Cold Email Techniques
Cold Email Techniques
Cold Email Techniques
Tactics and templates email outreach experts use
to receive more replies and grow their business.
And how you can do it, too!
Table of contents
Wondering what kind of templates and cold Follow-ups you can send after meeting with
email tips are waiting for you in this ebook? your prospects, conferences, etc.
This is the place where you’ll find out.
Who is this ebook for?
When you’re doing cold email outreach, you stumble upon all kinds of We sincerely hope this ebook will become that kind of a resource for you
challenges. Sometimes they are harder to solve, other times you take care and your team. In here, you’ll find years of email outreach experience
of them fast. Once you figure out one, inevitably, another one comes transformed into actionable tips and creme de la creme cold email
knocking. These might include: templates that scored high reply rates.
1) Low reply rates and negative ROI It doesn’t matter if you're a salesperson, work in marketing, are recruiting
2) No access to the world’s top-performing cold email templates to talent, or trying to conquer link building. There’s something for every trade
take inspiration from and every outreach objective.
3) Wondering how many follow-up emails is too much
4) Low open rates and high bounce rates Whenever you feel stuck or when you stumble upon a roadblock, we hope
5) Falling victim to spam filters and experiencing poor deliverability this ebook will be your Thor’s hammer so you can crack on.
6) Wondering whether your 10+ team needs a second domain just
for cold emailing
Much love,
Whether you're just starting out or you already have a solid experience in
the cold email world, having a go-to resource packed with industry secrets,
best tactics and quality templates is something we’d all want to possess.
The journey to a high reply rate
Every email outreach hacker is concerned with one thing and one thing Plus, we kept them short and sweet, so it won’t take you ages to read
only - reply rates. them.
A high reply rate later transforms into your business objective. More leads,
booked demos, free trial signups, specific link clicks, generated backlinks,
or job applications.
But how do you get a high reply rate? We’ll present you with steps you
need to take for this journey to end with champagne. 🍾
1. Set up your email outreach funnel
Your outreach funnel depends on the type of your business. I’ll give you an However, there are certain rules you ought to follow:
example of how lemlist’s outbound sales strategy looks.
● Sell the next step. For example, in their cold emails, our sales team
Send cold email sequence → Generate a reply → Book a meeting → Free doesn’t bother with selling lemlist. Instead, they are focused on
trial (or move to paid conversion directly) → Paid Conversion booking a meeting first. It’s only at that meeting when they start
selling lemlist.
Whether a prospect goes through a free trial or becomes a customer ● It’s about them. Eliminate “I” or “our company” from your vocabulary.
immediately depends on the type of a prospect and their needs. “You” and “your company” are things your prospects want to hear.
Sometimes, you might have to run multiple meetings before converting They don’t care about you. Your job is to figure out how they can win
them. This is usually the case with bigger clients and enterprises. so that you can too.
● Intrigue, don’t promote. Your product feature is a solution to their
But the main point is, the funnel’s framework remains intact. It just adjusts pain. Meaningless words are replaced with relevant examples.
to the prospect in question. Your mission is to figure out your funnel, Promotion goes away, empathy steps in. It’s through these trade-offs
position cold email sequences in it accordingly, and keep improving it by that you’ll get more replies.
being data-oriented. ● Stop being generic. While automation helps you scale your business,
it can’t replace your understanding of the market. So, first understand
what makes your prospects tick, segment them into buckets (e.g.
across different pain points), and then start automating. Relevant
personalization and automation for repetitive tasks is the ideal match.
1. Set up your email outreach funnel
The same rules apply to your follow-up emails. We’ll talk about specific tactics in a bit. But before we do, let’s finish this chapter with some targets you
should keep in mind and some funnels for inspiration.
Don't worry if you're not there yet, that's what this ebook is for.
Here’s a quick visual example of an interesting funnel. Btw, working like fire for our team.
Target prospects Cold email
Book a meeting
on LinkedIn outreach
Deliverable: segmented list KPIs: high open, click, and Deliverable: Qualified
reply rates meetings
KPI: Deals closed
2. Make sure prospects read your emails
For a prospect to reply, they first have to receive your email and open it. ● Forget to warm up their email address. Especially if you have a
However, the fact of the matter is that a lot of cold emails end up in spam new one. It needs to be warmed up. Meaning, you have to send and
or promotion folders. Meaning, prospects don’t even get a chance to read receive emails initially so that email providers can see there’s a real
the email in the first place. person behind the address. You can also automatically warm-up
your domain with lemwarm.
