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BT - CAT35FR004 - Field Report Free Worlds League Military

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The document discusses the strategic analysis of the Word of Blake's Jihad and how it severely damaged the major powers of the Inner Sphere and Clans. It also describes how the leaders eventually united to defeat the Word of Blake.

The Free Worlds League was heavily influenced by the Word of Blake during the Jihad. Factories were destroyed, capitals fell, and loyalties were shattered within the League. It remains in a fractured state after the war.

The Free Worlds League Military is in a weakened state after the events of the Jihad. It is divided and the armies of House Marik teeter on the brink of dissolution. The region will require more resources to negotiate with the multiple successor states.

Jihad Plot Supplement

Strategic Analysis…
Over ten years ago, as the
second Star League died,
the Inner Sphere and the Clan the Word of Blake unleashed
s. Using every weapon in the its wrath against the com
ir arsenal, from strategic mis bined realms of
to biological, nuclear, and direction and the exposure
chemical attacks, the Word’s of state secrets,
fell, and loyalties were sha war struck every power where
ttered. it hurt most. Factories wer
e razed, capitals
But eventually, the leaders
of the Inner Sphere’s ancient
new freedom fighter to brin warring factions recognized
g down the Word of Blake’s the true threat, and united
yet lives, the followers of Dev bastion of power: Terra. Tho behind a bold
lin Stone know all too wel ugh the war still rages on,
l that victory today may onl and the Blakists’ Master
y pave the way for the war
s of tomorrow.
Field Report: FWLM describ
es the state of the Free Wo
Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, incl rlds League in the wake of
uding the overall military the events described in
stood against the Word of and log istical condition of one of
Blake menace. Subverted the Great Houses who
madness and betrayal, the by the Word of Blake, and
League stands divided, and torn asunder in the fires of
on the brink of dissolution the armies of the once-great
at the threshold of a new House of Marik now teeter
era …




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TO: Devlin Stone from it if a strong and trusted leader does not emerge from the fires
FROM: David Lear of discontent. This will force us to utilize more overall resources to
Date: 3 September 3079 contact and negotiate favorable terms with multiple micro-states
instead of a single, unified government body. On the flip side, we
The attached data has been compiled mostly from documents can hope to sway many groups that would have otherwise wanted
turned over to us from Alys Marik’s affiliated allied commands or to assist us but would have been prevented from doing so by their
transmissions turned over from Lyran Alliance contacts stationed on local lieges.
the Free Worlds border. I caution, however, that the situation within The heavy presence of Blakist influence since ComStar’s Schism is
the Free Worlds League is very fluid, so by the time you receive this another double-edge sword. Many systems were decidedly pro-Word
document, much of it may very well have already changed and of Blake for quite some time, and will remain distrustful towards those
become outdated. they see as their allies’ conquerors. But the horrors of the Jihad and
Due to the uniquely chaotic nature of House Marik over the past some of the more extreme actions of the Word’s forces throughout
decade and a half, this region may prove our greatest challenge and the war will—and have—left many worlds within and bordering the
opportunity. While many may not accept it as such, the League is in former Protectorate more inclined to accept the more peaceful and
the midst of its most severe fracturing in history, and may not recover stable existence we can offer.

How to Use this Book

Field Report: FWLM is a BattleTech supplement designed to provide players with information about the state of the Free Worlds
League Military (FWLM) in the aftermath of the liberation of Terra during the Jihad (and before the eventual formation of the
Republic of the Sphere).
This first section of this book—the League Overview—is divided into two broad sections, a Strategic Update and the Goals of
the State. Strategic Update is a brief overview of the FWLM’s current condition and perceived objectives, while Goals of the State
presents the political and suspected military benchmarks the various factions the League are likely to use in the future.
The next chapter, Logistical Status, covers the state of Academies and Command Centers throughout the League, while
Infrastructural Integrity will present an overview of the state of FWLM support assets in the wake of the Jihad.
The next chapter, Military Readiness, will present a specific update on the status, officers, and notable events of the various
principalities of the Free Worlds League Military, with an eye toward their likely future employment. Included are ratings for the
experience and estimated combat strengths of each regiment within the subject brigade.
Finally, Irregular Forces covers the few prominent state-employed mercenaries and other irregular forces of the Free Worlds

Credits Factchecking/Playtesting: Joel Bancroft-Connors, Roland M. Boshnack, Joshua

Franklin, William Gauthier, Keith Hann, Johannes Heidler, Ken’ Horner, Daniel Isberner,
Project Development: Herbert A. Beas II Mike Miller, Craig Reed, Luke Robertson, Andreas Rudolph, Chris Smith, Peter Smith,
BattleTech Line Developer: Herbert A. Beas II Chris Wheeler, Patrick Wynne
Writing: Nicholas Marsala Special Thanks: To Herb for giving me the most overlooked faction in the Sphere, and
Strategic Assistance: Øystein Tvedten to Øystein and the MUL Team for trying to give me as much background information
Production Staff as possible, allowing me to get this done as accurately and quickly as possible.
Cover Design and Layout: Ray Arrastia
Developer’s Note: For more information about the Free Worlds League Military, or
Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas the state of warfare before and during the Jihad, see Field Manual: Free Worlds League,
Map: Øystein Tvedten Field Manual: Updates, Jihad: Terra, or Technical Readout: 3085.

League Overview From Father to Son
The Free Worlds League has experienced its most dramatic changes in the past thirty
years, rising from a bloody civil war to become a unified economic superpower, only to
We have not often seen eye to eye on
come full circle into the chaos of internal divisions. In fact, with just about every major
many things. I was hurt and betrayed when
political bloc vying for power and no single unifying Parliament in session, the League
you and Michelle forced me from the throne
could well be beyond saving. of our people. While you looked to strengthen
Regulus from within her borders, I looked
Strategic Update outward, watching our enemies multiply. This
It was easy to look at the Free Worlds League early on during the Jihad and figure that disagreement between us did not help, but
it was a pawn of the Word of Blake. Shortly after the Attack on Tharkad and New Avalon, what is done is done.
Blakist operatives—using League WarShips and colors—jumped the Lyran border to raid I read the reports about Michelle and my
Skye, igniting a major conflict and tying up Lyran forces in a move that prevented any early grandchild. More importantly, I saw the pictures.
recapture of their nation’s capital. I may not have liked her, nor approved of your
It was not until Captain-General Thomas “Marik” (now known as Thomas Halas) recalled relationship with her, but what they did was
his loyal forces from the border, and the subsequent Blakist gassing of Atreus in 3068, that beyond barbaric. Know that I share your rage
it became clear just how deeply opposition to the Word of Blake truly ran. Yet even with and your sorrow at this horrific loss, and I know
the revelation of the Captain-General as an impostor, massive desertions by FWLM troops, also the resolve you will find through the pain of
and an overt coup d’etat by Paul Marik (the brother of the real Thomas Marik), one could this betrayal as I did not so long ago. This is not
only truly place the start of the dissolution of the Free Worlds League in 3070. That was the a human enemy you can reason with, my son.
year when Alys Rousset-Marik initiated her own armed rebellion against the Blakist-backed Surely, by now, you know that to be true.
factions of the League. And so I give you all that I can. Tiger Hill
With the federal leadership in disarray, the major principalities began taking matters is now yours, along with all the personnel
into their own hands. While the Marik Commonwealth threw its tacit support behind the more loyal to me and to the cause of Regulan
word of Blake, other factions—such as the Tamarind District and the Duchy of Oriente— vengeance. I gave each of my people there
joined the fledgling resistance, though circumstances and weakened infrastructure personal instructions to support you as they
hampered both. For Tamarind, it was the assassination of its charismatic leader, Jeremy had supported me. I had nothing left to give
Brett. For Oriente, it was the Commonwealth’s years-long detention of the false Thomas you except what you are getting now: my life.
Marik’s wife on Atreus. Meanwhile, Kirc Cameron-Jones’ Principality of Regulus took a more I chose my poison very carefully to look like
opportunistic and aggressive stance, establishing itself as a threat to all sides, while the a Robe job, and with them after us, it will be
Duchy of Andurien assumed a more defensive form of the same attitude and drew inward. easy to lay the blame for my “murder” at their
Unable the coordinate effectively, the various sub-states failed to eject the Word’s influence doorstep. I’ll be out of your hair forever with
until our Coalition had already begun to show results. this last olive branch.
Even then the League front was hampered by constant setbacks. Alys Rousset-Marik So I ask you for just this one thing. Use my
lacked the strategic experience to lead an effective campaign, and the now-independent death to galvanize our people. Rally them to put
Tamarind District withdrew from the alliance to protect its own borders against an forth every effort to reclaim what was is rightfully
opportunistic Buena Archonette. ours. Reclaim our lands, reclaim our strength—
Fortunately for us, most of the nearest League principalities have been sympathetic but, most importantly, reclaim our pride. Our
and cooperative to our cause since the fall of Blakist Terra, and few of the others possess the people have not stood proud for so long. They
resources to fight. There should be little or no worry of major combat between our forces carry the burden of our misfortunes like an
and those of the fragmented FWLM, except possibly for the region around the militarily albatross around their neck, and I hope you can
vital Stewart system. We should be especially wary of instability due to Capellan proximity take that burden off them in a way I could not.
and infighting, however. It is also not known if this will affect our current negotiations with You are my son, and I love you as such.
Because you are my son, I know you will do me
Duchess Alys regarding the nearby systems, but with the overall League in such a flux, our
efforts in this area will likely experience little resistance.

