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MCQ Criminology

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Name of the Examination: Summer Examination - 2020

Name of Subject: Criminology & Penology


1) The question bank is for practice purpose only. Students are required to have
an in-depth study of the subject by referring different books/notes and should
not solely rely on this question bank for preparation of any exam.
2) The question bank comprises of total 100 questions divided into 2 Sets(50
questions each).


1. Emile Durkheim defines crime as-

A. Crime is a normal phenomenon

B. Crime is abnormal

C. Crime is psychological in nature.

D. None of the above

2. The preventive theory seeks to prevent the repetition of crime by-

A. Incapacitating the offenders

B. Disabling the criminal

C. Punishing with death, imprisonment, transportation of life

D. All the above

3. Development of modern prison institutions are the contributions of-

A. Utilitarian Prevention
B. Retributive theory

C. Behavioral prevention: Incapacitation

D. Reformative theory

4. Reformative theory is praised for its contribution like-

A. Rehabilitation of inmates in peno-correctional institutions

B. Transforming inmates into law-abiding citizens

C. Human treatment of inmates

D. All the above

5. In _______penal system, the ruler was expected to be well versed in

Rajdharmawhich included the idea of Karma and Dand.
A. Ancient

B. Medieval Hindu

C. Both (A) & (B)

D. None of the above

6. During the medieval period, ________rulers introduced their own penal

laws in India.
A. The Muslim

B. The Hindu

C. The British

D. The Buddhist

7. The Muslim law arranged punishments for various offences into-

A. Two main categories (Qisas& Diya)

B. Three main categories (Qisas, Diya &Hadd)

C. Four main categories (Qisas, Diya, Hadd and Tazeer)

D. Various categories

8. The Supreme Court in_______ struck down Section 303 of the Indian
Penal Code, which provided for mandatory death punishment for offenders
serving life sentence.
A. Mithu v. State of Punjab

B. Rajendra Prasad v. State of UP

C. Baachan Singh v. State of Punjab

D. Machi Singh & others v. State of Punjab

9. Justice Krishna Iyer in _____ observed that “corporal death is alien to

fundamental rights”.
A. Rajendra Prasad v. State of UP

B. Baachan Singh v. State of Punjab

C. Mithu v. State of Punjab

D. Machi Singh & others v. State of Punjab

10. In Mithu v. State of Punjab, Justice Y. V. Chandrachud observed that

section 303 of IPC.
A. Violated only the right to equality under Article 14

B. Violated only the right to life under Article 21

C. Violated both Article 14 & 21

D. Did not violate any right

11. The doctrine of death penalty for ‘rarest of rare case’ was used by SC in

A. Machi Singh & others v. State of Punjab

B. Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab

C. Rajendra Prasad v. State of UP

D. Madhu Mehta v. Union of India

12. The Supreme Court of India has held the constitutional validity of Capital
Punishment in-
A. Jagmohan Singh v. State of UP

B. Madhu Mehta v. Union of India

C. Ankush Maruti Shinde v. State of Maharashtra

D. Bacchan Singh v. State of Punjab

13. The Law Commission of India in 1967 recommended-

A. the retention of death penalty

B. abolition of death penalty

C. in rarest of rare case

D. only for crimes under IPC

14. The SC in _____ held that a delay of eight years in the disposal of mercy
petition would be sufficient to justify commutation of death sentence to life
A. Madhu Mehta v. Union of India

B. Ankush Maruti Shinde v. State of Maharashtra

C. Renuka Bai v. State of Maharashtra

D. Amarjit Singh v.State of Punjab

15. The most comprehensive study of the prison administration in all its
aspects in India was done by the Indian Jails Committee in-
A. 1889-90

B. 1919-20

C. 1923-25

D. 1931-32

16. Government of India set up the All India Jail Manual Committee in-

A. 1956

B. 1947

C. 1949

D. 1965

17. The Model Prison Rules were prepared by the Committee in-

A. 1956

B. 1957
C. 1958

D. 1959

18. Justice A. N. Mulla Committee of Jail Reforms has suggested setting up of

_____ for modernization of prison in India.
A. National Prison Commission

B. Central Prison Commission

C. National Prison Modernization Commission

D. National Jails Modernization Commission

19. Which country first started probation to offenders?

A. Grate Briton

B. France

C. Australia

D. United State of America

20. Who is competent to commute death penalty to life imprisonment?

A. Director General of Prisoners

B. Chief Minister

C. Prime Minister

D. President of India.

21. What type of crime is committed by a chartered accountant who

manipulates accounts of a business corporation?

