàAlarm SystemàAlarm Linkage interface as shown below. The settings of alarm linkage here are the same as alarm linkage
of alarm center.

NVMS User Manual

9 E-Map
The e-map service is used to store the e-map information of the system. The client landing anywhere can share the same e-map.

9.1 Configure E-Map

9.1.1 Create E-Map
Go to HomeàE-Map interface. Click [Create Map] to create a map.

Enter E-map name, select parent e-map and map type. Then click [OK] to save the settings.

9.1.2 Add Hotspot

The hotspots include monitoring points, sensors, subsystem, zone and ACS station. Drag a hotspot to the corresponding area on the map as
shown below.

Click [Modify Map] to change map name and parent map.

Select [Delete Map] to delete the added map.

9.1.3 E-Map Monitoring

Go to HomeàE-Map Monitoring interface. Select a window on the right and then double click the monitoring point to view the real-time
NVMS User Manual

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10 TV Wall
10.1 Add TV Wall Server
Go to Homeà Add, Edit or Delete DeviceàTV Wall Server interface as shown below.

An adding TV Wall window will be prompted by clicking [Add]. Click [Refresh] to quickly add the TV wall server in the same local
network, or add the TV wall server by manually entering server name, IP address and port.

Click to modify the added server; click to delete the added server.

10.2 Add Decoder

Decoder is used to decode the video signal transmitted by the transfer server. The decoding output is a standard video signal. The decoder
is necessary for decoding on the TV wall.
Go to HomeàConfigure DeviceàDecoder interface.

The setting steps of adding decoders are the same as adding encoding devices (see Add Encoding Device for details).

10.2.1 Create and Connect Decoder

The decoder needs to be connected to this platform which must be master decoder. Login the web client of the decoder as shown below.
Go to Basic Settingsà System Settings to check whether this decoder is master or not. If not, change the user permission of the decoder to
master. Then apply the settings and restart the decoder.

NVMS User Manual

Go to HomeàResource Management àDecoder interface. Then check the online status of the decoder.

10.3 TV Wall Management

Go to HomeàTV Wall ManagementàEdit TV Wall.

10.3.1 Configure TV Wall

u Create TV Wall
Go to HomeàTV Wall ManagementàEdit TV Wall. Select a TV wall server and then click to create a TV wall.

NVMS User Manual

u Initializing
① Double click the created TV wall to prompt a TV wall window.
② Click “Initialize” to create TV wall layout

u Merging\Splitting
Merging: drag on the screen and then release. The “Merge” button will be shown. Click it to merger these small windows.

Splitting: select the merged window and click “Split” to restore the window to the previous status.

NVMS User Manual

The online decoder displayed in the decoder output list is the binding decoder of this TV wall. Drag the outputs to windows on the right in
sequence and then click “Save” to save the settings.

To modify TV wall:
Click beside the TV wall name, enter the new name and then click [OK].

NVMS User Manual

To delete TV wall:

Click behind the TV wall name.

10.3.2 Decoding On TV Wall

u Create Plan

Go to Homeà TV Wall Managementà Decoding on TV WallàTV Wall Plan.

Click beside the TV wall name to create the TV wall plan name.

u Configure Plan

Double click the plan name to show the plan.

NVMS User Manual

Drag the monitoring points to the corresponding window respectively to decode image.

u Toolbar Menu

1. Screen mode:1\4\9\16 screen mode is optional.

2. Open Window:Click [Window] and then drag on a window to open a small window on it. Click [No Window] to stop opening
window. The small window can be dragged to anywhere on the big window.

NVMS User Manual

3. Click [Hide ID] to hide the window number; click [Display ID] to display the window number.
4. Click [Save] to save the current plan.
5. Click [Save as] to save it as another plan.
Double click a window to play the video.

u Right-click Menu

1. Screen mode:1\4\9\16 screen mode is optional.

2. Zoom in\out:if the current screen mode is multi-screen display mode, click “Zoom In” to zoom in the current image. Click
“Zoom Out” menu again to restore to the previous status.
3. Save as Alarm Window: click it to save the current window as an alarm window. The alarm linkage image will be displayed in
this window. Go to Homeà Alarm CenteràAlarm Linkage (or HomeàAlarm SystemàAlarm Linkage) interface. Select TV
wall linkage item to set alarm linkage.

