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Antithyroid Drugs by Sejal Khuman Advanced phARMACOLGY 2

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GUIDE BY: Dr.Suresh.D.Sanja

1. Thyroid hormone

2. Chemistry and synthesis

3. Actions of thyroid hormone

4. Mechanism of action of thyroid hormones

5. Uses

6. Thyroid inhibitors

7. Classification of antithyroid drugs

8. Antithyroid drugs (thioamides)

* Introduction

* Difference between Propylthiouracil and Carbimazole

* Pharmacokinetic

* Adverse effect

* Uses

9. Iodine and iodide

* Actions of iodides

* Uses

* Adverse effects
10. Radioactive iodide / I

11. B adrenergic blocker ( propranolol)

12. Recent advances in autoimmune thyroid disease (3,4,5)

13. Previously asked gtu questions

14. References

The thyroid gland secretes 3 hormones—thyroxine (T4),
triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin.
The former two are produced by thyroid follicles, have similar
biological activity and the term ‘thyroid hormone’ is restricted to these
Calcitonin produced by interfollicular ‘C’ cells is chemically and
biologically entirely different. It is considered along with
parathormone, with which it regulates calcium metabolism.


Both T4 and T3 are iodine containing derivatives of thyronine which is
a condensation product of two molecules of the amino acid tyrosine.
Thyroxine; is 3, 5, 3´, 5´–tetraiodothyronine while T3 is 3, 5, 3´
The thyroid hormones are synthesized and stored in the thyroid
follicles as part of thyroglobulin molecule—which is a glycoprotein
synthesized by thyroid cells, MW 660 KDa, contains 10% sugar.
The synthesis, storage and release of T4 and T3 is summarized in Fig. 1
and involves the following processes.

1. Iodide uptake
 The total body content of I2, obtained from food and water, is
30–50 mg, out of which about 1/5 is present in the thyroid.
 Concentration of iodide in blood is low (0.2–0.4 µg/dl) but
thyroid cells have an active transport process Na+:: iodide

symporter (NIS) to concentrate this anion; this trapping is
stimulated by TSH to exceed a gradient of more than 100 fold
by inducing and activating NIS.
 The I2 content of thyroid gland somehow regulates the uptake
mechanism: meagre store activating and large store inhibiting
 The iodide concentrating mechanism is not peculiar to thyroid.
Skin, salivary glands, gastric mucosa, intestine, mammary
glands and placenta also possess it, but uptake in these organs
is not stimulated by TSH.

Figure 1 synthesis storage and release of thyroid hormone

(TG—Thyroglobulin; MIT—Mono iodotyrosine; DIT—Di iodo tyrosine;
T3—Triiodothyronine; T4—Thyroxine (Tetraiodothyronine); HOI—
Hypo iodous acid; EOI—Enzyme linked hypoiodate; NIS—Na+-iodide

2. Oxidation and iodination
 Iodide trapped by follicular cells is carried across the apical
membrane by another transporter termed ‘pendrin’ and
oxidized by the membrane bound thyroid peroxidase enzyme
to iodinium (I+) ions or hypoiodous acid (HOI) or enzyme-
linked hypoiodate (E-OI) with the help of H2O2.
 These forms of iodine combine avidly with tyrosil residues of
thyroglobulin, apparently without any enzymatic intervention,
to form monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT)
while these residues are still attached to the thyroglobulin
3. Coupling
 Pairs of iodinated tyrosil residues couple together (Fig.2) to
form T3 and T4.
 Normally much more T4 than T3 is formed, but during I2
deficiency relatively more MIT is available and a greater
proportion of T3 is formed.
 Thus, more active hormone is generated with lesser amount
of I2. Coupling is an oxidative reaction and is catalysed by the
same thyroid peroxidase.
 Thyroglobulin is the most efficient protein, compared to other
similar proteins, in supporting coupling by providing favourable
spatial configuration to facilitate the reaction.
 Oxidation of iodide and coupling are both stimulated by TSH.

