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Revocable Living Trust

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State of ______________

THE ________________________ REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST


I, ________________________ (the “Grantor”), of ________________________________ [City/State],

being of sound mind and legal age, and not under undue influence or stress, do hereby create this
Revocable Living Trust, to be known as “The ________________________ [Grantor] Revocable Living
Trust” (this “Trust”).


The Grantor has, or upon the execution of this Trust immediately will, transfer the assets listed in
Schedule A hereto as a gift and without consideration.


A. The purpose of this Trust is to: (Check all that apply)

☐ Manage and control the assets and property of the Grantor

☐ Distribute the assets and property of the Grantor upon the Grantor’s death

☐ Other: ________________________________________________________________________

B. During the lifetime of the Grantor, the Trustee, as defined herein, shall manage this Trust with the
interests and well-being of the Grantor in mind. Therefore, the primary goal of the Trustee will be to
protect the value of the Grantor's assets and property and the secondary goal will be to grow and
increase the value of the Grantor's assets and property.


The assets and property listed in Schedule A have been transferred or will be be transferred by the
Grantor to this Trust. All such assets and property transferred to this Trust at any given time will be
deemed “Trust Property”.

A. The Grantor expressly reserves the right to revoke or amend this Trust at any time during the Grantor's
lifetime. A revocation must be in writing or in any manner allowed under law. Any amendment must be in
writing and signed by the Grantor. This power is personal to the Grantor and cannot be assigned unless
the Grantor specifically grants such authority in a power of attorney. Upon the death of the Grantor, this
Trust shall become irrevocable and cannot be amended.

B. Any revocation or amendment shall only be valid upon the delivery of such revocation or amendment
by the Grantor to the Trustee. The Trustee shall transfer or deliver the Trust Property, or take any other
actions necessary, to facilitate the Grantor's directions in the revocation or amendment.


A. The initial trustee will be: (Check one)

☐ The Grantor. The initial trustee will be ________________________ [Grantor] (the “Trustee”).
Upon the death or incapacity of the Grantor, the trustee will be ________________________ (the
“Successor Trustee”).

☐ A person other than the Grantor. The initial trustee will be ________________________ (the
“Trustee”). If the Trustee is unable or unwilling to serve, the trustee will be
________________________ (the “Successor Trustee”).

☐ People other than the Grantor. The initial trustees will be _______________________________
___________________________________________________________ (collectively, the "Trustee"),
who will act as co-trustees of this Trust. If the Trustee is unable or unwilling to serve, the trustee will be
________________________ (the “Successor Trustee”).

B. If the Successor Trustee is unable or unwilling to serve, the backup successor trustee will be
________________________ (“Backup Successor Trustee”).

C. As used in this Trust, the term “Trustee” includes all trustees and co-trustees, whether appointed now
or hereafter appointed.

D. Compensation (Check one)

☐ The Trustee shall NOT be entitled to receive any compensation for the services performed under
this Trust.

☐ The Trustee shall be entitled to receive reasonable compensation for the services performed
under this Trust.

☐ The Trustee shall be entitled to receive reasonable compensation in the amount of

$______________ for the services performed under this Trust.
E. All reasonable expenses properly incurred by the Trustee in the management of this Trust shall be
reimbursed to the Trustee or paid out of the income or property of this Trust.

F. The Trustee (Check one) ☐ shall not ☐ shall be required to furnish a bond or other security for
the faithful performance of his or her duties as the Trustee.

G. The Trustee will not be liable for any actions taken in good faith in the management of this Trust or for
any act or failure to act of a prior Trustee. Any exercise or non-exercise of any discretionary powers by
the Trustee will be binding on all parties.


A. The Trustee has discretionary power to act on behalf of this Trust. This discretionary power must be
exercised in good faith and in accordance with the terms and purposes of this Trust. The Trustee shall
always act in best interests of this Trust.

B. The Trustee shall have all powers and authority conferred to a trustee by the state’s law governing this

C. The Trustee shall have all powers granted under the Uniform Trust Code, as amended, EXCEPT the
following powers: (Check all that apply)

☐ Collect Trust Property and accept or reject additions to Trust Property from the Grantor or any
other person.

☐ Acquire or sell Trust Property, for cash or on credit, at public or private sale.

☐ Exchange, partition, or otherwise change the character of Trust Property.

