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Giving Assistance To Suicide

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Art. 253. Giving assistance to suicide.

 — Any illegal and punishable by our law depending upon the

person who shall assist another to commit suicide circumstance.
shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor; if such
person leads his assistance to another to the extent of Euthanasia will be murder if the patient has no
doing the killing himself, he shall suffer the penalty of knowledge that he will be put to death by the
reclusion temporal. However, if the suicide is not physician. The fact that there was manifest abuse of
consummated, the penalty of arresto mayor in superior strength of treachery or the killing was made
its medium and maximum periods, shall be imposed. by means of poison qualifies the crime to murder. His
intent to kill can be shown definitely although it is a
ACTS PUNISHABLE merciful intent.

1. By assisting another to commit suicide, whether the If a physician deliberately administered poison to a

suicide is consummated or not. patient suffering from painful and incurable disease
upon the advice or consent of the patient himself, then
2.  By lending his assistance to another to commit the crime committed is assistance to the commission
suicide to the extent of doing the killing himself. of suicide.
A person who attempts to commit suicide is not
criminally liable. where the victim is suffering from terminal illness. The
initiative must come from the sick person as in
Giving assistance to suicide means giving means requesting from the accused his assistance in the
(arms, poison, etc.) or whatever manner of positive suicide. If an affirmative act is done, e.g., shutting off
and direct cooperation (intellectual oxygen at the request of patient, Article 253 applies. If
aid, suggestions regarding the mode of committing the initiative comes from the offender, the crime is
suicide, etc.). homicide or murder. 

If the person does the killing himself, the penalty is

 • This article contemplates of euthanasia: similar to that of homicide, which is reclusion
Euthanasia is the willful, deliberate and painless temporal. There can be no qualifying circumstance
acceleration of death of a person. because the determination to die must come
from the victim. This does not contemplate euthanasia
Some advocate the legalization of painless death of or mercy killing where the crime is homicide (if without
persons suffering from painful, fatal and incurable disease. consent; with consent, covered by Article 253).
Modern interpretation attempts to extend its significance by
implying the right of physicians and members of the family to
accelerate death of all persons suffering from painful and
Assistance to suicide is different from mercy- killing.
incurable diseases purely founded on humanitarian
sentiments Euthanasia or mercy-killing is the practice of
painlessly putting to death a person
Although there is no written law in the PH legalizing suffering from some incurable disease. In this case,
euthanasia, it is contrary to the principle that no person has the person does not want to die. A doctor who resorts
the right to end his own life, much less can he delegate such to euthanasia may be held liable for murder.
a right to another.
Medical ethics regard the duty of a physician to save life, not Penalty is mitigated if suicide is not successful.
to end it.

US- merciful killing if done I good faith to mitigate the The person attempting to commit suicide is not liable
sufferings of persons affected with dreadful disease is not if he survives.
Euthanasia is not lending assistance to suicide. In
A physician can minimize or relieve the sufferings of a euthanasia, the victim is not in a position to commit
patient or to make him comfortable by administering drugs suicide. A doctor who resorts to euthanasia of his
like opiate, and other sedatives, nut not to the extent of patient may be liable for murder.
inducing death. However, in certain instances, drugs, when
given within the limit of dosage cannot give the patient the
necessary relief. At this instance, the physician is at a
dilemma and he must always be guided by his conscience
and advice of his colleagues.  •  Second sentence of Article 253 has reference to
the FIRST WAY of giving assistance to suicide
CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF PHYSICIAN IN PERFORMING (only furnishing the person to commit suicide the
EUTHANASIA means with which to kill himself). If the offender who
lends his assistance performs acts to do the killing
Even if the act of a physician in putting to death a himself, and the suicide is NOT CONSUMMATED, the
patient is a humanitarian and merciful step, the act is penalty of arresto mayor in
its medium and maximum in the second sentence
should NOT BE IMPOSED. The penalty one or Q: Francis and Joan were sweethearts, but their
two degrees lower than that provided for parents had objected to their relationship because
consummated suicide should be imposed, depending they were first cousins. They forged a pact in writing
whether it is frustrated or is attempted suicide. to commit suicide. The agreement was shoot each
other in the head which they did. Joan died. Due to
 •  Penalty is the same if the offender is the medical assistance, Francis survived. Is Francis
father, mother, child or spouse of the one committing criminally liable for the death of Joan? Explain. (2008)
suicide. Art. 253 does not distinguish and does not
any make any reference to the relation of the offender A: Francis is liable for giving assistance to suicide.
and the person committing suicide.  --
If the person does the killing himself, the penalty is
Giving Assistance to Suicide is committed by any similar to that of homicide, which is reclusion
person who assists another to commit suicide or by temporal. There can be no qualifying circumstance
any person who lends assistance to another to the because the determination to die must come
extent of doing the killing himself. from the victim. This does not contemplate euthanasia
or mercy killing where the crime is homicide (if without
Acts punishable: consent; with consent, covered by Article 253).
1. By assisting another to commit suicide,
whether the suicide is consummated or not.
2. By lending his assistance to another to Assistance to suicide is different from mercy- killing.
commit suicide to the extent of doing the Euthanasia or mercy-killing is the practice of
killing himself. painlessly putting to death a person
Note: suffering from some incurable disease. In this case,
● #1 - Giving assistance to suicide means furnishing the person does not want to die. A doctor who resorts
the person to commit suicide the means (poison, to euthanasia may be held liable for murder.
arms, etc.) with which to kill himself.
Penalty is mitigated if suicide is not successful.
● #2 - The initiative must come from the sick person
as in requesting from the accused his assistance in The person attempting to commit suicide is not liable
the suicide. If an affirmative act is done, e.g., shutting if he survives.
off oxygen at the request of patient, Article 253
applies. If the initiative comes from the offender, the Euthanasia is not lending assistance to suicide. In
crime is homicide or murder.  euthanasia, the victim is not in a position to commit
suicide. A doctor who resorts to euthanasia of his
● Art. 253 does not distinguish and does not any patient may be liable for murder.
make any reference to the relation of the offender and
the person committing suicide. Hence, the penalty is
the same as that provided in Art. 253.

A, a pregnant woman, tried to commit suicide by

means of poison. Instead of dying, the foetus in
her womb was expelled. Is A liable for abortion? 

● No. In order to incur criminal liability for the result

not intended, one must be committing a felony. (Art. 4,
par. 1, RPC). An attempt to commit suicide is an act,
but it is not punishable by law. As A is not committing
a felony, she is, therefore, not liable for abortion for
expelling the foetus instead. Art. 253 does not
penalize the person who attempts to commit suicide. 

● A person who attempts to commit suicide is not

criminally liable because society has always
considered such a person as an unfortunate being, a
wretched person more deserving of pity rather than of

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