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I. Multiple Choices: I. Multiple Choices

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Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education Department of Education



I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the BEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the BEST
answer. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer. answer. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
1. Which is an example of gas diffusion? 1. Which is an example of gas diffusion?
A. Inflating a flat tire. A. Inflating a flat tire.
B. Air balloons float in air. B. Air balloons float in air.
C. Odor of perfume spreading throughout a room. C. Odor of perfume spreading throughout a room.
D. Cylinder of oxygen stored under high pressure. D. Cylinder of oxygen stored under high pressure.
2. The average kinetic energy of molecules is directly 2. The average kinetic energy of molecules is directly
proportional to which of the following variables? proportional to which of the following variables?
A. Vapor pressure C. Molar volume A. Vapor pressure C. Molar volume
B. Absolute temperature D. Gas density B. Absolute temperature D. Gas density
3. When pressure on a gas is reduced to half, what 3. When pressure on a gas is reduced to half, what
happens to its volume? happens to its volume?
A. Doubles C. Stays the same A. Doubles C. Stays the same
B. Reduced to half D. Rises, then fall B. Reduced to half D. Rises, then fall
4. How would you describe the molecular composition of 4. How would you describe the molecular composition of
gases? gases?
A. Close together and arranged in a regular pattern A. Close together and arranged in a regular pattern
B. Far apart and randomly arranged B. Far apart and randomly arranged
C. Close together and are irregularly arranged C. Close together and are irregularly arranged
D. Close together and randomly arranged D. Close together and randomly arranged
5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of gases? 5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of gases?
A. Very high density A. Very high density
B. High kinetic energy of molecules B. High kinetic energy of molecules
C. Relatively large distance between molecules C. Relatively large distance between molecules
D. Weak forces of attraction between molecules D. Weak forces of attraction between molecules
6. Which of the following is NOT equal to 1.00 atm 6. Which of the following is NOT equal to 1.00 atm
pressure? pressure?
A. 760 cm Hg C. 29.9 in Hg A. 760 cm Hg C. 29.9 in Hg
B. 760 mm Hg D. 760 torr B. 760 mm Hg D. 760 torr
7. What causes the increase of gas pressure inside a 7. What causes the increase of gas pressure inside a
container? container?
A. More collision of gas particles A. More collision of gas particles
B. Strong attraction between particles B. Strong attraction between particles
C. Addition of the number of particles C. Addition of the number of particles
D. Increasing the volume of the container D. Increasing the volume of the container
8. As gas molecules collide, which will not happen? 8. As gas molecules collide, which will not happen?
A. They will explode. A. They will explode.
B. They stick together B. They stick together
C. They gain their kinetic energies C. They gain their kinetic energies
D. Their kinetic energies are conserved D. Their kinetic energies are conserved
9. Which of the following is NOT one of the principal 9. Which of the following is NOT one of the principal
assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory? assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory?
A. A mole of any gas occupies 22.4 L at STP. A. A mole of any gas occupies 22.4 L at STP.
B. Gas molecules have no attraction for one other. B. Gas molecules have no attraction for one other.
C. All gaseous molecules collisions are perfectly elastic . C. All gaseous molecules collisions are perfectly elastic .
D. The average kinetic energy for molecules is the D. The average kinetic energy for molecules is the
same for all gases at the same temperature. same for all gases at the same temperature.
10. Gaseous toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke spread in a 10. Gaseous toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke spread in a
room and affect smokers and non- smokers alike. What room and affect smokers and non- smokers alike. What
property of gases best explains this? property of gases best explains this?
A. Gases have high density. A. Gases have high density.
B. Gases have weak intermolecular forces B. Gases have weak intermolecular forces
C. Gases are highly compressible and exert pressure. C. Gases are highly compressible and exert pressure.
D. Gases are in constant motion and diffuse
throughout space D. Gases are in constant motion and diffuse
11. Which of the following causes gas pressure? throughout space
A. Gas molecules heating up 11. Which of the following causes gas pressure?
B. Gas molecules reacting with other gas molecules A. Gas molecules heating up
C. Gas molecules hitting the walls of a container B. Gas molecules reacting with other gas molecules
D. Gas molecules hitting other gas molecules C. Gas molecules hitting the walls of a container
12. Charles’ law explains the relationship between D. Gas molecules hitting other gas molecules
_____________ of gases. 12. Charles’ law explains the relationship between
A. volume-pressure C. pressure-temperature _____________ of gases.
B. volume-temperature D. volume–density A. volume-pressure C. pressure-temperature
13. To expand a 15L sample of gas to 20L, it is necessary to: B. volume-temperature D. volume–density
A. increase pressure C. increase temperature 13. To expand a 15L sample of gas to 20L, it is necessary to:
B. decrease temperature D. decrease pressure A. increase pressure C. increase temperature
14. Which of the following phenomena best illustrates B. decrease temperature D. decrease pressure
Charles’ Law? 14. Which of the following phenomena best illustrates
A. Carbon dioxide being dissolved in water. Charles’ Law?
B. Breathing apparatus being used by a patient. A. Carbon dioxide being dissolved in water.
C. Leavening agent causing the fluffiness of cake. B. Breathing apparatus being used by a patient.
D. Expansion of the balloon as it is being submerged in C. Leavening agent causing the fluffiness of cake.
hot water D. Expansion of the balloon as it is being submerged in
15. The pressure of a gas(P) is 5 atm when its volume(V) is hot water
20 ml at constant temperature. What is the volume of 15. The pressure of a gas(P) is 5 atm when its volume(V) is
the gas if the pressure is 10 atm? 20 ml at constant temperature. What is the volume of
A. 10 ml B. 20 ml C. 30 ml D. 40 ml the gas if the pressure is 10 atm?
16. In which container will pressure be the lowest? A. 10 ml B. 20 ml C. 30 ml D. 40 ml
A. B. C. D. 16. In which container will pressure be the lowest?
8L 6L 4L 2L A. B. C. D.
8L 6L 4L 2L

