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Hacking and Virus

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The word “hacking” has two definitions.

 The first definition refers to the hobby/professions of working with computers.

 The second definition refers to breaking into computer systems.

In the Web site they define computer “hacking” as “the practice of
modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s
original purpose.”

There are three categories of hackers:

 Hacktivists – those who hack as a form of political activism.

 Hobbyist hackers – those who hack to learn, for fun or to share with other hobbyists.
 Research and Security Hackers – those concerned with discovering security
vulnerabilities and writing the code fixes.

Ethical Theories of Hacking

Ethical Questions

From a Utilitarian Perspective

 Is there any information that should really be kept secret?

 How do we balance the need for transparency with the need to protect
ourselves, for example, from groups who do not believe in transparency and
other democratic values?
 Do we trust the ability of hackers to balance out the good and the harm that
may result from their disclosures?
 Do we trust governments or corporations more, when it comes to striking that

From a Rights Perspective

 Do all of us have an absolute right to access all the information available on the
 Do we have a right to communicate and associate freely?
 And, if so, does hacking promote freedom of speech and of association by
breaking barriers set up around certain information?
 Should hacking be seen as a way of critiquing a system in order to reform it,
somewhat similar to parody?

From Fairness or Justice Perspective

 Does hacking then make Internet use more fair, by allowing to any user access
to information that would otherwise be available only to some?
 Or is hacking an unjust takeover of information from those who don’t have the
know-how or resources to protect it?

From a Common Good Perspective

 Is unrestricted access to information one path to individual and communal

 Or does hacking undermine the usefulness of the Internet as a common good
because it makes users reluctant to share information online?
 Overall, does hacking promote or hinder the development of relationships and
the building of community?

From a Virtue Perspective

 Are hackers pushing individuals to become more virtuous users of the Internet
– or are they mostly tearing down what others have built, and ultimately limiting
the usefulness of the Internet?
 Does hacking promote the development of ethical character?


Hacking – currently defined as to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a file,

computer, or network
The term has changed over time

• Phase 1: early 1960s to 1970s

– It was a positive term
– A "hacker" was a creative programmer who wrote elegant or clever code
– A "hack" was an especially clever piece of code

• Phase 2: 1970s to mid 1990s

– Hacking took on negative connotations
– Breaking into computers for which the hacker does not have authorized access
– Still primarily individuals
– Includes the spreading of computer worms and viruses and ‘phone phreaking’
– Companies began using hackers to analyze and improve security
• Phase 3: beginning with the mid 1990s
– The growth of the Web changed hacking; viruses and worms could be spread
– Political hacking (Hacktivism) surfaced
– Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks used to shut down Web sites
– Large scale theft of personal and financial information

Hacktivism, or Political Hacking:

• Use of hacking to promote a political cause

• Disagreement about whether it is a form of civil disobedience and how (whether) it
should be punished
• Some use the appearance of hacktivism to hide other criminal activities
• How do you determine whether something is hacktivism or simple vandalism?


Is a malicious software program loaded onto a user’s computer without the user’s knowledge
and performs malicious actions.

Cyber Threat: List of Latest Computer Viruses 2020

The latest computer viruses are powerful than ever to steal your sensitive data
and harm your PC. Read on to know about them and shield yourself well in

Do you feel you are at a risk while surfing the Internet or using your computer?  Most of
the people think the same. Rising cybercrimes has made people aware of how
important it is to keep their data protected from external threats. Well, cybercrime is not
a new phenomenon. It is in existence since ages. But, now it can have even more
severe consequences. You can become a victim of cyber attack anytime.

Further, the attackers can get access to any confidential information and use it as per
their wish, including planning terrorist attacks. Knowing about the latest computer
viruses and preparing to remove them is the only way through which you can stay
protected. Thus, know about them and keep the antivirus ready to fight with these
malicious computer viruses.

But, before moving on to them, the questions that arise are how to protect the system
and data from these attacks? And, which antivirus is competent enough to shield your
passwords and other sensitive data. Let’s first answer them through the next segment.
How To Protect your PC from Viruses
Protecting your PC from virus attacks is a child’s play if you install ITL Total Security. This
software shields your PC and keeps it safe from malware, virus, and other attacks. Below we
share its prominent features.

 Scans and protects the PC from infections in real-time

 Blocks malicious URLs and IPs that try to invade your PC
 It comes with an in-built USB scanner
 Ensures that you have a safer browsing experience
 Updates the database regularly so that you stay protected all the time.

