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HBT Series #01 N-MDCAT MODEL TEST Medical Test #01

Biology:Ch# 01-07 Chemistry: Ch# 01-06 Physics: Ch# 01-05 English : Subject verb agreement+vocabulary
(Sentence + vocabulary) ))
HBT Series #01
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 Time = 9:00 to 11:30 am
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Name:________________ Roll No: ____________ Date: 25th April, 2021

1. The capacity to increase the size of an object is: 12. Intracellular digestion is done by:
(a) Magnification (b) Resolution (a) Lysosome (b) SER
(c) Micrometry (d) Microscopy (c) Ribosome (d) Golgi complex
2. Lignin is present commonly in: 13. Glyoxysomes are found in :
(a) Primary wall (b) Secondary wall (a) Seeds (b) Starchy seeds
(c) Middle lamella (d) Both b & c (c) Oily seeds (d) All of these
3. Which of the following compounds is present 14. Poisonous compounds for protection of plants
in the cell wall of the bacteria? are stored in:
(a) Cellulose (b) Cutin (a) Glyoxysomes (b) Peroxisomes
(c) Murine (d) Chitin (c) Vacuole (d) Lysosome
4. Secondary wall is present only in tissues: 15. Protein absent in microfilament is:
(a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma (a) Actin (b) Tubulin
(c) Sclerenchyma (d) Chlorenchyma (c) Troponin (d) Tropomyosin
5. Pectic acid is found in: 16. Protein tubulin is found in:
(a) Primary wall (b) Secondary wall (a) Microtubule
(c) Middle lamella (d) Cell membrane (b) Microfilament
6. According to Fluid Mosaic Model the (c) Both
embedded molecules are: (d) Intermediate filament.
(a) Protein (b) Lipids 17. Axoneme is composed of number of
(c) Glycolipids (d) Cholesterol microtubules.
7. The end of phospholipids on the surface of (a) 4 (b) 5
membrane is: (c) 9 (d) 11
(a) Hydrophobic (b) Hydrophilic 18. Choose the pair of terms that correctly
(c) Tails (d) Both a and b completes the sentence: Nucleotides are
8. The molecules controlling fluidity of to…………….as……………..are to proteins.
membrane is : (a) Nucleic acids, amino acids
(a) Protein (b) Lipids (b) Amino acids; polypeptides
(c) Glycolipids (d) Carbohydrates (c) Glycosidic linkages; Polypeptide linkages
9. The molecules stabilizes membrane is : (d) Polymers; Polypeptides
(a) Protein (b) Lipids 19. The oxygen in furanose links
(c) Cholesterol (d) Carbohydrates (a) C1 and C4 (b) C1 and C5
10. Trans face of Golgi complex is: (c) C2 and C4 (d) C2 and C5
(a) Convex 20. Compound formed by nitrogenous base and
(b) Concave pentose sugar is called:
(c) Flat (a) Nucleotide (b) Nucleoside
(d) One side concave one convex (c) Polypeptide (d) Polysaccharide
11. Phragmoplast is formed by: 21. Anticodes are present on:
(a) ER (b) Ribosome (a) tRNA (b) mRNA
(c) Golgi complex (d) Mitochondria (c) rRNa (d) DNA

