Kantipur Engineering College: (Affiliated To Tribhuvan University) Dhapakhel, Lalitpur
Kantipur Engineering College: (Affiliated To Tribhuvan University) Dhapakhel, Lalitpur
Kantipur Engineering College: (Affiliated To Tribhuvan University) Dhapakhel, Lalitpur
Dhapakhel, Lalitpur
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
May, 2021
We are in great gratitude towards our teachers and Department for the opportunity to conduct this
project required by IOE to complete our Bachelors Degree of Engineering. Without their guidance it
would have been impossible to start this project so we would like to thank them.
The inclusion of final year project in the curriculum is a positive step towards our development of
academic as well as career prospective. The vast availability of projects to choose upon also
encourages us to explore more opportunities. We would want to thank the Institute of Engineering
(IOE) for the well thought curricular for student development.
This acknowledgement would be incomplete without mentioning our teachers and Civil Department
as they have guided us so far and provided us with the necessary assistance and knowledge. Their
help throughout all previous years and for this project will be highly appreciated.
Table of Contents
Chapter Title Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Statement of Problems 2
1.4 Objectives 2
1.5 Application 2
1.6 Scope 2
2 Literature Review 3
3 Project Management 8
3.1 Team Members 8
3.2 Feasibility Study 8
3.3 Work break down Structure 8
4 Methodology 9
5 Expected Result 10
1.1 Background
We have selected the project to work on “Earthquake Resistant Analysis and Design of
Multistorey Buildings”. We have chosen this topic for several reasons, firstly being the fact
that Nepal lies in the seismic zone of the Tibetan and Indian Plateau and experiences
Earthquakes from time to time. The scale of these earthquakes varies from small to massive.
Approximately every 80 years Nepal experiences an earthquake of magnitude 8 or more.
“Records show that since 1255 AD Nepal experienced 19 earthquakes with significantly
large impacts.” M.B. Poudyal, Conference, May, 2019.
The history records show the massive quakes from 1255, 1260, 1344, 1505, 1681,
1767, 1833, 1869, 1916, 1934, 1966, 1980, 1988, 2011, 2015 A.D. ranged from 6 to 8.9
Richter Scale Magnitude. We cannot stop the earthquakes but we can drastically reduce its
damage and casualties by using engineering knowledge on buildings and structures. So we
are interested to pursue on project based of earthquake resistance of buildings.
The building which we will analyze will be based on detail plans of a RCC building
provided by our project supervisor. The design will include the study and analysis of
following building components:
Basement Wall
Lateral load resisting systems
1.2 Motivation
Despite of having a lot of options we chose this project as this addresses the need of the
designing buildings which can resist earthquake damages. As mentioned above, Nepal is
regarded as highly earthquake prone locations. Hence the knowledge from this project can
help us in the real field while designing buildings.
This project was included in the lists of projects available to conduct for final year project.
The projects done previously on this topic and the inclusion of structure reports on official
documents show the importance of this topic for building designs.
A detailed study of a building will be done in which we will analyze the earthquake
resilience of the building.
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Application
This project can be used in the study of structural buildings for its earthquake restraining
1.6 Scope
As Nepal is prone to facing devastating earthquake from time to time, seismic resistance
building must be constructed. During the devastating earthquake of 2072 BS, many multi-storey
buildings were destroyed. Nepal lies between the Tibetan plate and Indian plate, it consist of
active mountains, so there is always a risk of earthquake. A multi-storey building can minimize
the use of cultivable land of Nepal. It serves various purposes. Designing and detailing of
following structure shall be done:
Shear wall
Engineering designs are the final output of previous studies and observations. It is necessary to
justify the result of the analysis and design properly with reference to the pre-existing standard
results or the past experiences. Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability,
strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce
a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its service life. Safe design of
structures can be achieved by applying the proper knowledge of structural mechanics and past
experiences. It is needed to provide authentic reference to the design made i.e. the design should
follow the provision made in codes of practices. Use of codes also keeps the designer to the safe side
in case the structure fails within its service life. For this design, certain references and criteria are
taken from the literatures discussed below.
