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Booklet - Level 2 - 2021

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5 Lesson Days of the Present Mike´s
1A week Simple routine
Everyday and
life Weeke
1 Lesson 1B Online Present People
2 I`m playing the Vocabula Progressive Everyday life
guitar ry
1 Lesson 1C Time Past of verb Vacati
9 Where were Expressio To Be on
you? ns Activiti



2 Lesson 2A Leisure Simple Past Spare Time
5 A long time ago Activities Regular
3 Lesson 2B Things to Do Simple Weeke
1 Did you make Past nd
dinner last night? Irregular Activiti
Verbs es
3 Lesson 2C Vacation There Was Last
6 My vacations Activities There Were Vacation



4 Lesson 3A Feeling Comparativ Comparisi
2 Amazing and es on
Sports Emotion Activitie
s s
4 Lesson 3B Go Superlative Superlati
8 Going camping s ve
Camping activitie
5 Lesson 3C Free time Used to New year´s
4 Then and Eve



6 Lesson Food Countable Delicious
0 4A and food
Food Uncountabl
e nouns
6 Lesson 4B Healthy Food How Snacks
5 Ordering much?
food How
7 Lesson Places in the Objec Sigh Seeing
0 4C city t
Where is Pronou
it? ns



7 Lesson 5A Hallowe Countable Scare
7 Something en and tales
Strange words Uncountabl
e nouns
8 Lesson 5B Everyday How Difficu
2 What was actions much? lt
happening How situatio
when..? many? ns
8 Lesson C Linking words Objec Bad day
8 It´s t
terrifying Pronou

Today and Always

To mention and write about daily routines.
To make conjugations and sentences in Simple Present Tense.
To talk and write about a description in some pictures.
To write a composition of the first day at college.
UNIT 1. Lesson 1A Everyday life
Present Simple

Make a list of the verbs you
Watch the video and make the following exercise.
identify in the video

Video link:


Weekdays The Weekend

Tuesda Wednesda Thursda Frida Saturda Sunda
. Monday
y y y y y y

“I get up and eat breakfast on weekdays. / I go to school.”

Simple Present Tense indicates an action which happens in the present, but it isn’t
necessary for actions to happen right now. Simple present tense indicates, unchanging
situations, general truths, scientific facts, habits, fixed arrangements and frequently
occurring events.
The Structures of Simple Present Tense
We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without the TO).
In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.

Subject Verb The Rest of the

I / you / we / speak / learn English at home
he / she / it speaks / English at home


The following is the word order to construct a basic negative sentence in English in the
Present Tense using Don't or Doesn't.

Subject don't/doesn Verb* The Rest of

't the
I / you / we / don't have / buy cereal for breakfast
they eat / like
he / she / it doesn't etc.
Examples of Negative Sentences with Don't and Doesn't:

 You don't speak Arabic.

 John doesn't speak Italian.
 We don't have time for a rest.
 It doesn't move.
 They don't want to go to the party.
 She doesn't like fish
The following is the word order to construct a basic question in English using Do or Does.

Do/Do Subject Verb* The Rest of the sentence

Do I / you / we / they have / need a new bike?
Does he / she / it want etc.
*Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the infinitive = The infinitive without
TO before the verb. Instead of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.

Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is conjugated (changed) and it begins
with TO. For example: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to speak etc.

Examples of Questions with Do and Does:

 Do you need a dictionary?

 Does Mary need a dictionary?
 Do we have a meeting now?
 Does it rain a lot in winter?
 Do they want to go to the party?
 Does he like pizza?

Short Answers with Do and Does

In questions that use do/does. It is possible to give short answers to direct questions as
it follows:

Sample Questions Short Answer Short

Answer (Affirmative) (Negative)

Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Do I need a pencil? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do you both like chocolate? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do they like chocolate? Yes, they do. No, they don't.
Does he like chocolate? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she like chocolate? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Does it have four wheels? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without to).
In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.

Subject Verb The Rest of the

I / you / we / speak / learn English at home
he / she / it speaks / English at home
The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of that verb:
1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.

 go – goes catch – catches wash – washes kiss – kisses fix – fixes buzz – buzzes

2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.

 marry – marries study – studies carry – carries worry – worries

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

 play – plays
 enjoy – enjoys


We use other question words in Present Tense like: Who, What, Why , How much
/ many, How often, etc.
1) Question Words (who, what, why, how much / many, how often etc.) + do /

does + subject pronoun ( he, she, it, I, you, we, they) + V1 ( First Form of Verb )
 How often does he call you?
 Why do you always do this?
 How much does it cost?
2) Question Words (who, what, why, etc.) + V1 / V (-s,-es,-ies) + object pronouns

( me, you, him, her,it, us, them)

 Who gives him a scholarship?
 What makes you angry?
Present Simple Exercises
a) Write the correct form of the verb.

1. Maria goes (go) a to work by bus.

2. Leonard helps (help) his brother .

3. Laura sing (sing ) nice songs.
4. We sometimes (meet) in front of the cinema.
5. We do (do) our homework.
6. Our friends plays (play) football in the park.

7. She goes (go) to the park every Friday.

8. He has (have) lunch every day.
9. she has (have) the best ideas.
10. Carol says (say) goodbye.

b) Make affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences in the Simple Present

He / his /car every week /wash/doesn’t
He doesn´t wash his car every week
I /on /Saturdays/work)
I do work on saturdays
animals /children/ love/ Do/?
Do children love animals?
they / in the/ cereal / not/ eat /morning
they not eat cereal in the morning
she / e-mails/ every /writes/ day/?
writes she e- mails every day?
we / in my/house /TV/ not watch
we not watch tv in my house
c. Choose the correct answer using Present Simple.

1. She does [thinks/does think/think] Manuel is crazy.

2. They

3. [not know/doesn't know/don't know/] what to say.

4. [Does she feel/She does feel/She feels/] ok?

5. He doesn't have [don’t havet/doesn't have] any projects.

6. I [not know/don't know/doesn't know] (not know) who she

[are/does/is] (be).

7. She [washes/washs/washies] her car every week.

8. Paul [sleep/sleepes/sleeps] seven hours a day.

9. Mary and John [travel/travels] to New York.

10. She always [win/wines/wins/]

11. James [crys/cries/does cry] very easily.

12. She [prays/prayes/praies] in church every Sunday.

d. Change these examples to negative.

1. I get up at 7:30 every morning.

I don´t get up at 7:30 every mornig.

2. She drinks coffee every day.

she doesn´t
3.My brother usually does his homework.

4. We go to computer course at the weekends.

5. Mrs.Fun speaks French.

6.My cousin and I like pop music.

Prepositions of Time
In, at, on and no preposition with time words:

Prepositions of time - here's a list of the time words that need 'on', 'in', 'at' and
some that don't need any preposition. Be careful - many students of English use
'on' with months (it should be 'in'), or put a preposition before 'next' when we do

times: at 8pm, at midnight, at 6:30

holiday periods: at Christmas, at Easter
at night
at the weekend
at lunchtime, at dinnertime, at breakfast time

days: on Monday, on my birthday, on Christmas Day

days + morning / afternoon / evening / night: on Tuesday morning dates: on th

years: in 1992, in 2006

months: in December, in June decades: in the sixties, in the 1790s centuries: in the 19th century seasons
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

next week, year, month etc

last night, year etc
nothis morning, month etc
prepevery day, night, years etc today, tomorrow, yesterday

a) Complete the sentences with in /on /at

1. They party is AT half past six IN the afternoon.

2. You sleep very well night.

3. I get lots of presents my birthday.

4. Students never have lessons weekends.

5. Are there any holidays August ?

6. We are leaving the house a minute

7. Our school servers lunch 11. 00 am.

8. My grandfather was born the 1950s.

b) Choose the correct answer in /on/at

1. I wake up 8 o’clock.

2. It is hot the summer.

3. He works night.

4. It snows here the winter.

5. His birthday is the 10th of March.

6. We are going on holiday Friday.

7. Saturday, I went to the park.

8. We have dinner 7 p.m.

9. She always has a shower the morning.

10. Einstein was born 1879.

11. We don’t go to school Saturdays.

12. Doctors often work night.

13. There are a lot of flowers spring.


Watch the video and make the following exercise


The Position of the Adverb in a Sentence

An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be).

Subject + adverb + main

I always remember to do my
He normally gets good marks in

An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be.

Subject + to be + adverb

They are never pleased to see

She isn't usually bad tempered.
When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the
adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for to be.

Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main

She can sometimes beat me in a race.
I would hardly ever be unkind to
They might never see each other again.
They could occasionally be heard

d. Write the Adverb in the correct place in the following exercises

a) What do you have usually for breakfast? (usually)

b) I am never sick. (never)

c) Do you eat never breakfast at work? (never)

d) I sometimes have breakfast at my desk. (sometimes)

e) Do you eat rice for dinner? (ever)

f) I always have eggs, bacon, and toast on Sundays. (always)

g) In winter it is very cold here. (often)

h) She isn't home in the evenings. (usually)

i) My kids are late for school. (seldom)

j) We don't have rice at home. (often)

WRITING. Write a short composition about your weekend routine.

