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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard: Version 3.0 - 1 September 2018

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Cosmetics Organic and

Natural Standard

Version 3.0 – 1 September 2018

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Main objectives of COSMOS-standard ............................................................ 3
1.2 Documents ................................................................................................ 4
2. REGULATIONS ................................................................................................ 5
3. SCOPE ........................................................................................................... 5
4. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 6
5. GENERAL ....................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Precautionary principle .............................................................................. 9
5.2 Animal testing .......................................................................................... 9
5.3 Sustainability ........................................................................................... 9
6. ORIGIN AND PROCESSING OF INGREDIENTS ................................................... 10
6.1 Ingredients categories ............................................................................. 10
6.2 Calculation rules for organic percentage ..................................................... 13
7. COMPOSITION OF TOTAL PRODUCT ................................................................ 16
7.1 Rules for cosmetic products under organic certification ................................ 16
7.2 Rules for cosmetic products under natural certification ................................ 17
7.3 Calculation rules for natural origin percentage ............................................ 17
7.4 Palm oil, palm kernel oil and derivatives .................................................... 17
8. STORAGE, MANUFACTURING AND PACKAGING ................................................. 19
8.1 Storage ................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Manufacturing ........................................................................................ 19
8.3 Packaging .............................................................................................. 19
8.4 Fabrics .................................................................................................. 20
9. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ..................................................................... 21
9.1 Environmental management plan .............................................................. 21
9.2 Cleaning and hygiene .............................................................................. 21
10. LABELLING AND COMMUNICATION .................................................................. 23
10.1 General rules .......................................................................................... 23
10.2 For products under organic certification ..................................................... 23
10.3 For products under natural certification ..................................................... 24
10.4 For ingredients with organic content .......................................................... 24
10.5 For raw materials with no organic content .................................................. 25
10.6 Supporting literature ............................................................................... 25
10.7 Organic in the name of a company or product range ................................... 25
10.8 Use of the signature, name or term related to this Standard ........................ 25

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

11. CERTIFICATION AND APPROVAL ..................................................................... 26

11.1 Certification .......................................................................................... 26
11.2 Approval of ingredients ........................................................................... 26
11.3 Certification bodies ................................................................................ 26
12. IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS STANDARD ............................................................ 27
12.1 Coming into force .................................................................................. 27
12.2 Dates of application................................................................................ 27
12.3 Transitional measures ............................................................................ 27

APPENDICES....................................................................................................... 28

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

This Standard has been developed at the European and international level by BDIH
(Germany), COSMEBIO & ECOCERT (France), ICEA (Italy) and SOIL ASSOCIATION (UK)
who are the founders of the COSMOS-standard AISBL (an international non-profit
association registered in Belgium) in order to define common requirements and definitions
for organic and/or natural cosmetics.

1.1 Main objectives of COSMOS-standard

Addressing the excesses and failures of current developments is a key challenge for our
society. Establishing a "sustainable development" that would reconcile economic progress,
social responsibility and maintain the natural balance of the planet is a project in which
the cosmetics sector is willing to be fully involved. The application of the principles of
sustainable development in economic activity implies, however, changing patterns of
production and changing consumption practices. Recognising these challenges, the
responsibility of its actors, the organic and natural cosmetics sector clearly shows its
ambition to go further in sustainable development with the setting at the European and
international level of this standard for organic and natural cosmetics.

To stimulate processes for sustainable production and consumption, the organic and
natural cosmetics sector is using some simple rules governed by the principles of
prevention and safety at all levels of the chain from production of raw materials to the
distribution of finished products.

These rules are:

• promoting the use of products from organic agriculture, and respecting biodiversity
• using natural resources responsibly, and respecting the environment
• using processing and manufacturing that are clean and respectful of human health
and the environment
• integrating and developing the concept of "Green Chemistry".

This last point, a new aspect of the COSMOS-standard is key to the success of this ambition
considering the specificities and constraints of the formulation of cosmetic products
(particularly versus food products).

With this "green philosophy" and this desire to actively contribute to sustainable
development, the cosmetics sector is committed to define and implement a standard for
organic and natural cosmetics. This Standard takes into account the current technological
reality while infusing a dynamism that will lead to innovative developments.

To facilitate the translation of these rules at the level of a Standard, it is necessary to

distinguish the five categories of ingredients contained in a cosmetic product (listed below
in ascending order of human intervention):

1. water – vital and basic raw material in product development; its quality is essential;
2. mineral ingredients – interesting and necessary, but not renewable; they require clear
environmental rules in their use, and in further processing;

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

3. physically processed agro-ingredients – already benefit from satisfactory European and

other recognised standards on organic agriculture;
4. chemically processed agro-ingredients – certifiable by using agricultural organic raw
materials and manufacturing processes that are clean and authorised, all under the
umbrella of “Green Chemistry”;
5. other ingredients – this is the category to actively manage the transition from the
current situation to the objectives and direction of this Standard.

The COSMOS-standard's ultimate objective is to address the major issues essential to the
environment and welfare of man on the planet. For practical purposes, it aims to ensure
the transition between today’s and tomorrow’s possibilities of technological advances to
promote the development of cosmetics ever more natural and organic. This is necessary
for the respect of consumers who must be informed clearly and transparently so that they
can themselves be actors for sustainable development.

1.2 Documents

1.2.1 Documents
The Scheme Documents are the:

• COSMOS-standard,
• COSMOS Technical Guide which contains additional interpretation and explanation,
• COSMOS Labelling Guide,
• COSMOS Control Manual – Certification and Accreditation Requirements.

1.2.2 Copyright
This Standard is the property of the COSMOS-standard AISBL and shall not be copied,
reproduced or otherwise used except with its express written permission.

1.2.3 Revision
The organic and natural cosmetics sector is still developing and both technology and
understanding are advancing. The COSMOS-standard will therefore be subject to periodic
review and amendment in line with the objectives above, taking into account availability
of ingredients and technology, and after full and open consultation with stakeholders.

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


The users of this Standard are expected to comply with all relevant legislation, including
The EU Regulation on cosmetic products (EC No. 1223/2009) as amended, The EU REACH
REGULATION (EC No. 1907/2006), Commission Regulation on claims in cosmetic products
(EU No. 655/2013), and/or other local or national laws concerning cosmetic products
where appropriate.

The regulations of this Standard for natural and organic products are in line with the legal
framework of a large number of countries but without prejudice to additional legal
provisions that might exist in some other countries.


This Standard applies to cosmetic products and raw materials intended to be used in
cosmetic products in two scopes:

• Scope 1: Certification of organic or natural cosmetic products, raw materials with

organic content, base formulas;
• Scope 2: Approval of non-organic raw materials that can be used in certified products
according to scope 1. Approval of non-organic raw materials is not a scope of
certification (as it is not certification) but the relevant criteria in the Standard apply
in this approval process.

The users of this Standard are manufacturers, handlers and brand owners of organic or
natural cosmetic products and ingredients.

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


In the context of this Standard, the definitions below will apply.

« Agro-ingredient » - any plant, animal or microbial product derived from agriculture,

aquaculture or wild collection/harvest.

