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NTE ProgressTest U03

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Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3


1 be going to: future plans

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

have come move buy organise visit

Marco ’s going to have a gap year before he goes to university.

1 I`m going to buy a new car this year because I don’t have any money.

2 Are you going to visit your cousins in Norway this summer?

3 We are going to move soon because our house is too small.

4 I`m going to organise a surprise party for Erica because it’s her birthday on

5 Ben and Carol are going to come for dinner this evening because they’re very busy at


2 Present Continuous: future arrangements

Write complete sentences using the prompts.

I / not / see / Peter this evening

I’m not seeing Peter this evening.

1 you / play tennis / on Saturday

You are playing tennis on Saturday .

2 We / go / to the new Indian restaurant tomorrow

We are going to the new Indian restaurant tomorrow.

3 Why / you / not / come to my party

Why you aren`t coming to my party ?

4 We / invite / our new neighbours / over this weekend

We are inviting our new neighbours over this weekend .

5 Tom / not / go / to Australia now

Tom isn`t going to Australia now.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3

3 defining relative clauses

Choose the correct words in italics.

That’s the dessert which/what you ordered, isn’t it?

1 This is the house that/where I was born.

2 Is that the Chinese restaurant where/which you had your birthday celebration?

3 Tina is the woman which/who works in the local café.

4 Did you enjoy the film that/who you watched yesterday?

5 I really liked the fish who/which you cooked for me.



4 cooking and eating

Complete each sentence with one word.

Fish and chips is the traditional dish of England.

1 I’m allergic to nuts so I can’t eat them at all.

2 I’m going to start a diet tomorrow because I want to lose some weight.

3 We’d like to order our meal, so could we have the menu please?

4 I’m a vegetarian so I don’t eat meat or fish.

5 Can you give me your chocolate cake recipe – it’s so delicious.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3

5 describing food

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are three extra words.

baked boiled fresh fried raw roast savoury spicy sweet

My father cooks roast beef every Sunday.

1 I bought lots of fresh fruit and vegetables at the market yesterday.

2 The Japanese eat sushi which is raw fish. This can be quite strange if you haven’t
tried it before.

3 I love spicy food like Indian and Thai curries.

4 Michael likes sweet food so he always has a dessert when we go out.

5 Fried food isn’t healthy because there’s a lot of fat in it.


6 easily-confused words

Choose the correct words in italics.

It’s important to keep your recipe/receipt when you buy something new.

1 There are a lot of celebrity chefs/chiefs who have cookery programmes on TV now.

2 We bought a new cook/cooker last week.

3 What’s the plate/dish of the day today, please?

4 Lucy is very sensitive/sensible and always knows when I’m feeling sad.

5 My parents have so many arguments/discussions about money. My dad starts

shouting and they both get angry.

8 silent letters

Underline the silent letter in each word.


1 island

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3

2 knife

3 vegetable

4 Wednesday

5 receipt


How to …

9 make arrangements

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra words.

Let’s idea keen afraid busy Shall Actually better

Great idea! I’d love to go out this evening.

1 Shall we meet at the restaurant?

2 I’m not free I’m busy . Could we meet tomorrow instead?

3 Actually , I don’t really like spicy food.

4 Let’s go to the cinema at the weekend.

5 I’m not keen on pizza.


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3


10 Read the restaurant review. Match the headings (1–5) with the paragraphs (A–F).

Neel Akash
Indian & Bangladeshi Restaurant
I was very happy to receive an invitation to the new Indian restaurant last week, so I
called my dear friend Louis and we went to the Neel Akash, which means ‘blue sky’, to
see what all the fuss was about.
The Neel Akash is near the town square at the end of Sussex Street, opposite the library.
It is very central, so we walked there, but it is easy to get to from the train and bus
stations and it also has its own car park.
The restaurant has only been open for two weeks, so it still feels very new. The décor is
traditional with a lot of wood and dark reds and greens. The lighting isn’t too bright and
the atmosphere is warm and friendly. I particularly liked the flowers and candles on all
the tables. There were already a lot of people there, so it was lively but not too noisy.
When we arrived, a pleasant young waiter showed us to our table which was in the
window overlooking the garden. As soon as we sat down, another waiter brought the
menu and took our drinks order. He explained the different dishes to us, recommended
the specialities of the restaurant and then gave us some time to make our choices.
I love Indian food and wanted to taste everything, but in the end I ordered a selection of
starters for us to share. We had shami kebab – spiced lamb, aloo chat – spicy potatoes,
and egg akuri which is egg cooked with onions and served with bread. For my main
course I had chicken tikka korma which is a mild chicken cooked in a cream sauce. I
don’t like very spicy food so that was hot enough for me. This came with delicious
boiled rice and nan bread. My friend ordered a very spicy fish curry which he had with a
side dish of raita which is yoghourt with cucumber. Everything looked perfect and
tasted absolutely delicious.
When the bill came we were pleasantly surprised as it was very reasonable. We paid
£20 per person which included drinks and a tip. For a cheaper option, you can have a
buffet lunch during the week which costs £7.95 and you can eat as much as you like for

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT
Pre-intermediate Progress Test 3

the invitation _A_

1 the food _E______

2 the location __B_____

3 the service ___D____

4 the prices _____F__

5 the atmosphere __C_____


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT

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