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Guide To Good Hygiene Practice CML FINAL 2014

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Guide to Good

Hygiene Practice
Published by:
Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Abbey Court
Lower Abbey Street
Dublin 1
Tel: +353 1 817 1300
Fax: +353 1 817 1301
Applications for reproduction should be made to the FSAI Information Unit
ISBN 1-904465-03-X
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 1

Letter from The Chairman 2 Part 4: Hygiene Requirements 10
General 10
Foreword 3 Domestic Premises 10
Prerequisites 11
Part 1: General 4 Premises 11
Purpose and Scope 4 Equipment 12
Structure of the Guidance 4 Water and ice 12
Definitions 4 Cleaning 13
Classification of Foods 5 Pest control 14
Food Law 7 Waste disposal 14
Personal hygiene 14
Part 2: Notification and Registration 7 Personal facilities 15
Training 15
Part 3: Requirements Food Production 17
Under General Food Law 8
Purchasing 17
Introduction 8 Collection of food 17
Food Safety Requirements 8 Harvesting garden products 18
Traceability 8 Storing food ingredients 19
Food Information for Consumers 9 Thawing frozen food 19
Food preparation 20
Cooking/Baking 21
Cooling food 21
Jam making 22
Honey 22
Storing food produced 23
Transporting the food produced 24
Display of food (when sold in a market) 24
Serving teas (when served at a market) 25

Appendix A: Food Law 26

Hygiene of Foodstuffs Regulations 26
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004
on the hygiene of foodstuffs 26
Annex II Chapter III 27
European Communities
(Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations,
2006 [S.I. No. 369 of 2006] 28
2 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Letter from The Chairman

Welcome to Country Markets Ltd.

This Guide to Good Hygiene Practice is the collaborative work of the Food Safety Authority
of Ireland, the Health Service Executive and Country Markets Ltd.

The guide is aimed at the low-risk producers in country markets who account for the majority
of food produced and sold at our weekly markets. Producers of high-risk foods are directed
towards the Food Safety Authority of Ireland’s Safe Catering Pack for best practice.

Country Markets Ltd is a national cooperative established in 1946, with branch markets
throughout the country and currently has 1,042 members. All branches are governed by the
same rules, see Country Markets Ltd is a co-operative society which
runs local markets throughout Ireland in order to sell fresh farm, garden and home produce
and craftwork of its members.

Country Market Ltd products are sold directly to the customer. A standard label is used on
pre-packed food items which include the Country Markets Ltd logo, branch location, individual
producer number, a list of ingredients on baked/cooked produce and the national organisations
address. Loose baked products are also sold at some of our markets.

The branch market rather than the individual member registers with their local environmental
health officer in the Health Service Executive. An up-to-date list of producers is available at
each market.

I recommend using this guide to help maintain a high standard of food safety within
Country Markets Ltd.

Margaret Sweeney
National Chairman
Country Markets Ltd
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 3

Foreword Note:
Everyone’s domestic kitchen and
This is a guide to good hygiene practice to assist circumstances are different and not
members when producing low-risk food at home for sale every kitchen will be suitable for the safe
at Country Markets Ltd venues around the country. It has production of food for sale outside of the
been developed by Country Markets Limited, the Health home, particularly high-risk food.
Service Executive’s (HSE) Environmental Health Service
and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI).
Recommendations contained in this guide are best
Your kitchen is firstly for normal domestic use. Any food practice and not legal requirements.
you produce there for sale must be done on a domestic
Your kitchen is subject to inspection by your local
scale. Food produced for sale is limited to what you can
environmental health officer (EHO) from the HSE. How
produce safely using domestic scale equipment and
often your kitchen may be inspected will depend on the
appliances. The only additional equipment that may be
level of risk associated with the food you produce. If you
used is a second domestic fridge for storing ingredients
are producing high-risk food, it is strongly recommended
or finished products.
that you contact your local EHO before you start to
In order to produce safe food, it is essential you discuss what you propose to do and what requirements
understand the risks involved and how to control them. you will be expected to meet.
Before you start, you must have basic food hygiene
If you produce honey, you may be supervised by the
conditions and practices in place (these are called ‘pre-
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).
requisites). You must also know what can go wrong
in your kitchen, what you can do to prevent it and If you produce food at the market (apart from teas
make sure you are doing it. In simple terms, it involves and coffees) it is outside the scope of this guidance.
controlling ingredients and supplies coming into your You will need to follow the FSAI’s Guidance Note No.
kitchen and what you do with them after that. 16: Food Stalls; the FSAI’s Safe Catering Pack or Irish
Standard I.S. 340:2007 Hygiene in the Catering Sector.
This guide lists “What can go wrong” to make
food unsafe to eat. It also sets out what must be done
to prevent these things from going wrong. These
preventative measures are listed under the heading
‘How can it be prevented’ and they must be followed.
“In order to produce safe
Country Markets Ltd members traditionally produce
mainly low-risk foods. This guide focuses on these
activities. If you produce high-risk food, we recommend
food, it essential you
that you use the FSAI’s Safe Catering Pack or Irish
Standard I.S. 340:2007 Hygiene in the Catering Sector
understand the risks
(available from the National Standards Authority of
Ireland). The reason for this is that in addition to knowing
involved and how
what can go wrong and how to prevent it, when high-risk
food is being produced, you also need to check that what
to control them.”
you are doing is correct (monitoring and verification)
and what to do if it is not (corrective action) in a more
structured way. Definitions and examples of low and
high-risk foods can be found in Part 1 of this guidance.
4 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Part 1: General Structure of the Guidance

This guide is set out in four parts:

Purpose and Scope • Part 1: General

The purpose of this guide is to set out what is required • Part 2: Notification and Registration
for members of Country Markets Ltd to comply with • Part 3: Requirements under General Food Law
food law. • Part 4: Hygiene Requirements

This Guide to Good Hygiene Practice meets the

requirements of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 as Definitions
amended on the hygiene of foodstuffs. The European
Contamination: The presence of undesirable chemicals,
Communities (Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2006
e.g. detergent; foreign bodies, e.g. glass; or living
[S.I. No. 369 of 2006 as amended] gives effect to this
organisms, e.g. Salmonella, in a food, e.g. a cooked
European Communities Regulation.
chicken product is contaminated with Salmonella
This guide applies to those members involved in the
Cross-contamination: The transfer of microorganisms
production of foodstuffs for sale at the markets operated
from one source such as raw food, people, equipment or
by Country Markets Ltd, provided that they are working
the environment, to another source such as cooked food,
on a domestic scale in premises used primarily as a
e.g. raw meat held on the top shelf of a fridge drips onto
dwelling house. Domestic scale means the quantity of
a cake held on the bottom shelf and bacteria will spread
food that can be produced safely in a domestic kitchen,
from the meat to the cake
using domestic scale equipment and appliances. The only
appliance that may be added to the appliances normally Detergent: A chemical used to remove grease,
found in a domestic kitchen, is a second domestic fridge. dirt and food particles from a surface, e.g. washing-up
liquid, soap
The scope of this guide is aimed at those members
producing low-risk food. Disinfectant: A chemical or process used to reduce
numbers of microorganisms but not necessarily microbial
Such food producers would include people involved
spores on a surface to a safe or acceptable level,
on a domestic scale in the production of:
e.g. chlorine, i.e. bleach, ultra-violet light
• Baked products
Domestic Scale: The quantity of food that can be
• Preserves produced safely in a domestic kitchen, using domestic
• Chocolates scale equipment and appliances; where the only
• Production and packaging of honey appliance that may be added to the appliances normally
found in a domestic kitchen, is a second domestic fridge
Food producers, who prepare or produce food in their
home for sale at the markets operated by Country HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point):
Markets Ltd and who comply with the requirements A systematic approach to identifying and controlling
of this guide will also comply with the requirements for hazards, i.e. dangers that could pose a danger to the
food safety in the European Communities (Hygiene of preparation of safe food. HACCP involves identifying
Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2006 as amended. Regulations what can go wrong; planning to prevent it and making
also exist on issues other than food safety, e.g. food sure you are doing it
labelling, and these also must be complied with. See
the FSAI’s factsheet Food Information for Consumers at
Markets operated by Country Markets Limited for more
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 5

Hazard: Something that has the potential to cause harm.

