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Galileo 1/45 Scale Model Assembly Instructions: A. You'Ll Need The Following

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Galileo 1/45

Scale Model
Version 1.6

NOTE: View these instructions online at

This is a detailed scale model of the Galileo Spacecraft, one of the

most complex robotic spacecraft ever flown. Assembly is a project
which is probably not appropriate for people younger than about
10 years of age, depending on skill and motivation. The image
above shows a completed scale model. Click on it for more views
of the model. Six Parts Sheets are available to download.


• A clear transparency sheet which your computer's printer will
accept. These (as well as card stock sheets) are available at
stationery stores and office supply stores. This is needed only
for printing Parts Sheet 1.

• White paper card stock (also called "cover" stock, about the
thickness of a postcard) which your computer's printer can
accept. Parts Sheets 2 through 6 should be printed on this
heavy white paper.

• Transparent adhesive tape, such as clear 3M Scotch Brand

tape. Frosty tape will suffice if clear tape is not available.

• Scissors, to cut some parts from the parts sheets.

• An art knife, such as X-Acto #11, with a sharp new blade, and
a proper pad on which to cut. This will be needed to cut some
parts from the parts sheets. Adult supervision is required
for children using sharp tools. Caution, one can injure
oneself, as well as the furniture, with an art knife.

• Wooden toothpicks for applying glue.

• Glues. Use regular white glue (Elmer's Glue-All or

equivalent). You might also try a thick white glue, sold in art
and fabric stores, called "TACKY GLUE" (Aleen's or
equivalent). For one part (the High-Gain Antenna) you'll
need a different glue: BOND 527 Multi-Purpose Cement
works very well. It's available in many art stores and craft
stores, or from Bond Adhesives Company, Newark, NJ
07114 U.S.A. If BOND 527 isn't available, a rubber cement
may be used for that part. An artist's spray glue, such as 3M
Spray Mount, would be convenient for a few parts, but it is
not absolutely necessary.

• A dense black felt-tip pen.

• A 35mm film can, and a beverage cup, would be convenient to

support some parts while gluing.

• Space. Set up a well-lighted, comfortable work area, with

room to set glued parts to dry.

• Time. Plan to set aside several hours for unhurried assembly.

It may take eight hours or more to assemble your Galileo
Scale Model.

• Patience. There may be some trying times. If so, remember

that extra time and care will pay off with a surprisingly
accurate, and handsome representation of NASA's Galileo, a
very complex spacecraft.

• Optional: Some gold foil would add a good amount of realism

to your model. Galileo was equipped with gold-colored
sunshades as protection for the portion of its flight within the
inner solar system. Obtain a small piece of gold-colored
foil/paper, such as gift-wrap. A square of about 15 cm, or 6
inches, would be more than enough.
• Optional: Two straight pins may be used as parts in the model,
one as LGA2 , and one as the Nutation Damper .

• Optional: Spherical propellant tanks are represented in your

model by flat circles. For more realism, you might want to
locate or fabricate some 3-dimensional objects to replace
them in your model. Bead stores, or craft stores, may be a

• Optional: You may wish to fashion a stand for your model. A

simple stand can be made by bending a length of wire. Brass
wire from a hobby store, or steel wire such as coat hanger
wire, will work. About half a meter, or 18 inches, in length is
plenty. Such a stand may also be convenient to support parts
during assembly. If you choose to work with wire, be
cautious to prevent eye injury. This image shows a stand
made of soft iron wire obtained from a craft store.

• Optional: You might find it helpful to use an electric hair drier

to set the glue in some places. If you do, be very careful not
to blow the pieces apart.


• Download and print the six Parts Sheets . Sheet 1 needs to
print on a transparency, and sheets 2 through 6 need to print
on white card stock. You might also wish to print these
instructions, if it isn't convenient to refer to your computer
during assembly.

• Examine all the parts, and read their names.

