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Emergency Cardiology 2nd Edition

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The book provides an evidence-based guide to acute cardiac problems.

The book is about emergency cardiology and provides information on diagnosing and treating acute cardiac issues.

Topics covered in the book include acute coronary syndromes, resuscitation, arrhythmias, hypertension and other cardiovascular emergencies.






Second Edition


Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, University Hospital of North
Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, UK

Gurbir Bhatia MBCHB MD MRCP

Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, University Hospital of North
Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, UK

Neal Uren MD (HONS) FRCP

Consultant Cardiologist, Edinburgh Heart Centre, Royal Infirmary,
Edinburgh, UK


Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital of North Staffordshire,
Stoke-on-Trent, UK

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s© 2011 Karim Ratib, Ghurbir Bhatia, Neal Uren and James Nolan.

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Abbreviations vi

CHAPTER 1 Acute Coronary Syndromes 1

CHAPTER 2 Resuscitation 84

CHAPTER 3 Arrhythmias 104

CHAPTER 4 Hypertensive Emergencies 135

CHAPTER 5 Acute Aortic Syndromes 149

CHAPTER 6 Acute Pulmonary Embolism 167

CHAPTER 7 Infective Endocarditis 188

CHAPTER 8 Drug-related Cardiac Problems 203

CHAPTER 9 Pericarditis 218

CHAPTER 10 Cardiac Trauma 225

CHAPTER 11 Cardiac Tamponade 234

Appendices 239

Index 269


ACC American College of Cardiology

ACD active and compression–decompression
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme
ACS acute coronary syndrome
ACT activated clotting time
ADP adenosine diphosphate
AF atrial fibrillation
AHA American Heart Association
aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time
ATP adenosine triphosphate
A-V arteriovenous
AV atrioventricular
AVNRT atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia
AVRT atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia
BP blood pressure
BSAC British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate
CCS Canadian Cardiovascular Society
CCU coronary care unit
CK creatine kinase
CMV cytomegalovirus
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRP C-reactive protein
CT computed tomography
CTPA computed tomography pulmonary angiography
CVA cerebrovascular accident
DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy
DCC direct current cardioversion
DES drug-eluting stent
DVT deep venous thrombosis
ECG electrocardiogram
EF ejection fraction

ELISA enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay

EMD electromechanical dissociation
EPS electrophysiological study
ERC European Resuscitation Council
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESC European Society of Cardiology
FDP fibrin degradation products
GI gastrointestinal
GP glycoprotein
GRF gelatin–resorcinol–formaldehyde
GTN glyceryl trinitrate
HIT heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
IABP intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
IAC interposed abdominal compression
ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator
IE infective endocarditis
IHD ischaemic heart disease
IMH intramural haematoma
INR international normalized ratio
IPG impedance plethysmography
IRA infarct-related artery
IRAD International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
IV intravenous
IVDU intravenous druge user
JVP jugular venous pressure
LAD left anterior descending (artery)
LIMA left internal mammary artery
LMWH low molecular weight heparin
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
LVF left ventricular failure
MACE major adverse cardiac event
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
MI myocardial infarction
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA methecillin resitant staphyloccocus aureus
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NPCT non-penetrating cardiac trauma
NSTEACS non-ST elevation ACS
NSTEMI non-ST elevation MI
PAU penetrating atherosclerotic ulceration

PCI percutaneous coronary intervention

PE pulmonary embolism
PEA pulseless electrical activity
PLS posterior leucoencephalopathy syndrome
po per os (orally)
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTD percutaneous thrombolytic device
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
SBP systolic blood pressure
SC subcutaenous
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
STEMI ST elevation MI
SVT supraventricular tachycardia
TCAD tricyclic antidepressant
TIA transient ischaemic attack
TOE transoesophageal echocardiogram (echocardiography)
tPA tissue plasminogen activator
TVR target vessel revascularization
UA unstable angina
UFH unfractionated heparin
V/Q ventilation/perfusion
VF ventricular fibrillation
VT ventricular tachycardia
WCC white cell count
WPW Wolff–Parkinson–White (syndrome)



Epidemiology 1 Revascularization strategies 36

Definitions 2 in NSTEACS
Pathophysiology 3 Bleeding risk in ACS 38
Diagnosis 6 Adjunctive medical therapy 40
Initial treatment 17 Complications of ACS 54
Treatment of ST elevation MI 19 Early peri-infarction arrhythmias 65
Primary PCI 20 Late post-infarction arrhythmias 76
Thrombolysis 23 Recovery and rehabilitation 77
Treatment of non-ST 31 Key points 79
elevation ACS Key references 80
Risk scores in NSTEACS 33

Coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United
Kingdom. In total, 220 000 deaths were attributable to ischaemic heart
disease in 2007. It is estimated that the incidence of acute coronary
syndrome (ACS) is over 250 000 per year.
Sudden death remains a frequent complication of ACS: approximately
50 per cent of patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
do not survive, with around two-thirds of the deaths occurring shortly
after the onset of symptoms and before admission to hospital. Prior to
the development of modern drug regimes and reperfusion strategies,
hospital mortality after admission with ACS was 30–40 per cent. After the
introduction of coronary care units in the 1960s, outcome was improved,
predominantly reflecting better treatment of arrhythmias. Current therapy
has improved outcome further for younger patients who present early in
the course of their ACS. The last decade has seen a significant fall in the
overall 30-day mortality rate. Most patients who die before discharge do
so in the first 48 hours after admission, usually due to cardiogenic shock
consequent upon extensive left ventricular damage. Most patients who
survive to hospital discharge do well, with 90 per cent surviving at least
1 year. Surviving patients who are at increased risk of early death can be
identified by a series of adverse clinical and investigational features, and
their prognosis improved by intervention.

The term ‘acute coronary syndrome’ (ACS) has been developed to describe
the collection of ischaemic conditions that include a spectrum of diagnoses
from unstable angina (UA) to non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI) and STEMI.
Patients presenting with ACS can be classified into two groups according
to their electrocardiogram (ECG) (Figure 1.1): those with persistent STEMI
and those without (non-ST elevation ACS or NSTEACS). The treatment of
STEMI requires emergency restoration of blood flow within an occluded
culprit coronary artery. Patients presenting with NSTEACS often have
ECG changes including T-wave inversion, ST depression or transient ST
elevation, although occasionally the ECG may be entirely normal. This
group can be classified further according to the presence of detectable
levels of cardiac proteins, troponins, in patients’ serum (see below). Thus,
NSTEACS patients with undetectable cardiac troponins (UA) are
distinguished from those in whom myocardial ischaemia is severe enough
to cause myocardial necrosis, leading to troponin release into the
circulation (NSTEMI). Detection of cardiac troponin following ACS is a
strong predictor of recurrent ischaemia. However, it should be remembered
that patients with UA are still at increased risk of further events, especially
those with pain at rest or dynamic ST changes on their ECG.

ST change
ECS T-wave inversion
ST elevation
Normal ECG




Management Reperfusion Invasive / Non-invasive

Figure 1.1 Definition, diagnosis and management of ACS.


Myocardial infarction can also be classified with regards to underlying

aetiology as defined by the European Society of Cardiology:
Type 1 Spontaneous myocardial infarction related to ischaemia due to
a primary coronary event such as plaque erosion and/or rupture,
fissuring or dissection.
Type 2 Myocardial infarction secondary to ischaemia due to either
increased oxygen demand or decreased supply, e.g. coronary artery
spasm, coronary embolism, anaemia, arrhythmias, hypertension or
Type 3 Sudden unexpected cardiac death, including cardiac arrest,
often with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischaemia,
accompanied by presumably new ST elevation, or new LBBB, or
evidence of fresh thrombus in a coronary artery by angiography and/or
at autopsy, but death occurring before blood samples could be
obtained, or at a time before the appearance of cardiac biomarkers in
the blood.
Type 4a Myocardial infarction associated with PCI (percutaneous
coronary intrervention).
Type 4b Myocardial infarction associated with stent thrombosis as
documented by angiography or at autopsy.
Type 5 Myocardial infarction associated with CABG (coronary artery
bypass graft).


ACSs are caused by an imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand

and supply that results in cell death and myocardial necrosis. Primarily,
this occurs due to factors affecting the coronary arteries, but may also
occur as a result of secondary processes such as hypoxaemia or
hypotension and factors that increase myocardial oxygen demand. The
commonest cause is rupture or erosion of an atherosclerotic plaque that
leads to complete occlusion of the artery or partial occlusion with distal
embolization of thrombotic material.
Atherosclerosis is a disease of large and medium-sized arteries, affecting
predominantly the arterial intima. The precise mechanism responsible for
the generation of atherosclerotic arterial disease remains open to debate, but
it is likely that arterial endothelial injury is an initiating factor. It is clear that


the extent and stability of atherosclerotic lesions is influenced by the

common risk factors of smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and
diabetes. There are a large number of other modifiable risk factors, such as
homocysteine, oxidative stress, fibrinogen and psychosocial factors, which
may play an important role in atherogenesis in some individuals. Individual
susceptibility to the adverse effects of risk factors may relate to genetic
Atherosclerotic plaques are complex structures consisting of a fibrous cap
and a core of lipid, connective tissue and inflammatory cells. The
morphology of plaques is variable, and those with a thin fibrous cap, a large
lipid core and an increase in inflammatory activity are highly unstable. An
increase in inflammatory activity within plaques may be triggered by
systemic infections (Chlamydia, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Helicobacter or
chronic dental sepsis) or stimuli such as stress, severe exercise and
temperature change. ACS is initiated when the fibrous cap of an unstable
atherosclerotic lesion ruptures (in 75 per cent of cases) or the overlying
endothelium erodes (in 25 per cent of cases). Plaque erosion is more
common in females. Both mechanisms expose highly thrombogenic
subendothelial and core components of the unstable plaque to the blood,
leading to localized platelet adhesion, activation of the clotting mechanism,
and formation of an intraluminal thrombus that occludes the coronary
artery. Prior to plaque rupture or erosion, other conformational changes
may occur as a result of endothelial injury. This causes a proliferation of
smooth muscle cells leading to a reduction of the luminal diameter, which
increases shear stress, and causes further endothelial injury. Intravascular
ultrasound studies have confirmed that unstable coronary plaques are
associated with more expansive arterial remodelling compared to stable
coronary lesions, which may imply a more marked recent progression in
extent and severity of plaque at the site of rupture/erosion. Angiographic
and intravascular ultrasound studies of culprit lesions have demonstrated
complex eccentric morphology consistent with ruptured plaque and
superimposed thrombus. Vulnerable plaques that fissure or rupture are
characterized by large eccentric lipid pools with foam cell infiltration and
tend to rupture at the border of the fibrous cap and adjacent normal intima.
This weakness in the integrity of the plaque is initiated by matrix
metalloproteinases secreted by macrophages, and ultimately rupture occurs
through an acute change in wall shear stress.
The lipid core is a potent substrate for platelet-rich thrombus formation with
the initiation of the coagulation cascade through the interaction of tissue
factor with factor VIIa. Platelet adhesion to subendothelial collagen through

the release of tissue factor and the expression of the vitronectin (αvß3)
receptors leading to platelet activation and aggregation through the expression
of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor is an important event in the development
of thrombus. Platelet-rich thrombus is associated with cyclical reductions in
coronary blood flow with additional coronary vasoconstriction resulting from
endothelial disruption, and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and serotonin production
leading to reduced nitric oxide (NO) production. Inflammatory acute phase
proteins, cytokines and systemic catecholamines stimulate the production of
tissue factor, procoagulant activity and platelet hypercoagulability.
A number of factors that can trigger the onset of ACS have been identified,
acting by initiating plaque rupture or promoting thrombus formation.
Some patients report heavy physical exertion or mental stress shortly
before the onset of ACS. Circadian variation in coagulation and
autonomic nervous system activity contribute to an increased incidence of
ACS in the morning. Irrespective of this, the risk of an individual episode
of exercise or stress precipitating the onset of ACS is low, and most
episodes have no identifiable direct triggers.
Other non-athersclerotic causes for ACS include arteritis, trauma,
spontaneous coronary dissection, thromboembolism, cocaine use and
congenital abnormalities such as anomalous coronary arteries. Patients
who present as a result of these rare causes will usually not have the
classical risk factors associated with atherosclerosis; typically the
diagnosis is not established until after coronary angiography.
Acute STEMI usually results from total occlusion of a coronary artery, with
subsequent myocardial cell necrosis occurring in as little as 15 minutes.
Continued occlusion results in a wavefront of necrosis spreading from the
subendocardium to the subepicardium. The amount of myocardial injury
depends on the duration of occlusion, the presence of collateral blood flow
and the degree of preconditioning of the myocytes to ischaemia. In animal
models, persistent occlusion of a coronary artery will usually result in
complete infarction of the area subtended after 6 hours. Subendocardial and
full thickness or transmural mycocardial infarction can be well
demonstrated with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using late
gadolinium enhanced images. These images correlate well with
macroscopic histological findings.
NSTEACS are usually associated with partial or transient occlusion of the
coronary artery that may result in ST depression or T-wave changes on
the ECG. Myocardial injury occurs as a result of a sudden decrease in
luminal diameter leading to reduced perfusion or due to plaque

rupture/erosion and embolization of thrombotic material into the distal

coronary bed. Most individuals with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease
have a large number of minor lesions that do not significantly narrow the
coronary lumen, as well as a smaller number of severe lesions. The severe
lesions are more likely to intermittently limit antegrade blood flow during
exercise (leading to stable angina). An ACS is more likely to occur due to
instability in one of the more numerous minor lesions (two-thirds of ACS
are related to angiographically minor lesions). Intravascular ultrasound
studies have shown that patients with NSTEACS frequently have multiple
ruptured plaques often occurring in arteries other than the initial culprit.
UA can be caused by the same mechanisms as NSTEMI, although the
detectable myocardial necrosis does not usually occur. UA may also be
caused by a reduction in coronary flow due to a decrease in luminal diameter
caused by increase in size of a non-ruptured plaque where endothelial
damage leads to smooth muscle proliferation. For these reasons, patients
even with negative biomarkers may still be at high risk of further events and
this reinforces the need for effective risk stratification.

Chest pain is a common reason for patients to attend hospital, accounting
for up to 5 per cent of visits to the emergency department and 40 per cent
of hospital admissions. Around 50 per cent of patients presenting with
chest pain will have an underlying ACS, requiring hospitalization and
intensive medical therapy. The remainder have other cardiac and
non-cardiac causes for their symptoms, and require a different
management approach. This section gives guidelines on diagnosing ACS,
and differentiating it from other common causes of chest pain.
The diagnosis of ACS is usually made using a combination of clinical and
ECG features. Cardiac troponin studies and functional tests can then be
used to further risk-stratify the patient. As a general principle, all patients
with symptoms that may be due to an ACS should be admitted to hospital.
These patients should preferably be admitted to a chest pain assessment
unit or heart attack centre, as those at high risk of early adverse events
need to be carefully monitored and selected for early invasive therapy.

Clinical features
Most patients with ACS present with chest discomfort; in STEMI and
80 per cent of NSTEACS this is prolonged, lasting over 20 minutes.

Accelerated or recent onset angina is present in 20 per cent of patients

with NSTEACS, where the pain is intermittent and related to stress or
exertion. Typically, the discomfort is retrosternal, crushing and severe,
radiating to the neck, arms or back. There is often associated nausea,
sweating and vomiting related to the release of toxins from injured
myocardial cells and autonomic activation. It is not usually affected by
changes in posture, movement or respiration. The pain can be atypical
(sited in the epigastrium, neck, arms or back or unusual in character).
Particularly with inferior infarction, the pain can be difficult to
distinguish from dyspepsia. Atypical symptoms are more likely to be
present in the young (age 25–40), elderly patients (age > 75), females, those
with diabetes, chronic renal failure and those with dementia. In some
patients, the pain is minimal or absent, with the dominant symptoms
consisting of nausea, vomiting, dyspnoea, weakness, dizziness or syncope
(or a combination of these). Occasionally ACS is recognized coincidentally
(and often retrospectively) by the presence of ECG abnormalities in
addition to raised biochemical markers. It is also important to
differentiate those with non-cardiac chest pain from those with anginal
symptoms. Typical angina is defined by the presence of all three of the
features listed:
• a constricting discomfort across the chest and/or neck, shoulders,
jaw or arms
• being precipitated by physical exertion or psychological stress
• relieved by rest or by nitrogycerin within about 5 minutes.
If only two of the above features are present, it is considered to be
atypical angina. If one or none of these features are present, the patient
is considered to have non-anginal chest pain. Angina is less likely if the
pain is unrelated to activity, brought on by inspiration, or associated with
syptoms such as palpitations, tingling or dysphagia. If non-anginal chest
pain is diagnosed, another cause for the pain shoud be considered.

Electrocardiographic changes
The majority of patients with an ACS will have an abnormal ECG at some
stage. An initial normal ECG does not rule out the diagnosis, as ECG changes
can develop, evolve and resolve rapidly. Commonly, the first ECG performed
during the course of the presentation (often by paramedics) is the one that
shows evidence of myocardial ischaemia, prior to resolution with appropriate
pre-hospital treatment. Patients with a suggestive history and a normal ECG
should be admitted and the ECG monitored at regular intervals; if ECG
changes then develop, appropriate treatment can be initiated.

STEMI is diagnosed by the presence of characteristic chest pain for more

than 30 minutes and ST-segment elevation of ≥ 2 mV (2 mm) in two
or more contiguous precordial leads or ≥ 1 mV (1 mm) in two or more
adjacent limb leads or new left bundle branch block. In patients with this
type of evolving MI:
• ST elevation develops rapidly (30–60 seconds) after coronary
occlusion, and is usually associated with prolonged total occlusion
of a coronary artery.
• The ST elevation resolves over several hours in response to
spontaneous or therapeutic coronary reperfusion. Persistent
ST elevation is a sign of failure to reperfuse, and is associated with a
large infarct and an adverse prognosis. T-wave inversion,
pathological Q waves and loss of R waves often develop in the
infarct zone when reperfusion has been late or incomplete,
indicating the presence of extensive myocardial necrosis. When
successful reperfusion occurs early in the course of an evolving
ST elevation MI, there may be little myocardial necrosis,
preservation of the R waves and no Q-wave formation.
Occasionally, reperfusion therapy may be administered so rapidly
that any infarction is aborted.
In a small proportion of patients with chest pain and evolving MI (around
5 per cent) the presenting ECG demonstrates bundle branch block (usually
left). This is commonly associated with extensive anterior infarction
and a poor prognosis. The distribution of ECG changes provides some
information on the area of myocardium involved:
• Changes in V2–V6 indicate anterior ischaemia or necrosis in the
territory of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. Extensive
infarction in this territory is associated with a high risk of heart
failure, arrhythmias, mechanical complications and early death
(Figure 1.2).
• Changes in I, aVL, V5 and V6 indicate lateral ischaemia or necrosis
in the territory of the circumflex artery or diagonal branches of the
LAD (Figure 1.3). Infarction in this territory has a better prognosis
than extensive anterior infarction.
• Changes in II, III and a VF indicate inferior ischaemia or necrosis
in the territory of the right coronary artery (Figure 1.4, page 12).
Compared with patients with extensive anterior infarction, these
patients have a lower incidence of heart failure, an increased

incidence of bradyarrhythmias (since atrioventricular (AV) nodal

ischaemia or vagal activation often accompanies occlusion of the
right coronary artery) and a relatively good prognosis.
• Tall R waves in V1–V3 associated with ST depression indicate
ischaemia or necrosis in the posterior wall, often associated with
circumflex or right coronary artery occlusion (Figure 1.5, page 13).
NSTEACS are associated with transient ST segment changes (≥ 0.5 mm)
that develop with symptoms at rest and which may resolve with the
resolution of symptoms. The degree of ST change correlates with the risk
of further events and death; those with ≥1 mm of ST depression have an
11 per cent risk of MI and death at 1 year whereas those with ≥ 2 mm
have 14 per cent risk at 1 year. Transient ST elevation is also associated
with a poorer outcome. T-wave inversion and ST changes of < 0.5 mm
are less specific at indicating and predicting events, though deep T-wave
inversion in leads V2–V6 is associated with disease in the proximal
LAD. Older patients with widespread severe ST depression often have
multivessel disease and a poor prognosis. In one study of 773 patients
presenting consecutively to hospital within 12 hours of chest pain
(without ST segment elevation), 20 per cent had ST-segment depression,
26 per cent had inverted T waves, 11 per cent had a non-diagnostic ECG
(bundle branch block, paced rhythm) and 43 per cent had a normal initial
ECG. Those patients with normal and minor changes on ECG often have
ischaemia in the circumflex territory that may be better detected with use
of posterior and right-sided leads.

Diagnostic biochemical markers

Cardiac enzyme studies are employed to substantiate or refute a
provisional diagnosis of NSTEMI or UA, and guide further therapy.
Myocardial necrosis results in the release of intracellular proteins,
which can be detected in blood samples. Measurement of total
creatine kinase (CK) level has been employed as a common
biochemical test in patients with suspected MI, with a temporally
related increase to more than twice the upper limit of normal
regarded as diagnostic. CK is widely distributed in non-cardiac
tissues, and therefore has a significant rate of false-positive results.
The isoenzyme, CK-MB, is predominantly located in the myocardium,
and for this reason was previously the gold standard marker for
myocardial necrosis. A low-molecular-weight protein, myoglobin, is
released as a result of damage to any muscle. Whilst non-specific for
myocardial injury, myoglobin release occurs relatively soon after MI,
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5





Figure 1. 2 Anterolateral myocardial infarc tion. Note ST elevation in leads V2–V6, I and aVL .
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 1. 3 High lateral myocardial infarc tion. Note the ST elevation in leads I and aVL with reciprocal changes in
the inferior leads. Coronar y angiography demonstrated a 95 per cent stenosis in a high diagonal branch.




Figure 1.4 Acute inferior myocardial infarction. Note the ST segment elevation in leads facing the inferior wall
(II, III, aVF). Reciprocal changes are seen in diametrically opposed leads (I and aVL) located in the same (frontal)
I aVR V4



Figure 1.5 Posterior wall myocardial infarc tion. Note the tall R waves in leads V1–V3 associated with ST

and levels can be detectable within 2 hours, making it a useful early

biomarker in the triage of patients with chest pain in the emergency
Within the last decade, cardiac troponins have superseded other
biomarkers in the detection of myocardial necrosis by virtue of their
sensitivity and specificity. Any patient who demonstrates a typical
rise and gradual fall of troponin in association with ischaemic
symptoms or ECG changes should be diagnosed as having had a
definite MI. The troponin complex is an integral part of the cardiac
myofibril and is released following damage to myocardium. Two
regulatory components, troponin I and T, released by myocardial
micro-infarction, can be detected peripherally, indicating that
myocardial necrosis has occurred. As well as their specificity, cardiac
troponins are highly sensitive, with detectable elevations occurring
after necrosis of less than 1 g of myocardial tissue. Troponins are
detectable 3–4 hours after the onset of infarction, peak at 12 hours,
and can remain elevated for up to 2 weeks. False-positive results can
be due to:
• renal failure
• pulmonary embolism
• septicaemia
• rhabdomyolysis
• acute neurological disease (stroke or subarachnoid haemorrhage)
• significant valvular disease (aortic stenosis)
• acute and chronic heart failure
• cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic, apical ballooning)
• infiltrative disease (amyloidosis, sarcoid, haemochromatosis,
• inflammatory disease (myocarditis or myocardial extension of
pericarditis and endocarditis)
• cardiotoxic drugs (anthracyclines, herceptin and 5-fluorouracil)
• cardiac contusion
• tachycardia or bradycardia.
Other causes of chest pain
Non-cardiac chest pain can arise from:
• The aorta in acute dissection. The pain of aortic dissection is
severe and of sudden onset; it is tearing in nature, often radiates to
the back, and may be associated with hypertension, aortic
regurgitation, neurological signs and pulse deficits (see Chapter 5).

• The pleura in pneumonia, pulmonary embolism (PE) or

pneumothorax. Pain arising from the pleura is unilateral, sharp
and stabbing, and worse on inspiration. There may be associated
signs of pneumonia, PE or deep venous thrombosis. The majority
of patients with pulmonary embolus have no ECG changes apart
from a tachycardia or atrial fibrillation (AF). The ‘classic’ ECG
changes of S1Q3T3 or right heart strain are associated with large PE
and are often transient and easily missed. In spontaneous
pneumothorax, there may be central chest pain with few
auscultatory signs. Spontaneous pneumothorax is a strong
possibility in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) who present with chest pain and dyspnoea in the absence
of ECG evidence of acute myocardial ischaemia. A chest x-ray is
vital to rule out the presence of air in the pleural space.
• The upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract in oesophageal reflux, peptic
ulcer disease or cholelithiasis. Dyspeptic pain arising from the upper
GI tract is usually burning in nature, may have a clear relationship to
posture or food, and is often relieved by antacids. Oesophageal pain
may, however, be very similar to the pain of cardiac ischaemia.
Exercise-induced oesophageal pain mimicking angina has been well
described. In some individuals, oesophageal spasm may occur in
association with ST segment change. Nitrates and calcium
antagonists will relieve the pain of oesophageal spasm. Correct
diagnosis in these difficult patients requires coronary arteriography,
investigations to rule out coronary spasm, myocardial perfusion
imaging and ambulatory oesophageal pH and pressure monitoring.
• The pericardium in pericarditis. Pericardial pain is retrosternal,
sharp, eased by sitting forward, and may worsen with inspiration. It
is commonly seen following MI, or in a young adult with acute
post-viral pericarditis. A pericardial rub is common, although it
may be intermittent. Diagnostic widespread concave ST elevation
may be present.
• The bones and muscles in musculoskeletal disorders.
Musculoskeletal chest pain is usually unilateral, localized and
sharp. It is exacerbated by movement or local pressure. There may
be a history of trauma.
• The skin in acute dermatological conditions. Acute skin conditions
can (rarely) produce chest pain. The unilateral pain of shingles
precedes the rash, and may confuse the unwary.

• Outside the chest cavity. For example, referred pain from the neck.
Pain referred from the cervical or thoracic spine will have features
of musculoskeletal chest pain.
Since acute chest pain can have many possible causes, a careful history
and comprehensive physical examination along with inspection of
the ECG and chest x-ray are mandatory in all cases where diagnostic
uncertainty exists.

Risk assessment in patients with acute chest pain

Patients who present with chest pain and ischaemic ECG changes require
admission and appropriate treatment. STEMI can be diagnosed quickly
through characteristic ECG changes. However, ECG changes may be less
obvious or absent in those with NSTEACS, which is why obtaining a
good history is essential. If there is an unstable pattern of ischaemic chest
pain (particularly pain at rest or lasting more than 15 minutes) admission
is required for further evaluation and treatment; these patients have an
ACS until proven otherwise. Troponin levels should be measured on
arrival and after a further 12 hours. Patients with detectable troponin
elevation are at an increased risk of early adverse cardiac events. They
require prompt in-hospital treatment and continued monitoring. If the
troponin levels are not elevated, patients with unstable symptoms and
other high-risk features should still be investigated and treated as
inpatients in the same way. Patients diagnosed with stable angina, with
no elevation of troponin levels, are at lower risk of adverse cardiac events
occurring early. They should be given appropriate treatment for their
symptoms as well as for secondary prevention. They can then be risk
stratified with functional testing such as an exercise treadmill test or
with more sensitive imaging techniques such as dobutamine stress
echocardiogram or myocardial perfusion scanning (e.g. via cardiac
MRI or radioisotope scintigraphy).
Approximately 50 per cent of patients who present with chest pain have
a non-cardiac cause; a firm alternative diagnosis may be obvious (for
example, pneumothorax with an abnormal chest x-ray, or pericarditis
with widespread concave ST elevation). Where the diagnosis is not
obvious, patients with clear non-cardiac chest pain can be discharged
once other important causes have been excluded. Patients with non­
specific chest pain who have a non-diagnostic ECG and no detectable
serum troponins should undergo further testing to establish or refute
a diagnosis of coronary disease. Functional testing has its limitations
and can give rise to false-positive results in patients without coronary

disease. Conversely, patients with coronary disease may have a false-

negative stress test if they have no flow-limiting coronary lesions.
Newer imaging techniques using computed tomography (CT) have
been used to risk-stratify patients through calcium scoring as well
as CT angiography to provide further anatomical information where
indicated. Recent studies of multi-slice CT have been published showing
its ability to quickly identify those without coronary disease (or other
conditions such as PE and aortic dissection), therefore allowing for a
safe and early discharge.


Patients with evolving MI often do not request medical aid until
symptoms have been present for more than 1 hour. This patient delay
occurs at the most critical time in the course of the illness, when pain is
often severe and the risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmias and cardiac
arrest is high. Therefore, any patient with chest pain suspected of having
an ACS should be urgently transferred to hospital for assessment. Transfer
should ideally take place by trained paramedics with cardiac monitoring
and resuscitation facilities and the ability to obtain an ECG en route.
Treatment and analgesia should be given en route to hospital if possible.
Transmission of the ECG to the admitting hospital in advance will allow
the diagnosis to be confirmed and allow for early initiation of further
If a patient with suspected ACS arrives in hospital, rapid processing is
necessary to establish an early diagnosis and allow effective emergency
care to be instituted. An appropriately trained doctor should review
patients who present to the emergency department with possible ACS
as soon as possible. The initial assessment should be rapid, and aimed
at establishing the diagnosis, assessing the haemodynamic state and
determining suitability for reperfusion therapy. Patients with clear-cut
clinical features of STEMI with an ECG that demonstrates ST elevation
or bundle branch block should enter a ‘fast track’ system, designed to
ensure that they receive appropriate emergency care; any reperfusion
therapy required should be instituted within 90 minutes of the initial call
for medical assistance. A successful fast track system is only possible if
medical staff respond rapidly to calls from the emergency department, and
the aim should be to review patients with a suggestive history and ECG
changes within 10 minutes of their arrival.

Emergency care
The main aims for treatment of ACS are to prevent continued ischaemia,
limit myocardial damage, reduce the incidence of left ventricular
dysfunction, heart failure and death. This is achieved with early
identification of patients who require revascularization and treatment of
complications of ischaemia including arrhythmia (VF/VT and
bradycardia), heart failure and shock. Initially, in all patients with ACS,
emergency care consists of symptom relief, administration of
antithrombotic agents, and instigating reperfusion therapy as early as
possible for STEMI.
The priorities are to:
• Establish venous access with a large-bore cannula in an arm vein
providing ready access for drug administration, and institute
rhythm monitoring to aid in the rapid detection and treatment of
• Provide adequate analgesia, which is vital. Uncontrolled pain and
anxiety are associated with sympathetic activation, with resultant
detrimental effects on cardiac performance, oxygen consumption and
the arrhythmia threshold. Intravenous (IV) opioids are indicated to
provide rapid relief of pain. Intramuscular injections should be
avoided, as they have a slower onset of action, are associated with
unpredictable absorption, may cause a haematoma if thrombolytic
therapy is given, and can affect CK estimations. The agent of choice is
IV diamorphine 2.5–5.0 mg, given with an IV antiemetic. The dose
should be repeated every 5 minutes until adequate analgesia is
achieved. If repeated administration of diamorphine fails to relieve
the pain, IV beta-blockers or nitrates should be considered.
Respiratory depression produced by diamorphine can, if necessary, be
rapidly reversed by naloxone.
• Treat pulmonary oedema with IV frusemide 40–80 mg. If
pulmonary oedema is severe, an IV nitrate infusion (as detailed in
Appendix A) should be commenced.
• Consider supplemental oxygen. Hypoxia is common in patients
with evolving infarction, and may increase myocardial necrosis or
have adverse metabolic effects. Supplemental oxygen will optimize
oxygen delivery and limit ischaemia, and should be given to all
patients with breathlessness or features of heart failure. Since
hypoxia may be present in 20 per cent of patients with an initially


uncomplicated infarct, pulse oximetry should be instituted in all

cases, and oxygen given if saturation falls below 93 per cent.
High-concentration (up to 60 per cent) oxygen can be given via an
MC mask if necessary. If the patient has COPD, therapy with 24 or
28 per cent oxygen via a ventimask is commenced, and the
concentration adjusted depending on blood gas measurements to
prevent CO2 retention in patients who are reliant on hypoxic drive
to maintain ventilation.
• Commence treatment with oral antiplatelets. Aspirin (loading dose
of 300 mg) and a thienopyridine (currently usually clopidogrel
600 mg, though recently published trials indicate that prasugrel
60 mg and ticagrelor may offer significant benefits). The use of
clopidogrel prior to reperfusion therapy is associated with greater
patency rate of the infarct-related artery and is essential for the use
of stents during angioplasty.
• STEMI patients should be considered for immediate reperfusion
therapy. This ideally should be primary PCI, but where this is not
available, thrombolysis with fibrin-specific agents should be used.
• NSTEACS patients should be treated with low-molecular-weight
heparin (LMWH) and antianginals such as beta-blockers, calcium
channel antagonists and nitrates. If they are high risk, IV
glycoprotein (Gp) IIb/IIIa inhibitors may be considered. They
should have continuous rhythm monitoring and repeated 12-lead
ECGs whilst in pain. If they develop ST elevation they should then
be treated as a STEMI. If they remain in pain despite adequate
treatment they should be considered for urgent coronary
angiography with a view to revascularization. If the pain is
continuous and severe, alternative diagnoses should be re-explored,
in particular aortic dissection.


Prior to the advent of thrombolysis or primary PCI, the only means of
achieving therapeutic reperfusion in patients with evolving MI was
emergency CABG. Although no randomized trials have been performed,
good results were reported for large case series from the 1970s, with an
improvement in outcome compared to medically treated patients.
Hospital mortality in the surgically treated patients was around 5 per cent,


demonstrating that CABG can be performed in patients with evolving MI

with an acceptable risk profile. With the advent of thrombolysis and
primary PCI, emergency CABG is now rarely performed in patients with
evolving MI, unless there is an associated early mechanical complication
such as a ventricular septal rupture or acute severe mitral regurgitation.
Modern reperfusion therapy has reduced mortality due to STEMI over the
last three decades. Achieving reperfusion as soon as possible is
fundamental to improving outcomes. Increases in time to reperfusion
adversely affect early and late mortality in patients treated by either
thrombolysis or primary PCI. In one study of primary PCI, there was a
7.5 per cent increase in mortality at 1 year for every 30-minute delay.
Patient education therefore plays an important role in order for the
symptoms to be recognized early and to call for help. Early recognition of
STEMI by health care workers allows for prompt triage and initiation of
reperfusion therapy at the earliest opportunity.

The use of primary PCI to achieve reperfusion in STEMI was first
reported in 1983. Early case series suggested that primary PCI was a safe
and effective means of restoring antegrade flow in the infarct-related
artery (IRA) of a patient with STEMI. Potential advantages compared to
thrombolysis led to a series of randomized studies comparing the two
treatment modalities. Primary PCI, when performed promptly by
experienced operators, has been shown to be superior to thrombolysis.
A meta-analysis of 23 randomized trials with 7739 patients revealed a
significantly lower rate of early death (0.7 per cent vs 0.9 per cent,
p = 0.0002) in favour of primary PCI. Non-fatal reinfarction (3 per cent vs
7 per cent, p < 0·0001), and the risk of stroke (1 per cent vs 2 per cent,
p = 0.0004) were also significantly reduced. There was an increased risk of
major bleeding in the primary PCI group related to the arterial access site.
This may be minimized with newer combinations of antithrombotic
regimes and the use of the radial route for arterial access.
Benefits over thrombolysis
The efficacy of primary PCI is thought to predominantly result from
increased patency rates achieved in the IRA (90–95 per cent with primary
PCI vs 30–40 per cent with streptokinase and 50–60 per cent with
fibrin-specific agents). In addition to maintaining patency, treating the
underlying culprit plaque reduces rates of reinfarction and reintervention,
thereby reducing overall ischaemic and mechanical complications. The
lower incidence of stroke and in particular haemorrhagic stroke also

contributes to the overall lower mortality in the primary PCI group. Up to

20 per cent of patients may have a contraindication to thrombolysis and in
this group a significant proportion will be able to be treated by primary
PCI. Finally, as successful primary PCI leads to significant reduction in
myocardial damage and reduces the incidence of ischaemic complications,
selected patients can be discharged earlier than if they had been treated
with thrombolysis alone. Overall, compared to thrombolysis, primary PCI
is cost-effective despite requiring more personnel and higher initial per
treatment costs.
Assessment prior to primary PCI
Primary PCI involves arterial access, either via the femoral or radial
artery and passage of a catheter to selectively engage the coronary ostia
under x-ray visualization. Once the culprit vessel has been identified a
small guide wire is passed along the vessel and past the occlusion.
Balloons, stents and other devices can then be delivered to the point
required in order to successfully treat the artery. This requires the patient
to be anticoagulated, usually with unfractionated heparin, to reduce the
incidence of thrombus formation on the equipment in situ.
The risk of bleeding from an angioplasty procedure should be balanced
against the benefit gained. Bleeding after angioplasty, in addition to
anaemia at the time of angioplasty, is associated with increased mortality.
It is therefore essential that a careful history and examination identify
patients at risk of bleeding and that this is communicated with the team
undertaking primary PCI. This also allows for modification of the
antithrombotic regime during and after the procedure.
Reactions to iodinated contrast agents are rare, however, patients with
a history of allergy should be treated with IV hydrocortisone 200 mg
and IV chlorpheniramine 10 mg, at the time of the procedure. A more
common potential hazard is the use of contrast agents in those with renal
impairment. Minimizing the amount of contrast agent used reduces the
incidence as does maintaining adequate hydration. The effects of IV fluids
need to be continually assessed to avoid the precipitation of fluid overload
and pulmonary oedema, especially in patients with extensive anterior
Patients with complications of MI need to be identified early in order
to manage them correctly. Ideally, echocardiography should be used to
confirm the diagnoses of mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle
rupture, ventricular septal defect or left ventricular wall rupture. Patients in
this group should be considered for urgent surgical treatment. Hypotension

due to right ventricular infarct or cardiogenic shock should also be

identified, as this will influence treatment during and after angioplasty.

Adjunctive therapy during primary PCI

During primary PCI various mechanical and drug therapies have
been used to improve outcomes. Bare metal stents (BMS) have been
shown to be superior to balloon angioplasty by reducing the risk of
reocclusion and the need for reintervention due to restenosis. The
CADILLAC trial compared BMS to balloon angioplasty and found
significant benefits in favour of using stents including a 22.2 per cent vs
40 per cent incidence of restenosis and a 5.7 per cent vs 11.3 per cent
incidence of IRA reocclusion.
Drug eluting stents (DES) have been shown to be safe in primary PCI and
to reduce the need for repeat revascularization (by reducing the frequency
of in-stent restenosis, ISR) when compared to BMS. Trials comparing
HORIZONS-AMI) have shown that DES reduce the incidence of ISR
by 30–60 per cent, with no significant difference in death or stent
thrombosis. Use of DES requires dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) to
continue for 1 year whereas BMS only require 1 month. In view of the
lower rate of restenosis, use of DES is preferable to BMS in smaller
diameter vessels and longer lesions. However, other factors about the
patient need to be considered prior to deciding on the type of stent such as
the risk of bleeding, compliance with medication and the need for other
long-term anticoagulents such as warfarin.
Intravenous GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors initially showed benefit for routine use
in primary PCI and are still recommended routinely in many guidelines.
The use of stents and higher loading doses of clopidogrel (600 mg) as well
as more potent oral thienopyridines (e.g. prasugrel) have reduced the need
of routine adjuvant GpIIb/IIIa in modern STEMI angioplasty. However,
they should still be used in most STEMI patients where the bleeding risk is
low, especially those at high risk of adverse events such as anterior infarcts
and large thrombus burdens. Bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, has
shown to have a similar effect in reducing ischaemia when compared to
heparin and GpIIb/IIIa (HORIZONS-AMI) trial. Its main benefit is in
lower bleeding rates when angioplasty is carried out via the femoral artery.
This has been demonstrated in the ACUITY trial, which assessed bleeding
and outcomes in NSTEACS patients. It showed no difference in access
site-related bleeding when bivalirudin was used in patients undergoing
angioplasty via the radial route. There was, however, a significant reduction


in bleeding when comparing the radial to femoral route (0.7 per cent vs
2.7 per cent in the GpIIb/IIIa groups) and when comparing bivalirudin to
GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients undergoing angioplasty via the femoral
route (3 per cent vs 5.8 per cent).
Aspiration catheters are fine bore catheters which can be passed along an
angioplasty wire into the IRA. They are designed to aspirate thrombus in
order to reduce distal embolization. Several randomized trials have shown
they improve ST-segment resolution and coronary flow. A meta-analysis
of randomized trials of thrombectomy in STEMI has shown a benefit for
manual aspiration catheters with a decreased combined end point of death
and MI. This was largely driven by the TAPAS trial, which showed improved
30-day and 1-year survival in cases treated with routine aspiration prior to
stenting, even when thrombus was not angiographically detectable.

Early discharge after primary PCI

Early discharge maintains mobility, improves quality of life and reduces
the risk of hospital-acquired infection and deep vein thrombosis.
Primary PCI, with use of stents and antiplatelet agents, has significantly
reduced the risk of early coronary reocclusion and reinfarction after
treatment for STEMI. In addition, patients can be risk stratified with
regards to coronary flow at the end of the procedure and to the rest of the
anatomy found at angiography. Patients who undergo successful primary
PCI soon after symptom onset and who do not have any residual
threatening coronary anatomy can be safely discharged early. One
randomized trial (PAMI-II) has shown that early discharge of
uncomplicated patients within 3 days of a primary PCI is safe and cost
effective. The PAMI-II trial defined low-risk patients as: <70 years old,
one or two vessel coronary disease, left ventricular ejection fraction (EF)
≥ 45 per cent, successful intervention and no malignant arrhythmia post
angioplasty. The DVLA has recently changed its criteria with regards to
driving and MI. Patients who have been successfully treated by primary
PCI and who have an EF ≥ 40 per cent are allowed to drive after 1 week if
no further intervention is planned.


Despite the advent of primary PCI, thrombolysis remains the initial
treatment for a large proportion of acute STEMI patients in the UK.
Thrombolytic therapy for acute MI was first used in 1958. Debate about


its efficacy continued until 1986, when the publication of the first GISSI
study clearly demonstrated the value of streptokinase. By the
mid-1990s, more than 100 000 patients had been randomized into a
series of large-scale thrombolytic trials, which have helped to optimize
the use of thrombolytic drugs. These large-scale trials have
demonstrated that:
• thrombolysis produces an important time-dependent reduction in
mortality. Treatment within the first hour after symptom onset
can prevent irreversible myocardial necrosis from progressing, and
abort an evolving infarct. Treatment within the first 6 hours of
symptom onset limits infarct size and reduces mortality by
25 per cent. Treatment between 6 and 12 hours may help to salvage
some ischaemic myocardium (particularly in the border zone of
the infarct) and reduces mortality by about 10 per cent. Over
12 hours from symptoms, PCI is the preferred treatment as it
increases the chance of successful reperfusion and it does not carry
the risks associated with late thrombolysis. Based on this first
series of trials, thrombolytic therapy reduces 1-month mortality by
17 per cent, preventing 18 deaths for every 1000 patients treated.
This mortality benefit is maintained in the long term, with 10-year
survival rates substantially improved in treated patients. Newer,
more efficacious agents have improved on these 1-month and
10-year survival figures
• mortality reduction is present regardless of age, sex or infarct site
• aspirin has an additive beneficial effect of similar magnitude to
that produced by thrombolysis, and should be given to all patients
with evolving MI
• the concurrent use of unfractionated heparin and thrombolytic
therapy has been extensively studied. There are no beneficial effects
apparent when intravenous or subcutaneous heparin is used with
streptokinase or with early rt-PA (alteplase) regimens but the risk of
bleeding complications is increased. For accelerated rt-PA and the
newer plasminogen activators, heparin [controlled by regular
activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) monitoring] reduces
coronary reocclusion rates, and should be given for 48 hours
• thrombolysis increases the risk of stroke in the first 24 hours after
treatment, but this is offset by the much larger reduction in cardiac
deaths with treatment. Stroke risk is greater in older patients (over


75 years of age) and those with systolic hypertension. Bleeding

from other sites can occur (particularly at the site of vascular
punctures) and may require blood transfusion
• the evidence for a beneficial effect in patients with ST elevation or
bundle branch block is strong. There is no clear evidence that
patients with ST depression, T-wave inversion or a normal ECG
derive benefit. These patients are, however, at a similar risk of
bleeding complications, and should not initially receive
thrombolytic therapy. For these patients, frequent or continuous
ECGs should be obtained, and thrombolysis only administered if
ST elevation evolves.
The benefit with thrombolysis is even more time dependent than that
of primary PCI. Therefore minimizing the symptom-to-needle time
is key to producing good outcomes where thrombolysis is used. If
thrombolysis is the default reperfusion strategy pre-hospital thrombolysis
is recommended. The CAPTIM trial compared pre-hospital thrombolysis
with primary PCI in patients presenting early (<6 hour of symptoms).
The composite primary end point (death, non-fatal infarction, non-fatal
disabling stroke) was the same in both groups. A high proportion
(85.4 per cent) of the thrombolysis group also underwent coronary early
angiography, which supports the use of early adjuvant PCI in patients who
have had successful thrombolysis.

Selection of thrombolytic agents

The relative efficacy of different thrombolytic agents and regimens has been
compared in several trials. The early studies showed similar efficacy for
streptokinase and non-accelerated rt-PA regimens. In 1993, the Global
Utilization of STreptokinase for Occluded coronary arteries (GUSTO) was
published. This trial demonstrated that an accelerated rt-PA regimen (given
over 90 minutes rather than 3 hours) with a subsequent aPTT-controlled IV
heparin infusion yielded superior IRA coronary patency rates, as well as
reduced death rates. Most of the beneficial effect on mortality was obtained
in patients with anterior infarction treated within 6 hours of symptom onset.
Newer plasminogen activators, produced by bioengineering techniques
applied to rt-PA, have been developed to overcome disadvantages of
the earlier thrombolytic agents. Fibrin-specific compounds, reteplase
(r-PA) and tenecteplase (TNK), have longer half lives than the original
compound, allowing for single or double bolus administration. These
simplified regimens have been shown to shorten door-to-needle times.


A series of trials enrolling more than 50 000 patients (INJECT, INTIME-2,

GUSTO-3, ASSENT-2) has shown that TNK has equivalent efficacy to
rt-PA, whilst reteplase has at least equivalent efficacy to streptokinase.
Accordingly, accelerated rt-PA or TNK with concomitant heparin are
the regimens with the best record for mortality reduction. The modified
plasminogen activators have the simplest dosing regimens, helping to
reduce door-to-needle time.

Inclusion criteria
Where primary PCI is not available or where an additional time delay to
primary PCI of 90 minutes or more is expected, thrombolysis should be given if:

• Presentation within 12 hours of onset of ischaemic cardiac pain in a

patient with:
– ST segment elevation of at least 2 mm in two adjacent chest leads
– ST segment elevation of 1 mm in two adjacent limb leads
– true posterior infarction or new bundle branch block.
If the presentation is >12 hours after onset of pain with ongoing symptoms
and ECG evidence of evolving infarction, primary PCI should be
considered first. Additionally, patients presenting with shock should be
treated with primary PCI, rather than thrombolysis. The SHOCK trial
showed a 20 per cent reduction in mortality at 6 months in those treated
with PCI (see Cardiogenic shock).

Exclusion criteria
These continue to evolve, and are in general decreasing as our experience
with thrombolytic agents increases. At present there are few absolute
contraindications. Many are now regarded as relative, to be interpreted
within the clinical context. Criteria include:
• known coagulation disorder, including uncontrolled

anticoagulation therapy

• active peptic ulceration, varices or recent GI haemorrhage

(dyspepsia alone is not a contraindication)

• severe hypertension (systolic >180 mmHg and/or diastolic

>110 mmHg)

• traumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (CPR performed

by trained staff is not regarded as a contraindication)
• recent internal bleeding from any site (menstruation is not an
absolute contraindication)
• previous haemorrhagic stroke at any time

• ischaemic stroke within the last year

• transient ischaemic attack (TIA) in last 3 months
• surgery, major trauma or head injury within the last month
• pregnancy
• diabetic retinopathy (now only a relative contraindication, as
the risk of intraocular bleeding is very small and the potential
benefit of thrombolysis in diabetics far outweighs this risk).
If in doubt about administering thrombolysis, a senior colleague should
be consulted and if bleeding risk outweighs perceived benefits then the
patient should be transferred for primary PCI, which is a safer and highly
effective alternative.

Allergic reactions to streptokinase are due to the effect of pre-existing
antistreptococcal antibodies. Mild urticarial reactions are the most common
allergic response, and should be treated with 200 mg IV hydrocortisone and
10 mg IV chlorpheniramine. If a more severe reaction with bronchospasm
occurs, 250–500 mg of intramuscular adrenaline should be administered
along with nebulized bronchodilators. Major anaphylaxis is very rare
(0.1 per cent). If this occurs, with associated cardiovascular collapse, 5 mL
of 1:10 000 adrenaline IV is first-line therapy, followed by rapid volume
loading with IV plasma expanders, steroids and antihistamines. Allergic
reactions to the newer plasminogen activators are very rare.

Minor bleeding at venepuncture sites is relatively common, but rarely
requires any specific therapy other than direct compression at the site.
Major haemorrhagic episodes requiring transfusion are rare. If a major
bleed occurs consider the following action:
• stop thrombolytic infusion (or heparin)
• reverse heparin with protamine sulphate (10 mg per

1000 u heparin)

• give two units of fresh frozen plasma immediately

• consider the administration of tranexamic acid 10 mg/kg by slow
IV injection.

Hypotensive reactions to thrombolytic infusion can occur with any agent,
but are more common with streptokinase. They should be treated initially


by tilting the patient’s head down and, in the case of streptokinase, the
infusion should be slowed down or, if necessary, halted for 5 minutes. It
can usually be successfully restarted when the blood pressure recovers.
Atropine 0.6 mg IV can be given if a bradycardia is also present. If the
hypotension persists and is clearly associated with the infusion, then the
drug should be stopped, and a plasminogen activator substituted for
streptokinase, as it is less likely to cause hypotension. In the case of severe
persistent hypotension, fluids and inotropes can be administered
cautiously if necessary.

Cerebrovascular events
The overall incidence of stroke is only minimally increased, since
thrombolytic therapy causes a slight increase in cerebral haemorrhages,
which is offset by a reduction in cerebral infarcts. Plasminogen activators
are associated with a greater risk of haemorrhagic stroke than
streptokinase. Stroke is more common in older patients. If a stroke occurs,
thrombolytic or anticoagulant therapy should be discontinued. A CT scan
and neurological opinion will help to determine the mechanism of the
stroke and guide therapy.

Failed reperfusion
Detection and implications of failed reperfusion
Patients treated with thrombolysis who achieve effective reperfusion have a
good prognosis, with hospital mortality rates of less than 5 per cent.
Achievement of successful reperfusion is associated with IRA patency,
restoration of rapid antegrade blood flow into a patent microcirculation and
resolution of chest pain. In a substantial proportion of patients, however,
reperfusion fails. In some of these patients the IRA is persistently occluded
by an extensively disrupted plaque or residual thrombus. In other patients
(particularly those treated late), platelet microthrombi or capillary
disruption prevent reperfusion of myocardium at the tissue level despite
restoration of blood flow in the epicardial IRA. Failure of reperfusion is
associated with continuing chest pain, extensive infarction, electrical and
haemodynamic instability, mechanical complications and a poor prognosis.
Detecting failed reperfusion in current clinical practice is based on
serial evaluation of ST segments. Persistent ST elevation occurs in about
one-third of patients, and is associated with failure of reperfusion, and
portends an adverse prognosis. Of the 1398 patients enrolled in the
INJECT trial, those with no ST resolution had a 17.5 per cent hospital
mortality, those with partial resolution a 4.3 per cent mortality and those
with total resolution a 2.5 per cent mortality.

Rescue angioplasty
The REACT trial as well as meta-analysis of angioplasty strategies after
thrombolysis support the role of rescue angioplasty for STEMI patients
who fail to reperfuse after thrombolysis. The REACT trial recruited such
patients presenting within 6 hours. The criterion used to diagnose failed
reperfusion was the presence of <50 per cent resolution of maximal ST
elevation on the 90-minute post-thrombolysis ECG. The original trial
showed a significant reduction in reinfarction at 6 months in those
undergoing rescue angioplasty when compared to repeat thrombolysis or
conservative therapy (2.1 per cent vs 10.5 per cent vs 8.5 per cent).
Follow-up data at 1 year showed a sustained benefit with increased
event-free survival in the rescue PCI group. Accordingly, all patients
should have an ECG recorded 90 minutes after commencing
thrombolysis. Patients who have less than 50 per cent ST segment
resolution in the infarct zone should be considered for rescue angioplasty.
Recurrent ischaemia and early PCI after thrombolysis
Following successful thrombolytic therapy, patients are often left with a
residual high grade stenosis or an ‘inflamed’ ruptured plaque. Recurrent
ischaemia occurs in up to one-third of thrombolyzed patients, and is
associated with increased hospital mortality. Usually, early recurrent
ischaemia is related to further thrombus formation at the site of the
original unstable atherosclerotic plaque. The GRACIA-1 trial looked at
patients who were successfully thrombolysed and compared routine
angiography within 24 hours with an ischaemia-guided approach. Among
the subjects undergoing early angiography, stenting of the IRA was
performed in 80 per cent. This was associated with a significant reduction
in a combined end point of death, reinfarction or revascularization
(9 per cent vs 21 per cent at 12 months). Index hospital stay was also
significantly reduced in the early group.
Recently, another trial (TRANSFER-AMI) of 1059 patients compared
immediate transfer for PCI after thrombolysis (with tenecteplase) with
standard treatment with rescue angioplasty if required. Angiography
was undertaken at a median of 2.8 hours in the immediate transfer
group and 32.5 hours in the standard treatment group. In the standard
group, 34.9 per cent underwent early angioplasty for rescue, shock and
reinfarction. Overall, early angiography was associated with significantly
reduced recurrent ischaemia (0.2 per cent vs 2.1 per cent), as well
as a reduced combined end point of death, reinfarction, recurrent
ischaemia, new or worsening heart failure or cardigenic shock within
30 days.

Trials of ‘facilitated’ angioplasty (where angioplasty is performed

immediately after pharmacological treatment such as thrombolysis) have
shown significantly worse results compared to primary PCI; this is due to
an increase in bleeding and ischaemic events. For example, the ASSENT-4
trial demonstrated a higher in-hospital mortality for facilitated PCI (after
thrombolysis with tenecteplase) compared to primary PCI (6 per cent vs
3 per cent), causing early termination of the trial.
The higher ischaemic events were put down to suboptimal antithrombotic
treatment after thrombolysis and the fact that thrombolysis itself leads to
a pro-thrombotic state. The higher incidence of bleeding in the facilitated
group also contributed to the higher mortality.
Overall, the data suggest that early angiography should be performed
following successful thrombolysis, although very early intervention carries
an increased risk of adverse events. A reasonable approach would be to
transfer the patient to an angioplasty centre as soon as practically possible
with a view to angiography within 24 hours. This strategy would also
allow for earlier invervention in the event of patients developing recurrent
ischaemia or reinfarction.

STEMI with normal coronary arteries

Up to 20 per cent of patients with clinical features of STEMI may have
normal coronary arteries. Conditions which classically mimic STEMI
include myocarditis, takotsubo cardiomyopathy and coronary spasm. In
addition, thromboembolic disease may produce a temporary thrombotic
occlusion similar to that of classical STEMI. Therefore, it is important to
investigate further those patients who present without the usual risk
factors for STEMI. The function of the left ventricle should be assessed
in all patients with STEMI who turn out to have normal coronary
arteries preferably with cardiac MRI. This is the most sensitive way to
detect if myocardial damage is due to an ischaemic or myocarditic
process by the pattern of scarring on late gadolinium enhancement.
Patients with thrombotic occlusion with no evidence of coronary
disease should be investigated for a right to left shunt, commonly a
patent foramen ovale or secundum atrial septal defect. This can be
undertaken by contrast echocardiography with agitated saline.
Takotsubo (or stress) cardiomyopathy is a diagnosis almost exclusive to
females and occurs is association with severe stress such as recent
bereavement. Patients present with signs and symptoms exactly that of
acute STEMI; however, they have patent coronary arteries with
characteristic ballooning of the left ventricular apex. This recovers in all

cases within 6 weeks; however, there is a risk or arrhythmia, shock and

death within the first few days of presentation.


The management of NSTEACS is different from that of acute STEMI.
Treatment is aimed at reducing persistent ischaemia and the risk of
reinfarction as opposed to opening an occluded artery to abort an
infarction. Medical therapy has limited impact on mortality but does lead
to a reduction in subsequent infarction and persistent ischaemia by
stabilizing coronary plaques. The addition of coronary angiography
provides anatomical information on the culprit lesion, the extent of
disease, global and regional left ventricular function and provides a
starting point for subsequent revascularization. In deciding which
patients should undergo early intervention, the risks of the procedure
(bleeding, renal failure, stroke) have to be balanced against the risk from
further ischaemia. This can be difficult, as often the patients at highest
risk of complications are also at the highest risk of further ischaemia.
Furthermore, there is a wide heterogeneity of patients presenting with an
ACS. The initial assessment of risk is thus central to the decisions made
regarding a conservative or invasive strategy and this should be made on
presentation of the patient to the accident and emergency department.
Although most patients stabilize with aggressive antianginal therapy,
50–60 per cent of patients still go on to have ‘failure’ of therapy, either
defined as further ischaemia at rest or on early exercise testing.
The characteristics that increase the likelihood of failure of medical
therapy are:
• reversible ST segment change
• previous angina
• prior aspirin use
• family history of premature coronary disease
• increased age.
If all these characteristics are present, medical failure occurs in 90 per cent of
cases. If none is present, the majority of patients settle with medical therapy.

