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Dental Materials Journal 2009; 28(5): 620–626

One-year clinical evaluation of direct nanofilled and indirect composite

restorations in posterior teeth
Ali Riza CETIN and Nimet UNLU

Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Selcuk University, 42100 Selcuklu/Konya, Turkey
Corresponding author, Ali Riza CETIN; E-mail:

The aim of this study was to assess the clinical performance of three direct composite resins and two indirect inlay systems in
posterior teeth using the modified USPHS criteria. A total of 100 restorations were placed in the molars of 54 patients by one
operator. All restorations were directly evaluated by two examiners at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. Statistical analysis was
conducted using McNemar chi-square test at a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Recall rate was 100% at 6 and 12 months, and all
the restorations evaluated (i.e., 100%) received Alpha rating for the criteria of retention and gingival adaptation. At 12 months for
the surface texture criterion, 80% of Filtek Supreme XT received Alpha rating while it was 95% for Tetric EvoCeram and AELITE
Aesthetic. For marginal discoloration, 85% of Tescera ATL and Filtek Supreme XT received Alpha rating while it was 95% for Tetric
EvoCeram and AELITE Aesthetic. Further, none of the restorative systems received a Charlie rating for any of the criteria at all
evaluation periods. In summary, all the restorations demonstrated clinically satisfactory performance with no significant differences
detected among them.

Keywords: Nanocomposite resin, Posterior composite resin, Clinical evaluation

Received Apr 14, 2009: Accepted May 29, 2009

with adequate mechanical properties. However, these

resins are difficult to polish and surface gloss is lost
Esthetic considerations are playing a greater role in quickly8). As for microfilled resins, they have filler
the treatment planning of dental care, even in the particles of 0.04 µm diameter. These resins have high
restoration of posterior teeth1). For this reason and surface polish and satisfactory color stability. However,
also largely because of improved biomechanical microfilled composite resins with low filler loading are
properties, direct composite resin restorations are now not as mechanically resistant as the hybrid resins9).
routinely used as a metal-free alternative for posterior For direct composite resins to be considered as an
restorations2). Besides, another laudable advantage alternative for small- to medium-sized cavities in
presented by this procedure is that it allows maximum posterior teeth10), it is important that various aspects of
preservation of tooth structure, which concurs with the the patient’s occlusion be examined before surgery,
modern concept of a conservative approach to such as occlusal contacts, type of restoration of the
restorative dentistry3). opposing dentition, presence of wear facets, and
However, early experiences with the direct position of the tooth within the arch. Having performed
restorative treatment method indicated that there were such due diligence, favorable or hoped-for esthetic
more clinical challenges and higher failure rates than results can be predictably achieved with posterior
amalgam restorations4). In the current restorative composite restorations.
dentistry landscape, many improvements in materials, Recently, due to an increasing demand for a
techniques, and instruments for placing these posterior universal restorative material indicated for all types of
composite restorations have occurred since their early direct restorations including posterior teeth, a new
days5). Esthetic alternatives to cast gold inlays and category of resin composite was developed and named
amalgam restorations include glass ionomers, as nanofilled composites3). Nanofilled composites are
compomers, direct composites, composite inlays, and distinguished from microfilled composites by the
ceramic inlays. Nevertheless, the clinical and biological loading percentage and the characteristics of the filler
longevity of adhesive restorations is dependent on the particles. On the amount of inorganic filler, microfilled
performance of the adhesive systems6). Bonded composites are limited in filler loading compared to
restorations require an accurate use of the adhesive nanofilled composites. Microfilled composites present
technique and knowledge about complex bonding nearly 37% to 40% volume filler loading, while
mechanisms7). nanofilled composites have approximately 60% volume
Amongst the currently available composite filler loading9). On esthetics, strength and durability,
materials indicated for posterior restorations, hybrid dental nanocomposites show high translucency, high
and microhybrid composite resins have high filler polish and polish retention similar to those of
loading (more than 60% in volume) with reduced mean microfilled composites while maintaining physical
particle size (ranging between 0.4 and 1.0 µm). These properties and wear resistance equivalent to those of
features provide optimal wear resistance combined several hybrid composites. Hence, by virtue of the
Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626 621

strength and esthetic properties of resin-based of clinical success.