5Top 25 Latest Computer Viruses 2020 You Need Protection From

New Year has in its store some dangerous viruses. If they enter your system, then they can
severely damage it and misuse your data.  Here they are. Take note of them.

1. Cyborg Ransomware
This computer virus is also known by the name AIDS (Aids Info Disk Trojan). Earlier floppy disks
were safer. But, this Trojan horse made them highly unsafe. Yes, the floppy disk you use can
introduce this virus into your computer and corrupt it. To hamper the system’s working, it
replaces AUTOEXEC.BAT and counts the number of times the system reboots. If you have
Windows 10, then you need to be more careful as recently its new variant is found in fake
Windows 10 software updates. To protect yourself from this ransomware, do not click on any
unknown attachment coming with .jpg extension.

2. CryptoMix Clop Ransomware

This Computer virus poses a threat to not only your confidential data but also the data of other
people connected with the same network. Yes, instead of targeting an individual computer, this
powerful ransomware targets the whole network. The first thing this virus does is, disable the
antivirus present in your PC. Therefore, if you have a weak antivirus, then change or empower it
to fight with this harmful virus. This is not the end. The virus also encrypts the files existing on
your computer and change their extension to .Clop or .Clop extension. After doing all this, it
displays a note informing you about the attack and demanding ransom. Its authors also threaten
you to disable the protection tools if they fail to reach you.

3. GoBrut
This is also one of the latest computer viruses.Although this virus is a bit technically weak than
its counterparts, still you should not take it lightly. After invading your device, it can crack
passwords, make your internet slow, and harm the PC. It is based on Golang and uses brute
force to spread itself on various computer systems. To stay protected from this virus, use a
strong password and progressive delays.

4. Jokeroo
Jokers are funny, but this one is not. It is a harmful computer virus you must safeguard your
data from. This virus works as ransomware, and its authors have only one goal, i.e., to spread it
in all the systems of the world. To attain this objective, they encourage other hackers to pay
them $90-$600 and get the membership. Further, once this virus enters a computer, it leaves
the user with nothing. Nor money is left with the users neither the key to decrypt the data. To
protect yourself, make sure to browse safely, update the security applications and operating
system regularly, and always have a backup of essential files.
5. Trojan Glupteba
This is perhaps one of the computer virus names in the world. It enters the system through other
malware or exploit kit. Once it becomes a part of the system’s software, you cannot even know
that your computer is virus infected. It pretends to be a legit software and communicates directly
with the IP address and ports to collect your confidential information. In addition to this, it also
directs you towards other harmful and unknown domains such as travels review.wo,, etc. If you want to stay safe, then enable email and web filters,
restrict macros, and browse safely.

6. Thanatos Ransomware
This ransomware is similar to the famous ILOVEYOU virus. It spreads through spam emails,
malicious attachments, and advertisements. If this virus enters the system and encrypts your
files, then decrypting them is impossible as it creates a new key every time without saving the
keys. To protect your data from Thanatos Ransomware, disable macros, update the operating
system, and backup files regularly.
e Source: officialhacker

Are you thinking someone just confessed his feelings? No, it’s a virus trying to make its way into
your PC. It comes disguised as a confession and once you click on it your computer becomes
unbootable. Further, it also uses your mail list as a medium to create havoc for other users.
Beware of this highly malicious virus. As per reports, it even forced many corporate giants and
Governments to take their mailing systems offline.

8. Code Red
“Red” color symbolizes passion and dangers. One danger that it indicates is the Code Red
virus. This virus first appeared in 2001 and then spread like fire. After infecting your PC, it eats
up its entire disk space. Moreover, it doubles up faster than you could imagine. It also tries
attacking websites. As per reports, it even attacked the White House website. Thus, if you see
the red colored message “Hacked by Chinese”, run to save your PC’s life.
Image Source: hongkiat

9. Storm Worm
Though the name gives an illusion of a worm virus, Storm Worm is a Trojan. It uses news-like
headings to trap users. Thus, whenever you see mail headings like “Saddam Hussein alive!”
resist the temptation to read further and run away from the mail. Once it infects your PC, it uses
it as a source to attack other PCs.

Image Source: Kosova Hack

10. Melissa
Here comes another dangerous virus that enters your PC in the form of a word document. The
doc file tempts you with an illusion of passwords to open a few restricted sites. Once you open
it, your system gets infected. After infecting your PC, it spreads to other PCs via your mail list.

Image Source: Panda Security

11. Sasser & Netsky
Both of these viruses are the brainchild of Sven Jaschan, a computer science student. While
Netsky enters your PC through mails, its stronger sibling takes advantage of the Windows
vulnerability to enter the system. Once they move into your PC, it won’t shut down unless you
cut off the power.