« Auxiliary » - any substance used during the manufacturing process of an ingredient to

facilitate the reaction, but not considered as part of the ingredient.

« Catalyst » - a substance used to modify or increase the rate of a reaction without being
consumed in the process.

« Chemically processed » - processed or extracted using chemical processes such as those

listed in Appendix II (which are allowed) and Appendix III (which are not allowed).

« Contaminant » - a substance that is:

• not naturally present in the material, or

• present in quantities greater than those that exist naturally which could lead to
pollution (persistence, residues) and toxicity risks.
Contaminants may be:
▪ heavy metals
▪ aromatic hydrocarbons
▪ pesticides
▪ dioxins & PCBs
▪ radioactivity
▪ GMOs
▪ mycotoxins
▪ medicinal residues
▪ nitrates
▪ nitrosamines.

« Cosmetic ingredient » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - any substance or
mixture intentionally used in the cosmetic product during the process of manufacturing.
The following shall not be regarded as ingredients:

• impurities in the raw materials used,

• subsidiary technical materials used in the mixture but not present in the final

The term “raw material” is also used within the same meaning as cosmetic ingredient.
Note - the water added during the manufacture of the finished product is therefore a
separate ingredient.

« Cosmetic product » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - any substance or
mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body
(epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the
mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them,
perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good
condition or correcting body odours.

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

« Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) » (taken from the Directive 2001/18/EC) means
an organism, with the exception of human beings, in which the genetic material has been
altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.
Annex 1A summarizes what techniques are included as genetic modification.

« Derivative of GMO » - any substance which is produced from or by a GMO where the
GMO is the source organism of the substance or is involved directly in the last process that
accomplishes an essential conversion of the substance.

« Manufacturer » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - any natural or legal
person who manufactures a cosmetic product or has such a product designed or
manufactured, and markets that cosmetic product under his name or trademark.

« Manufacturing » - group of operations carried out in the factory or the laboratory, for
obtaining, preparing, processing and labelling products.

« Mineral » - raw material obtained from naturally occurring substances formed through
geological processes, but excluding fossil fuel-derived materials.

« Mixture » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - a mixture or solution

composed of two or more substances.

« Moiety » - a specific segment of a molecule.

« Nanomaterial » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - an insoluble or

biopersistent and intentionally manufactured material with one or more external
dimensions, or an internal structure, on the scale from 1 to 100 nm.

“NNI” (Non-Natural Ingredient) - Preservatives and denaturing agents from

petrochemical origin. Although they are usually from petrochemical origin, all or most of
their structures are found in nature (nature identical).

« Natural origin » - the following are of natural origin: water, minerals and ingredients of
mineral origin, physically processed agro-ingredients, chemically processed agro-
ingredients (and parts thereof) derived wholly from the above. The following are not of
natural origin: petrochemical moieties, preservatives and denaturing agents from
petrochemical origin.

« Organic » - production system that complies with Regulation No. (EC) 834/2007 or other
organic standards using as their reference point the Codex Alimentarius GL 32 and certified
in accordance with Regulation No. (EC) 834/2007 or an equivalent national or international
standard or this Standard by a duly constituted certification body or authority. When
referring to organic in this Standard, other terms that mean the same in other languages
are also included and are subject to the same limitations.

• Considered as complying with Regulation No. (EC) 834/2007 are those standards
that have been accepted as compliant or equivalent through the mechanisms set out
in that regulation.
• Considered as using as their reference point the Codex Alimentarius GL 32 are those
national standards (i.e. recognised by or within national legislation) where Codex
Alimentarius GL 32 is clearly referenced within the standard.

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

« Organic content » - that part of an ingredient (or product) coming from an organic
production system where the ingredient is certified in accordance with Regulation No.
(EC) 834/2007 or an equivalent national or international standard or this Standard by a
duly constituted certification body or authority.

« Petrochemical moiety » – A part of a molecule that is derived from petroleum.

« Physically processed » - processed or extracted using physical processes such as those

listed in Appendix I (which are allowed).

« Primary raw material » - any product of plant, animal, or microbial origin, as well as
minerals, which is used as raw material in the manufacture of cosmetic ingredients.

« Rinse-off product » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 - a cosmetic product
which is intended to be removed after application on the skin, the hair or the mucous

« Soap » – Product (liquid or solid) obtained through a saponification reaction.

« Substance » - (taken from Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009) - a chemical element and
its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including
any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process
used but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of
the substance or changing its composition.

« Total product » - the total finished cosmetic product including all ingredients (water,
mineral ingredients, physically processed agro-ingredients, chemically processed agro-
ingredients and other ingredients).

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


5.1 Precautionary principle

When there is scientific evidence that an ingredient, technology or process could pose a
health or environmental risk, then the precautionary principle will be applied and it will not
be allowed. For this reason, the following are not allowed.

5.1.1 Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials are forbidden. It is recognised that there may need to be exceptions and
applications for exceptions supported by technical dossiers will be considered.

5.1.2 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Primary raw materials or ingredients that are GMOs or derivatives of GMOs are forbidden.
Contamination of primary raw materials or ingredients with genetically modified material
must not be above 0.9% for that primary raw material or ingredient, and can only be
above the reliable detection limit of 0.1% if adventitious or technically unavoidable.

5.1.3 Irradiation
Gamma and X-ray irradiation are forbidden.

5.2 Animal testing

Cosmetic products must not be tested on animals by the manufacturer or any third party
induced to do so by it. Cosmetic ingredients must not be tested on animals by the
manufacturer or any third party induced to do so by it except where required by law, other
than cosmetic law.

5.3 Sustainability
Preservation of biodiversity and sustainability are important factors to take into account
when selecting materials to be used in certified products/ingredients.

5.3.1 Palm oil

Palm oil and palm kernel oil (and their derivatives) used in cosmetic products and
ingredients must be from certified organic origin or certified sustainable sources (CSPO).

See section 7.4 for specifications and ingredients this applies to. See section 12 for

The raw materials required to be from CSPO will be reviewed regularly to reflect availability
with the aim of increasing the ingredients from CSPO. COSMOS is committed to ensuring
that the sourcing of palm oil ingredients across all COSMOS supply chains has no negative
impact on natural ecosystems, including primary rainforest.

COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


In this Standard, the ingredients of a cosmetic product are classified in five categories:

• Water
• Minerals and ingredients of mineral origin
• Physically processed agro-ingredients
• Chemically processed agro-ingredients
• Other ingredients.

Each ingredient category is subject to requirements.

The same classification will apply for the origin and composition of a single cosmetic
ingredient or a mixture of cosmetic ingredients. Manufacturers of ingredients must provide
the corresponding percentages in the technical documentation.

Only physically processed agro-ingredients and chemically processed agro-ingredients can

be certified organic. To be considered as organic or with organic content, they must be
certified. Detailed requirements and calculation rules for organic percentage of ingredients
are given below.

6.1 Ingredients categories

6.1.1 Water
The water used must comply with hygienic standards (CFU less than 100/ml) and may be:

• potable water
• spring water
• water obtained by osmosis
• distilled water
• sea water.

Water may be treated with the physical processes allowed in Appendix I.