Hazards, i.e. dangers, may be biological, chemical or Classification of Foods
physical, e.g. Salmonella in cooked chicken (biological
From a microbiological perspective, foods can be
hazard), detergent in milk (chemical hazard) or glass
classified under three headings:
in a breakfast cereal (physical hazard).
• High-risk foods
• Biological hazards include the contamination
of food by microorganisms or their toxins and • Medium-risk foods
the growth and survival of microorganisms. • Low-risk foods
• Chemical hazards include the presence of
High-risk Foods
pesticides and detergent residues at unacceptable
levels. High-risk foods are foods (including beverages) that
• Physical hazards include hair and insects. are ready-to-eat, may contain or can support the
growth of dangerous organisms, i.e. pathogens, and
High-risk food: Food which are ready to eat, may will not be subjected to any further processing, such
contain or can support the growth of dangerous as cooking, which would destroy or reduce numbers
organisms, i.e. pathogens, and which will not be of such organisms to a safe level prior to consumption.
subjected to any further processing, such as cooking, These include raw seafood, freshly prepared salads,
which could destroy or reduce numbers of such some meats and dairy products. Ready-to-eat food is
organisms to a safe level prior to consumption, these any food which is normally consumed in its raw state
include fresh soft fruit, leafy green vegetables, freshly or food which has been cooked or processed and does
prepared salads, cooked pasta, meats and dairy products not require further cooking or processing to ensure its
safety, e.g. coleslaw, cooked sliced meats and smoked
Low-risk activity: Activity where the potential to cause salmon. High-risk foods also include foods that have
harm to consumers is low, e.g. baking biscuits and been substantially handled after they have been cooked,
brown bread such as loose or packaged sliced meats, sandwiches and
Microorganism: A life-form that generally cannot be salads; and foods eaten after their ‘use-by’ date.
seen with the naked eye, e.g. bacteria, viruses, yeasts, The following ready-to-eat foods are high-risk foods:
moulds and parasites
• Fish and shellfish, cooked and raw
Potable water: Water meeting the minimum
• Meat and meat products cooked and raw,
requirements laid down in Council Directive 98/83/EC
particularly undercooked or lightly cooked meat
of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for
human consumption. S.I. No. 122 of 2014 transposes • Cooked poultry and poultry products
this Directive. Potable water, drinking water and water • Cook-chill and cooked freeze meals
intended for human consumption have the same • Milk and milk products, particularly unpasteurised
meaning milk and milk products
Prerequisites (prerequisite hygiene requirements): • Eggs and egg products, particularly products
Hygienic practices and procedures that must be in made from raw egg such as tiramisu, mousse
place before and while producing food, e.g. premises, and homemade mayonnaise
equipment, staff training, pest control, and waste • Cooked rice and cooked pasta
management • Salads
Sanitiser: A chemical or process used to clean and • Soft fruits and leafy green vegetables
reduce numbers of microorganisms on a surface, • Pre-prepared fresh fruit and salad
e.g. chlorine, ultra violet light • Raw sprouts and sprouted seeds
• Fresh hummus, if made using tahini paste
• Unpasteurised fruit and vegetable juices
• Unchlorinated drinking water from private wells
and group scheme sources
• Food containing the above as ingredients,
e.g. sandwiches, baked goods
6 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

High-risk foods must be kept at or below 5°C or above Low-risk foods

63°C. They must not be handled unnecessarily and they
Low-risk foods are foods which do not support the
must be segregated from raw foods.
growth of food poisoning microorganisms or foods that
have been thoroughly cooked and served direct from the
Medium-risk foods
oven or pot.
Medium-risk foods are foods which contain pathogens
or support the growth of food poisoning microorganisms The following foods are low-risk foods:
but require cooking or other processing which will
• Butter
eliminate or reduce numbers of such organisms to an
acceptable level. • Sugar
• Salt
Medium-risk foods would include raw foods which may
• Dried foods such as pasta, spices and milk
contain food poisoning microorganisms. They include:
• Fish • Canned and long-life food products
• Meat and meat products • Cereals such as oats, wheat and corn
• Poultry and poultry products • Breakfast cereals
• Eggs and egg products • Jams/Marmalades
• Vegetables • Long life sauces and dressings
• Fruit juices • Flour
• Fruit (other than soft fruit)
Store these foods at or below 5°C. This will minimise the
growth of food poisoning microorganisms, if they are • Long-life pickled products
present. To avoid cross contamination, segregate these • Oils and fats
foods from high-risk foods. This is most important. • Biscuits
Fresh whole eggs in intact shell do not require • Sweets
refrigeration before they reach the final consumer, • Tea/Coffee/Most beverages (not including milk
i.e. at retail level or if produced on the member’s or fruit juices)
farm before they are sold from the market stall. Eggs • Bread
should be stored at a consistent temperature to ensure
• Fresh pesto
optimal conservation of their quality. Ideally, the storage
temperature should be less than 20°C. High temperatures • Fresh hummus, if not made using tahini paste
encourage moisture loss and quality reduction. However,
They must be treated as high-risk foods if they have to be
the storage at home of fresh whole eggs in intact shell,
stored in a fridge, e.g. spreads, which are a blend of oils/
i.e. once they are purchased from the Country Markets
fats and water, some handmade chocolates and foods
Ltd stall or purchased by a member from a retail outlet,
which require refrigeration once opened.
must be at or below 5°C.
Low-risk foods rarely contain food poisoning
microorganisms. They may contain microorganisms
which cause food spoilage. Raw flour, for example, often
Normal cooking will kill food poisoning
contains mould which will grow if the flour becomes
microorganisms. It will not destroy the toxins
damp or even Salmonella from time to time. Flour dust
which some microorganisms produce. These
in bakeries is often the cause of finished bakery goods
toxins are poisonous if consumed in large
becoming mouldy.
While a range of high, medium and low-risk foods are
listed above as examples of typical foods that fall into
the three classifications, some of these foods may not
be produced or sold at Country Markets Ltd markets.
The lists are designed to assist members when deciding
if their business comes within the scope of this guidance
or not.
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 7

Food Law Part 2: Notification

Food must be safe for consumers to eat. Food legislation
lays down rules which food producers must comply with and Registration
in order to supply safe food. The hygiene rules apply to
all food businesses, but the legislation does allow some All food producers must notify their local HSE
flexibility based on risk. Other pieces of food legislation Environmental Health Office. As Country Markets Ltd
deal with issues such as traceability, food information operates as a co-operative, each branch of Country
(labelling), marketing standards and food contact Markets Ltd will notify the HSE on behalf of its members.
materials, e.g. packaging. Individual members will supply details to their branch
chairman. Country Markets Ltd National Secretary will
The main rules that apply are:
sign each branch notification form and forward it to the
• General food law – safe food and traceability HSE. The chairman of each branch will ensure that up-to-
• Hygiene of foodstuffs – notification, hygiene date lists of members and their details1 will be available
and HACCP to EHOs.

• Food information regulations – general A Country Markets Ltd member who trades as a food
and product specific business operator outside of the organisation will be
required to notify the HSE on an individual basis.
Other specific rules may apply to certain food production.
On receipt of the notification form, the HSE will register
Most of Ireland’s food law comes from EU legislation.
the branch.
Generally, EU legislation is transposed into Irish
law (Statutory Instruments) in order to authorise As Country Markets Ltd operates as a co-operative,
organisation(s) to enforce the legislation in Ireland, should any matters arise following an inspection of a
and also to lay down penalties for non-compliance market or a member’s premises, Country Markets Ltd will
with the legislation. take responsibility. Any correspondence from the HSE
will be addressed to Country Markets Ltd’s national office
Taking the hygiene of foodstuffs legislation as an
and the branch secretary copied. Where an individual
example, the EU legislation is Regulation (EC) No
member is involved, they will be copied also.
852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, which is
transposed into Irish law as the European Communities
(Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2006 [S.I. No. 369
of 2006].