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22. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener it is a. (c) 674 calories per gram
(a) Monosaccharide (b) Disaccharide (d) 574 calories per gram
(c) Polysaccharide (d) None of these. 35. A change in pH affect the enzyme reaction
23. Wax found in sheep wool is: rate by:
(a) Cutin (b) Lanolin (a) ionizing the active site of the enzyme
(c) Suberin (d) Bee wax (b) Decreasing the movement of the molecules
24. Vitamin D is: of the enzymes
(a) Waxes (b) Prostaglandin (c) Destroying the globular structure of the
(c) Terpenes (d) Steriods enzyme
25. Which of the following is not inhibitor; (d) None of the above
(a) Cyanides (b) Penicillin 36. Heterogeneous group of compounds are:
(c) Sulphonamid (d) Hormone (a) Proteins (b) Lipids
26. Non-competitive inhibitor bind to site of (c) Nucleic acid (d) Carbohydrates
enzyme: 37. Cholesterol is:
(a) Active site (b) Binding site (a) Simple lipid (b) Complex lipid
(c) Catalytic site (d) Allosteric site (c) Derived lipid (d) All of these.
27. Which of the following is irreversible non- 38. Which structure is found in all the proteins?
competitive inhibitor: (a) Primary structure
(a) Cyanides (b) Silver ion (b) Secondary structure
(c) Mercury ion (d) All of these (c) Tertiary structure
28. The binding site of the enzyme is that site (d) Quaternary
which: 39. Which of the following diseases is not caused
(a) Recognize the substrate by virus?
(b) Bind with the cofactor (a) Polio (b) Cholera
(c) Change substrate into product (c) Hepatitis (d) Influenza
(d) None of the above 40. Complete body of virus is called.
29. The Catalytic site of the enzyme is that site (a) Phage (b) Capsomeres
which: (c) Virion (d) Capsid
(a) Recognize the substrate 41. Which of the following stages of lytic cycle is
(b) Bind with the cofactors called adsorption?
(c) Change substrate into product. (a) Attachment (b) Penetration
(d) None of the above (c) Multiplication (d) Lysis
30. Combination of apoenzyme and coenzyme 42. The change from lysogenic to lytic cycle in
produces. phage virus is called.
(a) Prosthetic group (b) Holoenzyme (a) Lysogeny (b) Lysis
(c) Enzyme (d) Isoenzyme (c) Induction (d) penetration
31. The Specificity of enzyme is due: 43. Induction is a process in which:
(a) Surface configuration (a) A viral DNA enters into bacterial DNA
(b) PH (b) A viral DNA come out of the bacterial DNA
(c) Hydrogen bonding (c) A viral DNA destroys the bacterial DNA
(d) High molecular weight (d) A viral DNA absorb bacterial RNA.
32. An essential feature of a competitive 44. Hepatitis may be caused by.
inhibitor s its ability to: (a) Virus (b) Toxicity
(a) Occupy allosteric site (c) Air (d) Both a & b.
(b) Combine with prosthetic group 45. Fluid filled sores are formed in.
(c) Modify a substrate (a) Herpes simplex (b) Hepatitis
(d) Occupy active site (c) Poliomyelitis (d) AIDS.
33. Water is liquid at room temperature due to: 46. CLCuD is transmitted by.
(a) Covalent bonding (b) Hydrogen bonding (a) Mosquito (b) Fruit fly
(c) Ionic bonding (d) All of these (c) White fly (d) House fly
34. Heat of vaporization of water is: 47. The filament of cyanobacteria is called.
(a) 74 calories per gram (a) Heterocysts (b) trichome
