Bubble Nucleation and Detachment
Bubble Nucleation and Detachment
Bubble Nucleation and Detachment
Bubbles are a rather spectacular embodiment of the forces produced by
surface tension. Their spherical shape is a testimony to the isotropic nature of
the gas/liquid interfacial tension. Of all the forces involved in shaping and
making bubbles, surface tension is preeminent, and this dominant position is
reinforced by the appearance of the surface tension to the third power in the
exponential in the rate expression for bubble nucleation as shown in Eq. (6).
In this review, the author has chosen to emphasize a property of gas bubbles
that has been noted in the past, but whose implications have not been fully
worked out—that the surface tension is a function of the bubble size. This is
not true for cavitation or boiling in unary liquids.
Bubbles play a bigger part in our lives than is often realized. An example is
that most fundamental of processes: boiling. Boiling is nothing more than the
formation of bubbles in a liquid where the vapor pressure is above ambient
pressure. When the liquid is water, boiling is the way in which steam is formed,
and because that in turn is the first step in most electricity production, the
efficiency of the process is important. Gasoline separation from crude oil also
depends on bubble generation (distillation), so two of the key sources of en-
ergy, the pillars of modern technological society, rest firmly on bubble
generation. Bubbles play a crucial role in determining the efficiency of these
processes, and so ultimately in the cost of energy. That is the most obvious
example, but it by no means exhausts the list, because boiling or gas bubble
evolution also occur in many other situations, almost if not equally impor-
tant: Heat pumps, heat exchangers, refrigerators, and electrolysis cells are
industrially important examples. The formation of bubbles is an essential step
in the formation of many foamed plastics, and these materials play a key part
in our lives—principally as insulation foams and structural foams. If we open
FIG. 1 At point ‘‘A,’’ bubbles begin to appear. Two pathways to point ‘‘A’’ are
shown. BA represents raising the temperature at constant pressure, whereas CA causes
boiling by reducing the pressure at a constant temperature. The portions of the line BA
above the full curve, or of CA to the left of the full curve until they reach ‘‘A’’ are
sometimes referred to as the ‘‘widths’’ of the metastable zone. Ostwald’s metastable
limit is the kinetic limit of stability, and is shown here as the dotted line. The spinodal
represent the thermodynamic limit of instability.
FIG. 2 The nucleation rate is indistinguishable from the X axis for most of the
range. In a narrow interval of supersaturation, r, it dramatically rises to very large
values. It is this sudden change from essentially zero to a large rate that gives rise to the
appearance of a kinetic ‘‘metastable limit.’’ The metastable limit is crossed somewhere
between the two arrows.
DGvolume ¼ kr3 ð p P VÞ
The total free energy change for the formation of this bubble is then given by:
DGtotal ¼ DGarea þ DGvolume ¼ 4kr2 c kr3 ð p P VÞ ð1Þ
Regardless of the details of the functional form of the DG terms, it can be seen
that the total free energy must go through a maximum as r increases, because
the positive term DGarea grows as r2, and thus dominates the total at low r,
while the negative term DGvolume grows as r3, and thus dominates as r gets
larger. The maximum occurs at some characteristic value of the size, r*, which
strongly depends on the distance (Dl) the system has moved to the left or
above the equilibrium full curve. The position of the maximum can be
evaluated as shown below. The graph of DGtotal as a function of the bubble
size is shown in Fig. 3.
The maximum in the curve is identified as the height of the kinetic barrier,
* , which has to be surmounted for the phase change to take place. The
free energy increase on the path to the summit is in effect the ‘‘activation
energy’’ for the ‘‘reaction’’ leading to the appearance of the new bubble. By
analogy with the conventional Arrhenius expression for the rate of a reaction,
we might write for J, the rate of nucleation of bubbles:
J ¼ C exp ð2Þ
The position of the maximum in the free energy curve can be obtained by
differentiating expression (1) with respect to the radius
BDGtotal 12
¼ 0 ¼ 8krc kr2 ð p P VÞ
Br 3
¼ 0 ¼ 2c rð p P VÞ
r* ¼ ð3Þ
ð p* P VÞ
* 2 r
DGtotal ¼ 4kr c 1
3 r*
when r = r*: DG*total = 4pr*2c[1 (2/3)] = (4/3)pr*2c
4kr*2 c
J ¼ C exp ð4Þ
FIG. 4 Log plot of the radius of the critical bubble as a function of the super-
saturation, r. The size increases very rapidly as the supersaturation decreases.
