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9 Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office III

Learning Activity Sheets

Arts 9
Quarter 4 – Week No. 4 - 8
Western Classical Plays/Opera
(Greek, Renaissance, Romantic)
Arts – Grade 9
Learning Activity Sheet
Title: Western Classical Plays/Opera

Quarter 4- Week 4 – 8

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Learning Activity Sheet Development Team

Writer: Edward Martos

Editors: Saturnino D. Dumlao
Reviewer: Kimberly Imperial Belison
Graphic Artist: Edward Martos

Layout Artist: Gamaliel Paz Jr.

Layout Evaluator: Raquel F. Queyquep

Cover Designer: Paul Marion R. Vallentos

Management Team: May B. Eclar, PhD,CESO III

Roda T. Razon,PhD ,CESO V
Librada M. Rubio,PhD,Chief-CLMD
Ma.Editha R. Caparas,EdD,EPS-LRMS
Engelbert B. Agunday,EdD,EPS-MAPEH

Printed in the Philippines, Department of Education – Central Luzon

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I. What I Need to Know
European theater began in Ancient Greece. It began around 700 B.C. with
festivals honoring their many gods. Dionysus (Di-on-i-sus), the god of wine and
fertility, has a religious festival called, “The Cult of Dionysus,” to honor him. The city-
state of Athens, the center of a significant cultural, political, and military power during
this period, is where the festivals and competitions were usually performed. The three
well-known Greek tragedy playwrights are Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus.
Renaissance theater arts were characterized by a return of Classical Greek
and Roman arts and culture. • In the middle Ages, mystery plays formed a part of
religious festivals in England and other parts of Europe during the Renaissance
period. Morality plays (in which the protagonist was met by personifications of various
moral attributes who try to choose a Godly life over the evil) and the University drama
were formed to recreate Athenian tragedy.
During Romantic period, melodrama and ―operas became the most popular
theatrical forms. Melodrama originated from the French word “melodrame”, which is
derived from Greek “melos”, music, and French “drame”, which is derived from Greek
“dran” to perform. Melodrama can be also be described as a dramatic work that puts
characters in a lot of danger in order to appeal to the emotions and in which orchestral
music or song was used to accompany the action

At the end of this Learning Activity Sheet, you are expected to:
1. Choreograph the movements and gestures needed in the effective delivery
of a selected piece from Western Classical plays and opera. A9PR-IVe-f-3
2. Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the effective
delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical plays and operas. A9PR-IVe-f-3
3. Performs in a group showcase of the selected piece from Western Classical plays
and operas. A9PR-IVg-5

II. What I Know

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. He is also known as the father of theater design in the Philippines.
A.Salvador F. Bernal C. Severino R. Reyes
B. Ricardo G. Abad D. Francisco Balagtas
2.One of his famous work was Florante at Laura.
A. Francisco Balagtas C. Ricardo G. A bad
B. Severino R. Reyes D. None of these
3. He is also known as the father of the Tagalog zarzuela.
A. Ricardo G. A bad C. Francisco Balagtas
B. Salvador F. Bernal D. Severino R. Reyes
4. It is a two wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, used in ancient racing and warfare.
A. jeepney C. Sphinx
B. tractor D. Chariot
5.What do you call to a person who writes play?
A. author C. Playwright
B. teller D. Artist

6.It is a type of drama on Greek theater that contains comic elements to lighten the
overall mood or a serious play with a happy ending.
A. Comedy C. Satyr
B. Tragedy D. Sophocles

7.A type of drama that the performers will sacrifice a goat to Dionysus and wear a
A. satyr C. comedy
B. tragedy D. all of the above
8.It is a term coming from the Greek word meaning “action “which is derived from the
verb meaning “to do” or “to act”.
A. drama C. play
B. acting D. action

9. It is a mythical creature with the head of a human, a falcon, a cat, or a sheep and
the body of a lion with the wings of an eagle.
A. Spines C. Ode
B. Sphinx D. Sphere

