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Foliage Density of Branches and Distribution of Plant Dwelling Spiders

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BIOTROPICA 37(3): 416–420 2005 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00055.

Foliage Density of Branches and Distribution of Plant-Dwelling Spiders1

Andréa Lúcia Teixeira de Souza2

Programa de Pós–Graduação em Ecologia, Departamento de Zoologia, IB, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6109,
13.081.900- Campinas, SP, Brasil


Rogério Parentoni Martins

Laboratório de Ecologia e Comportamento de Insetos, Departamento de Biologia Geral, ICB, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, CP 486,
30.161-970- Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

We compared the abundance of foliage-living spiders among seven widespread plant species comprising a gradient of levels of structural complexity in a tropical
savannah-like region in southeastern Brazil. Spider abundance among plant species was positively related to the foliage density of their branches. A field experiment
using artificial branches was carried out to isolate foliage density effects on spider abundance, thus controlling both biomass and texture effects. Artificial branches were
attached to branches of three plant species with similar foliage density, Baccharis dracunculifolia, Diplusodon virgatus, and Microlicia fasciculata. Two treatments were
set up: artificial branches with higher foliage density attracted more spiders than those with lower foliage density. The guild structure of hunting spiders was compared
among vegetative branches of three plant species with different levels of foliage density: B. dracunculifolia, D. virgatus, and Bidens gardneri. Stalker, and ambusher
spiders were more abundant on branches of B. dracunculifolia, which had the highest foliage density. Foliage-runners constituted the dominant guild on D. virgatus
and B. gardneri, which have lower foliage density branches. Our results suggest that branch architecture is the most important factor determining the abundance of
plant-dwelling spiders in the study area independently of branch biomass, leaf surface area or texture.

A abundância de aranhas foi comparada entre sete espécies de plantas, que formam um gradiente de nı́veis de complexidade estrutural, descrito através do número de
folhas por unidade de volume do ramo, numa região de cerrado no sudeste do Brasil. A abundância de aranhas entre as espécies de plantas foi positivamente relacionada
com a densidade de folhas de seus ramos. Um experimento de campo, usando ramos artificiais, foi conduzido para isolar o efeito da densidade de folhas dos efeitos de
biomassa. Ramos artificiais foram amarrados a ramos de três especies de plantas com densidade foliar semelhante, Baccharis dracunculifolia, Diplusodon virgatus and
Microlicia fasciculata. Dois tratamentos foram usados, ramos artificiais com alta densidade de folhas atraı́ram mais aranhas do que os com baixa densidade de folhas. A
distribuição de guildas de aranhas errantes foi comparada entre ramos de três espécies de plantas com diferentes nı́veis de densidade de folhas, B. dracunculifolia, D.
virgatus e Bidens gardneri. Aranhas saltadoras (Oxyopidae e Salticidae) e de tocaia (Thomisidae) foram mais abundantes nos ramos de B. dracunculifolia, cujos ramos
possuı́am uma maior densidade de folhas. Aranhas caçadoras noturnas foi a guilda dominante em D. virgatus e B. gardneri. Nossos resultados sugerem que a arquitetura
de ramos pode ser o fator mais importante que determina a abundância de aranhas que habitam plantas, independentemente da biomassa, área superficial de folhas e
textura dos ramos.

Key words: Brazil; habitat architecture; patch-choice; spider distribution.

PLANT STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY, THE ARCHITECTURAL ARRANGE- abies (Gunnarsson 1990), leaf surface area in different species of
MENT OF BIOMASS IN SPACE, has been recognized as one of the main Eucalyptus (Evans 1997), and needle density and branching com-
factors that determine the diversity and abundance of plant-dwelling plexity in Douglas-fir branches Pseudotsuga menziesii (Halaj et al.
spiders (Gunnarsson 1990, Scheidler 1990, Hurd & Fagan 1992, 2000). However, these studies were restricted to comparisons within
Halaj et al. 1998). Although causal mechanisms remain obscure, a particular plant species or a few plant species of the same genus in
some variables have been proposed to explain this pattern, such temperate systems. In addition, the effect of foliage density on spider
as prey abundance (Allen et al. 1975, Nentwig 1993), availabil- abundance is usually confounded with the effect of biomass of the
ity of refuges against predators (Askenmo et al. 1977, Gunnarsson branches.
1996), and milder microclimate conditions (Henschell & Lubin Spiders form a very diverse group, and several species may
1997). A positive influence between plant architecture and spi- actively choose favorable microhabitats (Turnbull 1973, Morse &
der abundance was demonstrated through indices of structural Fritz 1982, Morse 1990, Nentwig 1993). Their requirements for
complexity such as foliage density in big sage Artemisia tridentata structural characteristics of microhabitats can change among guilds,
(Hatley & MacMahon 1980), density of needles in spruce Picea since they differ in relation to hunting strategies, refuge and repro-
ductive behavior, and morphological and physiological features such
1Received 7 June 2002; revision accepted 26 January 2005.
as visual acuity, tolerance to sunlight and shade, moisture, and ther-
Corresponding author. Current address: Depto. de Biologia, Setor Ecologia –
CCBS, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – CP 549, CEP 79070-900, mal conditions (Uetz et al. 1978, Uetz 1991, Foelix 1996). Thus,
Campo Grande, MS, Brazil; e-mail: we expected that spider guild distribution could be associated with