Clinical features and the 12-lead ECG

The medical history and physical examination provide some help for
risk stratification. Patients with multiple risk factors for vascular
disease are at increased risk of adverse events. Older age and previous
aspirin use are also markers of adverse risk. A highly unstable pattern

of symptoms with recent rest pain is also an adverse risk factor.

Evidence of haemodynamic instability or compromise indicates a
poor prognosis.
The PRAIS-UK study was a registry of 1061 patients admitted to
56 hospitals in the UK, half of whom had immediate access to
angiography. From this study, the 6-month risk of death or MI was
estimated and stratified according to age, ECG changes and the presence
of heart failure. Compared to subjects aged <60 years, the relative risk was
2.1 for those aged 60–70, and 2.8 for those over 70 years. The registry also
confirmed the value of the ECG in determining risk: compared to having
a normal ECG, documented ECG T-wave inversion and ST-segment
depression increased the relative risk of events at 6 months by three-fold
and five-fold, respectively. The presence of heart failure increased risk by
1.9, similar to the two-fold risk of being male. In another study, sequential
risk for death or MI at 12-month follow-up was evaluated in 911 patients
with unstable angina or non-Q-wave MI. The risk with a normal ECG,
T-wave inversion, ST elevation, ST depression and both ST depression and
elevation was 8 per cent, 13 per cent, 15 per cent, 17 per cent and
25 per cent, respectively. The duration of the ischaemia also has a bearing
on outcome. Episodes of ischaemia that are associated with ST segment
change and persist for 10 minutes or more are associated with the worse
Based on these data, a successful algorithm has been developed to
triage patients with acute, ischaemic-sounding chest pain. The
primary ECG abnormality necessitating admission was ST-segment
depression or elevation greater than 1 mm. In the presence of lesser
changes such as

• ST elevation 0.5–1 mm
• ST depression 0.25–1 mm
• T-wave inversion in >2 leads
• Q waves
• left ventricular hypertrophy
• abnormal rhythm

a diagnosis of cardiac chest pain was considered likely if the patient

was male, or if pain radiated to the neck or left arm, or if there was
associated nausea/sweating, or if the patient reported a history of
ischaemic heart disease. Where the ECG was normal, three or more
of these latter features would be required to increase suspicion of
an ACS.


Fundamental to the development of modern risk scores in NSTEACS is the
quantification of serum troponin. As described earlier, troponin
measurement is now the gold standard test for detection of myocardial
injury. In ACS, troponin levels rise about 4 hours after the onset of chest
pain in 30–50 per cent of patients with 100 per cent of infarct patients being
positive at 12 hours. In a review of 4000 patients with acute ischaemic
syndromes, troponin T levels were raised in 33 per cent of patients. A
strong relationship exists between the level of peak plasma troponin at
12 hours from the onset of pain and the extent of myocardial damage.
Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated that the absolute levels of
troponin have a strong relationship to clinical outcome such as death and MI
over the short- and medium-term period after presentation with an ACS. In
an early trial of 112 patients with unstable anginal symptoms, death or MI
occurred in 30 per cent of those with an elevated troponin T (>0.2 μg/L),
compared to 2 per cent in the remainder. In the larger GUSTO-IIa trial,
troponin T elevation was confirmed to strongly predict 30-day mortality.
Similarly, troponin I elevation was related to mortality in ACS: in a study
published in 1996, mortality at 42 days was 1.0 per cent with a troponin I
level <0.4 μg/L compared to 7.5 per cent with a troponin I level >9.0 μg/L
(Figure 1.6). In the FRISC study, 963 patients participating in a randomized
study of LMWH (dalteparin) in unstable angina had troponin T measured.
A total of 766 patients had a pre-discharge exercise test. Cardiac death or
MI at 5-month follow-up occurred in 5 per cent, 9 per cent and 13 per cent
of patients with a maximum troponin level of 0.06 μg/L, 0.06–0.2 μg/L,
and >0.2 μg/L at 12 hours, respectively. Similarly, exercise tolerance and
ST-segment depression stratified patients into low, intermediate and high
risk with death/MI in 5 per cent, 13 per cent and 29 per cent, respectively.
Combination of the two variables (troponin T and exercise test) predicted
adverse outcome in 1 per cent of low risk, 7 per cent of intermediate
risk and 20 per cent of high-risk patients (Figure 1.7). Thus, elevation of
cardiac troponin indicates the presence of minor myocyte damage, which
is associated with a high risk of subsequent progression to MI and death in
patients with unstable angina.
Risk assessment can be further refined using clinical scoring systems
which have been developed from the analysis of large cohorts of patients
with NSTEACS. They use features from the history, clinical examination,
ECG changes and biomarkers to predict the risk of further events. The
most sensitive for predicting events in hospital and up to 6 months is the
GRACE score ( The TIMI risk score for

8 7.5

Mortality at 42 days (% of patients)


4 3.7

2 1.7
831 174 148 134 50 67
0 to <0.4 0.4 to <1.0 1.0 to <2.0 2.0 to <5.0 5.0 to <9.0 9.0

Cardiac troponin l (ng/mL)

RISK RATIO 1.0 1.8 3.5 3.9 6.2 7.8

95% CONFIDENCE — 0.5–6.7 1.2–10.6 1.3–11.7 1.7–22.3 2.6–23.0
Figure 1.6 Mortality rates at 42 days according to the level of cardiac
Troponin I measured at enrolment. (Reproduced with permission from
Antman et al. (1996) Copyright © 1996 Massachusetts Medical Society. All
rights reserved.)



4/21 2/9
Cardiac death/M


10/191 4/61
5 6/86
High risk

Intermediate risk

0.2 1/84

Low risk

Trop 0.06-0.2

o nin <0.16

T ((
g L -1


Figure 1.7 Five-month risk of cardiac death or myocardial

infarction (MI) in relation to exercise test response and
maximal troponin T levels during the first 24 hours.
(Reproduced with permission from Lindahl et al. (1997))



NSTEACS is simpler to use though it is less accurate at predicting events

than GRACE. However, it has an added advantage in that it is the only
scoring system that has been shown to identify patients with a long-term
benefit of an early invasive treatment strategy in a randomized trial. It
assigns one point to each of the following risk factors:
• age ≥ 65
• three or more risk factors for coronary artery disease (family
history/diabetes/current smoker/hyperlidaemia/hypertension)
• known coronary stenosis ≥50 per cent
• aspirin use in the preceding 7 days
• two or more episodes of severe angina during the previous

24 hours

• ST segment deviation on ECG of ≥0.5 mm

• elevated serum cardiac biomakers.
The score predicts the recurrence of ischaemia within 14 days:
0–1 = 4.7 per cent, 2 = 8.3 per cent, 3 = 13.2 per cent, 4 = 19.9 per cent,
5 = 26.2 per cent, 6 = 40.9 per cent. Patients with a score of 3 or more
are considered high risk and are likely to benefit from an early invasive
strategy, especially if their biomarkers are positive.

High-risk patients
The American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology (AHA/
ACC) guidelines recommend an invasive strategy in NSTEACS in the
following situations:
• recurrent angina/ischaemia at rest or low-level exercise despite
intensive medical therapy
• signs or symptoms of heart failure or new or worsening mitral
• high-risk findings on non-invasive stress testing
• reduced left ventricular function (EF <40 per cent)
• haemodynamic instability
• sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT)
• PCI within the previous 6 months
• prior CABG
• high-risk score (e.g. TIMI or GRACE)
• new or presumably new ST-segment depression
• elevated cardiac biomarkers (troponin I and T).
Patients with recent PCI are likely to have a restenosis or stent thrombosis
best treated with reintervention. Prior CABG represents another subgroup



where early intervention is of benefit due to the high rate of venous graft
failure. Patients with reduced left ventricular function, acute heart failure
or previous anterior Q-wave MIs have sufficient risk to support a policy
of early angiography. Patients with extensive co-morbidities and patients
with chest pain with low-risk scores are unlikely to benefit from an
invasive strategy.

Low-risk patients
Non-invasive stress testing with a low-level treadmill exercise test (two
stages of the Bruce protocol) should be performed in patients free of
ischaemia at rest or on minimal exertion for 12–24 hours. Should patients
be discharged prior to this, symptom-limited exercise testing may be done
within 7–10 days of presentation.

Where the baseline ECG has resting ST-segment depression (>0.1 mV),
bundle branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy, an intraventricular
conduction defect, a paced rhythm, or the patient is on digoxin therapy,
stress perfusion imaging (radioisotope or MRI) or stress echocardiography
may be done to identify a substrate for ischaemia. Those that subsequently
have a positive stress test should undergo coronary angiography with a
view to revascularization.


PCI has become the established treatment for NSTEACS. The

adjunctive use of intracoronary stents and GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors has
diminished the risk and improved the outcome associated with PCI. At
present, the rate of in-hospital mortality is still less than 1 per cent,
with indicators of infarction risk well defined in clinical and
angiographic terms.
Historically, in unstable angina, CABG surgery has been associated with an
increased operative mortality at 3.7 per cent (much improved in FRISC-II
with an in-hospital mortality of 1.2 per cent) with predictors of risk being
left ventricular dysfunction, the need for pre-bypass intra-aortic balloon
pumping, and a history of previous CABG. With successful hospital
discharge, the 5-year survival is 90 per cent with the greatest relative
benefit seen in those with reduced left ventricular function – in one study
in patients with a left ventricular EF <50 per cent, the 3-year mortality
was 6.1 per cent in patients after surgery, compared to 17.6 per cent in
medically treated patients.



The FRISC-II study compared an early invasive and conservative

strategy in 2457 patients with unstable angina. The patients were of
mean age 66 years (70 per cent men). Angiography was performed
within 7 days in 96 per cent of the invasive group compared to only
10 per cent of the conservative group. Revascularization (55 per cent
PCI, 45 per cent CABG) was performed within 10 days in 71 per cent
of the invasive group compared to 9 per cent of the conservative group,
and within 6 months in 77 per cent and 37 per cent, respectively. At
6-month follow-up, the invasive group had a 22 per cent (9.4 per cent
vs 12.1 per cent, p = 0.031) reduction in the composite end point of
death/MI through a reduction in the rate of MI. Furthermore, there was
a reduction in readmission rate by 44 per cent, as well as a 36 per cent
reduction in the presence of angina compared to the conservative group.
The benefits were sustained to 5 years: the primary end point of death
or MI was reduced by 19 per cent, and there was a 27 per cent reduction
in the rate of MI alone in the invasive group. The FRISC-II study
also randomized patients to treatment with and without the LMWH
dalteparin. The benefit of the adjunctive use of dalteparin was seen in
the conservative group with a reduction in primary end point, although
it had no additional effect on the invasive arm.

The TACTICS-TIMI 18 trial also compared an early invasive and

conservative strategy in patients with NSTEACS who were given the
GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor tirofiban. Over half the patients had elevated
troponin T levels and 48 per cent had ECG changes present, indicating
a high-risk population. Almost all (97 per cent) of the invasive group
underwent coronary angiography at a median time of 22 hours after
randomization. Revascularization was undertaken in 61 per cent of
patients in the early invasive arm (41 per cent PCI, 20 per cent CABG).
In the conservative arm, 51 per cent underwent angiography during the
initial hospitalization with 37 per cent undergoing revascularization.
This resulted in a significant reduction in death and non-fatal MI in the
invasive group of 35 per cent at 1 month (4.7 per cent vs 7 per cent,
p = 0.02) and 26 per cent at 6 months (7.3 per cent vs 9.5 per cent,
p < 0.05). Subanalysis also showed that those with a TIMI risk score of ≥3
or a troponin T of ≥ 0.1ng/ml gained the most from an invasive strategy,
whereas those with a score of ≤2 or troponin T of ≤ 0.1ng/ml had similar
outcomes with either strategy.

The RITA-3 study also showed benefit for an invasive strategy with
reduced refractory angina at 4 months (4.4 per cent vs 9.3 per cent). There



was no reduction in death or MI at 1 year, but analysis of the 5-year follow-

up data has shown a reduction of 26 per cent (p = 0.03) in cardiovascular
death and MI. When stratified according to risk, the patients in the highest
risk group appeared to benefit the most from intervention.

A meta-analysis of seven trials involving 8375 NSTEACS (including

RITA-3, TACTICS-TIMI 18 and FRISC II) patients showed a significant
benefit in survival at 2 years in those treated with early intervention
(all-cause mortality 4.9 per cent vs 6.5 per cent, p = 0.001).

With regards to timing of intervention, several trials have assessed early

vs delayed intervention. The ISAR-COOL trial was a small (401 patients),
double-centre study in which NSTEACS patients were randomized to
early intervention or prolonged antithrombotic treatment followed by
intervention. The median time to intervention was 2.4 hours for early
intervention and 86 hours in the antithrombotic arm. Early intervention
showed a significant benefit in reducing non-fatal MI or death at 30 days
(5.9 per cent vs 11.6 per cent, p = 0.04), which was attributed mainly to
events whilst awaiting catheterization. The more recent TIMACS trial
involving 3031 patients compared early (≤24 hours) vs delayed (≥36 hours)
intervention. The median time to intervention was 14 hours in the early
arm and 50 hours in the delayed group. Follow-up at 6 months revealed no
difference in the primary end-point of death, MI or stroke. However, there
was a reduction in refractory ischaemia in the early invasive group.
Overall, high-risk patients, without contraindications to intervention,
should undergo an early invasive strategy ideally within 24 hours
of presentation, and those patients with ongoing ischaemia despite
optimal medical therapy should be considered for more immediate
revascularization. Patients who are high risk with positive troponin should
receive GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors in the catheter laboratory. Up-front use of
GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors is recommended in many guidelines but routine
use is associated with a signficantly increased risk of bleeding and the
benefits in reducing ischaemia are mainly conferred at the time of PCI
(see Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors).


Successful treatment of ACS involves the use of potent antithrombotic
regimens allied with PCI. Unfortunately, bleeding is the most common
non-cardiac complication associated with coronary intervention. The use
of antithrombotic agents increases the risk of both access site-related



bleeding, and non-access site-related bleeds such as gastrointestinal,

cerebral and retroperitoneal haemorrhage. There is a strong association
between bleeding and adverse events with risks increased by five-fold for
MI, four-fold for death and three-fold for stroke at 30 days. The
mechanisms for this are mutifactorial including haemodynamic effects,
the cessation of antithrombotic drugs, and, possibly, adverse effects from
blood transfusion. Bleeding is also commoner among older, more frail
subjects with significant co-morbidities, who are also at higher risk of
ischaemic events. Therefore the benefit gained from treatment has to
balanced against the risks of bleeding and treatment needs to be tailored
to individual patients. Several risk scores have been developed to predict
the risks of bleeding in an effort to assist with the decision-making. The
CRUSADE score ( was developed
from a registery of 89 000 patients to predict the risk of in-hospital
bleeding in NSTEACS. More recently another system from over 302 000
patients who underwent PCI has been developed, which assigns points to
the following nine variables:
ACS type STEMI 10 points/NSTEACS 3 points
Cardiogenic shock 8 points
Female gender 6 points
Previous congestive heart failure 5 points
No previous PCI 4 points
NHYA class IV heart failure 4 points
Peripheral vascular disease 2 points
Age: 66–75 – 2 points/76–85 – 8 points
5 points/≥85
Renal function 1 point for every 10 unit decrease in
eGFR if <90
The risk of bleeding on the current admission was classed as low if scores
were ≤7, medium 8–17 and high ≥18 with prevalence of 0.63 per cent,
1.8 per cent and 5 per cent respectively.
Vascular access complications can be minimized by using the radial rather
than femoral route. GI bleeding has been shown to be reduced by the
use of gastroprotective medication in high-risk patients. Careful dosing
of LMWH and unfractionated heparin (UFH) is required in those with
renal impairment. Similarly, in patients at high risk of bleeding, the use



of alternative agents can be considered. These agents are as effective as

heparin and GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors at reducing ischaemic events while
benefiting from lower rates of bleeding. These agents include bivalirudin,
which can be used alone in patients undergoing intervention, and
fondaparinux, which can be used alone in those being managed medically,
or with heparin among those undergoing intervention.

Thrombocytopenia can occur after treatment for ACS as a result of
exposure to heparins or GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors. Heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia (HIT), is a serious, immunoglobulin-mediated
complication that often leads to thromboembolic complications. It occurs
with UFH (incidence 5 per cent) and LMWH (incidence 0.5 per cent)
usually after between 5 and 10 days of use (or sooner if there has been
previous exposure to heparins), and is associated with a 50 per cent
reduction in the platelet count or a drop to < 100 X 109 platelets/L. It should
be treated with the cessation of heparin and introduction of another
antithrombotic agent such as lepirudin or danaparoid. Bleeding
complications of HIT are rare but 50 per cent of patients with HIT develop
arterial or venous thrombosis which can be life threatening. Further
exposure to heparins should be avoided in patients who have had HIT.
GpIIb/IIIa-induced thrombocytopenia is often more profound with
platelet counts of < 50 X 109 platelets/L. It occurs more frequently with
abciximab (up to 2.4 per cent) and less with eptifibatide (0.2 per cent) and
tirofiban (0.5 per cent). The GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor and heparin should be
discontinued. Most patients remain asymptomatic and platelet counts begin
to improve within 24 hours. Platelet transfusions should be reserved for
those with bleeding. Thrombosis is rare with GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor-induced
thrombocytopenia; however, there is a higher incidence of adverse events,
due to bleeding, repeat revascularization, recurrent ischaemia and death.


Unless there is a contradidication, aspirin should be administered to all
patients with NSTEACS and STEMI at presentation. It should be
continued indefinitely in all patients with suspected or proven coronary
disease. Aspirin inhibits the cyclooxygenase enzyme in platelets which
leads to the formation of thromboxane A2, a potent stimulus to platelet
activation. Data from the Veterans Administration Cooperative Study, the



Canadian Multicenter Trial and the Montreal Heart Institute Study

confirmed that the use of aspirin in unstable angina reduced the risk of
cardiac death and non-fatal MI by 51–72 per cent. From a meta-analysis of
seven antiplatelet studies, a 35 per cent reduction in vascular events
occurred over 20 months with aspirin. The body of evidence suggests that
aspirin should be initiated at a dose of either 160 or 325 mg in patients not
already receiving aspirin with subsequent daily dosing at 75–325 mg.
With aspirin, however, only one pathway of platelet activation is inhibited
and the platelet may also be readily activated by adenosine diphosphate
(ADP), thrombin and collagen. Aspirin reduces platelet aggregation,
enhancing recanalization in STEMI, and reducing the risk of further
vascular events in patients with previous MI. The effect of aspirin on
mortality in patients with acute MI has been studied in 15 trials, enrolling
more than 19 000 patients (most of these patients were enrolled in ISIS-2).
Overall mortality with aspirin therapy is reduced by around 20 per cent.
This benefit is maintained with continued treatment over several years.
A loading dose of 150 mg produces rapid and complete inhibition of
thromboxane-mediated platelet inhibition. For long-term treatment,
higher doses are more gastrotoxic. A dose of 75 mg/day maintains
virtually complete long-term cyclooxygenase inhibition, and is suitable
for chronic therapy.

There are few contraindications to the use of aspirin, but it should not be
given to patients with:

• known hypersensitivity to aspirin

• bleeding peptic ulcer
• coagulation disorder
• severe hepatic disease.

There is no clear evidence of a relationship between effectiveness and time

from onset of symptoms, and aspirin should immediately be given to all
patients diagnosed to have evolving or recent ACS, even if presentation
is late. In patients who do not tolerate aspirin through hypersensitivity or
major gastrointestinal intolerance, a thienopyridine should be considered.

Clopidogrel is a thienopyridine which blocks ADP-mediated platelet
aggregation and the activation of the GpIIb/IIIa receptor, which cross-links
platelets through fibrinogen. It was shown to be of value in NSTEACS in
the CURE trial: this randomized 12 562 patients with NSTEACS



(troponin negative and positive) to clopidogrel or placebo for 3–12 months

(mean of 9 months) in addition to aspirin. The trial was undertaken
with a conservative ethos: only one-third of patients underwent
revascularization. Benefit with clopidogrel occurred within the first
24 hours with a 20 per cent reduction in death/MI/cerebrovascular
accident (primary end point), largely driven by a reduction in MI from
6.7 per cent to 5.3 per cent. This was consistent across subgroups and
irrespective of revascularization. A relative increase in bleeding risk
occurred, 3.7 per cent on clopidogrel compared to 2.7 per cent on placebo.
The prospective substudy of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention, PCI-CURE, was reported in 2658 patients. Patients
randomized to clopidogrel received it for a mean of 10 days pre-PCI, with
both groups receiving open-label clopidogrel for 4 weeks post-PCI usually
because of stenting. Prior to PCI, the clopidogrel group had a reduced
incidence of MI/refractory ischaemia (12.1 per cent vs 15.3 per cent),
which was maintained for the 30 days after PCI. Of interest, in CURE, the
benefit with clopidogrel appeared to occur in addition to the use of GpIIb/
IIIa inhibitors.
In STEMI patients, the COMMIT study showed that the addition of
clopidogrel 75 mg od to standard treatment produced a reduction in
death from 8.1 per cent to 7.5 per cent (p = 0·03). Another STEMI trial,
CLARITY, used loading doses of 300 mg followed by 75 mg od in patients
treated with thrombolysis. Among those who eventually underwent
coronary angiography, the IRA was more likely to be patent in the
clopidogrel group. In the PCI-CLARITY substudy, the 30-day incidence of
cardiovascular death, reinfarction or stroke after PCI was reduced from
6.2 per cent to 3.6 per cent (p = 0.008).
Higher loading doses of 600 mg provide a more rapid onset of action and
reduced ADP-induced platelet across a wider population. This has been
shown to result in fewer adverse events in patients with NSTEACS (5 per
cent vs 12 per cent, p = 0.02) with no increased risk in bleeding. Recently,
subanalysis of the HORIZONS and CURRENT OASIS-7 trials has also
shown similar benefits for 600 mg in STEMI patients undergoing primary
PCI. Therefore, a loading dose of at least 300 mg should be given to all
patients presening with ACS, with 600 mg being preferable in those likely
to require urgent PCI.
Other thienopyridines
Recently two trials have shown favourable results with newer agents.
Prasugrel, a third generation thienopyridine, has been shown in vivo to



have a faster onset and be more potent than clopidogrel. The TRITON­
TIMI 38 study, undertaken in ACS patients (99 per cent undergoing PCI),
assessed prasugrel (loading dose 60 mg, followed by 10 mg maintenance)
in comparison to clopidogrel (loading dose 300 mg, followed by 75 mg
maintenance). The primary end point of cardiovascular death, non-fatal
MI and non-fatal stroke was reduced by 23 per cent at 30 days in the
prasugrel group (9.9 per cent vs 12.1 per cent, p < 0.001). The benefit was
sustained to 15 months though there was an increased risk of life-
threatening bleeding in those taking prasugrel (1.4 per cent vs 0.9 per cent,
p = 0.01). The benefits of prasugrel were more pronounced in STEMI
patients, in whom there was a 32 per cent reduction in the primary end
point, and a decreased requirement for adjuvant GpIIb/IIIa therapy with
no observed increase in bleeding.

Ticagralor was studied in the PLATO trial, where it was given as a

loading dose of 180 mg followed by maintenance of 90 mg twice a day.
At 12 months there was a 16 per cent reduction in events (a composite of
death from vascular causes, MI and stroke) as well as significant reduction
in all-cause mortality (4.5 per cent vs 5.9 per cent, p < 0.001). Overall
bleeding rates were the same in the two groups though there was an
increase in non-CABG-related major bleeding with ticagralor.

Duration of antiplatelets
Following NSTEACS, it is recommended that DAPT, with aspirin and
clopidogrel, should be continued for at least 1 year whether treated by
PCI or medically (CURE study). For STEMI, there is strong evidence
for benefit for DAPT up to 1 month (COMMIT and CLARITY studies)
and considering the effect on NSTEACS it is reasonable to continue
DAPT for 1 year for all ACS, including STEMI. In addition, most
patients will be treated with PCI and therefore the duration will depend
on the type of stent used as well as the risk of reinfarction (which will
be dependent on other factors such as diabetes and impaired left
ventricular function) that should be weighed up against the risk of
bleeding. Patients who receive a DES need to continue DAPT for at
least 1 year, as premature cessation is strongly associated with a risk
of stent thrombosis, which carries a high mortality. This was shown in
the PREMIER study where patients with DES who discontinued
clopidogrel experienced a nine-fold higher risk of mortalty (7.5 per cent
vs 0.7 per cent, p < 0.0001). Premature discontinuation in patients
managed medically may also lead to a higher risk of death and
reinfarction. Therefore, in any patients who are going to require



non-cardiac surgery or who have a bleed, the cessation of antiplatelets

should be discussed with a cardiologist first.

As previously discussed, heparin is required for 48 hours after
thrombolysis with plasminogen activators. Heparin is not beneficial and
is not recommended as routine therapy after streptokinase. UFH was used
in the initial trials of plasminogen activators, however more recently the
EXTRACT-TIMI 25 trial showed that the use of LMWH post
thrombolysis resulted in a lower rate of reinfarction compared to UFH
(9.9 per cent vs 12 per cent, p = 0.001) at a cost of increased major bleeding
(2.1 per cent vs 1.4 per cent, p < 0.001). In meta-analyses, the use of
LMWH has been shown to be more effective than UFH in reducing
reinfarction and ischaemia in NSTEACS treated medically with no
increase in bleeding. In the SYNERGY trial, LMWH has also been shown
to be as effective as UFH in patients undergoing an early invasive strategy
albeit at an increased risk of major bleeding (9.9 per cent vs 7.6 per cent).
The increased risk of bleeding in patients undergoing PCI may have been
due to the addition of UFH while the previous dose of LMWH was still
active. In the STACKENOX trial the addition of UFH to enoxaparin
resulted in a considerable and prolonged increase in clotting parameters
(anti-Xa and anti-IIa) but had no effect on the more routinely measured
activated clotting time (ACT). Additionally, LMWH alone during PCI in
the STEEPLE trial showed lower rates of mainly femoral access site
complications. However, the use of UFH is still recommended during PCI
procedures as it is rapidly effective with a measurable change in the ACT
and it can be promptly reversed with protamine if necessary.
Bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, is also effective in STEMI and
NSTEACS patients and can be continued during PCI. The main advantage
of bivalirudin is the reduction in bleeding compared to the use of heparin
and GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors. In NSTEACS, fondaparinux, a factor Xa
inhibitor, when given subcutaneously at a dose of 2.5 mg, was shown to be
as effective as the LMWH enoxaparin in the OASIS-5 trial. Major bleeds
were reduced by 48 per cent in the fondaparinux group, although it was
noted that there was a higher incidence of catheter-related thrombus which
did not impact on the primary end point. Therefore fondaparinux can be
recommended for NSTEACS, particularly for those at high risk of bleeding,
when intervention is likely to be delayed, or when medical management is
preferred. If patients on fondaparinux undergo PCI, it is recommeded that
they receive heparin during the procedure. Fondaparinux was also studied



in STEMI in the OASIS-6 trial involving 12 092 patients either treated with
thrombolysis, primary PCI or without any reperfusion therapy. There was
a significant reduction in the primary end point of death or reinfarction at
30 days when compared to UFH. (9.7 per cent vs 11.2 per cent, p = 0.008).
This benefit was mainly observed among patients who were not treated
with primary PCI. Even those that did not receive reperfusion therapy
without a conventional indication for UFH benefited from fondaparinux
in reducing the incidence of the primary end point. The benefits were
onserved without an increase in bleeding and stroke.
Overall, anticoagulants are recommended in all patients with ACS, but
the doses and agents used need to be carefully considered in relation to
patients’ bleeding risks.

Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitors

Because activation of the GpIIb/IIIa receptor is the final common pathway
of platelet aggregation through its ability to cross-link with other GpIIb/
IIIa receptors through fibrinogen or von Willebrand factor, different
agents have been developed specifically to inhibit this process. These are
the chimeric (murine–human) antibody fragment to the GpIIb/ IIIa
receptor, abciximab (Reopro™), synthetic peptides such as eptifibatide
(Integrelin™) and synthetic non-peptides such as tirofiban (Aggrastat™).
Abciximab is a Fab antibody fragment of a human–murine (chimeric)
monoclonal antibody (c7E3) with a short plasma half-life but with a strong
receptor affinity, persisting for weeks (although platelet aggregation
returns to normal within 48 hours). Abciximab is relatively non-specific
and also inhibits the vitronectin (αvβ3) receptor which is on endothelial
cells and the MAC-1 receptor on leucocytes. By contrast, the synthetic
(small molecule) GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors have half-lives of 2–3 hours and are
more specific to the receptor. There is an increased risk of bleeding with
these agents, which is typically mucocutaneous or at access sites,
particularly at the site of a femoral artery sheath.

Abciximab (ReoproTM )
Abciximab has the most data among the GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors, in
particular when used after angiography. Analysis of pooled data from three
large trials (EPIC/EPILOG/EPISTENT) including 7290 patients with ACS
receiving stenting has shown a 29 per cent reduction in late mortality
when compared to placebo. Based on the experience of the EPIC trial, the
EPILOG trial confirmed the need to reduce the bolus heparin dosing to



70 U/kg during intervention to diminish this risk. More recent data from
the ISAR-REACT 2 study have shown the benefit for abciximab in
addition to loading with clopidogrel 600 mg in NSTEACS. At 30 days,
the composite end point of death/MI/urgent target vessel
revascularization was reduced in the abciximab group by 25 per cent,
compared to placebo (8.9 per cent vs 11.9 per cent, p = 0.03). Subgroup
analysis had revealed that the benefits were isolated to those patients who
had positive troponins. Interestingly, the 1-year follow-up of
ISAR-REACT 2 has shown continued benefit in the primary end point
(23.3 per cent vs 28 per cent, p = 0.012), which now also extended to
troponin-negative patients.
The use of abciximab up-front (prior to angiography) has been studied
in a meta-analysis of 29 570 patients. The benefit of abciximab was
only observed in patients who subsequently went on to have PCI.
Based on current evidence, abciximab should be considered in the
catheter laboratory for all troponin-positive NSTEACS requiring PCI.
Among STEMI patients, the use of abciximab has been shown to be of
benefit in a large meta-analysis with 27 115 patients. However, several
of the trials did not use stents, and none of the included studies used
the higher loading dose of clopidogrel, so these studies do not really
reflect contemporary practice. Indeed, a more recent study, BRAVE-3,
showed no additional benefit on infarct size (measured by single-
photon emission CT) with abciximab when 600 mg of clopidogrel
was used. Based on the evidence, the use of abciximab for STEMI is
recommended, but not mandated, and may be reserved for patients
at low bleeding risk, who have not received adequate loading with
clopidogrel, or those with a large thrombus burden.

Tirofiban and eptifibatide

The small molecues tirofiban and eptifibatide have also been shown to be
of benefit when used in NSTEACS.
In the PRISM study, treatment with tirofiban in addition to aspirin
and UFH reduced death and non-fatal MI at 7 days (4.9 per cent vs
8.3 per cent, p < 0.01) and 30 days (8.7 per cent vs 11.9 per cent, p < 0.01).
Benefit was restricted to those patients who were troponin positive. In a
concurrent trial, PRISM-PLUS, 1915 patients with NSTEACS received
either tirofiban alone, tirofiban with heparin or heparin alone (all with
aspirin) for a mean of 71 hours. The tirofiban-alone group had an excess
of mortality and was discontinued. Angiography was done as clinically
indicated. Administration of tirofiban with heparin yielded significantly



lower 7-day and 6-month composite end points (death/MI/refractory

ischaemia) compared to heparin alone, 12.9 per cent vs 17.9 per cent
(32 per cent reduction, p < 0.01) and 27.7 per cent vs 32.1 per cent
(a 19 per cent reduction, p < 0.05), respectively. Tirofiban was compared to
abciximab in the TARGET study and was found to be inferior at
30 days with regards to the primary end point of death, MI and urgent
revascularization. However, there was no significant difference at
6 months and 1 year follow-up.
Eptifibatide is a cyclic heptapeptide that contains the KGD (lysine-glycine­
aspartate) amino acid sequence. In the PURSUIT trial, 10 948 patients
with NSTEACS received heparin, low dose, or high-dose eptifibatide
(Integrilin™) for 72 hours. At 30 days, the composite end point of death/
non-fatal MI was significantly lower in the eptifibatide group, driven by a
14.2 per cent vs 15.7 per cent (p < 0.05) in the eptifibatide and placebo group,
respectively. This occurred through a non-significant reduction in MI. The
ESPRIT study looked at patients undergoing PCI with a stent (46 per cent
with NSTEACS) and compared eptifibatide to placebo. The primary end
point was a composite of death, MI, urgent target vessel revascularization
and thrombotic bailout GpIIb/IIIa inhibitor therapy within 48 hours
after randomization. It showed a reduction in the eptifibatide arm from
10.5 per cent to 6.6 per cent (p = 0.0015) which was sustained to 6 months.
The up-front use of these two agents is recommended in NSTEACS.
However, early angiography is becoming more widely available, and
allows for PCI to relieve ischaemia. The use of GpIIb/IIIa inhibitors after
angiography has the added advantage of selecting the patients likely to
benefit the most (i.e. those undergoing PCI), and avoids administration to
subjects requiring surgical revascularization, or to those at an increased risk
of bleeding. This was shown to be the case in the EARLY-ACS trial where
up-front eptifibatide was compared to delayed provisional use. There was
no difference in the primary end point (death/MI/recurrent ischaemia
requiring urgent revascularization/thrombotic bailout). However, there was
a significant risk of major bleeding (2.5 per cent vs 1.8 per cent, p = 0.015).
Compared with abciximab, there are fewer data supporting the use of the
small molecules in STEMI. The EVA-AMI and MULTISTRATEGY studies
compared abciximab with eptifibatide and tirofiban, respectively. Both
trials showed similar benefits with the smaller molecules to abciximab.
However, as with abciximab, the benefit in addition to higher loading
doses of clopidogrel has not been shown. In the ON-TARGET 2 trial, early
tirofiban was used with 600 mg of clopidogrel and was not found to have



any clinical benefit compared to placebo. Overall, the small molecules can
be recommended for selective use in NSTEACS, but there is not enough
data to recommend their routine use in STEMI.

Beta-blockers have antiarrhythmic, anti-ischaemic and antihypertensive
properties. Small studies indicate that these beneficial effects reduce chest
pain, myocardial wall stress and infarct size in patients with STEMI. An
overview of almost 30 000 patients randomized to placebo or IV therapy
in the pre-thrombolytic era indicated that they were well tolerated,
preserved left ventricular function and reduced the incidence of
arrhythmia and early mortality.
The large COMMIT study compared the use of early IV then oral
metoprolol with placebo in STEMI patients. The metoprolol group showed
a modest reduction in reinfarction and ventricular fibrillation but no
overall benefit on mortality. More importantly, the rate of cardiogenic
shock was significantly higher in the metoprolol group. Therefore, routine
use of intravenous beta-blockers cannot be recommended for all patients
with STEMI. As maximum mortality benefit from beta-blocker therapy
is obtained in higher-risk patients, whose infarctions are complicated
by arrhythmias or heart failure; treatment should be directed to specific
problems such as ongoing chest pain, poorly controlled hypertension and
tachy-arrhythmia. However, patients should be carefully selected to avoid
those at risk of developing shock (e.g. patients with large, un-reperfused
anterior infarcts and patients with mechanical complications).
Long-term oral beta-blockers, commenced in the convalescent phase of MI,
have been evaluated in a large number of placebo-controlled trials. In a recent
meta-analysis of 82 trials enrolling more than 54 000 patients, mortality
was reduced by almost 25 per cent due to the prevention of reinfarction
and sudden death. These benefits are apparent irrespective of age, site of
infarction, and presence or absence of previous MI or complications. Serious
side effects are rare. Benefit is still apparent after several years of therapy, and
beta-blockers should therefore be continued indefinitely.
On the basis of these trial data, all patients should be considered for long-
term oral beta-blocker after STEMI. Contraindications to beta-blocker
therapy are present in around 15 per cent of patients, and consist of:
• resting heart rate <55 bpm
• second or third degree heart block
• a history of asthma.



In should be remembered that many patients with COPD have fixed

obstructive defects and beta-blockers should not be excluded from all
patients labelled with COPD. Since side effects and compliance can be
problematic in some patients, cardioselective agents such as bisoprolol or
metoprolol are preferable. Where there is concern as to whether a patient
will tolerate a beta-blocker, a low dose of a short-acting prepartion can be
used such as with metoprolol 25 mg bd as opposed to the usual dose of
50 mg bd. Treatment should be started on presentation for NSTEACS and
once haemodynamically stable after STEMI. The dose of beta-blockers
should be increased as necessary to obtain a resting heart rate of 50–60 bpm
and continued indefinitely in STEMI patients.

Calcium channel blockers

Calcium channel blocking drugs have anti-ischaemic, vasodilating and
antihypertensive properties that may be beneficial in patients with acute MI.
A meta-analysis of more than 20 000 patients enrolled in placebo-controlled
randomized trials, however, showed no significant beneficial effect on
mortality. There is some evidence that the type of calcium antagonist used
may be important. Dihydropyridine calcium antagonists are powerful
vasodilators and may induce tachycardia, since they have no effect on the
cardiac conduction system. In almost 10 000 studied patients dihydropyridine
agents showed a trend towards increased mortality. Both diltiazem and
verapamil have effects on the cardiac conduction system, slowing heart rate,
potentially improving their efficacy in MI patients. In a series of trials
randomizing 9000 patients (DAVIT-1, DAVIT-2, MDPIT and INTERCEPT),
these drugs also had no significant beneficial effect on mortality, although the
incidence of reinfarction and recurrent ischaemia was reduced. Subgroup
analysis suggested that the overall neutral effect reflects an increase in
mortality in patients with ventricular dysfunction, and a reduction in
mortality in those with well-preserved ventricular function.

These studies suggest that dihydropyridine calcium antagonists should be

avoided in MI patients. Rate-slowing calcium antagonists such as verapamil
and diltiazem should not be given to patients with significant left ventricular
dysfunction. For patients in whom a beta-blocker is contraindicated or poorly
tolerated, and left ventricular function is well preserved, a rate-slowing calcium
antagonist can be safely used for symptom control if required.

ACE inhibitors
Activation of the renin–angiotensin system is an early compensatory
response to an evolving MI. Activation of the renin–angiotensin system



leads to vasoconstriction, increased heart rate and sympathetic

activation. In the early phases of evolving MI these deleterious changes
will increase ventricular wall stress, increase oxygen consumption and
reduce electrical stability. In the longer term, persistent activation of
the renin–angiotensin system potentiates adverse remodelling, leading
to ventricular dilatation and heart failure. The adverse consequences
of renin–angiotensin activation can be blocked by the use of ACE
inhibitors with potentially beneficial effects on mortality. More than
100 000 patients have been evaluated in a series of trials that reported in
the 1990s (GISSI-3, ISIS-4, AIRE, SAVE, CCS-1 and TRACE). Trials of
short-term non-selective ACE inhibitor therapy started early after MI
demonstrated a small (approximately 6.5 per cent) reduction in 30-day
mortality with treatment. Trials of long-term selective therapy in
high-risk patients (with clinical evidence of heart failure or evidence of
substantial left ventricular dysfunction) demonstrated a large
(approximately 20 per cent) reduction in mortality, with particular
benefit in diabetics (HOPE study). Both the HOPE and EUROPA study
also showed benefit in patients with coronary disease irrespective of left
ventricular function, thereby implying an additional antiatherogenic
effect. On the basis of these trial data, ACE inhibitors should be
prescribed early after ACS in patients who are clinically stable with an
adequate blood pressure. If possible, treatment should be initiated
within 24 hours of admission, titrated up to target doses. Current
ACE inhibitors licensed post-MI are ramipril (target dose 5 mg bd or
10 mg od) and perindopril (target dose 8 mg od). Renal function and
electrolytes should be monitored to ensure there is no significant
ACE inhibitor-induced deterioration in renal function (a 20 per cent
reduction in eGFR on and ACE inhibitor is acceptable). In patients who
are intolerant to ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-2 receptor blocker may be
used instead.

Statin therapy has been evaluated in a series of large primary and
secondary prevention trials enrolling more than 50 000 patients (CARE,
4S, WOSCOPS, AFCAPS, LIPID and most recently the Heart Protection
Study). These trials conclusively demonstrate that:
• statin therapy reduces mortality in patients with symptomatic
ischaemic heart disease by around a third
• statin therapy is safe and well tolerated
• patients of all ages and either sex benefit



• patients with relatively normal cholesterol levels obtain similar

benefit to those with substantial cholesterol elevation
• initiation of treatment in hospital helps to reduce the rate of early
recurrent ischaemia and readmission.
Overall, the benefit of statin therapy in the primary prevention of coronary
heart disease and in the secondary prevention of further events in patients
with angina, and previous unstable angina or infarction is well-established.
There is also evidence to support their role as adjunctive therapy in ACS.
The rationale for this is based on their pleiotropic effects such as a positive
effect on endothelial function, a reduction in platelet aggregability and an
anti-inflammatory effect, manifest as a reduction in the C-reactive protein
level. The MIRACL trial recruited 3000 patients with NSTEACS who were
randomized to either atorvastatin 80 mg or placebo within 63 hours of
presentation, in addition to routine anti-ischaemic therapy. At 4-month
follow-up, there was a significant reduction in the composite end point
of death/MI/resuscitated cardiac arrest/re-hospitalization for worsening
angina in the treatment group, from 17.4 per cent to 14.8 per cent
(p = 0.048). In addition, re-hospitalization alone was reduced as a secondary
outcome. The PROVE-IT trial compared pravastatin 40 mg to atorvastatin
80 mg in both NSTEACS and STEMI. It showed a 16 per cent reduction
in events (death, MI, unstable angina requiring re-hospitalization,
revascularization or stroke) in those taking atorvastatin at 30 days. On the
basis of these trial data, all patients with ACS should be commenced on a
high dose of statin early in their hospital admission.

Hypokalaemia is common in patients with acute infarction, and is related
to prior treatment with diuretics or catecholamine effects on electrolyte
handling. Hypokalaemia is associated with myocardial electrical instability
(the incidence of ventricular fibrillation may be as high as 15 per cent in
infarcts associated with a serum potassium of 3.0–3.5 mmol/L, and 5 per cent
or less in infarcts associated with a potassium of 4.5–5.0 mmol/L) and
should be corrected. If serum potassium is below 4.0 mmol/L in the absence
of an important arrhythmia, then oral potassium supplements are given
(e.g. slow K, three tablets three times daily, providing approximately
72 mmol potassium daily) and potassium rechecked after 12–18 hours. If
ventricular arrhythmias occur in association with a serum potassium of
less than 4.0 mmol/L, intravenous potassium is given as detailed in
Appendix A, rechecking serum levels after 3 hours to ensure that
potassium levels have risen to greater than 4.0 mmol/L.



Magnesium therapy
A number of small studies (including LIMIT-2) suggested that routine
administration of magnesium may reduce mortality following acute
infarction by beneficial effects on heart rate, contractility, electrical
stability and platelet activity. The routine use of magnesium was therefore
examined in almost 60 000 patients in the ISIS-4 study, and this showed
that treatment had no beneficial effect on mortality. Subgroup analysis
showed no benefit even when magnesium was given early, or to patients
who did not receive thrombolytic therapy. These results were confirmed
in the recent MAGIC trial of over 6000 patients. There is therefore no
good evidence to support the routine use of magnesium in patients with
evolving acute MI. Magnesium is, however, still indicated for the
treatment of arrhythmias.
Nitrate therapy
Nitrates have a number of potentially beneficial effects (systemic
vasodilatation and coronary artery dilatation), and small early studies
suggested that their routine administration to patients with acute
infarction may reduce mortality. The ISIS-4 and GISSI-3 trials investigated
routine nitrate use in a total of almost 80 000 patients, and found no
substantial beneficial effect on mortality. Although nitrates are safe and
effective in the treatment of post-infarction ischaemia or heart failure,
they should not routinely be administered to uncomplicated patients.

Patients with pre-existing diabetes have an increased risk of ischaemic
heart disease, and an unfavourable prognosis following acute MI. Patients
who have no history of diabetes but an elevated glucose on admission also
have a poor prognosis. The high mortality may be related to the
occurrence of autonomic neuropathy, pre-existing ventricular
dysfunction or due to detrimental myocardial cellular changes induced by
diabetes. Additionally, sympathetic activation will induce insulin
resistance and hyperglycaemia in susceptible patients, increasing the
release of non-esterified fatty acids, which augment myocardial oxygen
consumption, depress contractility and increase the risk of heart failure.
A strategy of controlling elevated plasma glucose by insulin infusion
followed by subcutaneous injections in hyperglycaemic patients with
acute MI could prevent these adverse metabolic effects, and was
investigated in over 600 patients randomized in the DIGAMI trial.
Treatment with IV insulin infusion reduced mortality by around
40 per cent. The maximum reduction in mortality occurred in patients



who had not previously received insulin therapy, and were at low risk of
death on the basis of clinical criteria. On the basis of these trial data, it is
recommended that all patients with an admission glucose >11 mmol/L
should be commenced on a sliding scale IV insulin infusion with
the infusion rate adjusted to maintain blood glucose in the range
7–11 mmol/L, in combination with 500 mL of 5 per cent dextrose infused
over 24 hours. Oral hypoglycaemic agents should be withdrawn. The
infusion should be continued for at least 24 hours, or until the patient is
clinically stable. However, it is less clear how to manage patients in the
long term. The DIGAMI trial suggested that 3 months of tight glycaemic
control with subcutaneous insulin may improve outcomes; however, this
was not confirmed in the DIGAMI-2 trial. Therefore, tight control with
conventional oral hypoglycaemics may be of benefit where possible, and
may reduce the incidence of adverse effects due to insulin such as weight
gain and hypoglycaemia.

Prophylactic antiarrhythmic therapy

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias are an important cause of death early after
the onset of MI. Class I antiarrhythmic drugs can suppress these
arrhythmias, but this beneficial effect may be offset by adverse effects such
as the induction of bradyarrhythmias, induction of tachyarrhythmias and
depression of ventricular function. A meta-analysis of more than 200 000
patients treated with prophylactic class I drugs showed no beneficial
effects on mortality. On the basis of these trial data, routine prophylactic
therapy with class I antiarrhythmic drugs early in the course of evolving
MI is not recommended.

Pre-existing drug therapy

Patients admitted with evolving acute MI are often already on treatment
with oral beta-blockers for pre-existing angina or hypertension. Given the
beneficial effects of beta-blockers following infarction and the potential
adverse effects associated with abrupt beta-blocker withdrawal,
administration of these agents should continue uninterrupted unless
important heart failure or a symptomatic bradyarrhythmia develops.
Combined oral contraceptives and HRT are associated with an increased
risk of thromboembolism and reinfarction, and should be withdrawn.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories not only increase the risk of bleeding
from the GI tract but also reduce the effectiveness of aspirin and are
associated with higher rate of myocardial infarction and death. Similarly,
COX-2 inhibitors should be avoided in the post-infarct period.



Complications following ACS are more common following STEMI.
Modern reperfusion including the increased use of PCI has resulted in
dramatic reductions of reinfarction and death over the last decade;
consequently, this has resulted in a reduction in the incidence of
post-ACS complications. In a SWISS registery of STEMI patients,
reinfarction decreased from 3.7 per cent to 0.9 per cent between the
years 2000 and 2007. This was linked with an increase in the use of PCI
from 43 per cent to 85 per cent over the same time period. However,
complications still occur and when they do arise are often related to
more extensive STEMI, where the infarct-related artery has not been
reperfused. This is more common in patients who present late, the
elderly (over 75) and those with diabetes. These patients often have
poorer left ventricular function and additionally may have extensive
coronary disease which is not easily amenable to revascularization. Left
ventricular dysfunction is directly associated with lower rates of
survival and those with extensive myocardial injury more commonly
have mechanical and arrythmic complications. In patients with severe
left ventricular dysfunction (EF <30 per cent) despite successful
revascularization for STEMI, the presence of pathological Q waves on
ECG and signs of heart failure are clinical markers of poor myocardial
recovery and prognosis. It is important to identify these patients early
so they can be monitored closely and to allow for prompt treatment
when necessary.

Left ventricular failure

Left ventricular failure (LVF) is common after STEMI. In patients with
only a small area of infarction, catecholamine-mediated increase in heart
rate and contractility in the normally functioning non-infarcted segments
of the left ventricle will prevent decompensation. In patients with more
extensive infarction, those mechanisms are overwhelmed, left ventricular
end diastolic pressure rises and pulmonary oedema occurs. In some
patients, LVF is due to, or exacerbated by, complications such as
arrhythmia, severe mitral regurgitation or ventricular septal rupture.
The occurrence of LVF is an adverse prognostic feature, with a close
correlation between the degree of failure and mortality (with in-hospital
mortality rising from 6 per cent in patients free of signs of LVF, to
38 per cent in those with extensive crepitations).


Diagnosis and assessment

Clinical diagnosis of LVF after ACS is often difficult. Clinical signs,
symptoms and investigational features are highly variable, inconsistent
and only loosely correlated together. For example, basal crepitations are
common in patients with lung disease, irrespective of the presence of LVF,
and pronounced radiological pulmonary congestion can be present in a
patient whose chest is clear to auscultation. LVF should be suspected in
any patient with ACS and extensive ventricular dysfunction (due to a large
degree of infarction, or a smaller infarction occurring in a patient with
previous ischaemic ventricular damage) who develops breathlessness in
association with a third heart sound and crepitations. Physical signs can
change rapidly, and the heart and lungs should be auscultated at regular
intervals during the early phase of evolving MI. The chest x-ray may show
abnormalities including cardiomegaly, upper lobe diversion and perihilar
alveolar shadowing. If signs of LVF develop, a careful clinical assessment
is required (including echocardiography if possible) to exclude a
mechanical complication, such as severe acute mitral regurgitation or
ventricular septal rupture.
Treatment of LVF consists of measures to relieve distress, reduce cardiac
filling pressures (by vasodilatation) and decrease intraventricular fluid
volume (by induction of diuresis), leading to a fall in left ventricular end
diastolic pressure with resolution of pulmonary oedema. Chronic drug
therapy aims to prevent the recurrence of symptoms and can reduce
mortality in the case of eplerenone. This aldosterone antagonist has been
shown to reduce mortality in patients with signs of post-MI heart failure
and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤ 40 per cent. This may be due to
beneficial effects on reducing myocardial fibrosis or by reducing the
incidence of hypokalaemia that may be an important contributing factor
to fatal arrhythmias. In addition, in some patients left ventricular
function will improve with resolution of myocardial stunning, helping to
prevent recurrence of symptoms after the acute event. Treatment of acute
LVF consists of:
• sitting the patient in an upright posture and giving oxygen. This
helps to diminish venous return and improve oxygenation
• giving diamorphine by slow IV injection in 2.0 mg boluses, along
with an antiemetic such as metoclopramide 10 mg. Diamorphine
acts as a sedative to relieve distress, and as a vasodilator to improve
pulmonary oedema


• giving a loop diuretic such as frusemide 80–160 mg as a slow

intravenous injection. Intravenous loop diuretics induce
vasodilatation followed by diuresis, improving LVF by a dual
mechanism of action
• if blood pressure is adequate (>100 mmHg), commencing an IV
nitrate infusion as detailed in Appendix A. Nitrate-induced
vasodilatation helps to reduce venous return, leading to a fall in left
ventricular end diastolic pressure and an improvement in
pulmonary oedema. The nitrate infusion should commence at a
low dose and be increased periodically
• monitor urine output accurately to ensure adequate renal perfusion
and to assess response to diuretics.
If these measures fail to control the situation, a further IV bolus of
frusemide should be given and a senior colleague consulted. If a surgically
treatable infarct-related complication can be identified, such as acute
severe mitral regurgitation or ventricular septal rupture, insertion of an
intra-aortic balloon pump or assisted ventilation (which can be instituted
non-invasively using mask-based systems) may help to stabilize the patient
for long enough to allow corrective surgery. In the absence of a treatable
complication, the prognosis of severe LVF that does not respond to
diamorphine, diuretics and nitrates is poor.

Cardiogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock occurs in a small proportion of patients who
present with extensive infarction and is responsible for the majority of
in-hospital deaths. The GRACE registery data and a large Swiss registery
have shown that the incidence has recently decreased as the use of
reperfusion and in particular primary PCI has increased. This is likely
to be as a result of reducing recurrent ischaemia with use of stents and
antiplatelets, in addition to smaller infarct sizes due to accessibility of
early primary PCI and thrombolysis. Cardiogenic shock complicating
an ACS can be due to:
• infarction or ischaemia of >40 per cent of the left ventricular
myocardium leading to pump failure (85 per cent of cases)
• a potentially reversible complication leading to severe
decompensation, such as acute mitral regurgitation, ventricular
septal rupture or right ventricular infarction (15 per cent of

The factors associated with an increased risk of developing cardiogenic

shock are:
• extensive Q-wave anterior MI, STEMI associated with left bundle
branch block or failure of reperfusion
• MI occurring in patients with previous infarction or CABG
• increasing age or female sex
• hypertension
• diabetes.
In patients who present with an extensive infarction, cardiogenic shock
usually develops early (within 24 hours of admission). If cardiogenic
shock develops later, a careful assessment of the patient is required. In t his
situation cardiogenic shock is often associated with recurrent ischaemia
leading to infarct extension and further impairment of left ventricular
function, or to a mechanical complication, which may be amenable to
surgical correction. Data from registry studies of cardiogenic shock
treated by medical therapy suggest that mortality remains around
80–90 per cent. Treatment in cardiogenic shock is designed to improve
myocardial perfusion by the use of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
and emergency revascularization. Data derived from case series, registry
studies and retrospective analysis of thrombolysis trial databases
suggest that early aggressive supportive therapy combined with cardiac
catheterization and revascularization may favourably influence mortality.
Stabilization and revascularization may be beneficial by aiding recovery
of stunned myocardium around the edge of the infarct zone, allowing
some recovery and improvement in myocardial function. These studies
are compromised by their non-randomized trial design, and the potential
confounding effect of patient selection bias, which may skew the results
in favour of revascularization (since the fittest youngest patients who
are most likely to survive are the cases most likely to undergo intensive
treatment and revascularization). Randomized trials have been
difficult to organize, but some information is now available. The Swiss
Multicentre trial of Angioplasty for Shock (SMASH) demonstrated that
revascularization was associated with a non-significant trend to reduced
mortality although the small size of the study (55 patients) did not allow a
statistically reliable conclusion to be reached. The SHould we emergently
revascularize Occluded Coronaries for shocK (SHOCK) trial randomized
302 patients to receive either early revascularization or medical therapy.
Survival was non-significantly improved at 30 days, and significantly
improved at 6 months (50.3 per cent mortality in the revascularization
group compared with 63.1 per cent mortality with medical therapy).

Subgroup analysis suggested a larger benefit for younger (<75 years of age)
patients treated early (within 6 hours of diagnosis). Taken together, this
body of non-randomized and randomized trial data suggests that selected
patients with cardiogenic shock may benefit from intensive supportive
therapy combined with revascularization.

A diagnosis of cardiogenic shock due to left ventricular dysfunction can
be confidently made in patients with evidence of extensive ischaemic
myocardial damage who present within 24 hours of the onset of an acute
STEMI with features of:
• hypotension (systolic BP persistently <90 mmHg)
• clinical signs of a low output sate (urine output <30 mL/h, poor
peripheral perfusion or impaired cerebration)
• evidence of raised cardiac filling pressures (the presence of clinical
or radiological pulmonary oedema implies that pulmonary artery
wedge pressure is >15 mmHg).
If there are atypical features to the clinical presentation, careful evaluation is
required to exclude treatable complications of MI. In particular, if there is:
• late onset of cardiogenic shock or an associated new murmur, the
cardiogenic shock may be due to a mechanical complication
• low blood pressure in the absence of pulmonary oedema in a
patient with inferior or posterior infarction or a negative fluid
balance, when hypotension may be due to right ventricular
infarction or hypovolaemia.
If any doubt exists as to the cause of the cardiogenic shock,
echocardiography and pulmonary artery catheterization are required. In
patients with cardiogenic shock due to severe left ventricular dysfunction
there will be extensive left ventricular hypokinesia at echocardiography in
association with a raised (>15 mmHg) pulmonary wedge pressure and a
low (<2.2 L/min/m2) cardiac index.

Management of cardiogenic shock due to severe ischaemic left

ventricular dysfunction
In treating these patients, the priorities are to stabilize the haemodynamic
situation, and identify patients who are likely to benefit from aggressive
intervention. Stabilizing the haemodynamic state requires:
• treatment of arrhythmias
• giving oxygen for hypoxia

• treating pulmonary oedema with intravenous frusemide

• early percutaneous revascularization with use of intra-aortic
balloon pump.
In a patient less than 75 years of age who has presented early after an
infarct, cardiac catheterization and (if possible) angioplasty should be
considered. Patients unsuitable for revascularization, especially those
with significant co-morbidity including pre-exisiting renal impairment
have a very poor prognosis and are not likely to survive. If an underlying
mechanical complication such as ventricular septal rupture or acute
severe mitral regurgitation is present, and surgical correction is possible,
insertion of an intra-aortic balloon pump or ventilation should be
considered to help stabilize the patient.

