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Adoption, Diffusion and Consumer

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Adoption, diffusion and consumer Consumer

behaviour in
behavior in technopreneurship technopreneurship
Broto Rauth Bhardwaj
Bharati Vidapeeth Institute of Management and Research,
New Delhi, India
Received 1 November 2018
Abstract Revised 23 August 2019
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the adoption and diffusion of technology including SAAS 24 January 2020
software and cloud computing for facilitating knowledge management (KM) in product innovation based on 4 February 2020
Accepted 6 February 2020
understanding of consumer behavior. Technopreneurship can drive sustainable product innovation by
studying the patterns of consumer behavior. Sharing of consumer intelligence on cloud using SAAS is being
used by several companies to drive innovation such as call centers in South Asia. However, there is no
understanding role of knowledge management for understanding consumer behavior for product innovation.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology uses case method of action research technique coupled
with grounded theory development. Further, the study uses interpretive structural modelling (ISM) technique
for interpreting the results for understanding consumer behavior patterns for enabling product innovation.
Findings – The findings suggest that enhancement of creative design based on consumer’s study can lead to
sustainable product development. The findings revealed that consumer behavior patterns embedded in the
firm’s intelligence captured in KM portal including customers’ preferences and choices that can be developed
into products. Knowledge management facilitated flexible manufacturing process, optimized capital
expenditure using agility principles as per the study. Techniques and processes such as reactive scaling top
down and bottom up and applying flexible APIs (Application Programming Interface) allowed the efficient
automation of infrastructure orchestration and resource allocation. The involvement of vendors’ knowledge
base facilitated creation of market ready product offers leading to sustainability.
Research limitations/implications – The implications include the adoption of inter-disciplinary and inter
country understanding of knowledge management application for understanding consumer behavior to lead to
sustainable product development.
Originality/value – The scope and scale of technology entrepreneurship include the application of knowledge
management for consumer behavioral studies that have huge contributions to make product development
sustainable using greener planet, purpose and product (3P model).
Keywords Knowledge management, Innovation, Engineering, Entrepreneurship
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
The need for knowledge management in heavy engineering firms is to find the scope for
better product innovation for survival and sustainability (Bhardwaj and Malhotra, 2013).
There is a massive need to increase the company’s ability to introduce innovations for
sustaining competitive advantage (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Davila et al., 2013; Tidd et al.,
2001). Continuously, launching new products in the market is important since product
innovation is necessary for organizations to adapt to ever changing market conditions,
technologies, policies and dynamics (Akova et al., 1998). In this understand, I have chosen the
definition of a product innovation made by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development in technoentrepreneurship. The need for such an understanding is to find the
factors of adoption and diffusion of technology entrepreneurship which has not been studied
before. The understand also include the role of employees’ knowledge and intelligence about
the customers insights and develop or modify the products or service or create the next
generation sustainable product innovations based on these insights using knowledge
management system innovation in Technology Entrepreneurship in South Asia. No similar
studies have been done, and there is massive need to understand what helps these economies International Journal of Emerging
to absorb and diffuse technology to expand markets. This can also facilitate the expansion of © Emerald Publishing Limited
creation of jobs for the global economy and avert the much feared global recession. DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-11-2018-0577
IJOEM Absorptive capacity of the organization needs to be enhanced for better knowledge discovery
for sustainable product innovation (Lane et al., 2001; Zahra and George, 2002; Lane and
Koka, 2006).
A sustainable product innovation is the introduction of a good or service that is new or
significantly improved with respect to its characteristics or intended uses. This includes
significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, incorporated
software, user friendliness or other functional characteristics. Innovation activities could be
described as the efforts to create meaningful and focused change within a company’s product or
service potential. Further, innovation has been defined by Popadiuk and Choo (2006) as an idea
that has been developed to commercialize. The concept of innovation is often related to the
words novelty, commercialization and/or implementation. McDermott and O’Connor (2002) has
defined innovation as new adoption and diffusion of technology or combination of technologies
that offer benefits, and they further note that the evaluation of an adoption and diffusion of
technology as innovative also needs to be related to existing technologies, both from an internal
and an external perspective. The structure of the paper is as follows. First we did the literature
review and based on that we found the gap in the literature of innovative technologies, then the
hypotheses were formed and finally it was tested using empirical data and conclusions were
drawn with respect to the analysis and insights presented for managerial and research

2. Literature review
According to the Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005, p. 46) a minimum requirement for an innovation
is that the product, process or method innovation must be new to the firm, which includes
both innovations that the company is first to develop and those that are adopted from other
firms. Following from this argument, an innovation is considered to be new to the market if
the firm is the first to introduce the innovation in its market (OECD, 2005; Bhardwaj
et al., 2007).
Entrepreneurial innovations can be facilitated by technology innovation, adoption and
diffusion. Entrepreneurial learning and knowledge discovery is influenced greatly by the
learning process (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). This could facilitate increased performance of
an existing product, process or method to the development in technoentrepreneurship of
entirely new products, processes or methods also known as corporate entrepreneurship. For
one company, an innovation could be about an incremental product development in
technoentrepreneurship resulting in increased product performance, whereas for another
company, innovation could be based on major changes to their product portfolio, including a
major element of novelty, both from an internal and a market perspective (Alpkan et al., 2005;
Altuntas and Donmez, 2010). According to Dewar and Dutton (1986) this range of innovation
relates to the notion of radicalness, where incremental innovations are seen as a degree of new
knowledge being created. Through diffusion of technology this may become mass
phenomenon. Conversely, radical innovation is about revolutionary changes in adoption
and diffusion of technology, involving deviations from existing practice and a high degree of
new knowledge being generated. Tushman and Nadler (1986) argue that incremental
innovation contains small increase in added features in new versions to a product line,
whereas a radical innovation includes the application of a new adoption and diffusion of
technology or a new combination of technologies to create new market opportunities
(Bhardwaj et al., 2007). Networking is another very critical success parameter that facilitates
the knowledge sharing among the employees (Lee et al., 2001).
Christensen (2006) discusses the term sustaining innovation in contradiction to disruptive
innovation. A sustaining innovation does not have a disruptive effect on existing markets but
could include both evolutionary (i.e. improving a product in an existing market in expected
ways) and revolutionary (i.e. creating a new market by solving a problem in a radically new Consumer
way) changes. Commonly, sustaining innovations improve customer value by providing a behaviour in
higher degree of product performance. A disruptive innovation, on the other hand, brings an
entirely different value proposition to the market that has not existed before. Moreover, role of
organizational controls in management knowledge is also very critical (Turner and Makhija,
2006; Alpkan et al., 2010).
It is interesting to observe that policy of the government can facilitate the technology
entrepreneurship provided it can give proper direction to the citizen to orient their minds
towards continuous innovation. It’s like making billion people to think innovatively sing
technology. At present only a part of technology is being used for launching business. Here
people’s mindset is important that they should use technology and not the technology using
them. Increasing environmental concerns have become a source of sustainable product
innovation. For example, case understand of car industry would facilitate to understand how
the diffusion and absorption of technology has and can facilitate sustainable product
innovation in South Asia. The environmental regulations will exert immense pressure on
manufacturing industries that may lead to innovations enabling a more sustainable world for
coming generations (Bhardwaj, 2016). The automotive industry is one of many industries
causing environmental pollution where cars have a significant impact on all phases of the life
cycle; manufacturing, use, recycling and disposal of the product (Orsato and Wells, 2007). This
industry is seeing a slump in present times due to stringent policy norms on environmental
pollution standards that these companies have to maintain. If the companies can take it as cue
for guiding innovations, it will be the next generation cars such as electronic cars. However, not
only the need for innovation, but the diffusion of technology to make the product innovations
reach the mass customers will enable its sustainability. As a consequence of the growing car
market, the automotive industry accounts for 27% of CO2 emissions in the world. Innovations
such as Euro 2 norms have helped in developing less polluting cars. Development of automated
cars as being developed by Tesla may further facilitate less accidents on the roads, but that is
yet to be researched and developed. Automakers have also shown an increasing awareness of
the environmental carbon footprints’ impact of their products as environmental regulations
and market demands for environmentally less destructive cars have increased. Mahindra and
Mahindra has developed Reva cars facilitated by electricity. However, the challenge of these
cars is that the Indian infrastructure lacks the facilities for charging. With the policy of the
government to develop the fast charging pint through the country, markets like south Asia can
be special hub for non-polluting cars enabled by electric or may be automated cars. With the
dense populations and the ever increasing purchase power and disposable income, this would
be very sustainable. However, these companies need to make their technologies for affordable
for making it absorbable for the masses. The focus on reducing CO2 has become a strong driver
in the development in technoentrepreneurship of not only less environmentally destructive
cars, such as Electric Vehicles (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). The weight of the car is
one essential factor that has an effect on CO2 emissions for both conventional cars and for EVs
and HEVs. A rough estimate suggests that a weight reduction of 100 kg results in decreased
fuel consumption of 5% (Swedish Association of Green Motorists). A rule of thumb is that a
10% mass reduction results in a 4–6% decrease in fuel consumption indicating some of the
potential in focusing on lightweight concepts in the automotive industry. Even though
automakers understand and largely master technical difficulties with alternatives to the all-
steel body, and despite various generations of aluminum-intensive prototype vehicles or low-
volume, high-performance sports cars, the mainstream industry has even today largely
retained the all-steel body (Alpkan et al., 2003).
Given the all-encompassing environmental challenge facing the automotive industry, an
aggravating circumstance is, however, that the industry is a mature industry characterized
by mass- production, a dominant design and incremental development using technology
IJOEM (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978; Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Orsato and Wells, 2007).
However, the limiting factor is not investing in abundant and real technology innovations but
giving lip service to policies such as reduction in taxes on research and development in
technology being reduced from 200 to 100% in near future.
The automotive sector has seen several innovations facilitated by technology. The rest
mass-produced cars entered the market at the beginning of the 20th century. The moving
assembly line by Ford was a prerequisite for the mass-production of cars, but the mass-
manufacture of cars was not complete until the introduction of Budd’s all-steel body in the
1920s. Already assembled and painted when it arrived at the assembly line, this eliminated
bottlenecks in production. This monocoque structure, a supporting body, has prospered since
then. Budd’s adoption and diffusion of technology, to a large extent, shaped the automotive
industry as we know it, resulting in several advantages both from a process and a product
perspective, enabling the production of stiffer, stronger and cheaper cars.
The production of all-steel bodies became the primary activity of car plants, accounting
for 75% of the investments, thereby requiring a large-scale production to finance the
investments. While mass-production helped to create the automotive industry of today, the
moving assembly line and the all-steel body, together with other circumstances, restrict the
possibilities for change and the introduction of product innovations (Abernathy and
Utterback, 1978). The demand for new products has simultaneously shortened product
lifecycles, which has led to alliances and take-overs in order to share the investments and to
platform development in technoentrepreneurship where automakers share components such
as the powertrain (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Williams, 2006). The environmental challenge,
particularly the need to reduce CO2 emissions due to the imminent regulations on fuel
economy in Europe, US and Japan, has, however, exerted immense pressure on automakers.
The new European targets for emissions of the entire average new car fleet of 130 g CO2 per
km by 2015 and 95 g/km by 2020 demand major efforts and will force automakers to not only
zoom in on the power train, but also to find weight-reducing solutions, thus questioning
Budd’s dominant design (Orsato and Wells, 2007). Previous research on environmental
innovation in the automotive industry seems, however, to have predominantly focused on
investigating the consequences of the combustion engine and different alternatives to
propulsion like EV, HEV and fuel cells (van den Hoed, 2007; Aggeri et al., 2009). Despite
considerable success in developing high-strength steel, the all-steel body is still too heavy.
Less research has focused on alternatives or modifications to the all-steel body and on the
impact this particular adoption and diffusion of technology could have on the potential to
develop lightweight concepts that can reduce the environmental impact of cars. Our review of
previous research also indicates a lack of research that has been granted access to the
operative level of automakers’ initiatives toward developing environmentally sounder
Furthermore, an increasingly global world with rapidly growing populations implies a
growing demand for transportation. To achieve our potential for a good life style and a
sustainable society our means of travel and consumption must change (Johan Rockstr€om,
2014). This need can also drive next generation products and services. The whole idea of
innovation is to connect with the source of innovation. These can be customer insights when
shared among other employees and departments can lead to massive potential of sustainable
innovation. For this, the employees need to listen to the customers’ feedback with their hearts
connect with the source. All the innovations’ done by Einstein was using this theory of
connectivity with the source that facilitated all his patents.

