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Topic 9 - The Periodic Table - Tutorial

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DonasonDeen Research Centre

Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

Chemistry Tutorial
Periodic Table

1. Astatine (At) is immediately below iodine in the Periodic Table. Which one of the
following statements about astatine is correct?

A. It has a coloured vapour.

B It forms a molecule At.
C It forms a hydride which ionizes in water.
D It forms a soluble silver salt.

2. Element X reacts with water producing an acidic solution. This solution gives a white
precipitate with aqueous silver nitrate. In which group of the Periodic Table is X?

A Group I B Group II
C Group IV D Group VII

3. Element X forms an oxide of formula X2O5. In which group of the Periodic Table is X
likely to be found?

A Group I B Group II
C Group III D Group V

4. The element astatine (At) is beneath iodine in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which
one of the following is a likely property of astatine?

A It burns readily in air.

B It forms a basic oxide.
C It displaces iodine from aqueous potassium iodide.
D It can be liberated from its salts by chlorine.

5. An element G shows variable valency, acts as a catalyst and forms coloured

compounds. In which part of the Periodic Table is element G?

A The period lithium to neon C Group I

B The transition metals D Group II

6. Which formula represents the oxide of an element Y in Group II of the Periodic



Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

7. Which statement concerning the ions of the Group VII elements is correct?

A Each contains an odd number of electrons.

B Each contains more protons than neutrons.
C. Each contains more electrons than protons.
D Each has seven electrons in its outer shell.

8. The symbol for the element rhenium is Re. What is the formula of rhenium (IV)

A ReO B ReO2
C ReO4 D Re4O

9. Rubidium, Rb, is an element in the same group of the Periodic Table as lithium,
sodium and potassium. Which statement about rubidium is likely to be correct?

A It reacts slowly with cold water.

B It forms an insoluble hydroxide.
C It is produced during the electrolysis of RbCl (aq).
D It forms a sulfate Rb2SO4.

10 The table below shows information for five elements.

Element P Q R S T
16 24 27 39 88
atomic mass

Which two elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table?

A P and R B P and S
C Q and S D Q and T

11. Which of the following statements correctly describes a trend in the properties of the
elements from left to right across a period of the Periodic Table?

A The number of neutrons in an atom decreases.

B The number of protons in an atom decreases.
C The number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom decreases.
D The elements change from metals to non-metals.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

12. Astatine, symbol At, is in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which of the following is
likely to be `a property of astatine?

A It is a liquid at room temperature.

B It conducts electricity.
C It readily forms At+ ions.
D It forms diatomic molecules.

13. Element Q has a melting point greater than 1000°C. It has oxidation states of +2 and
+3 in its compounds. It forms two chlorides: one green, the other yellow.

In which labelled position of the outlined Periodic Table shown is Q likely to be


14. The table shows some of the properties of four elements.

Melting Electrical
Element Density
point conductivity
A 3550°C 3.5 g/cm3 Poor
B 1860°C 7.2 g/cm Good
C 660°C 2.7 g/cm3 Good
D 232°C 7.3 g/cm Good
Which element is most likely to be a transition metal?

15. Which statement is correct both for chlorine and for iodine?

A It is a gas at room temperature and pressure.

B It gives a precipitate with aqueous barium nitrate.
C It is a reducing agent.
D It reacts with sodium.

16. What gas is used to fill an electric light bulb to help the wire filament last as long as

A Air B Argon
C Carbon dioxide D Chlorine

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

17. The table gives the formula of the catalysts used in some industrial processes.
Process Catalyst
Haber process Fe + Mo
Contact process V2O5
Cracking of alkanes Al2O3 + SiO2
Polymerisation of ethane Al(C2H5)3 + TiCl4
Manufacture of silicones CuCl

How many different transition metals are included (as elements or as compounds) in
the list of catalysts?

A 3 B 4
C 5 D 6

18. The metal rubidium is below potassium in Group I of the Periodic Table. Which
statement is most likely to be correct?

A Rubidium is less dense than potassium.