Figure 2 Coupling of monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine
(DIT) to produce triiodothyronine (T3)
4. Storage and release
 Thyroglobulin containing iodinated tyrosil and thyronil residues
is transported to the interior of the follicles and remains stored
as thyroid colloid till it is taken back into the cells by
endocytosis and broken down by lysosomal proteases.
 The T4 and T3 so released is secreted into circulation while MIT
and DIT residues are deiodinated and the iodide released is
 The uptake of colloid and proteolysis are stimulated by TSH:
the quiscent gland has follicles distended with colloid and cells
are flat or cubical, while the TSH stimulated gland has
columnar cells and colloid virtually disappears.
 Normal human thyroid secretes 60–90 µg of T4 and 10–30 µg
of T3 daily.
5. Peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 Peripheral tissues,
 Especially liver and kidney, convert T4 to T3. About 1/3 of T4
secreted by thyroid undergoes this change and most of the T3
in plasma is derived from liver.
 Target tissues take up T3 from circulation for their metabolic
need, except brain and pituitary which take up T4 and convert
it to T3 within their own cells. Almost equal amounts of 3, 5, 3´
triiodothyronine (normal T3 : active) and 3, 3´, 5´
triiodothyronine (reverse T3 or rT3: inactive) are produced in
the periphery.
 The T4 to T3 conversion is carried out by the enzyme
iodothyronine deiodinase which exists in 3 forms (D1, D2, D3).
These forms differ in their organ and cellular localization as
well as product formed.
 Whereas type 2 deiodinase (D2) generates T3 and D3
generates rT3, the D1 form generates both T3 and rT3. The
antithyroid drug propylthiouracil (but not carbimazole) inhibits
Type1 deiodinase and the antiarrhythmic amiodarone inhibits
both D1 and D2 forms.
 Propranolol (high dose) and glucocorticoids also inhibit
peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (except in brain and in

The actions of T4 and T3 are qualitatively similar and are nicely
depicted in the features of hypo and hyperthyroidism. They affect the
function of practically everybody cell.
1. Growth and development
 T4 and T3 are essential for normal growth and development.
The most remarkable action is metamorphosis of tadpole to
frog: the tail is used-up to build lungs, limbs and other
 The action cannot be broadly labelled as catabolic or
anabolic. It is exerted through a critical control of protein
synthesis in the translation of the genetic code.

 Congenital deficiency of T4 and T3 resulting in cretinism
emphasizes their importance.
 The milestones of development are delayed and practically
every organ and tissue of the body suffers.
 The greatest sufferer, however, is the nervous system.
Retardation and nervous deficit is a consequence of paucity
of axonal and dendritic ramification, synapse formation and
impaired myelination.
 In adult hypothyroidism also, intelligence is impaired and
movements are slow.
2. Intermediary metabolism
 Thyroid hormones have marked effect on lipid, carbohydrate
and protein metabolism.
 Lipid
T4 and T3 indirectly enhance lipolysis by potentiating the
action of catecholamines and other lipolytic hormones,
probably by suppressing a phosphodiesterase → increased
cAMP. As a result plasma free fatty acid levels are elevated.
 All phases of cholesterol metabolism are accelerated,
but its conversion to bile acids dominates. Thus,
hyperthyroidism is characterized by
 LDL levels in blood are reduced.
 Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate metabolism is also stimulated. Though
utilization of sugar by tissues is increased (mainly secondary
to increased BMR), glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in
liver as well as faster absorption of glucose from intestines
more than compensate it → hyperglycaemia and diabetic-
like state with insulin resistance occur in hyperthyroidism.
 Protein
Synthesis of certain proteins is increased, but the overall
effect of T3 is catabolic— increased amounts of protein
being used as energy source.
 Prolonged action results in negative nitrogen balance
and tissue wasting.
 Weight loss is a feature of hyperthyroidism.
 T3, T4 in low concentrations inhibit mucoprotein
synthesis which so characteristically accumulates in
3. Calorigenesis
 T3 and T4 increase BMR by stimulation of cellular
metabolism and resetting of the energystat.
 This is important for maintaining body temperature.
However, metabolic rate in brain, gonads, uterus, spleen and
lymph nodes is not significantly affected.
 The mechanism of calorigenesis was believed to be
uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation: excess energy
being released as heat.
 However, this occurs only at very high doses and is not
involved in mediating the physiological actions of T3, T4.
Dinitrophenol uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, but has
no thyroid-like activity.
4. CVS
 T3 and T4 cause a hyperdynamic state of circulation which is
partly secondary to increased peripheral demand and partly
due to direct cardiac actions.
 Heart rate, contractility and output are increased resulting
in a fast, bounding pulse.

