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Ogl 357 Culminationprojectfinal 3 DB

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Hello everyone, as discussed in the other two culmination projects I talked about how

Organizational assessment is important in any group or organization. In order to be successful

within a company everyone needs to work together and realize your strengths and weaknesses, as
well as communicating with each other to help better yourselves and, find different ways to turn
those weaknesses into the strengths that can help not only you succeed but the company or
organization to succeed. With the surveys that were passed around in our previous exercise, I
have gone over each of them to see how each of you rated yourself. Whether you are a team
player or like to sit in the corner I have found possible ways that we can get those people who are
“sit in the corner” kind of people and do bare minimum work just to get by, to be a team player
who enjoys to be around everyone else and work as one. I would like to do a few exercises,
where we put a team lead one who is shown to be a leader and enjoys to take initiative to get the
job done in excel at that job, and pair them with one who might be a sit in the corner kind of
person and assign them a specific job where that one leader may not be completely comfortable
with, but I know will be able to work well with that “sit in a corner” person to bring them out of
their shell so to speak. My hope what does is that the leader will be able to get the corner person
to communicate with them to bring key attributes to the table of what could be done to make the
project better or to just give their insight on what could be make it better. Each team will spend
two weeks together coming up with ideas and communicating with one another and come up
with a game plan of that project that will be later evaluated and made a decision on if it will be
proceeded with to come to life for the company.
I would like everyone to think of these projects as if we are going to present them for the
Baldrige award when you guys are brainstorming ideas and coming up with your end project
submissions, I want everyone to have in mind the eight steps it takes to helps to make a
successful future for not only you but the organization.
1. Leadership
2. Strategy
3. Customers
4. Measurement
5. Knowledge
6. Workflow
7. Operations
8. Results
How can you as the leader of the group take the initiative to help others who may not feel as
comfortable as you to be a leader what ways can you help them be more comfortable to be a
leader and speak up. What strategy will you as a group take to do your best work as a team with
communication to one another to hand in the best submission there is and show that what you put
in paper can make it to the “big leagues.” When you as a group are coming up with your
strategies, I also want you to have the customers in mind, think of it as if you were the customer,
would you buy into the idea or product you are trying to push to the public? When knowledge
comes to the table its not just about the knowledge that you know in general it’s the knowledge
about the product or project you are presenting. Do you know everything there is to know about
it? Are you just presenting an idea because you were told to? There is a point where in a way you
should almost be a subject matter expert, so when either those customers or executives come to
with questions you are able to answer them to the best of your abilities. When workflow comes
up it shouldn’t just be pushed on to one person of the group, that’s where it would be best to in
your group find out from each of you who would be better at what. There will and mostly always
is that one person who is better and something smaller than the others or who enjoys to do it
more than the others, you also as a leader need to make sure that everything is being ran
smoothly and staying on track to be done either before the deadline or on time. When operations
come to mind, I have learned it can mean different things to different people or leaders, some
think that it means the day-to-day operations, the small things like making sure all the I’s are
dotted and T’s are crossed. Others may think of it as once it gets past the first stages of thought
or production how will it do with the public? Will it be a success? Will the profits be what was
expected? Lower or higher?
After everything is said and done it all comes down to the results, they mean the most to any
company or organization, was it a success or a failure? Did it meet the expectations of the
stakeholders, board members, and customers?

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