(b) 274 calories per gram (c) Hormogonia (d) Akintes
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48. The enlarged cells present in the filament of 59. The Number of NADH2 molecules produced
cyanobacteria are called. in mitochondria from the Breakdown of one
(a) Heterocysts (b) Trichome glucose molecule is.
(c) Hormogonia (d) Akintes. (a) 4 (b) 6
49. The accessory pigments of the cyanobacteria (c) 8 (d) 10.
are called. 60. Which of the following are present in
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Phycobilins prokaryotic cells:
(c) Xanthophlls (d) Carotenes. (a) Chloroplast, DNA, nuclear envelope
50. The structure giving sticky nature to (b) Chromosome, Mitochondria, nuclear
bacterium is. envelope.
(a) Capsule (b) Slime (c) Cytoplasm, DNA, Mitochondria
(c) Pili (d) Mesosome (d) Cytoplasm, DNA, ribosome
51. Which of the following structure makes the cell 61. Glycolipids and lipoprotein are important
wall of bacteria sticky? components of.
(a) Capsule (b) Slime (a) Cellular membrane (b) Cell Wall
(c) Pili (d) Mesosome. (c) Both of them (d) None of them.
52. Arrange the position of cell membrane, cell 62. Estrogen, vitamin-D and cholesterol are all
wall, slime and capsule from outer to inner. examples of.
(a) Cell Wall - Cell Membrane – Slime – (a) Glycolipids (b) Lipoproteins
Capsule (c) Terpenes (d) Steroids
(b) Capsule - Slime – Cell wall – Cell Membrane 63. Which term includes all others?
(c) Slime – Capsule- Cell wall – Cell Membrane (a) Carbohydrate (b) Starch
(d) Cell wall – Capsule –Slime – Cell (c) Monosaccharide (d) polysaccharide.
Membrane. 64. What are the products of the light reactions in
53. Which of the following is saprotroph? photosynthesis?
(a) Azobacter (a) ATP and NADP
(b) Streptococcus pneumonia (b) ATP, NADPH2 and oxygen
(c) Nitrifying bacteria (c) ATP, PGA and oxygen
(d) None of these. (d) ATP, PGA and NADH2
54. Which of the followings is chemoatutroph? 65. In C4 plants, fixation of CO₂ occurs in.
(a) Azobacter (a) Palisade tissue
(b) Streptococcus pneumonia (b) Cortex of stem
(c) Nitrifying bacteria (c) Spongy mesophyll and bundle of sheath
(d) None of these. (d) Phloem tissue.
55. The mycelium is composed of: 66. ATP synthesis during light reactions is called.
(a) Hyphae (b) Thallus (a) Oxidative
(c) Cells (d) Ceonocytes. (b) Photolysis
56. Reserve food material in fungi is: (c) Substrate phosphorylation
(a) Fats (b) Protein (d) Photophosphoryation
(c) Starch (d) Glycogen. 67. Which of the following illness is caused by a
57. Which of the following cell structures contains retrovirus?
the highest concentration of RNA? (a) Typhoid (b) Malaria
(a) Centriole (b) Lysosome (c) AIDS (d) Sleeping sickness.
(c) Chromosome (d) Nucleolus. 68. Poliomyelitis affects.
58. A tadpole’s tail is gradually broken down (a) Motor neurons (b) Sensory neurons
during metamorphosis into an adult frog. (c) Brain (d) Muscles
Which organelle increases in number in the 69. Pili are made up of pilin, which is.
cells of the tail at this time? (a) Carbohydrates (b) Lipids
(a) Centriole (b) Endoplasmic (c) Protein (d) Triglycerides
reticulum 70. Chemosynthetic bacteria.
(c) Golgi complex (d) Lysosomes. (a) Are autotrophic
(b) Use the sun rays