3. Meaning and definition of product innovation

Product innovation is one of the primary tools for strategic growth to improve the existing
market share (Berry and Berkheiser, 2010) (Mola and Birkinshaw, 2009). These innovations
may be facilitated by technology. Technopreneurs are now realizing the essence of Consumer
innovation in their day-to-day working as new and modern adoption and diffusion of behaviour in
technology is adapted by competitors very quickly at world level (Adams and Jeanrenaud,
2008). Therefore, tough competitive edge gives the encouragement to organizations across
the globe to learn the concept and application of innovation (Grant, 1996).
The impact of innovation on the performance levels can be seen in sales growth, change in
market share, profit levels to output levels and competence (OECD Oslo Manual, 2005).
Therefore, innovation becomes an important element of marketing strategies for
technopreneurs to improve manufacturing processes that produce maximum output at
minimum costs, to perform well-built in comparison to opponents in the market place, to
improve the goodwill in the mindset of the customers (Coombes and Nicholson, 2013). In
nutshell, to techno enterprises help to gain long-term survival in aggressive world (Andrews,
2007). Over the past twenty years, innovation has gained popularity amongst the researchers
who tried to characterize the impact of innovation on performance levels (Dholakiaa et al.,
2010) (Amabile et al., 1996). Innovation provides strategies to sustain continuous growth
(Drucker, 2012).
McAdam and Keogh (2004) examined the correlation between firms’ concert and its
awareness and alignment with modernism and further investigation. They established that
the firms’ preference to innovations was of crucial importance in the aggressive atmosphere.
Observed the special effects of the chief innovations and copyrights to various business
performance methods such as book-keeping, profit returns, stock prices and corporate
expansions in terms of growth percentage (Alterowitz, 1988). However, innovative firms
appear to be more resilient and less vulnerable to recurring changes and ecological demands
than other firms. Figure 1 shows the strategies of product innovation in connection to
performance of the organization.
This figure shows the experimental knowledge that evaluates the profits from adopting
new-technology strategies that were done in Canada and only with business firms. Peak
performance through product innovation and adoption and diffusion of technology plan was
motivated by the business leadership players and a tactical idea of the business (Cooper
et al., 2016).

4. Product innovation and knowledge management

There is a significant relationship between knowledge management and product innovation.
However, there are several challenges for fostering radical innovations. Challenges fostering
radical innovations are the conflicting demands to explore new opportunities in parallel with
daily business aiming for ambidextrous organizations. Technological innovations require
resources. There is a necessity to plan for future growth when dealing with everyday
engineering activities and competing with scarce resources. There is a need to balance
between legitimacy problems and radical projects (Leifer et al., 2000; Dougherty and Hardy,
1996). The tendency to focus on innovative projects depends on organizational, managerial
and environmental factors (Lavie and Tushman, 2010). These include risk-taking culture,
leadership that motivates innovations, management support by providing resources,
flexibility to achieve the goals, providing time for innovations and rewarding innovative
approaches (Bhardwaj et al., 2007).
Organization structure has been one of the limiting factors of knowledge management and
its implementation in product innovation. The literature supports the argument that too
much formalization is deleterious for radical projects, which ought to be managed in an
informal way (Eisenhardt and Tabrizi, 1995). Furthermore, established and tall
organizational structures prohibit radical innovations (Christensen, 2006). Therefore, there
is a need for innovative companies to have more informal and flat structures to facilitate
knowledge management across all departments.

Figure 1.
Strategies of product
innovation in
connection to Source(s): Robert G. Cooper, “New Product Strategies:
performance of the
What Distinguishes the Top Performers”, Journal of Product
Innovation Management, June 1984, PP. 151- 164

Resource based view (RBV) provides opportunity to analyze the commitment of resources
towards innovations (Barney, 1991). A commitment to existing technologies and markets and
unwillingness to cannibalize existing products and their own investments results in a focus on
incremental improvements of core technologies (Assink, 2006). For example, taking the case
understand of auto sector further, there is a need for automotive industry to follow the examples
of simultaneous engineering like technology innovations by established entrepreneurs including
Aditya Birla like entrepreneurs manage to achieve new environmental solutions (Bergek et al.,
2013). However, to survive in the 21st century a shift in the industrial paradigm is necessary,
including new propulsion alternatives and different value propositions to customers facilitated
by innovative technology to opening new frontiers of customer and market reach. The
automotive industry, it is argued, has reached the end of its present constitution and in future
will be characterized by adoption and diffusion of technology, market and innovative technology
entrepreneurial business model diversity. Present challenges to the dominant paradigm come
from both policies and lack of implementation infrastructures inside and outside the industry not
only at firm and country levels but also at global level.
A company’s ability to successfully introduce radically new products and services is a key
success factor for sustaining competitive advantage (Davila et al., 2013; Bhardwaj et al., 2006).
Arguably, this is particularly true for the automotive industry, where being innovative and
providing innovations are questions of survival rather than merely a matter of staying
competitive. The last decade has been characterized by take-overs, mergers and discontinuances
in this branch of business, in continuous attempts to gain economies of scale through platform
consolidation and various types of joint ventures aimed to achieve increased product coverage
without increasing the risk. Principles of lean production (Womack et al., 1990) have been largely
influential in creating increasingly efficient development in technoentrepreneurship and
manufacturing processes, yet many automotive entrepreneurs are still struggling to stay alive.
For example, with policies like diesel cars to be banned from the market, companies like Maruti
Suzuki are facing great challenges to stay afloat. In particular, smaller manufacturers with niche
products cannot compete with the large-scale efforts of their bigger competitors, and need to
innovate their way out of the crisis.
5. Components of knowledge management Consumer
Knowledge management includes intelligence generation, dissemination and responsiveness behaviour in
to the market needs. Bhardwaj and Lai (2013) studied the role of green strategy for
sustainable techno entrepreneurship.

