Effect of Additives On The Shelf Life Extension of Chapatti: Food Science and Technology Research May 2011
Effect of Additives On The Shelf Life Extension of Chapatti: Food Science and Technology Research May 2011
Effect of Additives On The Shelf Life Extension of Chapatti: Food Science and Technology Research May 2011
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Amir Nawaz Khan1, Anwaar Ahmed1*, Muhammad Shahbaz Bhatti1, Muhammad Atif Randhawa2, Asif Ahmad1
and Ali Asad Yousaf1
Department of Food Technology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, 46300 Pakistan
National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, 38040 Pakistan
A study was designed with the aim to investigate the effect of different additives such as CMC (carboxy
methyl cellulose), ascorbic acid, lecithin and sodium propionate on the dough and chapatti making char-
acteristics, and also to check the staling of chapatti. The additives were added at different concentration
(CMC 0.5, 0.75 and 1 %, ascorbic acid 0.3, 0.35 and 0.4 %, lecithin 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and sodium propio-
nate 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 %) in wheat flour and analyzed their effect on dough rheology along with baking and
sensory attributes of chapattis during storage period of 24 h. The results of the present study showed that
additives improved the rheological characteristics of wheat flour as compared to control. The additives
like CMC and lecithin improved the pasting property, water absorption capacity, dough development
time and dough stability of wheat flour. Additives like sodium propionate and ascorbic acid along with
CMC and lecithin reduced the mould growth during the storage period of 24 h. The addition of additives
improved almost all the sensory attributes as compared to the control.
Table 1. The percentage of different food additives to be used in wheat f lour for preparation of chapatti.
of present study was to extend the shelf-life and improve the the method described by Larmond (1997).
quality of chapatti by the use of different food additives. Mold Count Mould counting in chapatti was made by
serial dilution on agar plate technique on sabouraud agar me-
Materials and Methods dium (Beneke, 1962). The basic ingredients of media were
Procurement of Raw Materials Wheat flour used for dextrose 40 g, peptone 10 g and agar 35 g. These ingredients
this study was obtained by milling AS-2002 wheat variety on were mixed in 1000 ml distilled water to prepare the media.
China Chakki and the flour was obtained through 100 mesh Sterilization of the media was done in autoclave at 121℃
size sieves. The additives to be used in study like carboxy under 15 lbs pressures for 15 minutes and stored in a refrig-
methyl cellulose (CMC), lecithin, ascorbic acid and sodium erator. One g sample of each treatment was taken aseptically
propionate were purchased from the local market of Rawal- and put in dilution bottle and made volume 100 mL by dis-
pindi, Pakistan. tilled water to prepare 1:100 dilutions. 1 mL of this dilution
Physical and Chemical Analysis The chemical analy- was poured in the triplicate disposable petri dishes from each
sis of wheat flour with respect to moisture, protein, fat, ash, sample. 15 mL of molten media was also poured in each. Di-
falling number and gluten was determined according to the lution and media were mixed by swirling the petri dishes to
AACC (2000). Rheological analysis of the dough in terms and forth, allowed to solidify and petri dishes were inverted
of water absorption capacity, dough development time and to avoid condensation of moisture inside the cover.
dough stability was interpreted through Farinogram follow- Statistical Analysis Data obtained from each parameter
ing the procedure given in AACC (2000). Rheological analy- was analyzed statistically to assess the significance among
sis was conducted at National Institute of Food Science and various sources of variation using Completely Randomized
Technology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Chapattis Design. The differences among the means were compared
were analyzed for moisture contents after baking according with Duncan’s Multiple Range test (DMRt) as described by
to the AACC (2000). Steel et al. (1997).
Baking of Chapatti Chapatti dough was made by mix-
ing 200 g of flour with predetermined amount of water for Results and Discussion
3 minutes. Different food additives were incorporated in the The results of moisture, ash, protein, fat and gluten con-
dough at different levels (Table 1) with slight modifications tent are presented in Table 2. The results show that the whole
as mentioned by Sahalini and Laxmi, (2007). The treat- wheat flour contained 13 % moisture, 11.72 % protein, 1.79
ments i.e. T1, T2 and T3 are related with CMC, T4, T5 and T6 % fat, 1.04 % ash, 23.6 % dry gluten and 10.4 % wet gluten.
are related with Ascorbic acid, T7, T8 and T9 are related with Similar proximate composition of wheat flour has been re-
Lecithin, whereas T10, T11 T12 represent sodium propionate at ported by Sheikh et al. (2007).
different level. Dough was rested for 20 minutes before mak-
ing dough balls. Sixty five grams of the dough was rounded, Table 2. Chemical composition of wheat flour.
rested for 5 minutes and rolled to attain a uniform thickness. Constituents Percentage ± S.D.