A. Smuggling

B. Cyber Crime

C. White Collar Crime

D. Money Laundering

22. Which of the following is not an economic offence?

A. Food Adulteration
B. Cheating

C. Tax Evasion

D. Money Laundering

23. The concepts associated with E.H. Sutherland are -

A. Habitual Criminal

B. Born Criminal

C. White Collar Crime

D. All of the above

24. In India how many prisons are functioning at present -

A. About 400

B. About 900

C. About 1400

D. About 1900

25. Who was the chairperson of the “All India Committee “on prison Reforms

A. Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah.

B. Justice A.S. Anand

C. Justice Krishna Iyyer

D. Justice A. N. Mulla

26. Under what broader fields of study would you find penology?

A. The study of writing instruments

B. The study of anatomy

C. Sociology and Criminology

D. Biology & History

27. Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth reflects which theory of punishment -

A. Self –Expiation
B. Retribution

C. Reformation

D. Deterrence

28. Under the probation of offenders Act pre-sentence report is prepared by -

A. Police Officer

B. Prosecution Officer

C. Probation Officer

D. Prison Officer

29. Which among the following is an economic offence?

A. Auto Theft

B. Robbery

C. Embezzlement

D. Money Laundering

30. Prison statistics in India is published by -

A. Bureau of Police Research & Development

B. National Institute of criminology forensic Science

C. National Crime Records Bureau

D. National Institute of Social Defence

31. Borstal School is meant for -

A. Delinquents below 10 years.

B. Adolescent offenders

C. Female offenders

D. Adult offenders

32. Activities intended to deter individuals from committing crimes is called -

A. Decriminalization
B. Crime Prevention

C. Criminalization

D. Crime Retention

33. Who among the following can pass sentence of death?

A. First Class Magistrate

B. Session Judge

C. Second Class Magistrate

D. Civil Judge.

34. At present how many open-air jails does the country have?

A. About 25

B. About 35

C. About 45

D. About 55

35. In prison correctional programme what does the term ‘Remission’ Means?

A. Reduction in Sentence

B. Temporary Leave

C. Pardon

D. Monetary reward

36. Which of the following is an ancient mode of imposition of capital


A. Publicly burning

B. Poison

C. Starving to death

D. All of the above

37. Which of the following ancient techniques of imposition of capital

punishment is still practice in some of countries?
A. Whipping or Flogging

B. Beheading

C. Hanging

D. All of the above

38. The word ‘probo’ for probation is of _________ origin.

A. Latin

B. French

C. German

D. Engish

39. The officer appointed for supervision and control of person released on
probation is-

A. Superintendent of Jail

B. Probationary officer

C. District Judge

D. None of the above

40. Where the officers of the jail accompany the parolee, theparole is called as-

A. Custodial parole

B. Regular parole

C. Rigorous parole

D. Simple parole

41. The First Prison Reform Committee (1836)-

A. Suggested strong measures for prison measures

B. Suggested that prisons should be owned and regulated by private


C. Ruled out the idea of any type of reformation in prison.

D. Refused to give its recommendations

42. According to ancient Hindu mythology, who among the following was born
in prison-

A. Lord Rama

B. Lord Shiva

C. Lord Krishna

D. Lord Ganesha

43. Which of the following may not show behavioural changes even after
imposition of harsh punishments?

A. First time offenders

B. Recidivists

C. Criminoids

D. Occasional criminals

44. Which of the following were the kinds of ordeals in ancient India were

A. All of the below

B. Fire

C. Water

D. Kosa

45. An act by which an offender is absolved from the penalty is called -

A. Pardon

B. Transportation

C. Commutation

D. Restitution

46. A misconduct committed by an employee employed in government service

may be punished with-

A. Removal from service

B. Temporary suspension from service

C. Salary deduction as fine

D. All of the above

47. The chief exponent of Pre-classical school of criminology was-

A. Cesare Limbroso

B. Saint Thomas Acquinas.

C. Enrico Ferri

D. RafelGarofaolo

48. According to pre-classical school, the main cause of crime is-

A. Demonology &Witchcrafting

B. Supernatural Powers

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

49. People have free will in making decisions.