………I always wake up at 6 ´clock

I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
............................................................................................................................. ............................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... ...
............................................................................................................................. ............................................
............................................................................................................................. ............................................
............................................................................................................................. ............................................
............................................................................................................................. ............................................
............................................................................................................................. ............................................


Talk about your daily routine using the following questions.

Do you….. Yes Not Why?

cook dinner every afternoon?
drink coffee in the morning?
work out every day?
go to bed late?
get up early ?
read the news in the evening?
LISTENING ( track 2)

Listen and write about Mike´s routine on Saturday morning and afternoon.


UNIT 1. Lesson 1B I´m Playing The Guitar
Present Progressive
Read the text, answer the questions below and do the task in the Vocabulary.
Hi! I´m Steve and I´m thirteen years old. Find the different verbs in the text and change to present con
I live a long way from school and my school friends
don´t live near me.

From Monday to Friday I only see my friends at

school. I have got four very good friends at school
and sometimes one or two of them come and stay at
my house at the weekend. We usually talk for hours
and go to bed very late.

I love doing sport at school but I hate athletics. I

go to two karate classes a week. I´ve got two
brothers so I never get lonely.

A: Answer to the following questions:

1. What´s his name?

2. How old is he?

3. Does he live near the school?

4. How many good friends has he got?

5. Does he like doing sport?

6. How often does he have karate classes?

The present progressive puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action.

The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only
Present progressive is also known as present continuous. Use a form of to be and the infinite verb plus -ing.
am with the personal pronoun I
is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or the singular form of nouns) are with the personal pronouns you, w

Tips on how to form negative sentences and questions

In negative sentences, we put not between the form of be and the verb. In questions, we simply swop the places
Affirmative Negative Question

I I am cooking. I am not cooking. Am I cooking?

he, she, it He is working. He is not working. Is he working?

you, we, You are playing. You are not playing. Are you playing?

Affirmative sentences in the Present Progressive

I am playing football in the stadium at the moment. I'm playing football in
the stadium at the moment.
You are cooking in your house today. You're cooking in your house
today. He is playing football in the stadium now. He's playing football in the
stadium now.
Negative sentences in the Present Progressive
I am not playing football in the stadium now. I'm not playing football
in the stadium now.
You are not playing football in the stadium now. You aren't playing football in
the stadium now.
He is not playing football in the stadium now . He isn't playing football in
the stadium now.
Questions in the Present Progressive
Am I playing football? Yes, you are -No, you are not
Are you playing football? Yes, I am – No, I am not
Is he playing football? Yes, he is - No, he isn’t
Complete the table with the correct sentences.
Affirmative Negative Question

I I am cooking. I am not cooking Am I


you You are playing . You aren´t playing

he He is not dancing .

she Is she running ?

it It is snowing.

we Are we singing?

you You are not fighting.

the Are they making


Affirmative sentences’ exercises.

Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

He (eat) in the restaurant a hot

dog. They (shop) many books.
She (sleep) in her brother’s house.
I (swim) in the river.
We (dance) at the disco.
My friends (chat) on the internet.
Sofia (write) an email to her cousin.
We (watch) an interesting program on TV.
Diego (talk) to his father on the phone.
They (not use) that Spanish dictionary.
Rob and Angela (swim) at the moment.
The shark (look) for food.
Negative sentences’ exercises.
Make the sentences below into negative ones.

1 They (not study) Italian

2. I (not go) to the snack bar

3. Mr. Jones (not sit) in the staff’s room.

4.You (not listen) to me!

5. The sun (not shine).

6. We (not ride) our bikes

7. Sara (not run) along the corridor.

Complete with the Present Progressive. In the picture,
there is a young girl in a park.

She (stand) on a skateboard and she

(smile) and (look)
at a picnic basket full of food. Next to the basket there
is a cat. It (sleep) on a bench, and behind
the bench there is abird. It (walk) on
the ground. There is another bird, as well, but it (fly) . There is also
a butterfly, and it (fly) , too. In the background there is a man. He
(walk) his dog. He should be careful because there is a man
(drive) a car very fast on the road behind him.
Complete the sentences below using the Present Continuous.
1. Jim (eat ) ice cream.
2. The kids ( play ) in the park.
3. Birds (sing).
4. Henry and I (watch) football.
5. Bees (gather) honey.
6. Tom and Karen (ski).
7. Sam (wash) her hands.
8. Tim (cry).
9. They (rowing) the boat.
10. I (drink) wine.
11. The birds (fly ) south.
12. They (love) parents.
13. I (dance).
14. Sarah and Thomas (get) married.
15. I (begin) to understand English.

Describe the picture using the Present Progressive and verbs you find bellow.

Describe the pictures using the Present Continuous.
What were you doing ?

Listen and match the questions with the right answers.

1. Where was Julia sitting that afternoon? A. A violin

B. She was having a cup
2. What was she doing there?
of coffee.

3. What was the weather like? C. It was sunny

D. On the balcony
4. What instrument was a person playing? E. She was reading the label of
the tomato sauce jar.
5. Why did she decide to make spaghetti?
F. She was walking
6. What was she doing when the jar slipped out of her hand? without looking.
G. She was waiting to pay
7. What were the people at the supermarket doing when she
at the checkout.
broke the glass?
H. She was walking by
I. Because she was
8. What was she doing when she knocked over a display
feeling hungry.
of chips?
J. They were staring at Julia and
9. What was the manager at the supermarket doing when she whispering to each other.
saw Julia?

10. Where was Julia when she noticed she did not have the
UNIT 1. Lesson 1C Where were you?
Past of Verb To Be

WARM UP Watch the video and write sentences with the past of Be

Video link

Read the text and choose the right answer.


On 4th November, I arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph
Barack Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when I got there, I
discovered that I didn ́t have my press pass and I couldn ́t go inside. I walked around
the park outside the Center.
Although it was November, it was a warm night. The atmosphere was wonderful.
When I took this photo, everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for the
election results. Some people were quietly holding hands and smiling – others were
tense and nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly I realized that this
was a better place to be than inside. I was watching Barack Obama ́s victory through
the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white. At about 11 o ́clock the
results were announced, and everybody went mad. People started laughing, shouting
and crying. But when Obama made his speech, they all became quiet and emotional.
There was one place to be on the planet that night – and I was there.
1. Tom went to Chicago
a) to take Obama’s photos
b) to see his family
2. He could not take a photo of Obama because
a) the police did not left people in
b) he forgot his press pass
3. He took the photo in
a) the park outside the center
b) inside the convention center
4. He felt that he could not enter the Center.
a) happy
b) sad
5. When Obama won
a) everybody was smilling
b) some people cried and others celebrated

What rules do you have to keep in mind?
The verb to be is an irregular verb, as can be seen in its forms in the past simple.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was I wasn’t Was I...?

You were You weren’t Were you…?

He / She / It was He / She / It wasn’t Was he / she / it…?

We were We weren’t Were we...?

You were You weren’t Were you...?

They were They weren’t Were they...?

This verb shows a state or a situation (for example, how you feel), and can be used to
describe things. When you use it in the past tense you need to make sure you use the
forms that we have shown you in the previous table, and not the infinitive "be".
For example:
The party was amazing!
-We were really happy!
He was my boyfriend.
I was your best friend.
1. I was not a good student.
2. We were not old friends.
3. He was not a student.
4. The pencil was not on the desk.
5. Was I going to see you tomorrow?
6. Was he going to visit her next week?
7. Were they going to eat out tonight?
8. Was she going to leave for Europe on Monday?
1. Was the sky clear?
2. Was the child in the garden?
3. Was it a pleasant day?
4. Was she sick yesterday?
5. Were they good friends for many years?
6. Were we busy yesterday?

EXERCISES: Past simple forms


1. Last winter so cold!

2. What you doing at 9 p.m. yesterday?
3. When I twelve years old I watched Scooby Doo!
4. There about 50 people at my sister’s wedding.
Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verb

Complete the following table in Present Progressive.

I am
He is
She is
It is
Write a short paragraph about the activities that you did yesterday. Mention who,
with, where and what?

Where were you last Friday Night?

Where were you? Location Extra information

at this
on your birthday?
on New year’s Eve

last Friday night?

Vacation Activities
Number the following pictures as you hear.

Back in Time

To talk about past experiences.
To ask and answer questions in past.
To talk about regular activities and household chores.
UNIT 2. Lesson 2A A long time ago
Past simple of the Regular Verbs

Language in context
Read and number the pictures from 1 to 6.
“Holidays at Disney”
eir holidays, Sally and Robert travelled to
On theWorld.
first day,
for three
with some
to findDisney
Land, they stopped and looked a

5. They
fter that, they tried to find Cinderella’s walked
castle. around the
They touched Disney
all the Park.
Disney They were too excited for all the 6.
characters. wonders of thevery
She was place.tired. They
returned to the hotel very happy
to be in Disney World.