Where can you find the legislation?

It is important that you read the legislation so you
can work out how it applies to your food business.
There is a comprehensive food legislation section on the
FSAI’s website: from which both EU and
national legislation can be downloaded. Irish legislation
is also available free of charge to download from The
Stationery Office, Government Publication’s website:

As well as the legislation itself, the EU and the FSAI

have produced guidance documents to help you
understand the requirements. Information is available
on the legislation and publications sections of the FSAI
website: and from the FSAI Advice Line
on 1890 336677.

The essential elements of food law that apply to your

business are discussed in the following parts. For
convenience, extracts from the hygiene legislation
are included in Appendix A. 1
This includes name, address, contact details and types of foods
produced (per Country Markets Ltd template)
8 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Part 3: Traceability

Requirements All food businesses must have an effective traceability

system in place. You must be able to trace food one step
back to your suppliers and if you are supplying food to
Under General other businesses, one step forward to your customers.
As members of Country Markets Ltd are selling directly

Food Law to the final consumer, supplier traceability is all that is


• Supplier traceability is particularly important

Introduction if a food safety problem is discovered by your
supplier and you need to identify which products
Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 sets down the general you received from them. You need to keep the
principles of food law which must be followed, e.g. following information for all products supplied
labelling (food information), food safety requirements, to you: name and address of supplier,
product withdrawal and recall and traceability. Some e.g. wholesaler, importer or manufacturer
of these principles have been set out in more specific
• Accurate description of product supplied
rules and guidance. This regulation is transposed
into Irish law by the European Communities (General • Date of delivery/purchase
Food Law) Regulations, 2007 [S.I. No 747 of 2007].
This information may be contained on the invoices,
The requirements of this Regulation apply to anyone
receipts or dockets you get from your supplier.
producing food to be placed on the market regardless of
the type, size or quantity of food involved. In addition to the general rules for traceability above,
more specific information is required for food of animal
Food Safety Requirements origin, e.g. milk or eggs used for baking. The additional
information required for foods of animal origin is:
Unsafe food must not be placed on the market. Unsafe
food is food that is injurious to health or unfit for people • The volume or quantity of the food
to eat. Where you become aware that food you produced • A reference identifying the lot or batch
is unsafe and has been sold at the market, e.g. consumer
complaint, the customer and the HSE must be told. If It is best practice to keep this additional information
you have concerns, ask your EHO for advice as to what for all products supplied to you and not just for those
you should do. The best way to tell the customer is to put of animal origin. Records must be kept at least until
up a notice at the market stall and comply with any other the food is likely to have been consumed. This varies
request by the EHO. depending on the food concerned. As a rule of thumb,
this means that the information must be kept at least
until after the ‘use-by’ or ‘best-before’ date on the food
has passed. Keep documents such as invoices and
receipts in a way that makes it easy for you or an EHO
to check.

Traceability is also required for packaging and other

materials and articles intended to come into contact with
food. Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 requires that food
business operators should at least be able to identify the
businesses from which, and to which, packaging and
other materials and articles are supplied.

Further information on traceability is available in the

FSAI’s Guidance Note No. 10 Product Recall and
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 9

Food Information for Consumers “All food businesses

Food information for consumers (food labelling) is used must have an effective
to inform consumers of the properties of foods. The
most important rule is that the labelling, presentation and
advertising of food (including its shape, appearance or
traceability system in
packaging) must not mislead the consumer. This includes
the way food is displayed and any information supplied
place. You must be able
with it, e.g. menu boards, leaflets and information
displayed at the market.
to trace food one step
The labelling that must be applied to food is dependent back to your suppliers
on the type of food being placed on the market and
whether it is sold loose or pre-packaged. Allergen and if you are supplying
labelling will be required for loose food from 13th
December, 2014. food to other businesses,
There are general labelling rules which apply to all
prepacked foodstuffs placed on the market. Along with
one step forward to your
the general labelling rules, there are additional labelling
rules and marketing standards which apply to specific
products or where claims are made, including nutritional
or health claims.

Further information on the legal requirements for food

information for consumers sold at markets is available
on the FSAI website and specifically in the
FSAI’s Factsheet: Food Information for Consumers at
Markets operated by Country Markets Ltd.
10 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Part 4: Hygiene Domestic Premises

Requirements What can go wrong

(when using domestic premises)?
i. Food can become contaminated as a result of:
General • Normal domestic activities
• Poor hygiene
To produce food on a domestic scale which is safe to eat
• P
 eople, pets or pests entering the food
you must:
preparation areas
• Comply with general rules which relate to food • Facilities being too small
hygiene • Working when ill
• Use the principles of HACCP to identify, evaluate • C
 hanging/feeding babies in the food
and control hazards that are significant for food preparation area
safety, where necessary
• Cleaning chemicals
Basic food hygiene conditions and practice called ii. Production of too much food for the size of the
‘prerequisites’ must be in place in your kitchen and kitchen
at the market. Prerequisites include, where appropriate: iii. Insufficient/unsuitable fridge space to keep food
• Supplier control
iv. Lack of equipment necessary to cool food fast
• Cleaning and sanitation
enough after cooking
• Maintenance
v. The type of food being produced or the process
• Personal hygiene involved presents too high a risk to take place
• Pest control safely in a domestic kitchen
• Plant and equipment
How can it be prevented?
• Premises and structure
• Services (compressed air, ice, steam, ventilation, i. Make sure that the areas where food is to be
water etc.) prepared or produced are:

• Storage, distribution and transport • Not used as sleeping quarters for people
or pets
• Waste management
• Cleaned before starting to prepare or produce
• Zoning (physical separation of activities to prevent
potential food contamination)
• Not used for normal domestic activities when
When these prerequisites are in place you then need to preparing or producing food
look at the steps you use to produce and market your
food. The flow diagram in the section on food production
includes most of the activities/steps in your business. You Note:
might not be doing all these activities, in which case you Normal activities would include consuming
can skip to the next activity/step that applies to you. food, preparing food for domestic
consumption, and sorting, washing,
In the section on food production, the principles of drying, ironing and folding clothes.
HACCP are used to identify what can go wrong to
make food unsafe to eat. This is done for each activity/
step. The measures that are necessary to prevent things ii. Clean and disinfect or sanitise, before use, the
going wrong are then identified. They are listed under surfaces and equipment that cooked or ready to
‘How can it be prevented?’ So if you follow this part for eat food comes into contact with. Only use clean
the prerequisites and for the activities/steps in the food utensils and equipment including dish cloths and
production section that apply to your specific business, tea towels.
you will have complied with your legal requirements. iii. While food is being prepared or produced, keep
children including infants, non-food workers,
animals and pets out of the preparation area.
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 11