Image Source: Malware Wiki

12.  Anna Kournikova
Here comes another annoying virus. It was created by a student to irritate the users. The virus
spreads through an email having an image of the famous tennis player Anna Kournikova. It is
not meant to harm your system. Its goal is to annoy you. Further, it uses your mail list for
spreading to the other PCs.

Image Source: Sutori

13. Slammer Worm

This is a computer worm that replicates and spreads faster than you could think. The worm is
capable of infecting more than 75000 PCs in merely 10 minutes. It is known to slow down the
internet. Once it infects your system, it spreads to other PCs via replicating itself.
Image Source: repenttokyo

14. Conficker
It is also called Downup or Downadup. This largest known worm of all times has infected over 9
million computers within a short span. It uses the unpatched flaws in Windows software to enter
your system. Once it enters, the PC converts into a botnet slave and is used to extort money
from the user. Thus, update your Windows software to keep it secured.

Image Source: hongkiat

15. Stuxnet
Though viruses are illegal, still it was legally created by the American government in
collaboration with the Israeli Defense Force. They aimed at disrupting the nuclear efforts in Iran.
Through this virus, they managed to ruin approximately one-fifth of the total nuclear centrifuges
in Iran.
16. Mydoom
First identified in 2009, Mydoom is the fastest spreading virus after ILOVEYOU. It spreads
through email that contains the message “andy; I’m just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry”.
Once it infects a PC, it enters other PCs through the user’s email address book.

Image Source: China Daily

17. CryptoLocker
This is Trojan ransomware that spreads through various means such as email. Once it infects a
PC, it encrypts certain crucial files on the hard drive. The encrypted files remain locked even
after you remove Trojan from the PC. The only way to unlock them is to pay a ransom before
the deadline. In case you fail to pay the ransom, the amount significantly increases.
Image Source: hongkiat

18. Flashback
First identified in 2011, this Trojan enters your PC disguised as a flash install. It uses the weak
JavaScript codes to spread itself. Once your PC gets infected, it uses it as a medium to infect
other PCs. Further, this Trojan has not even spared the so-called immune Mac and has infected
approximately 6, 00,000 Macs within a short span.

19. WinRAR Code Execution Bug

This nasty virus has affected over 500 million users across the globe. WinRAR has certain
security gaps that the attackers use to introduce malicious applications in your PC. A third party
code database, namely UNACEV.DLL is believed to be the cause of this vulnerability. Once the
virus enters the PC, it controls it completely. Thus, be cautious while using WinRAR.
20. CDPwn
This latest computer virus should not be taken lightly. It exploits the loopholes in Cisco devices
to enter your system. The attackers introduce four remote codes and a denial service through
the security gaps in Cisco devices. The remote codes are termed as CVE-2020-3119, CVE-
2020-3118, CVE-2020-3111, and CVE-2020-3110. These vulnerabilities snatch the device
control from your hands after entering into it.

21. Gustuff
Not only viruses but Trojans have also started to trouble PC users. One such troublesome
Trojan is Gustuff. It uses social engineering to attack cryptocurrency applications. It deceives
the users and gets access to the Android Accessibility service. This service automates the UI
interaction. Thus, be cautious of this latest virus attack as it can rob you out of funds.
22. BOrOntOK Ransomware
This one of the latest viruses comes under the category of the most dangerous types of
computer virus. It encrypts your files and adds an extension .rontok to them. In addition to this, it
also makes changes to the system’s startup settings, registry entries, and data or programs
stored in it.  Further, it also destroys the security features present in your computer so that they
cannot stop it from harming the system settings. Moreover, to decrypt the files, attackers
demand 20 bitcoins, which you must pay within three days from the date of the attack.

23. Kuik Adware

Are you thinking of updating the Adobe Flash Player? If yes, then make sure that the update is
legitimate. Otherwise, your system may become a victim of one of the highly dangerous
malicious computer viruses, known as, Kuik Adware. This virus enters the system in the form of
a seemingly original and legal Flash Player. After entering the device, it communicates with the
network interfaces and adds an extension DNS Then, it begins collecting your
personal information and forwards it to its hosting domain, i.e., Once the data
reaches the domain’s server, it activates other harmful tasks such as coin miners, unknown
chrome extensions, etc. on the system. To prevent this virus from entering your computer,
regularly back up crucial data and restrict spam emails.