This tends to happen more often to bigger sales teams where multiple ● Second domain dilemma. Big sales teams wonder when and how to
people are sending emails without following email deliverability rules. The set up a dedicated email domain just for cold email outreach. Our
result is they ruin the domain’s reputation and suffer from low open rates advice is to go with a dedicated domain that doesn’t look scammy
and high bounce rates. We can illustrate the importance of email because it’s extremely difficult to maintain a high email reputation
deliverability through this image. and efficiently manage a bigger team.
● Track metrics in the wrong way. Everybody wants to track opens
Here some typical and quite painful mistakes people make when sending and clicks. But so many forget to set up their custom tracking
cold emails: domain and are punished for it later.
● Use fake accounts and aliases. For example, when you’re setting up All the answers on how to do an audit of your email reputation and
your Gmail profile, input your correct details. Simply put, using fake maximize email deliverability lie behind this link. And don’t worry, these
info is a bad idea in the long run. are super simple how-to tutorials to follow. Please set this up.
● Sending blasts fast. If you select an email marketing tool to send
your outreach campaigns, you’ll suffer because email providers don’t Your cold email future depends on it.
like to see thousands of emails sent at the same time. Punishments
for this are severe.
3. Invest time to research your target audience
To be able to personalize cold emails, you have to know your target ● Communities. Facebook and Slack groups are big deals in today’s
audience. There’s no shortcut or quick automation that will help you do world. Find relevant communities for your business and use the
this. You have to invest time and put the work in. internal search option for your analysis. Also, why not build your own
community and centralize feedback? :)
The better you know the person you’re about to reach out to, the easier it ● LinkedIn. A network we all love nowadays. Not only can you connect
will be to write the actual email. On top of that, the ROI you generate on with any prospect in a heartbeat, but its Search algorithm is vastly
customer research is high reply rates. So it makes complete sense to do it. powerful. Be sure to use it as all the information is already there.
The main objective is to look for patterns. If your product/service solves 3 ● Reddit/Quora/Product Hunt. People ask many intriguing questions
specific pain points, I bet you’ll find three different types of prospects. You and leave interesting comments on things that matter in your
can organize them into these 3 buckets. industry. Pay attention to them!
● Google. Seeing how many people are searching for specific things
For example, lemlist helps people get high reply rates, maximize can help you confirm the demand. Any SEO tool out there will give
deliverability and engage with prospects across multiple channels. As a you even deeper insights into what drives clicks and what type of
result, this means I can organize prospects into 3 different campaigns and content people consume.
pitch them accordingly. And because I know the patterns, I can automate ● Job ads. This is a brilliant hack our sales team uses. For example,
certain things or create templates for a specific bucket. How can you when we see that a certain company is looking for new sales reps to
understand your audience better? Luckily, there is an abundance of join, we know that they are a potential customer to us. Plus, in most
resources available: of the job ads, we can identify what are the objectives they plan to hit
and what this person’s job description would entail.
3. Invest time to research your target audience
Don’t underestimate the power of good customer research. The markets are dynamic, competition is fierce and things change rapidly. The only way to stay
ahead of the curve is to be a few steps ahead. And it all starts by understanding your customers and then putting that information to good use.
This is a basic example of a .CSV file with which you can customize intro lines for every prospect. Something as simple as a Google Sheet can be your faithful
companion during research that you can later use to personalize cold emails. Plus, with this extension, you’re going to enjoy the process even more.
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
We have come to probably the most interesting part for anybody looking ● Intro line. This is where you break the ice and incentivize your
to skyrocket their business through cold emails. What does a good cold prospects to lower their guard down. Essentially, you want them to
email sequence look like? More importantly, how do you differentiate from read that intro and be like, “Ok, this is not a boring salesperson, let’s
your competitors and motivate people to reply to you? see what they want''. This is achieved by using genuine
compliments or questions, common ground, and referencing things
Let’s start from the top. A top-performing cold email sequence consists of of their interest.
an opening email and follow-ups. ● Pitch. There are plenty of ways in which you can structure your
pitch. One of the examples is the PAIN - SOLUTION technique, where
First cold email you reference their most important pain and position your
product/service as a solution. Another way to do it is through an
For many outreach hackers, this is usually the best email in the entire
empathetic example. Have you already done what they’re doing
sequence. Its components are:
now? Show them the magic and position your product/service along
the way.