6.1.2 Minerals and ingredients of mineral origin

Minerals may be used as long as they are obtained without intentional chemical
modification and preferably from environmentally sound extraction processes.

Ingredients of mineral origin may be used only if they are listed in Appendix IV and they
must comply with relevant legislation.

Minerals and ingredients of mineral origin may be treated with the physical processes listed
in Appendix I.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

6.1.3 Physically processed agro-ingredients

Included is any physically processed product of plant, animal, or microbial origin that
complies with the conditions below.

• Only primary raw materials of plant, animal or microbial origin that have been
extracted using the physical processes listed in Appendix I are allowed.
• Only primary raw materials that respect the requirements of the Convention of
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are

It is forbidden to use:

• Plants, plant materials and microorganisms that have been genetically modified
• primary raw materials extracted from living or slaughtered animals.

It is allowed to use ingredients of animal origin as long as:

• they are produced by animals but are not a part of the animal
• they do not entail the death of the animal concerned, and
• they have been obtained using only the processes listed in Appendix I.

6.1.4 Chemically processed agro-ingredients

Included is any chemically processed product of plant, animal, or microbial origin that
complies with the conditions below.

Only primary raw materials that respect the requirements of the Convention of
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) are allowed to
be used.

It is forbidden to use:

• Plants, plant materials and microorganisms that have been genetically modified
• primary raw materials extracted from living or slaughtered animals.

It is allowed to use ingredients of animal origin as long as:

• they are produced by animals but are not a part of the animal
• they do not entail the death of the animal concerned, and
• they have been obtained using only the processes listed in Appendix I and II.

Chemically processed agro-ingredients may contain mineral moieties.

Note – alcohol and other by-products of fermentation are chemically processed agro-

The following requirements apply to manufacturers of chemically processed agro-

ingredients who should follow the principles of green chemistry for all the sequence of
reactions that are needed to make each ingredient (Environmental Protection Agency
Green Chemistry Programme, USA, 1998;

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

The manufacturer of chemically processed agro-ingredients:

• must only use the chemical processes listed in Appendix II (an indicative list of those
not allowed is in Appendix III) and must use renewable resources
• may use ingredients derived from culture or fermentation and other non-GMO
biotechnology, the cultures must use only feedstock from natural vegetable or
microbial raw materials without using genetically modified organisms or their
• must comply with the following quantitative requirements for their chemically
processed agro-ingredients:

Principle Requirement

Atom economy Reaction mass efficiency (of last reaction step): ≥ 50%
Reaction mass efficiency = (weight of desired product(s) / weight of
all reactants) x 100

Non-persistent, Allowed are Substances/preparations that meet the following

non- requirements:
and non-toxic Aquatic Toxicity (LC50, EC50, IC50) > 1 mg/l and
products Biodegradability > 95%

Aquatic Toxicity (LC50, EC50, IC50) > 10 mg/l and

Biodegradability > 70% (or 60% depending on test below)

With regards to Aquatic Toxicity: Performing new fish and daphnia tests
to determine unknown LC50/ EC50 values for COSMOS certification is
not allowed. Instead, the use of calculation from available data based
on indirect alternatives methods and in vitro tests must be used.

Accepted methods for biodegradability:

- OECD 301A (ISO 7827) or OECD 301E, percentage of

degradation > 70%

- OECD 301B (ISO 9439), OECD 301C, OECD 301D (ISO 10707),
OECD 301F (ISO 9408) or OECD 310 (ISO 14593) meet a
percentage degradation > 60%

Note - Appendix VIII provides information on exemptions, namely for certain categories
of ingredients for which it is not necessary to meet the atom economy or non-
persistence requirements.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

With the current state of development of green chemistry, it is not yet possible to specify
limits or requirements for all principles. For the following principles, manufacturers of
chemically processed agro-ingredients must supply information about how the principle
is applied or measured:

Principle Requirement

Energy economy Information point

(low energy use) (can be for the factory as a whole)
Absence of temporary modification Information point
(intermediary reactions)
Method of analysis Information point
(e.g. real time analysis)
Lower waste production Information point
(can be for the factory as a whole)
Limitation of accident risk Information point

However, green chemistry is still in development. As the principles and practice of green
chemistry evolve, these will be further elaborated and incorporated into this Standard.

Note - see section 12 ‘Implementation’ for transitional period.

6.1.5 Other ingredients

Certain other ingredients are allowed as long as there are no effective natural alternatives
available to ensure the safety of consumers or efficacy of the product. Only those listed in
Appendix V are allowed.

6.2 Calculation rules for organic percentage

The calculation rules below must be used to determine the proportion of organic content
for each cosmetic ingredient.

Physically processed agro-ingredients or chemically processed agro-ingredients not falling

within the scope of the recognised organic production systems as defined in section 4
‘definitions’, must be certified according to this Standard for a manufacturer to claim they
have organic content that complies with this Standard. For these ingredients to be certified
there is no minimum percentage of organic content.

For all ingredients, the actual organic percentage, calculated according to this Standard,
must be provided in the technical documentation.

6.2.1 Water
Water cannot be calculated as organic. This includes water that is:

• added directly, or
• added indirectly as mixtures with or components of other ingredients, for example
minerals, physically or chemically processed agro-ingredients.

The liquid (juice) content of fresh plants is not considered as water. Please refer to 6.2.3
for extracts and reconstitution of dried or concentrated ingredients.

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6.2.2 Minerals and ingredients of mineral origin

Minerals and ingredients of mineral origin cannot be calculated as organic.

6.2.3 Physically processed agro-ingredients (PPAI)

a) For physically processed agro-ingredients, using only organic primary raw materials
or only organic primary raw materials and organic solvents, the organic percentage
is 100%.

b) For water-based extracts, the organic percentage is calculated as follows:

First step:
Ratio = [organic fresh plant / (extract - solvents)]
If the ratio is greater than 1, then it is counted as 1.

Second step:
% organic = {[ratio x (extract - solvents) / extract] + [organic solvents / extract]}
x 100.


▪ Solvent should be understood as the quantity of solvent present in the final

▪ Water is not considered as a solvent
▪ Mixtures of organic and non-organic of the same plant cannot be considered as
For water-based extracts using only water, the organic percentage is calculated as

% organic = (organic fresh plant / extract) x 100

c) For non water-based extracts, the organic percentage is calculated as follows:

% organic = (organic plant* + organic starting solvents) / (plant* + all starting

solvents) x 100.

*fresh or dried


• Solvent should be understood as the quantity of solvent present in the final extract.
Water is not considered as a solvent.
• Mixtures of organic and non-organic of the same plant cannot be considered as

General conditions (for a, b and c):

• If alcohol is used as an extraction solvent, it must be organic. If an organic ingredient

is extracted using non-organic alcohol, the ingredient does not count towards the
organic percentage.
• If a physically processed agro-ingredient is diluted with water, non-organic solvent or
carrier or mixed with other additives after processing, the organic percentage will be
reduced proportionately.