Your father, to the end,

Goals of the State(s)
—Kirc Cameron-Jones
With the League fragmenting into so many different power blocs, the “goals of
the state” vary on a regional basis. Some—such as the Duchy of Oriente and the Marik
—Alleged Copy of a suicide note from
Commonwealth—seek a rebuilding of the Free Worlds League, while others (such as
Kirc Cameron-Jones to Prince Titus Cameron-
Regulus) seek to wrest power away from the historic Marik dynasty. Still others—such as
Jones, 3077

the Tamarind-Abbey region—have virtually abandoned that dream, progression, given their previous co-operation with the Tamarind
and now seek only to preserve their newly independent borders. District and Alys Rousset-Marik’s resistance. Unfortunately, Duke
First and foremost of concern is the Marik Commonwealth. Christopher Halas’ health has degraded severely in the past month,
As the largest and most influential of all the principalities, the and though he is still nominally in charge, his daughter Jessica
Commonwealth was initially an ally of the Word of Blake, and has and son-in-law Thomas now handle much of the realm’s day-to-
only recently severed ties with their biggest sponsor and ejected day operations. These efforts have turned inward of late, focusing
the Blakist garrisons from their systems. With the stigma of this increasingly on defense against the combined threat of Regulan and
collaboration hanging heavy over her realm, Captain-General Capellan adventurism. As a result, Orient’s support of our efforts has
Corrine Marik is currently struggling to win as many allies as possible dissipated greatly.
in an effort to stave off possible incursions into Commonwealth Wary of joining the losing side, the Duchy of Andurien refused
space. Unfortunately this turnaround has not extended to us, as to align itself with the Regulans, Commonwealth and Blakists, or the
her effort to reclaim control has included worlds within the former Duchy of Oriente. Still, they used of the confusion of widespread
Protectorate, where our own efforts are presently focused. war and misinformation to their advantage, initially launching
Another worry is the Regulans. Though it has been obvious military forays to probe the Capellan Confederation’s borders in
since the 3050s that they were staunchly anti-Blakist, when League what seemed to be preparation for a new invasion. This would be
authority cracked, Prince Kirc Cameron-Jones moved to pull his cut short, however, by the unexpected visit by Naomi Centrella-Liao,
Regulan Hussars off their federal-assigned garrisons to solidify his who made it clear in that while Canopus and Andurien remained
Principality’s border. Eventually, the Regulans began attempting on good terms, the Duchy no longer had the protective blanket
to wrestle the title of Captain-General from the Mariks (both real of the rest of the Free Worlds League should the Confederation
and fake) while raiding and even occupying adjacent systems. This decide to punish them for their incursions. The result was a signed
aggression has not ended with Prince Kirc’s death, either. Titus, once non-aggression pact between the three powers. Ironically, much as
seen as more pragmatic and diplomatic than his father, has all but we are hoping that rimward factions will keep the Confederation
destroyed that image with the scouring of Gibson and his relentless distracted from our endeavors, the Duchy of Andurien is likely
pursuit of the real Thomas Marik and the other Blakist forces fleeing hoping that our reclamation of the Protectorate will turn Capellan
League space. A changed man since the murder of his wife and attention away from their own activities.
newborn at the hands of a Manei Domini agent, Titus has unleashed Much like the Federated Suns’ Filtvelt Coalition, the Rim
his wrath not only against the Word, but also against former allies in Commonality’s declaration of independence was born out of
the Marik Commonwealth and Duchy of Oriente. frustration with the federal government’s apparent neglect of fringe
Farther away is the Tamarind District, which was tied up on world affairs. With various pirate bands and the Blake-controlled
the Lyran front since the start of the Jihad. Fighting against Steiner Circinus Federation on the Commonality’s doorstep, the withdrawal
forces gave the Brett-Mariks an experienced cadre of troops, but of the Second Regulan Hussars without replacements became the
their gains against Bolan and Skye were lost when many of the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Using an old court
FWLM regiments on the border were recalled by their respective case as a precedent, this group of backwater systems all but officially
principalities. Since then, the District’s military operations have seceded from the League, and now exists as a independent entity
become more defensive, to stave off attacks by both the Word for all intents and purposes.
of Blake and the Buena Archonette. This ultimately forced the Finally, even after taking into account all the major principalities,
Tamarind District to pull out of the Coalition, when Photon Brett- there are numerous systems and minor provinces not affiliated with
Marik recalled his troops to prepare for an anticipated Lyran attack any of the major power blocs. These minor independents may yet
during our final push to Terra. Though understandable given the play a critical role in the League’s future. By siding or brokering deals
situation and Photon’s lack of resources, the pullout nonetheless with the principalities on their borders, they can sway the balance
soured relations between Alys and her cousin. Therese Brett-Marik of power between the major players. If enough of these worlds and
has attempted to smooth things over, but unless we can promise minor powers unite, they could even create whole new states—
greater assistance in return, it is unlikely the District will assist our further complicating League politics in the bargain. It is thus a given
ambitions any further. that each independent system and minor province be evaluated for
The Duchy of Oriente was on track to becoming one of our their mid- to long-term goals and aspirations, though their short
strongest supporters within League space, which seemed a natural term aims will almost certainly be universal: self preservation.

Logistical Status Tough Decisions
The Free Worlds League suffered heavily during the Jihad, but not so much from the out-
and-out destruction other realms faced. Instead, Word of Blake subversions and the bitter in-
fighting between various internal factions left their mark on the realm’s logistical infrastructure.
With only a few exceptions, the Free Worlds League’s interior worlds escaped the
wholesale wrath of the World of Blake, who instead used their political power within the
League to subvert most the League’s strategically important systems. Since the Schism,
the Word made its presence felt in nearly every League system, first as the resident HPG,
telecommunications, and postal network of the realm, and then as trainers and assistants
for most of the League’s advanced projects, including the League’s impressive space navy.
With the start of the Jihad, the Word of Blake was thus in prime position to quickly take over
many of their desired targets. Atreus saw little actual combat in the early stages of the Jihad
until a massive naval battle erupted during the surprise nerve gas attack and the outing of
the false Thomas Marik. Meanwhile, the Word’s expanding Protectorate claimed systems
such as Stewart and Shiloh through much more passive means. The bloodiest fighting on
a League capital occurred on Regulus, where the Forty-ninth Shadow Division burned the
capital city and much of its infrastructure in an action intended to demoralize its people,
though the auxiliary facilities located under the Prince’s palace escaped destruction.
As a consequence of this limited damage, should the League be able to stop its
fracturing and regroup politically, it would then boast one of the best equipped command
and control networks out of the five Successor States, especially as each League faction
-Verified communiqué sent to Photon
has been diligently expanding its command centers to rival those of a major state capital.
Brett-Marik, dated 16 December 3077
The League’s academies are in varied conditions based on where they stood during
the war. The Regulans’ premier academy on Aituaki, for example, initially kicked out all non-
Regulans in order to accept the massive influx of their own countrymen eager for vengeance against the Word. With BattleMech production
so low in the Principality, however, many of these new applicants were forced into the tank and infantry classes, or into crash aerospace and
DropShip programs that churned out a frighteningly high number of pilots and crews with only the most rudimentary flight and combat skills.
Only after the departure of the Delos from Gibson has Regulus’ aerospace training program begun to extend their curriculum, though we still do
not expect to see a significant quality improvement in the Principality aerospace forces until 3083.
Other academies have not been so restrictive in their acceptance criteria. Most, in fact, remain open to out-of-province applicants, but not
without a lengthy background checks to ensure their loyalty or, at least, safety. Andurien has reclaimed its old training center, giving it back
its original name, the Humpreys Training Academy. Though still offering a tough MechWarrior program, its curriculum is being modified for an
extensive combined arms approach to accommodate the formation of the Andurien Rangers. Though the Duchy lacks significant battle armor
and aerospace production (generally producing or acquiring through trade just enough equipment to replace losses), the realm is nonetheless
seriously considering academy programs for these assets, and drafting veterans currently serving with the Rangers to serve as instructors.
On New Olympia and Atreus, the pool of applicants for the military academies has been reduced to a trickle since the Marik Commonwealth
ejected its Blakist masters. Part of this is due to the sheer number of pro-Blakist recruits who streamed in during the peak of the fighting, but
most of the decline is actually the result of the stigma these war colleges now face as part of the “great Blakist collaboration” now that news of
the Word’s atrocities have come to light. As a result, these academies have grown desperate to improve enrollment, and accept all applicants,
often with very minimal background checks, so as not to discourage potential candidates.
Looking to expand its own ranks, Tamarind has started its own MechWarrior academy on the outskirts of the planetary capital: the Jeremy Brett
Memorial University. Its classes have started out small, as they only have a handful of qualified instructors, but look to eventually expand to contain
programs for every branch of the military. Using modular buildings to hold classes in, they are on track to having their first graduating class in 3082.
The big winner in the Jihad, if there is such a thing, has been the Hero Training Institutes. With normal academies worried about loyalty,
these private academies do not have the political restraints of those that operate under provincial authority. The two remaining Institutes have
expanded to six in the past decade—all of which are located on systems beyond the borders of the major power blocs. Independent systems
have been sending constant streams of recruits at a time for their upstart militias, often dozens at a time to garner the ”group discount” the Hero
Institutes have offered to non-aligned planets.