Management of hypotension associated with right ventricular

infarction or hypovolaemia
Right ventricular infarction commonly occurs in association with an
extensive infero-posterior STEMI due to proximal occlusion of a large
right coronary artery. Ischaemic damage leads to a rise in right ventricular
end diastolic pressure and reduction in right ventricular stroke volume.
The infarcted dilated right ventricle impairs left ventricular filling. These
two mechanisms lead to a fall in cardiac output and systemic hypotension.
AF and complete heart block occur in about a third of patients with right
ventricular infarction. These arrhythmias cause further haemodynamic
deterioration due to loss of atrial transport in a situation where ventricular
filling is already compromised. Right ventricular infarction should be
suspected in any patient with inferior STEMI who develops hypotension.
The diagnosis can be confirmed by:
• the presence of hypotension in association with a raised jugular
venous pressure (JVP) and clear lung fields
• ST elevation in a V4R lead
• insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter and echocardiography.
Patients with right ventricular infarction as the cause of their hypotension
have a characteristic haemodynamic profile, with a low or normal wedge
pressure in association with a raised right ventricular diastolic and
right atrial pressure. Echocardiography is required to ensure that the
hypotension is not due to a ventricular septal rupture or acute severe
mitral regurgitation.
Improving outcome in patients with right ventricular infarction depends
on increasing right ventricular preload by fluid loading and avoiding

vasodilator drugs, correcting arrhythmias and using inotropes only when

fluid balance has been optimized. Treatment therefore consists of:
• insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter to confirm diagnosis and
guide treatment
• avoiding treatment with diuretics or vasodilators, which will
exacerbate the haemodynamic problem by reducing preload
• fluid loading with 200 mL of physiological saline over 10 minutes,
followed by 1–2 litres over 2–4 hours, followed by 200 mL/h. The
infusion rate should be carefully titrated to maintain an optimal
wedge pressure of 15 mmHg
• if hypotension persists despite an optimal wedge pressure, treating
with intravenous inotropes
• if complete heart block occurs, restoring AV synchrony with
temporary dual chamber pacing
• if AF occurs, restoring AV synchrony with cardioversion.
With aggressive treatment, mortality in hypotensive patients with right
ventricular infarction can be reduced to 20–30 per cent.
If fluid intake is poor or aggressive diuretic therapy has been employed,
hypotension can occur in the absence of major left or right ventricular
dysfunction due to intravascular volume depletion. These patients will
have hypotension, clear lung fields and a normal venous pressure. A
V4R recording will normally show no ST elevation. It can be difficult
to confidently differentiate this from right ventricular infarction, and a
pulmonary artery catheter will be required to clarify the diagnosis and
guide therapy. In patients with intravascular volume depletion, wedge
pressure, right ventricular and right atrial pressures will be low. Treatment
consists of withholding diuretics and vasodilators and expanding
intravascular volume with intravenous fluids.

Ventricular free wall rupture

Rupture of the free wall of the left ventricle occurs in up to 3 per cent of all
hospitalized patients with STEMI, accounting for 20 per cent of hospital
deaths. Risk factors for free wall rupture are:
• increasing age
• female sex
• first infarct


• hypertension
• marked/persistent ST elevation.
In addition, the incidence of free wall rupture may be increased by
thrombolytic therapy, particularly if it is given late in the course of the
infarct. Intravenous beta-blocker therapy reduces the risk of free wall
rupture. Free wall ruptures present within a few days of the onset of
STEMI. The usual presentation is with a sudden acute rupture presenting
as collapse with electromechanical dissociation which does not respond to
resuscitation. In 25 per cent of cases a subacute rupture occurs, with a slower
leak of blood into the pericardial space which may produce tamponade.
Echocardiography confirms the presence of fluid in the pericardial space.
Immediate surgery should be considered, as there is a high risk of major
rupture and death occurring unpredictably.

Ventricular septal rupture

Ventricular septal rupture occurs in up to 2 per cent of hospitalized
patients with STEMI, with most cases occurring within the first
post-infarct week. With anterior infarction, the defect is usually apical
and involves one direct perforation. With inferior infarction, the defect is
often a complex serpiginous or fenestrated lesion involving the posterior
or basal septum; these complex defects are more technically difficult to
surgically repair. Patients present with signs and symptoms of heart
failure in association with a new pansystolic murmur, maximal at the
lower left sternal edge. The clinical presentation may be confusing, with
progression to cardiogenic shock and a minimal murmur. The diagnosis
can be confirmed by echocardiography or right heart catheterization. The
diagnostic features are:
• visible defect in intraventricular septum with jet crossing from left
to right ventricle on echocardiography
• an increase in oxygen saturation from right atrium to right
ventricle of >10 per cent due to oxygenated blood crossing the
septum via the defect. A large increase in saturation implies the
presence of a large defect.
When the diagnosis has been established, supportive therapy with diuretics,
nitrates, inotropes and an intra-aortic balloon pump may help to stabilize
the haemodynamic status. Without corrective surgery, 90 per cent of
patients die, usually within days of diagnosis. Even with surgery, mortality
is 25–50 per cent (with mortality risk increased in older patients, those


with major haemodynamic compromise, and when the defect complicates

inferior infarction). Surgery should probably be carried out as early as
possible, since most patients will develop progressive haemodynamic
compromise with multi-organ failure if the operation is delayed, and this
decreases the chance of surviving an operation. Percutaneous closure, of
post-MI VSDs, with occluder devices has been successfully carried out.
This is not recommended at present for routine use and patients require
careful selection with regards to the position of the defect.

Acute mitral regurgitation

A mild degree of mitral regurgitation occurs in 40 per cent of patients
with STEMI. This mild regurgitation is related to ventricular dilatation
and shape change (which distort mitral annulus geometry) or papillary
muscle dysfunction (which interferes with mitral leaflet function).
The postero-medial papillary muscle is more vulnerable to ischaemia
since its blood supply is derived solely from the circumflex artery,
whereas the antero-lateral papillary muscle has a dual vascular supply
(from the circumflex and left anterior descending). This mild degree
of mitral regurgitation is usually well tolerated, and detectable only by
the presence of a mitral pansystolic murmur. The mitral regurgitant
murmur may be transitory, disappearing as reperfusion or recovery of
left ventricular function restores mitral annulus geometry or papillary
muscle function.
Severe acute mitral regurgitation complicates around 1 per cent of patients
with STEMI, usually early in the first post-infarct week. The mechanism
is usually rupture of the postero-medial papillary muscle complicating
an inferior STEMI, leading to a flail posterior mitral leaflet. Severe acute
mitral regurgitation can occur as a consequence of a small localized
subendocardial infarct in a patient with well-preserved left ventricular
function if the area of infarction involves the postero-medial papillary
muscle. Patients present with severe heart failure, which may progress to
cardiogenic shock. There may be a new loud pansystolic murmur, maximal
at the apex and radiating to the axilla. If the pressure gradient between
the left ventricle and left atrium is minimal (due to pressure equalization
between the two chambers when the regurgitation is severe), the murmur
may be minimal or absent. Even in the absence of a characteristic murmur,
acute severe mitral regurgitation should be looked for in any patient who
develops severe heart failure, particularly if the onset is delayed or the
deterioration occurs in a patient with inferior infarction with preserved left
ventricular function.


Patients with suspected acute severe mitral regurgitation require urgent

evaluation with a view to emergency surgery. The diagnosis can be
confirmed by:
• echocardiography; this may show a flail leaflet and Doppler
evidence of severe mitral regurgitation. The left atrium is often
not enlarged
• right heart catheterization and oximetry; oximetry shows no shunt,
and prominent V waves may be visible in the pulmonary artery
wedge pressure trace.

Treatment with diuretics, vasodilators and an intra-aortic balloon pump

may help to stabilize the patient initially, but mortality without operation
is >90 per cent. Urgent mitral valve surgery is required for all suitable
patients. Perioperative mortality is 30 per cent and patients who survive to
discharge have a good long-term prognosis.

Left ventricular thrombus, aneurysm formation and

The incidence of left ventricular thrombus (LVT) detected on
echocardiography post-MI is around 5 per cent in the modern,
reperfusion era. It is associated with poor left ventricular function and
mitral regurgitation. Patients with a small degree of infarction,
particularly if the site is inferior or lateral, are at lower risk. All patients
with extensive anterior MI should have an early echocardiogram. If a
thrombus is visualized (particularly if it is large, irregularly shaped or has
frond-like appendages), there is a substantially increased risk of an early
systemic embolus often leading to stroke. From observational studies,
anticoagulation with warfarin has been shown to reduce the incidence of
cerebral emboli in patients with LVT. However, the duration of
anticoagulation has not been well established and the use of DAPT has not
been investigated. Many patients require DAPT following ACS and the
addition of warfarin has been shown to significantly increase the risk of
major bleeding. Therefore warfarin and DAPT should only be used in
patients with LVT at highest risk of thromboembolism such as those with
AF and poor left ventricular function. Ideally the treatment should be
switched to warfarin alone or with a single antiplatelet agent as soon as
reasonably possible, which usually depends on the type of stent used at
Left ventricular aneurysm (LVA) develops in a large proportion of
patients with complicated extensive infarcts and is often associated


with LVT and heart failure. The clinical features that increase the risk of
LVA formation are:
• extensive anterior STEMI
• persistent ST elevation in the infarct zone
• heart failure.
Patients with confirmed LVA should be considered for anticoagulation to
reduce thromboembolism. In view of their concomitant left ventricular
dysfunction they should also receive adequate drug therapy, including
ACE inhibitors and aldosterone antagonists. They are at high risk of
ventricular arrhythmia and should be evaluated for an implantable
cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). If they remain symptomatic with heart
failure or develop worsening mitral regurgitation, due to negative left
ventricular remodelling, they should be considered for coronary artery
bypass surgery and aneurysmectomy.
Clinically significant deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
are now rare following uncomplicated ACS. The risks are increased in
patients with extensive complicated STEMI, particularly if prolonged bed
rest or heart failure occur. In high-risk patients, prophylactic low-dose
subcutaneous LMWH should be instituted and continued until the patient
is clinically stable and mobile.
Pericarditis is an early complication associated with extensive STEMI,
usually within the first week. The clinical features of pericarditis
complicating anterior STEMI are:
• sharp central chest pain, worse with respiration, relieved by sitting
up or leaning forward but not relieved by glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
• an associated friction rub.
In inferior STEMI a friction rub is rare, and the pain may be atypical
or radiate to the left shoulder. Progression of pericarditis to a clinically
significant effusion is rare. Treatment consists of:
• reassuring the patient about the cause of the symptoms
• pain relief with simple analgesics such as dihydrocodeine, with
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents reserved for patients with
persistent symptoms
• avoiding administration of anticoagulants if possible, as they may
increase the risk of progression to haemorrhagic pericardial
effusion, leading to tamponade.


Patients who present later (between 2 weeks and 3 months post-MI)

with pericardial pain and friction rub, fever and an elevated erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) may have Dressler’s syndrome. This is thought to be
an immunological syndrome triggered by myocardial necrosis. Patients may
have associated pleurisy and, rarely, pulmonary infiltrates. Dressler’s syndrome
is now rare after MI, and is seen most commonly after cardiac surgery.


Peri-infarction arrhythmias (occurring within 48 hours) are very common
in patients with STEMI, and are an important cause of death. Acute
myocardial ischaemia induces a wide range of detrimental changes in
myocyte metabolism (intracellular acidosis, raised cAMP, raised sodium,
magnesium and calcium). These occur in association with adverse
changes in systemic biochemical and physiological function induced by
the evolving infarct (systemic acidosis, abnormal potassium, lactate,
adenosine, CO2 and lysophosphoglycerides along with catecholamine
release and autonomic disturbance). These factors interact to destabilize
myocardial electrical function, leading to the induction of peri-infarction
arrhythmias. Even a small area of ischaemia or infarction can develop
electrical instability, leading to the induction of potentially lethal
arrhythmias. These local and systemic proarrhythmic disturbances are
maximal early after the onset of the ACS, resolving within 48 hours,
thereby reducing the risk of late arrhythmia recurrence due to these
mechanisms. Since these early peri-infarction arrhythmias are not related
to infarct size and have a low recurrence rate, they are not invariably
associated with a poor long-term prognosis.
Infarct site has an important influence on the type of peri-infarction
arrhythmias that occur. In patients with anterior infarction there is a relative
excess of sympathetic activation, promoting the induction of tachyarrhythmias
in areas of enhanced automaticity. There is a high density of vagal receptors
in the infero-posterior wall of the left ventricle, which are activated during
inferior infarction. The resultant increase in vagal activity, acting in
conjunction with infarct-related disturbance of function in the conduction
system, increases the incidence of bradyarrhythmias.

Supraventricular and ventricular ectopic beats

Frequent ectopic beats occur in the majority of patients with ACS.
Supraventricular ectopic beats are due to enhanced automaticity in the



atria or AV junction. Since ventricular activation occurs via the normal

conduction system, supraventricular ectopics are characterized by a QRS
complex of normal morphology, which occurs prematurely and may be
preceded by an abnormal P wave. Ventricular ectopics arise due to enhanced
automaticity in the ventricular myocardium. Since depolarization occurs
outside the normal conduction system, the resultant QRS complex has a
broad configuration. Ectopic beats are usually asymptomatic, and are not
associated with an adverse prognosis, regardless of their frequency and
complexity. When frequent ectopics occur:
• pain relief should be adequate – if continuing ischaemic pain is
present, use of IV beta-blockade or further diamorphine should be
• heart failure should be looked for and treated if present
• electrolytes should be checked and oral supplements given if
potassium is <4.0 mmol/L
• giving IV magnesium should be considered if the patient has been
on long-term diuretic therapy prior to admission.
There is no evidence that suppression of ectopics with antiarrhythmic drugs
prevents the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmias or improves prognosis.

Sinus tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia is common after an ACS, and is often associated
with extensive anterior STEMI, sympathetic activation and an adverse
prognosis. In sinus tachycardia, each QRS complex is preceded by a
normal P wave, the QRS complexes are of normal morphology, and the
rate is normally less than 140 bpm. If sinus tachycardia is persistent and
excessive, it may cause extension of myocardial necrosis by increasing
oxygen consumption. If sinus tachycardia is persistent:
• adequate analgesia should be ensured
• heart failure should be looked for and treated
• beta-blockade should be considered if there are no


Prolonged sinus tachycardia is most likely to occur in a patient with

extensive infarction and major left ventricular impairment.

Atrial tachyarrhythmias
Peri-infarction AF occurs in 10–20 per cent of STEMI patients. Atrial
electrical instability or stretch leads to the development of multiple micro



re-entry circuits within the atrium leading to chaotic atrial electrical activity
which is intermittently conducted via the AV node to erratically depolarize
the ventricles. The rapid ventricular rate and loss of AV synchrony results in
a significant reduction in cardiac output and an increase in ischaemia.
Characteristic ECG features of AF are an irregular baseline due to
fibrillation waves (often best seen in V1) with completely irregular
ventricular activity. The incidence of AF is increased in patients with:
• large infarctions
• increased age
• pericarditis
• right ventricular infarction
• diabetes
• hypertension
• inotrope use.
The development of early (<24 hours) AF is usually associated with
inferior STEMI, whilst later (>24 hours) AF is usually associated with
anterior STEMI and heart failure. Mortality is more than doubled in ACS
patients who develop AF.

The treatment of ACS-related AF depends on the ventricular rate and

associated clinical features:
• If the ventricular rate is rapid (>200 bpm), systolic BP is low
(<90 mmHg) or the arrhythmia is associated with chest pain,
heart failure or impaired consciousness, immediate direct current
cardioversion (DCC) is the treatment of choice.
• Many episodes of ACS-related AF are short-lived (50 per cent last
less than 30 minutes) and well tolerated. If AF occurs with a rate of
<110 bpm, systolic blood pressure is maintained above 90 mmHg
and there are no associated symptoms, no treatment is necessary
• If AF persists for more than 30 minutes, has a rate consistently
>110 bpm, is associated with a fall in systolic BP or with rate-related
symptoms, drug treatment is indicated.

A variety of drugs can be used to treat patients with peri-infarction AF. In

patients with coexistent symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction, digoxin
(0.25–0.5 mg IV every 6–8 hours up to a maximum of 1 mg/24 hours)
helps to slow ventricular rate and its inotropic properties may improve



cardiac function. Digoxin slows ventricular rate by an indirect effect on AV

nodal conduction, mediated by an increase in parasympathetic activity. In
patients with acute infarction who have extensive sympathetic activation
and vagal inhibition, this mechanism may be relatively ineffective. In
patients who have no signs of heart failure (or other contraindication), IV
atenolol is effective for rapid ventricular rate control. If a central venous
line is in place, intravenous amiodarone is useful. This can be administered
to patients regardless of left ventricular function. In addition to achieving
rapid ventricular rate control (due to a beta-blocking effect) amiodarone
also has a beneficial effect on atrial electrical stability. This helps to restore
sinus rhythm in up to 75 per cent of treated patients within 4 hours.
All patients with AF should be anticoagulated with heparin. If the
arrhythmia persists for more than 24 hours, restoration of sinus rhythm by
electrical cardioversion should be considered to reduce the long-term risk
of arrhythmia-associated thromboembolism. Atrial flutter is less common
than AF, but presents and is managed in a similar fashion.

Idioventricular rhythm
Idioventricular rhythm is very common in STEMI patients, presenting
as a regular broad complex tachycardia with a stable QRS configuration
and a rate of less than 120 bpm. It is due to enhanced automaticity in a
ventricular focus, and is often associated with spontaneous or
therapeutic reperfusion. Idioventricular rhythm is rarely associated
with haemodynamic compromise and has no adverse effect on
mortality. Since the arrhythmia is usually well tolerated, no specific
treatment is required.

Ventricular tachycardia
Non-sustained VT (three or more consecutive ventricular beats at a rate
>120 bpm, lasting for less than 30 seconds) occurs in up to 7 per cent of
STEMI patients. When it occurs in patients with previous MI or has a
rapid rate, it may be a marker of an adverse prognosis. In most patients it is
asymptomatic, and antiarrhythmic therapy (with the exception of
beta-blockers) should be avoided. As for other non-sustained
peri-infarction arrhythmias, treatment should be directed towards
control of pain, ongoing cardiac ischaemia, heart failure and correction of
electrolyte disturbance. If episodes of non-sustained VT are frequent,
prolonged or symptomatic, and do not respond to the above measures or
beta-blockers and magnesium then amiodarone can be considered if the
corrected QT interval is normal.



Sustained VT (lasting for >30 seconds) is relatively uncommon, occurring

in up to 2 per cent of STEMI patients. The occurrence of sustained VT is
associated with extensive ventricular dysfunction and recurrent ischaemia,
and is therefore a marker of increased hospital mortality. Monomorphic
VT presents as a regular broad complex tachycardia with a rate >120 bpm.
Polymorphic VT presents as a broad complex tachycardia with variable
morphology. Polymorphic VT is usually rapid and poorly tolerated.
Sustained VT has important adverse effects in post-infarct patients,
leading to:
• hypotension and heart failure if the ventricular rate is rapid and left
ventricular function poor
• ischaemia and infarct extension due to increased myocardial
oxygen consumption
• further electrical instability (exacerbated by the above

mechanisms) leading to VF.

The onset of sustained VT is therefore a medical emergency. Treatment

selection depends on the degree of haemodynamic compromise and the
underlying cause:
• If systolic BP <90 mmHg or the patient has chest pain, a reduced
conscious level or heart failure related to the tachycardia, DCC is
the treatment of choice. If consciousness is lost with the onset of
VT, the shock should be administered immediately. If the patient
remains conscious, despite haemodynamic compromise, sedation
with 2–10 mg IV midazolam is given prior to cardioversion.
• Patients with ischaemic substrate for VT should be considered for
intra-aortic balloon pump and revascularization if VT is refractory
to other treatment.
• If systolic BP >90 mmHg and the patient is not distressed or poorly
perfused, initial treatment should be with amiodarone 300 mg IV
over 1 hour, followed by an infusion of 900 mg over 24 hours. If VT
persists and the patient deteriorates haemodynamically during
amiodarone administration, immediate DCC should be
• Torsade de Pointes, where the QT interval may be prolonged,
should be treated with correction of the underlying cause (i.e. drug
toxicity or hypokalaemia) as well as giving IV magnesium. If
refractory to treatment, then temporary pacing either via the right



atrium or right ventricle should be considered with the aim of

increasing the heart rate to >90bpm.
• Temporary overdrive pacing may also be effective in terminating
episodes of resistant VT. A pacing lead should be inserted into the
right ventricle. When VT occurs, pacing therapy should be
instituted at a rate 20 per cent faster than the VT for 10 seconds,
then abruptly discontinued. If the pacing therapy is successful,
sinus rhythm will return. The ECG should be checked and pacing
instituted if the QT interval is prolonged. Rapid VT or VF may be
precipitated by overdrive pacing, requiring immediate
cardioversion. The addition of high-dose beta-blockade, and
haemodynamic support with a balloon pump, may also help to
suppress the arrhythmia.

Since these arrhythmias are often associated with left ventricular

impairment or recurrent ischaemia, treatment with diuretics, nitrates
and anti-ischaemic agents should be optimized, and early cardiac
catheterization considered.

Ventricular fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by rapid disorganized multiple
re-entrant wavelets in the ventricle, resulting in loss of co-ordinated
ventricular myocyte activity with loss of output and cardiac arrest.
Untreated, the arrhythmia is fatal, and is responsible for most
pre-hospital deaths in patients with STEMI. Most episodes occur early,
with 80 per cent occurring within 12 hours of symptom onset. If
defibrillation is performed rapidly, most episodes of VF can be
reversed, but success rate declines rapidly with time. When VF occurs
early in patients with good left ventricular function, long-term survival
is not compromised; when VF occurs late in patients with heart failure,
it is often a terminal event. The protocol for treatment of VF is detailed
in Chapter 2.

Sinus bradycardia
Sinus bradycardia (<60 bpm) is common early after ACS, particularly in
patients with inferior STEMI and vagal activation. If the heart rate is
persistently below 45 bpm or there are rate-related symptoms, a bolus of
atropine 0.6 mg IV (repeated as necessary) will increase the sinus rate. If
sinus bradycardia persists despite repeated boluses of atropine, temporary
pacing should be considered.



Conduction disturbances in relation to infarct site

A variety of conduction disturbances can occur in patients with evolving
STEMI. Although early reperfusion has shortened the duration of
symptomatic episodes and reduced the need for temporary pacing, the
incidence of AV block has remained relatively constant. When a
conduction disturbance occurs in a patient with inferior STEMI, it is
usually due to vagal activation, AV nodal ischaemia, or both. If complete
heart block develops, it is usually well tolerated. Since there is no damage
to the conduction system in the ventricles, a secondary pacemaker in the
bundle of His takes over ventricular activation, producing a stable reliable
rhythm with a rate of >40 bpm, which is usually sufficient to maintain the
circulation with no compromise. This escape rhythm is conducted via the
normal ventricular activation pathways, and therefore will have a narrow
QRS configuration. Normal AV nodal function recovers within hours or
days, with a return to normal sinus rhythm.
By contrast, when AV block develops in a patient with anterior STEMI, it
is often poorly tolerated and is associated with a high risk of early death.
For AV block to occur in anterior STEMI, extensive and widespread
damage to the left ventricular myocardium and the interventricular
septum must occur, and the patients often die from heart failure. In these
patients, the conduction disturbance is related to infarction of the bundle
of His within the interventricular septum. The secondary pacemaker
that is responsible for ventricular activation will be situated outside the
specialized conduction system in the surviving ventricular myocardium.
The escape rhythm generated by this type of secondary pacemaker will
often have an unreliable rate of <40 bpm (since the inherent automaticity
of cells outside the specialized conduction system is usually low), and
will have a broad QRS configuration as ventricular activation will be
slow. This slow rate will be poorly tolerated in a patient with extensive
ventricular damage, and episodes of unpredictable ventricular asystole
often occur. When AV block occurs following acute anterior STEMI,
temporary pacing is usually required. If the patient survives the acute
episode, the AV block is often persistent or recurrent, and a permanent
pacemaker may be required.

In extensive anterior STEMI with involvement of the septum, ischaemic

damage to the bundle of His may lead to left or right bundle branch
block on the surface EGG. The development of left bundle branch block
usually indicates that extensive myocardial necrosis has occurred, with
associated significant left ventricular dysfunction and a poor prognosis.



Right bundle branch block can occur with less extensive infarction, as
can involvement of only the anterior fascicle of the left bundle, leading
to left axis deviation. Patients who develop left bundle branch block
in combination with a long PR interval, or the combination of right
bundle branch block, left axis deviation and a long PR interval, have
suffered extensive damage to their conduction system; such patients
should be discussed with a senior colleague, as prophylactic temporary
pacing may be indicated to avert the need for pacemaker insertion in a
compromised patient if sudden complete heart block with a slow escape
rhythm develops.

First degree heart block

First degree AV block manifests with prolongation of the PR interval
(Figure 1.8). It is the most common conduction disturbance, occurring in
up to 15 per cent of patients, usually associated with inferior STEMI.
Progression to self-terminating and well-tolerated episodes of high-grade
AV block is common. No specific treatment is required, other than
withholding drugs (such as beta-blockers or digoxin), which impair AV
nodal conduction, and closely monitoring the patient.

Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) heart block

Mobitz type 1 block is common after inferior STEMI. It often occurs in
patients who progress from first degree, through Mobitz type 1 to well
tolerated complete block with a narrow complex escape rhythm. The
ECG shows a progressive increase in PR interval culminating in a
complete failure of conduction and a dropped beat. Apart from avoiding
AV nodal blocking drugs, no treatment other than close observation is

Mobitz type 2 second degree block

Mobitz type 2 block is less common, and manifests itself as sudden
unpredictable failure of AV nodal conduction, resulting in a dropped
beat with no preceding change in the PR interval. Mobitz type 2 block is
usually associated with septal involvement in extensive anterior STEMI,
leading to ischaemic damage to the bundle of His, and often coexists
with bundle branch block. Mobitz type 2 block frequently progresses to
poorly tolerated complete heart block with a slow and unreliable broad
complex escape rhythm. Patients with anterior STEMI who develop
Mobitz type 2 block have a poor prognosis. When Mobitz type 2 block
occurs, a senior colleague should be consulted, as prophylactic
temporary pacing may be indicated to avert the need for pacemaker


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 1.8 Acute inferior myocardial infarc tion with first degree AV block.

insertion in a compromised patient if sudden complete heart block with a

slow escape rhythm develops.

Third degree (complete) heart block

Complete heart block occurs in up to 6 per cent of STEMI, and presents
with complete dissociation between atrial and ventricular activity
(Figure 1.9). The pathophysiology and recommended treatment depend
on the site of infarction associated with the heart block.
In inferior STEMI, patients usually progress through first degree and
Wenckebach block to well-tolerated complete heart block with a narrow
complex escape rhythm. If the blood pressure is well maintained and the
patient is asymptomatic, no treatment is necessary. If the ventricular rate
falls below 40 bpm, pauses of >3 seconds occur, the systolic BP falls below
90 mmHg or rate-related symptoms develop:
• atropine 0.6 mg should be given IV, repeated as necessary
• if symptomatic complete heart block persists despite atropine, a
temporary pacing wire should be inserted.

Normal AV nodal conduction usually returns within 48 hours, a

permanent pacemaker is not required, and prognosis after discharge from
hospital is good.
In patients with anterior STEMI, complete heart block often occurs
suddenly, particularly in patients who develop left bundle branch block or
have a period of Mobitz type 2 block. The escape rhythm is broad, complex
and slow, often associated with severe haemodynamic compromise in a
patient with extensive infarction and major left ventricular impairment.
Temporary pacing is always required to maintain an adequate rate.
High-grade AV block often persists, necessitating permanent pacemaker
implantation. A large proportion of patients who develop complete heart
block following anterior STEMI die, often from pump failure due to
ventricular damage.

Permanent cardiac pacing after STEMI

In patients with inferior STEMI, high-degree AV block is usually
self-limiting, but can persist for up to 2 weeks. Patients with high-degree
block that persists beyond this point will require a permanent pacing
system. In patients with anterior STEMI and high-degree block, even if
transient, there is a high risk of subsequent asystole and a permanent
pacing system implant is recommended.


V1 V4

V2 V5





Figure 1.9 Acute inferior myocardial infarc tion with complete AV block.


Arrhythmias that develop more than 48 hours after the onset of STEMI
have a different pathophysiology and therapeutic approach. Many of the
arrhythmias are related to the formation of fibrosis in the infarct zone.
Myocardial fibrosis slows and disturbs conduction, resulting in the
development of re-entry circuits that are electrically unstable and generate
ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Since these late arrhythmias have a chronic
substrate, they are likely to be recurrent. Because of this, they are a common
cause of post-infarction mortality, and are a marker of a poor prognosis.

Frequent ventricular ectopic beats

The presence of frequent ventricular ectopic beats in the post-infarction
period (>10/h) is strongly associated with an adverse prognosis. More than
100 000 patients have been studied in randomized trials investigating the
use of class I and class III antiarrhythmic drugs to suppress ventricular
ectopics in the hope of preventing subsequent malignant arrhythmias.
None of the large well-conducted trials has shown a mortality benefit (and
some have shown an adverse pro-arrhythmic effect). In patients with
frequent ventricular ectopics, secondary preventative therapy with ACE
inhibitors and beta-blockers should be optimized and revascularization
performed if there is ongoing ischaemia; antiarrhythmic drug therapy
should not be prescribed.

Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia occurring after the first 48 hours, even if
asymptomatic or non-sustained, is an important risk factor for early
sudden death, particularly when it occurs in association with significant
left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction <35 per cent). Trials of class
I antiarrhythmic drugs have been uniformly disappointing, with no
beneficial effect, and some evidence of an adverse pro-arrhythmic effect.
In the late 1990s, five important trials (EMIAT, CAMIAT, MADIT,
MADIT-2 and MUST) reported, and provide some guidelines for an
evidence-based approach to management of these patients. Current
guidelines state that patients who have syncopal VT or VF without a
treatable cause (i.e. not related to their index presentation) should be
considered for an ICD for secondary prevention. Patients who are over
1 month from their index event qualify for an ICD on primary grounds if
they have an ejection fraction (EF) of <30 per cent and QRS duration of
≥120 ms or if the EF is <35 per cent with non-sustained VT on holter



monitor and inducible VT on electrophysiological testing. Therefore, all

patients with impaired left ventricular function should be carefully
evaluated to assess who will require further investigation.


The in-hospital recovery period

Following admission with ACS, all patients should remain on bed rest
with continuous rhythm monitoring and close supervision in a CCU
environment for at least 24 hours. This is the period of time when the risk
of a potentially fatal but reversible arrhythmia is high. In addition,
multiple therapeutic interventions designed to reduce infarct size,
stabilize the patient and improve prognosis are required. Management
after this first 24-hour period will depend on clinical stability and risk
profile. Patients who have a small ACS (localized ECG changes and small
enzyme rise) who are clinically stable with no complications after
24 hours generally have a good prognosis. These uncomplicated patients
can begin to mobilize and undertake self-care after 24 hours, and be
transferred out of the CCU to a less intensively monitored ward
environment. Hospital stay should be limited to 2–3 days for
uncomplicated patients who have been successfully treated by either PCI
or with thrombolysis and subsequent PCI. Those that have been managed
conservatively without coronary angiography should remain in hospital
for 5–7 days and should be considered for other means of risk
stratification if appropriate. By discharge, patients should be walking
200 metres on the level and up a flight of stairs without symptoms. The
occurrence of any ischaemia, heart failure, dysrhythmia or other
complications during the mobilization phase indicates the need for
careful reassessment with a view to determining the need for further
investigation prior to discharge.
Patients who have extensive myocardial injury (widespread ECG changes
and large enzyme rise) are at increased risk of early complications, and
remain unstable for a more prolonged period of time. These complicated
patients need to stay on CCU for intensive treatment and monitoring,
with a large proportion requiring cardiac catheterization, PCI, cardiac
surgery or arrhythmia intervention prior to hospital discharge. High-
risk patients who are stabilized should be transferred out of CCU with a
view to discharge after slow mobilization. Patients and relatives should be
provided with verbal and written information about their condition, and
referred to a rehabilitation programme.



After ACS, cardiac rehabilitation aims to restore patients to their optimal
physical, psychosocial, emotional and vocational status using a
multidisciplinary and multifactorial programme. Each patient needs a
programme tailored to meet individual needs. As a minimum, sessions of
medical assessment and review, education and counselling should be
offered to all patients. Patients who make a good recovery from their ACS
and have a satisfactory negative exercise test should enter a supervised
exercise programme. In patients with extensive infarction or a positive
exercise test, exercise rehabilitation should be deferred until investigation
and further treatment are completed. Patients who have important
co-morbidity may not be suitable for an exercise programme. Patients
who complete a multifactorial rehabilitation programme benefit from:
• reduced anxiety and depression
• increased chance of returning to active employment
• improved cardiovascular function and exercise capacity

• optimized risk factor management.

These beneficial effects combine to improve prognosis, with meta-analysis

of over 2000 patients enrolled in randomized studies suggesting that
rehabilitation programmes reduce readmission rates and improve
mortality by about 25 per cent over 3 years.

Lifestyle modification and general advice

Smoking cessation after ACS reduces the rate of progression of coronary
disease. Cardiac event rates are reduced by 50 per cent. Access to
specialized smoking cessation clinics should be available for all smokers.
Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked, or changing to cigars or a
pipe, is not an effective way of reducing risk. Even consumption of one
cigarette a day doubles the risk of further ACS. Passive smoking has a
similar adverse effect as smoking one cigarette daily, and partners of ACS
survivors should be encouraged to stop. A diet low in saturated fat and
calories but high in carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, fibre and fish has
favourable effects on lipid profile, blood pressure and haemostatic risk
factors, and is recommended after ACS. An active lifestyle with regular
exercise and stress management techniques improves quality of life and
may have beneficial effects on survival. Although consumption of low
levels of alcohol may be cardioprotective, high levels of alcohol
consumption (more than three units per day) are associated with
hypertension and increased mortality, and should be discouraged.



The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) does not require
that patients inform them after an uncomplicated ACS, although
patients are not allowed to drive for up 4 weeks unless successfully treated
with primary PCI and the EF is ≥40 per cent, in which case driving
can commence after 1 week. After a complicated ACS the DVLA may
impose a large period of restriction, and patients should be advised to
contact the authority directly for advice. The requirements of insurance
companies are variable. Patients should seek advice from their own
insurer before recommencing driving after ACS. Patients who hold
a vocational licence to drive an HGV or public service vehicle must
contact the DVLA after an ACS. These licences will be automatically
withdrawn, but may be returned if the DVLA is satisfied with a medical
report and the results of a post-ACS exercise test (currently patients are
required to exercise for 9 minutes of the Bruce protocol, off medical
therapy, with no symptoms or ECG changes). Air travel should be
avoided for 6 weeks after an uncomplicated ACS or longer in patients
with complications. Sexual activity should be avoided early after ACS.
Patients who have a satisfactory exercise test result can be reassured that
the cardiovascular demands of intercourse are normally less than of the
exercise test, and be encouraged to return to normal activity. Patients
with significant post-MI exercise symptoms may need more specialized
psychosexual counselling.

• ACS are very common. Although modern treatment has improved
outcome in younger patients, ageing of the population results in a
continuing high prevalence of morbidity and mortality.
• Most deaths occur shortly after the onset of symptoms.
• Almost all episodes of ACS are caused by thrombotic occlusion or
partial occlusion of a coronary artery related to an unstable
atherosclerotic lesion.
• Plaque instability (reflecting enhanced inflammatory activity within
an atherosclerotic lesion) may be triggered by multiple factors.
• Initial categorization of an ACS is based on clinical evaluation
combined with analysis of the ECG.
• Cardiac troponins are highly sensitive and specific biomarkers, with
elevation confirming that irreversible myocardial necrosis has occurred.


• Emergency treatment requires analgesia, antiplatelet drugs, treatment

of hypokalaemia and hyperglycaemia and appropriate reperfusion
• Where available, primary PCI is superior to thrombolysis.
• Beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and statins should be instituted in all
suitable patients.
• Heart failure and hypotension require careful evaluation.
• Mechanical complications are relatively rare but associated with high
rates of morbidity and mortality.
• Many arrhythmias are transient and self-terminating.
• Active rehabilitation after MI improves long-term outcome.

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Background 84 Late post-resuscitation care 101

The ABC of resuscitation 87 New developments 101
and specific interventions Key points 102
Arrhythmia algorithms 95 Key references 102
Early post-resuscitation care 99

Epidemiology and physiology
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the UK, with more
than 300 000 victims each year. Sudden cardiac death represents
approximately 25–30 per cent of all cardiovascular death, claiming an
estimated 70 000–90 000 lives each year.
Although the causes of cardiac arrest are numerous (Table 2.1), most
events in adults occur as a result of ischaemic heart disease. A number of
studies have shown a circadian pattern of cardiac arrest with the majority
of events occurring in the morning hours (6 a.m. to 12 noon) and a low

Table 2.1 Causes of VF/pulseless VT, asystole and pulseless electrical

activity (PEA)

Causes of ventricular fibrillation

Reversible triggers

Acute myocardial infarction/ischaemia

Electrolyte disturbances (hypokalaemia, hyperkalaemia,
hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia, metabolic acidosis, etc.)
Drugs (antiarrhythmics, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants,
digoxin toxicity, etc.)
Illicit drug use, e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy (see Chapter 8)
Commotio cordis (see Chapter 10, cardiac trauma)

Electric shock


Structural heart disease

Coronary artery disease

• Atherosclerotic
• Non-atherosclerotic (Prinzmetal angina, anomalous origin of
coronary artery, etc.)
Valvular heart disease
Congenital heart disease
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
Primary pulmonary hypertension
Infiltrative heart disease (amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, tumour)

Structurally normal heart

Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome

Long QT syndromes

Brugada syndrome

Idiopathic VT/VF

Causes of asystole

Heart block
Myocardial infarction
Drugs (antiarrhythmics, beta-blockers, verapamil) especially with
pre-existing sinus node disease

Causes of pulseless electrical activity

‘4 Hs and 4 Ts’
Hypo/hyperkalaemia and other metabolic disorders
Tension pneumothorax
Toxic/therapeutic disorders
Thromboembolic and mechanical obstruction


incidence at night. Some data also suggest a late afternoon peak between
4 p.m. and 7 p.m. A seasonal variation in cardiac arrest is also recognized
with an increased number of cases occurring during the winter months.
Resuscitation after cardiopulmonary arrest is effective in only one in five
patients with about a third of long-term survivors having apparent motor
or cognitive deficits.
By far the most commonly encountered rhythm is ventricular fibrillation
(VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurring in more than
50 per cent of cases. With time, VF deteriorates from coarse VF to fine VF
and eventually to asystole. The prognosis is less favourable for non-VF/VT
rhythms. Independent predictors of mortality during follow-up include
increased age (>65 years), the presence of heart failure and cardiac arrest
not related to an acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
After a cardiac arrest, the only interventions that have been proven to
improve long-term survival are basic life support and early defibrillation
[immediate commencement of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
confers a 2.7-fold increase in the rate of survival]. Therefore, the key to a
successful outcome is dependent on initiation of a rapid sequence of
events with minimal delay (Figure 2.1). Ideally, the goal of in-hospital
defibrillation should be a collapse–shock interval of less than 3 minutes.
Although data from randomized controlled trials are limited, techniques
for CPR have been standardized in recent years, and the guidelines in this
chapter are based on those published by the Resuscitation Council (UK)
and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
The major role of CPR is to provide some blood flow to both the
myocardium and central nervous system to allow for successful
defibrillation and resuscitation, and to preserve long-term organ function.
Although a number of theories have been proposed, the mechanism by

Early access Early CPR Early defibrillation Early advanced care

Intubation, venous
CPR started
Early recognition The only definitive access (central),
preferably within
and fast access to treatment for VF or ventilation,
4 minutes of collapse
emergency help pulseless VT is antiarrhythmic drugs,
to minimize brain
via 999 defibrillation intensive care
support, etc.

Figure 2.1 The key to a successful resuscitation outcome is dependent on a

rapid sequence of events with minimal delay.


which external chest compression provides an artificial circulation is not

fully known. Even when performed optimally, chest compression does not
achieve more than 30 per cent of the normal cardiac output. One of the most
important concepts in understanding the physiology of CPR is that of
coronary perfusion pressure. Coronary perfusion pressure is defined as the
difference between the aortic diastolic pressure and the right atrial pressure
(the venous return of myocardial flow is through the great cardiac vein,
coronary sinus and eventually the right atrium; therefore, an increase in
right atrial pressure may impede venous run-off from the myocardial
capillary bed). The majority of coronary flow occurs during artificial
diastole or the chest relaxation phase of CPR, and is dependent on the
coronary perfusion pressure. Experimental studies have shown that the
larger the coronary perfusion pressure, the greater the coronary blood flow,
and the greater the chance for a successful outcome. The coronary perfusion
pressure can be optimized by increasing the peripheral vascular tone using
vasoconstrictors such as adrenaline, or by increasing the number of chest
compressions per minute. A compression rate of 100 per minute is currently
recommended by the ERC, partly due to concerns that higher rates may be
physically too exhausting for members of the arrest team.
During cardiac arrest and CPR, a severe mixed acidosis can develop. A
reduction in alveolar gaseous exchange because of an increase in dead
space and a decrease in lung compliance (due to pulmonary oedema) can
lead to respiratory acidosis. The combination of circulatory collapse and
poor tissue perfusion can result in marked metabolic acidosis. Severe
acidosis is negatively inotropic, causes electrolyte disturbances and can
cause intractable arrhythmias and a poor resuscitation outcome.


The ABC of resuscitation begins with basic life support and the
establishment of an adequate airway (A), breathing (B) and circulation (C).
The purpose of basic life support is to maintain adequate ventilation and
circulation until advanced techniques can be applied to reverse the
underlying cause of the arrest. It is assumed that a sound knowledge in basic
life support already exists, and therefore this chapter concentrates mainly
on management issues and interventions during advanced life support.

A quick inspection of the oropharynx should be performed, and any
obstructions such as food or loose dentures should be removed. Tight-
fitting dentures should be left as it helps support the soft palate. Manoeuvres



such as the head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust can be used to ensure that the
tongue and soft tissues do not obstruct the airway. A variety of airway
adjuncts are now available on most resuscitation trolleys and include
facial masks, Guedel airways (an estimate of the size may be obtained by
selecting an airway with a length corresponding to the vertical distance
between the incisor tooth and the angle of the jaw) and nasopharyngeal
tubes (the diameter size in adults is usually 6–7 mm or the diameter of the
little finger). The tip of a nasopharyngeal tube should be visible in the
pharynx behind the tongue. For more skilled and experienced staff, the
insertion of a laryngeal mask or, ideally, an endotracheal tube can be

It is important to look, listen and feel for breath sounds and chest
movements. In any patient in whom breathing is inadequate or absent,
artificial ventilation must be commenced as soon as possible.
Oxygenation of the patient is the primary objective and the highest
concentration of oxygen available should be administered. This can be
achieved by using a mask with a reservoir bag, which can deliver inspired
oxygen concentrations of 85 per cent at flow rates of 10–15 L/min. Tidal
volumes of 400–600 mL are adequate to make the chest rise and are less
likely to cause gastric insufflation and aspiration. Between 1.5 and
2 seconds should be spent in the inspiratory phase.

Until now, previous resuscitation guidelines have required the absence of
a carotid pulse to diagnose cardiac arrest and start CPR. However, times
in excess of 30 seconds are required to achieve an accuracy of 95 per cent.
As a consequence, current guidelines have de-emphasized the carotid
pulse as the sole criterion for starting CPR, and include the search for
signs of a circulation such as chest wall movement and breathing. If there
is no circulation, then chest compressions should be commenced. The heel
of one hand should be placed in the middle of the lower half of the
sternum, the fingers should be off the chest and the other hand is brought
down to rest on the back of the hand with the fingers interlocked. Vertical
downward pressure is applied to depress the sternum 4–5 cm and then the
pressure is released. A compression rate of 100 per minute using a
compression to ventilation ratio of 30:2 is now recommended for single
and multiple rescuers when ventilating non-invasively (bag and mask).
Once intubated, ventilation should continue at approximately
12 breaths/min with chest compression maintained uninterrupted for



ventilation. Uninterrupted chest compression results in substantially

higher mean coronary perfusion pressure.

The only definitive treatment for VF or pulseless VT is defibrillation.
Although these rhythms are initially readily treatable, the chances of
successful defibrillation diminish rapidly with time and decline by
7–10 per cent per minute. In the case of a witnessed arrest especially when
a shockable rhythm has been identified, it is reasonable to attempt a
precordial thump. The thump delivers a small amount of kinetic energy,
which may be adequate to convert a fibrillating myocardium. All reported
cases of successful precordial thump occurred within 10 seconds of
VF/VT. If precordial thump is not successful or if VF/VT is more
prolonged then electrical cardioversion is required. Often, patients are not
monitored and the duration of VF/VT is unknown, in this case chest
compressions should be initiated first until the rhythm is determined.
Experimental studies have shown that interruption in chest compressions
is associated with a lower chance of survival. In addition, interruptions in
chest compression reduce the chance of successfully converting VF to
another rhythm. Therefore, unless the patient is monitored and
defibrillation can be achieved immediately after collapse, chest
compressions should be started and maintained until defibrillation is
possible. Following defibrillation chest compressions should be continued
as delay in checking for a pulse may further compromise the myocardium
if a perfusing rhythm has not been restored.
Shocks are initially started at between 150 J and 360 J with a biphasic device.
Biphasic shocks involve the polarity of the current being reversed part way
through the delivery of a shock, as a result the defibrillation threshold is
lowered and the shock energy required for successful defibrillation is
reduced. Monophasic defibrillators are being phased out as they are less
efficient at terminating VF/VT. If they are used they should be set to
360 J from the outset. The paddles should be applied firmly to the chest wall
with water-based gel pads between them and the skin. The pressure applied
should be approximately 8 kg of force and the correct positions are shown
in Figure 2.2a. The use of hands-free self-adhesive pads allows for safer
operation by allowing the operator to discharge the device without leaning
over the patient. They also allow for quick identification of rhythm
and therefore quicker defibrillation than using standard electrodes. If
defibrillation is unsuccessful in the anterolateral position, then further
attempts in the anteroposterior position (Figure 2.2b) and/or a different


Anterior-lateral electrode position for

defibrillation and/or transcutaneous

cardiac pacing

Anterior-posterior electrode position for defibrillation and/or

transcutaneous cardiac pacing

One electrode is placed to the right of the

upper sternum below the clavicle.
The other electrode is placed at the
level of the fifth intercostal space in the One electrode is placed to the left of the lower sternal border (corresponding to V2
anterior axillary line (corresponding to and V3 ECG electrode). The other electrode is placed beneath the scapula, lateral to
V5–V6 ECG electrode). the spine on the left, at the same level as the anterior electrode.
(a) (b)

Figure 2.2 Paddle positions for anterior-lateral and anterior-posterior defibrillation.


defibrillator are worth trying. The positions of the positive and negative
paddles do not matter when defibrillating.
In patients with permanent pacemakers, defibrillation in the
anteroposterior position is preferable, even though modern pacemakers
are fitted with protection circuits. When defibrillation is attempted, ensure
that the electrodes are placed at least 12–15 cm from the pacemaker unit.

Pacing can often be life saving, especially in situations where bradycardia
preceded the cardiac arrest or where bradycardia is associated with
haemodynamic intolerance following successful resuscitation. Pacing can
be attempted non-invasively or invasively, depending on the equipment
available and/or the experience of the operator.
Non-invasive (transcutaneous) pacing
Transcutaneous pacing can be easily applied, requires minimum training
and avoids the risks of central venous cannulation. Many defibrillators are
now equipped with external pacing facilities and it is important for those
involved in managing cardiac arrest to familiarize themselves with this
option. Pacing is usually carried out through self-adhesive gel pads which
can also be used for defibrillation if necessary. When used for pacing, the
device often additionally requires a 3-lead ECG (electrocardiogram) to be
attached. The ECG gain is adjusted to ensure sensing of any intrinsic QRS
complexes. The demand mode is selected and the pacing rate set to
60–90 bpm. The pacing current is set at the lowest setting and the
pacemaker turned on. The current is then slowly increased, observing the
patient, and monitored until electrical capture is seen. As the current
increases, the skeletal muscles contract and a pacing spike is seen on the
monitor. Electrical capture is recognized by wide QRS complex and a
broad T wave. A current range of 50–100 mA is usually sufficient (Figure
2.3). The presence of a palpable pulse ensures electrical capture results in
mechanical capture (myocardial contraction). Failure to achieve
mechanical capture in the presence of good electrical capture indicates
non-functional myocardium. Patients often require sedation with an IV
benzodiazepine (Diazemuls) as the procedure can be painful.
Transcutaneous pacing is only a temporary measure until transvenous
pacing can be instituted.
Transvenous pacing (box 2.1)
The resuscitation trolley should always be present and venous access
available. Bradycardia, asystole and ventricular tachyarrhythmias are


Figure 2.3 Non-invasive transcutaneous pacing. The first two pacing spikes are not followed by a QRST wave
complex and therefore signify failure to capture. The remaining pacing spikes demonstrate ventricular
capture. It is important to ensure that electrical capture is associated with mechanical capture by the
presence of a palpable pulse.

often induced during the procedure, and therefore atropine, isoprenaline

and lidocaine should be readily at hand. The commonest route for placing
a temporary wire is usually the right subclavian vein (the left side is then
available for a permanent implant if required). The risk of vascular access
site complications can be reduced by using the femoral vein, with the
additional advantages that haemostasis can easily be secured by pressure
if bleeding occurs, and the requirement for wire manipulation during
placement is usually minimal.

Box 2.1 Indications for temporary transvenous

cardiac pacing
Acute myocardial infarction
• Asystole
• Symptomatic bradycardia (sinus bradycardia with hypotension
and Mobitz type 1 second degree AV block with hypotension not
responsive to atropine)
• Bilateral bundle branch block (alternating BBB or RBBB with
alternating LAHB/LPHB)
• New or indeterminate age bifascicular block with first degree AV
block (trifascicular block)
• Mobitz type 2 second degree AV block
• Overdrive suppression of tachyarrhythmias
Bradycardia not associated with acute myocardial infarction
• Asystole
• Second or third degree AV block with haemodynamic
compromise or syncope at rest
• Ventricular tachyarrhythmias secondary to bradycardia
• Support for procedures that may promote bradycardia
• General anaesthesia with:
– second or third degree AV block
– intermittent AV block
– first degree AV block with bifascicular block
– first degree AV block and LBBB
• Cardiac surgery
– aortic surgery
– tricuspid surgery
– ventricular septal defect closure
– ostium primum repair
BBB, bundle branch block; LAHB, left anterior hemiblock; LPHB, left
posterior hemiblock; RBBB, right bundle branch block.



A sheath with a non-return valve should be placed in the vein using a

Seldinger technique, to allow easy manipulation of the wire. A size 5F
bipolar pacing wire is appropriate in most cases. A working pacing box
(pulse generator) must be ready before inserting the wire. When using the
subclavian approach (with a standard 20–30° curve on the wire tip), the
wire is advanced into the right atrium under fluoroscopic control and
rotated until it points downwards and to the patient’s left. Advancing
across the tricuspid valve will often induce ventricular ectopics, which
usually settle rapidly and require no treatment. If difficulty is
encountered in crossing the tricuspid valve, changing the curve at the
wire tip usually helps. If this fails, fashioning the electrode into a loop in
the right atrium by pointing the lead tip to the right cardiac border may
be successful. The electrode is twisted clockwise or anticlockwise until
the tip lies near the tricuspid valve. Slight withdrawal of the electrode at
this stage will allow the tip to flick through the valve into the right
ventricle. The electrode should never be advanced if resistance is
encountered: rather, the electrode should be withdrawn slightly, rotated
and then carefully advanced again. When using the femoral approach, the
curve on the wire tip should be directed towards the midline as the wire
enters the right atrium. As the wire is subsequently advanced it usually
easily crosses the tricuspid valve.
The best position for the pacing wire is usually with the tip in the right
ventricular apex, to the left of the midline and with the tip of the wire
pointing inferiorly on screening (if the wire is directed to the left, towards
the left shoulder, it may be in the coronary sinus and often will not capture
at an acceptable threshold). There should be enough slack in the loop of
the electrode to allow for changes in posture and deep inspiration, but not
so much as to allow the tip to displace either in the right atrium or the
pulmonary artery. The wire is then attached to the connecting leads and
pacing box.
To test the threshold, the pacing box is first set to the demand mode, then
the pacing rate set at 5–10 bpm faster than the patient’s intrinsic rate. The
output is set at 3 V; this should result in a paced rhythm. The amplitude of
the voltage is slowly turned down until capture is lost. Acceptable
stimulation thresholds are below 1 V, although higher levels may be
acceptable if the patient is elderly, has had an inferior infarct, or if several
sites have been tried, all with relatively high thresholds. The stability of
the pacing wire is checked during deep breathing, coughing and sniffing.
If capture is lost then a more stable position should be sought. Once the



threshold has been ascertained, the output voltage should be set at three
times the threshold or 3 V, whichever is higher. This compensates for
subsequent threshold elevations due to inflammation and oedema at the
electrode–tissue interface. If in sinus rhythm, a back-up rate of 50/min is
set. If there is heart block or bradycardia, the rate is normally set at
The wire is sutured firmly with a loop formed externally to minimize the
chance of inadvertent lead displacement. Finally, a chest x-ray is obtained
to exclude any complications.
Temporary venous pacemakers should be checked at least once daily for
pacing threshold, evidence of infections around venous access sites,
integrity of connections, and battery status of the external generator.
Underlying rhythm should also be assessed and recorded at these checks.
Pacing thresholds are checked by increasing the pacing rate to obtain
continuous pacing, then progressively decreasing the output voltage until
capture is lost. A sudden increase in the threshold usually indicates the
need for repositioning.

Shockable rhythms (VF/pulseless VT)
This is recognized on the cardiac monitor by the presence of chaotic
fibrillation waves, due to wandering cardiac electrical activity along
continuously changing pathways (Figure 2.4a, Box 2.1) or a broad complex
tachycardia (Figure 2.4b). Defibrillation with a biphasic shock is the
definitive treatment for VF (Figure 2.5). The likelihood of survival
decreases 10 per cent for each minute of time after the onset of
uncorrected VF. Defibrillation should be performed as soon as the
diagnosis of VF is considered, with an initial shock of 150 J to 360 J,
followed by chest compressions. If pulseless electrical activity develops,
the non-shockable algorithm is followed. If VF persists, CPR is
maintained for 2 minutes, followed by assessment of rhythm and further
shocks if indicated (Figure 2.5). During CPR, an adequate airway and
oxygenation (intubating the patient only if trained or experienced) are
ensured, intravenous access obtained, and adrenaline 1 mg administered
every 3–5 minutes. Adrenaline works principally as a vasoconstrictor
(α-agonist effect) to increase the efficiency of basic life support, not as an
adjuvant to defibrillation. Adrenaline 2–3 mg (made up to a volume of
10 mL using sterile water) can be given via the tracheal tube. This should



Figure 2.4 (a) Chaotic electrical activity of ventricular fibrillation. (b) Monomorphic VT: a rapid regular broad complex


Open airway
Look for signs of life


CPR 30:2
Until defibrillator /
monitor attached


Shockable Non-shockable
(VF / pulseless VT) (PEA / Asystole)
During CPR:
• Correct reversible
causes (see below)
• Check electrode
1 Shock position and contact
150–360 J biphasic
or 360 J monophasic • Attempt / verify:
IV access and oxygen
• Give uninterrupted
compressions when
airway secure
• Give adrenaline every
Immediately resume 3–5 minutes Immediately resume
CPR 30:2 CPR 30:2
for 2 min • Consider: amiodarone, for 2 min
atropine, magnesium

Reversible causes
Hypoxaemia Tension pneumothorax
Hypovolaemia Tamponade (cardiac)
Hypo/hyperkalaemia/metabolic Toxins

Hyopthermia Thrombosis (coronary or pulmonary)

Figure 2.5 Cardiac arrest algorithm based on the European Resuscitation

Council and the Resuscitation Council (UK).


then be followed by at least five ventilations to disperse the drug into the
peripheral bronchial tree and aid absorption.
Recent studies suggest that amiodarone may be superior to lidocaine in
cardioverting shock-resistant VF. In addtion there is evidence that
amiodarone increases the chance of survival to hospital for shock-
resistant VF. Therefore, it is now recommended that amiodarone be used
as the first-choice antifibrillatory agent. A dose of 300 mg IV should be
administered if VF/VT persists after three shocks. Lidocaine can be used
if amiodarone is not available though it should not be given if amiodarone
has already been used due to potential pro-arrhythmic effects of multiple
drugs. Drug doses and infusion regimens are discussed in Appendix A.

Non-shockable rhythms
These rhythms usually have a poor outcome unless a reversible cause can
be found and rapidly treated. The right side of the resuscitation algorithm
(Figure 2.5) should be followed.

This is recognized by the total absence of any ventricular electrical activity
on the cardiac monitor. Causes are summarized in Box 2.1. The gain setting
on the monitor is set to 1 mV and the leads and electrical connections are
secured. Where possible, an additional lead should be viewed so as to avoid
missing a potentially reversible arrhythmia (fine ventricular fibrillation). If
in doubt, treatment is with defibrillation as in VF/pulseless VT. Basic life
support should be commenced for 2 minutes, during which time advanced
airway and ventilation techniques are performed, intravenous access gained
and adrenaline 1 mg given. Atropine 3 mg IV or 6 mg via the tracheal tube
(made up to a volume of at least 10 mL of sterile water) is administered. The
monitor should be closely inspected for the presence of atrial activity (P
waves), which may suggest complete heart block with ventricular asystole.
This may respond to external (transcutaneous) or transvenous pacing
depending on the skills and equipment available. If asystole persists, CPR is
continued with the administration of adrenaline 1 mg every 3–5 minutes.
The administration of higher-dose adrenaline as a single bolus is no longer

Pulseless electrical activity

This is recognized by the presence of an ECG rhythm compatible with a
cardiac output in the setting of a cardiac arrest. The commonest cause of
sudden, unexpected development of pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
following an acute STEMI is rupture of the ventricular free wall. Successful


resuscitation in this situation is very rare. Other important causes to consider

are summarized in Box 2.1. The best chance of survival is the early diagnosis
and treatment of the conditions detailed in Box 2.1. Having instituted basic
and advanced life support, and administered any specific therapy for the
above conditions, IV adrenaline 1 mg is given every 3–5 minutes.


