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Profile Book

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“There is no limit to learning.”
Syed Babar Ali
LUMS Board of Trustees

Syed Babar Ali

Founding Pro Chancellor, LUMS
Advisor, Packages Limited

Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood Mr. Shahid Hussain

Pro Chancellor, LUMS Rector, LUMS
Advisor for Commerce, Textile, Industry CEO, Service Sales Corporation
and Production, and Investment, (Pvt.) Limited
Government of Pakistan

Dr. Arshad Ahmad

Vice Chancellor, LUMS

Dr. Parvez Hassan Syed Hyder Ali

Hassan & Hassan Advocates Chief Executive and Managing Director, Packages Limited

Mr. Osman Khalid Waheed Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar

President, Ferozsons Laboratories Limited Vice Chancellor, University of Engineering and Technology

Ms. Fatima Asad-Said Ms. Saima A. Khawaja

Regional Director, Abacus Consulting Partner, Progressive Advocates & Legal Consultants

Mr. Azmat Ali Ranjha Dr. Alnoor Bhimani

Rector, National School of Public Policy Dean, Suleman Dawood School of Business, LUMS
Engr. Daroo Khan Achakzai Mr. Furqan Ahmed Syed
President, The Federation of Pakistan Chambers Vice President and General Manager, Pakistan and
of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Afghanistan, PepsiCo
Mr. Naeem Tariq Hon’ble Mr. Justice Atir Mahmood
Acting Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan Lahore High Court Judge, Lahore High Court
Vice Chancellor’s Message
Rooted in its cherished values, LUMS is uniting Transdisciplinary education at LUMS is a fully
its five Schools through integrated curricula and shared mission ensuring that our work serves
engaging in a number of university-wide initiatives society at large and those less fortunate than us.
to strengthen its research capacity, teaching Our purpose lives on through the communities we
excellence and internationalisation efforts. serve.
This year, we will be launching The Learning I invite you to read further, participate with us and
Institute, Continuing Education Studies, Office of explore LUMS and its new directions.
Programme Enhancement, Centre for Advisement
as well as an Office of Inclusivity and Accessibility.
These will be complemented by renewed mandates Thank you!
for centres that focus on water, energy, policy and
business in society that are contributing to solving Dr. Arshad Ahmad
national and broader regional challenges.
06 08
Fast Facts The University

12 14
Getting to Know Lahore Our Schools

26 28
Transdisciplinary Education Life at LUMS

30 34
The Campus Faculty and Research Acumen

36 38
Centres at LUMS Alumni

40 42
Making World-class Friends of LUMS
Education Accessible

Giving is the Essence of Life
Fast Facts
Suleman Dawood
95 1,100+
National Outreach
School of Business is
the first
in QS Asia University Programme students International
Rankings 2019 inducted to date accredited business
school in Pakistan

1 in 3
210 students receive
PhD Faculty Members
from universities like 900+ Financial Support
annually and
Stanford, MIT, Yale, Recruiting
Oxford, Cambridge, and Partners 5.85 Billion
Imperial has been disbursed
since inception

4,500+ 100% 13,000+

Scholarship for
Students Alumni
PhD Students
The University

8 The University’s Profile

LUMS, a not-for-profit organisation established They bring their global learning to their
in 1985, is a unique destination for lifelong classrooms and foster mentoring relationships
learning. Just as the world has changed over the with students. It is this sense of collaboration
past three decades, so has LUMS, leading with which creates an environment that rewards
a progressive and innovative curriculum and teamwork, promotes progress and challenges
discovery research. Its five Schools have nurtured traditional disciplinary boundaries. LUMS
leaders in areas ranging from entrepreneurship, students find in their professors a community
economics, biology, mathematics, engineering, of scholars that is both appreciative of diversity
education, writing, politics and business—in all and bold in its outlook. A major hallmark of the
spheres of life. teaching pedagogy at LUMS is that it encourages
The LUMS community is driven by a shared the students to apply their knowledge and come
purpose: to make a better world through up with progressive 21st century solutions.
providing an inclusive space to students from With ingenuity and drive, our graduates have
all segments of society and conducting socially contributed in areas as far as optics, organic
relevant research. molecules, entrepreneurship and medical research
The University’s intellectual capital are LUMS to name a few.
faculty who are recognised experts in academia
who continuously strive to transfer innovation
and increase social engagement.