5.1 Intelligence generation

Intelligence generation has inertial tendency in innovation. Intelligence generation has been
conceptualized as a mental process, in which a variety of oppositions are created through
active communications among universe, persons, firms and the environment surrounding
(Nonaka and Toyama, 2002). Wiig (1997) defined intelligence generation as understanding,
focusing and managing organized, unambiguous and intentional intelligence structure,
rejuvenation and use. The use of intelligence generation to increase performance advantage
has also been emphasized. The term “intellectual capital” includes all types of firm
intelligence that can be transformed into income, plus expertise and procedures, copyrights
and exclusive rights, as well as the talent and practice of workers and dealings with clientele
and contractors. The supply based view of the organization has led to an increasing interest
in the idea that intelligence is a key resource that firms must proactively manage if they are to
sustain competitive advantage. Theory of intelligence-generating entrepreneurs provides for
technopreneurs to propose that intelligence generation is critical for product innovation
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1998). Further, the author also addressed the question of how
entrepreneurs organize the process of intelligence generation and dissemination and use it to
design new products, services or systems (Covin and Slevin, 1991). Moreover, commercial
firms tend to connect in higher level of knowledge scrutinizing behavior (Ramachandran
et al., 2006).
Maintaining good communication with external constituents, especially customers,
facilitates the flow of information and other intuitive resources that are crucial for new
business creation (Zahra, 1991). However, it is interesting to find that firms that have allowed
the customers to co-create the next generation technological innovations were very successful
(Prahalad, 2010). Given a closer attention into the shortage of intelligence process and their
reasons, it is likely to examine whether alterations in the arrangement, the knowledge and
message expertise are required to determine them.
H1. Intelligence generation influences product innovation significantly.

5.2 Intelligence dissemination

The sharing of knowledge about customer insights and intuitions would be greatly facilitating
the sustainable innovations. Firms act on the basis of their market intelligence including their
intelligence of customers and competitors. The concepts of intelligence dissemination have also
been emphasized for innovation outcomes. Appropriate infrastructure and processes are the
instruments for facilitating intelligence dissemination and facilitating adaptable groups to
improve sharing of intelligence. The other factors include inter departmental interactions
resulting in greater trust, self-disclosure, and commitment between product development teams
(Francis and Sandberg, 2000), which added to the shared certainty of group members’ dealings
and boosts joint belief of possibility of innovations. Awareness about one another’s beliefs about
innovations fosters a safe environment facilitating risk taking for generation of alternatives
leading to more effective decision-making (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1998).
H2. Intelligence dissemination influences the product innovation significantly.
IJOEM 5.3 Research methodology
This understand is an attempt to quantitatively assess influence of intelligence generation and
dissemination on high technology entrepreneurial firms in emerging country such as India.
Thus, the utilization of a descriptive and empirical research design was deemed appropriate.
Descriptive-Causal studies have been widely used to assess the impact of product innovation on
the financial performance of the selected technopreneurs (Dharmaja et al, 2012; Aktan and
Bulut, 2008). Case understand of the auto sector has been elaborated above as descriptive
analysis and methodology. Further, the knowledge management system model was identified
using case understand of these auto companies and collecting the data from these companies to
analyze the factors that facilitate the sharing of information (Hussain, 2011). Detailed SAP-LAP
analysis method was used to analyze the driving factors as per the situation and actors and
processes. It also includes what actions needs to be taken for enhancing performance of the
organization through product innovation. Further, the understanding also uses DMAIC model
for analyzing how the other factors needs to be facilitated. Moreover, interpretive structural
modeling (ISM) was used to analyze the correlations between the factors and their influence
over product innovation including intelligence generation and dissemination. Also the
understanding elaborates the implementation issues using SAAS model software for
implementing knowledge management systems within the organization. Empirical analysis
uses the reliability factor for analyzing the reliability of the questionnaire designed.
A case understand of problem in question has been conducted using Situations-Actors-
Processes (SAP) framework (Sushil, 2001) (Figure 2). The inputs from SAP-based analysis
and field have been used to perform a strategic gap analysis. The issues identified through
strategic gap analysis have been analyzed through process management and knowledge
management paradigm (Figure 3). The linkages and interrelationships between the key
customer satisfaction enablers have been worked out through Interpretive Structured
Modeling (ISM) (Figure 4).
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) analysis has been used to analyze
the problem of delay in environment commissioning which was one of the findings of the SAP
based analysis (Figure 5). The learning issues from analysis have been synthesized for
recommending actions and expected benefits for ensuring sustainability using Learning-
Actions-Performances (LAP) framework (Sushil, 2001) and Knowledge Management Model
was done.

6. Case description
With the organization diversifying its innovative product and services offerings by adding
cloud services to its portfolio, two broad options are available for the customers. These are as
(1) On Premise – Traditional deployment which was being offered to all the customers
before cloud. In this model, customer procures and owns the product licenses from the
organization. The applications suites for which the licenses are procured are deployed on
the platform and infrastructure maintained at customer premises. Infrastructure,
security and platform management responsibilities are owned by the customer.
Application Management activities are also owned by the customer. Customer has the
option of engaging either with the organization or with one of its alliance partner for
implementation of the product. Any business configurations done as the part of
implementation are owned by the customer. A majority of the support and infrastructure
activities are owned and performed by the customer.
(2) SaaS (Software as a Service) – SaaS model was effected with the organization entering
the cloud business and offering its whole line of products on the hosted platform. In
behaviour in

Figure 2.
SAP-LAP framework
Source(s): (Sushil, 2001)

Figure 3.
Source(s): (Hedlund, 1994)

such an offering the product license, infrastructure and platform management and
application management are appropriately priced and bundled as one service to the
potential customer. These are also known as integrated converged services
(Andreasen and Hein, 1985). This being a hosted environment, the organization
owns the infrastructure, security and platform management and application
management activities. As in the case of an on-premise model, the customer has
the option of engaging either with the organization or with one of its alliance partner
for implementation of the product. Since SaaS (Software as a Service) is an end to end
IJOEM Outcomes from SAP LAP and
Identification of key factors DMAIC analysis
enabling customer satisfaction

Focus Groups, Nominal Group and

Expert Opinion outcome

Establish contextual relationship

(Xij) between factors (i,j)
Develop Reachability Matrix

Develop a Structural Self-interactive

Matrix (SSIM)
Partition of Reachability Matrix into
different levels

Develop Reachability Matrix in the

Conical form

Remove transitivity from Diagraph Develop Diagraph

Replace variable nodes with conceptual
relationship statements inconsistency

Representation of the relationship

Figure 4.
ISM process
Source(s): (Sohani, 2012 and Self Knowledge)

service, the organization has the accountability and ownership of all the components
of the service with the sole exception of business configurations, which in this case are
also owned by the customer.
The problem being analyzed through this report is specific to SaaS (Software as a Service)
deployment model for enabling knowledge management for facilitating co creation with
customers. Below diagram depicts the deployment models discussed above with their
respective key characteristics, elements and differentials. Based on this research the
conceptual model is being given below (see Figure 6):
behaviour in

Figure 5.
Source(s): (, DMAIC process

6.1 Cloud service for facilitating commissioning process of knowledge management systems
or product innovations
The following sub-processes are involved in Cloud Service Commissioning Process, which
facilitates knowledge being shared among the employees about customer needs.
(1) Contract Closure and Order Booking – Post the closure of negotiations on a service
with the customer, the sales team presents the customer with a contract for the
perusal. All the terms and conditions are mutually agreed upon both by the customer
and the organization. Once all of the terms and conditions are agreed upon, the
competent signatories from both the customer and organization sign the contract.
Once the contract is signed, the corresponding order is booked so as to enable the
Cloud Infrastructure and Environment delivery teams to analyze and act upon the
order. Cloud Infrastructure and Environment Delivery teams are the constituents of
the overall Cloud Service Delivery team. The organizations would do well by allowing
customers to share their feedback in detail.
(2) Order Receipt and Verification – The Cloud Environment Delivery team is notified of
a new order booking of the newly developed product or service. Post the notification,
the competent product specific Application Manager from the Cloud Environment
Delivery team analyzes the order for completeness of information needed to start the

Figure 6.
Conceptual model of
management systems
deployment options for
product innovations
IJOEM environment provisioning pertaining to the service which the customer has
subscribed to. Order verification also involves determination of the size of the
service. This is determined by the number of product licenses which the customer has
procured. The customer size/service size is the key input in determining the
infrastructure capacity of the service. It will also depend on the size of the
organization and customer base.
(3) Capacity Determination and Infrastructure Deployment – After the size of the service
is appropriately determined, the Application Management team identifies the
infrastructure capacity needed to provision the environments for cloud service for
facilitating knowledge management systems. The number of environments
entitlements for a customer varies on the basis of determined size and customer
base. The baseline hardware configuration is product specific however the number
and size of processing, storage, server, database and network units may vary
depending on the size of service. After the capacity for the environments of a service
is firmed up, the Application Management team does a capacity request with the
Infrastructure team for capacity deployment. The Infrastructure team builds the
environments as per the specifications of the capacity. Once the all the components of
hardware are deployed, the environments are handed over to Application
Management team for product specific installation.
(4) Product Technology Stack and Baseline Configuration – Once the environments build
is complete, the Application Management team installs the prerequisite software
specific to a product. This is followed by actual product installation. Application
Management team then does the baseline configuration or factory configuration
specific to a product. Application Management team also configures the customer
representatives as application administrators. This is followed by a sanity check for
all the environments (see Figure 9).
(5) Environment release to Customer/Implementation Team – Once all the baseline
configurations are complete, the environments are released for use to the customer/
implementation team. Customer billing is initiated only after the first environment is
released to the customer for use. Established target for environment commissioning
post the closure of contract is sixty calendar days. Figure 10 below gives a summary
of all the constituent teams and their respective functions.
All the above teams are shared pool of resources catering to multiple customers. Figure 7
shows that the knowledge management systems enabled by cloud architecture would help
the employees share information and insights about customers’ needs and wants.