Rolled sheet was cut into circular shape having the diameter Moisture 13.00 ± 0.26
of 15 cm. The chapatti was cooked on hot plate or tawa and
Ash 1.04 ± 0.02
after baking from one side it was turned over and baked from
Protein 11.72 ± 0.03
the other side. Chapatti was puffed on open flame for 2 to 3
Fat 1.79 ± 0.01
seconds (Haridas et al., 1986).
Wet Gluten 23.60 ± 0.30
Sensory Evaluation of Chapatti Chapattis were evalu-
Dry Gluten 10.40 ± 0.15
ated for sensory parameters like color, taste, aroma, texture,
chewability, foldibilty and over all acceptability according to All the values are means of three replications.
Effect of Additives on the Shelf Life Extension of Chapatti 205
Effect of Additives on Dough Rheology The results of who reported reduced mixing time of dough after the addi-
dough rheology are shown in Table 3. It was clear from the tion of ascorbic acid.
results that water absorption of flour was increased with the The significantly highest dough stability time was found
incorporation of different additives into wheat flour. The to be 8.46 min in T2 (0.75 % CMC) with non significant dif-
highest water absorption was found to be 69.1 % in T3 (1 % ference with T9. While significantly lowest dough stability
CMC) followed by T2 and T9 respectively while the lowest time was found to be 4.4 min in T10 (0.1 % sodium propio-
water absorption was found to be 64.1% in control samples. nate) with significant difference with T0 (control) and with
On comparison, it was found that CMC showed the highest non significant difference with T4 followed by T5 (Table 3).
water absorption followed by lecithin, sodium propionate The comparison of the effect of additives in the present study
and Ascorbic acid. showed that CMC exhibited the highest dough stability fol-
Furthermore, it was observed that almost all the additives lowed by lecithin, ascorbic acid and sodium propionate as
tested increased the water absorption as compared to control. compared to control. These results are in accordance with
This high water absorption of flour by the use of CMC and Indrani and Rao (2003) who had also reported increased in
lecithin is due to their high water retention capacity. Sahalini dough stability by use of lecithin and CMC.
and Laxmi (2007) reported the increase in water absorption It was observed from the results that incorporation of ad-
by the addition of CMC, because it possesses high number of ditives changed the falling number which indicated changes
hydroxyl group which allows more hydrogen bonding. in viscosity of the system (Table 3). The highest falling num-
As regarding dough development time it was observed ber was recorded to be 594 sec. in T9 (1 % lecithin) while
that the highest dough development time was found to be the lowest falling number was recorded to be 438 seconds in
8.5 min in T9 (1 % lecithin) followed by T2, T8 and T1. While T6 (0.4 % ascorbic acid). It is evident from the Table 3 that
lowest dough development time was found to be 2.90 min CMC and lecithin increased the viscosity as compared to
with T6 (0.4 % ascorbic acid) followed by T5 and T12 (Table control. The CMC is hypothesized to compete for water with
3). Whereas dough development time of control sample was other components in the dough and increase the viscosity of
5.2 min. It is clear from the data that dough development the wheat flour. Hence the results regarding dough rheology
time increased with addition of lecithin and CMC as com- manifest that food additives significantly affect the dough
pared to control, while addition of ascorbic acid and sodium properties and there is dire need to study the interactive ef-
propionate further reduced the dough development time. fect of food additives on dough rheology and shelf life of
These results are supported by Berland and Launay (1994), chapatti in future.