Note: Prerequisites
Pets should always be kept out of the kitchen.
What can go wrong
iv. If you are producing or using a medium/high-risk
(when the premises are not suitable)?
food, you have to store it in a fridge. A separate
fridge is required for this purpose. The family i. Food can become contaminated as a result of
fridge cannot be used. Where a separate fridge is normal domestic activities.
required, ingredients which require refrigerated ii. Food can become contaminated from the
storage, must be stored in this fridge. Store environment in which it is prepared or stored.
cooked food above raw food.
v. Wash your hands properly and frequently, How can it be prevented?
particularly after using the toilet, handling refuse, i. Keep the area around the premises clean and tidy.
raw food etc. Make sure that you have a wash
hand basin/separate sink solely for use for hand
washing, in or close to the food preparation area. Note:
vi. You must limit the amount of food you produce This will help prevent the breeding of insects
to the amount that you can safely produce in your and prevent dirt being brought into the
kitchen. This will depend on the type of food you premises on shoes or boots.
produce, the size of the kitchen, the storage you
have and the risks of contamination and cross
ii. Maintain the areas used for food preparation
and storage so that they can be properly cleaned.
vii. Do not work if you are ill, particularly if suffering This includes the tops of presses, ceilings, walls
from vomiting/diarrhoea, infected skin wounds, and floors.
flu, coughing and infections of the mouth, throat,
iii. Make sure that there is no flaking paint and
eyes or ears.
replace damaged tiles and damaged grouting
Recommendations between tiles.
iv. Make sure that floors are durable and that floors
i. Machines used for washing or drying clothes
and walls can be cleaned.
should not be located in the kitchen or in an area
where food is stored. v. Surfaces which will be in contact with food must
be kept in good condition, be easy to clean and
ii. You should have a wash hand basin for washing
where necessary, to disinfect. The materials used
your hands in the kitchen.
must be smooth, washable, corrosion-resistant
and non-toxic.
vi. Make sure that countertops and tables etc. are
free of cracks and crevices.
vii. Provide sufficient natural or artificial ventilation so
as to prevent condensation on the ceiling or walls.
viii. Make sure that the level of lighting is sufficient at
all times to allow food to be handled safely, and
cleaning to be carried out effectively.
ix. Keep ornaments and any other knick-knacks in the
kitchen or food storage areas to a minimum.
If present, they must be kept clean.
x. Store cleaning chemicals safely so as to prevent
contamination of food.

Normal domestic finishes are suitable if they
are in good repair and kept clean.
12 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Equipment Water and ice

What can go wrong What can go wrong
(when using equipment)? (when using water and ice)?
i. Unsuitable or damaged equipment can lead to the i. Both water and ice can be contaminated with
contamination of food. microorganisms, chemicals or foreign bodies.
ii. Food can be stored, cooked and/or cooled at
How can it be prevented?
incorrect temperatures if equipment is faulty.
i. You must have an adequate supply of potable
How can it be prevented? water (drinking water), which is to be used
i. Use only domestic scale equipment which was whenever necessary to ensure foods are not
manufactured for food use and which has not contaminated.
been used for other purposes. ii. Use only potable water for making ice, washing
ii. Do not use broken or cracked equipment. food, cooking and rinsing food contact surfaces.
iii. Make sure that the fridges and freezer are capable iii. You must know the source and quality of the
of storing food at the correct temperature. water you use. If you are on a private well, it must
be properly maintained and the water treated to
meet the legal standards for potable water.
Note: iv. You must know the internal plumbing
Food in fridges must be kept at 5°C or lower arrangements in your premises. The internal
and in a freezer at -18°C or lower. plumbing must be maintained in such a condition
that it does not cause, contribute to, or give rise to
a risk of non-compliance of the potable water with
iv. Check freezers regularly to make sure they are the legal standards.
working properly. Use visual clues like frosting on
v. Only water taken directly from the incoming pipe
food, any defrosting, signs of water damage to
(from the rising main if you are on a public supply
boxes etc.
or from the well if you are on a private supply) can
v. Have equipment installed so that it does not lead be regarded as potable water. Water cannot be
to the build-up of dirt in, under or around it. regarded as drinking water if it has been stored in
vi. Maintain equipment in good repair. a tank or if the sanitary authorities have issued a
warning that the water is unsuitable for drinking.
vi. Water taken from a private well or a group
i. The kitchen sink should be a double sink so as scheme can only be regarded as drinking water
to allow equipment and utensils to be washed if it has been tested at the point of use and
in one sink and then rinsed in the other sink. at the frequency required by S.I. No. 122 of
Alternatively, one sink and a dishwasher should be 2014: European Communities (Drinking Water)
provided. Regulations, 2014. It must comply with these
ii. Fridges should be fitted with a fridge thermometer Regulations.
which shows the actual temperature rather than
If you are on a private well, you must take special care to
a dial.
ensure the drinking water is not contaminated. The main
iii. Thermometers should be tested periodically to risk to your well is contamination from human or animal
make sure they are working properly. A simple waste. Many areas in Ireland have high groundwater
check is to immerse the thermometer in iced vulnerability, which makes contamination of well water
water (0°C) and boiling water (100°). more likely. If your well is vulnerable to contamination
and is not properly constructed, it is possible that human
or animal waste from septic tanks, land spreading or
runoff from the surrounding land may enter your well.
Contaminated water can make you or anyone who
consumes the water ill. One way of ensuring the safety
of private well water is to treat the water, e.g.
by chlorination.
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 13

If you are concerned about your well water, contact your How can it be prevented?
local authority or your EHO for advice. If you suspect that
i. Clean the premises, including fittings and fixtures
your water may be contaminated, it may be advisable to
and particularly those items you handle, such as
boil your water until you have had your well water tested.
electric plugs, door handles, light switches and
Further information on private wells is available brushes, as frequently as necessary to ensure that
from the Environmental Protection Agency at the premises are always visually clean. ii. Clean equipment, food preparation surfaces,
utensils, food containers, crockery, etc. after each
Cleaning use and before reuse, where necessary.
iii. Clean and disinfect or sanitise before use, the
Effective cleaning
surfaces and equipment that cooked or ready-to-
To clean kitchen equipment and utensils: eat food comes into contact with. This includes
• First remove debris
iv. Empty and clean containers used for storing
• Then wash with a detergent loose flour, cereals, sugar and similar products,
• Rinse as frequently as necessary and at least once
• Then disinfect with near boiling water or with a every month.
food grade disinfectant which is non-perfumed v. Keep the extraction hood over equipment visually
and does not leave a residue clean and clean it at least once every three
Chopping boards, utensils, and equipment used in
vi. Clean reusable bins after each use if a reusable bin
contact with food, should be chosen so that they can
is used to collect food waste within the premises.
be cleaned and disinfected in a dishwasher. If this is
not possible, the two sink method of cleaning and vii. Clean up product spillages as soon as possible
disinfecting utensils and equipment should be used. and never leave them overnight.
Use one sink for washing with the detergent and the viii. Make sure that cleaning products are clearly
other for rinsing and disinfecting. labelled or marked and that they are stored in a
separate area to food.
All food contact surfaces should be first cleaned with
ix. Never transfer cleaning products into food
a detergent solution and then rinsed with clean water.
The surfaces and equipment, including food x. Use only food grade disinfectants or sanitisers
thermometers, that ready to eat food or cooked and use them at the correct concentrations.
food comes into contact with, must be cleaned and xi. Wash and disinfect or sanitise, reusable
disinfected. This can be done by using water above dishcloths, cleaning cloths, pot scrubs etc.
82°C or by using a disinfectant or a sanitiser. Where at least daily.
the surfaces cannot be dried in air, the surfaces can
xii. Empty the water used to wash the floor in an
be dried using a clean cloth or a paper towel.
external gully.
What can go wrong
(if cleaning is not done properly)?
i. Dirt can attract pests or be a source of food for Market premises must be visually clean.
microorganisms. Crockery, knives, spoons etc. and any surfaces
ii. Dirty dishcloths, floor cloths or tea towels can which ready-to-eat food comes in contact
cause microbiological contamination. with, must be cleaned and disinfected or
iii. The use of incorrect cleaning products or incorrect sanitised.
cleaning procedures can cause the chemical
contamination of food.
iv. The use of old cloths, wire wool etc. can cause
physical contamination of food.
14 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Recommendations Personal hygiene

