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Module 1-Q3-Relevance and Truthfulness of Ideas

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A. Before Viewing/Reading Activity
Unlocking of Difficulty
Determine the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence through context clues.
1. C. union
2. A. closure
3. B. troubles
4. B. shortage
5. C. failure

B. Post Reading Activity

1. What kind of issue is presented in the text?
The issue presented in the text is a political issue.
2. Is the main idea directly stated? What is the main idea?
Yes. The way business is done in Washington has to change.
3. What are the top priorities of the government he presented to the two parties, Democrats and
Craft a balanced budget, fix the broken immigration system, and pass a farm bill.
4. How is the speech written? Describe (give the qualities)
The speech was written in an invitational manner, imploring both the Democrats and
Republicans to work for the people despite of the difference in political parties and
ideologies. The writer beseeched politicians to work together.
5. What is the purpose of the writer?
To persuade the two parties to work together for the people, the American.
6. Do you think he will achieve his purpose? Why?
It is possible that writer will achieve his purpose but it will take long. Division in political
parties and ideologies has stemmed already in the entire government system of America. If this
text will be read in one of the events where all politicians are in and they are able to hear this,
they will be reminded of the fact that their responsibility is really to serve the people without
any reservation. This is a heart melting text and anyone may get stricken by it.

Activity 1. Relevant or Not
Go back to the text, There Were No Winners. What issue is presented by the writer? Is it also
true in our country? Explain your answer.
The issue presented is a political issue. Yes it is definitely true in our country now and
even before. Our country was divided because of the dissimilarities in political views, parties,
ideologies and priorities. They even brand people as “dilawan” or “DDS” depending on their
political beliefs. Instead of spending government time in crafting and approving beneficial laws,
planning and resolving issues, time was spent on berating one another, criticizing people in
media. It is as if politicians cannot be fully independent, serving the people instead of their

The statements below are taken from the transcript of President Barack Obama’s address, There
Were No Winners. Determine whether the idea of each statement is relevant or irrelevant. Put a
check (/) mark on the space that belong to your answer. Then give your reason for saying so on
the last column. If the space provided is not enough for your answer, write it on a separate sheet
of pad paper.

Statement Relevant Irrelevant My Reason

1. At a time when our economy needs / The idea of this statement is
more growth and more jobs, the relevant because it
manufactured crises of these last few highlighted how the
weeks actually harmed jobs and legislative battles between
growth. the Democrats and
Republicans have affected
jobs and growth of the
country. They should have
been working to grow as a
nation instead of having
this unnecessary political
2. We need to focus on what the / The idea of this statement is
majority of Americans sent us here to relevant in a way that this
do – grow the economy, create good reminds public officials
jobs, strengthen the middle class, lay about what their duties and
the foundation of broad –based responsibilities. It
prosperity, and get our fiscal house in emphasizes the need for
order for the long haul. politicians to do what is
given to them, without any
reservations, keeping in
mind that the service
should be for the people
3. Those of us who have the privilege / The idea of this statement is
to serve this country have an somehow general.
obligation to do our job the best we Everybody should do
can. his/her best in everything
that they do.
4. Our obligations to you must / The idea of this statement is
compel all of us, Democrats and relevant because it
Republicans, to cooperate, and emphasizes the core of
compromise, and act in the best being a politician, and that
interest of this country we love. obligations given to them is
a sufficient reason to do
their duties and
responsibilities to the best
of their abilities.

Activity 2. Validate the Information

As discussed earlier, the idea is truthful when is based on facts, can be verified, supported with
evidences, has credible resources, or not misleading.
1. Does the text, There’s No Winners bear truthfulness? Why? Prove your answer?
Yes, the text bears truthfulness; it bears the reality of the government system in America
and that was proven to be true by various resources. It is not doubt that for the people in
American even to those people living outside of the country that this division existed and
greatly affected major decisions of the government. Various books were also written about this
political dilemma like “The Parties Versus the People” and “Understanding the Difference
between Democrats and Republicans.”
2. Determine whether the idea in each statement taken from the text above is “truthful” or “not
truthful”. Then give your reason for your answer.

Statement Truthful Not My Reason

1. There were no winners in this / The entire nation is a failure
government shutdown. because of this political
2. It won’t be easy. But we can make / There is always a room for
progress. improvement as long as we
allow ourselves to become
part of this process of
3. We come from different parties, but / They were born in one
we’re American first. country, they were
Americans before they were
divided because of political
beliefs and ideologies.
In this module, you have learned to determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented in the material viewed or read. To show how well you understood the lesson, answer
each specific questions below.