24. Zeus
This is the work of real criminal minds as the Trojan aims at making your PC perform illegal
tasks. Once this latest virus enters in computer, it steals your confidential data such as
passwords of social networks, email, and banking account. It then uses it to do criminal
activities like keylogging and form grabbing.

25. ShadowHammer
Are you thinking of updating your Asus device? If yes, then do it cautiously. Notorious hackers
are using Asus updates as a medium to invade the PC. ShadowHammer comes disguised as
an Asus update. Once the user updates his device, the malware takes the complete PC control.
Thus, be cautious while upgrading your Asus PC. 1 million people have already fallen prey to it.
Having talked about the latest threats, below are the new computer viruses from which you
need to shield your PC.

Beware! The Latest Malware Threats of 2020 are Here to Harm your PC
The latest threats to your PC are even more powerful than their earlier counterparts. Here
we talk about the same so that you can protect the PC and your valuable data in advance.

1. WinRAR Malware
WinRAR, the most popular software to extract zip files has a hidden loophole. The notorious
minds take advantage of these vulnerabilities to introduce malware to your PC. This malware
can corrupt your system and lead to the loss of valuable data. Therefore, if you use WinRAR,
then update it to keep the PC secure

2. Fake Asus updates

Asus is a widely used computer brand across the globe. The tech giant Asus recently stated
that its update software was hacked. This implies that the latest Asus update you are about to
install has a hidden malware. If that malware enters your device, then it can cause serious harm
and data loss. The hidden virus has already infected approximately 1 million Asus devices.

3. Widespread IoT attacks

IoT devices are the weakest in terms of security. They don’t have an in-built firewall. Further,
their control can also be exploited easily. The attackers are taking advantage of this
shortcoming, and the IoT attacks have already reached 32.7 Million. Thus, ensure that your IoT
device is safe and secure.
4. Gustuff Robs Bank Accounts
Another virus known as Gutstuff has entered the world of Android devices. This malware breaks
into the banking and cryptocurrency apps to steal funds from your bank account. Some of the
banks, payment, and social media apps that it has recently targeted include Bank of America,
PayPal, J.P. Morgan, WhatsApp, Skype, and more. Therefore, do not click on any unusual
message related to the bank accounts.

5. NVIDIA Graphics Software gets Patched

A graphics management software is the core of every gamer’s computer. Most of the gamers
have NVIDIA graphics software installed on the PC. If you are also one of them, then patch it as
soon as possible. In an official statement, NVIDIA’s spokesperson confirmed that earlier a bug
existed in the software that could be misused by the attackers.
6. Attackers Target SMBs
Since small and medium businesses, i.e., SMBs neither have enough resources nor time to fight
ransomware attacks, they are being increasingly targeted. Thus, take protective measures such
as installing a power-packed antivirus shield if you are an information technology manager or
own a SMB.

7. Your Facebook Account is at a Stake

Facebook recently admitted that due to a technical glitch, it stored millions of passwords in plain
text. This could easily give the attackers access to your Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Once they get access to your accounts, they can use it for their illegitimate purposes. However,
you don’t need to panic as Facebook informs users if there is a risk to their accounts.

8. TP-Link SR20 Router May get Attacked

If you have TP-Link SR20 Router, then you must be cautious. The developers at Google
confirmed that the router contains loopholes that the attackers may take advantage of. Before
making a public disclosure, Google informed about the vulnerabilities to the router
manufacturer. But, it seems that they have no plans to fix the issue.

9. Office Depot’s Scanning Software Faked Results

Office Depot recently agreed to pay users $35 for engaging in deceptive acts. Its scanning
software always showed that your computer is malware-infected even if it is not. The motive
behind the act was to coerce the users to get a $300 consumer protection plan.

10. Several Vulnerabilities are set to Affect your Utilities

This is not going to affect your computer, but the essential utilities such as power, water, and
sewage may be severally affected. As per reports, industrial control systems are vulnerable to
malware attacks. If the authorities do not take notice of the issue, then attackers may remotely
control the utilities.

11.  Fake Windows Update

Yes, you read it right. The Windows update that you are thinking to install might contain hidden
ransomware. As per the recent reports, hackers send an email that instructs users to get the
Windows updated. These fake updates are ransomware with .exe extension. Once it enters
your PC, it encrypts the files and demands a hefty amount to decrypt them. Thus, be sure of an
update’s authenticity before installing it.

12. RaaS is here to Attack your PC Sophisticatedly

RaaS is an abbreviation for Ransomware as a Service. It is a growing trend in the hacking
industry. Here, the hackers who don’t have sufficient knowledge to carry out attacks in a
sophisticated manner hire other attackers to do the needful. The pace at which RaaS is
spreading is a cause of worry for the entire world.