My favorite leisure activities My favorite leisure activities

listen to music and surf the

listen to music and surf the

The simple past is used to describe an action that occurred and was completed in the past. The
simple past is formed by adding –ed to the base form of the verb (the infinitive without to).

Base form + ed = simple past

walk walked
push pushed
greet greeted
watch watched

There are several rules:

In English, the simple past of regular verbs is extremely easy. It is the same for all persons.
Here are example sentences of the simple past with the verb WORK.

Singular Plural
1st per I worked yesterday. We worked yesterday.
2nd per You worked yesterday. You worked yesterday.
3rd per He, She, It worked yesterday. They worked yesterday.
Here are examples with regular verbs in the simple present and the simple past.
Simple present Simple past
I walk to school. I walked to school.
She works downtown. She worked downtown.

They help on Tuesday. They helped on Tuesday.

In the simple past tense, negative and question forms are made using the auxiliary verb "do" (in its
past form, "did") followed by the simple form of the main verb.
Long Form Short Form

I did not work I didn´t work

You did not work You didn´t work
He did not work He didn´t work
She did not work She didn´t work
We did not work We didn´t work
You did not work You didn´t work
They did not work The didn´t work
For the negative and interrogative simple past form of "to do" as an ordinary verb, use the auxiliary
"did", e.g. We didn't do our homework last night......The interrogative form of "have" in the simple
past normally uses the auxiliary "did".
Question Answer affirmative / Negative
Did I work? Yes, you do /No, you didn´t
Did you work? Yes, I did / No, I didn´t
Did he work? Yes, he did / No, he didn´t
Did she work? Yes, she did/ No, she didn´t
Did we work? Yes, you did / No, you didn´t
Did you work? Yes, we did / No, we didn´t
Did they work? Yes, they did / No, they didn´t

Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negations of the verbs in bold into the correct gaps.

1. He played handball. → He didn`t play handball.

2. Susan waited in the kitchen. → Susan didn´t wait in the kitchen.
3. They cleaned the classroom. → They didn´t clean the classroom.
4. She asked a lot of questions. → She didn´t ask a lot of questions.
5. I copied all the Englsh lesson. → I didn´t copy the Math ones.
Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
Now, change your answers to the
1. You arrived (arrive) in England last week. interrogative form.
2. My mum studies (study) Russian at university. Did you arrive in England last week?_
3. I (phone) you yesterday, but you weren't at home. Did my mum study Russian at university?
Did I phone yesterday ,but you weren´t at home?
4. Last night, Marga and Alice _
(plan) their holiday.
5. Tom invited (invite) us to his birthday party. _
6. The children (carry) the books to the classroom._
7. We finish (finish) the exam at half past three. _ Did _
8. I chat (chat) to Jane about films and fashion.
9. We listen to (listen to) music last Saturday night.
10. The farmers plant (plant) banana some days ago.
Regular verbs: affi rmati ve.
Write interrogative and negative
He alived (live) in Rome long ago. Did he alived in rome long ago?

He didn´t alived in rome long ago

Rose staied (stay) home alone.

My sister tidied (tidy) her room.

Caesar (die) in 44 BC.

My father (cook) the meal.

I visited (visit) my grandparents.

They enjoied (enjoy) the cruise.

Everybody watched (watch) the match.

The car stopped (stop) at the lights.

The frog jumped (jump) very high.

Select the correct answer in the boxes below: e ie
d d d
1. I Walked (walk) to work last week.

2. He studie (study) computers for five years.


3. They arrive (arrive) late for the party.


4. We marri (marry) in a church.


5. It ended (end) at 6 pm.

6. Ellen waite (wait) for an hour.


7. You liked (like) the movie. I didn't.

8. Bob neede (need) that book yesterday.


9. They used (use) my new pen.

1 The teacher helpe (help) the students after class.

0. d

Fill all the blanks below to make different kind of sentences.

1.The students attend (attend )to classes last month.
Question: ?
Answer: Yes,the students attended to classes last month. Answer: No, .
2.They (practice) all day for the exam.
Question: ?
Answer: Yes, . Answer: No,they didn´t practice all day for the exam.
3.The monkey (jump) to the tree.
Question:Did the monkey jump to the tree? ?
Answer: Yes, . Answer: No, .
4.Mark (play) the piano at concerts a year ago.
Question:did mak play piano at concerts a year ago ?
Answer: Yes, . Answer: No, .
San Valentine Day is a very beautiful commemoration. Write a composition about what
people around you did last February 14th.

“Last February 14th”


-What activities did you do last weekend to spend relaxing moments? Complete the phrases
with your own ideas.

Ex. I chatted on line with my friends last weekend.

Surf work listen to go out
Watch play drive to spend
-Is there any other activity that you practice? Say it.


What did you do last

Listen to four people talk about theirweekend?
weekend. Read the sentences and choose True
or False.
UNIT 2. Lesson 2B What did you do last weekend?
Past simple of the Irregular Verbs

Watch the following video and answer True or False.

Elli was happy at the wedding. TRUE
Carl´s family went to the wedding. TRUE
They didn’t repair the house after they got married.
Carl and Ellie didn’t work together at the zoo.
During a picnic they started to think about having a baby.
Elli and Carl weren’t sad because they did not have a baby.
They tried to save money for their trip, but they had to spend it o
They travelled to their dream place. FALSE
Elli and Carl didn’t spend their whole lives together. TRUE

Video link:

Things to do

Match the activity with the correct picture.

-What activities did you do some days ago? Write three sentences for the ones y

The past simple is the tense used to express situations that occurred in the past and have
now concluded.

AFFIRMATIVE The simple past is used to express actions in past.

I had a good party They swam in that pool She ate pizza In the simple past
of Irregular the verb changed or keep the same.
Go-went begin-began eat-ate win-won write-wrote drink-drank

We ate in the bus, it was very funny.
They drank all the night.
I sent you an e-mail, did you see it?

He was too young when he began his career.

I took the bus and went to the cinema.
Brazil won five world cups, it's incredible!
Write the correct form of the verb in parenthesis
1. Beth: Did you.........................(have) a good day yesterday?

Albert: Yes, I …………………. Karen and I............................(go)shopping all day.

Beth: Did you....................(buy) anything?
Albert: Well, Karen………………………. (not)buy anything, but I......................(buy) a new sweater.
2. Luke.....................................(stay)home last night?

Pam: No, we……………………….. We…...............................(see)a play at the stadium.

Luke: Really? Did you.................................(like)it?

Pam: I…………………………(love)it, but Harry.................................(not like)it at all.
Luke: Did you..........................(eat)out, too?

Order the words in order to make questions

1. last night / you / see / did / your friends
2. go / last weekend / you / did / grocery shopping
3. watch / you / a movie / did / last night

4. yesterday / stay home / you / did

5. make dinner / did / on Thursday / you
6. you / did / last Saturday / have a party did you last a party
7. you / to work / last week / drive / did
8. you / a haircut / yesterday / get / did Did

9. My / parents / on Saturday / eat out / dinner Did my parents eat out on Saturday?
10. I /a party / last weekend / have / did Did I have a party last week?

Order the words to form interrogative sentences.

1. they/see/to/want/did/who ? who

2. get up /you/did/time/what? What time did you get up?

3. she/pay/did/much/how? How much did she pay?

4. play/when/did/you/tennis? When did you play tennis?

5. last Saturday night/where/they/did/go? Where did they go last Saturday night?

Complete the sentences according to the example.

Type the negative in the boxes below.

eg. I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert.

1 They swam on Saturday but they didn´t swim on Sunday.

I went to work on Monday but I to work
on Tuesday.
3 He bought a new car. He a second-hand car.
She learnt French in high school. She French
in primary school.
We got up early this morning. We
early yesterday.
They did Science at school but they Science
at University.
7 He slept well last night but he well the night
. before.
I ate spaghetti for dinner but I anything
for lunch.
9 You saw Helen but you Celia.
1 They lived in Quito. They in Rome.
Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis

1. I (eat) fish and (drink) wine yesterday.

2. A: Helen (drive) to work? B: Yes, she .

3. My neighbor (buy) bought a new car last week.

4. They (take) toke a plane and (fly)to Italy last summer holiday.

5. A: they (swim) at the beach? B: No, they .

6. My family and I (see) a comedy movie last night.

7. First, we (do) did exercise, and then we (speak) spoke about it.

8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) my hand.

9. What time (do) you (get up) this morning?

10. The children(sleep) early last week.

Look at the picture of little Tom. What did he do yesterday morning? Use the verbs to write a short
go - take a bath -sleep - have breakfast - wake up - dress and comb - wake up - make coffee

Talk about your past activities with the phrases below

Yesterday Last night Last Weekend Last month Last year

I get up…… I ate……. I see…. I buy ……. I go…….