B Rubidium has a higher melting point than potassium.
C Rubidium reacts more vigorously than potassium with water.
D Rubidium displaces metallic potassium from aqueous potassium chloride.
19. Fluorine, 9F, is a halogen. The table shows some of the properties of other halogens.
No. of
Melting Boiling Colour of
Element Mr valency
point point vapour
Chlorine 71 7 –101°C –35°C Yellow-green
Bromine 160 7 –7°C 59°C Red-brown
Iodine 254 7 114°C 184°C Violet
Which statement about fluorine is likely to be correct?

A The Mr of fluorine is 19.

B The fluorine atom has only one valency electron.
C The melting point of fluorine is +212°C.
D The boiling point of fluorine is –188°C.

20. Elements X and Y occupy the positions shown in the outline Periodic Table below.

Which is the most likely formula of a compound containing only X and Y?

C X2Y D X3Y2

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

21. Which gas is used for filling light bulbs?

A Argon B Carbon dioxide

C Chlorine D Hydrogen

22. Which element in the table is most likely to be a transition metal?

Melting Number of chlorides
Element Density
point known
A –259°C 0.07 g/cm3 1
B –7°C 3.10 g/cm3 2
C 113°C 2.07 g/cm3 1
D 1083°C 8.92 g/cm3 2

23. Many properties of an element and its compounds can be predicted from the position
of the element in the Periodic Table.

What property could not be predicted in this way?

A The acidic or basic nature of its oxide

B The charge on its ion
C The formula of its oxide
D The number of isotopes it has

24. The table gives some information about comparing the reactions of X, Y and Z with
dilute acid. The elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table.

Element Reaction with dilute acid Formula of chloride

X Hydrogen forms rapidly XCl2
Y Hydrogen forms more rapidly YCl2
Z Hydrogen forms most rapidly ZCl2

Which statement about the elements could be correct?

A Element Y is at the top of Group II.

B The elements are alkali metals.
C The elements form ions with a double negative charge.
D The reactivity of the elements increases down their group.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

25. Which statement is most likely to be true about the elements in Group I of the
Periodic Table?

A They occur uncombined in nature.

B They are equally reactive chemically
C They form chlorides of similar formulae.
D They become less metallic as the relative proton (atomic) number increases.

26. Which statement about the elements in the Periodic Table is correct?

A Group 0 elements are unreactive metals.

B Group I elements form covalent chlorides.
C Group VII elements form negative ions.
D The elements become more metallic from left to right across a period.

27. The element caesium, Cs, is in the same group of the Periodic Table as sodium and
potassium. Which of the following is likely to be a property of caesium?

A It does not conduct electricity.

B it reacts vigorously with water giving off hydrogen.
C It forms an ionic chloride of formula CsCl2.
D It forms an acidic oxide.

28. In each of three experiments, a halogen was added to separate solutions containing
ions of one of the other two halogens. The table shows the results.

Halide solution
Experiment Halogen added
X– Y– Z–
1 X2 – Y2 displaced Z2 displaced
2 Y2 No reaction – No reaction
3 Z2 No reaction Y2 displaced –

What were the halogens X, Y and Z?

A Br Cl I
B Br I Cl
C Cl Br I
D Cl I Br

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

29 Astatine (At) is in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which of the following is a
property of astatine?

A It forms a basic oxide.

B It is a good conductor of electricity.
C It is displaced by chlorine from aqueous potassium astatide.
D It displaces iodine from aqueous potassium iodide.

30. Which of the following is a property of aqueous potassium iodide?

A It reacts with aqueous lead (II) nitrate to form a white precipitate.

B It reacts with aqueous bromine to form iodine.
C It does not conduct electricity.
D It is decolourised by chlorine.

31. An element X has proton (atomic) number 3. Which statement about X is correct?

A It forms ions by gaining electrons.

B It is a gas at room temperature and pressure.
C It is in Group III of the Periodic Table.
D It reacts with cold water.

32. The table shows the electron structures of five elements.

Element Electron structure

P 2, 4
Q 2, 8, 2
R 2, 8, 5
S 2, 8, 6
T 2, 8, 8, 1

Which two elements form ionic chlorides?

A P and S B Q and T
C R and S D R and T

33. Element M has a high density and a high melting point. It forms two chlorides MCl
and MCl2,

What does this suggest about element M?

A It is a Group II metal. B It is a Group IV metal.