 T3 and T4 stimulate heart by direct action on contractile
elements (increasing the myosin fraction having greater Ca2+
ATPase activity) and probably by up regulation of β
adrenergic receptors.
 Atrial fibrillation and other irregularities are common in
 Thyroid hormones can also precipitate CHF and angina. BP,
specially systolic, is often raised.
 Myocardial O2 consumption can be markedly reduced by
induction of hypothyroidism.
5. Nervous system
 T3, T4 have profound functional effect on CNS. Mental
retardation is the hallmark of cretinism; sluggishness and
other behavioral features are seen in myxoedema.
 Hyperthyroid individuals are anxious, nervous, excitable,
exhibit tremors and hyperreflexia.
6. Skeletal muscle
 Muscles are flabby and weak in myxoedema, while
thyrotoxicosis produces increased muscle tone, tremor and
weakness due to myopathy.
7. GIT
 Propulsive activity of gut is increased by T3/T4.
 Hypothyroid patients are often constipated, while diarrhoea
is common in hyperthyroidism.
8. Kidney
 T3 and T4 do not cause diuresis in euthyroid individuals, but
the rate of urine flow is often increased when
myxoedematous patients are treated with it.
9. Haemopoiesis

 Hypothyroid patients suffer from some degree of anaemia
which is restored only by T4 treatment.
 Thus, T4 appears to be facilitatory to erythropoiesis.
10. Reproduction
 Thyroid has an indirect effect on reproduction.
 Fertility is impaired in hypothyroidism and women suffer
from oligomenorrhoea.
 Normal thyroid function is required for maintenance of
pregnancy and lactation.

4.Mechanism of action
 Both T3 and T4 penetrate cells by active transport and produce majority of
their actions by combining with a nuclear thyroid hormone receptor (TR)
which belongs to the steroid and retinoid superfamily of intracellular
 Two TR isoform families (TRα and TRβ) have been identified. Both bind T3
and function in similar manner, but their tissue distribution differs, which
may account for quantitative differences in the sensitivity of different
tissues to T3.
 In contrast to the steroid receptor, the TR resides in the nucleus even in
the unliganded inactive state.
 It is bound to the ‘thyroid hormone response element’ (TRE) in the
enhancer region of the target genes along with corepressors (Fig. 3).
 This keeps gene transcription suppressed.
 When T3 binds to the ligand-binding domain of TR, it heterodimerizes with
retinoid X receptor (RXR) and undergoes a conformation change releasing
the corepressor and binding the coactivator.
 This induces gene transcription → production of specific mRNA and a
specific pattern of protein synthesis → various metabolic and anatomic

 The expression of certain genes is repressed by T3. In their case, the
unliganded TR allows gene transcription, while binding of T3 to TR halts
the process.
 Many of the effects, e.g. tachycardia, arrhythmias, raised BP, tremor,
hyperglycaemia are mediated, at least partly, by sensitization of
adrenergic receptors to catecholamines.
 Induction of adenylyl cyclase, proliferation of β adrenoceptors and a
better coupling between these two has been demonstrated.

(Figure 3 Mechanism of action of thyroid hormone on nuclear thyroid hormone receptor

(TR). T3—Triiodothyronine; T4—Thyroxine; TRE—Thyroid hormone response element; RXR
—Retinoid X receptor; mRNA—Messenger ribonucleic acid; 5’DI—5’Deiodinase )

 The most important use of thyroid hormone is for replacement
therapy in deficiency states:
1. Cretinism
 It is due to failure of thyroid development or a defect in
hormone synthesis (sporadic cretinism) or due to extreme
iodine deficiency (endemic cretinism).
 It is usually detected during infancy or childhood; but
screening of neonates is the best preventive strategy.