Farinographic study
Water Absorption Dough development time Dough stability Time Falling number
(%) (min) (min) (s)
Effect of Additives on Mold Count It is obvious from est content of moisture were found to be 36.57 % in T2 (0.75
the mean values given in Table 4 that with the passage of % CMC) with a non significant difference with T1 (0 .5 %
time mould colonies increased significantly during 24 hours CMC). The significantly lowest moisture content was found
of storage and best treatment is considered to be the one in to be 26.49 % in T0 (control sample) with non significant dif-
which mold increase was minimum. The highest mold count ference with T11. It was found that addition of CMC exhib-
was found to be 0.85 × 102/g/mL in T0 (control sample) fol- ited highest moisture content followed by lecithin; ascorbic
lowed by T7 (0.5 % lecithin), T8 (0.75 % lecithin) and T1 (0.5 acid and sodium propionate. The moisture content was found
% CMC). Whereas least count was observed to be 0.39 × to be 33.42 % by the addition of 0.5 % lecithin. It might be
102/g/mL in T12 (0.3 % sodium propionate) followed by T11 due to the reason that lecithin is a surfactant which retains
(0.2 % sodium propionate) and T6 (0.4 % ascorbic acid). The moisture. The data given in Table 6 exhibited the decrease
minimum mold count was recorded with T12 due to antimi- in moisture content of chapattis with the passage of time.
crobial activity of sodium propionate which reduces the wa- These results are in line with the findings of Gujral and
ter activity. The results are in accordance with Quail (1996), Pathak (2002) and Abu Ghoush et al. (2002) who reported an
who reported inhibition of mold count by the incorporation increase in moisture content of baked goods with addition of
of the sodium propionate in wheat flour. CMC. Similar to CMC, lecithin also increases the moisture
Moisture Content during storage of Chapatti The data content of chapatti.
showed in Table 5 demonstrated that the significantly high- Effect of additives on Sensory Evaluation of Chapattis
Storage intervals
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12
2h 0.33b 0.29b 0.25b 0.21b 0.23b 0.18b 0.15b 0.27b 0.29b 0.23b 0.17b 0.12b 0.09b
(100 g per mL of media)
24 h 0.85a 0.80a 0.77a 0.70a 0.65a 0.52a 0.48a 0.83a 0.80a 0.76a 0.57a 0.47a 0.39a
(100 g per mL of media)
Means with a common letter in a column are not significant at 5 % probability level.
Table 5. Effect of additives on the moisture content and sensory evaluation of chapattis.
Over all
Treatments Moisture Color Taste Aroma Texture Chewability Foldibility acceptability
T0 26.49g 4.95f 5.37g 5.55e 5.11f 4.90g 4.88e 5.26g
T1 35.52ab 6.44c 6.26bcd 6.11bcd 6.10bc 5.97cd 6.37ab 5.83cdef
T2 36.57a 6.51b 6.66ba 6.32abc 6.95a 6.56cb 6.71a 6.24bc
T3 32.87c 7.17a 7.13a 6.73a 7.09a 6.67a 6.75a 6.40ab
T4 29.60def 6.26bcd 5.46fg 5.88cde 5.26ef 5.37ef 5.02de 5.40fg
T5 31.74cd 6.37bcd 5.91def 6cde 5.84cd 5.80de 5.26cde 5.51efg
T6 33.42bc 6.46bc 6.11cde 6.18bcd 6.11bc 6.00cd 5.49cd 5.55efg
T7 29.59def 5.89de 5.73efg 5.89cde 5.75cde 6.33bc 6.17ab 6.20bcd
T8 30.38def 6.35bcd 6.40bc 6.17bcd 6.35b 5.96cd 6.35ab 6.59ab
T9 32.73c 6.49bc 6.62b 6.55ab 6.83a 5.54ef 6.49a 6.77a
T10 28.87ef 5.17ef 5.53fg 5.78de 5.33def 4.86g 5.17de 5.42efg
T11 28.24fg 5.16ef 5.82defg 5.83de 5.55def 5.08g 5.51cd 5.77def
T12 31.12cde 5.46cde 6.02cde 6.22bcd 5.71cde 5.42f 5.82bc 5.86cde
Means with a common letter in a column are not significant at 5 % probability level.
Effect of Additives on the Shelf Life Extension of Chapatti 207
Table 6. Effect of storage interval on moisture content and sensory evaluation of chapattis.
Over all
Treatments Moisture Color Taste Aroma Texture Chewability Foldibility acceptability
Fresh 34.87a 7.21a 6.86a 7.08a 6.75a 6.43a 6.66a 6.61a
2h 31.85b 6.15b 6.08b 6.15b 6.12b 5.80b 5.94b 6.00b
24 h 27.23c 5.15c 5.29c 5.28c 5.12c 4.96c 4.94c 5.11c
Means with a common letter in a column are not significant at 5 % probability level.