C It is an alkali metal. D It is a transition metal.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

34. Which element is least likely to form an oxide?

A Chlorine B Helium
C Hydrogen D Nitrogen

35. Which statement about groups in the Periodic Table is correct?

A All groups contain both metals and non-metals.

B Atoms of elements in the same group have the same total number of electrons.
C In Group I, reactivity decreases with increasing proton (atomic) number.
D In Group VII, the melting point of the elements increases with proton (atomic)

36. Indium, In, is an element in Group III of the Periodic Table. What is the formula of
indium chloride?

A In3Cl B In3Cl3
C In2Cl3 D InCl3

37. The table gives the symbols or formulae of the catalysts used in some industrial
processes. How many different transition metals are included (as elements or in
compounds) in the catalysts?
Substance manufactured Catalyst
Hydrogen (from methane) Ni + Cr
Synthetic rubber Cr2O3 + Al2O3
Polyesters Sb2O3
PVC CuCl2 + KCl
Nitric acid (from ammonia) Pt + Rh

A 3 B 4
C 5 D 6

38. Which element shows variable valency, can act as a catalyst and forms coloured

A Carbon B Chlorine
C Iron D Sulphur

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

39. Which statement correctly describes the changes in the elements from left to right
across a period of the Periodic Table?

A The ability to conduct electricity increases.

B The elements change from metals to non-metals.
C The number of neutrons in an atom decreases.
D The number of protons in an atom decreases.

40 Lithium is the first element and rubidium is the fourth element in Group I of the
Periodic Table. Which statement is correct?

A Lithium has a higher melting point than rubidium.

B Lithium has fewer electrons in its outer shell than has rubidium.
C Lithium is a metal, rubidium is a non-metal.
D Lithium reacts more rapidly with water than does rubidium.

41 Which arrangement of electrons is that of a gas normally used to fill light bulbs?

A 2 B 2, 6
C 2, 8, 2 D 2, 8, 8

42. Using the apparatus shown, chlorine was passed through the tube. After a short time,
coloured substances were seen at P, Q and R.

What were these coloured substances?

At P At Q At R
A Green gas Violet vapour Black solid
B Green gas Red-brown vapour Violet vapour
C Red-brown vapour Violet vapour Black solid
D Violet vapour Red-brown vapour Red-brown vapour

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

43. Selenium, Se, is in the same group of the Periodic Table as sulphur. What is the
formula of potassium selenide?

A K2Se B KSeO4
C K2SeO4 D K2SeO3

44. Fluorine is the first element in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which statement will
not be true of fluorine?

A Fluorine exists in diatomic molecules.

B Fluorine forms negative ions.
C Fluorine is less reactive than chlorine.
D Silver fluoride will be sensitive to light.

45. In the Periodic Table, how many periods include the elements of atomic numbers?

A 2 B 3
C 6 D 8

46. Which property decides the order of the elements in the Periodic Table?

A The masses of their atoms

B The number of electrons in the outer shell
C The number of neutrons in the nucleus
D The number of protons in the nucleus

47. The proton (atomic) number of indium, In, is 49. What is the most likely formula for
the oxide of indium?

A In2O B In2O3
C InO D InO2

48. Element X forms a diatomic molecule. An atom of X requires one electron to form a
stable X– ion. What can be deduced about X?

A It is a Group I metal. B It is a halogen.

C It is a noble gas. D It is a reducing agent.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

49. The bar chart shows the period of elements from lithium to neon. Which property of
these elements is shown on the chart?


Li Be B C N O F Ne
A The number of electrons used in bonding
B The number of orbits holding electrons
C The (proton) atomic number
D The relative atomic mass

50. Which of the following is a property of aqueous potassium iodide?

A It does not conduct electricity.

B It is decolourised by chlorine.
C It reacts with aqueous bromine to form iodine.
D It reacts with aqueous lead (II) nitrate to form a white precipitate.

51. Which of the following is a typical property of transition metals?

A They form coloured compounds.

B They have low densities.
C They have low melting points.
D They react with cold water to give hydrogen.

52. Why does the colour of aqueous potassium bromide change when chlorine gas is
bubbled in to it?

A A compound is formed between chlorine and bromine.