NVMS User Manual

4. Set as Playback:when decoding images, click this menu to play the records of the current channel (the record source is the
current record source).
5. PTZ Control: click this menu to prompt a PTZ control panel of the current decoding window. Direction control, zooming and
focusing, Iris control, speed, preset and cruise calling can be operated through this control panel.

6. Stop Decoding: click it to stop decoding the current image.

7. View Decoder: view the information of the decoder.
8. Clear TV Wall: click it to clear the decoding configuration of the current output.

u Screen Merging or Splitting

Drag the mouse to select multi-window and then click [Merge] to merge these windows.

NVMS User Manual

Select the merged window and click [Split] to restore the window to its previous status.

u Auto-Switch Group

1. Create Auto-Switch Group

① Click Auto-Switch Group under the screen and then click to create auto-switch group.

② Select “Auto-Switch Window” to select the window group.

NVMS User Manual

③ Click “Monitoring Point” to select the auto-switch channel group.

④ Enter auto-switch name and dwell time.

2. Execute auto-switch

NVMS User Manual

Click to execute auto-switch. The specified channel images will be played in the specified windows in sequence.
Click to stop playing the current auto-switch.

3. Modify or delete auto-switch

Right click the auto-switch name and then select Modify or Delete to modify or delete the auto-switch.

Note: If there are overlapped auto-switch window in a plan, the auto-switch groups will not be executed at the same time.

u Auto-switch plan

1. Create auto-switch plan

Click behind the TV wall plan name to set the auto-switch. Click “Join in” to select the plan. Then set dwell time and click


2. Start/stop auto-switch

Click behind the TV wall name to start auto-switch plan. Click the Stop button to stop the auto-switch.

3. Modify auto-switch plan

Click again to modify the auto-switch plan.
Note: If the current auto-switch plan needs to modify, please stop it first.

10.3.3 Decoder Input

Go to HomeàTV Wall ManagementàDecoding on TV WallàDecoder Input. Drag an input to a window to execute decoding.

NVMS User Manual

10.3.4 Playback Decoding

u Playback on TV Wall

Click “Preview” on the left corner. Then this button becomes “Playback”. Select “Obtain from storage server or from network device”
and then click “OK” to search records, or drag the cameras (or channels) to a window to search and playback the records.

Of course, the specified time and event types can be set to search the specified records.

u Playing control

During playback, the record can be controlled by the above buttons.

u Right-click menu

NVMS User Manual

1. Screen mode:1\4\9\16 screen mode is optional

2. Zoom in
3. Save as alarm window
4. Save as preview::the current channel or the historical channel is optional.
5. Playback stream type: main stream or sub stream is selectable.
6. Stop decoding
7. View decoder
8. Clear TV Wall
The following picture is an example of TV Wall.

10.3.5 Task Configuration of TV Wall

Go to HomeàTV Wall ManagementàTask Configuration. Click behind the TV wall name.
Select plan name, enter task name, set run time and enable plan task.

Click to start the task. Click the Stop button to stop this task.

NVMS User Manual

Modify or delete task

Double click the TV wall name and then the tasks will be displayed on the right window.

Click or to modify or delete the task.

Click behind the TV wall name and then click [OK] to confirm the deletion.

NVMS User Manual

11 Account and Permission

11.1 Create Account
Go to HomeàAccount and Permission.

There is a default super admin user (the username is admin; the password is 123456). The super admin user cannot be deleted.
Click [Add] to prompt an adding user window as shown below.

Enter user name and password. Then select permission group (it must be set in advance). Binding MAC address or remark can be filled in
as needed. After that, click [OK] to save.