☐ Deposit money belonging to this Trust in an account in a regulated financial-service institution,

and open or close such account.

☐ Borrow money on behalf of this Trust, with or without security, and mortgage or pledge Trust
Property for a period within or extending beyond the duration of this Trust.

☐ With respect to an interest of this Trust in a proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company,
business trust, corporation, or other form of business or enterprise, continue the business or other
enterprise and take any action that may be taken by shareholders, members, or property owners,
including merging, dissolving, or otherwise changing the form of business organization or contributing
additional capital.

☐ With respect to stocks or other securities owned by this Trust, exercise the rights of an absolute
owner, including the right to (a) vote, or give proxies to vote, with or without power of substitution, or
enter into or continue a voting trust agreement, (b) hold a security in the name of a nominee or in
other form without disclosure of the trust so that title may pass by delivery, (c) pay calls, assessments,
and other sums chargeable or accruing against the securities, and sell or exercise stock subscription
or conversion rights, and (d) deposit securities with a depository or other regulated financial-service
☐ With respect to this Trust’s interest in real property, construct, or make ordinary or extraordinary
repairs to, alterations to, or improvement in, buildings or other structures, demolish improvements,
raze existing or erect new party walls or buildings, subdivide or develop land, dedicate land to public
use or grant public or private easements, and make or vacate plats and adjust boundaries.

☐ Enter into a lease for any purpose as lessor or lessee, including a lease or other arrangement for
exploration and removal of natural resources, with or without the option to purchase or renew, for a
period within or extending beyond the duration of this Trust.

☐ Grant an option involving a sale, lease, or other disposition of Trust Property or acquire an option
for the acquisition of Trust Property, including an option exercisable beyond the duration of this Trust,
and exercise an option so acquired.

☐ Insure Trust Property against damage or loss and insure the Trustee, the Trustee’s agents, and
the beneficiaries against liability arising from the administration of this Trust.

☐ Abandon or decline to administer Trust Property of no value or of insufficient value to justify its
collection or continued administration.

☐ With respect to possible liability for violation of environmental law, (a) inspect or investigate
property the Trustee holds or has been asked to hold, or property owned or operated by an
organization in which the Trustee holds or has been asked to hold an interest, for the purpose of
determining the application of environmental law with respect to the property, (b) take action to
prevent, abate, or otherwise remedy any actual or potential violation of any environmental law
affecting property held directly or indirectly by the Trustee, whether taken before or after the assertion
of a claim or the initiation of governmental enforcement, (c) decline to accept property into this Trust or
disclaim any power with respect to property that is or may be burdened with liability for violation of
environmental law, (d) compromise claims against this Trust which may be asserted for an alleged
violation of environmental law, and (e) pay the expense of any inspection, review, abatement, or
remedial action to comply with environmental law.

☐ Pay or contest any claim, settle a claim by or against this Trust, and release, in whole or in part, a
claim belonging to this Trust.

☐ Pay taxes, assessments, compensation of the Trustee and of employees and agents of this Trust,
and other expenses incurred in the administration of this Trust.

☐ Exercise elections with respect to federal, state, and local taxes.

☐ Select a mode of payment under any employee benefit or retirement plan, annuity, or life
insurance payable to the Trustee, exercise rights thereunder, including exercise of the right to
indemnification for expenses and against liabilities, and take appropriate action to collect the

☐ Make loans out of Trust Property, including loans to a beneficiary on terms and conditions the
Trustee considers to be fair and reasonable under circumstances, and the Trustee has a lien on future
distributions for repayment of those loans.

☐ Pledge Trust Property to guarantee loans made by others to the beneficiaries.

☐ Appoint a trustee to act in another jurisdiction with respect to Trust Property located in the other
jurisdiction, confer upon the appointed trustee all of the powers and duties of the Trustee, require that
the appointed trustee furnish security, and remove any trustee so appointed.
☐ Pay an amount distributable to a beneficiary who is under a legal disability or who the Trustee
reasonably believes is incapacitated, by paying it directly to the beneficiary or applying it for the
beneficiary’s benefit or by (a) paying it to the beneficiary’s conservator or guardian, (b) paying it to the
beneficiary’s custodian or custodial trustee, and for that purpose, creating a custodianship or custodial
trust, (c) if the Trustee does not know of a conservator, guardian, custodian, or custodial trustee,
paying it to an adult relative or other person having legal or physical care or custody of the beneficiary,
to be expended on the beneficiary’s behalf, or (d) managing it as a separate fund on the beneficiary’s
behalf, subject to the beneficiary’s continuing right to withdraw the distribution.