Comparison of the means of different treatments (Table 5) tion of CMC followed by lecithin, ascorbic acid and sodium
showed that T3 (1 % CMC) got significantly the highest color propionate. The data concerning the foldibility of chapattis
scores (7.17) followed by T2 and T9. The significantly lowest showed that increased level of different types of food addi-
color scores were observed to be 4.9 with control sample. tives improved towards foldibility of chapattis as compared
Fresh chapatti scored highest for color as compared to stored, to the control sample. Significantly highest foldibility scores
while chapattis with added CMC showed whitish color. The was found to be 6.75 with T3.
color scores were also significantly affected during storage This might be due to the higher moisture absorption
which decreased from 7.21 to 5.15 during 24 hours of stor- capacity of CMC (Sekhon et al., 1980). The maximum
age (Table 6). As regarding taste scores of chapattis, it was foldibility scores were observed when chapattis were fresh
observed that with the increment of additives taste scores which decreased during 24 h of storage from 6.66 to 4.94.
of chapattis improved. The significantly highest scores for Among the different treatments the highest foldibilty scores
taste was found to be 7.13 in T3 (1 % CMC) followed by T2 of chapattis were found with the addition of CMC. Improve-
and T9. Control samples got the significantly lowest scores ment in the chewability and foldability might be due to the
(5.37) for taste of chapattis. It is also clear from the data that addition of CMC and lecithin because both the additives
during storage, chapattis score in terms of taste, decreased increased the chewiness of chapattis. These results are in
from 6.86 to 5.29. The results manifested that both treat- accordance to the earlier reserachers (Sekhon et al., 1980;
ments and storage affected the aroma scores of chapattis. The Sahalini and Laxmi, 2007). It is clear from the results shown
increase in the level of additives increased the aroma scores in Table 5 that over all acceptability scores increased by the
of chapattis as compared to control sample. The significantly addition of increased level of additives. The scores in terms
highest aroma scores was found to be 6.73 in T3 (1 % CMC) of over all acceptability decreased from 5.26 to 6.77 during
followed by T9 and T8. Significantly lowest aroma scores was storage. Significantly the highest over all acceptability scores
found to be 5.55 with T0 (control samples). During storage, was recorded to be 6.77 in T9 (1 % lecithin) followed by T8
chapattis scores for aroma decreased from 7.08 to 5.28 (Table and T3. Significantly the lowest over all acceptability scores
6). Similar results were found by Butt et al. (2001), who re- was found to be 5.26 with T0 (control samples) with non
ported increase in aroma by the use of additives like calcium significant difference with T10. Chapattis with added lecithin
propionate, acetic acid and lactic acid. The texture scores de- showed the best scores in terms of over all acceptability
creased during storage of chapattis while treatments showed followed by CMC, sodium propionate and ascorbic acid.
improvement in texture scores of chapattis. Significantly Similar results was found by Gill et al. (2006), who observed
highest texture scores were found to be 7.09 in T 3 (1 % improvement in overall acceptability of chapattis after the
CMC). The additives might be involved in oxidizing of thiol addition of lecithin. Both CMC and lecithin improved most
group of gluten which resulted in better texture of chapattis of the sensory attributes of chapattis, which might be due to
(Sahalini and Laxmi, 2007). The highest texture scores was retention of moisture content of chapattis. These results re-
observed when chapattis were fresh which decreased from garding sensory evaluation are in accordance with Rao et al.
6.75 to 5.12 during 24 h of storage. It is evident from the re- (1986), Indrani and Rao (2003), Sahalini and Laxmi (2007)
sults that additions of different types of food additives have and Gill et al. (2006).
shown the improvement towards chewability. Significantly
highest chewability scores was found to be 6.67 with T3 (1 % Conclusion
CMC) and the lowest scores (4.9) was recorded in T0 (control From the results of present study it can be concluded that
samples). During storage, chapattis scores for chewability 0.75 % of CMC and 1% of lecithin may be used in wheat
decreased from 6.43 to 4.96. Among the different additives flour for preparation of chapattis at home scale. However to
tested, highest chewability scores were found with the addi- retard the mold growth ascorbic acid as well as sodium pro-
208 A.N. Khan et al.
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