Measured Calculated
Boiling point superheat superheat Theory/measured
Substance (1 bar) limit limit ratio
Measured Calculated
Boiling point superheat superheat Theory/measured
Substance (1 bar) limit limit ratio
leation of the solid phase from liquid mercury. Trefethen’s methods were
improved by Wakeshima and Takata [13]. Skripov and Sinitsyn [14] essen-
tially used the same method to look at boiling in the presence or absence of
ionizing radiation. Apfel [15] adapted the method by using a standing acoustic
wave to halt the rise of the drop at a chosen level, and thus to more accurately
control the degree of superheating. Finally, Skripov and Pavlov [16] used
pulse heating methods, where very rapidly heated surfaces, typically platinum
wires (with heating rates in excess of 106K sec1) result in explosive boiling.
Using resistance thermometry allows the temperature at which boiling takes
place to be accurately defined.
Consulting Fig. 1, it can be seen that in traversing the path CA, the destination
(A) is the same as before, while the route has changed. It is of course well
known that reducing the applied pressure (e.g., atmospheric pressure) results
in the lowering of the boiling point of water. At sufficient low applied pres-
sure, the water would boil at room temperature, thus reaching the line
representing the kinetic superheat limit, though not now at the point A, but
further toward the Y axis. Thus boiling and cavitation are part of a continuum
of behavior, and it is not surprising that they share closely similar mathe-
matical descriptions.
Experimentally, applying negative pressures to liquids to cause cavity for-
mation (cavitation) is not simple. Reducing the pressure in the vapor space
above a liquid using a vacuum pump is ineffectual in causing cavitation in
low vapor pressure liquids. Means of applying substantial negative pressures
are needed. Early experiments, e.g., those of Meyer [17] in this area were
performed by filling and sealing glass tubes at high temperatures, and then
cooling them in a controlled fashion. The differential shrinkage rate on
cooling of the glass and the liquid resulted in negative pressure (tension) be-
ing applied. Knowing the temperature at which cavitation occurred, knowl-
edge of the coefficients of expansion of the glass and the liquid allowed a
calculation of the tension. Other methods for putting liquids under known
tension include the use of metal bellows [18], centrifugal force applied to
tubes containing the experimental liquid [19], and acoustic methods (see, e.g.,
Ref. 20).
Using the centrifugal method, Briggs obtained the data in Table 2,
consisting of experimental fracture tensions for various liquids. These values
are compared with the theoretical calculation based on the full Eq. (10).
The predictions are generally in reasonable agreement with experiment,
although mercury appears to be an exception, and was not used to calculate
the ratio, average, or standard deviation.
The good agreement of theory and experiment in the case of boiling, as seen
by inspection of Tables 1A and 1B, contrasts with the somewhat worse
agreement for cavitation at room temperature (Table 2) and the generally very
poor agreement for gas bubble formation in liquids, the data for which are
given in Tables 6–8, and are discussed below. This may be a reflection of the
Theoretical Measured
fracture fracture Theory/measured
Liquid tension/atmosphere tension/atmosphere ratio
fact that boiling is an effective means of reducing the dissolved gas content of
liquids, while cavitation is not equally so. However, most cavitation experi-
ments start with careful degassing and distillation (which of course involves
boiling) of the test liquid. It may also be relevant that many cavitation
experiments are focused on the first nucleation event, rather than on
generating massive numbers of bubble nuclei. The effects of gas on bubble
nucleation are discussed below. However, it is unlikely that dissolved gas
accounts for the very poor concordance for mercury’s experimental and
theoretical fracture tensions.
6c Hr 4kr*2 c
J¼n exp exp ð10Þ
m ð 3 bÞ kT 3kT
here b is ( p* P)/p*. For the situation where b=3, Eq. (10) does not hold.
The discontinuity arises as a result of an approximation used in the deriva-
tion. The interested reader is referred to the original reference for details.