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(c) Oxidize inorganic compounds to acquire 83. How many moles of NaCl are produced
energy from the reaction of 6.022 × 1023 molecules
(d) Both A and C are correct. of HCl with one mole of NaOH?
71. A bacterium with flagella all around is. (a) 6.022× 1023 mol (b) 0.5 mol
(a) Monotrichous (b) Lophotrichous (c) 3.011 × 1023 mol (d) 1 mol
(c) Amphitrichous (d) Peritrichous 84. If 28.0 g nitrogen gas is reacted with 8.0 g
72. Conjugation is facilitated by. hydrogen to form ammonia, the limiting
(a) Capsule reactant among the two will be:
(b) Pili (a) N2 (b) H2
(c) Flagella (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these
(d) Both pili and flagella 85. A gas at STP contains only 6.02 × 1023
73. Bacterial membrane differ from eukaryotic atoms and is monoatomic, it will occupy:
membrane in. (a) 1.2 L (b) 22.4 L
(a) Lacking proteins (b) lacking lipids (c) 30.5 L (d) 44.8 L
(c) Lacking polysaccharide 86. Correct value of l for an electron in 2d
(d) Lacking cholesterol orbital is_____.
74. The cell wall consists of two overlapping shells (a) 1 (b) 2
in. (c) 3 (d) Note possible.
(a) Euglenoids (b) Diatoms 87. How many hydrogen atoms are present in
(c) Dinoflagellates (d) Brown algae. one mole of water?
75. Which algal group is mismatched? (a) 1.086 × 1074 atoms
(a) Green algae --- closed relatives of land plants (b) 1.204 × 1024 atoms
(b) Dinoflagellates --- two part shell (c) 3.01 × 1023 atoms
(c) Brown algae --- include the larges seaweed (d) 6.02 × 1023 atoms
(d) Diatoms --- phytoplankton 88. The energy of electron in same shell of an
76. The feeding stage of a slime mold is called. atom:
(a) Hyphae (b) Plasmodium (a) P.E > K.E (b) P.E = K.E
(c) Rhizoids (d) Mycelium (c) P.E < K.E (d) Not predictable
77. Fungi resemble animals because they are. 89. 1 is equal to 1.661 × 10-24 g, then 1.0 g
(a) Saprotrophs (b) autotrophs will be equal to:
(c) Heterotrophs (d) heterosporous (a) 6.02 × 1023
78. Fungi cell walls contain chitin, which is also (b) 6.02 ×
found in exoskeleton of. (c) 6.02 ×10-24
(a) Arthropods (b) Molluscs (d) 6.02 × 1024
(c) Echinoderms (d) Chordates. 90. The numbers of atoms in 18 g of H2O are
79. Which of the following is associated with equal to?
asexual reproduction in fungi. (a) 6.02 × 1023 atoms
(a) Zygospores (b) Ascospores (b) 6.02 × 1024 atoms
(c) Basidiospores (d) Conidia. (c) 1.806 × 1024 atoms
80. Which of the following is called mitospore. (d) 3.052 × 1023 atoms
(a) Zygospores (b) Ascospores 91. Mass of 1 molecule of oxygen is:
(c) Basidiospores (d) Conidia (a) 32 g (b) 16 g
(c) 32/6.02 × 10 g
CHEMISTRY (d) 32/6.02 × 10-23 g
81. Calculate the volume occupied by 2.8 g of 92. Which of the following series is observed in
nitrogen gas at STP: the visible region of electromagnetic
(a) 22.4 dm3 (b) 2.4 dm3 radiation?
(c) 44.8 dm 3
(d) 4.4 dm3 (a) Pfund series (b) Ballmer series
82. Calculate the number of moles NaCl in 75.0 (c) Lyman series (d) Bracket series
g of table salt? 93. Transition from n = 4,5,6 ….. to n = 3 in
