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DVP - Reflective Blog - Assessment Activity 4 - Carmen Hofmeester - Resubmission2

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The author aims to improve skills in learning and development, time management, communication, and project management. The author also discusses using project management tools and conducting self-evaluations.

The author aims to improve negotiation skills, knowledge of HR policies and law, and networking skills.

The author uses the IDEAL method for problem solving because it is a step-by-step process that considers each step carefully before finding a solution. The method involves identifying, defining, exploring, acting, and learning.

Developing professional practice (DVP) assessment activity 4


Reflective blog

Name: Carmen Hofmeester Foot

Word count: 1303

Since I first started the course, I made a CPD plan of things I wanted to learn and
needed to learn in order to advance my HR career. For the past 12 months, I have
been working to improve my understanding and skills in learning and development,
not only for my own benefit but also for the benefit of the organisation. I developed
several training programmes to assist employees in learning and comprehending
workplace rules and regulations. I decided to conduct a self-assessment using
learning and development to identify my ongoing professional growth needs. For the
past 12 months, I've been learning about my experience and expertise in service
delivery and information. By delivering services and details on time, I learned how to
meet deadlines. I put in a lot of effort to improve my time management and job
productivity, which helped me avoid making mistakes. By effectively communicating
messages to clients and team members, as well as successfully completing
presentations to present the reports, I strengthened my communication skills.
Knowing how to use technology. I now know how to boost my team's productivity
and efficiency. Now I am working to improve my expertise and skills in the following
areas so that I can advance to a senior position in my company, where I can help it
grow and produce better results. I'll start by evaluating the gaps and training that will
be required for better performance, and then I'll create some training programmes. I
would develop some motivational programmes for the workers in order to achieve
better results and a better working environment.

Applying Project Management
Project management technology makes it easier and more effective to manage
projects. It can be used on any project, irrespective of size or area. You can save time
and money by using project management software in conjunction with it. According
to the CIPD (2019), effective project management avoids missed deadlines, achieves
expected objectives, and ensures projects are completed on time. Our management
team is responsible for project managing a small team to ensure that employees are
ready for deployment by guaranteeing that all staff are informed and have correct
documentation. The management team is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of
all documents and courses; to help with this, we suggested using the 10 steps to
project management. By using tool, the organisation was able to ask what is
expected of employees, what credentials are needed to enable employees to deploy,
and what vulnerabilities exist inside the organisation.

It would recognise threats from inside and outside the company that might affect
the project, like making sure that all documentation is in order so that no one is
detained while deployment.
Throughout the project, a Gannt Chart (Fig 5) was created to show the timetable and
grow over time. This chart served as an insight analyst for the Chief Executive Officer
and External Stakeholders, ensuring that they had a clear picture of the project. Here
is an instance of a Gannt chart that was used during the project:

Deployable Analyst
Sitution Analysis
Aims and Ojective
Scope and Boundaries
Risk analysis and management issues
Resource needs
Project schedule
Project roles and responsibilities
Milestones and reviews
Implementation and strategy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Week 8 Week 7 Week 6 Week 5 Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1

Fig.5 Deployable Analyst - Gannt Chart

Problem Solving:
I use the IDEAL method (Bransford and Stein, 1993) because I believe that problem
solving is a step-by-step process that necessitates careful consideration of each area
before a solution can be found. The issue I was trying to solve was that managers
were having trouble uploading end-of-year appraisal forms for their workers, which
was causing issues with reporting on completion figures.

Identify- I faced trouble uploading assessment forms.

Define - It is a control scheme and a technical error, or is it an error in the upload
instructions that were sent out? Root cause analysis will assist with this section
Explore – how to resolve the problems. Check for technical flaws in the system and
follow the instructions to ensure that the process is running smoothly.
Act – Fix the problem, so if it is a problem with guidelines being sent out, make the
necessary alterations and notify managers of the mistake and how to fix it.
Look – Track the upload of appraisals by looking at the current completion statistics
and reviewing this weekly to make sure the issue has been settled.

Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating

In business, effective communication, influencing, negotiating, and persuasion are
crucial. My interpersonal skills, and how I used them, were extremely important
throughout the project.
Persuasion, according to Armstrong (2014), typically entails making a case for what
you believe should be done. The team came up with a lot of suggestions before
getting started on this project. I was adamant about my point of view, and I used
Andrea Reynolds' Persuasion Model, which determines the best strategy based on
your level of influence and intuition. My influence and intuition were high, so I had
to use the emotional approach, according to this model. This strategy combines logic
and bargaining with an understanding of other people's thoughts and feelings. It was
critical that I logically support my case and that I provide evidence for my theories in
the form of a presentation. It was also crucial to project trust while speaking in a
positive tone. I was able to convince the members of the team to choose my project.
I met with James for the platform development during the project, and we discussed
the price, which was higher than our budget at the time. The aim of the negotiating
process is to get the best possible deal. My goal was to create a win-win situation
that would allow us both to feel like we had made a good deal. It was critical for both
parties to keep their relationship and stay on good terms, so a win-win situation was
perfect. During the negotiating process, it's critical to separate people from the
problem, keep the emphasis on interests, come up with a mutually acceptable
solution, and clarify facts. I carefully listened to what they had to say and made
certain that the cost issue was raised. We have reached a mutual agreement after a
long negotiation. Having an impact Despite the fact that I had reached an agreement
with James and that the price was lower, I still had to weigh my options. I devised a
plan to build the platform myself as an alternative. James was our best choice,
according to my manager and the rest of the squad. Influencing is a great way to
persuade others to accept your advice or suggestion, and it usually includes a case
presentation (Armstrong, 2014). The art of persuasion and negotiation is known as

c) I conducted a self-evaluation of my HR professional practise skills in order to

determine my professional development needs. I still have a lot to learn about HR,
especially the negotiation skills because it is a constantly changing field that
necessitates constant updates to knowledge of procedures, policies, and
employment law. Furthermore, I would be making a workforce strategy for
addressing the talent gaps existing in the company. I need to have extensive
knowledge about HR and must learn to deal with difficult situation. I will keep an eye
on the ACAS and CIPD websites to make sure I am up to date, and I will join CIPD
meetings to expand my network. ACAS referencing would be a helpful resource to
use because it would provide me with other people's experiences dealing with tough
discussions. It would also increase my confidence and would help me in dealing with
difficult situations. My Development Actions, Reading and Research, and Courses of
Events are all important in helping me to improve my skills and knowledge. All
learning progress will be tracked and analysed in performance reviews to determine
organisational progression and development; this is also beneficial for CIPD
membership. I also need to improve my networking skills to improve the line the
networks. For this I have planned to take part in team projects and/or meetings that
are related to HR and attend webinars and using social/professional platforms to
publish work. I would also learn to make workforce strategy for addressing any
talent gaps in place.

Subject Format Date What were the key How will this be Success criteria
learning benefits put into practice
Developing E-learning 20-Mar-21  What is means to
Professional be an HR
Practice Professional
(DVP)  Working with
 Applying CPD
Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's Handbook of Hum Available at: [Accessed
18 December 2020].
Bransford, J.D. & Stein, B.S. (1993). The IDEAL problem solver (2nd ed.), New York:
Freeman. 2020. Introduction To Problem Solving Skills | CCMIT. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2020]
CIPD. (2019). Change Management. [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed: 14 March 2020].

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