• Read all of these instructions. Compare model parts with the


• Have a look at some information about the Galileo Spacecraft:
• Get your bearings: Examine the sketch of the spacecraft
below. For the purpose of these instructions, "Up" will be
defined as toward the HGA SUNSHADE shown in the
image. "Down" will be defined as toward the
ATMOSPHERIC PROBE in the drawing. This also includes
references to "Top" and bottom" in the instructions.
"Inboard" is defined as toward the center of the spacecraft,
and "Outboard" is defined as away from the center. You
might also like to view a much larger line drawing of the
spacecraft before getting started.
• Most folds will be made in the direction away from the printed
side, leaving the printed side facing out. An exception to this
is a part on Sheet 5 (the DESPUN BUS).

• Score for folding, where

directed. The technique of
scoring is suggested in
some of the steps. Scoring
will help make a neater
model, with straight, clean
folds. To score a part, place
a straight edge along the
line on the part as
instructed, then lightly
scratch along the line with an art knife, guided by the straight
edge. Be careful not to cut through the paper, but just break
the surface. After scoring, the fold will always be in the
direction away from the scored side.


See below for illustrated step-by-step instructions. Sections marked
with a *may be accomplished at the same time if two or more
people are working on assembly, or if you wish to work on one
section while glue dries on another.
*1. Assemble the Communications Antenna.
• Print Parts Sheet 1 onto a transparency sheet (the kind used on
overhead projectors. Transparency sheets can be found in
office supply stores and stationary stores). Notice the three
clear wedges marked "Gap."

• Flatten the transparency. Printing onto the transparency

probably caused it to curl. Take great care to flatten the sheet,
by rolling it up opposite the direction of curl, repeatedly if

• If your printer causes too much curling, you might try printing
onto paper, and then using a copy machine to make the

• Cut out the circular web-shaped object with scissors. Cut a

circle, just outside the tips of the printed radial spines. Place
the part on the table, and see whether it still has any tendency
to curl. If it does, flatten it as above.

• Cut out the three clear wedges which were marked "Gap."

• Cut some transparent tape into three small rectangles, about

half a centimeter by one centimeter, or about 1/8 by 1/4 inch.

• On the HGA, identify the "half" ribs which border three clear
wedges. Overlap one of these ribs over onto the adjacent rib,
so the flat circular web begins to bend up into a shallow cone.
Adjust the overlap to make one rib. Inboard of the small
black circle, the rib will probably be imperfect. Apply a
rectangle of transparent tape to hold together. Repeat with the
other two open sections. Bend the piece gently so that the
antenna's shape becomes more or less symmetrical.

• Print Parts Sheet 2 onto white card stock.

• Cut out the large black circular BUS SUNSHADE TOP and
BUS SUNSHADE BOTTOM from Parts Sheet 2. Apply glue
to the white side of the slightly smaller BUS SUNSHADE
BOTTOM (spray glue would be convenient; otherwise apply
a very thin, even (1.10) film of white glue). Glue it to the
BUS SUNSHADE TOP, white sides together. Make sure it
does not curl as the glue dries.

• With scissors, trim away the white area showing behind the

• Cut out the black HGA SUNSHADE TOP and HGA

SUNSHADE BOTTOM from Parts Sheet 2. Apply glue to
the white side of the slightly smaller HGA SUNSHADE
BOTTOM. Glue it to the BUS SUNSHADE TOP, white
sides together, centered. Make sure it does not curl as the
glue dries.

• With scissors, trim away the white area showing behind the
HGA SUNSHADE BOTTOM, retaining the 9-sided shape of
the BOTTOM piece.

• Set the BUS SUNSHADE on your table with the TOP (the
side with a white circle) facing up. Apply BOND 527 glue
(or rubber cement) to fill in the white circle. Set the HGA
down onto the glue, its bottom black circle covering the glue,
and press together until the glue dries. To make an even joint,
place a coin over the HGA's black circle and press down.

• Cut out the four REFLECTOR pieces from Parts Sheet 2. Glue
the FRONT and BACK halves together, white side to white
side. When the glue is dry, make a slit along the grey line on
each of the two pieces. Fit the two pieces together, slit into
slit, at right angles.