(a) 0.643 (b) 0.799 hydrogen spectrum gives:
(c) 28.0 (d) 1.28 (a) Pfund series (b) Lyman series
(c) Paschen series (d) Bracket series
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94. Number of unit cell in 936 amu of NaCl is: 104. An X – rays photon due to transition from
(a) 4 (b) 16 M – shell to the vacancy in the k – shell is
(c) 16 NA (d) 4 NA called:
95. In the discharge tube emission the cathode (a) K 𝛼 characteristic of X – ray
rays require: (b) K𝜷 characteristic of X –rays
(a) Low potential and low pressure
(c) K𝛾 characteristic of X – ray
(b) Low potential and high pressure
(c) High potential and high pressure (d) K characteristic of X – rays.
(d) High potential and low pressure 105. Which of the following contain one
96. If an atom exists in the excited state n = 5, unpaired electron?
the maximum number of transition takes (a) Zn+2 (b) K+1
place is: (c) Cu+2 (d) Na+1
(a) 6 (b) 5 106. The rays with a particle nature are:
(c) 10 (d) 3 (a) y – rays (b) x – rays
97. Which pair of gases can’t undergo the (c) Cathode rays (d) Cosmic rays
process of diffusion? 107. Which electronic level will allow the
(a) H2 & He (b) N2 & CH4 hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not
(c) HCL & NH3 (d) All can diffuse. emit?
98. The part of electromagnetic spectrum in (a) 1s (b) 2s 2p 3d
which Lyman series lies is: (c) 2p 3d (d) 3d
(a) Visible region 108. Which one of the following closely resembles
(b) Infrared region an ideal gas?
(c) Ultra violet region (a) Xe (b) H2
(d) X – rays (c) CO2 (d) He
99. How many different values can m, assume 109. Which thermodynamic temperature is
in the electron sub – shell designated by equivalent to 501.85℃?
quantum number n = 5, l = 4? (a) 775.00 K (b) 774.85 K
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 228.85 K (d) 228.70 K
(c) 6 (d) 9 110. Choose the correct order of the rate of
100. Two atoms X and Y have the electronic diffuse of the given four gases?
configuration given below: (a) CO > NO2 > Cl2 > SO2
X= 1S22S2 SP6 3S1 (b) CO > SO2 > NO2 > Cl2
Y= 1S22S2 SP5. (c) CO > NO2 > SO2 > Cl2
Which compound is formed. (d) SO2 > Cl2 > CO > NO2
(a) XY (b) XY2 111. Total no of nodes for 5 f orbital is ____.
(c) X1Y (d) XY3 (a) 3 (b) 4
101. Which of the following color have largest (c) 0 (d) 7
wavelength? 112. Helium shows negative joule Thomson effect
(a) Red (b) Blue duet to its:
(c) Green (d) Orange (a) Low viscosity
102. In the main postulate of Bohr atomic theory (b) Inert nature
the angular momentum of electron in (c) Resistance to polarize
hydrogen atom is given by the relationship: (d) Low density
(a) mv = h/2π (b) r = 𝑍𝑒2⁄4𝜋𝜀𝑜𝑚𝑣 113. A gas diffuse ½ times as fast as hydrogen
(c) mvr = nh/2π (d) hvc gas, its molecular mass is:
103. Select the one having half – filled p orbital’s (a) 32 amu (b) 25 amu
on losing an electron: (c) 8 amu (d) 16 amu
(a) Nitrogen (b) Lithium 114. A flask contains 6 grams of hydrogen gas
(c) Oxygen (d) Fluorine and 64 gram oxygen at RTP the partial