6.2 Cloud service delivery constituents

As discussed earlier, the SaaS delivery model facilitating knowledge management systems
for sustainable product innovation has substantial sub functions which need to be performed
by the organization. In order to provide seamless services to all the Cloud customers, several
teams were constituted to cater to each of the function streams. These teams had proven
expertise in individual areas assigned to them. The various constituent teams of Cloud
service delivery with their individual responsibilities and attributes are as follows:
(1) L1- Global Helpdesk – Responsible for registration, prioritization and classification of
received incidents. This team provides first level support for any cloud offering
related incident reported by customers with the objective of providing solutions to
such incidents and also provides regular updates to the customer on status of
reported incident. L1 Support personnel are responsible for simple incident resolution
behaviour in

Figure 7.
Cloud service
environment delivery
team constituents and
order processing flow

Figure 8.
Cloud service delivery
team constituents for

9 120.00%
8 100.00%
7 95.45%

6 80.00%
5 68.18%
60.00% Count
Cumulative %
3 40.00%
20.00% Figure 9.
Pareto analysis for
0 0.00% cause of delays in
Network Order Application Server commissioning
Setup Booking Setup Setup

and will escalate incidents requiring a greater level of technical expertise to L2

support personnel. This team has proven expertise in supporting on premise
customer deployments for product specific L1 issues.

Figure 10.
Fish bone diagram
depicting various
causes for delay in
knowledge sharing

(2) L2 Support – L2 Support Staff provide support whereby the team triage, prioritize
and investigate incidents reported directly by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) customers
and L1 Support. L2 Support personnel are software support specialists and will
attempt to resolve the root cause of an incident or prepare a suitable workaround
solution. As required they may escalate issues to other operational teams. The team
was originally constituted for providing software support for on premise customers
and was later engaged further to support SaaS customers also.
(3) L3 Support – L3 support is provided for issues and problems that are demonstrable in
the currently supported release(s) of a licensed product, running unaltered, and on a
certified hardware, database and operating system configuration, as specified in
product documentation. L3 will work closely with the product development team in
analyzing core product issues and help development create hot fixes/patches. L3
support too was preexistent and the ambit has now been extended to SaaS customers.
(4) Application Management Team – Responsible for application deployments and
managing product technology stack. Owns the implementation of various changes
within the customer specific cloud environment through the change management,
release management and access management processes. This team also manages and
coordinate patches and releases based on customer’s request. Responsible for
resolution of environment specific incidents and performance issues. This is a core
technical team with less focus on domain knowledge and has proven expertise in
application management function.
(5) Engineering – Responsible for managing the server hardware, operating system and
storage. Includes server and storage management within the hosting environments.
(6) Database Administration – Responsible for database support for all products in the
cloud environment. DBA work focuses on database administration such that all
applications within the cloud environment are performing optimally, monitored
appropriately, and data is sufficiently backed up to ensure data protection and
(7) Networking – Responsible for supporting all cloud environment networks. This team
also does network design and implementation and also manages firewalls and VPNs.
(8) Implementation Team – Responsible for one time implementation of the product in Consumer
question for a specific customer on cloud environment. This team is responsible for behaviour in
building the business configurations for the customer within the application. The
team also coordinates any change in business configuration post go live. Figure 8
gives a summary of all the constituent teams and their respective functions. All the
below teams are shared pool of resources catering to multiple customers.

7. SAP-LAP case analysis

The situation, actors and process interplay in the context of the project is presented in this

7.1 Situation
Being the market leader the organization engaged with some key on premise customers to
offer cloud services and was able to win substantial number of customers for end to end cloud
implementations and services. After the early successful cloud implementations, the number
of customers across the business lines signed up with the organization for its offerings. This
resulted in an exponential increase in the scale of operations of cloud services. The
organization swiftly acquired the infrastructure capabilities needed to enable the desired
scale (Caloghirou et al., 2004; Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). With the expert teams and their
respective internal processes in place, the higher management was confident of the best in
class service for all its customers regardless of the scale. However, as the projects progressed,
the customers and internal stakeholders came back to the organization with concerns around
spectrum of issues. These can be source of modification of products. There were escalations
around lack of clarity on issues, inappropriate assignment of issues. The following items
summarize the issues as reported by customers during the various phases of a project:
(1) Delay in Service Commissioning – Concerns were raised by the customers on delays in
environment commissioning. Development environment commissioning was critical for
the commencement of product implementation activities. Delays in environment
commissioning had a cascading effect on implementation cycle, thereby leading to
overall delays for the project. The customers also argued that they were able to raise an
on premise product service in relatively lesser time, thereby building a case for preference
of on premise model over cloud model. Since the sought subscription was for a cloud
service, the customer expected a faster turnaround as compared to an on premise service.
(2) Revenue Recognition Issues – Finance department raised concern around delay in
revenue recognition. As mentioned in section 4.2(e), customer billing was initiated
only after the handover of environment to the customer for implementation. The
substantial delay in service commissioning had an adverse effect on revenue
recognition as the organization was not able to bill the customer. Finance department
and the senior management also pushed for exploring opportunities in reducing the
overall commissioning time.
(3) Deployment phase – Concerns were raised by the customers on handover from sales to
delivery. There were inherent delays in handover from sales to delivery where in the
overall process of environment commissioning was impacted leading to the delay in
environment deployment. Development environment commissioning was critical for
the commencement of product implementation activities. Delays in environment
commissioning had a cascading effect on implementation cycle, thereby leading to
overall delays for the project. The customers also argued that they were able to raise an on
IJOEM premise product service in relatively lesser time thereby building a case for preference of
on premise model over cloud model. Since the sought subscription was for a cloud service,
environment deployment leading to overall delays in the project. Delayed handover from
sales to delivery had a cascading effect. Internally, Application Management team also
raised concerns on delay on handling of environments to them by Infrastructure team.
(4) Implementation Phase – Poor turnaround time on implementation and execution of
business configurations as requested by customer. There were concerns on delayed
resolution/workaround of product specific issues reported during the implementation
phase. Internally, the Implementation team raised concern on critical baseline
infrastructure configurations being missed during deployments resulting in a loop
back to infrastructure team thereby inducing delays in the implementation cycle.
Another common concern among internal and external stakeholders was conflicting
updates on issues from different teams.
(5) Post go live hyper care – As in the implementation phase there were delays in
resolution/workaround of product specific issues reported. Issues resulting due to
variations in baseline infrastructure configuration occurred in substantial numbers
for production environments. The issues were also encountered during the
implementation phase however were not fixed in production environment.
(6) Production Support – There were substantial delays in release of new product patches
for customer adoption. Subsequent to there were common concerns from customers
around turnaround time and resolution time of incidents. The delay in incident
resolution was having an adverse impact on service quality parameters.

7.2 Actors and processes

There were several actors and processes which are interacting to create the above situations.
Actors involved in different phases are depicted in Table 1 (see Tables 2–4).

8. DMAIC analysis for cloud service knowledge management for products

innovation commissioning delays
The SAP analysis described in the previous section showed that delay in service commissioning
was one of the major factors hampering customer satisfaction. This section attempts to define the
problem in detail, measure and analyze the environment commissioning process and suggest
actions for improvement and control subsequently. Twenty different customers, each subscribing
to a different cloud product offering, were picked for the purpose of analysis. The selection was
done in a way that ensured that all the industry domains found representation in the selection. The
products chosen for the purpose were the top revenue generators for the organization.

8.1 Define
Data for eighty four commissioning spanning across past twelve months was selected for the
purpose of quantifying and defining the magnitude of the problem. The need of the hour
would be to define the customers’ needs and wants in terms of features and design
parameters for delivery in tangible form. Key findings were as follows:
(1) Problem – Delay in service commissioning. 26% of the service commissioning
exceeded the period of 45 days. Lack of coordination between the cloud services
delivery team. Defects/Issue in environments handed over to the customer for usage.
S. Implementation and Post go live Production behaviour in
No Actors Deployment go live hyper care support technopreneurship
1 Sales U U
2 Engineering U U U U
3 Database U U U U
4 Networking U U U U
5 Application U U U U
management team
6 L1 – Global helpdesk U U U
7 L2 Support U U U
8 L3 Support U U U
9 Implementation and U U
10 Product development U U U Table 1.
11 Account manager U U U U Participation of actors
12 Delivery manager U U U in different phases of
13 Customers U U U knowledge sharing

S. No Process Actors (as per Table 1)

1 Contract closure 1,11,13

2 Infrastructure deployment 2,3,4
3 Environment build 2,3,4,5
4 Access management 2,3,4,5
5 Release management 2,3,4,5,9,10,13
6 Request fulfillment 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
7 Incident management 2,3,4,5,5,7,9,13
8 Change management 2,3,4,5,9,10,12,13
9 Problem management 2,3,4,5,8,10
10 Outage management 2,3,4,5
11 Notifications management 2,3,4,5
12 Implementation and business configurations 9,12 Table 2.
13 Performance management 2,3,4,5 Actors and processes
14 Program management/Governance 11,12,13 interaction

(2) Customer Impact – Delay in product implementation. Increased response time.