Immediately after an arrest, blood gases, electrolytes, cardiac-specific

enzymes, full blood count and ECG are checked, and any problems
treated. For instance:
• Hypoxia is usually present, so high concentrations of oxygen
should be given. Oxygen saturation is monitored with pulse
oximetry, ensuring a saturation of >93 per cent.
• Serum potassium is maintained above 4 mmol/L and magnesium
above 2 mmol/L. If potassium is above 6 mmol/L, 10 mL of 10 per
cent calcium chloride is given IV over 5 minutes, followed by 50 mL
of 50 per cent dextrose and 10 units of Actrapid (insulin) to
stabilize the myocardium and correct hyperkalaemia.
• If the pH is less than 7.1 or the base excess ≤10 mmol/L, giving
bicarbonate (8.4 per cent) in 25-mL boluses should be considered to
maintain a pH of 7.3–7.5.
• Consider the need for antiarrhythmic drug therapy to limit the risk
of further arrhythmia.
• Hyperglycaemia should be controlled with an insulin sliding-scale
• Hypoglycaemia should be treated with a bolus of 20 mL of

50 per cent dextrose or glucose solution IV.

• Persistent cardiac ischaemia that may have precipitated the cardiac arrest
should be looked for and treated. In particular VT/VF that is ischaemia
driven may respond to the use of an intra-aortic balloon pump.
• A portable chest x-ray should be arranged and any pneumothorax
• Left ventricular failure and hypotension should be treated, if
present. If hypotension persists consider a pulmonary artery
catheter to guide optimal fluid and inotropic therapy.



• The patient should be catheterized and urine output monitored.

• The nervous system should be examined and neurological function
documented using the Glasgow Coma Scale.
• The patient should be examined to ensure that there is no other
medical or surgical intervention requiring immediate management.
• A comprehensive history should be obtained, including a family
history from available witnesses. The possibility of overdoses and
other non-primary cardiac disease (such as hypothermia,
cerebrovascular accidents, subarachnoid haemorrhages, etc., see
Box 2.1) should be excluded.

There are no definitive data as to when to discontinue intravenous

antiarrhythmic drug infusions. It is common clinical practice to continue
the infusion for a minimal of 24–48 hours and to discontinue the infusion
provided there is no arrhythmic recurrence. For patients with refractory
ventricular arrhythmias, high-dose beta-blockade coupled with atrial or
dual chamber pacemaker therapy, and light anaesthesia together with
muscle relaxation and artificial ventilation, may be life saving. Urgent
referral for coronary revascularization or electrophysiological testing
should be considered.

Following a successful resuscitation, most patients will regain

consciousness rapidly. Hypoxia must be avoided after resuscitation, and
assisted ventilation should be used if there is a reasonable chance of
recovery. The patient who remains unconscious and dependent on
assisted ventilation should be transferred to the intensive care unit after
close liaison with the anaesthetist. The decision to withdraw ventilatory
support should be made by the most senior member of the medical/
anaesthetic team. The opinions of other members of the medical and
nursing team, the patient (if previously known) and their relatives should
be taken into consideration before making a final decision.

If asystole or PEA persists after 25 minutes of resuscitation in a

normothermic adult without drug toxicity, then success is unlikely and
the attempt should probably be abandoned. If VF persists at this point, the
situation is still potentially reversible, and it may be worth persisting with
attempts at resuscitation. Pupillary dilatation should not be used as a
reason for discontinuing resuscitation, as this can be drug induced. When
hypothermia is present, attempts to revive the patient should be continued
for longer, probably until core temperature is above 36°C and arterial pH



and potassium are normal. It is well documented that full recovery can
occur with resuscitation attempts of up to 9 hours.


Following a cardiac arrest, patients should be thoroughly investigated and
appropriate therapy directed to minimize the risk of recurrence (Box 2.1).
Reversible triggers such as ACS, electrolyte disturbances, drugs (both
prescribed and illicit) should be excluded. These can usually be diagnosed
from the history, biochemical tests (including toxicology screens and
cardiac enzymes) and serial ECGs. Structural heart disease can be
excluded with echocardiograms, left and right heart cardiac
catheterization (including right ventriculogram and myocardial biopsy)
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients with structurally
normal hearts should be investigated with a 24–48-hour Holter monitor,
exercise stress testing and possible programmed electrophysiological
stimulation. Particular attention should be paid to the response of the QT
interval during Holter monitoring and stress testing. If no triggering
events can be identified, then patients should be considered for an
implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
Where there is a family history of sudden cardiac death, the patient’s
family should be screened with an ECG, Holter monitor, echocardiogram
and stress testing. Genetic screening for some of the inherited syndromes
can also be carried out in some centres.

Alternative techniques to standard manual CPR have been developed to
improve perfusion during CPR. Active compression–decompression CPR
(ACD-CPR) is performed with a portable device equipped with suction cup
to actively lift the anterior chest during decompression. This decreases
intrathoracic pressure, enhancing venous return for the next compression.
Randomized studies have shown equivocal benefit using this technique,
and therefore it is not recommended for routine use at present. However,
these devices may be advantageous in situations where delivering adequate
chest compressions is difficult, such as during transport. They have also
been used in several cases that allowed patients to undergo CT scanning or
even coronary angiography without interrupting CPR.
The major determinant of survival in patients with VF and pulseless VT is
the time taken for defibrillation. Consequently, there has been a natural



progression to make defibrillators more available. The development and

easy applicability of automatic external defibrillators have strengthened
this view. Once a cardiac arrest has been diagnosed, the electrodes of the
system are attached to the chest using the standard positions. The device
is able to recognize VF and deliver defibrillatory shocks if required.
Instructions are provided automatically on the screen and some models
reinforce these instructions with synthesized voice messages. An override
facility is available if one wants to use it as a manual defibrillator. These
devices can be used by the public and require minimal training.
Consequently, in some countries, these devices are now deployed in public
locations such as airports, commercial aircraft, train stations and casinos.
Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved a vest-like
defibrillator device that can be worn under clothing, rather than being
implanted in the chest. The vest contains an electrode belt that is applied
to the chest and monitors the heart rhythm. If an abnormal
life-threatening heart rhythm is detected, and the patient loses
consciousness, the device administers an electrical shock.

• CPR is a dynamic subject and therefore all health care staff involved in
patient care should be trained and kept up to date with advanced life
support protocols.
• The most commonly encountered rhythm during a cardiac arrest is VF
or pulseless VT.
• The prognosis is less favourable for non-shockable rhythms unless a
reversible cause is present.
• The only interventions that have been shown to improve long-term
survival are basic life support and early defibrillation.
• Careful post-resuscitation care is essential to maximize the chances of
a full recovery.

Adgey AAJ, Johnston PW. Approaches to modern management of cardiac arrest. Heart
1998; 80: 397–401.
Berg RA, Sanders AB, Kern KB, et al. Adverse hemodynamic effects of interrupting
chest compressions for rescue breathing during cardiopulmonary resuscitation for
ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest. Circulation 2001; 104: 2465–70.



Dorian P, Cass D, Schwartz B, Cooper R, Gelaznikas R, Barr A. Amiodarone as

compared with lidocaine for shock-resistant ventricular fibrillation. N Engl J Med
2002; 346: 884–90.
Eftestol T, Sunde K, Steen PA. Effects of interrupting precordial compressions on the
calculated probability of defibrillation success during out-of-hospital cardiac
arrest. Circulation 2002; 105: 2270–3.
Eisenberg MS, Mengert TJ. Cardiac resuscitation. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1304–13.
Gammage MD. Temporary cardiac pacing. Heart 2000; 83: 715–20.
Gilbert M, Busund R, Skagseth A, Nilsen P, Solbo JP. Resuscitation from accidental
hypothermia of 13.7°C with circulatory arrest. Lancet 2000; 355: 375–6.
Handley AJ. Teaching hand placement for chest compression – a simpler technique.
Resuscitation 2002; 53: 29–36.
Kern KB. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation physiology. ACC Curr J Rev 1997; 6: 11–13.
Kudenchuk PJ, Cobb LA, Copass MK, et al. Amiodarone for resuscitation after out of
hospital cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation. N Engl J Med 1999; 341: 871–8.
Nademanee K, Taylor R, Bailey WE, Rieders DE, Kosar EM. Treating electrical storm
sympathetic blockade versus advanced cardiac life support-guided therapy.
Circulation 2000; 102: 742–7.
Peckova M, Fahrenbruch CE, Cobb LA, Hallstrom AP. Circadian variations in the
occurrence of cardiac arrest. Initial and repeat episodes. Circulation 1998; 98: 31–9.
Resuscitation Council (UK). Advanced Life Support Course Provider Manual. London:
Resuscitation Council, 2005.
Wik L, Hansen TB, Fylling F, et al. Delaying defibrillation to give basic
cardiopulmonary resuscitation to patients with out-of-hospital ventricular
fibrillation: a randomized trial. JAMA 2003; 289: 1389–95.




Background 104 Atrial tachycardia 120

Atrial fibrillation 106 Ventricular arrhythmias 122
Atrial flutter 111 Bradyarrhythmias 127
Atrioventricular nodal 114 Key points 133
re-entry tachycardia Key references 133
Accessory pathway tachycardias 116

The management of cardiac arrhythmias complicating acute coronary
syndrome (ACS) is dealt with in Chapter 1. This chapter deals with the
management of arrhythmias that occur as a complication of other cardiac
and medical disorders. Optimal treatment of these arrhythmias depends
on two principles:
• inspecting the electrocardiogram (ECG) and reviewing the
clinical presentation to establish the diagnosis. This provides
information about arrhythmia mechanism and guides treatment
• assessing the effect of the arrhythmia. Patients with good cardiac
function will often tolerate arrhythmias without major
haemodynamic compromise. Patients with coexistent cardiac
impairment may be severely compromised by an arrhythmia.
Tachyarrhythmias associated with major haemodynamic
compromise usually require urgent cardioversion.
Bradyarrhythmias associated with major haemodynamic
compromise often require pacing. Patients with better tolerated
arrhythmias can be treated with drug therapy.
If there is any doubt about diagnosis or treatment, a senior colleague
should be consulted for advice.
The symptoms produced by the onset of an arrhythmia are highly
variable. In an individual with no cardiac disease, an arrhythmia may be
asymptomatic. A rapid tachyarrhythmia often produces palpitations. In


patients with cardiac disease, arrhythmia-related reduction in cardiac

output and coronary perfusion may lead to ischaemic chest pain, heart
failure and disturbed consciousness.
It is useful to classify tachycardias according to whether the ECG QRS
complexes are narrow or broad.
Narrow-complex tachyarrhythmias usually arise from above the level of
the bundle of His. In most cases, ventricular activation occurs via the
normal conduction system, hence the narrow QRS configuration. This
group can itself be subdivided into two groups, depending on whether
they arise from the atrial myocardium (atrial fibrillation [AF], atrial
flutter and atrial tachycardia) or a mechanism involving the
atrioventricular (AV) node (atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia
[AVNRT] and atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia [AVRT] accessory
pathways). The commonest narrow-complex tachyarrhythmias are AF,
atrial flutter and AVNRT.
Broad-complex tachyarrhythmias usually arise from the ventricles,
although some ventricular tachyarrhythmias arise high in the bundle of
His and can be relatively narrow. In a minority of cases, tachyarrhythmias
arising from above the bundle of His can be associated with a broad QRS
complex: abnormal slow ventricular activation occurs in those with
pre-existing or rate-related bundle branch block, and in some patients
with an accessory pathway. Because of this overlap, QRS duration is not a
totally reliable guide to the site of origin of an arrhythmia, and additional
information obtained from careful inspection of all features of the ECG,
previous ECGs and ECGs in sinus rhythm is required before a diagnosis
can be reached.
Antiarrhythmic drug therapy has important limitations. The available
agents are of limited efficacy, and a drug prescribed in the correct dose for
an appropriate indication may fail to work. The available drugs may
themselves be pro-arrhythmic, and may also have many unwanted side
effects, including causing impairment of myocardial contractility,
gastrointestinal and central nervous system disturbances. The available
drugs can be categorized using the Vaughan–Williams classification,
which provides information on the drugs’ electrophysiological effects:
• CLASS I: these agents have membrane-stabilizing properties,
slowing sodium transport during myocyte depolarization, and can
act on the atria, ventricles or conduction tissue.
• CLASS II: these agents block cardiac beta-receptors and act
predominantly on the sinus and AV nodes (although there is


also some membrane-stabilizing effect in the atria and

• CLASS III: these agents act on myocyte potassium channels,
prolong the duration of the action potential and can act on the
atria, ventricles or conduction system.
• CLASS IV: these agents block calcium channels, and act

predominantly on the sinus and AV nodes.

Some drugs have more than one class of action, and others such as
adenosine and digoxin cannot be classified using this simple system.
Because of the complex nature of these drugs and the potential to induce a
wide range of adverse effects, it is important to become familiar with the
use of a small number of front-line drugs. Polypharmacy should be
avoided; if the first-line therapy fails, a senior colleague should be
contacted for advice before using a second drug. The onset of an
arrhythmia is often associated with problems such as heart failure,
pulmonary infection or embolism, thyroid disturbance, hypoxia,
electrolyte imbalance or drug administration. It is important to look for
and treat correctable factors that may initiate or perpetuate an

AF is the most common cardiac arrhythmia (Figure 3.1). The incidence
and prevalence of AF increases with age: the prevalence is approximately
9 per cent in patients in their ninth decade.
The development of AF is associated with atrial electrical instability or
atrial distension induced by:
• hypertension
• congestive heart failure
• valvular heart disease
• ischaemic heart disease
• pulmonary infection or embolism.
Other less common causes of AF are cardiac trauma (including iatrogenic
trauma associated with cardiac surgery), metabolic abnormalities, exposure
to toxins (such as alcohol), pericardial disease or systemic infection. In some
patients, AF can arise in an otherwise entirely normal heart. This lone AF
may be due to small localized areas of electrical instability in the atrium


aVR V1 V4

aVL V2 V5

aVF V3 V6


Figure 3.1 Atrial fibrillation is charac terized by the absence of P waves and an irregular ventricular rhy thm.

The ‘reverse tick’ deformit y of the ST segment, associated with digoxin, is best seen here in leads V5 and V6.


(usually close to the pulmonary vein orifices), or increased susceptibility to

fluctuations in autonomic neural stimuli to the heart.
Diagnosis and assessment
Regardless of the underlying aetiology, patients with AF develop multiple
random wavelets of depolarization in the atrial myocardium. This rapid
erratic electrical activity is intermittently conducted to the ventricles via the
AV node, producing a rapid, irregularly irregular ventricular rhythm. The
onset of AF is often associated with symptoms due to a reduction in cardiac
output or the rapid irregular ventricular rhythm causing a sensation of
palpitation. The mean resting rate in patients with new onset AF is usually
between 110 and 130 bpm. A rate in excess of 150 bpm should raise the
suspicion of a hyperadrenergic state (thyrotoxicosis, or fever) or acute
blood loss. A very rapid (rate 250 bpm) broad-complex AF is suggestive of
the presence of a rapidly anterogradely conducting accessory pathway
(Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome [WPW]).
When AF persists for more than 48 hours, stasis of blood in the fibrillating
atrium may lead to clot formation and systemic embolization. The risk of
thromboembolism is low in patients with recent-onset (up to 48 hours’
duration) AF. In some patients (particularly if cardiac function is normal), the
AF will be well tolerated and asymptomatic. The 12-lead ECG of patients with
AF will show an absence of P waves, rapid erratic fibrillation activity visible in
the baseline between ventricular complexes, and an irregularly irregular
ventricular rhythm which usually has a narrow complex QRS configuration.
Initially, episodes of AF may be short lived and self-terminating (paroxysmal
AF). Repeated episodes, however, lead to adverse changes in atrial
electrophysiological and mechanical function, which decrease electrical
stability and eventually lead to the development of sustained AF. Episodes of
AF that persist for several days rarely terminate spontaneously.
In patient assessment, careful history taking and clinical examination are
important. If there is time, a chest x-ray and echocardiogram will also
help. Particular importance should be paid to:
• the duration of AF
• the presence of coexistent cardiac disease (such as hypertension,
ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease or left ventricular
• the effects of AF on patient symptoms, ventricular rate, blood
pressure (BP) and cardiac function.
These important features help to guide the selection of appropriate therapy.



Treatment of recent-onset poorly tolerated AF

The onset of AF may be poorly tolerated, producing major symptoms and
haemodynamic compromise. Patients with coexistent structural
abnormalities (such as valvular heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy,
coronary artery disease or left ventricular dysfunction) or an accessory
pathway capable of rapid anterograde conduction are intolerant
of AF. When AF is poorly tolerated, many antiarrhythmic drugs are
contraindicated or have an unpredictable response. If AF is associated with
• angina or heart failure, or
• rate > 200 bpm, or
• systolic BP < 90 mmHg,
• an accessory pathway
urgent restoration of sinus rhythm by direct current cardioversion (DCC)
is the treatment of choice irrespective of the duration of AF. Emergency
treatment in this context should not be delayed by the administration of
anticoagulants. As long as the AF is of <48 hours’ duration, the risk of
procedure-related thromboembolism is low. Ideally, if there are no
contraindications, heparin should be commenced upon presentation if
patients have not been previous anticoagulated to a therapeutic level. Oral
anticoagulation should be started if sinus rhythm is not re-established, or
for those felt to be at risk of recurrent episodes of AF, or for those at high
risk of stroke.
Among patients with permanent AF in whom haemodynamic
compromise has recently occurred due to an uncontrolled ventricular
response, treatment should focus on rate control.

Treatment of recent-onset well-tolerated AF

In patients with recent-onset (< 48 hours) AF who do not have major
symptoms or haemodynamic instability, ideally, electrical cardioversion
should be performed. If there is likely to be a delay in performing DCC,
AF can be treated with antiarrhythmic drugs. Drugs that act
predominantly on the AV node (such as digoxin, beta-blockers and
calcium antagonists) are not effective at restoring sinus rhythm. In
particular, these agents should not be used for patients with WPW
syndrome, as they may enhance anterograde conduction via the accessory
pathway, potentially resulting in very rapid ventricular rates, hypotension
and ventricular fibrillation. Class I or class III drugs that act on the atrial
myocardium can restore sinus rhythm in most patients if the drugs are
administered early in adequate doses, with the highest success rates



achieved by class Ic drugs. If the patient has a structurally normal heart

(no significant valve disease, ischaemic heart disease or left ventricular
dysfunction) intravenous (IV) flecainide 2 mg/kg (to a maximum of
150 mg) restores sinus rhythm in 90 per cent of patients within 1 hour.
The use of flecainide should be avoided if there is any pre-existing
structural heart disease, as this will increase the risk of major adverse
effects. In a patient with associated structural heart disease, an IV
loading dose of amiodarone 300 mg followed by an infusion of 900 mg
over 24 hours is safe (see Appendix A), produces rapid slowing of the
ventricular rate (due to its beta-blocking effects) and is moderately
effective for cardioversion. If pharmacological cardioversion fails, DCC
should be performed. Thromboembolism is just as likely to occur
following pharmacological, as opposed to electrical, cardioversion.
As above, heparin should be commenced immediately the diagnosis is
made, followed by warfarin as appropriate.

Treatment of well-tolerated AF of long or unknown duration

If the AF has been present for more than 48 hours (or for an unknown
duration), there is a significant thromboembolic risk associated with
cardioversion. In these patients, one option is to consider using a strategy
of anticoagulation and ventricular rate control, particularly for older
patients, those with intolerance to antiarrhythmic agents, and those
deemed unsuitable for cardioversion. Anticoagulation may be instituted
with heparin followed by warfarin but often warfarin alone is used in the
outpatient setting. Digoxin takes several hours to slow the ventricular rate
(acting indirectly on the AV node via the autonomic nervous system) and its
efficacy is reduced in a hyperadrenergic patient. Intravenous beta-blockers
produce rapid rate control regardless of the level of sympathetic tone
(e.g. metoprolol or atenolol 5–10 mg according to need and tolerability by
slow IV injection is effective in most patients). Intravenous therapy
should be followed by adequate oral doses. Where beta-blockers are
contraindicated, rate-limiting calcium blockers such as diltiazem or
verapamil can be used. If there is coexistent ventricular dysfunction,
digoxin (0.125–0.5 mg) is often favoured but gradual introduction of
beta-blockers should also be considered for long-term rate control.
Among younger patients, first-time presenters, or those with unacceptable
symptoms or with coexistent heart failure, a strategy of rhythm control
may be preferred initially. Usually, after a month’s anticoagulation,
electrical cardioversion can be considered. In certain cases, e.g. where
anticoagulation may be associated with a high risk of bleeding, and where



facilities and expertise allow, cardioversion can be performed earlier,

guided by transoesophageal echocardiography (to exclude the presence of
intracardiac thrombus).
Contemporary practice has been influenced following publication of
studies (AFFIRM, RACE, and others) that have shown no superiority of
rhythm over rate control among older subjects with persistent AF. Indeed,
rhythm control was associated with higher rates of embolic stroke, likely
related to discontinuation of anticoagulation after regaining sinus rhythm.

Treatment of post-operative AF
Post-operative AF is common, particularly among those undergoing
cardiac surgery: it is estimated to occur in up to one-third of patients
undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, and is more frequent
when valve surgery is undertaken. Older patients, and those with previous
episodes of AF, are more likely to develop post-operative AF.
Post-operative AF has important implications for morbidity and
mortality, and can contribute to lengthening admissions. Episodes may
relate to electrolyte disturbances, hypoxia or infections, and treatment
should focus on these precipitants. Otherwise, episodes should be
managed as for other cases of acute-onset AF. Ideally, rhythm
management should be used for AF complicating cardiac surgery.

In atrial flutter (Figure 3.2), the electrophysiological mechanism is
different from that of AF. In most patients with atrial flutter a re-entry
circuit in the right atrium depolarizes at a rate of 300/min in a circular
anticlockwise direction, down the lateral border of the right atrium,
through an area of slowed conduction near the tricuspid valve annulus
and back up the atrial septum. The normal AV node cannot conduct at
this rate, and commonly 2:1 AV block occurs. The electrocardiogram
shows a regular narrow complex tachycardia (in the absence of bundle
branch block) at a rate of 150 bpm. This rate may be slower in a patient
with impaired AV nodal function, or faster if sympathetic nervous system
activation is present. Atrial activity may be visible on the ECG, seen as
saw-tooth flutter waves with a rate of 300/min, best visualized in V1. The
flutter waves may only be visible during a temporary increase in the
degree of AV block induced by vagal manoeuvres or intravenous
adenosine. It is important and useful to have documentation of the
presence of flutter waves, and these procedures should be performed with


I aVR V4


aVL V5


aVF V6


Figure 3. 2 Atrial flut ter is charac terized by the undulating saw-tooth baseline (flut ter waves ) bet ween the QRS
complexes. The flut ter waves are best seen in the inferior leads and lead V1. In this case the flut ter rate is 250 bpm
and there is 4 :1 AV block.

printable ECG monitoring. Atrial flutter may degenerate into AF, or the
rhythm may alternate between flutter and fibrillation.
The onset of atrial flutter may be associated with symptoms of
haemodynamic compromise due to the rapid ventricular rate and loss of
effective atrial mechanical activity. As with AF, there is a risk of intra­
atrial clot formation in atrial flutter, leading to systemic embolization, and
these patients require appropriate antithrombotic therapy as well as
arrhythmia treatment. Attempts to slow the ventricular rate using drugs
are often unsuccessful, and the aim of treatment should be to restore sinus
rhythm. Treatment depends on the clinical circumstances:
• If the arrhythmia is associated with significant haemodynamic
compromise (systolic BP <90 mmHg), or symptoms of angina,
impaired conscious level or heart failure, urgent DCC is the
treatment of choice.
• If the arrhythmia is well tolerated, an attempt can be made to
restore sinus rhythm with drug therapy, although atrial flutter is
often resistant to treatment with drugs. Class Ic antiarrhythmic
drugs may terminate atrial flutter, but can also cause a poorly
tolerated increase in ventricular rate (by slowing the flutter rate to
less than 300/min and therefore facilitating 1:1 atrioventricular
conduction at a rate greater than 150 bpm). Amiodarone has
beneficial effects on atrial electrical stability, and may terminate the
arrhythmia. In addition, amiodarone impairs atrioventricular
conduction, and this property will help to slow the ventricular rate.
We therefore recommend IV amiodarone for the treatment of atrial
flutter, using the regimen detailed in Appendix A. If amiodarone is
ineffective, the ventricular rate can be slowed with IV atenolol
5–10 mg. Anticoagulation and cardioversion can then be performed
following the same guidelines as for AF. Overdrive pacing is an
alternative treatment that is effective in restoring sinus rhythm in
70 per cent of patients. If facilities are available, a temporary pacing
wire is positioned against the lateral wall of the right atrium. A
burst of rapid atrial pacing at a rate of 400 bpm for several seconds
will usually restore sinus rhythm. Occasionally AF will be
precipitated, and this will often spontaneously revert to sinus
rhythm. If it persists, it is easier to treat than atrial flutter.
• If atrial flutter persists despite 24 hours of intravenous amiodarone,
or is resistant to overdrive pacing, DCC (often at very low energies)
has a high success rate in restoring sinus rhythm.



Chronic drug therapy of atrial flutter has only limited efficacy.

Radiofrequency ablation (with targeted lesions around the tricuspid annulus
designed to interrupt the macro re-entry circuit) has much better success
rates (up to 97 per cent in some cases) and is preferable for suitable patients.


Atrioventricular nodal re-entry is the mechanism responsible for most
(70 per cent) episodes of symptomatic paroxysmal regular narrow complex
tachycardia. This is a common arrhythmia, associated with recurrent
attacks of palpitation throughout life, usually with an onset between 30 and
50 years of age. It is more common in women than men. In most patients
there is no associated valvular, myocardial or coronary artery disease.
Tachycardia onset is associated with sudden onset of rapid palpitation,
which may be associated with dizziness, syncope and polyuria. The
arrhythmia is usually well tolerated haemodynamically, because the heart is
structurally normal. In patients with the common form of AVNRT, the AV
node has two functionally and anatomically distinct pathways. These two
pathways are joined into a final common pathway through the lower part of
the AV node. One pathway is capable of fast conduction, and conducts
electrical activity from atria to ventricles in normal sinus rhythm. The other
pathway is slow conducting and is redundant during normal sinus rhythm.
This slow pathway, however, has a short refractory period, and recovers its
ability to conduct before the fast pathway. An appropriately timed atrial
ectopic can be conducted down the slow pathway and back up the fast
pathway, setting up a regular continuously reciprocating mechanism
responsible for the sudden onset of a tachycardia. This re-entry in the AV
node depolarizes atria and ventricles simultaneously, and resultant P waves
are usually not visible because they are superimposed on the QRS complex.
The ECG therefore shows a rapid regular narrow complex tachycardia (in
the absence of bundle branch block) with a rate between 130 and 250 bpm
and no visible P waves. (Occasionally, P waves may be visible as pseudo-R
waves, particularly in lead V1 and the inferior leads.) The heart rate varies
with activity of the autonomic nervous system, increasing in association
with sympathetic activation (for example, standing up increases
sympathetic activation, speeding up AV nodal conduction and increasing
the tachycardia rate). The tachycardia can induce ST segment and T-wave
changes that persist for some time after termination of the arrhythmia, but
the ECG is usually normal between attacks.



Most episodes of AVNRT can be terminated by vagal manoeuvres or
intravenous drug therapy. Stimulating the vagus by a Valsalva manoeuvre,
carotid sinus massage (after excluding the presence of carotid bruits) or
activation of the diving reflex (by application of a cold stimulus to the
face) will temporarily slow AV nodal conduction and interrupt the
tachycardia circuit, terminating the arrhythmia in some patients. Some of
these techniques can be used by the patient to try to terminate an attack at
home, avoiding the need to attend hospital. Adenosine has a very short
half-life (as short as 1.5 seconds) and no significant haemodynamic side
effects. It works by transiently blocking conduction at the AV node and is
very effective at terminating AVNRT. Adenosine is given as a rapid bolus
at 3–6 mg into a proximal peripheral vein, often the cubital vein, and
immediately flushed through with 10 mL of saline. If this fails,
incremental doses of up to 18 mg can be administered. The patient should
be warned that transient facial flushing, dyspnoea and chest pain are
common, but last for less than 20 seconds.

Adenosine can induce bronchospasm and is contraindicated in patients

with asthma or AV block. It should also be used with caution in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) because of the
potential to induce or exacerbate bronchospasm. If drug-induced
bronchospasm occurs, further drug administration should be avoided
and, if necessary, treatment with nebulized bronchodilators commenced.
Dipyridamole potentiates the effects of adenosine, and dosage should be
reduced to an initial 1 mg, increasing to a maximum of 4 mg if required.
Theophyllines antagonize the action of adenosine, which may render the
drug ineffective in these patients.

If adenosine is contraindicated or ineffective, verapamil is an effective

alternative agent, given as 5–10 mg over 30–60 seconds. Verapamil should
be avoided if:

• systolic BP is <100 mmHg

• left ventricular function is known to be impaired
• QRS complex is >120 ms (three small squares)
• patient is receiving concurrent treatment with beta-blockers
• patient is known to have an anterogradely conducting accessory

If both adenosine and verapamil are contraindicated, a senior

colleague should be consulted; the options would be to use a class Ic



antiarrhythmic drug, or pace termination. To terminate AVNRT by

• A temporary pacing wire is placed in contact with the atrial
endocardium and pacing instituted at 100 bpm. If a pacing spike
occurs at an appropriate time point it will induce a critical
refractory period in the circuit and terminate the arrhythmia.
• If underdrive pacing fails, the atria is paced 20 per cent faster than
the tachycardia rate for 30 seconds, then the pacing abruptly
terminated. This will often terminate the arrhythmia by a similar
mechanism to underdrive pacing. There is a small risk of
precipitating AF, which is usually short lived and reverts to sinus
If all these measures fail, DCC can be used to restore sinus rhythm.


In the normal heart the atria and ventricles become electrically isolated
during fetal development. The only route by which atrial electrical activity
can be conducted to the ventricles is via the AV node. Incomplete
separation of the atria and ventricles during fetal development leads to the
persistence of a connection that is capable of abnormally conducting
electrical activity between atria and ventricles. These abnormal
connections are called accessory pathways, and they can be responsible
for a variety of ECG abnormalities and tachyarrhythmias. Accessory
pathways are the mechanism responsible for around 20 per cent of
paroxysmal regular supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. The pathways
can arise in a variety of different sites around the AV rings, and connect to
various areas of the ventricles or conduction system. The most common
position for an accessory pathway is in the left lateral free wall of the heart.
Less commonly, pathways can be situated close to the septum, in the right
free wall, or, rarely, can be multiple. The appearance of the surface ECG
and the type of arrhythmias that occur depend on the precise anatomy
and conduction characteristics of the accessory pathway. Accessory
pathway tachycardias are more common in males than females. The
commonest arrhythmia in these patients arises when electrical activity
repeatedly circulates between the atria and ventricles via the AV node and
accessory pathway, producing an atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia
(AVRT). Atrial fibrillation is a less common but potentially dangerous



arrhythmia (if AF occurs in a patient with a pathway that is capable of

rapid anterograde conduction from atria to ventricles, rapid activation of
the ventricles can result in VF and sudden cardiac death).

Diagnosis from the ECG during sinus rhythm

In many patients with an accessory pathway, the resting ECG will be
abnormal. If the pathway is capable of anterograde conduction from atria to
ventricles, initial slow ventricular activation will occur via the pathway during
normal sinus rhythm. This produces a short PR interval and delta wave
(Figure 3.3). This type of accessory pathway is present in up to 3 per 1000 of
the population (although many of these patients never have symptoms). The
occurrence of arrhythmias in association with this type of pathway and
abnormal ECG is termed WPW syndrome. The common left-sided pathways
produce a predominantly positive QRS complex in V1. The less common
right-sided pathways produce a predominantly negative QRS complex in V1.
In some patients the accessory pathway is only capable of retrograde
conduction from ventricles to atria. In these patients ventricular activation
occurs normally via the AV node, there is no pre-excitation, and the surface
ECG during sinus rhythm is completely normal. This ‘concealed’ accessory
pathway is, however, still capable of conducting retrogradely, thereby
participating in the re-entry circuit of an AVRT. The presence of a concealed
accessory pathway is occasionally suggested by the characteristics of the ECG
during tachycardia, indicating AV re-entry as a possible tachycardia
mechanism. In most cases, however, it is difficult to distinguish AVRT from
AVNRT based on the tachycardia ECG.

Atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia

Because the AV node and accessory pathway have different refractory
periods, an appropriately timed ectopic can initiate a repetitive cycle of
depolarization involving the AV node and accessory pathway. In the
common type of AVRT, electrical activity passes to the ventricles via the
AV node, then back via the accessory pathway to depolarize the atria and
reinitiate the cycle (orthodromic tachycardia). Since ventricular
depolarization occurs via the normal conduction system, the ECG will
show a rapid regular narrow complex tachycardia (with no pre-excitation).
Since atrial depolarization occurs after ventricular depolarization, an
inverted P wave may be visible within the ST-T wave segments, roughly
halfway between QRS complexes. Rarely, activation passes from atria to
ventricles via an antegradely conducting pathway, then back to the atria
via the AV node. Since ventricular depolarization is initiated via the
pathway, the tachycardia will have a broad QRS morphology (antidromic


aVR V4

aVL V2 V5

aVF V3 V6


Figure 3. 3 Wolf f– Parkinson – White syndrome. A shor t PR inter val and delta waves indicate the presence of an
accessor y pathway.

tachycardia). This type of rare AVRT is difficult to differentiate from

ventricular tachycardia (VT) without the aid of an electrophysiological
study (EPS).
Patients presenting with AVRT are generally similar to those with
AVNRT (relatively young, no structural heart disease apparent), although
AVRT is less likely to present in middle age than AVNRT.

Atrial fibrillation
AF is less common in patients with accessory pathways, but can be life
threatening. The atria depolarize rapidly (350–600 impulses per minute)
during AF. In a normal individual, the AV node protects the ventricles
from this rapid erratic electrical activity. If AF occurs in a patient with an
accessory pathway that is capable of rapid anterograde conduction, rapid
atrial electrical activity can be conducted directly to the ventricles,
resulting in a very fast ventricular response that can lead to
haemodynamic collapse, or degenerate to VF. The ECG will show an
irregularly irregular rhythm with a variable QRS morphology (due to
most complexes being conducted via the pathway, leading to a broad QRS
morphology, with a minority conducted via the AV node leading to a
narrow QRS morphology).

In patients with WPW sydrome who present with the common form of
narrow complex orthodromic tachycardia and who are not
haemodynamically compromised, initial drug therapy is appropriate. As a
general principle, drugs that predominantly block AV nodal conduction
should be avoided in patients known to have an accessory pathway. In
certain circumstances, AV nodal blocking drugs can cause tachycardia
acceleration (for instance, in patients with AF and a pathway capable of
rapid anterograde conduction). It is therefore preferable to use a drug that
acts predominantly to slow accessory pathway conduction. Intravenous
flecainide 2 mg/kg (maximum 150 mg) has a good safety profile in a
patient with an accessory pathway, and will terminate more than 80 per
cent of episodes. If flecainide fails, consult a senior colleague before
administering another drug. If the patient is haemodynamically
compromised with the tachycardia, DCC is the treatment of choice.
When AF occurs in a patient with a pathway capable of rapid anterograde
conduction, the ventricular rate can exceed 250 bpm. These rapid
ventricular rates are often associated with haemodynamic compromise or
heart failure, and urgent DC cardioversion is required. If the AF is slower



and well tolerated, a drug that slows accessory pathway conduction (such
as flecainide 2 mg/kg IV) can be used to slow the ventricular rate and
restore sinus rhythm.
Because of the inherent risk of sudden death, all patients with an
accessory pathway should be reviewed by an electrophysiologist to plan
an optimal investigation and treatment strategy. The most dangerous
pathways are those that are capable of rapid antegrade conduction from
atria to ventricles. Concealed pathways and pathways that show
intermittent pre-excitation or pre-excitation that disappears with
exercise are unlikely to be capable of rapid antegrade conduction, but
electrophysiological characterization of the conduction characteristics of
the pathway is more reliable than inspection of the surface ECG.
Ablation is highly successful and low risk, and should be considered for
all patients with an accessory pathway (the risks of long-term
antiarrhythmic drug therapy are probably greater than the procedure-
related risks of EPS and ablation).

Atrial tachycardia is relatively rare. Unifocal atrial tachycardia arises
from a single repetitively discharging area of micro re-entry or
enhanced automaticity. During the arrhythmia the ECG will usually
show a regular narrow complex tachycardia with a rate of 120–240 bpm
(Figure 3.4). Each QRS complex will be preceded by a morphologically
abnormal P wave, usually best seen in V1. An upright P wave in V1
indicates the tachycardia is due to a left atrial focus, a positive P wave in
AVL indicates a right atrial origin. The arrhythmia can arise in patients
with structural heart disease leading to atrial dilatation or dysfunction,
particularly in patients with cardiorespiratory co-morbidities, but
commonly no cause is found. Atrial tachycardia is often resistant to
drug therapy. Nodal blocking drugs will not terminate the arrhythmia,
but may slow the ventricular rate. Antiarrhythmic drugs that stabilize
atrial electrical activity (such as sotalol, flecainide and amiodarone) may
terminate the arrhythmia. If drug therapy fails, overdrive pacing or
cardioversion should be considered. Unifocal atrial tachycardias are
readily treated by ablation in suitable patients who have recurrent
Unifocal atrial tachycardia may arise as a complication of digoxin
toxicity. In this case, digoxin induces a variable degree of
atrioventricular block as well as triggering the discharge of an atrial


aVR V1 V4

aVL V2 V5

aVF V3 V6


Figure 3. 4 Atrial tachycardia. Note the morphologically abnormal P waves seen best in the limb leads.

ectopic focus. The atrial rate is generally 150–200 bpm, and the degree of
atrioventricular block may fluctuate, producing an irregular ventricular
rhythm. When atrial tachycardia with variable block complicates
digoxin therapy:
• further digoxin therapy should be withheld until the arrhythmia
• beta-blockers should be given (if necessary) to slow the ventricular
• potassium should be maintained above 4.0 mmol/L
• Digibind (see Chapter 8) should be considered.
DCC should be avoided, as it may induce intractable arrhythmias in a
patient with digoxin toxicity.
Multifocal atrial tachycardia most commonly arises as a complication
of respiratory disease in acutely ill elderly patients, and is characterized
by multiple atrial foci producing constant variation in the P-wave
morphology and a variable atrial rate (Figure 3.5). Therapy consists of
ensuring that the potassium level is adequate, treating the underlying
respiratory problem, and using AV nodal blocking drugs to control the
ventricular rate.

A tachycardia with broad QRS complexes can be due to:
• VT
• supraventricular tachycardia in a patient with pre-existing or
rate-related bundle branch block
• supraventricular tachycardia in a patient with an accessory

pathway that is capable of anterograde conduction.

A series of clinical and ECG guidelines can be used to determine the

site of tachycardia origin. The patient’s general clinical state is no guide
to the site of tachycardia origin. The degree of haemodynamic
compromise that occurs depends on the ventricular rate and left
ventricular function. A rapid supraventricular tachycardia in a patient
with left ventricular dysfunction may cause major haemodynamic
collapse, whilst a slow VT may be well tolerated in a patient with good
left ventricular function. If the patient is not severely compromised,
clinical assessment, a 12-lead ECG or the use of IV adenosine helps to


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 3.5 Multifocal atrial tachycardia is charac terized by the following : a rate more than 10 0 / min ; organized,
discrete non - sinus P waves with at least three dif ferent forms in the same ECG lead ; isoelec tric baseline bet ween
P waves ; and irregular PP, PR and RR inter vals. In patients with hear t rates less than 10 0 / min, the term multifocal
atrial rhy thm is used.

identify the site of origin of a broad complex tachycardia. The useful

features are:
• A totally irregular broad complex tachycardia is likely to be AF
with bundle branch block or an accessory pathway.
• Capture or fusion beats, independent P waves that are dissociated
from ventricular activity or clinical evidence of AV dissociation
(cannon waves or variable intensity S1) confirm that the
tachycardia is VT.
• A broad QRS (>140 ms), marked axis deviation, ventricular
concordance, a deep S wave in V6 or an RSr pattern in V1 suggest a
ventricular origin (Figure 3.6).
• If an IV adenosine bolus has no effect on the tachycardia, it is
probably VT. If the arrhythmia terminates, it is probably of
supraventricular origin. The transient period of AV block
associated with adenosine administration may allow visualization
of atrial fibrillation, flutter or tachycardia activity.
It is important to remember that the vast majority of broad complex
tachycardias are due to VT, particularly if the patient is known to have
structural heart disease. Intravenous verapamil should never be given to
a patient with a broad complex tachycardia as it may cause severe and
intractable haemodynamic depression if the tachycardia is VT. If doubt
as to the diagnosis remains after clinical assessment, inspection of the
ECG and administration of adenosine, then the arrhythmia should be
treated as VT.

Monomorphic VT
The commonest cause of monomorphic VT is ischaemic heart disease.
Monomorphic VT occurring early in the course of an ACS is usually due to
enhanced automaticity in an infarcting segment of myocardium.
Monomorphic VT occurring late after an ACS is usually associated with
re-entry in scar tissue. Less common causes include cardiomyopathy,
myocarditis, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, valvular heart
disease, or scarring associated with cardiac surgery. Occasionally,
monomorphic VT can arise in an entirely normal heart. The occurrence of
monomorphic VT with a left bundle and right axis configuration in a patient
with a normal heart indicates that the arrhythmia is arising from the right
ventricular outflow tract. A relatively narrow QRS duration suggests that the
origin of the tachycardia lies close to the bundle of His (fascicular VT). Both


I aVR V4

II V2 V5



Figure 3.6 Ventricular tachycardia. Note, the broad QRS duration (>14 0 ms ) , marked axis deviation (in this case
right axis deviation ) , RSr pat tern in lead V1, deep S in lead V5 and V6, AV dissociation ( best seen in lead II ) and
a fusion beat ( nineteenth QRS complex on the rhy thm strip ) .

these tachycardias can be terminated by adenosine and are amenable to

radiofrequency ablation. If the resting ECG shows T-wave inversion in
V1–V3 and there is a family history of palpitations or sudden death,
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a possibility. If the arrhythmia
is exercise induced in a structurally normal heart, right ventricular outflow
tachycardia is a possibility. If there is evidence of conduction tissue disease
then bundle branch re-entry tachycardia should be considered.
Monomorphic VT consists of a rapid succession of ventricular ectopic
beats occurring at a rate >120 bpm. The rhythm will be predominantly
regular and each successive ventricular complex will have a uniform
appearance. The regularity and morphology of the tachycardia may be
intermittently altered by the occurrence of capture of fusion beats.
Monomorphic VT that lasts for less than 30 seconds is defined as
non-sustained. A right bundle branch block configuration indicates a left
ventricular origin for the tachycardia, whilst a left bundle branch block
configuration indicates a right ventricular origin. Treatment of sustained
monomorphic VT is detailed in Chapter 1. If the monomorphic VT is not
clearly related to an ACS, there is a high risk of recurrence, and expert
investigation is required to determine the underlying cause. The
investigations to consider are:
• coronary angiography to evaluate the presence and extent of
coronary artery disease in patients with ischaemic heart disease
• cardiac imaging with echocardiography or MRI to evaluate cardiac
structure and function in patients with cardiomyopathy
• stress testing to look for exercise-induced ischaemia or VT.
If an identifiable precipitating factor such as cardiac ischaemia can be
identified, this should be treated before using antiarrhythmic drugs. If
there is no clear treatable factor, drug therapy or implantation of an
implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) should be considered. An
ICD is preferable if the VT was associated with cardiac arrest, major
haemodynamic compromise, the patient has an ejection fraction of
<35 per cent or an abnormality such as cardiomyopathy is present. If the
patient is not suitable for ICD implantation, drug therapy is an inferior
alternative. The most effective drugs to prevent recurrence of VT are
beta-blockers, sotalol and amiodarone.

Polymorphic VT
Polymorphic VT is characterized by repeated progressive changes in QRS
morphology and orientation, producing an appearance of twisting



around the baseline (Figure 3.7). Polymorphic VT in the absence of

QT prolongation is mainly associated with ACS, and is dealt with
in Chapter 1. Polymorphic VT occurring in association with QT
prolongation is termed Torsade de Pointes tachycardia. This type of
VT occurs when abnormal ventricular repolarization with resultant QT
prolongation occurs due to bradycardia, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia
or drugs. The common drugs associated with QT prolongation are
antiarrhythmics, antibiotics, antihistamines and antipsychotics. Rarely,
QT prolongation may be congenital, when it is due to inherited or
sporadic genetic defects of myocyte potassium and sodium channels.
Treatment consists of:
• withdrawal of any implicated drugs
• treatment of sustained episodes with DCC if associated with
haemodynamic collapse
• pacing at 100 bpm to shorten the QT interval
• giving IV magnesium 8 mmol stat then 2.5 mmol/h infusion for
24 hours.
In patients with congenital QT prolongation, beta-blockade (excluding
sotalol), sympathectomy or an ICD may be required.

Ventricular fibrillation
The commonest cause of VF is ischaemic heart disease, and it is
responsible for 90 per cent of deaths related to ACS. The emergency
management of VF is dealt with in Chapters 1 and 2. If VF occurs in the
absence of evidence of an ACS, careful investigation is required as
described for VT. All patients who survive an episode of VF not associated
with ACS should be considered for an ICD, as this is prognostically more
effective than drug therapy.


Bradyarrhythmias arising as a complication of ACS (particularly inferior
STEMI) are dealt with in Chapter 1. Bradyarrhythmias that are not related
to an ACS are most commonly due to idiopathic fibrosis of the conduction
system (which is more common in the elderly), although a wide range of
other cardiac conditions can occasionally be responsible. These
bradyarrhythmias may present with important symptoms that require
urgent treatment.

Figure 3.7 Polymorphic V T. Note the frequent changes in QRS complex morphology.

Atrioventricular block
First degree heart block (prolongation of the PR interval to >200 msec)
signifies slow conduction of electrical activity from atria to ventricles
(Figure 3.8). First degree block does not cause symptoms, and can occur
in young people in association with high vagal tone. In older individuals
it may indicate the presence of underlying fibrosis in the conduction
system with a risk of progression to higher grade AV block. In second
degree block there is intermittent failure of conduction of atrial impulses
to the ventricles, manifest as a P wave not followed by a QRS complex. In
Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) second degree AV block, a progressive
increase in impaired conduction in the AV node occurs with each
successive sinus beat. This leads to a progressive prolongation in the PR
interval until an atrial impulse fails to be conducted, resulting in a
dropped beat. After the dropped beat, AV conduction recovers and the
sequence is repeated. Mobitz type 1 block can be a benign phenomenon
occurring in normal individuals with high vagal tone, particularly
during sleep. In the absence of high vagal tone in a younger individual,
Mobitz type 1 block is associated with a significant risk of progression to
high degree AV block with symptoms. In Mobitz type 2 second degree
AV block, impaired conduction in the bundle of His or bundle branches
leads to intermittent failure of conduction of atrial impulses to the
ventricles without preceding lengthening of the PR interval. These
patients often have associated bundle branch block and axis deviation
(bifascicular block), occasionally with associated PR interval
prolongation, reflecting extensive disease in the bundle of His. Patients
with Mobitz type 2 block have extensive conduction system disease and
are at increased risk of Stokes–Adams attacks, slow ventricular rates and
sudden death. Complete heart block occurs when there is total failure of
conduction of electrical activity from atria to ventricles (Figure 3.9).
Complete heart block can be due to disease at nodal or bundle of His
level. If the block is at nodal level, the escape rhythm that results will be
narrow complex, stable and usually fast enough to support an adequate
circulation. In patients with extensive disease in the bundle of His, the
subsidiary pacemaker will be low in the conduction system, producing a
slow, unreliable broad complex escape rhythm, with an increased risk of
major symptoms.

Sino-atrial node disease

When fibrosis predominantly affects the sinus node and atria, sino-atrial
node (SAN) disease (or sick sinus syndrome) occurs. This is characterized


Figure 3.8 First degree AV block characterized by a PR interval of >200 msec.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 3.9 Complete hear t block. There is complete AV dissociation with the P waves and QRS complexes
occurring without any relation to each other. Note the constantly changing PR inter vals.

by a variety of often intermittent tachy- or bradyarrhythmias. The

common rhythm disturbances are:
• sinus bradycardia
• sinus arrest
• atrial flutter or fibrillation.
In up to one-third of these patients the fibrotic process extends into the
AV node and heart block coexists.
Clinical features and management
The electrocardiographic features of heart block are discussed in Chapter 1.
In SAN disease the ECG shows sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, atrial
fibrillation or flutter and sometimes AV block (these features may only be
evident with prolonged rhythm monitoring). First degree and Mobitz type 1
AV block do not cause symptoms. If the conduction disturbance is not clearly
associated with high vagal tone, close monitoring is required as higher grade
AV block may develop. In patients with bifascicular block, there is a small
risk of progression to complete heart block, but pacing in the absence of
symptoms is not required. If general anaesthesia is required for non-cardiac
surgery in a patient with bifascicular block and prolongation of the
PR interval (trifasicular block), many authorities recommend prophylactic
temporary pacing to guard against sudden complete heart block.
In Mobitz type 2 and complete heart block a slow ventricular rate may cause
tiredness, dyspnoea or heart failure. If the escape rhythm is unreliable or
intermittently fails, syncope or sudden death may occur. Patients with SAN
disease have bradyarrhythmia-related syncope or dizziness which may be
associated with palpitations due to tachyarrhythmias.
Patients who present with symptomatic bradyarrhythmias due to chronic
conduction system disease may require short-term support to maintain an
adequate heart rate. If there is a history of dizziness or syncope associated
with a ventricular rate of <40 bpm (particularly if the escape rhythm is
broad complex), or pauses of >3 seconds, then treatment is required. The
options are:
• to commence an isoprenaline infusion (Appendix A) to increase
the ventricular rate
• to apply an external pacing system for temporary rate support
• to insert a temporary pacing wire.
The complication rate for temporary pacing is high for inexperienced
operators. The first two options are preferable in the absence of an


appropriately skilled operator, and are discussed in more detail in

Chapter 2. If temporary pacing is used, the femoral vein provides a good
access site that minimizes the risk of access site complications and also
reduces the amount of pacing lead manipulation required. If the patient has
a rate of >40 bpm with a narrow complex escape rhythm and no long
pauses, it is appropriate to monitor the rhythm in a coronary care unit
environment, avoiding rhythm support initially. All patients with
symptomatic chronic bradyarrhythmias should be considered for
permanent pacing.

• Selecting the best treatment depends on the mechanism and effect
of an arrhythmia.
• QRS duration is not a totally reliable guide to the site of origin of an
• Antiarrhythmic drug therapy has many limitations (due to poor
efficacy and side effects).
• AF is common – treatment depends on the duration of the
arrhythmia and its haemodynamic effects. Atrial flutter is
relatively uncommon, and is treated in a similar fashion to AF.
• The commonest cause of recurrent narrow complex tachycardia is
AV nodal re-entry (which usually can be terminated by adenosine).
• Accessory pathways are not always associated with an abnormal
resting ECG. The commonest associated arrhythmia is a regular
narrow complex tachycardia with P waves visible between QRS
complexes; AF is rare but can be dangerous.
• A broad complex tachycardia can be due to VT, bundle branch
block or an accessory pathway. Most of these tachycardias are VT.
• Many bradyarrhythmias are well tolerated and emergency pacing
should be avoided if possible.

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Background 135 Specific hypertensive 142

Clinical evaluation 139 emergencies
Management 140 Key points 146
Specific drug therapy 141 Key references 148

In a small proportion of patients with hypertension, an accelerated phase of
the disease may develop into malignant hypertension. This presents
clinically as a hypertensive emergency with marked elevation of blood
pressure accompanied by end-organ damage. The frequency of
hypertensive emergencies is declining due to widespread early treatment of
less severe hypertension, with contemporary incidence rates of around
1 per cent in hypertensive subjects. A hypertensive crisis is commonest in
the young black male population.
This accelerated phase may present us a medical emergency in which
the blood pressure should be reduced immediately to avoid irreversible
target organ damage. The urgent need for blood pressure control is
most acute where life-threatening complications such as an aortic
dissection or encephalopathy occur. Any hypertensive condition can
develop into a crisis, although it is commoner in secondary forms of the
disease such as with phaeochromocytoma and in renovascular
hypertension. Prior to the introduction of effective antihypertensive
therapy, less than 25 per cent of patients with malignant hypertension
survived 1 year, with a 1 per cent 5-year survival. In the current era with
renal dialysis support, 1- and 5-year survival is 90 per cent and 80 per
cent, respectively. In severe hypertension, early death is usually due to
stroke or acute renal failure. In the longer term, coronary artery disease
becomes the commonest cause of death.
Hypertensive emergencies are most common in patients with
long-standing, poorly controlled chronic hypertension, often following an


abrupt cessation in antihypertensive therapy. In these patients, chronic

vascular changes provide a degree of protection to the end organs. In
previously normotensive patients who develop an acute rise in blood
pressure (for example, as a complication of acute renal failure or
pregnancy) there are no chronic vascular adaptive changes to limit the
adverse effects of the hypertension, and severe end-organ damage can
occur at lower pressures.

Any cause of hypertension can lead to a hypertensive emergency
(Table 4.1). The likelihood of severe adverse effects is highest in
patients who develop a rapid increase in systemic blood pressure: the
vascular adaptation to chronic hypertension reduces the likelihood
of end-organ damage, with the corollary that in the absence of
pre-existing hypertension, a hypertensive emergency can occur at a lower
pressure. A hypertensive emergency occurs when sustained diastolic
blood pressure is above 130 mmHg leading to a risk of end-organ
The exact initiating step in a hypertensive crisis is not well understood.
There is a cascade of physiological decompensation initiated by a
critical degree of hypertension, which occurs both systemically and
locally in vascular beds. An increase in vasoreactivity occurs. The
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is crucial in the development of
this hyper-reactivity. Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor and
also has direct cytotoxic effects on endothelium through activation of
gene expression or pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6
(IL-6) and the transcription factor, NF-κb. Inhibition of tissue
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) can prevent malignant
hypertension in transgenic mice. Systemically, there is activation of the
sympathetic nervous system, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
and increased release of antidiuretic hormone. This leads to systemic
vasoconstriction and a rise in vascular resistance, as well as an increase
in circulating blood volume. Paradoxically, the baroreceptor response
to this is overwhelmed with a further increase in circulating
vasopressor hormones. Locally, free radical production and endothelin
release is associated with further endothelial dysfunction, growth
factor release and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation
diminishing local vascular autoregulation. Progressive endothelial
dysfunction through pro-inflammatory cytokines with up-regulation
of endothelial adhesion molecules (such as E- and P-selectin) promotes


Table 4.1 Causes of hypertensive emergencies

Essential hypertension

Renal parenchymal disease

• acute glomerulonephritis
• renal vasculitis
• haemolytic uraemic syndrome
• thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Renovascular disease


• eclampsia

Endocrine disease

• phaeochromocytoma
• hypheradrenalism (Cushing’s syndrome)
• renin-secreting tumours


• cocaine abuse
• sympathomimetic abuse
• erythropoietin in haemodialysis patients
• cyclosporin A
• interactions with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (tyramine ingestion)

Autonomic hyper-reactivity

• Guillain–Barré syndrome
• acute intermittent porphyria

Neurological disease

• head injury
• cerebrovascular accident
• brain tumours

local inflammation. An increase in vascular permeability and

activation of the coagulation cascade is the consequence of this,
promoting further vasoconstriction. The end result of these adverse
changes in neuroendocrine and vascular function is an acute rise in


blood pressure, with diastolic pressures consistently exceeding

130 mmHg. The severe elevation in blood pressure leads to widespread
fibrinoid necrosis in small arteries and arterioles. Thrombotic
occlusion of these damaged vessels is common, leading to infarction in
end organs. These damaged vessels also exhibit increased permeability
leading to tissue oedema.
There are several important vascular beds which are at risk during a
hypertensive emergency:
• Cerebrovascular: hypertensive encephalopathy is an acute medical
emergency characterized by headache, irritability, an altered
conscious level, seizures and coma. The acute diffuse neurological
effects of malignant hypertension are reversed by prompt reduction
in the blood pressure. Other potential complications of a
hypertensive crisis are intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage,
and thrombotic infarction in individuals with predisposing
atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease.
• Cardiovascular: acute left ventricular failure (LVF) or an acute
coronary syndrome may occur due to the inability of a stiffened,
hypertrophied left ventricle to cope with a sudden rise in systemic
vascular resistance. Acute aortic dissection is a potential
complication of a hypertensive crisis, particularly in patients with
cystic medical necrosis of the thoracic aorta.
• Renal: haematuria and progressive renal failure can occur.
The commonest clinical manifestations are of cerebral infarction (25 per
cent), pulmonary oedema (23 per cent), encephalopathy (16 per cent) and
congestive cardiac failure (12 per cent).