The University’s Profile 9

Cutting-edge research at LUMS is positioned Not-for-profit Status
to re-examine the mission of higher education
from the perspective of technology transfer LUMS is a federally chartered university and is
and innovation, continuing education, and social approved as a not-for-profit organisation under
engagement. section 2(36) of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
in terms of provisions of Clause 63 of Part IV
Adding to this, the LUMS community
of Second Schedule to the Ordinance. Any
continuously comes together to responsibly
individual or organisation making donations to
serve and improve the well-being of society.
LUMS is entitled to a tax credit under section
As part of its National Outreach Programme,
61 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Moreover,
the University reaches out to over a hundred
the University has been granted exemption
cities across Pakistan, attracting talent from
from the levy of income tax under Section 159
underprivileged segments of society. As these
of the Ordinance, thus, tax is not deductible on
students graduate, they go back to their
payments made to the University.
communities, positively impacting them and
changing their socioeconomic dynamics.
Today, the University is setting high standards
of academics and producing responsible
professionals who can compete globally.

10 The University’s Profile

Getting to Know

12 The University’s Profile

Pakistan’s second largest city, Lahore, is known Lahore is also a centre of higher education in the
for its cultural as well as contemporary life. country. It has some of the oldest educational
Great food, never-ending entertainment, quality institutions and LUMS has quickly positioned
educational institutions, diverse shopping areas, itself as top of its class.
acres of greenery and ongoing cultural activities
that include arts and crafts exhibitions, film and The city is also known for its historical
literature festivals and concerts make it one of monuments and its countless poets, scholars,
the most vibrant cities of the country. Lahore writers, intellectuals and scientists. Standing tall
is the place to be if you wish to experience in one corner of the city are the grand Lahore
modernism at its best; the vibrant malls with Fort, the magnificent Badshahi Mosque and the
brands from across the world, a convenient Sheesh Mahal, a UNESCO recognised world
metro bus system right in the middle of the heritage site. The Minar-e-Pakistan (Pakistan Day
city and international food franchises. It offers Memorial) is another historical landmark built
a variety of food choices that range from to commemorate the day when the Pakistan
traditional to continental to fast food. Resolution was passed on March 23, 1940.

The University’s Profile 13

Our Schools

14 The University’s Profile

Providing quality education through its rigorous to curate and customise their educational
programmes, LUMS is a significant educational trajectory. They can pick up courses from
landmark of the city. Its impact in the fields different Schools and Departments, and this
of business management, humanities, science transdisciplinary approach is key to innovation
and technology, education and law cannot be and discovery at LUMS.
underscored enough. Education here is learner-centred with a strong
Today, LUMS graduates and academia interact focus on relevance, originality of thought and
with the community, making Lahore a centre of quality. It is holistic and provides a vision beyond
intellectual engagement. There is a fundamental national boundaries. Students are encouraged
commitment to critical thinking and academic and expected to go beyond classroom learning
freedom which is followed at the University. and solve issues of the world. They are taught
Students are encouraged to develop the ability the skills to explore, research, and not limit
to question, analyse, explore and execute themselves.
effective and progressive strategies. A spirit of The five Schools at LUMS offer a variety of
curiosity, of risk-taking, and of thinking outside degrees at the undergraduate, graduate and
the box is actively inculcated in them. doctoral levels.
The students at LUMS are at the centre of
the learning experience and have the liberty

The University’s Profile 15

Suleman Dawood
School of Business (SDSB)