i. Cleaning as you go is strongly recommended. What can go wrong
ii. Do not use the brushes and cleaning equipment (when personal hygiene is ignored)?
that you used for cleaning in the kitchen or food
i. Food can become contaminated as a result of
storage areas for cleaning other areas, particularly
poor hygiene practices.
yards etc.
iii. Do not use sponges for cleaning as they are How can it be prevented?
virtually impossible to clean.
i. Do not prepare or handle food if you are suffering
iv. Cloths used for cleaning floors should be a from an:
different colour to other cloths.
• Infection of the mouth, throat, nose, ears or
v. Prepare a cleaning checklist. eyes
• Infectious skin disorder
Pest control
• Illness with any of the following symptoms
What can go wrong – a persistent cough, fever, diarrhoea or
(if pest infestation occurs) vomiting
i. Food can be contaminated either directly or ii. Do not prepare food to be placed on the market,
indirectly by domestic animals, pests such as if any member of the household is suffering from
rodents, birds and insects. They can carry disease diarrhoea or vomiting.
which can be transferred to food or they can be iii. Wash your hands, including forearms when
a source of food poisoning microorganisms. exposed, using a non-perfumed soap, as
frequently as necessary to keep them clean and
How can it be prevented? always:
i. If evidence of infestation is found in or around • Before starting work or after a break
the premises, take action to eliminate it. • After handling or preparing raw food
ii. Do not allow domestic animals to enter areas • Before handling cooked or ready-to-eat food
where food is stored or prepared.
• After handling waste
iii. Do not use fly sprays, fly paper or chemical fly
• After cleaning duties
strips in the kitchen while food is being prepared.
• After using the toilet
Recommendations • After blowing nose, sneezing or coughing
i. A fly screen should be installed on windows that • A
 fter eating, drinking, smoking or using a
are opened for ventilation. phone
• A
 fter collection of garden products or the
Waste disposal removal of outdoor footwear
iv. Do not smoke, drink, eat or chew gum while
What can go wrong
(when storing or handling food waste)? preparing or handling food.
v. When handling or preparing food:
i. Food waste if not properly stored and handled,
can attract pests which in turn can cause food • W
 ear a clean apron or equivalent protective
poisoning. clothing
• K
 eep your fingernails clean and short and free
How can it be prevented? of nail varnish or false nails
i. Remove refuse containers every day from • D
 o not wear jewellery except for plain wedding
the kitchen. These containers must be clean. rings and sleeper ear rings
ii. When food waste has to be stored, store it • D
 o not wear excessive perfume, deodorant or
in a sealed container or a covered bin. aftershave

Containers and bins used to store food waste
should be kept on a surface that can be easily
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 15

vi. Disposable gloves can be effective in helping Training

prevent the transfer of food poisoning
microorganisms onto food. If you wear disposable What can go wrong
gloves: (if training in hygiene is inadequate)

• H
 ands must be washed thoroughly before and i. Food can become contaminated due to lack of
after use knowledge of food hygiene.
• G
 loves must only be used once. Change
How can it be prevented?
gloves between tasks, e.g. after touching raw
meat, poultry, fish, eggs; before touching i. If you are involved in preparing or producing
ready-to-eat foods; after emptying bins; after food you must be instructed and/or trained in
cleaning; after handling money etc. food hygiene to allow you to do your job safely.
• Discard used gloves after each task All food handlers should be instructed in basic
food hygiene before they start work.
Recommendations ii. Ensure that the training addresses:
i. Long hair should be tied back. A hair net should • The reasons for good hygiene practices
be worn when preparing food. The reason is to • T
 he causes and prevention of food poisoning
prevent hair from entering the food. and food spoilage
• Personal hygiene
Personal facilities • Cleaning
What can go wrong • Pests and pest control
(when personal facilities are not
iii. Make sure that you and anyone helping you is
aware of the contents of this guide and of the
i. Inadequate facilities can contribute to poor basic principles of food hygiene.
personal hygiene practices.
The FSAI has produced a range of training material in
How can it be prevented? traditional and in e-learning format which is available
i. Make sure that there is a wash hand basin, with
hot and cold running water, close to the food
preparation area.
ii. Make sure that there is soap and single use hand
towels close to the hand washing facilities.
iii. There must be a toilet within the premises. The
toilet cannot lead directly into the kitchen or other
food areas, and it must be ventilated either by an
outside window or by an extraction fan.

The use of a nail brush is not recommended
unless it is kept in a sterilising solution.

The use of liquid bactericidal soap in
a dispenser is recommended. The use
of disinfectant wipes for hands is also
recommended where high-risk food is
being prepared.
16 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Flow Purchasing

Collection and
delivery of food

Harvesting of
garden produce

Storing food

Thawing frozen
Food preparation

Serving food Cooking/Baking Jam/Honey

Cooling food


Storing the food


Transporting the
food produced

Serving teas Food display

Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 17

Food Production
What can go wrong
Reasons for controlling (when purchasing food or packaging)?
the temperature of food
i. The food or ingredients you buy may be
Controlling the temperature of high and certain medium- contaminated.
risk food from the time of purchasing your ingredients to
ii. Packaging material that comes in contact with
the sale of your products at the market, is critical to food
food may be unsuitable or may be contaminated.
How can it be prevented?
The temperature of high and certain medium-risk food
must be controlled to: i. Only buy food, food ingredients and food
packaging from suppliers who you believe will
• Prevent food poisoning supply suitable and safe products.
• Control the increase in number of microorganisms ii. Keep a record of the names and addresses
of who you buy your food and packaging from.
There are some microorganisms which if present
in food, will cause food poisoning. There are other iii. Don’t buy more food than you need.
microorganisms which produce toxins. These toxins
which are poisonous chemicals, can also cause food Collection of food
What can go wrong
Normal cooking will destroy food poisoning (when collecting food from the
microorganisms, but will not destroy all toxins. To protect supermarket or cash and carry)?
public health, you must make every effort to keep the i. If food which should be kept in a fridge is not kept
number of microorganisms on food to a minimum. This cold, microorganisms can grow on the food. They
will reduce the risk of toxins being present at a sufficient can also grow on frozen food if it is allowed to
level to cause food poisoning. thaw or partially thaw.

Hold perishable raw food at or below 5°C. This will help ii. Cross contamination can occur if different types
prevent the growth of those microorganisms which could of food are not segregated, e.g. cooked and other
cause food poisoning. groceries such as raw meat.
iii. Food can be contaminated by chemicals, foreign
For cooked food, eat or serve the food immediately after matter or a dirty vehicle.
cooking. Where this is not possible, hold the food at
or above 63°C, or cool it to 5°C or below immediately How can it be prevented?
after cooking. This will help prevent the growth of those
i. When collecting food make sure that:
microorganisms which could cause food poisoning.
• T
 he interior of the vehicle used is clean and
If the growth of microorganisms which could cause free from conditions that could cause the
food poisoning is reduced, so also will the growth of contamination of food
those microorganism which cause food spoilage. This • R
 eusable containers, such as trays, boxes and
will be of benefit in extending the shelf-life. shopping bags if used, are clean
• C
 hilled food is transported under refrigerated
conditions if it is not for immediate use
• F
 rozen food is transported under refrigerated
conditions if it is not for immediate use
• R
 aw foods which could contain harmful
microorganisms are segregated from
ready-to-eat foods
• C
 ooked or ready-to-eat food is not placed
below raw food
18 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

• D
 omestic, garden and other chemicals, Harvesting garden products
including detergents and toiletries, are not
transported with food unless they are totally What can go wrong
segregated from it (when harvesting garden products)?