Clinical features
Malignant hypertension is associated with a persistent diastolic pressure
of greater that 130 mmHg. Other diagnostic clinical features of malignant
hypertensive crisis include:
• hypertensive retinopathy
– haemorrhage, exudates and papilloedema (grades 3 and 4
hypertensive retinopathy)
• hypertensive encephalopathy
– headache, confusion, altered consciousness, leading to seizure
activity and coma


• acute renal failure

– protein and red blood cells noted on urinalysis
– hypokalaemia from secondary hyperaldosteronism
– oliguria may ensue
• microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
When any of these features are present, immediate treatment to lower
blood pressure is required.
Miscellaneous situations
In certain other hypertensive crises, an immediate reduction in blood
pressure is required:
• phaeochromocytoma
• food or drug interactions with monoamine oxidase inhibitors
• head injury
• post-operative bleeding
• severe, uncontrollable epistaxis
There are other clinical situations where a quick rather than immediate
reduction of blood pressure is required:
• malignant hypertension with no end-organ compromise
• rebound hypertension after drug withdrawal
• severe hypertension post-surgery
• severe widespread burn injury

An accurate history of the duration and severity of any pre-existing
hypertension must be established. It is equally important to establish the
presence of end-organ damage, such as hypertensive renal disease and
cerebrovascular disease. Symptoms of target organ injury may be present:
• anterior chest pain: myocardial ischaemia, acute aortic dissection;
• posterior chest pain: aortic dissection;
• dyspnoea: acute pulmonary oedema, acute heart failure;
• altered consciousness/seizures: encephalopathy.
It is important to take a complete drug history to establish both any
pre-existing therapy and the possibility of recent drug withdrawal or
non-compliance. The recreational abuse of cocaine or other
sympathomimetic drugs should be considered.



Physical examination
• Blood pressure measurement – in both arms, erect and supine
• Cardiovascular examination – presence of heart failure (raised
jugular venous pressure (JVP), third heart sound, pulmonary
• Neurological examination – conscious level, visual fields, focal
pyramidal signs
• Fundoscopy – new haemorrhages, exudates and papilloedema
indicate a hypertensive emergency.

Initial investigations:
• Biochemistry – urea, creatinine and electrolytes
• Haemotology – full blood count, including a blood film for
evidence of haemolysis
• 12-lead ECG – to exclude/confirm ischaemia, to indicate left
ventricular hypertrophy
• Chest x-ray – look for evidence of heart failure or dissection
• Urinalysis – red blood cells, protein.
Additional investigations should include:
• echocardiography
• renal ultrasound scan
• computed tomography of thorax and abdomen, and
• magnetic resonance renovascular and neuro-imaging (see below).
The treatment of a hypertensive crisis is based on consensus rather than
on randomized controlled trials. The first principle of care is that a
hypertensive emergency patient is managed in a high-dependency
environment with withdrawal of any potential treatments that may be
exacerbating the situation. This allows for accurate and continuous
blood pressure monitoring with an arterial line. Treatment should be
initiated by the intravenous route and titrated against the
antihypertensive response. Combination therapy is preferred to achieve
an additive effect and may be tailored towards any compromise in a
particular end organ. In aortic dissection, a combination of intravenous
beta-blockade (labetalol, which is a mixed alpha- and beta-blocker)
given first followed by sodium nitroprusside is the preferred therapy. In
the presence of myocardial ischaemia, intravenous glyceryl trinitrate

with beta-blockade gives maximum anti-ischaemic effect, albeit with a

diminishing antihypertensive effect over time. In aortic dissection, a
relatively rapid reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) to <110 mmHg
should be aimed for. In hypertensive encephalopathy, centrally acting
drugs should be avoided, and the aim should be to reduce mean arterial
pressure (MAP) by 25 per cent over 8 hours. Where cerebral infarction
has occurred, rapid reductions in blood pressure should be avoided to
avoid cerebral hypoperfusion in the context of impaired autoregulation,
and care must be taken if fibrinolytic therapy is being considered. In
cases of intracerebral haemorrhage, blood pressure lowering should also
be performed gradually. When associated with signs of increased
intracranial pressure (ICP), MAP should be maintained just below
130 mmHg (or SBP <180 mmHg) for the first 24 hours. For those without
increased ICP, a MAP <110 mmHg (or SBP <160 mmHg) should be
maintained for the first 24 hours.


Sodium nitroprusside
This short-acting arterial and venous dilator is first-line therapy for
a hypertensive emergency. It has an immediate effect and its dose
may be titrated against its efficacy. This will allow the simultaneous
administration of oral antihypertensive agents, facilitating
discontinuation of the nitroprusside infusion before the risk of
thiocyanate toxicity. It is given in a dose of 0.25–10 μg/kg/min.

This mixed alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker is the other mainstay
of therapy in a hypertensive emergency. Although its beta-blocking
effect is weaker than conventional beta-blockers, it can be given in bolus
form at a dose of 20–80 mg in addition to an intravenous infusion of
2 mg/min.

ACE inhibition
These drugs are effective in lowering blood pressure within 15 minutes of
an intravenous bolus such as enalaprilat (1.25–5 mg), with an effect lasting
at least 4 hours. However, precipitous falls may occur in patients with
hypovolaemia or significant renovascular disease. In accelerated
hypertension, a pressure-induced natriuresis may occur, leading to the
confounding physiological situation of hypovolaemia in the setting of



This drug is approved for use in hypertensive emergencies. It is a
peripheral dopamine-1 receptor agonist, which peripherally vasodilates
with an additional potent vasodilating effect on renal arteries. It has a
quick onset (5 minutes) and is used at a dose of 0.1–0.6 μg/kg/min. In one
study compared with sodium nitroprusside, fenoldopam improved renal
dysfunction in severely hypertensive patients with renal impairment.

Glyceryl trinitrate
Intravenous GTN (5–100 μg/min) is of particular use where significant
coronary artery disease coexists with a hypertensive emergency. Although
not a potent therapy for hypertension itself, the restoration of the
imbalance between myocardial demand and supply through reduction in
intramyocardial wall tension, preload reduction and improved collateral
blood supply is of benefit, particularly when used in conjunction with
beta-blockade. Like sodium nitroprusside, afterload reduction is of
benefit in the presence of LVF.
A recent systematic review of 15 randomized controlled trials was unable to
find evidence that antihypertensive drugs reduced mortality or morbidity
in patients with hypertensive emergencies (there were no randomized
studies specifically addressing this issue). Further, there was insufficient
evidence to determine which drug or drug class was most effective in
reducing mortality and morbidity. Whilst there were some small differences
in degree of blood pressure lowering among classes, the clinical significance
was unclear. The review demonstrated evidence of blood pressure lowering
efficacy for nitrates, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, alpha-adrenergic
antagonists, calcium channel blockers and dopamine agonists. Nitrates
(including nitroprusside) were the most studied group, making this class of
drug a reasonable choice of therapy in hypertensive emergencies.


Hypertensive encephalopathy
There are both functional and structural processes which occur in the
brain when there is an acute sustained increase in systemic blood pressure.
The functional response to an excessive perfusion pressure is cerebral
arteriolar vasodilatation (rather than vasoconstriction as expected) and a
loss of microcirculatory autoregulation, leading to the leakage of fluid into
the perivascular space and cerebral oedema. With acute endothelial injury,
the structural changes in the arterioles lead to an increase in vascular



permeability independent of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

This leads to disruption of the blood–brain barrier, cerebral oedema and
micro-haemorrhage. The normal range over which vital organs such as the
brain and the heart autoregulate blood flow in the face of varying
perfusion pressure (MAP) is between 60 and 120 mmHg. In patients with
pre-existing hypertension, this autoregulatory range is increased to
between 110 and 180 mmHg through an increase in the intimal area of the
larger resistive vessels (pre-arterioles) that deliver perfusion to the smaller
resistive vessels (arterioles). These former vessels are influenced by the
perfusion pressure and cerebral blood flow, and by myogenic tone.
Conversely, in patients with no previous hypertension, signs of
encephalopathy can occur at a pressure as low as 160/100 mmHg. Thus, the
clinical response is largely dependent on whether the patient develops the
hypertensive crisis in the context of a previously normal blood pressure.
Hypertensive encephalopathy is characterized by the acute onset of
lethargy, confusion, headache, visual disturbance and focal or generalized
seizures. If untreated, coma, cerebral haemorrhage and death may ensue.
Intracerebral haemorrhage is particularly likely in thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura and in pre-eclampsia where haemolysis
occurs with acute liver injury and thrombocytopenia occurs. Magnetic
resonance imaging with T2-weighting may confirm a posterior
leucoencephalopathy affecting predominantly the white matter of the
parieto-occipital regions (largely bilateral). The cerebellum and brainstem
may also be affected, and occasionally the cerebral cortex. The posterior
cerebral predilection occurs through a reduction in sympathetic
innervation accompanying the basilar artery and its branches.
Hypertensive encephalopathy is reversible, leading to the specific term
hypertensive reversible posterior leucoencephalopathy syndrome (PLS). It
has been described in both children and adults and may also occur in
non-hypertensive situations such as through drug toxicity (cyclosporin
and tacrolimus [often an acute cause of hypertension], cisplatin and
interferon-α therapy), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and after blood transfusion.
Although the aim of treatment is to bring the diastolic pressure down to
around 100 mmHg within the first hour, it is important to be aware that
patients with pre-existing hypertension and elderly patients are at
particular risk of a watershed infarct with aggressive blood pressure
reduction. In patients with seizure activity, anticonvulsant therapy using
intravenous phenytoin or benzodiazepines should be given additionally.



Phaeochromocytoma arise from sympathetic ganglia derived from the
primitive neural crest with 90 per cent arising from the adrenal medulla,
10 per cent bilateral and 10 per cent malignant rather than benign. They
account for up to 0.2 per cent of hypertensive patients. These ‘tumours’,
which are essentially extreme nodular hyperplasia, may occur as part of
the familial multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN-2) syndrome. They create
extreme fluctuations in systemic blood pressure with associated
symptoms, although the hypertension becomes persistent in half of
patients. With adrenaline as the predominant catecholamine secreted
(mainly from adrenal medullary tumours), symptoms of an increased
cardiac output with systolic hypertension, sinus tachycardia, sweating,
flushing and apprehension occur. Noradrenaline is usually the
predominant hormone (adrenal and most extra-adrenal tumours), and
there is an increased peripheral vasoconstriction with diastolic as well as
systolic hypertension with less tachycardia or palpitations. In 45 per cent,
the hypertension is paroxysmal, and often occurs in response to
anaesthesia, parturition or pharmacological stress from histamine,
caffeine, beta-blockade or glucocorticoids. Attacks have a variable
frequency, and the majority (80 per cent) last for less than an hour. Less
commonly, patients with familial tumours are normotensive.
A direct relationship between high levels of catecholamines and
myocardial injury exists with the potential for myocarditis and acute LVF.
Diagnosis is made simply through a 24-hour urine collection for urinary
metanephrines. To improve the specificity of this test, patients should
have monoamine oxidase inhibitors and mixed alpha- and beta-blockers
(labetalol, carvedilol) discontinued beforehand. The tumour may be
localized by CT scanning with the occasional need for radioisotope
localization with MIBG. Where possible, phaeochromocytoma should be
resected with careful pre- and peri-operative alpha-adrenoceptor
blockade (with intravenous phentolamine at 5–10 μg/min) to diminish
vasoconstriction and to allow intravascular volume expansion.

Hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy

The term gestational hypertension now covers the clinical syndrome of
new-onset hypertension in the last trimester of pregnancy. The term
eclampsia refers to the development of convulsions as a consequence of
acute gestational hypertension (pre-eclampsia). Gestational hypertension
is more common in primigravida and in situations where there are racial



differences between parents. Predisposing variables include older

maternal age, black race, multiple gestations, concomitant renal disease
and pre-existing hypertension. It is a self-limiting condition with
resolution after delivery and is characterized by sudden weight gain and
oedema, retinal oedema, proteinuria and an increased plasma urate. An
increased susceptibility to hypertensive encephalopathy exists due to the
lack of previous hypertension in the mother and thus a breakthrough of
increased cerebral blood flow from autoregulation which may lead to
cerebral oedema and seizures.
The unifying cause of gestational hypertension is a reduction in utero­
placental perfusion and subsequent decrease in prostaglandin production,
and prostacyclin in particular. Although there was a vogue for the use of
low-dose aspirin (<100 mg) to inhibit thromboxane production and
prevent the development of gestational hypertension, this approach
remains controversial given the increased risk of excessive bleeding
during delivery.
The traditional approach to management has been bed rest and drug
therapy with methyldopa, given its long-term safety profile in pregnancy,
with the use of intravenous hydralazine around the time of delivery.
However, beta-blockers, the alpha-blocker prazosin, labetalol and
nifedipine have also been used with success. Furthermore, intravenous
magnesium should be given in pre-eclampsia to prevent the development
of seizure activity. A concern with the use of drugs, particularly
beta-blockade, in mild gestational hypertension is the risk of intrauterine
growth retardation with little effect on blood pressure control compared
to simple bed rest alone. Should eclampsia supervene, patients should
receive intravenous diazepam immediately to control seizure activity.
Haemodynamic monitoring is recommended given the need to optimize
intravascular volume status in the presence of oliguria (fluid challenge) or
increased loading conditions (vasodilatation).
Hypertensive emergencies in critical illness
In critical illness, there are many factors which can increase
catecholamine production and increase vasoconstriction leading to an
acute elevation of blood pressure. Post-anaesthetic sympathomimetic
stimulation, fluid overload and hypothermia are common causes of
hypertension in critically ill patients. Hypertensive crises may occur in up
to 5 per cent of intensive care unit patients. These may be treated by
non-pharmacological means in the first instance over a period of
15 minutes, although these measures are likely to be effective only in a



minority of patients. Such treatments include the relief of anxiety, pain or

both; correction of hypoxia; patient instrumentation adjustment such as
of mechanical ventilation and nasogastric tubes or urinary catheters; and
correction of circulating blood volume and electrolyte imbalance. Where
this proves to be ineffective, sublingual nifedipine 10 mg may be given as
an initial treatment before intravenous therapy is considered.

• In about 1 per cent of patients with hypertension, an accelerated phase
may occur as part of the progression of the disease and is commonest
in the young black male population. It is commoner in secondary
forms of the disease such as with phaeochromocytoma and in
renovascular hypertension.
• Prior to established antihypertensive therapy, less than 25 per cent of
patients with malignant hypertension survived 1 year, with a 1 per cent
5-year survival. In the current era with renal dialysis support, 1- and
5-year survival is 90 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively. Early death
tends to occur due to stroke or acute renal failure.
• Malignant hypertension is the clinical syndrome where a sudden
increased systemic blood pressure is likely to result in acute end-organ
injury. The likelihood of this may vary according to pre-existing levels
and to the rate of the acute rise, although it is accepted that a persistent
diastolic blood pressure of greater than 130 mmHg is likely to result in
vascular injury.
• The clinical features of a hypertensive crisis comprise a diastolic blood
pressure greater than 130–140 mmHg, hypertensive retinopathy,
hypertensive encephalopathy, acute renal failure and microangiopathic
haemolytic anaemia (Table 4.2).
• Hypertensive encephalopathy is an acute medical emergency
characterized by headache, irritability and an altered conscious level.
Other potential complications of a hypertensive crisis are an
intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage and a thrombotic
infarction in an individual with predisposing atherosclerotic
cerebrovascular disease.
• Acute LVF is a common cardiovascular manifestation of a hypertensive
crisis. Acute aortic dissection and acute coronary syndrome may also



Table 4.2 Clinical manifestations of hypertensive crisis

• a diastolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg

• hypertensive retinopathy
– haemorrhage, exudates and papilloedema (grades 3 and
4 hypertensive retinopathy)
• hypertensive encephalopathy
– headache, confusion, altered consciousness, leading to seizure
activity and coma
• acute renal failure
– protein and red blood cells noted on urinalysis
– hypokalaemia from secondary hyperaldosteronism
– oliguria may ensue
• microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia

• A hypertensive emergency patient should be managed in a

high-dependency environment with withdrawal of any potential
treatments which may be exacerbating the situation. Treatment
should be initiated by the intravenous route and titrated against
antihypertensive response. Combination drug therapy is preferred to
achieve an additive effect and may be tailored towards any compromise
in a particular end-organ.
• Sodium nitroprusside (a short-acting arterial and venous dilator)
is a first-line therapy for a hypertensive emergency. It has an
immediate effect and its dose may be titrated against its efficacy and
allow the administration of oral antihypertensive agents to
allow discontinuation before the risk of thiocyanate toxicity.
• Labetalol (a mixed alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker) is the other
mainstay of therapy in a hypertensive emergency given as bolus and
intravenous infusion.
• Gestational hypertension is the clinical syndrome of new-onset
hypertension in the last trimester of pregnancy. It is more common in
primigravida and in situations where there are racial differences
between parents. Predisposing variables include older maternal age,
black race, multiple gestations, concomitant renal disease and
pre-existing hypertension. It is self-limiting with resolution after
delivery and is characterized by sudden weight gain and oedema,
retinal oedema and proteinuria.



Bennett NM, Shea S. Hypertensive emergency: case criteria, socio-demographic
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Manger WM. An overview of phaeochromocytoma: history, current concepts,
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Background 149 Penetrating atherosclerotic 160

Clinical manifestations of 152 ulceration and intramural
aortic dissection aortic haematoma
Diagnosis of aortic 153 Clinical outcome in aortic 163
dissection dissection
Treatment of aortic 155 Key points 164
dissection Key references 165

Dissection of the thoracic aorta is one of the most dramatic acute medical
emergencies with serious adverse consequences if not diagnosed and treated
promptly and appropriately. It has been estimated that there are around
3 cases per 100 000 population per year, most commonly occurring in men
aged between 50 and 70 years, and more often in the black population. On
average, left untreated, 50 per cent of patients die within 48 hours (estimated
at a 1–2 per cent mortality per hour from presentation) with 70 per cent
dead at 1 week and 90 per cent dead at 3 months. Frequency peaks in the
morning, possibly related to the circadian variation in blood pressure.
The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD),
established in 1996, has reported trends in the management and outcome
of the condition.

Definition and classification

Thoracic aortic dissection has been classified on anatomical grounds with
regard to the origin and extent of the dissection and this has major
implications in the treatment of the condition. The thoracic aorta is most
likely to dissect at either the ascending aorta or in the descending aorta
just below the left subclavian artery. The original classification by
DeBakey described three different types:
• type I – dissection in the ascending thoracic aorta extending round
the arch into the descending aorta and into the abdomen;


• type II – dissection in the ascending thoracic aorta only with no

distal extension past the innominate artery;
• type III – dissection in the descending thoracic aorta distal to the
left subclavian artery. Retrograde extension may occasionally occur
back into the thoracic aortic arch and ascending aorta. In one
follow-up study of aortic dissection, this subtype was subclassified
into IIIa (limited to thoracic aorta) and IIIb (extension into the
abdominal aorta).
The natural history of types I and II are similar and have led to the simpler
Stanford classification of:
• type A, where dissection arises in the ascending aorta irrespective
of its extension; and
• type B, equivalent to DeBakey type III, but excluding dissections
with retrograde extension into the arch.
Rarely, a three-channelled dissection can occur where dissection occurs
twice in the natural history of an individual patient (A + B or B + B, rarely
A + A) in whom there is usually a high incidence of Marfan’s syndrome.
A more recent classification, the Svensson classification, is based on
the pathophysiological features of the aortic lesion rather than its
• class 1: classic aortic dissection with true and false lumen

associated with an intimal tear;

• class 2: intramural haemorrhage or haematoma;

• class 3: ulceration of aortic plaque following plaque rupture;
• class 4: subtle or discrete aortic dissection with bulging of the
aortic wall;
• class 5: iatrogenic or traumatic aortic dissection, illustrated by a
catheter-induced separation of the intima.

Contemporary information relating to clinical factors underlying
aortic dissection in a large group of subjects is available from the IRAD
database. Acute aortic dissection is strongly associated with systemic
hypertension (due to a sustained high intraluminal pressure) and with
advancing age, but less so with atherosclerosis per se. Cystic medial
degeneration in the aortic wall is an intrinsic feature of several
connective tissue disorders which are associated with dissection such
as Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome and, occasionally,


giant cell aortitis. These patients are at particular risk of dissection,

often at a young age. There is an increased association with a bicuspid
aortic valve and coarctation of the aorta, and thus with Turner’s
syndrome as well as Noonan’s syndrome. Dissection can be seen in the
last trimester of pregnancy and at the site of a previous surgical
aortotomy. The presence of atherosclerosis per se does not predispose
to thoracic aortic dissection but is associated with saccular aneurysmal
dilatation. However, rupture of an intimal plaque in older patients
remains a mechanism for dissection. In younger patients, cocaine use is
an emerging risk factor.
Degeneration of the collagen and elastin matrix within the aortic medial
layer is the chief predisposition in most cases of aortic dissection. The
direct mechanism of dissection is unclear as the same pathological
process may occur either through intimal rupture with secondary
dissection into media or primary medial haemorrhage with local
disruption of the intima.
The formation of a tear in the aortic intima allows penetration of blood
into the diseased medial layer at arterial pressure, separating the
laminar plane of the media and dissecting the aortic wall. This
dissection process may extend a variable distance, usually in an
antegrade direction, but sometimes retrogradely from the site of the
tear. The blood-filled space between the dissected layers of the aortic
wall becomes the false lumen. Shear forces may cause further tears in
the intimal flap, producing exit sites or additional entry sites for blood
flow in the false lumen. Eventually, distension of the false lumen at
systemic arterial pressure may cause the intimal flap to bow into the
true lumen, thereby narrowing its calibre and distorting its shape. The
circulation of any major arterial vessel can be compromised by the
dissection process, leading to ischaemia. The aortic valve may be
disrupted, leading to aortic regurgitation. The dissecting process may
rupture through the adventitia at any point, commonly into the
pericardial space or left pleural cavity.

An intimal tear is not absolute in the pathology of the dissecting

process as both penetrating atherosclerotic ulceration and intramural
haematoma formation may occur without a discernible intimal
disruption (see below). It is likely that these conditions may be precursors
of classical dissection rather than separate entities, and all three
conditions should be considered as belonging to a spectrum of acute
aortic syndromes.



Aortic dissection can mimic several different intrathoracic pathologies in
the evolution of the symptoms and signs. The common clinical features are:
• Severe chest pain: this is the commonest symptom of dissection. It
is as severe at its outset as at any other time and is unremitting. It is
often described as ‘tearing’ in nature. The pain tends to migrate as
the dissecting haematoma extends. Anterior chest pain is common
with proximal dissection whereas interscapular pain is common in
descending aortic dissection and may be in both areas where a type
I dissection has occurred. Pain may be noted in the neck and jaw
where the ascending aorta or arch is involved.
• Vasovagal symptoms: acute diaphoresis with sweating,

apprehension and syncope are common.

• Altered blood pressure: many patients are hypertensive at

presentation. Conversely, hypotension may occur through cardiac
tamponade (from rupture of the intrapericardial aortic root or
from inflammation of the pericardium), aortic rupture, or
dissection in the head and neck vessels, leading to a reduced
perfusion pressure in the brachial artery (pseudohypotension) and
thus pulse deficits. Pulse deficits are commonly associated with
proximal dissection in the brachiocephalic vessels or less
commonly through involvement of the left subclavian artery from a
distal dissection. The loss of a pulse may occur either through an
occlusive intimal flap at a vascular orifice or through direct
compression of an artery lumen.
• Aortic valve regurgitation: this occurs either through a
circumferential tear opening up the annulus and reducing
coaptation, distortion of the valve apparatus through asymmetric
dissection, or through direct disruption of the annular support,
leading to a flail leaflet. It occurs in up to two-thirds of proximal
dissection. If severe, acute left ventricular failure may ensue from
acute aortic insufficiency.
• Right coronary artery dissection: leading to an acute inferior
myocardial infarction (MI).
• Acute neurological deficits: ischaemic stroke, altered consciousness
and paraparesis due to spinal cord ischaemia are most common with
proximal dissections.



• Mediastinal complications: these occur through the expansion of

the dissection with compression of the superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion (Horner’s syndrome), compression of the left
recurrent laryngeal nerve (hoarseness), superior vena caval
compression and tracheal compression.
• Pleural effusion: usually occurs on the left and is due to
either rupture into the pleural space or an inflammatory
• Acute rupture: in addition to the pericardial space and pleural and
intra-abdominal cavities, haemorrhage into the lung, oesophagus
or rupture into right atrium may, rarely, occur.
• Visceral infarction: mesenteric and renal infarction may occur in
dissections spreading into the abdominal aorta.


Sudden onset of chest pain is common in several acute cardiovascular
disorders. Because symptoms may mimic more common disorders such as
ACS or acute pulmonary embolism (PE), and because characteristic
physical findings such as a pulse deficit may be absent, dissection may be
difficult to diagnose. It should be suspected in any patient presenting with
chest or interscapular pain and diaphoresis.

Diagnosis is established with multi-slice computed tomography

(MSCT), although transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE) was the
preferred diagnostic method in some places as it is portable, rapidly
performed, sensitive and specific, and does not require the use of
contrast agents. The choice of imaging modality should be determined
by availability and expertise within individual centres. Where clinical
suspicion is high, failure to diagnose dissection by one modality should
prompt further investigation with another technique.

The important diagnostic investigational features are:

• 12-lead ECG: this may be within normal limits or may show
evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy due to commonly
associated hypertension. If the dissection flap occludes one of the
coronary ostia, this will produce ST elevation consitent with
myocardial infarction. The right coronary ostium is more
frequently invoved than the left.



• Chest x-ray: a widened mediastinum is a classical finding in

thoracic aortic dissection. There may be an additional local bulge at
the site of dissection. The presence of a left pleural effusion and
tracheal deviation is often seen. Separation of calcification in the
aortic arch from the apparent adventitial border is a powerful sign
of dissection. However, extensive dissection can occur in the
presence of a normal chest x-ray.
• Echocardiography: transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) may
detect a proximal dissection where a dilated aortic root is present but
is limited in any further delineation of a dissection. The accuracy of
this assessment is also limited by the echogenicity of the patient.
However, even if a flap is not identified, TTE can readily
demonstrate several high-risk associated features of dissection:
aortic root dilatation; presence and severity of aortic regurgitation
(as well as revealing the presence of e.g. bicuspid valves); pericardial
effusion; left ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities
(implying coronary ostial occlusion). TOE allows visualization of the
aortic root, proximal ascending aorta and descending aorta. With
colour-flow Doppler, entry and exit sites between true and false
lumen may be identified. With intramural haematoma, an
echolucent crescentic region should be seen over a length of the
aorta. Occasionally, the haematoma is circumferential and can be
difficult to differentiate from common atherosclerotic thickening. A
disadvantage is its limited ability to visualize the distal ascending
aorta and proximal arch due to interposition of the trachea and left
main bronchus. Furthermore, TOE is unable to image beyond the
distal thoracic descending aorta and thus cannot assess the iliac
vessels – an important limitation where endoluminal repair is being
• Multi-slice computed tomography: MSCT with an intravenous
contrast injection to enhance the intraluminal phase is the
investigation of choice in most acute medical environments, given a
reported sensitivity and specificity approaching 100 per cent. With
the presence of a membrane (intimal flap), the false and true
lumina can be identified. The false lumen is usually the larger of
the two. Tomographic imaging enhances the diagnostic accuracy
by demonstrating an abnormal tissue signature, although it is
unable to provide haemodynamic information, and it relies upon
the use of potentially nephrotoxic contrast agents, and may be



unable to depict branch-vessel involvement. MSCT is also useful in

the follow-up of dissection by allowing detailed assessment of early
and late changes after surgery or medical treatment such as
post-operative complications, healing of intramural haematoma,
progression of intramural haematoma, and aneurysms of the true
and false lumina. Monitoring of compromised abdominal branch
vessels may be performed. CT angiography can demonstrate
complex spatial relationships, mural abnormalities and
extraluminal pathologies.
• Magnetic resonance imaging: MRI may be used as an alternative
imaging technology without the need for contrast and with
enhanced resolution. MRI gives an improved anatomic delineation
of the aorta and can provide high-quality images in several planes,
including a left anterior oblique view that displays the entire
thoracic aorta. Furthermore, MRI is superior to conventional CT in
differentiating acute intramural haematoma from atherosclerotic
plaque and chronic intraluminal thrombus, which is important
where there is diagnostic uncertainty.
• Aortic angiography: with the improvements made in
echocardiographic and tomographic imaging, invasive
confirmation of dissection is no longer performed. The intention of
angiography was to identify the site of origin and to delineate the
extent of the dissection. The procedure carried with it a significant
mortality, and currently should only be performed for cases where
the diagnosis is uncertain after other imaging. It is of no help in the
diagnosis of intramural haematoma.
There is increasing interest in the identification of highly sensitive and
specific biomarkers that may aid diagnosis of aortic dissection. Markers
under scrutiny include D-dimers, elastin fragments and smooth-muscle
myosin heavy-chain protein. D-dimer assay, widely used in the diagnosis
of acute PE, seems to be potentially useful as a rule-out test in aortic


It is the course and propogation of the dissection rather than the intimal
tear itself that leads to the complications of acute aortic dissection. For
this reason, the modern surgical management of a proximal dissection
has focused on excising the intimal tear and obliterating the false lumen



by oversewing the aortic edges, thus removing the driving force behind
the propagation of the false channel. An interposition graft may be
required in the ascending aorta to restore integrity to this section of the
dissection. If the aortic valve is competent and unaffected directly by the
dissection, it may be resuspended in the graft at the aortic valve ring or
it may require replacement with a prosthesis if disrupted.
Simultaneously, systemic blood pressure and left ventricular
contractility should be significantly reduced to remove the direct
pulsatile stress on the aortic wall.

Immediate therapy
All patients in whom a thoracic aortic dissection is suspected should be
monitored and treated in a high-dependency environment for
haemodynamic and cardiac rhythm monitoring and for central venous
access. Patients should be cross-matched for the eventuality of either
dissection or rupture and early surgery. The three initial goals of
therapy are:

(1) to alleviate pain with intravenous opiate analgesia.

(2) to reduce systolic pressure to a range of 100–120 mmHg, equivalent

to a mean arterial pressure of 60–75 mmHg, and sufficient to
maintain vital organ perfusion.

(3) to reduce the velocity of left ventricular ejection (the dP/dt) by

beta-blockade independently of systemic blood pressure


Blood pressure lowering is achieved by an infusion of intravenous sodium

nitroprusside up to a maximum dose of 400 μg/min (5 μg/kg/min). The
infusion should not be given for more than 48 hours due to the risk of
cyanide toxicity. Frequent blood gases should be taken for acid–base
status (a metabolic acidosis tends to develop with cyanide toxicity).
Concomitant infusion of vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin) reduces plasma
cyanide levels through the formation of cyanocobalamin. Sodium
nitroprusside reduces the blood pressure but may actually increase the
dP/dt through afterload reduction. Intravenous beta-blockade is used to
reduce dP/dt. The most popular agent used is labetalol, which is a
non-selective beta-blocker and alpha-blocker. It can be given either as
bolus doses of 5–20 mg up to a total of 300 mg or may be given as an
infusion (see Appendix A). Beta-blockers (and other rate-limiting agents)
should be used with caution if severe aortic regurgitation is present.



Definitive treatment
The accepted paradigm in dissection management is that surgical
treatment is superior to medical treatment in the management of type A
dissection, whereas medical therapy is superior in uncomplicated type B
dissection (see Box 5.1). This comes about through surgery preventing
progression of dissection and potentially fatal consequences. Patients with
distal dissection tend to be older with atherosclerotic vascular disease,
often with a reduced cardiac reserve, and tend to tolerate surgery less well,
favouring medical therapy. The attrition rate in patients with proximal
dissection treated surgically occurs through complications having already
occurred or through the friability of the aortic wall at surgery.
In practice, the decision to intervene in chronic dissection is based upon
evidence of progressive pathological change over time. In patients with
symptoms or signs of peripheral ischaemia, the indication for
intervention is clear. In asymptomatic individuals, intervention is
recommended for progressive aortic dilatation (>5 cm maximum
diameter), and when there is evidence of a persistent false lumen in
communication with the true lumen.

Box 5.1 Indications for specific treatment of

aortic dissection
• Acute type A dissection
• Acute type B dissection with complications
– compromised perfusion to vital organs
– rupture/ threatened rupture
– retrograde dissection to ascending aorta/aortic valve
– Marfan’s syndrome
– inability or control pain
– saccular aneurysm formation
• Chronic dissection with complications
– progressive aortic dilatation (>50 mm maximum diameter)
– persistent false lumen in communication with the true
– persistent pain
Medical therapy
• Uncomplicated type B dissection
• Uncomplicated arch dissection
• Stable chronic dissection



Current practice dictates that the proximal dissection should be repaired
early to prevent extension and rupture, and to operate on distal
dissections extending proximally using cardiopulmonary bypass. Of
patients with type A dissections, the IRAD database revealed lower
30-day mortality in surgically treated patients than those treated
medically (see Clinical outcomes in aortic dissection).
The goal of surgery is to prevent progression of the dissection and to
relieve obstruction in peripheral branches: thus, the intimal tear is
excised and the origin of the false lumen excluded by proximal and
distal suturing of the edges of the aorta. A prosthetic Dacron graft may
be needed to approximate the ends of the aorta. Surgery requires a
period of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Where the aortic valve is
involved, the false channel is decompressed by the surgery described
above, but may still require replacement or repair. Where the aorta is
very friable, the whole ascending aorta and valve may be replaced using
a composite graft containing a prosthesis with resuturing of the
coronary arteries to the conduit. Preservation of the native aortic valve,
which avoids the complications associated with a prosthetic valve,
usually requires approximation of the two layers of dissected aortic wall
and resuspension of the commissures with pledgeted sutures. However,
prosthetic valve replacement is frequently advisable in the setting of
pre-existent valve disease or in Marfan’s syndrome to reduce the
likelihood of re-operation.

Surgical fenestration has been used as a means of decompressing an

occlusive false lumen in the descending aorta in patients with visceral or
limb ischaemia. Fenestration may be performed alongside ascending
aortic surgery and additional abdominal aortic grafting. It should ideally
be performed within 48 hours of presentation to prevent thrombotic
occlusion of the false lumen. In one series, surgical fenestration in
decending aortic dissection was associated with mortality rates of 77 and
53 per cent at 3 and 5 years, respectively. Fenestration can also be done
percutaneously and is usually done in the pararenal or infrarenal area
(see below).

Percutaneous interventional treatment

In type B dissection, the persistence of a false lumen has an adverse effect
of clinical outcome (higher rates of re-operation and mortality) where an
active communication persists between true and false lumina, compared



to where there is thrombosis of the false lumen. The deployment of

balloon-expandable or self-expanding endoluminal stents may be
performed to re-establish flow into branch vessels compromised by
dissection into the origin of the vessel. If a branch vessel is compromised
by pressure from the false lumen over the origin of the vessel, a
fenestration procedure may be undertaken to decompress the false lumen.
Similarly, endoluminal exclusion with a stent graft prosthesis (consisting
of circumferential nitinol stent springs arranged as a tube and covered
with a Dacron or polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE] graft exterior) placed
over the false lumen entry site will decompress the false lumen, causing
the flap to oppose the aortic wall and relieve branch vessel compromise.
The advantage of endoluminal exclusion in acute dissection is that it
combines closure of the false lumen and prevents subsequent dilatation
with relief of branch vessel obstruction.

Stent grafts are sized by measurement from pre-procedure imaging.

They require a proximal neck of ideally 20 mm of ‘normal aorta’ above
the false lumen origin to ensure secure deployment against the aortic
wall. The potential for ischaemia through occlusion of the left
subclavian artery may be predicted by preliminary occlusive balloon
inflation for 20 minutes at its origin to assess the integrity of the
collateral circulation, perhaps using a partially covered graft if
necessary. The position of the undeployed graft may be obtained using
aortography, intravascular ultrasound or TOE. The distal neck may be
normal supracoeliac aorta or biluminal descending thoracic aorta. In
the absence of a distal neck, the shortest graft that effectively covers the
entry site is used.

These techniques are being increasingly used in type B dissections,

particularly when complications ensue. Short-term results from stenting
may appear encouraging, with overall major events seen in 11 per cent,
including in-hospital mortality of 5 per cent, stroke rate of 2 per cent,
paraplegia in 1 per cent. Further, 2 per cent of cases were complicated by
transformation to type A dissection. The INvestigation of STEnt grafts in
patients with type B Aortic Dissection (INSTEAD) trial compared the
use of covered stents with medical therapy alone for uncomplicated type
B dissection. Short-term results at 12 months indicated equivalent
mortality in patients with uncomplicated acute type B dissection who
were treated with conventional medical therapy alone or with
endovascular stenting. Registry data relating to 180 patients treated with
the endovascular Talent thoracic stent graft for acute or chronic aortic



dissection are also available. Intermediate term (mean 22 months)

follow-up yielded survival rates of 91 per cent and 82 per cent at 24 and 36
months, respectively. Emergency status (vs elective cases) was an
independent predictor of major adverse events. Analysis of the IRAD
database suggests that endovascular treatment seems to provide better
in-hospital survival in patients with acute type B dissection: in-hospital
complications occurred in 20 per cent of patients treated with an
endovascular technique and in 40 per cent of patients who underwent
open surgical repair. In-hospital mortality was significantly higher after
open surgery than after endovascular treatment with a three-fold
increase in risk for open surgical repair.
Thus, there are many uncertainties relating to use of stent-graft
techniques in aortic dissection. A key question to be answered by furture
studies is whether there is any role for stenting with or without
conventional surgery for type A dissections.
As described above, the fenestration technique may be employed using an
endovascular approach (usually as a bridge to definitive endoluminal
repair) using a needle to pass a guide wire through the intimal flap, then
balloon dilatation of the puncture site. Several fenestrations can be
performed in order to equalize pressures in the true and false lumina, and
stenting of branches may be performed to optimize flow. In cases where
endoluminal repair or fenestration is considered, digital subtraction
angiography, or magnetic resonance angiography, is an essential prelude
to allow assessment of the access arteries (usually the iliacs), measurement
of the aorta to permit selection of the correct device length and diameter,
confirmation of branch vessel involvement and biluminal manometry
prior to fenestration.


These entities are radiologically distinct from classical dissection, with
no intimal flap evident. In penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers (PAU), a
visible crater extends into the aortic wall and is associated with
haematoma within the media of the aortic wall. An intramural
haematoma (IMH) is present where significant thickening or
enhancement of the aortic wall is seen in the absence of a flap or
dissection. The clinical features of these two variants may differ from
dissection. Patients with PAU/IMH are older than patients with both
type A and B dissections, and thus are commonest between the seventh



and ninth decades. Patients with PAU/IMH are almost always

hypertensive (94 per cent). PAU and IMH are most common in the
descending aorta (90 per cent and 71 per cent, respectively). PAU and
IMH tend to occur in more dilated aortas and have an association with
abdominal aortic aneurysms. The presentation with anterior or posterior
chest pain is similar to, and may be indistinguishable from, that of
classical dissection. In one review of over 200 cases presenting as aortic
dissection, one-eighth of cases were reclassified to either PAU or IMH.
However, PAU/IMH generally do not cause arterial vessel compromise
and thus distal limb ischaemia or visceral compromise, and tend to be
focal without propagation.

Penetrating atherosclerotic ulceration

Penetrating ulcers occur within severely atherosclerotic, frequently
calcified descending thoracic or abdominal aortae, in contrast to classical
dissection, which is more often associated with hypertension. Ulcers are
generally focal lesions appearing as an irregular outpouching of the aortic
wall. Ulceration may precede both IMH or dissection; dissection
following PAU is usually shorter, and contained by neighbouring fibrosis
and calcification, with a thicker flap. When compared to dissection and
IMH, PAU is most commonly associated with aortic rupture. Optimal
treatment of PAU is yet to be established. Medical treatment has been
shown to be effective in most patients; additionally, several registries have
shown favourable outcomes with open surgery and endovascular repair in
selected patients. A large series of patients presenting with PAU identified
rupture at presentation as the main indicator of medical failure. Therefore
these patients are more likely to benefit from early intervention. Patients
who are asymptomatic or found to have PAU as an incidental finding
rarely require intervention but should be followed up for any progressive
increase in size of the ulcer.

Intramural aortic haematoma

IMH occurs when blood accumulates in the vessel media in the absence of
a flap. Formation of an IMH may follow rupture of the vasa vasorum, or
from extension of a PAU (which is identified in 20 per cent of IMH).
Extension of IMH towards the intima may lead to a tear and subsequent
dissection. It is thought likely that the radial level in the wall at which an
IMH occurs determines whether an acute dissection or haematoma
develops. It may be that if blood collects closer to the adventitia, there is
less likelihood of intimal rupture. This would also explain a higher



external rupture rate with IMH, which tends to run a more malignant
course than typical descending aortic dissection.

The diagnosis of IMH requires identification of an expanded aortic wall,

usually <15 mm, without a connection with the aortic lumen.
Echocardiographically, an aortic wall thickness of >7 mm is diagnostic;
there may be echo-lucent zones seen within a crescentic aortic wall
The classification of IMH is similar to that of classical aortic
dissection (Stanford A and B according to involvement of the
ascending aorta), and this influences management as with true
dissection. A meta-analysis of 168 patients with IMH has shown that
around one-quarter of type A IMH progressed to dissection or
rupture. Overall, the 30-day mortality with surgery was 18 per cent
compared to 60 per cent with medical treatment. In contrast, medical
treatment improved mortality compared to surgery in type B patients
(8 per cent vs 33 per cent, respectively). Accordingly, type B IMH may
be successfully managed by medical treatment alone, with
beta-blockers the mainstay of treatment where possible. However,
there are certain features which portend an adverse prognosis in IMH
even without ascending aorta or arch involvement (Box 5.2)
Unfortunately, surgical intervention for type B IMH may be
complicated by paraplegia owing to disruption of blood flow to the
spinal arteries. Endovascular stenting in this setting is an emerging
option, particularly for localized lesions associated with PAU,
although the precise role is currently unclear.

Box 5.2 High - risk features in aortic intramural

• Type A intramural haematoma
• Increased aortic diameter (>50 mm)
• Haematoma thickness >11 mm
• Recurrent chest pain
• Progressive enlargement
• Penetrating finger-like projections
• Pleural or pericardial fluid
• Associated ulcer with diameter >20 mm or depth >10 mm

Adapted with permission from Bolger AF Heart 2008; 94: 1670–4.




From the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection, overall
in-hospital mortality was 27.4 per cent:
• Type A
– surgical management 26 per cent
– medical management 58 per cent
• Type B
– surgical management 31 per cent
– medical management 11 per cent

These high mortality rates have been confirmed in several other large
series. Moreover, for acute disease complicated by end-organ ischaemia,
surgical mortality exceeds 50 per cent, with a substantial risk (7–36 per
cent) of paraplegia (or paresis), dependent upon the extent of aortic
dissection and the duration of cross-clamping, amongst those who
survive. Chronic aortic dissection (presentation up to 2 weeks after the
onset of symptoms) has a higher in-hospital survival of around 90 per cent
whether they are treated medically or surgically, largely through
self-selection due to the lack of acute complications in the initial phase of

The initial success of surgical or medical therapy is usually sustained at

long-term follow-up with typical 5-year survival rates of 75–82 per cent.
A number of clinical factors have been linked with poor prognosis in
addition to the anatomy of the dissection. Acute complications at the time
of acute presentation, such as a cerebrovascular accident, MI, severe aortic
regurgitation, renal failure, mesenteric infarction and lower limb
ischaemia, in addition to aneurysmal dilatation of the dissected aorta and
increasing age, predict an adverse outcome.

The incidence of aneurysm formation at a site remote from the original

surgical repair is 17–25 per cent, with the majority appearing within
2 years. Many arise from dilatation of the residual false lumen in the distal
unresected aortic segments and are prone to rupture owing to their
relatively thin outer wall. To identify such a development, careful
long-term follow-up with serial aortic imaging, usually using MRI, is
recommended. Patients are at highest risk during the first 2 years and
should be assessed every 3–6 months during this period. Thereafter, they
should be re-evaluated every 6–12 months according to their perceived
individual risk.



• Acute aortic dissection in a high-mortality condition with a 48-hour
mortality of 50 per cent, with 70 per cent dead at 1 week and 90 per cent
dead at 3 months, if left untreated. With treatment, overall hospital
mortality is 27 per cent.
• Acute thoracic dissection is strongly associated with systemic
hypertension and with advancing age. Several connective tissue
disorders (of which Marfan’s syndrome is the commonest) are
associated with dissection due to cystic medial degeneration in the
aortic wall.
• There are pathological variations accounting for one-eighth of cases of
‘aortic dissection’. In penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers (PAU), no
intimal flap is demonstrable with a crater visible extending into the
aortic wall associated with haematoma within the media of the aortic
wall. IMH occurs where significant thickening or enhancement of the
aortic wall is seen in the absence of a flap or dissection.
• Aortic dissection can mimic different conditions in the evolution of
the symptoms and signs such as severe chest pain, vasovagal
symptoms and hypotension, severe hypertension, acute aortic
regurgitation, myocardial infarction, stroke, pleural effusion and
visceral infarction.

• The diagnosis is most accurately done with spiral computed

tomography (with contrast enhancement), although TOE has been an
alternative in many centres as it is portable, rapidly performed,
sensitive and specific, and does not require the use of contrast agents.
MRI gives an improved anatomic delineation of the aorta and can
provide high-quality images in several planes. Prior to definitive
imaging, high-risk features can be picked up with transthoracic
• Patients in whom thoracic aortic dissection is suspected should be
monitored and treated in a high-dependency environment, and
prepared for the possibility of early surgery. The two initial goals of
therapy are pain relief and the reduction of the systolic pressure to a
range of 100–120 mmHg (equivalent to a mean arterial pressure of
60–75 mmHg and sufficient to maintain vital organ perfusion). Where
possible, left ventricular contractility should be reduced by
beta-blockade independently of systemic blood pressure lowering.



• Urgent surgery is indicated in ascending thoracic aortic dissection and

in descending thoracic aortic dissection where there are complications
such as visceral ischaemia, threatened rupture and retrograde
dissection to ascending aorta.

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Background 167 Treatment of acute pulmonary 178

Diagnosis of deep venous 169 embolism
thrombosis Key points 185
Diagnosis of acute pulmonary 171 Key references 186

Venous thromboembolism (encompassing deep venous thrombosis
[DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]) is a great constant in acute
medicine with no major difference in its incidence or mortality in the past
20 years. The age- and sex-adjusted incidence rate is 117 cases per 100 000
person-years. The incidence rises particularly in those aged >60 years,
irrespective of gender, largely driven by PE.
Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening condition associated with a
high mortality rate. There is a direct relationship between age and
mortality. In almost a quarter of patients with PE, the initial clinical
manifestation is sudden death. Mortality is at least 10 per cent in the first
few hours of presentation and exceeds 15 per cent at 3 months post
diagnosis. Unfortunately, PE is undiagnosed in many cases, and the
majority of patients with fatal PE do not have specific symptoms to aid
diagnosis. Indeed, PE occurs more frequently among patients with
alternative causes of dyspnoea, such as those with heart failure and
chronic obstructive airways disease. For example, the relative risk of PE in
heart failure patients is twice that of those without heart failure, and
increases as left ventricular systolic function declines. Furthermore, PE
patients with heart failure have higher overall mortality and readmission
rates than those without heart failure.

Pathophysiology of venous thromboembolism

Pulmonary emboli occur following dislodgment of a venous thrombus
from the deep veins of the leg or the pelvic veins which travels into the


pulmonary arterial circulation. The risk of PE with a proximal DVT

above the calf is as high as 50 per cent, with a lower risk in thromboses
confined to the calf.
The clinical signs of embolism are determined by:
(1) the level at which the thrombus is occlusive, and
(2) to what extent pulmonary blood flow is diminished.
Additional determinants of the clinical effect of embolism include
the patient’s pre-existing cardiorespiratory reserve, and the humoral
effect of vasoactive factors such as serotonin and thromboxane
A2 released by activated platelets at the site of pulmonary artery
occlusion. These peptides have a direct bronchoconstrictor effect
in addition to a vasoconstrictor action, and can potentiate the increase
in pulmonary hypertension due to mechanical effects of the
The development of a venous thrombus is triggered by Virchow’s triad
of local injury, hypercoagulability and stasis of flow. A hypercoagulable
state is commonly acquired, although there are a few rare primary
conditions that predispose to a venous thrombus, usually in a younger age
group (<45 years old) with an unexpected thromboembolism. Such
hypercoagulable conditions exist in antithrombin III deficiency, protein C
deficiency, protein S deficiency and in inherited conditions with defective
tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) release. The presence of the ‘lupus
anticoagulant’ (with or without systemic lupus) that interferes with
phospholipid-dependent coagulation is associated with venous
thrombosis. Some of these patients have anticardiolipin antibodies
that paradoxically prolong the activated partial thromboplastin time
It is much commoner to see venous thromboembolism in certain clinical
situations occurring secondary to acquired pro-thrombotic abnormalities
in coagulation, in platelets and in venous blood flow. The commonest
situations increasing risk for developing PE include:
• recent surgery, particularly orthopaedic procedures
• cancer, with venous thrombosis often occurring before overt
• an altered hormonal state, such as the early post-partum period in
pre-eclampsia as well as the rare association with the oral
contraceptive pill.


Table 6.1 Incidence of pulmonary embolism in different clinical situations

Clinical situation Low risk Intermediate risk High risk

General surgery Age <40 years Age 40–60 years Age >60 years
Surgery <30 min Surgery 30–60 min Surgery >60 min
No risk factors + risk factors

Orthopaedic Minor trauma Leg plaster cast Hip/knee surgery

surgery Hip fracture
Multiple trauma

Medical conditions Pregnancy Heart failure Prolonged

Stroke immobility

Incidence (%)
Distal DVT 2% 10–40% 40–80%
Proximal DVT 0.4% 6–8% 10–15%
Symptomatic PE 0.2% 1–2% 5–10%
Fatal PE 0.002% 0.1–0.8% 1–5%

Adapted from Riedel (1996).

Platelet aggregation may be enhanced in heparin-induced

thrombocytopenia and in myeolproliferative disorders leading to
thrombosis. Similarly, patients with hyperviscosity syndromes
(polycythaemia, leukaemia and sickle cell disease) are more likely to have
thrombotic complications. Venous thrombosis is common in the
nephrotic syndrome.
Venous stasis may also be promoted by mechanical variables such as
immobilization with chronic illness and obesity. Prolonged central
venous cannulation for long-term drug therapy or parenteral nutrition
can lead to right atrial thrombus formation and subsequent embolism.
The relative risk of pulmonary embolism in different clinical situations is
shown in Table 6.1.


Venous thromboembolism is a clinical situation where the diagnosis is
more often not made than made. The clinical suspicion of a DVT (leg
swelling, calf tenderness, venous distension of subcutaneous vessels,
discolouration) should be confirmed objectively. This is necessary due to
the lack of predictive accuracy in the clinical examination: calf pain has



66–91% sensitivity and 3–87% specificity for DVT. No single investigation

for the diagnosis of DVT has ideal properties (100% sensitivity and
specificity, low cost, no risk), and often several tests are performed, either
sequentially or in combination. Contrast venography and pulmonary
angiography for PE were the gold standards for diagnosis through default
and are largely used for comparison in trials.
Investigations are often integrated with clinical criteria in order to
construct diagnostic algorithms.
D-dimers. Plasma D-dimers are specific cross-linked fibrin derivatives,
formed and released during fibrin degradation by plasmin; thus,
concentrations are elevated with venous thromboembolism. Whilst
sensitive for diagnosisng venous thromboembolism, elevated D-dimer
levels are non-specific as they occur in other disorders (e.g. during
infection, in malignancy, after surgery, in heart failure and in pregnancy).
Nevertheless, D-dimer testing generally has a high negative predictive
value, and is useful in excluding venous thromboembolism when
combined with clinical probability assessment.
Compression ultrasound with venous imaging. In the current era,
ultrasonography is the imaging test of choice in confirming suspected
DVT. The combination of colour Doppler measurement of venous flow
with 2D cross-sectional assessment of lower extremity veins is termed
duplex ultrasound. It is non-invasive and portable, and can also identify
other causes of calf/thigh symptoms (e.g. Baker’s cysts, haematomas,
lymphadenopathy, femoral artery aneurysm, superficial thrombophlebitis
and abscesses). Compression of opposing venous walls is applied by the
transducer, with the primary diagnostic criterion being the
non-compressibility of a vein. The presence of intraluminal echogenic
thrombus, venous distension, absence of a colour-flow Doppler signal and
loss of phasic flow are secondary criteria. Its diagnostic accuracy is limited
in pelvic and calf DVT, in recurrent DVT and in asymptomatic proximal
DVT, as well as in the presence of severe obesity or oedema. Acute DVT may
be differentiated from chronic DVT by an increased compressibility and
reduced echogenicity of thrombus seen. Of note, however, ultrasound
findings may not return to normal after a DVT, and ultrasonography may
be less useful for diagnosing recurrent DVT. For proximal DVT, a
sensitivity of 89–100% and specificity of 95–100% is reported with
ultrasound. In the smaller, more anatomically variable calf veins,
ultrasonographic sensitivity falls to 73–87%, with a specificity of
83–100%, dropping to a sensitivity of 33–58% in asymptomatic calf DVT.



Impedance plethysmography (IPG). This is a safe, non-invasive,

operator-dependent, portable technique which may be used to screen for
the presence of DVT, particularly in the proximal (rather than calf) deep
veins. The test is based on the principle that the volume of blood in the leg
affects its ability to conduct an applied current (inversely proportional to
the impedance in two limb electrodes). Venous outflow is obstructed by a
thigh cuff that causes a fall-off in impedance. Release of the cuff leads to an
increase in proximal blood flow as well as impedance. If a DVT is present
in a major vein from the popliteals to the iliacs, the rate of venous emptying
(and increase in impedance) is slower. Studies have demonstrated
sensitivities of 92–98% for symptomatic proximal DVT, compared to a
sensitivity of only 20% for calf DVT. Negative IPG has been associated with
a small rate of subsequent pulmonary embolism of around 2.5%. Thus,
plethysmography is only useful for early recurrences where IPG
normalization has been demonstrated.

Contrast venography. In light of improvements in ultrasound resolution,

the need for invasive venography has diminished. It should be reserved for
situations where the ultrasound examination is equivocal or normal
despite a high clinical suspicion. With large extensive deep thromboses,
the contrast injected in the foot may not reach the deep veins leading to a
false-negative venogram. Disadvantages include its invasiveness, allergic
reaction to dye, toxicity from contrast, and the test may rarely actually
cause DVT through phlebitis. It is relatively contraindicated in acute renal
failure and in critical peripheral vascular disease.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This has a high sensitivity for

thrombus (up to 100%) and allows assessment of the pelvic veins and IVC
in addition to the proximal veins in the thigh. Compared to contrast
venography, it is less sensitive for calf DVT. It is non-invasive and not
operator-dependent (but is reader-dependent) and allows assessment of
extraneous pathologies. It is more expensive than other technologies and
is precluded by metallic objects and morbid obesity/claustrophobia. Like
venography, it should be undertaken if ultrasonography is either
non-diagnostic or negative in the context of high clinical suspicion.


Clinical features
In patients with acute PE, unexplained dyspnoea (the most common
presenting symptom), pleuritic chest pain and haemoptysis are classical



symptoms. On examination, tachypnoea and tachycardia are common

signs; other signs may include raised venous pressures, tricuspid
regurgitation and a louder pulmonary second heart sound. Similarly,
syncope or sudden hypotension may indicate a large clot burden.
However, the need for objective testing is necessary in the diagnosis of
PE as the history and examination of the patient are non-specific. A
systematic review of 18 diagnostic studies (comprising almost 6000
patients) assessed the value of various clinical features in diagnosing PE.
The most useful features for ruling in PE were syncope, shock,
thrombophlebitis, current DVT, leg swelling, sudden dyspnoea, active
cancer, recent surgery, haemoptysis and leg pain. The most useful features
for excluding PE were the absence of sudden dyspnoea, any dyspnoea and
tachypnoea. Nevertheless, the authors concluded that individual features
only slightly raised or lowered the probability of PE. Taken alone, they had
limited diagnostic value and none ought to be used to rule in or rule out
PE without further testing.
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of patients with a DVT who have no
pulmonary symptoms have abnormal lung scintigrams indicating PE.
Thus, much minor PE remains asymptomatic. In the 10 per cent of these
patients who obstruct a branch pulmonary artery, pulmonary infarction
will occur with sudden dyspnoea and usually sharp pleuritic pain
associated with haemoptysis. The incidence of infarction is higher in the
presence of chronic respiratory or cardiac disease. In minor embolism,
there will be no central cyanosis due to relatively insignificant ventilation­
perfusion mismatch and normal right ventricular function with
preservation of the cardiac output.
A large clot occluding a major pulmonary artery or partially obstructing
the main pulmonary artery (i.e. >50% of the pulmonary vascular bed) will
result in an acute increase in right ventricular afterload and an elevation
in pulmonary artery pressure, with an increased likelihood of a sudden
cardiac death. The commonest clinical features in this situation are
syncope (often in the context of paradoxical bradycardia), acute severe
dyspnoea, acute right heart failure, cardiogenic shock and cardiac arrest
with electromechanical dissociation/pulseless electrical activity.
Significant cardiorespiratory compromise leads to a sinus tachycardia,
tachypnoea and central cyanosis through ventilation-perfusion
mismatch. To maintain cardiac output, the pulmonary artery pressure
rises with consequent pressure load (up to 55 mmHg) on the right
ventricle increasing right ventricular work.