• Straighten and align the REFLECTOR STRUCTURE so its

halves are even and perpendicular. Set it upright on your
table, with its larger, black end down. Trim the bottom, if
necessary, so it will stand straight up on the table easily. Trim
the top, if necessary, so you can balance the HGA
SUNSHADE on top of it, parallel to the table. Apply some
white glue to secure the halves together at right angles.
• Dip the bottom of the REFLECTOR STRUCTURE in BOND-
527 glue (if not available use rubber cement), then stand it
upright, centered within the HGA.

• Apply some glue to the HGA SUNSHADE BOTTOM where

the white lines meet in the center, then set it atop the
REFLECTOR STRUCTURE where it should balance. Keep
it level while the glue dries.

*2. Assemble the Spun Bus.

• Print Parts Sheet 3 onto white card stock.

• Cut out the SPUN BUS. Each of the eight segments represents
an equipment bay. Lightly score along the two long parallel
white lines, and along the eight vertical white lines.

• Bend the SPUN BUS into an octagon, with the printed details
outside, by pinching a crease into each of the vertical white
lines. Fold the small rectangular tab at one end, and glue it
onto the opposite end of the SPUN BUS to close the octagon.

• Find a tab labeled with a white arrow on the SPUN BUS. Bend
it over, toward the inside of the octagon. Bend the 7 adjacent
tabs over in the same direction.
• Cut out the octagonal BUS
SUPPORT, and position it up
inside the SPUN BUS, to hold
its shape. Its black side should
face up towards the outside.
Glue the bent tabs to the BUS
SUPPORT. This is now the

• Bend down the eight tabs on the

remaining (top) side of the
SPUN BUS toward the center,
forming a shelf at right angles to
the walls of the bus.

• Cut out the BOOM SUPPORT STRUCTURE. Slit along the

shaded line outboard of G. Slit the small shaded line "A"
outboard of S S.

• Color the white underside of tab G, using a black felt tip pen.

• Lightly score along both black lines which go straight out

from S S.

• Fold tabs X and Y up 90 degrees toward the black side. These

represent science instruments: tab X the EUV, and tab Y the
HIC (see Galileo information links).

• Keep the side with the printed letters on the BOOM

locate the tab marked S. Glue the BOOM SUPPORT
STRUCTURE onto the top of the SPUN BUS so that the
black area labeled S S aligns over the tab marked S. Align the
black corners marked 1 and 2 with the corners of the SPUN
BUS so it centers nicely. Allow the glue to dry.

• Cut out the part labeled STAR SCANNER. Slit along the
shaded line. Color the white side black, using a felt tip pen.
Slide it together at right angles, slot into slot, with its other
half (marked G) on the BOOM SUPPORT STRUCTURE.
Secure with glue, keeping the outboard ends even and
perpendicular. Apply glue where it meets the SPUN BUS

• The trusswork protruding from S S is the SCIENCE BOOM

SUPPORT. Bend it down as far as it will go, to make a
crease at S S. Lift it up again, and bend its two triangular side
panels down at right angles to the center portion. Bend the
SCIENCE BOOM SUPPORT down again, and glue the ends
of the triangular trusses to the SPUN BUS where they touch,
below each S.

• Find two small white dots near the end of the roughly
triangular structure marked 2. Fold down the two black arms
which are marked by these white dots. The tip of each of
these arms will approach a small white dot on the SPUN
BUS. Glue the end of each arm to the SPUN BUS where it
touches, near the white dot.

• Repeat the above step with the structure

marked 1. These structures, 1 and 2, are
the RTG BOOM supports.

• Cut out the HGA SUPPORT. Wrap

it into a cylinder, bringing the
white end around to meet the
black end, keeping the black side
out. Apply glue to the white end
and overlap the black end onto it.
Adjust its shape to be an even

• Glue one end of the

cylinder down onto the
top of the SPUN BUS,
centering it over the
white circle.
*3. Assemble the Science Boom.
• Print Parts Sheet 4 onto white card stock. Sheet 4 contains
parts for this step and the next.