10. He is the brother-in-law of Oedipus on the “Oedipus rex”.

A. Oedipus C. Creon
B. Apollo D. Sophocles

11. Who is the mythical Greek king of Thebes? Also tragic hero in Greek mythology
that accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and
marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.
A. Oedipus C. Creon
B. Apollo D. Sophocles

12. He is one of classical Athens’s three great tragic playwrights. The best known of
his 123 dramas is Oedipus the King.
A. Creon C. Apollo
B. Oedipus D. Sophocles

13.It is Used to advise the universality of the themes and the dramatic impact of the
events on the ancient Greeks.
A. Mask C. Dress
B. Costume D. Gesture

14.What do you call to the sound that has been put into the film, e.g. background
music or voice
A. Normal sound C. Digetic sound
B. Non- digetic sound D. Digital sounds

15.He is also known as the “Bard of Avon”.

A. Sophocles C. William Shakespeare
B. Georges Bizet D. Edgar Allan Poe

How did you do on the pretest? What was your score? If you got 15 items correctly, you
may skip this module. But, if your score is 14 and below, you must proceed with this

Western Classical Plays/Opera

III. What’s In
Activity 1: Match Me, I’m Fallen!
Directions: Match column A to column B by writing the correct answer on a separate
sheet of Paper.

1. Chariots

2. Uses machine Francisco Baltazar

Severino Reyes
3. “Melodrame”
Renaissance theater
4. “Florante @ Laura”
Baroque theater
5. Tragedy & Comedy Play Neoclassical theater

6. “Walang Sugat” Romantic theater

Greek theater
7. Orchestra,Theatron,Parados
Roman theater
8.Fixed & Movable Stage Medieval theater
9. Father of theater design Salvador F. Bernal
in the Philippines.

10. “Queen Elizabeth”

IV. What’s New?
Western Classical Plays/Opera: Greek
Sophocles, born in Colonus near Athens, Greece in 496 B.C.E.,
he was an ancient Greek playwright. His father, Sophilus, was
a wealthy member of the 'Deme' rural society. Sophocles was
highly educated. He's one of three tragedians from Greece
whose plays have lived on. The Suda, an ancient encyclopedia
from the 10th century, from which we know that 123 plays were
composed by him, but only seven have survived in a complete
Those are:
1. Ajax
2. Antigone
3. The Women of Trachis
4. Oedipus (Ee dih-pus) the King
5. Electra
Sophocles 6. Philoctetes 7. Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) is part of the trilogy called the
Theban plays (Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone),
which were written over a 30-year period - not for a single
festival. Oedipus the King, written sometime after the deadly
plague in Athens in 430 BC, was the second of the three plays to
be produced. Audiences very well knew the legend of Oedipus,
so Sophocles could make use of dramatic irony.
Oedipus hears rumors that Polybus is not his real father and
seeks advice from the oracle at Delphi. Before he gets an answer
to his question, the priestess tells him the prophecy about killing
his father and marrying his mother.
To avoid the prophecy, Oedipus flees Corinth, vowing never to
Oedipus gets into an argument with a man (Laius) on the road and kills him. He then goes to Thebes and saves the city by
tZTk1My00YTU0LWJhMWEtNzkwMTc0NGUx correctly answering the riddle of the Sphinx. As a reward,
NTM1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQzNzQxNzI@._ Oedipus becomes king of Thebes and marries the queen,
Jocasta. Years later the city suffers from a plague of infertility
Main Characters
indicating someone had polluted the city.

Oedipus – the king of Thebes Polybus – Oedipus foster father

Creon – Oedipus brother-in-law Merope – Oedipus foster mother
Eurydice – Creon’s wife Antigone and Ismene – the
Apollo – god or oracle of Delphi daughters of Oedipus
King Laius – father of Oedipus
Haemon – Antigone’s lover
Jocasta – mother and wife of Oedipus
Polynices and Eteocles – sons of
Sphinx – The half human half lion
Oedipus that symbolizes plague and
Tiresias – the blind prophet misfortune.