I take a …… I go to bed….. I have…. I read……. I meet……..

I have …. I sleep…….. I drive…… I make……. I begin………

Listen carefully and number the pictures as they are mention in the audio.

Weekend Activities

7 6 3

5 4 2

1 8
Answer these questions about the audio according to each situation.

1. What’s his favorite sport? How often does he practice it?

2. What musical instrument can he play? Where does he play it?

3. Where’s he? What’s he doing? Did he receive an invitation to go out?

4. Where’s he? How often does he stay there?

5. Where’s she? What’s she doing?

6. What time is it? How often does he stay up late on Saturaday?

7. What’s he doing?

8. What’s Frank doing? What’s he shopping?

UNIT 2. Lesson 2C My Vacations
There was – There were

Warm up:
Where did you go? Tell your teacher three things about your
last vacation

VOCABULARYMatch the verb to the activity.

take photographs sightseeing buy souvenirs
economy class at a hotel go shopping
the local food visit an art gallery write postcards

Read the conversation and fill in the missing words.

Tom and Julie are talking about vacations.

Tom: So, Julie, where did you go for your last vacation?

Julie: I went to Bali.

Tom: Really? How was it?

Julie; Wonderful! The beaches were 1beautiful, and the

was great!

Tom: How 2long.....did you stay?

Julie: I stayed for about ten days.

Tom: What did you do there?

Julie: Well, I went 3…sunbathing<…….….., and tried lots of local
Missing words : lon - food - sunbathing - beautiful
Write answers for these questions:
1. Where did Julie go for her last vacation? She went to bali
2. How were the beaches?
3. How long did she stay?
4. What did she do there?
The use of There was / There were


There was There was Was there..........?
not There Yes, there was/ No, there
wasn’t wasn’t
There were There were Were there ………? Yes,
not There there were
weren’t / No, there weren’t

Affirmative examples

 There was something about it on the TV news.

 There were fire engines and police cars everywhere.
 There were ten people injured and there was a lot of building damage.

Negative examples

 There weren’t any eggs for breakfast this morning.

 There wasn’t any money in the kitty.
 There wasn’t anybody to talk to.
Interrogative examples
Q: Was there any bread left? A:Yes there was / No there there wasn’t.

Q: Were there any biscuits in the tin? A: Yes there were / No there weren’t.

Complete with there was or there were.

1. There was an old cafeteria at the corner of my house.

2. There was a lot of children in the park last Sunday.

3. There were some potatoes in the fridge.

4. There was a small shop between the bank and the supermarket.

5. There were many bottles of milk in the fridge.

6. There were some pencils on the desk.

7. There was only one book on the table.

8. There was an old man in the street.

9. There was a lot of noise in the

classroom. 10. There was a yellow

submarine at the sea.

Exercises: there was - there were
affirmative, negative, question

a giraffe.

a zebra. There were many

a lion? there weren’t any

lot of fish.
a mermaid
a shark
any boats.
any children?
any water?

This is Ancient Paris. Describe this street using:

there was/were/wasn’t/ weren’t.

1. There were some horse drawn

carriages in the streest.
2. There were women with very
long dresses.
3. There were any traffic
4. There wasn’t any pollution in the
5. There were many green trees.
6. There weren’t any modern
7. There was a lot
of traffic.
8. There were hundreds of people
alking in the street.
Fill in the blanks with There was, There Ask questions using :
were,was there or Were there. Was or
1 the man / rich / many years ago
1 .....were there............................. any famous Was the man rich many years ago?
actors in the
play? ......................................................................
2 ............there was...................... a wonderful
2 the men / on holiday / in June
film on TV
on Monday night. ..were the men on holiday in
3 ............there were...................... astronauts 3 Dan / on a boat / last Saturday
on the moon
in 1969. ......was dan on a boat last Saturday
4. the teacher / angry / yesterday
4 ...........there was....................... steak for lunch.
......was the teacher andry
5 ...........was there....................... any sugar in 5. the shops / closed / on Monday afternoon
the bowl?
6 ........was there.......................... a nature ......................................................................
programme on
TV last night?

Complete with THERE WAS/ THERE WERE in the affirmative, interrogative or negative forms.

a) a new student in your class last week? Yes, .

b) There was any students in the library at 3 o'clock yesterday.
c) I think a boy waiting for you yesterday.
d) There was any chicken left when I arrived home at lunchtime.
e) Was there any water in the fridge last night? I don't think so.
f) Was there any people at the museum?
Complete and match with the pictures:

a c f d b e

When I arrived to the canteen,any bread.

There wasa mouse under the chair and my mother started to yell!

Was thereany students in the classroom when you arrived?

There wasany waffers left when Kevin came home. His brother had eaten them all.

There weresomeone working in the garden when I passed by.

There werea delicious birthday cake and I ate a big piece.


Answer the questions about yourself.

Were you at the UTB a year ago?

.......yes I was.....................................................
Were you cold last night?

...yes I was cold last night.........................................................

Was your room tidy yesterday?
Were you worried about anything yesterday?
How old were you in the year 2002?
How many pupils were there in your class last year?

Write a mail to a friend or relative. Talk about a place you visited by saying three
good things and three bad things that happened and use There was/ were too.
LISTENING (track 2c)

My last vacations.

Listen to four people talk about their vacations. Which questions do they answer?
Choose all the questions each person answer.

It´s Extreme

To talk about different kind of sports.
To talk about camping.
To compare people, objects, animals, places.
To talk about what people used to do when they were
UNIT 3. Lesson 3A Sport and Places

Do you enjoy extreme sports? Would you like to try some?
……………………………………………….. ……………………………………

Extreme Winter Sports “ ICE DIVING”

ing suit called a “drysuit”. This is not the same as a normal diving suit. It has air in it. The air keeps the diver warm, and also
s under it. The other divers watch and wait. They are ready to help in an emergency.
like, under the ice? Ice divers say it is like another world-a bright world of strange creatures, plants and rocks and amazing s
ll the rope, they move along, with their feet higher than their heads!
Read the text and choose if the statements are true (T), false (F), or if there is not
information. (N I) about it.
1.- Ice diving is not a sport for most people.

2.-Ice divers wear clothes under their drysuits.

3.-They usually dive for about a quarter of an hour.

4.-It’s dark under the ice.

5.-Divers go ice diving because it’s fun.

Adjectives Adjectives to describe Adjectives to
personality describe places

happy ambitious alive

Fat annoying attractive
New bad-tempered enchanting
Easy big-headed fresh
Cheap Crazy,nuts lively
Angry brave calm
Beautiful cantankerous modern
Bad friendly peaceful
Funny careless charming
Old kind cosmoplitan

Comparative Adjectives - are used to compare the differences between two nouns.


The black dog is older, than the white

dog. My house is bigger than my sister's


The yellow hat is more expensive, than the green hat.

There are two ways to create a comparative adjective.

Adjectives with 1 syllable or adjectives with 2 syllables if the word ends in -y, then -er is


Adjectives ending in -y; change the -y to -i and add -er.

Adjectives that end with a consonant, vowel, consonant - the last

consonant is doubled and -er is added to the end of the adjective.


cold - colder early - earlier big -

small - happy – bigger fat -

smaller happier fatter

tall - taller crazy - crazier hot - hotter

Adjectives with 3 more syllables, and words with 2 syllables that do not end in -y. The
word "more" or "less" is placed before the adjective.

Note: Adjectives that end in -e, only -r is added to end of the adjective.


honest - more honest expensive - more expensive

difficult - more difficult difficult - more difficult

modern - more modern comfortable - more comfortable

Note: "Than" is usually used after the comparative adjective.
Write down the comparative form of the adjectives
Complete with a comparative adjective and all the necessary words.
1. Snakes are (Fast) snails.

2. London is (big) Madrid.

3. Snails are (slow) snakes.
4. My literature book is (difficult) my English book.
5. Lord of the Rings is (Interesting) Impossible Mission.

Make sentences comparing these things, as in the example.

1. English / maths (important) English is more important than maths
2. A tortoise / a cat (slow) ..............................................................
3. My friend / I (handsome) ..............................................................
4. Chocolate milkshakes / lemonade (good) .............................................................

5. A tiger / a rabbit (dangerous) ...............................................................

6. The North Pole / Africa (cold) ...............................................................
7. Swimming / skating (easy)
8. The Eiffel Tower / my house (big)
9. A stone / a feather (heavy) ...............................................................
10. Planes / cars (fast) ...............................................................

11. My sister/y brother (intelligent) ……………………………………………………………

12.English/Japanese (easy) ……………………………………………………………..
13. German /Spanish (difficult) ……………………………………………………………
14.-cars/bicycles (fast) ……………………………………………………………
15.-February/June(hot) …………………………………………………………..
Your topic is “Extreme sports are becoming more and more popular”.
What is your attitude to these types of sports?