● Subject line. The first thing you want to look out for is not to make it
● Call-to-action. It should come naturally after your pitch. To find out
too long because some people will check it out on their mobile
the one that works best, you have to test. But, don’t confuse
where you have less “real estate”. Up to 5-6 words is usually the
prospects with too many options. Don’t be pushy either. Fight
best. Then, treat it like a newspaper headline. It should intrigue
friction and don’t make them think too much. If what you’re saying
prospects, motivate them to open the email.
resonates with them, they should be able to book a call with you in
approximately 30 seconds.
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
If this seems intimidating, that's what our templates are for, keep reading If your strategy is storytelling, a good idea is to reveal one more gem with
how these tips look in action every subsequent email. For example, in my first email, I can speak about
problems with email deliverability. But, in my follow up I can show you
Follow-ups how to fix them. The second follow-up can showcase a relevant use case
from your industry.
The first thing people ask about follow-up emails is how many to send.
Along with how not to be boring and send those same types of “did you
This strategy is great because it adds value with every additional email in
read my last email” messages.
the sequence. The trick is to connect the dots and position it as a story.
It’s okay to reference the prior message, but try to repeat the most
important information in the follow-up. Make it sharp and write it in a
slightly different way.
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
Here’s an example of a schedule for 8-step cold email cadences. Why should you send follow-ups?
● 2-day delay between email 1 and 2 Because they are guaranteed to bring more replies. And more replies bring
● 2-day delay between email 2 and 3 more opportunities. Think about it, sometimes people forget to reply or
● 3-day delay between email 3 and 4 have just been busy. Other times, their inbox could be filled with emails
● 3-day delay between email 4 and 5 and they haven’t got a chance to read it yet. Just because somebody
● 4-day delay between email 5 and 6 doesn’t reply immediately, it doesn’t mean they aren’t interested.
● 6-day delay between email 6 and 7 Ultimately, this is why we deliver follow-ups in the first place.
● 8-day delay between email 7 and 8
Advanced email outreach tactics
But remember, there’s no golden rule or one-delay-fits-all schedules. The
One more thing before we move onto cold email templates. Prepare to
right schedule will be the one that’s working best for you and your
discover 5 high-performing outreach tactics that will ramp up your reply
audience, after you test it.
So send a few campaigns and analyze the performance.
Capturing prospects’ attention with images
How to make sure all emails in a sequence go under the same thread?
An image in a cold email can mean so many fantastic things. We can be
talking about:
If you’re using lemlist to send your cold email campaigns, what you want
to do is leave the subject lines for follow-ups empty. That way, every email
● Unique video thumbnail customized for every prospect
will be delivered in the same thread.
● Screenshot of their LinkedIn profile
● Screenshot of their website
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
In the example you see above, this custom video thumbnail outperformed
every text link there is. It’s a brilliant way to have prospects click on a link
you want. Why? Because it’s tailored to an individual, like a suit or a dress.
A piece of clothing that’s been specially designed for you always feels
best, right?
This is what personalized images are able to do for your cold email
campaigns. If you fit them into your email and make them relevant to the
prospect, you’ll be amazed.
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
If you think about it, this is a great outreach funnel to have. You can use it Everything you see in red columns is for internal use only, while the blue
to book meetings, promote events, connect with your network, recruit, labels tell me what’s going into my email.
apply for a job, etc. Oh, and you don’t have to imagine it. lemlist gives you
a no-code way to create these pages in seconds, like this. By doing so, I’m creating unique sentences in my CSV, while doing the
customer research. With custom tags, lemlist will place all the content in
Personalized text the right place.
Tailoring your email with text-only content is also a great way to stand out. Meaning all I have to do in my cold email then is to add {{Tiramisu1}}
With something simple as a well-structured CSV file, you can do wonders. instead of my intro line, and {{Tiramisu2}} instead of my pitch sentence.
Everything else is done on autopilot.
4. Crafting the perfect cold email sequence
A/B testing Things you can A/B test:
This is what A/B testing is for. To save you time and protect your company
from subjective opinions. Whether we’re talking about subject lines, intro
lines, images, image vs. text, two different sequences, you can A/B test
Schedule a meeting in style
110 80% 23%
sent open rate reply rate
How can you use this?
Custom tags
2 Let’s imagine you want to have a custom intro sentence and a
custom call-to-action for every prospect. In your CSV file, add two
columns - “intro line” and “call to action”. Then, for every prospect,
add appropriate content when you’re researching. Finally, go to
your cold email tool (preferably lemlist :P), and create a template. In
the intro section add {{intro line}} and later {{call to action}} tags.
That way, your cold email tool will automatically pull the right
content for you. A simple text personalization that does wonders.