Staging and Music of Sophocles
Staging: The Parthenon’s facade, has the design of Ionic order
columns with cornice and moldings on the top, and elevated by 5
step-risers at the center, and has a platform in front near the

Music: Sophocles also used the Chorus at the beginning of the

play to help tell the audience the given circumstances of the play.
Choruses did a lot of lamenting of terrible events. Costumes: Men
wore loose floor length poncho with pleated shoulder while
females wore draped robes.

Elements/Principles of the Greek Play

Actors Festival Voice Facial expression
3 actors in tragedy and 5 Sample: The delivery: Facial expression is not
actors in comedy Theater of Dionysus declamatory important because of the
masks they wear.
Movements Music Venue Audience
Conventionalized, The musical Auditorium on a slope The spectators
stylized or symbolic accompaniment for of acropolis which is standing or seated on
gestures like those in drama is played on panoramic landscape. the slope of
mimetic dance. flute. acropolis;the
audiences expresses
their opinion noisly; the
high points of each
festiva:the awarding of

➢ All of the actors and playwrights were men.

Women were not allowed to participate.
➢ The actors played multiple roles, so mask was
used to show the change in character or mood.
➢ Gestures and body movements were controlled
and stately.
➢ If playing female role need for female
appearance (wore the prosterneda before the
chest and the progastrida before the belly.

Western Classical Plays/Opera: Renaissance
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), considered the best English-
speaking writer in history and recognized as the national poet of
England, had more dramatic works performed than any other
playwright. To this day, his thesis is honored by numerous
theater festivals around the world, students memorize his
eloquent poetry, and historians reinterpret the million words of
text he wrote. They still look for information about the life of the
person that inspires such "bardolatry" (as it was derisively named
by George Bernard Shaw), much of which remains shrouded in
mystery. Located in Elizabethan England into a family of humble,
the "Bard of Avon" wrote at least 37 plays and a book of sonnets,
William Shakespeare
set up the legendary Globe Theater and helped change the
1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressiv English language. William Shakespeare was born in the thriving
e%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200/MTU3OD market town of Stratford-upon-Avon,

Shakespeare’s Childhood and Family Life

100 miles northwest of London, and baptized there on 26 April 1564.Traditionally, his birthday
is celebrated on April 23, which was the date of his death in 1616 and is the feast day of St. George,
England's patron saint. John, the founder of Shakespeare, dabbled in agriculture, wood trading,
tanning, leatherwork, money lending and other occupations; before slipping into poverty in the late
1580s, he also held a number of civic offices. John, the charismatic son of a tenant farmer, improved
his social standing by marrying an aristocratic landowner's daughter, Mary Arden.
Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems
The first plays of Shakespeare, considered to have been published before or after 1592,
cover all three of the major dramatic genres in the oeuvre of the bard: tragedy ("Titus Andronicus");
satire ("The Two Gentlemen of Verona," "The Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Shrew");
and history (the trilogy of "Henry VI" and "Richard III"). As these early works premiered on the
London stage, Shakespeare was undoubtedly associated with several separate theater companies.
He began writing and acting in 1594 with a troupe known as the Lord Chamberlain's Men (renamed
the King's Men after its patron was chosen by James I) Finally, to create the iconic Globe theater in
1599, he became its house playwright and joined with other founders.
Shakespeare wrote the most popular of his 37-plus plays between the mid-1590s and his
retirement around 1612, including "Romeo and Juliet," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Hamlet,"
"King Lear," "Macbeth" and "The Tempest." He is renowned as a dramatist for his frequent use of
iambic pentameter, meditative soliloquies (such as Hamlet's ubiquitous "To be, or not to be" speech)
and ingenious wordplay. His works weave together and recreate dramatic conventions from ancient
Greece, including various casts of characters with complicated psyches and emotional struggles in