What extreme sports do you know? What are they?

Are you interested in any of them? Do you practice any extreme sport? Why?
Why not?
Why do people take reasonable risks even if they know about the consequences of
doing them?
Which of these types of sport can be succesfully developed or is being developed in
your country?
Listen to the recording and answer the questions.
1.-The woman .
A.-skis once to twice a year

B.-doesn't have skiing experiences

C.-has gone skiing many times

2.-The ski slopes are .

A.-somewhat icy

B.-nearly empty

C.-very crowded

3.-Another skier .
A.-forced her into the trees

B.-drove into the woman

C.-stole her new purple gloves

4.-When the woman finds the other skier, she is going to .

A.-hit the person in the head with a

book B.-break his face, arm, and legs

C.-show his face on social media

5.-The woman says she can recognize the other skier by his .
A.-hair and eyes


C.-crazy laugh
UNIT 3. Lesson 3B Going Camping

Warm up

Have you ever camped? ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Watch the following video

The Superlative Form of Adjectives

Complete the following sentences with the correct superlative form of the words
listed below.
Funny - high – delicious – easy - cold - boring – lucky – Smart - dirty - rich -
valuable bad - large - cheap – long - scary
1. Yesterday was day of the year. I almost froze to death
walking home from school!
2. That was _ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost
walked out in the middle.
3. Please give me your recipe. That is cake I’ve
ever eaten.
4. Jerry is student in our class. He gets the top
grades in every course.
5. Bob told story last night. I couldn’t
stop laughing.
6. Whales are animals in the
7. The Nile is river in the world.
8. Marie is person I know. She has won the
lottery four times!
9. He is speaker I have ever heard. Half the
audience fell asleep during his speech.
10. Mount Everest is mountain in the world.
11. That is painting in the art gallery. It’s
worth a million dollars.
12. Bill Gates is one of men in the
13. I finished the exercise in five minutes. It was
homework the teacher has ever given us.
14. Arthur hates to clean. He has apartment
I’ve ever seen.
15. My dinner only cost $6.00. That must be
restaurant in town.
16. I was afraid to turn off the lights last night.

That was show I’ve ever watched.

Describe your city and then compare with other cities use comparatives and
superlatives. (Beautiful- unique- big-small- expensive-cheap-old-new-magical-
fascinating-colorful-preserved-amazing-gorgeous-exquisite-romantic-clean-dirty- etc)



Practice and say your opinion about favorite places in Ecuador.
What is your favorite place in your country?
What is your favorite place in your city?
Why is this place your favorite?
What is your favorite place to live?

Listen the audio about two cities and write TRUE or FALSE
1.- The cities aren’t London and New York ------------------
2.-The public transportation in Paris is Cheaper tan New York. ----------------------

3.-New York has more storms --------------------------

4.-New York is older ----------------------------
5.-Life in Paris is slower than New York --------------------------

UNIT 3. Lesson 3C
The and now – Used to

Warm up
v=OWuFkCPb9oE Watch the following video and answer
True or False
1.-Grand ma was blonde ( )
2.-She used to playful and talkative ( )
3.-Grand pa used to be talkative ( )
4.-Sometimes grand pa would make paper
planes ( )
5.-She had too many books ( )


What did you use to enjoy most at Which TV programme did you use to
primary school? watch most when you were little?

Which TV programme did you use to What did you use to do?
watch most when you were little?

Which sport did you use to enjoy most What did you use to like doing in your free
at school? time?

Was there anything at school that you

didn't use to enjoy? Why?

Listen carefully and complete in the blank spaces.

1.-I used to , ,up late with my friends.

2.-We probably just ate greasy , , and drank a lot of

soda. 3.-I am older, things , .

4.-I , , every day is a new day.

5.-We generally , , evening because

there are sometimes drivers on the road.

Flavor and places

To talk about favorite food, and places.
To realize the use of much, many, a lot of, some, any…
To prepare a plate of food using the grammar in the unit.
UNIT 4. Lesson 4A Meals
Countable and uncountable nouns

What is your favorite food?
Watch the following video

Watch the video and write T

(true) or F ( false).
Mr. Bean was at a Chinese
The waiter gave him
the menú
The waiter served
him lasagna

Were the oysters moving? Mr. Bean put them in the
lady’s bag.

Read about Smith family and answer the questions below.

The family climbed out of the car and walked slowly into the restaurant. Dad was in a
very good mood because it was his 60th birthday that day. He used to hate celebrating
his birthday, but now that he’s older. He enjoys the attention. It was very hot that
night, possibly the hottest night of the year. They all chose to go to the fish and
Seafood restaurant in their village. It had air-conditioning so it wouldn’t be as hot as at

When they sat down the waiter came quickly to bring them the menus. He told
them about the specials that evening and gave them some time to decide what they
wanted to order. Mom ordered salmon, Luke ordered shrimp and Dad decided to have
something special lobster.

They started their meal with some nice salads and delicious, crispy bread with olive oil.
They were talking about the rest of their summer holidays. Then the main courses
arrived. They all smelled absolutely fantastic. Then suddenly Dad saw something
strange. The lobster on his plate was still moving its claws. He was shocked!

The waiter came over immediately and picked up the plate with the moving
lobster. He brought it back to the kitchen and came back to the table a few minutes
later with another plate of lobster. After apologizing he offered to give him the
lobster for
free. Even though Dad was surprised by what had happened he ate his lobster hungrily
and was happy to get a free meal on his birthday.

1.What were they celebrating?

2.Did dad enjoy the attention in the restaurant?
3. Did the waiter tell them about the specials?
4. Did mom and dad order sushi?
5. What was still moving on the plate?
6. Did the restaurant offer dad the lobster for free?

Identify the types of food and write them in the correct place on the table.


Countable nouns
They are singular and plural and we can count them. It is used a/an and number before
countable nouns. e.g. a tomato – two tomatoes
Uncountable Nouns
They are singular form with uncountable nouns but there aren´t plurals. We cannot
count them.
e.g. coffee - sugar - money
Uncountable nouns don’t use a / an /numbers before them but it is common to use
some and any. e.g. A: Is there any milk? B: No, but there is some yogurt.
Some is used with uncountable nouns and plural countable ones to express an offer or
ask for something politely. It is used in affirmative sentences.
e.g. There are some oranges in the fridge. Would you like some ice cream? Any is used
with uncountable and plural.
There are some apples but there aren’t any pears . Is there any orange juice on the
No (not any) used with uncountable and plural countable nouns in affirmative
sentences to give a negative meaning. e.g. There is no salad in the kitchen = There isn’t
any salad in the kitchen.

Countable Singular Countable Plural Uncountable

Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (UC) ones.
1. The children are playing in the garden.
2. I don't like milk.
3. I prefer tea.
4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution.
5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes.
6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom.
7. We need some glue to fix this vase.
8. The waiters in this restaurant are very profesional.
9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning.
10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious.
Answer the following questions with Counts and Non-counts nouns.


How many How much
brothers clothing did you
and sisters buy last month?
do you
How many How much crime
students are is there in your
there town
in class today? or city?
How many pets How much
do you have? money did you
How many How much time
times did you do you usually
say, spend
“Hello” today? to come to class?
How many How much food
televisions did you eat this
are there in morning?
How many How much music
languages can did you listen
you speak? to yesterday?
How many How much
books or furniture is there
magazines did in your living
you read last room?
Write what is your favorite food?, recipe and preparation.
Write about your favorite food or dessert. Recipe and preparation. Start like this:
To make………I need these ingredients:… To make ………..I follow these

Make a short video talking about how to prepare a dessert

Listen and choose the correct option.

Isn’t food one of life’s greatest/ creatives pleasures?

Make a short video talking about how to prepare a dessert or a traditional food.
(three-minute one)

Listen and choose the correct option.
Isn’t food one of life’s greatest/ creatives pleasures?

I don’t. There is so much disturbing / delicious food in the world.

You could spend a whole time/lifetime eating a different dish every day.

What is the tastiest/ latest food in the world?

My taste in food keeps training/ changing.

Sometimes my favorite my favorite is a deserve/dessert.

It’s great that countries have so many different dishes/fishes.

Nowadays we have to be careful about what we eat. Fast food is not

good for us. We need to focus on heavy/healthy food.
UNIT 4. Lesson 4B Ordering food
How much – How many?

Warm up
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
How much stars are there in the sky?

Read the four texts about food and restaurants, and answer the following questions.
1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2
months ago. My wife and I wanted to celebrate
our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we
went to an expensive Italian restaurant in
downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and
for the main course my wife ordered a steak and I
chose fish.
2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with
my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive and
menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't
very good.
3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all
really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very
relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice
and a sauce
- it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend
had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!
4.My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of
restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with
cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it.
I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something
different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.