Established in 1986, SDSB is the oldest school The School also carries out rigorous economic
at LUMS. It recently earned the Association and management research through the Research
of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Unit, Social Enterprise Development Centre,
(AACSB) international accreditation, making it Case Research Unit, Centre for Business and
the first business school in Pakistan to attain Society, Centre for Islamic Finance and the
this prestigious recognition. In addition to the China-Pakistan Management Initiative.
flagship MBA programme, it offers an Executive As a leading management School in the
MBA, a course-based PhD in Management with region, the Case Study methodology has been
specialisations in Organisational Behaviour and honed over the past 30 years and is central
Strategy, Finance, and Operations Management, to SDSB’s approach to practical business
and a Bachelor’s programme with majors in education today. Meanwhile, its stronghold on
Accounting and Finance, and Management experiential learning makes students develop an
Science. entrepreneurial mindset.

The University’s Profile 17

Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani School of
Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS)

The School enjoys a strong reputation of academic It currently consists of two departments:
excellence, with its programmes generally Economics and Humanities and Social Sciences.
considered as the strongest in Pakistan. It focuses MGSHSS has an innovative Core Curriculum,
on a multidisciplinary approach, imparting a high which features a strong liberal arts component.
quality liberal arts education. Thus, students emerge as reflective, empathetic,
MGSHSS plays a significant role in undergraduate and historically informed individuals, with an
programmes at LUMS, and offers majors in understanding of both global and local issues.
Anthropology and Sociology, Economics, Economics
and Politics, Economics and Mathematics, Political
Science, English and History.

The University’s Profile 19

Syed Babar Ali School of
Science and Engineering (SBASSE)

The School is dedicated to exploring the creative Housed in a purpose-built complex, with state-
power of science, technology, engineering, and of-the-art teaching and research laboratories,
math, and it makes a special effort to spark that SBASSE has a number of advanced facilities,
same passion in its enrolled students. allowing its faculty and students to conduct
Launched in 2008, SBASSE is the first private groundbreaking research leading to solutions for
research school combining Science and the common man.
Engineering in Pakistan, with a vision to carry SBASSE offers a four-year undergraduate
out world-class, multidisciplinary education and programme of Bachelor of Science in Biology,
research. Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical
The School believes in collaboration and there Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Chemical
are no boundaries between disciplines. Modelled Engineering as well as a joint major in Economics
on some of the leading universities of the world, and Mathematics.The School also has a robust
it aims to lead a paradigm shift in Science and MS and PhD programme in all these disciplines
Engineering education in the country. except for Chemical Engineering.

The University’s Profile 21

Shaikh Ahmad Hassan
School of Law (SAHSOL)

The Department of Law and Policy, which has been The School’s mission is to produce impactful
functioning since 2004 through MGSHSS and later research that promotes human rights,
evolved into SAHSOL, now offers a 5-year joint socioeconomic development, and the rule of
BA-LL.B (Honours) undergraduate programme. law, and to develop and disseminate innovative
The BA-LL.B (Honours) degree allows students techniques for the teaching and training of Pakistani
to spend the first two years towards fulfilling law. Initiatives developed in line with this mission
the essential academic prerequisites for a sound are the Street Law programme, an innovative form
legal training as well as vital communication of clinical education and community engagement,
and computer skills. Over the next three years, and the ‘Law for Business Executives’ programme.
the students undergo rigorous exposure to
fundamental and specialised subjects in law, as well
as exciting new interdisciplinary areas such as law
and economics, regulation and policymaking.