• Cut out the SCIENCE BOOM. Lightly score

lengthwise along the two white lines which
separate the three trusswork panels. Fold
down the two outboard truss panels away
from the printed side. The boom becomes
U-shaped in cross-section. Fold the
remaining black rectangular panel over to
close the box structure. Wrap tab A over
mark B and glue.

• Cut out the MAG BOOM (magnetometer boom). Lightly score

lengthwise along the two white lines which separate the three
long trusswork panels. Fold both long truss panels down
lengthwise printed side out, so the boom becomes triangular
in cross section. Bend the three tabs on one side over the
edge of the other side to hold the shape. Secure with glue.

• Apply some glue to mark G. Fit this end of the MAG BOOM
into the black, square-box end of the SCIENCE BOOM,
keeping the seam of the MAG BOOM facing down toward
the open side of the U-shaped SCIENCE BOOM. Secure
with glue, making sure the MAG BOOM extends straight out

• Optional: Cut a strip of gold-colored foil/paper (such as gift-

wrap) to fit along the top of the entire length of the
SCIENCE BOOM and MAG BOOM. Glue in place covering
the top of the booms.
*4. Assemble the RTG Booms.
• This step uses parts printed on Parts
Sheet 4 (white card stock).

• Cut out one RTG BOOM. There are

four ]-shaped shaded lines at the black
end. Slit through the paper along these
marks, to create fins which will pop up
when the part is folded. Lightly score
lengthwise along the two white areas
which separate the three trusswork
panels. Fold down the two outboard
truss panels away from the printed
side. The boom takes on a triangular
cross-section. The four fins should pop
out slightly. Bend them outward a little

• Glue the two long black legs together, at

the inboard end of the part, white to
white. At the black outboard end, wrap
the white tab through the notch it
meets. This should hold the part
together while you apply glue. Fold
over the small white tab in the middle,
and glue, to hold the part's triangular
cross section.

• Optional: Cut a strip of gold-colored foil/paper (such as gift-

wrap) to fit along the top of the BOOM's trusswork. Glue in
place covering the top of the boom, from the inboard end of
tab A to the black, finned RTG. Don't cover tab A or the

• Cut out one RTG NIMS SHIELD. Optionally, cut and glue a
piece of gold-colored foil/paper to cover the white side.

• Lightly score along the SHIELD's white line, and fold about
30 degrees, away from the black side.
• Glue the SHIELD's V-shaped notch up onto the bottom of the
RTG BOOM's trusswork, at the outboard end of the truss
markings (just inboard of the black, finned RTGs). The
black side faces inboard. Note: the accompanying image can
present an optical illusion. In reality, the bottom of the shield
bends toward the outboard end, and it is being viewed from
slightly outboard.

• The spacecraft's RTGs are hot. The shields prevent NIMS,

which is a science instrument sensitive to infra-red, from
"seeing" them.

• Repeat the above steps to make the second RTG BOOM.

• Optional: If you wish to represent

Galileo's low-gain communications
antenna #2 (LGA2), obtain a straight
pin about 4 cm or 1.5 inches in length
Stick it into the bottom of an RTG
boom, right at the back of the RTG
NIMS SHIELD, where the shield
meets the truss. It should extend
straight down from there. Glue it to the
back of the SHIELD. The RTG
BOOM which supports LGA2 is
designated RTG BOOM 2, and it will
be installed on the SPUN BUS near the
2 mark, in a later step.
*5. Assemble the Retro Propulsion Module (RPM).
• Print Parts Sheet 5 on white card stock.

• Cut out the THRUSTER BOOMS. Lightly score along the two
parallel white lines near the center. Fold the two panels away
from the printed side, 90 degrees each.

• At one end, glue the extremities marked X together, white

surface to white. Repeat at the other end. Adjust so that the
black sections near the center are parallel.