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• To calculate the equivalent fresh weight of dried plants in the calculation of organic
content of extracts, it is possible:
- either to use the actual dry to fresh ratio for the material (information to be
- or use the following ratios:
Wood, bark, seeds, nuts and roots 1 : 2.5
Leaves, flowers and aerial parts 1 : 4.5
Fruits (e.g. apricot, grape) 1 : 5
Watery fruits (e.g. pineapple, orange) 1 : 8
• It is possible to reconstitute pure concentrates and dried powders to their natural
state provided:
- the reconstitution is done before adding to a formulation, and
- the concentrate or powder must not contain any other ingredients, additives
or carriers (for example, those mixed with carriers such as maltodextrin
cannot be reconstituted).
Note: freeze drying preserves quality best.

To calculate the percentage of physically processed agro-ingredient in extracts if the fresh

plant is non-organic, a calculation analogous to b) or c) above must be used by substituting
organic plant with plant.

6.2.4 Chemically processed agro-ingredients (CPAI)

In chemically processed agro-ingredients, the organic percentage of that ingredient is
calculated as the proportion (by weight) of the organic primary raw materials in that
ingredient, taking into account all the starting primary materials used to make that

CPAI % organic = [(all organic starting primary raw materials – organic starting primary
raw materials in excess) / (all starting primary raw materials – all starting primary raw
materials in excess)] x 100.


• Non-reacting solvents are not considered as starting primary raw materials

• Excess means the amount of starting primary raw materials that is recycled or
removed later on
• If a chemically processed agro-ingredient is diluted with water, non-organic solvent
or carrier, the organic percentage will be reduced proportionately
• Any chemically processed agro-ingredient obtained by cleavage of 100% organic
primary raw materials only would be counted as 100% organic.

Chemically processed agro-ingredients may be certified in their own right according to this
Standard, however:

• there is no minimum percentage of organic content, and

• the percentage of organic content, as measured above, must be clearly displayed.

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This Standard covers two levels for finished products:

• Cosmetic products under organic certification

• Cosmetic products under natural certification.

The physically processed agro-ingredients (PPAI) percentage of a cosmetic product is

calculated as follows:

% PPAI product = ∑ weight of PPAI of each ingredient / weight of all ingredients x 100

% ORG PPAI product = ∑ weight of ORG PPAI of each ingredient / weight of all
ingredients x 100

% ORG product = [∑weight of ORG PPAI of each ingredient +∑ weight of ORG CPAI of
each ingredients]/ weight of all ingredients x 100.

7.1 Rules for cosmetic products under organic certification

7.1.1 Ingredients
• At least 95% of the physically processed agro-ingredients must be organic
• The remaining physically processed agro-ingredients must be organic if they are
listed in Appendix VI
• The chemically processed agro-ingredients listed in Appendix VII must be organic.

Due to the composition of soaps, alcohol spritzers and perfumes (high majority of CPAI),
where it is not possible to meet the >95% organic PPAI requirement, this criterion is

• For alcohol spritzer/perfume products, at least 95% of [PPAI + alcohol] must be

[Organic PPAI + organic alcohol] / [all PPAI + alcohol] > 95%

• For soaps:
- When making soaps from raw materials into finished product (use of plant
oils), no change of the criterion: organic PPAI / all PPAI > 95%
- When soap noodles are used and other ingredients are added use this
calculation: at least 95% of [PPAI + CPAI soaps] must be organic: [organic
PPAI + organic CPAI soap] / (all PPAI + CPAI soap) > 95%
using the following equations:

organic CPAI soap =

[(organic saponification agro-ingredients - organic saponification agro-
ingredients in excess) / (all saponification agro-ingredients - all saponification
agro-ingredients in excess)] x 100

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CPAI soap =
[(all saponification agro-ingredients - all saponification agro-ingredients in
excess) / (all saponification agro-ingredients - all saponification agro-
ingredients in excess)] x 100

Any ingredients that are additives and not used for saponification such as citric
acid, are not considered in these equations.

• The remaining physically processed agro-ingredients must be organic if they are

listed in Appendix VI.

7.1.2 Total product

• At least 20% of the total product must be organic.
• By exception, for rinse-off products, non-emulsified aqueous products, and products
with at least 80% minerals or ingredients of mineral origin, at least 10% of the total
product must be organic.

7.2 Rules for cosmetic products under natural certification

There is no requirement to use a minimum level of organic ingredients (however, see 10.3
for requirements for how organic ingredients can be identified on the product labels).

Base formulas with no organic content (e.g. shampoo bases, soap bases) cannot go
through the normal Approval process. Instead, they must be certified under COSMOS
NATURAL certification (therefore including an on-site inspection).

7.3 Calculation rules for natural origin percentage

The natural origin percentage of a cosmetic product is calculated as follows:

% natural origin of total = [weight of total product – weight of non-natural origin

ingredients (Appendix V.1) – weight of petrochemical moieties (Appendix V.3)] / weight
of all ingredients x 100.

7.4 Palm oil, palm kernel oil and derivatives

The following ingredients used in COSMOS certified products and ingredients and approved
raw materials must be from organic origin or certified sustainable (CSPO) using as a
minimum the mass balance supply chain model:

• Palm oil (Note, must be organic for COSMOS Organic products, see Appendix VI)
• Palm kernel oil
• Glycerin, cocamidopropyl betaine and coco betaine
• Fatty acids: stearic acid, palmitic acid, myristic acid, lauric acid
• Fatty alcohols: cetyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol
• Esters made from fatty acids or fatty alcohols: cetyl palmitate, cetyl phosphate,
myristyl myristate, glyceryl (mono-) stearate and glyceryl oleate
• Triglycerides: C8-C10 caprylic/capric triglyceride and C10-C18 triglycerides.

VERSION 3.0 17
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

When a Commercial Reference/blend contains all ingredients that are from the list above,
they have to be from (organic or) CSPO (eg. a product containing stearic acid and palmitic
acid, these have to be from CSPO.) If a commercial reference/blend contains some of the
ingredients from the above list plus other ingredients not from the list (eg. an extract),
none of the ingredients have to be from CSPO), although it is encouraged where possible.
If an ingredient from the list has water added to it, then it still has to be from CSPO.

The minimum level required is the Mass Balance supply chain model. This means that
Certified Segregated and Identity Preserved (IP) are acceptable, but Book & Claim is not.

Note: see section 12 ‘Implementation’ for implementation.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard



8.1 Storage
Storage areas must be clearly labelled to avoid any confusion or risk to the integrity of the

8.2 Manufacturing
Different manufacturing processes must be separated to prevent contamination of organic
or natural ingredients.

There must be a Quality Control System which includes:

• complete traceability of ingredients and final products

• manufacturing procedures throughout all stages
• ingredient and product testing, and
• analysis, manufacturing and storage records.

8.3 Packaging
Primary and secondary packaging and fabric components must meet the criteria below.
Accessories sold with products, such as brushes, applicators or technical parts, do not
have to comply.

8.3.1 To minimise the direct and indirect environmental impacts of packaging during its
life cycle, it is required to:

- minimise the amount of material used

- maximise the amount of material that can be reused or recycled, and
- use materials with recycled content where possible.

It must be demonstrated during inspection that this has been done for each
packaging format used.