 Treatment with thyroxine (8–12 µg/kg) daily should be
started as early as possible, because mental retardation
that has already ensued is only partially reversible.
 Response is dramatic: physical growth and development
are restored and further mental retardation is prevented.
2. Adult hypothyroidism (Myxoedema)
 This is one of the commonest endocrine disorders which
develops as a consequence of autoimmune thyroiditis or
thyroidectomy; It may accompany simple goiter if iodine
deficiency is severe.
 Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase or thyroglobulin are
responsible for majority of cases of adult hypothyroidism.
 Important drugs that can cause hypothyroidism are 131I,
iodides, lithium and amiodarone. Treatment with T4 is
most gratifying. It is often wise to start with a low dose—
50 µg of l-thyroxine daily and increase every 2–3 weeks to
an optimum of 100–200 µg/day.
 Further dose adjustments are made at 4–6 week intervals
needed for reaching steady-state. Individualization of
proper dose is critical, aiming at normalization of serum
TSH levels.
 Increase in dose is mostly needed during pregnancy.
Subclinical hypothyroidism characterized by euthyroid
status and normal free serum thyroxine (FT4) level (> 9
pmol/L) but raised TSH level (>10 mU/L) should be treated
with T4. For TSH level between 6–10 mU/L, replacement
therapy is optional. It is preferable if patient has other
cardiovascular risk factors.
3. Myxoedema coma

 It is an emergency; characterized by progressive mental
deterioration due to acute hypothyroidism: carries
significant mortality.
 Rapid thyroid replacement is crucial. Though liothyronine
(T3) acts faster, its use is attended by higher risk of cardiac
arrhythmias, angina, etc.
 Drug of choice is l-thyroxine (T4) 200–500 μg i.v. followed
by 100 μg i.v. OD till oral therapy can be instituted.
 Some authorities recommend adding low dose i.v. T3 10
μg 8 hourly in younger patients with no arrhythmia or
 Alternatively oral T4 500 μg loading dose followed by 100–
300 μg daily may be used, but in severe hypothyroidism,
oral absorption is delayed and inconsistent.
 Other essential measures needed are— warming the
patient, i.v. corticosteroids to cover attendant adrenal
insufficiency, ventilatory and cardiovascular support,
correction of hyponatraemia and hypoglycaemia.
4. Nontoxic goiter
 It may be endemic or sporadic. Endemic is due to iodine
deficiency which may be accentuated by factors present
in water (excess calcium), food or milk (goitrin,
 A defect in hormone synthesis may be responsible for
sporadic cases. In both types, deficient production of
thyroid hormone leads to excess TSH → thyroid enlarges,
more efficient trapping of iodide occurs and probably
greater proportion of T3 is synthesized → enough

hormone to meet peripheral demands is produced so that
the patient is clinically euthyroid.
 Thus, treatment with T4 is in fact replacement therapy in
this condition as well, despite no overt hypothyroidism.
Full maintenance doses must be given.
 Most cases of recent diffuse enlargement of thyroid
regress. Long-standing goiter with degenerative and
fibrotic changes and nodular goiter regress little or not at
 Thyroxine therapy may be withdrawn after a year or so in
some cases if adequate iodine intake is ensured. Others
need life-long therapy.
 Endemic goiter and cretinism due to iodine deficiency in
pregnant mother is preventable by ensuring daily
ingestion of 150–200 µg of iodine. This is best achieved by
iodizing edible salt by adding iodate (preferred over
 In India iodization of table salt (100 µg iodine/g salt) is
required under the National Programme, but recently
mandatory iodization rule has been withdrawn.
5. Thyroid nodule
 Certain benign functioning nodules regress when TSH is
suppressed by T4 therapy.
 Nonfunctional nodules and those nonresponsive to TSH
(that are associated with low TSH levels) do not respond
and should not be treated with levothyroxine.
 T4 therapy should be stopped if the nodule does not
decrease in size within 6 months, and when it stops
regressing after the initial response.

6. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
This type of cancer is often responsive to TSH. In nonresectable
cases, full doses of T4 suppress endogenous TSH production
and may induce temporary regression.
7. Empirical uses
 T4 has been sometimes used in the following conditions
without any rationale; response is unpredictable.
Refractory anaemias.
 Mental depression Menstrual disorders, infertility not
corrected by usual treatment. Chronic/non-healing ulcers.
Obstinate constipation.
 Thyroxine is not to be used for obesity and as a
hypocholesterolemic agent.

These are drugs used to lower the functional capacity of the
hyperactive thyroid gland.
 Thyrotoxicosis is due to excessive secretion of thyroid
hormones. The two main causes are Graves’ disease and toxic
nodular goiter.
 Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder: IgG class of
antibodies to the TSH receptor are detected in blood.
 They bind to and stimulate thyroid cells, and produce other
TSH like effects. Due to feedback inhibition, TSH levels are low.
The accompanying exophthalmos is due to autoimmune
inflammation of periorbital tissues.