nanocomposites, clinicians and dental practitioners can The aim of this study was to compare the clinical
use them for both anterior and posterior restorations11). performance of three conventionally placed nanofilled
Apart from direct composite resin restorations, composite restorations and two indirect composite
indirect laboratory-processed composite resin systems inlays at 12 months, using the modified USPHS criteria
are also an esthetic alternative for intracoronal — also known as Ryge criteria — as the main
posterior restorations. Laboratory-processed inlays/ evaluation tool.
onlays fabricated with composite resins provide
excellent esthetic results that may also reinforce tooth
structure12). This is because a more conservative
preparation design can be used since the bonding Patient selection
procedures strengthen the cusps and provide additional With approval from the Ethics Committee of the School
support for the dentition. Additional clinical benefits of Dentistry, Selcuk University (Konya/Turkey), young
include precise marginal integrity, wear resistance adult patients were selected from this pool of
similar to enamel, wear compatibility with opposing candidates: routine polyclinic patients of the dental
natural dentition, ideal proximal contacts, and excellent school clinic, as well as volunteers from staff and
anatomic morphology13). students and their families. Written informed consent
Before a restorative material can be applied forms were obtained from all patients at the start of
clinically, its performance must be screened and this research study.
evaluated using in vitro studies. However, a direct Each patient required two Class I or II cavities to
correlation between the in vitro and in vivo be restored with a dental composite. The clinical
performances of an adhesive restorative system can procedures of cavity preparation and restoration
hardly be made. This is because the three-dimensional placement were performed by one calibrated dentist of
configuration of a prepared tooth is inherently different the Department of Operative Dentistry. Data
from the flat surfaces usually used to test adhesive presented in this report were derived from the Class I
materials in the laboratory. Additionally, the bonded and II resin-based composite restorations placed over a
interface is subjected to a variety of different stresses period of 1 year (2005–2006). Operating sites were
and more challenging situations over time in vivo14). isolated with cotton rolls and a salivary suction device.
For these reasons, clinical evaluations of direct and Extremely large restorations (i.e., faciolingual occlusal
indirect resin-based composite restorations, which are isthmus which was more than two-third of the distance
placed using the currently available range of between facial and lingual cusp tips) were avoided. All
commercial restorative materials, are needed to restorations included for evaluation in this study had
substantiate and corroborate the data obtained from all-enamel margins, were in occlusion at baseline, and
the in vitro studies of these materials. To the end that had no pulp exposure at placement.
relevant criteria can be applied consistently during In 54 patients, 22 men and 32 women with a mean
clinical trials to assess the performance of age of 23 years (range: 20–28 years), a total of 100
restorations15), the United States Public Health Service Class I and Class II direct composite resin restorations
(USPHS) evaluation system is the most commonly used and indirect composite resin inlays were placed. The
direct method for quality control of restorations16). This restorations which were evaluated were distributed as
scoring system was designed to provide comprehensive follows: 45 first molars and 21 second molars in the
evidence for clinical acceptance rather than in degrees lower arch; 31 first molars and three second molars in

Table 1 Distribution of restorations by location

Upper first molar 8 4 10 1 8 31
Upper second molar 1 − 2 − − 3
Lower first molar 7 11 4 12 11 45
Lower first molar 4 5 4 7 1 21
Total 20 20 20 20 20 100