Click to modify the added user; click to delete the added user.

11.2 User Permission Settings

Go to HomeàAccount and Permission àConfigure User Permission Group.
① Click [Add] to create permission group.

NVMS User Manual

② Enter permission group name.

③ Select system permission, operation permission and area permission as needed.

Click to modify the permission group; click to delete the permission group.

NVMS User Manual

12 Operation and Maintenance Management

12.1 Check and Export Log

Go to HomeàOperation and Maintenance Management.
Click the “Check and Export Log” tab as shown below. All types of logs can be searhed and exported here.

Select the log type, set the start time and the end time and then click [Query] to search logs. After the logs is searched, click [Export] to
export these logs.

12.2 Log Maintenance

NVMS User Manual

13 Local Configuration
13.1.1 Record and Snapshot Setting
Go to HomeàLocal Configuration.

In this interface, record path, backup path, snapshot path, snapshot number and max file size for manual recording and record backup can
be set up here.

13.1.2 System Startup and Maintenance

Go to HomeàLocal ConfigurationàSystem Startup and Maintenance.

Auto Login: if enalbed, the system will automatically log in when running this software next time.
Auto Startup: if enabled, the system will automatically start when the computer starts.
PC Auto Reboot: enter the username, password, interval day and reboot time. If it is enabled, the PC will automatically reboot.

13.1.3 Overload Setting

This system support CPU and memory overload protection. When the system overloads, the monitor client will restrict the new live view
and playback operation and the overload tip will prompt. Go to HomeàLocal ConfigurationàOverload Setting. Select the overload upper
limit and then click [Apply] to save the settings.

13.1.4 Hardware Decoding Setting

Go to HomeàLocal ConfigurationàHardware Decoding Setting.
If “Enable GPU Decoding” is checked, the preview performance will be improved.

NVMS User Manual

14 Intelligent Management
Before using intelligent functions, please confirm the intelligent analysis server has been already created and it is online.
Go to HomeàResource ManagementàIntelligent Analysis Server. There is a default intelligent analysis server. Please make sure the
server is online.

Users can also add a new intelligent analysis server. Click [Add] and then click [Refresh] to quickly search the server in the same local
network as shown below. Click the “Manually Add” tab to manually add the IP address and port of the server.

14.1 Face Recognition

14.1.1 Task Management
Go to HomeàFace RecognitionàTask ManagementàInstant Task.
Click the Plus button to add instant task. Then select the monitoring points and intelligent analysis server. After that, click [OK] to save the
Note: The selected monitoring point must be the cameras with the face detection functions.

Set the schedule by going to HomeàFace RecognitionàTask ManagementàSchedule.

NVMS User Manual

7*24 and 5*24 are the default schedules. Other schedules also can be set up (See Schedule Setting).

Go to HomeàFace Recognition àTask ManagementàFace Detection Algorithm Setting. In this interface, face similarity, alarm holding
time and alarm output can be set up here.

14.1.2 Face Recognition

Go to HomeàFace Recognition. In this interface, double click the camera (or monitoring point) to view the live image and capture faces.

NVMS User Manual

If there is a face needed to trace, please create an object library and edit it by going to HomeàObject Library.

Return to the face recognition interface. If the face specified in the object library appears and captured by a camera, alarms will be

14.1.3 Face Comparison

Go to HomeàFace Comparison. In this interface, click the grey square to select a face and set the similarity. Then click “Search” to the
similar face.

14.1.4 Result Query

Go to HomeàResult Query. Select the camera with face detection function and then set the start time and the end time. After that, click
[Search] to search the captured face and alarm result.

NVMS User Manual

14.1.5 Object Library

Create and edit object library by going to HomeàObject Library.

Adding multiple targets:

NVMS User Manual

14.1.6 Monitoring Alarm

In monitoring alarm interface, all alarm information of the intelligent analysis servers can be searched.