Dissatisfied customer.
(3) Business Impact – Delay in revenue realization of $478,224.
(4) Goal – To reduce the commissioning time to 45 days. Current average is ∼65 days.
(5) Process – The cloud service commissioning process has been described in
section 4.2(e).

8.2 Measuring the influence of KM on product innovation

Out of eighty four commissioning studies done over past twelve months, twenty two were
found to have exceeded the threshold of 45 calendar days. Table 5 below shows the time taken
in days to perform individual commissioning steps by respective teams for the delayed
Table 3.

and processes
Actors participation

interaction for cloud

service commissioning
S. Contract closure Order Capacity determination Infrastructure Product installation and Environment
No Actors and order booking verification and build specification deployment baseline Configuration release

1 Sales U U
2 Application U U U U U
management team
3 Application manager U U U U U
4 Engineering U
5 Networking U
6 Database U
7 Implementation and U
8 Product development U
9 Delivery manager U U
10 Customers U U
commissioning. The last column shows the additional days lost after the lapse forty five Consumer
calendar days period post closure of contract. behaviour in
Due to the inherent delays in the service commissioning, there were delays in revenue
realization. The delay in commissioning was taking a toll on overall project timelines of the
customer thereby denting the reputation of the organization. The direct impact of the delay
was on revenue recognition. Table 6 below depicts the scale of delay in revenue loss thereby
resulting in late realizations.
Statistical calculations on the sample provisioning data were done and following
measures were calculated:-
Distribution of time expended during each phase of the commissioning process was
analyzed and the largest time consuming phase/activity for each delayed commissioning was
identified (see Figure 9).
Following were the key findings from the Measure phase:-
(1) Current process is not capable.
(2) Since specification width is within process width, breakthrough improvements are
(3) Network Setup, Order Booking and Application Set up are the vital reasons for the
delay in service commissioning.

8.3 Analyze
Based on the findings from Measure phase, the process and the underlying data was further
analyzed to understand the underlying factors contributing to the delays. Depending on the
outcome of the analysis, the action plan for eliminating the problem was to be proposed and
implemented. The findings from the data were vetted with pre nominated representatives of
the cross functional teams to cross check the actual existence and severity of the causes. The
key findings are presented in the cause and effect diagram below (see Figure 10).
The above causes are described next:
(1) Order Booking Mechanism – Post closure of contract with the customer, the Sales
teams from different business units were using different system to book orders. The
prime underlying reason was acquisition of the business units by the organization
and incomplete integration. Some of the order booking systems had a mechanism
which notified the Cloud Services team when an order was booked however some of
the legacy systems did not have this feature. Hence the Application Management
team had to monitor the order booking system manually. The manual intervention
induced delays.

Critical to quality Voice of customer

Reduce environment commissioning time to 45 days Delays in environment commissioning

Defect free and issue free environment/service delivery Deliver environment right the first time

Voice of business Critical for processes

Reduce/Eliminate delay in revenue realization and Eliminate non value added activities and Table 4.
revenue losses bottlenecks Critical to quality and
Increase customer satisfaction Timely and flawless environment delivery to the critical to process chart
customer for implementing KM
Table 5.

performing key
Time consumed for

commissioning steps
Order information Commissioning Analysis
Order Order Capacity determination Infrastructure Application baseline Total Days lost (after
booking (in verification (in and build specification deployment (in configuration (in commissioning lapse of deployment
Customer Days) Days) (in Days) Days) Days) days period)

Customer 7 6 11 22 18 64 19
Customer 7 5 16 11 8 47 2
Customer 5 8 2 10 24 49 4
Customer 8 6 1 10 24 49 4
Customer 6 4 5 30 16 61 16
Customer 7 5 1 40 30 83 38
Customer 5 4 4 12 27 52 7
Customer 3 4 1 25 22 55 10
Customer 5 9 1 24 28 67 22
Customer 6 3 3 17 17 46 1
Customer 6 4 4 22 38 74 29
Customer 5 7 5 20 37 74 29
Customer 8 4 4 37 45 98 53
Customer 10 12 4 25 10 61 16

(continued )
Order information Commissioning Analysis
Order Order Capacity determination Infrastructure Application baseline Total Days lost (after
booking (in verification (in and build specification deployment (in configuration (in commissioning lapse of deployment
Customer Days) Days) (in Days) Days) Days) days period)

Customer 10 16 3 20 9 58 13
Customer 5 6 3 35 20 69 24
Customer 5 4 14 13 47 83 38
Customer 9 10 5 28 32 84 39
Customer 6 6 10 29 40 91 46
Customer 5 3 10 28 45 91 46
Customer 3 2 17 33 36 91 46
Customer 2 3 14 16 14 49 4
behaviour in

Table 5.
IJOEM Days Yearly Daily Total revenue Percentage revenue with late
Customer lost revenue ($) revenue ($) lost ($) realization (%)

Customer 1 19 330,189 905 17,187.92 5.21

Customer 2 2 250,672 687 1,373.55 0.55
Customer 3 4 131,709 361 1,443.39 1.10
Customer 4 4 140,483 385 1,539.54 1.10
Customer 5 16 132,879 364 5,824.82 4.38
Customer 6 38 200,176 548 20,840.24 10.41
Customer 7 7 499,244 1,368 9,574.54 1.92
Customer 8 10 273,600 750 7,495.89 2.74
Customer 9 22 48,900 134 2,947.40 6.03
Customer 1 70,818 194 194.02 0.27
Customer 29 378,654 1,037 30,084.84 7.95
Customer 29 678,656 1,859 53,920.61 7.95
Customer 53 55,585 152 8,071.29 14.52
Customer 16 250,678 687 10,988.62 4.38
Customer 13 101,052 277 3,599.11 3.56
Customer 24 869,944 2,383 57,201.80 6.58
Customer 38 566,489 1,552 58,976.94 10.41
Customer 39 695,482 1,905 74,311.78 10.68
Customer 46 381,784 1,046 48,115.24 12.60
Customer 46 177,611 487 22,383.85 12.60
Table 6. Customer 46 330,189 905 41,612.86 12.60
Performance of 21
revenue realization Customer 4 48,900 134 535.89 1.10
delay due to delays in 22
commissioning KM Total 506 6,613,695 18,120 478,224.15 7.23

(2) Complexities in Determining the Capacity – There was no standard method for
determining the capacity of service for an order. As mentioned in section 4.2(c), the
number of environments entitlements and the number and size of processing, storage,
server, database and network units for a customer varies on the basis of determined
capacity. The Application Management team was intuitively determining the above
numbers on the basis of number of licenses of a product procured by the customer. A
capacity form specific to a product depicting the details of the size of the service was
filled manually by the Application Management Team. A diligent analysis revealed
that the capacity form format itself was complex and too tedious to be filled. A direct
result was erroneous capacity forms. These errors at times percolated till the
infrastructure deployment phase and had to be rectified once identified. The rectification
process involved multiple to and fro transactions between the Engineering team and
Application Management team. The deployment execution remained suspended during
the rectification transactions. Post rectification of the capacity forms, certain
deployments had to be rolled back due to change in build specifications. This in turn Consumer
induced substantial delays in overall service commissioning. behaviour in
(3) Order Tracking Issues – Application Management Team had the responsibility to technopreneurship
verify order, determine capacity and initiate an environment build request. In most of
the cases, it was observed that the team did not have a focus on following up and
tracking the commissioning request. It was evident as order tracking was not the
primary forte of Application Management Team hence diligent follow ups with the
constituent teams were missing. Figure 14 shows the interactions between the cloud
constituents teams for the purpose of service commissioning. As is evident, there is no
overarching entity which can manage the service commissioning holistically.
(4) Order Booking Pattern – A diligent analysis of the orders across the product lines
revealed a common booking pattern. It was observed that sixty five percent of the
orders booked during any quarter were booked in the last few days of the quarter.
This hefty scale of bookings towards the end of quarter created a peak in the normal
operation cycle wherein the shared pool of Cloud Service Environment Delivery Team
was poured with more number of orders then the monthly average. The peaks also
contributed to the delays as there was a spillover of effort.

