Advice Needed
Advice Needed
Advice Needed
The other students then each give a different piece of advice for
Preparation the situation using the modal verb 'should'.
Make one copy of the
The student with the card listens and awards the card to the
cards for each group of
person who gives the best advice.
four and cut as indicated.
The next student then picks up a card and so on.
This continues until there are no more cards left.
The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Time Afterwards, have a class feedback session and find out the best
30 minutes advice given for each situation.
I want to improve my English My friend has told lies about me and I'm
pronunciation. angry.
I want a new car but I don't have enough I'd like to buy a pet but I live in an
money. apartment.
I forgot my best friend's birthday yesterday. I have a job interview in English next week.
I have a very stressful job and I need to I've fallen in love with my best friend's
relax. girlfriend/boyfriend.
I want to take up a new hobby in my free My sister wants to leave her boyfriend but
time. she doesn't know how to tell him.
I was looking after my friend's hamster and I want to do some exercise but I have a
now I can't find it. bad knee.
My friends are coming over for dinner and I I want to have a really romantic evening
can't cook. with my partner.