8.3.2 Packaging must be reviewed against standard 8.3.1 at least every three years and
it must be demonstrated that this has been done, for example by keeping minutes
of review meetings, or having a formal policy requiring this.

8.3.3 All packaging materials used must be on the list of accepted materials as listed in
Appendix IX.

VERSION 3.0 19
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

8.3.4 It is forbidden to use these materials in packaging:

- polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chlorinated plastics

- polystyrene and other plastics containing styrene
- materials or substances that contain, have been derived from, or
manufactured using, genetically modified organisms
- part of animals or substances produced by animals (e.g. leather, silk).
It must be proven that these materials have not been used, for example by having
written confirmation from the supplier.

8.3.5 It is recognised that there may need to be exceptions for specific technical purposes
(e.g. pumps, applicators, droppers, brushes) where no other materials can deliver
the required properties. Applications for exceptions supported by technical dossiers
will be considered.

8.3.6 Only the following propulsive gasses may be used:

- air
- oxygen
- nitrogen
- carbon dioxide
- argon.

8.4 Fabrics
Some cosmetic products include fabric components (wipes, strips, masks, pads, etc.)
which may be used if they meet the following requirements:

• For COSMOS ORGANIC products, the cosmetic formula must meet this Standard and
the fabric material must be 100% certified organic
• For COSMOS NATURAL products, fabric components must meet the requirements for
physically and chemically processed agro-ingredients in this Standard but do not
need to be organic. Lyocell and Viscose are allowed
• The weight of the fabrics is not included in the organic and natural origin calculations
of the total product
• Processes not allowed in the standard (refer to Appendix III) also apply to fabrics.

It is recognised that there may need to be exceptions if other materials are required and
applications for exceptions supported by technical dossiers will be considered.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


9.1 Environmental management plan

9.1.1 An environmental management plan must be put in place which addresses the
whole manufacturing process and all the residual products and waste resulting from
this. It must be implemented effectively.

As part of the environmental management plan, a waste management plan must

be put in place which addresses manufacturing waste, including gaseous, liquid and
solid waste. The waste management plan must aim to reduce, reuse, recycle waste
products on an efficient and rational basis.

Note - compliance with ISO 14000 or national legislation that already covers this
will be accepted.

9.1.2 It is required to:

- sort cardboard, glass, paper and all other waste materials

- recycle or process this waste, and
- send all other waste to a specialized recycling firm which deals with specific
packaging that it is not possible to recycle.

9.2 Cleaning and hygiene

9.2.1 It is required to use cleaning and disinfection materials in which the ingredients
comply with this Standard (e.g. vegetable derived alcohol, decyl glucoside, etc.).

9.2.2 In addition, the following disinfection materials can be used:

- iso-propyl alcohol
- amphoteric surfactants
- hydrogen peroxide
- mineral acids and alkalis
- peracetic acid (and stabilising agents)
- formic acid
- ozone
- plant based surfactants which meet the following criteria:
o biodegradability: complying with Annex III (Ultimate biodegradability)
of Regulation No. (EC) 648/2004
o aquatic toxicity: EC50 or IC50 or LC50 > 1 mg/l

- plant-based cleaning products certified according to standards recognised as

equivalent (these are listed in the Technical Guide).
Special exemptions due to specific industry requirements (e.g. pharmaceutical /
food) may be considered by the authorised certification body.

VERSION 3.0 21
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

9.2.3 It must be ensured by the client that there are no residues from cleaning

9.2.4 An inspection system must be implemented by the client to ensure compliant

cleaning/disinfection products are used before and after manufacture. This must
include the procedures, data records and details of staff training.

VERSION 3.0 22
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10.1 General rules

Labelling and communication must be clear and must not mislead consumers.

Note: The requirements listed below are intended to provide clear consumer information
and are in line with the legal framework of most countries but additional legal provisions
may exist in some other countries.

The requirements below are further elaborated in the Labelling Guide.

10.2 For products under organic certification

Products under organic certification:

• must be labelled with the signature ‘COSMOS ORGANIC’ in conjunction with the seal
of the COSMOS-standard AISBL member organisation as detailed in the Labelling
• must indicate the certification body on the label
• must indicate on the label the percentage of organic origin ingredients by weight in
the total product, as “x% organic of total”
• may also indicate the percentage of organic origin ingredients by weight in the total
product without water and minerals (as defined in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2), as “y% organic
of total minus water and minerals”
Note: you may give prominence to either of the above percentage indications.

• must indicate the percentage of natural origin ingredients by weight in the total
product, as “x% natural origin of total”
• must indicate organic ingredients and those made from organic raw materials in the
INCI list. This should be limited to the wording: “from organic agriculture” for
physically processed agro-ingredients and “made using organic ingredients” for
chemically processed agro-ingredients or similar expressions using the same text as
used for the INCI list.
The product must not be called “organic”, for example, “organic shampoo”, unless it is at
least 95% organic, measured as a percentage of the total product.

For products that are 100% organic or 100% natural origin, the indication of the
percentage natural origin is not obligatory.

VERSION 3.0 23
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10.3 For products under natural certification

Products under natural certification:

• must be labelled with the signature ‘COSMOS NATURAL’ in conjunction with the seal
of the COSMOS-standard AISBL member organisation as detailed in the Labelling
• must indicate the certification body on the label
• must indicate the percentage of natural origin ingredients by weight in the total
product, as “x% natural origin of total”
• may indicate organic ingredients and those made from organic raw materials in the
INCI list. This must be limited to the wording: “from organic agriculture” for
physically processed agro-ingredients and “made using organic ingredients” for
chemically processed agro-ingredients or similar expressions using the same text as
used for the INCI list
• may indicate the percentage of organic origin ingredients by weight in the total
product, as “x% organic of total”
• may indicate the percentage of organic origin ingredients by weight in the total
product without water and minerals (as defined in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2), as “y% organic
of total minus water and minerals”.

Organic claims on the front of the packaging are limited to the organic content of the
total product and the organic ingredient(s) concerned, and must:
• appear in text that is no more prominent than the smallest text on the front of the
• appear in conjunction with the COSMOS NATURAL signature (which must therefore
also be on the front and in accordance with the first bullet of the paragraph above),
• the organic ingredients concerned are also identified in the INCI list (in accordance
with the third bullet of the paragraph above).

For products that are 100% natural origin, the indication of the percentage natural origin
is not obligatory.

10.4 For ingredients with organic content

Ingredients under organic certification (as per 6.2.3 and 6.2.4):

• must be labelled with the signature ‘COSMOS CERTIFIED’ in conjunction with the seal
of the COSMOS-standard AISBL member organisation as detailed in the Labelling
• must indicate the certification body on the label
• must indicate clearly on the label and/or appropriate documents the percentage of
organic content of the ingredient by weight in the total ingredient, as “x% organic

VERSION 3.0 24
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

10.5 For raw materials with no organic content

Raw materials with no organic content that are approved (as per 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4):

• may be labelled with the signature ‘COSMOS APPROVED’ in conjunction with the seal
of the COSMOS-standard AISBL member organisation as detailed in the Labelling
• must indicate the certification body on the label
• must make no reference on the label or on relevant documents to certification or to

10.6 Supporting literature

If any reference to organic or natural products or ingredients are made in advertising or
supporting literature they must comply with the appropriate rules in 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.