• Cut out one of the THRUSTER SHIELDS rectangles. Color

the white side black with a felt-tip pen. Slit along the shaded
line. Wrap the rectangle around a pencil to impart a curve,
holding the pencil parallel to the slit.

• Cut out one of the THRUSTER SHIELDS crescents. Optional:

Glue some gold-colored foil/paper (gift-wrap) on the white
side, before cutting out the crescent shape.

• Adjust the curve in the rectangle to match the crescent piece's

curve. Glue the crescent, black side down, to the top of the
curved rectangle. The top is the end opposite the slot.

• Set the THRUSTER BOOMS piece down with Q

facing up. Fit the THRUSTER SHIELD's slot
over one end, so that the X mark is enclosed
within the THRUSTER SHIELD. The slot should
be just inboard of the black X-marked end section.
Straighten so the piece fits symmetrically. Secure with glue.

• Repeat the above four steps with the other THRUSTER

SHIELD, and install it on the other end of the THRUSTER

• Optional: Cut two triangles of gold

foil/paper (such as gift wrap) and glue
atop the open areas inboard of the
Lightly score each of the six thin white lines: four near the
circles, and two near the X-panels.

• Crease each of the X-panels by folding the panels all the way
back, white side toward white. Do the same with all four
circles, over onto the X-panels.

• Carefully bring the X-panels up to

vertical, also pushing up the circles to
vertical. The X-panels will lodge and
support the circles. Apply small
amounts of glue to hold this
configuration, and let dry.

• Apply glue along the bottom (open) center walls of the

THRUSTER BOOMS, and set it down on the RPM, inside
the circles and X-panels.
*6. Assemble the Despun Section.
• Print Parts Sheet 6 on white card stock.

• Cut out the DESPUN BUS. Bend up the tab marked BEND
toward the black side. Apply glue to the area marked GLUE,
and curl the piece around into a conic shape, overlapping the
opposite black end onto the glue. The tab marked BEND will
protrude from the seam.

• Fold the rectangle marked PS (Plume

Shield) out about 20 degrees toward
the outside. Fold the three black
prongs inward about 90 degrees. Those
will support the Atmospheric Probe

• Adjust the tab marked BEND so it stands straight out from the
DESPUN BUS cone. Apply some glue to its crease so it will
become rigid.

• Cut out the RRH ANTENNA. Cut out the shaded slot in the
middle. Color the white side black with a felt tip pen. Apply
glue to the white segment, and overlap the opposing black
edge onto it, forming a shallow cone out of the circle.

• Cut out the RADIO RELAY HARDWARE (RRH). Lightly

score along the two white lines separating rectangles B, C
and D. Fold B and D back 90 degrees to C. Secure with glue
to hold the "open box" shape.

• Place the RRH ANTENNA's central slot down over piece X of

the RRH. The tip of the RRH ANTENNA's cone goes in
toward the RRH's support, and piece X centers inside the
cone. Adjust so the cone is aligned symmetrically, and secure
with glue.

• When the glue has dried thoroughly,

attach the RRH to the DESPUN BUS:
Apply glue to the A on the RRH.
Press this A up against the middle of
the word BEND on the DESPUN
points down. Align so that rectangle B
is square with the base of the
DESPUN BUS's cone. See the image.

• Cut out the SCAN PLATFORM. Bend rectangle D back 90

degrees away from the printed side. This represents the
apertures (front) of some optical instruments. Bend back
circle C 90 degrees in the same direction. Bend back tab B 90
degrees in the same direction. Finally, bend back tab A 90
degrees in the same direction, creasing along the diagonal
black line.

• Apply glue to tab A. Press tab A onto the A on the DESPUN

BUS, such that the SCAN PLATFORM will be square with
the bottom of the DESPUN BUS, and circle C is at the lower
side, adjacent to the plume shield PS. See the image. On the
spacecraft, the scan platform can swivel to point up and
down, but this is not true on this model.