Take this needle out of my back
60 83% 32%
sent open rate reply rate
In the past two months, my team went from 3 to 8 people, with everybody The intro line referenced the subject line and that community
sending outbound campaigns. It hit our deliverability hard, so I faced the same post to set the expectation straight and to showcase you’re not
challenge you're facing right now. But, there are a few things you can do to fix
entering someone’s inbox guns blazing.
it and keep your open rates at 50%+. Let me show you…
As the Head of Growth at lemlist, Vuk is obviously selling a cold
email tool that also helps maximize email deliverability. But in
this case, he’s doing it in a credible and empathetic way by
connecting with prospects first. By doing so, he shows his
prospect that he solved that pain in the past.
Genuine compliments
2 If you decide to extend someone a compliment, make sure
you mean it. Saying something generic or insincere will do
your more harm than good. Compliments that you can back
up represent a beautiful way to start a business
Identifying decision-makers
Hi Jeremy,
You interested?
How can you use this?
Show them the promised land 380 81% 37%
sent open rate reply rate
Polite call-to-actions
2 A gentle(wo)man’s code suggests that you shouldn’t go
all-in on sales before your prospect expresses interest.
Once you qualify them and there’s a fit, go all-in by all
Network your way to sales
23 91% 35%
sent open rate reply rate
-> Here for the 🍵 She goes in with an easy yes/no question with a link to
her calendar so they don’t even have to respond, and adds
P.S. - Yes, I'm doing a little study on the subject "Are you more into tea or a funny twist to this by putting options for a coffee and
coffee?" for my next Linkedin post. 😁
tea meet-up. This adds a human touch to her email that
Clémence F.
sets it apart from all the other automated emails in her
B2B Outbound Sales Automation Expert @lemlist lead’s inbox. This is sure to boost her click and response
How can you use this?
Multichannel outbound cadence
The first cold email sequence we’re going to analyze is from one of lemlist’s
B2B sales experts, Simon. It’s very interesting because it leverages a
multichannel approach. Here’s what it looks like:
2nd email in the cadence
If a prospect doesn’t reply, that’s when a cold email is fired
off. As you can see, this message is a pretty
straightforward email. However, the second paragraph
contains a unique sentence for the prospect that’s pulled
Subject line: Outreach question, Nadja through the CSV file Simon previously prepared.
Hey Nadja,
Also, the call-to-action is structured as an invitation to talk
I tried to reach you on LinkedIn the day before yesterday without about sales and ambitious objectives, rather than directly
success! (I suspect your agenda is full so I’m trying my luck here) asking for a meeting to be booked. He is patiently moving
As I told you, I recently found out about what you’ve accomplished
prospects through different stages of interest without
with the Miro team, your fundraising in particular. Bravo to you 🙌 making it obvious.
I’m very curious to know what you have in place in terms of The third step is the cold call. Thanks to good research
outreach to get there? Is there an axis that you’re exploring at
Miro? before reaching out, Simon came prepared. He went to the
Welcome To The Jungle job board and assessed whether
Talk soon, prospects are expanding their sales teams and determined
the objectives they wanted to hit. By knowing what his
prospects are aiming to do, Simon can navigate the
conversation accordingly.
Multichannel outbound cadence
But, going back to different stages of the prospect’s interest, the But to do a quick recap of this image one more time, it consists of:
goal of a call is to book a Zoom meeting. So these calls are short a) Simon's image so people can see the real person, b) dynamic
and sweet. As a matter of fact, Simon starts the call using this text with {{firstName}} tag, c) LinkedIn profile pic of the person, d)
sentence "I totally understand you're busy, all I need is 24 seconds company logo in the bottom left corner and e) play button. This
to explain my point. Do you have 24 seconds?". That way, not only way, your click rate is maximized, while people are moved to a
does he capture the prospect's attention but he also plays on the dynamic landing page. What’s special about that?
prospect’s biggest needs. Most importantly, he sells the meeting,
not the product. It’s a custom page that's tailored for every lead individually, while
the most important things are embedded on it - dynamic text,
The final step is the follow-up email that gets delivered if the video, and your Calendly URL to decrease friction. This is one of the
person doesn’t respond to the cold call. The goal is to squeeze in finest ways to book meetings and be different in a very noisy world
additional replies from people who were just too busy and weren’t of cold email outreach. Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can
able to reply before. The email begins with a unique intro line for create one for your business without writing a single line of code.
every lead and then leverages the personalized video thumbnail
tactic we talked about earlier in this ebook.
Multichannel outbound cadence 220 88% 40%
sent open rate reply rate
How can you use this?