10.7 Organic in the name of a company or product range

If the company name or product range includes the word organic, the use of that name or
branding in conjunction with certified products must not be such that it might mislead the

10.8 Use of the signature, name or term related to this Standard

The COSMOS signatures, names or terms may be used in literature, advertising, publicity
or websites, etc:

• if the signature is used, only in the way described in 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5
• only in conjunction with the products or ingredients that are certified, and
• only in a way that does not mislead the consumer, for example where it might
mistakenly be associated with non-certified products.

Note – the danger of such a mistake arises in particular if the name is used in
documents that are connected with the marketing of any non-certified products without
a clear statement explaining the situation.

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11.1 Certification
To be certified for cosmetic ingredients or cosmetic products under natural or organic
certification according to this Standard, it is required to fulfil the requirements described
in the documents of the Scheme.

The certification delivered by an authorised certification body is based on a documentary

validation and an on-site inspection. It concerns the entire process from ingredients
checking to final products validation.

11.2 Approval of ingredients

The approval of non-organic cosmetic ingredients consists of a documentary validation
without on-site inspection. The approval delivered by a certification body is not a
certification: it only states that a non-organic ingredient is acceptable for use under this

It is required to:

• supply all information and documents needed for the approval as requested by the
certification body, and
• declare to the certification body any changes to the processing of that ingredient that
may affect its approval.

It is forbidden to label or otherwise indicate that approved cosmetic ingredients are

certified according to this Standard. However, there is provision for labelling in 10.5 and
as further elaborated in the Labelling Guide.

11.3 Certification bodies

Bodies certifying to this Standard must be (associate) members of the COSMOS-
standard AISBL and must comply with the requirements defined within the Control
Manual - Accreditation and Certification Requirements: the prerequisite is the
accreditation according to the COSMOS standard scheme which includes compliance to
ISO 17065.

Certification bodies must use the COSMOS-standard, and the COSMOS signatures,
names and terms only in accordance with the requirements set out in this Standard, the
Control Manual - Accreditation and Certification Requirements, and the Labelling Guide,
or otherwise only with the prior written consent of the COSMOS-standard AISBL.

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12.1 Coming into force

The standard, Version 3.0 will come into force on the 1st of September 2018.

12.2 Dates of application

The standard, Version 3.0 shall apply from the 1st of January 2019.

12.3 Transitional measures

Cosmetic products and raw materials which are not in compliance with applicable content
of this Standard, Version 3.0, may continue to be certified or approved according to
previous versions of this Standard until 31.12.2019 (expiring date of certificates and
confirmation documents), if their application date for certification or approval was prior
to the 1st of January 2019.

This Standard, Version 3.0, does not apply to cosmetic products and raw materials which
have not been certified / approved in accordance with COSMOS-standard, Version 2,
section 12.2, last bullet point.

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APPENDIX I: PHYSICAL PROCESSES ALLOWED ...................................................... 29


AGRO-INGREDIENTS ........................................................................................... 31

APPENDIX III: EXAMPLES OF PROCESSES NOT ALLOWED ........................................ 33

APPENDIX IV: INGREDIENTS OF MINERAL ORIGIN ALLOWED ................................... 34

APPENDIX V: OTHER INGREDIENTS ALLOWED ........................................................ 38


BE ORGANIC....................................................................................................... 41


BE MADE FROM ORGANIC ORIGIN AGRO-INGREDIENTS .......................................... 43


BIODEGRADABILITY DATA.................................................................................... 44

APPENDIX IX: PACKAGING MATERIALS .................................................................. 45

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The following criteria have been used to select these processes:
• processes which respect natural active substances that are present in ingredients
• processes which encourage good waste management and energy use and take into
account ecological balance.

All EXTRACTIONS must be with natural materials with any forms of water or with a third
solvent of plant origin, such as:
• ethyl alcohol
• glycerine
• vegetable oils
• honey
• supercritical CO2 ABSORPTION


BLEACHING - DEODORISATION (on an inert support conforming to this Standard)
DESICCATION - DRYING (progressive or not, by evaporation / natural under sun)
DETERPENATION (if fractionated distillation with steam)
FILTRATION and PURIFICATION (ultra filtration, dialysis, crystallisation, ion exchange)
DECOLORATION (allowed decolorizing agents: bentonite, activated charcoal, bleaching
earth, hydrogen peroxide, ozone)
STERILISATION WITH THERMAL TREATMENTS (according to a temperature respectful of
the active substances)

VERSION 3.0 29
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

At any step of the manufacturing process:

• Aqueous solutions of mineral acids (hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid,
etc.) are allowed as manufacturing auxiliaries for neutralization, purification and
extraction. They are not allowed as reactants (raw material or ingredient)
• Manufacturing auxiliaries are therefore not listed in the INCI list of the ingredient or
cosmetic finished product.

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The following criteria have been used to select these processes:

• processes which allow the formation of biodegradable molecules

• processes which respect natural active substances that are present in ingredients
• processes which encourage good waste management and energy use and take into
account ecological balance.

CALCINATION of plants residues
CARBONIZATION (resins, fatty organic oils)
PHOSPHORYLATION (permitted only for ingredients for leave-on products)

Use of petrochemical solvents

COSMOS-standard promotes the use of natural origin solvents in the processing of

chemically processed agro-ingredients. Taking account of the current state of
development, petrochemical solvents may be used. Such solvents may only be used
provided there are no effective natural alternatives and they are recycled and eliminated
at the end of the process.


• there must be no use of aromatic, alkoxylated, halogenated, nitrogen or sulphur

based (except DMSO) solvents with any chemical processing of agro-ingredients
• use of formaldehyde is not allowed, even if the solvent is completely removed.

VERSION 3.0 31
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For the chemical processing of organic agro-ingredients:

• there must be no use of petrochemical solvents and/or petrochemical auxiliaries

(including catalyst, anti-foaming, etc, even if removed)
• auxiliaries need to meet the ingredient requirements of this Standard
• halogenation process is not allowed (even as activating step).

At any step of the manufacturing process:

• Aqueous solutions of mineral acids (hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid,
etc.) are allowed as manufacturing auxiliaries for neutralization, purification and
extraction. They are not allowed as reactants (raw material or ingredient)
• Manufacturing auxiliaries are therefore not listed in the INCI list of the ingredient or
cosmetic finished product
• There are exemptions for sulphuric acid which is allowed for sulphation/sulphatation
reactions, and for phosphoric agents which are allowed to produce phosphorylated
ingredients, for leave on products only.

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Only the processes listed in Appendix I and Appendix II are allowed. Those below represent
a non-exhaustive list which only identifies the main ones that are not allowed.