Infrastructure Integrity Though crippled briefly after the early years of the Jihad,
With the ability to use the League’s military capacity to its Ionus has become a critical site today, as the only shipyard
own advantage, the Word of Blake concentrated on upgrading and held by a Successor State that is capable of manufacturing the
expanding many of House Marik’s production facilities before their engine and compact K-F drive components to support WarShip
ejection. That is not to say the League did not suffer industrial loss, production. Before the Jihad, this yard would export parts to the
but much of this occurred instead either on systems that joined other manufacturers, but with the fracturing of the League and
the Protectorate, or at the hands of anti-Blake forces such as Alys’ the facility’s wartime damage, such exports are now out of the
resistance and the Regulan campaigns. question. With Ionus retaining its products for local use, other
Even counting new facilities recently created to serve specific surviving WarShip-capable yards have been forced to become mere
provinces, the League has lost or taken various amounts of damage repair docks, and most are focusing on JumpShip repair now that
to about two-thirds of its total military-industrial complex. To make so few WarShips remain. Ionus could possibly ensure the Marik
matters worse, most of the damaged, captured, and destroyed Commonwealth’s regional dominance in the coming years, forcing
facilities were often the larger and more important ones, while us to tread cautiously with Corrine Marik, but it is more likely that
untouched facilities are either small, or limited to component the breakdown of trade within League borders will hamstring the
manufacture only. On paper, this makes the former League Commonwealth’s fleet-building plans as well.
provinces look impressive even when taken separately, but in reality New military formations are being created primarily within
it is much weaker. As a result, some ’Mech production has given way the Principality of Regulus and the Duchy of Andurien, but these
to cheaper and more easily manufactured “RetroTech” designs. “new” forces are basically older commands that have been split
Much of the League’s naval capacity was gutted. Only the into several smaller formations. BattleMech production is low, with
Principality of Regulus and Duchy of Oriente possess significant most replacement units being conventional armor. Refit centers in
WarShip assets, but in both cases, their ships are worn and in the Tamarind District and Rim Commonality have exhausted their
desperate need of overhaul. The Regulan capture of Clipperton gave existing stores of mothballed equipment, and hastily set up RetroTech
them the ability to repair their remaining two ships, the Delos and production facilities in various locations that could not keep up.
the Haptopoda, before the Delos left for Gibson and beyond. Oriente If taken as a whole, the territory of the Free Worlds League has
had just gotten their docks operational and was in the process of the strongest military and infrastructure out of all the Successor
overhauling two of their corvettes when a Word of Blake strike force States. Its subjugation by the Word of Blake allowed the League to
arrived. The engagement crippled or destroyed over half their fleet avoid the initial carnage suffered by the rest of the Inner Sphere and,
in a battle reminiscent of the early days of the Jihad. The docks were with its subsequent self-liberation, stands ready to be expanded and
also destroyed, forcing Oriente to scale back WarShip operations redirected to new uses. It is therefore fortunate for its neighbors—
until a new facility can be created, which we expect won’t happen including us, by extension—that the League is also suffering from
for another ten years. the worst interior crisis in its history.

Marik Commonwealth
Until recently, the Marik Commonwealth was the Word of Blake’s strongest ally in the Inner Sphere.
After the ouster of the false Thomas Marik as Captain-General, many of the Commonwealth’s industries
began producing advanced war material for the Blake Protectorate. Even after negotiations with Alys
Rousset-Marik, and Corrine Marik’s successful revolt against the Blakist government in 3077, this state has
mustered little more than tepid support for our cause, and Commonwealth troops have even clashed with
some of our own recently.
Despite the stigma of her past support of the Blakist regime (admittedly as a mere figurehead following
the coup launched by her father, Paul Marik), smaller provinces continue to ally themselves with Corrine Marik.
The Stewart Commonwealth, feeling betrayed by our refusal to formally relinquish Stewart to them, have taken
up station on that world anyway, with tacit blessings and support from the Marik Commonwealth. The Silver
Hawk Coalition likewise has declared its loyalty to the “legitimate” Captain-General on Atreus, going so far as
moving a portion of their forces in support of the Home Guard, and pushing as far in as Kalidasa, daring us to eject them. Lastly, even without having
any native forces of its own, the Duchy of Graham-Marik has pledged its industrial capacity to the Commonwealth in return for defensive assistance
(specifically against the threat of Regulan aggression).
Outside of the Confederation, it is against the Marik Commonwealth where our forces will most likely see the earliest resistance to our efforts
in the Protectorate.

Recalled early from Operation BROKEN FIST, the Free Worlds Legionnaires and Free Worlds Guards regiments felt betrayed when they learned
that their leader was not the man he claimed to be. After throwing their support to Paul and Corrine Marik, however, these troops would grow more
embittered and disillusioned as they remained on Atreus to hunt down their former brothers in-arms—the decimated Knights of the Inner Sphere—for
years. Witnessing the Word’s heavy handedness firsthand only expanded their resentment, and they unleashed it all on the Blakists in 3077, when Corrine
finally gave the go-ahead to eject the Word’s divisions. Still, the First Guards maintain a blockade on Duchess Alys’ homeworld of Augustine, preventing
her return even after Corrine negotiated a mutual non-aggression pact with her cousin. (The reasons for this essential boil down to the Guards’ belief
that, in following a “wannabe messiah”, Alys has betrayed the realm to foreign interests.)
The Atrean Hussars and Eleventh Dragoons have so far been held in reserve, protecting the capital of Atreus after the Legionnaires’ request to be
sent out of system. Though many Hussars elements remained intact through the war, many of their numbers have been stripped away to reinforce other
formations that have seen heavy casualties and lack the reserves to replenish themselves.
When the Regulan Hussars landed on Vosloorus, Corrine sent the three Marik Militia regiments as an answer to their posturing. At first engaging in
nothing but low-key skirmishes, the Twenty-fifth and Second rotated out with the arrival of the fresh Fifth Marik Militia. Expecting a continuation of the
same intensity, the Fifth was unprepared when the Hussars dropped all pretenses and attacked with sudden, unrelenting ferocity. The Fifth was wiped
out, and with resources stretched thin, we do not expect them to be rebuilt anytime soon.