Table 2 Distribution of restorations by cavity type

Class I 11 12 14 11 1 49
Class II 9 8 6 9 19 51
Total 20 20 20 20 20 100
622 Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626

the upper arch. Their distributions in terms of location (Life, KerrHawe, Switzerland) was placed at the pulpal
and cavity type are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and axial walls. Following which, a light-polymerized
respectively. All teeth were in occlusion and had at glass ionomer cement base (Fuji II LC, GC, USA) was
least one proximal contact with an adjacent tooth. placed to eliminate undercuts in deep areas of the
cavities and to replace lost dentin. Location of cervical
Restorative materials margins above or below the cementoenamel junction
Three nanofilled composite restorative systems (Filtek was documented after preparation. Complete arch
Supreme XT (FS), 3M ESPE; Tetric EvoCeram (TEC), impressions were taken with a C-silicone impression
Ivoclar Vivadent; AELITE Aesthetic (AA), Bisco) and material (Zetaplus, Zhermack, Italy). Provisional
two indirect inlay restorative systems (Estenia (E), restorations were placed with an eugenol-free, light-
Kuraray; Tescera ATL (TATL), Bisco) were used in this curing temporary restorative material (Systemp inlay,
study. Their compositions were summarized in Table Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein). One laboratory
3. technician of the School of Dentistry prepared all the
inlays following the manufacturers’ instructions.
Clinical procedure for indirect composite inlays The E inlays were built up in layers of 2.5 mm
All cavities were prepared according to the common maximally, and each layer was polymerized from the
principles for adhesive inlays. To achieve convergence occlusal direction for 120–180 seconds with a curing
angles between opposing walls at an estimated 10 to 12 unit (Hilux Expert, Benlioğlu Dental, Turkey). After
degrees, cavities were prepared with slightly tapered the composite inlays were removed from the stone
80-μm grit diamond bur and finished with 25-μm grit model, they were postcured in a light oven (CS-110
diamond bur (KG Sorensen, Brazil) under water Light and Heat Curing System, Kuraray, Japan) for
cooling. Care was taken to minimize increase in cavity 180 seconds and then in a heat oven for 10 minutes at
extension. The cavities were prepared with rounded 114°C to improve the physical properties. As for the
inner line angles and to a depth allowing at least 2 mm polymerization unit provided for TATL inlays (Tescera
of resin material at the occlusal contact area. All ATL™ Processing Unit, Bisco, USA), it comprised two
undercuts were eliminated. specialized cups (one for pressure/light and one for
Before placement of inlay liner, each tooth was water/pressure/light/heat). TATL inlays were built up
isolated with cotton rolls and a saliva suction device. in one increment and polymerized on the stone model
In most cases, a thin layer of calcium hydroxide liner in the light polymerization cup for 5 minutes. The

Table 3 Compositions of direct composite and indirect inlay systems

Composite Filler content (%) Type of
Organic matrix İnorganic filler
material (by weight) (by volume) composite
FS XT TEGDMA, Bis-GMA, Zirconia-silica nanoclusters 78.5 59.5 Nanohybrid
UDMA, Bis-EMA (0.6–1.4 µm), silica (Direct)
nanofillers (5–20 nm)

TEC Bis GMA, UDMA, Barium glass, ytterbium 82 61 Nanohybrid

DDDMA trifluoride, mixed oxide, (Direct)
prepolymer (40–550 nm)

AA EBis-GMA, Bis-GMA Glass filler, amorphous 73 54 Reinforced

silica nanofill

TATL EBis-GMA, UDMA Glass filler, amorphous 20–60 10–40 Microhybrid

silica (İndirect)

E UDMA, hydrophobic Surface-treated alumina 92 82 Hybrid ceramic

aromatic dimethacrylate, microfiller, silanated glass (İndirect)
hydrophobic aliphatic filler, silanated glass
dimethacrylate ceramics

TEGDMA: Tetraethylene glycol dimethacrylate;