ALKOXYLATION (including ETHOXYLATION and PROPOXYLATION) using ethylene oxide,

propylene oxide or other alkylene oxides
BLEACHING - DEODOURISATION (on a support of animal origin)
DETERPENATION (other than with steam)
HALOGENATION (as main reaction)
SULPHONATION (as main reaction)

VERSION 3.0 33
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Ingredients of mineral origin* may be used only if they are listed below and they must
comply with relevant legislation. These substances are allowed:

• within the limitations of use listed

• or for general purposes if no limitation of use is listed.
Phosphate ingredients of mineral origin are allowed other than those listed below, but only
for buffering, chelating and anti-caking properties if no other alternative is available.
The mono-, di-, tri- or poly- etc. salts of the listed ‘ingredients of mineral origin’ are also

*For minerals, see standard 6.1.2.

INCI Name Chemical name Limitation of use Examples of occurrence

in nature
Aluminum Hydroxide Aluminium Hydroxide Bauxite (Gibbsite,
Aluminum Iron Silica Aluminum Ceramics, obtained by
Silicates Silicates Ceramics heating of silicate minerals
Alumina Aluminum Oxide Corundum, clay

Aluminum Sulfate Aluminum Sulphate Alunogen, naturally

occurring in volcanos
Ammonium Sulfate Ammonium Sulphate

Barium Sulfate Barium Sulphate Only as coating agent

Calcium Aluminum Calcium Aluminum Tourmalines

Borosilicate Borosilicate
Calcium Carbonate, CI Calcium Carbonate Sediment rocks, calcite,
77220 aragonite, vaterite. Main
component in marble,
chalk, dolomite
Calcium Chloride Calcium Chloride

Calcium Fluoride Calcium Fluoride Only in oral cavity Fluorite or fluorspar,

hygiene product frequently occurring
mineral from the mineral
group of the simple halides
Calcium Hydroxide Calcium Hydroxide

Calcium Sodium Calcium Sodium

Borosilicate Borosilicate
Calcium Sulfate Calcium Sulphate Gypsum

Cerium Oxide Ceric Oxide Cerit

CI 77163 Bismuth Oxychloride Bismoclite

CI 77288 Chromic Oxide

VERSION 3.0 34
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard

CI 77289 Chromic Oxide Guyanait, Grimaldiit,

hydrated bracewellit, eskolaite
CI 77489 Iron Oxides Bernalit, Feroxygit
Ferrihydrite, Goethite
CI 77491

CI 77492

CI 77499

CI 77510 Prussian Blue Kafehydrocyanite

CI 77742 Manganese Violet Derived from the

breakdown of bat guano
CI 77745 Trimanganese
Copper Copper

Copper Oxide

Copper Sulfate Copper Sulphate Weathering product,

sulphidic copper ore,
Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous Earth
Dicalcium Phosphate Calcium Hydrogen- Only in oral cavity
Dihydrate orthophosphate hygiene product
Ferrous Sulfate Iron Sulphate

Gold Gold

Hydrated Silica Silicic Acid Quartz sand

Hydroxyapatite Hydroxyapatite Only in oral cavity Constituent of teeth enamel

hygiene product
Iron Hydroxide Iron Hydroxide Oxide

Magnesium Aluminum Silicic Acid, Aluminium

Silicate Magnesium Salt
Magnesium Magnesium Carbonate Magnesite, Dolomite
Carbonate, CI 77713
Magnesium Carbonate Magnesium Carbonate Artinite, Hydromagnesite
Hydroxide Hydroxide and Dypingite
Magnesium Chloride Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Hydroxide

Magnesium Oxide Magnesium Oxide, CI

Magnesium Phosphate Magnesium Phosphate Only in association with
Zinc Oxide
Magnesium Silicate Silicic Acid, Magnesium Talc, Sepiolite,minerals of
Salt the serpentine group
Magnesium Sulfate Magnesium Sulphate Kieserite

Manganese Sulfate Manganese Sulphate

VERSION 3.0 35
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Mica Mica, CI 77019 Annite, Phlogopite,

Potassium Alum Alum

Potassium Carbonate Potassium Carbonate In ash, in inland waters

(Dead Sea, Lop Nor desert)
Potassium Chloride Potassium Chloride Sylvite, Carnallite, Kainite

Potassium Hydroxide Potassium Hydroxide

Potassium Iodide Potassium Iodide

Potassium Sulfate Potassium Sulphate

Potassium Potassium Thiocyanate Only as additive for

Thiocyanate preservative/ anti-
oxidant systems,
concentration 1%
Silica Silica Quartz sand

Silver Silver

Silver Chloride Silver Chloride Silver ores, often together

with lead-copper and zinc
Silver Oxide Silver Oxide ores as sulphides, sulphates
or oxides
Silver Sulfate Silver Sulphate

Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Bicarbonate Natron, mineral nahcolith

Sodium Borate Sodium Borate Borax

Sodium Carbonate Sodium Carbonate Soda (various crystal

forms), in soda lakes
Sodium Chloride Sodium Chloride

Sodium Fluoride Sodium Fluoride Only in oral cavity Sea water, spring water
hygiene product
Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hydroxide

Sodium Magnesium
Sodium Metasilicate Disodium Metasilicate

Sodium Disodium Only in oral cavity

Monofluorophosphate Fluorophosphate hygiene product

Sodium Silicate Silicic Acid, Sodium

Sodium Sulfate Sodium Sulphate Glauber salt; in mineral
waters; mineral thenardite.

Sodium Thiosulfate Sodium Thiosulphate Only in soaps

Titanium Dioxide, CI Titanium Dioxide See 5.1.1 of the Anatas, brookite, rutile
77891 Technical Guide

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Tin Oxide Tin Oxide, CI 77861 Cassiterite in alluvial

Ultramarines, CI Ultramarines Gemstone (lapis lazuli)
Zinc Carbonate Zinc Carbonate, Smithsonite
CI 77950
Zinc Oxide, CI 77947 Zinc Oxide See 5.1.1 of the Wulfingit, sweetit, ashoverit
Technical Guide
Zinc Sulfate Zinc sulphate Goslarite

VERSION 3.0 37
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


This appendix contains those ingredients that are temporarily allowed and will be reviewed
on a regular basis with the aim of removing those where compliant alternatives exist.
These ingredients cannot be certified as organic.

1. Preservatives and denaturing agents from petrochemical origin (non-

natural ingredients – NNI)

Ingredient Restrictions

Benzoic Acid and its salts

Benzyl Alcohol

Salicylic Acid and its salts

Sorbic Acid and its salts

Dehydroacetic Acid and its salts

Denatonium Benzoate and Tertiary Butyl Alcohol and other Only as denaturing agent for
denaturing agents for alcohol (excluding phthalates) ethanol – where required by law

The percentage of these NNI do not count towards the limit of 2% petrochemical moiety
in the total finished product.

2. Petrochemical solvents are allowed for extraction of the following agro-


Ingredient Restrictions
Lecithin and lecithin derivatives
Tocopherol/ Tocotrienol
Carotenoids/ Xanthophylls
Absolutes, Concretes, Resinoids COSMOS NATURAL only
Glycosphingolipids and Glycolipids

In any event, there must be no use of aromatic, alkoxylated, halogenated, nitrogen- or

sulphur-based solvents. The solvents used must be completely removed or removed to
technologically unavoidable and technologically ineffective concentrations in the finished
product and must be recycled.