Though units loyal to the Commonwealth have shown no signs of wavering, their spirits are low after being forced to follow the Word of Blake for so
long. Outsiders have decried them as lapdogs of the Blakist regime, and fighting their countrymen has only disheartened these troops further. Though
many warriors among these commands secretly desire to abandon the Commonwealth, most resist this urge due to a widespread belief that they will
be persecuted for war crimes wherever they go.
The Falcons and Gryphons appear more dedicated to the Silver Hawk Coalition than to the Commonwealth itself, but continue to follow the
command of Commonwealth generals. With logistical support from Commonwealth industries rebuilding their units, Corrine has made it clear to these
commands that she intends to reclaim several former Protectorate systems, particularly the industrial world of Kalidasa.

Regimental Status
Eleventh Atrean Dragoons Second Free Worlds Legionnaires Twenty-Fifth Marik Militia
Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical Regiment/Green/Reliable
105% strength | 100% Upgraded 60% strength | 100% Upgraded 80% strength | 50% Upgraded
Current Base: Atreus Current Base: Keystone Current Base: Marik

Atrean Hussars Eighth Free Worlds Legionnaires Falcons

Regiment/Regular/Fanatical Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable
80% strength | 100% Upgraded 55% strength | 100% Upgraded 60% strength | 75% Upgraded
Current Base: Atreus Current Base: Laureles / Campbelton Current Base: Amity / Danais

First Free Worlds Guards Second Marik Militia Gryphons

Regiment/Elite/Fanatical Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable
95% strength | 100% Upgraded 80% strength | 80% Upgraded 90% strength | 80% Upgraded
Current Base: Augustine Current Base: Manihiki / Alterf Current Base: Alkes / Kalidasa

Principality of Regulus
No longer the “loyal opposition” of the League government, the Principality of Regulus is now simply just the
opposition. With events such as the gifting of Gibson to the Word in the 3050s, the revelation about their Captain-
General as a Word of Blake plant, and the scouring of Regulus ordered by a Manei Domini agent who betrayed
Kirc Cameron-Jones’ trust, the people and leaders of this influential power bloc have come to see themselves as
isolated and alone against the universe. With the League in pieces, Regulus has taken a stance of “aggressive
defense”, creating a buffer zone out of their former systems, absorbing the Principality of Gibson and the
Regulan Free States, and sparring with Commonwealth and Oriente forces to keep both at bay.
As one of the only two League provinces with WarShips (the other being the Duchy of Oriente), they
have assembled a massive—if inexperienced—fleet of “Pocket WarShips” and fighters that they first put to use
in the recent scouring of Gibson, centered around the deadly Delos. This is evidently not the end of their plans,
as the black water forces assigned to that mission have not returned to their stations. But more disconcerting
to our intelligence operatives (and downright frightening to others) is not just their next possible destination is
not known, but they have eluded being tracked since they left Gibson. Simply put, nobody knows where the Regulan
fleet is right now.

Out of the original “Old Guard” Regulan Hussars regiments, the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth have suffered heavy damage during the Jihad. A
couple of these regiments were even destroyed outright, only to be reconstituted as a sign of defiance. Unlike the newer formations, these rebuilt Hussars
are staffed solely by Regulan natives, ensuring a high amount of pride and motivation, despite their use of more outdated and obsolete equipment.
The Principality has shown no interest in rebuilding the destroyed Ninth, however, as the regiment was traditionally manned by Oriente natives and
graduates and thus carries a stigma.
The newer Hussars—the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and the Eleventh through Fourteenth—are all commands that formerly served the Blakist
Protectorate. With little else to turn to, they defected to Regulus in the hopes that the thinly stretched Principality would welcome their aid. Surprisingly,
despite their Protectorate origins, these regiments (which included the former Third Free Worlds Guards and surviving Sirian Lancers commands) were
welcomed and rechristened as Regulan Hussars.
Although the sheer number of active Hussars regiments may seem formidable at first glance, a more detailed analysis reveals that the Regulans
military is more of a paper tiger. Some of the newer commands are sub-regimental, and consist of little more than a handful of BattleMechs backed up
by tanks and mechanized infantry. Though this combined arms approach gives them the ability to utilize a wide variety of tactics, any sizable opponent
could put the Hussars in dire straits very quickly, at which point the desperate Regulans may even resort to WMDs to hold the lines.

The Regulans’ current militarily and territorial expansion has done much to soothe the Hussars’ frustrations, and the destruction of Gibson has
given many in the “old guard” a sense of closure since the sacking of Regulus. The newer regiments, as former FWLM formations turned Blakist, have
understandably refrained from expressing their enthusiasm. Even though these troops are rated Reliable and have shown nothing but loyalty to the
Principality, intelligence has indicated a large number of moles and Regulan SAFE operatives are being inserted with every new wave of recruits, keeping
a wary eye on these “immigrant” troops, lest they prove to be enemy sleepers.

Regimental Status
First Regulan Hussars Sixth Regulan Hussars Eleventh Regulan Hussars
Battalion/Elite/Fanatical Battalion/Green/Reliable Battalion/Regular/Fanatical
60% strength | 100% Upgraded 60% strength | 100% Upgraded 80% strength | 90% Upgraded
Current Base: Olafsvik Current Base: Regulus Current Base: Tiber/Avior

Second Regulan Hussars Seventh Regulan Hussars Twelfth Regulan Hussars

Battalion/Regular/Reliable Battalion/Green/Reliable Battalion/Green/Reliable
25% strength | 60% Upgraded 60% strength | 100% Upgraded 90% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Vosloorus Current Base: Wallis Current Base: Aitutaki

Fourth Regulan Hussars Eighth Regulan Hussars Thirteenth Regulan Hussars

Battalion/Regular/Reliable 2 Companies/Green/Reliable Battalion/Green/Reliable
30% strength | 50% Upgraded 70% strength | 100% Upgraded 60% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Diass Current Base: Hongqiao Current Base: Regulus

Fifth Regulan Hussars Tenth Regulan Hussars Fourteenth Regulan Hussars

Battalion/Veteran/Fanatical Battalion/Regular/Reliable Battalion/Green/Reliable
90% strength | 90% Upgraded 85% strength | 90% Upgraded 50% strength | 90% Upgraded
Current Base: Molokai / Clipperton Current Base: Cameron / Muscida Current Base: Hellos Minor

Duchy of Oriente
The Duchy of Oriente has been a focal point for much of the League’s politics and diplomacy
in recent years. Retaining its strength in solidarity, this realm owes much of its stability to the
efforts of the fake Thomas Marik. His unwavering dedication to principles—despite his decades-
long deception as Captain-General—and his marriage to the daughter of the ailing Duke
Christopher Halas has all but cemented his place as successor to the ducal throne.
The Halas family has not remained insular either. Thomas traveled to Sian in 3073 to secure
an unofficial ceasefire from Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao. Though they have sparred with Regulans on
several systems, the increased communication between the Halas and Orloff families (as well as
numerous interior Protectorate families) are starting to bear fruit. It should not come as a surprise
if those two smaller League provinces decide to join with Oriente to prevent assimilation by less
benign powers in the coming years. Though they sent no ground troops to our coalition, the
Halas instead assisted greatly in providing vital logistical support, special operations teams, and last-minute naval support from their WarShip
fleet. With SCOUR over, however, much of this support has evaporated as Oriente has turned to fortifying its own borders.
The Duchy’s biggest strength is not its sizable ground forces, but its black water navy. Even after being reduced to half its size in the
past year and overdue for repairs and maintenance, the remaining WarShips in Oriente’s fleet are a potent force that can shatter just about
any invaders who lack equivalent capital assets. Halas has made certain that only the most loyal of crew are stationed on these vessels, a fact
evidenced in several failed efforts by various parties to woo these potential assets away from their service to a minor state.

The Fusiliers of Oriente saw most of the fighting in the Jihad, from Operation: BROKEN FIST, to retaliatory raids against Capellans early in the
war, and even fighting off the Blakist reprisal raids. At Sherryl and Christopher Halas’ behest, these troops have pledged total loyalty to Thomas
and are sending some of their more seasoned soldiers to help rebuild other Oriente commands that were nearly wiped out in recent years.
The Oriente Hussars are particularly strong, having avoided heavy fighting and limiting many of their actions to local raids. Indeed, the
Hussars alone gives the Duchy of Oriente a BattleMech force second only in size to the Marik Commonwealth. With the Fusiliers rebuilding from
casualties sustained in the past year, the Duchy’s defense will more than likely fall to the Hussars for the time being.
General Garibaldi’s long ties to the Halas family made it easy to predict where his First Marik Militia’s loyalties would fall once federal
authority collapsed, and thus Oriente won its only intact non-provincial command. Unfortunately, loyalty and skill would fail to protect the First
from destruction when Blakist nukes, delivered by cargo DropShips to both of the command’s garrisons on Ohrensen and Ventabren, obliterated
over ninety percent of the Militia’s combat and support assets. Only a few lances on patrol were spared the carnage, which preceded an attack
on Oriente itself by a Shadow Division task force mere weeks later.