Bis-GMA: Bisphenol-A-glycidyl dimethacrylate;
UDMA: Urethane dimethacrylate;
Bis-EMA: Ethoxylated bisphenol A dimethacrylate;
DDDMA: Decandiol dimethacrylate;
EBis-GMA: Ethoxylated Bis-GMA
Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626 623

inlays were then removed from the stone model, and in a rubber cup to remove salivary pellicle and any
composite inlays were postcured in the heat cup remaining dental plaque. The cavity was opened (or
submerged in water at a temperature of 120°C and the existing restoration was removed) using a pear-
under a pressure of 6 bar. shaped diamond bur (Jota AG, Switzerland) on a high-
The processed inlays were adjusted as needed and speed air turbine. Caries was removed by low-speed
seated on the master model, and then polished with metal burs (Meisinger, Germany) and hand
silicone polisher, brushes, and polishing paste. After a instruments, leaving discolored but hard dentin at the
clinical tryout, the inner surfaces of the inlays were cavity floor. Cavities were prepared according to the
etched with 37% phosphoric acid. All inlays were principles of minimally invasive dentistry.
definitively inserted within 1 week after the Tooth isolation by means of cotton rolls and a
impressions were made. The bonding of all restorations saliva suction device was used for each patient. All
was performed in a dry working field using cotton rolls cavities were restored using a sectional metal matrix
and a saliva suction device, but without a rubber dam. (Contact Matrix, Palodent, USA) which was fixed with
The E inlays were cemented with a dual-cure resin a ring and wooden wedges (Kerr, Switzerland), and
cement, Panavia F (Kuraray, Japan); similarly, the which was inserted with firm pressure. For all the
TATL inlays were also cemented with a dual-cure resin direct composites, the bonding procedure began with
cement, Duo-Link (Bisco, USA). The inserted applying freshly mixed self-etch primer (Clearfil SE
restorations were finished with 40-μm grit and 15-μm Primer, Kuraray, Japan) for 20 seconds to the cavity
grit diamond burs (Jota AG, Switzerland), polishing walls, and then dried with gentle air-drying for 5
disks and strips (Sof-Lex, 3M ESPE, USA), and a seconds. Bonding agent (Clearfil SE Bond, Kuraray,
composite polishing kit (Enhance, Dentsply, Milford, Japan) was applied with a microbrush and polymerized
USA). for 10 seconds. After application of the self-etching
primer and bonding agent, the cavities were filled
Clinical procedure for direct composite restorations incrementally with facially and lingually inclined
First, the color of the tooth that needed treatment was mesiodistal layers of maximally 2 mm. Between each
determined using a color key. If necessary, local increment (maximally at 2 mm), polymerization was
anesthesia was administered to prevent patient performed with a halogen light-curing unit (Hilux
discomfort during the restorative procedure. The teeth Expert, Benlioğlu Dental, Turkey; tip diameter: 8 mm)
to be restored were cleaned with a pumice-water slurry for 20 seconds (TEC, AA, FS) or 40 seconds (FS dentin

Table 4 Modified USPHS criteria

Surface texture Alfa (A) Surface is not rough
Bravo (B) Surface is slightly rough
Charlie (C) Surface is highly rough
Marginal integrity Alfa (A) Absence of discrepancy at probing
Bravo (B) Presence of discrepancy at probing, without dentin exposure
Charlie (C) Probe penetrates in the discrepancy at probing, with dentin exposure
Marginal discoloration Alfa (A) Absence of marginal discoloration
Bravo (B) Presence of marginal discoloration, limited and not extended
Charlie (C) Evident marginal discoloration, penetrated toward the pulp chamber
Gingival adaptation Alfa (A) Gingival tissues are perfect
Bravo (B) Gingival tissues are slightly hyperemic
Charlie (C) Gingival tissues are inflammation
Postoperative sensitivity Alfa (A) Absence of the dentinal hypersensitivity
Bravo (B) Presence of mild and transient hypersensitivity
Charlie (C) Presence of strong and intolerable hypersensitivity
Color match Alfa (A) Restoration is perfectly matched for color shade
Bravo (B) Restoration is not perfectly matched for color shade
Charlie (C) Restoration is unacceptable for color shade
Retention Alfa (A) Complete retention of the restoration
Bravo (B) Mobilization of the restoration, still present
Charlie (C) Loss of the restoration
624 Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626