• M
 ake sure food is within date, especially food i. Garden produce may contain insects and/or
with a ‘use-by’ date microorganisms. It may also contain residues
of herbicides or pesticides.
ii. Your clothing and footwear can become dirty
Note: when collecting garden produce. This dirt,
Insulated or other containers may be used to
if brought into the kitchen, can cause food
transport chilled food once the temperature
does of the food does not exceed 5°C. They
may also be used to transport frozen food if How can it be prevented?
the food doesn’t thaw or partially thaw during
transportation. i. When harvesting vegetables, remove roots, clay
and insects from the vegetables before bringing
them into the food preparation area.
ii. When collecting fruit, remove any insects
Note: present before bringing the fruit in to the food
Raw foods which could contain harmful preparation area.
microorganisms include fish and fish iii. Harvested fruit and vegetables must be
products; meat and meat products; poultry thoroughly washed before use. Care must be
and poultry products; egg and egg products; taken to avoid contamination of clean produce.
fruit and vegetables. This is particularly important for fruit, vegetables
and leafy greens which will not be cooked.
iv. Keep dirty eggs separate from clean eggs. Clean
ii. Transfer the food you collect into suitable storage
dirty eggs before bringing them into the kitchen or
without delay
the food preparation area. You must use the eggs
you have cleaned immediately after cleaning.
v. Make sure that dirt from the garden, out houses,
hen houses etc, is not brought into the kitchen
or other food preparation areas on your clothing
“Normal cooking will or footwear.

destroy food poisoning

microorganisms, but You must wash your hands after collecting
garden produce or removing outdoor
will not destroy all footwear.

toxins. To protect vi. If you use herbicides or pesticides, only use them

public health, you must in accordance with the suppliers’ instructions.

make every effort to i. The use of herbicides and pesticides is not
keep the number of generally recommended. If you use herbicides
and/or pesticides, you should keep a list of the

microorganisms on herbicides and/or pesticides used and when they

were used.

food to a minimum.”
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 19

Storing food ingredients Recommendations

What can go wrong i. Fridges should be fitted with a thermometer.

(when storing food ingredients)? A probe thermometer should be used to check
i. Food can spoil and become unusable if it is kept
ii. Dry goods should be stored in lidded airtight
for too long.
ii. If perishable or high-risk food is not kept cold,
harmful microorganisms can grow on the food.
Thawing frozen food
iii. Food can be contaminated if it is stored with
garden or other chemicals. What can go wrong
(when thawing food)?
iv. Dry goods such as flour, cereals, rice and sugar
may contain mites or weevils. i. Microorganisms can grow while food is being
thawed. They often grow on the surface of food
How can it be prevented? if the surface temperature of the food rises
i. The kitchen must be large enough for different above 5°C.
types of food to be stored separately. This will ii. If food is not fully thawed before it is cooked,
reduce the danger of cross contamination. the centre of the food may not be fully cooked.
ii. Store dry goods including flour, grains and This could result in the survival of food poisoning
cereals in an area which is clean, dry and free of microorganisms.
condensation. If bins are used for storage, keep
How can it be prevented?
them covered and do not top them up.
iii. Food must not be stored directly on the floor. i. Thaw food completely before cooking it, unless
the food is normally cooked from the frozen state.
iv. Store perishable and high-risk food ingredients
in a fridge. ii. Always thaw frozen food which cannot be cooked
from frozen in a:
v. Keep the fridge at 5°C or lower. Keep the freezer
at -18°C or lower. This does not apply during the • Fridge
defrost cycle. • Microwave oven with a proper thawing cycle
vi. Food for business and the household should be
vii. Do not use food which has passed its ‘use-by’ Note:
date. Use the oldest food first. A microwave oven is not suitable for thawing
viii. Where you are producing food to be placed on the large joints of meat or whole poultry.
market which is high-risk food, you must store it
in a separate fridge to the family fridge.
ix. Do not store cooked or ready-to-eat food in the iii. Make sure that the food is fully thawed (between
same fridge as raw food unless the cooked and -1° and +3°C) by checking the centre of the
ready-to-eat food is both covered and separated. food. Check for ice in the food using your hand,
Do not store raw food above cooked or ready-to- a skewer or a probe thermometer. Use a clean
eat food. This will prevent cross-contamination. thermometer and sanitise it after use. With
poultry, check the joints are flexible.
x. Do not store domestic, garden or other chemicals
including detergents and toiletries, with food. iv. As a general rule, you should not refreeze food.
On no account can any chemicals be transferred However, you can defrost food, cook it and freeze
to food containers or containers similar to those it again.
used for food.
xi. Do not store garden or other chemicals in the
kitchen or in a food storage area.
20 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Food preparation ix. Use only pasteurised eggs, eggs from a

Salmonella free flock, eggs produced under the
What can go wrong? Board Bia Egg Quality Assurance Scheme or eggs
i. Cross contamination can occur when food is produced under an equivalent quality assurance
being prepared. scheme to produce uncooked/lightly cooked
ready-to-eat egg products such as mayonnaise
ii. Harmful microorganisms can grow if the
and pavlova.
temperature of any part of the food remains
between 5°C and 63°C for too long.
iii. Foreign matter such as hairs, flies and flaking Note:
paint can enter food when it is being prepared. If you are using your own eggs from your own
farm, the flock (regardless of the size) must
How can it be prevented? be registered under animal health regulations
i. Use separate equipment and utensils for with DAFM. The FSAI recommends that the
ready-to-eat food and raw food. This includes flock is periodically tested for Salmonella. In
knives and bowls. this way, you can demonstrate to your EHO
that you have considered the risk and are
ii. Use separate work surfaces, including chopping
verifying controls by flock testing. Testing
boards, for ready-to-eat food and for raw food.
certificates should suffice as documentary
Chopping boards can be made of wood or plastic.
evidence of these controls. You may also
iii. Do not prepare ready-to-eat food on a chopping use local farm eggs that are stamped and
board or other surface which was used to prepare graded in compliance with the egg marketing
raw meat, raw fish or raw poultry. legislation. The stamp is sufficient to
iv. Make sure that all ready-to-eat food is physically demonstrate the safety of the egg as these
separated from raw food. flocks have to be tested for Salmonella under
v. Keep the time the food spends outside of the the control of DAFM.
fridge as short as possible. Take small quantities
of food out of the fridge at a time.
vi. Wash vegetables (with the exception of onions
and hard cabbage) and fruit before use. i. Do not wear gloves when handling food unless
vii. When handling clean food utensils, crockery, they are disposable gloves. Both the inside and
glassware, cutlery etc. handle them only by the the outside of the gloves must be clean.
surfaces which do not come into contact with
viii. Use frozen food within 24 hours of thawing. Gloves can cause hands to perspire if they
are worn for long periods. This perspiration
can be a source of food poisoning

ii. Equipment should be colour coded where

different types of food are prepared. The following
is the generally accepted colour code:
a. Blue – Raw fish
b. Red – Raw meat
c. Green – Salad and fruit
d. White – Dairy and baking products
e. Yellow – Cooked meats
f. Brown – Vegetables
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 21

Cooking/Baking Cooling food

What can go wrong What can go wrong
(when cooking or baking food)? (when cooling food)?
i. Food poisoning microorganisms can survive i. Food may become contaminated as a result of
if food is not fully cooked or baked. The cross contamination.
microorganisms that survive can then rapidly ii. Harmful microorganisms may grow on or in food
increase in number, under the right conditions. if it is not cooled quickly.
ii. Food can be contaminated by the equipment used
to stir or to whisk food, if the equipment is used How can it be prevented?
for raw or partially cooked food and then i. Cool food as quickly as possible to 5°C or lower
for cooked food without cleaning. after cooking/baking. Place in the fridge within
iii. A dirty cookery thermometer can contaminate two hours. This would not be necessary for foods
food. such as bread which are not normally stored in
a fridge.
How can it be prevented?
i. Treat bakery products which contain high-risk
fillings, as high-risk foods.
Placing very hot food in a fridge can result
ii. When adding a high-risk filling to a bakery in the fridge becoming too warm. This can
product, add the filling either cold (5°C or lower) cause other food in the fridge to increase
or hot (63°C or higher). in temperature.
iii. As raw flour may contain mould and sometimes
Salmonella, make sure that baked products are
not contaminated by raw flour. ii. When cooling food make sure that cross
iv. Follow manufacturer’s instructions when using contamination does not occur.
microwave ovens for cooking.
You cannot use your kitchen for domestic
i. As there can be cold spots in microwave ovens, activities while food is being cooled in
they are not recommended for cooking food the open.
products which could contain food poisoning
microorganisms. The presence of cold spots could
result in part of the food not reaching the required Recommendations
temperature that is necessary to kill all food
To cool food quickly:
poisoning microorganisms. In addition, microwave
ovens loose power over time. • Divide it into smaller portions or spread out the
food in shallow trays. Liquids can be stirred
regularly to speed up cooling
• Place food in a container which is in turn placed
in a container of ice
• Move food to a cooler area
22 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Jam making Honey