Though outside groups tend to disdain Oriente’s troops for continuing to follow “the Impostor”, the Duchy’s forces have nonetheless held
their heads high. Thomas’ repeated attempts to rescue Duchess Sherryl Halas from Atreus did not go unnoticed, nor was the fact that he elected
to sacrifice forces loyal to him personally in the effort, rather than risk regional defenses on the task. These factors, plus Duke Halas’ blessings,
have ensured Oriente’s loyalty to Thomas should his father-in-law pass on.
Their biggest source of pride has come from the fact that none of Oriente’s forces defected to the Blakists in the years before or during the
Jihad. Remaining true to their principles, even as others in the League broke ranks, is seen as a grand accomplishment for these men and women.

Regimental Status
Ducal Guard First Oriente Hussars Fifth Oriente Hussars
Regiment/Elite/Fanatical Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical Regiment/Regular/Reliable
85% strength | 100% Upgraded 105% strength | 90% Upgraded 90% strength | 90% Upgraded
Current Base: Oriente Current Base: Oriente Current Base: Anegasaki

First Fusiliers of Oriente Second Oriente Hussars Sixth Oriente Hussars

Regiment/Elite/Fanatical Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Green/Reliable
40% strength | 100% Upgraded 90% strength | 90% Upgraded 85% strength | 60% Upgraded
Current Base: Dayr Khuna / Jouques Current Base: Calloway VI Current Base: Dalton / Mansu-ri

Third Fusiliers of Oriente Fourth Oriente Hussars

Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable
40% strength | 80% Upgraded 90% strength | 70% Upgraded
Current Base: Les Halles Current Base: Maritgues

Tamarind and Abbey Districts
The Tamarind District has seen more than its fair share of challenges, both military and
diplomatic. The Blakist instigation of the brief Lyran-Marik border conflict early in the Jihad
helped divert attention away from their moves to take over various other strategic targets.
When Marshal Brett learned of this, he sued for peace and turned his attention to organizing
a force to fight the Word, a fight that would claim his life at the hands of a brainwashed
Richard Steiner. Thus would military command pass down to his son Photon, though the main
leadership of the resistance would fall to Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik.
Since then, the Tamarind District has been besieged on all sides. Circinus suicide troops, rogue Lyran Archonettes, and Blakist raiders have
occupied the attentions of a bitter Duchess Therese Brett-Marik and her son. Though initially supportive of our efforts, increasing military pressure
by the Lyrans’ Buena Archonette forced them to withdraw their troops and focus inward. Even now, despite appeals from leaders on both sides of the
line, fighting between the Buena and Tamarind seems likely. Meanwhile, the District has begun talks to unite with the nearby Abby District, hoping
to consolidate and strengthen their position through the addition of several more vital systems.
It is hard to admit or prove, but the Brett-Mariks may have been one of our political missteps in our campaign. By favoring the geographically
closer Alys Rousset-Marik (who may or may not have tied herself tightly to our coalition anyway), we have apparently alienated Therese and Photon.
The Brett-Mariks’ experience in military campaigns might have hastened operations where Alys struggled, and a position within our coalition could
have pressured the Lyrans to check their ambitions against the League, avoiding the Tamarind pullout right before our attack on Terra. This is pure
conjecture however; we may never know if our decision was right or wrong.

Recouping most of their losses from Operation: BROKEN FIST, Photon’s Second Free Worlds Guards remained vigilant on the Lyran border until
Circinian forces overran Poulsbo and Khon Kaen. Sending a battalion (under the colors of the Second Fusiliers of Oriente, in an apparent effort to
confuse both Federation and Lyran parties) as the backbone of the FWLM force, the Guards suffered the brunt of the fighting, and were wiped out
before the rest of the task force could eject the Federation troops. Additional sparring with Lyran troops has dwindled the command further, forcing
it to abandon its plans to rebuild its fourth battalion.
Initially part of our coalition, The Thirtieth and Thirty-first Marik Militias served admirably in very engagement they participated in, but on the
eve of the final push to Terra, Marshall Photon recalled them to Tamarind space. About a third of each command opted to remain behind, to fight
under our banner, but unfortunately, these proved to be the newest and least experienced among them, and few survived long after the initial
Both the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-seventh Militas were the newest, worst equipped and least experienced of the Marik Militias pre-Jihad. That
is no longer the case, since Operation: BROKEN FIST, where both regiments made a strong showing before returning to the League as heroes. Since
then, they have taken up station within various Tamarind District systems, but are being whittled away by repeated Lyran raids.

Being among the first FWLM forces to throw off Word of Blake influence (rather than continuing to fight against other realms as their nation bled),
the Tamarind District forces remain bitter, feeling that their contributions to the Jihad have been ignored in favor of Alys Rousset-Marik’s more publicized
resistance. The bitterness only strengthened when Alys was chosen over Photon to command of the League thrust into the Blake Protectorate. In the
face of this perceived insult, few Tamarind troops felt any regret in leaving the coalition to protect their breakaway fiefdom from the Lyran and Circinus
But more important than bitterness, is the fatigue and worry being expressed by their condition from the constant fighting over the past
decade. Spread way to thin and painfully aware of it, Tamarind’s military faces an uncertain future even as the hawkish warriors in the Second Guard
clamor for another round of combat on Poulsbo. We could use this trepidation to our advantage, eventually offering supplies and diplomats to act
on Tamarind’s behalf in exchange for their political support when we can finally afford to.

Regimental Status
Second Free Worlds Guards Thirty-First Marik Militia Thirty-Seventh Marik Militia
Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable
70% strength | 100% Upgraded 65% strength | 60% Upgraded 70% strength | 55% Upgraded
Current Base: Maxwell / Hammer Current Base: Griffith / Alorton Current Base: Tamarind / Labouchere

Thirtieth Marik Militia Thirty-Fourth Marik Militia

Regiment/Elite/Fanatical Regiment/Regular/Questionable
45% strength | 80% Upgraded 70% strength | 50% Upgraded
Current Base: Dalcour / Cerillos Current Base: Epsilon / Nockatunga

Duchy of Andurien
Given that the Duchy of Andurien has historically been one of the League’s most rebellious of provinces—
having attempted a violent secession as recently as fifty years ago—it is surprising that this state did not lead
the way in the latest breakdown of federal authority. Instead, the backwater Rim Commonality won that
honor with its own de facto declaration of independence in 3075.
Nevertheless, it almost seems as if the Anduriens are glad to see the League fragment, as they have
wasted no time in using the opportunity to reclaim their prominence and influence in the region. The
revelations about Thomas Marik’s doppelganger did much to erode the loyalty of the FWLM, leading several
brigades to pledge allegiance to Dame Humphreys. The newly formed Andurien Rangers that emerged as a
result have taken a combined arm approach, often mixing BattleMechs, vehicles, and infantry at the company
level. Though their conventional assets are near top of the line, Andurien’s ’Mech assets are suffering, forcing
newly assigned Rangers to rely more on the easier produced “RetroTech” designs coming out of Lopez.
Having recently signed non-aggression pacts with both the Capellan Confederation and the Magistracy of Canopus, the Duchy has started
to seek expansion opportunities in the coreward parts of League space. A new mutual defense pact reached with the Mosiro Archipelago has
many of our analysts projecting that the tiny sub-state will be among Andurien’s first annexations in the near future.