shade). Curing light was directed perpendicular to the

occlusal surface. Light output, which did not fall below
600 mW/cm2, was measured using a handheld curing At 1-year recall, all the 54 patients were available for
radiometer (Demetron, Danbury, CT, USA). evaluation. The restorations were evaluated for
After removing the matrix holder and wedges, the retention and gingival adaptation, whereby 100% Alpha
gingival areas were cured for 20 seconds from the facial ratings were obtained for both restorative systems. On
and lingual directions. The occlusion and articulation Alpha rating for the other evaluation criteria, it was as
were checked and adjusted, and then the direct follows: 95% of TATL for color match, 95% of E for
composite restorations were finished with fine-grit postoperative sensitivity, 95% of TEC and AA for
diamond instruments (Jota AG, Switzerland), Sof-lex marginal discoloration, 95% of TEC and AA for surface
disks (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany), rubber polishing texture, and 95% of TATL and TEC for marginal
instruments, and a composite polishing kit (Enhance, integrity. None of the restorative systems received a
Dentsply, Milford, USA). All finishing procedures were Charlie rating for any of the evaluation criteria.
performed under water cooling. In most cases, color In particular for surface texture (Table 5) and
photographs of marked occlusal contact points were marginal discoloration (Table 6) at 12 months, the
taken. lowest ranking results in terms of Alpha rating were as
follows: 80% of FS received the Alpha rating for surface
Clinical evaluation texture, and 85% of TATL and FS received the Alpha
Restorations were rated independently with mirror and rating for marginal discoloration.
probe by two experienced dentists (NU, MK) who were Using McNemar chi-square test, no statistically
not involved with the insertion of indirect composite significant differences among the restorative materials
inlays and direct composite restorations. Restorations were shown at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months for
were assessed directly after the final finishing (baseline all the evaluation criteria. Moreover, all the
evaluation), at 6 months and 12 months using the restorations were rated as clinically acceptable.
modified USPHS criteria (Table 4). This clinical Nonetheless, for the evaluation criteria of surface
assessment method resulted in ordinally structured texture and marginal discoloration (presented in Tables
data for the outcome variables (alpha=excellent result; 5 and 6 respectively), numerical — but not statistically
bravo=acceptable result; charlie=unacceptable, significant — differences were noted.
replacement of the restoration necessary)5).
Statistical analysis
Ratings for restorations at baseline and follow-up In the present study, new breeds of direct and indirect
examinations were analyzed using the Fisher’s exact composites were evaluated using some clinical criteria
test and McNemar chi-square test for each category. which had been defined in previous studies18-20). In
The standard value considered to demonstrate accordance with the American Dental Association
statistically significant differences was set at p≤0.05. guidelines for testing a new material17), the sample size

Table 5 Results of surface texture evaluation (%)

Baseline 6 months 12 months
FS 100 0 90 10 80 20
TEC 100 0 95 5 95 5
AA 100 0 95 5 95 5
E 100 0 100 0 100 0
TATL 100 0 100 0 100 0

Table 6 Results of marginal discoloration evaluation (%)

Baseline 6 months 12 months
FS 100 0 90 10 85 15
TEC 100 0 100 0 95 5
AA 100 0 95 5 95 5
E 100 0 100 0 100 0
TATL 100 0 90 10 85 15
Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626 625