The University’s Profile 23

Syed Ahsan Ali and Syed Maratib Ali
School of Education (SOE)

The School of Education is the fifth school at reform agenda for Pakistan. The School offers a
LUMS, which is set to operate at the crucial nexus minor in Education and an MPhil in Education
of research, policy and practice, supporting a faculty Leadership and Management led by world-class
that is internationally competitive, connected and faculty hailing from top universities in the US and
relevant. UK.
The curriculum, featuring extensive field A Teaching and Learning Initiative (TLI) has also
engagement, will produce graduates capable of been conceptualised to spearhead the field
becoming strategic leaders, policy researchers, and engagement component under the MPhil Practicum
reflective practitioners, distinctly placed to direct Programme through which the School collaborates
and shape a reimagined and vibrant education with a diverse group of local “lab schools.”

The University’s Profile 25


26 The University’s Profile

Knowledge is unbounded and various potential LUMS students are thus able to discover
discoveries lie outside compartmentalised the value of integrating the study of various
structures. Realising this, the University academic disciplines suited to their lifelong
encourages a transdisciplinary approach, interests; learn creative solutions to some of
providing students the opportunity to work today’s most challenging problems; become
with knowledge drawn from two or more interdisciplinary thinkers who analytically
academic disciplines offered at the five Schools. and creatively embrace new ideas; develop
This creates a powerful learning experience, collaboration skills while working with others
emphasising integrative learning, critical thinking, who have different perspectives and be
and creative problem-solving. prepared for higher studies and careers in new
This is supported by dynamic faculty who and emerging fields.
make the multidisciplinary learning experience
enriching and seamless.

The University’s Profile 27

Life at LUMS
28 The University’s Profile
The atmosphere at LUMS fosters excitement, a members that help them grow as individuals and
spirit of curiosity and a strong sense of community. professionals.
There is always something happening on campus; Being at LUMS gives one the chance to interact
this might be a lively discussion with faculty or an with people from various backgrounds and
event bringing together poets from all over the experiences. The diverse student body sometimes
country. organises events together, travels abroad together
Students are encouraged to discover different and often has candid and lively conversations with
aspects of their personalities and hone a diverse set each other while they brainstorm and exchange
of skills. Student-led societies at LUMS cater to all ideas. Whatever someone’s interest, whatever
types of people with a myriad of interests. Students their personality type, life at LUMS is always an
get the opportunity to meet like-minded people as unforgettable experience.
well as get exposed to various situations as society

Student Societies Participation from 8 International Events Organised

50+ Delegations 288

External Delegates Registration Revenue Sponsorship Revenue

10,000+ PKR 26.5 Million PKR 19 Million

The University’s Profile 29

The Campus

30 The University’s Profile

LUMS has a green, beautifully landscaped, vibrant Students also have access to a number of dining
residential campus, spread over 100 acres, options offering a variety of cuisines that cater
with excellent facilities. The modern residential to all kinds of taste buds. From Pakistani food
dormitories offer a friendly and secure and barbeque, to Chinese cuisine and salads,
environment to its inhabitants, and are furnished everything is accessible without the students
with a wide range of facilities including Wi-Fi, TV having to leave campus.
lounges, game rooms, laundry rooms, kitchens LUMS also houses the Syed Maratib Ali Sports
and easy access to dining facilities. Dedicated Complex as well as the Coca-Cola Aquatic
hostel staff is accessible to students for help at Centre with state-of-the-art sports facilities that
all times. A 24/7 Health and Wellness Centre help students not only keep an active lifestyle
on campus is well equipped for the provision of but also unwind and re-energise in a healthy
emergency medical services to all members of way. In addition to sports facilities, LUMS also
the LUMS community. houses the Gad and Birgit Rausing Library, a
All facilities are a short walk from each other, multidisciplinary library serving the faculty,
ensuring that students have easy access to students, researchers and staff of the University.
everything they need. The campus is adjacent to The library has a wide range of print collections
the Defence Housing Authority, a well-developed and online services including subscription of
suburb of Lahore with shops, restaurants, print and online journals, access to e-libraries,
hospitals and other facilities nearby. social science publications among several others.