B A solution of potassium chloride is formed.
C The chlorine oxidises bromide ions to bromine.
D The potassium bromide is reduced.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

53. Which list contains three elements that all exist as diatomic molecules at room

A Hydrogen, fluorine, neon C Nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine

B Nitrogen, chlorine, neon D Oxygen, chlorine, helium

54. Which statement shows that iron is a transition metal?

A Iron (II) sulfate crystals are green.

B Iron (III) oxide is basic.
C Iron rusts in moist air.
D Iron reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.

55. Whichelementreactswithoxygentoformacompoundthatisagasatroomtemperature?

A Magnesium B Hydrogen
C Copper D Carbon

56. The diagram shows, by percentages, the principal large scale uses of chlorine.

Other 7% 23%
uses making
10% chloro-alkanes

Making other 11%

organic making
compounds PVC
12% 20%
Making hydrogen
chloride and
domestic bleaches
Bleaching wood-
pulp and paper
What is the total percentage of chlorine used in making organic compounds?

A 34% B 54%
C 61% D 73%

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

57. Which element in the table is most likely to be a transition metal?

Melting Number of chlorides
Element Density
point known
A –7°C 3.10 g/cm3 2
B 113°C 2.07 g/cm3 1
C 1083°C 8.92 g/cm3 2
D 1521°C 1.12 g/cm3 1

58. Astatine (At) is in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which of the following is a
property of astatine?

A It forms a basic oxide.

B It is a good conductor of electricity.
C It is displaced by chlorine from aqueous potassium astatide.
D It displaces iodine from aqueous potassium iodide.

59. Which statement is true about the elements in Group I of the Periodic Table?

A They are equally reactive.

B They become less metallic as the proton (atomic) number increases.
C They form chlorides of similar formulae.
D The proton (atomic) number of an element is one greater than that of the
element above it.

60. Which element is in Group IV, Period 5 of the Periodic Table?

A Antimony B Arsenic
C Lead D Tin

61. A metal X forms oxides with the formula XO and X2O3. Where is X in the Periodic

A In Group II B In Group III

C The second Period D In the transition elements

62. Fluorine is the first element in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Which statement
about fluorine is not correct?

A It is a gas at room temperature and pressure.

B Its molecules are monatomic at room temperature.
C It is a more powerful oxidizing agent than chlorine.
D It forms ionic compounds with metals.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

63. Which statement about a new element, which has seven outer electrons in its atoms, is

A It is monatomic.
B It forms a covalent compound with hydrogen.
C It forms a positive ion.
D It forms covalent compounds with Group I elements.

64. Which of the following is a property of aqueous potassium iodide?

A It does not conduct electricity.

B It is decolourised by chlorine.
C It reacts with aqueous bromine to form iodine.
D It is a purple solution.

65. The ion XH4+ can be represented by the ‘dot and cross’ diagram shown. To which
Group in the Periodic Table does X belong?


66. The element with a proton number 12 has similar chemical properties to the element
with the proton number.

A 2 B 11
C 13 D 20

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

67. Part of the Periodic Table is shown. The letters are not the symbols of the elements.

Period Group
2 V W X
3 Y Z

Which statement is correct?

A V is more reactive than Y

B W has more metallic character than V
C Y has a lower melting point than V
D Z is more reactive than X

68. Which element in the table is likely to be a transition metal?

Element colour of chloride
A High blue
B Low green
C High white
D Low white
69. The results of three halogen displacement experiments are shown. The table shows
the results.

Halide solution
Experiment Halogen added
X– Y– Z–
1 X2 – Y2 displaced Z2 displaced
2 Y2 No reaction – No reaction
3 Z2 No reaction Y2 displaced –

What were the halogens X, Y and Z?

A Br Cl I
B Br I Cl
C Cl Br I
D Cl I Br

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

70. Which statement about the Periodic Table is correct?

A The melting point of the elements increases down Group I

B The reactivity of the elements increases down Group VII
C The reactivity of the elements decreases down Group I
D The colour of the elements becomes darker down Group VII

71. Which statement about the alkali metals is true?

A They form covalent bonds with Group VII elements

B They form oxides on reacting with water
C Their melting points decrease on descending Group I
D Their reactivity decrease on descending Group I

72. Which gas is present in the light bulb?

A Argon B Krypton
C Nitrogen D Oxygen

73. Which shows the correct catalyst for each industrial process?

Manufacture of Manufacture of Manufacture of

sulfuric acid ammonia margarine
A Nickel iron Vanadium (V) oxide
B Nickel Vanadium (V) oxide iron
C Vanadium (V) oxide iron nickel
D Vanadium (V) oxide nickel iron

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

74. Element Z has the following properties.

• It has a high melting point.