Distribution of Plant-Dwelling Spiders 417

characteristics of the microhabitat such as leaf size and foliage den-

sity (Hatley & MacMahon 1980, Robinson 1981, Scheidler 1990,
Mason 1992).
In this study, we examined the spider distributions among plant
species of different genera and families in the Brazilian Cerrado. We
tested the structural complexity hypothesis that spider abundance
is positively related to foliage density of branches and leaf surface
area, and examined whether guilds of spiders vary among plants
with different levels of structural complexity.


This study was carried out in an old-field site at the Estação

Ecológica do Panga, located 40 km south of Uberlândia district, SE
Brazil (19◦ 09 S, 48◦ 23 W). The ecological station includes plant
formations such as savannah-like (Cerrado), old fields, and forest
(Schiavini & Araújo 1989).
A component of plant structural complexity can be described
as a result of plant branching (see Kuppers 1989). Here, as a measure
of this component we used a foliage density index (FDI), defined
FIGURE 1. Schematic design of artificial branches used as treatments.
as: FDI = number of leaves on the branch/branch volume. We esti-
Branches with high (A) and low (B) foliage density were attached to completely
mated the ratio between the number of leaves and branch volume to
cleared natural branches.
prevent the possible effect of branch volume on spider abundance
(see Scheidler 1990). Seven plant species that were abundant in the
study area and with different FDIs were sampled to test the effect of
structural complexity on spider abundance: Baccharis dracunculifolia 1983, Halaj et al. 1998). No spider was observed escaping from
DC.(Asteraceae), Bidens gardneri Baker (Asteraceae), Chromolaena the branches. The plastic bags were sealed in the field, and filled
laevigata (Lam.) King & H.Rob. (Asteraceae), Diplusodon virga- with CO 2 at the laboratory before examination. The spiders were
tus Pohl (Lythraceae), Microlicia euphorbioides Mart. (Melastomat- separated and fixed in 70 percent ethanol.
aceae), Microlicia fasciculata Mart.ex Naud. (Melastomataceae), and The relationship between spider abundance and FDI was tested
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceae). Initially, a sample of ten with a complete randomized experimental design with two factors,
branches (one per individual plant) was collected from each plant plant species and foliage density. Three plant species were used:
species to determine FDI. From each branch, we recorded the num- B. dracunculifolia, M. fasciculata, and D. virgatus. The foliage den-
ber of leaves and estimated the branch volume from measures of the sity of the branches was manipulated by replacing natural branches
three dimensions, height, width, and depth, using the formula for with artificial ones. The artificial branches consisted of wire and
ellipsoid volume as proposed by Hacker and Steneck (1990). From plastic branch models with 24 leaf stems, and leaf models made of
each branch, we also estimated leaf surface area from ten leaves with cloth to prevent the effects of chemical components and texture of
a digital scanner. As FDI was highly positively correlated with mean the natural branches (Fig. 1). In each individual plant, a branch
leaf surface area (r = 0.995, P < 0.001), we used only mean FDI was cleared of leaves and leaf stems to be used as support of the
to test the effect of plant architecture on spider abundances. In the branch model. A branch model was tied to the support branch
analyses, we considered only the mean values of these variables for with a thin wire. Two treatment levels, high and low foliage density
each plant species. were used. Each branch model had 24 leaf stems (Fig. 1a and b).
In the high foliage density treatment, each leaf stem had four model
SAMPLING OF SPIDERS.—Branches of the seven plant species, B. dra- leaflets, totaling 96 model leaflets (Fig. 1a). In the low foliage density
cunculifolia (N = 30 individual plants), B. gardneri (N = 21), C. treatment, two model leaflets were attached to 12 leaf stems total-
laevigata (N = 20), D. virgatus (N = 21), M. euphorbioides (N = ing 24 model leaflets, whereas the remaining stems had no leaves
25), M. fasciculata (N = 15), and V. tucanorum (N = 14), were sam- (Fig. 1b). In the high foliage density branches, each leaf model area
pled between December 1997 and February 1998, between 1700 h was 1.5 cm2 , whereas in the low foliage density branches each model
and 1900 h to prevent possible effects of spider activity time in leaf area was 6.0 cm2 . Thus, total leaf surface area and biomass were
the results. All sampled plants were 1–2 m high, and one branch kept constant in both treatments. Thirty-two artificial branches of
from each individual plant was collected. Each branch was carefully each treatment were attached to different plant species: 24 plants
enclosed in a plastic bag and cut at about 40 cm from its tip. The were used for B. dracunculifolia and M. fasciculata (12 in each
plastic bags were large enough to avoid contact with the branches, treatment), and 16 in D. virgatus (eight in each treatment). After
thus preventing the spiders from escaping (see Gunnarsson 1 week, the artificial branches were recovered also between 1700 h
418 Souza and Martins

