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Mphasis Interview Questions

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Dear sir

The very first round is online written exam in which they asked from aptitude simple
question from number system, time and distance, profit and loss. 
In reasoning blood relation, character pattern, arrangements etc
Next in English in which they asked synonyms, antonyms, passage, arrangements of
sentence, error finding in sentence. 
In technical aptitude simple question from java only. 
2nd round is versant round in which you have to speak with machine on telephone about 15
3rd Round is technical round in which they asked from java oops concept.
Like explain oops concept in java. 
After that question from interface.
What is collection. 
What is the use of spring and hibernate.
What is debugger. 
How we deal with front end error. 
Tell me about your project. 
What will you do when someone not working in your team on time. 
What will you do after code is ready in your team, do you directly hand it over to the client. 
4th round is hr in which they asked me basic questions like
Tell me about yourself. 
What is your hobby. 
Tell me something about your native town. 
Tell me about terms and conditions of company. 
These are some list of questions asked in mphasis. 

Boundary value analysis

Integration testing
Html code 

1.Being from Ece background why choosed  testing? 

2.What is SDLC? 
3.what are the type through which SDLC is done (about models )?
4.What is agile?
5.difference between agile and other models? to check amount transfer check box? 
7. How to check amount text field? 
8.  How to check friend request option in facebook is working or not?
9. What is firewall? 
10.what projects you have done in testing? 
11. Basic ideas on OS ?
Q 1. Java program to sort linked list  . 
Q 2. OSI architecture .
Q 3. Overloading VS Overriding . 
Q 4. Deadlock in os .
Q 5. TCP and UDP difference.
Q 6. Details of my college project (android)
,   and few more networking and OS questions 

Tell me about yourself

Why  testing  instead of developing 
tell  me  some  examples of critical bugs  except  ui
Tell  some  low  priority bugs
Tell some bugs  that  u  find in  projects  

Programming on palindrome both on string and integer, factorial , reverse a num, reverse a string,
prime number

Manual testing questions

Sanity testing, regression testing, testing process, Diff between BVA & equivalence partitioning

Question on project in final year

Java questions on polymorphism inheritance

Servers based questions.

  1) speak anything about manual testing

2) I have taken compatibility testing printouts, he asked questions on that
3) HTML,CSS and bootstrap as I mentioned in resume
4) what is JavaScript
5) what are cookies
6) what is cache memory

1. Tell about ur self

2. About agile methadologies
3. Exceptional handling

.  There are two loops which are nested. This implies which of the following
a.   Two loops, one after the other  
b. Two loops, one inside the other
c. One loop two different iteration counts
d. Two loops with same iteration count

In breadth-first search,which of the following options is true?

a.       Beginning from a node,first all its adjacent nodes are traversed.
b.      Beginning from a node,each adjacent node is fully explored before
c.       Traversing the next adjacent node.
d.      Beginning from a node , nodes are traversed in cyclic order.
e.      None of these

Which of these is not a data type?

a.       Integer   B. character   C. Boolean    D. array

 Pankaj and Mythili were both asked to write the code to evaluate the following
a-b + c/(a-b) + (a-b)2       
1.       Pankaj writes the following code statements (Code A)
print (a-b) + c/(a-b) + (a-b) * (a-b)
2.       Mythili writes the following code statements (Code B)
d = (a-b)
print d + c/d + d*d

If the time taken to load in a variable, for addition, multiplication or division between
two operands is same , which of the following is true?
A.      Code A uses lesser memory and is slower than Code B.
B. Code A uses lesser memory and is faster than Code B.
C. Code A uses more memory and is faster than Code B.
D. Code A uses more memory and is slower than Code B.
 Tanuj writes the code for a function that takes as input n and calculates the sum of
first n natural numbers.
function {
                                                return 1
end }
Fill in?? in the code.
A.      n equals 1                            B. n equals 2                                       C. n>=1      
D. n>1

Afzal writes a piece of code, where a set of three lines occur around 10 times in
different parts of the program. What programming concept can he use to shorten his
program code length?
A.  Use for loops
B. Use functions
C. Use array
D. Use class
 A is an empty stack .The following operations are done on it.
What will the stack contain after these operations?(top of the stack is underlined)
A.  5 6
B. 1 5 
C. 5 6
D. 1 5  Shahaana has a 10,000 line code. She is trying to debug it. She knows there
is a logical error in the first 25 lines of the code. Which of the following options will be
an efficient way of debugging?
Option 1      Compile the whole code and step into it line by line                         
Option 2   Use an interpreter on the first 25 lines
Option 3    Compile the whole code and run it                                                          
Option 4   None of these

Srishti writes a program to find an element in the array A[5] with the following
elements in order: 8 30 40 45 70. She runs the program to find a number X. Xis
found in the first iteration of binary search. What is the value of X? Choose the
correct answer
A.      40                           B. 8                                     C. 70                                        
D. 30

What will be the output of the following pseudo-code statements?

     Integer a = 456, b, c, d = 10
     b = a/d
     c = a-b
     print c
A.      410                         B. 410.4                C. 411.4                D. 411

Which of the following options describes a tree?

A.  An unconnected graph         B. A connected graph         C. A connected acyclic
graph             D. A complete graph

While calculating time complexity of an algorithm, the designer concerns

himself/herself primarily with the run time and not the compile time why?
A. Runtime is always more than compile time     B. Compile time is always more than
run time
C. Compile time is a function of run time               D. A program needs to be
compiled once but can run several times.

Which one of following is lowest level format to which computer converts a higher Language
program before execution?
A. English code               B. Machine code           C. Assembly language                 D. System
1. White box testing
2.sql queries between SQL and testing
4.will test engineer do white box testing?
5.brief explanation of white box testing
6.project explanation

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