Lesson 4 Aldehydes and Ketone
Lesson 4 Aldehydes and Ketone
Lesson 4 Aldehydes and Ketone
Lesson 4/Midterms
Aldehydes and Ketones • Indicate the presence of the carbonyl group by
changing the -ane of the parent alkane -one.
Structure • Number the parent chain from the direction that
gives the carbonyl carbon the smaller number.
• IUPAC retains the common name acetone for 2-
• The functional group of an aldehyde is a carbonyl propanone.
group bonded to a hydrogen atom.
o In methanal, the simplest aldehyde
(formaldehyde), the carbonyl group is bonded
to 2 hydrogens. • To name an aldehyde or ketone that also contains an
o In other aldehydes, it is bonded to 1 hydrogen -OH (hydroxyl) or -NH2 (amino) group:
and 1 carbon group. o Number the parent chain to give the carbonyl
• The functional group of a ketone is a carbonyl group carbon the lower number.
bonded to 2 carbon groups. o Indicate an -OH substituent by hydroxy-, and an
-NH2 substituent by amino-.
o Hydroxy and amino substituents are numbered and
alphabetized along with other substituents.
Nomenclature: Beyond Ordinary Cases
• A carbon atom adjacent to a carbonyl group is called
an a-carbon, and a hydrogen atom bonded to it is
called an a-hydrogen.
• IUPAC names for aldehydes:
o To name an aldehyde, change the suffix -e
of the parent alkane to -al.
o Because the carbonyl group of an aldehyde
can only be at the end of a parent chain and • On a molecule with a higher priority functional
numbering must start with it as carbon-1, group, C=O is oxo- and -CHO is formyl.
hence, there is no need to use a number to • Aldehyde priority is higher than ketone.
locate the aldehyde group.
Chiral objects
For compounds of comparable molecular weight… • Chiral compounds have the same number of atoms
arranged differently in space.
• A chiral carbon atom is bonded to four different
• Your hands are chiral. Try to superimpose your
Water Solubility thumbs, palms, back of hands, and little fingers.
• Ketones and Aldehydes, like ethers, can function as
hydrogen bond acceptors and smaller compounds Mirror images
have significant water solubility. • The mirror images of chiral compounds cannot be
• Solubility in Water: the electronegative O atom of superimposed.
the carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones forms • When the H and I atoms are aligned, the Cl and Br
hydrogen bonds with water. atoms are on opposite sites.
Organic Chemistry
Lesson 4/Midterms
Some everyday chiral achiral objects Reduction