• Its presence can lower the activation energy for a reaction

What type of element is Z?

A A halogen B An alkali metal

C A noble gas D A transition metal

75. Two elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table. Which property will be the
same for both elements?

A The charge on their ions

B Their electronic structure
C Their melting point
D Their reactivity with water or acids

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

Structured Questions:

1. One of the groups in the Periodic Table contains elements which have two valency
(outer shell) electrons in their atoms. Choose one element from this group and give
the following information:

a. the name of this element,

b. the formula of the ion which this element forms,

c. the position of this element (above or below hydrogen) in the activity series,

d. the type of oxide (acidic, amphoteric or basic) which this element forms.

2. For each of (a) to (g) below, write the chemical symbol for an element which

a. is in Group V of the Periodic Table,

b. is a halogen,

is manufactured by the reduction of an oxide with


d. forms a chloride of the type XCl3,

e. is higher than zinc in the reactivity series,

f. must be present in any organic compound,

g. forms with oxygen an anion of the type YO42–.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

3. Use the list of elements to answer the questions that follow.

Bromine carbon chromium helium

Magnesium phosphorus sodium sulfur

In your answers, you may use an element once, more than once, or not at all. Choose
one element which

a. forms a basic oxide,

b. has a high density and forms coloured compounds,

c. is composed of diatomic molecules,

d. is a liquid at room temperature and pressure,

e. exists as allotropes.

f. unreactive gas used to fill weather balloons

4. The elements shown below are all in Group I of the Periodic Table.

Element Symbol Electronic structure

Lithium Li 2, 1
Sodium Na 2, 8, 1
Potassium K 2, 8, 8, 1
Rubidium Rb 2, 8, 18, 8, 1
Caesium Cs 2, 8, 18, 18, 8, 1

a. Which element reacts most vigorously with cold water?

b. Write the formula of a caesium ion.

c. How many protons are there in a rubidium ion?

d. Group I elements are very good conductors of electricity. Use a simple model
of the structure and bonding of a metal to explain this.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

5. The following terms are used for elements in the Periodic Table. Name two examples
of each type of element.

Alkali metals ______________________ and ______________________

Halogens ______________________ and ______________________

Noble gases ______________________ and ______________________

Transition elements ______________________ and ______________________

6. The table gives some information about the noble gases.

Proton Boiling Density at
Name Symbol atomic
number point in K r.t.p. in g/dm3
Helium He 2 4 4 0.167
Neon Ne 20 27 0.833
Argon Ar 18 40 87
Kr 36 84 121 3.50
Xenon Xe 54 131 165 5.46
Radon Rn 86 222 9.25

a. Name the gas with the symbol Kr.

b. What is the proton (atomic) number of neon?

c. Calculate the density of argon at r.t.p.

d. Predict the boiling point of radon.

e. How are these gases obtained commercially?

f. Suggest why argon costs less to produce than any of the other noble gases.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

7. The table below gives some properties of the elements in Group I.

Atomic Electronic Melting Boiling Atomic
Element In
symbol structure point/oC point/oC radius/pm
Lithium Li 2, 1 180 1330 0.53 152
Sodium Na 2, 8, 1 98 892 0.97 186
Potassium K 2, 8, 8, 1 64 760 0.86 231
2, 8, 18, 8,
Rubidium Rb

a. The properties of rubidium are missing from the table.

i. Which one of the properties of the elements does not show a definite

ii. Predict numerical values for the other three properties of rubidium.
Write your answers in the table.

b. What common feature of the electronic structures of the Group I elements is

responsible for their chemical properties being similar?

c. Lithium reacts with water as shown in the equation.

2Li (s) + 2H2O (1) → 2LiOH (aq) + H2 (g)

i. A small piece of lithium of mass 0.35g is added to cold water. The
resulting solution is titrated with 200 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid. What
volume of hydrochloric acid is needed to neutralize the solution?

ii. What will be the volume of hydrogen formed at r.t.p?