The University’s Profile 31

7 Male and 5 Female Hostels 9 Restaurants and Eateries

24/7 Health and Wellness Centre Coca-Cola Aquatic Centre

Executive Gym Staff and Faculty Lounge

Syed Maratib Ali Sports Complex

Separate Gymnasiums for 4 Squash Courts 1 Indoor and 1 Outdoor
Males and Females Basketball Court

1 Indoor and 1 Outdoor Hockey Field

7 Badminton Courts
Volleyball Court

2 Tennis Courts Football Ground Cricket Field

The University’s Profile 33

Faculty and
Research Acumen
LUMS is known for leadership in innovative The last 5 years have seen an 80% increase of these
education, and its faculty is composed of men academic leaders being published in internationally
and women who are world-class scholars. They renowned journals. Their books, edited volumes
rigorously pursue research at the leading edge of and case studies are used as teaching instruments
their fields. They balance groundbreaking research across mainstream academics, and executive
with invitations to lecture around the world, hold trainings at LUMS.
patents and awards, are consulted by high-ranking The research conducted at LUMS also facilitates
government officials or noted corporates. connections with industry partners, providing
The range of research activities at LUMS is broad solutions to business, community and government
and deep. LUMS faculty conduct research in almost organisations. Our faculty addresses global
every field, and seek to expand human knowledge problems through their in-depth research, tackling
through analysis, innovation, and insight. Research topics such as climate change, education, digital
efforts at the University are enhanced through literacy, linguistics and genealogy. Their research
creative collaborative efforts with leading research has made a mark in conferences around the world
institutes and consortia around the world. Our and received numerous international awards and
faculty conducts multidisciplinary research that is accolades.
published in top ranked referred academic journals.

The University’s Profile 35

Centres at
LUMS houses research centres which are actively executive development and training programmes,
exploring new horizons in their respective responding to the development needs of managers
disciplines. It provides dedicated facilities for and leaders in the country, and the Centre for
collaborative research where scientists, engineers Business and Society which provides a collaborative
and medics from a range of backgrounds address space for faculty, staff, students and community
global challenges in areas such as water scarcity, members to engage in a stimulating narrative on
healthcare, epigenetics and energy. Flagship the most pressing social issues facing Pakistan.
centres catering to research needs in science LUMS works with the community to make a
and technology include the Centre for Water positive impact in local education, enterprise,
Informatics and Technology, the Centre for employment and social reform. All Schools
Advanced Studies in Mathematics, National Centre maintain a programme of events and activities to
in Big Data and Cloud Computing and the LUMS involve the community, businesses and organisations
Energy Institute. in their work and share their research and
LUMS also boasts a long, successful history of innovations. Centres endorsing social and cultural
partnership and collaboration with the industry. It change are the Gurmani Centre for Languages and
is consistent in creating spaces for corporations, Literature, which promotes languages and their
SMEs, start-up businesses and entrepreneurs literature through teaching, research, publications
to work alongside the University at every stage and their outreach programme; the Saida Waheed
of their development and growth. Some of the Gender Initiative that leverages research, teaching,
prominent centres are the National Incubation and praxis related to gender, and the Social
Centre, the strongest hub for incubation of Enterprise Development Centre working towards
start-ups in the country, the Rausing Executive the capacity building of social enterprises in the
Development Centre, which offers a wide range of country.

The University’s Profile 37

38 The University’s Profile
LUMS alumni, a powerful network spread across mentorship programmes. With 13,000+ alumni
the world, are a valuable source of support for the around the world who are contributing to the
University, continuously contributing their time, private and public sectors in diverse industries,
funding and resources through various avenues, there is an abundance of experience and wisdom to
including professional networking events and benefit from.