and 1900 h, as made for natural branches. The branches were col-
lected with the same procedure used to sample natural branches, to
allow data comparisons.

GROUP STRUCTURE.—The abundance of each group was compared

by sampling natural branches of three plant species with different
levels of foliage density. The FDI was estimated from ten individuals
of each plant species as described above. Baccharis dracunculifolia
(FDI = 28.82 ± 1.50) (mean ± 1 SD, N = 10) had higher foliage
density, whereas D. virgatus (FDI = 10.34 ± 1.28) and B. gard-
neri (FDI = 1.37 ± 2.03) presented intermediate and low foliage
density values, respectively. The three species had significantly dif-
ferent values of mean foliage density (F 2,27 = 98.49, P < 0.001;
all differences significant at P < 0.05 according to Tukey’s multi- FIGURE 2. Relationship between the mean number of spiders per branch
ple comparisons test). To evaluate the influence of plant structural and foliage density index (FDI), in logarithmic scale. Line is the least-squares
complexity and spider guild structure, 90 branches from each of the fit, bars indicate the standard deviation.
three plant species were sampled, one branch from each individual
The spiders are usually classified into two large groups, wan- branches (0.625 ± 0.117, mean ± SE) relative to the low density
dering and web-building spiders, due to differences in behavior ones (0.219 ± 0.074), a significant difference (F 1,58 = 2.503,
and use of silk to capture prey (Turnbull 1973, Uetz et al. 1999). P = 0.007). The different colonization trends between the two
In this study, the web-builders Araneidae, Theridiidae, and Dic- treatments followed the same pattern among plant species, indicated
tynidae made up only 11.4 percent of the individuals and were by the nonsignificant plant species × treatment interaction (F 2,58 =
pooled into a single group. The guilds of spiders followed Uetz 0.005, P = 0.992). The only arthropods that occurred on the
et al. (1999), and those used in the frequency analyses were foliage- artificial branches were spiders, in both treatment levels.
runners (Anyphaenidae and Clubionidae), stalkers (Oxyopidae and A total of 211 spiders was recorded on branches of B. dra-
Salticidae), and ambushers (Thomisidae). The remaining wander- cunculifolia, D. virgatus, and B. gardneri. Patterns of spider guild
ing spiders represented only 5.2 percent of the sample and were not abundance differed among the three plant species (G = 22.48, df =
analyzed. 6, P = 0.001). The abundance of web-building spiders did not differ
among the three plant species (G = 1.75, df = 2, P = 0.417). When
each wandering spider guild was tested separately, foliage-runners
DATA ANALYSIS.—The relationship between spider abundance and was the most abundant guild comprising about 52.0 percent of all
foliage density (FDI) was analyzed with linear regression. Each repli- spiders on both D. virgatus and B. gardneri, and its frequency also
cate consisted of the mean number of spiders per branch in each did not differ between the plant species (G = 1.79, df = 2, P =
plant species. The experiment using artificial branches with two 0.409). On the other hand, the abundance of stalker and ambusher
structural complexity levels was evaluated with a one-way ANOVA. spiders were significantly different from that expected by chance
Residuals of each analysis were graphically checked for nonnormal- (G = 23.09, df = 2, P < 0.001; G = 8.39, df = 2, P = 0.015,
ity, and data were log10 transformed to obtain a normal distribution respectively; Fig. 3).
and equal variances. G-tests were used to test differences on spider
group abundance (Sokal & Rohlf 1995).
The abundance of plant-dwelling spiders was positively correlated
The mean number of spiders per branch was linearly related to with the branch foliage density on which they occurred. This trend
the structural complexity index (Y = −1.723 + 0.334X , P = seems to be independent of plant taxon since most of the variance
0.014, R 2 = 0.73; Fig. 2). The most abundant spider families in on spider abundance (73%) was explained by only this component
the sampled plant species were Anyphaenidae (23.1%), Oxyopidae of branch structural complexity, even comparing plant species from
(20.0%), and Salticidae (18.5%). The other families recorded were different genera and families. In addition, the experiment using
Clubionidae, Thomisidae, and Pisauridae comprising 9.2 percent vegetative branch models strongly suggests that branch architecture
of the total; the remaining 29.2 percent were web-building spiders have significant effects on spider abundance even though branch
(Araneidae, Theriididae, Dictynidae, and Scytodidae). biomass, texture, and leaf surface area available for colonization to
The mean number of colonizing spiders on branch models spiders were kept constant. The effect of branch structural com-
was similar among the three plant species (F 2,58 = 0.089, P = plexity on the abundance of spiders and other arthropods has been
0.873). However, more spiders colonized the high foliage density exhaustively demonstrated in the literature (Hatley & MacMahon
Distribution of Plant-Dwelling Spiders 419