Reference the last step in a smart way Call with one click
1 Simon always makes a reference to the previous step - "I
emailed you two days ago..." and never lets too much time
3 Thanks to the integration between Aircall and lemlist,
Simon is able to have all prospects in one clean list and
pass between steps. Two-days in between is the maximum. call them in seconds right from the lemlist app.
Multichannel sequences all without leaving lemlist.
Convert inbound leads to clients (email 1)
There’s nothing better when marketing and sales teams work together
Subject line: *same as the previous email to build a funnel that converts great leads for your business. One such
example comes from Nevena, Founder of Recrooit, who managed to
convert 13% of her webinar attendees.
Hi Helen,
It all started with an educational webinar marketed to the relevant
I believe you are in a hurry, so I wanted to check my impressions audience. This is great top-of-the-funnel content that brings value to the
once again. audience. The majority of their webinar was also about providing value,
but a piece of it was also positioning Recrooit in that narrative.
I hope that the video answers the questions, and that it is clearer
The beauty of the follow-up email they’ve sent was that it’s closely
to you how our platform works. I would definitely like to hear
related to what they were saying during the webinar. There, they’ve
feedback about the course, and I'm looking forward to your
shown them the value behind the product and actionable tactics to
succeed in recruiting. It wasn’t sales-y, it was how they can use it to
make wins in their job. This email is a simple recap of that message and
In the next two weeks, we will occasionally send additional it comes with a unique video for them too. When you connect inbound
materials, so keep an eye on the inbox. and sales in a meaningful way, magic happens.
A simple 3-step sequence 249
open rate
reply rate
How can you use this?
Have all emails land in the same thread More outreach content ideas
1 If you’re sending cold email campaigns with lemlist, keep
your subject lines in the follow-up emails empty. That way,
3 For example, you can start by connecting based on a
common interest, like how your prospect uses LinkedIn. Of
all your emails are delivered in one thread and your subject course, pick a topic connected with your product/service.
line stays the same from the first email to the last one. Then, if you get no response, tell them a story about how
you have already faced the pain/challenge they are
experiencing now. Finally, add relevant and actionable
examples in the third email, walk them through the tactics,
and position yourself as an expert on the subject.
Simple text personalization
2 Straightforward custom tags in your CSV file can help you
be more efficient in your email outreach. For instance,
Robert was switching “job positions” through his custom
tags since he had prospects hiring for different positions.
Follow up after a meeting
30 93% 73%
sent open rate reply rate
Subject line: As promised Frank CHALLENGES: In this case, the follow-up was directly
following a meeting, and talked about the
● Qualifying leads prior to next steps, the most important topics that
Hey again Frank, reaching out to them were discussed, and ended with a game plan
● Reporting across multiple for how to proceed.
Great talking to you today. As channels
This is a template inspired by the one we
promised, I'm sending you a quick
GAME PLAN: received from Richard Harris, a world-famous
summary of our conversation.
sales expert. As you can see in the bullet
● Set up lemlist account and test points, they are organized across three
Let me if it's all good or I forgot sequence categories to make sure both parties are on
something? ● Address lead qualification & the same page when it comes to what
share best practices happens next.
Take care, The key to success when it comes to
● We’re going to organize one more follow-ups after meetings is to processize it
meeting with John and Sarah Simon and ensure it gets delivered in a timely
● Next Tuesday at 5pm, we’ll focus fashion.
on multi-channel sequence setup
The rest is up to you to sell in the meeting!
How can you use this?
Follow up after a conference
250 91% 43%
sent open rate reply rate
Subject line: Following up on our discussion at Growth Marketing
Make the most out of relationships Modify custom variables to your audience
1 You can use this follow-up how Briana did after a conference,
or it can also be following a networking event, alumni event, 3 You can keep the info in your custom variables
professional like Briana does, or add something a bit
etc. These all work because you will have already built a more personal. Especially during conferences, you tend to
relationship with your lead and can use that to personalize get to know people outside of their work environment.
your messages and connect with leads. Don’t hesitate to mention that. For example, if you did a
little shop talk during the conference and found out some
of their pain points, don’t be afraid to mention that and
give them your solution! The key is to match your lead
with the right information and you’ll be sure to get
Deliver your message with a custom video
2 These are always crowd-pleasers and will increase your click
rates. Especially in cases where you already have met your
lead, it might be nice to say hello and ask how they are and
then go in and explain the content you are sending them.