☐ On distribution of Trust Property or the division or termination of this Trust, make distributions in
divided or undivided interests, allocate particular assets in proportionate or disproportionate shares,
value the Trust Property for those purposes, and adjust for resulting differences in valuation.

☐ Resolve a dispute concerning the interpretation of this Trust or its administration by mediation,
arbitration, or other procedure for alternative dispute resolution.

☐ Prosecute or defend an action, claim, or judicial proceeding in any jurisdiction to protect Trust
Property and the Trustee in the performance of the Trustee’s duties.

☐ Sign and deliver contracts and other instruments that are useful to achieve or facilitate the
exercise of the Trustee’s powers.

☐ On termination of this Trust, exercise the powers appropriate to wind up the administration of this
Trust and distribute Trust Property to the persons entitled to it.

☐ Delegate duties and powers, including hiring and/or employing accounts, lawyers, and other

☐ Perform all other acts necessary for the management of this Trust.

☐ Other: ________________________________________________________________________


A. The Trustee may resign at any time by giving at least 30 days’ notice to the Grantor and the co-
trustees, if any.

B. The Trustee may be removed by the Grantor at any time during the Grantor's lifetime by giving written
notice to the Trustee and the co-trustees, if any. The Trustee may also be removed by a court or
otherwise in accordance with applicable state laws.

During the lifetime of the Grantor, the Trustee shall distribute to the Grantor as much of the income or
interest of this Trust as requested by the Grantor, provided the Grantor is not incapacitated. If the Grantor
is incapacitated, the Trustee shall distribute an amount that the Trustee determines is reasonable for the
support and maintenance of the Grantor.


Upon the death of the Grantor, and after resolution and/or payment of all legal obligations, and debts, the
Trustee will distribute the Trust Property in accordance with the terms of this Trust.


☐ Specific gifts will NOT be listed.

☐ A. Upon the death of the Grantor, the Grantor intends the specific Trust Property listed in Schedule B
to be distributed as described therein.

B. If a specific gift as listed in Schedule B is no longer part of the Trust Property, such specific gift shall be

C. If any beneficiary as named in Schedule B is no longer living at the time of distribution, such gift shall
become part of the residual assets of this Trust and be distributed with the remaining residual assets.


(Check one)

☐ The Grantor does NOT have children. / The Grantor has children but does NOT want to include a
subtrust for the Grantor’s child(ren).

☐ The Grantor has one child.

A. Upon the death of the Grantor, the Trust Property listed in Schedule C of this Trust shall be placed
in a subtrust (the “Children’s Subtrust”) for the Grantor’s child: ________________________________
___________________________________________________________, until the child: (Check one)

☐ Reaches a certain age. Reaches the age of __________.

☐ Reaches a certain milestone. _____________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ [Describe milestone]

☐ Reaches a certain age and milestone. Reaches the age of __________ and _______________
________________________________________________________________ [Describe milestone]

B. The Trustee shall distribute the principal or net income from the Children’s Subtrust to the child as
the Trustee deems is reasonable for their support, maintenance and education. The Trustee shall
make distributions to the child in any amounts and at any time, at his or her discretion.

C. When the child reaches (Check one) ☐ the age ☐ the milestone ☐ both the age and the milestone
as described in Section A above, the Trustee shall distribute the principal and net income of the
Children’s Subtrust to the child and the Children’s Subtrust will be terminated.

D. If the child does not survive the Grantor, the property in the Children’s Subtrust shall become part of
the residual assets of this Trust.

☐ The Grantor has more than one child.

A. Upon the death of the Grantor, the Trust Property listed in Schedule C of this Trust shall be placed
in a subtrust (the “Children’s Subtrust”) for the Grantor’s children: _____________________________
_________________________________________________________, until each child: (Check one)

☐ Reaches a certain age. Reaches the age of __________.

☐ Reaches a certain milestone. _____________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ [Describe milestone]

☐ Reaches a certain age and milestone. Reaches the age of __________ and _______________
________________________________________________________________ [Describe milestone]

B. The Trustee shall distribute the principal or net income from the Children’s Subtrust to the children
as the Trustee deems is reasonable for their support, maintenance and education. The Trustee shall
make distributions to the children in any amounts and at any time, at his or her discretion.

