Problem Set 5 Solutions
Problem Set 5 Solutions
Problem Set 5 Solutions
Problem 1. [20 points] Recall that a tree is a connected acyclic graph. In particular, a
single vertex is a tree. We define a Splitting Binary Tree, or SBTree for short, as either the
lone vertex, or a tree with the following properties:
2. every other node is of degree 3 or 1 (called internal nodes and leaves, respectively).
For the case of one single vertex (see above), that vertex is considered to be a leaf. It is
easier to understand the definition visually, so an example is shown in Figure 1. An example
of a tree which is not an SBTree is shown in Figure 2.
(a) [10 pts] Show if an SBTree has more than one vertex, then the induced subgraph ob-
tained by removing the unique root consists of two disconnected SBTrees. You may assume
that by removing the root you obtain two separate connected componenents, so all you need
to prove is that those two components are SBTrees.
Solution. Consider one of the two connected components. We must show it is:
2 Problem Set 5
Figure 1: Splitting Binary Tree: Node A is the root, B and E are internal nodes, and C, D,
F, and G are leaves. Notice how all internal nodes have degree 3.
Figure 2: This is an example of a tree which is NOT a Splitting Binary Tree. Notice how
both A and C have degree 2, when a BSTree can only have one such node.
Problem Set 5 3
(b) [10 pts] Prove that two SBTrees with the same number of leaves must also have the
same total number of nodes. Hint: As a conjecture, guess an expression for the total number
of nodes in terms of the number of leaves N (l). Then use induction to prove that it holds
for all trees with the same l
Proof. We will now verify this formula by strong induction on l, the number of leaves.
1. Base case: If l = 1 Then we have one leaf, hence this is the sinlge vertex SBTree. So
the total number of nodes is 1 which agrees with our formula: 2 · 1 − 1.
2. Induction step:
Assume that for all 1 ≤ l ≤ k, an SBTree with l leaves in it has 2l − 1 nodes in total,
regardless of its particular structure. We wish to prove that every SBTree of size k + 1
has 2 (k + 1) − 1 nodes in total. Consider a generic SBTree with k + 1 leaves. We
assume k is greater than or equal to 1, so our graph has two subgraphs connected to a
root. From the first part we know each is an SBTree.
We cannot assume anything about their structure, but we know if denote by llef t the
number of leaves in the left child, and by lright the number of leaves in the right side
then we must have k + 1 = llef t + lright . And also, 0 < llef t , lright < k + 1. Hence, by our
induction hypothesis, the number of nodes in the left is N (llef t ) = 2llef t − 1 and the
number of nodes in the right is N (lright ) = 2lright − 1. And the total number of nodes
in the tree must be N (lright ) + N (llef t ) + 1, accounting for the root. Substituting, we
get 2lright − 1 + 2llef t − 1 + 1 = 2(lright + llef t ) − 1 = 2(k + 1) − 1, as we wanted to show.
He will have a helicopter initially lower them to the street corner where the bomb is.
He promises that the code is placed only on a corner of a numbered street and a
numbered avenue, so they don’t have to search Broadway.
4 Problem Set 5
(a) [10 pts] Show that they cannot do it – that is, more generally, show that if both N and
M are odd, then the N × M grid is not Hamiltonian. Hint: First show that any N × M
2-dimensional undirected grid is bipartite.
Solution. As per the hint, let us first show that any 2-dimensional grid is bipartite. For
this, let us exhibit a coloring with 2 colors {0, 1}. Indexing the vertices of the grid by their
(x, y)-coordinates, color vertex (i, j) with color rem(i + j, 2). It is easy to see that this is
a valid 2-coloring.
Suppose the graph is Hamiltonian. Now, since N, M are both odd, there are an odd number
of vertices in the graph. Thus the hamiltonian cycle in this graph is an odd cycle. However,
since the graph is bipartite, this graph has no odd cycles. This is a contradiction: thus our
supposition that the graph was Hamiltonian is wrong, and we are done.