8.4 Improve
The following corrective actions were proposed for resolution of the problem in question.
(1) Common Order Booking Framework – It was proposed that the Cloud Service
Environment Delivery Team should get all the order booking notifications through a
single channel. Also manual notifications should be stopped from immediate effect. In
order to achieve this, a common booking system was put in place. To ensure business
and operations continuity, initially all the erstwhile booking and legacy booking
systems were integrated with the new system through a data feed. The synchronization
between the new system and all the old system happens twice a day and the new
system is the only source of all booking notification to cloud team. All the sales teams
across the globe will eventually book orders in the new booking system however the
phase out of older systems will happen in a staggered manner.
(2) Standardization of Capacity Parameters – In order to expedite capacity determination, a
standard sizing metrics were proposed for all the products. As per the new
standardization, the customer would be classified as Small, Medium or Large
depending on the number of licensed procured by the customer for a particular product.
The number of environment entitlements was also standardized product wise as per
the classification of the customer. Appropriate number of processing, storage, server,
database and network units were associated with each sizing metric. The standardized
product specific sizing metric along with the standard deployment architecture ensured
that time spent on capacity determination and specification is minimized. This further
helped in automation of infrastructure deployments.
(3) End to End Tracking of an Order – Service Delivery Manager (SDM) was entrusted
with task of end to end tracking of the deployment till implementation. While this was
almost the case earlier too but the capacity determination and build specification
responsibility lied with Application Management team. It was proposed that all the
tracking and initiation activities should be owned by SDM as the individual teams
will lose execution focus, if engaged in tracking activities. SDM for a project should be
identified as soon as the contract is closed. The proposition sought the process to be
changed in such a way that SDM is entrusted with the responsibility for order
IJOEM verification and determining the capacity and build specification. This workflow
should culminate after the environment has been fully commissioned by the
Infrastructure team. The new arrangement is pictorially depicted in Figure 11.
(4) Automation of Infrastructure Deployment and Product Installation – It was proposed
to automate the majority of installation steps for all the products. All the Product
Development teams have been engaged with the Application Management Team to
develop the installation scripts which will take all the parameters at the start of the set
up and will perform the installation with minimal/unavoidable manual intervention.
A portal development is in progress which will enable the Service Delivery Manager
to enter the build specification online in a deployment portal. After the build specs are
marked complete, the VM (Virtual Machine) manager tool will automatically trigger
allocation of processing, storage, server, database and network units from the
respective pools as per the build specification.
(5) On the Shelf Infrastructure Inventory – In order to handle the peaks resulting from the
quarter end booking it was proposed to have ready to use pre deployed product
specific infrastructure deployments of all the capacity sizes. Since these deployments
were not initiated in response to an order booking, they were termed as on the shelf
infrastructure. This deployment will provide leverage to the Cloud team to offload the
relatively high number of orders at the end of the quarter. Depending on the size of the
customer, an available and matching product specific infrastructure will be tagged to
an order once the order is booked. This will be done on a first come first serve basis for
the orders which are booked towards the end of quarter. Since the infrastructure was
in place, the team will straight away proceed with the product installation saving a
substantial time and decreasing the overall lead time for the orders. The number of on
the shelf inventory deployments to be maintained was forecasted on the basis of two
 Product specific order trends in past four-quarters.
 Current sales pipeline having 90% chances of realization during the current
(6) Knowledge Management – To address the problem of skill deficit and lack of
coordination between the cloud constituent teams, certain Knowledge Management
initiatives have been proposed. These are discussed in detail in section 10.

8.5 Control
The control phase is already in progress as this report is written. Breach of any threshold
defined for a phase will trigger a notification/escalation to a pre-configured set of roles in the

Figure 11.
Enhanced and
modified integration
framework of
cloud team
workflow. For most of the cases, these are the functional managers who own the delivery for a Consumer
particular phase. Any breach will solicit their intervention through a notification so as to behaviour in
enable them to follow up with right person performing the task and get the issue resolved at
the earliest so as to ensure smooth commissioning of the environment. The threshold has
been purposely kept below 45 so as to ensure that the Control Limit (40 days) is well within the
Specification Limit (45 days). Control/Improve actions pertaining to skill deficit and multi
team dynamics have been described in subsequent sections (see Table 7).
8.5.1 Reliability analysis. Reliability is the extent to which a list of scale items would
produce consistent results if data collection were repeated and is assessed by determining the
proportion of systematic variation in a scale. The following Table 8 summarizes the
Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the pilot understand of nine constructs with 32 statements
(Agarwal, 2011).
Thus, the factor analysis confirms the validity of these constructs. So, these items have
been included in the final questionnaire for survey understand. The components matrix is the
output of the factor analysis process that lists the loadings of each of the scale items on each of
the nine components. Valid components having scale item loadings of 0.5 and above and scale
items with the highest loading on that component.
It was attempted to analyze the situation and understand the underlying factors
contributing to the situation. A careful analysis of the situation for all the three customers led
to the following findings:-
(1) Internal Assignment and Transfer of Incidents – A thorough analysis of the incidents
revealed a common pattern. All the inter team assignments within cloud service
delivery team and transfer transactions were being done on the original incident
ticket logged by the customer. For example while investigating an incident if L2
support needs some environment specific information from the Application
Management team then it would transfer the original incident ticket to Application

Measurement variables for investigation in

Constructs the understand Author(s)

Intelligence (a) Process of intelligence generation Nonaka and Toyama (2002);

generation Ramachandran et al. (2006)
(b) Design of new products, services or
(c) Capability to generate intelligence and Eisenhardt and Martin (2000)
utilize it
(d) Capability to engage employees in
innovative activities
Intelligence (a) Interaction among employees Francis and Sandberg (2000); Nonaka
dissemination and Takeuchi (1998)
(b) Availability of appropriate
infrastructure and processes Table 7.
(c) Familiarity with colleagues Showing constructs,
(d) Identifying and designing intelligence measurement of
dissemination processes variables and authors

Table 8.
Overall and individual
Cronbach’s alpha N of items constructs reliability
analysis for the pilot
0.905 39 understand
IJOEM Management team and would wait for a response. All these hops and transfers were
being notified to the customer end user who has originally logged the incident ticket.
This added to the frustration of the customer. This scenario is depicted in Figure 16
(see Figure 12).
(2) Cloud Service Delivery Team Composition – The team composition was a mix baggage.
While teams like L1, L2, L3 support and Implementation had a sound product/
functional knowledge, teams like Application Management and Infrastructure were
very strong technically (see Table 9).
(3) Customer and Account Management Issues – A general concern across customers
was on Account Management. This had traditionally been a strong forte of the
organization for the on premise customers hence the expectations for cloud services
were at par with on premise. Account management involves engaging with the
customer on health and performance of service and to identify avenues for
improvement and optimization of the service. This also involves recording customer
concerns and requirements around the service and devising ways of resolving the
issues through deliberations with internal teams. On deep diving, it was found that
Sales executive was engaging with the customer for Account Management activities

Figure 12.
Validated model ok KM
by integrating
customer insights

Functional/Domain Product technology and On premise Hosted service

Team knowledge platform knowledge support delivery

Engineering 1 3 Not applicable 3

Database 1 3 Not applicable 3
Networking 1 2 Not applicable 3
Application 1 4 Not applicable 4
management team
L1 – Global helpdesk 2 1 2 1
Table 9. L2 Support 4 2 4 1
Indicative rating of L3 Support 3 3 3 1
cloud constituent Implementation and 4 2 4 1
teams on a scale of 4 consulting
even after the contract closure. Each project had a Service Delivery Manager assigned Consumer
(after contract sign up) who had very frequent interactions with the customer. This at behaviour in
times resulted in contradictions in messaging as the sales function had the inherent
limitation on having the latest update on any delivery issue from the team.

9. LAP synthesis
Previous section depicts the analysis of the situation, identified gaps and its implications at
the various stages of the project.
(1) Process Touch Points and Integration – While the processes of individual teams are
comprehensive the touch points within the inter team processes are not defined
appropriately. Absence of such touch points and integration mechanism is leading to
issues of incident transfer and internal assignment as mentioned in Problem Analysis section.
The process should be modified to mandate that any internal transactions within the sub
teams for a resolution will be done through internal tickets rather than the transferring the
parent ticket logged by the customer.

10. Customer satisfaction enablers’ analysis through interpretive structural

modeling (ISM)
10.1 Identification of key factors enabling customer satisfaction
The outcome from SAP-LAP analysis and DMAIC analysis were synthesized for identifying
the key factors which will enhance the customer satisfaction in context of the given problem.
The synthesized outcomes were put to discussion through creation of cross functional focus
groups having adequate representation from all the constituent teams of Cloud service.
Account Managers of all the twenty customers identified for the purpose of this understand
were entrusted with the task to represent the customer opinion in the focus groups
discussions. The focus groups vetted the outcomes through iterations of brainstorming,
nominal group and Delphi methods. After every iteration, the Account Managers would
touch base with their respective customer representatives to have their feedback. Following
key customer satisfaction factors were identified at the end of the above exercise (see
Table 10).