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

8. The Periodic Table will help you to answer this question.

Give the symbol of

a. a non-metal used to sterilize water,

b. an element which consists of diatomic molecules,

c. the most reactive element in Group VII,

d. an element which reacts with water to give an alkaline solution,’

e. an element which forms anion of the type X2–,

f. the main element present in steel.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

9. The table gives some properties of the elements in Group VII. The properties for
astatine are missing from the table.

Atomic Electronic Melting Boiling Atomic

symbol structure point/oC point/oC radius/pm
Fluorine F 2, 7 –220 –188 64
Chlorine Cl 2, 8, 7 –101 –35 99
Bromine Br 2, 8, 18, 7 –7 59 114
Iodine I 2, 8, 18, 8, 7 113 183 133
Astatine At

a. i. Which halogen is a liquid at room temperature and pressure?

ii. How many electrons does one atom of astatine have in its outer shell?

iii. Predict the atomic radius of astatine in pm

iv. Predict the state and colour of astatine at room temperature and

State ______________________ colour ________________________

v. Predict the molecular formula for astatine.

b. i. Complete the following table that describes what happens when

aqueous chlorine is added to an aqueous metal halide.

Aqueous halide Observation Names of products

colourless solution
Potassium bromide
turns orange
Potassium iodide

ii. Give the ionic equation for one of the above reactions.

c. Chlorine will oxidise aqueous iron (II) chloride to form aqueous iron (III)

i. Explain why this is a redox reaction.

ii. Describe how aqueous sodium hydroxide can be used to show that the
oxidation has taken place.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

10. Potassium, atomic number 19, is an element in Group I.

a. Describe what you observe when a small piece of potassium is added to water.

b. Potassium fluoride is an ionic solid with a high melting point.

i. Draw a ‘dot and cross’ diagram to show the bonding in potassium fluoride,
You only need to show the outer (valence) electrons.

ii. Explain why the melting point of potassium fluoride is very high.

c. Caesium, atomic number 55, is another element in Group I. Use your

knowledge of Group I elements to complete the table of information for

Symbol Cs
Number of electrons in outer
Formula of caesium oxide
Names of products of the
reaction between caesium and

d. The reaction between caesium and water is more vigorous than the reaction between
potassium and water. Explain why this is so.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

11. Choose from the following elements to answer the questions below.

Argon bromine carbon hydrogen

Iodine iron neon sulfur

Each element can be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Name an element which

a. forms a basic oxide,

b. is a liquid at room temperature and pressure,

c. reacts with aqueous copper (II) sulfate to give a pink solid,

d. is formed during the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride,

e. has a giant molecular structure.

12. The metal tungsten, symbol W, is used to make wire filaments in light bulbs. The wire
glows when electricity passes through it.

This is the structure of a typical metal.

a. Use this structure to explain how tungsten conducts electricity.

b. Suggest two other physical properties of tungsten.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

c. In a light bulb, the tungsten wire may get so hot that it melts and breaks. This
graph shows the heating curve for tungsten.

i. Use the graph to give the boiling point of tungsten.

ii. Predict the temperature when the tungsten wire breaks.

13. a. For each of the elements with atomic numbers 17, 35 and 53, construct a table
giving the following information.

physical state at number of

name room colour valency
temperature electrons

b. Give the Group number for these elements.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

c. Explain why the relative atomic mass (Ar) of element number 17 is not a
whole number.

d. Describe the experiments you would carry out to confirm that element number
35 is less reactive than element number 17 but is more reactive than element
number 53.

e. By means of brief notes and electronic diagram, show how element number 17
can form

i. covalent bonds with hydrogen,

ii. ionic bonds with sodium.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

14. Chromium atomic number 24, is one of the transition elements.

a. Give three general properties of the transition elements.

b. What is the oxidation state of chromium in each of the following compounds

of chromium?

i. CrCl2 :________________________________________________

ii. Cr2O3 :________________________________________________

iii. K2Cr2O7 :________________________________________________

15. a. Selenium, Se, is in Group VI of the Periodic Table.

i. How many electrons are there in the outer shell of an atom of selenium?

ii. Is selenium a metal or a non-metal?

iii. Will the oxide(s) of selenium be acidic, basic or amphoteric?

iv. Write the formula for an ion you would predict selenium to form.

b. i. Name two of the noble gases.

ii. Describe one property of the elements of the noble gas group.

iii. Describe a use of one of the gases named in (i).

c. i. Explain how the lubricating action of graphite depends on its structure.

ii. Using your knowledge of its structure, explain why diamond is not
used as a lubricant.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

16. a. An element is in Group VI of the Periodic Table.