In otherwise fit patients, once more than 25 per cent of the pulmonary
vascular bed is occlusive, there is an increased afterload or pressure load
on the right ventricle leading to an increase in right ventricular systolic
pressure. With increasing pressure load, the right ventricle will dilate
(against a restrictive pericardium) with the development of functional
tricuspid regurgitation, an increased right atrial pressure and, ultimately,
cardiogenic shock. The paradoxical movement of a pressure-loaded right
ventricle leads to left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in addition to a
reduction in left ventricular pre-load through a reduced transpulmonary
blood flow. Echocardiography identifies these features with an increase in
end-systolic and end-diastolic diameters and septal flattening in both
phases of the cardiac cycle. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter is also
reduced with significant embolism.
The mechanism of hypoxaemia in massive PE is multifactorial. It occurs
through significant ventilation-perfusion mismatch, and may also occur
due to intrapulmonary A-V shunting through areas poorly ventilated with
residual blood flow. Shunting may also occur at an atrial level where acute
right heart pressures may reverse the shunt through a patent foramen
ovale. Where the cardiac output is low, insufficient gas-exchange may
occur in the residual areas of perfusion leading to systemic further
desaturation. Hypercapnia is rare in massive PE due to tachypnoea.
Symptoms of massive PE are severe dyspnoea (not orthopnoea), syncope
and low cardiac output. Angina may occur through a combination of
hypoxaemia, tachycardia and hypotension. Central cyanosis and acute
right heart strain ensue. It may be difficult to hear a right ventricular
gallop rhythm or widely split second heart sound in the presence of
significant respiratory distress.
A differential diagnosis of acute PE includes:
• acute coronary syndrome
• acute proximal aortic dissection
• acute pulmonary oedema
• acute pneumonia
• pleurisy
• acute bronchospasm
• acute exacerbations of chronic airflow limitation
• bronchogenic carcinoma
• pneumothorax
• chest wall syndrome
• fractured rib



12-lead electrocardiography. Although 87% of patients have an
abnormal ECG, these are largely non-specific and include anterior
T-wave changes, ST segment abnormalities and left or right axis deviation.
In the Urokinase Pulmonary Embolism Trial (UPET), 32 per cent
of patients with massive PE and 26 per cent of those with massive/
submassive PE had ECG signs of acute cor pulmonale such as the S1Q3T3
pattern, right bundle branch block (RBBB), P pulmonale or right axis
deviation. The ECG may be completely normal in younger, previously fit

Arterial blood gases. Hypoxaemia is very common but not universally

present. In one study, a PaO2 of >11 kPa was found in 29 per cent of
patients younger than 40 compared to only 3 per cent of older patients.
This is true of patients without pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease.

Chest radiography. Common radiographic appearances are atelectasis,

pleural effusion, infiltrates and an effusion but non-specific. Decreased
vascularity is uncommon. The presence of a normal chest x-ray in the
presence of hypoxaemia in the absence of an intracardiac shunt or
bronchospasm is highly suggestive of PE. Signs such as focal oligaemia
(Westermark sign), a peripheral wedge-shaped opacity (Hampton’s hump)
or an enlarged right descending pulmonary artery (Palla’s sign) are often
referred to, but are actually rarely seen. The value of a chest x-ray is that it
allows confirmation of other pathological processes such as pneumonia,
pneumothorax or rib fracture.

D-dimer. A low plasma D-dimer concentration has a 95% negative

predictive accuracy. In one study of 308 patients presenting acutely with
suspected PE, patients underwent assessment of clinical probability,
ventilation-perfusion scan, D-dimer and lower extremity ultrasound.
Of 198 patients with suspected embolism and a D-dimer level <500 μg/L,
196 were free of PE. Of course, D-dimer levels may also be raised
due to co-morbid conditions which may themselves predispose to
developing PE.

Computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). This

technique allows rapid tomographic imaging with continuous volume
acquisition during a single breath-hold; the pulmonary vasculature is
visualized with a contrast dye injection. The technique is limited by
poorer visualization of the peripheral areas of the upper and lower lobes.
It has become the main imaging technique for the confirmation of



suspected PE, with accuracy acomparable with that of invasive pulmonary

angiography. In a systematic review of 15 diagnostic studies comprising
3500 patients with suspected PE, the negative predictive value of CTPA
was 99.1 per cent for PE, and was 99.4 per cent for death due to PE. This
modality has the greatest sensitivity for emboli in the main, lobar or
segmental pulmonary arteries with a reduced sensitivity in the
subsegmental branches (e.g. a pick-up rate of 25–30 per cent), although
this has improved with multidetector scanners: the PIOPED II study
reported a sensitivity of multidetector CT of 83 per cent and a specificity
of 96 per cent. An additional advantage of spiral CT is the ability to define
non-vascular structures such as lymphadenopathy, lung tumours and
emphysema and other parenchymal and pleural disease.

Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan. Although often used to diagnose PE,

the V/Q scan is quite non-specific and is often non-diagnostic (normal or
high probability in a minority of cases). In the PIOPED study, which
evaluated the V/Q scan by comparison with pulmonary angiography or
post-mortem, it was apparent that PE was actually present despite
non-diagnostic scans in 40 per cent of cases (Table 6.2). With an
increasing background of cardiorespiratory disease (particularly chronic
obstructive airways disease), the V/Q scan becomes less diagnostic with
an increase in intermediate-probability scans. If a ventilation scan cannot
be performed, an isolated perfusion scan is useful if it is high probability,
low probability, near normal or normal. In the interpretation of perfusion
scans, it is imperative that one or more segmental perfusion defects are
considered diagnostic of embolism.

Table 6.2 Clinical assessment and ventilation-perfusion scan probability

Clinical Probability
V/Q scan (Probability) Highly likely Uncertain Unlikely
(80 –100%) (20 –79%) (0 –19%)

High 96% 88% 56%

Intermediate 66% 28% 16%

Low 40% 16% 4%

Near normal/normal 0 6% 2%

Total 68% 30% 9%



Pulmonary angiography. Pulmonary angiography is the invasive

gold standard for diagnosing PE and was previously used where a
ventilation/perfusion scan was non-diagnostic. A positive finding is an
intraluminal filling defect in two views and the demonstration of an
occluded pulmonary artery with or without a trailing edge. Less specific
criteria are reduced perfusion, abnornmal parenchymal stain and a
delayed venous return. In the PIOPED study, where 1111 pulmonary
angiograms were performed, 35 per cent were positive, 61 per cent were
negative, with 3 per cent non-diagnostic and 1 per cent non-completion.
The interobserver agreement on findings reduces as the PE becomes
smaller, i.e. from lobar to segmental to subsegmental. The mortality of
pulmonary angiography is 0.5 per cent with severe cardiopulmonary
compromise in 0.4 per cent, and morbidity tends to be higher in critically
ill patients from intensive care. This technique requires invasive expertise
and has been superseded by CTPA, but may be an appropriate
investigation in patients with massive PE who are candidates for
percutaneous intervention (see below).

Magnetic resonance imaging. With experienced readers, the sensitivity

and specificity of MRI to detect PE is 73 and 97 per cent respectively
(with the potential to improve sensitivity with gadolinium injection). The
technique is more rapid, less invasive and avoids standard nephrotoxic
contrast compared to pulmonary angiography. However, there is a lesser
evidence base for MRI than for CTPA at present but given its proven
ability to detect DVT (along with lung perfusion imaging), there is an
obvious appeal for a combined technique.

Lower limb evaluation. If a lung scan is non-diagnostic, evaluation

of the lower extremities is an alternative means by which to assess the
need for anticoagulation. With a near-normal or low-probability scan, a
negative lower limb study and a low clinical suspicion, no treatment is
needed. With a low-probability scan and negative leg study, but an
uncertain or high clinical suspicion, the PE estimate is between
9–25 per cent. With intermediate-probability scans, but a negative leg
study, either pulmonary angiography or serial non-invasive leg studies
should be done, depending on the stability of the patient. In one study to
evaluate the latter course, stability was defined as absence of pulmonary
oedema, right ventricular failure, systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg,
syncope, tachyarrhythmia, FEV1 <1.0 l, FVC <1.5 l, PaO2 <7 kPa and
PaCO2 >6 kPa. Of 627 patients with non-diagnostic lung scans and
negative serial plethysmography in whom treatment was withheld, only



1.9 per cent had a venous thromboembolic complication. This compares

with 0.7 per cent of untreated patients with normal lung scans and
5.5 per cent of high-probability scans who received treatment.
Echocardiography. Acute PE causes an abrupt increase in right
ventricular afterload, with subsequent dilatation and hypokinesis of the
right ventricle (although other causes of pulmonary hypertension may
also cause this appearance). Such echocardiographic dysfunction is
associated with a high risk of mortality in patients with acute PE. For
example, a right to left ventricular end-diastolic diameter ratio ≥0.9 has
been shown to be an independent predictor of in-hospital death even
among normotensive subjects. Right ventricular failure frequently
accompanies massive PE and correlates with larger emboli and with the
recurrence of PE. Akinesis of the mid-free wall with apical sparing
(McConnell’s sign) may be more common in acute PE (77 per cent
sensitivity, 94 per cent specificity). It should be borne in mind that the
quality of the imaging will be limited by chronic airflow limitation and
obesity Transoesophageal echocardiography may permit visualization of
massive emboli in the proximal pulmonary arteries, which may be
enhanced by contrast. An important role of echocardiography is its use to
exclude alternative cases of acute cardiorespiratory compromise such as
aortic dissection, acute ventricular septal rupture, large myocardial
infarction and cardiac tamponade).
Troponins and brain natriuretic peptides (BNP). Simple biomarker
testing has been shown to provide prognostic information. Markers
indicating myocardial damage (troponins) and ventricular stretch (BNP)
in response to acute pulmonary hypertension indicate worse outcomes
among patients with PE. Meta-analyses show that elevated troponins are
associated with increased mortality in PE, irrespective of systemic blood
pressure. However, among normotensive patients, the extra risk appeared
to be modest, and levels do not sufficiently distinguish high-risk,
normotensive patients from lower-risk counterparts. Similarly, patients
with PE and high levels of BNP or NT-pro-BNP have been shown to have a
higher risk (seven-fold) of in-hospital adverse events and 30-day all-cause
In contemporary practice, the diagnosis of PE is based on validated
clinical criteria combined with selective testing in view of non-specific
symptoms and signs. These clinical criteria have been incorporated into
scoring systems. The most commonly used system to predict clinical
probability is the Wells score (see Table 6.3). The initial system has been



Table 6.3 Wells score for diagnosis of PE

Clinical variable Score

Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT (minimum of leg swelling 3

and pain with palpation of the deep veins)

PE as or more likely than an alternative diagnosis 3

Heart rate greater than 100 1.5

Immobilization or surgery in the previous 4 weeks 1.5

Previous DVT/PE 1.5

Haemoptysis 1

Malignancy (on treatment, treated in the last 6 months or 1


DVT, deep vein thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism. > 4, probability of PE is

‘likely’. �4, probbility for PE is ‘unlikely’. Alternatively, < 2 is low probability,
moderate is 2–6 and high is > 6.

revised, resulting in assignment of different levels of probability

depending on the version used.
The European Society of Cardiology algorithm for the diagnostic
approach to acute PE according to the haemodynamic stability of the
patient is presented in Figure 6.1.


The overriding strategy in the treatment of PE is the reduction of
thrombosis, i.e. both the development and propagation of venous
thrombus and the fibrinolysis or break-up of established, embolized clot.
With the acute presentation of a PE, it is imperative that the diagnosis is
made quickly and an assessment of the patient’s haemodynamic state is
made. The primary therapies are:
• Heparin. This may be done as an initial therapy at the start of the
diagnostic process.
• Oxygen supplementation. Initially by face mask, although
supportive ventilation may be necessary. Mechanical ventilation,
when needed, should be used cautiously to limit any associated
adverse haemodynamic effects. For example, the increased



Suspended high-risk PE,

i.e with shock or hypotension

CT immediately available*
No Yes

RV overload

CT available and
No Yes CT
patient stabilized

No other tests available# Negative Positive

or patient unstable

Search for other causes

Thrombolysis/embolectomy PE-specific treatment Search for other causes
not justified justified Thrombolysis/embolectomy
Consider thrombolsis not justified
or embolectomy

Figure 6.1 (a) Proposed algorithm for diagnosis of high-risk PE (presenting

with shock/hypotension). *CT is considered not immediately available also
if the critical condition of a patient allows only bedside diagnostic tests.
#Transoesophageal echocardiography may detect thrombi in the pulmonary

arteries in a significant proportion of patients with right ventricular

overload and PE that is ultimately confirmed by CT; confirmation of DVT
with bedside lower limb ultrasound might also help in decision-making.

intrathoracic pressure induced by mechanical ventilation may

reduce venous return and potentiate right ventricular dysfunction
in patients with massive PE.
• Haemodynamic support. Noradrenaline may be used in small
doses to support the acute failure of the right ventricle, but only
where the patient is in cardiogenic shock as it may be counter­
productive with respect to cardiac rhythm. Right heart filling
pressure should be supported to maintain right ventricular stroke
volume, although this is finely balanced as volume loading may
exacerbate paradoxical septal motion leading to a reduction in left
ventricular stroke volume. In the absence of circulatory failure, a
strategy of anticoagulation is required. With haemodynamic
compromise, thrombolysis and/or clot fragmentation is required.

Heparin anticoagulation
The heparin–antithrombin III complex inactivates thrombin and, to a
lesser extent, activated factors IX and X. The efficacy of heparin in PE is
through prevention of further fibrin generation from thrombin



Suspended non-high-risk PE,

i.e without shock or hypotension

Assess clinical probability of PE

implicit of prediction rule

Low-intermediate clinical probability High clinical probability

or ‘PE unlikely’ or ‘PE unlikely’


negative positive
No treatment Multidetector CT Multidetector CT

No PE‡ No PE† No PE‡ PE

No treatment* No treatment* No treatment* or No treatment*
investigate further#

Figure 6.1 (b) Proposed algorithm for diagnosis of non-high-risk PE

(presenting without shock/hypotension). *Anticoagulant treatment for PE.
†CT is considered diagnostic of PE if the most proximol thrombus is at least

segmental. ‡If single detector CT is negative, a negative lower limb venous

ultrasonography is required in order to safely exclude PE. # If multidetector
CT is negative in patients with high clinical probability, further investigation
may be considered before withholding PE-specific treatment.
Reproduced with permission from Torbicki, et al. (2008).

activation, thus allowing the endogenous fibrinolytic system to dissolve

residual thrombus. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) should be given
early to achieve an adequate plasma concentration, and through this
and subsequent oral anticoagulation, the risk of recurrent venous
thromboembolism and death is considerably reduced. By convention,
UFH is given by initial bolus and intravenous infusion to achieve
adequate anticoagulation. If the aPTT is prolonged prior to heparin
therapy, consider antiphospholipid antibodies as a prothrombotic
influence (and direct anticoagulation by the heparin level itself rather
than by aPTT monitoring). Rarely, antithrombin III deficiency will
lead to true heparin resistance.
The problem with UFH lies in its unpredictable haematological response
due to the binding of heparin to plasma and endothelial proteins,
regardless of weight adjustment. To control for this, the aPTT should also
be measured 4–6 hours after initiation and similarly after any dose change
to be maintained at 1.5 to 2.5 times the mean control value. Oral



anticoagulation should be started simultaneously with heparin

discontinued once the INR is >2.0 on two consecutive days. Serious
complications from heparin therapy occur in less than 5 per cent of
patients and haemorrhagic sequelae occur where there is an existing
bleeding diathesis or pathology such as active or previous peptic ulcer
disease/varices/angiodysplasia, recent surgery, severe hypertension or
recent haemorrhagic stroke. Long-term (>2 months) heparin therapy is
associated with osteoporosis and skin rashes and hypersensitivity
reactions can occur. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) may be
mild within the first few days of treatment due to direct aggregation, but
if severe (<100 X 109/L), when it occurs due to antibody formation after
5–7 days, it should be discontinued with substitution by a direct
antithrombin drug, e.g. hirudin or bivalirudin, as significant
pro-thrombotic risk exists. This HIT with thrombosis is very serious and
any potential effect of heparin on platelets should be monitored with
immediate discontinuation if the platelet count drops. The direct
thrombin inhibitors such as hirudin or lepirudin (recombinant hirudin)
are peptides that inhibit fibrin deposition inside thrombus better than the
larger heparin–antithrombin III complex giving a better inhibition to
thrombus development. They have a short half-life (<2 hours) but can be
monitored by the aPTT also.

Low-molecular-weight heparin
LMWH has become the treatment of choice for venous thromboembolism.
It is produced by depolymerization of UFH leading to small molecules
capable of inhibiting activated factor X in preference to thrombin
(activated factor II). Given a longer half-life and less ancillary binding, the
anticoagulant dose is predictable after subcutaneous dosing. As the aPTT
measures antithrombin activity, LMWH, if necessary, should be
monitored by its anti-Xa activity. Its administration subcutaneously
requires less supervision and may be given once or twice daily (depending
on exact LMWH type) to give as effective a therapy as UFH in the
treatment of proximal DVT and acute PE. Its role in massive pulmonary
embolism is less well validated, however.
The use of LMWH can be problematic and it should be given with care in
patients with renal failure. Intravenous UFH, which is not renally cleared,
should be the preferred mode of initial anticoagulation for patients with
severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min); it may also be
preferable among those at high risk of bleeding, as its anticoagulant effect
can be reversed quickly.



Thrombolytic therapy
Thrombolytic therapy is indicated in the treatment of massive PE (shock,
severe hypoxaemia) or PE with echocardiographic right ventricular
dysfunction. Because of its ability to promote fibrinolyis it has additional
benefit in breaking up residual deep venous thrombus and reduces the
risk of recurrent PE and chronic thromboembolism. There are several
thrombolytic agents that have been used, streptokinase, urokinase,
and the more fibrin-specific tissue plasminogen activator and reteplase,
which work through different means to activate breakdown of
plasminogen to plasmin which degrades fibrin in clot. All appear to be
equally effective and safe. Thrombolysis has been shown to resolve
thrombotic obstruction and to improve haemodynamic parameters.
However, despite the appeal, there are few data from randomized trials of
thrombolytic therapy against heparin powered to demonstrate a
difference in hard clinical outcomes.
Contraindications to thrombolytic therapy are similar to those in the
treatment of myocardial infarction. However, while most benefit is
derived when treatment is started within 48 hours of symptom onset,
thrombolysis can still be useful in patients up to 2 weeks later. Heparin
should be withheld until the aPTT is less than 2:1 after thrombolysis. The
risk of bleeding is greatest where the administration of thrombolysis is
prolonged or where vascular puncture sites are present. If persistent major
bleeding occurs, plasmin activity can be reversed by intravenous
aprotinin and fibrinogen replenished with clotting factors in fresh frozen
plasma (which will contain plasminogen).
Suggested doses for thrombolytic drugs for pulmonary embolism are:
• streptokinase 0.25–0.5 M over 15 minutes followed by 0.1 MU/h
for 24 hours
• urokinase 4400 U/kg over 10 minutes then 4400 U/kg for 12 hours
• tPA 10 mg bolus, then 90 mg over 2 hours
• reteplase two 10 U boluses 30 minutes apart
Pulmonary embolectomy
The rapid restoration of pulmonary blood flow is likely to be a major
determinant in preventing the mortality from massive PE. In the past,
surgery was considered the best means of removing significant clot load.
The vogue for surgical embolectomy even in extreme situations is
diminishing. Historically, patients in shock despite inotropic support who
continue to deteriorate and those with major contraindications to



thrombolysis have been considered for surgical embolectomy.

Retrospective series largely pre-date the use of thrombolysis and include
procedures outside the emergency setting. High operative mortality of up
to 50 per cent has been reported, and current practice has included
femoral-to-femoral bypass for haemodynamic support prior to full
cardiopulmonary bypass. The need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
prior to surgery predicts an adverse outcome from surgical embolectomy.
With survival from the procedure, most late morbidity is neurological.

Mechanical thrombectomy
In the modern era of percutaneous intervention, attempts have been made
to provide an alternative to surgical embolectomy. Initial techniques have
focused on retrieval devices to hold and extract a thrombus from the main
pulmonary artery in patients with massive PE. However, this approach has
been of limited success. Clot fragmentation has been described in
uncontrolled studies using a pigtail catheter. The theoretical benefit of this
approach is that the clot will fragment into a smaller vascular area as it
embolizes distally and will be more susceptible to thrombolysis. This will
reduce pulmonary artery pressure and improve transpulmonary flow in
most cases. In cases where pulmonary artery pressure remains high, this
may occur through release of vasoconstrictor hormones such as
thromboxane A2 arguing for the actual removal of clot rather than simple
embolization of it. Again, outcome data for this technique are limited.
However, newer devices are becoming available which both fragment and
aspirate clots such as the Hydrolyser™, Amplatz™ and Günther catheters.
The most promising device may be the Arrow-Trerotola percutaneous
thrombolytic device (PTD), which consists of a motor-driven 5F outer
catheter connected to a fragmentation basket which rotates at 3000 rpm.
The latest version of this device may be introduced over-the-wire through a
guide catheter into the thrombus and activated to fragment the thrombus.

Clinical studies are also ongoing with respect to the fragmentation of

ileofemoral thrombus via the transjugular route using this device. It can
be deployed in the pelvic veins with the adjunctive use of a temporarily
deployed wallstent in the inferior vena cavae to act as a filter for old
thrombus which can then be removed back into a large 15F guide catheter.

Chronic treatment of acute pulmonary embolism

Oral anticoagulation
It is imperative that warfarin is started after diagnosis is made and acute
treatment started so that an overlap can occur for a 5-day period to avoid



the pro-thrombotic state created by a reduction in protein C with oral

anticoagulation. The prothrombin time expressed as the INR should be
adjusted to a therapeutic window of 2.0–3.0, or higher where the
antiphospholipid syndrome is the cause of the thromboembolism. In the
medium-term treatment of the patient, obvious risk factors should be
corrected which may allow a shorter period of anticoagulation compared to
the standard period of 3 months for a first PE. In the presence of a persistent
procoagulant stimulus such as malignant disease or proven thrombophilia
or where recurrent PE has occurred (prior PE is the best predictor of
recurrent DVT) or where the patient has chronic thromboembolic disease,
treatment should be prolonged or lifelong. Significant bleeding
complications with over-anticoagulation should be treated with a bolus of
0.5–1.0 mg of vitamin K that will bring the INR back into the normal range.
This can take up to 24 hours so clotting factor concentrates or fresh frozen
plasma should be given for quicker restoration of haemostasis.
Anticoagulation is required to reduce the risk of proximal propagation
and embolism to the pulmonary circulation. DVT proximal to the calf
and symptomatic calf (popliteal) DVTs require LMWH injections and an
arbitrary 3-month course of warfarin. A 20 per cent recurrence rate has
been reported in the literature. Patients with symptomatic DVT do not all
require hospital admission and patients may be risk stratified according to
PE risk (see Table 6.1). Long-term anticoagulation is required in
significantly obese patients and in those with cancer and previous DVT.
Anticoagulation is not mandatory in asymptomatic calf DVTs as long as
serial ultrasound monitoring confirms no proximal extension. A majority
of patients develop chronic venous insufficiency after anticoagulant
therapy and the use of high-pressure support stockings prevent venous
wall distension on ambulation, which may reduce this risk.
Inferior vena caval filters
These filters can be introduced, delivered and deployed percutaneously to
prevent significant thrombus reaching the pulmonary circulation. Their
use should be restricted to situations where recurrent DVTs occur despite
adequate anticoagulation or used in patients who cannot tolerate warfarin
on a temporary or permanent basis. The long-term outcome of these
devices is less good with caval thrombosis at the filter site, filter fracture
and migration and occasional vessel wall perforation.

Thromboembolic pulmonary disease

Patients with recurrent PE may go on to develop chronic thromboembolic
disease with pulmonary hypertension and ultimately cor pulmonale. This



occurs where recurrent PE has been undiagnosed over several weeks to

months without oral anticoagulation. The best treatment option for this
rare condition is surgical thromboendarterectomy with removal of
organized clot ideally as a cast of the pulmonary vascular tree. As with
acute surgical embolectomy, this operation carries a significant mortality
and it is likely that a percutaneous thrombectomy technique will
supersede this approach in the future.

• PE occurs through dislodgment of a venous thrombus from the deep
leg or the pelvic veins into the pulmonary arterial circulation. The
clinical signs of embolism are determined by the level at which the
thrombus is occlusive.
• The development of a venous thrombus is determined by Virchow’s
triad of local injury, hypercoagulability and stasis of flow.
• Venous thromboembolism is a clinical situation where the diagnosis
is more often not made than made. The clinical suspicion of a DVT
(leg swelling, calf tenderness, venous distension of subcutaneous
vessels, discolouration) should be confirmed objectively, due to the lack
of predictive accuracy in the clinical examination.
• In the presence of a suspected acute DVT, either compression
ultrasound or impedance plethysmography should be done. If
inconclusive or inadequate, venography or MRI should be done.
• In acute PE, classic symptoms are unexplained dyspnoea, pleuritic
chest pain and haemoptysis with tachypnoea in particular and
tachycardia being common signs, but all are non-specific.
• The V/Q scan is often non-specific and in one study which evaluated
the V/Q scan by pulmonary angiography or post-mortem, it was
apparent that PE was often present in the presence of non-diagnostic
scans in 40 per cent of cases.
• CTPA is limited by poorer visualization of the peripheral areas of the
lung but is associated with 95 per cent specificity and sensitivity for PE.
CTPA has the greatest sensitivity for emboli in the main, lobar or
segmental pulmonary arteries.
• The treatment of acute PE includes intravenous heparin, oxygen
supplementation and haemodynamic support with noradrenaline and
careful volume balance. In the absence of circulatory failure, a strategy



of anticoagulation is required. With haemodynamic compromise,

thrombolysis and/or clot fragmentation is required.
• Clinical studies are ongoing with the percutaneous use of a
thrombolytic device which consists of a motor-driven catheter
connected to a fragmentation basket rotating at high speed. Other
percutaneous devices use the Venturi effect to aspirate fresh clot both
in the deep venous system and in the pulmonary circulation.

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Background 188 Complications and indications 197

Clinical presentation 190 for surgery
Diagnosis and investigations 192 Prevention 199
Antimicrobial treatment and 196 Key points 200
monitoring Key references 201
Anticoagulant therapy 197

Epidemiology and pathophysiology
Strictly speaking, infective endocarditis (IE) is a disease in which an
infective organism colonizes the heart valves, septal defects or mural
endocardium. However, in clinical practice the definition extends to
include infections on arteriovenous shunts, arterio-arterial shunts and
aortic coarctations, as the clinical presentation is often indistinguishable.
The infection evolves to produce a vegetation that comprises an amorphous
mass of organisms, inflammatory cells, fibrin and platelets. Following
successful treatment for IE, healing occurs by fibrosis and calcification.
Overall, there are approximately 1500 cases of endocarditis in the UK per
year, with an estimated in-patient mortality between 15 and 20 per cent.
IE can occur not only on congenital or acquired structural cardiac
abnormalities but also on normal, previously healthy valves. Traditionally,
endocarditis has been divided into acute and subacute forms. Acute
bacterial endocarditis is usually due to a virulent organism such as
Staphylococcus aureus, which can rapidly lead to complications within
days or weeks if left untreated. Subacute bacterial endocarditis is more
indolent, usually presents weeks to months after the initial infection and
is caused by organisms such as Streptococcus viridans or coagulase­
negative staphylococci. This classification was initially based on untreated
disease. Since devastating complications such as valve perforation and
cerebral embolization can arise with a variety of different organisms and
bacteria are not always implicated, the term IE is more appropriate and is
now widely used.


In the past, IE occurred mainly in patients with underlying rheumatic or

congenital heart disease. The incidence and prevalence of rheumatic heart
disease has decreased in developed countries. Contemporary causes of IE
affecting the native valves include mitral valve prolapse (accounting for
up to one-third of cases in adults), bicuspid aortic valves, degenerative/
sclerotic valves (particularly in an ageing population) and intravenous
drug use (IVDU). IE associated with IVDU is usually associated with
right-sided valve lesions, and can affect up to 7 per cent of subjects with
previous IVDU. In the United States, up to 12 per cent of acute
drug-related presentations relate to IE. Staphylococcus aureus is
responsible for more than 50 per cent of these infections. Unusual
organisms such as Corynebacterium species, Bacillus cereus, Lactobacillus,
Candida and polymicrobial infections can sometimes be found in this
population. In addition, it is now recognized that many older patients are
developing IE as a result of invasive procedures and nosocomial
infections. Congenital heart disease is more important as a cause of IE in
young adults.
In developed countries, epidemiological studies suggest that 10–20 per
cent of patients with prosthetic heart valves develop endocarditis. The risk
is greatest during the first 6 months after valve surgery and thereafter
declines to about 0.2–0.35 per cent per year. The term ‘early’ is often used
to describe prosthetic valve endocarditis when it occurs within 2 months
following surgery, when it is considered to be a complication of valve
surgery. Prosthetic valve endocarditis occurring more than 12 months
after surgery is termed ‘late’ and, like native valve endocarditis, is likely to
be associated with community-acquired infections. Cases occurring
between 2 and 12 months after surgery are a mixture of hospital-acquired
episodes caused by less virulent organisms and community-acquired
episodes. Hence, the timing of infection reflects different pathogenic
mechanisms, which in turn influence the epidemiology, microbiology,
pathology and clinical manifestation. The risk of invasive infection is
increased among patients with prosthetic valve endocarditis within the
first year after implantation, particularly those with infection of an aortic
valve prosthesis. Table 7.1 summarizes the microbiology of IE in native
and prosthetic heart valves, and in subjects with a history of IVDU.
The pathogenesis of IE involves turbulent blood flow from a high to a low
pressure zone, resulting in damage and ulceration to the endocardium.
The contact between blood and the subendothelial surfaces promotes
production of thrombus. Micro-organisms present in the blood may then


Table 7.1 Microbiology of infective endocarditis

Non -addicts Addicts Early PVE Late PVE

(per cent) (per cent) (per cent) (per cent)

Streptococcus viridans 50 10 8 30

Enterococci 5 8 2 6

Other streptococci 5 2

Staphylococcus aureus 20 57 15 10

Staphylococcus 5 3 33 29

Gram-negative 6 7 17 10
bacteria (including
HACEK group) a

Fungus 1 5 10 5

Culture negative 5 5 5 5

Diphtheroids 8 3

Mixed/Others 3 3 2 2
aThe HACEK group of organisms consists of Haemophilus species, Actinobacillus

species, Cardiobacterium species, Eikenella species and Kingella species. These

Gram-negative coccobacilli are fastidious and slow growing, and have become an
important cause of IE. They are part of the respiratory tract and oropharyngeal flora.

seed to the thrombus and proliferate, resulting in IE. In addition,

Staphylococcus aureus possesses binding proteins on its surface, which
facilitates adhesion to focal areas of local inflammation that are rich in
fibronectin. Vegetations are usually located along the line of closure of a
valve leaflet on the low pressure side of the valve where turbulence occurs
(i.e. the atrial surface for atrioventricular valves or the ventricular surface
for semilunar valves). The absence of a pressure gradient across an ostium
secundum atrial septal defect explains the low risk of endocarditis in
this group.

The clinical syndrome of IE consists of fever, changing murmurs, septic
embolization to any organ and petechial lesions of the skin. The
diagnosis should be suspected in anyone who presents with pyrexia and



multisystem involvement in the presence of cardiac disease or

prior IVDU.
Acute IE presentations are usually characterized by a toxic, unwell
patient with high fevers and rigors. Subacute or chronic presentations often
occur weeks or months after the initial infection, and can be associated with
a low-grade fever, night sweats, weight loss and anaemia (normochromic
normocytic). Other associated symptoms and signs may include lethargy,
anorexia, vague abdominal or flank pain, confusion, arthralgia, myalgia
and finger clubbing. Peripheral manifestations as a result of an
immunologically mediated vasculitis or septic embolization can give rise to:
• Osler’s nodes (tender, subcutaneous nodules seen in the pulps of the
• Janeway lesions (non-tender, erythematous or haemorrhagic
macular lesions seen on the palms and soles);
• splinter haemorrhages in the fingernails or toenails; petechiae on
the conjunctivae and buccal mucosa;
• focal glomerulonephritis and splenic infarcts;
• mycotic aneurysms and occlusion involving any vessel,
commonly seen in the cerebral arteries, abdominal aorta,
coronary arteries, gastrointestinal arteries, limb arteries and
renal arterioles;
• retinal infarcts (Roth’s spots), causing an oval-shaped haemorrhage
with a pale centre;
• neurological involvement in 30–40 per cent of patients with IE, the
majority of which are embolic strokes, with intracranial
haemorrhages occurring in 5 per cent;
• congestive cardiac failure as a result of valve destruction or rupture
of a chorda and, rarely, intracardiac fistulae, myocarditis or
coronary artery embolism;
• perivalvular extension beyond the valve ring either in native or
prosthetic valve IE, giving rise to paravalvular regurgitation, valve
dehiscence, septal and myocardial abscesses, fistulous tracts,
pericarditis and conduction disturbances such as first degree AV
• a change in the quality of the audible prosthetic clicks can reflect
valve obstruction by vegetation overgrowth.
Because patients with prosthetic heart valves are always at risk for IE, the
presence of fever or new prosthesis dysfunction at any time warrants
consideration of the diagnosis.



Heart murmurs are heard in 80–85 per cent of patients with IE but may
be difficult to detect or be absent in patients with tricuspid valve
involvement. Careful auscultation in full inspiration is often useful in
diagnosing right-sided murmurs. Septic pulmonary embolization from
right-sided valvular IE (frequently seen in IVDU-related IE) can give rise
to shortness of breath, haemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain and pulmonary
Poor prognostic factors include increased age, infection of a prosthetic
valve, patients with cardiac complications on admission, persistent sepsis,
type of organism involved (Staphylococcus, fungal and nosocomial
infections carry a higher risk than Streptococcus viridans infection), and the
presence of associated diseases such as chronic renal disease, chronic liver
disease, neoplasms and HIV.


IE is largely a clinical diagnosis, based on history and clinical
examination, that is confirmed with blood cultures and
echocardiography. It is important to search for a portal of entry of
infection, which may give a clue to the type of organism causing the
infection. For instance, Streptococcus viridans infections frequently occur
following dental procedures or poor oral hygiene, enterococcal infections
occur after genitourinary and gastrointestinal procedures or in women
after abortion or giving birth, and staphylococcal, Gram-negative
bacterial and fungal infections in drug abusers and after open heart
surgery. Alternatively, the causative organism may be associated with an
underlying condition, for instance Streptococcus bovis IE is frequently
associated with colonic polyps and cancer. Most cases of procedure-
related IE occur with a short incubation period of approximately 2 weeks
or less following the procedure.
The variability in the clinical presentation of IE requires a diagnostic
strategy that is sensitive for disease detection and specific for its exclusion.
Use of the Duke criteria (developed at Duke University, United States in
1994) is currently recommended by the American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) and has been adopted
internationally to aid the diagnosis of IE. A definite diagnosis of IE can be
made either pathologically or clinically. A pathological diagnosis is made
when pathological specimens from surgery or autopsy reveal positive
histology or culture. A clinical diagnosis is made by determining the



presence of major and/or minor criteria as seen in Box 7.1. A diagnosis of

IE is made if there are two major or one major and three minor or five
minor criteria.

Blood cultures are paramount for diagnosis and monitoring treatment.

Three sets of cultures (aerobic and anaerobic) containing at least 10 mL

Box 7.1 D efinitions of terms used in the modified

Duke criteria for the diagnosis of IEa
Major criteria
Positive blood culture for IE
Typical micro-organism consistent with IE from 2 separate blood
cultures as noted below:
(1) viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, HACEK group,
Staphylococcus aureus or
(2) community-acquired enterococci in the absence of a primary
focus, or

micro-organisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood

cultures defined as:
(1) >2 positive cultures of blood samples drawn >12 hours
apart or
(2) all of 3 or a majority of >4 separate cultures of blood (with first
and last sample drawn >1 hour apart).

Positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetii or antiphase 1 IgG antibody

titre .1:800.
Evidence of endocardial involvement
Positive echocardiogram for IE defined as:
(1) oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures,
in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the
absence of an alternative anatomical explanation, or
(2) abscess, or
(3) new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve, or new valvular
regurgitation (worsening or changing of pre-existing murmur
not sufficient).

Note: TOE is recommended in patients with prosthetic valves who are

rated as having at least possible IE by clinical criteria, or who have
complicated IE such as paravalvular abscesses, etc.




Minor criteria
(1) Predisposition: predisposing heart condition or intravenous
drug use
(2) Fever: temperature >38.0°C

(3) Vascular phenomena: major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary

infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial haemorrhage,
conjunctival haemorrhages, and Janeway lesions

(4) Immunological phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes,

Roth spots, and rheumatoid factor

(5) Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does

not meet a major criterion as noted above or serological
evidence of active infection with organism consistent
with IE

aAdiagnosis of IE is made if there are two major or one major and three
minor or five minor criteria. Possible IE is suspected if there is one major
and one minor criterion, or three minor criteria.
Adapted from Li, et al. Clin Infect Dis 2000; 30: 633–8.

of blood should be taken from different sites, at different times

(30–60-minute intervals), and before commencement of antibiotics.
Blood cultures are negative in ≤5 per cent of patients with IE diagnosed
by strict diagnostic criteria. Negative blood cultures may occur as a
result of inadequate microbiological techniques, infection with highly
fastidious bacteria or non-bacterial organisms, or administration of
antibiotics prior to obtaining blood cultures. Specialized microbiological
techniques and culture media, prolonged incubation periods as well as
serology (for organisms such as Brucella, Legionella, Bartonella, Coxiella
burnetii or Chlamydia species) may be needed to diagnose unusual
organisms. The use of blood tests for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
may also become more widely used in difficult to culture organisms.
Swabs should be taken from skin lesions, cannulation sites and the nasal
cavity. Early and close liaison with the microbiology department is
Echocardiography is not an appropriate screening test in the evaluation
of patients with fever or a positive blood culture that is unlikely to
reflect IE. Nevertheless, echocardiography should be performed in all
patients suspected of having IE clinically. An observational study of



500 patients with suspected endocarditis assessed whether clinical

features could guide decisions to use transthoracic echocardiography.
The collective absence of the following five clinical factors was
associated with a zero probability of the transthoracic echocardiography
showing evidence of endocarditis. These factors are in descending
order of risk:

• vasculitic or embolic phenomena

• the presence of central venous access
• a recent history of injected drug use
• the presence of a prosthetic valve
• positive blood cultures.

Transthoracic echocardiography is readily available, non-invasive and

has a sensitivity of <60 per cent for vegetations <2 mm and a specificity of
98 per cent. In patients in whom IE or its complications are strongly
suspected, a negative transthoracic echo will not definitely rule out
IE and transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) is recommended.
TOE has a sensitivity of 76–100 per cent and a specificity of 94 per cent.
It can diagnose vegetations <1 mm and is useful in evaluating and
monitoring patients who develop complications and in patients with a
suspected diagnosis of prosthetic valve endocarditis (compared to
transthoracic echocardiography, TOE allows better visualization of
prosthetic valves).

Haematological indices are frequently abnormal and include a raised

erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leucocytosis, normochromic
normocytic anaemia, low serum iron and a low serum iron binding
capacity. Findings of immune stimulation and ongoing inflammation
include a raised C-reactive protein (CRP), rheumatoid factor,
hypocomplementaemia (decreased C3/C4) and cryoglobulinaemia.
Urine analysis may show haematuria, red cell casts and proteinuria as
a result of glomerular involvement. Although there may be no specific
changes on the ECG, the development of PR interval prolongation
may signify the presence of an aortic root or septal abscess. Chest x-ray
may show signs of heart failure and pulmonary infiltrates from septic

It is important to recognize that the majority of symptoms, signs and

laboratory investigations seen in IE are not specific and can also occur in
other diseases such as connective tissue disorders, atrial myxoma, acute
rheumatic fever and lymphomas.




If the diagnosis is suspected and cultures have been taken, then IV
antibiotics should be commenced. The choice of agents used for empirical
treatment has changed over the years with the change in incidence of
endocarditis due to Staphylococcus aureus. The Working Party of the
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy recommend empirical
treatment based on presentation:
Acute presentation Flucloxacillin (8–12 g IV daily in
4–6 divided doses)
plus gentamicin (1 mg/kg IV 8 hourly,
modified according to renal function)
Indolent presentation Penicillin (7.2 g IV daily in 6 divided doses)
or ampicillin/amoxycillin (2 g IV 6 hourly)
plus gentamicin (1 mg/kg IV 8 hourly,
modified according to renal function)
Penicillin allergy or Vancomycin (1 g 12 hourly IV, modified
intracardiac prosthesis according to renal function) plus
or suspected MRSA rifampicin (300–600 mg 12 hourly by
mouth) plus gentamicin (1 mg/kg IV
8 hourly, modified according to renal
The choice and duration of antimicrobial therapy for patients with
IE should eventually be dictated by the pathogens identified from
blood cultures. Full discussion of the specific therapeutic regimens is
beyond the scope of this chapter and should be decided upon in
collaboration with the microbiologists. Close collaboration with the
microbiologist is essential, in particular when blood cultures are negative
in order to avoid inappropriate treatment and to discuss alternative
Most patients with IE respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment within
72 hours, with a reduction in fever and improvement in general
well-being. If fever persists or recurs, then further blood cultures should
be taken. The recurrence of fever during treatment does not necessarily
indicate an unsatisfactory response to antibiotics, but may indicate a
hypersensitivity reaction to drugs, phlebitis, an infection elsewhere or
major immune activation (Table 7.2). Urine analysis should be done daily,
ECGs should be obtained twice weekly and echocardiography weekly.
A falling CRP and ESR are reassuring.

Table 7.2 Some causes of persistent or recurrent fever during treatment of

infective endocarditis

Infection related
Intracardiac: Paravalvular/intracardiac abscesses
Extracardiac: Line infection, metastatic infection, mycotic aneurysms, spinal
abscess, vertebral osteomyelitis, discitis, etc.
Antibiotic resistance: seldom a cause especially if the infecting bacteria has
been cultured and sensitivity determined

Antibiotic sensitivity
Can be associated with or without a rash, eosinophilia and a rise in CRP in a
patient who had been previously doing well

Major immune activation

Associated with progressive renal failure, vasculitis, emboli, etc.

Multiple organisms
Usually seen in intravenous drug abusers

Wrong diagnosis
Lymphoma, sarcoidosis, AIDS, tuberculosis, atrial myxoma, acute rheumatic
fever, autoimmune disease such as SLE, etc.

Anticoagulant therapy has not been shown to prevent embolization in IE
and may increase the risk of intracerebral haemorrhage. Patients with
prosthetic valve endocarditis who are receiving chronic anticoagulant
therapy should be allowed to cautiously continue. However, in the
presence of cerebral emboli with haemorrhage, temporary
discontinuation of anticoagulation is appropriate. In unstable patients
or in those for whom surgery is planned, warfarin can be discontinued
and replaced with unfractionated heparin, which can easily be


Patients should be seen and examined daily to screen for the
development of aforementioned complications. Among the
complications, heart failure has the greatest impact on prognosis.
Heart failure is more frequently seen with aortic valve infections
(29 per cent) than with mitral (20 per cent) or tricuspid (8 per cent)
disease. The early onset of heart failure signifies the need for surgical



intervention. Delaying surgery to the point of marked ventricular

decompensation can dramatically increase operative mortality, from
6–11 per cent for stable patients to 17–33 per cent for patients with heart
failure. The incidence of reinfection of the newly implanted valve in
patients with active IE has been estimated to be 2–3 per cent, which is
far less than the operative mortality rate. Therefore, surgery should
never be delayed to prolong pre-operative antibiotic treatment. Other
indicators for acute surgical intervention also include intracardiac
abscesses and fistulous tracts, unstable valve prosthesis, persistent
bacteraemia despite antimicrobial therapy, fungal infections,
recurrent systemic embolization (>2 major embolic events) and large
obstructive vegetations (>10 mm) (see Table 7.3). The duration of
antibiotic therapy following surgery is dependent on the antibiotic

Table 7.3 IE and indications for surgery

Absolute Relative

• Moderate to severe congestive heart • Congestive heart failure resolved

failure due to valve with medical therapy dysfunction

• Refractory infection (persistent • Relapse after optimal therapy

bacteraemia, relapse after optimal (native valves)
therapy – prosthetic valves) with lack
of improvement after more than
1 week of antibiotics

• Fungal infection • Culture-negative endocarditis

with persistent unexplained fever

• Unstable valve prosthesis • Vegetations >10 mm

• Significant dehiscence of prosthetic • New regurgitation in an aortic

valves prosthesis

• Perivalvular extension with septal and • Single systemic embolic event

myocardial abscesses, fistulous tracts,
atrioventricular block, rupture of
sinus of Valsalva aneurysm, rupture of
subaortic aneurysm

• Large vegetation causing obstruction

• Recurrent systemic emboli

– several episodes
– one episode with residual large vegetation



sensitivity of the organism, the presence of paravalvular invasive

infection and the culture status of the vegetation. Generally, in
endocarditis caused by antibiotic-sensitive organisms with negative
cultures of operative specimens, pre-operative plus post-operative
therapy should at least equal a full course of recommended therapy.
Patients with positive intraoperative cultures and prosthetic valve
endocarditis should receive a full course of antimicrobial therapy

IE is a life-threatening disease and carries a high risk of morbidity and
mortality despite modern antimicrobial and surgical treatment. It is
therefore imperative, whenever possible, to try to prevent unnecessary
infections, especially those in high-risk groups. When determining which
patients need antibiotic cover, it is important to consider the underlying
cardiac condition (as some conditions are more often associated with
endocarditis than others), the risk of bacteraemia associated with the
particular procedure, and the likely organism that may propagate to give
rise to IE. Currently there is considerable controversy over when antibiotic
prophylaxis should be given. Recently several guidelines advising on
antibiotic prophylaxis have changed, reflecting the lack of evidence that
exists for the benefits of chemoprohylaxis. Additionally, there is evidence
to suggest that bacteraemia occurs with everyday activities such as
chewing or brushing teeth. Consequently, in the UK, the National Institute
for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published guidelines
stating that prophylaxis is not required, except where there is evidence of
active infection. This is at odds with recommendations of the AHA and
ESC. The Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial
Chemotherapy (BSAC) guidelines are similar to that of the AHA and ESC
and are stated below. They recommend prophylaxis for dental procedures
(involving dento-gingival manipulation) in those at high risk of
endocarditis such as patients with:
• previous IE
• cardiac valve replacement
• surgically constructed systemic or pulmonary shunt or conduit.
These patients should be given amoxycillin 3 g po, 1 hour prior to the
procedure. Those allergic to penicillin should be given clindamycin
600 mg po.


In addition to the above high-risk group, for non-dental procedures BSAC

also defines the following groups as high risk:
• complex congenital heart disease (except secundum atrial septal
• complex left ventricular outflow abnormalities, including aortic
stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve
• aquired valvulopathy and mitral valve prolapse (with
echocardiographic evidence of substantial leaflet abnormality and
For gastrointestinal diagnostic procedures, such as upper and lower
gastrointestinal endoscopy, routine use of prophylaxis is not
recommended except for high-risk patients as above. Prophylaxis is,
however, recommended for therapeutic procedures such as ERCP or
oesophageal dilatation and laser probe treatment. In the case of
genitourinary procedures such as cystoscopy, urethral dilatation,
transurethral resection of prostate and transrectal prostatic biopsy,
antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended. For urethral catheterization
routine prophylaxis is not recommended; however, antibiotics should
be g iven if there is evidence of a urinary infection prior to
catheterization. In obstetric and gynaecology procedure, antibiotics
are recommended for vaginal hysterectomy and caesarian section.
They are not recommended in vaginal delivery unless there is
infection or prolonged rupture of the membranes, in which case
antibiotics are indicated regardless of the endocarditis risk. For
these non-dental procedures a single dose of amoxicillin 1 g IV
(Teicoplanin 400 mg IV if penicillin allergic) and gentamicin 1 g/kg is
recommended just prior to the procedure or with induction of
Prophylaxis is also advised in surgery involving the upper respiratory
tract, nasal packing/intubation (Flucloxacillin 1 g IV or clindamycin
600 mg IV if penicillin allergic) and for cosmetic piercing of the tongue or
oral mucosa (as per dental prophylaxis). It is not recommended for

• IE is a challenging medical disease, which requires a high index of
suspicion, and early diagnosis and treatment in order to be successfully



• IE can involve multiple systems and can often present in a similar way
to other conditions such as connective tissue disorders, atrial myxoma
and lymphomas, and is therefore a great mimicker.
• Although the number of cases of IE related to rheumatic heart disease
has decreased, this reduction has been balanced by an increased
incidence of IE in IV drug abusers and the elderly.
• Advances in microbiology techniques and echocardiographic imaging
(in particular, TOE) have improved the ability to diagnose IE.
• A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for decision-making during
treatment, with consultation from cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery
and the microbiology departments.
• Patients with signs and symptoms of heart failure should be considered
for early surgical intervention.
• Administration of antibiotic prophylaxis is determined by the
underlying cardiac condition as some conditions are more often
associated with endocarditis than others, the risk of bacteraemia
associated with the particular procedure, and the likely organism that
may propagate to give rise to IE.

AHA Scientific Statement. Infective endocarditis diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and
management of complications. Circulation 2005; 111: e394–e433.
Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Wilson W, et al. Prevention of bacterial endocarditis.
Recommendations by the American Heart Association. JAMA 1997; 277:
Durack DT. Prevention of infective endocarditis. N Engl J Med 1995; 332: 38–44.
Durack DT, Lukes AS, Bright DK. New criteria for the diagnosis of infective
endocarditis: utilization of specific echocardiographic findings. Am J Med 1994;
96: 200–9.
Greaves K, Mou D, Patel A, Celermajer D S. Clinical criteria and the appropriate use of
transthoracic echocardiography for the exclusion of infective endocarditis. Heart
2003; 89: 273–5.
Guidelines for the antibiotic treatment of endocarditis in adults: report of the Working
Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. J Antimicrob
Chemother 2004; 54: 971–81.
Guidelines for the prevention of endocarditis: report of the Working Party of the
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. J Antimicrob Chemother 2006; 57:
Li JS, Sexton DJ, Mick N, et al. Proposed modifications to the duke criteria for the
diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Clin Infect Dis 2000; 30: 633–8.



Mylonakis E, Calderwood SB. Infective endocarditis in adults. N Engl J Med 2001; 345:
Oakley CM, Hall RJC. Endocarditis problems – patients being treated for endocarditis
and not doing well. Heart 2001; 85: 470–4.
Piper C, Korfer R, Horstotte D. Prosthetic valve endocarditis. Heart 2001; 85: 590–3.
Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis – Antimicrobial prophylaxis against
infective endocarditis in adults and children undergoing interventional procedures.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. March 2008.




Digoxin toxicity 203 Substance abuse 208

Tricyclic antidepressant 206 Key points 216
overdose Key references 217

Digoxin is commonly used in the treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation
(AF) and heart failure. More than 10 per cent of patients receiving the drug
have been found to have evidence of digoxin toxicity when admitted to
hospital. Digoxin has a narrow therapeutic index (therapeutic concentration
1–2 ng/mL or 1.3–2.6 nmol/L) with toxicity occurring with serum
concentrations >2.5 ng/mL. Serum concentration measurements must be
taken at least 6 hours after the last dose. Toxicity can occur as a result of
deliberate or accidental self-poisoning or more commonly from drug
accumulation over a period of time, particularly in the elderly and patients
with associated renal impairment. Drugs such as verapamil, captopril,
quinine, quinidine, propafenone, flecainide, amiodarone, prazosin,
spironolactone, tetracycline, erythromycin and carbenoxalone can also
increase serum concentrations and predispose to toxicity. Agents causing
hypokalaemia or intracellular potassium deficiency, hypomagnesaemia,
hypercalcaemia and hypothyroidism can increase myocardial sensitivity to
digoxin, despite satisfactory therapeutic concentrations.

Clinical presentation
Clinical features of toxicity include constitutional effects such as lethargy
and weakness; gastrointestinal effects including anorexia, nausea and
vomiting; neurological effects including confusion, weakness,
paraesthesiae and, rarely, fits and acute psychosis; ocular disturbances
including blurred vision, xanthopsia (yellow vision). Severe poisoning can
cause hyperkalaemia (by inhibiting the myocardial membrane adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) pump) and metabolic acidosis.
Digoxin toxicity can cause any arrhythmia, and various conduction
disturbances. The commonest arrhythmia and, usually, an early sign of



toxicity is the occurrence of ventricular ectopics, which frequently

proceed to bigeminy, trigeminy or salvos.

Arrhythmias arise from several actions of the drug, which include:

• enhanced automaticity, which can give rise to various atrial and
ventricular tachyarrhythmias;
• excess vagal stimulation, predisposing to sinus bradycardia and
atrioventricular (AV) block;
• a direct depressive effect on nodal tissue, further contributing to

When these actions are present simultaneously, intoxication is

highly likely and can cause the characteristic arrhythmia of atrial
tachycardia with block. Other arrhythmias include junctional
bradycardia, second or third degree AV block, ventricular tachycardia
(VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF). When concomitant medication
elevates digoxin levels, the features of toxicity may depend on the agent
added. For instance, quinidine predisposes to tachyarrhythmias,
whereas verapamil and amiodarone predispose to bradycardia and
AV block.

If digoxin toxicity is suspected then the following steps should be

• stop digoxin
• correct hypokalaemia if present
• check digoxin level
• monitor cardiac rhythm and correct any sustained

haemodynamically significant arrhythmia that occurs.

For acute overdoses, oral activated charcoal should be given to absorb any
cardiac glycoside remaining in the gut and to interrupt the enterohepatic

Ventricular ectopics, first degree AV block and AF with a slow rate but
haemodynamic stability require no special therapy except drug

For haemodynamically unstable bradyarrhythmias and AV block IV

atropine 0.3–1 mg every 3–5 minutes to a total of 0.04 mg/kg body weight
should be given. If there is no response, then temporary transvenous



pacing should be instituted. Beta-adrenergic agonists, such as

isoprenaline, should be avoided because of the risk of precipitating more
severe arrhythmias.

Supraventricular tachycardias can be treated with beta-blockers to control

ventricular rate, but there is an increased risk of exacerbating AV
conduction disturbances. Therefore, an ultra-short-acting beta-blocker,
such as IV esmolol, should be used initially (see Appendix A). Ventricular
tachyarrhythmias can be treated with lidocaine and magnesium.
Magnesium possesses significant antiarrhythmic properties in the setting
of digoxin toxicity. Phenytoin can be a useful treatment for ventricular or
supraventricular tachycardias initiated by digoxin, and should be given as
50–100 mg IV as a slow bolus, every 5 minutes, to a dose not exceeding
600 mg.

For life-threatening arrhythmias, digoxin-specific antibodies (Digibind)

are the treatment of choice. Digibind can be strikingly effective for
life-threatening digoxin intoxication, especially when there are severe
ventricular arrhythmias or hyperkalaemia. The reversal of toxicity is
rapid with few adverse effects, apart from the development of
hypokalaemia as the ATP pump activity is regained, and potassium is
transferred from the extracellular to intracellular space. The use of
Digibind should also be considered when more than 10 mg of digoxin has
been ingested by previously healthy adults (4 mg in children), or when
the steady-state serum concentration is greater than 10 ng/mL, or the
serum potassium level is >5 mmol/L in the setting of severe intoxication.
Digoxin levels may remain high, but most digoxin is bound to Fab
fragments and is functionally inert. Therefore, measurement of
digoxin levels is not reliable or useful following the administration of
Digibind. Box 8.1 summarizes the calculation for the administration of

The risk of provoking dangerous arrhythmias with electrical

cardioversion is greatly increased in the presence of digoxin toxicity and is
in proportion to the cardioversion energy used. Therefore, electrical
cardioversion should only be used as a last resort for the treatment of
life-threatening tachyarrhythmias, always starting at a low energy level
(i.e. 10 J). Overdrive pacing can be considered in patients with refractory
ventricular arrhythmias.

Haemodialysis is not useful because the drug has a large volume of

distribution and is extensively tissue bound.



Box 8.1 Digibind indications and dosing regime

Digibind administration is indicated for:
Life-threatening arrhythmias or conduction disturbance
Serum potassium levels greater than 5 mmol/L in the presence of severe
Digoxin level >10 ng/mL

The dose of antibody depends on the body load of cardiac glycoside,

which has to be counteracted. When requesting levels it is important to
specify whether digoxin or digitoxin is to be measured as the assays
To estimate the body load of digoxin or digitoxin from the amount
The body load of digoxin or digitoxin � the amount
ingested X 0.80 (mg)

To calculate the body load of digoxin or digitoxin from the plasma or

serum digoxin or digitoxin concentration:
The estimated body load (mg � plasma (serum) concentration of
digoxin (ng/mL) X 0.0056 X body weight (kg)

The dose of antibody (Digibind) is about 60 times the body load

(whether digoxin or digitoxin) rounded up to the nearest 40 mg.
Sometimes up to 12 or 14 vials may be required.


Tricyclic antidepressants (TCADs) result in significant mortality when
taken in overdose due to the cardiovascular effects of hypotension,
myocardial depression and arrhythmias. The onset of toxicity is
rapid with the majority of deaths occurring within a few hours of

Clinical presentation
Early clinical features are due to the anticholinergic effects of the drug,
and include dilated pupils, dry skin, dry mouth, decreased bowel sounds
(ileus), urinary retention and tachycardia. Cardiovascular toxicity can
rapidly ensue with the development of hypotension, arrhythmias and
asystole. Toxicity results primarily from effects on the myocardial cell
action potential, direct effects on vascular tone and indirect effects
mediated by the autonomic nervous system.