What can go wrong What can go wrong
(when making jam)? (when separating and packing honey)?
i. Fruit may contain insects, foreign matter and i. Honey can become contaminated from the
chemicals, such as insecticide. equipment used to separate it or from the
ii. Mould can grow on jam if there is not enough environment in which it is separated.
sugar in the jam. ii. Honey can pick up contamination from the
iii. Jars used for jam can be a source of jars in which it is packed.
How can it be prevented?
How can it be prevented? i. Make sure that the extractor is clean and free from
i. Pick over fruit to remove any foreign matter. rust.
ii. Make sure that there is at least 6kg of sugar ii. Screen the extracted honey to remove foreign
for every 10kg of finished jam. bodies and wax.
iii. Inspect each jar and discard any jars that are iii. Make sure that the containers used to store bulk
damaged or where you have any suspicion honey are both clean and airtight and have not
that they have been used for non-food items been used for non-food products.
or materials. iv. Inspect each jar and discard any jars that are
iv. Wash all jars, re-inspect them and then sterilise damaged or where you have any suspicion that
them. they may have been used for non-food items
or materials.
v. Pour the jam while hot into hot sterile jars and
then seal the jar with a jam cover or a sterilised lid. v. Wash all jars, re-inspect them and then sterilise
Recommendations vi. Keep the honey house clean, when it is in use.
i. To sterilise jars, put clean jars into an oven vii. Where you have a separate honey house, it must
preheated to 180°C, for at least five minutes. contain a wash hand basin.
To sterilise lids, sterilise them in boiling water.
Alternatively, jars can be washed in the Recommendations
dishwasher on a hot cycle and be allowed i. The extractor should be made of stainless steel.
to air dry in the dishwasher.
ii. Store the extracted bulk honey in airtight
containers with the minimum amount of air
present in the container.
iii. When bottling honey, place the bulk container
in a heated cabinet, at a maximum temperature
of 46°C for three days and then filter the honey
through nylon organza or an equivalent filter into
a bottler.
iv. Place the bottle in a heated cabinet, at a
maximum temperature of 40°C for 24 hours to
remove air bubbles and then fill the honey into
sterile jars.
v. To sterilise jars, put clean jars into an oven
preheated to 180°C, for at least five minutes.
vi. For comb honey, clean the section and pack
in standard containers for sale.
vii. For cut comb honey, pack it in a standard
container for sale.
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 23

iii. Keep the temperature of the fridge between 5°C

Note: or lower and freezers at - 18°C or lower (do not
The Federation of Irish Beekeepers’ put hot food in the fridge; do not leave the door
Associations provides labels which help open or open the door too often).
ensure traceability. iv. Never store cooked or ready-to-eat food below
raw food.
v. Food that does not require refrigerated storage
DAFM has produced a number of publications on honey
should be stored in a suitable storage area. This
including: The Beekeepers Ideal Honey House; DAFM
storage area must be large enough so that the
Beekeeper’s Inspections – Common Inspection Issues and
food you produce is separate from other foods.
their Solutions and Lead Contamination in Honey, October
2013. They are available at vi. Store dry goods in a clean, dry storage area free
ie/farmingsectors/beekeepinghoney/ from condensation and pests.
vii. Do not store domestic, garden or other chemicals,
Storing food produced including detergents and toiletries, with food.

What can go wrong Recommendations

(when storing the food that was
produced)? i. Stored cooked food should be labelled properly
with the date of preparation.
i. Food can spoil and become unfit to eat if it is kept
ii. Food should be used on a ‘first-in first-out’ basis.
for too long.
ii. Harmful microorganisms can grow on high-risk
food if the temperature in the fridge is too high.
iii. Chemicals contamination can occur if food is
stored with domestic, garden or other chemicals.
iv. Cross contamination can occur.

How can it be prevented?

i. Food should be covered, stored in clean
containers or wrapped to prevent contamination,
drying out or being tainted by other food.
ii. Store high-risk food in a fridge or a freezer.

You must have a separate fridge for the food
you produce if it has to be stored in a fridge.
24 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Transporting the food produced

What can go wrong
Raw foods which could contain harmful
(when transporting the food you
microorganisms include fish and fish
products; meat and meat products; poultry
i. Microorganisms can grow on chilled food if it is and poultry products; egg and egg products;
not kept cold. fruit and vegetables.
ii. Cross contamination can occur if different types
of food are not segregated.
iii. Food can be contaminated by chemicals, foreign Display of food
bodies or a dirty vehicle. (when sold in a market)
How can it be prevented? What can go wrong
(when displaying food for sale)?
i. When transporting the food which you produce
make sure that: i. Microorganisms can grow if the temperature of
the food rises above 5°C.
• T
 he interior of the vehicle you use is clean
and free from conditions that could cause the ii. Contamination can be caused by:
contamination of food • H
 andling of food or sneezing or coughing over
• R
 eusable containers, such as trays and boxes food
if used, are clean • Displaying food in a dusty or dirty environment
• H
 igh-risk food is transported in pre-cooled • Animals, insects and flies
insulated containers (ice-packs can be used
for this purpose) How can it be prevented?
• F
 rozen food is transported under refrigerated i. Display all high-risk food in packages, covered or
conditions otherwise suitably protected.
• Hot food is maintained above 63°C ii. Keep high-risk food in insulated containers and
• R
 aw foods which could contain harmful below 5°C until immediately before the market is
microorganisms are segregated from one opened.
another iii. If high-risk food is displayed at room temperature,
• C
 ooked or ready-to-eat food is segregated only display as much food as will be sold within
from raw food 60 minutes. Do not sell or supply high-risk food
• C
 ooked or ready-to-eat food is not placed which has been on display for more than 60
below raw food minutes.

• T
 he food is placed in clean containers or clean iv. Display ready-to-eat food in a separate area to
packaging raw food. Raw food includes vegetables and eggs.

• F
 lowers, potted plants and craft items are v. Display flowers, potted plants and craft work on
segregated from food a separate counter to food.

• D
 omestic, garden and other chemicals, vi. Avoid cross contamination when packing and
including detergents and toiletries, are not storing customer’s orders.
transported with food unless they are totally
segregated from it
i. Display the minimum quantity possible of high-
risk food. The purpose of this is to prevent the
Note: food on display from reaching room temperature.
When transporting chilled food, the core
ii. Handle reusable food containers with care and do
temperature must not exceed 5°C.
not store them in the sales area. Only display the
amount of high-risk foods that will be consumed
within 60 minutes of being put on display.
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 25

Serving teas
(when served at a market)
“Display the minimum
What can go wrong quantity possible of high-
(when serving teas)?
i. Crockery and utensils may become contaminated
risk food. The purpose of
with microorganisms.
this is to prevent the food
How can it be prevented?
i. Make sure that all crockery and utensils are clean
on display from reaching
and that any cracked crockery is thrown out. room temperature.”
ii. Suitable facilities must be available or
arrangements in place to clean crockery and

The following must be kept:

i. A list of suppliers of food and packaging

ii. The quantity and type of food produced on a daily
or weekly basis as appropriate
iii. The temperature of all fridges and freezers, taken
at least once per week

The temperature of fridges and freezers
should be checked daily but need only be
recorded weekly.

