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Analyse Various Economic Aspects of Electrical Power System: Course Objective

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The students will describe the working of different electric power generation plants
and formulate various tariff structures. The student will also learn basic aspects of
power transmission.

COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, Students can:

1. Summarise various methods of electric power generation.

2. Analyse various economic aspects of electrical power system

3. Solve series circuit problems involving resistance, inductive reactance and

capacitive reactive components making use of appropriate formulas.
4. Interpret the construction of electric transmission related aspects of electric
power systems.


Module 1

Electrical Power Generation: Advantages, disadvantages and site selection for

hydro power generation, Thermal power plant, Nuclear power station, wind power
plant and solar power plants. Hydro Power Generation: Classification of
hydroelectric plants, General arrangement and operation, Power station structure
& control. Thermal: Main portions, working, plant layout. Nuclear Power Station:
Component of reactors, working, safety of nuclear power reactor. Diesel Electric
Station: Diesel electric plants & component, choice and characteristics, plant
layout and maintenance.

13 Hours

SLC: Description of Hydro Electrical Power Stations in Karnataka

Module 2

Economics Aspects: Introduction, terms used in system operation: diversity

factor, load factor, plant capacity factor, plant use factor, plant utilization factor,
loss factor, load duration curve, energy load curve, power factor improvement,
methods, tariffs, types of tariffs, objectives and requirements of tariff,
characteristics of tariff, interconnection of power station, Numerical Examples

13 Hours

SLC: Power Import/port between India and other countries.

Module 3

Typical transmission, Standard voltages for Transmission, Advantages of high

voltage transmission, Overhead transmission line: Definition of sag, sag
calculation in conductors- (a) Suspended on level supports (b) Supports at different
levels. Effect of wind and ice, Line parameter - Inductance: Calculation of
inductance of single phase, three phase lines withEquilateral and unsymmetrical
spacing,Line parameter - Capacitance: Capacitance-calculation for two wires and
three phase Lines, capacitance calculation for two wires 3-phase lines with
equilateral and Unsymmetrical spacing. Numerical Examples.

13 Hours

SLC: Stringing Chart

Module 4

Power transmission lines: Short and medium lines, Introduction, Classification

of overhead transmission lines, Representation of transmission lines, Terms
related to performance of transmission lines, Performance analysis of short
transmission lines, Medium transmission lines. Generalized circuit constants of
nominal T network lines. Long Transmission Lines, Condenser method, nominal T
and π representation of medium transmission lines, Representation of long
transmission lines.

13 Hours

SLC: Generalized circuit constants of nominal π network lines.

Text Book:

1. Chakrabarti A., M.L. Soni, P.V. Gupta and U.S..Bhatnagar, Power System Engineering,
Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., 2003.

Reference Books:

1. S. M. Singh, Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution, Prentice Hall of


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