used in this study was 54 patients, as well as these — could be attributed to higher wear resistance. The
steps taken to comply with the guidelines: number of latter improvement was realized because the indirect
restorations (20 per material), distribution of composite inlays were postcured in a heat oven for 10
restorations (maximum of two pairs in the same minutes. On the other hand, in a two-year clinical
patient), ratio of 1:2 for Class I to Class II restorations. evaluation of direct and indirect composite restorations
At all the evaluation periods in this study, the in posterior teeth by Scheibenbogen-Fuchsbrunner et
recall rate was 100%. Indeed, availability was still al.7), no significant differences between these two
expected to be high at other prolonged evaluation different types of posterior composite systems were
periods because majority of the subjects in this study observed.
were young adult patients with a mean age of 23 years According to the results of this study, both direct
(range: 20–28 years), and that they were selected and indirect composite resin restorations demonstrated
among the volunteers from staff and students and their excellent clinical performance whereby no restorations
families. Moreover, such an age range could provide a were rated unacceptable in any aspect of the
better performance for clinical evaluations of posterior evaluation. Similarly, in a 12-month evaluation of two
restorations because of better occlusal harmony. posterior composite restorative systems by Neto et al.18),
On the isolation of the restoration site, it could be 94.1–100% Alpha ratings were obtained for the
carried out using different methods. In some clinical evaluated criteria according to the modified USPHS
studies on posterior composites, rubber dam was used system. In another two-year clinical evaluation by
to isolate the teeth21-23), whereas Turkun24), Kohler et Türkün and Aktener31), all the posterior composite
al.25), and Pallesen and Qvist26) opted for cotton rolls restorations evaluated were also rated as excellent. In
and saliva suction device. Raskin et al.27), in a 10-year a study by Efes et al.32), all the restorative materials
evaluation of posterior composites, did not observe showed only minor changes and that no statistically
significant differences between these two isolation significant differences in their performance were
methods. detected between baseline and the follow-up evaluation
According to Mitra et al.11), the nanofilled composite at 12 months. In particular, the performance exhibited
was shown to have equivalent — if not higher — by nanofilled composite resin after 1 year was similar
mechanical properties than the hybrid composite, since to the packable and microhybrid composite resins.
the nanocomposite showed high translucency, high In the present one-year clinical study; both the
polish and polish retention similar to those of direct and indirect composite restorations were rated
microfilled composite. In other words, these composites as clinically acceptable according to the evaluation
might render satisfactory clinical performance in criteria used and that there were no statistically
posterior teeth. Moreover, laboratory-processed significant differences in performance among the tested
indirect composite resin systems are an attractive materials. On the lack of statistically significant
esthetic alternative for intracoronal posterior differences, it could be due to the multiple similarities
restorations12,13). Then, apart from posterior — in terms of chemical composition and high filler
restorations, nanofilled composites could also double as content — underlying the composites used in this study
satisfactory materials for restorations in anterior teeth. (Table 3). However, differences might emerge over
In their four-year clinical study, Geurtsen and longer periods of use. Nevertheless, better clinical
Scholer28) claimed that the most important problem in performance might be obtained using E and TATL
posterior composite restorations is marginal since they are indirect composite resins specifically
discoloration. Marginal discoloration is classified based designed for restoring posterior teeth. Furthermore, it
on the penetration of dye into the pulp. In our study, is claimed that indirect composites, when tempered
statistical analysis showed that there were no with heat and light, could have an enhanced degree of
significant differences in marginal discoloration among cure, thereby leading to improved physical properties.
the restorative materials, despite the presence of
numerical differences. Amongst which, indirect E
restorations received 100% Alpha rating for marginal
discoloration at all the evaluation periods. In a study Results of the present study showed comparable clinical
by Türkün and Çelik29), a two-year clinical evaluation performance among the five composites evaluated.
of the FS restorations yielded similar marginal After 1 year, the clinical performance of FS, TEC, and
discoloration outcome as the present study. AA showed minor changes compared to baseline. Since
After 12 months of clinical service, more indirect the clinical performance of the posterior composite
composite inlays received Alpha rating for surface restorations was evaluated as acceptable after one-year
texture as compared to the direct composite use, the tested composites could be indicated for
restorations. However, in a study by Loguercio et al.30), restorations in posterior teeth. However, it is cautioned
the nanofilled and microfilled composites showed the that a longer observation period would be expedient for
best surface appearance after 12 months. In the further confirming the clinical validity of the composite
present study, better anatomic form and surface resin systems for posterior restorations.
texture results which were obtained for the indirect
composite inlays — although not statistically significant
626 Dent Mater J 2009; 28(5): 620–626

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17) American Dental Association Council on Scientific affairs.
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Acceptance program guidelines: Restorative materials,
Research Foundation, Selcuk University. Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1996, pp.1-9.
18) Giadornoli Neto R, Santiago SL, Mendonça JS, Passos VF,
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