• Cut out the SP SUNSHADE. Optionally,

cover the white side with gold foil/paper,
such as gift wrap, and trim. Apply glue
along the top of the SCAN PLATFORM,
and set the SP SUNSHADE onto it, black
side down. See image for proper orientation.
Note: This is a simplification. On the
spacecraft, the SP SUNSHADE is separate
from the SCAN PLATFORM, and is
supported from the DESPUN BUS.

Note: Galileo's main, 400-Newton rocket engine is centered within

the DESPUN SECTION, but it is not represented on this model.
!7. Assemble the Atmospheric Probe.
• Parts Sheet 6 (white card stock) contains the part for this step.

• Cut out the PROBE HEAT SHIELD.

• Option: Cut a circle of gold foil/paper, such as gift wrap, to fit

the white circular area in the PROBE HEAT SHIELD part.
Glue it onto the white circular area, but do not cover wedge

• Apply glue to wedge G. Curl the opposite edge onto the glue,
making a cone. Squeeze the seam until the glue dries

• Crush the tip of the cone slightly, by pressing it down onto a

flat surface with your finger inside the cone. Rock it around
while pushing down, to blunt the tip of the cone into a
rounded shape.

• Install the PROBE HEAT SHIELD in the DESPUN

SECTION. Step 6 should be completed first. Turn the
DESPUN SECTION upside down, and notice the three black
prongs pointing inside the DESPUN BUS.

• Align the three prongs so they're parallel

with the bottom plane of the DESPUN
BUS, that is, about 80 degrees to its wall.

• Balance the PROBE HEAT SHIELD's open

side onto the three prongs. Adjust so the
PROBE HEAT SHIELD is centered at the
bottom of the DESPUN BUS. Apply glue
to attach it there.

Note: (1) Galileo's Atmospheric Probe separated from the

spacecraft prior to arrival at Jupiter. It is not separable on this
model. (2) Galileo's main, 400-Newton rocket engine, which is
centered within the DESPUN SECTION, is not represented on this
model. It would be just above the Atmospheric Probe, unable to
operate until after the Probe had been released.

!8. Attach the RTG Booms to the Spun Bus.

• If you have installed the optional LGA2 , its RTG BOOM will
be installed at the support marked 2 on the SPUN BUS.
Otherwise, either boom may be installed first.

• Bend tab A, at the end of an RTG BOOM,

down about 20 degrees. Apply glue to tab A.

• Position tab A near the end of support 2 on the SPUN BUS,

underneath the support's outboard end. Align the RTG
BOOM straight out from the center of the SPUN BUS
(although it angles downward somewhat), and squeeze tab A
to the support to glue it in position.

• The black arm on the bottom of the RTG BOOM will now
swing into contact with the bottom of the SPUN BUS. Adjust
so it touches the bottom corner of two bays on the SPUN
BUS. Trim off the end of this arm where it reaches the SPUN
BUS. Caution: trim it a little too long to start with, then
shorten again if necessary. Glue the tip of the black arm to

• Repeat this process to attach the other RTG BOOM.

9. Attach the Science Boom to the Spun Bus.
• Locate the black tab C at the inboard end of the SCIENCE
BOOM. Insert this tab, black side up, into slot A on the
SPUN BUS. Slot A is outboard on support S S.

• As you insert the tab, two V-shaped notches approach the

outboard end of support S S. Engage both notches. Apply a
generous amount of glue to the notches and to tab C, and at
all points of contact. Adjust the SCIENCE BOOM so it
extends straight and level out from the SPUN BUS, and
allow the glue to dry thoroughly.

• Option: Nutation Damper. If you wish to represent the

nutation damper, insert a straight pin into the upper inboard
end of the SCIENCE BOOM, on the right side as viewed
looking outboard. It should enter the paper just outboard of,
and above, the end of support S S. Rotate the pin so that its
head rests beside the nearest S on top of the SPUN BUS.
10. Attach the RPM to the Spun Bus.
• Apply glue to panel Q on the
RPM (between the thruster

• On the bottom of the SPUN

BUS, locate two arrows.
These designate the
direction to place the
RPM's thruster booms. Set
panel Q onto the SPUN
BUS between the arrows.
Align so it is centered and

!11. Attach the High-Gain Antenna to the Spun Bus.