Part 1: Dead Loads- Unit Weight of Building Materials and Stored Materials:
This part deals with the dead load to be assumed in the design of the building.
These loads are given in the form of unit weight of materials. The unit weight
of the materials that are likely to be stored in the building are also given in the
code for the purpose of the load calculation due to stored materials.
This code covers the unit weight or mass of the materials and parts and
components in the building that apply to the determination of the dead load in
the design of building.
Table 1 of this code covers unit weight of the building materials and Table 2 of
the code covers the unit weight of the building parts or the components.
This part of the code deals with imposed load of the building produced by the
intended occupancy or use. Minimum imposed load that should be taken into
consideration for the purpose of structural safety of the buildings are given in
the code but it do not cover the incidental to construction and special cases of
vibration, such as moving machinery, heavy acceleration from cranes hoist etc.
Part 3: Wind Loads
This part deals with the wind load to be considered when designing the
building, structure and component thereof. This code gives the wind force and
their effect (Static and Dynamic) that should be taken into account when
designing buildings, structures and components thereof. In the code wind load
estimation is done by taking into account the random variation of the wind
speed with time.
2. IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (General
Provision and Building):
This code deals with the assessment of seismic loads on various structures and
earthquake resistant design of buildings. Its basic provisions are applicable to
buildings; elevated structures; industrial and stack like structures; bridges; concrete
masonry and earth dams; embankment and retaining structures and other
structures. Temporary supporting structures like scaffoldings etc. need not be
considered for the seismic loads. It is concerned with the methods of determining
seismic loads and the effects of various irregularities in a building can have upon
its seismic response. This standard does not deals with the construction features
relating to earthquake resistant design in building and other structures.
8. IS 2950 (Part I): 1981 (Reaffirmed 1998) Code of practice for design and construction
of Raft Foundations:
Raft foundation is a substructure supporting an arrangement of columns or walls in
a row or rows and transmitting the loads to the soil by means of a continuous slab
with or without depressions or openings. Such types of foundations are found
useful where soil has low bearing capacity. This standard covers the design of raft
foundation based on conventional method (for rigid foundation) and simplified
methods (flexible foundation) for residential and industrial buildings, store-houses,
silos, storage tanks, etc., which have mainly vertical and evenly distributed loads.
2. SP 22: Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering (IS 1893: 1975
and IS 4326: 1976):
The theoretical background behind many of the code provisions have been
elaborated herein. Additionally, many worked out examples explaining the use of
equations and charts in the code can also be found in this handbook.
3. SP 24: Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete IS 456: 1978
SP 16 is meant to aid the calculation process, while SP 24 is meant to aid the
conceptual understanding of the IS 456 code. It contains clause by clause
explanation of the original code. The logic and justification behind the various
equations and assumptions in the code are well explained here.
Apart from these references there may requires data related to the past earthquake, the
earthquake zoning map and soil condition of the site. These data may be obtained from the
government authorities and other concerning organizations.
The reports on the same project prepared by the students of previous batches were also an
important reference to the project.
3.1 Team Members
The members working on this project are Jitu Maharjan, Jenish Badya Shrestha, Sijan Maharjan,
Sujan Maharjan.
3.2 Feasibility Study
The project is to be completed by the allotted time of 7 th and 8th semester. In the 7th semester we
will have been assigned with a supervisor, select the building based on project requirements,
learn design software like AutoCad, Sap2000, Etabs, GIS.
3.3 Work break down Structure
As the project is to due by 8th semester, we have divided the work for 7th and 8th semester
accordingly. The project work will be carried out simultaneously with our regular classes during
the project assigned classes. The current situation might slow down the progress but the final
reports will be completed within given timeframe.
The works that have been completed till now are:
Group formation
Project selection
Group interaction
Proposal writing
Nepal consists of seismically very active Himalayas and mountains. Hence building construction
in Nepal should consider the seismic loading. In this project, analysis and design of building is
mainly based upon the guidelines provided by NBC:000-1994 and Indian standard building
codes. All the calculations follow limit state design method. The objective of design based on the
limit state concept is to achieve an acceptable probability that a structure will not become
unserviceable in its lifetime for the use for which it is intended.