VERSION 3.0 38
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3. Ingredients containing both natural origin and petrochemical moieties


Family INCI accepted Restriction of

Note: only those substances listed in this use
column can be used. Where no substances
are named in this column all substances in
the family may be used.
Tetra Sodium Glutamate Tetra Sodium Glutamate Diacetate Chelating agent for
Diacetate soap only
Dialkyl Carbonate Dicaprylyl Carbonate

Alkylamidopropylbetaine Cocoamidopropylbetaine / Olive

amidopropyl betaine/ Cocobetaine
Alkyl Methyl Glucamide

Alkyl amphoacetate/

Carboxy Methyl - Vegetal Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (Cellulose Gum)

Vegetal polymer - Guar Hydroxypropyl Trimonium Chloride Use in hair/beard
Hydroxypropyl Trimonium products only
Dialkyl Dimonium Chloride Distearoylethyl Dimonium Chloride Use in hair/beard
products only
Alkyldimonium Cocodimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Use in hair/beard
Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein products only
Vegetal protein

This table of ingredients that are temporarily allowed will be reviewed on a regular basis
with the aim of removing those where compliant alternatives exist or replacing those with
a better ecological profile.

Petrochemical moieties must not exceed a total of 2% of the total finished product.

In those ingredients containing petrochemical moieties the proportion of the petrochemical

moiety is calculated as follows:

• % Petrochemical moiety = (molar weight of petrochemical part of the molecule) /

(molar weight of the molecule) x 100

Those ingredients containing both natural origin and petrochemical moieties cannot be

VERSION 3.0 39
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Other ingredients

Ingredient Restrictions

Squalane Vegetable origin



Mother of pearl/Ostrea Shell Powder Only from naturally dead shells, and only from
wild harvest, not from food waste.
Caramel Only allowed if reagents and processes are

VERSION 3.0 40
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These physically processed agro-ingredients are considered to be available in organic form

in sufficient quantity and quality and therefore must be organic in products under COSMOS
ORGANIC certification.

Note: see Technical Guide for details.

The following are exempt:

• Ingredients that are complex mixtures, such as perfumes and elements of perfumes
• Ingredients that are extracted using petrochemical solvents (as per Appendix V.2).

The list will be reviewed and updated regularly based on the availability of organic
physically processed agro-ingredients on the market.

Common name INCI NAME

Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil
Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil
Apricot Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil

Camomile Chamomilla Recutita Extract

Chamomilla Recutita Flower Water
Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract
Chamomilla Recutita Leaf Extract
Chamomilla Recutita Flower Oil
Chamomilla Recutita Oil
Chamomilla Recutita Flower-leaf-stem Extract
Ricinus Communis Seed Oil
Cocoa butter
Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter
Coconut palm Cocos Nucifera Oil

Cow’s Milk Lac

Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil
Honey Mel

Jojoba Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil

Lemon Citrus Limon Extract

Citrus Limon Fruit Extract
Citrus Limon Leaf Extract
Citrus Limon Juice
Citrus Limon Peel Extract
Citrus Limon Oil
Citrus Limon Flower Oil
Citrus Limon Peel Oil
Citrus Limon Leaf Oil

VERSION 3.0 41
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Macadamia Macadamia Integrifolia Seed Oil

Marigold Calendula Officinalis Flower Oil

Olive Olea Europaea Fruit Oil

Palm Elaeis Guineensis Oil

Peppermint Mentha Piperita Water

Mentha Piperita Extract
Mentha Piperita Leaf Water
Mentha Piperita Leaf Extract
Mentha Piperita Flower-leaf-stem Extract
Mentha Piperita Flower-leaf-stem Water
Mentha Piperita Oil
Rosemary Rosmarinus Officinalis Extract
Rosmarinus Officinalis Flower Extract
Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract
Rosmarinus Officinalis Flower-leaf-stem Extract
Rosmarinus Officinalis Water
Rosmarinus Officinalis Flower-leaf-stem Water
Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil
Rosmarinus Officinalis Flower Oil
Rosmarinus Officinalis Stem Oil
Sage Salvia Officinalis Oil

Sesame Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil

Shea butter Butyrospermum Parkii Butter

Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract
Soya Glycine Soya Oil

Sunflower Helianthus Annus Seed Oil

In the case of a shortage of an organic raw material listed in Appendix VI authorised

certification bodies may grant exemptions according to the rules as laid down in the Control
Manual and Technical Guide.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard



These chemically processed agro-ingredients are considered to be available with organic

origin agro-ingredients in sufficient quantity and quality and these therefore must be used

The list will be reviewed and updated regularly based on the availability of chemically
processed agro-ingredients with organic content on the market.

INCI Chemical name

Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, alcohol Ethyl alcohol

In the case of a shortage of an organic raw material listed in Appendix VII certification
bodies may grant exemptions according to the rules as laid down in the Control Manual
and Technical Guide.

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COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard



This data is not required for:

• Naturally occurring molecules obtained by fermentation (e.g. hyaluronic acid)

• Molecules resulting from a cleavage of a molecule existing in nature (e.g.
maltodextrin obtained by hydrolysis of starch). Allowed cleavage reactions are
enzymatic hydrolysis and hydrolysis with mineral acids or bases
• Polymers, only obtained by esterification of monomers, that meet the criteria for
non-persistent products as defined in 6.1.4
• Hydrogenated oils and butters
• Perfumes
• Salts of naturally occurring molecules (obtained by solvent/physical extraction and
salification to obtain associated salt). However, data for zinc salts has to be provided
• Poorly soluble esters (polyesters included) resulting from esterification between acid
and alcohol that meet the criteria for non-persistent products as defined in 6.1.4

For other ingredients, if no test is done, there is the possibility to submit written
(bibliographic) data or to apply alternative methods such as the Read Across or QSAR
approach. Note - see Technical Guide for further information.

VERSION 3.0 44
COSMOS-standard Cosmetics Organic and Natural Standard


Primary and secondary packaging, and fabric components must meet the criteria for

Accessories sold with products such as brushes or applicators, or technical parts do not
need to meet the criteria for packaging.

List of accepted materials (Non-exhaustive)

• CA – Cellulose Acetate
• Cellulose
• Ceramic
• Glass
• Metals such as: Aluminum, Iron, Stainless Steel, etc
• Paper / Cardboard
• PE – Polyethylene
• PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate
• PETG - Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol
• PLA – Polylactic Acid
• PP – Polypropylene
• Rubber (from natural origin)
• Wood
• Or any other material 100% from natural origin (non GMO).

The list of accepted materials applies to the main parts of the packaging, which are:

• Bottle
• Jar
• Tube
• Cap
• Sachets
• Boxes.

These parts have to be made with the accepted materials listed above. It applies to all
kind of products: skincare, healthcare, make-up, etc. If a material is not listed above, a
technical documentation can be submitted to the Technical Committee for review.

Protection Sleeves and Over packaging

Protection Sleeves and over-packaging are not allowed except for:

• closure system
• small products (eg: make-up products)
• solid soaps and massage bars (where it will be considered as primary packaging).

VERSION 3.0 45
COSMOS-standard AISBL, Rue du Commerce 124, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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