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Reproductive Health: Each Question Carry One Score

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Navas cheemadan SOHSS AREEKODE

10. Select the ART that uses an early embryo

with upto 8 blastomeres
Each question carry one score a)ZIFT )IUT c)GIFT d)IUI
11. Find the odd one, and write the reason for
1. ........... and ..........are two surgical selection
contraceptive methods in male and female a)Lactational amenorrhea ,coitus
respectively interruptus , Periodic abstinence
2. …………….is the one of most widely Tubectomy
accepted methods of contraception in b) Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults,
India. Condom.
a)Condom b)IUDs c)Pills d)Surgical Method 12. Nalini is four month pregnant at the
3. ………….a terminal method to prevent insistence of her mother in law, she
any more pregnancies. underwent an illegal diagnostic procedure
a)Vault b)Implant c)IUDs by which the sex of the baby was
d)Surgical Method determined to be female. Nalini’s mother
4. Which of the following method is Ideal in law cursed her for conceiving a girl
contraceptives for the females who want child.
to delay pregnancy and/or space children a)What is the diagnostic procedure used
a)Condom b)IUDs c)Pills d)Surgical Method here?
5. Note the relationship between first two 13. Find out the odd one from the following,
terms and suggest a suitable terms for write the reason
the fourth a)Cu T, b)Cu 7
a)GIFT : Gamete c)LNG-20 d) Multiload-375
ZIFT : ........................ 14. ………………….is the pre-natal diagnostic
b)Female : Tubectomy, technique of foetal sex determination and
male :…………………… determination of genetic disorder of the
c)Vasectomy : Vas deferens is cut//tied foetus based on the chromosomal pattern
Tubectomy :……………………….. in the amniotic fluid surrounding the
6. Select the odd one and justify your developing embryo
selection? 15. Which fluid is collected from the maternal
Malaria, Gonorrhoea ,Amoebiasis, filariasis body during pregnancy for amniocentesis
7. ............. is a popular brand of condom for ?
the male. 16. Identify the contraceptive methods based
8. Which of the following pairs of STIs is on the following statement
completely curable ? a) avoiding chances of ovum and sperms
a)HIV, Hepatitis B meeting
b)Hepatitis B, Gonorrhoea b) ovum and sperms are prevented from
c)Symphils, Gonorrhoea physically meeting with the help of
d)Chlamydomonas, Genital Herpes barriers.
9. One among the contraceptive method is c) Name the devices are inserted by
peculiar. Find the odd one and what is the doctors or expert nurses in the uterus
common among others? through vagina to prevent pregnancy
a)Periodic abstinence 17. Which of the following is a cause of
b)coitus interruptus Population explosion ?
c)Lactational amenorrhea a)Increased MMR
d)IUDs b)Decreased MMR
c)Decreased IMR
Navas cheemadan SOHSS AREEKODE
d)Both B and C 25. Write any 2 reason for population
18. Amniocentesis is done explosion ?
a)during Pregnancy 26. A wide range of contraceptive methods are
b)After Parturuion presently available. If so,
c)After menstruation (a) Name one contraceptive method having
d)None of these least side effect.
19. Name the technique of transferring (b) Which contraceptive method is
embryos up to 8 blastomeres into the generally advised for females as a
fallopian tube. termination method to prevent any more
a)GIFT b)ZIFT c)ICSI d) IUI pregnancies ?
20. Different contraceptive methods are given (c) How copper releasing IUDs prevent
below. Pick out the odd one conception?
a)Cu T b)Saheli 27. Write an account on oral contraceptive pills
c)Multiload 375 d)Lippes loop and its mechanism in preventing
conception ?
Each question carry two score 28. Amniocentesis for sex determination is
banned in our country? Is this Ban
21. Amniocentesis for sex determination is
necessary? Comment one use of
legally banned now.
(a) What is amniocentesis ?
29. What is/are the use/s of Amniocentesis ?
(b) Why it is banned ?
30. Write one advantage of Cervical cap over
22. Write one advantage and disadvantage of
condom ? Write the mechanism of action
Natural method of contraception ?
of cervical cap in female ?
23. The treatment facility advertised on the
31. Read the following statement and Correct
brochure of a private clinic is shown below
the statement if it is wrong
a)Can you suggest what type of clinic is?
a) Condom is used to cover the penis in
b)Make a brief note on any three of the
the male or vagina and cervix in the
treatment procedure?
IVF ZIFT GIFT IUI b) Use of IUDs protecting the user from
contracting STDs and AIDS
c) Lactational amenorrhea reported to be
24. Diagram shown below is a surgical
effective only upto a maximum period of
method used for female sterilization
Two months following parturition
a) What is the method shown in the
d) Diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults
are inserted into the female
b) Mention any two IUDs to prevent
reproductive tract to cover the cervix
during coitus.
c)what is surgical method of male
32. Expand the following
sterilization called?
33. Why surgical method is not a Good/ideal
contraceptive method ?
34. There are several method of in vitro
fertilisation to assist couples who lack the
ability of fertilisation.
(a) Give the popular name of the


