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Business Communication Mid-Term

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Business Communication Mid-Term

Submitted to: Sir Tanveer Abbas

Submitted by: Haiqa Malik

Registration: 2019-BBA-027

Class : BBA (A) - IV

Date of submission: 30-04-21

Question 1: Letter to MNA


Member of National Assembly


Mr Sadaqat Ali Khan

MNA, NA-57

National assembly secretariat, Islamabad

Subject: construction of link road – village dadhar Mirza

Respected sir,

I am a resident of the village Dadhar Mirza, tehsil and district Rawalpindi. I would like to
bring a long outstanding issue of our village to your kind attention. Village dadhar Mirza has
a population of over 3,000 people, with approximately 500 houses. A primary school, a
community centre and a rural health centre is also located in this village. Our village’s link
road with an approximate length of 1 kilometre was constructed in 1985. Thereafter since
today no maintenance work has been carried out on this road. Due to which the road
condition has depleted and at present it has become more of a broken track. All the villagers
are facing difficulty, especially during rains.

In this regard, I also lodged a complaint on prime minister’s citizen portal. However, so far I
have not received any response, it is therefore. I would also like to mention here that before
the election of 2018, during the election campaign, you promised that this road will be
constructed on priority.

Sir I humbly request you to resolve this long outstanding issue of our village and instruct the
concerned department for early construction of this road. All villagers will be extremely
grateful and highly obliged to you.

March 30th, 2021 yours sincerely

Haiqa Malik

Question 2

1) Mahira Khan’s public service message for covid 19 awareness

We don’t have to fear. Instead we have to fight novel coronavirus smartly and responsibly.
Together we can win this battle and live happy and healthy lives.

1. By washing hands regularly and properly with soap or by using hand sanitizers.
2. By covering our mouth when sneezing and coughing.
3. By consulting doctors in case of any symptoms.

Just remember that 98 % of the corona virus cases have recovered fully. So don’t fear the
coronavirus, instead get ready to fight it.

Evaluating this message:

Complete message:

This message portrays a complete message as it has provided all the necessary information,
tells the people to not fear the situation and then message lists to the public the different
precautions that they can take to live a safe and healthy life. It says that we should wash hand
regularly with soap, cover our mouth when we cough and consult doctors in case of
symptoms. In the end it motivates the people to fight it.

Considerate message:

This message uses “you” approach rather than “I” approach as it says that “we have to fight
the corona virus smartly and responsibility” and it also say “we can win this battle”. This
message focuses on how it will benefit the reader/ listener.

Concreteness message:

This is a concrete message as it uses facts and figures to communicate it message. It said that
98 % of the corona virus cases have recovered fully”.


This message which was originally in Urdu uses familiar words so it is a clear message and
easily understood by the people of Pakistan.

For further evaluation this message is not concise and does not use courteous expressions,
but still it portrays it message effectively to the public.

2) let’s fight together & eliminate Corona (public service message)


Evaluating this message


This is a concise message as it conveys it message through limited words.


This is a considerate message as it uses “you” approach, it says that “lets fight together”. It is
conveying to the people that covid is not something you can eliminate by yourself but you
have to work together to eliminate it completely.

For further evaluation this message does not provide all the necessary details about covid 19
but still it portrays its message well as it used only limited words to aware the public in an
effective way.

3) During the third wave of corona virus take precautions. The process for vaccination
has started but it is still important to take precautions, if not taken it can result in a
lot of illnesses and deaths. Use your face mask frequently. Wash your hands
frequently for 20 seconds. Keep a 6 foot distance when meeting people. Try not to go
to crowded places. By using precautions make your own and others life safer.
(Mobile ringtone for public awareness that has been imposed by the government.)

Evaluating this message

Complete message:

This message portrays a complete message as it has provided all the necessary information,
first it tells people about the current covid situation, then the message lists to the public the
different precautions that they can take to live a safe and healthy life. As it said that to stay
safe people should wash hands and use facemask frequently, keep a 6 foot distance and also
informs the people about not going to crowded people. Then it tells that if these precautions
are taken we can stay safe.

Considerate message:

This message uses “you” approach rather than “I” approach as it says that by following these
precautions we will not only make ourselves safe but also other people. This message focuses
on how it will benefit the reader/ listener.


This message which was originally in Urdu and it is part of our mobile ringtone which was
imposed by the government. This message uses the right level of language as it is easily
understandable by the general public (educated and non-educated both) as it uses simple and
informal words.


This public awareness message uses familiar words so it is a clear message and easily
understood by the people of Pakistan.

For further evaluation this message is not concise and does not use courteous expressions,
but still it portrays it message effectively to the public

4) Stay home Stay safe (public service message)


This is concise message as it conveys it message to the public in a precise way, using limited

New message

“Divided we stand and together we fall, that way we can protect others and be

This message uses simple and familiar words and portrays in a considerate and concise way
that in the current covid situation the only way to protect not only ourselves but also others is
to keep your distance from others. If we stay together, we won’t be able to protect ourselves
and the others. The only way, is to stand alone and that doesn’t mean that you are actually
alone, in reality you are saving yourself and the people around you.

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