E. Zeldovich Factor
The theories represented by the Eqs. (9) and (10) are based on the assumption
that critical size nuclei are built up by a sequence of additions of monomers,
with each step in the process being in a quasi equilibrium with the step before
(and after):
A þ A f A2
A þ A2 f A3
A þ A3 f A4
A þ Ai1 f A*
A þ A* ! Aiþ1
The critical nucleus A* contains i* monomer units. At this critical size, the
capture of a single monomer unit causes the critical nucleus to become free
growing, descending the curve to the right of the maximum in Fig. 3. To be
able to treat this distribution as quasi steady state, a conceptual procedure has
to be imagined where any nucleus that gets larger than the critical size is
returned to the mother phase as monomer units. The distribution can then be
F. Non-Steady-State Nucleation
Imagine a uniform liquid system at equilibrium. Suddenly, the conditions are
changed so that now the system is superheated. The system does not instant-
aneously arrive at the steady state represented by Eq. (11). The equilibria take
a finite amount of time to develop, and during this time, the nucleation rate is
below the calculated steady state rate.
This delay or time lag, s, can be very considerable. Dunning and Shipman
[23] found a time lag of about 100 hr for concentrated sucrose solutions. For
typical gaseous mother phases, s is usually of the order of microseconds. For
boiling liquids, s is likely to be of the order of tens of milliseconds, but this
depends on the viscosity. For foam formation in molten polymers (this is the
basis of the manufacture of insulation foams), these time lags can become
comparable with or exceed the processing time, and hence may become the
dominant kinetic step in bubble nucleation.
FIG. 6 Plots of the non-steady-state nucleation rate for increasing sizes of critical
nucleus. The time lag (s) before any appreciable nucleation takes place is indicated on
the plot for the case of the n3 nucleus. On occasion, this lag can be a substantial
proportion of the overall delay before nucleation—for concentrated sucrose crystal-
lization, it has been estimated at 100 hr. Even when the time lag has elapsed, there may
be further significant delays as the rate of time-dependent nucleation, J(t), gradually
builds up to the steady state value, J0.
The coefficient b is negative, thus the second term represents a reduction in the
size of the classical critical nucleus (which is given by the first term). Note that
because the dissolved gas is the main contributor to the pressure in both
subcritical and critical size bubbles, the necessary precondition for the
lowering of the surface tension (the presence of a substantial pressure of
surface active gas) is fulfilled. The assumption that the gas concentration is
large is equivalent to the statement that the denominator in the nucleation
equation, while retaining the same form as before, now represents the
dominance of the dissolved gas in the critical nucleus. Neglecting the term
Gas b c d
He 0.0000 — —
H2 0.0250 — —
O2 0.0779 +0.000104 —
N2 0.0835 +0.000194 —
Ar 0.0840 +0.000194 —
CO 0.1041 +0.000239 —
CH4 0.1547 +0.000456 —
C2H4 0.6353 +0.00316 —
C2H6 0.4376 0.00157 —
C3H8 0.9681 0.0589 —
N2O 0.6231 +0.00287 0.000040
CO2 0.7789 +0.00543 0.000042
n-C4H10 2.335 0.591 —
Source: Ref. 64.
Up to this point, it has been assumed that the nucleation, whether caused by
cavitation, boiling, or dissolved gas evolution, was taking place in the bulk of
the mother phase, without the influence of any heterosurface. Generally
speaking, the presence of such a surface makes nucleation easier, so that
unless special precautions are taken, nucleation will preferentially take place
at surfaces. However, the number of sites upon which such heteronucleation
may take place is limited, whereas the number of sites for homonucleation is
essentially unlimited. Thus as the supersaturation increases, homogeneous
nucleation may come to dominate the rate of phase change, although
heteronucleation is simultaneously taking place. This does not contradict
The simplified expression for the nucleation rate for a bubble on a flat, smooth
solid surface, upon which the contact angle is h, is given by:
" #
16kc3 /ðhÞ
J ¼ CVVVVexp ð17Þ
3kTðrP VÞ2
For more details, see Ref. 29. The preexponential, CVVVV is modified from the
previous values [see, e.g., Eq. (8)] in two significant respects. First, the value of
n (the number of molecular positions in the liquid per unit volume) is mod-
ified. For homogeneous nucleation, n is approximately (1/X), where X is the
molecular volume. For heterogeneous nucleation, the number of possible
sites is greatly reduced, and because a surface rather than a volume is
involved, the dimensionality has to be reduced. A useful approximation is
to take n2/3, which is approximately the number of molecular positions per
unit area of heterosurface. This change is reflected in the fact that the unit of J
in this case is cm2 sec1, rather than the cm3 sec1 for Eq. (8). The second is
the appearance of the factors 2s = [1 + cos(h)], and /, defined by Eq. (16),
both of which involve the contact angle of the bubble on the nucleating
FIG. 9 The two functions / (for bubbles, shown as squares, and for drops, shown
as circles). The nucleation of drops gets easier as the liquid becomes better wetting
(contact angle f0), while the nucleation of bubbles gets easier as the liquid becomes
increasingly poorly wetting. Contact angles are measured through the liquid phase
(or more generally, through the denser phase).