After years of hatred toward the Confedration, the First Free Worlds Legionnaires quickly went to the Duchy of Andurien after launching an
unauthorized raid into Capellan space early in the Jihad. Reformed as the First Andurien Rangers, they have proved their willingness to fight by
raiding Principia and later on repelling an attack by a bitter Second Oriente Hussars, though casualties have eroded their strength.
The biggest surprise came when the once fanatically loyal Fifth Legionnaires defected from the FWLM and pledged their allegiance to
Humphreys. Now known as the Second Andurien Rangers, these troops first served as a cadre unit for additional Andurien forces, then later
played a pivotal role in earning peace on the Confederation border during covert operation in which they rescued Magestrix Naomi Centralla-
Liao over Furud. Now stationed on the Capellan border, Dame Humphreys hope their position will deter possible Capellan raids in appreciation
of the Second’s actions.
In 3076, the Third Rangers were formed around elements from the Ninth Legionnaires, a command created less than a decade ago and
deployed right before the outbreak of the Jihad. This regiment suffered a brief but bitter internal struggle, with various officers and cadets
attempting to wrest control to pledge allegiance to various factions. The personal intervention by Dame Humphreys ended the struggle before
the violence could spread, and allowed those soldiers who objected to Andurien authority to leave peacefully.
The Fourth is particularly new, made up mainly from the latest graduates of Humphreys Training Academy. Currently based around a
company of assault BattleMechs, this command is only at about third of its intended combat strength.

With most of their borders seemingly secure or relatively well defended, the spirits and nationalism among the Rangers are at an all-time
high. Many are training to repel possible attacks by CCAF raiders, but with a non-aggression pact signed and the Confederation focusing on us,
this is an unlikely scenario in the near future.

Regimental Status
First Andurien Rangers Second Andurien Rangers Fourth Andurien Rangers
Two Battalions/Veteran/Fanatical Two Battalions/Regular/Reliable Company/Green/Reliable
70% strength | 90% Upgraded 95% strength | 90% Upgraded 35% strength | 40% Upgraded
Current Base: Andurien Current Base: Shiro III / Conquista Current Base: Lurgatan / Sadurni

Third Andurien Rangers

90% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: El Giza / Mosiro / Hudeiba

Minor Provinces
The Jihad was particularly brutal to many of the smaller League provinces. Many found their regional forces turned by the Blakists or
summarily wiped out, leaving them defenseless as the federal government unraveled.
The Duchy of Orloff has so far been in the best shape, staying independent and aloof from all the infighting, but now faced with the
expanding Regulan and Marik provinces, they have grown closer to the Duchy of Oriente out of necessity.
Being so far from any of the larger factions, the biggest problem the Rim Commonality has faced was its vulnerability to pirates and
the ever-aggressive Marian Hegemony. After they were abandoned by the Second Hussars and subsequently forced to fend for themselves
throughout much of the Jihad, the Rim became the first province to go independent, kicking out League officials in 3075 and organizing their
own government.
Once one of the most influential Houses in the League, the Stewart Commonwealth has fallen far. With the loss of two of their regiments and
their capital planet, House Stewart has supported anyone willing to assist them in retaking their homeworld. Initially supporting Aly Rousset-
Marik’s resistance, our refusal to release this strategically vital system has left them feeling betrayed, and they have sought an alliance with the
Marik Commonwealth to assist in reclaiming Stewart’s independence by force.
Stuck in the middle of several other factions, the Protectorate province faced a similar situation, but lacked any native forces after the
Fourth Marik Militia departed for the Rim Commonality. It was only after negotiating for the services of the Iron Guard, who found themselves
once again without a home, that the Protectorate found a force willing to defend them permanently.

Military strongest of all the minor provinces, the Duchy of Orloff took a hard blow when Blakist mercenaries shattered their Sixth Grenadiers.
With the recent arrival of the Eighth from the other side of League space to relieve the Ninth Marik militia, House Orloff is evaluating its long-
term options with its provincial military finally firmly in place.
Briefly left in the lurch by the departing Eighth Orloff Grenadiers, the Rim Commonality scrambled to look for any sort of defense, which
briefly created an uproar and series of accusations against ruling Chairman Ardal Thomasson. Not willing to throw her alleged lover under the
bus, Colonel Sandra Relph used her network of connections to arrange for not just one, but two Marik Militia regiments to replace the garrisons in
the otherwise peaceful border province. Arriving with “the Colonel’s compliments”, both the Fourth and Ninth Militias are less experienced than
the Eighth, but have made up for it in enthusiasm, handily repulsing recent raids by pirates and bolstering Chairman Thomasson’s popularity.
The sole remaining regiment belonging to the Protectorate Guard lived up to their motto of “Never Surrender”, staying loyal to their roots while
the newer formations turned Blakist. Despite heavy casualties, the Guard survived the Terra campaign and has moved to New Delos at the behest of
General Simonov.
Supporting Alys’ resistance and our coalition to regain their capital, the Stewart Commonwealth’s military paid a hefty price. In Geneva, the
Home Guard fought viciously against the TerraSec, suffering heavy casualties while the Juggernaut was wiped out in a chemical attack to Cairo.
Quickly leaving Terra for home, the remaining Home Guard have ignored our orders to leave Stewart alone until things settle down, and have
begun using the remaining facilities there to re-arm themselves after forcing the garrison militia off-world.

The League’s collapse has worried the smaller provinces even more than the independent systems that have long grown used to their
subservient stature. Because of this, most independent provincial forces have abandoned the League and coalition chains of command, preparing
for possible incursions by the larger factions. The one exception is the Rim Collection, which is relying on the newly arrived Marik Militias for their
defense. The Stewart Commonality’s Home Guard are the most worrisome; having stationed themselves on their heredity capital of Stewart, these
troops have become de facto invaders within the occupied Blake Protectorate border, and will complicate our efforts to stabilize the region if they
remain much longer.

Regimental Status
Duchy of Orloff Rim Collection Border Protectorate
First Orloff Grenadiers Fourth Marik Militia Iron Guard
Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical
100% strength | 70% Upgraded 75% strength | 65% Upgraded 45% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Hassad Current Base: Lesnovo / Campoleone Current Base: New Delos

Eighth Orloff Grenadiers Ninth Marik Militia Stewart Commonality

Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Regular/Reliable Home Guard
95% strength | 65% Upgraded 90% strength | 75% Upgraded Regiment/Elite/Reliable
Current Base: Vanra / Carbonis Current Base: Negushevo / Tematagi / Tohelet 55% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Stewart

Alys Rousset Marik’s Resistance
As perhaps the most volatile political figure in the League before the Jihad, only the
revelation of the imposter Captain-General has unseated Duchess Alys Rousset-Marik in the
realm of the League’s celebrity gossip. Her influence did not diminish with the Jihad, but in
fact only grew as she went to ground with her mercenary command to fight the Word of Blake’s
dominion over the Free Worlds. Amassing a military force that rivaled several of the breakaway
provinces, it was not until Operation SCOUR was the extent of her influence finally came to light, bringing
various smaller operations together for one grand campaign.
Not the best strategic commander in the war, Alys’ thrust into the Blake Protectorate was the slowest,
marred by setbacks, insufficient intelligence and relatively poor planning that often forced her troops to resort
to less effective hit-and-run tactics. Her strength was in her political acumen; gathering allies, forging political alliances and even negotiating
assistance from some of the Word of Blake’s allies.
Alys—and, by extension, her forces—nevertheless appear devoted to our ideals and plans. While it would be best to try and assist her in
garnering the title of Captain-General under a re-united League, she has shown considerable resistance to that position. Thus, it will likely be
more beneficial to us to try and employ her as a negotiator with the various provincial powers, as both her rivals and allies respect her non-
combat abilities.

Assisting Devlin Stone himself, the Third Legionnaires saw some the most brutal fighting of the final campaign while repeatedly sparring
with St. Jamais’ forces. Now stationed on Irian, the Third has commandeered much of the system’s remaining military output to rebuild its losses.
The Fifth Guards’ assignment of taking the Singapore Castle Brian went as smoothly as could be expected, until a successful counterattack
by the Blakists nearly shattered the command, forcing it to withdraw right before the attackers initiated the castle’s self-destruct protocols.
Fanatically loyal to Alys, due to her intimate relations with their late CO, the Twelfth Atrean Dragoons was the first to join her resistance after
the Krushers, and later took part in her thrust towards Terra. The Twelfth showed no hesitation on Hsien, when the battle became a three-way
campaign against both Blakist and CCAF forces. During the push for Sandhurst on Terra, the Twelfth refused to waver from Alys’ side, though
they lost half of their remaining strength in the bargain. The survivors have moved with Alys to the strategic system of Rochelle, possibly
preparing for operations in support of a showdown over Augustine.
The Twentieth Marik Militia came out of Operation SCOUR in the best condition, though during the opening years of the Jihad and the
siege of the Blake Protectorate, they suffered moderate casualties against Lyran- and Blakist-backed mercenaries. Able to replenish their losses
right before the final push to Terra, the Twentieth—along with the rest of the task force charged with taking Rio—easily made planetfall, and
used captured mining equipment to tunnel under and capture the local SDS command center at a loss of just under a third of their forces. The
Twentieth has since moved to Zion, to reinforce the local militia in case of reprisals from bitter CCAF forces.