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pressure of hydrogen gas in the flask of the 125. The liquid with highest rate of evaporation
total pressure [P] will be: among the following is:
(a) 2/3p (b) 3/5p (a) Water (b) Ethyl alcohol
(c) 2/5p (d)1/3p (c) Ammonia (d) n – pentane
115. The ratio of rate of diffusion of equal volume 126. Vapour pressure of a liquid does not depend
(500cm3) of hydrogen and oxygen under on:
same condition of temperature and (a) Temperature
pressure? (b) Intermolecular forces
(a) 4:1 (b) 8 : 1 (c) Amount of liquid
(c) 16 : 1 (d) 2 : 1 (d) Amount of solid dissolved in the liquid
116. Atmospheric pressure is measured by: 127. In ice the water molecules are bonded by:
(a) Hygrometer (b) Barometer (a) Ionic bonds (b) Hydrogen bonds
(c) Pyrometer (d) Spherometer (c) Covalent bonds (d) Metallic bonds
117. When electric current is passed through neon 128. At high altitude the boiling point of water is
gas it produces: less than 100℃ this is because of:
(a) Plasma (b) Light (a) High atmospheric pressure
(c) Plasma & light (d) Plasma, light &sound (b) Weak hydrogen bonding
118. A pseudo solid among the following is (c) No change in atmospheric pressure
_____. (d) Lower atmospheric pressure
(a) NaCl (b) Copper 129. The type of intermolecular forces present in
(c) Glass (d) Diamond solid mercury is:
119. Regarding liquefaction of gases the highest (a) Covalent bond (b) Ionic bond
critical temperature at a fixed pressure is (c) Metallic bond (d) H – Bond
of: 130. The electrical conductivity of NaCl crystal
(a) H2O (b) NH3 is:
(c) Cl2 (d) CO2 (a) More than NaBr crystal
120. Which of the following gases has the highest (b) Less than NaBr crystal
rate of diffuse at the same temperature and (c) Equal to NaBr crystal
pressure? (d) NaCl crystal doesn’t conduct electric
(a) HCl (b) CO2 current
(c) C2H2 (d) C2H6 131. The shape or appearance in which a crystal
121. A certain gas takes three times as long to grows is called:
effuse out as Helium. Its molar mass will be: (a) Crystal geometry (b) Crystal lattice
(a) 36 amu (b) 64 amu (c) Crystal habit (d) None of these
(c) 27 amu (d) None. 132. Which one of the following characteristics is
122. If we allow water liquid ammonia and not usually attributed to ionic substances?
liquid hydrofluoric acid in 3 (a) High melting points
stalaigmometres to flow down from point X (b) Deform when struck
to Y, maximum no of drops will be (c) Fragility
produced by. (d) Crystalline.
(a) Water (b) Amonia
133. Most magnetic among the following is____.
(c) HF (d) Same by all.
(a) O2-2 (b) N2
123. Choose the compound in which hydrogen -2
bonding is not possible: (c) N2 (d) None.
(a) H2O (b) HCl 134. Correct geometry and shape of NH3
(c) CH3COOH (d) CH3CH2OH molecule are_____.
124. Hydrogen bonding do not exist in_______. (a) Pyramidal & pyramidal
(a) Hydrogen (b) Proteins (b) Tetrahedral & pyramidal
(c) Carbohydrates (d) Ammonia (c) Pyramidal & Tetrahedral
(d) Tetrahedral & tetrahedral.
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135. The melting point of a crystalline solid by 144. if 34.51 is cutted from a meter rod the
the addition of impurities: remaining length is:
(a) Increases (a) 65.49 cm (b) 65.5 cm
(b) Decreases (c) 65.4 cm (d) 66 cm.
(c) Remain the same 145. When a 6 N force is applied on a body of
(d) 1st decreases then increase mass 2 kg for 4 sec to move, then the K.E of
136. In ice there are H – bonds and covalent the body:
bonds. What type of solid is it? (a) 12 J (b) 144 J
(a) Ionic (b) Covalent (c) 210 J (d) 0 J
(c) Molecular (d) metallic
137. The partial pressure of oxygen in a flask 146. If the velocity of a body is doubled then %
containing 32 g of O2 and 32 g of SO2 is: age increase in K.E is:
Pt Pt (a) 100 % (b) 200 5
(a) (b) (c) 300 % (d) 400 %
16 2
3 2
(c) 2 Pt (d) Pt 147. The momentum and velocity of a body is
138. If pressure on a gas is doubled and its given as 2𝑖 ̂ + 𝑗 ̂ + 𝑘̂ & 0𝑖 ̂ + 𝑗 ̂ + 𝑘̂ then K.E is:
temperature is reduced to half the volume (a) 0 J (b) 1 J
of the gas will be______. (c) 2 J (d) 4 J
(a) Remains same 148. Escape velocity depends upon:
(b) Increases 4 time (a) Mass of the planet
(c) Decreases 4 time (b) Density of the planet
(d) P and T can’t be variable at same time. (c) Radius of the planet
139. Substance that has sharp melting point in (d) All of these
the following is: 149. The K.E given to a body at the earth surface
(e) Gemstone (b) Coal tar to escape it from influence of earth gravity:
(c) Glass (d) Diamond
(a) mgR (b) 2mgR