When the feud between the Montagues and Capulets spills into
the streets of Verona, a great love must be kept secret—that of
Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of the sworn
enemy. But only a tragic twist of fate can promise peace. When
Shakespeare staged Romeo and Juliet in 1594, it was already a
centuries-old Italian tale that had been translated and adapted in
verse and prose by a number of poets and storytellers. Out of
the common threads of those now-forgotten works,
Shakespeare created not only one of his most popular plays, but one that would become the archetypal love story of the English
-and juliet-1204632193617338-5/95/28-
728.jpg?cb=1204603398 language.
The Use of Sound in Romeo and Juliet

There are three types of sound that can be used in a film: dialogue; sound effects and music. As
well as this, these sounds can also be classified as diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound. I shall be
analyzing the sound used in the 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann
Non-diegetic sound is the sound that has been
put into the film, e.g. background music or voice overs
Diegetic sound is the sound that is naturally
/romeo-and-juliet-194.jpg occurring, e.g. the sound of the wind or footsteps

Sound Effects - there are many sound effects that have been used in this opening sequence to
emphasize certain movements and actions. The sound effects used were:
• the screeching of wheels when cars were braking or pulling away
• the revving of car engines
• the tapping of Tybalt's metal heeled shoes
• gun shots
• the sound of the gun hitting the floor
• the screech from the gas station sign blowing in the wind
Most of these sound effects are diegetic as they would occur naturally in the scene, however, some of
these sounds have been emphasized to make them stand out to the audience. For example, the
movement of their guns in the wind, the match hitting the floor and the movement of their shirts to reveal
their guns.
As the gas station scene was filmed next to a busy motorway much of the background noise has been
cutout or the sound levels are reduced, although you can occasionally hear a vehicle driving past in the

The stage itself was divided into three levels:
• A main stage area with doors at the rear and a curtained
area at the back for "discovery scenes";
• An upper, canopied area called "heaven", for balcony
scenes; and
• An area under the stage called "hell," which could be
accessed through a trap door in the stage. There is no curtain
in the front of the stage, which meant that scenes had to flow
into each other, and "dead bodies" had to be
Dragged off. There are dressing rooms located behind the stage, the performances during the renaissance period took
place during the day,

And the open plan theater allowed for the use of natural light. Since there could be no dramatic
lighting and there was art direction (scenery and props), audiences relied on the actors' lines,
dialogue, movements, and stage directions to tell the time of day and year, same as the location,
mood and weather.
Montague’s Family: Capulet’s Family
Romeo — sole heir to the Montague fortune Juliet — sole heir to the Capulet fortune
Lord Montague — Romeo’s father Lord Capulet — Juliet’s father
Lady Montague — Romeo’s mother Lady Capulet — Juliet’s mother
Benvolio — Romeo’s cousin Tybalt — Juliet’s cousin
Balthasar — Romeo’s faithful servant The Nurse — Juliet’s faithful Nurse
Abraham — Montague servant Peter — Capulet servant
Sampson — Capulet servant Gregory — Capulet servant

Western Classical Plays/Opera: Romantic
Georges Bizet was born on October 25, 1838 – died June 3,
1875, Paris. Bizet was the only child of Adolphe Armand Bizet
(formerly a hairdresser and later became a singer and
composer) and Aimee Marie Louise Leopardine Josephine
Delsarte, a pianist. He entered the Paris Conservatory of Music
a fortnight before his tenth birthday. His first symphony, the
Symphony in C Major, was written when he was seventeen
years old the symphony had an amazing stylistic resemblance
to the music of Franz Schubert.
This French composer was a pianist and best known for his
operas. Carmen is the most popular among his works. Bizet
composed the title role for a mezzo-soprano in the character of
Georges Bizet Carmen. The opera tells the story of the downfall of Don José,
https://scoopsandcups.files.wordpress a naïve soldier who is seduced by the charms of the sizzling
Gypsy, Carmen.
Some of his stage works are:

✓ La prêtresse, ✓ Les pêcheurs de ✓ Noé, opera by

Operetta (1854), perles, Opera Fromental Halévy
✓ Le docteur (1863), finished by Bizet
Miracle, ✓ Ivan IV, Grand (1869),
✓ Opéra Bouffe Opera ✓ L’Arlésienne,
(1857), (unfinished), Musique de scène
✓ Don Procopio, ✓ La jolie fille de (1872),
Opéra Bouffe Perth, Opera ✓ Djamileh, One-act
(1859), (1867), opera (1872).
Carmen is an opera by Georges Bizet based on an 1845 novella
by French dramatist Prosper Mérimée. The title character, a wild
Spanish gypsy, is unscrupulous in matters of the law and of the
The opening scene is set in the 1830s in Seville, Spain. Carmen
attracts everyone's attention, but soldier Don José pretends not
to notice her. The flirtatious Carmen throws him a flower. He
intends to throw it away, but hides it when his girlfriend, Micaela,
arrives. A knife fight breaks out between Carmen and another
woman, and José is ordered to arrest Carmen. Thinking fast,
Carmen seduces José and escapes, which results in José's
arrest for breach of duty. A month later, Carmen and her friends are entertaining soldiers
mN+DL._SS500_.jpg in a tavern. A famous bullfighter, Escamillo, arrives. He flirts with
Carmen, who rebuffs him because she is waiting
For José to be released from jail. When José arrives, Carmen rewards him with an erotic dance. As
he prepares to return to the barracks for the night, she taunts him, saying that if he really loved her,
he would run off with her. José protests and shows her that he has saved the flower she gave him as
a sign of true love. At that moment, Jose's lieutenant returns to arrest Carmen. The men fight and
are separated by Carmen's gang of smugglers. Because José has attacked a superior officer, he has
no choice but to run away with Carmen and the smugglers to the mountains.

Main Characters of Carmen
✓ Carmen (soprano) ✓ Escamillo (baritone) ✓ Mercedes (mezzo-
✓ Don Jose (tenor) ✓ Frasquita (mezzo- soprano)
✓ El Dancairo (baritone) soprano) ✓ Micaela (soprano)
✓ El Remendado (tenor) ✓ Morales (bass)

IV. What Is It
Directions:Choose the letter of the correct answer for each questions, encircle the correct answer.
1. Who wrote the wonderful opera Carmen ?
A. Bizet C. Gizet
B. Dizet D.Abzet

2. In what country does Carmen takes place.

A. Austria C. France
B. Spain D. Italy

3. What people does Carmen belong to?

A. Basques C. Spanish
B. Gypsies D. French

4. Shakespeare retired at the age of?

A. 41 C. 44
B. 43 D. 47

5. In what century was William Shakespeare active as a playwright?

A. 15th century C. 17th century
B. 16 century D. Both b & c

6. The period of Shakespeare’s life put him firmly in the middle of which musical era?
A. medieval C. Renaissance
B. Baroque D. Romantic

7. What kind of characters generally sing in Shakespeare’s plays?

A. King & Queens C. Servants,clowns,fools,and other minor charcters with low status
B. Fairies D. nobleman

8. Who is Creon’s wife on the story of Oedipus Rex?

A. Haemon C. Eurydice
B. Jacosta D. Apollo

9. Who is not the daughter of Oedipus?

A. Antigone C. Haemon
B. Esmene D. None of the above

V. What’s more
10. Who are the sons of Oedipus?
A. Polynices & Eteocles C. Apollo & Creon
B. Antigone & Esmene D. All of the above

ACTIVITY 1: My ideal “Oppah” OR “Noona”!