10.2 Development of structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM)

A understand of the linkages among the factors would help in thorough understanding of the
interrelationships between various factors, the role of the various teams involved in enabling
those factors, and an appreciation of their problems. There was also a need for a structural
relationship among the factors as the factors considered together may seem equally

S. No Factor Source

C1 Cloud service delivery team composition SAP-LAP analysis

C2 Issue triage SAP-LAP analysis
C3 Internal assignment and Transfer of incidents SAP-LAP analysis
C4 Environment baseline configuration SAP-LAP analysis/DMAIC analysis
C5 Inter and intra team handovers SAP-LAP analysis
C6 Customer and account management SAP-LAP analysis
C7 Standardization and automation DMAIC analysis Table 10.
C8 Response time/Turnaround time SAP-LAP analysis/DMAIC Analysis Key customer
C9 Resolution time SAP-LAP analysis/DMAIC analysis satisfaction enabling
C10 Environment commissioning time DMAIC analysis factors
IJOEM important and sometimes overriding each other. Such a situation makes it difficult to
understand the situation clearly and decide a distinct strategy specific to the problem.
Insights into interrelationships between factors will help devising an effective strategy and
Four symbols (V, A, X, O) were used to denote the direction of relationship between factors
(i and j) during the analysis of the factors in developing SSIM (Table 11)
(1) V: Variable i will influence j;
(2) A: Variable j will influence Variable i;
(3) X: Variables i and j will help influence each other; and
(4) O: Variables i and j are unrelated.

10.3 Development of reachability matrix

SSIM was converted into the initial reachability matrix by substituting the four symbols (i.e.
V, A, X or O) of SSIM by 1s or 0s in the initial reachability matrix. The SSIM was converted
into a binary matrix, by substituting V, A, X and O by 1 and 0 as per given case (see Table 12).
The substitution of 1 and 0s were done according to the following rules-:
(1) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is V, the (i, j) entry in the reachability matrix becomes 1
and the (j, i) entry becomes 0.
(2) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is A, the (i, j) entry in the reachability matrix becomes
0 and the (j, i) entry becomes 1.

i/j C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

C1 V V X O X V X V V V
C2 A V V A V X O V V O
C3 X A V A X X X V V V
C4 O V V V X V A V V X
C5 X A X X V A A V V V
C6 A X X A V V V O O O
C7 X O X V V A V V V V
Table 11. C8 A A A A A O A V X X
Structural self- C9 A A A A A O A X V V
interaction matrix C10 A O A X A O A X A V

i/j C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

C1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
C2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
C3 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
C4 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
C5 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
C6 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
C7 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 12. C8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Initial reachability C9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
matrix 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
(3) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is X, the (i, j) entry in the reachability matrix becomes 1 Consumer
and the (j, i) entry also becomes 1. behaviour in
(4) If the (i, j) entry in the SSIM is O, the (i, j) entry in the reachability matrix becomes technopreneurship
0 and the (j, i) entry also becomes 0.

10.4 Partition of reachability matrix into levels

From the final reachability matrix, for each factor, reachability set and antecedent sets were
derived. The reachability set consisted of the factor itself and the other factors which it might
influence. The antecedent set consisted of the factor itself and other factors, which might
influence it. Thereafter, intersection of these two sets was derived for all factors. The factors
identified during a iteration are color coded with different colors so as to enable identification
(Table 13).

10.5 Derivation of conical matrix

Conical matrix was developed by clustering factors in the same level across the rows and
columns of the final reachability matrix. The drive power of a factor was derived by summing
up the number of ones in the rows and its dependence power by summing up the number of
ones in the columns. Driving power and dependence power ranks were calculated by giving
highest ranks to the factors that have the maximum number of ones in the rows and columns
respectively (Table 14).

10.6 Formation of ISM diagraph and model

The structural model was developed with the help of final reachability matrix (Table 15). The
relationship between the enablers i and j is presented by an arrow which points from i to j.
This graph is known as an initial directed graph, or initial digraph. The digraph was
examined to eliminate transitivity of relationships. The final digraph was formed after
removing the transitivity. The final digraph is shown in Figure 8. This final digraph is
converted into the ISM-based model for devising the optimal strategy for enhancing customer
satisfaction (see Figures 13 and 15).

10.7 MICMAC analysis and ISM conclusion

MICMAC analysis helps to analyze the driving and dependence power of individual factors
and also helps in classification of these factors. The factors are classified into four types of

Factor Reachability Antecedents Intersection Level

C8 8,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 8,9,10 1
C10 4,8,10 1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 4,8,10 1
C9 8,9 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 8,9 2
C3 1,3,5,6,7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,3,5,6,7 3
C5 1,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,3,4,5 3
C2 2,6 1,2,4,6 2,6 4
C6 6,7 1,4,6,7 6,7 5
C1 1,7 1,7 1,7 6 Table 13.
C4 4 4,7 4 6 Partitioned
reachability matrix
C7 7 6,7 7 7
with finalized levels
IJOEM i/j C8 C10 C9 C3 C5 C2 C6 C1 C4 C7 Driving power

C8 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
C10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
C9 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
C3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8
C5 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 7
C2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6
C6 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5
C1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9
C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8
Table 14. C7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8
Conical matrix Dependent power 9 8 8 7 7 4 5 4 4 4 60

Factor i/j C8 C10 C9 C3 C5 C2 C6 C1 C4 C7 power Level

Response time/ C8 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 I
Environment C10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 I
Resolution time C9 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 II
Internal C3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 III
assignment and
transfer of
Inter and intra C5 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 III
team handovers
Issue triage C2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 IV
Customer and C6 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5 V
Cloud service C1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9 VI
delivery team
Environment C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 VI
Table 15. baseline
Consolidated conical configuration
reachability matrix Standardization C7 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8 VII
with driving power, and automation
dependent power and Dependent 9 8 8 7 7 4 5 4 4 4 60
factor levels power

(1) Autonomous Enablers – These have weak driving power and weak dependence and
are relatively disconnected from the system. They have very few strong linkages.
(2) Dependent Enablers – These have weak driving power but strong dependence.
(3) Linkage Enablers – These have strong driving power and dependence. Any impact on
these enablers will impact the other enablers and a resultant impact on the linkage
enabler itself, thereby increasing the consolidated impact.
C8 C0 Consumer
behaviour in

C3 C5



C1 C4 Figure 13.
Final diagraph after
removing transitivity
facilitating KM for
sustainable product

(4) Independent Enablers – These have strong driving power and weak dependence.
These enablers condition other enablers while not being impacted themselves in
Clustering of the factors pertinent to customer satisfaction based on ISM is shown in
Figure 16 above. The categorization of the factors and subsequent analysis is presented next:
(1) Autonomous Enablers – Only factor in this cluster is C6- Customer and Account
Management. This is in alignment with the nature of the factor. Account
Management is done beyond the realms of the delivery process framework and is
more of a customer management activity. MICMAC analysis suggests driving and
dependence power of 5 for this factor which is on the boundary hence this factor has
the potential to become either and Independent or Dependent enabler.
(2) Dependent Enablers – Following factors fall into dependent cluster:
 C8 – Response Time/Turnaround Time
 C9 – Resolution Time
 C10 – Environment Commissioning Time
These factors have high dependency on the factors at higher levels. Hence, the impacting
factors will have to be enhanced in order to enhance these dependent factors.
IJOEM C10. Environment Commissioning C8. Response Time/Turnaround
Time Time

C9. Resolution Time

C3. Internal Assignment and C5. Inter and Intra Team Handovers
Transfer of Incidents

C2. Issue Triage

C6. Customer and Account Management

C1. Service Delivery Team C4. Environment Baseline

Composition Configuration

Figure 14.
Interpretive structural
model of factors
enabling customer C7. Standardization and Automation

(3) Linkage Enablers – Following factors fall into dependent cluster:

• C3 – Internal Assignment of Transfer and Incidents
• C5 – Inter and Intra Team Handovers
The above two linkage factors have high dependence as well as driving power. These fall in
the middle levels of the ISM hierarchy.
(4) Independent Enablers – Following factors fall into independent cluster:
• C1 – Cloud Service Delivery Team Composition
• C2 – Issue Triage
• C4 – Environment Baseline Configuration
• C7 – Standardization and Automation
The above independent enablers have less dependence ranking but high driving power hence
any enhancement in these enablers will enhancement in these factors will enhance the other
factors and will improve the overall customer satisfaction as well.
behaviour in

Figure 15.
Clustering of factors
for enhancing
customer satisfaction –
MICMAC analysis

Figure 16.
transformation matrix
for cloud teams

ISM and MICMAC analysis suggest that C7-Standardisation and Automation is the key
factor which at that can enhance the other factors and itself drive the customer satisfaction to
a great extent. Standardization of products and processes will directly enhance factors like
Issue Triage, Response Time, Resolution Time, Environment Commissioning time along with
others. Similarly Automation will enhance Issue Triage, Inter and Intra Team Handovers
along with others. Standardization will also enhance Environment Baseline Configuration.
These independent factors have high driving power hence can enhance other factors as well
to achieve high degree of customer satisfaction hence management should focus on
enhancing these. These factors are strategic enablers due to their high driving power. The
DMAIC analysis presented in the earlier sections also emphasized on the need of both
standardization of capacity sizing and automation of product and hardware installation for
eliminating the commissioning delays. There is a convergence in DMAIC and ISM findings in
this context.
C6-Customer and Account Management has moderate driving and dependence power hence
is a key enabler. This will need focus from both middle and top management. C1-Service
Delivery Team Composition and C4-Enviroment Baseline Configuration have a very high
IJOEM driving power and less dependency hence any enhancement in these factors will enhance
customer satisfaction many folds. Both these factors are at sixth level in the ISM hierarchy and
hence are critical to customer satisfaction. The findings of LAP synthesis suggests that Service
Delivery Team Composition was directly impacted by merger and acquisition strategy of the
organization. Hence this should be the key focus area of the top management as it can impact
Issue Triage, Response/Turnaround Time, Environment Commissioning Time and Resolution
Time substantially. Top management should ensure that any team/personnel taken onboard
through such an acquisition is well integrated within the organization set up and is well
acquainted with the organization work culture. Mentoring programs should be developed for
such teams so as to ensure smooth acclimatization of such teams in the environment and
subsequently getting an optimal performance from them (Lyles and Salk, 1996).