140. Contribution of atoms present at the face of
(c) mgR/2 (c) √𝑚𝑔𝑅
cube: 150. A stone tied to the end of 20 cm long string is
1 1
(a) 2 (b) 8 whirled in a horizontal circle. If the
1 1 centripetal acceleration is 9.8 m/sec2, its
(c) 4
(d) 3
angular speed in rad/sec is:
(a) 22/7 (b) 7
PHYSICS (c) 14 (d) 20
141. The ratio of absolute uncertainties in 20.60 151. The ratio of escape velocity to orbital
and 5.206 is: velocity is:
(a) 10 (b) 5 (a) 2 : 1 (b) √2: 11
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.01 (d) 1 : 2
142. A 120 g mass has velocity of V = (2𝑖 ̂ + 5𝑗)̂ 152. The ratio of rotational K.E to translational
m/sec at a certain instant. Its K.E is: K.E of solid sphere is:
(a) 3 J (b) 4 J (a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 4
(c) 5 J (d) 1.74 J (c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 2
153. A ball is just allowed to fall from the
143. A wheel is turning at a speed of 2 rev/sec window of a moving train, it will hit the
and is then allowed to come to rest. If it does ground following:
so in 3 sec, how far did it turn in the (a) Circular path (b) Hyperbolic
process? Assume uniform deceleration: (c) Straight line path (d) Parabolic path
(a) π rad (b) 2 π rad 154. The motion of the rocket in space in
(c) 4 π rad (d) 6 π rad according to law of conversation of:
(a) Energy (b) Charge
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(c) Mass (d) Momentum 164. A boy walks to his school at a distance of 6
155. Bodies which fall freely under action of km with a speed of 3 km/h and walks back
gravity is an example of: with a constant speed of 2 km/h. His average
(a) Uniform acceleration speed for round trip in km/h is:
(b) Variable acceleration (a) 2.5 (b) 2.4
(c) Uniform velocity (c) 5 (d) 2.3
(d) Average acceleration 165. A train is 200 m long and is moving with
156. A missile is fired with speed of 98 m/sec at uniform velocity of 36 km/h, the time it will
300 with horizontal. The missile is airborne take to cross a bridge of 1 km is:
is: (a) 100 sec (b) 120 sec
(a) 10 sec (b) 20 sec (c) 60 sec (d) 50 sec
(c) 30 sec (d) 40 sec 166. When a projectile is projected at an angle of
157. A person throws a ball vertically upward 65° then its.
while standing in a train moving with (a) R = H (b) R > H
uniform velocity. The ball will fall: (c) R < H (d) R ≥ H
(a) In his hand (b) Behind him 167. Two bodies with masse m1 and m2 have
(c) In fornt (d) Beside him equal K.Es. If P1 and P2 are their
158. Which one is more accurate? momentum, then the ratio between P1 and P2
(a) 10.21 cm (b) 20.21 cm is:
(c) 30.21 cm (d) All same. 𝒎𝟏
159. At maximum height the velocity of projectile (a) m1 : m2 (b) √ 𝒎𝟐
is: (c) 𝑚12: 𝑚22
(a) Zero (b) Minimum ⃗ =𝐁
168. If 𝐀 ⃗ which of the following Is not
(c) Maximum (d) Inbetween min & correct?
Max (a) ⃗A.B⃗ = A ̂. B
̂ (b) |A⃗ |=|B
160. The no of significant zeros in 0.0003 are. ̂ | = |B
̂| ̂ = BA ̂
(c) |A (d) AB
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) None. 169. The resultant of two vectors 𝐀⃗ and ⃗𝐁⃗ may
161. A helicopter of mass 3.0 × 103 kg rises be.
vertically with a constant speed of 2 m/sec, (a) Positive only (b) Negative Only
what resultant force acts on the helicopter? (c) Zero only (d) Positive, negative or
(a) 3 × 104 N downward zero all.
(b) 4.5 N upward 170. Two sphere is a metallic and wooden of the
(c) Zero same mass. which one will rotate faster.
(d) 7.5 × 104 N upwards (a) Metallic (b) wooden
162. The measured length of an object lies (c) Both at same speed
between 20.25 cm and 20.35 cm then the (d) cannot be compared.
maximum uncertainty in the measurement is 171. Under the action of α constant force a
equal to. particle is moving with a constant
(a) ±0.01 (b) ±0.10 cm acceleration. Its power will be.
(c) ±0.02 (d) ±0.05 (a) Positive (b) negative
163. A stationary nucleus has nucleon number A. (c) Zero (d) Increasing.
The nucleus decay by emitting a proton with 172. When a particle moves in a circle with
speed v to form a new nucleus with speed u. uniform speed its.
The new nucleus and the proton move away (a) Velocity and acceleration are both constant
from one another in opposite direction. (b) Velocity and acceleration are both variable
Which equation gives v in term of A and u? (c) Velocity is constant but acceleration varies
(a) v = (A/4 -1) u (b) v = (A-1)u (d) Velocity varies but acceleration is constant.
(c) v = Au (d) v = (A +1) u
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173. A body is moving in a circle of radius r with ENGLISH