(b) [10 pts] Suppose Simon defined Midtown in the more standard way as extending from
40th Street to 59th Street and from 3rd Avenue to 9th Avenue (that is suppose Midtown
Manhattan was a 20 × 7 grid), and gave them another 7 minutes,
1. Show that if either N is even and M > 1 or M is even and N > 1, then the N × M
grid is Hamiltonian.
Solution. Suppose N is even (wlog). We give a direct proof and an inductive proof.
Direct constructive proof:
Problem Set 5 5
Assume the grid is laid out on the plane occupying the integer points between (0, 0)
and (N − 1, M − 1).
We will give the hamiltonian path explicitly by specifying the k’th vertex visited for
each k from 0 to N M . Let q = b Mk−1 c and let r = rem(k, M − 1).
On step k:
if k ≤ N (M − 1) and q is even, then visit vertex (q, r + 1).
if k ≤ N (M − 1) and q is odd, then visit vertex (q, M − 1 − r).
if k > N (M − 1), then visit vertex (0, N − (k − N (M − 1))).
Checking that it is a Hamiltonian cycle is routine.
Figure 3 gives a picture of such a cycle.
2. Explain why your proof breaks down when N and M are odd.
Solution. For the direct proof, the odd/even conditions on q require N to be even
for the above sequence of vertices to actually give a cycle. For the inductive proof,
note that the base case depends on N being 2.
3. Would they survive? Does it depend on where the bomb is placed?
Solution. Come on, of course! No it doesn’t depend on where the bomb is placed.
(a) [7 pts] Find the error in the proof of the following claim.
this edge
add these
Proof. The proof is by strong induction on the number of vertices in the graph. Let P (n)
be the proposition that if an n-node graph is tangled, then it is connected. In the base case,
P (1) is true because the graph consisting of a single node is defined to be tangled and is
trivially connected.
In the inductive step, for n ≥ 1 assume P (1), . . . , P (n) to prove P (n + 1). That is, we want
to prove that if an (n + 1)-node graph is tangled, then it is connected. Let G be a tangled,
(n + 1)-node graph. Arbitrarily partition G into two pieces so that the first piece contains
exactly d n3 e vertices, and the second piece contains all remaining vertices. Note that since
n ≥ 1, the graph G has a least two vertices, and so both pieces contain at least one vertex.
By induction, each of these two pieces is connected. Since the graph G is tangled, there is
an edge leaving the first piece, joining it to the second piece. Therefore, the entire graph
is connected. This shows that P (1), . . . , P (n) imply P (n + 1), and the claim is proved by
strong induction.
Solution. The error is in the line: “By induction, each of these two pieces is connected.”
Our induction hypothesis states, “if a graph is tangled, then it is connected.” Our assump-
tion P (1), . . . , P (n) allows us to say that if each of the two pieces with < n + 1 nodes were
tangled, then each piece would also be connected. However, we only know that the original
graph G with n + 1 nodes is tangled, which says nothing about whether the subgraphs of
G are tangled. Therefore, we cannot use the left side of the implication to prove the right
side of the implication, and hence we cannot conclude that the subgraphs are connected.
In abstract terms, the error lies here: we are proving an induction hypothesis of the form
“if (this), then (that)”, but we erroneously use the induction hypothesis as if it were simply
of the form “(that).”
(c) [8 pts] An n-node graph is said to be mangled if there is an edge leaving every set of d n2 e
or fewer vertices. Again, as a special case, the graph consisting of a single node is considered
mangled. Prove the following claim. Hint: Prove by contradiction.
Solution. The proof is by contradiction. Assume for the purpose of contradiction that
these exists an n-node graph that is mangled, but not connected. Then the graph must
have at least two connected components. However, there can be at most one connected
component with more than d n2 e vertices, since the graph has only n vertices in total.
Therefore, there exists a connected component with d n2 e or fewer vertices. Since the graph
is mangled, there is an edge leaving this component. But this contradicts the definition of
a connected component.
Problem 4. [15 points]
(a) [5 pts] Suppose that G is a simple, connected graph on n nodes. Show that G has
exactly n − 1 edges iff G is a tree.