Follow up after no response 45 100% 60%
sent open rate reply rate
back and read previous emails. That’s why in this case they
reminded them of the previous email but summarized the
main point, to meet for coffee, so that the lead could
immediately respond without sifting through emails.
Networking email after no reply
14 86% 71%
sent open rate reply rate
I'm 100% confident that the collaboration between Aircall and lemlist is a
To be able to use this strategy, you ought to
match made in heaven. Here's why...
understand your prospects’ challenges and business
We both obsessed with producing ACTIONABLE content and have strong ambitions. Remember, personalization without
distribution networks that perfectly compliment each other. relevancy doesn’t mean a thing.
Plus, all indicators suggest that once we release it, it's going to be a major hit, On top of that, it’s also important to connect all the
and it will bring us a lot of attention. emails in your sequence so they don’t feel boring or
repetitive. Even if you’re not adding anything new,
Let me know Ilya as I'm super interested to hear your thoughts.
which you could btw, use power words and focus on
Stay safe, the language your prospects use. It should be simple
and easy to understand.
How can you use this?
Add facts
2 In this case, Lucille highlighted why the collaboration would
be good for both parties, but you can even personalize this
to each lead by stating how specifically it could help. This
will really make your pitch gold!
The last follow-up email
84 52% 8%
sent open rate reply rate
Is there any chance you can tell me who's in charge of A solid tactic to use for your last follow-up email is to ask if
distributing content and making sure it reaches your target they are the right person to contact! This will either invoke
audience? the person to respond with the right person to contact, or
just to confirm that they are in fact the right person but
Oh, whatever happens, I won't be sending you any more emails... they were too busy before.
don't worry.
Another nice thing to add to your last follow-up email is
the “I won’t be sending any more emails” line. This is
Thanks a lot!
helpful so it doesn’t seem like you are trying to pester
them, and also because if they had any intention of
responding but haven’t been able to, they will do so now.
How can you use this?
If you are reaching out to decision makers Approach the subject with the right tone
1 It can be hard to find exactly who you need to contact, so
using this template can come in handy when you want to 3 There is a huge difference between asking to “speak to
the manager” and verifying that someone is the right
verify that you have reached the right person. Also, if person to talk to. To give you a better idea of how to reach
someone does respond with someone else to contact, be this tone, imagine you are writing a message to one of
sure to thank them and also mention this person to the your colleagues asking if they handle a certain project or
decision maker you need to contact. if it’s someone else on the team.
Grow your community
1000+ 55% 26%
sent open rate reply rate
So, I thought you might be interested in Ilya killed this campaign with a combo of outreach
Heyo {FirstName},
joining the fastest growing sales & automation and personalization!
growth oriented community.
Ahaha, I’m just kidding Ted. 😂 Similar to the last example, Ilya tried to create a
touchpoint before sending out his cold email
It’s called The Sales Automation Family
I bumped into your LinkedIn profile campaign. He created a target persona, used
(14,000+ members).
recently (thanks for accepting my LinkedIn search filters to create a list of prospects
connection request, btw) and was who matched this persona, and then used a
It’s a place to:
quite impressed with what you and multichannel sequence to send them an invitation
Weglot have been up to. to connect. Then he went in with this email to
1. Share & find cool growth tactics invite them to his group. Because of the work he
2. Discuss new trends already did to target the recipients he didn’t need
3. Have fun 🤙 to add too many benefits since they were people
he already knew would be interested in the group.
Hope to see you there!
He added to this by personalizing his message! He
Ilya (it’s like William but shorter, I know I added the first name, company logo, and website
have a weird name) screenshot of the lead. The image itself is
positioned higher in the email to capture
prospects’ attention and motivate them to read the
entire email.
How can you use this?
Boost your networking results Target your image based the lead type
1 The tactics and research used in this campaign would fit
perfectly with a networking campaign. For example, if
2 This kind of campaign works like magic for all types of
companies, but because of the website screenshot, it can
you want to network with other growth/marketing/sales be even better for startups or entrepreneurs. If you want
managers, all you need to do is determine your specific to reach out to people from larger companies you might
target, use the LinkedIn search tool to find a list of consider replacing the website screenshot with a
prospects, and import this list to lemlist to automate screenshot of their LinkedIn profile. This way you are
viewing their profile, sending an invite, and starting an making more of a personal connection with them and
email sequence to invite them for a coffee chat. Could it help you to start building your relationship, which will
be any easier? later lead you to sales.
Invite guests to your podcast
Introducing our famous Tiramisu cold email tactic, because it’s cold, but sweet just like delicious Tiramisu.