A. Cesare Beccaria in Classical School

B. Saint Thomas Pre-classical School

C. Jeremy Bentham in Neo-classical School

D. Cesare Lombroso in Positive School

50. The ancient idea about Capital Punishment means and includes-

A. Beheading

B. Removal of head

C. Death penalty

D. All of the above


1. Who mostly commits white collar crimes?

A. Criminal Tribe

B. Persons of High Status

C. Business Persons

D. Illiterate Persons

2. Find the odd one in the series -

A. Parole

B. Probation

C. Special Home

D. Corporal Punishment

3. Which authority grants prisoner’s admission to open - air jail.

A. Police

B. Court

C. Jail authorities

D. Probation Officer

4. ‘The real cause of criminality lay in anthropological features of the


A. Pre-classical School

B. Classical School

C. Neo-classical School

D. Positive School

5. Which authority approves or grants “Temporary Release” to jail inmates?

A. Police
B. Prosecution

C. Court

D. Jail Authority

6. ‘Crime is a result of Social Disorganisation’.

A. Cesare Beccaria in Classical School

B. Enrico Ferri in Positive School

C. Jeremy Bentham in Neo-classical School

D. Saint Thomas Pre-classical School

7. Borstal school is meant for -

A. Insane offenders

B. Young offender

C. Adult offenders

D. Female offenders

8. Which among the following is not a function of a court in India?

A. Probation

B. Parole

C. Imprisonment

D. Release on bail

9. Sub-jails are mainly meant for -

A. Under trial prisoners

B. Convict Prisoners

C. Political Détentes

D. Children in Conflict with Law

10. Which commission Given below has brought out a report on capital

A. Police Commission
B. Law Commission of India

C. Human Rights Commission

D. Central State Commission

11. Under the probation of offender Act, probation is granted mostly

A. All Offenders

B. First Offenders

C. Terrorists

D. Recidivists

12. “Criminals are the product of the Society”.

A. Cesare Beccaria in Classical School

B. Enrico Ferri in Positive School

C. Sutherland of Sociological School

D. Saint Thomas Pre-classical School

13. The Spirit of parole or Pre-mature release is -

A. Reformation & Rehabilitation

B. Saving for Public Exchequer

C. Utilization of Family & Community Resources

D. All the above.

14. Sociological School attempts to corelate crime with-

A. Religion

B. Politics

C. All of these

D. Technology

15. Parole or premature release is granted by which authority -

A. Police
B. Court

C. Prison Officers

D. Parole Committee Board

16. Differential Association theory was presented by-

A. Sutherland of Sociological School

B. Enrico Ferri in Positive School

C. Cesare Beccaria in Classical School

D. Saint Thomas Pre-classical School

17. The first regular open prison in India was established in -

A. Tamil Nadu

B. Uttar Pradesh

C. Andhra Pradesh

D. Kerala

18. Who first introduced probation service for offenders?

A. John Howard

B. John Kennedy

C. John Augustus

D. John Ohlin

19. Which of the following are important characteristics of ‘normal family’?

A. Structural completeness

B. Economic security

C. All of these

D. Cultural conformity

20. Which of the following are important features of ‘broken homes’?

A. Lack of parental control

B. All of these

C. Frequent quarrels

D. Immorality of parents

21. Which of the following are the features of delinquent growing in broken
homes according to Donald Taft?
A. Happy attitude

B. Positive living

C. Sincere in studies

D. Stay away from family.

22. Which type of crime causation is discussed in M’ Naghten’s Rule (1843)?

A. Mental disorder

B. Heredity

C. Economic

D. Sexual

23. The salient features of intoxication includes-

A. Person loses his normal capacity

B. Cannot take rational decision

C. Caused due to drugs, alcohol or other similar substance

D. All of the above

24. Which of the following doesnot come under the preview of mass media?

A. Newspaper


C. Telephonic conversation

D. Cinema

25. All human behavior is determined by economic factors

A. Limbroso
B. Austin

C. Bentham

D. Karl Marks

26. Victims can be categorised into-

A. Primary & Secondary Victims

B. Participating & Non-participating Victims

C. All of these

D. Provocated& Hidden Victims

27. Hidden Victims included

A. All of the below

B. Unaware of crime committed against them.

C. Ignores to appear before the authority.

D. Commit crime against themselves

28. _________ firstly introduced the term victimless crime in 1965.