FIG. 10 A bubble at the interface between two immiscible liquids, showing the pa-
rameters needed to calculate the free energy of formation of the critical bubble.
D. Surface Topography
As examples, consider the conical projection shown on the left in Fig. 11a and
the conical pit shown on the right, Fig. 11b. Other geometries have been
examined in several other publications (e.g., Ref. 3 or 32) but here these will be
taken as representative. Take first the conical pit of half-angle b illustrated in
Fig. 11b.
The reversible work of formation, W, of the bubble in this geometry is
evaluated as:
It will be seen that both preexponential and exponential terms are affected,
but as noted earlier, changes in the preexponential are relatively unimportant.
The main result is that the function /pit appears as a multiplier in the
exponential, and that /pit in turn depends on both the contact angle, h and
the cone half angle, b. Wilt [32] showed that with a contact angle of 94j, a cone
of half angle 4.7j would produce nucleation in a carbonated beverage with a
saturation ratio of 5. None of these values is physically unrealistic, although
one could argue about how common such sites might be. However, fizziness in
Coca Cola appears to be universal.
For a conical projection, shown in Fig. 11a, the same analysis gives two
new functions.
1 cos h cos2 ðh þ bÞ
/cone ¼ 2 þ 2 sinðh þ bÞ þ
4 sin b
and the term in the preexponential also has its signs reversed:
1=2 " #
2=3 1 þ sinðh þ bÞ 2c 4kc/cone r*2
J¼n exp
2 km/cone 3kT
Wilt showed that such projections are stable toward nucleation, and were not
preferred sites for bubbles to form.
Of the geometries he investigated, Wilt [32] showed that the conical pit,
with high contact angle, was theoretically the only one able to catalyze nucle-
ation to the point that bubbles would be formed at saturation ratios close to 5.
This was important because this is typical of carbonated drinks, and the fact is
that such drinks do indeed produce massive numbers of bubbles when the
FIG. 12 The contact angle for a Pyrex glass surface treated with various concen-
trations of dichlorodimethyl silane. The advancing and receding angles are shown.
The Pyrex surface is close to complete coverage at 1000 ppm.
FIG. 13 The rate of CO2 bubble nucleation measured as a function of (rP)2 for
two conditions. The upper curve (triangles) is for silanized Pyrex, with a contact
angle of close to 80j. The lower curve (squares) is for clean Pyrex, with a contact
angle close to 0j.
A. Free Bubbles
An important distinction needs to be made between free and attached
bubbles. Ignoring gravity, free spherical bubbles have a single radius of cur-
vature. Recall that the curvature of an interface is defined as:
1 1
n¼ þ ð20Þ
r1 r2
where r1 and r2 are the principal radii of curvature. For a sphere, r1 = r2 = r,
and the curvature is then 2/r. The Laplace equation can be written as
DP ¼ nc ð21Þ
so for a sphere, DP = 2c/r, as before. When a bubble is attached to a surface,
not only can r1 and r2 be different, but the possibility of a negative curvature
exists, and this may have important consequences. For this reason, we start
with the simplest case, where the bubble is free, and assumed to be spherical.
Bubbles over about 1 Am radius in water will rise under gravity, eventually
intersect the free liquid surface, and burst. The 1 Am limit is not completely
arbitrary. The demarcation between kinetic stability and instability is defined
by the Péclet number, Pe, which is the ratio of the gravitational force to the
Brownian force:
Pe ¼
Dq is the density difference between the liquid and gas phases, g is the
gravitational acceleration. The bubble has a volume V, a radius r, while k is
the Boltzman constant, and T is the temperature. If Pe >>1, then gravity will
overcome the randomizing tendency of Brownian collisions, and the bubble
will rise. If Pe<< 1, then the bubble may remain suspended for an indefinite
period, assuming no other instabilities supervene. The dividing size is that for
which Pe f 1, which for water at room temperature occurs close to r = 1 Am.