TCADs can inhibit the fast-acting sodium channel and are therefore
similar to class 1A antiarrhythmic drugs. Consequently, TCADs can
impair cardiac conduction and prolong repolarization. They also have a
negative inotropic effect due to inhibition of calcium entry into myocytes.
The inhibition of sodium channels is pH dependent with acidosis
aggravating cardiotoxicity. Conversely, an increase in pH is protective by
improving cardiac conduction and reducing negative inotropic effects.
Impaired conduction in the His–Purkinje system slows propagation of the
ventricular depolarization wave, and prolongs the QRS interval. QRS
interval prolongation is the most distinctive feature of serious TCAD
overdose, and is usually seen as a non-specific conduction delay on the
electrocardiogram (ECG). A QRS duration >120 ms is a good predictor of
cardiac and neurological toxicity, whereas a QRS duration >160 ms is
predictive of ventricular arrhythmias. Prolongation of repolarization
causes an increase in QT interval, predisposing to Torsade de Pointes.
Non-uniform slowing may cause unidirectional block and re-entry
circuits to develop, analogous to ischaemic myocardium, resulting in VT;
VT may be difficult to distinguish from sinus tachycardia in the presence
of prolonged QRS and PR intervals (P waves may be obscured by the
preceding T wave). A 12-lead ECG may help reveal P waves not visible on a
rhythm strip. VF is usually a terminal rhythm that occurs as a
complication of VT or hypotension. The PR interval in TCAD overdose is
often prolonged, but second or third degree AV block is rare. Sinus
tachycardia is the most common rhythm disorder seen and is present in
more than 50 per cent of patients.

Management is generally supportive, with monitoring of respiration and
cardiac rhythm. Owing to the possibility of rapid deterioration,
intravenous access is recommended. A 12-lead ECG should be obtained
because it may reveal QRS prolongation that is not evident on the single
lead of a cardiac monitor.
The anticholinergic effects may delay gastric emptying, and a large, single
dose of activated charcoal administration should be considered,
particularly if ingestion has occurred within an hour of presentation.
Any hypoxia and electrolyte or metabolic disturbances should be
corrected. Even in the absence of acidosis, if there is cardiac involvement
(QRS prolongation >140 ms, ventricular arrhythmias) or hypotension,
50 mmol sodium bicarbonate should be administered slowly (see
Appendix A). Because marked alkalosis can be physiologically



detrimental, arterial blood pH should not exceed 7.5–7.55. Treatment for

sinus tachycardia is not generally needed. First degree AV block requires
no treatment, second (type II) or third degree AV block should be
managed with temporary transvenous pacing. Any unstable ventricular
tachyarrhythmias should be treated with direct current cardioversion
(DCC); if recurrent, lidocaine should be administered. The use of other
antiarrhythmic agents is limited, and may aggravate cardiotoxicity.
Overdrive pacing should be considered in patients with refractory
ventricular arrhythmias. Seizures should be treated with diazepam, as
other anticonvulsant agents such as phenytoin may aggravate hypotension
and arrhythmias. If seizures cannot be adequately controlled, paralysis
and ventilation are indicated to prevent further acidosis. A fluid challenge
often corrects mild hypotension and may facilitate the management of
more severe hypotension, which can be treated with inotropic and
vasopressor agents. Noradrenaline is the vasopressor of choice, although
dobutamine may be effective in the presence of a low cardiac output but
adequate filling pressures.

It is estimated that almost one in four people in developed countries have
misused recreational drugs at some time during their life. Therefore,
independent of clinical practice, most doctors will have to manage
patients with the ill effects associated with recreational drug abuse at
some point during their career. In addition to their effects on the central
nervous system, many of these agents induce profound changes in the
heart and circulation, which are responsible for a significant proportion of
drug-related morbidity. The purpose of this section is to review the
cardiovascular complications associated with some of the commonly
misused recreational drugs.

Cocaine, crack, amphetamine and ecstasy

These drugs all share similar adverse effects on the cardiovascular system,
related predominantly to sympathetic nervous system activation. Cocaine
and its freebase form, ‘crack’, act by inhibiting the noradrenaline re-uptake
transporter in peripheral nerve terminals as well as stimulating central
nervous system outflow. Circulating catecholamine concentrations can be
elevated as much as five-fold in cocaine users. Cocaine has a short serum
half-life of approximately 30–80 minutes, with 90 per cent being



metabolized and excreted in the urine over a 2-week period. At high doses,
cocaine can impair myocardial electrical conduction and contractility by
blocking fast sodium and potassium channels and inhibiting calcium entry
into myocytes. Amphetamine and its derivative ecstasy produce indirect
sympathetic activation by releasing noradrenaline, dopamine and
serotonin from central and autonomic nervous system terminals. The
plasma half-life varies from as little as 5 hours to 20–30 hours depending
on urine flow and pH (elimination is increased in acidic urine). Compared
to cocaine, amphetamine lacks the local anaesthetic effect of inhibiting fast
sodium channels.

Clinical effects
Sympathetic activation can lead to varying degrees of tachycardia,
vasoconstriction, unpredictable blood pressure effects and arrhythmias,
depending on the dose taken and the presence or absence of coexisting
cardiovascular disease. Although hypertension is common, hypotension
as a result of paradoxical central sympathetic suppression, a late relative
catecholamine-depleted state or acute myocardial depression can occur.
Myocardial depression may be caused by ischaemia, a direct toxic effect of
the drug or mechanical complications (acute aortic rupture, tension
pneumothorax, pneumopericardium, etc.).

Chest discomfort is a common symptom associated with cocaine,

affecting 40 per cent of emergency department attenders following use of
cocaine. Myocardial infarction occurs in up to 6 per cent of such patients
in the United States, although a significant proportion may not offer a
history of chest pain at all. Cocaine-related infarction usually occurs early
(within 3 hours) after cocaine use, but events may occur several hours
later owing to persistence of metabolites in the circulation. Both cocaine
and amphetamine can cause myocardial ischaemia and infarction in
patients with or without coronary artery disease. The underlying
mechanisms are unclear, but may be related to the elevated catecholamine
concentrations, which result in an increase in myocardial oxygen
demand, coronary artery spasm, platelet aggregation and thrombus
formation. Cocaine can produce a procoagulant effect by decreasing
concentrations of protein C and antithrombin III, and potentiating
thromboxane production. Chronic use of cocaine and amphetamine can
cause repetitive episodes of coronary spasm and paroxysms of
hypertension, which may result in endothelial damage, coronary artery
dissection and acceleration of atherosclerosis. Creatine kinase
concentrations can be elevated in both cocaine and amphetamine abusers,



and are therefore not reliable indicators of myocardial injury. This

elevation of creatine kinase is probably due to rhabdomyolysis.
Consequently, serum troponin concentrations, which are more sensitive
and specific for the detection of myocardial necrosis, should be measured
in patients in whom cocaine- or amphetamine-related myocardial
infarction (MI) is suspected.
Paroxysmal increases in blood pressure can lead to aortic dissection or
valvular damage that increases the risk of endocarditis affecting mainly
left-sided heart valves. Endocarditis is often associated with unusual
organisms such as Candida, Pseudomonas or Klebsiella, and frequently
has an aggressive clinical course with marked valvular destruction,
abscess formation and a need for surgical intervention. Prolonged
administration of cocaine or amphetamines can also lead to a dilated
cardiomyopathy. Aetiological mechanisms include repeated episodes of
subendocardial ischaemia and fibrosis, and myocyte necrosis produced by
exposure to excessive catecholamine concentrations, infectious agents
and heavy metal contaminants (manganese is present in some cocaine
preparations). Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema and pulmonary
hypertension can also occur with cocaine and amphetamine abuse.
Although the precise underlying mechanism remains unknown, a direct
toxic effect or alterations in central autonomic nervous system pulmonary
vasculature regulation has been suggested.
The adverse cardiovascular changes and sympathetic stimulation
associated with cocaine and amphetamine ingestion predispose to
myocardial electrical instability, precipitating a wide and unpredictable
range of supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The
presence of fibrotic scars, myocardial ischaemia and left ventricular
hypertrophy can act as a substrate for re-entrant arrhythmias. The class 1
antiarrhythmic effect of cocaine can impair cardiac conduction causing
prolongation of the PR, QRS complex and QT intervals, and a wide range
of bradyarrhythmias including sinus arrest and higher degrees of AV
Some cocaine users practise drug inhalation in association with a
forced Valsalva manoeuvre (the positive ventilatory pressure increases
drug absorption and therefore can enhance the drug’s effect), which can,
rarely, be complicated by a pneumothorax or pneumopericardium.
Sudden cardiovascular collapse may occur as a result of myocardial
ischaemia and infarction, arrhythmias, acute heart failure or mechanical



Similar principles apply to the management of the cardiovascular
complications associated with these drugs. If the patient is agitated and
anxious, then a benzodiazepine in sedative dosages should be
administered as this can attenuate some of the cardiac and central
nervous system toxicity.
In the treatment of hypertension, beta-blockers should be avoided, as they
may be associated with unopposed alpha-mediated vasoconstriction
leading to paradoxical increase in blood pressure and coronary artery
vasoconstriction. The combined alpha- and beta-blocker drug, labetalol,
is theoretically preferable to selective beta-blockers. However, the
alpha-blocking effect is relatively weak and therefore labetalol can also
exacerbate hypertension. Hypertension can be safely managed with either
an alpha-blocker such as phentolamine or with vasodilators such as
hydralazine, nitrates and nitroprusside. When hypertensive crises lead to
the mechanical complication of aortic dissection or acute valve rupture,
emergency cardiothoracic surgery may be required.
Myocardial ischaemia should be treated initially with oxygen, aspirin and
benzodiazepine. If there is continuing ischaemia, then vasodilators such
as nitrates or phentolamine should be administered in an attempt to
reverse residual coronary artery spasm. Patients with persistent ST
segment elevation should undergo primary angioplasty. Among patients
undergoing coronary stenting, the potential of non-compliance with
antiplatelet medication should be borne in mind when choosing the type
of stent.

The majority of arrhythmias are short lived and terminate spontaneously

as the drug is metabolized and cardiac function returns to normal.
Consequently, antiarrhythmic agents should be avoided if possible.
Supraventricular or ventricular tachyarrhythmias associated with
haemodynamic compromise require urgent DCC. Sustained
haemodynamically tolerated supraventricular arrhythmias should be
treated initially with adenosine. In the presence of a hyperadrenergic
state, the short-lived inhibitory effect of adenosine may be a disadvantage,
allowing reinduction of the arrhythmia. If adenosine is unsuccessful or
the arrhythmia rapidly returns, the co-administration of an alpha-blocker
in combination with a beta-blocker may be effective. In ‘body packers’
suffering from overdose after rupture of ingested packets of cocaine,
calcium antagonist may accelerate gastrointestinal drug absorption by
inducing splanchnic vasodilatation. Furthermore, cocaine has a complex



and highly variable effect on myocyte calcium metabolism, producing an

unpredictable clinical response to calcium antagonist. For these reasons,
it may be preferable to avoid giving calcium antagonists to patients
suspected of cocaine abuse. Bradyarrhythmias can be treated with
atropine; however, its effect may be attenuated in the presence of a
hyperadrenergic state, and temporary cardiac pacing may be necessary. In
the presence of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias, lidocaine and
magnesium have an acceptable safety and efficacy profile (despite
theoretical concerns relating to the shared class 1 effects of cocaine and
lidocaine). There is currently no reliable information on the safety and
efficacy of other antiarrhythmic drugs.
In animal studies using cocaine, the administration of sodium bicarbonate
has been shown to have a beneficial effect on myocardial electrical
stability. However, this may occur at the expense of inducing paradoxical
intracellular acidosis or adverse systemic metabolic changes, leading to
detrimental effects on myocardial function. Similarly, in severe cases of
amphetamine overdose, a forced acid diuresis may be successful in rapidly
clearing amphetamine from the blood and limiting toxicity, but major
detrimental metabolic changes in the acid–base balance can be induced.
These treatments require intensive and expert monitoring and should be
performed only by clinicians with previous metabolic experience.

Lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) are
commonly abused hallucinogenic agents that are structurally related, and
have similar physiological, pharmacological and clinical effects. LSD is
about 100 times more potent than psilocybin. Street mushrooms are often
adulterated with LSD. Both drugs are indole derivatives and chemically
resemble serotonin. Their mechanisms of action are complex and include
agonist, partial agonist and antagonist effects at various serotonin
receptors. The clinical effects are related to their serotonergic,
dopaminergic and adrenergic activities. LSD is metabolized by the liver
and has a plasma half-life of 100 minutes.

Clinical effects
The adrenergic effects of these drugs are usually mild and do not produce
the profound sympathetic storms seen with cocaine and amphetamine.
Symptoms corresponding to general sympathetic arousal include dilated
pupils, tachycardia, hypertension and hyper-reflexia. Although



cardiovascular complications are rarely serious, supraventricular

tachyarrhythmias and MI have been reported. Changes in serotonin-
induced platelet aggregation and sympathetically induced arterial
vasospasm have been suggested as mechanisms contributing to these

Management is usually supportive, as the majority of symptoms resolve
within 12 hours. Agitated patients should be sedated with a
benzodiazepine. The use of neuroleptic agents should be avoided as they
can intensify toxic effects. Supraventricular arrhythmias can be treated
with adenosine or verapamil. Apart from benzodiazepines,
pharmacological intervention for mild to moderate hypertension is
usually not required. Treatment for dangerously high blood pressure and
myocardial ischaemia should follow the same general principles described
for cocaine and amphetamine.

Narcotic analgesics
Morphine and its semi-synthetic analogue heroin are the most commonly
misused narcotic analgesics. When used alone or in combination with
other drugs, they account for over 40 per cent of drug-related deaths.
Heroin is slowly metabolized to morphine, which has a plasma half-life of
2–3 hours.

Clinical effects
Narcotic agents act centrally on the vasomotor centre to increase
parasympathetic and reduce sympathetic activity. This effect, combined
with histamine release from mast cell degranulation, can result in
bradycardia and hypotension. Drug-induced bradycardia along with
enhanced automaticity can precipitate an increase in atrial and
ventricular ectopic activity, AF, idioventricular rhythm or potentially
lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Some narcotic drugs (such as the
synthetic agent, dextropropoxyphene, a constituent of co-proxamol) have
additional sodium channel blocking effects, causing ECG QRS
prolongation, and further contributing to their pro-arrhythmic potential.
It is recognized that methadone, commonly used in treating opioid
addiction, delays cardiomyocyte repolarization, resulting in ECG QT
prolongation, which is associated with Torsade de Pointes.
Bacterial endocarditis, affecting mainly right-sided cardiac structures, is a
well-known complication of intravenous narcotic drug abuse, sometimes



associated with pulmonary abscesses. Heroin overdose can cause

non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, the onset of which can be delayed
for up to 24 hours after admission. As the oedema fluid has the same
protein concentration as plasma, and the pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure is normal, a disruption in alveolar-capillary membrane integrity
has been suggested as a mechanistic cause.

Initial management centres around ensuring an adequate airway,
breathing and circulation. In the presence of respiratory depression,
severe hypotension and bradycardia, administration of repeated boluses
or an infusion of a narcotic receptor antagonist, naloxone (Narcan), will
be required, as detailed in Appendix A. In severe hypotension, the
insertion of a pulmonary flow catheter may be needed to help guide fluid
and inotropic administration, and avoid inappropriate administration of
diuretics in patients with non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, which
requires intensive ventilatory support.
There are no useful published data to guide selection of antiarrhythmic
agents for the treatment of supraventricular and ventricular
tachyarrhythmias. In the first instance, patients should be investigated,
and hypoxic, metabolic and electrolyte deficits corrected. As the misused
drug is rapidly metabolized, the majority of arrhythmias are short lived,
and it is therefore preferable to avoid the use of antiarrhythmic agents
where possible to minimize the risk of pro-arrhythmic interactions. If
treatment is needed for supraventricular arrhythmia, conventional agents
such as adenosine, beta-blockers, verapamil and digoxin have been
recommended. Ventricular arrhythmias should be managed along
conventional lines. Persistent bradycardia may require atropine or
temporary cardiac pacing.

Volatile substance abuse

The abuse of volatile substances is an increasing problem amongst
young male adolescents. The products used are legal, cheap and easily
available. Abusers generally employ deep breathing techniques with the
volatile substances contained in a plastic bag or bottle, a crisp packet or a
soaked handkerchief to maximize the inhaled concentration of the

Clinical effects
Following inhalation, feelings of euphoria, excitement and invulnerability
can occur rapidly and are short lived. Cardiac arrhythmias are presumed



to be the main cause of death from volatile substance abuse. Volatile

substances may induce supraventricular or ventricular tachyarrhythmias
by sympathetic activation or by myocardial sensitization to circulating
catecholamines. Some abusers directly spray the substances into the oral
cavity, which can result in intense vagal stimulation and a reflex
bradycardia. Profound bradycardia can evolve into asystole or secondary
ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Some volatile compounds can reduce
sino-atrial node automaticity, prolong the PR interval and induce
atrioventricular block. Myocardial ischaemia and infarction have been
reported and are believed to be caused by a combination of coronary
vasospasm, hypoxia or excessive sympathetic stimulation. Hypoxia can
occur as a result of respiratory depression, aspiration, the placement of
bags over the head and neck, intense laryngeal oedema and spasm, and the
formation of carboxyhaemoglobin or methaemoglobin. Some volatile
substances are structurally related to the agents used in general
anaesthesia, and can therefore cause myocardial depression and
hypotension. Chronic abuse can induce a poorly characterized

Patients should be managed in a calm non-threatening environment, with
sedation if necessary. Hypoxia and chemical disturbances should be
corrected to optimize myocardial electrical stability. Haemodynamically
unstable tachyarrhythmias require prompt electrical cardioversion.
Profound bradyarrhythmias may be treated cautiously with atropine or
temporary cardiac pacing. Hypotension can be treated with intravenous
fluids, guided by a pulmonary artery catheter, if necessary. Inotropic
agents are best avoided, if possible, as they may induce refractory
ventricular tachyarrhythmias in the electrically unstable myocardium.
Calcium administration may help to reverse myocardial depression. In
patients with sustained tachyarrhythmias, beta-blockers or amiodarone
may help to combat sympathetic activation and are the antiarrhythmic
drugs of choice. Cardiac ischaemia should be managed with oxygen,
vasodilators and reperfusion treatment. Cardiomyopathies are treated

Cannabis is the most widely consumed recreational drug. It has a plasma
half-life of 20–30 hours and can be detected in the urine for several days in
occasional users, and up to months in heavy users.



Clinical effects
Cannabis has a biphasic effect on the autonomic nervous system,
depending on the dose absorbed. Low or moderate doses can increase
sympathetic and reduce parasympathetic activity, producing a
tachycardia and an increase in cardiac output. In contrast, higher doses
inhibit sympathetic and increase parasympathetic activity, resulting in
bradycardia and hypotension. Reversible ECG abnormalities affecting the
P and T waves, and the ST segment, have been reported. It is not clear
whether these changes occur as a direct result of cannabis, independent of
its effect on the heart rate.
Supraventricular and ventricular ectopic activity can occur, and
arrhythmias possibly relating to cannabis use have been reported. In
patients with ischaemic heart disease, cannabis increases the frequency of
anginal symptoms at low levels of exercise and may be a trigger for the
onset of an acute MI. This is believed to occur as a result of drug-induced
increase in blood pressure, heart rate and myocardial contractility,
increasing myocardial oxygen demand.

In the absence of major underlying structural heart disease, the
autonomically mediated changes in heart rate and blood pressure are
usually well tolerated and therefore no treatment is needed. Where
necessary, hypotension usually responds to intravenous fluid
administration. For significant bradycardia, atropine can be administered.
Patients presenting with unstable angina or MI should be treated

• The abuse of recreational drugs is common and it is inevitable
that doctors will have to manage and treat their associated ill
• Recreational drugs are complex and can induce profound changes in
cardiovascular function, both acutely and chronically.
• Recreational drugs are often taken together, which can result in
complex synergistic interactions with potentially detrimental
• A high index of suspicion with early intervention and management is
often the key to successful treatment.



AHA Scientific Statement Management of Cocaine-Associated Chest Pain and
Myocardial Infarction. Circulation 2008; 117: 1897–1907.
Dick M, Curwin J, Tepper D. Digitalis intoxication recognition and management. J Clin
Pharmacol 1991; 31: 444–7.
Fisher BAC, Ghuran A, Vadamalai V, Antonios TF. Cardiovascular complications
induced by cannabis smoking: a case report and review of the literature. Emerg Med
J 2005; 22: 679–80.
Ghuran A, Nolan J. Recreational drug abuse; issues for the cardiologist. Heart 2000; 83:
Kelly RA, Smith TW. Recognition and management of digitalis toxicity. Am J Cardiol
1992; 69: 108G–19G.
Mittleman MA, Lewis RA, Maclure M, Sherwood JB, Muller JE. Triggering myocardial
infarction by marijuana. Circulation 2001; 103: 2805–9.
Osterwalder JJ. Patients intoxicated with heroin or heroin mixtures: how long should
they be monitored? Eur J Emerg Med 1995; 2: 97–101.
Toxbase (National Poisons Information Service):
Williams DR, Cole SJ. Ventricular fibrillation following butane gas inhalation.
Resuscitation 1998; 37: 43–5.




Background 218 Management 222

Clinical features 218 Key points 223
Diagnosis 219 Key references 224

Acute pericarditis is a clinical syndrome caused by inflammation of the
pericardium and characterized by chest pain, a pericardial friction rub and
electrocardiographic abnormalities. It is more common in adult males than
in women and young children. Common causes include idiopathic, viral,
bacterial, uraemia, post-myocardial infarction, trauma and neoplasms
(Table 9.1). After myocardial infarction, pericarditis can occur within
1–4 days, or, less commonly, after 1–4 weeks as part of Dressler’s syndrome,
a systemic inflammatory condition thought to result from an autoimmune
reaction to myocardial necrosis. The pericardial reaction can be purulent,
haemorrhagic, fibrinous or serofibrinous. Complications may result in
restriction of cardiac filling, either as a result of blood or fluid trapped in
the pericardial sac (cardiac tamponade) or from thickening of the
pericardium (constrictive pericarditis). These conditions may be prevented
if diagnosis and management are undertaken early.

Pericarditis often presents with sharp chest pain, localized retrosternally or
in the left precordial region, and exacerbated by breathing, coughing,
moving or lying flat. The pain often radiates to the trapezius ridge, but may
also radiate into the neck, jaw, arms, or upper abdomen and can therefore
mimic an ACS or an acute abdomen. The pain is relieved by sitting up and
leaning forward. As the pericardium is well innervated, acute
inflammation may cause intense pain and initiate vagal reflexes. There may
be a history of prodromal symptoms, which can include fever, malaise and
myalgia. Dyspnoea may occur because of splinting of the chest from pain or
because of significant accumulation of pericardial fluid (see Chapter 11).



Table 9.1 Causes of pericarditis

Infections Viral: coxsackie B, echovirus, adenovirus, EBV, mumps,

hepatitis B, HIV

Bacterial: staphylococci, streptococci, rheumatic fever,

Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella, tuberculosis,

Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, syphilis

Fungal: histoplasmosis, Candida, aspergillosis

Others: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella, psittacosis,

rickettisae, actinomycosis, amoebiasis, Echinococcus,

Nocardia, toxoplasmosis

Neoplasms Primary, e.g.

mesothelioma, angiosarcoma, teratoma,
Secondary, e.g. lung, breast, leukaemia, lymphoma,
melanoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, colon
Connective tissue SLE, Still’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
disease sclerosis, mixed connective tissue disease, polyarteritis
Drug-induced Hydralazine, methyldopa, minoxidil, procainamide,
dantrolene, daunorubicin, doxorubicin,
cyclophosphamide and methysergide
Post-myocardial Post-MI, Dressler’s syndrome, trauma,
injury post-pericardiotomy, pacemaker insertion, cardiac
diagnostic procedures
Other Idiopathic, uraemia, hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, Behçet
disease, radiation, oesophageal rupture

A pericardial friction rub is often present and is best heard along the left
sternal edge with the patient leaning forward. The persistence of the rub
throughout inspiration and expiration as well as when the breath is held
can help distinguish a pericardial rub from a left-sided pleural rub. Large
effusions can compress the base of the left lobe of the lung, causing an area
of dullness and bronchial breath sounds just below the angle of the left
scapula (Ewart’s sign).

Non-specific markers of inflammation including white cell count (WCC),
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are
usually raised. Cardiac enzymes may be elevated if the inflammation
extends to the myocardium, and for this reason cardiac isoenzymes cannot
always be used to differentiate between acute pericarditis and ACS.
Cardiac troponins are frequently elevated, but do not necessarily indicate a


worse outcome. Other specific haematological, biochemical and serological

investigations are dependent on the suspected aetiology and include:
• urine and electrolytes (U&Es);
• antistreptolysin O titres, anti-Dnase B titre, throat swabs (acute
rheumatic fever);
• blood cultures;
• acute and convalescent viral titres, monospot or Paul–Bunnell test
(Epstein–Barr virus), cold agglutinins (mycoplasma), fungal
• sputum, urine and faecal samples for microbiology;
• Heaf test (tuberculosis);
• autoantibodies (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, etc.);
• thyroid function tests.
Chest x-ray can be normal, or the heart shadow may be enlarged,
suggesting the presence of a pericardial effusion. There may be pleural
effusions but pulmonary congestion, if present, indicates associated

ECG changes (Figure 9.1) can occur a few hours or days after the onset of
pericardial pain and are characterized initially by concordant, concave ST
segment elevation in all leads except leads aVR, V1 and sometimes V2
(these leads show reciprocal ST depression). There is often PR segment
depression associated with ST elevation (and sometimes PR elevation with
ST depression). The following evolutionary changes then occur:
isoelectric ST segment with flattened T waves, isoelectric ST segment with
T inversion and finally reversion of T waves to normal. These changes are
different from cardiac ischaemia (Table 9.2). It should be emphasized that
they may not follow an exact sequence and some patients may present
with only ST elevation and a return to normal without T inversion.
Alternatively, T inversion may be the first sign, since the acute process was
missed. Pericardial effusion can produce low voltage QRS complexes and
electrical alternans (see Chapter 11).

Echocardiography is valuable for determining the presence and size of a
pericardial effusion and monitoring progress if the effusion is drained or
treated conservatively. Furthermore, any contractile dysfunction resulting
from myocarditis can also be detected.

aVR V4


V3 V6


Figure 9.1 Elec trocardiogram of a patient with an acute pericarditis.


Table 9.2 Progression of the electrocardiographic changes of pericarditis

compared with myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction Pericarditis

Convex ST elevation Concave ST elevation
ST elevation and T inversion Isoelectric ST segment with
T flattening and later T inversion
Loss of R-wave voltage and Q waves Return to normal

The first step is to establish whether the pericarditis is related to an
underlying medical problem that requires specific therapy; for instance,
uraemic pericarditis will require urgent dialysis.
Non-specific therapy consists of bed rest until pain and fever have
disappeared, and the administration of anti-inflammatory agents such as
aspirin (600–900 mg every 4–6 hours), ibuprofen (200–400 mg every
6 hours) or indomethacin (25–50 mg every 6 hours). In the randomized
COPE study, the addition of colchicine to aspirin was shown to be more
effective than aspirin monotherapy for the treatment of acute pericarditis.
The dose given was 1-2 mg during the first 24 h, followed by a
maintenance dose of 0.5-1 mg daily for 3 months. Combination therapy
was associated with quicker symptom resolution as well as a much
reduced recurrence rate. Similarly, the same combination was more
effective than aspirin alone for recurrent episodes. With the exception of
aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs should be used cautiously in
post-infarction pericarditis as they can affect scar formation and
predispose to myocardial rupture. Some therapeutic studies have
indicated that corticosteroid treatment is associated with more frequent
recurrent pericarditis. In general, corticosteroids should be reserved for
those with underlying rheumatalogic conditions or intolerance to the
agents discussed above.
Antibiotics should be restricted to cases of purulent pericarditis and
documented antibiotic-sensitive micro-organisms. Anticoagulants should
be discontinued unless there is strong evidence for the development of
thromboembolic complications. If anticoagulants must be continued,
such as in patients with mechanical heart valves, intravenous heparin,
which has a short half-life and whose action can easily be reversed with
protamine sulphate, should be used. Patients should then be examined
closely for the development of pericardial effusion.


Table 9.3 High-risk features of pericarditis

Large (≥ 2cm) circumferential pericardial effusion on echo

History of anticoagulant use
History of, or concurrent, malignancy (particularly lung, breast,
leukaemia or lymphoma)
Chest trauma including surgery
Fever exceeding 38°C
Subacute onset (days to weeks)
Evidence for myocarditis
Atypical ECG evolution
Pulsus paradoxus
Significantly raised acute phase reactants and very high troponin

Adapted with permission from Spodick (2008) pp.: 398–9.

The diagnostic yield of pericardial aspiration is poor, and this procedure

should not routinely be performed in acute pericardits. However,
aspiration of the fluid may be needed to confirm a diagnosis, particularly
if purulent disease is suspected, and/or to treat cardiac tamponade.
Recurrent effusions may require the formation of a pericardial window,
balloon pericardiotomy or the instillation of chemotherapeutic agents.
Acute idiopathic pericarditis is usually benign but may rapidly constrict
or pursue a relapsing course before burning out. Late complications of
pericarditis include pericardial fibrosis and/or calcification, resulting
in constrictive pericarditis (particularly seen after episodes of
tuberculous pericarditis), or a mixture of both effusive and constrictive
pericardial disease. Studies have suggested that there are certain
clinical and investigational features which may portend an adverse
prognosis. A recent proposal suggested that cases of pericarditis
without high-risk features (Table 9.3) can be observed for a few hours
prior to discharge.

• There are a number of causes of acute pericarditis but idiopathic, viral
and post-MI pericarditis are the commonest.
• Occasionally the pain of pericarditis can mimic an acute abdomen or
MI; however, in the majority of cases pericarditis has characteristic
clinical and electrocardiographic features.



• Most symptoms resolve with rest and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

• With the exception of aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
and steroids should be used cautiously in post-infarction pericarditis as
they can affect scar formation and predispose to myocardial rupture.
• Late complications include effusive and/or constrictive pericardial

Imazio M, Bobbio M, Cecchi E, et al. Colchicine in addition to conventional therapy for
acute pericarditis: results of the COlchicine for acute PEricarditis (COPE) trial.
Circulation 2005; 112: 2012–16.
Ivens EL, Munt BI, Moss RR. Pericardial disease: what the general cardiologist needs to
know. Heart 2007; 93: 993–1000.
Maisch B. Pericardial disease, with a focus on etiology, pathogenesis, pathophysiology,
new diagnostic imaging methods, and treatment. Curr Opin Cardiol 1994; 9:
Oakley CM. Myocarditis, pericarditis and other pericardial disease. Heart 2000; 84:
Spodick DH. Risk prediction in pericarditis: who to keep in hospital. Heart 2008; 94:




Background 225 Coronary artery injury 230

Non-penetrating cardiac 225 Commotio cordis 230
trauma Penetrating cardiac trauma 231
Cardiac rupture 229 Key points 232
Pericardial injury 229 Key references 233

In developed countries, cardiac trauma represents one of the leading
causes of death in those under the age of 40 years. Young males are more
likely to be affected than females. Road traffic accidents and physical
violence are responsible for the majority of cases, although the incidence
of iatrogenic causes as a result of intravascular and intracardiac
catheterization as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is
currently rising. Advances in initial resuscitation and surgical
management mean more patients are surviving the initial insult.
Cardiac trauma is divided into penetrating and non-penetrating injuries. Both
mechanisms can lead to myocardial rupture, contusion, laceration, pericardial
insult, coronary injury, valvular damage, arrhythmias and conduction
abnormalities. Cardiac trauma is easily overlooked as attention is diverted to
more obvious skeletal and multisystem injuries. As a result, haemodynamic
instability can rapidly develop with devastating results. A high index of
clinical suspicion with the early use of diagnostic techniques is essential and is
often the key to successful management. It is important for physicians to have
a good working knowledge of cardiac trauma to enable them to diagnose the
occurrence of these conditions and manage the non-surgical components.


Non-penetrating cardiac trauma usually occurs following the application
of direct external physical forces to the chest wall. The incidence of cardiac
damage following this type of injury is estimated to be 10–16 per cent.
Non-penetrating cardiac trauma most often is the result of road traffic



Box 10.1 Con sequences of non -penetrating

cardiac trauma
Myocardium Coronary artery injury
• Contusion • Laceration
• Laceration • Dissection
• Rupture • Fistulae
– Free wall • Rupture
– Septum • Thrombosis
– Valvular apparatus
Conduction disturbances
• Aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm • Bundle branch block
Pericardial injury
• Laceration • Bifascicular block
• Pericarditis • Atrioventricular block
• Post-pericardiotomy • Atrial arrhythmias
syndrome • Ventricular tachyarrhythmias
• Constrictive pericarditis • Sinus node dysfunction
Aortic dissection Commotio cordis (sudden cardiac

accidents (as the heart is compressed between the steering wheel or seat
belt, and the sternum and spine) but can also occur as the result of falls,
fights and sporting injuries. Box 10.1 summarizes the injuries that can
develop as a consequence of non-penetrating cardiac trauma.
Cardiac contusion is considered the most common injury to the heart
following blunt trauma. Cardiac contusion usually produces no significant
symptoms and can easily go unrecognized. Subepicardial and
subendocardial petechiae, bruising, haematoma, lacerations and
full-thickness myocardial damage, later followed by necrosis, fibrosis and
aneurysm formation, can occur. The key symptom is precordial pain
resembling that of myocardial infarction (MI) but unrelieved with nitrates.
Other sites of chest trauma may confuse the clinical picture, but unlike
injury to the thoracic wall, pain from cardiac contusion is not affected by
breathing. There may be inappropriate tachycardia, gallop rhythm and a
pericardial rub. The electrocardiogram (ECG) may show non-specific
ST-T wave changes (Figure 10.1), findings of pericarditis, loss of R-wave
amplitude and even pathological Q waves depending on the degree of
injury. Localized injury to the conducting system can give rise to varying
degrees of atrioventricular (AV) block, intraventricular conduction defects
or bundle branch block. Supraventricular tachycardias, atrial fibrillation


I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5



Figure 10.1(a) Non-penetrating cardiac injury sustained during a motor vehicular accident. Note the non-specific
ST-T wave changes. There is T-wave inversion in lead III, and flattening in II and aVF. There was notching of the
T wave in leads V3–V6. Reprinted with permission from Moriaty A. (1999) p. 578.
aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

aVF V3 V6



Figure 10.1(b) Repeat ECG a few weeks later demonstrates resolution of these changes. Reprinted with permission
from Moriaty A. (1999) p. 578.

(AF), atrial and ventricular ectopics, ventricular tachycardia (VT) and

ventricular fibrillation (VF) can also occur.
Cardiac-specific enzymes such as CK-MB isoenzyme, troponin T or
troponin I can be used to make a diagnosis of cardiac contusion.
Transthoracic echocardiography may show pericardial effusion,
regional wall motion abnormalities, valve dysfunction and chamber
enlargement. Up to 25 per cent of trauma patients cannot be
satisfactorily imaged with transthoracic echocardiography and a
transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE) is a superior alternative. With
the exception of anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy, the
treatment of cardiac contusion is similar to that of acute coronary
syndrome (ACS). Arrhythmia or cardiogenic shock can occur within the
first 48 hours after presentation. Therefore cardiac monitoring is
essential in the initial phase if there is echocardiographic or marked
ECG change. Troponin is released earlier than in classical ACS;
therefore, when negative on admission, troponin should be rechecked
4–6 hours later. In uncomplicated cases treatment is initially with bed
rest and analgesia. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not
advised as they can interfere with myocardial healing. Complete
recovery usually occurs, as patients are often young with an otherwise
healthy heart. Some patients may develop left ventricular impairment as
healing is by fibrosis in a similar manner as following ACS.

Rupture of the free wall, interventricular septum, heart valves, papillary
muscles or chordae tendineae can occur acutely owing to the direct force
of the injury or may be delayed up to 2 weeks resulting from necrosis.
Rupture of the thoracic aorta commonly occurs at the aortic isthmus, just
below the origin of the left subclavian artery. These complications are
usually fatal. Patients may present with signs and symptoms of acute
cardiac tamponade, severe congestive heart failure with a new murmur or
haemorrhagic shock. If indicated, pericardiocentesis may be life saving.
Meticulous fluid resuscitation and early surgical intervention is the
definitive treatment for most patients.

Trauma to the pericardium can range from contusion to laceration or
rupture allowing herniation of the heart. Clinical findings include a



pericardial friction rub and ST-T wave changes on the ECG characteristic
of pericarditis. Complications such as haemopericardium and tamponade
can occur. In the case of cardiac herniation, the heart becomes entrapped,
there may be impaired filling and occasionally compression of the
coronary arteries. There may be evidence of a displaced heart and
pneumopericardium on a chest x-ray. The ECG can show a new shift in
axis or bundle branch block. The only therapy for cardiac herniation is
surgical repositioning. Uncomplicated pericarditis can be treated with
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Recurrent pericardial effusions
associated with pericardial pain, pyrexia and a friction rub can sometimes
occur. It is similar to the post-pericardiotomy syndrome and is treated
with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Constrictive pericarditis
can occur as a late sequel and the treatment is total pericardiectomy.


Coronary artery trauma can lead to laceration, dissection, rupture and
fistulae formation. ACS can occur if a coronary artery becomes occluded.
A previously normal coronary artery may sustain disruption of the
intima, subintimal haemorrhage and obstructive intraluminal thrombus
formation on the injured arterial wall. The left anterior descending artery
is most frequently affected due to its anterior position, followed by the
proximal right coronary artery. The circumflex and left main stem are
rarely affected. It may be impossible to differentiate from cardiac
contusion without the use of coronary angiography. In patients with
continuing pain and ECG changes consistent with evolving ACS it is
reasonable to undertake coronary angiography with a view to
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, this must be
balanced against the risks in a patient with multiple associated injuries as
antiplatelets and anticoagulation are required. Discussion with senior
colleagues is essential.

Sudden death may occur in young sport participants when a small hard
ball (such as a cricket ball) or other projectile (lacrosse ball, hockey puck,
karate kick) strikes the victim in the precordium. This phenomenon is
termed commotio cordis and affects children and adolescents 5–15 years
of age without pre-existing heart disease. It is the second most common
cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes after hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy. Characteristically, there is no structural damage to the



thoracic cavity or heart. The causative precordial blows are often not
perceived as unusual for the sporting event involved or of sufficient
magnitude to cause death. It is believed that an appropriately timed
precordial blow, during the electrically vulnerable phase of ventricular
repolarization (15–30 ms before the T-wave peak), can induce a
ventricular tachyarrhythmia and subsequently death. At present, early
basic and advanced life support, and ensuring adequate chest protection,
are the only effective treatments against this phenomenon.


Penetrating cardiac trauma is increasingly common with the majority
being caused by gunshot and stab wounds, although shrapnel, fractured
ribs, intracardiac diagnostic and therapeutic catheters can also produce
penetrating cardiac injury. Penetrating wounds often result in laceration
of the pericardium, as well as the underlying myocardium. One or more
chambers, the interventricular and interatrial septa, valvular apparatus
and coronary arteries may be involved. Box 10.2 summarizes the
complications of penetrating cardiac trauma. In the case of stab wounds,
the chamber most commonly involved is the right ventricle because of its
anterior position followed by the left ventricle. Forty per cent of
penetrating cardiac injuries are to the ventricles. Twenty-three per cent
are to the right atrium and 3 per cent to the left atrium. Clinical
presentation is dependent on the size of the wound and the location of the
structures injured. If the pericardium remains open, blood can pass freely

Box 10.2 Consequences of penetrating cardiac

Myocardium Conduction disturbances
• Laceration • Bundle branch block
– Free wall • Bifascicular block
– Septum • Atrioventricular block
– Valvular apparatus • Atrial arrhythmias
– Coronary arteries • Ventricular
Pericardial injury
• Haemopericardium
• Pneumopericardium
• Pericarditis
• Post-pericardiotomy



into the mediastinum and pleural space, causing haemorrhagic shock and
massive haemothorax on chest x-ray. This is commonly seen in large or
right ventricular wounds. However, if the pericardium does not permit
free drainage because its opening has been obstructed by a blood clot,
adjacent lung tissue or other structures, then blood accumulates within
the pericardial space, causing cardiac tamponade. Under these
circumstances, the chest x-ray will show a normal size cardiac silhouette,
as the acute and rapid accumulation of fluid within the pericardial space
does not allow distension of the pericardium. Echocardiography can be
useful for diagnosing pericardial effusions, foreign bodies in the heart and
intracardiac shunts.
Initial management includes securing the airway, establishing venous
access and appropriately administered intravenous fluids and blood. The
offending object should remain in situ until exploratory surgery can be
carried out. Patients who fail to respond to resuscitation and suddenly
decompensate, should undergo immediate thoracotomy and repair of any
treatable cardiac trauma. The incidence of late sequelae can be as high as
20 per cent and includes atrial and ventricular septal defects, tricuspid
and mitral valve lacerations, and coronary injury. These complications
may be missed on initial examination, only becoming apparent after a few
days or weeks because of fibrous retraction of wound edges, resolution of
oedema, ventricular enlargement and lysis of occluding clots. It is
therefore essential that all post-cardiac trauma patients are closely
monitored while in hospital and also in the outpatient clinic. Not
surprisingly, penetrating cardiac injuries are usually immediately fatal,
with the victim dying before reaching hospital.

• Cardiac trauma is a leading cause of death under the age of 40 years.
• It is divided into penetrating and non-penetrating injuries, which can
both lead to myocardial rupture, contusion, laceration, pericardial
insult, coronary injury, valvular damage, arrhythmias and conduction
• It is easily overlooked and should always be considered in anyone
presenting with skeletal and multisystem injuries.
• A high index of clinical suspicion with the early use of diagnostic
techniques is essential and is often the key to successful management.



Anderson DR. The diagnosis and management of non-penetrating cardiothoracic
trauma. Br J Clin Pract 1993; 47: 97–103.
Bansal, MK et al. Myocardial contusion injury: redefining the diagnostic algorithm.
Emerg Med J 2005; 22: 465–9.
Jackson L, Stewart A. Use of troponin for the diagnosis of myocardial contusion after
blunt chest trauma. Emerg Med J 2005; 22: 193–5.
Moriaty A. Myocardial contusion caused by seat belt. Br J Cardiol 1999; 6: 577–9.
Westaby S, Odell JA. Cardiothoracic Trauma. London: Arnold, 1999.




Background 234 Key points 237

Clinical presentation 234 Key references 238
Management 236

Cardiac tamponade is an emergency clinical syndrome that occurs
when blood or fluid fills the pericardial space, raising intrapericardial
pressure and preventing ventricular diastolic filling. Consequently,
venous pressures are greatly increased, and there is a reduction in stroke
volume and cardiac output with the development of shock. The
development of tamponade relates to the rapidity of fluid accumulation
and the distensibility of the pericardium rather than the quantity of
fluid. If accumulation is rapid, or if left ventricular function is
compromised for other reasons, as little as 250 mL may be sufficient to
produce tamponade. In contrast, it may take in excess of a litre of fluid
to produce tamponade if it accumulates over a long period of time. Some
common causes of cardiac tamponade are listed in Box 11.1.

Patients typically present with cardiogenic shock, with hypotension,
cold-clammy peripheries, oligo-anuria and associated agitation.
Untreated, this condition can be rapidly fatal. In the setting of a more
slowly developing tamponade, patients appear less ill and may present
with anorexia, weakness and signs of biventricular failure such as
shortness of breath, peripheral oedema and hepatomegaly. There may be
an accompanying tachycardia, and the presence of pulsus paradoxus (an
inspiratory decrease in amplitude of the palpated pulse or measured blood
pressure) is supportive of the diagnosis. The jugular venous pressure
(JVP) is markedly elevated with a prominent x descent and absent y
descent. A positive Kussmaul’s sign (an inspiratory increase in the JVP) is
rare in cardiac tamponade. Its presence suggests that an organizing



Box 11
11.1 Causes of ca
carr dia c ta
tammp onade
• Malignant disease
• Post-infective pericarditis
• Rupture of the free wall post-myocardial infarction
• Uraemia
• Iatrogenic; post-diagnostic (cardiac catheterization) or
therapeutic procedures (pacemaker electrode insertion,
angioplasty, etc.), anticoagulation
• Chest trauma
• Radiation
• Hypothyroidism
• Dissecting aortic aneurysm
• Post-pericardiotomy syndrome
• Dressler’s syndrome
• Connective tissue diseases, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, etc.
• Idiopathic

process and epicardial constriction is present, in addition to an effusion.

The apex beat may not be palpable and the heart sounds are soft or even
absent. There may be a pericardial friction rub.
In addition to a sinus tachycardia, the electrocardiogram (ECG) may
show abnormalities of pericarditis, low voltage complexes and electrical
alternans (alteration in QRS amplitude on a beat-to-beat basis as the
heart continually alters its axis within the fluid-filled pericardial sac).
The chest x-ray can show an enlarged globular heart shadow if the
effusion is chronic or a normal cardiac silhouette if the tamponade
develops acutely as seen during cardiac rupture or laceration. The lung
fields are usually clear.
Although cardiac tamponade is very much a clinical diagnosis,
echocardiography is the definitive investigation. Echocardiography will
show the effusion and demonstrate the best approach for drainage. In
tamponade, diastolic collapse of the low-pressure right heart chambers is
evident, with right ventricular collapse being a more specific finding than
right atrial collapse. Doppler indices showing reduced mitral and
increased tricuspid inflow velocities with respiration are also specific
features for demonstrating tamponade. Echocardiography can also



exclude other causes of systemic venous hypertension and arterial

hypotension such as constrictive pericarditis, cardiac dysfunction and
right ventricular dysfunction.

If haemodynamic compromise is present, intravenous fluids or inotropic
agents can be administered to maintain haemodynamic support, while
preparing the patients for pericardiocentesis (see below). Cardiac
tamponade associated with cardiac trauma or aortic dissection requires
immediate surgical intervention.

• Pericardial aspiration should ideally be performed with full x-ray
screening, rhythm monitoring and resuscitation facilities readily
available. Echocardiography can be used to guide pericardial
aspiration as it allows visualization of the pericardial space, the
myocardium and the aspiration needle. It can therefore give an
indication of the best line of approach.
• The patient is placed at 30–45° to pool the pericardial fluid anteriorly
and inferiorly. The patient is then connected to an ECG monitor.
• A long 18-gauge needle should be used. The V1 lead from an ECG
machine can be connected to the metal hub of the needle via a
sterile alligator clip to provide continuous monitoring from the tip
of the puncture needle.
• Although several sites have been advocated for pericardiocentesis,
the subxiphoid approach is preferred as it is extrapleural and avoids
the coronary, pericardial and internal mammary arteries. The skin
is cleaned and lignocaine infiltrated between the left side of the
xiphisternum and the adjacent left costal margin, with the point
directed towards the left shoulder, 45° to the skin.
• The needle is advanced while periodically aspirating and injecting
small amounts of lignocaine. The needle is advanced until fluid is
aspirated, indicating that the needle has reached the pericardial
space. If using ECG monitoring, ST elevation indicates that the tip
of the needle is in contact with the myocardium. Alternatively, the
injection of a few millilitres of contrast media can be used to
determine if the needle is in the pericardial space or within a
cardiac chamber. If the contrast media swirls and is rapidly


dispersed, then the needle is in a cardiac chamber. By contrast, the

sluggish layering of contrast media inferiorly indicates that the
needle is within the pericardial space. When using
echocardiography rather than x-ray screening, injection of a few
millilitres of agitated saline can be used to confirm the tip position
by observing the appearance of microbubbles within the
pericardial space. Failure of the bloody fluid to clot is further
evidence that it is not from within the heart.
• The syringe is removed and a guidewire inserted under radiological
or echocardiographic control. A pre-dilated pigtail drainage
catheter is then inserted. Fluid can then be aspirated from the
catheter. Removal of only 100 mL can produce a dramatic
improvement in haemodynamic status. A connection is made to a
collection bag if there is any possibility of fluid re-accumulating.
• Pericardial fluid should be sent for microbiology (microscopy,
aerobic and anaerobic culture and sensitivity, including requests
for fungal and tuberculous investigations), biochemistry (protein
and glucose) and cytology.
• The catheter is generally removed after 24–48 hours, to reduce the
chance of infection.
• A post-procedure chest x-ray is obtained to exclude a pneumothorax.
Rarely, following the removal of large amounts of pericardial fluid,
sudden ventricular dilatation and acute pulmonary oedema may develop.
This is probably related to a sudden increase in pulmonary venous blood
flow, following the relief of pericardial compression in the presence of
ventricular dysfunction.

• Cardiac tamponade is a clinical diagnosis caused by a critically
increased volume of fluid within the pericardium obstructing inflow of
blood to the ventricles.
• Consider the diagnosis in any patient in a haemodynamically collapsed
state, with a raised JVP, reduced heart sounds, low-voltage complexes
on the ECG and clear lung fields.
• Pericardiocentesis should be done only by those experienced in
performing the procedure.



Callahan JA, Seward JB, Nishimura RA, et al. Two dimensional echocardiographically
guided pericardiocentesis: experience in 117 consecutive patients. Am J Cardiol
1985; 55: 476–84.
Guberman B, Fowler NO, Engel PJ, Gueron M, Allen JM. Cardiac tamponde in medical
patients. Circulation 1981; 64: 633–40.
Krikorian JG, Hancock EW. Pericardiocentesis. Am J Med 1978: 65: 808–14.



Appendix A: intravenous 240 Appendix C: useful web 264

cardiac drug regimens addresses
Appendix B: laboratory values 259
and useful formulae



Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


Abciximab During PCI for Major and minor Half-life = 10 min IV or intracoronary bolus Thrombocytopenia occurs
ACS bleeding. but effect on 250 (g/kg followed by in 0.4–1% of patients and
Thrombocytopenia platelets up to infusion of 0.125 (g/kg/h improves within 5–10 days.
48 hours for 12 hours Readministration within 30
days is associated with a
higher risk of
thrombocytopenia (4%)

Adenosine Narrow complex Flushing, chest Half-life = 10–30 s. Initially 6 mg through a Dipyridamole potentiates
tachycardia (SVT) pain, headache, Rapidly metabolized large central or peripheral the effect of adenosine.
dyspnoea, by erythrocytes and vein followed by a flush of Methylxanthines
bronchospasm, endothelial cells 10 mL saline. If necessary (theophylline, caffeine)
nausea, excess a further 3 doses each of competitively antagonize
sinus or AV node 12 mg can be administered the adenosine receptors
inhibition every 1–2 min and therefore higher doses
(bradycardia) may be needed.
asthmatics, second or third
degree AV block and sick
sinus syndrome
Adrenaline Cardiac arrest Tachycardia, Half-life = 2 min Cardiac arrest: IV = 1 mg Cautions: ischaemic heart
(epinephrine) Anaphylaxis arrhythmias, 1- and 2-receptor (10 mL of 1:10000 or 1 mL of disease, diabetes mellitus,
Inotropic support hypertension, agonist, high-dose 1:1000). Repeat as per hyperthyroidism and
hypokalaemia, -adrenergic resuscitation guidelines hypertension
hyperglycaemia, vasoconstrictive Anaphylaxis: initially,
headache, anxiety, effect IM = 0.5 mg (0.5 mL of
tremor, sweating 1:1000). Repeat after 5 min
in the absence of clinical
improvement. In some cases
several doses may be
needed. In severely ill
patients with circulatory
collapse, give IV 500 (g
(5 mL of 1 in 10 000) at a rate
of 100 (g/min with ECG
monitoring. Also give
chlorpheniramine 10–20 mg
IM/IV and hydrocortisone
100–500 mg IM/IV Inotropic
support: 5 mL of 1:1000 in
45 mL of 5% dextrose or
normal saline (this gives a
concentration of 100 (g/
mL). The usual infusion
dose ranges between
0.01 and 0.5 (g/kg/min.
Higher infusion doses
are acceptable
depending on the clinical


Appendix A: (Contd)

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


Alteplase STEMI Minor and major Half-life = 4 min. MI: given as an accelerated At present, few absolute
(Actilyse, Pulmonary haemorrhages, Metabolized by the regimen: IV 15 mg bolus, contraindications as many
rt-PA) embolism (PE) rash, nausea and liver. Binds to followed by 0.75 mg/kg are now relative, which
vomiting fibrin-associated (maximum 35 mg) over needs interpreting within
plasminogen to form 30 min, then 0.5 mg/kg the clinical context. See
plasmin, which in (maximum 35 mg) over section on thrombolysis, in
turn breaks down 60 min. Give heparin IV Chapter 1
fibrinogen and 5000 U before commencing
fibrin rt-PA, followed by 1000 U/h
after completion of the
rt-Pa infusion. Aim for an
aPTT 50–75 s (1.5–2.5 times
control) PE: IV 10 mg over
1–2 min, followed by 90 mg
over 2 h. Maximum
1.5 mg/kg in patients
<65 kg. Give heparin as
mentioned above

Amiodarone Accessory Pulmonary fibrosis, Half-life = 25–110 During cardiac arrest: VF/ Can increase digoxin and
pathway hyper/hypothy­ days. Hepatic pulseless VT: amiodarone warfarin levels.
tachycardias, roidism, corneal metabolism, lipid 300 mg, made up to 20 mL Contraindications: sinus or
atrial fibrillation, microdeposits, skin soluble with with 5% dextrose (can be AV node disease (unless
atrial flutter photosensitivity extensive given peripherally). A fitted with a pacemaker)
Ventricular and discolouration, distribution in the further dose of 150 mg may iodine sensitivity,
tachyarrhythmias pro-arrhythmic effect body be given for recurrent or pregnancy, breast feeding,
Cardiac arrest (VF) recorded though rare refractory VF/VT, followed thyroid dysfunction
by an infusion of 1 mg/min (relative)
for 6 h and then 0.5 mg/min Administration via a central
to a maximum daily dose of line is preferable to avoid
2 g. Stable tacharrhythmias: thrombophlebitis during
150 mg diluted in 5% prolonged infusions.
dextrose to a volume of However, a large peripheral
20 mL given over 10 min; this line is acceptable in the
can be followed by a further short term until
dose of 150 mg if needed. arrangements can be made
Alternatively, a dose of to place a central line by
300 mg in 100 mL 5% skilled personnel
dextrose over 1 h can be
given. Follow with a
continuous infusion of
900 mg in 5% dextrose over
24 h. Maximum
recommended dose is 1.2 g
in 24 h (European data sheet
recommendation) although
current resuscitation
guidelines advocate that up
to 2 g in 24 h can be used

Atenolol Acute Hypotension, Half-life = 6–9 h. IV 2.5–10 mg at a rate of Acts synergistically with
management of bronchospasm, Excreted by the 1 mg/min digoxin to control atrial
supraventricular negative inotrope kidney, fibrillation.
tachyarrhythmias and chronotrope, cardioselective, not Contraindications: heart
(including atrial peripheral lipid soluble rate less than 60 bpm, PR
fibrillation and ischaemia interval >0.24 s, second or
atrial flutter) ACS third degree AV block,
Angina systolic arterial pressure
Hypertension <100 mmHg,


Appendix A : ( Contd )

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


uncontrolled heart failure

(once stabilized an oral
beta-blocker can be
cautiously given), severe
chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, history
of asthma, severe peripheral
vascular disease, Prinzmetal’s
angina, cocaine and
amphetamine toxicity, and

Atropine Bradyarrhythmias Tachycardia, dry Rapidly cleared from IV 0.3–1 mg every 3–5 min Contraindications: angle
sulphate Cardiac arrest mouth, blurred the blood and is to a total of 3 mg or closure glaucoma (pupillary
(asystole) vision (difficulties distributed 0.04 mg/kg body weight. dilation can increase
with visual throughout the During resuscitation IV intraocular pressure),
accommodation), body. Incompletely 3 mg bolus (see myasthenia gravis,
urinary retention, metabolized in the resuscitation guidelines) prostatic enlargement (can
constipation liver and excreted in precipitate urinary
the urine as retention). These effects,
unchanged drug and however, are not relevant
metabolite. A to either the cardiac arrest
half-life of about 4 h situation or immediate
has been reported post-resuscitation care
Bivalirudin Anticoagulation Major and minor Half-life = 25 min. For PCI: IV bolus of Caution in renal failure
during PCI and bleeding Rapid onset of 0.75 mg/kg followed by Monitor ACT
treatment of ACS action with peak infusion of 1.75 mg/kg/h.
concentrations In medical treatment of
15 min after IV ACS: IV bolus of 0.1 mg/kg
bolus. Eliminated followed by infusion of
mainly by renal 0.25 mg/kg/h for up to
excretion 72 hours

Calcium Hyperkalaemia Bradycardias and Transient effects IV 10 mL of the 10% Avoid adding to solutions
chloride 10% Hypocalcaemia arrhythmias solution. Give slowly containing bicarbonate,
or calcium EMD arrest phosphates or sulphates.
gluconate Calcium Use separate IV access
10% antagonist

Digoxin Rate control Anorexia, nausea, Half-life = 36 h. For atrial fibrillation, give Reduce dose in elderly and in
atrial fibrillation, confusion, Excreted mainly by 250–500 (g (orally) every renal failure. Hypokalaemia,
atrial flutter vomiting, visual the kidney. Peak 8 h for 24 h, then 125–250 hypomagnesaemia,
Heart failure disturbance. effect may take up (g daily thereafter. A hypercalcaemia, and
Arrhythmias to 2 h. Therapeutic loading dose is not hypothyroidism increase
including concentration 1–2 necessarily required for use myocardial sensitivity to
ventricular ectopy ng/mL (1.3–2.6 in mild heart failure. In digoxin. Cautious
and bigeminy, nmol/L). Toxic range renal impairment, reduce administration in patients
paroxysmal atrial >2.5 ng/mL dose.For urgent loading, with hypertrophic
tachycardia with give IV 0.5–1 mg (diluted in obstructive cardiomyopathy
block, heart block, 50 mL of 5% dextrose or and atrial fibrillation.
idioventricular normal saline) over at Contraindications: patients
rhythm, ventricular least 2 h with Wolff–Parkinson–White
tachycardia syndrome, second or third
degree AV block