A. Bentham

B. Saint Thomas

C. Schur

D. Enrico

29. The word Penology is derived from the Latin word_________ meaning
A. poena

B. penea

C. penal

D. penalogia

30. Examples of victimless crimes may include-

A. All of these
B. Pornography

C. Gambling

D. Homosexuality

31. Penology is Branch of criminology dealing with-

A. Prison management

B. The treatment of offenders

C. Both (A) & (B)

D. none of these

32. ‘Substance dependence’ is defined as-

A. All of these

B. Voluntary intoxication

C. Use of intoxication

D. Dependence of intoxication

33. The legal drinking age for hard liquor like- rum, gin, whisky, vodka and
country made liquor has been fixed at ________.
A. 16 Years

B. 18 Years

C. 21 Years

D. 25 Years

34. Punishing the offenders is a primary function of all civil States in order to
maintain peace and order in the society.
A. True

B. Partially true

C. False

D. It isn’t the State’s duty

35. Punishment is basically used with the intent to-

A. Reduce the incidence of criminal behavior by deterring the
potential offenders

B. Incapacitate and prevent the offender from repeating the offence

C. Reform the offender into law-abiding citizens

D. All the above

36. Emanuel Kant was one of the supporters of -

A. Retributive theory of Punishment

B. Preventive Theory of punishment

C. The theory of Expiation

D. Reformative theory

37. The Retributive theory of Punishment is based on the principle of -

A. Eye for an Eye

B. Vengeance against the wrongdoer

C. Assuaging the angry sentiments of the victim & society

D. all of the above

38. “An unlawful misadventure which is carried on by a boss and his

accomplice who form a hierarchical structure for a specific period is called
as organized crime.”
A. Sellin

B. Kent

C. Reckless

D. Holland

39. Supreme Court in _____________ has laid down that ‘an eye for an eye
is neither proper nor desirable’.
A. Hari Singh v. State of UP

B. Gurdeep v. State of Punjab

C. Sk. Ishaq v. State of Bihar

D. Iqbal Singh v. I. G. Police, Delhi

40. Which among the following can be an example of organised crimes?

A. Smuggling

B. Gambling

C. Drug trafficking

D. all the above

41. The word terrorism originates from ________ word ‘terrorisme’.

A. French

B. Latin

C. German

D. English

42. A crime that involves a computer and/or a network is called -

A. Terrorism

B. Cyber crime

C. White collar crime

D. Blue collar crime

43. The Supreme Court in ______ has observed that ‘protection of society and
deterring the criminal are avowed objects of law and that is required to be
achieved by imposing an appropriate punishment.’
A. R. v. Prince

B. Rajesh Khaitan v. State of West Bengal

C. State of Karnataka v. Krishnappa

D. Sidharth v. State of Bihar

44. Who defined crime as the intentional Act in violation of the criminal law
and penalized by the state?
A. Paul Tappan

B. Lombroso
C. Edwin Sutherland

D. Howard Becker

45. A police officer or probation officer is best described as a

A. criminalist.

B. criminologist.

C. criminal justice professional

D. none of the above

46. Which theory sets an example for others?

A. Preventive

B. Deterrent

C. Reformative

D. Retributive

47. The capital punishment pertains to which theory.

A. Preventive

B. Retributive

C. Reformative

D. Deterrent

48. Which theory is the most humanitarian?

A. Preventive

B. Retributive

C. Reformative

D. all the above

49. A recidivist is a person-

A. Who is habitually involved in criminality

B. Who is first time offender

C. Who commits crime out of chance

D. None of the above

50. Under the probation of Offender Act, Probation is granted mostly

A. All offenders

B. First offenders

C. Terrorists

D. Recidivists

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