14.2 People Counting

14.2.1 Task Management
Go to HomeàPeople CountingàTask Management. Double click the camera with the people counting function and then select intelligent
server. After that, click [OK] to create this instant task.

NVMS User Manual

14.2.2 Real-time Statistics

Go to HomeàPeople CountingàReal-time Statistics. Double click the camera with the people counting function to view the live image.
The camera will automatically count the entering and leaving people and the system will automatically analyze the day and month
passenger flow trends.

14.2.3 Summary Statistics

Go to HomeàPeople CountingàSummary Statistics.

Before setting summary statistics, please set E-Map by going to HomeàE-MapàConfigure E-Map first. Drag the camera with the people
counting function to the specified area.

NVMS User Manual

Then return to the summary statistics interface. The results of summary statistics of the specified multi-channel can be viewed.

14.2.4 Historical Statistics

Go to HomeàPeople CountingàSummary Statistics. In this interface, the statistic results in a long period of time can be searched which
can be shown in histogram or curve chart.

NVMS User Manual

14.3 Access Control Management

Before using access control management system, please make sure whether the access server is online.
Go to HomeàResource ManagementàAccess Server. There is a default access server which can be modified. Please confirm its online

A new access server can be added by auto search or manual adding.
NVMS User Manual

Then add access control system. Go to HomeàResource ManagementàAccess Control System. Then click “Add” to add.
Currently, the software only supports the access control system of ZK Technology and KonNaD.

14.3.1 Remotely Open the Door

Go to HomeàAccess Control Management.
The access control devices are listed as shown below. Double click a device to display the doors controlled by this device.

Double click a door icon to view the detailed information of this door. The door can be opened or closed remotely in this interface by
clicking the corresponding buttons.

NVMS User Manual

14.3.2 Alarm Linkage

Go to HomeàAccess Control ManagementàAlarm Linkage.
In this interface, the alarm linkage related to the door can be set up.

14.3.3 Log Query

Go to HomeàAccess Control ManagementàLog Query.
The alarm information of the access control devices in a long period of time can be searched in this interface.

NVMS User Manual

14.3.4 E-Map ACS

Before setting E-Map ACS, the E-map shall be set first by going to HomeàE-MapàACS Station. Drag the ACS devices to the specified
location of the E-map for monitoring.

Return to HomeàAccess Control ManagementàE-Map ACS interface to view the current status of these access control devices.

NVMS User Manual

14.4 Attendance Management

14.4.1 Alarm Linkage
Go to HomeàAttendance ManagementàAlarm Linkage. In this interface, the access control device linkage configuration can be set up.

14.4.2 Log Query

Go to HomeàAttendance ManagementàLog Query. In the log query interface, the information of attendance devices in a long period of
time can be checked.

NVMS User Manual

14.5 Parking Lot Management

Parking lot management module must be used with traffic picture capture cameras. Vehicle monitoring, management and search can be
realized through parking lot management system.

14.6 Environment Monitoring

Environment monitoring shall be used associated with alarm host related to environment monitoring. The dynamic state of the real-time
environment could be monitored by this system.

NVMS User Manual

15 Web Client

15.1 Operating Environment of Web Client

The web client supports IE9/IE10/IE11, Firefox or Google browser. Please make sure that your browser supports the downloading and use
of the Web Client. Here we take IE Client for example.
Ø Checkup whether the IE browser prohibits Active X control from downloading:

Open IE browser, click àInternet OptionsàSecurityàCustom level…to pop up a security settings window.Then enable all sub
options under “Active X controls and plug-ins”.

Ø Checkup whether there are other components or antivirus to stop downloading Active X control. Please close other components and
configure antivirus and firewall to allow the installation of the files named NetLiveMonitor.exe and NetPlayback.exe.

15.2 Start IE Client

Before starting IE client, make sure all servers must be started first.
v Login
Input the IP address or domain name of Authentication Server and the web server port, for example: (In this
example, IP address is The default web server port is 8088) to go to IE Client. Then input the user name and password you
created in Account and Permission interface, select the language and platform and then click “Login” to login to the IE client.