1. What does relevance of ideas mean with regards to viewing or reading?

There is relevance when the reader has connection to the text or material read or viewed,
and the idea closely suits to the reader’s goal.
2. When do you consider the idea relevant?
The idea is relevant when the reader/viewer finds it important, useful applicable to the
current situation.
3. What does truthfulness of idea mean in the material viewed/read?
Truthfulness of idea in the material read/viewed means the idea is factual, logical, and
can be verified from credible resources.
4. Why is it important to know the truthfulness of idea?
It is important to know the truthfulness of an idea so that we will not be misled by the
information presented before us. We cannot be persuaded easily, we can be a skeptic

Directions: Express your idea or opinion on each of the statement or quotation below. Cite
situations that prove the relevance and truthfulness of each idea or quote.

1. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” John
Fitzgerald Kennedy
It is more important to give attention to how can one do something for his country
instead of what the country can do for him. We are part of one country, and the entire country
depends on us. We should not give burden to our country but instead contribute individually to
help it grow and progress. One example is the 4Ps program of the government. Many people
have depended to this financial assistance already; few of the beneficiaries do not work anymore
to earn a living.
2. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”- Robert Louis
It is connected to another saying which goes like this “Whatever you sow, you reap.” The
harvest may seem too distant or grim, but what’s important is we continue to plant seeds. We
have to plant seeds of good work to other people, do productive chores for our family and
community, and become an example to all others. These seeds that we plant will grow one day
and will blowout.
3. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”- Nelson
By educating yourself, you may know how at best you can contribute to your family,
community and the world at large. If one is educated, he knows what he wants, he knows what
he needs, and he knows how to implement change for himself and the world around him. By
educating yourself, you can also educate others. In school, teachers imparted to us and compel
us to participate in civic activities. That is one form of initiating change in the world.
4. “The COVID vaccine must be considered a global public good.”- Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte
Since there is no medicine to treat COVID and the only way to prevent contracting it is
through vaccination, it must be considered a global public good. Through vaccination, we can
mend the problem between people’s safety and the prevention of economic recession. If
majority of population is vaccinated, they can work, then can run their business, they can
continue in education without thinking so much about their safety. Someone is working in a
BPO company, and recently he was vaccinated. It is indeed a public good since both livelihood
and safety are considered.
5. “Garbage is one of the major problems the government addresses. Metro Manila alone
produces an average of 8,000 tons of waste daily. If left uncollected, this will pose health hazards
to the public.”
Because of excessive use of plastics and many other non-biodegradable materials, our
problem with garbage emerged. Improper garbage disposal is a problem as well, also the place
where to put these tons of garbage. I remember how the polluted river near our place affected
our health. The smell is really bad brought by the piles of garbage that have been in the river for
a long time. If this problem will not be solved, it can create many other problems like the
poisoning of species even to the connected body of waters.

I. Viewing
A. Watch the video clip by clicking the link below.
B. Answer each question below.
1. What is the video clip about?
It is about the act of kindness and generosity.
2. What is the idea expressed by the video clip?
Kindness begets kindness.
3. Is the idea relevant and truthful? Why?
Yes. It is relevant and truthful in a sense that it happens in real life in a very unconscious
manner. We may not notice but kindness really reciprocates kindness. In my experience
before, my classmates always help their circle of friends in doing their school works, until
I was helped by them also and learned to help others in return. It is that an act of
kindness multiplies.
4. How can you apply the idea in your life? Cite a specific situation to show it.
I can apply this idea by doing even small acts of kindness to others. One way of helping
others in our time today is by simply being someone whom another person can talk to
when they are depressed or frustrated. By simply talking to them, they may feel relieved.
These people might also be an outlet for other people, make it multiply until this little
act of kindness reach the world.

II. Reflection
What is the importance or relevance of this lesson – Determining the relevance and truthfulness
of ideas in your everyday life and in this present situation of holding classes?
The authenticity of learning is a challenge in education today. Learning becomes artificial
especially in subjects that require actual performances. Even in written works and performances,
validity has been a question to teachers. It is important that answers should be coming from the
students so that teachers can assess properly their understanding of the topics. Teachers can
really tell if the student really answered the given activity or task or not.

A. Read the short passage below and answer the questions that follow.
1. B. true happiness
2. A. happiness
3. B. truism
4. C. happiness

5-10. We cannot be truly happy with material possessions and power. Having what we need and
what we want do not guarantee happiness. Since we have an endless needs and wants, we can
never be truly happy with it. We can be happy about something at first and feel unsatisfied as
time passes by. Happiness should depend on what we got; happiness is a condition of mind,
body and spirit. We can be truly happy if these requirements are met.

What is the importance or relevance of this lesson – Determining the relevance and truthfulness of ideas
in your everyday life and in this present situation of holding classes?

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