a variable speed, the acceleration of the body
is: 181. The teacher ____________ completed this
(a) Centripetal acceleration chapter.
(b) Tangential acceleration A. Have B. Has
(c) Angular acceleration C. Is D. Are
(d) All of these 182. Ram and Shyam __________ business
174. A projectile has maximum range of 20m partners.
A. Have B. Has
when projected with velocity (V). if it is
C. Are D. Had
projected at angle of 15° with the same
183. Neither you nor your sister should
velocity then its range will be.
___________ to them.
(a) 20 m (b) 15 m
A. Talk B. Talks
(c) 10 m (d) 5 m.
C. Talked D. Talking
175. A vector 𝐀 ⃗ is along positive x-axis if 𝐁⃗⃗ is 184. Either of the two dresses shall ____________
another vector such that 𝐀 ⃗ x𝐁 ⃗⃗ =0 then ⃗𝐁 good.
could be. A. Looking B. Look
(a) 4j (b) -4î C. Looks D. Looked
(c) -(î+ĵ) (d) (ĵ + k̂) . 185. Each and every member __________ to vote.
176. The paratrooper of mass 80 kg descends A. Has B. Have
vertically at a constant velocity of 3.0 m/sec C. having D. Are
taking the acceleration of free fall as 10 186. A large number of soldiers ___________ died
m/sec. Find out what is net force acting on for the country.
A. Has B. Is
C. Are D. Have
(a) Zero (b) 800 N upward
187. Physics ____________ difficult to understand.
(c) 800 N downward (d) 240 N downward A. were B. Are
177. Two bodies on displacement-time graph C. Is D. Have been
making an angle of 30o and 60o with time 188. My mother, along with others, ___________
axis. The ratio of their velocities: worried.
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 3 : 1 A. were B. Are
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1 C. Have D. was
178. If at summit point the K.E & P.E become 189. None of the candidates ___________
equal, the angle of projection will be: responded.
(a) 45o (b) 60o A. were B. Have
(c) 90o (d) 30o C. Has D. Is
179. Which of the following is correct for couple 190. The book ‘Management Principles’
_____________ quite insightful.
A. Are B. Is
(a) ∑ 𝐹 = 0 (b) ∑ 𝐹 ≠ 0
C. Have D. Has
(c) ∑ 𝐅 = 𝟎 (d) None of these 191. Politics ___________ been one of the
∑𝜏=0 ∑𝜏≠0 ∑𝛕≠𝟎 debatable topics.
180. A body is projected with velocity 4𝑖 ̂ +3𝑗. The A. Is B. Are
ratio of the maximum to minimum velocity C. Have D. Has
is:̂ 192. My glasses ____________ nowhere to be
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 3 found.
(c) 5 : 4 (d) 4 : 5 A. Is B. Are
C. Have D. Has
193. There ___________ plenty of space for guests
at the venue.
A. Was B. Were
C. Are D. Have been
Opposite Islamia College Gate#2, University Public School (UPC) Street, Danish Abad Peshawar. 0346-2627938/03334487968/0915601593
10 | P a g e Medical Test #01 N-MDCAT MODEL TEST Contact # 091 5601593
194. The ruler and the minister ____________
A. Was B. Have been
C. Has been D. Is
195. The government will ___________ the order
A. Passed B. Passes
C. Pass C. Has passed
196. Many people __________ registered for the
A. Have B. Has
C. Having D. Is
197. Many an issue …….. been resolved
A. Is B. Are
C. Has D. Have
198. Placidly means
A. In a quiet and tranquilly manner
B. Noisy
C. Commotion
D. Attractive.
199. Groggy and …… are synonyms
A. Lethargic B. Active
C. Delayed D. Persistent
200. Occasionally is the antonym of
A. Regularly
B. From time to time
C. Now and again
D. Once in a while

N-MDCAT Half Book

Test (HBT) series .
Date Physics Chemistry Biology English
Subject verb agreement +
25/04/2021 Chapter # 01-05 Chapter # 01-06 Chapter # 01-07 vocabulary

02/05/2021 Chapter # 06-10 Chapter # 07-12 Chapter # 08-13 Tenses+ Article +vocabulary

09/05/2021 1st year full course 1st year full curse 1st year full course 1st year full grammar

Preposition+ sentence +
23/05/2021 Chapter # 11-15 Chapter # 13-18 Chapter # 14-20 vocabulary

30/05/2021 Chapter # 16-20 Chapter # 19-24 Chapter # 21-27 Capitalization spelling +

punctuation mark vocabulary
06/06/2021 2nd year Full course 2nd year Full course 2nd year Full course 2nd year full Grammar

1st & 2nd year Full 1st & 2nd year Full length 1st & 2nd year Full
1st & 2nd year Full grammar test
13/06/2021 length test test length test

Opposite Islamia College Gate#2, University Public School (UPC) Street, Danish Abad Peshawar. 0346-2627938/03334487968/0915601593
Opposite Islamia College Gate#2, University Public School (UPC) Street, Danish Abad Peshawar. 0346-2627938/03334487968/0915601593

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