In which text the restaurant offered food for people who don’t like meat and who
In which text people can add more ingredients to it
In which text a marriage couple don’t go to a cheaper restaurant?
In which text the person didn’t have many options to choose?
Watch and complete the graphic with the food and
drinks for each category.



We use much with uncountable nouns, in questions and negative sentences.
e.g. I don’t have much money.
We use many with plural countable nouns, usually in questions and in negative
e.g. There aren’t manytourists in Montañita.

A lot of/ lots of/ a little/ a few

A lot of /lots of is used with uncountable and plural countable nouns in
affirmative sentences.
e.g. There is a lot of butter in my bread. There are lots people in the bank.

A little is used with uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences.

There is a little coffee in the bottle.
A few is used with plural countable nouns in affirmative sentences.
There are a few students on the virtual meeting.

Fill in the blanks with - Much / Many / Little / Few / A lot of.

1) There are people who prefer to work part-time.

2) We don't have time to listen to your arguments.
3) Look at the sky! You can see birds flying southwards.
4) Have you received letters from your friend?
5) people know that you worked abroad for ten years.
6) I can see that you have interest in helping me.
7) cars can go more than 300 km per hour.
8) There were foreigners in that village last summer.
9) I am very busy; I have things to do
10) Mark is not a millionaire. I am sure he doesn't have money.

Complete with how much / how many the following exercises.

eggs did you buy?

coffee did you drink last night?
girls are there in your group?
cans of beer do you want?
are the oranges?
time have you got to play?
stars can you see in the sky?
sugar would you like in your tea?
money did you pay for your bike?

Complete with a little / a few.

I have time, I am very busy.

I am good at mathematics. Do you need help with your
He is a lonely sad boy. He has very friends.
Do you want more milk in your tea?
It was a nice anniversary. There were friends and
family members.
I have books about London.

Type the right word in the blanks. Choose between a little/ little/ few/ a few/ a lot of.

1. John is very busy and has a lot of work. He has

time to do anything else.
2. I enjoy my life in London. I have friends
and we often meet.
3.She is lucky. She
has problems.
4.Do you need
more time to finish your work?
5.It is a very quiet city. There aren't tourists here.

Answer the questions.
How often do you eat? Me Classmate
Hot dog
Listen to the teacher´s questions and answer
1.How many children do you have?
2. Do you have lots of friends?
3. Do you have little patience?
4. Do you spend plenty of money on clothes?
5. How much does gas cost in your city?

Listen the audio about snack and choose the correct option.
a)The kid wants the snack
a. in the morning b. in the afternoon c. at night
b)The father doesn’t want to give anything to eat because
a. there is no snacks b. the kid wants unhealthy snacks c. they ate some
minutes ago
c)The boy wants to eat
a. cakes b. chocolates c. candies
d)The father doesn’t talk about a snack.
a. broccoli b. cucumber c. carrots
e)The father tells to his son to
a. play with toys b. watch a movie c. help him
UNIT 4. Lesson 4C Where is it?
Object pronouns

Where do you live? An apartment or a
house? How many rooms are there in your
Describe your city.
What is the most popular attraction in your city?
Watch the video and and identify the places around city


Could you tell me where the bank is?
There’s a street in my town which is very popular.
It’s St. Louis Street. When you walk through St.
Louis Street you can do whatever you want. If you
want to buy interesting books you can visit
Thomas Cook Bookstore which is in front of a
delicious Mexican restaurant. You also have to eat
Tacos in this place.
They are spicy and hot. Next to the Mexican restaurant, to the right, there’s a hotel
with small shops. It’s the Barclay’ s Hotel. But if you really want to have lots of fun,
the Skating Rink is awesome. It’s between BCR Bank and the Shoe store. On the
corner, next to Sports Center, you can visit a 5 & 10 discount store. You’ll be
amazed at the
prices. But if you want to work out and be in shape, there’s a Sports Center next to
Thomas Cook bookstore.
One of the most visited places is Dunkin’ Doughnuts, with its famous cinnamon rolls.
It’s between the City Hall and the bookstore. If you visit my town, y ou won’t regret it.
It will be an enjoyable experience.

Read the text and answer the questions

a) What is the text about?

b) What can you do in St Louis Street?

c) Where is the Barclay’s Hotel?

d) Where do you get cheaper clothes?

e) Why is Dunkin’ Doughnuts famous?

f) Is it an enjoyable experience?


English Grammar Rules

Object pronouns are used instead of nouns, usually because we already know

The Object Pronoun – it

Be careful when using 'it' as an object pronoun because it is only in the correct context that it has meaning. It needs to
The letter is on the sofa. You are sitting on it! (It is obvious in the second sentence that the reference is to the
Here you are more exercises with Object Pronouns.( give a click on the

Replace the underlined words with the appropriate pronouns in the box. Use capital
letters when necessary.

he she it they

1. The man went shopping and bought some books. The books were history
2. My sister is studying at the library because my sister has an exam tomorrow.
3. Jack lives in a city but Jack likes to go camping every summer.
4. I put the cookies on the table but now the cookies aren’t there.
5. The cat looked at me and then then the cat started to meow.
6. Mrs. Simpson works at a hospital. Mrs. Simpson is a doctor.
7. We saw the movie but the movie wasn’t very good.
8. I like the weather in Spain. The weather is often warm and sunny in Spain.
9. I gave the report to Mr. Jones and Mr. Jones read it.
10. Where are the magazines? Are the magazines in the living room?
Grammar crossword
Read the clues and fill in the missing

1. This book is yours. It is book.

3. My sister and I bought that car. It is car.
6. They are looking for classroom.
9. Mr. Smith likes new job.
11. I found that cookie! It’s !
12. forgot to do her homework.
16. Mrs. Brown took son to a hospital.
17. My cat likes to play with new toy.
18. It’s my sister’s birthday today. is eighteen
years old.
19. Our teacher gave a grammar test.
20. Can you fix my bicycle? chain is broken.
21. Did you bring passport?
22. is five o’clock. Let’s go home.
24. We will be there tomorrow. Can you meet
26. I like him. is a nice man.
27. This book is my mother’s. It’s .
28. It’s . It belongs to me.
2. We both finished homework.
3. It belongs to us. It is .
4. It’s delicious. I really like .
5. finished our homework.
7. It’s not his, it’s .
8. I know it’s because I saw them buy
it yesterday.
10. Their names are on it. It’s .
11. Please give my pen.
13. My father found wallet.
14. They thought test was easy.
15. No, it’s not . It’s hers.
16. Did he enjoy dinner?
21. Are busy next week?
23. Do you know ? Who are they?
25. is my best friend. I really like her
Asking for, giving directions

Some prepositions and adverbs can also help when you're giving directions: For example, My office
Giving directions
Go past the cinema. (Pass the cinema.) Go along this road.
Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don't turn.)

The jewelery store is behind the Italian restaurant

The bar is on Second Avenue
The police station is on the left from Fire Department
The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant
The movie theater is opposite the Book store
The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store
The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant
Write a short composition about the night life in your city. Start like this: The
nightlife in my city is enjoyable. I prefer to go with my friends…

Talk about your favorite place to go on vacation.
Start like this. On my last vacation I went to…



Listen the audio about places in the town and choose T or

False and complete the spaces.

1. The hotel is next to the bank

a. True b. False
2. The zoo is in fron of the police station.
a. True b. False
3. The bank is between the post office and the supermarket.
a. True b. False
4. The bowling alley is onStreet.
a. True b. False
5. The corner of Street and Street.
a. True b. False

Something strange

Learn strange stories through the use of the past simple and
past progressive.
Make sentences using past progressive
Describe pictures using past progressive
Learn the difference between past simple and past progressive
UNIT 5. Lesson 5A Something Strange
Past Progressive

Do you know some terrifying urban legends in your city or country? Write about them.

Watch the video and check the words your listen
Princess Witch Werewolf Fire
Ghost Bat Pumpkins Knock
Mask Cauldron Candy Dolls
Costume Tombston Spider Mummy
s e
Dress up Rain Candles Skeletons
Make up Blood Devil gravestone
Haunt Cementer Trick Skull
ed y

Video link:

Read the story and answer the questions.
(True or False)
Mary was walking home from school on
Halloween when she decided to take a shortcut
through the cemetery. She was eating an apple
the same time as she was walking. She saw her neighbor putting flowers on her
husband’s grave. She said “hi” to her, and she was looking very creepy.
There were spiders everywhere and she didn’t know how to escape. She was looking
for a way to avoid the spider webs when suddenly a ghost appeared. Mary didn’t
recognize him, but she walked slowly to it. She was very near to touch it, but it
suddenly turned around. “Aaaahhh!!!” screamed Mary with all her soul. She saw that it
didn’t have a face! It took a knife out of its hand and showed it to Mary.
She hit his arm with all her possible strength, but the monster ran to call other strange
monsters so she saw the solution. She hid in the crypt next. One skeleton saw her and
called all the monsters, who closed around the crypt. She didn’t have any solution so
she stayed there for hours.
When she thought she was alone, without ghosts, witches and so on, she went out and
immediately she found all her friends laughing. It was a joke for Mary. She was in the
videoclip of Thriller, with her favorite singer Michael Jackson! It was the best scary
surprise that they did to her on Halloween.
1. Mary was walking home from school on Halloween?
2. There were spiders everywhere and she didn´t know how she escapes?
3. She then hid in her friend´s house?
4. Mary spoke to a ghost?
5. Mary walked at the cemetery and ate a lot of sweets?