17. All of the following are examples of temperature and

pressure relationship EXCEPT: 17. All of the following are examples of temperature and
A. Pop fizzing out of just opened bottle pressure relationship EXCEPT:
B. Truck tires exploding in highways on hot days A. Pop fizzing out of just opened bottle
C. The hyperbaric chamber getting hot as pressure B. Truck tires exploding in highways on hot days
increased C. The hyperbaric chamber getting hot as pressure
D. A hissing sound coming from opening a gas can on increased
a hot day D. A hissing sound coming from opening a gas can on
18. Boyle’s law states that the volume of a gas is inversely a hot day
proportional to its pressure, which means that when: 18. Boyle’s law states that the volume of a gas is inversely
A. the volume increases, the pressure decreases proportional to its pressure, which means that when:
B. the volume is constant, the pressure decreases A. the volume increases, the pressure decreases
C. the volume increases, the pressure also increases B. the volume is constant, the pressure decreases
D. the volume increases, the pressure remains the C. the volume increases, the pressure also increases
same D. the volume increases, the pressure remains the
19. It’s 12 noon and you just bought a dozen balloons for same
your little sister’s birthday. Upon arriving at your house 19. It’s 12 noon and you just bought a dozen balloons for
after traveling for more than an hour, you found that your little sister’s birthday. Upon arriving at your house
some of the balloons had burst (but the atmospheric after traveling for more than an hour, you found that
pressure did not change at all). You accept this as a some of the balloons had burst (but the atmospheric
consequence of: pressure did not change at all). You accept this as a
A. Boyles’ Law C. Gay-Lussac’s Law consequence of:
B. Charles’ Law D. your own carelessness A. Boyles’ Law C. Gay-Lussac’s Law
20. Which of the following is an application of Boyle’s law? B. Charles’ Law D. your own carelessness
A. Inhaling and exhaling C. Hot air balloons 20. Which of the following is an application of Boyle’s law?
B. Sky lanterns D. Pressure cooker A. Inhaling and exhaling C. Hot air balloons
B. Sky lanterns D. Pressure cooker
II. Explain the following questions briefly:
1. Ethylene gas (C2H4) is emitted by fruits and is II. Explain the following questions briefly:
known to be responsible for their ripening. Based 1. Ethylene gas (C2H4) is emitted by fruits and is
on this information, explain why a bunch of known to be responsible for their ripening. Based
bananas ripens faster in a closed paper bag than in on this information, explain why a bunch of
a bowl. (3 points) bananas ripens faster in a closed paper bag than in
2. Some ballpoint pens have a small hole in the main a bowl. (3 points)
body of the pen. What is the purpose of this hole? 2. Some ballpoint pens have a small hole in the main
(2 points) body of the pen. What is the purpose of this hole?
(2 points)

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