 Toxic nodular goiter, which produces thyroid hormone
independent of TSH, mostly supervenes on old nontoxic
goiters. It is more common in the elderly; ocular changes
are generally absent.


1. Inhibit hormone synthesis (Antithyroid drugs)

2. Inhibit iodide trapping (Ionic inhibitors)
Thiocyanates (–SCN),
Perchlorates (–ClO4),
Nitrates (–NO3).
3.Inhibit hormone release
Iodides of Na and K,
Organic iodide.
4. Destroy thyroid tissue
Radioactive iodine (131I, 125I, 123I).
Compounds in groups 1 and 2 may be collectively called goitrogens
because, if given in excess, they cause enlargement of thyroid by
feedback release of TSH.

By convention, only the hormone synthesis inhibitors are called
antithyroid drugs, though this term has also been applied to all thyroid
Thiourea derivatives were found to produce goiter and hypothyroidism
in rats in the 1940s.
Open chain compounds were found to be toxic. Subsequently, methyl
and propyl thiouracil and thioimidazole derivatives methimazole and
carbimazole were found to be safe and effective.
Antithyroid drugs bind to the thyroid peroxidase and prevent oxidation
of iodide/ iodotyrosyl residues, thereby;
(i) Inhibit iodination of tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin
(ii) Inhibit coupling of iodotyrosine residues to form T3 and
Action (ii) has been observed at lower concentration of
antithyroid drugs than action (i). Thyroid colloid is
depleted over time and blood levels of T3/T4 are
progressively lowered.
Thioamides do not interfere with trapping of iodide and
do not modify the action of T3 and T4 on peripheral
tissues or on pituitary.
 Goiter is not the result of potentiation of TSH action on
thyroid, but is due to increased TSH release as a
consequence of reduction in feedback inhibition.
 No goiter occurs if antithyroid drugs are given to
hypophysectomised animals or if T4 is given along with
them. Antithyroid drugs do not affect release of T3 and T4

—their effects are not apparent till thyroid is depleted of
its hormone content.
 Propylthiouracil also inhibits peripheral conversion of T4
to T3 by D1 type of 5’DI, but not by D2 type. This may
partly contribute to its antithyroid effects. Methimazole
and carbimazole do not have this action (Table 1) and may
even antagonize that of propylthiouracil.

(Table 1 difference between prothiouracil and carbimazole )

 Pharmacokinetics
All antithyroid drugs are
 Absorption-quickly absorbed orally,
 Distribution- widely distributed in the body enter milk and
cross placenta;
 Metabolism- metabolized in liver
 Excretion -excreted in urine primarily as metabolites.
 All are concentrated in thyroid: intrathyroid t½ is longer: effect of
a single dose lasts longer than would be expected from the plasma
 Adverse effects
 Hypothyroidism & goiter can occur due t overtreatment, but is
reversible on stopping the drug
Other:- g.i. intolerance, skin rashes and joint pain
 Loss or graying of hair, loss of taste, fever & liver damage are
 Rarly:- agranulocytosis

a) As definitive therapy
b) Preoperatively
c) Along with 131 I
i)As definitive therapy
Remission in Graves’ disease occurs after 1–2 yrs & then withdrawn
*If symptoms recur—treatment is reinstituted (in young)
Remissions are rare in toxic nodular goiter: surgery (or 131I) is
Elderly patient with multinodular goiter who may be less responsive to
131I, permanent maintenance therapy with antithyroid drugs can be
ii) Preoperatively:- Surgery in thyrotoxic patients is risky Patients
rendered euthyroid with carbimazole before performing
subtotal thyroidectomy
iii) Along with 131Ià Initial control with antithyroid drug—1 to
2 weeks gap—radioiodine dosing—resume antithyroid
drug after
5–7 days and gradually withdraw over 3 months as the
to 131I develops

*Preferred in older patients treated with 131I who
prompt control of severe hyperthyroidism
 Advantages of antithyroid drugs over surgery/131I
a)No surgical risk, scar or chances of injury to parathyroid
glands or recurrent laryngeal nerve
b) Hypothyroidism, if induced, is reversible
c) Can be used even in children and young adults