It relies upon a high level of text personalization, and Guillaume added even more value by stating what was in it for them, and
then showed his credibility so they knew he meant business. In essence, it’s more than just a webinar or podcast invitation. This
worked like magic for high-profile guests like Rand Fishkin, Aaron Ross, Tim Soulo, Becc Holland, John Barrows, Jill Rowley, etc.
The two tiramisu tags have very important missions. One to captivate the lead with a hyper-personalized intro, and the next to add
an idea he has for the webinar featuring this specific lead. Once the lead was hooked, the template also lists all the benefits they
would get. As the cherry on the top, the final paragraph was for building credibility and outlining the next steps. No wonder the
reply rate was so high!
How can you use this?
Get featured on other people’s podcasts
Subject line: I’ve Got a Story for You Why did this template work?
Of course, there's a lot of other topics we could be talking about too:
Hi Sarah, This email starts out with an icebreaker
1) How to make personalization and automation work together
that is personalized for every lead’s
My name is Guillaume and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of lemlist. 2) Building a 2.5K community on Facebook and It
why thattune
matters so your sales
business. helps down
I’ve listened to a few episodes on your podcast and I think you guys are much intentions and focus on starting a
doing some fantastic work. 3) Leveraging LinkedIn for greater engagement and business growth
conversation on a topic that’s relevant
4) Bootstrapping your SaaS towards profit by focusing on Product and
I listened to an episode you did with XY. I loved the part where you talked Brand
to your prospect.
about Facebook Ads, shared some cool A/B test experiments and tear
down few example. When
For references and credibility, you can checktransitioning to the(link)
my LinkedIn profile sales pitch,
and an episode I did with Nathan Latka email captures interest by
I’d love to be your guest on the show. mentioning how the lead compares to
Anyways, would love to hear your ideas
theirand would be thrilled
competitors to join complete
on Google,
For the past 1.5 years, I've been building lemlist, an email outreach tool The Sales Guru Podcast. If you’re upwith
for it,alemme know
personalized image.
based on dynamic personalization (text, images, videos, landing pages).
Our tool helps businesses get more replies to cold emails, and makes their Much love,
Then it shows them the promised land
sales process far more contextual and human.
Guillaume by explaining how they can put their
After listening to your work, I believe your audience might enjoy hearing coffee shop on top and even links a
about my journey. My promise to you is that I'll share an honest and plan so they know he is serious.
practical story - signing 10k customers and growing 30% MoM in a vastly
competitive market. It finishes with a CTA that clearly states
the next steps, a call, and asks if they
are interested with a Yes/No, which can
boost response rates!
Why did this template work?
47 84% 38%
sent open rate reply rate
On the other hand, we have the reverse technique too, how you can get featured on podcasts. This template is essentially a
reverse-engineered version of the last one, but with a little less personalization.
Guillaume starts out by introducing himself, which is also a bit of a statement of credibility, and immediately follows with
compliments about their podcast and a personalized statement about one of their episodes that he really listened to. Once he gets
their interest, he goes in with the sale. He adds even more credibility and mentions the multiple topics they can discuss in the
lead’s podcast. In this case interest + credibility is what led G to success!
This is a great strategy Guillaume and Vuk leveraged to build awareness in the early growth stages of lemlist. Connecting with
podcast hosts and delivering value to their audience is a tactic you can scale, measure, and create win-win scenarios by creating
content that inspires.
How can you use this?
Business collaboration email
60 90% 50%
sent open rate reply rate
Let me know, She doesn’t go into detail about what it would entail or the
benefits because she really just wants to test how they feel
Daria about this idea. Straight, simple, and to the point.
How can you use this?
Influencer outreach
12 67% 67%
sent open rate reply rate
Subject line: Dnevnik Vina wants Marija Hyper-targeting! This campaign was created by Vuk
when he was reaching out to influencers to promote a
Hey Marija, giveaway for his local vlog.
We hope you’re well in these crazy times. ❤ If you look at the stats you can see the campaign was
only sent to 12 influencers. That’s because instead of
Quick question for you. We’re throwing away what we think is going to adding a lot of custom tags and icebreakers, he relies
be the coolest wine giveaway in our country. on the rapport that he previously built by connecting
with them on Instagram.
Therefore, we wanna connect and collaborate with true and cool wine
fans. He had already been following and interacting with
their posts before even reaching out to them, so when
Don’t want to bother you with a long email. If this sounds interesting, they saw the message they knew it was made for
let us know. them.
Your true Insta fans, To back this up even more, Vuk only reached out to
influencers that he knew would be interested in his
Vuk offer. As you can see, this paid off. Every lead that
opened the email responded!