A small diary may be used for keeping these
records. The records should be kept for a year.

iv. Laboratory reports for water testing if you are on a

private well or group scheme
26 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

Appendix A: Regulation (EC) No 852/2004

on the hygiene of foodstuffs
Food Law Article 4
The specific requirements of food law now generally General and specific hygiene
come from EU legislation. The EU legislation is then requirements
transposed into Irish law by Statutory Instruments (S.I.s) 1. Food business operators carrying out primary
where the offences, penalties and enforcement powers production and those associated operations listed
are set out. You need to read both together. in Annex I shall comply with the general hygiene
provisions laid down in part A of Annex I and any
As this guidance focuses on the hygiene requirements,
specific requirements provided for in Regulation
they have been included here. Details on the other
(EC) No 853/20042.
legislation mentioned in this guidance are available on
the FSAI website under legislation at 2. Food business operators carrying out any stage
of production, processing and distribution of
food after those stages to which paragraph 1
Hygiene of Foodstuffs Regulations applies shall comply with the general hygiene
Relevant extracts from Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on requirements laid down in Annex II and any
the hygiene of foodstuffs and the European Communities specific requirements provided for in Regulation
(Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2006 [S.I. No. 369 (EC) No 853/2004.
of 2006]: 3. Food business operators shall, as appropriate,
adopt the following specific hygiene measures:
(a) compliance with microbiological criteria for
(b) procedures necessary to meet targets set to
achieve the objectives of this Regulation;
(c) compliance with temperature control
requirements for foodstuffs;
(d) maintenance of the cold chain;
(e) sampling and analysis.
4. The criteria, requirements and targets referred to
in paragraph 3 shall be adopted in accordance
with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2).
Associated sampling and analysis methods
shall be laid down in accordance with the same
5. When this Regulation, Regulation (EC) No
853/2004 and their implementing measures do
not specify sampling or analysis methods, food
business operators may use appropriate methods
laid down in other Community or national
legislation or, in the absence of such methods,
methods that offer equivalent results to those
obtained using the reference method, if they
are scientifically validated in accordance with
internationally recognised rules or protocols.
6. Food business operators may use the guides
provided for in Articles 7, 8 and 9 as an aid to
compliance with their obligations under this

Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for
food of animal origin
Guide to Good Hygiene Practice 27

Article 5 4. Food business operators shall:

(a) provide the competent authority with evidence
Hazard analysis and critical control
of their compliance with paragraph 1 in the
manner that the competent authority requires,
1. Food business operators shall put in place, taking account of the nature and size of the
implement and maintain a permanent procedure food business;
or procedures based on the HACCP principles. (b) ensure that any documents describing the
2. The HACCP principles referred to in paragraph 1 procedures developed in accordance with this
consist of the following: Article are up-to-date at all times;
(a) Identifying any hazards that must be (c) retain any other documents and records for an
prevented, eliminated or reduced to appropriate period.
acceptable levels; 5. Detailed arrangements for the implementation of
(b) Identifying the critical control points at the this Article may be laid down in accordance with
step or steps at which control is essential to the procedure referred to in Article 14(2). Such
prevent or eliminate a hazard or to reduce it arrangements may facilitate the implementation of
to acceptable levels; this Article by certain food business operators, in
(c) Establishing critical limits at critical control particular by providing for the use of procedures
points which separate acceptability from set out in guides for the application of HACCP
unacceptability for the prevention, elimination principles, in order to comply with paragraph 1.
or reduction of identified hazards; Such arrangements may also specify the period
(d) Establishing and implementing effective during which food business operators shall retain
monitoring procedures at critical control documents and records in accordance with
points; paragraph 4(c).

(e) Establishing corrective actions when

monitoring indicates that a critical control Annex II Chapter III
point is not under control;
Requirements for movable and/or temporary premises
(f) E
 stablishing procedures, which shall be carried (such as marquees, market stalls, mobile sales vehicles),
out regularly, to verify that the measures premises used primarily as a private dwelling-house but
outlined in subparagraphs (a) to (e) are where foods are regularly prepared for placing on the
working effectively; and market and vending machines
(g) Establishing documents and records
commensurate with the nature and size of the 1. Premises and vending machines are, so far as is
food business to demonstrate the effective reasonably practicable, to be so sited, designed,
application of the measures outlined in constructed and kept clean and maintained in
subparagraphs (a) to (f). good repair and condition as to avoid the risk of
contamination, in particular by animals and pests.
When any modification is made in the product,
process, or any step, food business operators shall 2. In particular, where necessary:
review the procedure and make the necessary (a) appropriate facilities are to be available to
changes to it. maintain adequate personal hygiene (including
3. Paragraph 1 shall apply only to food business facilities for the hygienic washing and drying
operators carrying out any stage of production, of hands, hygienic sanitary arrangements and
processing and distribution of food after primary changing facilities);
production and those associated operations listed (b) surfaces in contact with food are to be in a
in Annex I. sound condition and be easy to clean and,
where necessary, to disinfect. This will require
the use of smooth, washable, corrosion-
resistant and non-toxic materials, unless food
business operators can satisfy the competent
authority that other materials used are
(c) adequate provision is to be made for the
cleaning and, where necessary, disinfecting
of working utensils and equipment;
28 Country Markets Limited | Food Safety AUTHORITY of Ireland

(d) where foodstuffs are cleaned as part of the food Regulation 5

business’ operations, adequate provision is to be
made for this to be undertaken hygienically; (1) A food business operator who fails to comply with
the requirements of Article 5(1) and (2) of the EC
(e) an adequate supply of hot and/or cold potable
Regulation is guilty of an offence.
water is to be available;
(2) A food business operator is guilty of an offence if
(f) a
 dequate arrangements and/or facilities for the
the operator -
hygienic storage and disposal of hazardous and/or
inedible substances and waste (whether liquid or (a) fails to provide the official agency with the
solid) are to be available; evidence required by the official agency, in the
manner that the official agency requires, taking
(g) adequate facilities and/or arrangements for
account of the nature and size of the food
maintaining and monitoring suitable food
business, of the operator’s compliance with
temperature conditions are to be available;
Article 5(1) of the EC Regulation,
(h) foodstuffs are to be so placed as to avoid the
(b) fails to ensure that the documents describing
risk of contamination so far as is reasonably
the procedures developed in accordance with
Article 5 of the EC Regulation are up- to-date
at all times, or
European Communities (c) fails to retain such documents and records,
(Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations, as the operator is obliged to retain pursuant
2006 [S.I. No. 369 of 2006] to Article 5(4) (c) of the EC Regulation, for the
periods specified in paragraphs (3), (4) and (5).
Regulation 4 (3) In the case of foodstuffs requiring the indication
of a ‘use by’ date in accordance with Article 10 of
(1) A food business operator who fails to comply
Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament
with the general hygiene requirements laid down
and of the Council of 20 March 2000, the
in Annex II to the EC Regulation3 is guilty of an
documents and records shall be retained for three
months after the expiry of the relevant ‘use by’
(2) Where a food business operator derogates from date.
the general hygiene requirements referred to in
(4) In the case of foodstuffs requiring the indication
paragraph (1) in accordance with the derogations
of a ‘best before’ or ‘best before end date in
set down in Commission Directive 96/3/EC of
accordance with Article 9 of Directive 2000/13/EC
26 January 1996, as amended by Commission
of the European Parliament and of the Council of
Directive 2004/4/EC of 15 January 2004, and in
20 March 2000, the documents and records shall
Commission Directive 98/28/EC of 29 April 1998,
be retained for one year after the expiry of the
he or she is not guilty of an offence.
relevant ‘best before’ or ‘best before end’ date, as
(3) A food business operator who fails to adopt any the case may be.
specific hygiene measures required in accordance
(5) In the case of foodstuffs for immediate
with Article 4(3) (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the EC
consumption, the documents and records shall
Regulation, where the criteria, requirements
be retained for three months after the sale of the
or targets referred to in Article 4(4) have been
adopted in respect of that specific hygiene
measure in accordance with Article 14(2) of the
EC Regulation, is guilty of an offence.
(4) A food business operator who fails to carry out
sampling and analysis methods laid down in
accordance with Article 14(2), as referred to
methods laid down in accordance with Article

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs

Food Safety Authority of Ireland
Abbey Court
Lower Abbey Street
Dublin 1
Tel: +353 1 817 1300
Fax: +353 1 817 1301

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