A lower limit on size is set by the critical radius under the conditions imposed
on the system. Between these two sizes, free bubbles might in principle survive.
What factors make survival unlikely? Clearly, the most serious is Ostwald
ripening (see, e.g., Ref. 42). Gases have enough solubility in most liquids to
make Ostwald ripening a significant mechanism for bubble size redistribution
to occur on reasonable time scales. For the case of gas bubbles in water, this
mechanism will be quite rapid. The original theory for crystalline solids was
outlined by Lifshitz and Slyozov [43], and applies equally to gas bubbles. In an
FIG. 16 A thin sheet of liquid advancing from right to left encounters a crevice.
If h< 2b, then the crevice would fill completely, but if h>2b, then air would be
possibility that some sites are better at trapping air pockets than others, and to
emphasize the role of the contact angle, as discussed by Bankoff [48], Cole
[49], Atchley and Prosperetti [50], and Carr [51]. Certain conclusions can also
be drawn from this analysis about the behavior of such crevices in supersat-
urated and undersaturated conditions, and this question is considered below.
This includes the possibility of successive cycles of heating and cooling
causing such cavities to produce or eliminate gas/vapor pockets. In this
connection, it should be noted that each successive bubble detaching from a
reservoir takes with it a portion of the gas in the cavity, leaving an increased
proportion of vapor. The composition of the contents of the cavity is thus a
function of time.
Next, let us consider the case of the reservoir cavity illustrated in Fig. 15B.
There is no obvious property relating to contact angle that can be used to
predict the filling of such cavities. The expectation is that the filling would be
governed more by hydrodynamics than thermodynamics, in the absence of
cycling of temperature or pressure, or both. We will examine the effect of such
cycling on the reservoir cavity below. The thermodynamic approach also
hides the importance of kinetics in the filling, emptying, and bubble release
processes. It is this aspect that has been examined by Atchley and Prosperetti.
Of course, both types of cavity can be filled with vapor by a nucleation
event followed by growth. In the case of the conical cavity or wedge, it has
already been established that such reentrant sites are preferred for bubble
nucleation, and with suitable roughness inside the reservoir cavity, this too,
would act as a preferred place for nucleation. The chief difference is that
nucleation can only fill the cavities with vapor not with noncondensable gases
such as N2 or O2.
FIG. 17 The curvature is plotted vs. the volume enclosed for a constant contact
angle of 90j. The local maximum is where the curvature is equal to the radius of the
opening of the cavity.
FIG. 18 Because the advancing contact angle, ha, is generally larger than the re-
ceding angle, hr, the geometry of the meniscus is different when the hydrostatic
pressure is forcing the liquid into the cavity, or when the pressure is reduced so that
the gas expands outward from the cavity.
FIG. 19 The definition of a ‘‘threshold’’ cavity. In the literature, the term ‘‘critical’’
cavity is used. To avoid confusion with the critical bubble the term, ‘‘threshold’’ is
used in the text.
F. Deactivation of Cavities
As each bubble detaches from a cavity, it carries away a portion of the gas/
vapor mixture from the cavity. This mechanism is also at least in part
responsible for the removal of the dissolved gases from solution by boiling.
Thus the composition of the contents of the cavity changes with time
asymptotically approaching pure vapor of the solvent. To a good approxi-
mation, the cavity will be filled only with vapor at long times. As the
proportion of noncondensable gas in the cavity decreases, the total pressure
for a given curvature of the cavity also decreases. This decrease affects the
ability of the cavity to withstand compression. Not only will the cavity
become more easily deactivated as the external pressure is raised, but as the
temperature is reduced, the water may reenter the cavity. If it fully reenters the
cavity, the site no longer acts as a Harvey nucleus, and a fresh nucleation event
is necessary to reactivate it. The probability of such a nucleation event may be
very much less than the probability of a bubble release from the active Harvey
B. Cavitation
A sample of data for the fracture tension of liquids is shown in Table 2. The
data were obtained by Briggs [57] using a centrifugal method to apply tension
to the samples. It can be seen that in all cases, the measured fracture tension is
smaller than the prediction. There is a suspicion that heterogeneous sites at
the walls of the containing tubes may have influenced the results. The ratio
cavitation theory/measured is not as large as for gas bubble nucleation, but is
larger than for the case of boiling (Table 3).