Disadvantages are:
(a) Prolonged (often life-long) treatment is needed because
relapse rate is high
(b) Not practicable in uncooperative/unintelligent patient
(c) Drug toxicity


 Though iodine is a constituent of thyroid hormones, it is the
fastest acting thyroid inhibitor.
 In Grave’s disease the gland, if enlarged, shrinks, becomes firm
and less vascular. The thyroid status starts returning to normal at
a rate commensurate with complete stoppage of hormone release
from the gland. The thyroid gland involutes and colloid is restored.
 The response to iodine and iodides is identical, because elemental
iodine is reduced to iodide in the intestines.
 With daily administration, peak effects are seen in 10–15 days,
after which ‘thyroid escape’ occurs and thyrotoxicosis may return
with greater vengeance. Worsening of hyperthyroidism especially
occurs in multinodular goiter.

 All facets of thyroid function seem to be affected, but the most
important action is inhibition of hormone release—‘thyroid
 Endocytosis of colloid and proteolysis of thyroglobulin comes to a
halt. The mechanism of action is not clear.
 Excess iodide inhibits its own transport into thyroid cells by
interfering with expression of NIS on the cell membrane.
 In addition, it attenuates TSH and cAMP induced thyroid
stimulation. Excess iodide rapidly and briefly interferes with
iodination of tyrosil and thyronil residues of thyroglobulin
(probably by altering redox potential of thyroid cells) resulting in
reduced T3/T4 synthesis (Wolff-Chaikoff effect).
 However, within a few days, the gland ‘escapes’ from this effect
and hormone synthesis resumes
 Uses
1. Preoperative preparation
 for thyroidectomy in Graves’ disease:
 Iodine is generally given for 10 days just preceding surgery.
 The aim is to make the gland firm, less vascular and easier to
operate on.
 Though iodide itself will lower the thyroid status, it cannot
be relied upon to attain euthyroidism which is done by use
of carbimazole before starting iodide.
 Propranolol may be given additionally for rapid control of
2. Thyroid storm Lugol’s iodine (6–10 drops) or
 iodine containing radiocontrast media (iopanoic
acid/ipodate) orally are used to stop any further release of
T3/T4 from the thyroid and to decrease T4 to T3 conversion.
3. Prophylaxis of endemic goiter
 It is generally used as “iodized salt”.
4. Antiseptic
As tincture iodine, povidone iodine, etc.
 Adverse effects
1. Acute reaction
It occurs only in individuals sensitive to iodine, and can be
triggered even by a minute quantity.
Manifestations are swelling of lips, eyelids, angioedema of larynx
(may be dangerous), fever, joint pain, petechial haemorrhages,
thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy. Further exposure to iodine
should be stopped immediately.
2. Chronic overdose (iodism)
 Inflammation of mucous membranes, salivation,
rhinorrhoea, sneezing, lacrimation, swelling of eyelids,
burning sensation in mouth, headache, rashes, g.i.
symptoms, etc.
 The symptoms regress on stopping iodide ingestion.
 Long-term use of high doses can cause hypothyroidism and
goiter. Iodide may cause flaring of acne in adolescents. Given
to pregnant or nursing mothers, it may be responsible for
foetal/infantile goiter and hypothyroidism.
 Thyrotoxicosis may be aggravated in multinodular goiter.
The stable isotope of iodine is 127I. Its radioactive isotope of medicinal
importance is: 131I: physical half-life 8 days.
 The chemical behaviour of 131I is similar to the stable isotope.
 131I emits X-rays as well as β particles. The former are useful in
tracer studies, because they traverse the tissues and can be

monitored by a counter, while the latter are utilized for their
destructive effect on thyroid cells.
 131I is concentrated by thyroid, incorporated in colloid—emits
radiation from within the follicles.
 The β particles penetrate only 0.5–2 mm of tissue
 . The thyroid follicular cells are affected from within, undergo
pyknosis and necrosis followed by fibrosis when a sufficiently large
dose has been administered, without damage to neighbouring
 With carefully selected doses, it is possible to achieve partial
ablation of thyroid. Radioactive iodine is administered as sodium
salt of 131I dissolved in water and taken orally.
 Diagnostic 25–100 µ curie is given; counting or scanning is done
at intervals. No damage to thyroid cells occurs at this dose.
 Therapeutic The most common indication is hyperthyroidism due
to Graves’ disease or toxic nodular goiter.
 The average therapeutic dose is 3–6 m curie—calculated on the
basis of previous tracer studies and thyroid size.
 Higher doses are generally required for toxic multinodular goiter