The resistance’s pride in having participated in the successful recapture of Terra has been tempered by the heavy casualties sustained
during the horrific fighting of the past few years. In addition, the prospect of facing their former comrades over the Blakist Protectorate has not
appealed to even the most pro-coalition of these soldiers. Even so, Alys’ forces have stoically taken up positions in former Protectorate systems
bordering on League space, hoping their presence will deter any possible incursions by provincial opportunists.

Regimental Status
Fifth Free Worlds Guards Third Free Worlds Legionnaires Twentieth Marik Militia
Regiment/Veteran/Reliable Regiment/Elite/Fanatical Regiment/Regular/Reliable
45% strength | 85% Upgraded 35% strength | 100% Upgraded 65% strength | 95% Upgraded
Current Base: Castor Current Base: Irian Current Base: Zion

Twelfth Atrean Dragoons

40% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Rochelle

Non-Aligned Forces
With the coming of the Jihad and revelation of their Captain-General as an impostor
planted by ComStar, every soldier who swore to protect the League and follow its leaders faced
a crisis of faith and loyalty. Some believed the false Thomas Marik’s superior leadership overruled
the lie of his identity, while others could not in good conscience follow the doppelganger, and
opted instead to pledge allegiance to one of the other handful of would-be Captain-Generals
who rose in his wake.
While others began choosing sides, some forces refused to join any specific provincial
authority as the realm began to fracture—of these non-aligned forces, the Tenth and Eighteenth
Marik Militias were by far the largest. The Eighteenth Militia was the first to leave, abandoning
its post on Connagauht in 3076 and heading rimward until they hit the border. When faced
with actually leaving League space and abandoning their homeland, however, the Eighteenth’s
warriors just could not bring themselves to cross the line. As they set down on Umka to rest and consider their options, the planetary government
approached them with a deal; They would supply a portion of the Eighteenth with free lodging, food, basic supplies and several other benefits
for the units to stay and defend from possible raiders. As the Eighteenth was deciding, two other nearby systems contacted them with similar
offers, and the once-shunned Marik Militia, decided to accept their offers.
The prestigious Tenth was originally sent by Corrine Marik to make an example of the Rim Commonality and hopefully pull them back into
the fold. But upon their arrival in the region, they received an urgent message from Kendall, reporting that Marian raiders has assaulted the
facilities there and routed the defending Bad Dream mercenary command. Colonel Meyers refused to be swayed away from her orders, but the
rest of her command protested, preferring to defend their countrymen rather than attacking them. In a near-bloodless mutiny, Colonel Meyers
was deposed, and Force Commander Kawamura took over, relocating the Tenth to protect Kendall and its surrounding systems.
Acting more like mercenaries than house troops, the Tenth and Eighteenth have both split their forces up, negotiating terms with the
non-aligned systems on the League’s Periphery border. Garnering basic supplies and “perks” to pay back the soldiers for protection, these now
pseudo-independent commands (each typically based around one of the ’Mech battalions) offering themselves up for hire, but only to League
systems, and only for defensive missions unless the contract is against a outside power. It is highly likely that these formations are keeping close
tabs on their former brethren, ready to jump in and assist if the situation gets too hairy.

Somehow avoiding almost all the fighting of the Jihad, even when stationed on the border of the Blake Protectorate, the Tenth has preserved
most of its strength, less a few defections by some warriors to their respective home provinces. Unfortunately, the MechWarriors leaving were
some of their best troops in the regiment, while the replacements drawn from local sources proved completely green.
The Eighteenth abandoned Connaught in mid-3076, narrowly avoiding a Word of Blake raiding party that most likely would have simply
used tactical nukes to annihilate the rogue force rather than engage in a costly ground fight. Still only about half upgraded, the Eighteenth is
forgoing any attempt to continue upgrading its equipment until it can find a reliable source of supplies to keep the regiment properly maintained.

Disillusioned by the fragmentation of their homeland, the Tenth’s and Eighteenth’s morale has steadily degraded over the past few years.
While the Tenth’s warriors hold out hope for a re-solidification of the League, the Eighteenth’s troops have completely given into rampant
cynicism and paranoia.

Regimental Status
Tenth Marik Militia Eighteenth Marik Militia
Regiment/Regular/Reliable Regiment/Green/Questionable
75% strength | 80% Upgraded 80% strength | 55% Upgraded
Current Base: Lahti / Hednesford / Kendall Current Base: Eleusis / Umka / Aspropirgos

Blake’s Final Kiss of Death
[Ohrenson Patrol Craft 26]: “Skies still clear on
Irregular Forces
our end, looks like we have them on the run.”
[WarShip Schrack]: “Keep your eyes open,
Inside the League’s border, the fracturing of federal authority has both been a
Twenty-Six. Robes will try something funny. A
boon and a detriment to the mercenary trade. With few major powers left with the
handful of DropShips and fighters can’t be all
affluence to afford their desired wages, many mercenaries jumped ship, by allowing
they intended to throw at us.”
their contracts to expire, joining the Word of Blake’s employ, or simply leaving. The
[OPC26]: “Roger that.”
pointless sacrifices of mercenary commands on Gibson and Atreus at the orders of
[Several minutes pass in the communications
Regulan and Oriente leaders, respectively, left many keenly aware of how little the
League regarded its irregular forces.
[OPC26]: “Multiple emergence waves detected
On the other hand, the defection of League troops and infighting has left a wealth
two hundred kilometers stern side of our
of opportunities for smaller commands to make a name for themselves. Groups like the
Rim Commonality are looking for any credible force to help defend themselves from
[Schrack]: “As expected. More transport
pirate raids, while the Regulans hired a large amount of conventional and aerospace
commands to bolster their garrisons while their provincial troops focus on expansion
[OPC26]: “Rog-no wait! Signatures indicate
and the extermination of Blakist holdouts. As of this writing, only three established
WarShips! Profile registering two Vincent Mk
commands greater than a company in size remain employed within Free Worlds
39s, two Star Lords, fully loaded.”
League space.
[Schrack]: “Coming about to engage. Good work,
Initially contracted by Alys Rousset-Marik, both the Legion of the Rising Sun and the
Twenty-Six. Notify Command and get the hell—”
Battle Corps had their contracts bought out by our coalition, allowing the Duchess to
[OPC26]: “Taking fire from Vincents, incoming
dedicate more of her resources to the League units that joined her resistance and begin
fighters. Looks like Celestials. These are Shadow
to catch up on back wages. Alys refuses to let her own command, Kristen’s Krushers, be
Divisions! Oh, God! Nukes! Those are nukes
contracted to anyone but herself.
under their—” [Static]
Stretched thin, but looking to retake Poulsbo from the Circinus Federation, the
[Schack]: “Twenty-Six, report. Twenty-Six, are
Tamarind District has recently contracted out the Heart of Blake mercenary command. After
you still out there...?”
much debate about hiring a force made up of former Blakists, the Heart’s track record of
loyalty to contracts has been commendable, and their performance so far in establishing a
—Recorded zenith jump point,
beachheads and zones of control has been satisfactory. Photon has admitted that should
Ohrenson, 6 February 3079
this continue, he may use the Heart to spearhead a long overdue counter-assault against
Buena’s recent acquisitions.
The last (and seemingly least) of the three well-known commands, the Bad Dream, is a shell of its former self. The mass desertion of its
armor assets and two companies of MechWarriors (forming the Nightcrawlers) took away not just its strength, but its tactical skill as well. The
Nightcrawlers were wiped out in the Blakist blitz on Galatea, and though Colonel Bortman reportedly gloated about the death of his former
soldiers, his luck did not fare any better years later, when the Marian Hegomony shattered Bad Dream’s remaining battalion during a 3077
attack. With only a handful of ’Mechs left operational, and looking for a respite to rebuild (particularly after the government of Kendall refused
to compensate Bad Dream for its embarrassing defeat), they broke contract to arrive in the Rim Commonality’s capital of Lesnovo at just the
right time. The Commonality had just lost the protection of the Eighth Orloff Grenadiers, and desperately was looking for any sort of force to
protect it. Now that two Marik Militia units have arrived, the Chairman is re-evaluating his options, and Bortman looking at filing for bankruptcy.