Alumni CEOs Alumni Entrepreneurs Alumni teaching at international
148 152 20
Alumni in Fortune 500 Alumni working in the government
International Alumni Chapters
Companies sector or at policymaking level
502 19 159
Alumni network spread across
Local Alumni Chapters
53 8

The University’s Profile 39

Since inception, LUMS has disbursed PKR 5.85 The National Outreach Programme
Billion in financial support, and annually, nearly
The LUMS National Outreach Programme
35% of the student body receives some form of
(NOP) is a prestigious scholarship focusing on
financial assistance. Generous financial support
identifying meritorious students with exceptional
is offered for all programmes based on an
academic records and inducting them into the
applicant’s academic performance and assessed
University’s undergraduate programmes.
financial need. The University adheres to
merit as the sole criteria in its decision-making. Launched in 2001 to extend the benefits of
Admissions are independent of a student’s ability world-class education to talented students
to afford tuition fee and a talented student will who are constricted by financial circumstances
always be welcome. and belong to far and remote locations across
Pakistan, the NOP scholarship does not
Financial Support includes Loans, Merit
differentiate on colour, caste or creed. It targets
Scholarships, Need-based Tuition Fee Waivers,
underprivileged, bright students to transform
Application Processing Fee Waivers, Testing Fee
them into future leaders who will return to their
Refunds and National Outreach Programme
communities as positive change agents.
To date, LUMS has inducted more than 1,100
The beneficiaries of financial support stand as
NOP students, of which around 595 have
role models for their peers belonging to the
same social strata, who dream of receiving higher
education from an excellent institution like In the last year, the National Outreach
LUMS and shaping successful career paths after Programme reached 18,000 students by visiting
graduation. The credit for their success obviously 77 cities such as Dhirkot, Kohat, Karimabad,
goes to the University’s continued aim to make Mailsi and Tando Adam.
quality education accessible.

The University’s Profile 41


For the past three decades, generous donors have supported the University—paying the tuition fees
of deserving students, contributing towards buildings and infrastructure, research as well as creating
scholarships and funds. These donors believe in the LUMS cause of making quality higher education
accessible to all and have confidence in the potential of its students as well as its prowess.
Here are the names of patrons who have extended their invaluable support to LUMS over the years.

Gurmani Foundation Mitsubishi Corporation

Department for International Development-UK Aid Pepsi Cola International (Pvt.) Ltd.
Babar Ali Foundation Syed Maratib Ali Religious & Charitable Trust
Tetra Pak Pakistan Society
Government of Punjab Lucky Cement Ltd.
Mr. Abdul Razzak Dawood & Family United Bank Ltd.
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan Fatima Group
Nestle Pakistan Shahid Hussain Foundation
United States Agency for International Mr. Mumtaz Hasan Khan
Development (USAID) Industrial & Technical Educational Institute
The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) Bank Al Habib Ltd.
Allied Bank Ltd. Tri-Pack Films Ltd.
Dr. Parvez Hassan Syed Babar Ali
The Coca-Cola Export Corporation Bestway Foundation
Siemens (Pakistan) Engineering Company Ltd. Allied Engineering & Services (Pvt.) Ltd.
Tetra Laval Group Schlumberger Seaco Inc.
Millat Group Burque Corporation (Mr. Naveed Sultan)
Asian Development Bank Shakarganj Ltd.
IGI General Insurance Ltd. House of Habib (Indus Motors)
Bayer Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. Adamjee Foundation