Step1: Draw the hearts below on a separate sheet of paper.
Step 2: Write at least 10 characteristics of your ideal someone inside heart.
Step 3: Answer the guided questions that follows.
Guided Question:
Inspired to the playwrights on the renaissance period, how you can relate your life story in the future.
how can your life become better based in your situation at the present?
Directions: Inspired to our Greek Plays.
STEP 1: Make your own doll using a hard paper, cardboard, folder, or other indigenous materials.
STEP 2: Cut some colored papers carton or the indigenous materials to dress up your own
STEP 3: In a pad paper create a short story, and relate it to our society today.
STEP 4: Insert some sound effects base on the events in your story line.
Example: On a faraway kingdom, there is a princess who loves to go
Puppet around. Every morning, she goes to the forest because it is
the only place where she can set her minds day
when she is roaming around the forest, she heard a beautiful
melodic sound (sound of a flute). Then because of curiosity,
she immediately run to look where that music is coming (sound
of feet running). She went to the deepest sides of the forest until
she tripped off on a twig and fainted. After a few minutes, there is
a wolf that is about to attack her (sound of wolf). But before the
wolf could hurt the princess, a man came and saves her lives. He
took a stone and threw it to the head of the wolf and it went away
(sound of crying wolf). The princess woke up and saw the
young man that saved her life.

Tell something on how your created story relate to us and give some ideas on how the society
today becomes better during this Pandemic situation. (Write it on a separate sheet of paper.)

VI. What I Have Learned

Directions: List down what you have learned, discovered and realized in this
learning activity sheet. Copy the graphic organizer on a separate
sheet of paper for your answer.
Western Classical Plays/Opera
(Greek, Renaissance, Romantic)


VIII. What I Can Do

Activity 1: KNOW YOUR LINE!

STEP2. Make a short comic strip connected to your chosen playwrights.
STEP3: In your comic strip, put one of your favorite lines of any characters
from your chosen playwrights.



Based to the playwrights on the given periods, can you relate your life story to any of it? If yes,
how can your life become better base on your situation today? If not, why?

IX. Assessment
Activity 1: Someday I will Be! (A Playwright)
STEP1: On the separate sheet of paper, make your own short story play.
STEP2. Write an attractive title, scenarios and ideas that you want.
STEP3: You can use your own life story or other stories with an iconic line.

Oh, My Romeo!

Criteria Exceeds Meets Working Below
PLOT makes sense. 4 3 2 1
CHARACTERS are believable for the situation. They are well- 4 3 2 1
developed and have motivations for their actions
EXPOSITION provides enough background on the characters 4 3 2 1
and setting for the play to make sense.
Tension/suspense increases through COMPLICATIONS in 4 3 2 1
FALLING ACTION ties up loose ends and possibly shows how 4 3 2 1
the conflict is won or lost.
The RESOLUTION gives the play an ending and includes a 4 3 2 1
BUTTON at the end to give a feeling of satisfaction or
The play shows action rather than telling us about it. 4 3 2 1
The play can be produced on a stage in front of a live 4 3 2 1
Formatted correctly: 4 3 2 1
✓ Includes a title and list of characters
✓ Character names in ALL CAPS at the beginning of the
line of dialogue, followed by a colon (:)
✓ Character names in ALL CAPS in stage directions
✓ Stage directions should be in parenthesis and, if typed,
✓ New scenes begin if there is a change in LOCATION

Key answer:

10. C 10. Renaissance Theater 10. A

9. B 9. Salvador F. Bernal 9. C
8. A 8. Medieval Theater 8. C
7. B 7. Greek Theater 7. C
6. C 6. Severino Reyes 6. C
C 15. 5. C 5. Neoclassical Theater 5. D
B 14. 4. D 4. Francisco Baltazar 4. D
A 13. 3. D 3. Romantic theater 3. B
D 12. 2. A 2. Baroque theater 2. B
A 11. 1. A 1. Roman theater 1. A Work may vary
Activity 1
What I Know What’s in? What is it Assessment

Work may vary

Activity 2

Work may vary

What I can do

Work may vary

Activity 1 Answer may vary

What more What I have learned

References :

VII.1. DepEd (April 7, 2014) Music and Arts 9 “A Journey Through Western Music and Arts”
Learner’s Material 9
3. AJAX -


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