Navas cheemadan SOHSS AREEKODE
(b) Suggest two techniques of in vitro 43. Mode of action of injectables and implant
fertilisation and their conditions of transfer are similar to Pills.
to assist these people a)What is the advantage of injectables and
35. Write any two difference between implant over pills.
Vasectomy and Tubectomy b)What you meant by emergency
36. Different contraceptive methods are used contraceptive methods ?
to control population explosion. Summarise 44. From an infertility clinic a doctor advised a
the natural method and barrier method of childless couple to undergo GIFT.
contraception? l. Expand GIFT
37. Write any two advantage of using condom 2. Mention the steps involved in this
? procedure
38. Categorize the following ART’s based on 45. Identify the diagram and write how it acts
their application in male sterility and female
39. Vasectomy and tubectomy are said to be
effective and irreversible contraceptive
methods. Differentiate between these two
40. Some techniques commonly used for
infertility treatment are given below. Read
them carefully and answer the question
a) Which of the above techniques is used
for the collection of sperm from the Each question carries three score
husband or a healthy donor and artificially
46. Write the difference between
introduced into the vagina or uterus of the
b)AI and IUI
b)Distinguish between ZIFT and GIFT
c)Invitro fertilization and Invivo fertilisation
c)Write the common term used to denote
47. Suggest any 3 methods to assist infertile
the techniques given below ?
couple to- have children
41. Diagnostic report of two couples having
48. Categorise the given birth control methods
infertility problem are given below :
into three groups with proper heads.
1) The Women cannot produce ovum
(Cervical caps, Vasectomy, Cu T, Tubectomy,
2) The man has very low sperm count in
Diaphragms, Condoms, Lippes Loop )
49. Sterilization and IUDs are effective birth
Suggest a suitable assisted
control measures, but lactational
reproductive technology (ART) for
amenorrhoea may not be so effective
each problem in expanded form.
a)How the sterilization procedure of male
42. One couple came to know that they have
differ from that of female in preventing
a girl child during fourth month of
pregnancy and they decided to do MTP
b) Which part of the female reproductive
a)What is MTP?
organ is utilized for the IUD procedure?
b)At which stage of pregnancy MTP
How this procedure prevents pregnancy?
relatively safe?
c)Why the lactational amenrrhoea is not so
c)How will you respond to the decision of
female foeticide by the couple?
Navas cheemadan SOHSS AREEKODE
50. (a) Expand STDs.
(b) Cite any two examples for STD.
(c) Suggest any two methods for the
prevention of STDs.
51. “STDs present a major health concern in
both industrialization and developing
a) What you meant by STD? 58. Expand the following
b) Name two STDs? a)MTP b)IUDs
c) Suggest two preventive measures? c)IMR c)IVF-ET
52. Suggest the ART which may be d)ZIFT e)GIFT
successful in the following conditions f)IUI g)AI
a)A female cannot produce an ovum, but h)ART i)STIs
can provide suitable environment for j)PID k)VD
fertilization and further development l)CDRI m)MMR
b)Male partner is unable to inseminate the n)
female or has very poor sperm count 59. what are sexually transmitted infections
c)Fusion of gamete and zygote formation (STIs).Write any two examples of STIs,?
doesnot occur within the body of female Write any 2 methods to avoid it ?
53. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are 60. Government of India legalised MTP in
mainly transmitted through sexual contact 1971 with some strict conditions to avoid
a)Name any two examples of STIs? its misuse
b)Explain any two methods adopted to a)What is MTP? Why MTP is Performing ?
prevent STIs ? b)What is its misuse ?
54. Classify the following methods of 61. Name the Method of contraception used
contraception under two heading below
cervical caps a) the male partner withdraws his penis
Periodic abstinence : from the vagina just before ejaculation
Diaphragms so as to avoid insemination
Coitus interruptus : b) as long as the mother breast-feeds the
Lactational amenorrhea child fully, chances of conception are
Vaults almost nil
55. Classify the following IUDs under 3 c) the couples avoid or abstain from coitus
Heading from day 10 to 17 (Fertile period-
Progestasert, Because chances of fertilization re very
Lippes loop ,LNG-20 high during this period ) of the
CuT, Cu7, menstrual cycle when ovulation could
Multiload 375 be expected
56. Oral pills are used by female in preventing
a)Which hormones are present in it ?
b)Write any two advantage of using pills ?
c)Name a Non steroid pill developed by
scientist of CDRI.
57. Identify the methods A,B, and C


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