Spider guild structure differed among branches of B. dracun-

culifolia, D. virgatus, and B. gardneri. When the distribution of each
group was analyzed separately, the distribution of stalker and am-
busher spiders on the three plant species was significantly different
from that expected by chance. In addition, foliage-runner was the
dominant guild on D. virgatus and B. gardneri, species with low
foliage density (Fig. 3). On the plant species with highest foliage
density, B. dracunculifolia, we observed no dominant spider guild.
Scheidler (1990) and later Halaj et al. (1998, 2000) suggested that
differences in the spider fauna on different plant species indicate
the existence of spider associations for specific characteristics of the
habitat. The narrower diet of some spider guilds can constrain their
distribution (see Nyffeler et al. 1994), whereas predation can be
the most important factor determining the distribution of other
guilds (see Provencher & Vickery 1988, Ehmann & MacMahon
1996). Spiders are frequently preyed upon by birds (Askenmo et. al.
FIGURE 3. Relative abundance of spider groups in different plant species: 1977, Gunnarsson 1983) and arthropods such as mantids (Moran
BAD: Baccharis dracunculifolia; DIV: Diplusodum virgatus; BIG: Bidens gardneri. & Hurd 1994), wasps, and other spiders (Wise 1993, Nyffeler
& Sterling 1994, Wise & Chen 1999). From all hunting spiders
recorded on vegetative branches of the three plant species studied,
1980; Gunnarsson 1990, 1992; Scheidler 1990; Halaj et al. 2000). only foliage-runners, mostly Anyphaenidae, are regarded as noctur-
However, in all of these studies the effects of biomass and/or surface nal, spending the diurnal periods sheltered inside tubular retreats
area available for colonization were confounded with the architec- built of silk threads in the foliage; the remaining guilds have diur-
ture of branches. Romero and Vasconcellos-Neto (2005) carried out nal activity (see Foelix 1996, Uetz et al. 1999). Our results agree
an experiment comparing three levels of leaf reduction. Their re- with the hypothesis that night-active groups such as clubionids and
sults showed that leaf cutting negatively influenced the abundance anyphaenids should differ in their distribution and requirements
of jumping spider Psecas chapoda. Experiments involving the ma- relative to diurnal-active spiders such as oxyocids, salticids, and
nipulation of branches through leaf or branchlet removal and tying thomisids. Diurnal spider groups are probably more vulnerable to
branches together to alter foliage density also altered the biomass predation by visually oriented hunters (see Wise 1993, Gunnarsson
and surface area available for colonization by arthropods, both to 1996). Thus, it is possible that anyphaenids and clubionids can
spiders and their prey, a problem already raised by some authors (e.g., escape from visually oriented predators such as Salticidae, Oxyopi-
Halaj et al. 1998, 2000). The experimental design used in this study dae, or birds, mantids, and wasps on plants with low foliage density.
enabled us to maintain both biomass and surface area constant. Fur- However, further experiments are necessary to evaluate the effect
thermore, the treatments consisted of artificial material, rendering of refuge availability on the distribution of diurnal families such
these patches less attractive to insects, the potential spider prey. In as Thomisidae, Oxyopidae, and Salticidae as opposed to nocturnal
fact, no other arthropods were found on treatment branches. The ones such as Anyphaenidae, Miturgidae, and Clubionidae.
positive relationship between the number of spiders and branch
foliage density is usually explained by the fact that patches with
higher structural complexity attract a larger number of prey, and
because they provide more hiding places and milder microclimates
We are grateful for useful comments of M. O. Tanaka, T. Lewin-
to spiders (Askenmo et al. 1977, Hurd & Fagan 1992, Nentwig
sohn, and J. Halaj. We thank A.A.A Barbosa for plant identification
1993, Gunnarsson 1996, Evans 1997, Henschell & Lubin 1997).
and Universidade Federal de Uberlândia for logistical support. This
At least for some spider species, however, refuge availability and/or
study and the research scholarship of the senior author were funded
mild microclimate conditions may be more important than prey
by CNPq.
availability (Robinson 1981). We found a strong positive relation-
ship between spider abundance and foliage density independently
of plant taxon, an interesting result since different plant species vary LITERATURE CITED
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