How can you use this?
How can you use this?
Sharing content with journalists 67 85% 27%
sent open rate reply rate
Broken link building
24 83% 58%
sent open rate reply rate
As for the template itself, it’s super simple! For this specific
campaign, Ilya spent a good amount of time targeting his leads
so he knew they were more likely to be interested in his offer.
Anchor: Example anchor
Dead URL: We all get those emails asking for a backlink to something that
doesn’t even remotely fit our work, don’t fall prey to sending
backlink requests to anyone and everyone!
Fixing these things is far from an exciting task, but I assume you want this taken
care of. If so, may I throw in a solid replacement link for consideration...
The first step was targeting his leads, so he used SEO tools like
Ahrefs to find targeted broken links in the lead’s content. The
Title: How to send a cold email?
rest came easily, he simply stated the error, and then suggested
one of his blog articles that fit the best as a replacement for the
dead URL. All the lead had to do is simply copy the backlink into
Stay golden,
the article, how much easier can it get?
How can you use this?
Claiming unlinked mentions
13 100% 85%
sent open rate reply rate
How can you use this?
Initial recruiting email 120 78% 38%
sent open rate reply rate
This one is very similar to the last template, but with a bit of a
Subject line: lemlist looking to bring Lucille 📰 twist.
Hi Lucille,
The key in this template is the level of personalization. It started
out with a clear subject line and intro so the prospect knows
My name is Guillaume and I'm looking for the new Creative Marketing Manager exactly why they are contacting them. This tactic should be used
at lemlist. not for cold targeting, but for when you have a specific person in
mind that you really want. Hence why more research is needed
Your work on X project looks really impressive and as such it drew our and why the email goes deeper into the challenges of the role.
attention. As a matter of fact, we're currently working on a similar project at our
company where the challenge is rank our French content high and generate You already kind of qualified the candidate, you just want to
organic leads in the long run. confirm your expectations and see if they are interested in a
respectful and efficient way.
We feel that you're the perfect person to join our team and help us achieve
this. The template uses custom tags to specifically identify projects
they are working on, and highlight how they could help the new
If you're interested, I could send over the details of the job? company, should they decide to switch.
The real seller of this email is that he simply asks if they want to
Let me know,
find out more info about the job, no pressure. This can also lead
to building relationships, even if they aren’t interested in working
for him.
How can you use this?
They back this up with info about the job role so the
If interested, you can see all the details about the role here.
candidate can do their own research if they are interested.
Finally, they seal the deal with an invitation for a no-pressure
We'd definitely like to get to know you, no strings attached.
interview which is guaranteed to boost response rates.
Hiring VPs and department heads 249 53% 17%
sent open rate reply rate
Matching the tone to your company Share the best info for your lead
1 This template is a great one to use for general talent
searches because of how it maintains a professional feel
3 Another way you can modify this template is by changing
the job info that you give. You can leave out the job
with a casual tone, but you can change this depending on information altogether or maybe include more details
what is best for both your company and audience. For about the role/company. This can even be personalized
instance, you can also make it more casual by adding depending on each candidate, i.e. mentioning the part of
things like a P.S. and picture of the team. the role or benefits that will appeal to each of your leads.
You might also want to consider adding a link to the
company careers page so they can check out your
company for themselves.
Make your pitch different
2 You could also make a personalized video for your top
candidates! This option works so well because it sets your
company apart from the crowd, and gives them a chance
to book a meeting on your lemlist customized landing
page with your calendy integration. Easy to set up and
perfect for your potential candidates.
One more thing...
All good things must come to an end. So has this ebook! We hope you Below you’ll find some additional resources to use, should you need them:
enjoyed reading it and that it brought an enormous amount of value to
your world. ● Cold email guide for beginners
● 100+ cold email templates
You know what would be insanely cool to happen next? ● How to do an audit of your email reputation
● How to automatically warm up your domain
When you crush your next cold email campaign and see that reply rate go ● Why it’s critical to verify email addresses
sky high, send an email to Share your success, because ● How to find anyone’s email address
we’d REALLY like to see you shine. :) ● Best cold email subject lines
● Best cold email intro lines
Hopefully we’ll need to put our shades and hats on because you'll be ● 7 LinkedIn tips to target prospects like a pro
shining so bright. :)
Oh, and you want all this taken care of by the world’s coolest cold email
Release the Kraken! and sales automation platform, you can start for free here.
Much love 💙
Have any questions?
Need a specific cold email template?
Drop a line at