36 The University’s
Profile Book Profile
Asian Cooperative Society Ltd. Abdullah Foundation
Sapphire Fibers Ltd. Arif Habib Ltd.
PICIC Commercial Bank Ltd. English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt.) Ltd.
Interloop Ltd. General Tyre & Rubber Company of Pakistan Ltd.
Siddiqui Foundation Maple Leaf Cement Factory Ltd.
UCH Power (Pvt.) Ltd. Muhammad Shafi Trust
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. Syed Muhammad Mohsin
Damun Foundation (Mr. Sohail Khan) Syeda Parween Babar Ali
The Dawood Foundation DWP Group
Pakistan State Oil BSc Class of 1998
Engro Polymer & Chemicals Ltd. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd.
Mr. Salman Butt & Ms. Saleha Butt (ORASCOM Mr. Tauqeer Mazhar
Construction Industries) Mr. Hassan Ahmad
The Lake City Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Punjab Beverages Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Syed Hyder Ali Pakistan Banking Council
Syeda Henna Babar Ali Himont Group
Ferozsons Laboratories Ltd. Khan & Piracha (Mrs. Amna Piracha)
BSc Class of 2001 Mr. Kristofer Borjesson & Ms. Annika Borjesson
Crescent Steel & Allied Products Ltd. Mr. Hassan Ahmed
Kot Addu Power Company Ltd. Al Ghurair Group
Atlas Group BSc Class of 2002
Unilever Pakistan Ltd. Mr. Nazar Mehdi
MBA Class of 1991 Old Grammarians’ Society (OGS) Trust
Service Industries Ltd. Gulistan Group
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. Barclays Bank
Jazz (formerly Pakistan Mobile Communications Lalpir Power Ltd.
Ltd.) Shell Pakistan
MBA Class of 1989 MBA Class of 1994
Mr. Furrukh Munawar & Ms. Aaiysha Munawar Pakistan International Airlines Corporation
Faysal Bank Ltd. Mir Khalil ur Rehman Foundation
Irfan and Irfan (Attorneys-at-Law) Sanofi-Aventis Pakistan Ltd.
MBA Class of 1996 Mr. Jehanzeb Sherwani & Ms. Nosheen Ali
Mr. Ali Nisar Alvi & Ms. Fatima Kardar KSB Pumps Company Ltd.
ICI Pakistan Ltd. MBA Class of 2002
Khushhali Microfinance Bank Citibank

The University’s Profile 43

BSc Class of 2003 Gulf Group of Companies
BSc Class of 2004 Sabihuddin Ahmad Foundation
Mr. Ali Almakky Crescent Textile Mills Ltd.
Lakson Group MBA Class of 1997
Ms. Gul Nefer Akbar Group of Companies
Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan All Pakistan Textile Mills Association
(ADBP) Ammar Textiles (Pvt.) Ltd.
KASB Group Bata Pakistan Ltd.
Syeda Sitwat Mohsin Ciba Geigy Pakistan Ltd.
Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd. Hoechst Pakistan Ltd.
ICT R&D Fund Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry
MBA Class of 1999 Mr. Farooq Naseem
Packages Ltd. National Fertilizer Corporation
Lahore Stock Exchange National Development Finance Corporation
Mr. Shahid Kazi & Mr. Faisal Kazi (NDFC)
American Express Bank Ltd. Pakistan Automobiles
Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan Shahnawaz (Pvt.) Ltd.
College Education Department, Government of ABN Amro Bank
Sindh Sadaqat Ltd.
Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST) Farah & Shahzad Benevolent Fund
Mr. Nadeem Atta Mr. Omer Rana
State Cement Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. Lotte Chemical Pakistan Ltd.
Roche Pakistan Mr. Masood Siddiqui
Mr. Shahid Umerani Pakistan International Container Terminal
BSc Class of 2006 MBA Class of 1992
BSc Class of 1999 Mr. Osman Khalid Waheed
Ahmad Scholarship Fund Mr.Younas Mirza
Friends of Salman and Hashir - BSc Class of 2007 Mr. Ali Naqvi & Ms. Amna Tirmizi
International Chemplast (Pvt.) Ltd. Mr. Naveed Riaz
Dr. Syed Zahoor Hassan Mrs. Hillary Clinton
Friends of Zeeshan Shaukat - MBA Class of 2014 Mr. Basharat Mahmood
Banker’s Equity Ltd. Deutsche Bank
Cherat Cement Company Ltd. Fast Cables Ltd.
Tabish Corporation Haidermota & Co. and BNR