C. Gas Evolution
1. Electrolytic
The pressure in a small, newly formed bubble (at an electrode, for example) is
by definition, rather high, and close to p*. For gas molecules to diffuse into
this bubble and make it grow, the solution surrounding this bubble must be
highly supersaturated, and have r approximately equal to the critical super-
Table 6B
H2 O2 CO2 Cl2
release is studied by the pressure rise (if the vessel is immediately resealed) or
by measuring the amount of gas evolved, or by acoustically counting bubbles
[38]. In the chemical generation of bubbles, the supersaturation is evaluated
by measuring the total gas released, usually sonicating the solution to ensure
complete gas evolution (Table 7).
Methanol 250 90 3
Ethanol 252 80 3
Chloroform 330 70 5
Carbon tetrachloride 326 53 6
Benzene 361 35 10
n-Hexane 184 56 3
Mean F SD 5.0 F 2.76
Source: Ref. 58. The authors claim that the nucleation is homogeneous.
TABLE 10 Calculation of the Homogeneous Water Droplet Nucleation from the Vapor
Variable Unit Magnitude Comment
3 1
C (or gk) m sec 1 1035
The original equation
uses gk, equivalent
to C here
c N m1 7 102
M kg 1.8 102 Water
NA Dimensionless 6.023 1023
R J K1 mol1 8.314
T K 2.93 102
q kg m3 1 103
r Dimensionless 4
16pc3M2NA N3 m3 kg2 3.36 1018 A
3R3T3q2 J3 kg2 m6 5.23 1016 B
16pc3M2NA/3R3T3q2 Dimensionless 7.76 101 A/B
exp[16pc3M2NA/3R3T3q2ln2r] Dimensionless 1.21 1028 exp(A/B)
J=C exp[16pc3M2NA/3R3T3q2ln2r] m3 sec1 1.21 107 Roughly 1 event cm3 sec1
B. Tate’s Law
The weight, w, of a detaching drop of wetting liquid of surface tension, c,
formed on a circular tube in air with an orifice of radius r is approximately
given by:
w ¼ 2krc
Tate actually expressed his ‘‘law’’ as follows: ‘‘Other things being equal, the
weight of a drop of liquid is proportional to the diameter of the tube in which
it is formed.’’ In practice, a lesser weight, w V, is obtained. The reason is that
only a proportion of the total drop actually detaches—as much as 40% of the
liquid may remain attached to the orifice. Thus the actual weight is given by
the expression 2prc multiplied by a correction factor, f:
wV ¼ 2krcf
The values of f were experimentally derived by Harkins and Brown [61]. For a
given drop weight, it is possible by using the correction factor to calculate
what proportion of the drop weight (and hence volume) is retained on a given
orifice. In calculations involving the interface between two immiscible fluids a
and b, the shape of the interface, and properties such as the enclosed volume
are available, and it only needs an alteration of sign if the two fluid phases are
exchanged. Thus water in air (a in b) is the same mathematical problem as air
in water (b in a), but with a sign reversal. What holds for drops, generally
speaking, holds for bubbles, too. However, as far as the author is aware, there
C. Axisymmetric Profiles
A useful program was written by Boucher et al. [62] to calculate axisymmetric
profiles (meridian curves) for holms, bridges, pendent, and sessile drops and
bubbles. This program has been rewritten in Quick Basic, and is available
from the author. In combination with the theoretical volume of a bubble
deduced from the known interfacial tension, using the program, and the
theory outlined by Boucher [62] , the remaining volume can be estimated. An
example of the results for the calculated profiles for bubbles with various
shape factors, H (shown alongside the curves), are given in Fig. 22.
A Preexponential
Aj Cluster of j monomer units
Al,m Area of interface between phases l,m
1. Christenson, H.K.; Claesson, P.M. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 91, 391.
2. Volmer, M. Kinetik der Phasenbildung; Steinkopff Verlag: Dresden, 1939.
3. Blander, M. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 1979, 10, 1.
4. Ward, C.A.; Balakrishnan, A.; Hooper, F.C. J. Basic Eng. 1970, 92, 695. And
the discussion following 701–704.