11. Conclusion
In order to remove inconsistencies in issue resolution and problem solving approach and
provide an integrated service to the customer, as depicted in Figure 7 in LAP synthesis,
various Knowledge Management options have been explored. Table 15 depicted the expertise
level of Cloud Service teams in various knowledge areas. Problem and Gap analysis findings
assert the need for the constituent teams to adopt a more holistic approach for resolution of
issues and efficient service delivery. This mandates inter team and intra team knowledge
transformations and transfer as appropriate. In order to determine the right transformations
for the Cloud Service teams, ticket data for past one year for the selected customers was
analyzed. The focus of the analysis was the issues which required cross functional team and
expertise. All such issues will require regimented effort from the participating teams. The
process gaps for such model have been addressed in LAP synthesis. Based on the gaps in
interaction and issue handling in past ticket data, different type of knowledge transformation
strategies have been recommended. The following knowledge management strategies are
being proposed on the basis of N Form Model:-
(1) Articulation – Refers to articulation of tacit knowledge. This is primarily an intra-
team knowledge transformation. Key components of Articulation can be Intelligence
Development and Intelligence Generation. Intelligence Development can span across
teams wherein people acquire knowledge beyond their individual team areas thereby
developing a holistic view of the service. For example if there is an issue wherein the
application is unable to connect to a database then the database administration team
should be able envisage that a probable reason could be network port configuration
which is beyond the realm of the database team but impacts them frequently.
Intelligence Generation is the actual articulation of the acquired tacit knowledge. In
the above example all such instances can be documented for the future reference.
(2) Reflection – Interplay of tacit and articulated knowledge. Can happen inter team and
intra team. Reflection can involve learning from both external and internal environment.
Learning from external environment can happen by adopting best practices of the
market by individual teams. This is a manifestation of explicit knowledge. Learning can
happen internally within the team through knowledge sharing sessions which involves
sharing of tacit knowledge by individual team members.
(3) Extension – Extension is transfer/transformation of knowledge from lower to higher
agency levels in the issue resolution hierarchy. This transformation primarily
involves multiple teams. This form of transformation strategy primarily involves
transfer of articulations of a team to other participating cloud teams. Customer and
market feedback is also captured as knowledge and transferred to teams as Consumer
appropriate. behaviour in
(4) Appropriation – It is the reverse of extension involving multiple teams. Appropriation technopreneurship
can be achieved through focused training programs for team members so as to
prepare them for anticipated issues and challenges. These formal trainings ensure
that the frequent changes to the service due to change in products as mandated by the
agile markets are well communicated to the teams. Also the teams are sensitized on
anticipated issues due to these changes.
Figure 16 shows the knowledge transformation matrix which depicts the recommended
knowledge transformation strategies between various teams.
Assimilation and dissemination involve both articulated and tacit components and span
within and across teams. Also internalization will be intrinsic to such an arrangement and
happen both at an individual level and team level. In order to facilitate the above transfer and
transformations, following steps has been recommended:
(1) Expanding the Realms of I-Learn Portal – I-Learn portal is the incremental knowledge
base and querying system of the organization. Current access configurations segregate
the access of infrastructure, application configuration and product issues. It has been
recommended to allow access to all the categories regardless of the nature of the teams.
This is in line with Extension and Appropriation knowledge management strategy
recommended for teams. Merger and integration of knowledge base articles which
pertain to similar issue but are distributed across these categories has been initiated.
(2) Enhancement of Work Instructions – In order to enhance Articulation within the team,
individual teams have been asked to come up with work instruction documents which
are the comprehension of iterative issues and configuration baseline activities. This
will ensure nil or minimum misses and will also help in reducing the learning curve of
new associates during induction.
(3) Mandatory Knowledge Contribution – One of the individual goals introduced for the
team members is the mandatory contribution to the knowledge base. Any such
document will have to go through a thorough cross functional team review before
being finally released for viewing by wider audience.
(4) Documentation of issue resolution and integration of Customer ticketing system with
I Learn portal – Resolution of all the issues resolved will have to be documented in the
customer ticketing system. Further the ticketing system will be integrated with
I-Learn portal to capture the efficacy of the knowledge base documents. Any issue
resolved with the help of a knowledge base document will refer to that document. This
will also help in capturing the metrics on the effectiveness of knowledge base articles.
The understand findings suggest that knowledge management including intelligence
generation helps the techno entrepreneurs to gather information from the market about
customer’s needs and wants thereby influencing the adoption pattern of the customers. On the
other hand the findings also suggest that intelligence dissemination helps in diffusion of the
intelligence gathered from the market. This in turn helps the product development team to
understand the needs of the customers. Therefore, they are able to develop product innovations
and modifications as per the customers’ needs and wants. So the diffusion of knowledge is very
critical for making the techno entrepreneurship sustainable by developing customer focused
products and services in technopreneurship. Through the step-wise Structural equation
modeling analysis, it emerged that Intelligence Generation is acting as a driver of
Innovativeness (Danneels and Kleinschmidt, 2001). It is evident from the framework that
IJOEM Intelligence Generation has higher order of impact on the Innovativeness in terms of Good
Communication and Periodical Review. Thus, it can be concluded that Intelligence Generation
can be utilized as a major determinant to improve the financial outcomes in terms of
Innovativeness, which has been practically experienced in questionnaire survey in four major
technopreneurs from automobile industries.
Intelligence Dissemination directly affects the financial outcomes. Intelligence
Dissemination has emerged as a major predictor of adoption and diffusion of technology
Innovativeness. Periodical reports Circulation influences Innovativeness directly. These links
were observed in macro analysis (step-wise structural equation modeling analysis) of
questionnaire survey. Thus, it can be concluded that Intelligence Dissemination can be
utilized as a major determinant of product innovation to improve the financial outcomes.
These specific issues related to product innovation and help the organization for
entrepreneurial revitalization (Nwokah et al., 2009). These specific issues also help us to
address the issue of organization’s lack of vitality which is one of the key aspects of the
technoentrepreneur’s sustainability. Thus, the variables and their inter-relationships help to
revitalize the ongoing process of entrepreneurship within the organization in terms of
ongoing processes, which have been highlighted in this understand. The understand leads to
the conclusion that the technopreneurs intending to practice of product innovation needs to
focus on Intelligence Dissemination, Intelligence Generation for enhancing product-process
The predictors of adoption and diffusion of technology innovations include intelligence
dissemination, intelligence generation and dependability. This shows that for innovations to
succeed, it is important to have proper processes for intelligence generation and
dissemination. This understanding suggests that innovations require work discretion to
The expectations from SaaS (Software as a Service) offering in terms of value proposition
are far more than a typical on premise framework and the number of customer satisfaction
variables which need to be managed are also relatively high. Since a typical end to end cloud
service delivery of any software product/solution involves participation of multiple teams
and a lot of client interaction, an early focus on development of inters team and intra team
integration with regards to process touch points, operational agreements and knowledge
consolidation is critical (Song et al., 2005). ISM findings reflect the same where in Service
Delivery Team Composition has come up as key independent customer satisfaction factor
which can influence other factors as well. Team recruited through a merger or an acquisition
can complicate the integration dynamics at times.

12. Implications
Standardization of deployment parameters across products will help the organization in
removing the non-value added activities and focus on customer value added activities and
operational value added activities. This will eliminate waste and bring down the operational
costs significantly. Automation will simultaneously ensure quick deployments thereby
optimizing the overall commissioning times. KM as an enabler will ensure that the reverse
transactions happening along the deployment cycle between the cross functional teams are
eliminated. KM enablement will overcome the problem of skill deficit and enhance cross
functional expertise. This will minimize cost of attrition of the organization. Enhancement of
factors from ISM and DMAIC findings together with KM enablement will ensure that the
organization’s working capital requirements are optimized and hence the savings in budgets
can be utilized for more value added and revenue generating initiatives. In such a volatile
operating environment, such analysis should not be a onetime activity and should be iterated
over a pre-defined period to check and contain any gaps which might have crept in due to the Consumer
environment volatility. behaviour in
The methodologies used in this project were confined to the context of the business
problem at hand and primarily used expert opinions for data analysis and nominal group
techniques. Only the data relevant to the problem was collected. Managers can further use
ISM, SAP-LAP and DMAIC to analyze the independent variable pertaining to a business
problem and develop effective strategies to manage them for positive outcomes. Researchers
can extend this to substantiate the findings using empirical studies and developing generic
models for addressing such situations.

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