44 The University’s Profile

Mr. Ahmad Ovais Mian Infaq Foundation
Mr. Amer Abdullah BSc Class of 2008
Pakistan Tobacco Company Ltd. Mr. Aslam Khan
Aftab Associates Canadian Friends of LUMS
Netsol Technologies Inc. Mr. Umair Chhapra
Faruque (Pvt.) Ltd. Adnan Textiles Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.
MBA Class of 2007 Syed Athar Ahmad
Frontier Education Foundation Attock Refinery Ltd.
Ihsan Trust BCCI Foundation
Mr. Irfan Mustafa Habib Metropolitan Bank
Friends of Waheeb Alam - BSc Class of 2010 Haq Enterprises
Mrs. Kaniz Arshad International Industries Ltd.
Habib Group Mr. Irshad Ahmed
Nagina Group Neemar Jewellers
Philips Electrical Industries Ltd. Pakistan Oilfields Ltd.
BSc Class of 2009 Procter & Gamble Pakistan
Mr. B. Mitchell Rafiq Engineering Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
Pak Elektron Ltd. Saudi Pak Agricultural Investment Corporation
Mr. Zain Jeewanji Mr. Zafar Iqbal Qureshi
MBA Class of 2006 Al-Moiz Industries Ltd.
Mr. Luqman Ali Afzal TRG Pakistan Ltd.
GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Ltd. Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Securities (Pvt.) Ltd.
Association of Pakistani American Ladies for
Social Welfare (PALS)
Lipton Pakistan Ltd.
Punjab Information Technology Board
Malala Fund
Mr. Danish Lakhani
Mr. Bilal Musharraf
Friends of Rumman - MBA Class of 1995
Mr. Ali Munir
First International Investment Bank
MBA Class of 1988
Hussain Mills Ltd.

The University’s Profile 45

Giving is
the Essence
of Life
LUMS, a not-for-profit organisation, is committed to its vision of education that is accessible to all.
Every donation, big or small, counts towards the University’s scholarship initiatives.
All persons donating to LUMS are entitled to a tax credit under section 61 of Income Tax Ordinance,
2001 since the Federal Board of Revenue has granted exemption to LUMS from the levy of income tax
under Section 159 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Therefore, tax is not deductible on payments
made to LUMS.
The University welcomes all contributions. Whatever amount you choose to donate is an investment in
the future of our country. However, if you wish to donate for something specifically, there are several
options to consider. These include:

Category Amount
Undergraduate Student *PKR 0.9 million/year
Graduate Student *PKR 0.5 million/year
MBA Student *PKR 1 million/year
NOP student’s education inclusive of all necessary study related costs *PKR 1 million/year
that range from tuition fee to boarding expenses, book allowance,
monthly stipend etc.
To sponsor high impact research in any field of study, interested donors can fund a project or set up
an endowed chair.
To help the University build and maintain state-of-the-art infrastructure, donors can donate towards
constructing a new building or name an existing infrastructure.
* All amounts are subject to inflation and may be revised without notice.

How to Donate to LUMS

Please visit: or drop an email at
Pakistan-Based Donations US-Based Donations
Account Number: 0334-000520216-016 As a US citizen, you can donate through “Friends
IBAN Code: PK32FAYS0334000520216016 of LUMS - USA Association”, a tax-exempt entity
Account Title: Lahore University of registered in the United States under Section 501(c)
Management Sciences (3) of the IRS Code.
Bank: Faysal Bank Limited
Address: 4/5, Cavalry Ground Branch Lahore Bank details
Cantt., Lahore, Pakistan Account Title: Friends of LUMS – USA Association
Branch Code: 334 Account Number: 029-994319
Swift Code: FAYSPKKA Routing Number: 121100782
UAN: +92-42-111 321 321 Bank of the West, Sunnyvale Office,
Telephone: +92-42-3665 5590 380 S Mathilda Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Fax: +92-42-3665 5591 1-800-448-2265

The University’s Profile 47

Office of Advancement
DHA, Lahore Cantt. 54792, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92 42 111 11 LUMS (5867)

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