The analysis and design of the building in this project will be carried out following
the below listed methods:
I. The design and analysis process requires knowledge of structural mechanics, design
theories, Reinforced concrete design and earthquake resistant design and design software
(SAP 2000).
II. After completing these basic requirements, detailed design of the structure will be
accomplished according to the following steps:
a. The provided architectural drawing of the apartment building is studied; analyzed and
required modifications are made to make the economical seismic resistant design as per
the guidance of supervisor.
b. Estimation and idealization of the loads i.e. dead load and live load will be done based on
the Indian standard code of practice IS:875- 1987 (code of practice for design loads, other
than earthquake for buildings and structures part 1,2 & 3).
c. Estimating of seismic load will be based on IS:1993-2002(criteria for earthquake resistant
design of structures, part 1)
d. After the estimation of probable loads, preliminary design will be done to determine the
approximate shape and size of structural members from deflection control criteria
provided in codes for beams, slabs and taking load from tributary area in case of column.
Thus provided size may be changed after complete structural analysis.
e. Modeling and analyzing of structure will be done using the software SAP2000.
f. For further verification of computer-generated results, the analysis shall be carried out
using ETABS.
g. The calculation ns(manual as well as computer aided) related to R.C.C shall be based on
IS 456-2000
h. The layout of building shall meet the specification requirement of IS436-2003.
i. After design, the preliminary architectural plan shall be modified accordingly. And
exhaustive detailing and scheduling of the design shall be done in accordance with IS
5525-1999 and IS 13920-1993.
j. To assist the analysis and design, reference shall be made to Bureau of Indian Standards
Special Publications (handbooks SP16, SP22, SP24 and SP34).
k. After the complete analysis and design, required modifications for the provided
architectural drawing including size of structural members, partition walls etc. will be
carried out and all the drawing will be printed in appropriate format for inclusion with the
final report.
Expected Outcomes
The expected outcome of this project is to calculate and determine the stability of a high rise
multistoried building. This project will also give us the knowledge of building construction and
designing. Also the project will give us concept of real work environment which will be
beneficial for us in our career aspect. This project will help us work in teams hence developing
teamwork capabilities as well.
a. Indian Standard (IS) codes
i. IS 456: 2000
ii. IS 875: 1987 (Reaffirmed 1997) Part 1, Part 2, Part 5
iii. IS 1893(Part 1): 2002 (Part 1)
iv. IS 13920: 1993 (Reaffirmed 1998)
v. IS 1642: 1989 (Reaffirmed 1994)
b. Bureau of Indian Standards Special Publications (SP)
i. SP 16: Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456-1978
ii. SP 22: Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering (IS1893: 1975
and IS 4326: 1976)
iii. SP 24: Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete IS 456 : 1978
iv. SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
c. Resources from National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering
(NICEE), Kanpur, India
i. Proposed Draft Provisions and Commentary on Indian Seismic Code IS 1893 (Part 1)
ii. Explanatory Examples for Indian Seismic Codes IS 1893 (Part 1)
iii. Proposed Draft Provisions and Commentary on Ductile Detailing of RCC Structures
subjected to Seismic Forces
iv. Explanatory Examples for Ductile Detailing of RC Buildings
v. Design Example of a Six Storey Building
d. Textbooks on RCC Design, Earthquake Engineering and other books
i. Jain A.K., Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design
ii. Varghese P.C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete
iii. Reinforced concrete limit state design (Pillai and Menon)
iv. Reinforced Concrete Limit state design (SS Bhabikatti)
v. Dynamics of Structures (Chopra A.K.)
vi. Clough R.W. Penzien J., Dynamics of Structures
vii. Wilson E.L., Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures –A
Physical Approach with Emphasis on Earthquake Engineering
viii. Theory of structures by Gupta and Pandit
ix. Mechanics of material, Beer and Johnson
x. Concrete technology, Neville
xi. Design of steel structure, S.K Duggad
xii. Estimation and costing by M.Chakraborti
xiii. Civil engineering material by R.K. Rajput