Solution. To show the biimplication, it is necessary to show both that if G is a tree then it
has n − 1 edges and also if G has n − 1 edges then it is a tree. The first part was proved in
the book by induction on the number of nodes. We prove the second part by contradiction.
To show that a connected graph G with n − 1 edges is a tree, it is sufficient to show it is
acyclic. Assume to the contrary that there is a cycle in G. We can remove an edge from any
cycle preserving connectivity, so remove edges from G until it no longer contains a cycle,
forming a connected acyclic graph G0 . G0 is by definition a tree, but has fewer than n − 1
edges since we removed at least one edge from G. This contradicts the proof that all trees
on n nodes have exactly n − 1 edges. G therefore is acyclic and thus a tree, completing the
proof of the biimplication.
(b) [10 pts] Prove by induction that any connected graph has a spanning tree.
Solution. The proof is by induction on the number of edges. Let P(k) be the predicate
that if G is connected with k ≥ n − 1 edges, then G has a spanning tree.
Base Case: k = n − 1, part (a) demonstrates that G is a tree and thus a spanning tree of
Inductive Step: Assume P(k). If G is a connected graph with k + 1 > n − 1 edges, then
it must not be a tree by part (a). Thus, it must have a cycle. Removing an edge from
that cycle creates a connected graph G0 with k edges, which has a spanning tree over the
nodes by our inductive hypothesis. This spanning tree is also a spanning tree over G, thus
P(k + 1) holds.
By induction, a connected graph G with k edges has a spanning tree for all k ≥ n − 1.
Problem 5. [15 points] The adjacency matrix of a graph is given below (Section 5.1.6 in
the book defines adjacency matrices)
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
Problem Set 5 9
(a) [4 pts] Draw the graph defined by this adjacency matrix. Label the vertices of your
graph 1, 2, . . . , 6 so that vertex i corresponds to row and column i of the matrix.
(b) [4 pts] In a graph, we define the distance between to vertices to be the length of the
shortest path between them. We define the diameter of a graph to be the largest distance
between any two nodes. What is the diameter of this graph? Explain why.
Solution. This graph has diameter 2. There are three pairs of vertices such that the
distance between them is two: {1, 5} , {2, 3} and {4, 6}. There is an edge between all other
pairs of vertices, and hence the distance between those pairs is 1.
(c) [3 pts] Find a cycle in this graph of maximum length and explain why it has maximum
Solution. The cycle 1-6-3-4-5-2-1 has length 6. Since any cycle can contain each vertex
at most once, no cycle can have length greater than 6. Therefore the stated cycle has
maximum length.
(d) [4 pts] Give a coloring of the vertices that uses the minimum number of colors. Prove
that this a minimum coloring.
Solution. The diagram above shows a 3-coloring. The chromatic number cannot be less
than 3, because vertices 1, 2, and 4 are all connected and therefore must receive distinct
colors. Consequently, the chromatic number of the graph is exactly 3.
Problem 6. [10 points] Let G be a graph. In this problem we show every vertex of odd
degree is connected to at least one other vertex of odd degree in G.
10 Problem Set 5
(a) [6 pts] Let v be an odd degree node. Consider the longest walk starting at v that does
not repeat any edges (though it may omit some). Let w be the final node of that walk. Show
that w 6= v.
Solution. Since v has odd degree, the walk contains at least one edge. Furthermore, the
final vertex of the walk cannot be v, since the edges incident to v would then consist of the
first and last edge of the walk plus two edges for each time that the walk crosses v— an
even total.
Solution. The edges incident to the final vertex of the walk consist of the final edge of the
walk plus two edges for each time that the walk crosses the final vertex, for an odd total.
Solution. An alternative solution to the overall problem (but not to the individual parts)
can be obtained from the Handshake lemma.
Proof. The sum of the degrees of the vertices in any connected component is twice the number
of edges in the component. So there must be an even number of odd-degree vertices in any
connected component. In particular, if there is a vertex of odd degree in the component,
there must be an odd number of additional odd-degree vertices connected to it.