13. The news Link that you Received could be a Malware

We all get tempted to read about any topic that has taken the world by storm. Hackers know
this. And, this is the reason for which they are now sending you emails with fake news links.
These so-called pieces of information are actually malware waiting to attack your device. Thus,
before clicking on any link relating to the latest news about Coronavirus or such other topics,
ensure that it is not a trap laid by the attackers.
14. Hackers Know the Human Psychology
Hackers nowadays have become smarter. They can now get all your details even without
knowing anything about coding or malware development. What they do is, use human
psychology to fetch the details they need to con you. They contact the customer support team of
various companies and then trick them into revealing the details about the customers. Thus,
make sure you stay protected.

15. Cryptojacking Empowers Hackers

Hackers are installing malware, named Cryptojacking that uses your computing power to mine
cryptocurrencies. The mining process generates a lot of new crypto coins using computing
power. And, this slows down your PC. As per the reports, since the price of cryptocurrencies
continues to rise in 2020, Cryptojacking attacks will also continue to increase.

16. Artificial Intelligence (AI) aids Malware Development

As the trend of using AI in software development continues to grow, hackers are also using the
same technologies to develop malware. Now, we see malware infused with artificial intelligence
to attack your PC. We must say, hackers have become a lot more technologically advanced
than they used to be in the past.

17. Hackers send fake Coronavirus

When the whole world is fighting Coronavirus, hackers are using the COVID-19 pandemic to
fulfill their malicious objectives. It has recently been found that the hackers sent spam mails to
Japanese users. These emails claim to provide information to protect them from the deadliest
Gullible users who fear Coronavirus open these so-called informational emails and fall prey to
the hacker’s tactics. If you see any such mail, then do not open it. They inject Emotet malware
in your device and turn it into a botnet.

18. Bogus Bitcoin QR Code Generators

With bitcoin QR code generators, you can easily convert the bitcoin address to QR codes and
get money quickly. But, recently it has been reported that the hackers are using bogus QR code
generators to steal bitcoins. As per the current reports, they have already stolen 7 BTC worth
approx. $45000. Thus, be cautious while making payments through any BTC or QR code
Above was the list of the latest computer viruses in 2020. Now, we talk about how you can stay
protected from them. As said earlier, the best way to shield yourself is to get a powerful antivirus
like ITL Total Security. Apart from this, below are some additional tips for you to protect the
device from computer viruses in 2020.

10 Tips to Prevent the Latest Computer Viruses in 2020

Below are the best web practices and tips to stay protected from recent computer viruses.

Get a Powerful Antivirus

The best way to keep your PC safe for that uninterrupted computing experience is to get robust
antivirus software. One of such antiviruses is ITL Total Security. It gives all the old as well as
current computer viruses a tough fight and protects the PC.

Update the Windows

With every update, Microsoft patches the security loopholes in Windows. Therefore, install a
genuine OS update to protect the PC from hackers.

Try avoiding third-party software or freeware

You must be cautious while downloading any third-party software or freeware. Try, as far as
possible, to avoid them because many times they come with hidden malicious programs.

Avoid clicking on pop-up ads

Remember there is nothing like free rewards. The pop-up ads claiming to give you free rewards
such as a new iPhone are mostly fake. Therefore, don’t click on such pop-ups and close the site

Do not open unknown emails

Most of the new computer viruses enter the device through email attachments. Therefore, to
stay protected, do not open any suspicious email from an unknown source.

Use hard to guess passwords

The password is key to your sensitive data. If you use a weak password, then the hackers can
easily break open the lock and steal your information. Therefore, always use passwords that are
tough to guess and unique.

Backup the files regularly

If data loss is your topmost concern, then create regular file backups. Using an external cloud
drive to backup the crucial files helps prevent data loss.

Turn on the Microsoft Defender Firewall

The firewall prevents hackers and suspicious programs from accessing your system. Therefore,
activate the Microsoft Defender Firewall.
Avoid using open wifi

Resist the temptation to access free internet via open wifi. The non-password protected and
unencrypted wifi can be a trap laid by hackers. Don’t fall prey to it.

Make your network secure

An unsecured wifi invites hackers to invade your PC. They can easily connect to it and access
your data. Therefore, always secure your network with WPA or WPA2 encryption.
The above were some of the latest computer viruses in 2020 and how to stay protected from
them. This list of viruses is not the end. With each passing day, a new dreaded virus enters the
domain of computers. If this seems to trouble you, then get a power-packed antivirus.

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