Please download the relavant Active X controls according to the tips if you login to the IE client for the first time.
In the platform interface, users can modify the login password and remotely set the monitor client and configuration client. In the web

monitor client, click “Return to Configuration” to go to the web configuration client. In the web configuration client, click “Return to

Monitor” to go to the web monitor client. In the web monitor client or configuration client, click “NVMS-5000” to return to the platform

The operation steps of this web client interface are similar as the monitor client. Please refer to relevant chapter for details.

NVMS User Manual

16 Troubleshooting
1. How to modify the password by yourself?
Login monitor client and then go to the Account and Permission interface. Select the account and click to modify the password.

2. Unable to login IE client.

1) Please checkup whether the Active X control is forbidden to download and refer to the operating environment in Operating
Environment of Web Client.
2) Please checkup whether the IP address input in the browser address bar is right.
Suppose the LAN IP address of the authentication server is, WAN IP address is, domain name is and Web port is 8088. If logging in to the IE client in LAN, please input,or,or http://;If logging in to the IE client in WAN,please input http://, or ( only when the WAN IP is a fixed IP, will it take effect).

3. Some service works abnormally after all servers start.

1) If the database works abnormally, please checkup whether the MYSQL database is installed and connected successfully.
2) The computer needs to restart after installing the servers.
3) If other services work abnormally, please checkup whether the corresponding port is occupied. Please open the task manager and
then click the Service tab to check.

4. The device information cannot be seen or the device is offline after the user logins to the monitor client.
1) Please checkup whether this user account is an administrator account. If this account is an operator account, please checkup whether
it has the authority to view the device information.
2) Please checkup whether the media transfer server of the device has been started.

5. The alarm information cannot be received after the user logins to the monitor client.
1) Please checkup whether the schedule of sensor alarm, motion detection alarm and so on are set in the NVMS system.
2) As for remote login device in the monitor client, please checkup whether alarms and alarm schedules of the remote login device have

6. The images of online decoders cannot be seen after the user logins to the TV Wall client.
1) Please checkup whether the user has the authority to access the decoders.
2) Please checkup whether the TV wall service is online.
3) If the TV wall server is online, please checkup whether the decoder is online. If the both are online, please checkup the account
logged on has the corresponding decoding permission.

7. The record cannot playback after the user logins to the monitor client.
1) Please checkup whether the storage server is online. If it is online, please checkup whether this account logged on has playback
2) Please checkup whether the record source selected has record data. If you want to get record data from a storage server, please

NVMS User Manual

checkup whether to set the record schedule of the storage server or not.
3) Checkup whether there are record data in the playback channel and whether the record source and the start time and the end time of
the playaback is set up correctly.
4) Please checkup the record schedules of the storage server are set correctly.

8. The configuration of devices cannot be modified remotely after the user logins to the monitor client.
1) When the device configuration is required by the monitor client and prompt “Someone is configuring. Please try later”, please open
the IE browser to login to the device remotely and then go to “Info” à“Online user” interface to see if there are any other users logging in.
2) Please go to the live to see whether the device is setting up.
3) If the problem still exists, please contact your device manufacturer.

9. The preview image on the client cannot display fluently.

1) Please check whether the CPU occupancy rate of the client platform is 100% or there still has usable memory. This situation will not
emerge when the CPU occupancy rate is less than 75% and there still has usable memory.
2) Please checkup whether the network environment is supported, including whether the uplink bandwidth of the device and stream
match and whether the downlink bandwidths of the media transfer server and the streams of all channels of devices match.
3) Please checkup whether the media transfer server is overload operation.

10. After starting the authentication server and media transfer server, the storage server still cannot save.
1) Please checkup whether channels of devices are added to the storage server.

11. Why does the PTZ control interface is blank after the user goes to the monitor client?
You need to drag channels to the live preview area and then operate in the PTZ control interface.


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