1. Treatment with 131I is simple, conveniently given on OPD basis
and inexpensive.
2. No surgical risk, scar or injury to parathyroid glands/recurrent
laryngeal Nerves
3. Once hyperthyroidism is controlled, cure is permanent

1. Hypothyroidism
2. Long latent period of response
3. Contraindicated during pregnancy
4. Young patients :>likely to develop hypothyroidism Genetic
damage/cancer is also feared
Treatment of choice for à>
After 25 years & CHF, angina or any other contraindication to
surgery is present
11.β ADRENERGIC BLOCKERS (Propranolol)
Propranolol (and other nonselective β blockers) have emerged as an
important form of therapy to rapidly alleviate manifestations of
thyrotoxicosis that are due to sympathetic overactivity, viz.
palpitation, tremor, nervousness, severe myopathy, sweating.
They have little effect on thyroid function and the hypermetabolic
They are used in hyperthyroidism in the following situations.
(i) While awaiting response to propylthiouracil/ carbimazole or
(ii) Along with iodide for preoperative preparation before
subtotal thyroidectomy.
(iii) Thyroid storm (thyrotoxic crisis): This is an emergency due to
decompensated hyperthyroidism.
Vigorous treatment with the following is indicated:
 Nonselective β blockers (e.g. propranolol) are the most
valuable measure.
 They afford dramatic symptomatic relief. In
addition, they reduce peripheral conversion of T4
to T3.
 Propranolol 1–2 mg slow i.v. may be followed by
40–80 mg oral every 6 hours .
 Propylthiouracil 200–300 mg oral 6 hourly:
 reduces hormone synthesis as well as peripheral
T4 to T3 conversion.
 Iopanoic acid (0.5–1 g OD oral) or ipodate are iodine
containing radiocontrast media.
 They are potent inhibitors of thyroid hormone
release from thyroid, as well as of peripheral T4 to
T3 conversion.
 Corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 100 mg i.v. 8 hourly
followed by oral prednisolone):
 help to tide over crisis, cover any adrenal
insufficiency and inhibit conversion of T4 to T3 in
 Diltiazem 60–120 mg BD oral may be added if
tachycardia is not controlled by propranolol alone, or
when it is contraindicated.
 Rehydration, anxiolytics, external cooling and
appropriate antibiotics are the other measures.
12.Recent advances in autoimmune thyroid disease (3)
 Recent studies on the environmental triggers of AITD have
identified selenium and vitamin D to be the chief dietary
A low vitamin D level is not only an etiological factor, but is also
related to the severity of AITD.

A recent meta-analysis showed that patients with GD were more
likely to have vitamin D deficiency .
However, whether vitamin D supplementation exerts any
beneficial effects on the onset and pathogenesis of GD has not
been determined, although the role of vitamin D in AITD is still
being investigated .
 New therapeutic horizones for graves hyperthyroidism are
investigated (4)

I scali
intera cti on
 The LUCA device proves its readiness for a better thyroid cancer

 The EU-funded project Laser and Ultrasound Co-analyzer for

Thyroid Nodules (LUCA) started in 2016 and over its 5 years of
duration, it worked on the development of a new low-cost near-

infrared optical device combined with ultrasound that searched to
provide doctors with enhanced information required to provide
better and more specific results in thyroid nodule screening.
 The goal of such device was mainly to enable a better diagnosis of
this type of cancer because so far, there was no accurate way of
determining whether a thyroid tumor as benign or malignant.

13. Previously asked gtu Questions

1. Explain biosynthesis of thyroid hormones .(summer 2018)
2. Write down mechanism of action of thyroid hormones.(summer

14. References
1. KD TRIPATHI ,”Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology”, Seventh
Edition , Jaypee brothers medical
2. Goodman and Gilman’s, “Manual of Pharmacology and
therapeutics”, ch.56,
3. Won sang yoo,Hyun kyun chang , Division of Endocrinology and
Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrinol Metab
4. Laura C.lane,Tim D.Cheeetham, Petros Perros,andSimon
H.S.Pearce, Endocrine society oxford , Endocrine reviws ,


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