Appendix A: (Contd)

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


Dobutamine Inotropic support Tachycardias, Half-life = 2.4 min. Given as an IV infusion Central haemodynamic
in cardiogenic arrhythmias, 1-adrenergic between 2.5 and 20 (g/kg/ monitoring recommended.
shock hypertension receptor agonist, min. Can be given Infusion can be given via a
hypokalaemia lesser 2- and peripherally. See Table A.1 peripheral line
-agonist effects for infusion rates according
to body weight

Dopamine Low doses for As for dobutamine Half-life = 5 min. Low 2.5 (g/kg/min for renal Preferable to give via a
renal perfusion doses stimulate renal perfusion. 5–20 (g/kg/min central line, since
Moderate doses dopamine receptors, for inotropic and extravasation from a
for cardiac therefore improving vasoconstrictive effects. peripheral line may cause
inotropic support renal blood flow. See Table A.2 for infusion severe ischaemic injury due
High dose for Moderate doses rates according to body to vasoconstriction
peripheral stimulate weight
vasoconstriction 1-receptors. High
doses stimulate

Esmolol As for atenolol As for atenolol, Half-life = 9 min. Give a loading dose of IV Can increase digoxin levels
plus: confusion, Selective 1-receptor 500 (g/kg/min over 1 min and prolong the action of
thrombophlebitis antagonist. Onset of before each titration step. suxamethonium.
and skin necrosis action occurs within Use titration steps of 50, Interactions may occur with
from extravasation 2 min. Following 100, 150 and 200 (g/kg/ warfarin and intravenous
discontinuation, full min over 4 min each, morphine
recovery from stopping at the desired
beta-blockade effects therapeutic effect
occur at 18–30 min.
Metabolized by red
blood cells

Eptifibatide Treatment of Bleeding and major Half-life = 150 min. IV bolus 180 (g/kg Thrombocytopenia occurs
high-risk ACS bleeding Renal elimination followed by infusion at in 0.2–1.2% of patients
Hypotension 2(g/kg/min for up to
72h. Reduce dose if
GFR < 50

Flecainide Acute QRS prolongation, Half-life = 13–19 h. IV 2 mg/kg or maximum Contraindications: sick
termination of pro-arrhythmic, Two-thirds 150 mg over 10–30 min. sinus syndrome, left
atrial fibrillation negatively hepatically Maintenance infusion ventricular dysfunction,
Accessory inotropic,dizziness, metabolized, 1.5 mg/kg/h (in 5% intraventricular conduction
pathway visual disturbances, one-third excreted dextrose or normal saline) delay or AV block, patients
tachycardias ataxia, peripheral unchanged in the for 1 h, subsequently with a history of ACS.
neuropathy, urine reduced to 100–250 (g/ Can increase stimulation
reversible increase kg/h for up to 24 h. threshold in patients with
in liver enzymes Maximum cumulative dose permanent pacemakers,
in first 24 h = 600 mg therefore use with caution.
If QRS complex is
prolonged by 20% from
baseline, reduce dose or
discontinue, until ECG
returns to normal

Fondaparinux Medical Major and minor Half-life = 17-21 2.5 mg subcutaneously od Heparin should be given
treatment of ACS bleeding hours. Peak activity for up to 8 days during PCI to prevent
after 2 h. Renal catheter-related thrombus


Appendix A : ( Contd )

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


Glucagon Reversal of Nausea, vomiting, Half-life = 5 min. 50–150 (g/kg in 5%

beta-blockade diarrhoea, Metabolized and dextrose as an IV bolus over
side effects hypokalaemia cleared by the liver at least 1 min. If the
unresponsive to and kidney response is not maintained,
atropine a further bolus dose may
be required (or an infusion
in 5% dextrose of
1–5 mg/h)

Glyceryl Treatment of Hypotension, Half-life = 1–4 min. 50 mg in 50 mL of solution Contraindications:

trinitrate angina. Left headache, Metabolized mainly as supplied by the hypotension, hypertropic
(GTN) ventricular dizziness, flushing by the liver and manufacturer. Begin obstructive cardiomyopathy,
failure and blood to dinitrates infusion at 10 (g/min severe aortic or mitral
pulmonary which are less potent (0.6 mL/h), increase by stenosis, cardiac
oedema. 10 (g/min every 15 min tamponade, constrictive
Hypertensive until a therapeutic effect is pericarditis, cerebral
emergencies obtained. Maximum dose is haemorrhage. Tolerance
200 (g/min (12 mL/h) with sustained blood levels

Insulin Hyperglycaemia Hypoglycaemia, 50 U of short-acting insulin

hypokalaemia (i.e. Actrapid or Humulin S)
in 50 mL normal saline.
Administer according to
sliding scale (see Table A.3)
Isoprenaline Heart block Tachycardia, Half-life = 2 min. 5 mg in 500 mL 5% dextrose Caution: ischaemic heart
Severe arrhythmias, Adrenergic or saline (concentration of disease, diabetes mellitus,
bradycardia hypotension, agonist 1 > 2 10 (g/mL), infuse at and hyperthyroidism. Can
hypokalaemia, 0.5 mL/min (5 (g/min). increase infarct size and
hyperglycaemia, Increase infusion rate to produce tachyarrhythmias
headache, tremor, 1 mL/min to maintain
sweating adequate ventricular rate.
The usual upper limit is
2 mL/min (20 (g/min).
Isoprenaline is only used to
maintain cardiac output
until transvenous or
transcutaneous pacing can
be established

Isosorbide Angina As for GTN Half-life = 10 h. 50 mg in 50 mL of solution As for GTN

dinitrate Left ventricular Metabolized by the as supplied by the
failure liver to active manufacturer.
mononitrate, Infuse between 2 and
excreted 10 mg/h. Maximum
by the kidney dose = 20 mg/h

Labetalol Blood pressure As for atenolol Half-life = 3–4 h. 50 mg slow IV bolus over As for atenolol
control in High lipid solubility, 1 min, repeat after 5 min if
hypertensive not cardioselective, necessary (maximum
emergencies or -blockade effect, 200 mg). For continuous
acute aortic metabolized by the infusion, commence
dissection liver infusion rate at 15 mg/h
and every 30–60 min up to
160 mg/h. Discontinue
infusion once blood


Appendix A: (Contd)

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


pressure falls to desired

level and initiate oral

Lignocaine Ventricular CNS side effects Effect of a single 50 mg bolus over a few Reduce concentration in
(lidocaine) tachycardia including dizziness, bolus lasts only a minutes. Can be repeated hepatic failure, congestive
Ventricular paraesthesiae, few minutes, then to a maximum of 200 mg. cardiac failure, following
fibrillation drowsiness, half-life = 2 h. Rapid Follow up with an infusion cardiac surgery and shock.
confusion, hepatic metabolism of 4 mg/min for 30 min, Cimetidine and
convulsions and then 2 mg/min for 2 h, beta-blockers can increase
respiratory then 1 mg/min over 24 h blood levels
depression, (500 mg in 500 mL 5%
hypotension, dextrose, gives a
bradycardia concentration of 1 mg/mL)

Magnesium Persistent Nausea, flushing, Excreted by the Arrhythmias: 4 mL of 50% Caution in renal failure and
sulphate ventricular hypotension, kidney magnesium sulphate liver problems
tachyarrhythmias confusion, (8 mmol) in 100 mL of 5% *The evidence to support
Polymorphic weakness, loss of dextrose or normal saline the routine administration
ventricular tendon reflexes, over 15–30 min IV. Repeat of intravenous magnesium
tachycardia arrhythmias once if necessary. MI*: in acute MI is controversial,
8 mmol bolus over 20 min, and therefore the use of
followed by an infusion of magnesium should be
65–72 mmol over 24 h restricted to the treatment
of recurrent ventricular
Metoprolol As for atenolol As for atenolol Half-life = 3–7 h. IV 2.5 mg over 2–4 min. As for atenolol
Partially lipid May repeat every 5 min up
soluble, to 15 mg
metabolized by the

Naloxone To reverse Nausea, vomiting, Half-life = 60–90 min; Opioid overdose: 0.8–2mg The duration of action of all
respiratory sweating, therefore, short IV, repeated at intervals of opioids is often greater
depression tachycardias. Can duration of action. 2–3 min to a maximum of than that of naloxone;
induced by precipitate an Onset of action 10mg. For a continuous therefore, additional doses
opioids acute withdrawal within 1–2 min infusion: 2 mg diluted in (or a continuous IV
syndrome and following IV 500mL 5% dextrose or infusion) of naloxone may
non-cardiogenic injection. normal saline (4 (g/mL), be required. The patient
pulmonary Metabolized by the start infusion at 60% of the should be closely observed
oedema in addicts liver initial administered dose following initial reversal
per hour Use with caution in patients
with pre-existing
cardiovascular disease or in
patients receiving
cardiotoxic drugs, since
arrhythmias (VT, VF, atrial
fibrillation) can occur

Noradrenaline To improve blood Hypertension, Half-life = 3 min. Comes as a strong sterile Contraindications:
(nor­ pressure in headache, Except in the heart, solution (2mg/mL). Make up hypertension, pregnancy,
epinephrine) hypotensive palpitations, its action is a concentration of 80(g/mL patients on monoamine
patients by bradycardia, predominantly on by adding 4mg (2mL oxidase inhibitors. Caution
causing arrhythmias, -receptors solution) to 48mL of 5% in patients with ischaemic
peripheral peripheral dextrose, or 40mg (20 mL heart disease
vasoconstriction ischaemia, solution) to 480 mL 5%


Appendix A : ( Contd )

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


extravasation can dextrose (this gives a

cause necrosis concentration of 80 (g/mL).
Normal saline can also be
used. The usual infusion
dose ranges between 0.01
and 0.5 (g/kg/min. Higher
infusion doses are
acceptable depending on
the clinical condition

Potassium Hypokalaemia Arrhythmias Add 20–60 mmol/L to Contraindicated in renal

chloride 100 mL or 250 mL 5% failure
dextrose or normal saline.
Infuse at a rate no greater
than 30mmol/h.
Concentrated solutions may
be irritant and painful,
therefore administer
centrally if possible

Propranolol As for atenolol As for atenolol Half life = 1–6 h. IV 0.5–1 mg every 5 min As for atenolol
Lipid soluble, to a maximum of
non-cardioselective, 0.15–0.2 mg/kg
metabolized by the
Reteplase STEMI Minor and major Half-life = 15min. Reconstitute 10 U in 10 mL At present, few absolute
(Rapilysin, haemorrhages, and Recombinant of the solvent provided contraindications as many
r-PA) hypersensitivity plasminogen (using the filter supplied). are now relative, which
reactions (allergic activator which Give slowly over 2 min. needs interpreting within
reactions) catalyses the cleavage Administer a further 10 U the clinical context. See
of endogenous after 30 min. Give heparin section on thrombolysis, in
plasminogen to IV 5000 U before Chapter 1
generate plasmin. commencing r-PA, followed
Primarily eliminated by 1000 U/h after
by the kidney and to a completion of the second
small extent by the r-PA bolus dose. Aim for an
liver; however, no aPTT 50–75 s (1.5–2.5 times
dose change is control)
required in renal or
hepatic insufficiency

Sodium Prolonged Tissue necrosis if 50 mL of 8.4% (50 mmol/L) Do not administer via an
bicarbonate resuscitation extravasated. by slow intravenous endotracheal tube. Avoid
(pH <7.1 or base Administration can injection adding to solutions
excess � -10) result in the containing calcium chloride
generation of or calcium gluconate. Use
carbon dioxide, separate IV access
which diffuses
rapidly into cells.
This can result in a
intracellular acidosis;
a negative inotropic
effect on ischaemic
myocardium; a high,
osmotically active,


Appendix A: (Contd)

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


sodium load to an
circulation and
brain; and a left
shift in the oxygen
dissociation curve,
inhibiting release of
oxygen to the

Sodium Hypertensive Hypotension, Rapid action, Add 50 mg to 500 mL of 5% Caution in hypothyroidism,

nitroprusside crisis cyanide or cyanate pre- and after load dextrose (concentration renal impairment,
accumulation, reduction. 100 (g/mL). Prepare hyponatraemia, IHD,
lactic acidosis, Effects wear off solution immediately prior impaired cerebral circulation.
hypoxia, headache, 1–10 min after to use, and protect from Contraindications: severe
dizziness, discontinuation. light during administration. hepatic impairment, severe
abdominal pain, Metabolized to Initial dose (in a patient not vitamin B12 deficiency. If
perspiration, thiocyanate and already taking infused for >24 h, give
palpitations, excreted by the antihypertensive vitamin B12
phlebitis kidney (2.7–7 days). treatment): 0.3 (g/kg/min (hydroxycobalamin, 1mg,
Degraded by light adjusting by increments of IM). Check serum thiocyanate
0.5 (g/kg/min every 5 min concentration (toxic level
to a range between 0.5 and >100 (g/mL) or monitor
8 (g/kg/min. Maintain a blood gases for metabolic
blood pressure at 30–40% acidosis
lower than pre-treatment
diastolic BP. Fresh solution is
required every 4 h, or earlier
if it becomes discoloured.
Duration of therapy should
not exceed 72 h, and sudden
withdrawal should be
avoided. Terminate infusion
over 15–30 min

Streptokinase STEMI Minor and major Half-life = 30 min. MI: 1.5 million units in At present, few absolute
Pulmonary haemorrhages, Activates 100 mL normal saline over contraindications as many
embolism (PE) hypotension, rash, plasminogen 1 h PE: 250 000 units over are now relative, which
nausea and 30 min, then 100 000 units needs interpreting within
vomiting, allergic every hour for up to 12–72 h. the clinical context. See
reactions including Monitor clotting section on thrombolysis, in
anaphylaxis, fever parameters Chapter 1

Tenecteplase STEMI Minor and major Half-life 20–24 min. Tenecteplase is dosed based This drug is not compatible
(TNKase, haemorrhages, and Derivative of human on weight and is given as a with dextrose, and therefore
TNK-tpa) hypersensitivity tissue plasminogen single-bolus injection over should not be given in the
reactions (allergic activator that binds 5 s (<60 kg = 30 mg, 60–69 kg same intravenous line. Lines
reactions) to fibrin and = 35 mg, 70–79 kg = 40 mg, containing dextrose should
converts 80–89 kg = 45 mg, 90 kg = be flushed before and after
plasminogen to 50 mg). Tenecteplase is administration. At present,
plasmin supplied as a sterile, few absolute
lyophilized powder in a contraindications as many
50-mg vial. Each 50-mg vial are now relative, which
of tenecteplase is packaged needs interpreting within
with one 10-mL vial of the clinical context. See
sterile water for injection,

Appendix A : ( Contd )

Drug Indication Side effects Pharmacokinetics Dosing regimen Comments/Cautions/


for reconstitution. Give section on thrombolysis, in

heparin bolus of 4000 U Chapter 1
and infusion of 800 U/h for
patients <67 kg; 5000 U
bolus and infusion of 1000
U/h for patients >67 kg.
Continue infusion for at
least 48 h. Aim for an aPTT:
50–75 s (1.5–2.5 times

Tirofiban High-risk ACS Major and minor Half-life = 1.8 h. IV infusion of 0.4 (g/kg/ Incidence of
bleeding. Renal excretion min for 30 min followed by thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytopenia infusion of 0.1 (g/kg/min 0.4–1.9%
for 48 h. High-dose bolus
tirofiban is an IV bolus of
25 (g/kg/min over 3 min
followed by 0.15 (g/kg/min
for 18 h. Half infusion dose
if GFR < 30

Verapamil Narrow complex Sinus or AV nodal Half-life = 4–6 h. 5–10 mg over 2 min. A Contraindications:
tachycardia (SVT) inhibition. Liver metabolized. further 5 mg can be given hypotension, bradycardia,
where adenosine Negatively Active metabolite after 5–10 min second and third degree AV
is contraindicated inotropic norverapamil block, sick sinus syndrome,
or has failed cardiogenic shock, cardiac
failure, broad complex

Explanation of abbreviations can be found in the abbreviations list on pages vii–viii.


Table A.1 Dobutamine administration. Add 250 mg (5 mL of 50 mg/mL

solution) in 45 mL of 5% dextrose or normal saline (giving a concentration of
5000 (g/mL). Commence infusion at 2.5 (g/kg/min initially, slowly increasing
to a maximum of 20 (g/min. The following table gives infusion rates in
mL/h for a solution of 5000 (g/mL according to dose required and body

Dobutamine Body weight (kg)

infusion rate
((g/kg/min) 50 60 70 80 90

2.5 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7

5 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4

10 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8

15 9.0 10.8 12.6 15.4 16.2

20 12 14.4 16.8 19.2 21.6

Table A.2 Dopamine administration. Add 400 mg (10 mL of 40 mg/mL

solution) to 40 mL of 5% dextrose to give a total volume of 50 mL, and a
drug concentration of 8000 (g/mL. The following table gives infusion
rates in mL/h for an 8000 (g/mL solution according to dose required and
body weight

Dopamine Body weight (kg)

infusion rate
((g/kg/min) 50 60 70 80 90

2.5 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7

5 1.9 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.4

10 3.8 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.8

15 5.7 6.8 7.8 9.0 10.2

20 7.6 9.0 10.4 12.0 13.6



Table A.3 Short-acting insulin (Actrapid) sliding scale. Add 50 units of

Actrapid in 50 mL of normal saline to give a concentration of 1 unit/mL.
The following table gives the infusion rates depending on the BMs

BM stick Insulin infusion rate (units/h)

<5 0a

5.1–10 1

10.1–15 2

15.1–20 3

>20 6 (and urgent diabetologist review)

aInsulin-dependent diabetics require a maintenance infusion of 0.5 units/h.




Laboratory values

Biochemistry Reference range

Na 135–145 mmol/L

K 3.5–5 mmol/L

Cl 95–105 mmol/L

Mg 0.75–1.05 mmol/L

Urea 2.5–6.5 mmol/L

Creatinine 70–120 mmol/L

Creatinine clearance 80–140 mL/min

Bicarbonate 24–30 mmol/L

Fasting glucose 3.5–5.5 mmol/L

Calcium (total) 2.12–2.65 mmol/L

Calcium (ionized) 1.0–1.25 mmol/L

Phosphate 0.8–1.45 mmol/L

Alanine aminotransferase 5–35 iu/L

Alkaline phosphatase 30–300 iu/L (adults)

Bilirubin 3–17 (mol/L

Albumin 35–50 g/L

Aspartate transaminase (AST) 5–35 iu/L

Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) 70–250 iu/L

a 25–195 iu/L (males)
Creatine kinase (CK)
25–170 iu/L (females)

CK-MB mass <5 (g/L

CK-MB mass:CK ratio >3 (MI likely)

Troponin T <0.05(g/L

Troponin Ib <0.1 (g/L

C reactive protein <8 mg/L




Free T4 9–22 pmol/L

TSH 0.5–5.7 mu/L

aCK values in healthy Afro-Caribbeans may be increased 2–3 times the quoted reference limit.
b Assay dependent, therefore check reference in laboratory.

Arterial blood gases Reference range

pH 7.35–7.44

PaO2 12–14.7 kPaa

PaCO2 4.7–6.0 kPaa

HCO3 23–33 mmol/L

O2 saturation 93–98%

H1 36–44 mmol/L

Base excess ±2 mmol/L

a7.6 mmHg = 1 kPa.

Haematology Reference range

Hb 13.5–18.0 g/dL (males)

11.5–16.0 g/dL (females)

WCC 4–11 3 109 /L

Neutrophils 2–7.5 3 109 /L

40–75% WCC

Lymphocytes 1.3–3.5 3 109 /L

20–45% WCC

Eosinophils 0.04–0.44 3 109 /L

1–6% WCC

Basophils 0–0.1 3 109 /L

0–1% WCC

ESR (increases with age) <20 mm in 1 hour (rough guide)

Age ÷ 2 (males)
(Age + 10) ÷ 2 (females)



Platelets 150– 400 X 109 /L

Prothrombin time 10–14 s

aPTT 35–45 s

Fibrinogen 2–4.5 g/L

FDPs <10 mg/L

Haemodynamic pressures and parameters Reference range

Left ventricle

Systolic 100–140 mmHg

End diastolic 3–12 mmHg

Right ventricle

Systolic 15–30 mmHg

End diastolic 2–8 mmHg


Systolic 100–140 mmHg

Diastolic 60–90 mmHg

Mean (diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure) a 70–105 mmHg

Pulmonary artery

Systolic 15–30 mmHg

Diastolic 4–12 mmHg

Mean 9–18 mmHg

Wedge (left atrium)

Mean 2–12 mmHg

A wave 3–15 mmHg

V wave 2–10 mmHg

Right atrium

Mean 2–8 mmHg

A wave 2–10 mmHg



V wave 2–10 mmHg

Systemic vascular resistance 700–1600 dyn X s X cm-5

Total pulmonary resistance 100–300 dyn X s X cm-5

Pulmonary vascular resistance 20–130 dyn X s X cm-5

Cardiac output 5.5–9 L/min

Cardiac index 2.6–4.2 L/min/m2

aPulse pressure = difference between systolic and diastolic pressures.

Electrocardiography and echocardiography Reference range

P wave width <110 ms (lead II)

P wave height <2.5 mm (lead II)

PR interval 120–200 ms

QRS duration <120 ms

QT intervala 440 ms (males)

460 ms (female)

Aortic root 2–3.7 cm

Aortic cusp separation 1.5–2.6 cm

Left atrium 1.9–4 cm

Left ventricle diameter (end systole) 2.5–4.1 cm

Left ventricle diameter (end diastole) 3.5–5.6 cm

Left ventricular posterior wall thickness (end systole) 0.9–1.3 cm

Left ventricular posterior wall thickness (end diastole) 0.7–1.1 cm

Interventricular septal wall thickness (end systole) 0.9–1.8

Interventricular septal wall thickness (end diastole) 0.7–1.1 cm

Right ventricle (end diastole) 2.3 cm

Ratio of septum to posterior wall thickness 1.3:1

Fractional shortening 30–40%

Ejection fraction 50–85%

aWhen using drugs known to prolong the QT interval, discontinue or reduce dose if QT interval is
greater than 500 ms or increases by more than 60 ms from baseline.




Bazett’s formula QT interval (seconds)

(corrected QT interval) RR internal (seconds)
LDL-cholesterol � Total cholesterol -
(Friedwald’s equation) (triglyceride 1 HDL - cholesterol)
(Formula only valid for triglyceride concentrations < 4.5 mmol/L)
Cockroft and Gault formula for estimating
creatinine clearance (mL/min) �
(140 - age in years) X (weight in kg)
72 X serum creatinine in mg / dL
(for women multiply formula by 0.85; mg/dL = μmol/L � 88.4)

Body surface area � � Height (cm) X Weight (kg)





General URL address Content

American College of Clinical statements, ACC/AHA practice guidelines, links to other online cardiology
Cardiology journals, ECG of the month, echo of the month

BNF Drugs in the British National Formulary

British Cardiac Society BCS guidelines, meetings, education and training issues

Cardiac angiograms,dirt/ Developed by South Bank University and contains normal and abnormal cardiac
and coronary museum/gs-sixth.html#11 angiograms

Cardiac arrhythmias Case histories, ECGs, diagnosis and management of various cardiac arrhythmias

Cardiology Compass http://www. A general overview of various cardiology procedures, image bank, links to other online cardiology journals and resources

Cardiosource http://www.cardiosource. Cardiology information resource service for cardiovascular news, clinical trials,
com/ Medline, trial acronyms, journal links (including the American College of
Cardiology journal and Current Journal Review Scan), ACC/AHA practice guidelines General medical information including cardiology forum, presentations, access
to Clinical Medicine by P Kumar and M Clark, Clinical Biochemistry by William
Marshall, Textbook of Paediatrics by Forfar and Arneil, Merck Manual of
Diagnosis and Therapy, NICE and SIGN guidelines, Clinical Risk Management,
TRIP, Hospital Medicine journal and many more useful links http://www.doctorsworld. General medical news, career information, a library which includes access to
com guidelines, formularies, clinical calculators, Merck’s manual, Gray’s Anatomy,
Emergency Medicine, Travel Medicine and many more
ECG library http://www.mrcppart1. Excellent collection of ECGs ecgs/ecghome.html

Electronic Medicines Provides free access to up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable information
Compendium about prescription and over-the-counter medicines available in the UK

Emergency Medicine Extensive resource on the management of acute medical emergencies. From
on the Web e-medicine online textbooks, algorithms, calculators, nomograms, scoring systems,
tables, key journals update, online dictionaries and many other useful links

European Society of Educational resources, clinical statements, ESC guidelines


Freemedicaljournals. http://www. Access to available free online journals

com A collection of medical programmes such as drug databases, calculators,

medical/medical.shtml eponyms, biochemistry and haematology interpretation assistance, etc., that can
be downloaded and used in a handheld computer http://www.incirculation. Cardiology information resource service. Up to date reports on publications of

net/ frame.asp interest, image bank, links to other useful websites and online journals

Lipidhealth http://www.lipidhealth. Issues regarding lipid management

org/ http://www.dr.medicdirect. General medical resource centre. Lectures, slide library, leading edge articles, main.ihtml prescribers’ journal online, drug update, career advice, clinical guidelines, clinical
tools, clinical calculators and scores, patient information and videos

Medicines and Drug http://www.digri.demon. Excellent collection of links on drug information, from general prescribing to
Information Centre drugs.htm individual properties, adverse reactions and interactions


Appendix C : ( Contd )

General URL address Content General medical resource service with the option of receiving updates in chosen

National library of Medline, PubMed, Medline plus


North American Heart rhythm information and resource for healthcare professionals and the
Society for Pacing and public

QT Drugs that prolong the QT interval


Resuscitation Council A valuable resource for providing information on resuscitation, which is updated
UK regularly. All new publications by the council are posted on the site together with
details about forthcoming events, courses, membership and, when appropriate,
important statements

The Cochrane Library http://www.update­ Abstracts of Cochrane Reviews

The X-ray files A large collection of radiology cases, tutorials and useful links
uk/xrayfile/xray/index.htm Cardiology information resource service. Up to date reports on publications of

index.cfm interest, image bank, links to other useful websites and online journals

Toxbase Management of drug overdoses


Journals URL address

Annals of Internal Medicine

British Medical Journal



Clinical Cardiology

European Heart Journal




Journal of Interesting EKGs

Journal of the American College

of Cardiology

Journal of the American Medical



New England Journal of Medicine



Page numbers in bold type refer to tables and boxes; those in italic to figures.

abbreviations vi-viii
lifestyle modification 78

abciximab 45–6, 47, 240

management 2

in thrombocytopenia 40
medical therapy, adjunctive 40–53

accessory pathway tachycardias 116–20

mortality 1

diagnosis from ECG 117

pathophysiology 3–6

ACE inhibitors 49–50, 80

presentation 6

in hypertensive emergencies 141

rehabilitation 78

acidosis, in cardiac arrest/CPR 87

smoking after 78

Actinobacillus spp. 190

treatment, emergency 17, 80

Actrapid 258
adenosine 240

ACUITY trial 22
antiarrhythmic drug therapy 106

acute coronary syndromes (ACSs)

in AVNRT 115

bleeding risk 38–40

contraindications 115

causes 5, 79
in supraventricular arrhythmias 211,

clinical features 6–7

213, 214

complications 1, 54–65
and tachycardia 122–4

acute mitral regurgitation

adrenaline 27, 241

and CPR 87, 95–8, 99

background 54
AFCAPS trial 50

cardiogenic shock 56–9

AIRE trial 50

hypotension 27-8, 59–60

airway, in CPR 87–8

left ventricular aneurysm 63–4

allergic reactions

left ventricular failure 54–6

penicillin 196, 199, 200

left ventricular thrombus 63

streptokinase 27, 27–8

pericarditis 64–5
thrombolysis 27

ventricular free wall rupture

alpha-blockers 144, 145, 211

alteplase (rt-PA) 24, 25, 26, 242

ventricular septal rupture 61

American College of Cardiology (ACC)

definitions 2, 2
guidelines 35, 192

diagnosis 2, 6–17
American Heart Association (AHA)

biochemical markers 9–14

guidelines 35, 192, 199

diet after 78
amiodarone 68, 69, 242–3

driving, DVLA requirements 79

in atrial fibrillation 110

electrocardiographic changes 7–9

in atrial flutter 113

epidemiology 1
in atrial tachycardia 120

in-hospital recovery 77
predisposing to bradycardia and

incidence 1
AV block 204

initial treatment 17–19

in ventricular fibrillation 98

background 17
in ventricular tachycardia 126

emergency care 18–19

in volatile substance abuse 215

key points 79–80

amoxicillin (amoxycillin) 196, 199, 200


amphetamine definitive 157

clinical effects 209–10 high-dependency environment 164

management 211–12 immediate therapy 156

pharmacology 208–9 medical 157, 157

ampicillin 196
percutaneous interventional 158–60

anaemia, microangiopathic haemolytic

surgery 157, 157, 158, 165

139, 147
aortic syndromes, acute 149–66

aortic valve regurgitation 152

typical/atypical 7
arrhythmia algorithms 95–9

unstable (UA) 6
asystole 98

angiography 29, 30, 36, 37, 46, 47

cardiac arrest algorithm 97

in aortic dissection 155

non-shockable rhythms 98

pulmonary, in pulmonary embolism

pulseless electrical activity 98–9

170, 176
shockable rhythms 95–8

ventricular fibrillation/pulseless

balloon angioplasty 22
ventricular tachycardia 95–8
in cardiogenic shock 59
arrhythmias 104–34

facilitated 30
background 104-6

primary 211
in digoxin toxicity 203–4

rescue angioplasty 29
key points 133

anti-ischaemic agents 70
peri-infarction 65–75

antiarrhythmic drug therapy 105–6

atrial tachyarrhythmias 66–8

prophylactic 53
background 65

sinus tachycardia 66

in infective endocarditis 196, 197,

supraventricular/ventricular ectopic

beats 65–6

in pericarditis 222
post-infarction 76–7

anticardiolipin antibodies 168

supraventricular 211, 213

anticoagulants 44–5
treatment principles 104

oral, in pulmonary embolism 183–4

Arrow-Trerotola percutaneous

in pericarditis 222
thrombolytic device (PTD) 183

anti-inflammatory drugs, in pericarditis

arterial blood gases

in pulmonary embolism 174

reference ranges 260

coronary stenting and 211

aspiration catheters 23

duration of 43–4
aspirin 19

oral 18
in acute coronary syndromes 40–1

aortic dissection 149–60

contraindications 41

blood pressure in 152, 156

in myocardial infarction 24

cardiac tamponade associated with 236

in myocardial ischaemia 211

chest pain 14, 152, 153

NSTEACS risk 31

classifications 149–50
in pericarditis 222

clinical features 152–3

ASSENT trials 26, 30

clinical outcome 163

asystole 98, 100

as consequence of non-penetrating
causes 85

cardiac trauma 226

atenolol 68, 243–4

diagnosis 153–5
atherosclerosis 3–4

epidemiology 149
risk factors 3–4

key points 164–5

atorvastatin 51

mortality 149, 163, 164

atrial fibrillation (AF) 106–8, 107

pathophysiology 150–1
diagnosis and assessment 108

symptoms and signs 152–3, 164

patients with accessory pathways 119–20

treatment 155–60, 157

peri-infarction 66–8


postoperative, treatment 111

biochemistry, reference ranges 259–60

treatment 67–8, 109–11

bisoprolol 49

atrial flutter 111–14, 112

bivalirudin 22, 44, 245

treatment 113–14
bleeding risk 40

atrial tachyarrhythmias 66–8

blood pressure

atrial tachycardia 120–2, 121, 123, 204

in aortic dissection 152, 156

atrioventricular (AV) block see heart

high see hypertension; hypertensive


atrioventricular nodal re-entry

low see hypotension

tachycardia (AVNRT) 114

body surface area, formula 263

treatment 115–16
bradyarrhythmias 127–33, 212, 215

atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia

clinical features and management

(AVRT) 116, 117–19


atropine 28
bradycardia, in volatile substance abuse

asystole 98
215, 216

in bradyarrhythmias 212, 215

brain natriuretic peptides (BNP), in

in bradycardia 214, 216

pulmonary embolism 177

cannabis 216
BRAVE-3 study 46

in digoxin toxicity 204

breathing, in CPR 88

in sinus bradycardia 70
British Society for Antimicrobial

in third degree heart block 74

Chemotherapy (BSAC) 196, 199,

in transvenous pacing 93

atropine sulphate 244

Bruce protocol 36

Brucella spp. 194

Bacillus cereus 189

bundle of His 71


gram-negative 190, 192

CADILLAC trial 22

HACEK group 190

calcium, myocardial depression 215

bacterial endocarditis 188–90, 213–14

calcium antagonists

balloon angioplasty 22
in atrial fibrillation 109

Bartonella spp. 194

and cocaine abuse 212

Bazett’s formula 263

calcium blockers, in atrial fibrillation 110

calcium channel antagonists, NSTEACS

in substance abuse 211, 213

patients 19

in transcutaneous pacing 91
calcium channel blockers 49

beta-adrenergic agonists, in digoxin

calcium chloride 245

toxicity 205
calcium gluconate 245

beta-blockers 48–9, 80, 100

CAMIAT trial 76

in aortic dissection 156

Candida 189, 210

in atrial fibrillation 109, 110

cannabis 215–16

in atrial tachycardia 122

CAPTIM trial 25

contraindications 48
cardiac arrest 84–7

in first degree heart block 72

algorithm 97

in gestational hypertension 145

cardiac catheterization 59, 70

hypertension and 211

cardiac contusion 226–9

in intramural aortic haematoma 162

cardiac enzyme studies 9–14

NSTEACS patients 19, 49

cardiac herniation 230

in phaeochromocytoma 144
cardiac ischaemia 99

pre-existing therapy 53
cardiac rupture 229

STEMI patients 48–9

cardiac tamponade 230, 234–8

in supraventricular arrhythmia 214

associated with cardiac trauma/aortic

in supraventricular tachycardias 205

dissection 236

in volatile substance abuse 215

background 234


cardiac tamponade (continued)


causes 235
in pericarditis 15, 218

clinical presentation 234–6

pleuritic 171, 185

definition 234
referred 16

key points 237

risk assessment 16–17

management 236–7
chest x-rays

cardiac trauma 225–33

in aortic dissection 154

background 225
in cardiac tamponade 235

cardiac tamponade associated with

in cardiac trauma 230, 232

in infective endocarditis 195

causes 225
in pericardiocentesis 237

key points 232

in pulmonary embolism 174

non-penetrating 225, 225–9

Chlamydia 4, 194

consequences 226
chlorpheniramine 27

electrocardiography 226, 227–8

cholelithiasis, chest pain 15

penetrating 225, 231–2

cholesterol, LDL, Friedwald’s equation

consequences 231

management 232
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cardiobacterium spp. 190

(COPD) 19, 49, 115

cardiogenic shock 56–9

circulation, in CPR 88–9

background 56–8
CLARITY study 42, 43

diagnosis 58
clindamycin 199, 200

management 58–9
clopidogrel 19

risk factors 57
in acute coronary syndromes 41–2, 46,

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 47–8

84–103 in primary PCI 22

ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) co-proxamol 213

87–9 cocaine 208–12

active compression-decompression clinical effects 209–10

(ACD-CPR) 101
management 211–12

affecting rate of survival 86

pharmacology 208–9

background 84-7
coccobacilli, gram-negative 190

chest compression 87
Cockcroft and Gault formula 263

key points 102

colchicine, in pericarditis 222

new developments 101–2

COMMIT study 42, 43, 48

post-resuscitation care, early/late

commotio cordis, as consequence of

99–101 non-penetrating cardiac trauma

role of 86
226, 230–1
cardiovascular disease, mortality 84
computed tomography (CT)

multi-slice (MSCT) 17, 153, 154–5

direct current (DCC) 67, 69, 208, 211

spiral 164

electrical 205, 215

computed tomography pulmonary

CARE trial 50
angiography (CTPA), in

carvedilol 144
pulmonary embolism 174–5, 176,

catecholamine 209

conduction disturbances 71–4
aspiration catheters 23
after non-penetrating cardiac trauma
cardiac 59, 70

CCS-1 trial 50
after penetrating cardiac trauma 231

chest discomfort 209

congenital heart disease, as risk factor in

chest pain 6
infective endocarditis 189

in aortic dissection 14, 152, 153

contraceptives, oral, risks 53

non-cardiac 14–16
contrast venography 170, 171


cor pulmonale 174, 184

arrhythmias 203–4

coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

clinical presentation 203–4

19–20, 35–6, 36–7

management 204–7

coronary artery injury, as consequence of

digoxin-specific antibodies 205

non-penetrating cardiac trauma

dihydrocodeine 64

226, 230
dihydropyridine calcium antagonists 49

coronary perfusion pressure 87

diltiazem 49

corticosteroids, in pericarditis 222

in atrial fibrillation 110

Corynebacterium spp. 189

diphtheroids 190

COX-2 inhibitors 53
dipyrimadole, in AVNRT 115

Coxiella burnetii 194

direct current cardioversion (DCC) 109,

crack 208–12
110, 113, 116, 122, 208, 211

clinical effects 209–10

dobutamine 246, 257

management 211–12
in tricyclic antidepressant overdose

pharmacology 208–9

creatine kinase (CK) 9, 209–10

dopamine 209, 246, 257

creatinine clearance, formula 263

Dressler’s syndrome 65, 218

CRUSADE bleeding score 39

driving, DVLA requirements

CURE study 41, 42, 43

acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) 79

CURRENT OASIS-7 trial 42

primary PCI 23

cytomegalovirus 4
drug abuse

key points 216

D-dimers, in pulmonary embolism 170,

see also substance abuse; and

individual drugs

dalteparin 33, 37
drug use, intravenous (IVDU) 189, 191,

danaparoid, in thrombocytopenia 40
192, 194

DAVIT trials 49
drug-related cardiac problems 203–17

key points 216

deep venous thrombosis (DVT) 168,


169–71, 184, 185

antiarrhythmic 105–6, 109, 120, 126,

defibrillation 89–91, 90

implantable cardioverter defibrillator


(ICD) 64
regimens 240–56

new techniques 101–2

use (IVDU) 189, 191, 192

dental procedures, prophylaxis 199

pre-existing drug therapy 53

dental sepsis, chronic 4

recreational 216

dextropropoxyphene 213
see also substance abuse; and

diabetic retinopathy 27
individual drugs

diamorphine 18
dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) 22,

in left ventricular failure 55

43, 63

Duke criteria, for diagnosis of infective

in hypertensive emergencies 145

endocarditis 192–4, 193–4

for seizures 208

dyspnoea 171, 185

DIGAMI trials 53

Digibind 122, 205, 206

EARLY-ACS trial 47

digoxin 245

antiarrhythmic drug therapy 106

in aortic dissection 153

in atrial fibrillation (AF) 67–8, 109, 110

transoesophageal (TOE) 153, 154,

in atrial tachycardia 120–2


in first degree heart block 72

transthoracic (TTE) 154

in supraventricular arrhythmias 214

in cardiac tamponade 235–6

in supraventricular tachycardias 205

family screening 101

digoxin toxicity 203–6

in hypotension 59


echocardiography (continued) Ewart’s sign 219

in infective endocarditis 194–5, 196

EXTRACT-TIMI 25 trial 44

transoesophageal (TOE) 195

transthoracic 195
family screening 101

in left ventricular failure 55

fenoldopam, in hypertensive

left ventricular thrombus 63

emergencies 142

mitral regurgitation 63
fibrinogen 45

in non-penetrating cardiac trauma 229

flecainide 247

in penetrating cardiac trauma 232

in atrial fibrillation 110

in pericardiocentesis 236, 237

in atrial tachycardia 120

in pericarditis 220
flucloxacillin 196, 200

in pulmonary embolism 173, 177

fondaparinux 247

reference ranges 262

and bleeding risk 40, 44–5

transoesophageal (TOE) 153, 154, 164,

formulae 263

177, 195, 229

4S trial 50

in ventricular free wall rupture 61

Friedwald’s equation 263

in ventricular septal rupture 61

FRISC studies 33, 37, 38

ecstasy 208–12 frusemide

clinical effects 209–10 in left ventricular failure 56

management 211–12 in pulmonary oedema 18

pharmacology 208–9 fungal infections 190, 192

ectopic beats, ventricular 76

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 150

Eikenella spp. 190

gentamicin 196, 200

gestational hypertension 144–5, 147

in acute coronary syndromes 7–9

giant cell aortitis 151

in cardiac tamponade 235

GISSI trials 24, 50, 52

family screening 101

glomerulonephritis, focal 191

in myocardial infarction 222

glucagon 248

in non-penetrating cardiac trauma

glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) 248

226, 227–8
in hypertensive emergencies 142

in NSTEACS 31–2
glycoprotein (Gp) IIb/IIIa inhibitors

in pericarditis 220, 221, 222


in pulmonary embolism 174

NSTEACS patients 19

reference ranges 262

GRACE score 33–5, 56

in thrombolysis 29
GRACIA-1 trial 29

EMIAT trial 76
gram-negative bacteria 190, 192

endocarditis 210
GUSTO trials 25, 26, 33

bacterial 213–14

see also infective endocarditis;

haematological reference ranges 260–1

prosthetic valve endocarditis

haemodialysis, in digoxin toxicity 205

enoxaparin 44
haemodynamic pressures and parameters,

enterococci 190
reference ranges 261–2

EPIC trial 45
haemopericardium 230

EPILOG trial 45–6

Haemophilus spp. 190

EPISTENT trial 45
haemoptysis 171, 185

eptifibatide 45, 46–8, 247

Hampton’s hump 174

in thrombocytopenia 40
heart block 129–32

esmolol 205, 246–7

in anterior STEMI 71

ESPRIT study 47
complete (third degree) 71, 74, 75, 131,

EUROPA study 50

European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 3,

first degree 72, 73, 130

Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) 72, 129,

EVA-AMI study 47


Mobitz type 2 (second degree) 72–4,

epidemiology 135–6

129, 132
key points 146–7

heart failure, in infective endocarditis

management 140–1

mortality 146

Heart Protection Study 50

pathophysiology 136–8

Helicobacter 4
in pregnancy 144–5

heparin 22, 44, 197

renal complications 138, 139, 147

after streptokinase 44
specific 142–6

in atrial fibrillation 68, 109, 110

treatment environment 147

low-molecular weight (LMWH) 40,

hypertensive encephalopathy 138, 141,

64, 181
142–3, 146, 147

NSTEACS patients 19
hypertensive retinopathy 138, 147

in renal impairment 39
hypokalaemia 51, 205

trials 33, 37, 44


in myocardial infarction 24
in pericarditis 222
in hypovolaemia 59–60
in pulmonary embolism 178, 180–1,
in right ventricular infarction 59–60
182, 185
in thrombolysis 27–8
in thrombocytopenia 40
in substance abuse 209, 214, 215, 216

tirofiban with 46–7

hypovolaemia, hypertension and 59

unfractionated (UFH) 39, 40, 44, 46,

hypoxaemia 173, 174, 182

180–1 hypoxia 18–19, 99, 100, 215

heparin anticoagulation 179–81

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia ibuprofen, in pericarditis 222

(HIT) 40, 169, 181

ideoventricular rhythm 68

heroin 213, 214

ileofemoral thrombus fragmentation 183

hirudin 181
impedance plethysmography (IPG) 171

Holter monitoring 101

indomethacin, in pericarditis 222

HOPE study 50
infective endocarditis (IE) 188–202

HORIZONS trial 42
acute/sub acute 188

antibiotics 196, 197, 198–9

hormone replacement therapy (HRT),

anticoagulant therapy 197

risks 53
antimicrobial treatment 196–7, 197

Horner’s syndrome 153

causes 188–9

hydralazine, and hypertension 211

causes of fever during treatment 197

hydrocortisone 27
clinical presentation 190–2

hydroxocobalamin 156
definition 188

hypercapnia 173
diagnosis and investigations 192–5

hypercoagulability 168
epidemiology and pathophysiology

hyperglycaemia 52–3

hyperkalaemia 203
key points 200–1

microbiology 190

gestational 144–5, 147

mortality 188

malignant 135, 146

prevention 199–200

renovascular 135
risk factors 189

in substance abuse 210, 211, 212, 213, 216

surgery, indications for 197–9, 198

hypertensive emergencies 135–48

inferior vena caval filters 184

cardiovascular complications 138

INJECT trial 26, 28

causes 137
INSTEAD trial 159–60

cerebrovascular complications 138

insulin 52–3, 248, 258

clinical evaluation 139–40

INTERCEPT trial 49

clinical features 138–9, 146, 147

International Registry of Acute Aortic

in critical illness 145–6

Dissection (IRAD) 149, 150, 158,

drug therapy 141–2

160, 163


INTIME-2 trial 26
low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

intramural aortic haematoma (IMH)

see under heparin

160–1, 161–2, 162, 164

lower limb evaluation, in pulmonary

intravenous drugs
embolism 176–7

regimens 240–56
lupus anticoagulant 168

use (IVDU) 189, 191, 192

lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) 212–13

ISAR-COOL trial 38

ISAR-REACT 2 study 46
McConnell’s sign 177

MADIT trials 76

cardiac 99
magic mushrooms (psilocybin) 212–13

recurrent, after thrombolysis 29–30

MAGIC trial 52

ischaemic heart disease 84

magnesium 212

ISIS studies 41, 50, 52

in digoxin toxicity 205

isoprenaline 249
therapy 52

in digoxin toxicity 205

magnesium sulphate 250

in transvenous pacing 93
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

isosorbide dinitrate 249

in aortic dissection 155

in pulmonary embolism 171, 176

Janeway lesions 191

manganese 210

journals 267
Marfan’s syndrome 150, 158, 164

MDPIT trial 49

Kingella spp. 190

mediastinal complications, in aortic

Klebsiella 210
dissection 153

Kussmaul’s sign 234–5

methadone 213

metoclopramide 55

labetalol 249–50
metoprolol 48, 49, 251

in aortic dissection 156

microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia

in hypertensive emergencies 140, 141,

139, 147

144, 145, 147

midazolam 69

in substance abuse 211

MIRACL trial 51

laboratory values 259–60

mitral regurgitation 62–3

Lactobacillus 189
Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) heart block

left ventricular aneurysm (LVA) 63–4

72, 129, 132

left ventricular failure (LVF) 54–6, 146

Mobitz type 2 (second degree) heart

background 54
block 72–4, 129, 132

diagnosis and assessment 55

morphine 213

treatment 55–6

left ventricular thrombus 63–4

acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) 1

Legionella spp. 194

aortic dissection 149, 163, 164

lepirudin 181
cardiovascular disease 84

in thrombocytopenia 40
hypertensive emergencies 146

leukaemia, risk of thrombotic

infective endocarditis (IE) 188

complications 169
pulmonary embolism (PE) 167

lidocaine (lignocaine) 212, 250

thrombolysis 24

in digoxin toxicity 205

MULTISTRATEGY study 22, 47

in intravenous pacing 93
musculoskeletal disorders, chest pain 15

in pericardiocentesis 236
MUST trial 76

in tricyclic antidepressant overdose

mycotic aneurysms 191

myeloproliferative disorders, platelet

in ventricular fibrillation 98
aggregation in 169

lignocaine see lidocaine

myocardial infarction (MI)

LIMIT-2 study 52
acute inferior 12

LIPID trial 50
anterolateral 10


classification 3
noradrenaline 209, 251–2

high lateral 11
in pulmonary embolism 179, 185

posterior wall 13
in tricyclic antidepressant overdose

in substance abuse 209, 215


myocardial ischaemia, in substance

abuse 209, 211, 215

OASIS trials 44, 45

oesophageal reflux, chest pain 15

consequences of non-penetrating
ON-TARGET 2 trial 47

cardiac trauma 226

Osler’s nodes 191

consequences of penetrating cardiac

oximetry 63

trauma 231

myoglobin 9–14
in cardiac ischaemia 215

in CPR 88

naloxone 251
in myocardial ischaemia 211

in substance abuse 214

oxygen supplementation, in pulmonary

narcoleptic agents, in substance abuse

embolism 178–9, 185


narcotic analgesics 213–14

pacing 91

National Institute for Health and

in atrial flutter 113

Clinical Excellence (NICE) 199

in AVNRT 115

nephrotic syndrome, venous thrombosis

in bradyarrhythmias 212, 215

in 169
in digoxin toxicity 205

nifedipine, in gestational hypertension

non-invasive (transcutaneous) 91, 92

permanent, after STEMI 74

nitrates 52, 61, 70

in persistent bradycardia 214

in hypertension 211
in resistant ventricular tachycardia 70

in hypertensive emergencies 142

in sinus bradycardia 70

in myocardial ischaemia 211

in third degree heart block 74

NSTEACS patients 19
in Torsades de Pointes 69–70

nitric oxide (NO) 5

transvenous 91–5

nitroprusside, and hypertension 211

indications for 93

non-ST elevation acute coronary

pain see chest pain

syndromes (NSTEACS) 2, 2,
Palla’s sign 174

5–6, 9
PAMI-II trial 23

adjunctive medical therapy 40–8

penetrating atherosclerotic ulceration

bleeding risk 39
(PAU) 160–1, 164

chest discomfort 6
penicillin 196

chest pain 32
allergy 196, 199, 200

emergency care 19
peptic ulcer disease, chest pain 15

exercise test 33
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

high-risk patients 35–6

early, after thrombolysis 29–30

low-risk patients 36
in NSTEACS 35, 36–8

revascularization strategies 36–8

primary 20, 20–3

risk assessment 31–2

adjunctive therapy during 22–3

risk scores 33–6, 34

assessment prior to 21–2

treatment 31–2
benefits over thrombolysis 20–1

non-ST elevation myocardial infarction

driving, DVLI criteria 23

early discharge after 23

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

low-risk patients 23

53, 64
in thrombolysis 24

in non-penetrating cardiac trauma 229

perfusion scans see ventilation/perfusion

in pericardial injury 230

(V/Q) scans

Noonan’s syndrome 151

pericardial aspiration 223


pericardial injury psilocybin (magic mushrooms)

as consequence of non-penetrating 212–13
cardiac trauma 226, 229–30 pulmonary angiography, in pulmonary
consequences of penetrating cardiac embolism 170, 176

trauma 231
pulmonary embolectomy 182–3

pericardiocentesis 236–7
pulmonary embolism (PE) 167–87

pericarditis 64–5, 218–24, 230

background 167–9

causes 218, 219

clinical signs 168

chest pain 15, 218

diagnosis 171–8, 178

clinical features 218–19

algorithms for 178, 179, 180

complications 223
differential diagnosis 173

definition 218
epidemiology 167

diagnosis 219–22
incidence 169

high-risk features 223

investigations 174–8

key points 223–4

key points 185–6

management 222–3
mortality 167

symptoms 218–19
risk factors 168–9

perindopril 50
symptoms 171–2, 185

petechiae 191, 226

treatment 178–85, 185–6

phaeochromocytoma 135, 139, 144

pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 100

arrhythmia algorithms 98–9

and hypertension 211

causes 85

in myocardial ischaemia 211

pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)

phenytoin 205, 208

86, 95–8, 96

PIOPED study 175, 176

treatment 89

plaques, atherosclerotic 4, 79
PURSUIT trial 47

plasminogen activators 25

quinidine, predisposing to

aggregation 169
tachyarrhythmias 204

see also antiplatelets

PLATO trial 43
radiofrequency ablation, in atrial flutter
pleura, chest pain 15

pleural effusion 153

ramipril 50

polycythaemia, risk of thrombotic

REACT trial 29

complications 169
reference ranges 259–62

potassium 51
renal failure, acute 139, 147

in atrial tachycardia 122

renal impairment, bleeding risk with

potassium chloride 252

PRAIS-UK study 32
renin-angiotensin system activation
prasugrel 19, 22, 42–3
pravastatin 51
prazosin 145
system 136

pregnancy, hypertensive emergencies

reperfusion, failed, in thrombolysis 28

rescue angioplasty 29

PREMIER study 43
restenosis 22

PRISM studies 46
resuscitation see cardiopulmonary

propranolol 252

prosthetic valve endocarditis 189, 191,

reteplase (r-PA) 25–6, 182, 253

195, 199
revascularization strategies in NSTEACS

prosthetic valves, aortic 158


protamine sulphate 222

rhabdomyolysis 210

PROVE-IT trial 51
rheumatic heart disease 189

Pseudomonas 210
rifampicin 196


right ventricular infarction, hypotension Streptococcus bovis 192

59–60 Streptococcus viridans 188, 190, 192

RITA-3 study 37–8 streptokinase 255

Roth’s spots 191

allergic reactions 27, 27–8

heparin after 44

SAN disease 132

in myocardial infarction 24

SAVE trial 50
in pulmonary embolism 182

screening for family 101

stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy 30–1

seizures 208
stress testing 101

serotonin 5, 209
stroke risk, in thrombolysis 24–5, 28

shock see cardiogenic shock

substance abuse 208–16

SHOCK trial 26, 57

hypertension in 210, 211, 212, 213, 216

sickle cell disease, risk of thrombotic

hypotension in 209, 214, 215, 216

complications 169
supraventricular arrhythmias 211, 213

sino-atrial node (SAN) disease 129–32

supraventricular tachyarrhythmias 210,

sinus bradycardia 70
211, 214, 215

sinus tachycardia 66, 208

supraventricular tachycardias 205

skin conditions, chest pain 15

SYNERGY trial 44

SMASH trial 57

smoking, after acute coronary


syndrome 78
narrow/broad-complex 105–6

sodium bicarbonate 212, 253–4

supraventricular 210, 211, 214, 215

sodium nitroprusside 254–5

ventricular 210, 211, 214, 215

in aortic dissection 156


in hypertensive emergencies 140, 141,

atrial 204

142, 147
atrioventricular nodal re-entry

sotalol, in atrial tachycardia 120

(AVNRT) 114–16

splinter haemorrhages 191

classification 105–6

ST elevation myocardial infarction

sinus 207-8

(STEMI) 1, 2, 5, 17
supraventricular 205

adjunctive medical therapy 40–8

TACTICS-TIMI 18 trial 37, 38

atrioventricular block 71
Takotsubo (stress) cardiomyopathy 30–1

chest discomfort 6
tamponade see cardiac tamponade

diagnosis 8
TAPAS trial 23

emergency reperfusion therapy 19

TARGET study 47

with normal coronary arteries 30–1

teicoplanin 200

peri-infarction arrhythmias 65–74,

tenecteplase (TNK) 25–6, 255–6

73, 75
theophyllines, in AVNRT 115

pericarditis 64–5

treatment 2, 19–20
in acute coronary syndromes 19, 41,

stab wounds 231


STACKENOX trial 44
in primary PCI 22

Staphylococcus aureus 188, 189, 190, 190,

thrombectomy, mechanical 183

thrombocytopenia 40

Staphylococcus epidermidis 190

heparin-induced (HIT) 40

statins 50–1, 80
thromboembolic pulmonary disease

STEEPLE trial 44

thromboembolism 64

and antiplatelet medication 211

thrombolysis 20, 23–30

bare metal (BMS) 22

allergic reactions 27

drug-eluting (DES) 22, 43

background 23–5

Stokes-Adams attacks 129

complications 27–8

streptococci 190
exclusion criteria 26–7


thrombolysis (continued)
Valsalva manoeuvre 210

failed reperfusion 28
vancomycin 196

haemorrhage 27
Vaughan-Williams drug classification

hypotension 27–8

inclusion criteria 26
venous thromboembolism 167–9,

mortality 24

in pulmonary embolism 183

ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scans 175,

recurrent ischaemia and early PCI

175, 185

after 29–30
ventricular arrhythmias 122–7

stroke risk 24–5, 28

ventricular ectopic beats 76

trials 24–5
ventricular ectopics 204

thrombolytic agents, selection of, studies

ventricular fibrillation (VF) 70, 86, 89,

95–8, 96, 127

thrombolytic devices, percutaneous

causes 84–5

(PTD) 183, 186

ventricular free wall rupture 60–1

thrombolytic therapy
ventricular septal rupture 61–2

in myocardial infarction 24
ventricular tachyarrhythmias 210, 211,

in pulmonary embolism 182–3

214, 215

thromboxane 209
ventricular tachycardia (VT) 76–7, 125

thromboxane A 2 5
monomorphic 69, 96, 124–6

thrombus, ileofemoral 183

non-sustained 68

ticagrelor 19, 43
polymorphic 69, 126–7, 128

TIMACS trial 38
pulseless 86, 89, 95–8, 96

TIMI risk score 33–5

sustained 69

tirofiban 45, 46–8, 256

verapamil 49, 256

with heparin 46–7

in atrial fibrillation 110

in AVNRT 115

in thrombocytopenia 40
predisposing to bradycardia and AV

tissue plasminogen activator 182

block 204

Torsade de Pointes 69–70, 213

in substance abuse 213

TRACE trial 50
in supraventricular arrhythmia


trauma see cardiac trauma

in supraventricular tachycardias

tricyclic antidepressant (TCAD)


overdose 206–8
Virchow’s triad 173, 185 168, 185

clinical presentation 206–7

visceral infarction 153

management 207–8
vitamin B12 156

TRITON-TIMI 38 study 43
vitamin K 184

troponin(s) 210
volatile substance abuse 214–15

cardiac 14, 16, 34, 79

von Willebrand factor 45

in non-penetrating cardiac trauma 229

in NSTEACS 33, 34, 37

warfarin 22, 63

in pulmonary embolism 177

in atrial fibrillation 110

Turner’s syndrome 151

in pulmonary embolism 183, 184

web addresses 264–7

Wells score 177–8, 178

atherosclerotic plaques 4
Westermark sign 174

compression ultrasound 170

Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)

unfractionated heroin (UFH) see under

syndrome 108, 109, 117, 118

treatment 119

UPET trial 174

WOSCOPS trial 50

urine analysis, in infective endocarditis

195, 196
x-rays see chest x-rays

urokinase 182
xanthopsia 203


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