• Galileo's Despun Section rotates, and so may be in any angular
position. Unfortunately, this model does not permit the
despun section to rotate. Set the spacecraft upside down, with
the mark SBA facing up. SBA stands for Spin Bearing

• Set the upper end of the Despun Section (opposite the Probe)
down onto the SBA, so that it surrounds the white ring.
Rotate it to the angular position you would like to have it.
Apply glue to secure it there. Be sure it is centered as the
glue dries.
12. Join the Spun and Despun Sections.
• Set the spacecraft right side up, supported in a beverage glass,
or by some other means. The HGA SUPPORT is the cylinder
in the center of the SPUN BUS.

• Apply glue to the top of the HGA SUPPORT.

• On the bottom of the HGA is the BUS SUNSHADE. Locate a

white U-shaped mark near the edge on the bottom. This will
align directly over the STAR SCANNER (marked G) on the

• Set the HGA down on the HGA SUPPORT with the U-shaped
mark aligned correctly. Center the HGA by observing the
white lines on the bottom of the BUS SUNSHADE as they
relate to the HGA SUPPORT.
13. Optional PRA/PWS Wires
• The spacecraft has a PWS Antenna pair out at the end of the
MAG BOOM. This is visible in the line drawing of the
spacecraft. Scale length would be about 17 cm or 6.75 inches
on your model, but it would be very difficult to model it here
in Earth's gravity well. If you have an idea for mounting and
displaying your model which could support the antenna,
obtain an appropriate length of thin wire. Make a bend of 30
degrees at the center. Go out about halfway from the center
on each side, and bend 15 degrees up. Attach the wire at the
outboard end of the MAG BOOM, perpendicular with it.
Caution: DO NOT install wires if your intended use of the
model might present any possible hazard of eye injury.


Now that you're familiar with the names of all of the spacecraft's
major structures, and some of its instruments, be sure to browse the
Galileo web site to learn more about the spacecraft and its mission.
If you visit JPL's museum, you'll see a full-scale model of the
Galileo Spacecraft up close.


Your model's scale is approximately 1/45. Any optional PRA/PWS
antenna wires must be much thicker than scale. Galileo's
Atmospheric Probe separated from the spacecraft prior to arrival at
Jupiter. It is not separable on this model. Galileo's main, 400-
Newton rocket engine which is centered within the DESPUN
SECTION, is not represented on this model. The model's MAG
BOOM can support itself in one G, while the spacecraft's boom,
made of thin fiberglass trusswork, cannot. The Scan Platform
sunshade is attached to the Scan Platform for simplicity in this
model; on the spacecraft it is supported above the Scan Platform.
The Scan Platform on this model cannot swivel as it does on the
spacecraft, nor can the Despun Section swivel on the model. This
model does not depict the calibration target and mirror on the
Science Boom, nor the sunshades for fields and particles
instruments there. At this writing, the HGA on the NASA Galileo
Spacecraft has not been successfully deployed to the dish-shape
represented on your model. Some of the ribs are stuck to the
REFLECTOR STRUCTURE, near the top, and are likely to
remain that way throughout Galileo's mission lifetime. There is
probably no good way to simulate this partial deployment on your

Please feel free to copy this scale model, and disseminate it widely.

Have you built the Cassini Spacecraft Scale Model?

Sections marked with a *may be accomplished at the same time if
two or more people are working on assembly, or if you wish to
work on one section while glue dries on another.
Model design by Dave Doody
Thanks to Leslie Lowes and Matt Landano for reviewing and polishing.
An afterhours project, not at taxpayer expense.
18 December, 1997

Appendix A: Views of Assembled Galileo 1/45 Scale Model

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