Irregular Force Status

Kristen’s Krushers Heart of Blake Bad Dream
Regiment/Veteran/Fanatical 2 Battalions/Veteran/Reliable Battalion/Regular/Questionable
(Alys Rousst Marik) (Tamarind District) (Rim Commonality)
50% strength | 100% Upgraded 80% strength | 100% Upgraded 20% strength | 100% Upgraded
Current Base: Rochelle Current Base: Poulsbo Current Base: Lesnovo

Maisons Milton Denebola Zavijava Errai
12th Atrean Dragoons Phecda
Ilzra Kamenz
Hyde Solaris Alchiba Alula Sirius Terra Caph Small World
Kristen’s Krushers (m) Shiloh Wyatt Zosma Oliver Australis Keid Northwind
Launam Wing Bryant
Callison Devil's Rock Epsilon Indi
Shahr Kord Bobruisk Rochelle Marcus Graham IV Procyon New Ingress
Teyvareb Biloela Gienah Uhuru Alhena Sheratan
Zdice Chertan Dubhe Castor Pollux Home
Rajkot Dixie Ford Alkes
Kalidasa 5th FW Guards Liberty Epsilon Eridani Fletcher
Althastan Giausar Nestor Concord Gryphons Dieudonne Terra Firma
Loric Amity
Bordon Woodstock Kawich
Son Hoa New Hope Remulac Talitha
Danais Connaught Outreach
Madiun Bella I Megrez Capolla Acamar
Home Guard Savannah
Penobscot Nathan Van Diemen IV
Andiron Pencader Cavanaugh II Alula Borealis McAffe Bondurant Stewart Adhafera Hall Elgin Nanking Arboris Azha
Khon Kaen Cascade Acubens
Colfax Togwotee Alphard Hsien
Timbiqui Tania Borealis Irian Wasat Genoa
Heart of Blake (m) Nockatunga Trellisane Thermopolis Zurich
Sheridan Helm Miaplacidus
Baltazar III Epsilon 34th Marik Militia Pingree Gannett
3rd FW Legionnaries Tall Trees
Diedre's Den Poulsbo Preston Merak Berenson
Tania Australis Saiph Aldebaran
31st Marik Militia Labouchere 1st FW Guards Ningpo
Circinus Rexburg
Galisteo Sterling Augustine Menkalinan Liao
Promised Land Millungera Gallatin Bedeque New Canton
Clayborne II Griffith Zortman Marik
Cerillos Niihau Avellaneda Hamilton Gan Singh Pleione
Thadora's Land Saltillo Bainsville Angell II25th Marik Militia Zion 20th Marik Militia
Alorton Kosciusko Tamarind 37th Marik Militia Kyrkbacken
30th Marik Militia Schererville Autumn Wind Lancaster
Hardisey's Haven Rasalas Bernardo Shensi
Ideyld Washburn Abadan Asuncion
Diamantina Simpson Desert Shasta Ariel Styk
Edmondson Oceana Holt Ibstock
Zorn's Keep Midkiff Campbelton Keystone Suzano
f Loongana Mundrabilla Asellus Australis Tsitsang
Coriscana 2nd FW Leg Park Place
Sierra Merton Maderas Dickinson
Maxwell Kilarney 8th FW Legionnaries Sorunda Ohrensen Second Try Palos
Curaumilla Asellus Borealis Lungdo Ling
Maximillian Kirkenlaard Drusibacken Ventabren Yunnah
Kakada Albert Falls Laureles Gomeisa
Sackville Manotick Paradise Escobas Elnath
Silver New Olympia McKenna Second Chance
2nd FW Guards Conakry Sophie's World New Delos Phact
11th Atrean Dragoons Nova Roma Old Kentucky Corey Ulan Bator
Gibraltar Ashburton Tongatapu Tiber Iron Guard
Aylmer Hammer Chalouba Loyalty Kyeinnisan Emris IV Harsefeld Wazan
Schiedam Atrean Hussars Fuentes Tsinghai Quemoy
Tchamba Alterf Chamdo
Ionus 1st Orloff Grenadiers
Valerius 2nd Marik Militia 11th Regulan Hussars Sarna
Tormentine Wolof 12th Regulan Hussars
Bowang Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora
San Nicolas Manihiki Semenyih Hassad
Lepaterique Home Cajamarca Trinidad Atreus Aitutaki Harmony Avior Sarmaxa
Hazeldean 8th Orloff Grenadiers Lesalles
Illyria 6th Regulan Hussars 13th Regulan Hussars Kiyev Matheran Ingersoll
Newcastle Carbonis Bithinia Capella
Atzenbrugg Kogl Valil'yevskiy Bandora No Return
Trondheimal Norfolk Hellos Minor Muscida 3rd FusiliersPropus Geifer
Panjang Ibarra Regulus Elektrougli Daneshmand Les Halles
Huntington Tuamotu 14th Regulan Hussars Eom Masterson
10th Regulan Hussars Salur
Trasjkis Kutludugun Futuna Wallis Calloway VI 2nd Oriente Hussars Cordiagr Aldertaine
Landfall Stotzing Molokai Kashilla
7th Regulan Hussars Cameron Dayr Khuna
5th Regulan Hussars Ngake Loeches Boardwalk Gei-Fu
Reykavis Kendall Karakiraz Faleolo 1st Oriente Hussars Jasmine Kurragin
Clipperton 1st Fusiliers Jouques Oriente
Leximon Ovan Overton
10th Marik Militia Jubka Westover Mackenzie Fletcher Anegasaki 5th Oriente Hussars
Tapachula Maritgues Preston Glasgow
Ducal Guard Calpaca
Lahti Keeling 4th Oriente Hussars Shuen Wan Krin Milos
Rzhishchev Ankolika Shenwan
Prato Fujidera Pella II Hexare Harloc
Jiddah Chagos Atsugi Dalton
8th Regulan Hussars Hongqiao Camlann Milnerton Ipswich Bentley Sian New Westin
Corbeanca Ghaziabad Ellsworth Olafsvik 1st Regulan Hussars 6th Oriente Hussars Goodna Frondas Imalda Hustaing
Karachi Isabela Fadiffolu
Romita Goth Khakar
Diass Chilung Iknogoro
Lengkong Nullarbor Cronulla Fronde Castrovia Decus
Niops V 9th Marik Militia Hiratsuka Katlehong Mansu-ri
Vosloorus Cirebon Vikindu
Niops VI Kujari
Kwamashu Wallacia
2nd Regulan Hussars Altorra Claxton Carmen
Niops VII Bad Dream (m) Tematagi Bismarck 4th Regulan Hussars Barlaston Antipolo Sendalor
Lesnovo Fieferana El Giza
Mankova Wilkes Hindmarsh Scarborough Ito
Negushevo Kearny 3rd Andurien Rangers
Westerhand Housekarle
4th Marik Militia Howrah Furud
Al Jubaylah Mauripur Yanchep Guangzho Mosiro
Hudeiba Homestead
Siendou Palladaine
Addhara Campoleone Sharqah Cole Harbour Wright
Gatchina Ayn Tarma Shiro III
Bayindir Wisconsin Deschenes 2nd Andurien Rangers
Alphard Grand Base
Glevakha Rohinjan 1st Andurien Rangers Betelgeuse
Stafford Nihal
Tellman's Mistake Skvorec Cap Rouge Kanata Conquista Kasdach
Astrokaszy Saonara Sigma Mare Raphael
Suetonius Payvand Ryerson Andurien Primus
Pompey Ruschegg Meadowvale Lurgatan
Scheuerheck Prix
Free Worlds League Military Granera Xanthe III Lopez Shiba
Deployment Map - August Baccalieu 3079 Obrenovac Watermael Ingonish Decatur
4th Andurien Rangers
Horatius Niomede
Sadurni Bellatrix

Bass Vakarel Villanueva Cursa


Nation Capital Province Capital Ballalaba
ius's Tears Booker Gouderak Barras
Bethonolog Piriapolis Principia
0 10 20 30 40 50 lightyears 18th Marik Militia Umka Fagerholm
Marantha Calseraigne
Rimward Afarsin Turin
Islington Butzfleth Claybrooke Drozan
Thraxa Pilpala Borden
Thurrock Sax
Gallis Aspropirgos
Algenib Gambilon Lindenmarle
Jacomarle Gunthar
Vixen Canopus IV Andarmax
Royal Foxx

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