Past Progressive - Past Continuous
to be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing
Examples past progressive - continuous

I was reading a story.

We were going for a walk at six o'clock.

Past progressive use

The Past Progressive tense (Past Continuous) describes on-going actions that

continued for a specific stretch of time in the past and ended.

Past Continuous Examples

Jack was playing football all

day. At 10 o`clock Jane was


I was working, when my father arrived.


I was watching TV.

You were listening to the music.

He was dancing yesterday.

She was watching birds.

We were looking for CDs.

You were waiting for the taxi.

They were writing letters.

Negative short forms

I wasn't watching TV.

You weren't listening to music.

He wasn't dancing today.

She wasn't watching birds.

We weren't looking for CDs.

You weren't waiting for the taxi.

They weren't writing letters.

Negative long forms

I was not watching TV.

You were not listening to music.

He was not dancing today.

She was not watching birds.

We were not looking for CDs.

Yo were waiting for the

u not taxi. writing

Th were letters.

ey not

Was I watching a film?

Were you listening to music?

Was he dancing today?

Was she watching birds?

Were we looking for CDs?

Were you waiting for the taxi?

Were they writing letters?

Exceptions in Spelling

Exceptions in spelling when adding ing Example

final e is dropped (but: ee is not changed) come – coming

(but: agree –

after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is sit – sitting


l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled (in British travel – travelling


final ie becomes y lie – lying

a) What were these people doing yesterday morning at 11am? Write affirmative
sentences using the past continuous.

Tom (sit) in class.

The baby (cry). They (run).

The boy (wait) at the bus stop.

The ladies (drink) a cup of tea.

b) Answer with long answers to the following questions. When the answer is
"no" write the correct answer.

1. Was Danny studying English last night? No, Danny wasn’t studying English last
night. He was watching TV.

2. Were Paul and Emma dancing last night?

3. Was Christine swimming yesterday?

4. Was Mrs. White playing tennis yesterday?

5. Was Mrs. Brown teaching History?

c) Write Yes / No questions for the following answers.

1. Were you waiting on the corner? Yes, I was. I was waiting on the corner.
2. Yes, the children were sleeping when
you phoned.
3. him.
Yes, he was. Alan was speaking to his new girlfriend when I saw
4. No, I wasn’t watching TV. I was revising the
English vocab.
5. No, they weren’t arguing. They were rehearsing for
the school play .
d) Write question questions for these answers.

1. ? The dog was sleeping on her bed.

2. ? The children were playing basketball.
3. ? We were going to the cinema.
4. ? She was crying last night.
5. ? The plumber was fixing the tap.

e) Change these sentences to English.

1. Ayer, a las siete de la tarde, yo estaba jugando al fútbol.

2. Mi madre estuvo trabajando todo el día.

3. Ricardo no estaba haciendo sus deberes cuando le llamé.

4. ¿Estabas escuchando música?

5. ¿Por qué estaba Lisa llorando anoche?

Use of Past Progressive
Puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past
Example: He was playing football.
Two actions happening at the same time (in the past)
Example: While she was preparing dinner, he was washing
the dishes.
Action going on at a certain time in the past
Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.
Signal Words of Past Progressive
while, as long as, yesterday, last night, last weekend, last month,

Decide whether to use 'was' or 'were'.

1. They learning English.
2. We swimming in the lake.
3. Your father repairing the car.
4. She reading a magazine.
5. You packing your bag.
6. He watching the match on TV.
7. It raining.
8. The cat barking.
9. The children brushing their teeth.
10. Mari and Juan singing a song.
Positive Sentences
Yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action.
Write positive sentences in past progressive.
you / play / cards

Juana / walk / around the lake

She / listen / to the radio

I/ read / a book about Australia

They / look for / her ring

They / visit / the castle

he / wash / the car

Kim and I / wait / in the park

My mother / feed / the birds

Greg and Phil / count / their


Complete with the past progressive with the verbs in brackets

1. 1. They home from school (walking)
2. Petra (eat) while she home.
3. Was he (look) for a way ?
4. What she (avoid) ?------------------------
5. the ghost (try) to catch Mary ?
6. She (hide) in a crypt.
7. When she went out from the crypt, her friends (laugh).
8. It a joke.
Change to Negative form.

1. Maria was living in Mexico last year

2. She was working at a restaurant last week

3. Ricky was waiting for Holly

4. Juana and Marco were singing a song.

5. They were reading a book

a. What was Jake doing at 8:00
b. What was Jake’s father doing at 5:30
c. What was Jake doing at 2:00
d. What was Jake’s father doing at 8:00
e. What was Jake doing at 11:15
f. What was Jake’s father doing at 2:00
g. What was Jake doing at 7:45
h. What was Jake doing at 5:30

Describe the picture using past progressive.

__ _ _ _

__ _ _ _

__ _ _ _

__ _ _ _

__ _ _ _

__ _ _ _
Choose a character and elaborate a short story.
UNIT 5. Lesson 5B What was happening when..?
Past Progressive Negative – Interrogative form

What were
you doing at Complete the following example with
noon the correct verb
yesterday? Studying – dancing- swimming- sleeping –
driving – fighting - running
A. Joel was for his science exam

July was in the afternoon Polly
was for three
D. hours

E. Carlos and Joel were

They were at club

G. Milly and Paul were at park



Read and complete with Was/were/wasn’t/weren’t in the blanks.


My name is Camilla. Last summer the United States. The voyage by plane
…….………. long and tiring and the plane ticket …………….. quite expensive. It took me 10
hours to get to the New York airport.
My friend Katie ……………….. there waiting for me. I....................surprised by the size of
the JFK airport. It ………..…….. huge and there.................very many people. I was glad my
friend....................there, otherwise I would probably get lost.
A few minutes later we …………….. in a cab. It................a typical NY cab – big and yellow.
We were in the car for an hour.
There ……………….... poor, run down neighborhoods and rich, luxurious ones. The city
center ………………. fantastic. There....................huge skyscrapers, and big roundabouts.
The largest and busiest roundabout.............the famous Columbus Circle. There was also
an enormous traffic jam.
We went to Katie’s apartment to leave the luggage and rest a bit. It.............small and
cozy with a nice view of the park. I...........(not) very tired so we went to see the biggest
fountain in New York. It ………… the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park. There …………….
(not) many people in the park, because it.............still early in the morning.
Later we had lunch and were at some nice museums. In the evening the
world famous Times Square. There …………… hundreds of people, huge neon lights,
billboards and advertisements. And there …………… (not) any cars because it was a
holiday and the square was closed to traffic. I …………….. amazed!!! We
one of the Broadway theatres to see a musical. It........great!

Read and complete the following questions with true and false.
 The plane ticket wasn’t expensive. T F
 They went to Katie’s house by a taxi. T F
 Only rich people live in the New York city. T F
 Katie’s apartment wasn’t big but it was nice and comfortable. T F
 Cars weren’t allowed to the Times Square. T F
 They saw a play at a Broadway theatre. T F


To make an affirmative (positive) statement negative, add "not" before

the verb + -ing. You can also use a contraction (wasn't / weren't). We use
contractions frequently in spoken English.


I was not going to bed. / I wasn't going to bed.

You were not doing your homework.
The children weren't sleeping during the drive home
My boyfriend was not telling me the truth.
They were not playing this week.
Questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no" answers are formed by inverting
the subject and correct form of the verb "be" (was / were). (Inverting means we
change the order of the subject and verb form.


Was I snoring?
Was he studying all night again?
Was the baby crying a lot today?
Were we talking too loud last night?
Were we eating lots of candy?

Were they playing nicely today or were they fighting?