Give two chemical properties which this element is likely to have.

b. Name one of the elements in Group 0 of the Periodic Table. Give a use for this

17. a. Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine are members of Group VII of the
Periodic Table.

i. For these four elements, fill in the following table.

number of
relative atomic Molecular physical state
Name outer shell
mass, Ar formula at r.t.p.

ii. Use the ideas of electron sharing and electron transfer to explain why sodium
chloride exists as the ions Na+Cl– rather than the covalent molecule Na-Cl.

b. An element X is in Group V of the Periodic Table. Use this information to


i. the number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom of X,

ii. whether the element X is metallic or non-metallic,

iii. the formula of a chloride of X.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

18. Transition metals and their compounds can be used as catalysts.

a. Explain what is meant by a catalyst.

b. By naming the reactants, the products and the catalyst, give an example of a
reaction which uses a catalyst.

19. Give either the name or the symbols of two members of each of the following classes
of elements:

a. the halogens;

b. the noble gases;

c. the alkali metals;

d. the transition elements.

20. Copper is a transition element.

a. Give three properties of a transition element or its compounds.

b. A material used as a super conductor contains copper, barium and oxygen. It

has the following composition by mass: Cu, 25.6%; Ba, 55.1% and O,19.3%.

Calculate the empirical formula of the substance.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

21. Some information about four elements, W, X, Y and Z is shown in the table.

Element W X Y Z
Number of electrons
4 1 1 1
in outer shell
Density in g/cm3 2.22 8.9 0.9 11.3
Melting point
3720 1083 64 328
in oC
Atomic radius in pm 77 135 203 154

Ions formed W4+ X+ and X4+ Y+ Z2+ and Z4+

ZCl2 - a
XCl - a
Formulae and WCl4 - a white solid
white solid YCl - a
appearance of colourless ZCl4 - a
XCl2 - a white solid
chlorides liquid colourless
green solid

a. Y reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to give hydrogen. Construct the equation for
this reaction.

b. Which one of the elements is a transition element?

Give three pieces of evidence from the table to support your answer.

c. Copper and iron are transition elements.

i. Describe the bonding in metals.

ii. Explain, in terms of metallic bonding. Why copper and iron are good
electrical conductors and are malleable?

d. Compare the action of steam on copper and on iron.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

21. Chlorine, bromine and iodine are elements in Group VII of the Periodic Table.

a. Describe the trend in colour and physical state at room temperature and
pressure as the atomic number increases.

b. Aqueous chlorine is an oxidising agent.

i. Name the products formed and write an ionic equation for the reaction
between aqueous chlorine and aqueous potassium bromide.

ii. Name the product formed when aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous
iron (II) chloride.

c. An oxide of chlorine was analysed. A0.366 g sample was found to contain

0.224 g of oxygen.

Calculate the empirical formula of this oxide.

d. Chlorine (IV) oxide, ClO2, is a powerful oxidizing agent.

i. Construct an equation to show the decomposition of chlorine (IV)

oxide into its elements.

ii. Chlorine (IV) oxide reacts explosively with powdered sulfur.

Suggest the name or formula of one of the products of the reaction

between sulfur and chlorine (lV) oxide.

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003
DonasonDeen Research Centre
Centre for Educational Research & Academic Excellence

22. The Periodic Table is arranged in groups.

a. Rubidium, Rb, is in Group I of the Periodic Table. It reacts with water

according to the equation below.

2Rb(s) + 2H2O (l) → 2RbOH (aq) + H2 (g)

Predict what you would see when a small piece of rubidium is added to cold

b. Chlorine is in Group VII of the Periodic Table. Chlorine, Cl2, reacts with
aqueous sodium bromide.

i. Predict what you would see in this reaction.

ii. Write a balanced ionic equation for this reaction.

~ end ~

Block 808, French Road, # 03–21/22, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200808

Tel: 65 6295 2003

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