C. When the youngest child reaches (Check one) ☐ the age ☐ the milestone ☐ both the age
and the milestone as described in Section A above, the Trustee shall distribute the principal and net
income of the Children’s Subtrust to the children in equal shares and the Children’s Subtrust will be

D. If no children survive the Grantor, the property in the Children’s Subtrust shall become part of the
residual assets of this Trust.


A. Any Trust Property not otherwise distributed under the terms of this Trust or other residual assets of
this Trust shall be distributed as described in Schedule D hereto.
B. Any beneficiary named in Schedule D must survive the Grantor by at least 30 days to receive the
distribution of Trust Property. If a beneficiary does not survive the Grantor by at least 30 days, that
beneficiary’s Trust Property shall become part of the residual assets of this Trust.

C. If any Trust Property is left to two or more beneficiaries, such beneficiaries share the distribution
equally, unless stated otherwise.

D. If any individual is not left property or is otherwise omitted from this Trust, such omission is intentional.


(Check one)

☐ The Grantor does NOT have pets. / Upon the death of the Grantor, NO amount shall be taken from
the Trust Property and set aside for the care of the Grantor’s pets.

☐ Upon the death of the Grantor, a sum in the amount of $______________ shall be taken from the
Trust Property and set aside for the care of the Grantor's pets.


A. All transfers or distributions to minors made under this Trust are subject to the Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act.

B. All Trust Property will pass to the designated beneficiary subject to any mortgage, encumbrance or lien
on such Trust Property. The beneficiary shall not be entitled to additional payment from this Trust to cover
such mortgage, encumbrance or lien.

C. If the income or principal of the Trust Property is insufficient to satisfy the distributions as prescribed in
this Trust, the Trustee shall, in his or her sole discretion, determine the priority and order of distributions.

D. The Trustee shall provide an accounting to the beneficiaries on an annual basis or as otherwise required
by law detailing all income, payments and other transactions of this Trust.

E. If the Trustee determines that the income and/or principal of the Trust Property is de minimus or
insufficient to justify the cost of administration, the Trustee, in his or her sole discretion, may terminate this
Trust. Upon terminating this Trust, the Trustee shall distribute the proportionate shares of the Trust Property
to the designated beneficiaries and relieved of his or her duties herein.

F. Except as otherwise provided herein or by law, no beneficiary’s interest under this Trust may be assigned,
alienated, pledged, attached, or otherwise encumbered, including claims of creditors or claims for alimony
or support, whether voluntary or involuntary, until final distribution of such interest has been made by the
G. If the Trust Property includes the Grantor's principal residence, the Grantor will retain the right to possess
and occupy the residence free of charge (including rent and taxes) during his or her lifetime, so that the
Grantor may retain a beneficial interest in the residence and maintain eligibility for any state homestead tax
exemption he or she may qualify for.

H. The Trustee may present a signed and notarized certificate or trust or abstract of trust as proof of the
existence of this Trust and the facts stated in such certificate or abstract when necessary for conducting
the business of this Trust.

I. Throughout this Trust, except where the context otherwise requires, the masculine gender shall be
deemed to include the feminine and the neuter, and the singular number shall be deemed to include the
plural, and vice versa.

J. The remaining provisions of this Trust continue to be in full force and effect if any provisions of this Trust
are deemed unenforceable.

K. This Trust will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of _________________.


Grantor Signature
Schedule A


● _______________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [Description of property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [Description of property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [Description of property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [Description of property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [Description of property]
Schedule B


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________________________________


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________________________________


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________________________________


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________________________________


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________________________________

Schedule C


● _______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ [Description of subtrust property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ [Description of subtrust property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ [Description of subtrust property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ [Description of subtrust property]

● _______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ [Description of subtrust property]
Schedule D


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________% of the remaining Trust


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________% of the remaining Trust


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________% of the remaining Trust


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________% of the remaining Trust


● ________________________ [Beneficiary] shall receive __________% of the remaining Trust


State of _________________ )

County of _________________ )

SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBED before me on this ______ day of _______________, 20______, by

________________________ who is personally known to me or produced a driver's license as
identification and who did take an oath.


Notary Public

My Commission Expires: _______________

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