Where was he going?
Where were they flying to?
How were your children getting along?
Why were the buses running late?
What was your cat eating?
What was the policeman telling us?
Spelling: Verbs that end with one -e

For verbs that end with one -e, drop the -e and add -ing. Note that these verbs
the -e sound at the end is silent. (e.g., believe, bake, take, love).

achieve — achieving

hate — hating

live — living

take — taking

strike — striking

But: With verbs ending with a long -e sound, add -ing as normal:

 see — seeing

 be — being

 flee — fleeing

 agree — agreeing

Spelling: Short one-syllable verbs ending in CVC

If the verb has one syllable and ends with CVC (a consonant + vowel + consonant),
we double the final consonant before adding the -ing ending:

 sit — sitting

 get — getting

 pet — petting

 plan — planning

 run — running
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences in Past

1. She hockey.
(to play)

2. They in the
pool. (to swim)
3. It (to
4. We
music. (to listen)
5. The mobile . (to ring)

6. The students .
(to text)

7. Max with
two girls. (to dance)

8. I in
front of the shop. (to wait)
9. The cat in
the basket. (to sleep)

10. He Ge
rry's bike. (to repair)

The Andersons had a very busy day yesterday. Look at the schedule below and then
complete the following sentences.
Time Mr. Anderson Mrs. Anderson
7:00 – 7:15 7:15 – 7:20 showered shaved made breakfast for family
8:00 – 8:30 ate breakfast ate breakfast
9:00 - 12:00 wrote e-mails taught history classes
12:00 -1:00 ate lunch in a restaurant ate lunch at school
1:00 - 2:00 met with boss taught math class
2:00 - 3:00 met with secretary met with principal
3:00 - 4:00 wrote reports exercised at gym
4:00 – 5:00 visited clients bought groceries
5:30 – 6:00 played tennis made dinner
6:30 – 7:00 ate dinner at home ate dinner
7:00 – 9:00 cleaned apartment cleaned apartment
9:00 – 11:00 watched a movie watched a movie
11:00 fell asleep fell asleep

Ex. At 7:10 Mr. Anderson was taking a shower.

1. At 7:15 Mrs. Anderson

2. At 8:15 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

3. At 10:00 Mr. Anderson

4. At 11:00 Mrs. Anderson

5. At 12:30 Mr. Anderson, and Mrs. Anderson

6. At 1:30 Mrs. Anderson

7. At 3:30 Mrs. Anderson

8. At 4:30 Mr. Anderson, and Mrs. Anderson

9. At 8:00 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

10. At 12:30 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

Past Continuous - Positive and Negative

Make the positive or negative past continuous.

They (cook) at three

o'clock. He (run) at three o'clock.
Luke (read) at three o'clock.
I (work) at three o'clock.
She (eat) chocolate at three o'clock.
We (not/go) in the garden when the murder
happened. She (not/ in his study when the murder happened.
They (not/talk) to Mr. White when the murder happened.
You (not/play) cards when the murder happened.
We (not/read) in his room when the murder
Change the sentences below to form the negative.
Example: He (go) to the
He wasn't going to the party.

1. Harry (watch) TV at 8 pm last night.

was studying.
2. Jill (wear) her uniform at work
3. They (cook) dinner when I arrived.
4. We (carry) an umbrella when it
started to rain.
5. She (listen) to her teacher when he
asked a question.
6. It (rain) while we were playing
tennis this morning.
7. Greg (study) when we went to his
8. You (play) cards when he rang.
9. They (have) a good time at the party
when they decided to go home.
1 Anna (eat) dinner when we arrived.
Write a short composition according to the picture, use Past Progressive.

Describe the picture using the Past Progressive.

Listen the audio about Difficult Situations and write T ( true) or F (false).


A - The boy revised every day for his Economics exam.

A - It was an important exam.

A - His mother is worried about the cost of the exam.


B - The dog was playing in the park alone.

B - She took Bonzo to the vet's immediately.

B – She had Bonzo for a long time.


C - The boy wasn’t using the phone when someone stole it.

C - The boy saw the thief’s face.

C - The dad will not see if the phone is insure

UNIT 5. Lesson 5C If´s Terrifyng
Past Simple and Past Progressive

WARM UP Write a sentence in past simple and chance to past progressive.

__ _ _ _
Watch the video and write the sentences you listen.

Video link:

Match the vocabulary to its meaning.

Finally Some innovators created the Internet fortunately /suddenly

after that
for Education.
Unfortunately unluckily
Fortunately Steve Jobs
in and
the His
endfriend Steve Gozniac were working on this field but amazingly/ unfortunately Job
They got fame then/finally.
Then all of a sudden
Amazingly Suddenlyluckily
/ amazingly/ Nobody was judged.

Suddenly to my surprise


Read the following story. Then write the verbs in present and past your find.

Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004. It was Hannah’s 21st birthday and she and
her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they didn’t like the music so
Hannah went to speak to the DJ. ‘This music is awful,’ she said. ‘Could you play
something else? The DJ looked at her and said ‘Don’t worry; I have the perfect song for
Two minutes later he said: ‘The next song is by Coldplay. It’s called Yellow and it’s for a
beautiful girl who is dancing over there.’ Hannah knew that the song was for her
because she was wearing a yellow dress. When Hannah and her friends left the club
the DJ was
waiting at the door. ‘Hi, I’m Jamie,’ he said to Hannah. ‘Can I see you again?’ So
Hannah gave him her phone number.
Next day Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took her to a very
romantic French restaurant and they talked all evening. After that Jamie and Hannah
saw each other every day. Every evening when Hannah finished work they met at 5.30
in a coffee bar in the High Street. They were madly in love.

Present Past

When it is used with a clause in simple past followed or before a past
progressive sentence to describe and action of interruption. e.g.
While it is used with past progressive to express two past action happening at
the same time or to introduce the longer of two actions. e.g. The girl was eating
while she was walking home.
As soon as is used to describe two past actions. e.g. As soon as the classes started, the
teacher took a test.

Complete with the appropriate form.

1. She her bike when she her leg.

2. My mom the dinner while I tv.
3. They soccer while I exercise.
4. It , when I this morning.
5. When my dad home, we dinner.
6. I my homework while my sister her shoes. 7. The students
in the yard, when the bell .
8. I a bad dream, while I on the sofa.
9. She , when the shark her.
10. They to a dog while they
11. I lots of fish, while I
12. She to the mall, when she her friend.
13. My sister , while my brother videogames. 14. My
mom while my dad .
15. It when the dog the door.
Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct form (past
progressive or simple past) of the verbs provided.

1. Chris (fall) off the ladder while he

(paint) the ceiling.

2. You (study) when I

(call) you last night?
3. They (drive) very fast when the policeman
(stop) them.

4. While I (drive) to work yesterday, I

(see) an accident.

5. I (read) a great book last week.

6. My friends (drop in) for a visit while I

(watch) TV last night.

7. I (see) Andrea at the party last night. She

(wear) a beautiful dress.

8. The children (go) to bed at 9:00 last night. At 10:00, they


9. We (have) dinner at a new restaurant last night. While we

(eat), one of the waiters
(drop) a tray on the floor.

10. Monty (work) in his garage last night when he

(hear) a loud noise.
Directions: Read each situation below and answer the following questions. Use
your imagination to answer the questions in the simple past.
Ex. Dan was walking to work when it started to rain.
What was Dan doing when it started to rain? He was walking to work.
What did Dan do when it started to rain? He opened his umbrella and ran to the bus
1. Maryann was writing a letter to her boyfriend when the electricity went out.
What was Maryann doing when the lights went out?

What did Maryann do when the lights went out?

2. Brenda was cooking dinner when she saw a mouse on the kitchen floor.
What was Brenda doing when she saw the mouse?

What did Brenda do when she saw the mouse?

3. Last week Andrew was having coffee with his beautiful new secretary when his
wife came into the café.
What was Andrew doing when his wife came into the café?

What did Andrew do when his wife came into the café?

4. Kevin was painting the house when he fell off the ladder.
What was Kevin doing when he fell off the ladder?

What did Kevin do when he fell off the ladder?

5. I was walking to work when I saw the car accident.

What were you doing when you saw the accident?

What did you do when you saw the accident?

Write a short composition about your last vacation. Use past simple and past
progressive. Start like this: On my last vacation I went to…

Look at the pictures below and tell a story for each one. Use the questions to guide
you. Don’t forget to use Past Simple and Progressive.
Listen and write T (true) or F (false) in the following sentences.

a) Katie went to thesupermarket.

b) Shecrashedwith a tree.
c) The woman and the man are Katie’s
d) She was driver her father’s car.
e) Her father was angry.
f) She was talking by phone when the accident happened.
g) She couldn’t use the brakes because something stuck them.
h) The accidents was her father’s fault.

REFERENCES Download. (s. f.). ESL. Lounge.
Cruise nation. Download. (s.f.).
Cyberlab 8th 124 grades. Download. (s.f.)
Esl Lab. www.esl-••
Esl--•lounge. www.esl--•
Everyday Reading. www.everyday--•
Isl. Collective. www.isl--• Download. (s.f.).
Listen a minute. Download. Listening lab.
Randal’s lab. www.Randal’ Holt, R. (2002).
Blue Skies 2, Teacher’s book. MM publications.
Mitchel, H. (2012). Pioneer, Teacher’s book, elementary. MM publications.
Four Corners Student´s Book
All things grammar www.allthingsgrammar

r eading_comprehension_in_past_simple/Past_Simple_Text_for_readin_3681/
10. worksheets/search/picture+story?
38. https://english-the-easy-
42. En el gramar se cambió las reglas anteriores por otras más llamativas, también
se cambiaron todos los ejercicios.

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